Subject : Physics Paper Set : 1
Standard : 11 Measuring instrument Date : 12-11-2024
Total Mark : 400 Time : 0H:0M
If the zero error is −0.03 cm, then mean corrected (C) 3.9 (D) 2.4
diameter is ........... cm [JEE MAIN 2015] (9) There are two Vernier calipers both of which have
(A) 0.52 (B) 0.59 1 cm divided into 10 equal divisions on the main
( )
observed that zero of the Vernier scale lies (C) n−1 a (D) 10a
between 30 and 31 divisions of main scale reading 10n n
(21) In a Screw Gauge, fifth division of the circular
and 6th Vernier scale division exactly. coincides
scale coincides with the reference line when the
with the main scale reading. The diameter of the
ratchet is closed. There are 50 divisions on the
spherical body will be [JEE MAIN 2022]
circular scale, and the main scale moves by
(A) 3.02 (B) 3.06
0.5 mm on a complete rotation. For a particular
(C) 3.10 (D) 3.20 observation the reading on the main scale is 5 mm
(15) The length and breadth of a metal sheet are and the 20th division of the circular scale
3.124 m and 3.002 m then area of sheet is coincides with reference line. Calculate the true
(A) 9.376 m2 (B) 9.379 m2 reading. (in mm) [JEE MAIN 2021]
(C) 9.388 m2 (D) 9.378 m2 (A) 5.00 (B) 5.25
(16) A vernier callipers has 20 divisions on the vernier (C) 5.15 (D) 5.20
scale, which coincides with 19th division on the (22) The vernier constant of Vernier callipers is 0.1 mm
main scale. The least count of the instrument is and it has zero error of (−0.05) cm. While
0.1 mm. One main scale division is equal to ....... measuring diameter of a sphere, the main scale
mm [JEE MAIN 2024] reading is 1.7 cm and coinciding vernier division is
(A) 1 (B) 0.5 5. The corrected diameter will be ........... ×10−2 cm
(C) 2 (D) 5 [JEE MAIN 2022]
(A) 160 (B) 150
(17) A Vernier calipers has 1 mm marks on the main
scale. It has 20 equal divisions on the Vernier scale (C) 189 (D) 180
which match with 16 main scale divisions. For this (23) A vernier callipers used by student has 20
Vernier calipers, the least count is [IIT 2010] divisions in 1 cm on main scale. 10 vernier
divisions coincide with 9 main scale divisions. (A) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and
When jaws are closed, zero of main scale is on left the Reason is a correct explanation of the
of zero of vernier scale and 6 th division of vernier Assertion.
scale coincides with any of main scale divisions.
He places a wooden cylinder in between the jaws (B) If the Assertion is correct but Reason is
and measures the length. The zero of vernier scale incorrect.
is on right of 3.20 cm and 8 th vernier division (C) If both Assertion and Reason are correct but
coincides with any main scale division. When he Reason is not a correct explanation of the
measures thickness of cylinder he finds that zero Assertion.
of vernier scale lies on right of 1.50 cm mark of
(D) If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
main scale and 6 th division of vernier scale
coincides with any main scale division. The (29) The main scale of vernier callipers reads in
correct values of measured length and diameter millimetre and its vernier is divided into 8
are respectively divisions, which coincides with 5 divisions of main
(A) 3.21 cm, 1.50 cm (B) 3.210 cm, 1.500 cm scale. When two jaws of instrument touch each
other, the zero of the vernier coincides with the
(C) 3.27 cm, 1.93 cm (D) 3.270 cm, 1.560 cm zero of main scale. A rod is tightly placed along its
length between both jaws. It is observed that the
(24) In a screw gauge, 5 complete rotations of the zero of vernier scale lies just left to 36th division of
screw cause it to move a linear distance of main scale and fourth division of vernier scale
0.25 cm. There are 100 circular scale divisions. The coincides with the main scale Then the measured
thickness of a wire measured by this screw gauge value is .......... cm
gives a reading of 4 main scale divisions and 30 (A) 3.66 (B) 3.55
circular scale divisions . Assuming negligible zero
error, the thickness of the wire is [JEE MAIN 2018] (C) 3.65 (D) 3.56
(A) 0.0430 cm (B) 0.3150 cm bi
(30) A screw gauge has 50 divisions on its circular
scale. The circular scale is 4 units ahead of the
(C) 0.4300 cm (D) 0.2150 cm
pitch scale marking, prior to use. Upon one
complete rotation of the circular scale, a
(25) Which of the following is the most precise device displacement of 0.5 mm is noticed on the pitch
for measuring length scale. The nature of zero error involved, and the
(A) a vernier callipers with 20 divisions on the least count of the screw gauge, are respectively
sliding scale [JEE MAIN 2020]
(B) a screw gauge of pitch 1 mm and 100 (A) Negative, 2 µm (B) Positive, 10 µm
divisions on the circular scale (C) Positive, 0.1 µm (D) Positive, 0.1 mm
(C) an optical instrument that can measure length (31) In a vernier calliper, when both jaws touch each
to within a wavelength of light other, zero of the vernier scale shifts towards left
and its 4th division coincides exactly with a
(D) Precison can not be changed by changing the
certain division on main scale. If 50 vernier scale
divisions equal to 49 main scale divisions and zero
error in the instrument is 0.04 mm then how many
(26) 5.74 g of a substance occuples 1.2 cm3 . Express its main scale divisions are there in 1 cm ? [JEE MAIN 2024]
density(in g/cm3 ) by keeping the significant (A) 40 (B) 5
figures in view.
(A) 4.7833 (B) 4.8 (C) 20 (D) 10
(32) A screw gauge with a pitch of 0.5 mm and a
(C) 4.78 (D) 5 circular scale with 50 divisions is used to measure
the thickness of a thin sheet of Aluminium. Before
(27) What is the number of significant figures in starting the measurement, it is found that wen
11.118 × 10−6 V the two jaws of the screw gauge are brought in
(A) 3 (B) 4
contact, the 45th division coincides with the main
(C) 5 (D) 6 scale line and the zero of the main scale is barely
visible. What is the thickness of the sheet (in mm)
(28) Assertion : The number of significant figures if the main scale reading is 0.5 mm and the 25th
depends on the least count of measuring division coincides with the main scale line [JEE MAIN
instrument. 2016]
Reason : Significant figures define the accuracy (A) 0.70 (B) 0.50
of measuring instrument. [AIIMS 2016] (C) 0.75 (D) 0.80
(33) Area of the cross-section of a wire is measured (38) Diagrams show readings of a screw gauge. figure
using a screw gauge. The pitch of the main scale (i) shows the zero error reading when the screw
is 0.5mm. The circular scale has 100 divisions and gauge is closed, figure (ii) the reading when the
for one full rotation of the circular scale, the main screw gauge is being used to measure the
scale shifts by two divisions. The measured diameter of a ball-bearing. What is the diameter
readings are listed below. of the ball-bearing in mm? There are 50 divisions
Measurement Main scale Circular scale on circular scale
condition reading reading
Two arms of 0 division 4 division
gauge touch-
ing each other
without wire
(A) 5.29 (B) 5.26
Attempt-1: 4 division 20 division (C) 5.32 (D) 5.28
With wire (39) The pitch and the number of divisions, on the
Attempt-2: 4 division 16 division circular scale, for a given screw gauge are 0.5 mm
With wire and 100 respectively. When the screw gauge is
What are the diameter and cross-sectional area of fully tightened without any object, the zero of its
the wire measured using the screw gauge? [IIT 2022] circular scale lies 3 divisions below the mean line.
