Girder Design

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1. Inputs
Sectional properties:
Distance between end to end of slab = 24.600 m
Effective span = 24.000 m
Overhang of girder off the bearing = 0.200 m




2.605 2.605 2.605

2.025 LG4 2.025


C/s of Bridge deck

Min overall depth of pl girder L/25 = 0.96 m 504.4 (b)
Max depth of girder 3 x spacing = 7.50 m 504.4 (b)
Minimum spacing between outermost girders L/20 = 1.20 m 504.3
Min thickness of plates 504.7.1 (a) 8.0 mm (If protected against corrosion)
504.7.1 (b) 10.0 mm (If not protected against corrosion)
Min thickness of packing plates 504.7.2 1.5 mm
Min Section of angles 504.7.3 75x50 for main members in inverted construction
504.7.4 65x45 for all other cases
Min width of plates 504.7.4 50 mm
Min th Of angle connecting stringer to cross girder 3/4 th of stringer thickness 504.7.5
Min thickness of angle connecting cross girder to main girder 3/4 th of X Girder thickness 504.7.5
Min thickness of web plates As per cl 509.6 of IRC 24-2010
modular ratio 200000/33000= 6.06 < 7.5
adopt 7.5
Creep factor (Kc) 0.5
Modular ratio for permanent loadings (P load) m/Kc = 15
Modular ratio for transient loadings (T load) 7.5

Width of Footpath/Kerb = 0.000 m

Width of Crash Barrier = 0.500 m
Spacing of main girder c/c = 2.650 m
Number of main girders = 4

Thickness of deck slab = 0.220 m

Thickness of wearing coat = 0.065 m

Thickness of wearing coat for design = 0.065 m

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Longitudinal girder:


HAUNCH 0 x 0 25 THK.


16 THK.
1344 THK.


C/s of longitudinal girder

Transverse girder (End cross girder & Intermediate cross girder):

250 16 THK.
Sectional properties:
C/s area of cross-girder = 29600 mm
6 4
Moment of inertia @ major axis, Ixx = 5261.5 x 10 mm
Moment of inertia @ minor axis, Iyy = 542.1 x 106 mm4
Elastic section modulus, Zex = 8541.4 x 103 mm3
16 THK. 1200

Other details:
No. of intermediate cross girder = 5m 16 THK.


Material properties & miscellanous data:

Concrete grade: Deck slab = M 40
Grade of structural steel: fu = Fe 490
fy = E 410
Grade of reinforcement steel: fy = Fe 500

Clear cover to reinforcement, c = 40 mm

Dry concrete unit weight, γconc,d = 25 kN/m
Ecm = 33000 MPa -Young's modulus for conrete Table 6.5- IRC-112:2011
Esteel = 200000 MPa -Young's modulus for steel
mshort-term = 7.5 -for live load stresses Cl. 604.3- IRC-22:2015
mlong-term = 15.0 -for permanent load stresses Cl. 604.3- IRC-22:2015
Weight of wearing coat = 1.43 kN/m
Weight of crash barrier = 10.00 kN/m

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2. Sectional properties
-Used for assigning properties of grid members in STAAD grillage model
A. Cross-sectional properties of longitudinal girder: [Longitudinal grid lines]
A.1 Properties of steel girder alone:
25 THK. 400

16 THK.

36 THK.


SR. ELEMENT Ai(mm2) Ye (mm) AYi AY2s Ixx (self) It =

NO. (from top) AY s + Ixx
1 Top Flange Plate 10000 13 125000 1.6E+06 5.2E+05 2.1E+06
2 Web 21504 697 14988288 1.0E+10 3.2E+09 1.4E+10
3 Bottom Flange Plate 23400 1387 32455800 4.5E+10 2.5E+06 4.5E+10
S 54904.00 4.8E+07 5.9E+10

Therefore distance of N.A. from top fibre

= SAyc 4.8E+07 = 866.40 mm
SA 54904.00

M.I. About N. A. - 5.9E+10 - 54904.00 x ( 866.40 )

Ixx = 1.75E+10 mm In Staad it is IZZ
Iyy = 9.58E+08 mm In Staad it is IYY
Izz = 1.36E+07 mm In Staad it is IXX
Sectional properties in Staad Input Format

PRIS AX 0.054904 IX 0.00001 IY 0.00096 IZ 0.01749

A.2 Properties of composite section:

Effective width of composite T-beam [Cl. 603.2; IRC: 22- 2015] beff
220 THK.
1. Inner Girder:-
B = 2650 mm
L0 /4 = 4628 mm
Beff = 2650 mm 0 THK.

2. Outer Girder:-
X = 2025 mm
B/2 = 1325 mm
L0 /8 = 2314 mm

X B/2 Lo/8 Beff

2025 1325 3000 3350

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Modular ratio, mshort-term = 7.5 For Transient Loading As per Clause 604.3 IRC 22-2008
Modular ratio, mlong-term = 15.0 For Permanent loading

Calculation of the Moment of Inertia for Composite Section of Girder- Permanent Loading(Long Term)
Width of Slab = 2650 = 177 mm -For Inner Girder

SR. ELEMENT Ai(mm2) ye(mm) Aye(mm3) Ay2e Ixx (self) It =

4 4
NO. (mm ) (mm ) Ixx (self)+Ay2e
1 Deck Slab 38866.7 110 4.3E+06 4.7E+08 1.6E+08 6.27E+08
2 Steel Girder 54904 1086 6.0E+07 6.5E+10 1.7E+10 8.23E+10
TOTAL 93770.7 6.4E+07 8.29E+10

Therefore of N.A. from Top Fibre of Deck Slab = 6.4E+07 = 681.70 mm


Moment of Inertia about N.A. of the composite Section = 3.93E+10 mm
Ixx = 3.93E+10 mm In Staad it is IZZ
Iyy = 1.11E+09 mm In Staad it is IYY
Izz = 2.20E+08 mm In Staad it is IXX
Sectional properties in Staad Input Format - Permanent Loading

PRIS AX 0.09377 IX 0.00022 IY 0.00111 IZ 0.03934 Inner Girder

PRIS AX 0.10404 IX 0.00035 IY 0.00116 IZ 0.04241 Outer Girder

Calculation of the Moment of Inertia for Composite Section of Girder- Transient Loading(Short Term)
Width of Slab = 2650 = 353 mm -For Inner Girder
SR. ELEMENT Ai(mm2) ye(mm) Aye(mm3) Ay2e Ixx (self) It =
4 4
NO. (mm ) (mm ) Ixx (self)+Ay2e
1 Deck Slab 77733.3 110 8.6E+06 9.4E+08 3.1E+08 1.25E+09
2 Steel Girder 54904 1086 6.0E+07 6.5E+10 1.7E+10 8.23E+10
TOTAL 132637.3 6.8E+07 8.35E+10

Therefore of N.A. from Top Fibre of Deck Slab = 6.8E+07 = 514.17 mm


Moment of Inertia about N.A. of the composite Section = 4.85E+10 mm4 In Staad it is IZZ
Ixx = 4.85E+10 mm In Staad it is IZZ
Iyy = 1.27E+09 mm In Staad it is IYY
Izz = 7.82E+08 mm In Staad it is IXX
Sectional properties in Staad Input Format - Transient Loading

PRIS AX 0.13264 IX 0.00078 IY 0.00127 IZ 0.04848 Inner Girder

PRIS AX 0.15317 IX 0.00111 IY 0.00135 IZ 0.05147 Outer Girder

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Summary of Bending Moments And Shear Force

Bending Moments At Mid Span (Kn-m)

G1 G2 G3 G4

Selfweight 536 495 495 536

Deck Slab 1355 1250 1250 1355 1.24
Factor CA
SIDL CB 412 307 307 412 1.25
Factor 70 R
SIDL WC 319 288 288 319 1.15
FPLL 0 0 0 0
Live Load

3L CA 1959 1511 1274 1062 WITHOUT

1L CA+ 1L 70R 2602 1912 1317 1372 FACTOR

3740 2748 1893 1972

(DL+SIDL+MAX 6362 5087 4232 4594

Bending Moments At Splice (Kn-m)(Splices are

design for Max. Moment & Shear)

Selfweight 399 367 367 399

Deck Slab 1027 927 927 1027
SIDL CB 334 189 189 334
SIDL WC 241 210 210 241
FPLL 0 0 0 0
Live Load (Taken maximum of both side splice)

3L CA 1583 1238 1044 883 WITHOUT

1L CA+ 1L 70R 2038 1470 961 1161 FACTOR
2930 2114 1488 1669
(DL+SIDL+MAX 4930 3807 3182 3670

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Shear Force At Support (Kn)(Taken maximum
of both side support)

Selfweight 85 79 79 85
Deck Slab 233 201 201 233
SIDL CB 71 30 30 71
SIIDL WC 50 44 44 50
FPLL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Live Load

3L CA 298 249 214 176 WITHOUT

1L CA+ 1L 70R 439 416 246 223 FACTOR
631 597 354 321
(DL+SIDL+MAX 1070 951 708 760

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1 Design of Main Longitudinal Girder
1.1.1 Input Data
Bridge Geometry
Overall Span of ROB = 24.60 m
c/l of bearing to c/l of expansion joint = 0.30 m
Effective span for Main Girder = 24.000 m IRC 24-2010 clause 504.1-Page 36
Spacing of main Girder = 2.605 m

Skew angle = 0
Density of steel = 7.850 t/m3
Wearing Coat Thickness = 65.00 mm
Effective span for Cross Girder = 2.605 m IRC 24-2010 clause 504.1-Page 36
Number of main girders = 4 No's
Number of intermediate diaphragms = 5 No's
For Both sides
Number of End diaphragms = 2 No's

Depth of Slab = 220 mm

Depth of Haunch above girder = 0 mm
Offset from flange face = 0 mm

Sectional Property of Steel Section

Overall Depth Of Section h = 1,400 mm
> 960 mm IRC 24-2010 clause 504.4-Page 36
Thickness of Top Flange ttop_f = 20 mm
Thickness of Bottom Flange tbot_f = 36 mm
Thickness of Web tw = 16 mm
Clear Depth of Web between flanges d = 1,344 mm
Width of Top Flange btop = 400 mm
Width of Bottom Flange bbot = 650 mm
C.G of girder Yb = 506 mm =(11120000+
1.1.2 Sectional Properties Used for Analysis of Structure 20*1344*(1344/2+36)421200)/(0.05290410^6)


m m4 m4
I-Girder 0.053 0.00093 0.02

Long Term 0.09 0.00103 0.04

Girder Short Term 0.00174 0.05

Outer Long Term 0.10 0.00114 0.04

Girder Short Term 0.15 0.00256 0.05

Intermediate Cross Girder

0.0159 0.00002 0.0018
End Cross Girder 0.0159 0.00002 0.0018

1.1.3 Characteristic Stresses and Material Constants

Structural Steel Grade = E350
Type - IS 800-2007 Table I Page 14/
Max Tensile stress = 490 MPa IS2062 Table 2 Page 4

Yield stress of steel used for girders = 410 MPa

Yield strength of steel used for Shear Connector = 385 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity for Steel E = 211000 MPa
Unit Mass of Steel ρ = 7,850 kg/m3
Poisson's Ratio μ = 0.3 IRC 24-2010 Page 24
Modulus of Rigidity G = 7.7E+04 MPa
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion αt = 1.2E-05 /oC

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Concrete grade for deck slab = M40 MPa
Steel Reinforcement grade = Fe500 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete Ec = 32,000 MPa IRC 22-2015 Cl. III.1 Page 85
Density of Concrete = 25 kN/m

Creep Factor for long term loads Kc = 0.5 IRC 22-2015 Cl. 604.3-Page 23

Permissible Stresses in Structural Steel

Permissible elastic stress in structural steel 0.9*fytk = 369 MPa IRC 22-2015 Cl 604.3.1 Pg 23

Permissible Stresses in Concrete

Permissible bending stress in concrete 0.48*fck = 19.20 MPa

1.1.4 Impact Factor As per IRC:6 -2014 Clause 208.3 Page 25

1) Impact factor for steel girder = 9 / (13.5 +L)

Impact percentage for 24.00 m span =9/(13.5+24.000) = 24.0%
= 124%

2) Impact percentage for steel girders with 70R wheeled Vehicles = 25.0% up to 23 m span
= 15.4% beyond 45 m span

= 25.0%
= 125%
Congestion factor

Effective span for Main Girder = 24.000 m

Congestion factor = 1.15
1.1.5 Summary of Staad Output For Main Girders (BM at Mid Span and Shear Force at Support)
Very Negligible Torsion is acting on Girder hence neglected

G2 & G3 G2 & G3
Sr. G1 (Outer) G4 (Outer) G1 (Outer) G4 (Outer)
(Inner) (Inner)
Max. Bending Moment (Kn-m) Max. Shear Force (kN)

Selfweight of girder 536 495 536 85 79 85

Deck slab 1355 1250 1355 233 201 233
1 Selfweight+Deck slab 1891 1745 1891 318 280 318

2 SIDL (CRASH BARRIER) 412 307 412 71 30 71

3 SIDL (WEARING COAT) 319 288 319 50 44 50


With all these below combinations, vehicle is moving on all girders for maximum result

4 3L CA 1959 1511 1062 343 286 203

5 1L CA+ 1L 70R 2602 1912 1372 505 478 257

1.1.6 Summary of Forces for Evaluating Structural Strength at Ultimate Limit State

As per Annex B of IRC:6-2017 for checking the structural strength, the partial safety factor for loads shown in column No. 2 under
Table 3.2 are adopted.

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Basic Combination

G1 G2 & G3 G4 G1 G2 & G3 G4
Sr. (Outer) (Inner) (Outer) (Outer) (Inner) (Outer)
Max. Bending Moment (kN-m) Max. Shear Force (kN)

Selfweight of girder 1.35 724 668 724 115 107 115

Deck slab 1.35 1830 1688 1830 314 272 314

1 Selfweight+Deck slab 2553 2356 2553 430 379 430

2 SIDL (CRASH BARRIER) 556 414 556 95 41 95
3 SIDL (WEARING COAT) 559 503 559 88 76 88

4 3L CA 3643 2811 1975 638 532 377

5 1L CA+ 1L 70R 4878 3585 2572 946 896 482
Combination -1 8546 6857 6240 1559 1392 1095
Maximum Live Load 4878 3585 2572 946 896 482

1.1.7 Summary of Forces for Serviceability Limit State

Rare Combination for Stress Check

G1 G2 & G3 G4 G1 G2 & G3 G4
Sr. (Outer) (Inner) (Outer) (Outer) (Inner) (Outer)
Description and
factors Max. Bending Moment (kN-m) Max. Shear Force (kN)

Selfweight of girder 100% 536 495 536 85 79 85

Deck slab 100% 1355 1250 1355 233 201 233

1 Selfweight+Deck slab 100% 1891 1745 1891 318 280 318

2 SIDL (CRASH BARRIER) 100% 412 307 412 71 30 71

3 SIDL (WEARING COAT) 120% 383.3 345.0 383.3 61 52 61

4 3L CA 124% 2429 1874 1317 425 355 252

5 1L CA+ 1L 70R 125% 3252 2390 1715 631 597 321

Combination - 2 5938 4786 4401 1080 960 771

Maximum Live load 3252 2390 1715 631 597 321

1.1.8 Quasi-permanent Combination for Shrinkage and Creep

Partial G1 G2 & G3 G4 G1 G2 & G3 G4

Sr. (Outer) (Inner) (Outer) (Outer) (Inner) (Outer)
Description Safety
Max. Bending Moment (kN-m) Max. Shear Force (kN)

Selfweight+Deck slab 1 1891 1745 1891 318 280 318

SIDL (CRASH BARRIER) 1 412 307 412 71 30 71


SIDL (WEARING COAT) 1 319 288 319 50 44 50

Combination - 3 2623 2339 2623 439 354 439

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1.1.9 Summary of Staad Output For Splice Design

Maximum moment in Girder at Splice loacations is calculated and governing from either side is represented below.

Maximum shear force have been taken that is the value at support.

G1 G2 & G3 G4 G1 G2 & G3 G4
Sr. (Outer) (Inner) (Outer) (Outer) (Inner) (Outer)

Bending Moment in (kN-m) Shear Force (kN)

Selfweight of girder 399 367 399 85.3 85.3 79.0

Deck slab 1027 927 1027 232.9 232.9 201.4

1 Selfweight+Deck slab 1425 1294 1425 85.3 318.2 280.4

2 SIDL (CRASH BARRIER) 334 189 334 70.7 70.7 30.2

3 SIDL (WEARING COAT) 241 210 241 50.5 50.5 43.6


4 3L CA 1583 1238 883 298 249 214

5 1L CA+ 1L 70R 2038 1470 1161 439 416 246

1.1.10Summary of Forces for Splice Plate Design( Ultimate Limit State )

Partial G1 G2 & G3 G4 G1 G2 & G3 G4

Sr. (Outer) (Inner) (Outer) (Outer) (Inner) (Outer)
Description Safety
Bending Moment in kN-m Shear Force kN

Selfweight of girder 1.35 538 496 538 115 115 107

Deck slab 1.35 1386 1252 1386 314 314 272

1 Selfweight+Deck slab 1.35 1924 1747 1924 115 430 379

2 SIDL (CRASH BARRIER) 1.35 451 255 451 95 95 41

3 SIDL (WEARING COAT) 1.75 421 368 421 88 88 76


4 3L CA 1.5 2944 2302 1642 554 462 398

5 1L CA+ 1L 70R 1.5 3822 2757 2177 823 779 462

COMB 1 6618 5127 4974 1122 1392 957

COMB 2 Live Load Only 3822 2757 2177 823 779 462

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2 Construction Stage check
2.1.1 1. 1ST Stage Analysis "+" denotes comp. stress
Moment due to self weight = 536.10 KN-m "-" denotes tensile stress
Moment due to Deck Slab = 1355.30 KN-m
Moment due to Const. Load = 362 KN-m

2.1.2 2. 2ND Stage Analysis

Moment due to SIDL = 795 KN-m
Total = 795.18 KN-m


2.2.1 1. 1ST Stage Analysis
Moment due to self weight = 5361 KN-m
Moment due to Deck Slab = 13553 KN-m
Moment due to Const. Load = 286 KN-m

2.2.2 2. 2ND Stage Analysis

Moment due to SIDL = 795 KN-m
Total = 795.18 KN-m

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3 Shrinkage Calculations

Thickness of Deck slab = 0.22 m

Grade of Concrete of Deck Slab = 40 Mpa

Modulus of Elasticity of Steel = 211000 Mpa

Shrinkage Co-efficient = 0.0002 IRC 6-2010 clause 217.3

Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete (Long Term) Kc.Ec = 16000 Mpa IRC 22-2015 clause 604.3-Page 23

0.220 -0.36 -2E-05
0.020 -0.80 31.68 2E-04

1.400 0.016


0.036 -5.33 -3E-05

0.650 Stress Diagram Strain Diagram
Modular Ratio, m (long-term) Es/(Kc.Ec) = 13.19

SL.No. A y Ay Ay2 Io Io + Ay2

1. Deck Slab 1.510 0.08439 0.12743 0.000 0.12765
2. Rctangular top Flange 1.390 0.01112 0.01546 0.000 0.01546
4. Web 0.708 0.01522 0.01078 0.003 0.01402
6. Rect. Bottom Flange 0.018 0.00042 0.00001 0.000 0.00001

Composite Section S 0.10879 0.11115 0.1537 0.003 0.15713

Girder Only S 0.05290 0.02677 0.0262 0.003 0.02948

SA SAy SAy2 S Io S(Io + Ay2)

Section Properties of Composite Section

= 2
Area SA 0.1088 m
Distance of cg from bottom fibre (Y) Y =S(A.y) / SA 1.0217 m

(Iz) = S(Io+A.y2)-SA.Y2 = 4
Moment of inertia of Composite Girder 0.0436 m

Axial Force due to Shrinkage 2358.40 KN
Eccentricity of Force 0.488 m
Moment about cg of Composite Girder due to Shrinkage Force 1151.54 KN-m

Stress Summary due to Shrinkage (Mpa) for Simply Supported Girder

Assuming End Due to release of Due to release of

Total Stress (Mpa)
Restrained Axial Force Moment

1. Top of Deck Slab = -3.20 1.64 1.20 -0.36

2. Bottom of Deck Slab = -3.20 1.64 0.76 -0.80

3. Top of Steel Girder = 21.68 10.00 31.68

4. Bottom of Steel Girder = 21.68 -27.01 -5.33

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Thickness of Deck slab = 0.22 m

Grade of Concrete of Deck Slab = 40 Mpa

Modulus of Elasticity of Steel = 211000 Mpa

Shrinkage Co-efficient = 0.0002 IRC 6-2010 clause 217.3

Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete (Long Term) = 16000 Mpa IRC 22-2015 clause 604.3-Page 23

0.220 -0.48 -3E-05
0.020 -0.91 30.25 1E-04

1.400 0.016


0.036 -5.11 -2E-05

0.650 Stress Diagram Strain Diagram
Modular of Ratio, m (long-term) Es/(Kc.Ec) = 13.19

SL.No. A y Ay Ay2 Io Io + Ay2

1. Deck Slab 0.04421 1.510 0.06675 0.10080 0.000 0.10098

2. Rctangular top Flange 0.00800 1.390 0.01112 0.01546 0.000 0.01546

4. Web 0.02150 0.708 0.01522 0.01078 0.003 0.01402

6. Rect. Bottom Flange 0.02340 0.018 0.00042 0.00001 0.000 0.00001

Composite Section S 0.09711 0.09352 0.1270 0.003 0.13046

Girder Only S 0.05290 0.02677 0.0262 0.003 0.02948

SA SAy SAy2 S Io S(Io + Ay2)

Section Properties of Composite Section

Area SA = 0.0971 m

Distance of cg from bottom fibre (Y) Y =S(A.y) / SA = 0.9630 m

Moment of inertia of Composite Girder (Iz) = S(Io+A.y2)-SA.Y2 = 0.0404 m


Axial Force due to Shrinkage 1865.60 KN
Eccentricity of Force 0.547 m

Moment about cg of Composite Girder due to Shrinkage Force = 1020.45 KN-m

Stress Summary due to Shrinkage (Mpa) for Simply Supported Girder

Assuming End Due to release of Due to release of

Total Stress (Mpa)
Restrained Axial Force Moment

1. Top of Deck Slab = -3.20 1.46 1.26 -0.48

2. Bottom of Deck Slab = -3.20 1.46 0.84 -0.91

3. Top of Steel Girder = 19.21 11.04 30.25

4. Bottom of Steel Girder = 19.21 -24.33 -5.11

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4 Differential Temperature Calculations
Short Term Properties
Total Height of the Steel Girder h = 1.620 m
C.G. of Girder from bottom Yb = 1.159 m
M.O.I. of the Section I = 0.0510 m
Area of the Section A = 0.1512 m
Modulus of Elasticity of Steel Es = 2.1E+05 Mpa
Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete Ec = 32000 Mpa
Coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete α = 1.2E-05 C
Modular Ratio (Short Term) m = 7.500
Section Modulus at the top of Slab ZTS = 0.111 m3
Section Modulus at the top of Girder ZTG = 0.211 m3
Section Modulus at the bottom of Girder ZBG = 0.044 m3
(Refer Fig. 10(b) of IRC:6 - 2014) h (m) T1 (0C)
T1 = 18.5 C h1 = 0.132 m 0.2 18
T2 = 4.0 C h2 = 0.4 m 0.3 20.5
T3 = 3.12 C (temp at slab bottom)
T4 = 2.92 C (temp at steel girder top flange bottom)

