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AI Advancements: Comparison of Innovative Techniques

Hamed Taherdoost 1,2, * and Mitra Madanchian 1,3

1 Department of Arts, Communications and Social Sciences, University Canada West,

Vancouver, BC V6B 1V9, Canada;
2 Q Minded|Quark Minded Technology Inc., Vancouver, BC V6E 1C9, Canada
3 Research and Development Department, Hamta Business Corporation, Vancouver, BC V6E 1C9, Canada
* Correspondence:

Abstract: In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has seen remarkable advancements, stretching
the limits of what is possible and opening up new frontiers. This comparative review investigates
the evolving landscape of AI advancements, providing a thorough exploration of innovative tech-
niques that have shaped the field. Beginning with the fundamentals of AI, including traditional
machine learning and the transition to data-driven approaches, the narrative progresses through core
AI techniques such as reinforcement learning, generative adversarial networks, transfer learning,
and neuroevolution. The significance of explainable AI (XAI) is emphasized in this review, which
also explores the intersection of quantum computing and AI. The review delves into the potential
transformative effects of quantum technologies on AI advancements and highlights the challenges
associated with their integration. Ethical considerations in AI, including discussions on bias, fairness,
transparency, and regulatory frameworks, are also addressed. This review aims to contribute to a
deeper understanding of the rapidly evolving field of AI. Reinforcement learning, generative adver-
sarial networks, and transfer learning lead AI research, with a growing emphasis on transparency.
Neuroevolution and quantum AI, though less studied, show potential for future developments.

Keywords: artificial intelligence (AI); emerging frontiers; cutting-edge techniques; evaluation

frameworks; ethical considerations; performance metrics; generative adversarial networks

Citation: Taherdoost, H.;

1. Introduction
Madanchian, M. AI Advancements:
Comparison of Innovative Techniques. Since the advent of computers that required human manipulation in the 1950s, re-
AI 2024, 5, 38–54. searchers have been focusing on enhancing computers’ capacity for independent learning.
10.3390/ai5010003 This development ushers in a new era for business, society, and computer science. In a
sense, computers have advanced to the point where they can now complete brand-new
Academic Editors: Kenji Suzuki
tasks independently. To adapt to and learn from people, future artificial intelligence (AI)
and José Machado
will interact with them using their language, gestures, and emotions. Due to the popularity
Received: 22 November 2023 and interconnectivity of various intelligent terminals, people will no longer only live in
Revised: 8 December 2023 actual physical space, but will also continue to exist within the digital virtualized network.
Accepted: 18 December 2023 In this cyberspace, the lines between people and machines will already be blurred [1,2].
Published: 20 December 2023 Robots exhibit AI as compared to humans. Human intelligence and animal intelligence
both display consciousness and emotions, whereas the other does not [3]. Alan Turing
popularized the idea that computers might one day think similarly to humans in 1950 [4].
Since it has been growing for more than 60 years, AI has evolved into an interdisciplinary
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
field that combines several scientific and social science fields [5–7]. There is a growing
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
scholarly interest in the possibility that machine learning and AI could replace people, take
distributed under the terms and
over occupations, and alter how organizations run [8]. The underlying assumption is that,
conditions of the Creative Commons given specific restrictions on information processing, AI may produce results that are more
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// accurate, efficient, and high-quality than those produced by human specialists [9,10]. Devices that can perform mental functions like learning and problem-solving in a man-
4.0/). ner that is comparable to how humans think are usually referred to as AI [11,12]. Artificial

AI 2024, 5, 38–54.

AI 2024, 5 39

agents are defined as systems that observe their environment and take actions to enhance
their chances of achieving their objectives. AI is a class of sophisticated machines that can
successfully understand human speech [13]. The ability to use objects as well as convey
knowledge, reasoning, planning, learning, and processing are among the core objectives of
AI research [14,15]. AI aims are pursued using a variety of strategies, including computa-
tional intelligence and statistical modeling. In addition to having an impact on computer
science, AI also draws researchers from languages, mathematics, and engineering [16–18].
Exploring new AI frontiers is crucial because they develop technology, tackle new
problems, boost performance, speed up research, and have positive societal and economic
effects. By conducting a thorough literature review, introducing cutting-edge AI tech-
niques such as reinforcement learning, generative adversarial networks, transfer learning,
neuroevolution, explainable AI (XAI), and quantum AI with real-world applications, ad-
dressing ethical concerns, and outlining future directions, this paper significantly advances
the field. By doing this, the article supports creativity, promotes ethical AI adoption, and
stimulates additional research, ultimately advancing AI and its advantageous effects on a
variety of industries as well as society at large. It helps people make informed judgments
about technology adoption, ethics, and the future of AI by giving historical context, multi-
disciplinary ideas, and a glimpse into cutting-edge AI techniques. The evaluation helps
grasp AI’s disruptive potential and difficulties, enabling ethical and beneficial integration
across sectors and society.

2. Evolution of AI Techniques
Over time, there have been notable advancements in the field of AI techniques. The
field has gone through several stages of evolution and revolution, which have increased
impact and given rise to new technologies. AI’s history began in the 1940s, about the
time that electronic computers were first introduced [19]. The area of AI was officially
founded in 1955, when the phrase “AI” was first used in a workshop proposal [20]. AI has
developed over time, moving from theoretical ideas to machine learning, expert systems,
machine logic, and artificial neural networks [21–23].
Interesting patterns of knowledge inflows and trends in AI research themes were
found in a study by Dwivedi et al. The study presented in [24] focuses on the evolution of
AI research in technological forecasting and social change (TF&SC). By balancing develop-
ment and revolution in research, the field of AI in education (AIED) has also undergone
refinement and audacious thinking [25]. AI development has been marked by important
turning points, breakthroughs, and depressing times called “AI winters” [26]. Training
computation in the field has grown exponentially, which has resulted in the development
of increasingly powerful AI systems [27].

