Normal Module _ Pediatric Echocardiography
Normal Module _ Pediatric Echocardiography
Normal Module _ Pediatric Echocardiography
Introduction to Echocardiography 1/18
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Ultrasound Basics
What is Ultrasound?
A mechanical, longitudinal wave produced by passing electric current through a piezoelectric crystal
Requires a medium for transmission
Frequency exceeds the upper limit of human hearing (human hearing: 20-20,000 Hz)
Diagnostic ultrasound frequency range: 2.5–14 MHz
Ultrasound is free from radiation making it safe to use in fetuses, infants and children
Frequency: The number of cycles that occur during a particular duration of time. In ultrasound, described as cycles per second (also known at Hertz)
Wavelength: The distance traveled by sound in one cycle or distance between two identical points in a wave cycle
Period: The time required to complete a single cycle
Amplitude: The magnitude of the pressure changes, i.e. the difference between the pressure peaks and nadirs (strength of the wave)
Compression: area of high density
Rarefication: area of low density
velocity = λ × ƒ
v= velocity (constant for a given medium)
ƒ= frequency (measured in hertz also known as Hz)
λ = wavelengh
Frequency refers to the number of cycles of compressions and rarefactions in a sound wave per second, with one cycle per second being 1 hertz.
Distance traveled by sound in one cycle, or the distance between two identical points in the wave cycle.
Inversely proportional to the frequency.
Smaller wavelength = higher frequency = higher resolution = decreased penetration.
This can be an important factor when choosing an echo probe to image a particular patient
Sound Propagation
Sound waves are comprised of
Compression (high air pressure)
Compression refers to an area of high density
Rarefaction (low air pressure)
Rarefaction refers to area of low density
Propagation velocity of sound is constant for a given medium and is dependent on the compressibility and density of the medium
Vs = λ × ƒ 2/18
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Velocity of Sound
Material (m/s)
Air 330
Fat 1450
Water 1480
Brain 1540
Liver 1550
Kidney 1560
Blood 1570
Muscle 1580
Ultrasound Production
Local tissue compression/decompression
Propagates away from piezoelectric crystal in ultrasound probe at 1540 m/s in soft tissue
Rate of compression/decompression determines frequency, typically 2.5–10 MHz
Piezoelectric Crystals
Produce sound waves when electrically stimulated
Produce electrical signals when sound waves received
These electrical signals are converted into images
Ultrasound Propagation 3/18
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Absorption: Absorption is the most common form of attenuation. Absorption occurs as sound travels through soft tissue, the particles that transmit
the waves vibrate and cause friction with subsequent loss of sound energy in the form of heat. In soft tissue, sound intensity decreases exponentially
with depth.
Refraction: Refraction describes reflection in which the sound wave hits the boundary of two tissues at an oblique angle. The reflections generated do
not return directly back to the transducer. The angle of refraction is dependent on two things; the angle that the sound wave strikes the boundary
between the two tissues and the difference in their propagation velocities. If the propagation velocity is greater in the first medium, refraction occurs
towards the center, or perpendicular. If the velocity is greater in the second medium, refraction occurs away from the originating beam. In this
instance, sound is not reflected directly back to the transducer and the image being depicted may not be clear, or potentially altered.
Reflection: Reflection is categorized as specular or diffuse. Specular reflections represent large, smooth surfaces (i.e.- bone) where the sound wave is
reflected back in a single direction. The greater the acoustic impedance between the two tissue surfaces, the greater the reflection and hence the
brighter the echo will appear on ultrasound. Conversely, soft tissue is a diffuse reflector because adjoining cells create an uneven surface causing
reflections to return in various directions in relation to the transmitted beam. However, because of the numerous surfaces, sound is able to get back to
the transducer in a relatively uniform manner.
Dependent on: 4/18
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Optimal for imaging of 2D structures
Conversely, Doppler requires interrogation of structures parallel (between 0-20 degrees) to flow (see Doppler section below)
Density: Dense materials reflect more
Frequency: Higher frequency leads to higher absorption
Physics of Doppler
Doppler Effect
First described by Austrian physicist Christian Doppler in 1842
When acoustic source moves relative to observer, frequencies of transmitted and observed waves are different
Effective tool to measure tissue velocities
Why is it relevant?
Ultrasound is transmitted into a vessel and the sound that is reflected from the blood is detected.
Blood is moving, therefore the sound undergoes a frequency (Doppler) shift.
