SUT3 Radiometric Correction
SUT3 Radiometric Correction
SUT3 Radiometric Correction
Image Correction
GMA 320
06 August 2024
GGM Department
University of Pretoria
By: Dr. Philemon Tsele
• Digital image acquisition process
• Sources of error in remotely-sensed imagery
• Types of radiometric corrections
– Simplified reflectance
– Improved surface reflectance
– True surface reflectance
– Temperature (K)
• Options for atmospheric corrections
Digital image acquisition process
• Surface radiance (Ls) at a
certain spatial coordinates (i,j)
and wavelength (k) is
converted to a list of digital
values, one for each band.
Later, those values can be
converted back to radiances.
Sources of error in satellite imagery
• The process of acquiring satellite images
includes potential errors in both the radiance
detected and the position of resulting pixels
• Most frequent problems can be grouped into 4
– Errors caused by the sensor platform
– Distortions produced by the Earth’s curvature
– Problems caused by the sensor operation
– Distortions created by the atmosphere
Examples of Radiometric Corrections
• Solving mixed or deteriorated data
– Restoration of missing lines and pixels**
– Correction of stripping effects
• Conversion from DN to Radiance
• Conversion from Radiance to Reflectance
– Simplified reflectance (TOA)
– Atmospheric correction (BOA)
– Correction of bi-directional effects
– Topographic shadow corrections
• Conversion from thermal DN to Radiance>LST
• Restoration of missing lines and pixels (1)
– Random problems in sensor performance, communications or reception
problems (interferences) cause missing lines/ pixels
– A simple way to estimate missing/ corrupt pixels is to rely on neighboring pixels
(i.e. spatial autocorrelation)
– Radiance values tend to be correlated with distances (closer areas, more similar;
farther areas, less similar)
– Several ways to use this vicinity criteria (Eq: 1-3) including a 3 x 3 moving window
Substitution of the missing pixels by the average values of previous and subsequent values, Eq. 2
DNi , j = INT {( DN i −1, j + DNi +1, j ) / 2 } Eq. 2
Substitution of the missing pixels using pixels values in the second band (covar, corr) Eq. 3
DNi , j ,k = ( k ){ DNi , j ,r − ( DNi +1, j ,r + DNi −1, j ,r ) / 2 } + ( DNi +1, j ,k + DNi −1, j ,k ) / 2 Eq. 3
Chuvieco and Huete (2009): Fundamentals of Satellite Remote Sensing, Taylor and Francis
• Correction of Stripping Effects (2)
• Figure below depicts a typical Landsat MSS scenario, where 6 of its detectors does
systematic data recording/ scanning (simultaneously).
• However, one of the detectors (2nd) provide systematically lower signal than the rest
• This is called n-line stripping
Difference in means and standard deviations
between the detector’s recorded DN values suggests
that the detectors are not properly calibrated
Low DN High DN
Chuvieco and Huete (2009): Fundamentals of Satellite Remote Sensing, Taylor and Francis
• Correction of Stripping Effects…cont
– The process starts by computing the mean and standard deviation of the pixels
sampled by each detector (partial histograms). Then, the histograms are adjusted
to the reference histogram using Eq. 4:
ai = DN − bi DN i Eq. 6
where: s and si indicate the standard deviation of the reference and partial histogram, respectively
and DN and DN i the mean DN for the reference and partial histogram
Chuvieco and Huete (2009): Fundamentals of Satellite Remote Sensing, Taylor and Francis
This image exhibits stripping every 16 lines
Landsat TM has 16 detectors
• Conversion to Physical units (3)
– Reflectance:
• Calibration (DL to radiance)….3.1
• Simplified reflectance….3.2
• Atmospheric correction….3.3
• Illumination correction.
• BRDF correction.
– Temperature:
• Calibration (DL to radiance).
• Atmospheric correction.
• Emissivity correction.
• Cloud masking.
• Image Calibration
Most space agencies use a terminology that identifies
satellite products according to their level of processing
Level Meaning
0 No correction has been applied
1 Geometric and radiometric corrections applied
2 Calculation of a secondary physical variable
associated to radiance
3 Resampling the original resolution to a certain
standard grid
4 Derived variable such as Land cover,
Sensor calibration
• Implies converting DNs to radiance
• DNs do not have an absolute physical meaning
• Range of radiance values that a sensor detects is
termed radiometric resolution
• Calibration follows a linear function DN
Radiance (W m-2sr-1μm-1)
Eq. 7
Chuvieco and Huete (2009): Fundamentals of Satellite Remote Sensing, Taylor and Francis
Simplified reflectance…cont
• Assumes sensor observed Earth
through: 1) transparent
atmosphere, 2) nadir view angle,
and 3) perfect Lambertian surface
• Typical of TOA – top of the
atmosphere reflectance
Apparent reflectance
DNs are not practically comparable between images of different radiometric res
Bidirectional effects due to sun-target-sensor geometry
surface in band k
Solar ray
• Method assumes there is always high-absorption area in the image, which can be
reasonably accepted for shadowed areas or deep water bodies
• Also assumes that atmospheric scattering is constant throughout the image, such
that there is a minimum DN value is that commonly higher than 0 (attributed to
atmospheric scattering) – commonly affects shorter wavelengths ~ Rayleigh’s
• This minimum DN value decreases with increasing wavelength (in the SWIR)
0.5 0.5
Water Ref
0.4 0.4 Soil Ref
Veget Ref
0.3 0.3 Water Ch
Soil Ch
0.2 0.2 Veget Ch
0.1 0.1
0 0