18.5 Stress 3.350

1 0.132 46.84 0.400
2 10.13 0.220
3 0.4 7.90 0.020
4 7.39
1.400 0.016

3 0 0.036
3.12 0.650

Section of Girder



Stress due Stress

y to release due to
Height Stress b Force e Moment End Final Stress
from top of Axial release of
Segment Restrained
Force Moment

mm Mpa mm KN mm mm KNm Mpa Mpa Mpa Mpa

1 132 46.84 446.67 1679.48 51.82 409.56 687.85 46.84 -13.97 -7.29 3.41

2 88 10.13 446.67 354.31 174.19 287.20 101.76 10.13

3 20 7.90 400.00 61.17 229.89 231.49 14.16 7.90 -13.97 -3.81 -1.32

4 292 7.39 16.00 17.27 337.33 124.05 2.14 7.39 -13.97 -3.81 -10.39

0.00 -13.97 18.31 4.33

2112.23 805.91

PAGE 15 OF 128
0.2 4.4
4.88 h = 1.620 m 0.3 6.8
1 0.132
2 0 0.088 0.02 h1 = 0.132 m T1 = 4.88 C
0.4 o
3 0.38 h2 = 0.088 m T2 = 0 C
8.00 h3 = 0.020 m T3 = 0 C
h4 = 0.380 m T4 = 0.4 C
4 0.964 h5 = 0.964 m T5 = 8.00 C
h6 = 0.036 m

5 8.00 0.036


Stress due Stress

y to release due to
Height Stress b Force e Moment End Final Stress
from top of Axial release of
Segment Restrained
Force Moment

mm Mpa mm KN mm mm KNm Mpa Mpa Mpa Mpa

1 132.00 -12.36 446.67 -364.26 44.00 417.38 -152.04 -12.36 8.07 5.33 0.14

88.00 0.00 446.67 0.00 8.07 2.79 1.45

2 20.00 -1.01 400.00 -4.05 226.67 234.72 -0.95 0.00 8.07 2.79 10.86
3 380.00 -20.26 16.00 -64.66 487.30 -25.92 1.68 -20.26 8.07
4 964.0 -20.26 16.00 -312.43 1102.00 -640.62 200.15 -20.26 8.07
5 36.00 -20.26 650.00 -473.99 1602.00 -1140.62 540.64 -20.26 8.07 -13.39 -25.58
-1219.4 589.48


Short Term Properties
Total Height of the Steel Girder h = 1.620 m
C.G. of Girder from bottom Yb = 1.103 m
M.O.I. of the Section I = 0.0480 m
Area of the Section A = 0.1306 m
Modulus of Elasticity of Steel Es = 2.1E+05 Mpa
Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete Ec = 32,000 Mpa
Coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete α = 1.2E-05 C
Modular Ratio (Short Term) m = 7.500
Section Modulus at the top of Slab ZTS = 0.093 m3
Section Modulus at the top of Girder ZTG = 0.162 m3
Section Modulus at the bottom of Girder ZBG = 0.043 m3
(Refer Fig. 10(b) of IRC:6 - 2014) h (m) T1 (0C)
T1 = 18.5 C h1 = 0.1320 m 0.2 18
T2 = 4.0 C h2 = 0.4 m 0.3 20.5
T3 = 3.12 C (temp at slab bottom)
T4 = 2.92 C (temp at steel girder top flange bottom)

PAGE 16 OF 128

18.5 Stress 2.650

1 0.1320 46.84 0.400
2 10.13 0.220
3 0.4 7.90 0.020
4 7.39
1.400 0.016

3 0 0.036
3.12 0.650

Section of Girder


Assuming Stress due Stress
Height Stress b Force e Moment End to release due to Final Stress
from top
Segment Restrained of Axial release of

mm Mpa mm KN mm mm KNm Mpa Mpa Mpa Mpa

1 132 46.84 353.33 1328.54 51.82 409.56 544.12 46.84 -13.97 -8.68 3.23

2 88 10.13 353.33 280.27 174.19 287.20 80.49 10.13

3 20 7.90 400.00 61.17 229.89 231.49 14.16 7.90 -13.97 -4.98 -1.47

4 292 7.39 16.00 17.27 337.33 124.05 2.14 7.39 -13.97 -4.98 -11.56

0.00 -13.97 18.53 4.56

1687.26 640.92


0.2 4.4

4.88 h = 1.620 m 0.3 6.8

1 0.132
2 0 0.088 0.02 h1 = 0.132 m T1 = 4.88 C
0.4 o
h2 = 0.088 m T2 = 0 C
8.00 h3 = 0.020 m T3 = 0 C
h4 = 0.380 m T4 = 0.4 C
4 0.964 h5 = 0.964 m T5 = 8.00 C
h6 = 0.036 m

5 8.00


Stress due Stress

y to release due to
Height Stress b Force e Moment End Final Stress
from top of Axial release of
Segment Restrained
Force Moment
mm Mpa mm KN mm mm KNm Mpa Mpa Mpa Mpa

1 132.00 -12.36 353.33 -288.15 44.00 417.38 -120.27 -12.36 8.07 6.35 0.27

88.00 0.00 353.33 0.00 8.07 3.64 1.56

2 20.00 -1.01 400.00 -4.05 226.67 234.72 -0.95 0.00 8.07 3.64 11.71

3 380.00 -20.26 16.00 -64.66 487.30 -25.92 1.68 -20.26 8.07

4 964.0 -20.26 16.00 -312.43 1102.00 -640.62 200.15 -20.26 8.07

5 36.00 -20.26 650.00 -473.99 1602.00 -1140.62 540.64 -20.26 8.07 -13.55 -25.74

-1143.3 621.24

PAGE 17 OF 128
5.1 Design of Steel Girder
5.1.1 SECTIONAL PROPERTIES Elastic Sectional Property


At end portion
16 / 16
1,344 1,400



Figure 3.1 Cross section of Steel Girder

y = C. G. of individual plate from bottom of girder

Yb = N. A. of section from bottom of girder

= Moment of Inertial about y - y

Izz = Moment of Inertial about z - z

Yb ∑ 2 "I" Self @ x- "I" self @ y- Izz = Iself +

B D Area (A) y Ay A(Yb - y) 2
(A x y) / ∑ A x y A(Yb-y)

cm cm cm2 cm cm3 cm cm4 cm4 cm4

40.00 2.00 80.0 139.00 11,120 50.59 625255 26.67 10667 6,25,282
Top flange

1.60 134.40 215.0 70.80 15,225 50.59 87801 323695 46 4,11,496


65.00 3.60 234.0 1.80 421 50.59 557111 253 82388 5,57,363
Bottom flange

529 26,766 1270167 93100 1594141.5

As section is unsymmetrical about z-z axis, the moment of inertial is calculated based on parallel axis theorem

Izz = 15,94,141 cm

and symmetric about y - y axis, hence the addition of Iself about y-y axis itself as a Iyy of section
Iyy = 93100.0 cm4

Elastic Section Modulus of section (Ze)

Z top =15,94,141/(894/10) = 17,830 cm

Z bot =15,94,141/50.59 = 31,509 cm

PAGE 18 OF 128
5.1.2 Sectional Requirement for Steel Girder

fy= Yield Stress of Steel Used = 410 MPa

e =SQRT(250/410) = 0.78

Minimum width to thickness ratio for Compression Flange IRC 24-2010 clause 503.7.2 Table 2 -Page 33
Ratio Class 1 Plastic Class 2 Compact Class 3 Semi compact

Outstand 8.4e = 6.56 9.4e = 7.34 13.6e = 10.62

element of
compression Actual = 9.60 Actual = 9.60 Actual = 9.60

Minimum depth to thickness ratio for Web IRC 24-2010 clause 503.7.2 Table 2 -Page 33
Ratio Class 1 Plastic Class 2 Compact Class 3 Semi compact

84e = 65.59 105e = 81.99 126e = 98.39

Web of an I-
section Actual = 84.00 Actual = 84.00 Actual = 84.00



Minimum Web thickness IRC 24-2010 clause 509.6.1-Page 97

The thickness of web in a section shall satisfy the following requirement

1) Serviceability requirement

2) Compression flange buckling requirement

1.) Serviceability requirement IRC 24-2010 clause 509.6.1.1 -Page 97

When only Transverse Stiffeners are provided

Spacing of transverse stiffeners c = 1000 mm

Depth of web d = 1344 mm

i) When 3d >= c >= d 4032.0 >= 1000 < 1344 N/A

d/tw <= 200e

84 <= 156 OK

2.) Compression Flange Buckling Requirement IRC 24-2010 clause 509.6.1.2 -Page 99
When Transverse Stiffeners are provided

When c < 1.5d 1000 < 2016 d/tw<=345 ϵf 84.00 <= 269.40 OK

PAGE 19 OF 128
* Design for Construction Stage *(Considering Steel section only)
5.1.3 Design Shear Strength of Steel Girder (Vd) IRC 24-2010 clause 509.4-Page 90

Vd = Vn/ϒmo

Vd = Design Strength

Vn = Nominal shear resistance of the section

ϒmo = Partial safety factor against shear failure = 1.10 IRC 24-2010 clause 503.4-Page 30

The vertical shear force is assumed to be resisted by the web of the steel section.

Nominal Shear strength may be governed by plastic shear resistance or strength of web as governed by shear buckling.

1) Plastic Shear Resistance:

Vn = Vp

Where, Vp = Av x fyw / √3

AV = Shear Area IRC 24-2010 clause 509.4.1.1-Page 91

= d x tw (Considering Major Axis Bending for Welded Sections)

= 21504 mm2

fyw = Yield strength of the web

Hence, Vp = 5090289.477 N

= 5090 kN

2) Shear Buckling Resistance:

For stiffened webs as stiffeners have been provided

d/tw > 67 ϵ √(Kv / 5.35)

84.00 > 83.61 OK

Where, Kv = Shear Buckling Coefficient IRC 24-2010 clause 509.4.2.2-Page 92

= 13.664 when transverse stiffeners are provided with c/d < 1

ϵ = √ (250 / fy)

The resistance to shear buckling is calculated by the following methods.

a) Simple Post Critical method

Vn = Vcr

Vcr = Shear force corresponding to web buckling

= Av x τb

τb = Shear stress corresponding to web buckling

τcr,e = kv π2 E / (12 (1 - μ2 )(d / tw )2)

= 369.30 MPa
IRC 24-2010 clause 509.4.2.2 (a)-Page 92

λw = √(fyw / (√(3) x τcr,e)) Or Eq. 3.9 of IRC 22: 2010, Page 20

= 0.80

The shear stress corresponding to web buckling is calculated as follows:

When λw <= 0.8 τb = fyw / √3

When 0.8 < λw < 1.2 τb = (( 1 - 0.8 ) ( λw - 0.8 )) ( fyw / √3 )

When λw >= 1.2 τb = fyw /( √3 λw2)

Hence τb = 236.60 MPa

Hence Vcr = Av x τb

Vcr = 5087784 N

Vn = 5088 kN

PAGE 20 OF 128
b) Tension field method

Vn = Vtf
Vtf [ Av x τb + 0.9 wtf twfv sinf] <= Vp
= IRC 24-2010 clause 509.4.2.2 (b)-Page 93

= 5090 kN

tb = Shear stress corresponding to web buckling

= 236.60 MPa
fv = Yield Strength of the tension field

= [fyw2 - 3 tb2 + ᵠ2]0.5 - ᵠ

0 MPa
ᵠ = 1.5 tb sin2f

350 MPa
ᵠ = Inclination of the tension field = tan-1(d/c)

wtf = Width of the tension filed
= d cosf - (c - sc - st ) sin f

427 mm
fyw = Yield stress of the Web
d = Depth of the Web
c = Spacing of the Stiffeners in the Web
= Shear stress corresponding to buckling of Web ( Cl. 509.4.2.2(a))
sc, st = Anchorage length of tension field along the comp. and tension flange respectively, obtained from:
s (compression) = 2/sinf [Mfr(compression)/fywtw] <=c

= 131
s (tension) =
2/sinf [Mfr(tension)/fywtw] <=c

= 300
Mfr(Compression) = .25bftf2fyf [1-{Nf(compression)/(bftffyf/gmo)}2]

= 16399998.82
Mfr(Tension) = .25bftf2fyf [1-{Nf(tension)/(bftffyf/gmo)}2]

= 86345993.8
bf,tf = Width and thickness of the relevant flange respectively
fyf = Yield stress pf the flange

Nf (Compression) = 799 kN
Nf (Tension) = 2337 kN

Nominal Shear strength is minimum of the above two methods.

Vn = 5088 kN

Design shear strength is obtained by dividing the nominal shear strength by the factor of safety.
Vd = 5,088/1.10

= 4625 kN

Shear Force Due to DL during Construction = 613 kN

Shear force due to Construction LL = 48 kN

Maximum shear force in the critical girder at construction stage = 661 kN < 4625 kN

(considering wt of steel girder & green concrete slab alone)


PAGE 21 OF 128
5.1.4 Design Bending Strength for Steel section

The moment capacity of a simply supported beam will vary depending upon conditions of lateral supports. To be defined as laterally supported,

any one of the following conditions need to be satisfied.

IRC 24-2010 clause 509.2.2 , Pg 80

1) Bending is about minor axis of section

2) Section is hollow (rectangular/tubular) of solid

3) In case of major axis bending, λLT < 0.4

As the first two conditions are not applicable the third condition needs to be checked before the bending strength is determined.

f y
λLT =
f cr ,b


A non-dimensionless slenderness ratio

λLT =

Yield stress of steel section

fy =

Extreme fibre bending compressive stress corresponding to lateral elastic buckling moment
fcr,b =

As per clause 509.2.2.1 of IRC 24 (2010), the elastic lateral torsional buckling moment,

b b Zp fcr,b
Mcr =

Mcr /b b Zp
i.e. fcr,b =


bb 1 (for plastic and compact sections)


Ze / Zp (for semi compact sections)

= = 0.676

PAGE 22 OF 128
Calculation of Elastic Critical Moment

1) For Laterally Un-Supported Beam

The design bending strength of the steel girder is calculated as follows, when Vn < 0.6Vd.

IRC 24-2010 clause 509.2.2-Page 80

Md = b b Z p f bd

f bd = χLT f y / gmo

cLT = 1/(fLT + (fLT2 - lLT2)1/2) <1.0

fLT = 0.5*[1 + aLT(lLT - 0.2) + lLT2]

aLT = 0.49

1/2 1/2
= slenderness ratio = (b b Zp fy / Mcr) < (1.2 Ze fy / Mcr)

bb = 0.676

 2 EI y  
 K  I w 
GIt ( LLT ) 2 
= c1 
 
 + + (c2 y g - c3 y j ) 2  - (c2 y g - c3 y j )
( LLT )  K w  I y
 EI y
 
 
Mcr Annex-C of IRC-24-2010, pg.177

(This applies only to non-symmetric cross sections)

E = Modulus of elasticity of material = 211000 MPa

LLT = eff. length for lateral torsion restraint = 4800 mm

(1.2 times the length of relevant segment in between partial lateral restraints, i.e. length between intermediate girders)
Iy = Moment of inertia @ weak axis = 931000418.7 mm

G = Modulus of rigidity = 77000 MPa IRC 24-2010 clause 502.2.2-Page 24

It = St. Venant's Torsion constant

= Sbt (ti) /3
= 1.30E+07 mm4

I fc = MI of Comp. flange @ minor axis = 1.1E+08 mm4

I ft = MI of Ten. flange @ minor axis = 8.2E+08 mm

bf = I fc / (I fc + I ft ) = 0.11

hy = 1372.0

Iw = Warping Constant
(1- b f ) b f I y h y
2 mm
= = 1.78E+14

K = 1

The value of K depends on end restraints

0.50 For complete restraint against rotation about weak axis

1.00 For no restraint against rotation about weak axis

0.70 For partial restraint against rotation about minor axis

Kw = 1

The value of Kw is generally taken as 1 unless special arrangements have been made to restrain warping at end supports of sections
yg = Distance between point of application of load and shear centre of cross section. Its positive when load acts

towards shear centre

= (hy /( (1 +(btop + bbot)3 x (ttop_f / tbot_f) )) - ytop (Ref: "Design of Steel Structures" by Dr N. Subramaniam, Pg 849)

(Applicable only for monosymmetric I sections)

= 1225 mm

yj = -528.73

c1 = 1.132

c2 = 0.459 (Annex-C of IRC-24-2010, Table-C.1)

c3 = 0.525

\ Mcr = 1.08E+10 Nmm

\ lLT = 0.823 Beam is laterally unsupported Md1 applicable

\ fLT = 0.99

\ cLT = 0.65

fbd = cLTfy/ϒm0

= 241 MPa
M d1 = 4,303 kN-m .

PAGE 23 OF 128
Construction load considering of 1.5 kN/m = 3.975 kN/m

Moment at centre for simply supported girder with = 362 kNm

construction live load

Maximum BM in the critical girder at construction stage = 1891 kNm

(considering wt of steel girder & concrete slab alone)

Bending Moment Check = 3,042 kN-m < 4303 kN-m


2) For Laterally Supported Beam

The design bending strength of the steel girder is calculated as follows, when Vn < 0.6Vd.

Md = βb x Zp x fy / ϒmo <1.2 x Ze x fy / ϒmo (Simply Supported Beam)

Where, IRC 24-2010 clause 509.2.1.2 , Pg 79

βb = 1.0 for plastic and compact sections

βb = Ze / Zp for semi coMPact section

Ze, Zp = Plastic and elastic section modulus of the cross section, respectively

\ βb = 0.676

fy = Yield stress of the material

ϒmo = Partial safety factor = 1.1 IRC 24-2010 clause 503.4-Page 30

Vn = Factored design Shear Force = 661 kN

Vd = Design Shear Strength of the cross section 4,625 kN

The design bending strength of the steel girder is calculated as follows, when 661.01 < 2775.2

Vn < 0.6Vd
Md = βb x Zp x fy / ϒmo

βb = 1.0 for plastic and compact sections

βb = Ze / Zp for semi coMPact section = 0.676

Ze, Zp = Plastic and elastic section modulus of the cross section, respectively

fy = Yield stress of the material

ϒmo = Partial safety factor for yielding = 1.1

Hence Md2 = 6646 kNm

Maximum BM in the critical girder at construction stage = 3042 kNm < 6646 kNm

PAGE 24 OF 128
*Design for Service Stage *

5.2 Design of Composite Section at Ultimate Limit State

5.2.1 Effective Width for composite Section IRC 22-2015 clause 603.2-Page 15

0.500 12.0m 0.500


2.025 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.025



Figure 3.2 Cross section of Bridge

Effective width beff of deck slab for Inner girder Effective width beff of deck slab for Outer girder

beff = L0 / 4 <= (B1 + B2)/2 beff = (L0 / 8 <= B/2) + ( X <= L/8)

= 6.00 > 2.650 = 1.325 + 2.025

beff = 2.650 m beff = 3.350 m

5.2.2 Composite section (Inner Girder)

Grade of Concrete for Slab fck = 40 MPa

Grade of R/F steel for Slab fy = 500 MPa

E for concrete Ec ( s ) = 31,000 MPa

E for steel Es = 2,11,000 MPa


220 400
0 400


1,620 16
1,344 1,400



Figure 3.3 Cross section of Inner Composite Section

PAGE 25 OF 128
5.2.3 Moment of resistance of Composite Section (Inner Girder)

Bending Moment with full shear Interaction IRC:22 -2015, Clause 603.5.1-Annexure I, Page 70
NotationAf = Area of top flange of steel beam of a composite section = 8,000 mm

As = Cross section area of steel beam of a composite section = 53,224 mm2

(Considering effective web area for plastic section,Refer

beff = Effective width of concrete slab (Considering constant slab depth over steel girder) = 2,650 mm

bf = Width of top flange of steel section = 400 mm

ds = Overall depth of concrete slab = 220 mm

dc = Vertical Distance between centroids of concrete slab and steel beam


= 1,004 mm

tf = Average thickness of top flange of the steel section = 20 mm

tw = thickness of web of the steel section = 16 mm

Xu = Depth of neutral axis at ultimate limit state of flexure from top of concrete

Mu = Ultimate bending moment

ϒm = Material safety factor for structural steel = 1.1 IRC 22-2015, Table 1, page 10

a= Constant = (fy / ϒm)/(0.36fck)

= (410/1.1)/(0.36×40)

= 26

Position of Plastic Neutral Axis

Assumed thickness of the deck slab is shown in the calculations below:

Depth of Slab is considered constant , but the width has been modified ds = 220.00 mm

(Calculation shown in composite girder properties, 5.3.9)

As per Table 1.1 IRC 22-2015 ,Pg 70, Plastic Moment capacity for composite section is given as:

Case Value of xu Moment Capacity

Position of plastic neutral axis

1 Within Slab
beff.ds > a.As xu = (a.As)/beff Mp =(Asfy (dc + 0.5ds - 0.42xu))/ϒm

(Refer Fig I.1, Pg 70, IRC 22 (2015))

2 Plastic Neutral Axis

in Steel Flange
beff.ds<a.As<(beff.ds+2a.Af) xu = ds +( (aAs - beff.ds)/2bfa) Mp ={ [As (dc + 0.08ds) - bf(xu - ds).(xu + 0.16ds)]}ϒm

(Refer Fig I.2, Pg 70, IRC 22 (2015))

3 Plastic Neutral Axis

in Web
beff.ds + 2a.Af < a.As
xu = ds + tf + {a(As - 2Af) - beff.ds} / Mp = fy [ As(dc + 0.08ds) - 2Af(0.5tf + 0.58ds) - tw(xu - ds - tf) . (xu + 0.16ds
2atw + tf)] / ϒm

(Refer Fig I.3, Pg 70, IRC 22 (2015))

Hence, depth of the NA is calculated based on the following conditions:

Case 1Plastic Neutral axis Within Slab

If beff x ds > a x As

5,83,000 < 13,77,641 N/A

Case 2Plastic Neutral axis in Steel flange

If beff x ds < a x As < beff x ds + 2 a x Af

5,83,000 < 13,77,641 > 9,97,141 N/A

Case 3Plastic Neutral axis in Web

If beff x ds + 2 a x Af < a x As

9,97,141 < 13,77,641 OK

PAGE 26 OF 128
Based on the above calculations, the depth of the NA & Plastic moment capacity is found out for
Case 3

Depth of neutral axis xu = 699 mm

Plastic Moment capacity Mp = 1.738E+10 Nmm

= 17,380 kNm
Max design bending moment on the section = 6857 kNm
(5.1.6, Basic Combination, Girder G1)

Composite section (Outer Girder)


220 1,475 400 1,475 220

0 400 220 0
20 0

1,620 16 1,400



Figure 3.3 Cross section of Outer Composite Section

5.2.4 Moment of resistance of Composite Section (Outer Girder)

Bending Moment with full shear Interaction IRC:22 -2015, Clause 603.5.1-Annexure I, Page 70

NotationAf = Area of top flange of steel beam of a composite section = 8,000

As = Cross section area of steel beam of a composite section = 53,224

(Considering effective web area for plastic section,Refer

beff = Effective width of concrete slab = 3,350 mm

bf = Width of top flange of steel section = 400 mm

ds = Overall depth of concrete slab = 220 mm

dc = Vertical Distance between centroids of concrete slab and steel beam


= 1,004 mm

tf = Average thickness of top flange of the steel section = 20 mm

tw = thickness of web of the steel section = 16 mm

Xu = Depth of neutral axis at ultimate limit state of flexure from top of concrete

Mu = Ultimate bending moment

ϒm = Material safety factor for structural steel = 1.1 IRC 22-2015 Table 1, page 10
a= Constant = (fy / ϒm)/(0.36fck)

= (410/1.1)/(0.36×40)

= 26

PAGE 27 OF 128
Position of Plastic Neutral Axis
The thickness of the deck slab is considered in the calculations below:
Depth of Slab is considered constant , but the width has been modified ds = 220 mm
(Calculation shown in composite girder properties, 5.3.9)
The depth of the NA is calculated based on the following conditions:
Case 1Plastic Neutral axis Within Slab
If beff x ds > a x As
7,37,000 < 13,77,641 N/A
Case 2Plastic Neutral axis in Steel flange
If beff x ds < a x As < beff x ds + 2 a x Af
7,37,000 < 13,77,641 > 11,51,141 N/A
Case 3Plastic Neutral axis in Web
If beff x ds + 2 a x Af < a x As
11,51,141 < 13,77,641 OK

Based on the above calculations, the depth of the NA & Plastic moment capacity is found out for Case 3

Depth of neutral axis xu = 513 mm

Plastic Moment capacity Mp = 1.85.E+10 Nmm

= 18,520 kNm

Max design bending moment on the sec. = 8546 kNm
(5.1.6, Basic Combination, Girder G1)
5.2.5 Shear Resistance of Composite Section IRC:22-2015 clause 603.3.3.2 page 18
As vertical shear force is assumed to be resisted by the web of the steel section due to which
Shear Check is same for outer and inner girder.
Vd = Vn/ϒmo
Vd = Design Strength
Vn = Nominal shear resistance of the section
ϒmo = Partial safety factor against shear failure = 1.10 IRC 22-2015 Table 1, page 10

Nominal Shear strength may be governed by plastic shear resistance or strength of web as governed by shear buckling.