(A) 2.22 ± (B) 2.22 ± The readings of the main scale and the circular
0.02mm, π(1.23 ± 0.01mm, π(1.23 ± scale for a thin sheet, are 5.5 mm and 48
0.02)mm2 0.01)mm2 respectively, the thickness of this sheet is [JEE MAIN
(C) 2.14 ± (D) 2.14 ± 2019]
to 49 divisions of the main scale. He noted that of screw gauge are closed]
zero of the vernier scale is between 7.00 cm and Given pitch = 0.1 cm. [JEE MAIN 2021]
mark on paper divisions of a travelling microscope and one
MSR = 8.45 cm, VC = 26 smallest reading of main scale is 0.5 mm, the
For mark on paper seen through slab Vernier constant of travelling microscope is: [JEE
MSR = 7.12 cm, VC = 41 MAIN 2024]
For powder particle on the top surface of the (A) 0.1 mm (B) 0.1 cm
glass slab (C) 0.01 cm (D) 0.01 mm
MSR = 4.05 cm, VC = 1
(MSR = Main Scale Reading, VC = Vernier (50) The radius of a disc is 1.2 cm. Its area according to
Coincidence) the concept of significant figures will be given by
Refractive index of the glass slab is: [JEE MAIN 2024] (A) 4.5216 (B) 4.521
(A) 1.42 (B) 1.52 (C) 4.52 (D) 4.5
(C) 1.24 (D) 1.35 (51) Two full turns of the circular scale of a screw
(43) The area of a square is 5.29 cm2 . The area of 7 such gauge cover a distance of 1 mm on its main scale.
squares taking into account the significant figures The total number of divisions on the circular scale
is ........... cm2 [JEE MAIN 2019] is 50. Further, it is found that the screw gauge has
(A) 37 (B) 37.0 a zero error of −0.03 mm. While measuring the
diameter of a thin wire, a student notes the main
(C) 37.03 (D) 37.030 scale reading of 3 mm and the number of circular
(44) If a calculated value 2.7465 g contains only three scale divisions in line with the main scale as 35.
significant figures, the two insignificant digits in it The diameter of the wire is ....... mm [AIEEE 2008]
are ............ (A) 3.38 (B) 3.32
(A) 2 and 7 (B) 7 and 4
(C) 3.73 (D) 3.67
(C) 6 and 5 (D) 4 and 6 (52) The vernier scale used for measurement has a
(45) The number of significant figure in 6.25 × 105 is bi positive zero error of 0.2 mm. If while taking a
(A) 11 (B) 6 measurement it was noted that ′ 0′ on the vernier
(C) 4 (D) 3 scale lies between 8.5 cm and 8.6 cm vernier
coincidence is 6, then the correct value of
(46) The density of a solid ball is to be determined in measurement is ............. cm. (least count = 0.01 cm)
an experiment. The diameter of the ball is [JEE MAIN 2021]
measured with a screw gauge, whose pitch is (A) 8.36 (B) 8.54
0.5 mm and there are 50 divisions on the circular
scale. The reading on the main scale is 2.5 mm (C) 8.58 (D) 8.56
and that on the circular scale is 20 divisions. If the (53) What is the number of significant figures in
(A) 0.006 mm (B) 0.003 mm List - I (N umber) List − II
(Signif icantf igure)
(C) 0.015 mm (D) 0.03 mm
(A) 1001 (I) 3
(58) While measuring diameter of wire using screw (B) 010.1 (II) 4
gauge the following readings were noted. Main (C) 100.100 (III) 5
scale reading is 1 mm and circular scale reading is (D) 0.0010010 (IV ) 6
equal to 42 divisions. Pitch of screw gauge is Choose the correct answer from the options
1 mm and it has 100 divisions on circular scale. given below : [JEE MAIN 2024]
The diameter of the wire is 50x
mm. The value of x
is : [JEE MAIN 2024] (A) (A) − (III), (B) − (IV ), (C) − (II), (D) − (I)
(A) 142 (B) 71 (B) (A) − (IV ), (B) − (III), (C) − (I), (D) − (II)
(C) 42 (D) 21 (C) (A) − (II), (B) − (I), (C) − (IV ), (D) − (III)
(D) (A) − (I), (B) − (II), (C) − (III), (D) − (IV )
(59) A travelling microscope is used to determine the
refractive index of a glass slab. If 40 divisions are (65) Consider a Vernier callipers in which each 1 cm on
there in 1 cm on main scale and 50 Vernier scale the main scale is divided into 8 equal divisions
divisions are equal to 49 main scale divisions, then and a screw gauge with 100 divisions on its
least count of the travelling microscope is circular scale. In the Vernier callipers, 5 divisions
. . . × 10 m [JEE MAIN 2022] of the Vernier scale coincide with 4 divisions on
(A) 2 (B) 3 the main scale and in the screw gauge, one
complete rotation of the circular scale moves it
(C) 4 (D) 5 by two divisions on the linear scale. Then:
(A) If the pitch of the screw gauge is twice the
(60) A specially designed Vernier calliper has the main least count of the Vernier callipers, the least
scale least count of 1 mm. On the Vernier scale, bi
count of the screw gauge is 0.01 mm.
there are 10 equal divisions and they match with (B) If the pitch of the screw gauge is twice the
11 main scale divisions. Then, the least count of least count of the Vernier callipers, the least
the Vernier calliper is ........... mm [KVPY 2019] count of the screw gauge is 0.005 mm.
