FY028 IBL Assignment Structure
FY028 IBL Assignment Structure
FY028 IBL Assignment Structure
This assignment requires a 2000-word +/- 10%. The structure should reflect the marking criteria
to ensure you meet the learning objectives and requirements. Here's how to approach it:
- Here students need to include some general background information about the topic
of their research. (i.e. The aim of the assignment, how will the aim be achieved,
introduction of the chosen company,)
Choose a company (business) in the retail sector (preferably in the fashion industry in
your local area.
Business Overview: Provide key details about the business (e.g., size, years in operation,
trends in sales).
Market Context: Briefly explain the company’s current market positioning and
competitive environment.
i) Here, students must analyze only 2 current retail trends from the list below:
Fast fashion – Use the fashion items for a short time and dispose it – Eg. Zara, Primark,
H&M, Boohoo etc.
Sustainable fashion – Using the fashion items for long time – Eg. Patagonia Jackets
Buy now pay later model (Klarna, ClearPay, LayBuy)
Impact of online retailers (Boohoo.com, very.com, Amazon)
Artificial intelligence and machine learning (Use of big data) – Predictive analytics
Globalization of productions – the Clothes are largely made in Bangladesh or Far-east
The impact of Covid-19/Brexit on UK retailers
The focus on becoming more customer centric and high-street retailers is attempting to
provide experiences which cannot be provided by online retailers.
TIP: Best resources can be accessed through Athens directory
Here, students must analyze the chosen company using 2 of the three market analysis models
- (Porter’s 5 forces, SWOT, PESTEL).
Since students would find it difficult to obtain consent from retailers for primary data collection,
it is ideal to rely on other students, friends, and families to respond as clients.
-Small survey within the classmates, friends, families would suffice – the learners should
demonstrate some primary data collection and analysis (sample size 15 – 25)
-Eg. SurveyMonkey, Google Docs – can be used for questionnaire creation and analysis
-The findings can be presented in the ‘analysis’ section which could feed into the
-Survey questionnaire or interview topic guide should be presented in the Appendix section
Students would provide the answer for ‘research question’ based on the analysis conducted in
previous section
5. Bibliography
6. Appendix