1) Plastic Shear Resistance:

Vn = Vp
Where, Vp = Av x fyw / √3
AV = Shear Area IRC:22-2015 clause 603.3.3.2 page 18
= d x tw
= 21504 mm2
fyw = Yield strength of the web

Vertical shear force is assumed to be resisted by the web of the steel section only, Hence as per clause 603.3.3.2 of IRC:22 2015
of area of web only considered.
Hence, Vp = 5090289.477 N
= 5090 kN

2) Shear Buckling Resistance:

Resistance to shear buckling shall be verified, when
d/tw > 67 ϵ √(Kv / 5.35) IRC 24-2010 clause 509.4.2.2-Page 92
84.00 > 83.61 OK

Where, Kv = Shear Buckling Coefficient IRC:22-2015 clause 603.3.3.2 page 20

= 13.66 when transverse stiffeners are provided with c/d < 1

ϵ = √ (250 / fy)
The resistance to shear buckling is calculated by the following methods.

PAGE 28 OF 128
a) Simple Post Critical method

Vn = Vcr


Vcr = Shear force corresponding to web buckling

= Av x τb

τb = Shear stress corresponding to web buckling

2 2 2
τcr,e = kv π E / (12 (1 - μ )(d / tw ) )

= 369 MPa

λw = √(fyw / (√(3 τcr,e))

= 0.80

The shear stress corresponding to web buckling is calculated as follows:

When λw <= 0.8 τb = fyw / √3

When 0.8 < λw < 1.2 τb = (( 1 - 0.8 ) ( λw - 0.8 )) ( fyw / √3 )

When λw >= 1.2 τb = fyw /( √3 λw )

Hence τb = 236.60 MPa

Hence Vcr = Av x τb

Vcr = 5087784 N

Vn = 5088 kN

b) Tension field method This method is not applicable since c/d < 1

= Vtf

Vtf [ Av x τb + 0.9 wtf twfv sinf] <= Vp


= 5088 kN 5090
= Shear stress corresponding to web buckling
= Yield Strength of the tension field

[fyw - 3 tb + ᵠ ]
2 2 2 0.5
= -ᵠ


= 1.5 tb sin2f

ᵠ -1
= Inclination of the tension filed = tan (d/c)

= Width of the tension filed

= d cosf - (c - sc - st ) sin f

= Yield stress of the Web
= Depth of the Web
= Spacing of the Stiffeners in the Web
= Shear stress corresponding to buckling of Web ( Cl. 509.4.2.2(a))
sc, st
= Anchorage length of tension field along the compression and tension flange respectively, obtained from:

PAGE 29 OF 128
s (compression)
= 2/sinf [Mfr(compression)/fywtw]0.5<=c

= 130.544473
s (tension) 0.5
= 2/sinf [Mfr(tension)/fywtw] <=c

= 299.5419669
Mfr(Compression) 2 2
= .25bftf fyf [1-{Nf(compression)/(bftffyf/gmo)} ]

= 16399978.18 Kn
Mfr(Tension) 2 2
= .25bftf fyf [1-{Nf(tension)/(bftffyf/gmo)} ]

= 86345885.14
= Width and thickness of the relevant flange respectively
= Yield stress pf the flange

Nf (Compression)
= 3439
Nf (Tension)
= 10059

Nominal Shear strength is minimum of the above two methods.

Vn = 5088 kN

Design shear strength is obtained by deviding the nominal shear strength by the factor of safety.

Vd = 5,088/1.10

4625 kN
= 1559 kN
Maximum shear force in the critical girder < 4625 kN

PAGE 30 OF 128
5.2.6 Design of Composite Section at Serviceability Limit State

The normal elastic analysis is used for finding out the design forces and stresses under various load combinations as per IRC:6-2014 and load factors as per IRC:22-
2015. The section is checked for the stresses and deflection at this limit state.

220 400 220

0 400


1,620 16
1,344 1,400



Figure 3.4 Cross section of Composite Section

Sectional Properties
Dist from
Width Depth Area Ixx Iyy Ibot
boot Ay Ay 2
Description B D A y bd3/12 db3/12 Ixx + Ay

2 3 4 4 4 4
cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm

Top flange 40.00 2.00 80.00 139.00 11,120 1.55E+06 27 10667 1.5E+06

Web 1.60 134.40 215.04 70.80 15,225 1.08E+06 323695 46 1.4E+06

Bottom flange 65.00 3.60 234.00 1.80 421 7.58E+02 253 82388 1.0E+03

Slab 17.67 22.00 389 129.00 50,138 6.47E+06 15676 10109 6.5E+06

S 917.71 76,904 1.03E+05 9.4E+06

Area of concrete slab Inner Girder = 177×220+0×0+400×0 = 38,867 mm

Area of concrete slab Outer Girder =220×1,475+0.5×1,475×0+400×220+220×1,475+0.5×0×0 = 7,37,000 mm


Calculation of Modular Ratio & Section Properties

For calculating stresses and deflection in the structure, the modular ratio is calculated as mentioned in IRC:22-2015 for different stages of loading and the final stresses
and deflections are worked out separately for each stage of load history with the relevant modular ratio and the corresponding section modulus and then added together.

Section Properties is calculated for inner and outer girder and presented below and same properties is used for analysis of structure.

5.2.7 Modular ratio for Permanent loads / Long term loads IRC 22-2015 clause 604.3-Page 23

Modular ratio m = Es / ( Kc*Ec )


Kc = Creep factor

= 0.5

m = 2,11,000/(0.5×31,000)

= 13.2 < 15.0

Hence modular ratio in design = 15.00

5.2.8 Modular ratio for Transient loads / Short term loads

Modular ratio m = Es / Ec IRC 22-2015 clause 604.3-Page 23

m = (2,11,000/31,000)

= 6.81 < 7.5

Hence modular ratio in design = 7.50

PAGE 31 OF 128
5.2.9 Sectional Properties of inner girder at service stage
a) Long Term Loads
The equivalent area of concrete slab is calculated by dividing the effective width of concrete slab by the modular ratio.
Modified effective width of slab = (2650 x 220 + 400 x 0 + (0.5 x0 x 0 x 2 ) ) / 220
= 2,650
Equivant width of concrete slab =2,650/15.00 = 177 mm

400 220



16 1,620
1,344 1,400



Figure 3.5 Cross section of Composite Section for Permanent Load

Sectional Properties
Dist from
Width Depth Area Ixx Iyy Ibot IT
Ay Ay
Description B D A y 3
BD /12 DB /12
Ixx + Ay2 ∑dt3/3

2 3 4 4 4 4 4
cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm

Top flange 40.00 2.00 80.00 139.00 11,120 1.55E+06 27 10667 1.5E+06 1.1E+02

Web 1.60 134.40 215.04 70.80 15,225 1.08E+06 323695 46 1.4E+06 1.3E+06

Bottom flange 65.00 3.60 234.00 1.80 421 7.58E+02 253 82388 1.0E+03 1.0E+03

Slab 17.67 22.00 388.67 151.00 58,689 8.86E+06 15676 10109 8.9E+06 6.3E+04

917.71 85,455 1.03E+05 1.2E+07 1.4E+06

ytopsl top of concrete slab 69 cm

ytop top of steel flange 47 cm

ybot 93 cm

= 38,68,654 cm4

= cm
Iyy 1,03,209

= cm
Ztopsl top of concrete slab 56,163

= cm3
Ztop top of steel top flange 82,518

= cm
Zbot bot of steel bot flange 41,546

= cm4
Ixx 13,58,604

PAGE 32 OF 128
b) Short Term Loads
The equivalent area of concrete slab is calculated by dividing the effective width of concrete slab by the modular ratio.
Modified effective width of slab = (2650 x 220 + 400 x 0 + (0.5 x0 x 0 x 2 ) ) / 220
= 2,650
Equivalent width of concrete slab =2,650/7.50 = 353 mm

400 220



16 1,620
1,344 1,400


Figure 3.6 Cross section of Composite Section for Transient Load

Sectional Properties
Dist from
Width Depth Area Ixx Iyy Ibot IT
Ay A y2
Description B D A y 3
BD /12 DB /12
Ixx + Ay2 3
∑dt /3

2 3 4 4 4 4 4
cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm

Top flange 40.00 2.00 80.00 139.00 11,120 1.55E+06 27 10667 1.5E+06 1.1E+02

Web 1.60 134.40 215.04 70.80 15,225 1.08E+06 323695 46 1.4E+06 1.3E+06

Bottom flange 65.00 3.60 234.00 1.80 421 7.58E+02 253 82388 1.0E+03 1.0E+03

Slab 35.33 22.00 777.33 151.00 1,17,377 1.77E+07 31352 80871 1.8E+07 1.3E+05

S 1,306.37 1,44,143 1,73,971 2,07,03,661 1.4E+06

ytopsl top of concrete slab 52 cm

ytop top of steel flange 30 cm

ybot 110 cm

= 47,99,088 cm4
= cm
Iyy 1,73,971
= cm
Ztopsl top of concrete slab 74,885
= cm
Ztop top of steel top flange 1,30,427
= cm
Zbot bot of steel bot flange 35,062
= cm
Ixx 14,21,309

PAGE 33 OF 128
5.2.10 Sectional Properties of outer girder at service stage
a) Long Term Loads
The equivalent area of concrete slab is calculated by dividing the effective width of concrete slab by the modular ratio.
= (3350 x 220 + 400 x 0 + (0.5 x0 x 0 x 2 ) +(0.5 x1475 x 0 x 2 ) ) / 220
= 3,350
Equivant width of concrete slab =3,350/15.00 = 223 mm

400 220



16 1,620
1,344 1,400


Figure 3.5 Cross section of Composite Section for Parmanent Load

Sectional Properties
Dist from
Width Depth Area Ixx Iyy Ibot IT
bot 2
Ay Ay
2 3
Description B D A y BD3/12 DB3/12 Ixx + Ay ∑dt /3

2 3 4 4 4 4 4
cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm

Top flange 40.00 2.00 80.00 139.00 11,120 1.55E+06 27 10667 1.5E+06 1.1E+02

Web 1.60 134.40 215.04 70.80 15,225 1.08E+06 323695 46 1.4E+06 1.3E+06

Bottom flange 65.00 3.60 234.00 1.80 421 7.58E+02 253 82388 1.0E+03 1.0E+03

Slab 22.33 22.00 491.33 151.00 74,191 1.12E+07 19817 20422 1.1E+07 7.9E+04

S 1,020.37 1,00,957 1,13,522 1,41,71,040 1.4E+06

ytopsl top of concrete slab = 63 cm

ytop top of steel flange = 41 cm

ybot = 98.94 cm

IZZ = 41,82,157 cm4

Iyy = 1,13,522 cm
Ztopsl top of concrete slab = 66,322 cm
Ztop top of steel top flange = 1,01,859 cm
Zbot bot of steel bot flange = 42,269 cm
Ixx = 13,75,168 cm

PAGE 34 OF 128
b) Short Term Loads
The equivalent area of concrete slab is calculated by dividing the effective width of concrete slab by the modular ratio.
= (3350 x 220 + 400 x 0 + (0.5 x0 x 0 x 2 ) +(0.5 x1475 x 0 x 2 ) ) / 220
= 3,350
Equivant width of concrete slab =3,350/7.50 = 447 mm

446.67 mm

400 mm 220 mm

20 mm

461 mm

16 mm
1620 mm
1344 mm 1400 mm

1159 mm

36 mm
650 mm
Figure 3.6 Cross section of Composite Section for Transient Load

Sectional Properties
Dist from
Width Depth Area Ixx Iyy Ibot IT
Ay A y2
Description B D A y BD3/12 DB3/12 Ixx + Ay ∑dt3/3

cm cm cm2 cm cm3 cm4 cm4 cm4 cm4 cm4

Top flange 40.00 2.00 80.00 139.00 11,120 1.55E+06 27 10667 1.5E+06 1.1E+02

Web 1.60 134.40 215.04 70.80 15,225 1.08E+06 323695 46 1.4E+06 1.3E+06

Bottom flange 65.00 3.60 234.00 1.80 421 7.58E+02 253 82388 1.0E+03 1.0E+03

Slab 44.67 22.00 982.67 151.00 1,48,383 2.24E+07 39634 163377 2.2E+07 1.6E+05

S 1,511.71 1,75,149 3.64E+05 2.56E+05 2.5E+07 1.5E+06

ytopsl top of concrete slab 46 cm

ytop top of steel flange 24.1 cm

ybot 116 cm

= 51,00,746 cm4
= cm
Iyy 2,56,477
= cm
Ztopsl top of concrete slab 1,10,553
= cm
Ztop top of steel top flange 2,11,312
= cm
Zbot bot of steel bot flange 44,024
= cm
Ixx 14,54,436

PAGE 35 OF 128
5.3 Check for Stresses in the Member

The stresses in the member at the critical section i.e. midspan are checked for rare combination as per IRC:6-2010. The final stresses in the member are calculated
separately for each loading stage of load history with relevant section properties and then added together.

As the outer girder is critical ,the following section properties of outer girder are used at different stages of loading.

Sl. A Ixx Ztop slab Ztop Zbot

mm2 mm4 mm3 mm3 mm3

1 Outer Permanent / long term Loads 1.02E+05 4.2E+10 6.6E+07 1.0E+08 4.2E+07
2 Transient / short term Loads 1.5E+05 5.1E+10 1.1E+08 2.1E+08 4.4E+07

3 Permanent / long term Loads 9.2E+04 3.9E+10 5.6E+07 8.3E+07 4.2E+07

4 Transient / short term Loads 1.3E+05 4.8E+10 7.5E+07 1.3E+08 3.5E+07

5.3.1 Bending Moments in Girders for Rare Combinations

Bending Moment at Midspan

Sl. No. Loading
G1 G2 G3

kNm kNm kNm

1 Dead Load (girder + slab) 1,891 1,745 1,891

2 SIDL 795 652 795

3 Vehicular Live Load 3,252 2,390 1,715

4 Footpath Live Load 0 0 0

5.3.2 Stresses in Composite Section for Rare Combination

Load Combination is as per IRC6:2017

Girder G1 Girder G2
Sl. No. Loading stops sbots stopg sbotg stops sbots stopg sbotg


1 Dead Load (girder + slab) 0.00 0.00 106.08 60.03 0.00 0.00 97.86 55.38

2 SIDL 0.80 0.52 7.81 18.81 0.77 0.53 7.90 15.68

3 Differential Shrinkage 0.36 0.80 31.68 5.33 0.48 0.91 30.25 5.11

4 Thermal Loads 0.14 1.45 10.86 25.58 0.27 1.56 11.71 25.74

5 Vehicular Live Load 3.92 2.05 15.39 73.87 4.25 2.44 18.32 68.16

6 Footpath Live Load 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Comb 1 Live load as leading load 5.16 4.24 167.46 173.38 5.68 4.81 161.35 159.78

Comb 2 Thermal load as leading load 4.24 4.30 167.96 165.15 4.72 4.83 161.46 153.04

Note: Comb 1 live load is considered as leading load, the factor for thermal load is 0.6

Comb 2: Thermal is considered as leading load, the factor for live load is 0.75

PAGE 36 OF 128
Girder G3

Sl. No. Loading

stops sbots stopg sbotg


1 Dead Load (girder + slab) 0.00 0.00 106.08 60.03

2 SIDL 0.94 0.64 9.64 19.14

3 Differential Shrinkage 0.48 0.91 30.25 5.11

4 Thermal Loads 0.27 1.56 11.71 25.74

5 Vehicular Live Load 3.05 1.75 13.15 48.90

6 Footpath Live Load 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Comb 1 Live load as leading load 4.646 4.238 166.134 148.627

Comb 2 Thermal load as leading load 3.992 4.425 167.532 146.699

*** stops Stress at slab top stopg Stress at girder top

sbots Stress at slab bottom sbotg Stress at girder bottom

Permissible bending stress in concrete = 19.20 MPa

Permissible elastic stress in structural steel 0.9xfytk = 369 MPa

Maximum bending stress in concrete = 5.68 MPa

Maximum elastic stress in structural steel = 173.38 MPa

PAGE 37 OF 128
5.4 Check for Deflection in the Member

Service Stage

The deflection in the member at the critical section i.e. midspan is checked for frequent combination as per IRC:6-2017. The final deflection in the member is calculated
separately for each loading stage of load history with relevant section properties and then added together.

Partial Outer 1 Inner 1 Inner 2 Inner 3 Outer 2

Sr. Impact
Description Safety
No. factor
Deflection (mm)

1 Self Weight + Deck Slab 1.00 - 3.198 5.889 9.181 13.280 17.851

2 Crash Barrier + Railing 1.00 - 3.914 0.237 0.510 6.515 18.637

3 Wearing Course 1.20 - 0.255 1.330 2.060 2.311 2.007
Total Deflection (Permanent) 7.4 7.7 12.2 22.6 38.9
4 Class A 0.75 124% 0.571 2.194 3.023 3.703 2.974
5 70R 1 125% 0.502 3.505 4.530 5.427 2.996
6 FPLL 1 - 0.320 0.051 0.094 0.319 1.511

1.5 6.5 8.6 10.5 8

Total Deflection (Live Load)

8.9 14.2 20.7 33.1 46.9

Total Deflection (Permanent + Live Load)

As per clause 7.2, Annex B of IRC 6 (2010), defelection check shall be carried out using partial safety factors given in

Column 3, of Table 3.3 (Verification of Serviceability limit state)

IRC 22-2015 clause 604.3.2-Page 24

Permissible total deflection = Span / 600
Outer 1 Inner 1 Inner 2 Inner 3 Outer 2

Girder Length 14.645 16.593 18.54 20.49 22.44

Permissible Total Deflection 24.4 27.7 30.9 34.1 37.4

Permissible deflection due to live load alone = Span / 800 IRC 22-2015 clause 604.3.2-Page 24
Outer 1 Inner 1 Inner 2 Inner 3 Outer 2

Girder Length 14.645 16.593 18.54 20.49 22.44

Permissible Deflection 18.3 20.7 23.2 25.6 28

Max deflection in girder due to LL alone = 10.50 mm
Provide Camber
Max total deflection in girder Service Stage = 46.90 mm

Provided camber of 50.00 mm near mid span

PAGE 38 OF 128
5.4.1 Design for Fatigue Limit: (IRC 22: 2015) IRC 22:2015 Clause605 Pg. 25

The actual normal and shear stress range "f " and "τ " at any point of the strucuture subjected to Nsc cycles in life shall

f =< 27/γmft = 21.60 MPa

satisfy the following:

f <= f fd = μ r f f / γ mft (normal /flexure stress) IRC 22:2015 Clause 605.4 Pg. 34

τ <= τ fd = μ r τ f / γ mft (shear stress)


μr = capacity reduction factorfor fillet or butt joint IRC 22-2015, Clause 605.2 Pg 26
= (25 / tp) <= 1.0 (for plate thickness tp greater than 25 mm) ,

γ mft = partial safety factor against fatigue falilure, IRC 22-2015,Table 3 Pg 27

ff , τf = normal and shear fatigue stress ranges for the actual life cycle, Nsc,

tp = actual thickness in mm of the thicker plate being joined. 2.0833 2.08


For normal stress range,

ff =
f fn (5 x 10 / N sc )
when, Nsc <= 5 x 106

f fn (5 x 10 / N sc )
when, 5 x 106 <= Nsc <= 1 x 108

For shear stress range,

τf = τ fn (5 x 10 6 / N sc ) 1/5
f fn , τ fn = normal and shear fatigue strength of the detail for 5 x 10 cycles, for the detail category as per

IRC 22-2015 Table 4 through Table 6

Note: Partial safety factor for "loads" in the evaluation of stress range in fatigue design shall be taken as 1.0

Thickness of Bottom flange plate = 36 mm

Thickness of Top Flange plate = 20 mm

Thickness of Web = 16

μr (Bottom flange plate) = 0.91 (tp > 25 mm)

μr (Top Flange plate) = 1.00 (tp <= 25 mm)

μr (Web Plate) = 1.00 (tp <= 25 mm)

Number of stress cycles, Nsc 2.00E+06

For Welded Plate I-Section and Box girder with Continuous automatic longitudinal fillet welds carried out from both sides

and all welds not having un-repaired stop start position Detail Category 92 is referred of IRC:22-2015 , Table 5, Page 28

Detail category = 92

τ fn , f fn = 92 MPa

.`. τ f = τ fn (5 x 10 6 / N sc ) 1/5 =92×(5×10^6/2.00E+06)^(1/5) = 111 MPa

.`. f f = f fn (5 x 10 6 / N sc ) 1/3 =92×(5×10^6/2.00E+06)^(1/5) = 125 MPa

γ mft (Table 5, IRC 22-2015) = 1.35 (Fail-Safe)

Bending fatigue strength, ffd = 74.0 MPa

Shear fatigue strength, τfd = 84.0 MPa

Evaluation of Actual shear stress range (LL with impact):

5.10E+10 4
Moment of Inertia of Cross-section for Short Term Loading = mm
Ybottom of Section = 1,159 mm of Outer
Ytop of Section = 461 mm

Maximum Bending Moment in Section (Live Load Only Considered) = 3,252 kNm

Maximum Shear Force in Section = 631 kN

Shear Stress in Section =631×1000/(1,344×16) = 29.33 MPa OK

Bending Stress in Top flange of Section =3,252×10^6×461/5.10E+10 = 29.41 MPa OK

Bending Stress in Bottom flange of Section =3,252×10^6×1,159/5.10E+10 = 73.87 MPa OK

PAGE 39 OF 128
5.5 Splice Design

Force Summary Splice Locations

BM at Splice Location SF at Splice Location

Description Girder G1 Girder G2 Girder G3 Girder G1 Girder G2 Girder G3

KNm KNm KNm kN kN kN

Self Weight + Deck Slab 1,924 1,747 1,924 115 430 379

SIDL 1 451 255 451 95 95 41

SIDL WC 421 368 421 88 88 76

Vehicular Live Load

3,822 2,757 2,177 1,354 1,204 896
At The time of erection 2,376 2,002 2,376 211 525 419
During Service condition 6,618 5,127 4,974 1,653 1,817 1,391

5.5.1 Top Flange Splice

High Strength Friction Grip Bolt Properties
Assume Diameter of Bolt d = M20 10.9 HSFG
Head diagonal, e mm e = 37.29 mm
Head thickness, k mm k = 12.50 mm
Nut Diagonal, mm = 37.29 mm
Nut Thickness, mm = 16.00 mm
Washer outer Diameter, * D mm d2 = 37.00 mm
Washer inner Diameter, *d mm d1 = 22.00 mm
Washer Thickness, heavy, mm s = 4.00 mm
Thread length, **b mm < 100 b = 36.00 mm
> 100 = 43.00 mm
pitch of thread, p mm p = 2.50 mm
Allowance for Grip***, in mm = 31.00 mm

* The outside diameter of a washer is an important dimension when detailing.