(A) 0.1 (B) 0.909 (C) If the least count of the linear scale of the
(C) 1.1 (D) 0.09 screw gauge is twice the least count of the
Vernier callipers, the least count of the screw
(61) Using screw gauge of pitch 0.1 cm and 50 gauge is 0.01 mm.
divisions on its circular scale, the thickness of an (D) If the least count of the linear scale of the
object is measured. It should correctly be screw gauge is twice the least count of the
recorded as [JEE MAIN 2020] Vernier callipers, the least count of the screw
(A) 2.123 cm (B) 2.125 cm gauge is 0.005 mm. [IIT 2015]
(A) (A, D) (B) (B, D)
(C) 2.121 cm (D) 2.124 cm
(C) (B, C) (D) (C, D)
(62) In a vernier callipers, each cm on the main scale is (66) An experiment is performed to obtain the value
divided into 20 equal parts. If tenth vernier scale of acceleration due to gravity g by using a simple
division coincides with nineth main scale division. pendulum of length L. In this experiment time for
Then the value of vernier constant will be 100 oscillations is measured by using a watch of
. . . × 10−2 mm [JEE MAIN 2022] 1 second least count and the value is 90.0 seconds.
(A) 3 (B) 5 The length L is measured by using a meter scale
(C) 7 (D) 9 of least count 1 mm and the value is 20.0 cm. The
error in the determination of g would be ........... %
[JEE MAIN 2014]
(63) Least count of a vernier caliper is 201 N cm. The
(A) 1.7 (B) 2.7
value of one division on the main scale is 1 mm.
Then the number of divisions of main scale that (C) 4.4 (D) 2.27
coincide with N divisions of vernier scale is : [JEE (67) Round off the value 2.845 to three significant
MAIN 2024]
( ) ( 2 N−1 ) figures.
(A) 220N−1 N
(B) 2 (A) 2.85 (B) 2.84
( 2 N−1 )
(C) (2 N − 1) (D) 2 N (C) 2.80 (D) 2.83
(68) N divisions on the main scale of a vernier calliper
(64) Match List - I with List - II. coincide with (N + 1) divisions of the vernier
scale. If each division of main scale is a units , (76) Time periods of oscillation of the same simple
then the least count of the instrument is [AIEEE 2012] pendulum measured using four different
(A) a (B) Na measuring clocks were recorded as
(C) NN+1 × a (D) Na+1 4.62 s, 4.632 s, 4.6 s and 4.64 s. The arithmetic
mean of these reading in correct significant figure
(69) The number of significant figures in all the given is. [JEE MAIN 2024]
numbers 25.12, 2009, 4.156 and 1.217 × 10−4 is (A) 4.623 s (B) 4.62 s
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 4.6 s (D) 5 s
(C) 3 (D) 4
(77) In an experiment the angles are required to be
(70) The smallest division on the main scale of a measured using an instrument, 29 divisions of the
Vernier calipers is 0.1cm. Ten divisions of the main scale exactly coincide with the 30 divisions
Vernier scale correspond to nine divisions of the of the vernier scale. If the smallest division of the
main scale. The figure below on the left shows main scale is half- a degree (= 0.5o ), then the
the reading of this calipers with no gap between least count of the instrument is [AIEEE 2009]
its two jaws. The figure on the right shows the (A) 1o (B) 12
consideration in square millimeters is? (81) A screw gauge gives the following readings when
(A) 0.0804 (B) 0.080 used to measure the diameter of a wire
Main scale reading : 0 mm
(C) 0.08 (D) 0.080384
Circular scale reading : 52 divisions
(74) The result after adding 3.8 × 10−6 with 4.2 × 10−5 Given that 1 mm on main scale corresponds to
with due regard to significant figures is 100 divisions on the circular scale. The diameter
(A) 4.58 × 10−5 (B) 0.458 × 10−4 of the wire from the above data is ...... cm [NEET 2021]
(C) 4.6 × 10−5 (D) 45.8 × 10−6 (A) 0.52 (B) 0.026
(75) The volume of a sphere is 1.76 cm3 . The volume of (C) 0.26 (D) 0.052
25 such spheres taking into account the (82) A length 5.997m rounded off to three significant
significant figure is figures is written as .......... m
(A) 0.44 × 10 cm
2 3
(B) 44.0 cm 3
(A) 6.00 (B) 5.99
(C) 44 cm3 (D) 44.00 cm3 (C) 5.95 (D) 5.90
(83) Asseretion A : If in five complete rotations of the pitch of the screw gauge is [NEET 2020]
circular scale, the distance travelled on main scale (A) 1.0 (B) 0.01
of the screw gauge is 5 mm and there are 50 total
(C) 0.25 (D) 0.5
divisions on circular scale, then least count is
0.001 cm. (91) A screw gauge has some zero error but its value is
Reason R : Least Count = Total divisionsPitch unknown. We have two identical rods. When the
on circular scale
In the light of the above statements, choose the first rod is inserted in the screw, the state of the
most appropriate answer from the options given instrument is shown by diagram (I). When both
below: [JEE MAIN 2021] the rods are inserted together in series then the
state is shown by the diagram (II). What is the
(A) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct
zero error of the instrument ? .......... mm
explanation of A
1 M.S.D. = 100 C.S.D. = 1 mm
(B) A is not correct but R is correct.
(C) Both A and R are correct and R is NOT the
correct explanation of A.
(D) A is correct but R is not correct.
(84) The number of significant figures in the measured
value 4.700 m is the same as that in the value .......
(A) 4700 (B) 0.047
(C) 4070 (D) 470.0
(85) A screwgauage has pitch 1.5 mm and there is no
zero error. Linear scale has marking at
M SD = 1 mm and there are 100 equal division of bi(A) −0.16 (B) +0.16
circular scale. When diameter of a sphere is
(C) +0.14 (D) −0.14
measured with instrument, main scale is having
2 mm mark visible on linear scale, but 3 mm mark (92) A student measuring the diameter of a pencil of
is not visible, 76th division of circuler scale is in circular cross-section with the help of a vernier
line with linear scale. .......... mm is the diameter of scale records the following four readings
sphere. 5.50 mm, 5.55 mm,5.45 mm; 5.65 mm. The average
(A) 3.14 (B) 2.64 of these four readings is 5.5375 mm and the
standard deviation of the data is 0.07395 mm. The
(C) 1.14 (D) 2.76 average diameter of the pencil should therefore
used to measure the angle of a prism.
Main scale reading : 58.5 degree
Vernier scale reading : 09 divisions
Given that 1 division on main scale corresponds
to 0.5 degree. Total divisions on the Vernier scale
is 30 and match with 29 divisions of the main
scale. The angle of the prism from the above data
....... degree [AIEEE 2012]
(A) 59 (B) 58.59
(C) 58.77 (D) 58.65
(97) A cube has a side of length 1.2 × 10−2 m.