2.1. Emergence of Deep Learning and Its Impact

Deep learning has a significant influence that is still being felt today, changing the
way intelligent systems function and opening up new possibilities for AI applications.
Deep learning will likely become more significant as research into it advances, greatly
influencing the potential and capabilities of intelligent computers across a range of fields.
The amalgamation of historical turning points, technological breakthroughs, and a wide
range of applications defines deep learning as a pillar in the continuous AI story.
AI has been greatly impacted by the advent of deep learning, which has revolution-
ized machine learning techniques. Several factors came together in the early 2010s to
catapult deep learning—a class of machine learning algorithms that gradually extracts
higher-level features from raw input—into the public eye [28,29]. Hardware advancements
have been crucial in that they have made it possible to train massive deep neural net-
works with the processing power required, especially in the case of GPUs and specialized
accelerators [30–32]. Deep learning has a wide range of applications, including natural
language processing, computer vision, and medical diagnostics [33]. Deep learning has
drawn praise and criticism alike, and its significant influence is still being felt today, shap-
AI 2024, 5 40

ing intelligent system functioning and broadening the scope of AI applications. Novel
studies in the field of deep learning are constantly emerging as a result of the remarkable
advancements in hardware technologies as well as the unpredictable growth in data acqui-
sition capabilities [34]. The significance of deep learning research is expected to grow as it
advances, potentially influencing the potential and capabilities of intelligent computers
across multiple domains.

2.2. Transition from Rule-Based Systems to Data-Driven Approaches

Rule-based systems, which depended on explicit programming of predetermined
rules to control system behavior, were prevalent in the early phases of AI development [35].
Although these systems were quick and simple to construct, their reliance on hardcoded
rules and inference limited their capacity to handle the complexity and unpredictability of
real-world data. When they were not in their area of expertise, they were rarely accurate.
Machine learning systems were far more difficult to comprehend, adjust, and maintain
than rule-based systems. But when it came to solving problems with a large number of
variables, where it was difficult for humans to come up with a comprehensive set of rules,
they encountered difficulties [36–38].
The development of data-driven techniques became apparent as AI advanced and
changed the game. This paradigm change made it possible for AI systems to use data
for learning and adaptation [39], and it was fueled by developments in machine learning,
particularly supervised learning. These systems may generalize patterns from enormous
datasets, enabling adaptability in the face of varied and dynamic settings, as opposed to
being restricted by strict rules [40].
Data-driven methods were demonstrated by deep learning, a form of machine learning
that uses multi-layered neural networks. Notwithstanding their benefits, certain obstacles
still exist, such as the requirement for representative datasets [41], worries over bias, and
problems with interpretability [42]. However, the transition from rule-based to data-driven
methodologies has unquestionably transformed the AI environment, unleashing hitherto
unrealized potential and shaping the course of continuing research and development.

3. Core AI Techniques
The capabilities of AI have substantially increased as a result of the extraordinary
changes it has undergone in recent years. This section will examine the cutting-edge
developments in AI, exposing a wide range of ground-breaking methods that have the
potential to transform a wide range of fields and applications.
AI research and development have advanced quickly over the years, resulting in the
introduction of cutting-edge methods that push the limits of what AI is capable of. These
cutting-edge techniques can transform entire industries, resolve difficult issues, and open
up new research directions. While classic AI approaches have been effective in solving
particular problems, they frequently have trouble adapting, scaling, and dealing with
novel scenarios. The exploration of these cutting-edge approaches has been driven by
the need for AI systems to complement human capabilities, learning from experience,
generalizing information, and performing tasks effectively. Emerging AI techniques are
characterized by their capacity to let robots learn from data, emulate human reasoning, and
get better over time. These methods accomplish amazing feats by utilizing sophisticated
algorithms, robust computational resources, and, occasionally, natural inspiration [43–45].
For example, reinforcement learning empowers robots to acquire knowledge by means
of experimentation, thereby facilitating the execution of intricate operations like object
manipulation and tool application. By analyzing massive datasets, recognizing patterns,
and generating forecasts, machine learning, on the other hand, enables robotics to enhance
their performance gradually [46–48].
For example, reinforcement learning empowers robots to acquire knowledge by means
experimentation, thereby facilitating the execution of intricate operations like object m
AI 2024, 5 nipulation and tool application. By analyzing massive datasets, recognizing 41 patterns, a
generating forecasts, machine learning, on the other hand, enables robotics to enhan
their performance gradually [46–48].
3.1. Reinforcement Learning
3.1. Reinforcement Learning
Through contact with an environment where an agent senses the state of that environ-
ment, reinforcementThrough
learningcontact with an
is a learning environment
framework thatwhere an agent
enhances senses
a policy the state
in terms of aof that en
ronment, reinforcement learning is a learning framework that
given aim [49]. Reinforcement learning was created at the nexus of concepts from cognitive enhances a policy in term
of a given aim [49]. Reinforcement learning was created
science, neurology, and AI. To create the notions employed in computational reinforcement at the nexus of concepts fro
cognitive science, neurology, and AI. To create the notions
learning algorithms, many behaviorist principles were transformed. Every time an artificial employed in computation
agent finds itself in a positionlearning
where italgorithms,
has a choice many behaviorist
of actions, principles were
reinforcement transformed.
learning can Eve
time an artificial agent finds itself in a position where it
be used as a general-purpose framework for making decisions. Robot control is one areahas a choice of actions, reinforc
ment learning can be used as a general-purpose framework for making decisions. Rob
where reinforcement learning has been used [50,51].
control is one area where reinforcement learning has been used [50,51].
The reinforcement learning process involves several steps as shown in Figure 1. An
The reinforcement learning process involves several steps as shown in Figure 1. A
agent interacts with its environment in this iterative cycle by receiving observations that
agent interacts with its environment in this iterative cycle by receiving observations th
represent the system’s current state. Equipped with a policy, the agent subsequently decides
represent the system’s current state. Equipped with a policy, the agent subsequently d
on an action by these observations. By applying the selected action to the environment, a
cides on an action by these observations. By applying the selected action to the enviro
reward signal is generated and the environment undergoes a transition to a new state. Both
ment, a reward signal is generated and the environment undergoes a transition to a ne
the reward andstate.
the amended
Both the observation
reward and the areamended
received by the agent;are
observation these are essential
received for these a
by the agent;
the agent to learn and refine
essential its agent
for the policy.toAs theand
learn agent seeks
refine its to maximize
policy. As thecumulative
agent seeks rewards
to maximize cum
over time this cyclical
lative rewards over time this cyclical interaction persists, agent
interaction persists, and it eventually teaches the and it the optimalteaches t
strategy for navigating
agent theand making
optimal decisions
strategy in the given
for navigating and environment.
making decisions in the given environme

Figure 1.learning
Figure 1. Reinforcement Reinforcement learning process.