For Example to avoid overlapping an adjacent weld.
** The thread length depends on the length of the bolt, which is calculated as grip length plus the allowance for grip as given
*** The allowance include thickness of one nut and one washer only. If additional washer are used or where threads are excluded (in bearing type joints) from shear plane,
high allowance may be required.

General Requirement for Splice:

Min. pitch =2.5×20 = 50 mm

Max. pitch = 300 mm

Parts in Tension = 200 mm
Parts in Compression = 192 mm

Max. gauge = 300 mm

Minimum Edge distance =1.7×22 = 38 mm

Maximum Edge distance 12 x t x (250/fy)^0.5 = 150 mm

Calculation of Bolt Value

Flange thickness = 20 mm
Cover plates Min 5/8 of tf = 13 2 plates of = 16 mm OK

Area of Top Flange with 5% Excess 400*20+5% 400*20 = 8,400 mm
Top Splice Plate Area =400×16 = 6,400 mm
Bottom Splice Plate Area Provide 2 plates of 180 mm width =180×16×2 = 5,760 mm

Area of Splice Plate Provided =6,400+5,760 = 12,160 mm OK

PAGE 40 OF 128
Bolts are in double shear.
Provide = 20 mm φ Bolts
Dia. of Bolt holes, = 22.0 mm

Case 1. Slip Resistance or Normal Shear Capacity of Bolt (Vnsf)

Vnsf = μf ne Kh Fo * βlj * βlg
μf = Coefficient of friction (slip factor) as specified in Table 20 of IS:800-2007
= 0.35
ne = Number of effective interfaces offering frictional resistance to slip
= 2.00
Kh = 1.00 for fastner in clearance holes
Fo = Minimum bolt tension (proof load) at installation and may be taken as Anb * fo
Anb = Net area of bolt at threads
= 245 mm IS 4000:1992, Table 2
Ultimate tensile stress of bolt = 1,040 MPa (IS 1367-Part 3)
fo = Proof stress
= 0.7* fub = 728 MPa
Fo = 1,78,360 N

Vnsf = 1,24,852 N

Long Joints reduction factor (βlj)

If Length of joint lj > 15 d, then
lj = 810.00 mm
15d = 300.00 mm Reduction is applicable
βlj = 1.075 - lj / (200d) but 0.75 < βlj <= 1.0
= 0.87
However, Shear is uniform in flange
βlj = 1.00
Large Grip lengths reduction factor(βlg)
βlg = 8d/(3d+l)
If Grip Length l < 5d
52 < 100 No Reduction
βlg = 1.00

Vnsf = 1,24,852 N

Vdsf = Vnsf / ϒmf

ϒmf = 1.25 1.1 for service load IRC24:2010, Table 1, Page 30
1.25 for ultimate load
Vdsf = 99,882 N

Case 2. Shear Capacity of Bolt

Nominal Shear capacity of bolt
Vnsb = fu / (3)^ * (nn Anb + ns Asb ) * βlj * βlg
fu = Ultimate tensile strength of a bolt
= 1,040 MPa (IS 1367-Part 3)
nn = Number of shear planes with threads intercepting the shear plane
= 2
ns = Number of shear planes without threads intercepting the shear plane
= 0
Anb = Net Shear area of the bolt at threads
= 245 mm IS 4000:1992, Table 2
Asb = Nominal plain shank area of the bolt
= 314 mm IS 4000:1992, Table 2
βlj = 1.00
βlg = 1.00

Vnsb =(1,040/((3)^(1/2)))×(2×245+0×314)×1.00×1.00
= 2,94,218 N
Vdsb = Vnsb / ϒmf
ϒmf = 1.25 1.1 for service load and
1.25 at ultimate load
Vdsf =2,94,218/1.25 = 2,35,374 N

PAGE 41 OF 128
ϒmf = Partial Safety factor for Ultimate Load = 1.25
IRC24:2010, Table 1, Page 30
ϒm0 = Partial Sadety factor for Service load = 1.10

Now, from above cases

Bolt Value is Minimum of Case 1 and case 2 = 124.85 kN
Bolt value for Service load =124.85/1.10 = 113.50 kN
Bolt value for Ultimate load =124.85/1.25 = 99.88 kN

1.Check for Splice Plate at Construction Stage-

Z top of beam (Steel Girder Alone) (Zt) = 1.78E+07 mm
B.M. at splice,
BM due to DL(girder +Slab) = 2,376 KNm
BM Due to Construction Live Load = 254 kNm
Compressive Stress at the section = (2,376+254) ×10^6/1.78E+07 = 147.50 MPa
Max Shear Force = (147.50) ×400×20 = 1,180 kN
Bolt Value at service stage = 114 kN
No. of Bolt required = 11 nos.

2. During service condition - with live load

Z top of beam = 1.78E+07 mm
Z top of beam for permanent load = 1.02E+08 mm
Z top of beam for Transient load = 2.11E+08 mm
Compressive Stress at the section MDL + MLL = 135 MPa
Zbot (Permanent Load) Zbot ( Transient Load)

Max Shear Force =(135×400×20)/1000 = 1,077 kN

No. of Bolt required =(1,077/99.88) = 11 nos.
Columns x
12 4 OK
Number of Bolt provided Say, 48 nos. Rows
Pitch provided in Longer Direction = 60 mm OK

Pitch Provided in Shorter Direction = 90 mm OK ###

Edge distance provided in short direction (Outer side) = 45 mm OK ###
Edge distance provided in Longer Direction = 90 mm OK ###
Edge distance provided in short direction (For Inner Plate, inner side) = 45 mm OK ###
Size of plate provided = 990 x 400 mm ###
provide inner cover plate 2 nos = 990 x 180 mm

Check for Splice plate thickness

Max. Axial Force = 10,76,571 N
Area of plate = 12,160 mm
Deduction for Bolt holes = 2,816 mm
Net area of plate = 9,344 mm2
Stress in the plate = 115 MPa
< 410 OK
Check for fatigue stress on top flange splice connection

Thickness of top flange plate = 20 mm

Thickness of splice plate = 16 mm
μr (top flange plate) = 1.00 (tp <= 25 mm)
μr (splice plate) = 1.00 (tp <= 25 mm)
Number of stress cycles, Nsc = 2.00E+06

Detail category (Table 6, IRC 22-2015) = 83

τ fn = 83 MPa
.`. τ f = 100 MPa

γ mft (Table 3, IRC 22-2015) = 1.35

Design fatigue strength, τfd = μ τf/γmft =100×1.00/1.35 = 73 MPa

PAGE 42 OF 128
Evaluation of Actual shear stress range (LL with impact):

The splice of top flange is designed for the horizontal shear stress in the top flange of the composite girder.

b d A y from top Ay

m m m2 m m3 Σay
Ytop fl =

Concrete Deck 0.223 0.220 0.049 0.110 0.005 ΣA

= 0.127 m
Top Flange 0.400 0.020 0.008 0.230 0.0018

Total 0.057 0.007

Length of splice plate on one side of joint = 0.495 m

Number of bolts on one side of splice, n = 48 no's

Maximum Bending Moment in Section (Live Load Only Considered) = 2,548 kNm

Maximum Shear Force in Section (Live Load Only Considered) = 548 kN

Force in the bolt 1 V.A.y M.Y

= x Length of splice plate + x Area of the plate to be spliced

n I I


= 2.71 kN ("Design of Steel Structures" By "N Subramanian, )

( "Design of Steel Structure By Limit State Method as per IS 800-2007 ", by" S. S. Bhavikatti")

= 2
.`. Actual stress range in the bolt, τ 2.71 = 5,533 kN/m


= OK
6 MPa < 73 MPa

90 60 60 90 60 60 90


-45 400



PAGE 43 OF 128
5.5.2 Web Plate splice

High Strength Friction Grip Bolt Properties IS 3757:1985

Assume Diameter of Bolt d = M20 10.9 HSFG

Head diagonal, e mm e = 37.29 mm

Head thickness, k mm k = 12.5 mm

Nut Diagonal, mm = 37.29 mm

Nut Thickness, mm = 16 mm

Washer outer Diameter, * D mm d2 = 37 mm

Washer inner Diameter, *d mm d1 = 22 mm

Washer Thickness, heavy, mm = 4 mm

Thread length, **b mm < 100 b = 36 mm

> 100 = 43 mm

pitch of thread, p mm p = 2.5 mm

Allowance for Grip***, in mm = 31 mm

* The outside diameter of a washer is an important dimension when detailing.

For Example to avoid overlapping an adjacent weld.

** The thread length depends on the length of the bolt, which is calculated as grip length plus the allowance for grip as given

*** The allowance include thickness of one nut and one washer only. If additional washer are used or where threads are excluded (in bearing type joints) from shear plane,
high allowance may be required.

General requirement for Splice

Min. pitch =2.5×20 = 50 mm Clause

Max. pitch = 300 mm 10.2.2

Parts in Tension = 192 mm

Parts in Compression = 144 mm

Max. gauge = 300 mm

Minimum Edge distance =1.7×22 = 37 mm

Maximum Edge distance 12 x t x (250/fy)^ = 112 mm

Calculation of Bolt Value

Web thickness = 16 mm
= 5/8*tw
Minimum thickness of Cover plates = 10 mm min

Cover plates 2 plates of = 12 mm

Bolts are in double shear.

Provide = 20 mm φ Bolts

Dia. of Bolt holes, = 21.5 mm

Case 1. Slip Resistance or Normal Shear Capacity of Bolt (Vnsf)

Vnsf = μf ne Kh Fo * βlj * βlg


μf = Coefficient of friction (slip factor) as specified in Table 20 of IS:800-2007

= 0.35

ne = Number of effective interfaces offering frictional resistance to slip

PAGE 44 OF 128
= 2.00

Kh = 1.00 for fastner in clearance holes

Fo = Minimum bolt tension (proof load) at installation and may be taken as Anb * fo

Anb Net area of bolt at threads

= 2
245 mm

Ultimate tensile stress of bolt = 1,040 MPa

fo Proof stress = 0.7* fub

= ( 0.7 x 1,040 ) = 728 MPa

Fo = 1,78,360 MPa

Vnsf = 1,24,852 N

Long Joints reduction factor (βlj)

If Length of joint lj > 15 d, then

βlj = 1.075 - lj / (200d) but 0.75 < βlj <= 1.0

lj 935 > 300

lj > 15d

Reduction factor βlj Required

βlj = 0.84

Say 1.00 No reduction is taken for web

Large Grip lengths reduction factor(βlg)

βlg = 8d/(3d+l)

If Grip Length l < 5d

40 < 100 βlg = 1

βlg = 1.00

Vnsf =1,24,852×1.00×1.00 = 1,24,852 N

Vdsf = Vnsf / ϒmf ϒmf = 1.10 1.1 for service load and

1.25 at ultimate load

Vdsf =1,24,852/1.10 = 1,13,502 N

PAGE 45 OF 128
Case 2. Shear Capacity of Bolt

Nominal Shear capacity of bolt

Vnsb = fu / (3)^ * (nn Anb + ns Asb )* βlj * βlg


fu = Ultimate tensile strength of a bolt

= 1,040 MPa

nn = Number of shear plan with threads intercepting the shear plane

= 2

ns = Number of shear plan without threads intercepting the shear plane

= 0

Anb = Net Shear area of the bolt at threads

= 245 mm IS 4000:1992, Table 2

Asb = Nominal plain shank area of the bolt

= 314 mm IS 4000:1992, Table 2

βlj = 1.00

βlg = 1.00

Vnsb =(1,040/((3)^(1/2)))×(2×245+0×314)×1.00×1.00 = 2,94,218 N

Vdsb = Vnsb / ϒmf ϒmf = 1.10 1.1 for service load and

1.25 at ultimate load

Vdsf =2,94,218/1.10 = 2,67,471 N

Now, from above cases

Bolt value at service stage is minimum of Case 1 and Case 2 = 113.50 kN

Bolt value at Ultimate stage is minimum of Case 1 and Case 2 = 99.88 kN

PAGE 46 OF 128
Splice Design of Web

Total Bending moment = 6,618 kNm

Total shear force

For Erection Stage = 211 kN

For Service Stage = 1,653 kN

Depth of splice plate =(18 - 1) x 55+ 2 x 40 < (1,400-20-36-48×2) = 1,015.0 < 1248 mm OK

Pitch Provided along Longer edge = 55 mm OK

Pitch Provided along Shorter Edge = 60 mm

Edge distance provided along longer length of plate = 40 mm

Edge distance provided along shorter length of plate = 40 mm

BM due to MI of Comp. Girder MI of Steel BM in Web due to

DL SIDL LL Long.Term Short.Term Web Girder Const. LL DL SIDL LL

kNm kNm kNm kNm cm4 cm4 cm4 cm4 kNm kNm kNm kNm

254 1,924 872 3,822 4.18E+06 5.10E+06 3.24E+05 1.59E+06 51.66 390.73 67.51 242.53

Design bending moment in web = Total BM x M.I of web

M.I of Comp outer girder

Additional moment due to eccentrcity of Bolt CG = V.e

For erection stage = 25 kNm

For service stage = 397 kNm

1) For Erection Stage

Total Design Bending Moment in Web, Mdw1 = 468 kNm

2) For Service Stage

Total Design Bending Moment in Web, Mdw2 = 1,097 kNm

Nos of Bolt from Moment Consideration = SQRT ( 6M/ Pitch x No. Of Vertical Row x Bolt Value)

= 11.00 < 18.00 OK

Vertical Shear force Per Bolt in erection stage =211/(10×18) = 1.17 kN

Vertical Shear force Per Bolt in service stage =1,653/(10×18) = 9.18 kN

Force in the farthest bolt from C.G due to moment, Fm = M. r

X2 = ((10-1)/2)/3 x (((10-1)/2)+1) x(((10-1)/2)+0.5) x 60^2 x 2
= 5.346 m

Y2 = 14.66 m
2 = ((18-1)/2)/3 x (((18-1)/2)+1) x(((18-1)/2)+0.5) x 55^2 x 2

Distance of Extreme bolt from center of Gravity of Bolts

(X + Y )
2 2
Σr2 = = 20.00 m
2 ………………(a)

X = 0.12 m =(240/2) ……………….(b)

Y = 0.47 m =(1,015/2-40)/1000 ……………….(c)

2 2 ^0.5
.`. Fm = M. r = M*(X + Y ) = 11.28 kN (Erection Stage)
Σr2 (X2 + Y2)

= 26.48 kN (Service Stage)

PAGE 47 OF 128
Refer "Design of Steel Structure By Limit State Method as per IS800-2007 ", by" S. S. Bhavikatti"

Resultant force in extreme bolt is given by,

√ Fa2 + Fm2 + 2 Fa . Fm cosθ
F =

-1 =
θ = tan ( 0.47 / 0.12 ) 75.60 degrees

.`. F (erection) 11.63 kN

.`. F (service) 30.11 kN

Total Force in Bolt in Erection Stage =12+1.17 = 12 kN OK

Total Force in Bolt in Service Stage =30+9.18 = 39 kN OK

Provide two plate 1,015 x 640 x 12 mm, one each side of the web.

No. of Bolts Provided = 180 nos. 10 Columns x Rows 18

Check for Splice plate thickness

Max. Shear Force Refer 5.1.10 COMB 1 = 18,16,945 N ###

Area of plate =2×12×1,015 = 24,360 mm2 ###

Deduction for Bolt holes =18×22×2×12 = 9,288 mm2

Net area of plate =24,360-9,288 = 15,072 mm2

Stress in the plate =18,16,945/15,072 = 121 MPa

< 410

Hence width of splice plate = 640 mm

320 320
40 60


Bolt Group C.G.

240 240

PAGE 48 OF 128
Check for fatigue stress on Web splice connection

Thickness of Web plate = 16 mm

Thickness of splice plate = 12 mm

μr (top flange plate) = 1.00 (tp <= 25 mm)

μr (splice plate) = 1.00 (tp <= 25 mm)

Number of stress cycles, Nsc = 2.00E+06

Detail category (Table 6, IRC 22-2015) = 83

τ fn = 83 MPa

.`. τ f = 100 MPa

γ mft (Table 3, IRC 22-2015) = 1.35

Design fatigue strength, τfd = 73 MPa

Evaluation of Actual shear stress range (LL with Impact):

Bending moment at splice location (LL) Refer 5.1.10 COMB 2 = 2,548 kNm

Shear force at splice location (LL) Refer 5.1.10 COMB 2 = 548 kN

Design Bending moment in web (LL) Total BM x M.I of web


M.I of Composite girder

=2,548×4,11,496/47,99,088 = 206 kNm

Vertical Force in bolts due to direct shear, Fa. =548/(180×2) = 1.52 kN

Maximum Force in farthest bolt due to Design Web Moment = 4.96 kN

Total Force in Bolt (LL) = 6.48 kN

= 2
Area of bolt 245 mm

Actual shear stress range (LL) =6.48×1000/245.00 26.46 MPa

< 73 MPa

PAGE 49 OF 128
5.5.3 Bottom Flange Splice
High Strength Friction Grip Bolt Properties IS 3757:1985
Assume Diameter of Bolt d = M20 10.9 HSFG
Head diagonal, e mm e = 37.29 mm
Head thickness, k mm k = 12.5 mm
Nut Diagonal, mm = 37.29 mm
Nut Thickness, mm = 16 mm
Washer outer Diameter, * D mm d1 = 37 mm
Washer inner Diameter, *d mm d2 = 22 mm
Washer Thickness, heavy, mm = 4 mm
Thread length, **b mm < 100 b = 36 mm
> 100 = 43 mm
pitch of thread, p mm p = 2.5 mm
Allowance for Grip***, in mm = 31 mm

General requirement for Splice

Min. pitch =2.5×20 = 50 mm
Max. pitch = 300 mm
Parts in Tension = 200 mm
Parts in Compression = 200 mm

Max. gauge = 300 mm

Minimum Edge distance =1.7×22 = 37 mm
Maximum Edge distance 12 x t x (250/fy)^ = 211 mm

Calculation of Bolt Value

Flange thickness = 36 mm
Provide 2 plates of = 36 mm
also thickness is checked As per 509.6.3.3 of IRC:24-2010 area of splice plate shall not be less than 5% in excess of the area of
flange plate

Area of Top Flange with 5% Excess 650*36+5% 650*36 = 24,570 mm
Bottom Splice Plate Provided =650×36 = 23,400 mm
Top Splice plate area Provide 2 plates of 400 mm width =400×36×2 = 28,800 mm
Area of Splice Plate Provided =23,400+28,800 = 52,200 mm OK

Bolts are in double shear.

Provide = 20 mm φ Bolts
Dia. of Bolt holes, = 21.5 mm
Case 1. Slip Resistance or Normal Shear Capacity of Bolt (Vnsf)
Vnsf = μf ne Kh Fo * βlj * βlg

μf = Coefficient of friction (slip factor) as specified in Table 20 of IS:800-2007
= 0.35
ne = Number of effective interfaces offering frictional resistance to slip
= 2.00
Kh = 1.00 for fastner in clearance holes =
Fo = Minimum bolt tension (proof load) at installation and may be taken as Anb * fo
Anb = Net area of bolt at threads
= 245 mm

Ultimate tensile stress of bolt = 1,040 MPa

fo = Proof stress
= 0.7* fub = 728 MPa
Fo = 1,78,360 MPa
Vnsf = 1,24,852 N

PAGE 50 OF 128
For Long Joints reduction factor (βlj)

If Length of joint lj > 15 d, then

lj = 740.00 mm

15d = 300.00 mm Reduction is applicable

βlj = 1.075 - lj / (200d) but 0.75 < βlj <= 1.0

= 0.89
However,Shear is uniform in flange
βlj = 1.00
Large Grip lengths reduction factor(βlg)
βlg = 8d/(3d+l)

If Grip Length l < 5d

81 < 100 βlg = 1
βlg = 1.00

Vnsf =1,24,852×1.00×1.00 = 1,24,852 N

Vdsf = Vnsf / ϒmf ϒmf = 1.25 1.1 for service load and

1.25 at ultimate load

Vdsf = 99,882 N

Case 2. Shear Capacity of Bolt

Nominal Shear capacity of bolt
Vnsb = fu / (3)^(1/2) * (nn Anb + ns Asb )* βlj * βlg

fu = Ultimate tensile strength of a bolt

= 1,040 MPa
nn = Number of shear plan with threads intercepting the shear plane
= 2
ns = Number of shear plan without threads intercepting the shear plane
= 0
Anb = Net Shear area of the bolt at threads
= 245 mm IS 4000:1992, Table 2
Asb = Nominal plain shank area of the bolt
= 314 mm IS 4000:1992, Table 2
βlj = 1.00
βlg = 1.00

Vnsb =(1,040/((3)^(1/2)))×(2×314+0+245)×1.00×1.00 = 5,24,188 N

Vdsb = Vnsb / ϒmf ϒmf = 1.25 1.1 for service load and

1.25 at ultimate load

Vdsf =5,24,188/1.25 = 4,19,350 N

Bolt value at service stage is minimum of Case 1 and Case 2 = 113.50 kN
Bolt value at Ultimate stage is minimum of Case 1 and Case 2 = 99.88 kN

1. Splice at the time of erection - Girder placed over pier cap and unsupported by diaphragm
Z bottom of beam (Steel Girder Alone) = 3.15E+07 mm
B.M. at 1/3 Span,
BM due to DL(girder +Slab) = 2,376 kNm
BM due to Construction Live load = 254 kNm
Compressive Stress at the section =2,376×10^6/3.15E+07 = 83.47 MPa
Max Shear Force =83.47×650×36/1000 = 1,953 kN
Bolt Value at service stage = 114 kN
No. of Bolt required =1,953/114 = 17 nos.

