Essay Kelompok 4 Bahasa Inggris
Essay Kelompok 4 Bahasa Inggris
Essay Kelompok 4 Bahasa Inggris
Education is a means for the Indonesian state to create a superior generation. Likewise
with a line of sentences uttered by John F Kennedy which states that the purpose of education is
to advance knowledge and expand the truth, meaning that knowledge can be obtained by
generations whose goal is to advance the Indonesian nation and realize it for the Indonesian
people based on good character and morals. . Indonesia is the fourth largest country with a
population of around (twou hundred siksti million five eight thousand seven houndred thirty nine
260,580,739 people. From this population, a superior generation was born who would later turn
the Indonesian nation into a more advanced nation. However, to achieve aspects of the progress
of the Indonesian nation requires education that is sufficiently qualified or proper so that the
sustainability of this nation is achieved with hope. Education in Indonesia is still relatively
lacking, the majority of Indonesian youth are lazy in taking education, another factor that affects
education in Indonesia is the lack of facilities in taking education.
Education is a social capital for the ongoing development of Indonesia in the future. In
Indonesia, the issue of education has received less serious attention from national policy making
and the preparation of human resources needed to face globalization and modernization.
The current education system in Indonesia is still lacking, as evidenced by the quality of
education and inadequate facilities in the teaching and learning process. Not only that, education
in Indonesia uses a curriculum that is considered less effective for the progress of the Indonesian
nation. This should not be dissolved in a prolonged period of government's attitude is one of the
main factors for the progress of the Indonesian nation, the government must play an active role
and contribute directly to changing the education system in Indonesia, so that with these changes
Indonesia's education problems can be resolved and realize Indonesia's dream to achieve this
goal. education in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0
The role of technology as a national builder in education has a very extraordinary agency for the
people of Indonesia. The role of helping the teaching and learning process in a more efficient and
effective way. Not only that, but also the role of technology in terms of helping the process of
transitioning a traditional society into a modern society
development that has been hindering so far. In general, the education system in the village can be
said to be lacking with the education system in the city, therefore the main factors that hinder
education in the village are teaching methods and facilities. The role of technology is very
helpful in the learning process in remote villages. In the current era is the era of the industrial
revolution 4.0 where human resources should be able to use and utilize digital technology that
has developed in Indonesia. Therefore, the rapid role of digital technology should make the
education system in Indonesia more advanced.
The right solution to overcome less effective learning is with an application or official learning
site that can overcome the education system in Indonesia. So that learning in urban and rural
areas can be equal. Like the example at the Semarang state university, these innovations include
the MY Unnes website. The existence of MY Unnes for students is very helpful in learning
activities regardless of place and very easy to access. With this application or web learning, there
will be no more inequality that occurs both from the city and the countryside.
The rapid development of technology in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 can be used as an
alternative change to the problem of inequality in the education system in Indonesia. One
example is the application or web my unnes.
To implement digital learning is certainly not an easy task, it requires hard work and effort to
make it happen. The government is the most important party to realize the application or web.
The existence of modern technology without the role of certain resources will not provide
maximum results for a performance so that the role of the government is needed to be able to
implement a digital-based learning system. The development of science can be felt with the role
of digital technology so that it encourages to get quality human resources because quality human
resources will provide great potential for the progress of the Indonesian nation by creating a
generation that is superior, innovative, creative and characterized. Therefore, to create a superior
generation, it is necessary to change the education system in one way that can be done to create
and innovate in the digital learning system.
Digital learning activities can be applied with the application of information and communication
technology which is the development of technology, namely computer media, but not only other
media computers such as mobile phones, smart tv and other digital tools that can be accessed via
the internet network. Therefore, to be able to realize digital learning, it is necessary for
government action to develop public knowledge and insight regarding the importance of
information and communication media. If people know the role of technology
carry on. So that the information presented in textual form (books) can make students not
interested because of their monotonous appearance. The impact makes students become
disinterested, in general this problem occurs in rural areas. Therefore, the my unnes application
is one alternative that helps the education system in Indonesia and helps improve quality and
helps strengthen the stability of education both regionally and in urban areas.
In the my unnes application, especially the Elena feature, students and lecturers can find out how
active they are in the digital learning process, what's interesting in this feature is that students
can't go to the next material before the previous material is complete. grades to students based on
active access to elena features. In the study the material provided is not monotonous like a book,
but the learning material is provided with videos with very interesting animations, making the
lessons more interesting.
The application of digital applications is one of the important steps for the current education
system in Indonesia. One of them is the use of the MY Unnes application which is expected to be
able to overcome the inequality of the education system between cities and villages. The use of
my unnes will provide benefits for its users because the application can be accessed by all
students and lecturers of the State University of Semarang. On the other hand, MY Unnes can
reduce manual learning where in the application, teaching materials such as ebooks, video
explanations of the material are provided, and with the MY Unnes application students from
villages and cities can use the My Unnes application easily anytime and anywhere. This step is
an effective and efficient step to overcome the inequality of the education system in Indonesia.
The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is an era of very rapid technological development, with
current technological developments, you should no longer use a manual-based system but instead
use a digital-based system. This is no exception for the education system in Indonesia, it is time
with the existence of technology that is increasingly developing to provide big changes for
education in Indonesia.