Grade Mark
1 Excellent >= 90
2 Good >= 70
3 Average >= 50
4 Under Average <50
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Hallway International School
Assessment Weightings
Term 1 WA Term 2 WA Term 3 WA Term 4 WA
5% 25% 35% 35%
Class Position : 9 / 18
Conduct (OVERALL) : Good
Attendance : 50 / 53 (94 %)
Absent with leave : 3
Absent without leave : 0
Goal Setting :
Academic Skill : Austin has shown significant progress in her academic skills compared to
before.However, she still needs to put more effort in Chinese.
Other Skill :Austin is actively and diligently participating in other skills.
Soft Skill :Austin has made significant progress in her soft skills compared to before.
Let’s work together to support her so that he can continue to improve further
in the upcoming terms.
Comment (OVERALL) :Austin is a friendly child who is always willing to help her friends.
In Term 2, she developed stronger relationships with her classmates, and we are pleased
with this improvement. She collaborates well in group activities and follows classroom rules
diligently. Austin listens carefully to her teachers and is always ready to assist others. We are
satisfied with her academic performance in Term 2, but she needs to focus on answering
exam questions attentively and reviewing her answers to achieve better scores. Austin’s
caring and helpful nature is admirable, and we will continue to support her for further
progress. Let’s collaborate with parents to help her improve in the upcoming terms.Thank
Respectfully and lovingly,
Teacher Nang
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