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Design of Mechanical System / MEC801 / Semester VIII / Mechanical Engineering / Mumbai University.
System is a collection of various entities put together to get desired output. There are many
complex system, examples are missiles, space shuttle, human body, a group of interacting mechanical and
electrical components and many more. For design and development of a system lot of issues need to take
into accounts. System design made systematic approach to reduce error or avoid accident. In a complex
system design life cycle approach is very important where design, development, deployment,
maintenance and disposal of the system are taken care. A mechanical system consists of (i) a power source
and actuators that generate forces and movement, (ii) a system of mechanisms that shape the actuator
input to achieve a specific application of output forces and movement, and (iii) a controller with sensors
that compares the output to a performance goal and then directs the actuator input. This can be seen in
EOT crane, where the power is provided by motor to hoisting drum through gear box and the rotation of
the drum converted to linear movement of the rope and hence hoisting load. Similarly Belt Conveyor
system, Centrifugal pump, Gear pump, IC Engine and Gear Box system are designed for desire output.
Power flow through a mechanical system provides a way to understand the performance of devices
ranging from levers and gear trains to automobiles and robotic systems.
Design Methodology:
Step1: To prepare list of specification including the requirement of the products. These requirements
include output capacity of product, its service life, Cost, Reliability for some cases. It may also include
Prepared by: Prof. Sanjay W. Rukhande /FCRIT, Vashi, Navi Mumbai
Design of Mechanical System / MEC801 / Semester VIII / Mechanical Engineering / Mumbai University.
the dimensions and weights of the components. For example: In the design of Motor Bike, the list of the
specification will be
1. Fuel Consumption
2. Maximum Speed
3. Carrying Capacity
5. Weight
6. Cost
Step 2: To prepare rough sketches of different possible mechanism. After carefully study of requirements
of the product, the designer prepare rough sketches of different possible mechanism. For Example: In the
design of punching and blanking, the following mechanism are possible.
1. Mechanism involving crank and connecting rod mechanism, converting rotary motion of the
shaft into the translatery motion of the punch.
2. Mechanism involving nut and screw. It is simple and cheap configuration but having poor
3. Mechanism involving Hydraulic Cylinder, Piston and Valves which is costly but highly efficient.
All possible mechanism are compared with each other depending upon their cost competitiveness,
availability of raw materials and manufacturing facility and Best mechanism is selected.
Step 3: To prepare a Block diagram of general layout of selected configuration. For example the layout of
EOT crane will include following components.
Step 5: To prepare blue print of the design of assembly and components. The dimensions, tolerances
surface finish and manufacturing methods are specified on the drawing.
Prepared by: Prof. Sanjay W. Rukhande /FCRIT, Vashi, Navi Mumbai
Design of Mechanical System / MEC801 / Semester VIII / Mechanical Engineering / Mumbai University.
Morphology of design
Morphology of design implies step by step procedure involved in the phase of design process. The flow
chart for the morphology is as below.
Primitive Need
Feasibility Study
Preliminary Design
Detailed Design
Design process begin with the realization of unfulfilled need of the society and ends with satisfying
them. Feasibility study, Preliminary design and detailed design are the primary design phases and
remaining are phases in production consumption cycle.
Prepared by: Prof. Sanjay W. Rukhande /FCRIT, Vashi, Navi Mumbai
Design of Mechanical System / MEC801 / Semester VIII / Mechanical Engineering / Mumbai University.
Optimum design is the process of selecting the best possible design satisfying certain criteria among many
feasible design or adequate design. In optimum design desirable effects are maximized and undesirable
effects are minimised. For Optimisation minimising parameters are cost, weight, size, stress, deflection
etc. and maximizing parameters are Power transmitting capacity, load carrying capacity, energy storing
capacity etc.
There are three design parameters: 1) Functional required parameter, 2) Material parameter and 3)
Geometrical parameters.
For Optimum design, Johnson method is popular method. In this method Johnson suggested three
different equation.
1) Primary Design Equation (PDE): These are most important equations which takes care of cost,
weight and significant undesirable effect to be minimised.
2) Subsidiary Design Equation (SDE): These are other than primary design equations like stress
3) Limit Equation (LE): Ranges of certain parameters are expressed in Limit Equation.
There are three categories of optimum design 1) Normal Specification 2) Redundant Specification and 3)
Independent Specification
Prepared by: Prof. Sanjay W. Rukhande /FCRIT, Vashi, Navi Mumbai
Design of Mechanical System / MEC801 / Semester VIII / Mechanical Engineering / Mumbai University.
Prepared by: Prof. Sanjay W. Rukhande /FCRIT, Vashi, Navi Mumbai