PAGE 51 OF 128
Splice Design of Bottom Flange

2. During service condition - with live load ,

Z Bottom of beam Refer 5.2.1 = 3,15,08,764 mm3

Z Bottom of Beam for permanent load Refer 5.3.9 (a) = 4,22,68,944 mm3
Z Bottom of beam for Transient load Refer 5.3.9 (b) = 4,40,24,486 mm

Compressive Stress at the section MDL + MLL = 169 MPa

Zbot (Permanent Load) Zbot ( Transient Load)

Max Shear Force =(169×650×36)/1000 = 3,943 kN

No. of Bolt required = 40.0 nos.

Columns x
Number of Bolt provided (one side) Say, 168 nos. 14 Rows 12 OK

Pitch provided longer edge = 55 mm OK

Pitch Provided in shorter edge = 60 mm OK

Gauge provided = 50 mm OK

Edge distance provided in short direction = 50 mm OK

Edge distance provided in longer direction = 40 mm OK

Size of plate provided = 820 x 650 mm

Provide inner cover plate 2 nos = x 400 mm

Check for Splice plate thickness

Max. Axial Force = 39,43,291 N

Area of plate = 29,250 mm

Deduction for Bolt holes = 11,610 mm2

Net area of plate = 17,640 mm2

Stress in the plate = 224 MPa

< 410 OK

Check for Bottom Flange plate IS 800-2007 Cl. 6.2,6.3,6.4

Max. Axial Force = 39,43,291 N

Area of plate (Ag) = 23,400 mm
Deduction for Bolt Holes = 9,288 mm
Net area of plate (An) = 14,112 mm2

ϒm0 = 1.10 ϒm1 = 1.25

Design strength due to Yeilding of Gross Cross Section

(Tdg) = Ag x fy / ϒm0 = 14,112 x 410 / 1.1 = 5259927 N

> 3943291 N OK

Design strength due to rupture of critical section

(Tdn) =0.9 x An x fu / ϒm1 = 0.9 x 14,112 x 490 / 1.25 = 4978713.6 N

> 39,43,291 OK

Design shear strength due to block shear

Avg = min gross area in shear along bolt line parallel to ext force (along line 1-2 and 3-4) = (2 x (14 - 1) x 55 + 2 x 40) x 36 = 54,360 mm2

Avn = min net area in shear along bolt line parallel to ext force (along line 1-2 and 3-4) = 2x(((14 -1)x55+40 ) x36-((14 -1) x 21.5x36)) = mm2

Atg = min gross area in tension from the bolt hole to the end bolt line, perpendicular to force (along line 2-3) 25,200 mm2

Atn = min net area in tension from the bolt hole to the end bolt line, = (((12/2 -1) x 2 x 60+ 2 x 50)-(12-1) x 21.5) x 36 = 16,686 mm2
perpendicular to force (along line 2-3)

fy = 410 MPa fu = 490 MPa

Tdb1 = Avg x fy / (3)0.5 x ϒm0 + 0.9 x Atn fu / ϒm1 17585 KN

Tdb2 = 0.9 x Avn x fu / (3)0.5 x ϒm1 + Atg x fy / ϒm0 =(0.9x34236x490/(sqrt(3)x1.25) +25200x410)/1000 = 17306 KN

1 2 > 3943 KN OK
3 4

PAGE 52 OF 128
50 55 40 40 50

14 columns @ 55 mm c/c

12 rows @ 60 mm c/c 650

CL of
web 50 min

Check for reduction in Moment capacity of tension flange at spliced sections IRC 24-2010 Clause 509.2.1.4-Page 79
Reduction in moment capacity due to bolt holes in tension flange need not be considered if following relation is satisfied

(Anf / Agf) >= (fy/fu)(ϒml/ϒ0)/0.9

Anf / Agf = Ratio of net area to gross area of flange in tension = 0.60
2 Min area
Agf = (650 x 36) = 23,400.00 mm reqd
Anf = Gross Area - Area of Bolt holes = [650-(12x21.5)] x36 = 14,112.00 mm 24722 mm2

= 1.06

ϒml = 1.25 ϒmo = 1.10

fy = 410 fu = 490

Therefore, Reduced capacity needs to be calculated

Check for fatigue stress on Bottom flange splice connection

Thickness of Bottom flange plate = 36 mm

Thickness of splice plate = 23 mm

μr (Bottom flange plate) = 0.91 (tp > 25 mm)

μr (splice plate) = 1.00 (tp <= 25 mm)

Number of stress cycles, Nsc = 2.00E+06

Detail category (Table 6, IRC 22-2015) = 83 Refer 5.1.10 Comb 2

τ fn = 83 MPa Refer 5.1.10 Comb 2

.`. τ f = 100 MPa

γ mft (Table 3, IRC 22-2015) = 1.25 0.410 m

Design fatigue strength, τfd = μ τf/γmft =100×1.00/1.25 = 72 MPa 168

Evaluation of Actual shear stress range (LL with Impact):

Width of bottom flange plate =650/1000 = 0.650 m

Thickness of plate bottom plate =36/1000 = 0.036 m

C/s area of bottom flange plate =0.036×0.650 = 0.023 m2

Length of splice plate on one side of joint =820/1000/2 = 0.41 m

Number of bolts on one side of splice, n = 168 kN/m2

Maximum Bending Moment in Section (Live Load Only Considered) = 2,548 kNm

Maximum Shear Force in Section (Live Load Only Considered) = 548 kN

Length of splice plate on one side of joint =

Number of bolts on one side of splice, n =

Force in the bolt 1 V.A.y M.Y x Area of the plate to be spliced

= x Length of splice plate +
n I I

(IRC 22:2015-Table-1)

= 8.97 kN

PAGE 53 OF 128
.`. Actual stress range in the bolt, τ = 8.97 = 18,307 MPa (IRC 22:2015-Table-7)


= 18 MPa < 72 MPa

5.6 Design of Shear Connectors (IRC 22:2015-Table-7,8)

Properties of Shear Connector

Grade of Concrete used for Deck Slab = 40.00 MPa

Diameter of Stud d = 25.00 mm

Overall height of Stud = 200.00 mm

Partial safety factor for shear Connector = 1.25

Characteristic yield strength of Stud = 385.00 MPa

Characteristic Tensile Strength of Stud = 495.00 MPa

Ultimate Static Strength of one Stud = 149.00 kN

Number of Studs in one row = 3.00

No's of fatigue cycle Nsc = 2.11E+05

Nominal Fatigue Strength Qr = 39.00 kN

5.6.1 Ultimate Limit State (Strength Criteria) (As per IRC: 22-2015 Clause 606.4.1)

Outer Girder Inner Girder

Impact Partial Shear Shear Shear Shear
Shear Force Shear Force
Type Description Factor Safety Force at Force at Force at Force at 1st
at 1st splice at 2nd splice
Factor Support 2nd splice Support splice

kN kN kN kN kN kN

Long Steel girder and Slab 100% 1.35 318 85 85 280 318 318
SIDL 120% 1.75 121 121 121 74 121 121
Short Vechicular Live Load 0% 1.15 505 1,070 1,070 478 951 951
Load Footpath Live Load 124% 1.50 0 0 0 0 0 0
(IRC:22-2015 Clause 606.4.1, Pg 40)
V . Aec Y 
The longitudinal shear per unit length is given by VL =  I 
  dl ,ll

VL = Longitudinal shear per unit length
V = Vertical Shear forces due to dead load and live load (with impact)
Aec = The transformed compressive area of concrete above neutral axis of composite cross section considering appropriate
modular ratio with respect to nature of load
Y = C.G distance of transformed copncrete area from neutral axis
I Moment of inertia of whole concrete section using appropriate modular ratio

= Q u

Spacing of shear connectors for above case is given by, SL1
Qu = Ultimate Static strength of shear connector (Taken as sum of static strengths of all studs in given section)

PAGE 54 OF 128
-For Outer Girder :-
Shear Shear VL at 12m
Shear Force VL at VL at 6m
Type Description Force at Force at Aec Y I from
Support at 6m Support from support
12m support

kN kN kN m2 m m4 kN/m

Steel (Selfweight) 429.54 115.16 115.16 4.91E-02 0.52 4.18E-02 262.71 70.43 70.43

Slab 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.91E-02 0.52 4.18E-02 0.00 0.00 0.00

SIDL without Surfacing 254.46 254.46 254.46 4.91E-02 0.52 4.18E-02 155.63 155.63 155.63
Surface (Wearing coat) 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.91E-02 0.52 4.18E-02 0.00 0.00 0.00

Differential Shrinkage 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.89E-02 0.58 3.87E-02 0.00 0.00 0.00

Temperature 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.89E-02 0.58 3.87E-02 0.00 0.00 0.00

Vechicular Live Load 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.83E-02 0.35 5.10E-02 0.00 0.00 0.00
Footpath Live Load 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.83E-02 0.35 5.10E-02 0.00 0.00 0.00

Sum 418.33 226.05 226.05

PAGE 55 OF 128
-For Inner Girder :-
Shear Shear Force Shear VL at VL at 6m VL at 12m
Type Description Aec Y I
Force at 6m Force at Support from support from
kN kN kN m2 m m4 kN/m

Steel (Selfweight) 378.54 429.54 429.54 3.89E-02 0.58 3.87E-02 220.13 249.79 249.79
Slab 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.89E-02 0.58 3.87E-02 0.00 0.00 0.00
Long SIDL without Surfacing 154.94 254.46 254.46 0.58
3.89E-02 3.87E-02 90.10 147.97 147.97
Load Surface (Wearing coat) 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.89E-02 0.58 3.87E-02 0.00 0.00 0.00
Differential Shrinkage 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.89E-02 0.58 3.87E-02 0.00 0.00 0.00
Temperature 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.89E-02 0.58 3.87E-02 0.00 0.00 0.00
Short Vechicular Live Load 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41
7.77E-02 4.80E-02 0.00 0.00 0.00
Load Footpath Live Load 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.77E-02 0.41 4.80E-02 0.00 0.00 0.00

Sum 310.23 397.76 397.76

Therefore spacing of shear connectors SL1 is given as,

Spacing Required at Support = 1,069 mm
Spacing Required 1st splice = 1,977 mm
Spacing required at 2nd splice = 1,977 mm

5.6.2 Full Shear Connection (IRC:22-2015 Clause 606.4.1.1, Page 40)

Maximum horizontal force in the slab (H):

Minimum of H1 & H2

H1 =Asl fy 10-3/gm
H2 =0.36 fck Aec 10

Asl = Area of tensile steel in longitudinal direction (mm )
Aec Effective area of concrete
beff.Xu for NA within Slab and beff.ds for NA in steel section

Spacing of Shear Connector (m) SL2 = ( ΣQu / H ) . L

Sr. Asl Aec ᵞm H1 H2 L SL2

mm2 mm2 kN kN m mm

1 Outer Girder 40849 737000 1.25 13398 10613 12.0 505

2 Inner Girder 37874 583000 1.25 12423 8395 12.0 639

* L = Length between max BM and Support

5.6.3 Serviceability Limit State (Limit State of Fatigue) (IRC:22-2015 Clause 606.4.2, Page 41)

Calculate shear Vr at interface due to live load and iMPact

 V R . A ec Y 
  I 
 ll
Vr =


VR = Vertical shear difference due to maximum and minimum shear envolop due to live load and impact

Shear Force at Shear Force Vr at 6m from Vr at 12m
Type Description Force at
5m at 10m
Aec Y I Vr at Support
support from support

Short Term Load kN kN kN m2 m m4 kN/m kN/m kN/m

Vechicular Live Load 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.83E-02 0.35 5.10E-02 0.00 0.00 0.00
Footpath Live Load 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.83E-02 0.35 5.10E-02 0.00 0.00 0.00

Vechicular Live Load 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.77E-02 0.41 4.80E-02 0.00 0.00 0.00
Footpath Live Load 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.77E-02 0.41 4.80E-02 0.00 0.00 0.00

Max.Sum 0.00 0.00 0.00

PAGE 56 OF 128
Spacing Required at Support = #DIV/0! mm
Spacing Required 1st splice = #DIV/0! mm
Spacing required at 2nd splice = #DIV/0! mm

5.6.4 Check for Transverse Shear (IRC:22-2015 Clause 606.6, Page 42)

Longitudinal Shear transferred from the steel girder to slab is further distributed in the transverse direction through the
transverse strength of the slab as well as the transverse reinforcemnent provided at the section.
The transverse strength and amount of trnsverse steel needs to be checked as per formulas given below. (IRC:22-2015 Clause 606.10, Page 44)

The shear force transferred per metre length should satisfy both the following conditions:

1) VL  0.632L f ck
418.33 < 1,758.7 OK

2) VL  0.232 L f ck + 0.1Ast . f st .n
418.33 < 5,561.1 OK
VL = Longitudinal shear force per unit length calculated for Ultimate Limit State in kN/m = 418 kN/m
fck = Characteristic strength of concrete in MPa = 40 MPa
fst = Yield strength of transverse reinforcement in MPa = 435 MPa
L = Length of possible shear plane envelope (as per Fig.11, Pg 45, IRC 22-2015) in mm = 440 mm

n = No. of times each lower transverse reinforcing bar is intersected by a shear surface = 2.00

2 2
Ast = Sectional area of transverse reinforcement in cm per metre run of beam < 2.5VL / fst cm /m
= 56.50 cm2/m 2.5VL / fst = 2.40 cm2/m

5.6.5 Detailing of Shear Connector

37.5 mm

200 mm 25 mm (min)

(IRC:22-2015 Clause 606.6, Fig. 8a)

Diameter of Stud = 25.00 > 2 times plate thickness OK

Height of Stud = 200.00 > 4 times diameter of stud OR 100mm OK

Diameter of Head = 37.50 mm

Number Stud Provided in Section = 3.00 NO's
Minimum Edge Distance of Shear Stud = 25 mm
Spacing of Shear Connector (IRC:22-2015 Clause 606.9)
Spacing of Shear Connector shall not exceed :
1 Three times the thickness of the deck slab = 660 mm
2 4 times the height of the stud connector = 800 mm
3 600mm = 600 mm
Required Spacing @
= #DIV/0! mm
= #DIV/0! mm mm
Provided Spacing @ mm
At support = 75 mm C/C mm #DIV/0!
At Mid = 115 mm C/C mm #DIV/0!

(IRC:22-2015 Clause 606.6.1)

PAGE 57 OF 128
5.7 Design of Stiffeners (IRC:24-2010 Clause 509.7)
5.7.1 Design of Intermediate Stiffeners
Stiffener is provided as intermediate transverse web stiffeners. Connection of stiffener to flange will be provided for Load Bearing stiffener.
A gap of 0 mm is to be provided between bottom flange and stffener not greater than 4tw OK
(IRC:24-2010, Clause 509.7.2.6)
1,344 mm
Depth of Stiffener, d d =

Spacing of Transverse stiffeners c = 1,000 mm

Thickness of Stiiffner (tq) = 12 mm
Consider ,Outstand of Web stiffener = 160 mm

Outstand of Web stiffener <= 20tq ϵ = 187 OK

14tq ϵ = 131 (IRC:24-2010 Clause 509.7.1.2)

When outstand is between 14tq ϵ and 20tq ϵ, then the stiffener design should be on the basis of a core section with an outstand of 14tq ϵ

Hence, stiffener shall be designed using 160 mm Outstand

Minimum Stiffener Required (IRC:24-2010 Clause 509.7.2.4)

For transverse stiffeners not subjected to external loads following conditions need to be satisfied

if c/d ≥ 1.4142 Not Applicable Is >= 0.75 d tw 3 4128768


if c/d < 1.4142 Applicable Is >= 1.5 d tw

3 3 1.49E+07
c/d = 0.74405 3.79E+07 > 1.49E+07 mm OK

Buckling Resistance of Stiffener (IRC:24-2010 Clause 509.7.1.5)


320 mm 320 mm

16 mm

160 mm

Effective Length of Transverse stiffener 0.7 x L = 941 mm

Core Area = 14272 mm2

Considering 20 times web thickness (20tw) of web on both side of stiffener = 320 mm
Moment of Inertia of core area = 3.80E+07 mm
I/ A
Radius of Gyration,r = = 52 mm

KL/r = 18

For any solid section, As per Table 4 of IRC 24-2010, page 49 Section lies in buckling Class b

KL/r Yield Stress fy, (MPa) fy =410 For (IRC 24:2010 Table 6c)
380 400 410 KL/r =18
20 345 364 374
28 312 327 335

Design compressive stress fcd = 382 MPa

Buckling Resistance of Member Fqd =382.143×14272/1000 = 5454 kN

PAGE 58 OF 128
Shear Buckling Force
(IRC:24-2010 Clause 509.7.2.5 and Clause 509.4.2.2)

Fq = V-Vcr < Fqd


Factored Shear Force adjacent to the stiffener (Shear Force at support is considered)


= 684.00 kN (Refer 5.7.1)

Where, Vn = Vcr

Vcr = Shear force corresponding to web buckling

τb = Av x τb

= Shear stress corresponding to web buckling

Av = Shear Area (Area of Web)

= 16×1,344
= 21,504 mm
f yw
( 3 )( t cr , e )
λw =

= 1.07

τcr,e = Kv π2 E / (12 (1 - μ2 )(d / tw )2)

= (14×3.14^2×2.1E+05)/(12×(1-0.3^2)×(1,344/12)^2)

= 208 MPa

Kv = Shear Buckling Coefficient

= 5.35 When transverse stiffeners are provided only at support

= 4.0+5.35 / (c/d) for c/d<1

= 5.35+4 / (c/d)2 for c/d>=1

c/d = 1,000/1,344 = 0.74

Kv = 13.66

When λw <= 0.8 τb = fyw / √3

When 0.8 < λw < 1.2 τb = (( 1 - 0.8 ) ( λw - 0.8 )) ( fyw / √3 )

When λw >= 1.2 τb = fyw /( √3 λw )

Hence τb = 186.06 MPa

Hence Vcr = Av x τb

Vcr = 4001.02 kN

Buckling Resistance of Member = 5454 kN
Fq 2953 kN OK
Stiffener Force =(684.00-4001.02)/1.10 =

160 mm x 12 mm
Hence provide stiffeners on both side of web

PAGE 59 OF 128
Check for Load Carrying Stiffeners (IRC:24-2010 Clause 509.7.3)

Load carrying web stiffeners should be provided where compressive forces applied through a flange by loads or reaction

exceed the buckling strength F cdw of the unstiffened web.

