PS02CPHY51 Quantum Mechanics & Atomic and Molecular Physics

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Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat

(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022

Master of Science in Physics

M.Sc. (Physics) Semester II

Course Code Title of the Quantum mechanics & Atomic and

Course Molecular Physics
Total Credits Hours per 4
of the Course Week

Course 1. The basic objective of this course on quantum mechanics is to train

Objectives: the students to grasp the Dirac notations and basic mathematics of
quantum mechanics. It aims at training student grasp concepts of
angular momentum which is key to solve quantum mechanics
2. The topics of atomic and molecular physics aims to describe the
structure and dynamics of atoms and simple molecules and to make
the students grasp concepts of fine structure and hyperfine structure
of hydrogen atom and approximations for many body and diatomic
electronic structure.
3. Provide basic and advance knowledge about Laser spectroscopy
which includes conventional and unconventional lasers as well as
the theory of fundamental Raman effect and advanced nonlinear
Raman phenomenon.

Course Content

Unit Description Weightage*


1 Representation of state vectors. Dynamical variables as matrix

operators. Product of operators, Self-adjointness and Hermiticity,
Diagonalization, Continuous basis, The Schrödinger representation. 25%
Degeneracy-Labeling by commuting observables. Change of basis,
Unitary transformations. Unitary transformations induced by change of
coordinates translations, Unitary transformation induced by rotation of
coordinate system. The algebra of rotation generators and the
transformations of dynamical variables, concept of parity.

2 Angular momentum: Quantum theory of angular momentum and its

eigenvalue spectrum. Matrix representation of angular momentum
operators, spin angular momentum, Pauli matrices and their properties,
total wave function, non-relativistic Hamiltonian including spin. 25%
Addition of angular momenta, definition of Clebsch-Gordan
coefficients, Phase convention, spin-wave function for a system of two
spin-1/2 particles, Identical particles with spin, addition of spin and

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Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat
(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022

orbital angular momenta.

3 Atoms and Molecules Schrödinger equation for one-electron atoms –

H-atom, the dipole selection rules. Fine structure of hydrogenic atoms,
The Lamb shift and its determination, Hyperfine structure and isotopic
shifts. Schrödinger equation for Two-electron atoms, the role of Pauli 25%
exclusion principle, Energy levels of Helium atom, Doubly excited
states, Auto-ionization in Helium. Thomas-Fermi model for many-
electron atoms. The Born-Oppenheimer approximation for molecule,
electronic structure of diatomic molecules, LCAO approximation for
H2+ ion.

4. Laser Spectroscopy Emission and absorption spectroscopy: UV-

visible-IR absorption (introduction),Classical view of Einstein
coefficients; two-level system, Three-level Laser system, Variation of
Laser power around threshold.NH3 maser, He-Ne Laser (energy
level diagram), CO2 Laser, Semiconductor Lasers, Rayleigh and
Raman scattering, Stimulated Raman effect, Hyper-Raman effect: 25%
Classical treatment, Quantum mechanical treatment, Coherent anti-
stokes Raman scattering (CARS), Spin-flip Raman Laser, Free-
electron Laser.

Teaching- Lectures using traditional blackboard teaching, Tutorials, class

Learning assignments as well as the ICT tools for effective delivery of the content.

Evaluation Pattern

Sr. Details of the Evaluation Weightage


1. Internal Written / Practical Examination (As per CBCS R.6.8.3) 15%

2. Internal Continuous Assessment in the form of Practical, Viva-voce, 15%

Quizzes, Seminars, Assignments, Attendance (As per CBCS R.6.8.3)

3. University Examination 70%

Course Outcomes: Having completed this course, the learner will be able to

1. Students will be proficient in the basic mathematics involved in solving quantum

mechanics problems like coordinate and unitary transformations etc.

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Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat
(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022

2. Student will be able to apply basic knowledge of angular momenta and spin to
understand atomic systems.

3. Student shall have advanced knowledge of modern atomic and molecular physics in
order to understand both experimental and theoretical working methods in atomic and
molecular physics.

4. Students will be able to carry out experimental and theoretical studies on atoms and
molecules, with emphasis on the structure and dynamics of atoms and molecules.

Suggested References:

Sr. References

1 A text book of Quantum Mechanics

P. M. Mathews and K. Venkatesan, TMH (2010)

2 Quantum Mechanics
Ghatak & Loknathan; McMillan India Publication (2004)

3 Quantum Mechanics
G. Aruldhas, Prentice-Hall India, Pvt., Ltd.(2016)

4 Physics of Atoms and Molecules

B. Bransden and C. J. Joachain, Pearson Education Publication, New Delhi (1990).

5 Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy

C. N. Banvel, McGraw-Hill Inc.,US (1983)

6 LASERS Theory and Applications

K. Thyagarajan and A. K. Ghatak , Macmillan India Ltd., (2008).

7 Lasers and Non-linear Optics (2nd Ed.)

B. B. Laud, New Age International, (1996).

On-line resources :

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Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat
(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022

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