Calculate its volume. [IIT 2003]
(A) 1.7 × 10−6 m3 (B) 1.73 × 10−6 m3
(C) 1.70 × 10−6 m3 (D) 1.732 × 10−6 m3
(98) In an experiment with Vernier callipers of least
count 0.1 mm, when two jaws are joined together
the zero of Vernier scale lies right to the zero of
the main scale and 6th division of Vernier scale
coincides with the main scale division. While
measuring the diameter of a spherical bob, the
zero of vernier scale lies in between 3.2 cm and
3.3 cm marks, and 4th division of vernier scale
coincides with the main scale division. The
diameter of bob is measured as ....... cm [JEE MAIN 2023] bi
(A) 3.18 (B) 3.25
(C) 3.26 (D) 3.22
(C) 6 (D) 7
(100) In a vernier callipers, 10 divisions of vernier scale
Significant figures and Measuring
Subject : Physics Paper Set : 1
Measuring instrument Date : 12-11-2024
Standard : 11
Total Mark : 400 (Answer Key) Time : 0H:0M
Significant figures and Measuring
Subject : Physics Paper Set : 1
Measuring instrument Date : 12-11-2024
Standard : 11
Total Mark : 400 (Solutions) Time : 0H:0M
Vernier callipers which has divisions of 0.1 cm on the vernier callipers, are equal to 10 divisions of
its main scale (M S) and 10 divisions of its vernier vernier scale. One main scale division is 1 mm. The
scale (V S) match 9 divisions on the main scale.
(1) 0.5 8 callipers has positive zero error of 0.04 cm, then
(2) 0.5 4 the radius of the bob is ...... × 10−2 cm [JEE MAIN 2021]
(A) 0.52 (B) 520
(3) 0.5 6
If the zero error is −0.03 cm, then mean corrected (C) 5.2 (D) 52
diameter is ........... cm [JEE MAIN 2015] Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
(A) 0.52 (B) 0.59
9 M SD = 10 V SD
(C) 0.56 (D) 0.53 9 × 1 mm = 10 V SD
∴ 1 V SD = 0.9 mm
Solution:(Correct Answer:B) LC = 1 M SD − 1 V SD = 0.1 mm
Lets count = 0.1
= 0.01cm Reading = M SR + V SR × LC
d1 = 0.5 + 8 × 0.01 + 0.03 = 0.61 cm 10 + 8 × 0.1 = 10.8 mm
d2 = 0.5 + 4 × 0.01 + 0.03 = 0.57 cm Actual reading = 10.8 − 0.4 = 10.4 mm
d3 = 0.5 + 6 × 0.01 + 0.03 = 0.59 cm radius = d2 = 10.4 = 5.2 mm
M ean diameter = 0.61+0.57+0.59
3 −2
= 52 × 10 cm
= 0.59 cm
(6) The respective number of significant figures for
(3) The least count of the main scale of a screw the numbers 23.023, 0.0003 and 2.1 × 103 are [AIEEE
gauge is 1 mm. The minimum number of divisions 2010]
on its circular scale required to measure 5 µm (A) 5, 1, 2 (B) 5, 1, 5
diameter of a wire is [JEE MAIN 2019]
(C) 5, 5, 2 (D) 4, 4, 2
(A) 50 (B) 200
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
(C) 100 (D) 500
(i) All the non−zero digits are significant.
Solution:(Correct Answer:B) (ii) All the zeros between two non−zero digits
are significant, no matter where the decimal
point is, if at all.
(iii) If the number is less than 1, the zero(s) on
the right of decimal point but to the left of the
first non−zero digit are not significant.
(iv) The power of 10 is irrelevant to the
determination of significant Figures. According to
the above rules, 23.023 has 5 significant figures.
0.0003 has 1 significant Figures. 2.1 × 10−3 has 2
significant figures.
reading is 7. The calculated curved surface area of C2 : 1 Main scale division M SD = 0.1cm
wire to appropriate significant figures is ......cm2 . 1 vernier scale division V SD = 1.1
= 0.11cm
(A) 4 (B) 1 = 3 + 0.06 + 0.06
= 3.12 cm
(C) 6 (D) 8
Nearest given answer in the options is 3.10
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
(d) (15) The length and breadth of a metal sheet are
41.68 cm 3.124 m and 3.002 m then area of sheet is
The rightmost digit is most insignificant and (A) 9.376 m2 (B) 9.379 m2
leftmost is most significant. (C) 9.388 m2 (D) 9.378 m2
So, 8 → most insignificant
4 → most significant Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
Area = L × b
(12) The diameter of a wire is measured to be = 3.124 × 3.002
0.0205 × 10−4 m. The number of significant figures = 9.378248
in the measurement is = 9.378
(A) 3 (B) 4
(C) 5 (D) 9 (16) A vernier callipers has 20 divisions on the vernier
scale, which coincides with 19th division on the
Solution:(Correct Answer:A) main scale. The least count of the instrument is
(a) 0.1 mm. One main scale division is equal to .......
mm [JEE MAIN 2024]
(13) The length of a rod is (11.05 ± 0.05) cm. What is (A) 1 (B) 0.5
the length of two rods ?