Reinforcement learning refers to

Reinforcement the practice
learning refers of
to increasing
the practicerewards through
of increasing a variety
rewards of a varie
environmental behaviors. Implementing
of environmental behaviors. theImplementing
behaviors that theoptimize
behaviors these
optimizeisthesepart rewards
part of this
of this learning process. Thelearning process.
agent needs The agent
to learn needs
on his ownto learnhit-and-trial
using on his own using hit-and-trial mec
for maximal reward maximal
this sort ofreward
learning,in this sortacts
which of learning,
similarly which acts similarly
to natural learning to natural
[52]. learni
Machine learning [52].can
Machine learning
be divided intocan be dividedunsupervised,
supervised, into supervised, and unsupervised,
semi-supervised and semi-sup
vised categories.
categories. Unsupervised Unsupervised
and supervised and is
learning supervised
not the same learning is not the same
as reinforcement as reinforceme
(semi-supervised). (semi-supervised).
The goal The goalisof
of supervised learning to supervised
map the input learning
to theiscorresponding
to map the input to t
output and learn corresponding
the rules from output anddata.
labeled learnThere
the rules
is afrom
set oflabeled data. There
instructions for eachis a action.
set of instructio
for each action. Depending on whether the value is continuous
Depending on whether the value is continuous or discrete, a regressive or classification or discrete, a regressive
model is utilized. As opposed to supervised learning, unsupervised learning requires learni
classification model is utilized. As opposed to supervised learning, unsupervised
the agent to findrequires the agent
the hidden to find in
structure theunlabeled
hidden structure in unlabeled
data [53]. In contrast datato[53]. In contrast to sup
vised learning, unsupervised learning can be used
learning, unsupervised learning can be used when the amount of data is insufficientwhen the amount of data or
is insufficie
or the data are not labeled. However, in reinforcement learning,
the data are not labeled. However, in reinforcement learning, the agent has an initial point the agent has an init
and an endpoint, and to get there, the agent needs to choose the best course of action by of acti
point and an endpoint, and to get there, the agent needs to choose the best course
by modifying the environment. Agents are rewarded for finding the solution, but they a
modifying the environment. Agents are rewarded for finding the solution, but they are not
not rewarded if they do not, therefore agents need to study their surroundings to colle
rewarded if they do not, therefore agents need to study their surroundings to collect the
the most benefits [54]. In reinforcement learning, the issue formulation is carried out usi
most benefits [54]. In reinforcement learning, the issue formulation is carried out using the
the Markov decision process (MDP), and the solution can be model-based (Q-learnin
Markov decision process (MDP), and the solution can be model-based (Q-learning, SARSA)
SARSA) or model-free (policy). In this method, the agent engages with the environme
or model-free (policy). In this method, the agent engages with the environment, generates
policies based on incentives, and then the system is trained to perform better [55,56].
The utilization of reinforcement learning in the domains of robotics, gaming, market-
ing, and automated vehicles was examined by Wei et al. [57]. Their primary area of interest
was Monte Carlo-based reinforcement learning control in the context of unmanned aerial
vehicle systems. Wang et al. [58] investigated the use of a Monte Carlo tree search-based
self-play framework to learn to traverse graphs. Maoudj and Hentout [59] introduced
a novel method for mobile robot path planning that is optimal, utilising the Q-learning
The utilization of reinforcement learning in the domains of robotics, gaming, market-
ing, and automated vehicles was examined by Wei et al. [57]. Their primary area of interest
was Monte Carlo-based reinforcement learning control in the context of unmanned aerial
AI 2024, 5 vehicle systems. Wang et al. [58] investigated the use of a Monte Carlo tree search-based
self-play framework to learn to traverse graphs. Maoudj and Hentout [59] introduced a
novel method for mobile robot path planning that is optimal, utilising the Q-learning al-
gorithm. Intayoad
algorithm. etet
[60] developed
[60] personalized
developed online
personalized learning
online recommendation
learning sys-
tems by employing reinforcement learning based on contextual bandits.
systems by employing reinforcement learning based on contextual bandits.

3.2. GenerativeAdversarial
Generative adversarialnetworks,
networks, aabrand-new
generative model,
model, were
forthby by
Goodfellow et
Goodfellow et al.
al. [61] in 2014.
2014. Generative
networks engage
engagein in
botha compet-
a com-
itive and
petitive a cooperative
and a cooperative process because
process becausethey areare
they made
made up up of two
of twoneural networks:
neural networks: the
the (D)(D)
discriminator andandthethe
generator (G).(G).
generator While thethe
While discriminator
discriminator seeks to distinguish
seeks to distinguish be-
tween actual
between and
actual andsynthetic
syntheticdata, thethe
data, generator
generator is tasked withwith
is tasked creating synthetic
creating data data
synthetic sam-
ples thatthat
samples resemble
resemblereal real
Through this competitive
Through training,
this competitive generative
training, adversarial
generative net-
ial gain knowledge
networks gain knowledge from from
one another, causing
one another, the generator
causing the generator to produce
to producemore and
more more accurate
accurate datadata
untiluntil it reaches
it reaches an equilibrium
an equilibrium where where it is impossible
it is impossible to tellto
thetell the
difference between
ence between generated
generated and and genuine
genuine Figure
Figure 2 shows
2 shows the the process
process of generative
of generative ad-
adversarial networks.
versarial networks.