Force Transferred through Flange i.e. Shear Force at support = 684.00 kN

Fcdw = (b1+n1) tw IRC 24-2010, clause 509.7.1.5

= Width of stiff bearing on the flange = 0 mm

Taking Stiff Bearing

n1 0
= dispersion of the load through the web at 45 , to the level of half the depth of the cross section
= half depth of cross section
Dispersion Load
= 803.85 kN

Fcdw = 12,861.62 > 684.00 kN OK (IRC:24-2010 Clause 509.7.1.2)

Compressive Force applied through Flanges does not exceed buckling strength Fcdw, Load Carrying stiffener not provided

5.7.2 Design of End Load Bearing Stiffeners

d =
Depth of web, d 1,344 mm
c =
Spacing of Transverse stiffeners 1,000 mm
Thickness of Stiffener 22 mm
Outstand of Web stiffener = 190 mm

Outstand of Web stiffener 20tq ϵ = OK


14tq ϵ = 241
When outstand is between 14tq ϵ and 20tq ϵ, then the stiffener design should be on the basis of a core section with an outstand of 14tq ϵ

Hence, stiffener shall be designed using 190 mm Outstand

Therefore core area of stiffener on each side 190 mm x 22mm .
= 1.14E+08 mm4
Moment of Inertia of Stiffer @ CG of web
Effective Length of Transverse stiffener 0.7 x L = 941 mm

Considering 20 times web thickness of web on both side of stiffener = 320 mm

Core area = 18952 mm2

= 1.14E+08 mm4
Moment of Inertia of core area
I/ A
Radius of Guration = 348 mm

KL/r = 2.7

For any solid section, As per Table 4 of IRC 24-2010, page 49 Section lies in buckling Class C

KL/r Yiel Stress fy, (MPa) For

fy =410 (IRC 24:2010 Table 6c)
240 250 410
KL/r =2.7
10 345 364 345
20 332 348 332

Design compressive stress fcd = 354 MPa

=354.488×18952/1000 = 6718 kN
Buckling Resistance of Member

PAGE 60 OF 128
Shear Buckling Force (IRC:24-2010 Clause 509.7.2.5 and Clause 509.4.2.2)

Fq = V-Vcr

Factored Shear Force from End Cross Girder V = 816 kN

Factored Shear Force adjacent to the stiffener V = 1,500 kN
Where, Vn = Vcr (Sum of SF at support from 5.7.1)

Vcr = Shear force corresponding to web buckling

τb = Av x τb
= Shear stress corresponding to web buckling
Av = Shear Area (Area of Web)
= 21,504 =16×1,344

λw = √(fyw / (√(3 τcr,e))

= 0.58

τcr,e = Kv π2 E / (12 (1 - μ2 )(d / tw )2)

= 698 MPa

Kv = Shear Buckling Coefficient

= 5.35 When transverse stiffeners are provided only at support
= 4.0+5.35 / (c/d) for c/d<1
= 5.35+4 / (c/d) for c/d>=1

c/d = 0.744047619 =1,000/1,344

Kv = 13.66

When λw <= 0.8 τb = fyw / √3

When 0.8 < λw < 1.2 τb = (( 1 - 0.8 ) ( λw - 0.8 )) ( fyw / √3 )
When λw >= 1.2 τb = fyw /( √3 λw2) 330

Hence τb = 989.87 MPa

Hence Vcr = Av x τb
Vcr = 21286.10 kN

Buckling Resistance of Member Fqd = 6,718 kN

Shear Buckling resistance of web panel Fq = -17851 kN OK

Load bearing stiffeners must satisfy the following interaction expression :

(IRC:24 :2010, Clause 509.7.2.5 Page 105)
Fq-Fx + Fx + Mq < 1
Fqd Fxd Myq

Fq = Stiffener Force
= -17,851.35
Fqd = Design resistance of an intermediate web stiffener corresponding to buckling
@ an axis parallel to the web
= 6,718.25
Fx = External load or reaction at the stiffener
= 1,499.65
If Fq < Fx then Fq-Fx = 0.00

PAGE 61 OF 128
Mq = 1.2 Ze fy /ϒmo


= 300.6 kNm

Mq = Moment on the stiffener due to eccentriclly applied load and transverse load
= 0.00 No External Moment acting on stiffener as stiffener is connected to flange
Myq = Yield Moment Capacity of the stiffener bassed on its elastic modulus about

its centroidal axis parallel to the web

= 300.57

0.22 < 1 OK

Check stiffener for load bearing

Bearing stiffeners should be provided for webs where force applied through a flange by loads or reaction exceed the local capacity

of the web and its connection to the flange

Local Capacity of Web

Fw = (b1+n2) tw fyw/ϒmo
b1 = Stiff Bearing Length = 54 mm


20 mm
Top Flange


16 mm

n2 = Length Obtained by dispersion through the flange to the web junction

at a slope of 1:2.5 to the plane of the flange

= 53.9

Top Flange

1 Detail A

20.00 n2 Web


(IRC:24 :2010 , Clause 509.7.4, Page 106)

Detail A

tw = Thickness of the web

fyw = Yiled stress of the web

Force transferred through Flanges = 1,500 kN

Local Capacity of web Fw = 643 kN

Bearing stiffener Required

Bearing stiffener is designed for V-Fw =

= =1,500-643 = 856 kN
Aq . f yq
0.8g m 0
Bearing Capacity of stiffener alone, Fpsd 3895 kN OK
= =354.49×18952/(1000×0.8x1.1)

Bearing capacity of stiffener is greater than load coming on stiffener, hence the stiffener is safe as a load bearing stiffener

Hence provide stiffener of size 190 as end bearing stiffener

x 22

PAGE 62 OF 128
Design of End diaphram is done for jacking condition only as the bending moment and shear force at this condition are very large
as compared to normal condition.
Effective span = 2.605
Yield strength of steel used for girders = 410
Youngs modulus of steel = 2,11,000
6.1.1 Sectional Property


12 925 949


200 ###

Figure 3.1 Cross section of Steel Girder


y = C. G. of individual plate from bottom of girder

Yb = N. A. of section from bottom of girder

Iyy = Moment of Inertial about y - y

Izz = Moment of Inertial about z - z

Yb ∑ 2 "I" Self @ x- "I" self @ y- Izz = Iself

B D Area (A) y Ay A(Yb - y) 2
(A x y) / ∑ A x y + A(Yb-y)

2 3 4 4 4
cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm

Top flange 20.00 1.20 24.0 94.30 2,263 47.45 52678 3 800 52,681

Web 1.20 92.50 111.0 47.45 5,267 47.45 0 79145 13 79,145

Bottom flange 20.00 1.20 24.0 0.60 14 47.45 52678 3 800 52,681

159 7,545 105356 1613 1,84,507

As section is unsymmetrical about z-z axis, the moment of inertial is calculated based on parallel axis theorem

Izz = 1,84,507 cm

and symmatric about y - y axis, hence the adition of Iself about y-y axis itself as a Iyy of section

Iyy = 1613.3 cm4

PAGE 63 OF 128
Elastic Section Modulus of section (Ze)
Z top =1,84,507/(475/10) = 3,888 cm
3 cm
Z bot =1,84,507/47.45 = 3,888 cm
3 cm



Plastic Section Modulus of section (Zp)

Zp = A1 x y1 + A2 x y2 cm3

Where, A1 = Area of section above N. A. (consist of top flange and a portion of web above N. A.)

y1 = C. G. of section above N. A.from N. A.

A2 = Area of section Below N. A. (consist of Bottom flange and a portion of web below N. A.)

y2 = C. G. of section below N. A.from N. A.

A1 =((200×12)+(475×12))/100 = 80.94

A2 =(200×12+475×12)/100 = 80.94

y1 =((200×12×(475+12/2)+475×12×(475/2))/(200×12+475×12))/10 = 30.94

y2 =((200×12×(475+12/2)+(475×12×475/2))/((200×12)+(475×12)))/10 = 30.94

Hence Plastic section modulus

Zp =80.94×30.94+80.94×30.94 = 5,008

Sectional Requirement

Minimum width to thickness ratio IRC 24-2010 clause 503.7.2 Table 2 -Page 33
Element Ratio Class 1 Plastic Class 2 Compact Class 3 Semi compact

Outstand 8.4e = 6.56 9.4e = 7.34 13.6e = 10.62

element of
compression Actual = 8.33 Actual = 8.33 Actual = 8.33

Minimum depth to thickness ratio for Web IRC 24-2010 clause 503.7.2 Table 2 -Page 33
Element Ratio Class 1 Plastic Class 2 Compact Class 3 Semi compact

84e = 65.59 105e = 81.99 126e = 98.39

Web of an I-
section Actual = 77.08 Actual = 77.08 Actual = 77.08


Minimum web thickness

The thickness of web in a section shall satisfy the following requirement

1 Serviceablity requirement

2 Compression flange buckling requirement

IRC 24-2010 clause 509.6.1.2 -Page 99

1 Serviceablity requirement

d/tw = 77.08

a) When only Transverse stiffenerse are not provided

ϵ = SQRT(250/fyw) = 0.78

d/tw <= 200 ϵ

77.08 <= 156.17 OK

As web thickness satisfied serviciability requirement, no need to provide stifffners

IRC 24-2010 clause 509.4-Page 90

2 Compression flange buckling requirement

a) When only Transverse stiffenerse are not provided

ϵ = SQRT(250/fyw) = 0.73 IRC 24-2010 clause 503.4-Page 30

d/tw <= 345 ϵf
77.08 <= 210.37 OK
As web thickness satisfied compression flange buckling requirement, no need to provide stifffners

Thus, 1 Stiffeners not required

PAGE 64 OF 128
- Force Summary for Jack Up Condition
NOTE: For jacking condition "No live load" condition is considered.

Checking of structural strength - Shear ( For Dead Load only)

Sr. Shear
Description Moment kN-
No. Force kN

1 Steel girder 56.5 77.4

2 Slab 128.0 183.6

3 SIDL 203.2 305.5

4 Surfacing (Wearing Coat) 17 29.0

Factored load for Ultimate Limit State of Design

Sr. Shear Force
Description Factor Moment
No. kN
Follow clause 509.2.1.2 of IRC 24-2010

1 1.35 76 105
Steel girder

2 1.35 173 248


3 1.35 274 412


5 1.75 30 51
Surfacing (Wearing Coat) IRC 24-2010 clause 509.2.1.2-Page 79

554 816

PAGE 65 OF 128
6.1.2 Design Shear Strength of Member (Vd) IRC 24-2010 clause 509.4.1.1-Page 90

Vd = Vn/ϒmo


Vd = Design Strength

Vn = Nominal plastic shear resistance under pure shear

ϒmo = Partial safty factor against shear failure = 1.10

Nominal Shear strength may be govern by plastic shear resistance or strength of web as govern by shear buckling as below

1) Plastic shear resistance:

Vn = Vp

Where, Vp = Av x fyw / √3

AV = Shear Area

= d x tw


= 11100 mm

fyw = Yeild strength of the web

Hence, Vp = 2627521.075 N

Vn = 2628 kN

2) Shear Bukling resistance: IRC 24-2010 clause 509.4.2.2-Page 92

Shear Buckling resistence need not be calculated, Plastic shear capacity will govern

1) For unstiffened webs d/tw > 67 ϵ OK

80.67 > 52.32

2) For stiffened webs d/tw > 67 ϵ √(Kv / 5.35) N/A

80.67 < 83.61

Where, Kv = Shear Buckling Coefficient

= 13.66 when transverse stiffeners are provided with c/d < 1 fyw / √3

ϵ = √ (250 / fy)

fyw /( √3 λw2)

a) Simple Post Critical method

Vn = Vcr

Where, Vcr = Shear force corresponding to web buckling

Vcr = Av x τb

τb = Shear stress corresponding to web buckling

PAGE 66 OF 128
Calculate shear stress (τb)

When λw <= 0.8 then τb =

When 0.8 < λw < 1.2 then τb = (( 1 - 0.8 ) ( λw - 0.8 )) ( fyw / √3 )

When λw >= 1.2 then τb =


λw = Non - dimensional web slenderness ratio for shear buckling stress

Calculation of λw

= √(fyw / (√(3 τcr,e))

= Elastic critical shear stress of the web
τcr,e 2 2 2
= kv π E / (12 (1 - μ )(d / tw ) )


= Poission's Ratio
= 5.35 when transverse stiffeners are provided only at support

= kv π2 E / (12 (1 - μ2 )(d / tw )2)

= 172 MPa

= √(fyw / (√3 τcr,e)

= 1.17

Shear Stress
= (( 1 - 0.8 ) ( λw - 0.8 )) ( fyw / √3 )

= 165.86 MPa
= Shear force corresponding to web buckling
= Av x τb


= 18,41,098 N

= Vcr

= 1,841 kN

Nominal Shear strength has minimum of above two method i.e. Plastic shear resistance and Shear buckling resistance

Vn = 1,841 kN

Design shear Strength

Vd =1,841/1.10 = kN

Thus Shear capacity of section = 1674 kN

Design Shear Strength of Section

= 1,674 kN

Factored Shear Force on Section = 816 kN V < Vd Ok

PAGE 67 OF 128
6.1.3 Design Bending Strength for Steel section

Factored Design Shear force V (kN) 816 < 1004 0.6 x Design shear Strength Vd IRC 24-2010 clause 503.4-Page 30

6.1.4 Calculation of Elastic Critical Moment

1) For Laterally Supported Beam

If factored design shear force does not exceed 0.6 Vd, the design bending moment shall be taken as,

Md = βb x Zp x fy / ϒmo


βb = 1.0 for plastic and compact sections

βb = Ze / Zp for semi coMPact section

Ze, Zp = Plastic and elastic section modulus of the cross section, respectively

fy = Yeild stress of the material

ϒmo = Partial safety factor = 1.1

Design bending strength for plastic and compact section

Md =(1×5,008×1000×0/1.1)/10^6 = 1867 kN-m

Actual Moment coming on section due to dead load alone = 554 kN-m

Design bending strength for semi compact section

Md =((3,888/5,008)×5,008×1000×0/1.1)/10^6 = 1449 kN-m

Actual Moment coming on section due to dead load alone = 554 kN-m

2) For Laterally Un-Supported Beam

The design bending strength of the steel girder is calculated as follows, when Vn < 0.6Vd.
IRC 24-2010 clause 509.2.2-Page 80
Md = b b Z p f bd

f bd = χLT f y / gmo

cLT 1/(fLT + (fLT - lLT ) )

2 2 1/2
= <1.0
fLT = 0.5*[1 + aLT(lLT - 0.2) + lLT2]
aLT = 0.49
1/2 1/2
= slenderness ratio = (b b Zp fy / Mcr) < (1.2 Ze fy / Mcr)
bb = 0.776

Mcr -(Annex-C of IRC-24-2010, pg.177)

E = Modulus of elasticity of material = 2.1E+05 MPa

LLT = eff. length for lateral torsion restraint = 3625.2 mm

(1.2 times the length of relevant segment in between partial lateral restraints, i.e. length between intermediate girders)
Iy = Moment of inertia @ weak axis = 1.6E+07 mm4

G = Modulus of rigidity = 7.70E+04 MPa IRC 24-2010 clause 502.2.2-Page 24

It = St. Venant's Torsion constant
= Sbt (ti)3 /3 = 7.6E+05 mm4
I fc = MI of Comp. flange @ minor axis = 8.0E+06 mm4
I ft = MI of Ten. flange @ minor axis = 8.0E+06 mm

bf = I fc / (I fc + I ft ) = 0.50

hy = 937.0

Iw = Warping Constant

= (1- b f ) b f I y h y
= 3.54E+12 mm4

PAGE 68 OF 128
K = 1

The value of K depends on end restraints

0.50 For complete restraint against rotation about weak axis

1.00 For no restraint against rotation about weak axis

0.70 For partial restraint against rotation about minor axis

Kw = 1

The value of Kw is generally taken as 1 unless special arrangements have been made to restrain warping at end supports of sections

yg = Distance between point of application of load and shear centre of cross section. Its positive when load acts

towards shear centre

= (hy /( (1 +(btop + bbot)3 x (ttop_f / tbot_f) )) - ytop (Ref: "Design of Steel Structures" by Dr N. Subramaniam, Pg 849)

(Applicable only for monosymmetric I sections)

= 475

yj = 0.00

c1 = 1.132

(Annex-C of IRC-24-2010, Table-C.1)

c2 = 0.459

c3 = 0.525

\ Mcr = Nmm

\ lLT = Beam is laterally unsupported

\ fLT =

\ cLT =

fbd = cLTfy/ϒm0

= 143 MPa

557 kN-m kN-m OK

Md = > 554

PAGE 69 OF 128
6.1.5 Design of conections for End Diaphragm
70 50
50 70 50
HSFG Bolts

Main Girder 60
680 60 800
Bolt CG 60
72 111111111

End Bearing Stiffener

190 x 20


PAGE 70 OF 128
(c) Design of connection with Main Girder
Arrangement: Two splice plates are used to connect web of diaphragm to end stiffener using HSFG bolts

Web thickness of end diaphragm = 12 mm

Thickness of end stiffener of main girder = 20 mm
Bolts are in double shear.
Provide HSFG bolts of diameter 20 mm 10.9 Grade
Dia. of Bolt holes, = 21.50 mm
Edge Distance Minimum = 37.00 mm
Edge Distance Maximum = 12 x t x (250/fy)^0.5 = 112.45 mm
Pitch minimum = 50.00 mm
Pitch Maximum = 300.00 mm
Maximum Pitch in tension Member = 192.00 mm
Maximum Pitch in Compression Member = 200.00 mm

Calculation of Bolt Value

Web thickness = 12 mm
Minimum thickness of cover plates = 5/8*tw = 8 mm
Provide 2 plates of = 16 mm
Provide Pitch
In longer direction = 60.00 mm OK
In Shorter Direction = 70.00 mm OK
Provide Edge Distance
In longer direction = 40.00 mm OK
In Shorter Direction = 50.00 mm OK
Bolts are in Double Shear
Ultimate tensile strength of Bolt = 1,040 MPa
Yield strength of Bolt = 728 MPa
Bolt dia = 20 mm
Diameter of bolt hole = 21.5 mm

PAGE 71 OF 128
Case 1. Slip Resistance or Normal Shear Capacity of Bolt (Vnsf) IS 800-2007 Clause 10.4 Pg. 76
Vnsf = μf ne Kh Fo * βlj * βlg
μf = Coefficient of friction (slip factor) as specified in Table 20 of IS:800-2007
= 0.35
ne = Number of effective interfaces offering frictional resistance to slip
= 2.00
Kh = 1.00 for fastner in clearance holes
Fo = Minimum bolt tension (proof load) at installation and may be taken as Anb * fo
Anb = Net area of bolt at threads
= 245 mm
fo = Proof stress
= 0.7* fub 0.7* Ultimate tensile stress of bolt = 1000 MPa
= 728 MPa
Fo = 1,78,360 MPa
Vnsf = 1,24,852 N

Long Joints reduction factor (βlj) IS 800-2007 Clause Pg. 75

If Length of joint lj > 15 d, then

βlj = 1.075 - lj / (200d) but 0.75 < βlj <= 1.0

lj = 600 > 300
lj > 15d
Reduction factor βlj Required
βlj = 0.93

Large Grip lengths reduction factor(βlg)

βlg = 8d/(3d+l)
If Grip Length l < 5d
44 < 100 βlg = 1
βlg = 1.00

Vnsf =1,24,852×0.93×1.00 = 1,15,488 N

Vdsf = Vnsf / ϒmf ϒmf = 1.10 1.1 for service load and
1.25 at ultimate load
Vdsf =1,15,488/1.10 = 1,04,989 N

Case 2. Shear Capacity of Bolt IS 800-2007 Clause 10.3 Pg. 74

Nominal Shear capacity of bolt
Vnsb = fu / (3)^(1/2) * (nn Anb + ns Asb )* βlj * βlg
fu = Ultimate tensile strength of a bolt
= 1,040 MPa
nn = Number of shear plan with threads intercepting the shear plane
= 2
ns = Number of shear plan without threads intercepting the shear plane
= 0
Anb = Net Shear area of the bolt at threads
= 245 mm IS 4000:1992, Table 2
Asb = Nominal plain shank area of the bolt
= 314 mm IS 4000:1992, Table 2
βlj = 0.93
βlg = 1.00

Vnsb =(1,040/((3)^(1/2)))×(2×245+0×314)×0.93×1.00 = 2,72,151 N

Vdsb = Vnsb / ϒmf ϒmf = 1.10 1.1 for service load and
1.25 at ultimate load
Vdsf =2,72,151/1.10 = 2,47,410 N

Now, from above cases

Bolt value at service stage is minimum of Case 1 and Case 2 = 104.99 kN
Bolt value at Ultimate stage is minimum of Case 1 and Case 2 = 92.39 kN

PAGE 72 OF 128
Splice Design of Web
Total Bending moment = 554 kNm

Total shear force = 816 kN

Depth of splice plate = 680 mm

Pitch Provided along Longer edge = 60 mm

Pitch Provided along Shorter Edge = 70 mm
Edge distance provided along longer length of plate = 40 mm
Edge distance provided along shorter length of plate = 50 mm
Gauge provided = 50 mm

BM due to MI of Steel Girder Girder BM in Web due to

DL & Self Weight Web Girder DL & Self Weight

kNm cm4 cm
554 7.91E+04 1.85E+05 238

NOTE: As shear connection is provided between the diaphragm web and end stiffener it will transmit only shear. Bending moment
transfer shall not be considered except for that produced due to eccentricity of vertical forces.
Design bending moment in web = Total BM x M.I of web
M.I of Comp outer girder

Additional moment due to eccentrcity of Bolt CG = V.e

= 49 kNm

Total Design Bending Moment in Web, Mdw = 49 kNm

Vertical Shear force Per Bolt in service stage = 29.13 kN

Force in the farthest bolt from C.G due to moment, Fm = M. r

= 0.070 m

2 2
= 1.17 m

Distance of Extreme bolt from center of Gravity of Bolts

Σr2 = (X2 + Y2) = 1.24 m

X = 0.03 m
Y = 0.30 m

.`. Fm = M. r = M*(X2 + Y2) = 11.92 kN

Σr2 (X + Y )
2 2

Refer "Design of Steel Structure By Limit State Method as per IS800-2007 ", by" S. S. Bhavikatti"

Resultant force in extreme bolt is given by,

F = √ Fa2 + Fm2 + 2 Fa . Fm cosθ
θ = tan ( 0.30 / 0.03 ) = 85.24 degrees
.`. F (service) = 11.92 kN

Total Force in Bolt =12+29.13 = 41 kN OK

Provide two plate 860 x 380 x 16 mm, one each side of connection
No. of Bolts Provided = 28 nos. 2 x 14

Check for Splice plate thickness

Max. Shear Force = 4,07,824 N
Area of plate = 21,760 mm
Deduction for Bolt holes = 9,632 mm2
Net area of plate = 12,128 mm
Shear capacity of splice plates = A x fyw / √3 = 2,610 kN
> 1,674 kN
Hence Safe
Hence width of splice plate = 380 mm
Aq . f yq
0.8g m 0

PAGE 73 OF 128
PAGE 74 OF 128
Aq . f yq
7 Design of welded connections for Main Girder 0.8g m 0

7.1 Welding between top flange and web

Welding type: Submerged arc welding

Adequacy of welds is checked for the folowing three conditions:

a) Steel Girder section alone is active. (Erection Stage)

Minimum size of Weld = 3.00 mm

Maximum size of Weld = 14.50 mm

Assume fillet weld of size,s = 12.00 mm

Effective throat thickness, t = 8.40 mm

Total effective throat thickness of weld ∑t = 16.80 mm

Permissible shear stress in fillet weld = 226 MPa

Maximum shear force V = 524.99 kN

MI of Steel section I = 1.59E+10 mm

Distance of C.G from top Yt = 894.06 mm

Distance of C.G from bottom Yb = 505.94 mm

Horizontal shear force / Unit length at the interface Vh = V A Y / I ∑tw

AY = 1st moment of Area above or below @ C.G of the section = 7.07E+06 mm3

Shear Stress in weld = 13.86 MPa

Hence, the weld is safe

b) Composite section, for Permanent loads is active.

Maximum shear force V = 613.31 kN

MI of composite section (Outer girder-Long term Loading) I = 4.18E+10 mm

Distance of C.G from top Yt = 630.58 mm

Distance of C.G from bottom Yb = 989.42 mm

Horizontal shear force / Unit length at the interface Vh = V A Y / I ∑tw

AY = 1st moment of Area above or below @ C.G of the section = 2.88E+07 mm3

Shear Stress in weld = 25.12 MPa

Hence, the weld is safe

c) Composite section for Live loads is active.

Maximum shear force Due to Live Load V = 946 kN

MI of composite section (Outer girder-Short term Loading) I = 5.10E+10 mm

Distance of C.G from top Yt = 461.38 mm

Distance of C.G from bottom Yb = 1,158.62 mm

Horizontal shear force / Unit length at the interface Vh = V A Y / I ∑tw

AY = 1 moment of Area above or below @ C.G of the section = 3.64E+07

Shear Stress in weld = 65.29 MPa

Hence total stress in section = 25.12 + 65.29 = 90.41 MPa

Hence, the weld is safe

PAGE 75 OF 128
d) Check for Fatigue

Thickness of flange plate = 20 mm

Thickness of Web plate = 16 mm

μr (Bottom flange plate) = 1.00 (tp <= 25 mm)

μr (Web plate) = 1.00 (tp <= 25 mm)

Number of stress cycles, Nsc = 5.00E+06

Detail category (Table 6, IRC 22-2015) = 92 MPa

τ fn = 92 MPa

.`. τ f = 92 MPa

γ mft (Table 3, IRC 22-2015) = 1.25

Design fatigue strength, τfd = 73 MPa

Evaluation of Actual shear stress range (LL with impact):

Shear Force Due to LL With Impact = 631 kN

Stress on Weld = V.A.y = 27 MPa OK

I ∑ tw

Hence Provide Fillet weld of 12 mm thick on both side of web plate throughout the length

7.2 Welding between bottom flange and web

Welding type: Submerged arc welding

a) Only Steel Girder section is active (Erection Stage)

Minimum size of Weld = 3.00 mm

Maximum size of Weld = 14.50 mm

Assume fillet weld of size,s = 12.00 mm

Effective throat thickness, t = 8.40 mm

Total effective throat thickness of weld ∑t = 16.80 mm

Permissible shear stress in fillet weld = 226 MPa

Maximum shear force V = 524.99 kN

MI of section I = 1.59E+10 mm4

Distance of C.G from top Yt = 894.06 mm

Distance of C.G from bottom Yb = 505.94 mm

Horizontal shear force / Unit length at the interface Vh = V A Y / I ∑tw

AY = 1st moment of Area above or below @ C.G of the section = 1.14E+07 mm3

Shear Stress in Weld = 22.38 MPa

Hence, the weld is safe

b) Composite section for Permanent loads is active.