(C) 2 (D) 5
(A) (22.1 ± 0.05) cm (B) (22.1 ± 0.1) cm
(C) (22.10 ± 0.05) cm (D) (22.10 ± 0.10) cm Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
bi20VSD = 19MSD
1VSD = 20
In the sum or difference of measurements we do
not retain significant digits in those places after L.C. = 1MSD − 1VSD
1MSD = 2 mm
(14) In a Vernier Calipers. 10 divisions of Vernier scale
Solution:(Correct Answer:A) Least count (L · C) = 0.5 50
If student measures 3.50cm, it means that there is True reading = 5 + 0.5 50
× 20 − 0.5
an uncertainly of order 0.01cm. 0.5
= 5 + 50 (15) = 5.15 mm
For vernier scale with 1MSD = 10 cm and 1
count of the callipers in mm is [JEE MAIN 2021] and measures the length. The zero of vernier scale
(A) (n−1)
(B) (n−1)
10a is on right of 3.20 cm and 8 th vernier division
a n
of vernier scale lies on right of 1.50 cm mark of
Solution:(Correct Answer:D) main scale and 6 th division of vernier scale
(n − 1)a = n (a′ ) coincides with any main scale division. The
a′ = (n−1)a
n correct values of measured length and diameter
∴ L · C· = 1M SD − 1V SD are respectively
= (a − a′ ) cm (A) 3.21 cm, 1.50 cm (B) 3.210 cm, 1.500 cm
=a− n (n−1)a
(C) 3.27 cm, 1.93 cm (D) 3.270 cm, 1.560 cm
= (na−na+a
= na cm
= 10a n
mm Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
M · S · 20div = 1cm
(21) In a Screw Gauge, fifth division of the circular 1MsD = 20 1
cm = 0.05cm
scale coincides with the reference line when the 10VsD = 9MsD
ratchet is closed. There are 50 divisions on the | V SD = 10 9
× M SD = 10 9
× 0.05cm
circular scale, and the main scale moves by L · c = 1MsD − 1VsD
0.5 mm on a complete rotation. For a particular = 0.05 − 10 9
× 0.05 = 10
× 0.05
observation the reading on the main scale is 5 mm Lc = 0.005cm
and the 20th division of the circular scale zero error: = 6 × LC = 6 × 0.005
coincides with reference line. Calculate the true Zero error = 0.03cm
reading. (in mm) [JEE MAIN 2021] Reading = M · sD + VsD
(A) 5.00 (B) 5.25 =3·2+8×L·c
(C) 5.15 (D) 5.20 = 3 · 2 + 8 × 0.005
= 3 · 2 + 0.04 = 3.24cm
Solution:(Correct Answer:C) Actual reading = Reading - zero emor
= 3 · 24 − 0.03 = 3 · 21cm Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
Reading = MsR +V SR number of significant figures is 5 they are
= 1.5 + 6 × 10 1, 1, 1, 1, 8
= 1.5 + 6 × 0.005 = 1.53
= 1.5 + 0.03 = 1.53 (28) Assertion : The number of significant figures
A ctual reading = Reading - zero error depends on the least count of measuring
= 1.530 − 0.03 = 1.5cm instrument.
Reason : Significant figures define the accuracy
(24) In a screw gauge, 5 complete rotations of the of measuring instrument. [AIIMS 2016]
screw cause it to move a linear distance of (A) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and
0.25 cm. There are 100 circular scale divisions. The the Reason is a correct explanation of the
thickness of a wire measured by this screw gauge Assertion.
gives a reading of 4 main scale divisions and 30
(B) If the Assertion is correct but Reason is
circular scale divisions . Assuming negligible zero
error, the thickness of the wire is [JEE MAIN 2018]
(A) 0.0430 cm (B) 0.3150 cm (C) If both Assertion and Reason are correct but
(C) 0.4300 cm (D) 0.2150 cm Reason is not a correct explanation of the
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
(D) If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
In one rotation scale moves 0.25 = 0.05cm
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
Least count = 0.05 × 10 cm−2
For 4 main scale division = 4 × 0.05 = 0.2cm Significant figure refers to the accuracy of
For circular scale divosion measurement and accuracy of measurment also
= 30 × 0.05 × 10−2 = 1.5 × 10−2 cm depends upon the least count of measuring
Thickness of wire = 0.2 + 0.015 = 0.2150cm bi instrument.
(25) Which of the following is the most precise device (29) The main scale of vernier callipers reads in
for measuring length millimetre and its vernier is divided into 8
divisions, which coincides with 5 divisions of main
(B) a screw gauge of pitch 1 mm and 100 zero of main scale. A rod is tightly placed along its
divisions on the circular scale length between both jaws. It is observed that the
(C) an optical instrument that can measure length zero of vernier scale lies just left to 36th division of
main scale and fourth division of vernier scale
in the measured volume. Hence the density (A) Negative, 2 µm (B) Positive, 10 µm
should be expressed to only 2 significant figures. (C) Positive, 0.1 µm (D) Positive, 0.1 mm
Density = 5.74 g cm−3
1.2 Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
= 4.8 g cm−3
Least count of screw gauge
(27) What is the number of significant figures in = no. of divisionPitch
on circular scale
11.118 × 10 V = 0.5
mm = 1 × 10−5 m
(A) 3 (B) 4 = 10 µm
(C) 5 (D) 6 Zero error in positive
(31) In a vernier calliper, when both jaws touch each (A) 2.22 ± (B) 2.22 ±
other, zero of the vernier scale shifts towards left 0.02mm, π(1.23 ± 0.01mm, π(1.23 ±
and its 4th division coincides exactly with a 0.02)mm2 0.01)mm2
certain division on main scale. If 50 vernier scale
(C) 2.14 ± (D) 2.14 ±
divisions equal to 49 main scale divisions and zero
0.02mm, π(1.14 ± 0.01mm, π(1.14 ±
error in the instrument is 0.04 mm then how many
0.02)mm2 0.01)mm2
main scale divisions are there in 1 cm ? [JEE MAIN 2024]
(A) 40 (B) 5 Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
(C) 20 (D) 10 LC = 100
= 0.001mm
Zero error = 4 × 0.001 = 0.004mm
Solution:(Correct Answer:C) Reading 1 = 0.5×4+20×0.001−0.004 = 2.16mm
4th division coincides with 3rd division then Reading 2 = 0.5×4+16×0.001−0.004 = 2.12mm
0.004 cm = 4VSD − 3MSD Mean value = 2.14mm
49MSD = 50VSD Mean absolute error = 0.02+0.02
= 0.02
1MSD = 1N{ cm } Diameter = 2.14 ± 0.02
MSD Area = π4 d2
0.004 = 4( 4950 ) ( 1−) 3MSD
0.004 = 50 − 3 N
(34) If 97.52 is divided by 2.54, the correct result in
N = 46 × 1000 = 46×1000 = 230
50 4 200 terms of significant figures is
(A) 38.4 (B) 38.3937
(32) A screw gauge with a pitch of 0.5 mm and a
circular scale with 50 divisions is used to measure (C) 38.394 (D) 38.39
the thickness of a thin sheet of Aluminium. Before
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
starting the measurement, it is found that wen
the two jaws of the screw gauge are brought in (a)Rule: In multiplication or division, the final
contact, the 45th division coincides with the main
bi result should retain as many significant figures as
scale line and the zero of the main scale is barely are there in the original number with the least
visible. What is the thickness of the sheet (in mm) significant figures. 2.54 contain the least
significant figures of 3 97.52
(A) 0.70 (B) 0.50 the thickness of a slab with a vernier calliper
whose 50 divisions of the vernier scale are equal
(C) 0.75 (D) 0.80
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
7.05 cm mark of the main scale and 23r d division
L.C = 0.5
= 0.001 mm of the vernier scale exactly coincides with the
zero error = 5 × 0.001 = 0.05 mm negative main scale. The measured value of the thickness
Reading = (0.5 + 25 × 0.01) + 0.05 = 0.80 mm of the given slab using the calliper will be [NEET 2017]
(A) 7.23 (B) 7.023
(33) Area of the cross-section of a wire is measured (C) 7.073 (D) 7.73
using a screw gauge. The pitch of the main scale Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
is 0.5mm. The circular scale has 100 divisions and
a = Main Scale division
for one full rotation of the circular scale, the main
b = vernier
( scale
) division
scale shifts by two divisions. The measured
L.C. = b−a M
readings are listed below. b
= 50−49 M M = Main scale reading
Measurement Main scale Circular scale 50
condition reading reading LC = 50 M = 7.05 − 7.00
scale divisions are clearly visible while 60 divisions = 1.5 × 10−2 mm = 0.015mm
on circular scale coincide with the reference line. Reading = M SR + CSR − (+ ve error )
The diameter of the wire is : [JEE MAIN 2024] = 5.5mm + (48 × 0.5 × 10−2 ) − 0.015
(A) 4.65 mm (B) 4.55 mm = 5.5 + 0.24 − 0.015 = 5.725mm
(C) 4.60 mm (D) 3.35 mm (40) Student A and Student B used two screw gauges
Solution:(Correct Answer:B) of equal pitch and 100 equal circular divisions to
Least count = 100 mm = 0.01 mm
1 measure the radius of a given wire. The actual
value of the radius of the wire is 0.322 cm. The
zero error = +0.05 mm
absolute value of the difference between the
Reading = 4 × 1 mm + 60 × 0.01 mm − 0.05 mm final circular scale readings observed by the
= 4.55 mm students A and B is .... .