Figure Processof

Generative adversarial
Generative adversarial networks
networks are
are used
used in
in many
many different
different fields,
fields, such
such as
have demon-
potentialin inthe
environmentsfor forAI
their effectiveness,
effectiveness, generative
generative adver-
collapse, which results in a lack of diversity in the generated samples. Additionally,
collapse, which results in a lack of diversity in the generated samples. Additionally, due due to
their potential abuse in the production of deep fakes and deceptive information,
to their potential abuse in the production of deep fakes and deceptive information, ethical ethical

to update the models. Transfer learning or knowledge transfer between the taskdomains
update the models. Transfer learning or knowledge transfer between the task domains
would be necessary in such circumstances. By transferring the useful parameters, transfer
would be necessary in such circumstances. By transferring the useful parameters, transfer
learning helps a classifier learn from one domain to another [63]. “What to transfer”, “how
learning helps a classifier learn from one domain to another [63]. “What to transfer”, “how
to transfer”, and “when to transfer” are the three key questions in transfer learning [64]. The
question “what to transfer” asks what information should be transferred across domains
or tasks. Knowledge can be specialized for particular tasks and domains that may or
may not be useful. However, certain knowledge might be shared across several domains
and could improve performance in the target domain or activity. Learning algorithms
need to proceed after determining the portion of knowledge that has to be conveyed to
transfer the beneficial knowledge. Therefore, “how to transfer” becomes the following
issue. The final issue, “when to transfer”, asks under what conditions transmitting should
occur. The majority of TL research now in existence focuses on “what to transfer” and
mains or tasks. Knowledge can be specialized for particular tasks and domains that may
or may not be useful. However, certain knowledge might be shared across several do-
mains and could improve performance in the target domain or activity. Learning algo-
rithms need to proceed after determining the portion of knowledge that has to be con-
AI 2024, 5 veyed to transfer the beneficial knowledge. Therefore, “how to transfer” becomes the fol- 43
lowing issue. The final issue, “when to transfer”, asks under what conditions transmitting
should occur. The majority of TL research now in existence focuses on “what to transfer”
and “how
“how to transfer”,
to transfer”, implicitly
implicitly presuming
presuming that that the source
the source domain
domain and and the target
the target domain
domain are
are related
related [65].[65].
Choosing aabasic
Choosing basicmodel
model trained
trained on on a source
a source task then
task and and fine-tuning
then fine-tuningit with it with a
a smaller,
task-specific dataset for
smaller, task-specific the target
dataset for thetask
target aretask
typical steps in
are typical the in
steps process. Through
the process. Throughthis
adaptation, the the
this adaptation, model cancan
model preserve
preserve itsits
general knowledge
knowledgewhile whileadapting
adaptingits its learned
representationsto tothe
currenttask.task.InInthe transfer
the transferlearning
learning process
process (Figure
a pre-trainedmodel
model is chosen
is chosen based
based onona arelated
target task
task dataset
is collected and pre-processed
pre-processed accordingly.
accordingly. The model is then modified either through
feature extraction,
wherenew newlayers
addedwhilewhile keeping
keeping pre-trained
pre-trained layers
layersfrozen, or
or fine-tuning,where
where some
pre-trained layers
layersare areunfrozen.
unfrozen.The Themodified
modifiedmodel model is is trained
on the
the target
target task
task dataset,
dataset, and
and its
its performance
performance is is evaluated
evaluated on on aa separate
separate dataset.
dataset. If If the
performance is satisfactory, the trained model can be used for making predictions on new
is satisfactory, the trained model can be used for making predictions on new
data. If not,
data. If not, adjustments
adjustments suchsuch asas hyperparameter
hyperparameter tuning tuning oror model
model modifications
modifications can can be
made to to improve
improve performance.
performance. Once Once thethe desired
desired performance
performance is is achieved,
achieved, the the transfer
learning process
process isis complete,
complete, andand thethe model
model is is ready
ready for for practical
practical use
use inin the
the target

Figure 3. Transfer learning: from source task to target task.

Figure 3. Transfer learning: from source task to target task.

3.4. Neuroevolution
Artificial neural
neural networks,
ANNs,are created
are using
created evolutionary
using evolutionarymethods
methodsby the
AI branch known as neuroevolution. This approach uses evolutionary algorithms
the AI branch known as neuroevolution. This approach uses evolutionary algorithms to train
to neural
thenetworks. Even though
neural networks. Evenwe wouldwe
though think it hasthink
would something to do with deep
it has something to dolearn-
ing, neural
deep evolution
learning, neural is not quite
evolution is the
not same as what
quite the same deep learning
as what deep is at its core.
learning is at As
core. As previously mentioned, neuroevolution is a method of machine learning that uses
evolutionary algorithms to create artificial neural networks, drawing inspiration from the
evolution of organic nervous systems in nature [66]. The process as shown in Figure 4 begins
with initializing a population of neural networks with random parameters, representing
potential solutions. These networks are then evaluated based on predefined metrics,
determining their fitness for the given task. The top-performing networks are selected to
proceed, mimicking natural selection. Through reproduction and crossover, new offspring
with random changes and combined traits are generated. This process iterates for multiple
generations, continuously refining and improving the neural networks’ performance.
potential solutions. These networks are then evaluated based on predefined metrics, de-
termining their fitness for the given task. The top-performing networks are selected to
proceed, mimicking natural selection. Through reproduction and crossover, new off-
spring with random changes and combined traits are generated. This process iterates for
AI 2024, 5 44
multiple generations, continuously refining and improving the neural networks’ perfor-

Figure Processofofneuroevolution.