Principles of Doppler
Beam of ultrasound hitting a moving object will be reflected back with a:
The faster the object of interest is moving the larger the Doppler shift. 5/18
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Doppler Equation
−2v cos θFt
Fp = c
Fp =
Frequency shift
Ft =
transmit frequency
angle between direction wave propagation and tissue motion
velocity of sound in soft tissue (1530 m/s)
Angle of incidence: 6/18
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Principles of Doppler
2×ft ×V ×cosθ
Δf = ft − fr = C
V =
velocity of flow
ft =
transmit frequency
fr =
return frequency
light constant
angle between U/S beam and blood column
At 0°:
cosθ = 1
At 90°:
cosθ = 0
Ideal angle of interrogation should be close to 0°, but acceptable if less than 20 degrees 7/18
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Effect of the Doppler angle in the sonogram. (A) higher-frequency Doppler signal is obtained if the beam is aligned more to the direction of flow. In the
diagram, beam (A) is more aligned than (B) and produces higher-frequency Doppler signals. The beam/flow angle at (C) is almost 90° and there is a very
poor Doppler signal. The flow at (D) is away from the beam and there is a negative signal.
Types of Doppler
Color Doppler
Tissue Doppler 8/18
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Detects myocardial tissue velocities
Most commonly used for left ventricular lateral wall, interventricular septum and right ventricular free wall
Decreased in diastolic dysfunction
X axis is Time
Y axis is Velocity
Moving toward is above the 0 line
Moving away is below the 0 line
Nyquist Limit
Highest detectable velocity
It is equal to ½ PRF (pulse repetition frequency)
Exceeding this limit creates aliasing
Doppler signal appears to "wrap around"
Unable to accurately quantify true maximum velocity in this setting
The inability to detect large Doppler shift is known as aliasing.
If velocity of scattering object is large and shift between subsequent acquisitions > ½ wavelength
PW Doppler ineffective at differentiating velocities
Methods to limit aliasing
Shallower depth
Continuous wave Doppler
Lower frequency transducer
Increase scale
Move baseline up or down
Down (if Doppler signal of interest is above baseline)
Up (if Doppler signal of interest is below baseline)
Increase PRF
Compromise must be made between velocity resolution and maximal detectable velocity 10/18
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No range gating (denoted by single circle or single horizontal line in spectral Doppler)
All velocities along scan line sampled
Doppler signal is well filled in
High velocity
Color Doppler
Uses multiple pulse wave signals to assess multiple sample volumes
Codes mean velocities at each sample gate
Real time image of blood flow
Color flow measures local spectrum of velocities
Blood flow is color coded
Red: towards transducer
Blue: away from transducer
Filter is applied to remove slow moving structures (cardiac walls)
Good for rapidly providing a gestalt of laminar versus disturbed flows and direction of flow in a real time image
It is important to adjust the nyquist limit depending on structure being interrogated
Setting a nyquist limit too low is larger vasculature with higher velocities (i.e.- aorta) may result in the false appearance of turbulent/disturbed
flow patterns
Need to decrease nyquist limit to assess flow within smaller vessels with lower velocities (i.e.- pulmonary veins and coronary arteries)
Color Doppler 12/18
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Bernoulli Equation
P1 − P2 = 4(V22 − V12 )
Convective acceleration
Conversion to kinetic energy
Energy loss
Friction of fluid against wall (viscous losses)
From acceleration of fluid
V = peak velocity 14/18
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RVP = 30 mmHg
TR jet can also be used to estimate the systolic pulmonary arterial pressure in an anatomically normal heart without right sided obstructive lesions
Pulmonary regurgitation spectral Doppler tracing can be used to estimate PA end diastolic and mean PA pressures
Key 15/18
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Important to use the most constant component to distinguish the identity of a chamber and not to use variable features
Right Atrium
Anteriorly located
Septum secundum
Left Atrium
Posteriorly located
Receives pulmonary veins (majority of time, however, this can vary in the setting of anomalous pulmonary venous drainage)
Right Ventricle
Thin walled
Tripartite configuration
Presence of a moderator band (band of muscle that runs from the septum to the lateral wall of the right ventricle)
Tricuspid valve chordae insert to the interventricular septum and indistinct papillary muscles (septophilic)
Left Ventricle
Smooth walled
Fine trabeculations
No moderater band
The mitral valve attaches to two distinct papillary muscles which insert to the LV free wall 16/18
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Normal Echocardiogram (/course/normal/echocardiogram)
This website was made possible through the assistance of an educational grant awarded by Texas Children’s Hospital 17/18
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