[Figure shows position of reference ′ O′ when jaws
(37) The radius of a circle is 2.12 metre. Its area of screw gauge are closed]
according to the rule of significant figures is ......... Given pitch = 0.1 cm. [JEE MAIN 2021]
(A) 14.1 (B) 14.112
(C) 14.11 (D) 14.1124
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
For A
Reading = MSR + CSR + Error
(A) 5.29 (B) 5.26
0.322 = 0.300 + CSR + 5 × LC
CSR = 0.017
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
For B
Zero error is 3 division Reading = MSR + CSR + Error
LC = 0.5
= 0.01mm 0.322 = 0.200 + CSR + 0.092
zero error = 0.03mm CSR = 0.030
Reading = 5.0 + 29 × 0.01 Difference = 0.030 − 0.017 = 0.013cm
d = 5.29 − 0.03 = 5.26mm Division on circular scale = 0.013 = 13
(39) The pitch and the number of divisions, on the (41) If the value of resistance is 10.845 ohm and the
circular scale, for a given screw gauge are 0.5 mm value of current is 3.23 amp, the value of potential
and 100 respectively. When the screw gauge is with significant numbers would be ........... volt
fully tightened without any object, the zero of its (A) 35.0 (B) 3.50
circular scale lies 3 divisions below the mean line.
The readings of the main scale and the circular (C) 35.029 (D) 35.030
scale for a thin sheet, are 5.5 mm and 48 Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
respectively, the thickness of this sheet is [JEE MAIN (a)
(A) 5.755 mm (B) 5.950 mm (42) In finding out refractive index of glass slab the
(C) 5.725 mm (D) 5.740 mm following observations were made through
travelling microscope 50 vernier scale division =
Solution:(Correct Answer:C) 49MSD; 20 divisions on main scale in each cm For
P itch
LC = No.ofdivision mark on paper
LC = 0.5 × 10−2 mm MSR = 8.45 cm, VC = 26
+ve error = 3 × 0.5 × 10−2 mm For mark on paper seen through slab
MSR = 7.12 cm, VC = 41 the number of significant figures.Thus, the
For powder particle on the top surface of the number, 5.23 × 105 contains 3 significant
glass slab figures.All the three digits (5, 2 and 3) are
MSR = 4.05 cm, VC = 1 significant.
(MSR = Main Scale Reading, VC = Vernier
Coincidence) (46) The density of a solid ball is to be determined in
Refractive index of the glass slab is: [JEE MAIN 2024] an experiment. The diameter of the ball is
(A) 1.42 (B) 1.52 measured with a screw gauge, whose pitch is
0.5 mm and there are 50 divisions on the circular
(C) 1.24 (D) 1.35
scale. The reading on the main scale is 2.5 mm
Solution:(Correct Answer:A) and that on the circular scale is 20 divisions. If the
1MSD = 120cm = 0.05 cm measured mass of the ball has a relative error of
1VSD = 49 MSD = 49 × 0.05 cm = 0.049 cm 2%, the relative percentage error in the density is
50 50
LC = 1MSD − 1VSD = 0.001 cm [IIT 2011]
= A + A + ............7 times As density ρ = Volume = 4π D 3 M
= 37.03 m2 3 ( 2 )
Addition of 7 terms all having 2 terms The relative (percentage)error in the density is
× 100 = ∆M + 3∆D × 100
beyound decimal, so f inal answer must ρ ( ∆M M D )
have 2 terms beyond decimal (as per % (error = M ) × 100 + D × 100 3∆D
= 3mm + (35 × 0.01mm) (zero error)
= 3.35mm = [3 + 35 × 0.01] − (−0.03) = 3.38 mm
Actual diameter
(52) The vernier scale used for measurement has a
= observed − error
positive zero error of 0.2 mm. If while taking a
= 3.35mm − (+0.03mm)
measurement it was noted that ′ 0′ on the vernier
= 3.32 mm
scale lies between 8.5 cm and 8.6 cm vernier
(48) The area of a rectangular field (in m2 ) of length coincidence is 6, then the correct value of
55.3 m and breadth 25 m after rounding off the measurement is ............. cm. (least count = 0.01 cm)
value for correct significant digits is [NEET 2022] [JEE MAIN 2021]
5 = 50( S − V)
S − V = 0.5 1
= 100 = 0.01 mm (C) 1 × 10−3 (D) 8 × 10−4
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
(50) The radius of a disc is 1.2 cm. Its area according to (b)
(57) In a screw gauge, 5 complete rotations of circular Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
scale give 1.5 mm reading on linear scale. Circular (a)
scale has 50 divisions. Least count of the screw Here, 10 divisions of vernier scall = 11 main scale
gauge is divisions
(A) 0.006 mm (B) 0.003 mm So, 1 vernier scale division = 11
(C) 0.015 mm (D) 0.03 mm scale divisions
Now, we use formula for least count,
Solution:(Correct Answer:A) Least count = 1 main scale division −1
Pitch = 1.5
= 0.3mm vernier scale division.