The capacityofofneuroevolution
examinea awider
designsand and
hyperparameters than conventional
hyperparameters than conventional techniques is techniques is one of its main
main advantages. Becauseof
advantages. Because
this, it is especially well suited for complicated situations
of this, it is especially well suited for complicated situations where where the ideal network
the ideal struc-
ture might
structure notnot
might be beobvious
obvious ororsimple
buildbyby human
human experts. SuccessSuccess in
fields, includingrobotics,
problems,and andcontrol
demonstrated vianeuroevolution
neuroevolution[67]. [67].Additionally,
networks usingfewer
appealingfor forapplications
Neuroevolution, like many
like many AI AI
techniques, is not
techniques, without
is not its difficulties
without and limitations.
its difficulties and limita-
The evolutionary
tions. process
The evolutionary can becan
process computationally
be computationallyexpensive,
expensive,andand it may
it maytake
generations toto
best solution.
best Another
solution. crucial
Another issue
crucial thatthat
issue researchers needneed
researchers to carefully
to care-
handle is balancing
fully handle exploration
is balancing and exploitation
exploration to prevent
and exploitation to early convergence
prevent [67]. Despite
early convergence [67].
these difficulties,
Despite neuroevolution
these difficulties, representsrepresents
neuroevolution an innovative strategy instrategy
an innovative AI research,
in AI offering
a offering
potent substitute for conventional
a potent substitute training techniques
for conventional [68].
training techniques [68].

ExplainableAI AI
Given the widespreaduse
the widespread useofofintricate
attention to the inner workings and gain an understanding of the results. Thisisisone
to the inner workings and gain an understanding of the results. This oneofof
XAI’s main driving forces [2]. The enhanced robustness of AI systems in business, enterprise
XAI’s main driving forces [2]. The enhanced robustness of AI systems in business, enter-
computing, and essential industries is the main driver of XAI’s explosive expansion [69].
prise computing, and essential industries is the main driver of XAI’s explosive expansion
XAI tackles the issue of “black-box” AI models, which are intricate and challenging for
[69]. XAI tackles the issue of “black-box” AI models, which are intricate and challenging
people to understand. Systems that make decisions that are difficult to understand are
for people to understand. Systems that make decisions that are difficult to understand are
difficult to trust, especially in industries like healthcare or self-driving cars where moral and
difficult to trust, especially in industries like healthcare or self-driving cars where moral
justice concerns have inevitably surfaced. The field of XAI [70]—which is devoted to the
and justice concerns have inevitably surfaced. The field of XAI [70]—which is devoted to
understanding and interpretation of the behavior of AI systems—was revived as a result of
the need for reliable, equitable, robust, high-performing models for real-world applications.
In the years before its revival, the scientific community had lost interest as most research
concentrated on the predictive power of algorithms rather than the recognition behind
these predictions.
Techniques for XAI take both model-specific and model-neutral stances, accommodat-
ing multiple AI model architectures. With the help of these techniques, users can obtain
an understanding of the information, characteristics, and preliminary judgments that go
into the final prediction or choice. As a result, XAI assists in locating potential biases,
weaknesses, and development opportunities, increasing the transparency of AI systems
and ensuring that they adhere to legal standards. XAI is crucial in the healthcare industry,
nition behind these predictions.
Techniques for XAI take both model-specific and model-neutral stances, accommo-
dating multiple AI model architectures. With the help of these techniques, users can obtain
an understanding of the information, characteristics, and preliminary judgments that go
AI 2024, 5 into the final prediction or choice. As a result, XAI assists in locating potential biases, 45
weaknesses, and development opportunities, increasing the transparency of AI systems
and ensuring that they adhere to legal standards. XAI is crucial in the healthcare industry,
assisting physiciansin inmaking
decisionsby byassisting
assistingthem themininunderstanding
understandingthe the
logic behind AI-assisted diagnosis.
Similartotohowhow it explains
it explains credit scoring
credit or investment
scoring or invest-
ment in finance,
advice XAI XAI
in finance, increases client
increases transparency
client transparency andandfosters faithfaith
fosters in AI-powered
in AI-powered ser-
vices [71–75].
services [71–75].
XAI processthatthatstarts
inputdata, data,followed
followed by by selecting
selecting an an ap-
propriate AI
propriate AI model and training it on the data. Once trained, the model
training it on the data. Once trained, the model is capable of mak- is capable of
making predictions
ing predictions while
while providing
providing explanations
explanations for for its decisions.
its decisions. Users
Users cancan interact
interact with
with the
the system
system to to explore
explore theseexplanations,
these explanations,gaining
insights into into the factors influencing
influencingthe the
Findingthe theideal
complexityand and
advancesininXAI. XAI.Researchers
Researchersare arealways
performancewith withexplainability.
explainability.The Theincorporation
incorporationofofXAI XAIwill
be essential as AI develops to ensure that AI systems are not just effective, but alsoreliable
essential as AI develops to ensure that AI systems are not just effective, but also reliable

Figure ProcessofofXAI.