Maximum shear force V = 613.31 kN

MI of composite section (Outer girder-Long term Loading) I = 4.18E+10 mm4

Distance of C.G from top Yt = 630.58 mm

Distance of C.G from bottom Yb = 989.42 mm

Horizontal shear force / Unit length at the interface Vh = V A Y / I ∑tw

AY = 1st moment of Area above or below @ C.G of the section = 2.27E+07 mm3

Shear Stress in weld = 19.84 MPa

Hence, the weld is safe

PAGE 76 OF 128
c) Composite section for Live loads is active.
Maximum shear force V = 946 kN
MI of composite section (Outer girder-Short term Loading) I = 5.10E+10 mm4
Distance of C.G from top Yt = 461.38 mm
Distance of C.G from bottom Yb = 1,158.62 mm

Horizontal shear force / Unit length at the interface Vh = V A Y / I ∑tw

AY = 1st moment of Area above or below @ C.G of the section = 2.67E+07

Shear Stress in Weld = 49.31 MPa

Hence total stress in section = 19.84 + 49.31 = 69.15 MPa

Hence, the weld is safe

d) Check for Fatigue

Thickness of flange plate = 36 mm
Thickness of Web plate = 16 mm
μr (Bottom flange plate) = 0.91 (tp <= 25 mm)
μr (Web plate) = 1.00 (tp <= 25 mm)
Number of stress cycles, Nsc = 5.00E+06

Detail category (Table 6, IRC 22-2015) = 92 MPa

τ fn = 92 MPa
.`. τ f = 92 MPa
γ mft (Table 3, IRC 22-2015) = 1.25
Design fatigue strength, τfd = 67 MPa

Evaluation of Actual shear stress range (LL with iMPact):

Shear Force Due to LL With Impact = 631 kN

Stress on Weld = V.A.y = 20 MPa OK

I ∑ tw

12 mm thick on both side of web plate throughout the length

Hence Provide Fillet weld of


Stiffener should be provided on both side of web, Hence shear force on stiffener is taken as maximum shear force on web.
As per Cl. 508.112.5 of IRC : 24
Shear force on single stiffener = 780 kN
Thickness of web tw = 12 mm

Projection h = 160 mm
Assume fillet weld of size s = 10 mm
Effective throat thickness t = 7.00 mm
Permissible shear stress in fillet weld = 226 MPa

Vertical load to be supported on Stiffener = 780 kN

Height of Stiffener = 1,344 mm
Length of Weld Provided = 1,344 mm
Shear To be transferred = 0.290 kN/mm
To this additional Shear of t w /5bs added = 0.320 kN/mm

Total design Shear for weld = 0.610 kN/mm

Design Capacity of fillet weld Rw = 0.7 x S x fwd = 1.584 kN/mm OK

Hence Weld Provided 10 x 1,344 mm Fillet Weld on both sides of Intermediate Stiffener is safe

PAGE 77 OF 128
Check for fatigue
= 16 mm

Thickness of Web (Web of Main Girder) = 12 mm

Thickness of Stiffener
flange plate) = 1.00 (tp <= 25 mm)

μr (Web plate) = 1.00 (tp <= 25 mm)

μr = 5.E+06

Number of stress cycles, Nsc (Table 6, IRC 22-2015) = 83 MPa

Detail category = 83

τ fn = 83 MPa

.`. τ f (Table 3, IRC 22-2015) = 1.25

γ mft = 66 MPa

Design fatigue strength, τfd

Evaluation of Actual shear stress range (LL with impact):

Shear Force Due to LL on Single Stiffener = 473.02 kN

P/(2* Lw te) 25.14 OK

Stress due to direct Shear = = MPa

Hence provide 10 mm weld on both sides of stiffener

PAGE 78 OF 128
Section Capacity for reduced sectional area
(Splice near mid span)

PAGE 79 OF 128
8.1 Design of Steel Girder (for reduced sectional area in tension)
8.1.1 SECTIONAL PROPERTIES Elastic Sectional Property



11.39 11.39
1,344 1,400



Figure 3.1 Cross section of Steel Girder

y = C. G. of individual plate from bottom of girder

Yb = N. A. of section from bottom of girder
Iyy = Moment of Inertial about y - y
Izz = Moment of Inertial about z - z

Yb ∑ "I" Self @ "I" self Izz = Iself +

B D Area (A) y Ay A(Yb - y)2
Description (A x y) / ∑ A x- x @ y- y A(Yb-y)2
cm cm cm2 cm cm3 cm cm4 cm4 cm4
Top flange 40.00 2.00 80.0 139.00 11,120 61.84 476247 26.67 10667 4,76,274
Web 1.14 134.40 153.1 70.80 10,841 61.84 12283 230488 17 2,42,771
Bottom flange 34.90 3.60 125.6 1.80 226 61.84 452963 136 12753 4,53,099
359 22,187 941493 23436 11,72,144

As section is unsymmetrical about z-z axis, the moment of inertial is calculated based on parallel axis theorem
Izz = 11,72,144 cm
and symmetric about y - y axis, hence the addition of Iself about y-y axis itself as a Iyy of section
Iyy = 23435.8 cm4

Elastic Section Modulus of section (Ze)

Z top =11,72,144/(894/10) = 13,110 cm3
Z bot =11,72,144/61.84 = 18,953 cm3

PAGE 80 OF 128

Design Bending Strength for Steel section

The moment capacity of a simply supported beam will vary depending upon conditions of lateral supports. To be defined as laterally supported,

any one of the following conditions need to be satisfied.

IRC 24-2010 clause 509.2.2 , Pg 80


Bending is about minor axis of section


Section is hollow (rectangular/tubular) of solid


In case of major axis bending, λLT < 0.4

As the first two conditions are not applicable the third condition needs to be checked before the bending strength is determined.

f y

f cr , b

λLT =


A non-dimensionless slenderness ratio

λLT =

Yield stress of steel section

fy =

Extreme fibre bending compressive stress corresponding to lateral elastic buckling moment
fcr,b =

As per clause 509.2.2.1 of IRC 24 (2010), the elastic lateral torsional buckling moment,

b b Zp fcr,b
Mcr =
Mcr /b b Zp
fcr,b =


bb 1 (for plastic and compact sections)


Ze / Zp (for semi compact sections)

= = 0.497

PAGE 81 OF 128
Calculation of Elastic Critical Moment

For Laterally Un-Supported Beam
The design bending strength of the steel girder is calculated as follows, when Vn < 0.6Vd.

IRC 24-2010 clause 509.2.2-Page 80

Md = bb Z p f bd


f bd = χLT f y / gmo

cLT = 1/(fLT + (fLT 2 - lLT 2)1/2) <1.0

fLT = 0.5*[1 + aLT(lLT - 0.2) + lLT2]

aLT = 0.49

lLT = slenderness ratio = (b b Zp fy / Mcr)1/2 < (1.2 Ze fy / Mcr)1/2

bb = 0.497

 2 EI y  
 K  I w 
GI (L ) 2 
= c1 
2  
 + t 2 LT + (c2 y g - c3 y j ) 2  - (c2 y g - c3 y j )
(LLT )  K w  I y  EI y  
 
Mcr Annex-C of IRC-24-2010, pg.177

(This applies only to non-symmetric cross sections)

E = Modulus of elasticity of material = 211000 MPa

LLT = eff. length for lateral torsion restraint = 4800 mm

(1.2 times the length of relevant segment in between partial lateral restraints, i.e. length between intermediate girders)
Iy = Moment of inertia @ weak axis = 2.34E+08 mm

G = Modulus of rigidity = 77000 MPa IRC 24-2010 clause 502.2.2-Page 24

It = St. Venant's Torsion constant

= Sbt (ti)3 /3 = 7.16E+06 mm

I fc = MI of Comp. flange @ minor axis = 1.1E+08 mm4

I ft = MI of Ten. flange @ minor axis = 1.3E+08 mm4

bf = I fc / (I fc + I ft ) = 0.46

hy = 1372.0

Iw = Warping Constant
= (1- b f ) b f I y h y 2 = 1.09E+14 mm

K = 1

The value of K depends on end restraints

0.50 For complete restraint against rotation about weak axis

1.00 For no restraint against rotation about weak axis

0.70 For partial restraint against rotation about minor axis

Kw = 1

The value of Kw is generally taken as 1 unless special arrangements have been made to restrain warping at end supports of sections

yg = Distance between point of application of load and shear centre of cross section. Its positive when load acts

towards shear centre

= (hy /( (1 +(btop + bbot)3 x (ttop_f / tbot_f) )) - ytop (Ref: "Design of Steel Structures" by Dr N. Subramaniam, Pg 849)

(Applicable only for monosymmetric I sections)

= 757

yj = -61.10

c1 = 1.132

c2 = 0.459 (Annex-C of IRC-24-2010, Table-C.1)

c3 = 0.525

Mcr = 1.00E+10 Nmm

lLT = 0.732 Beam is laterally unsupported Md1 applicable

fLT = 0.90

cLT = 0.70

fbd = cLT fy/ϒm0

= 263 MPa

M d1 = 3,444 kN-m .

PAGE 82 OF 128
Construction live load of 1.5 kN/m2 = 3.75 kN/m

362 kNm
Moment at centre for simply supported girder with =

construction live load

= 1425 kNm
Maximum BM in the critical girder at construction stage

(considering wt of steel girder & concrete slab alone)

2,413 kN-m < kN-m

Bending Moment Check = 3444



For Laterally Supported Beam

The design bending strength of the steel girder is calculated as follows, when Vn < 0.6Vd.

βb x Zp x fy / ϒmo <1.2 x Ze x fy / ϒmo

Md = (Simply Supported Beam)

Where, IRC 24-2010 clause 509.2.1.2 , Pg 79

1.0 for plastic and coMPact sections

βb =

Ze / Zp for semi coMPact section

βb =

Plastic and elastic section modulus of the cross section, respectively

Ze, Zp =

\ βb =

Yield stress of the material

fy =

Partial safety factor

ϒmo = = 1.1 IRC 24-2010 clause 503.4-Page 30

Vn = Factored design Shear Force = 658 kN

Vd = Design Shear Strength of the cross section 2,095 kN

The design bending strength of the steel girder is calculated as follows, when 658.31 < 1257.1

Vn < 0.6Vd

βb x Zp x fy / ϒmo
Md =


1.0 for plastic and compact sections

βb =
Ze / Zp for semi coMPact
βb = section = 0.497

Plastic and elastic section modulus of the cross section, respectively

Ze, Zp =

Yield stress of the material

fy =

Partial safety factor for yielding

ϒmo = = 1.1

Hence Md2 = 4887

= 2413 kNm
Maximum BM in the critical girder at construction stage < 4887 kNm


PAGE 83 OF 128
*Design for Service Stage *
8.2 Design of Composite Section at Ultimate Limit State
8.2.1 Effective Width for composite Section IRC 22-2015 clause 603.2-Page 15

0.200 0.55 0.5 0.
1.5m 1.5m

1.65 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.25



Figure 3.2 Cross section of Bridge

Effective width beff of deck slab for Inner girder Effective width beff of deck slab for Outer girder

beff = L0 / 4 <= (B1 + B2)/2 beff = (L0 / 8 <= B/2) + ( X <= L/8)

= 6.00 > 2.50 = 1.25 + 1.65

beff = 2.50 m beff = 2.90 m

Composite section (Inner Girder)

Grade of Concrete for Slab fck = 40 MPa

Grade of R/F steel for Slab fy = 500 MPa

E for concrete Ec ( s ) = 31,000 MPa

E for steel Es = 2,11,000 MPa


220 400
0 400


1,620 11.39
1,344 1,400



Figure 3.3 Cross section of Inner Composite Section

PAGE 84 OF 128
Moment of resistance of Composite Section (Inner Girder)
Bending Moment with full shear Interaction IRC:22 -2015, Clause 603.5.1-Annexure I, Page 70
NotationAf = Area of top flange of steel beam of a composite section = 8,000 mm2
As = Cross section area of steel beam of a composite section = 36,104 mm2
(Considering effective web area for plastic section,Refer
beff = Effective width of concrete slab (Considering constant slab depth over steel girder) = 2,500 mm
bf = Width of top flange of steel section = 400 mm
ds = Overall depth of concrete slab = 220 mm
dc = Vertical Distance between centroids of concrete slab and steel beam
= 1,004 mm

tf = Average thickness of top flange of the steel section = 20 mm

tw = thickness of web of the steel section = 11 mm
Xu = Depth of neutral axis at ultimate limit state of flexure from top of concrete
Mu = Ultimate bending moment
ϒm = Material safety factor for structural steel = 1.1 IRC 22-2015, Table 1, page 10
a= Constant = (fy / ϒm)/(0.36fck)
= (410/1.1)/(0.36×40)
= 26
Position of Plastic Neutral Axis
Assumed thickness of the deck slab is shown in the calculations below:
Depth of Slab is considered constant , but the width has been modified = 220.00 mm
(Calculation shown in composite girder properties, 5.3.9)
As per Table 1.1 IRC 22-2015 ,Pg 70, Plastic Moment capacity for composite section is given as:

Case Position of plastic Value of xu Moment Capacity

neutral axis

1 Within Slab
beff.ds > a.As xu = (a.As)/beff Mp =(Asfy (dc + 0.5ds - 0.42xu))/ϒm
(Refer Fig I.1, Pg 70, IRC 22 (2015))

2 Plastic Neutral Axis

in Steel Flange
beff.ds<a.As<(beff.ds+2a.Af)xu = ds +( (aAs - beff.ds)/2bfa) Mp ={ [As (dc + 0.08ds) - bf(xu - ds).(xu + 0.16ds)]}ϒm
(Refer Fig I.2, Pg 70, IRC 22 (2015))

3 Plastic Neutral Axis

in Web
beff.ds + 2a.Af < a.As xu = ds + tf + {a(As - 2Af) - Mp = fy [ As(dc + 0.08ds) - 2Af(0.5tf + 0.58ds) - tw(xu - ds -
beff.ds} / 2atw tf) . (xu + 0.16ds + tf)] / ϒm
(Refer Fig I.3, Pg 70, IRC 22 (2015))

Hence, depth of the NA is calculated based on the following conditions:

Case 1Plastic Neutral axis Within Slab
If beff x ds > a x As
5,50,000 < 9,34,506 N/A
Case 2Plastic Neutral axis in Steel flange
If beff x ds < a x As < beff x ds + 2 a x Af
5,50,000 < 9,34,506 < 9,64,141 OK
Case 3Plastic Neutral axis in Web
If beff x ds + 2 a x Af < a x As
9,64,141 > 9,34,506 N/A

PAGE 85 OF 128
Based on the above calculations, the depth of the NA & Plastic moment capacity is found out for Case 2

Depth of neutral axis xu = 239 mm

Plastic Moment capacity Mp = 1.3E+10 Nmm

= 12,991 kNm
Max design bending moment on the section= 5127 kNm OK
(5.1.6, Basic Combination, Girder G1)

Composite section (Outer Girder)


220 1,250 400 1,250 220

0 400 220 0
20 0

1,620 11 1,400



Figure 3.3 Cross section of Outer Composite Section

8.2.4 Moment of resistance of Composite Section (Outer Girder)

Bending Moment with full shear Interaction IRC:22 -2015, Clause 603.5.1-Annexure I, Page 70
NotationAf = Area of top flange of steel beam of a composite section = 8,000 mm2
As = Cross section area of steel beam of a composite section = 36,104 mm2
(Considering effective web area for plastic section,Refer
beff = Effective width of concrete slab = 2,900 mm
bf = Width of top flange of steel section = 400 mm
ds = Overall depth of concrete slab = 220 mm
dc = Vertical Distance between centroids of concrete slab and steel beam
= 1,004 mm

tf = Average thickness of top flange of the steel section = 20 mm

tw = thickness of web of the steel section = 11 mm
Xu = Depth of neutral axis at ultimate limit state of flexure from top of concrete
Mu = Ultimate bending moment
ϒm = Material safety factor for structural steel = 1.1 IRC 22-2015 Table 1, page 10
a= Constant = (fy / ϒm)/(0.36fck)
= (410/1.1)/(0.36×40)
= 26

PAGE 86 OF 128
Position of Plastic Neutral Axis
The thickness of the deck slab is considered in the calculations below:
Depth of Slab is considered constant , but the width has been modified ds = 220 mm
(Calculation shown in composite girder properties, 5.3.9)
The depth of the NA is calculated based on the following conditions:
Case 1Plastic Neutral axis Within Slab
If beff x ds > a x As
6,38,000 < 9,34,506 N/A
Case 2Plastic Neutral axis in Steel flange
If beff x ds < a x As < beff x ds + 2 a x Af
6,38,000 < 9,34,506 < 10,52,141 OK
Case 3Plastic Neutral axis in Web
If beff x ds + 2 a x Af < a x As
10,52,141 > 9,34,506 N/A

Based on the above calculations, the depth of the NA & Plastic moment capacity is found out for Case 2

Depth of neutral axis xu = 234 mm

Plastic Moment capacity Mp = 1.3.E+10 Nmm

= 13,173 kNm
Max design bending moment on the sec. = 6618 kNm OK
(5.1.6, Basic Combination, Girder G1)

PAGE 87 OF 128
PAGE 88 OF 128
8.2.5 Design of Composite Section at Serviceability Limit State

The normal elastic analysis is used for finding out the design forces and stresses under various load combinations as per IRC:6-
2010 and load factors as per IRC:22-2015. The section is checked for the stresses and deflection at this limit state.

220 400 220

0 400


1,620 11
1,344 1,400



Figure 3.4 Cross section of Composite Section

Sectional Properties
Width Depth Area Ixx Iyy Ibot
from Ay A y2
Description B D A y bd3/12 db3/12 Ixx + Ay2
cm cm cm2 cm cm3 cm4 cm4 cm4 cm4
Top flange 40.00 2.00 80.00 139.00 11,120 1.55E+06 27 10667 1.5E+06
Web 1.14 134.40 153.12 70.80 10,841 7.68E+05 230488 17 1.0E+06
Bottom flange 34.90 3.60 125.64 1.80 226 4.07E+02 136 12753 5.4E+02
Slab 16.67 22.00 367 129.00 47,300 6.10E+06 14789 8488 6.1E+06
S 725.43 69,487 3.19E+04 8.7E+06

Area of concrete slab Inner Girder = 167×220+0×0+400×0 = 36,667 mm2

Area of concrete slab Outer Girder =220×1,250+0.5×1,250×0+400×220+220×1,250+0.5×0×0 = 6,38,000 mm2

Calculation of Modular Ratio & Section Properties

For calculating stresses and deflection in the structure, the modular ratio is calculated as mentioned in IRC:22-2015 for different
stages of loading and the final stresses and deflections are worked out separately for each stage of load history with the relevant
modular ratio and the corresponding section modulus and then added together.
Section Properties is calculated for inner and outer girder and presented below and same properties is used for analysis of

8.2.6 Modular ratio for Permanent loads / Long term loads IRC 22-2015 clause 604.3-Page 23
Modular ratio m = Es / ( Kc*Ec )
Kc = Creep factor
= 0.5
m = 2,11,000/(0.5×31,000)
= 13.2 < 15.0
Hence modular ratio in design = 15.00

8.2.7 Modular ratio for Transient loads / Short term loads

Modular ratio m = Es / Ec IRC 22-2015 clause 604.3-Page 23
m = (2,11,000/31,000)
= 6.81 < 7.5
Hence modular ratio in design = 7.50

PAGE 89 OF 128
8.2.8 Sectional Properties of inner girder at service stage
Long Term Loads
The equivalent area of concrete slab is calculated by dividing the effective width of concrete slab by the modular ratio.
Modified effective width of slab = (2500 x 220 + 400 x 0 + (0.5 x0 x 0 x 2 ) ) / 220
= 2,500
Equivant width of concrete slab =2,500/15.00 = 167 mm

400 220



11 1,620
1,344 1,400



Figure 3.5 Cross section of Composite Section for Permanent Load

Sectional Properties
Width Depth Area Ixx Iyy Ibot IT
from bot Ay A y2
Description B D A y BD3/12 DB3/12 Ixx + Ay2 ∑dt3/3
cm cm cm2 cm cm3 cm4 cm4 cm4 cm4 cm4
Top flange 40.00 2.00 80.00 139.00 11,120 1.55E+06 27 10667 1.5E+06 1.1E+02
Web 1.14 134.40 153.12 70.80 10,841 7.68E+05 230488 17 1.0E+06 9.2E+05
Bottom flange 34.90 3.60 125.64 1.80 226 4.07E+02 136 12753 5.4E+02 5.4E+02
Slab 16.67 22.00 366.67 151.00 55,367 8.36E+06 14789 8488 8.4E+06 5.9E+04
S 725.43 77,554 3.19E+04 1.1E+07 9.8E+05

ytopsl top of concrete slab = 55 cm

ytop top of steel flange = 33 cm
ybot = 107 cm
IZZ = 26,28,338 cm4
Iyy = 31,923 cm4
Ztopsl top of concrete slab = 47,708 cm3
Ztop top of steel top flange = 79,425 cm3
Zbot bot of steel bot flange = 24,585 cm3
Ixx = 9,81,759 cm4

PAGE 90 OF 128
b) Short Term Loads
The equivalent area of concrete slab is calculated by dividing the effective width of concrete slab by the modular ratio.
Modified effective width of slab = (2500 x 220 + 400 x 0 + (0.5 x0 x 0 x 2 ) ) / 220
= 2,500
Equivalent width of concrete slab
=2,500/7.50 = 333 mm