Least count = 0.3
= 0.006mm ⇒ ( LC = ) 1M SD − 1V SD
= 1 − 1011
(58) While measuring diameter of wire using screw = − 10 M SD
∴ x = 71
(62) In a vernier callipers, each cm on the main scale is
(59) A travelling microscope is used to determine the divided into 20 equal parts. If tenth vernier scale
refractive index of a glass slab. If 40 divisions are division coincides with nineth main scale division.
there in 1 cm on main scale and 50 Vernier scale
= 1 − 4950
M SD = 50 M SD 9
1V SD = 200 cm
VC = 1M SD − 1 V SD
1 M SD = 40 cm
Least count = 50×40 1
cm 1
= 20 cm − 200
−5 = 200 × 10 mm
= 2000 cm = 2 × 10 m
1 1 1
(60) A specially designed Vernier calliper has the main (63) Least count of a vernier caliper is 201 N cm. The
scale least count of 1 mm. On the Vernier scale, value of one division on the main scale is 1 mm.
there are 10 equal divisions and they match with Then the number of divisions of main scale that
11 main scale divisions. Then, the least count of coincide with N divisions of vernier scale is : [JEE
the Vernier calliper is ........... mm [KVPY 2019] MAIN 2024]
( ) ( )
(A) 0.1 (B) 0.909 (A) 220N−1 N
(B) 2 N−1
( )
(C) 1.1 (D) 0.09 (C) (2 N − 1) (D) 2 2N−1
Solution:(Correct Answer:B) For vernier callipers, 1 main scale division = 18 cm 1
Least count of vernier calipers = 201 N cm vernier scale division = 10
∵ Least count= 1MSD − 1VSD So least count = 40 cm
let x no. of divisions of main scale coincides with For screw gauge, pitch (p) = 2 main scale division
N division of vernier scale, then So least count = 100p
(A) (A) − (III), (B) − (IV ), (C) − (II), (D) − (I) Thus, ∆g = ∆L + 2 ∆T
g L T
(B) (A) − (IV ), (B) − (III), (C) − (I), (D) − (II) bi % error in g = ∆g × 100
( ∆L ) g
(C) (A) − (II), (B) − (I), (C) − (IV ), (D) − (III) = ( L + 2 T × 100
(D) (A) − (I), (B) − (II), (C) − (III), (D) − (IV ) +2× × 100 = 2.72%
(1/10) 1
20 90
Solution:(Correct Answer:C) (67) Round off the value 2.845 to three significant
Theoretical figures.
(A) 2.85 (B) 2.84
(65) Consider a Vernier callipers in which each 1 cm on
(C) 2.80 (D) 2.83
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
circular scale. In the Vernier callipers, 5 divisions (b)
of the Vernier scale coincide with 4 divisions on 2.845 ⇒ 2.84
the main scale and in the screw gauge, one
complete rotation of the circular scale moves it (68) N divisions on the main scale of a vernier calliper
by two divisions on the linear scale. Then: coincide with (N + 1) divisions of the vernier
(A) If the pitch of the screw gauge is twice the scale. If each division of main scale is a units ,
least count of the Vernier callipers, the least then the least count of the instrument is [AIEEE 2012]
count of the screw gauge is 0.01 mm. (A) a (B) Na
(B) If the pitch of the screw gauge is twice the (C) NN+1 × a (D) Na+1
least count of the Vernier callipers, the least
count of the screw gauge is 0.005 mm. Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
(C) If the least count of the linear scale of the N o of divisions on main scale = N
screw gauge is twice the least count of the N o of divisions on vernier scale = N + 1
Vernier callipers, the least count of the screw Size of main scale divisions = a
gauge is 0.01 mm. Let size of vernier scale division be b then we have
(D) If the least count of the linear scale of the aN = b (N + 1) ⇒ b = NaN +1
screw gauge is twice the least count of the Least[ count is
] a − b = a − aN
N +1
Vernier callipers, the least count of the screw = a NN +1−N
= Na+1
gauge is 0.005 mm. [IIT 2015]
(A) (A, D) (B) (B, D) (69) The number of significant figures in all the given
numbers 25.12, 2009, 4.156 and 1.217 × 10−4 is
(C) (B, C) (D) (C, D)
(A) 1 (B) 2
Solution:(Correct Answer:C) (C) 3 (D) 4
Solution:(Correct Answer:D) So difference at 3 rd reading of vernier scale is
(d) The number of significant figures in all of the 2 × 0.01 cm
given number is 4. ⇒ difference at and reading of vernier scale will
be 3 × 0.01 cm = 0.03 cm
(70) The smallest division on the main scale of a
Vernier calipers is 0.1cm. Ten divisions of the (72) The result after adding 3.8 × 10−6 with 4.2 × 10−5
Vernier scale correspond to nine divisions of the with due regard to significant figures is-
main scale. The figure below on the left shows (A) 4.58 × 10−5 (B) 0.458 × 10−4
the reading of this calipers with no gap between (C) 4.6 × 10−5 (D) 45.8 × 10−6
its two jaws. The figure on the right shows the
reading with a solid sphere held between the Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
jaws. The correct diameter of the sphere is [IIT 2021] 3.8 × 10−6 + 42.0 × 10−6
= 45.8 × 10−6
= 4.6 × 10−5
Significant figure after decimal should be equal to
= 0.1M SD
(74) The result after adding 3.8 × 10−6 with 4.2 × 10−5
= 0.1 × 0.1cm
Zero error = −[10 − 6] L.C. (C) 4.6 × 10−5 (D) 45.8 × 10−6
= −4 × 0.01cm
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
= −0.04cm
Reading = 3.1cm + 1 × LC 3.8 × 10−6 + 42.0 × 10−6 = 45.8 × 10−6
= 3.4cm + 1 × 0.01cm = 4.6 × 10−5
= 3.11cm Significant figure after decimal should be equal to
True diameter = Reading − Zero error one.