QuantumAI AI
intriguingand andcutting-edge
cutting-edge field of of
field quantum
quantum AI,AI,
combines AI and quantum
AI and quan-
tum computing, has the potential
has to fundamentally
the potential alter how
to fundamentally humans
alter handlehandle
how humans complicated issues
and process
issues data. In
and process contrast
data. to classical
In contrast computing,
to classical which
computing, uses uses
which bits to
bitsencode datadata
to encode as
0ass and 1 s, quantum computing makes use of quantum bits, or qubits, which
0 s and 1 s, quantum computing makes use of quantum bits, or qubits, which can exist can exist in
several states at once thanks to entanglement and superposition
in several states at once thanks to entanglement and superposition [76,77]. [76,77].
quantumAI, AI,researchers
physicsto toaccomplish
accomplish com-
putations that are virtually or physically impossible for conventional computers.Certain
that are virtually or physically impossible for conventional computers. Certain
activities, like
factorization, optimization,
optimization, and and searching
searching through
through enormous
enormous databases,
could be dramatically sped up using these quantum algorithms. Shor’smethod,
be dramatically sped up using these quantum algorithms. Shor’s method,which
one of the most impressive quantum algorithms. Given that many encryption techniques
one of the most impressive quantum algorithms. Given that many encryption techniques
currently used in secure communications would be susceptible to a quantum computer
executing Shor’s algorithm, this capacity has important implications for cryptography [78].
The promise of quantum AI also includes improved machine learning methods. Quan-
tum machine learning tries to increase the effectiveness and precision of various AI activities
by utilizing quantum algorithms [79,80]. To address challenging classification and regres-
sion issues, quantum support vector machines and quantum neural networks, for instance,
are being investigated. Quantum AI also offers special benefits in data processing and
analysis. Quantum data compression techniques make it feasible to store and retrieve
information more effectively, handling massive amounts of data with less processing effort.
Quantum AI has certain difficulties, though. The technical challenge of stable and error-
proof quantum computation is continuing. Decoherence and environmental disturbances
are two factors that can lead to computing mistakes in quantum systems. To solve these
cessing effort.
Quantum AI has certain difficulties, though. The technical challenge of stable
error-proof quantum computation is continuing. Decoherence and environmental
turbances are two factors that can lead to computing mistakes in quantum system
AI 2024, 5 46
solve these problems and increase the dependability of quantum calculations, researc
are currently developing error correction methods. As quantum AI develops, ethic
sues also
problems andbecome
increase more important.
the dependability of As quantum
quantum computers
calculations, become
researchers more potent,
are currently
needs to be
developing taken
error to usemethods.
correction them ethically
As quantumandAI responsibly. Similar
develops, ethical toalso
issues classical
becomeAI, quan
more important.
AI should As quantum
be designed computers
with become more potent,
careful consideration care needs
of potential to beand
biases taken to
use them ethically and responsibly. Similar to classical AI, quantum AI should
sequences. Figure 6 illustrates the quantum AI process. The first step in the procedu be designed
with careful consideration of potential biases and unforeseen consequences. Figure 6
to identify the issue and get the classical data ready for quantum processing. To solv
illustrates the quantum AI process. The first step in the procedure is to identify the issue
and getathe
classical algorithm is created
data ready for quantum and runs on aToquantum
processing. computer.
solve the issue, Following m
a quantum
algorithm dataonisaacquired
created and runs and examined
quantum computer. using
Following traditional
measurement, AI methods. T
data the quantum
is acquired and examinedadvantage, the findings
using traditional are benchmarked
AI methods. To determine the against
quantum traditiona
techniques. the findings are benchmarked against traditional AI techniques.

Figure6. 6.
Figure Process
Process of Quantum
of Quantum AI. AI.

6. Literature Comparison
6. Literature Comparison
In their research projects, several authors have emphasized cutting-edge AI method-
ologies.InTotheir research
assess projects,
the significance several authors
of cutting-edge have emphasized
AI approaches cutting-edge
in various topic categories, AI met
this section Towill
look the
into significance
the statistics of ofarticles
cutting-edge AI approaches
in this field. Here, the searchin various
was con- topic ca
ducted on 27 July 2023, and the results were based on the “Scopus” database
ries, this section will look into the statistics of articles in this field. Here, the search (between
2013 and 2023).
conducted on 27 July 2023, and the results were based on the “Scopus” database (betw
Based on a search, Table 1 gives an examination of cutting-edge AI approaches in
2013 and 2023).
several issue categories. With 28,412 documents, mostly in the field of computer science
Based on
and frequently a search,
presented Table 1 gives
as conference an reinforcement
papers, examinationlearningof cutting-edge
stands out AI approach
as the
several issue
technique categories.
that has With 28,412
been the subject documents,
of the greatest researchmostly
amonginthosethe field of computer
that have been sci
and frequently presented as conference papers, reinforcement learning stands out a
identified. This shows how prevalent it is at academic conferences and how pertinent it
to the fieldthat
of AIhas
been the Another well-known
subject method research
of the greatest is the generative
those that have
network, which has 8186 documents and a significant number of published articles, mostly
identified. This shows how prevalent it is at academic conferences and how pertinen
in the field of computer science. The widespread use of generative adversarial networks
to the field of AI research. Another well-known method is the generative adversarial
and their contributions to the generation of synthetic data, picture synthesis, and other
work, which
innovative has 8186
applications candocuments andpopularity.
be seen in their a significant Withnumber of published
11,633 documents, articles, m
in the field
learning of computer
also stands science. The
out as a prominent widespread
area and use of generative
is heavily covered in the field ofadversarial
computer netw
science through articles. The large number of articles reflects both the
and their contributions to the generation of synthetic data, picture synthesis, importance of transfer and o
learning in practical applications and the curiosity that it inspires among
innovative applications can be seen in their popularity. With 11,633 documents, tra academics.
Although these three methods dominate the field of AI study, it is important to note
that explainability in AI has received a lot of attention, as shown by the 1479 documents.
The concentration of studies shows a rising emphasis on improving the transparency and
interpretability of AI systems, a critical component for applications in delicate fields. Neu-
roevolution and quantum AI have, however, received comparatively little research. With
338 documents, mostly conference papers, AI research in neuroevolution is a specialized
field. However, as can be seen from the required 8 documents—most of which are con-
ference papers—quantum AI is still in its infancy. Both neuroevolution and quantum AI
have room for expansion and could end up taking center stage as the field of AI develops
and grows.
AI 2024, 5 47

Table 1. Emerging AI techniques: reviewing the current state.

