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Annexure ‘AAB-CD-01’

L T P/ SW/ No. of TOTAL

Course Code : To be decided later UNITS
Credit Units : 04
Level : Postgraduate 3 0 0 2 3 4

Course Objectives:
This course provides a basic understanding in the core area of Physical Chemistry. It is intended to develop an understanding of the
concepts of Physical Chemistry and to develop expertise relevant to the professional practice in chemistry.

Fundamental understanding and knowledge of physical chemistry courses at postgraduate level.

S.No Course Title Weightage

1 Module I Chemical Kinetics 20
Chemical kinetics introduction: Empirical rate laws and temperature dependence; complex reactions;
steady state approximation; collision and transition state theories of rate constants; unimolecular
reactions; enzyme kinetics; salt effects; homogeneous catalysis; photochemical reactions. Method of
determination of rate laws, Michaelis-Menton treatment, evaluation of Michaelis's constant for enzyme-
substrate binding.
2 Module II Term Symbols 15
Atomic states and term symbols, the term symbols for the p2 configuration
Atomic spectra: A. Fine structure; B. Zeeman effect; C. Stark effect, Spin angular momentum and the
Pauli spin matrices, Spin vector for the spin-1/2 system
3 Module III Group Theory 15
Symmetry elements and symmetry operations, Group postulates, types of groups, Point groups, Great
orthogonality theorem, Construct character tables for point groups
4 Module IV Molecular Spectroscopy 25
Basic features of spectrometers, Width and intensity of spectral lines
Molecular spectra: Rotational (microwave) spectra of diatomic molecules, Relative intensities of
rotational spectral lines, Rotational spectra of polyatomic molecules, Applications of Microwave
spectroscopy, Stark effect in microwave spectra.
Vibrational spectra of diatomic molecules, Rotation–vibration spectra of diatomic molecules,
Vibrational spectra of polyatomic molecules, Rotation-vibration spectra of polyatomic molecules,
Vibrational frequencies of different functional groups,
Electronic spectra, Franck-Condon principle, Electronic spectra of polyatomic molecules, Charge
transfer spectra, Electronic spectra of transition metal complexes, Electronic spectra of lanthanides and
actinides, Electronic spectra of conjugated molecules.
Raman spectroscopy, Quantum theory of Raman scattering, Classical theory of Raman scattering,
Rotational Raman spectrum of a diatomic molecule, Rotation-vibration Raman spectrum.
5 Module V Statistical thermodynamics 25
Fundamentals: Idea of microstates and macrostates. Thermodynamic probability and most probable
distribution. Canonical and other ensembles. Types of statistics: Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, Bose-
Einstein statistics and Fermi-Dirac statistics. Thermodynamic probability (W) for the three types of
statistics. Lagrange’s undetermined multipliers.
Molecular partition function for an ideal gas, Translational partition function, Rotational partition
function, Vibrational partition function, Electronic partition function, Nuclear partition function.
Thermodynamic properties in terms of the partition function, Thermodynamic properties of an ideal
monatomic gas, Thermodynamic properties of an ideal diatomic gas.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

On completion of the course the student will be able to:
 Understand and grasp the concepts and applications of physical chemistry in the development of science and technology
 Demonstrate knowledge of skills and techniques which prove to be highly beneficial for studies in analytical and physical
 Remember, analyze and apply the concept for future research in these and allied areas, such as, Chemical Kinetics, Molecular
spectroscopy and thermodynamics
Pedagogy for Course Delivery:
The course pedagogy will follow the four quadrant approach i.e. using e-content like audio visual aids, video lectures, presentations,
open source reference material, and discussions on applications of topics covered. Assessment will be done through assignments and
quiz on topics covered after completion of modules.

List of Professional Skill Development Activities (PSDA):

i) Analysis of ongoing research on any one topic through research papers.
ii) Guest lecture by an expert.
iii) Group discussion.

Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio (%)

Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term Examination

(40%) (60%)

Components (Drop down) CT HA1 + S/Quiz 1/ ATT EE

HA2 Quiz 2

Linkage of PSDA with Quiz 3

Internal Assessment
Component, if any

Weightage (%) 10 5+5 5+5+5 5 60

Abbreviations: CT – Class Test, S-Seminar, Q- Quiz, HA- Home Assignment, ATT-Attendance, PSDA-Professional
Skill Development Activities, EE-End Term Examination

Text & References:

1. Physical Chemistry, P.W. Atkins, Oxford University Press.

2. Physical Chemistry, G.W. Castellan, Narosa. Publishers, New Delhi
3. Principles of Physical Chemistry, Puri, Sharma & Pathania, Vishal Pub.
4. A textbook of Physical Chemistry, K.L. Kapoor, Macmillan Pub. India Ltd.
5. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, Colin N. Banwell and Elaine M. McCash, 4th Edition, Indian Edition, McGraw Hill
6. Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy, G. Aruldhas, 2nd Edition, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.

Additional Reading:
 Research articles and review articles on recent developments in the field of thermodynamics and rate of chemical reactions

Any other Study Material:

 e-content and open source reference material available on Learning Management Systems (LMS) linked with Amizone
Mapping Continuous Evaluation components/PSDA with CLOs

Remarks and Suggestions:

Date: Name, Designation, Organization

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