Phy114 Revision for Students
Phy114 Revision for Students
Phy114 Revision for Students
assigned textbook. Kindly submit your detailed answers to me through your class rep on Friday, the 8h of March 2024
before end of work. Do not worry to submit once you miss the schedule.
1) Ampere-Maxwell’s equation represents ideas evolved from the following sequence of physicists: A) Christian Oersted,
Biot and Savart, Ampere and Maxwell B) Christian Oersted, Ampere, Maxwell and Faraday. C) …...
2) Driven by symmetry, Maxwell reasoned: If changing magnetic field creates electric field, then a changing electric field
should generate a magnetic field. Which of the following is the name given to this postulated changing electric field in his
field equations? A) acceleration current B) Static current C) …….
3) Gauss’s law of electric field implies the following except A)There is an outward flux through a closed surface around a
net positive charge. B) There is an inward flux through a closed surface around a net negative charge. C) …….
4) The major challenges defying classical physics by the end of 19th century include the following except A) Black body
radiation B) Photoelectric effect C) Ultraviolet catastrophe D) Hydrogen spectral lines.
5)An alpha particle is shot with a speed of 2 x 107 m/s directly towards the nucleus of a gold atom. What is the distance of
closest approach to the nucleus?(Take the mass of alpha particle = 6.64x10-27kg, charge on the alpha particle = 3.2x10-19C,
atomic number of Au = 79, while a proton charge = +1.6022x10-19C)
6) If n stands for integer, and L is the magnitude of angular momentum, and ℏ is the reduced Planck’s constant, which of the
following is a consequence of Bohr’s atomic theory? A) L =nℏ B) L = 1/2nℏ C) ……..
7)Calculate the radius of the third excited state in a Bohr atom whose ground state radius is a0., and proton number 1.
A) 5a0 B) 16a0 C) 9a0 D) 64a0
8)If the total energy of a Hydrogen-like atom is Y eV. What is the expression for the potential energy of the system in terms
of Y? (You need to find expressions for PE in terms of total energy via the kinetic energy).
9) In a simple model of Bohr Hydrogen atom, it was found that the magnitude of the Coulomb force of attraction between
the nucleus and a single electron is given by |F| = Ke2/r2, which of the following is an expression for the total energy of the
Bohr Hydrogen atom assuming that the potential energy of the system is zero at infinity?
10) Light of wavelength 430nm is incident on the following metals, which are listed together with their respective work
functions (eV). Which metals will show photoelectric emission? I) Cs(2.14 eV) II) K (2.30eV) III Na(2.75eV) IV) Ca
(3.20eV) V) Mo (4.17eV) ( h = 6.63x10-34Js, c = 3x108 ms-1, 1eV = 1.602x10-19J; all symbols have their usual meaning.)
11) A proton and an electron have the same kinetic energy. If the mass of the proton is 1800 times the mass of the electron,
find the ratio of their de Broglie wavelengths.
12) In the photoelectric experiment performed by Lenard Philip in 1886, which of the following was not an accurate
observation? A) intensity of some incident radiation increased the value of the ammeter reading. B) only certain frequencies
was able to cause photoelectric emission C) photoelectric emission was instantaneous D) the ammeter read zero when
radiations with frequencies equal to or greater than the fundamental frequencies of the material were applied at zero
potential difference.
13) If the experimental mass of the hydrogen isotope, deuterium is 2.014102u , what is the binding energy per nucleon of
Deuterium? (Take mass of a proton = 1.007825u, mass of a neutron = 1.008665u, 1 amu = 931.49 MeV, 1ev = 1.6x10-19J)
14) In a hydrogen -like atom, an electron makes a transition from 4th excited state to the 2nd state, which of the following
is/are true. i) 10 different spectral lines are observed (ii) 6 different spectral lines are observed (iii) number of lines
belonging to the Balmer series is 3 (iv) number of lines belonging to the Paschen series is 2
15) Identify the option with a mismatch A) neutron – 1932 B) electron – 1897 C) nucleus – 1924 D) Higg’s boson – 2012 E)
-particle – 1896
16) Whenever astronomers look at distant galaxies, they find that the light has been strongly absorbed in Lyman series of
hydrogen. This absorption tells us that interstellar space is filled with vast clouds of hydrogen left over from the Big Bang.
What is the wavelength of the 1 – 2 absorption in hydrogen?
17) A photoelectric effect experiment is performed with an aluminum cathode. An electron inside the cathode has a speed of
1.5x106 m/s. If the potential difference between the anode and the cathode is -2.00 V, what is the highest possible speed with
which this electron could reach the anode? (Al work function =4.28ev)
18) Which of the following conclusions can be validly drawn from Ampere-Maxwell’s law I) A current loop is a magnet II)
A bar magnet generates electric current III) The idea of induced magnetic field. IV) The idea of Helmholtz coil.
19) Which of the following is/are characteristic of all the radiations of electromagnet spectrum? I) They all travel with the
speed of light. II) They all have the same wavelength but not the same frequency. III) They all have the same frequency but
not the same wavelength. IV) They transport energy but not momentum. V) They transport both energy and momentum.
20) Which of the following is the most energetic of the radiations? A) low-frequency radio waves B) high-frequency UV
radiation C) violet color D) ultra-short wavelength x-rays.
21) What is the magnetic field amplitude of an electromagnetic wave whose electric field amplitude is 100 V/m? A) 1/3
micro Tesla B) 0.5 Tesla C) 900 kilo Tesla D) 1/5 micro Tesla
22) A radio wave is traveling in the negative y-direction. What is the direction of E vector at a point where B vector is in the
positive x-direction? A) negative z-direction B) positive z-direction C) …..
23) At what frequency in Hz is the reactance of a capacitor with C = 100 µF be equal to the reactance of an inductor with L
= 10 mH?
23) The statement of the integral forms of the four Maxwell’s equations involve which of the following mathematical
operations? A) line and surface integrals B)flux and volume integrals C) Stoke’s theorem D) Divergence theorem
24) A series RLC circuit with R = 10 Ω, L = 0.2mH, and C = 0.008 µF is connected to an alternating voltage. If the
amplitude of the alternating voltage source is 3.0V, calculate the resonance frequency of the circuit and the amplitude of the
alternating current at resonance.
25) Explain what is meant by the root mean square of an alternating current. Derive the relation in terms of peak values by method of
average of the relevant continuous functions. Compare your result with the expression for the standard deviation of a statistical
26) Explain the mechanism behind the use of AC resonance circuit to tune into a radio station. Give your explanations in terms of the
familiar damped harmonic oscillations equation : m ẍ +b ẋ +kx=−A 0 sin( ω t)
27) Discuss the applications of radiations and radioactivity in medical diagnostics, stressing why some wavelengths are preferred.
28) Why do you think inductors are called chokes in commercial circles?
29) A 50 µF capacitor is connected to a 60Hz source that provides 24 V rms . Find (a) the peak charge on the capacitor and (b) peak
current in the wires.
30) Which of the following offers a specific threat to the Ozone protection against UV radiation?
A) chlorofluorocarbon. B) fullerene fumes from industry. C) chlorodiphenicle D) Styrofoam litter
31) What is the significance of the famous Davisson-Germer experiment? A) It demonstrated the particle-nature of light. B) It
demonstrated the wave-nature of light C) It demonstrated …….
32) A simple de Boglie’s wavicle can be modeled as A) particle-in-a box B) a photon-in-a box C) a wave-packet D) …..