Keyword (Search in Title) Results Main Subject Area Main Document Type
Computer Science Conference paper
“Reinforcement learning” 28,412 documents
(21,583 documents) (14,973 documents)
Computer Science Article
“Generative adversarial network” 8186 documents
(5841 documents) (4310 documents)
Computer Science Article
“Transfer learning” 11,633 documents
(8165 documents) (5863 documents)
Computer Science Conference paper
“Neuroevolution” OR “Neuro evolution” 338 documents
(269 documents) (198 documents)
“Explainable AI” OR “Explainable Computer Science Article
1479 documents
artificial intelligence” (1075 documents) (695 documents)
“Quantum AI” OR “Quantum Computer Science Conference paper
8 documents
artificial intelligence” (6 documents) (5 documents)

A thorough summary of numerous AI methods, including reinforcement learning,

generative adversarial networks, transfer learning, neuroevolution, XAI, and quantum
AI, is provided in Table 2. Despite needing a lot of computing power and adjustment,
reinforcement learning works well in dynamic and uncertain situations. Generative adver-
sarial networks are excellent at producing high-quality data, however, they can experience
mode collapse and training instability. Although there are benefits to knowledge transfer,
transfer learning depends on task and domain similarity and requires careful fine-tuning.
Evolutionary neural structures are made possible by neuroevolution, however, it can be
computationally expensive and prone to premature convergence. XAI improves trans-
parency, but it may also simplify models and only have a narrow range of applications.
Although it faces technological limitations and calls for specialized knowledge, quantum
AI shows promise for some applications. Knowing these advantages and disadvantages
enables academics and practitioners to choose the best AI approach for their applications.

Table 2. Strengths and weaknesses of emerging AI techniques.

AI Technique Strengths Weaknesses References

High computational requirements,
Dynamic effectiveness in complex tasks,
sensitivity to tuning,
Reinforcement Learning achieving superhuman performance in [49,81–83]
exploration-exploitation trade-off, and
game playing and robotics.
substantial data needs.
Generates realistic, high-quality data Training instability, mode collapse
Generative Adversarial with versatile applications like reducing output diversity, vulnerability
Networks image-to-image translation. to adversarial attacks, and difficulty in
Encourages robust model generation. controlling specific features.
Transfers knowledge for improved new Success depending on domain/task
task performance, saving resources, similarity, fine-tuning leading to
Transfer Learning effective in limited labeled data overfitting, transfer of biases impacting [87–90]
scenarios. Facilitates specialized fairness, and compatibility issues
models based on a common backbone. between architectures.
Computationally expensive for
large-scale problems, prone to
Evolves neural network architectures,
premature convergence, requires
Neuroevolution optimizes complex structures, and [91–94]
careful fitness function design, and
discovers novel solutions.
struggles with high-dimensional,
continuous tasks.
AI 2024, 5 48

Table 2. Cont.

AI Technique Strengths Weaknesses References

May reduce model complexity and
predictive performance. Interpretability
Enhances transparency and
not universally applicable, balancing
interpretability, crucial for critical
XAI complexity and interpretability is [2,95–97]
applications, builds trust, and
challenging, and providing
identifies/corrects biases.
explanations for complex decisions
is difficult.
Quantum hardware faces technical
Potentially outperforms classical
challenges, limited availability of
algorithms, efficient simulation of
Quantum AI quantum computers, specialized [98–101]
quantum systems for chemistry, etc.,
quantum algorithms, and requires high
holds promise for exponential speedup.
expertise in quantum mechanics.

To summarize, the examination of emerging AI methods demonstrates the widespread

use of reinforcement learning, transfer learning, and generative adversarial networks in
computer science. It also highlights the increasing significance of XAI and the possibilities
for advancing neuroevolution and quantum AI. Moreover, the extensive implementation
of AI approaches across many businesses highlights the profound influence of AI on
various sectors.

7. Ethical Considerations and Future Prospects

It is critical to recognize and solve the enormous problems and ethical issues that
come along with these developments as the boundaries of AI are continually pushed
and novel methodologies are created. Though AI can transform many industries and
enhance human life, it also comes with special risks and moral quandaries that need to be
carefully considered.

7.1. Ethical Concerns Related to AI Advancements

Any scientific advancement inevitably raises ethical questions and considerations,
especially one that moves so swiftly. Data scientists and other academics (such as social
scientists, historians, and others) have recently begun to raise more concerns about the
potential ethical problems of AI and the exploitation of personal data [102,103].
The persistence of bias and unjust treatment within AI systems, which has its roots in
the biases prevalent in the enormous datasets they learn from, is one of the main concerns.
These prejudices may show up in automated decision-making procedures, which could
result in discrimination in the hiring, lending, and criminal justice systems, among other
areas. It is crucial to protect fairness by tackling bias in AI systems to avoid feeding
into societal stereotypes [104,105]. Privacy issues are also brought up by the enormous
amount of individual data that is necessary for AI to perform at its best [106]. To preserve
user privacy and stop unlawful use of sensitive information, it is essential to ensure data
protection and informed permission [107].
As AI algorithms become more complicated and frequently obscure their decision-
making processes, transparency, and accountability offer additional ethical problems. This
“black box” issue might breed mistrust and make it more difficult to comprehend AI deci-
sions. To foster confidence and enable appropriate examination of AI systems, methods for
AI accountability need to be established, and transparency needs to be promoted. Further-
more, concerns regarding responsibility are raised by AI’s growing autonomy. A careful
balancing act between ethical and legal frameworks is needed to determine responsibility
in cases of AI-related accidents or undesirable outcomes. Addressing the issue of account-
ability for AI acts and ensuring proper oversight become critical considerations as AI grows
more independent [107].
AI 2024, 5 49

Beyond these issues, there are anxieties about job loss and economic inequity as
automation and AI change various industries. Many workers may become unemployed or
underemployed as a result of the potential disruption to employment markets, demanding
preemptive efforts to address economic repercussions and guarantee a just transition to an
AI-driven future. Due to AI’s heavy reliance on computational resources, which increases
the technology’s carbon footprint significantly, the ethical implications also include AI’s
potential environmental impact. It is essential to address the environmental effects and
create sustainable AI methods to prevent additional planetary devastation [108].