= 3.11 − (−0.04)cm = 3.15cm (75) The volume of a sphere is 1.76 cm3 . The volume of
25 such spheres taking into account the
(71) The figure of a centimetre scale below shows a
significant figure is
particular position of the Vernier calipers. In this
(A) 0.44 × 102 cm3 (B) 44.0 cm3
position, the value of x shown in the figure is ..........
cm (figure is not to scale) [KVPY 2017] (C) 44 cm3 (D) 44.00 cm3
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
Volume of 1 sphere = 1.76cm3
Volume of 25 spheres = 25 × 1.76
= 44cm3
(A) 0.02 (B) 3.65 = 44.0cm3
(C) 4.15 (D) 0.03 (Since volume is reported in 3 significant figure)
Solution:(Correct Answer:D) (76) Time periods of oscillation of the same simple
(D) pendulum measured using four different
At the 4 th reading of vernier’s scale, the length measuring clocks were recorded as
between the two scales is min. and will be the 4.62 s, 4.632 s, 4.6 s and 4.64 s. The arithmetic
least count = 0.01 cm mean of these reading in correct significant figure
is. [JEE MAIN 2024] (80) 10 divisions on the main scale of a Vernier calliper
(A) 4.623 s (B) 4.62 s coincide with 11 divisions on the Vernier scale. If
(C) 4.6 s (D) 5 s each division on the main scale is of 5 units, the
least count of the instrument is : [JEE MAIN 2024]
Solution:(Correct Answer:C) (A) 12 (B) 10
Sum of number by considering significant digit
(C) 50
(D) 5
sum = 4.6 + 4.6 + 4.6 + 4.6 = 18.4 11 11
( )
Solution:(Correct Answer:B) = M SD 1 − N
N +1
= M SD
N +1
Least count = total divisionPitch
on circular scale = 0.01
= 1
In 1 revolution, it will travel 1 mm. (88) An object of mass 4.237g occupies a volume
So least count = 50 1
= 0.02 1.72cm3 . The density of the object to appropriate
significant figures is ......... gcm−3
(84) The number of significant figures in the measured
(A) 2.46 (B) 2.463
value 4.700 m is the same as that in the value .......
m (C) 2.5 (D) 2.50
(A) 4700 (B) 0.047
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
(C) 4070 (D) 470.0
Solution:(Correct Answer:D) m = 4.237 g
(d) V = 1.72 cm3
4.700 ⇒ Four significant figures. Density = Volume 4.237 g
= 1.72 cm3
Also, 470.0 m ⇒ Four significant figures. ⇒= 2.46 gcm−3
(85) A screwgauage has pitch 1.5 mm and there is no (89) Value of round off of numbers 2.745 and 2.735
zero error. Linear scale has marking at upto 3 significant digits will be
M SD = 1 mm and there are 100 equal division of (A) 2.75 and 2.74 (B) 2.74 and 2.73
circular scale. When diameter of a sphere is
(C) 2.75 and 2.73 (D) 2.74 and 2.74
measured with instrument, main scale is having
2 mm mark visible on linear scale, but 3 mm mark Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
is not visible, 76th division of circuler scale is in While rounding off measurements, we use the
line with linear scale. .......... mm is the diameter of bi following rules by convention:
sphere. 1. If the digit to be dropped is less than 5, then
(A) 3.14 (B) 2.64
the preceding digit is left unchanged.
(C) 1.14 (D) 2.76 2. If the digit to be dropped is more than 5 , then
diameter = 2 + L.C × C.S.R digits other than zero, then the preceding digit is
= 1.5mm + 1.5100
× 76 = 3.14 mm raised by one.
4. If digit to be dropped is 5 or 5 followed by
(86) Find the value of 1.53×0.9995 with due regard for zeros, then preceding digit is left unchanged, if it
significant figures is even.
(A) 0.921 (B) 0.123 5. If digit to be dropped is 5 or 5 followed by
(C) 0.961 (D) 0.913 zeros, then the preceding digit is raised by one, if
it is odd Units and Measurements
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
Let us round off 2.745 to 3 significant figures.
1.53 × 0.9995 = 1.529 = 1.53..... By applying Here the digit to be dropped is 5, then preceding
significant figure rule digit is left unchanged, if it is even. Hence on
1.53×0.9995 1.53
= 1.592 = 0.961 rounding off 2.745 , it would be 2.74
Now consider 2.737, here also the digit to be
(87) In a vernier callipers, (N + 1) divisions of vernier
dropped is 5, then the preceding digit is raised by
scale coincide with N divisions of main scale. If
one, if it is odd. Hence on rounding off 2.735 to 3
1MSD represents 0.1 mm, the vernier constant (in
significant figures, it would be 2.74
cm ) is: [NEET 2024]
(A) 100(N1
(B) 100 N
+1) (90) A screw gauge has least count of 0.01 mm and
(C) 10(N + 1) (D) 1
10 N
there are 50 divisions in its circular scale. The
pitch of the screw gauge is [NEET 2020]
Solution:(Correct Answer:A) (A) 1.0 (B) 0.01
V · C = M SD − V SD
(C) 0.25 (D) 0.5
given : (N + 1)V SD = N M SD ........(1)
( )
VSD = NN+1 M SD Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
given : (N + 1)VSD = N MSD ........(2) Pitch
L.C. = Number of division on circular scale
From (1) and (2) ⇒ 0.01mm = Pitch 50
V · C = (M SD) − NN+1 (M SD) ⇒ Pitch = 0.5mm
(91) A screw gauge has some zero error but its value is ∴ V = 4.234 × 1.005 × 0.0201
unknown. We have two identical rods. When the ∴ V = 0.0855m3 to correct significant digits
first rod is inserted in the screw, the state of the
instrument is shown by diagram (I). When both (94) A travelling microscope has 20 divisions per cm on
the rods are inserted together in series then the the main scale while its Vernier scale has total 50
state is shown by the diagram (II). What is the divisions and 25 Vernier scale divisions are equal
zero error of the instrument ? .......... mm to 24 main scale divisions, what is the least count
1 M.S.D. = 100 C.S.D. = 1 mm of the travelling microscope .......... cm [JEE MAIN 2022]
(A) 0.001 (B) 0.0002
(C) 0.002 (D) 0.005
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
1 M SD = 20 cm
1 V SD = 25 M SD = (
× )20
∴ Least count = 20 1 − 25 cm
1 24
= 20 × 25
1 1
= 500 cm
= 0.002 cm
m1 = 1.6 g
(92) A student measuring the diameter of a pencil of m2 = 7.32 g
circular cross-section with the help of a vernier
m3 = 4.238 g
scale records the following four readings m1 + m2 + m3 = 13.158 g
5.50 mm, 5.55 mm,5.45 mm; 5.65 mm. The average but answer should be reported in one decimal
(97) A cube has a side of length 1.2 × 10−2 m. Diameter = M SR + LC × V SR
Calculate its volume. [IIT 2003] = 1.3 + 0.01 × 2
(A) 1.7 × 10−6 m3 (B) 1.73 × 10−6 m3 = 1.3 + 0.02 = 1.32cm
(C) 1.70 × 10−6 m3 (D) 1.732 × 10−6 m3
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
l = 1.2 × 10−2 m
V = l3 = (1.2 × 10−2 )3 = 1.732 × 10−6 m3
V = 1.7 × 10−6 m3
= 31.8 mm
= 3.18 cm
(C) 6 (D) 7
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
Trailing zeros in a whole number are not
significant. Hence 3400 has 2 significant digits