7.2. Mitigating Potential Risks and Unintended Consequences

It is crucial to address potential hazards and unintended consequences connected with
these breakthroughs as the area of AI continues to progress and unveil novel methodolo-
gies. Although AI has the potential to alter businesses and enhance human lives, it also
presents enormous problems and ethical issues that need to be controlled early on. Robust
testing and validation, which expose models to a variety of datasets to discover biases and
weaknesses, are essential to ensuring the responsible and secure deployment of AI systems.
Employing XAI techniques can give explanations for AI judgments that are understood by
humans, boosting confidence and revealing potential biases. To avoid prejudice and respect
human values, one needs to adhere to ethical frameworks and rules while also making an
effort to reduce bias and promote justice.
To further protect sensitive information, take action in unclear situations, and guar-
antee regulatory compliance, secure data management, human-in-the-loop solutions, and
regular audits are essential. AI models can continue to be accurate and up-to-date through-
out time by placing a strong emphasis on continual learning and adaptation. AI capabilities,
restrictions, and risks are made more widely known to the public, promoting responsible
use and well-informed decision-making. We can harness AI’s potential while reducing
risks and creating an atmosphere where it is a force for good and societal advancement
by embracing these ideas and taking a proactive stance. Building a future that embraces
AI’s advantages while avoiding unanticipated negative effects requires responsible AI
development, deployment, and governance.

7.3. Future Advancements

AI advancements have created intriguing new possibilities and potential applica-
tions across numerous industries. AI’s capacity to evaluate large amounts of patient
data in the healthcare and medical fields holds promise for personalized medicine, cus-
tomizing therapies to particular patients, and speeding up drug discovery. Additionally,
AI-driven medical imaging improves diagnostic precision and helps identify diseases ear-
lier. The advancement of AI benefits autonomous vehicles and transportation, enabling
safer self-driving automobiles and streamlining logistics for quicker and more effective
delivery services.
AI is essential for environmental conservation since it uses climate modeling to com-
prehend and slow down climate change while assisting in the protection of species. In the
field of education, AI provides individualized learning experiences, content adaptation
to student needs, and intelligent tutoring systems that offer on-the-fly support. AI can
evaluate market trends for algorithmic trading and spot fraud to safeguard clients and
financial institutions.
While content creation and curation benefit from AI algorithms’ ability to recognize
audience preferences, AI-generated art, music, and literature push the frontiers of creativity.
To ensure equity, accountability, and transparency in the use of AI, ethical issues need to be
addressed as these new frontiers develop. Responsible AI development and collaboration
will enable this ground-breaking technology to realize its full potential and transform
industries, enhance lives, and create new opportunities.
AI 2024, 5 50

8. Conclusions
The investigation of new frontiers in AI has uncovered a wealth of cutting-edge meth-
ods that have enormous potential to change the world. From traditional machine learning
algorithms to the transformative power of deep learning, the exploration seamlessly transi-
tioned through core AI techniques, highlighting the role of RL, the revolutionary impact
of generative adversarial networks, the adaptability of transfer learning, and the opti-
mization capabilities of neuroevolution. The imperative of XAI underscored the need
for transparency in AI systems, while the intersection of quantum computing and AI
signaled a frontier of unprecedented computational power. The limits of what was once
thought achievable in AI have been reshaped by these techniques’ impressive capabilities.
While classic AI approaches have shown promise in several areas, there is still room for
improvement on the new frontiers.
A thorough analysis of the ethical implications linked to these revolutionary tech-
nologies is crucial in light of the significant progress made in AI. It is critical to maintain
a balanced perspective while pursuing progress, recognizing the potential repercussions
that may be obscured by the allure of novelty. AI’s enhanced problem-solving capabilities
and increased efficacy are accompanied by the imminent danger of biased algorithms. The
principal issue at hand pertains to the vulnerability of AI systems to perpetuate biases that
may be inherent in the training data, thus contributing to societal inequities. Immediate
action is required to ensure that algorithms adhere to the tenets of equity and inclusiveness.
The intricacy of advanced AI models presents difficulties, especially in industries such
as finance or healthcare where accountability is of the utmost importance. Interpretability
is of the utmost importance for these models to elucidate the reasoning behind decisions.
In research, achieving a harmonious equilibrium between complexity and transparency
proves to be an insurmountable challenge. In addition, the convergence of AI and quantum
computing brings about an unparalleled expansion of computational capabilities, which
not only presents opportunities for revolutionary advancements but also gives rise to
ethical dilemmas. The potential compromise of currently secure encryption methods by
quantum algorithms has led to an increase in privacy and security concerns, as it exposes
sensitive data to risk.
As a result of AI’s disruptive influence on the socioeconomic landscape, employment
dynamics are undergoing a paradigm shift. To equitably distribute the advantages resulting
from AI, it is critical to adopt a strategic framework for workforce development, given the
potential obsolescence of specific professions and the emergence of new roles that demand
distinct skill sets. The escalation of privacy concerns caused by the processing of immense
quantities of personal data by AI systems has sparked investigations into surveillance,
ethical implementation, and the protection of individual rights. Faced with these obstacles,
the demand for ethics in AI development becomes a practical necessity. Allocating financial
resources toward technological progress is of equal importance to conducting high-quality
studies that address these issues. By fostering a culture of accountability, the positive
societal impact of AI innovation is ensured.
Success criteria no longer exclusively depend on technological expertise as AI pro-
gresses. Achieving success in this undertaking requires a thorough assessment of the ethical
ramifications, reduction of personal biases, the establishment of transparent systems, and a
dedication to guaranteeing inclusive advantages. The long-lasting influence of AI on hu-
man progress is contingent not only on its functionalities but also on its ethical assimilation
into society. A more profound comprehension of the intricate obstacles and prospective
advantages of AI enables sustainable and human-centric incorporation of technology into
the continuous fabric of human progress.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, H.T.; methodology, H.T.; validation, M.M. and H.T.; formal
analysis, H.T. and M.M.; resources, H.T.; data curation, M.M.; writing—original draft preparation,
M.M. and H.T.; writing—review and editing, M.M.; visualization, M.M.; supervision, H.T. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
AI 2024, 5 51

Funding: This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: Hamed Taherdoost is employed by the company, Quark Minded Technology
Inc. Mitra Madanchian is employed by the company, Hamta Business Corporation. All authors
declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships
that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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