400 220



11 1,620
1,344 1,400


Figure 3.6 Cross section of Composite Section for Transient Load

Sectional Properties
Width Depth Area Ixx Iyy Ibot IT
from bot Ay A y2
Description B D A y BD3/12 DB3/12 Ixx + Ay2 ∑dt3/3
cm cm cm2 cm cm3 cm4 cm4 cm4 cm4 cm4
Top flange 40.00 2.00 80.00 139.00 11,120 1.55E+06 27 10667 1.5E+06 1.1E+02
Web 1.14 134.40 153.12 70.80 10,841 7.68E+05 230488 17 1.0E+06 9.2E+05
Bottom flange 34.90 3.60 125.64 1.80 226 4.07E+02 136 12753 5.4E+02 5.4E+02
Slab 33.33 22.00 733.33 151.00 1,10,733 1.67E+07 29578 67901 1.7E+07 1.2E+05
S 1,092.09 1,32,920 91,337 1,92,94,584 1.0E+06

ytopsl top of concrete slab = 40 cm

ytop top of steel flange = 18 cm
ybot = 122 cm
Izz = 31,16,638 cm4
Iyy = 91,337 cm4
Ztopsl top of concrete slab = 65,238 cm3
Ztop top of steel top flange = 1,43,716 cm3
Zbot bot of steel bot flange = 21,595 cm3
Ixx = 10,40,914 cm3

PAGE 91 OF 128
8.2.9 Sectional Properties of outer girder at service stage
Long Term Loads
The equivalent area of concrete slab is calculated by dividing the effective width of concrete slab by the modular ratio.
= (2900 x 220 + 400 x 0 + (0.5 x0 x 0 x 2 ) +(0.5 x1250 x 0 x 2 ) ) / 220
= 2,900
Equivant width of concrete slab
=2,900/15.00 = 193 mm

400 220



11 1,620
1,344 1,400


Figure 3.5 Cross section of Composite Section for Parmanent Load
Sectional Properties
Width Depth Area Ixx Iyy Ibot IT
from bot Ay A y2
Description B D A y BD3/12 DB3/12 Ixx + Ay2 ∑dt3/3
cm cm cm2 cm cm3 cm4 cm4 cm4 cm4 cm4
Top flange 40.00 2.00 80.00 139.00 11,120 1.55E+06 27 10667 1.5E+06 1.1E+02
Web 1.14 134.40 153.12 70.80 10,841 7.68E+05 230488 17 1.0E+06 9.2E+05
Bottom flange 34.90 3.60 125.64 1.80 226 4.07E+02 136 12753 5.4E+02 5.4E+02
Slab 19.33 22.00 425.33 151.00 64,225 9.70E+06 17155 13248 9.7E+06 6.9E+04
S 784.09 86,412 36,684 1,22,59,454 9.9E+05

ytopsl top of concrete slab = 52 cm

ytop top of steel flange = 30 cm
ybot = 110.21 cm
IZZ = 27,36,226 cm4
Iyy = 36,684 cm4
Ztopsl top of concrete slab = 52,830 cm3
Ztop top of steel top flange = 91,840 cm3
Zbot bot of steel bot flange = 24,828 cm3
Ixx = 9,91,224 cm4

PAGE 92 OF 128
b) Short Term Loads
The equivalent area of concrete slab is calculated by dividing the effective width of concrete slab by the modular ratio.
= (2900 x 220 + 400 x 0 + (0.5 x0 x 0 x 2 ) +(0.5 x1250 x 0 x 2 ) ) / 220
= 2,900
Equivant width of concrete slab
=2,900/7.50 = 387 mm

386.67 mm

400 mm 220 mm

20 mm

374.47 mm

11.4 mm
1620 mm
1344 mm 1400 mm

1245.53 mm

36 mm
349 mm
Figure 3.6 Cross section of Composite Section for Transient Load

Sectional Properties
Width Depth Area Ixx Iyy Ibot IT
from bot Ay Ay 2

Description B D A y BD3/12 DB3/12 Ixx + Ay2 ∑dt3/3

cm cm cm2 cm cm3 cm4 cm4 cm4 cm4 cm4

Top flange 40.00 2.00 80.00 139.00 11,120 1.55E+06 27 10667 1.5E+06 1.1E+02
Web 1.14 134.40 153.12 70.80 10,841 7.68E+05 230488 17 1.0E+06 9.2E+05
Bottom flange 34.90 3.60 125.64 1.80 226 4.07E+02 136 12753 5.4E+02 5.4E+02
Slab 38.67 22.00 850.67 151.00 1,28,451 1.94E+07 34310 105987 1.9E+07 1.4E+05
S 1,209.43 1,50,638 2.65E+05 1.29E+05 2.2E+07 1.1E+06

ytopsl top of concrete slab = 37 cm

ytop top of steel flange = 15.4 cm
ybot = 125 cm
Izz = 32,12,256 cm4
Iyy = 1,29,423 cm
Ztopsl top of concrete slab = 85,781 cm
Ztop top of steel top flange = 2,07,953 cm
Zbot bot of steel bot flange = 25,790 cm
Ixx = 10,59,844 cm

PAGE 93 OF 128
Check for Stresses in the Member

The stresses in the member at the critical section i.e. midspan are checked for rare combination as per IRC:6-2010. The final
stresses in the member are calculated separately for each loading stage of load history with relevant section properties and then
added together.

As the outer girder is critical ,the following section properties of outer girder are used at different stages of loading.

Sl. A Ixx Ztopsl Ztop Zbot

No. mm2 mm4 mm3 mm3 mm3
1 Outer Permanent / long term Loads 7.84E+04 2.7E+10 5.3E+07 9.2E+07 2.5E+07
2 Girder Transient / short term Loads 1.2E+05 3.2E+10 8.6E+07 2.1E+08 2.6E+07
3 Inner Permanent / long term Loads 7.3E+04 2.6E+10 4.8E+07 7.9E+07 2.5E+07
4 Girder Transient / short term Loads 1.1E+05 3.1E+10 6.5E+07 1.4E+08 2.2E+07

Bending Moments in Girders for Rare Combinations
Bending Moment at Midspan
Sl. No. Loading G1 G2 G3
kNm kNm kNm
1 Dead Load (girder + slab) 1,425 1,294 1,425
2 SIDL 334 189 334
3 Surfacing 289 252 289
4 Differential Shrinkage N.A N.A N.A
5 Thermal Loads N.A N.A N.A
6 Vehicular Live Load + FPLL 2,527 1,823 1,440

Stresses in Composite Section for Rare Combination

Load Combination is as per IRC6:2017

Girder G1 Girder G2
Sl. No. Loading stops sbots stopg sbotg stops sbots stopg sbotg
1 Dead Load (girder + slab) 0.00 0.00 108.72 75.21 0.00 0.00 98.73 68.29

2 SIDL 0.42 0.24 3.64 13.46 0.26 0.16 2.37 7.67

3 Surfacing 0.36 0.21 3.14 11.62 0.35 0.21 3.18 10.27

4 Differential Shrinkage 0.36 0.80 31.68 5.33 0.48 0.91 30.25 5.11
5 Thermal Loads 0.14 1.45 10.86 25.58 0.27 1.56 11.71 25.74
6 Vehicular Live Load 3.93 1.62 12.15 98.00 3.73 1.69 12.69 84.43

7 Footpath Live Load 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Comb 1 Live load as leading load 5.15 3.74 165.85 218.97 4.99 3.90 154.25 191.23

Comb 2 Thermal load as leading load 4.23 3.91 167.15 204.70 4.17 4.11 155.76 180.42
Note: Comb 1 live load is considered as leading load, the factor for thermal load is 0.6
Comb 2: Thermal is considered as leading load, the factor for live load is 0.75

Girder G3
Sl. No. Loading stops sbots stopg sbotg
1 Dead Load (girder + slab) 0.00 0.00 108.72 75.21
2 SIDL 0.47 0.28 4.21 13.60
4 Differential Shrinkage 0.48 0.91 30.25 5.11
5 Thermal Loads 0.27 1.56 11.71 25.74
6 Vehicular Live Load 2.94 1.34 10.02 66.68
7 Footpath Live Load 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Comb 1 Live load as leading load 4.463 3.702 163.861 187.785
Comb 2 Thermal load as leading load 3.837 3.992 166.040 181.412
*** stops Stress at slab top stopg Stress at girder top
sbots Stress at slab bottom sbotg Stress at girder bottom
Permissible bending stress in concrete = 19.20 MPa
Permissible elastic stress in structural steel 0.9xfytk = 369 MPa

Maximum bending stress in concrete = 5.15 MPa OK

Maximum elastic stress in structural steel = 218.97 MPa OK
VL  00..632 EI y 
2 + 0 Aq . fyqVR0.5. A ecY Au ec Y 
.QA Aq . f yq
 K

232LL fckf ck .1Ast . f st .In GI (L ) 2 f yw


  + (c y - c y )  - (c y - c y )
( y 3 )( 2 tg cr 0, e.38)gjm 0  I 2 VgL llI 3 j dl ,ll 0.8g m 0
= c1 w
+ t LT 2

(LLT ) 2  K w  I y  2 EI
  

PAGE 94 OF 128
Lifting Check of girder

PAGE 95 OF 128
10.1 Design of Steel Girder during lifting (max length of the girder is considered)

24.3 m

10.1.1 SECTIONAL PROPERTIES Elastic Sectional Property


At end portion
16 / 16
1,344 1,400



Figure 3.1 Cross section of Steel Girder

y = C. G. of individual plate from bottom of girder

Yb = N. A. of section from bottom of girder
Iyy = Moment of Inertial about y - y
Izz = Moment of Inertial about z - z

Yb ∑ (A x 2 "I" Self Izz = Iself +

B D Area (A) y Ay A(Yb - y) "I" self @ y- y 2
Description y) / ∑ A @ x- x A(Yb-y)
2 3 4 4 4
cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm
Top flange 40.00 2.00 80.0 139.00 11,120 50.59 625255 26.67 10667 6,25,282

A3 = 30918.97414 mm =((650x36)+((505-36)x16))
C3 = 79.518 mm =((((650x36)x(36/2))+(((505.93-36)x16)x(505.93-36)/2+16))/30918.97)
y3 = 426.42 mm =505.93-79.52

For Plastic Section modulus, A1 x y1 + A2 x y2 = A3 x y3

A1 x y1 + A2 x y2 = 16207650.74 mm

A3 x y3 = 13184417.56 mm

Zp = 26368.83512 cm

10.1.2 Sectional Requirement for Steel Girder

fy= Yield Stress of Steel Used = 410 MPa
e =SQRT(250/410) = 0.78
Minimum width to thickness ratio for Compression Flange IRC 24-2010 clause 503.7.2 Table 2 -Page 33
Ratio Class 1 Plastic Class 2 Compact Class 3 Semi compact

8.4e = 6.56 9.4e = 7.34 13.6e = 10.62

Outstand element
of compression b/tf
Actual = 9.60 Actual = 9.60 Actual = 9.60

Minimum depth to thickness ratio for Web IRC 24-2010 clause 503.7.2 Table 2 -Page 33


PAGE 96 OF 128
Minimum Web thickness IRC 24-2010 clause 509.6.1-Page 97

The thickness of web in a section shall satisfy the following requirement

1) Serviceability requirement

2) Compression flange buckling requirement

d/tw <= 200e
84.00 <= 156.1738 N/A
When only Transverse Stiffeners are provided
Spacing of transverse stiffeners c = 1000 mm

84 <= 156 OK
As web thickness satisfies serviceability requirement, there is no need to provide transverse stiffeners.
ϵ = SQRT(250/fyf) = 0.78

PAGE 97 OF 128
PAGE 98 OF 128
10.1.4 Design Bending Strength for Steel section

The moment capacity of a simply supported beam will vary depending upon conditions of lateral supports. To be defined as laterally supported,

any one of the following conditions need to be satisfied.

IRC 24-2010 clause 509.2.2 , Pg 80

1) Bending is about minor axis of section

2) Section is hollow (rectangular/tubular) of solid

3) In case of major axis bending, λLT < 0.4

As the first two conditions are not applicable the third condition needs to be checked before the bending strength is determined.
f y

f cr , b

λLT =

A non-dimensionless slenderness ratio
λLT =

Yield stress of steel section

fy =

fcr,b Extreme fibre bending compressive stress corresponding to lateral elastic buckling moment

As per clause 509.2.2.1 of IRC 24 (2010), the elastic lateral torsional buckling moment,

bb Zp fcr,b
Mcr =
Mcr /bb Zp
i.e. fcr,b =

bb 1 (for plastic and compact sections)
Ze / Zp (for semi compact sections)
= = 0.676

PAGE 99 OF 128
Calculation of Elastic Critical Moment

1) For Laterally Un-Supported Beam

The design bending strength of the steel girder is calculated as follows, when Vn < 0.6Vd.

IRC 24-2010 clause 509.2.2-Page 80

bb Z p f bd
Md =

χLT f y / gmo
f bd =

cLT 1/(fLT + (fLT - lLT ) )

2 2 1/2
= <1.0

fLT 0.5*[1 + aLT(lLT - 0.2) + lLT ]


aLT = 0.49

1/2 1/2
= slenderness ratio = (bb Zp fy / Mcr) < (1.2 Ze fy / Mcr)

bb = 0.676

 2 EI y  
 K  I w 
GIt (LLT ) 2 
= c1   + + (c y - c y ) 2
 - (c2 y g - c3 y j )
(LLT ) 2  K w  I y  2 EI y
2 g 3 j
  
 
Mcr Annex-C of IRC-24-2010, pg.177

(This applies only to non-symmetric cross sections)

E = Modulus of elasticity of material = 211000 MPa

LLT = eff. length for lateral torsion restraint = 24000 mm

(1.2 times the length of relevant segment in between partial lateral restraints, i.e. length between intermediate girders)
Iy = Moment of inertia @ weak axis = 931000418.7 mm

G = Modulus of rigidity = 77000 MPa IRC 24-2010 clause 502.2.2-Page 24

It = St. Venant's Torsion constant

= Sbt (ti) /3
= 1.30E+07 mm

I fc = MI of Comp. flange @ minor axis = 1.1E+08 mm

I ft = MI of Ten. flange @ minor axis = 8.2E+08 mm4

bf = I fc / (I fc + I ft ) = 0.11

hy = 1372.0

Iw = Warping Constant
= (1- b f ) b f I y h y 2 = 1.78E+14 mm

K = 1

The value of K depends on end restraints

0.50 For complete restraint against rotation about weak axis

1.00 For no restraint against rotation about weak axis

0.70 For partial restraint against rotation about minor axis

Kw = 1

The value of Kw is generally taken as 1 unless special arrangements have been made to restrain warping at end supports of sections

yg = Distance between point of application of load and shear centre of cross section. Its positive when load acts

towards shear centre

= (hy /( (1 +(btop + bbot) x (ttop_f / tbot_f) )) - ytop (Ref: "Design of Steel Structures" by Dr N. Subramaniam, Pg 849)

(Applicable only for monosymmetric I sections)

= 1225
yj = -528.73
c1 = 1.132

fLT = 4.92

cLT = 0.11

fbd = cLTfy/ϒm0

= 41 MPa
M d1 = 739 kN-m .

Wt intensity of steel girder only = 6.6 kN/m

Moment at centre for simply supported girder = 475 kN-m

Bending Moment Check = 642 kN-m < 739 kN-m


PAGE 100 OF 128

Stress Summary of steel girder -ROB 106
Design for construction stage
Check for bending strength
At Mid
1) For Laterally Un-Supported Beam CHECK % USAGE PAGE NO
Moment capacity of section = 4303 KN-m
Factored moment at construction stage = 3,042 KN-m OK 70.7 31
At Splice
Moment capacity of section = 3,444 KN-m
Factored moment at construction stage = 2,413 KN-m OK 70.0 90

2) For Laterally Supported Beam

At Mid
Moment capacity of section = 6646 KN-m
Factored moment at construction stage = 3,042 KN-m OK 45.8 31
At Splice
Moment capacity of section = 4,887 KN-m
Factored moment at construction stage = 2,413 KN-m OK 49.4 90

Check for Shear strength

Design shear strength of section = 4625 KN
Factored shear force = 661 KN OK 14.3 28

Design for Service stage

Design of Composite Section at Ultimate Limit State

1) Moment resitance of composite section inner girder CHECK % USAGE

At Mid
Plastic moment capacity of section = 17380 KN-m
Factored moment at mid span = 6,857 KN-m OK 39.5 34
At Splice
Plastic moment capacity of section = 12991 KN-m
Factored moment at splice 2 = 5127 KN-m OK 39.5 93

2) Moment resitance of composite section outer girder

At Mid
Plastic moment capacity of section = 18520 KN-m
Factored moment at mid span = 8,546 KN-m OK 46.1 35
At Splice
Plastic moment capacity of section = 13173 KN-m
Factored moment at splice 2 = 6618 KN-m OK 50.2 94

Check for Shear strength

Design shear strength of composite section = 4625 KN
Factored shear force = 1559 KN OK 33.7 37
Design of Composite Section at Serviceablity limit state

Check for Bending stresses

Permissible elastic stress in structural steel = 369 MPa
At Mid
Maximum elastic stress in structural steel = 173.38 MPa OK 47.0 44
At Splice
Maximum elastic stress in structural steel = 218.97 MPa OK 59.3 101

Check for Shear stresses in fatiuge

Shear capacity of section = 84 MPa
Actual shear stress in section = 29.33 MPa OK 34.9 46

Design of steel girder during lifting

Plastic moment capacity of section = 739 KN-m
Factored moment at mid span = 642 KN-m OK 86.8 106

Check for Number of Bolts in connections

Top flange splice

Number of Bolts required = 11 NOS 49
Number of Bolts provided = 48 NOS OK

Web Plate splice

Number of Bolts required = 110 NOS 54
Number of Bolts provided = 180 NOS OK

Bottom flange splice

PAGE 101 OF 128

Number of Bolts required = 40 NOS
Number of Bolts provided = 168 NOS OK

End Cross Girder

Shear capacity of section = 1,674 KN
Actual shear stress in section = 816 KN OK

Deck Slab
Steel Req = 724 mm2
Steel prov. = 1340 mm2 OK

Steel Req = 564 mm2
Steel prov. = 1340 mm2 OK

PAGE 102 OF 128

Design of Seismic Stopper

PAGE 103 OF 128



Total horizontal load

Number of fixed bearings
Hor Shear (Longitudinal) 340 kN
Provide 16 th weld
strength of weld 0.7*16*330/(sqrt(3)* gmw ) 1811 kN/m
Weld length required 340/1810.6 0.19 m
Web length required 0.19/2 0.10 m
provide Web plate 600 mm x 16 mm
Shear Capacity of web plate 600*16*330/SQRT(3)/1.25/1000 1463 kN >340 kN
Total length of stopper 600+2*16 632 mm
Vertical ht of stopper 400 mm
Height in contact with pedestal 200 mm
Dist bewteen c/c load and face of stopper 400-200/2 300 mm
Moment due to Hor force 340*300/1000 102 kNm
Width of stopper 350 mm
Thickness of front and back plates 16 mm
I of section 2*350*16^3/12+16*600^3/12+2*350*16*(600/2+16/2)^2 1.35E+09 mm4
Z of section 1350715733.33333/(632/2) 4.27E+06 mm3
Moment capacity of section 4,274,417*330/1e6 1411 kNm >102 kNm
Plastic section modulus and moment capacity be even higher.


Thickness of plate 25 mm
Width of plate 750 mm
Length of plate 450 mm
Section modulus 46,875 mm3
Span for B.M 0.20 m
ULS load on plate 42.67 tm
B.M 1.42 Knm
Bending stress 30.34 mpa
Permissible bending stress 330.00 mpa SAFE

PAGE 104 OF 128



The RCC deck slab is analysed as 2-Dimensional frame considering 1m width of slab. The slab is supported over longitudinal girders. The concentrated live load for 1m width of
deck slab is calculated as per effective width method given in AnnexureB-3 of IRC-112. The analysis of deck slab is carried out by standard software "STAAD PRO".




Depth of Slab at Cantilever tip = 0.220 m

Depth of Slab at Cantilever face & girder face = 0.220 m
Depth of Slab at Midspan = 0.220 m
Dimension of Haunch at girder face = 0.000 m (Vertical) x 0.000
Dead Load
Density of Concrete = 25.00 kN/m3

UDL over Member 1, and 22(Trapezoidal) = 5.50kn/m to 5.50kn/m

Weight of Haunch Triangular 4,7,10,13,16,19 = 0kn/m to 0.00kn/m
UDL over Member 2 to 21 = 5.50kn/m

Superimposed Dead Load

1.) Crash Barrier

Weight of each crash barrier (Con. Load) - Each Side = 10.00 kN

Width of Crash Barrier = 0.500 m
Udl due to Crash Barrier = 20.00 kN/m
2.) Wearing Coat
Weight of wearing coat (udl Load) = 1.430 kN/m
(Considering Future Overlay)

PAGE 105 OF 128

Live Load as per Effective Width Method (as per Clause 305.16.2 of IRC-21)

The live load intensity on deck slab is calculated based on effective width method as given in Annexure-B.3 of IRC-112. The dispersion along span of deck slab is ignored, this is a safer side
assumption as concentrated load produce worst effect than udl.
Depth of web = 0.016
lo (Effective Span) = 2.650 m
Total Width of Deck = 12.00 m
Max Cantilever length = 2.025 m
Number of support = 4.000 m
b/lo = 4.528
a (Constant) = 2.600 (Cont.)
Thickness of wearing coat = 65.00 mm
Thickness of deck slab = 0.220 mm

2.025 2.650 2.650 2.650 2.0250

Dis tance from origin

0 2.025 4.675 7.325 9.975 12.0

1Lane Class - A

Load on Wheel-1 = 57 kN Load on Wheel-2 = 57 kN

Contact width across span = 250 mm Contact width along span = 500 mm
Distance between two loads across span = 1.200 m
Minimum edge distance upto c/l of wheel = 0.400 m
b1 = 0.380 m
initial position of first wheel = 0.880 m
Final position of first wheel 9.300 m
Number of load generation 58
Transverse increament of Wheels 0.14517 m
Impact factor = 1.570

Wheel-1 Wheel-2
Load Dist. of P with Dist. of P with
Position beff Position beff
Case Nearest beff Impact Nearest beff Impact
(X) (mod) (X) (mod)
Support (kN) Support (kN)
1 0.88 1.15 1.75 1.48 60.59 2.68 2.00 1.66 1.43 62.5
2 1.0252 1.00 1.58 1.39 64.39 2.83 1.85 1.83 1.52 59.0

PAGE 106 OF 128

3 1.1703 0.85 1.41 1.30 68.69 2.97 1.70 1.96 1.58 56.6
4 1.3155 0.71 1.23 1.22 73.61 3.12 1.56 2.05 1.62 55.1
5 1.4607 0.56 1.06 1.06 84.65 3.26 1.41 2.09 1.65 54.3
6 1.6059 0.42 0.88 0.88 101.35 3.41 1.27 2.10 1.65 54.2
7 1.751 0.27 0.71 0.71 126.26 3.55 1.12 2.06 1.63 54.9
8 1.8962 0.13 0.53 0.53 167.41 3.70 0.98 1.98 1.59 56.2
9 2.0414 2.04 1.60 1.40 63.94 3.84 0.83 1.87 1.53 58.4
10 2.1866 2.19 1.37 1.29 69.53 3.99 0.69 1.70 1.45 61.6
11 2.3317 2.33 1.11 1.11 80.76 4.13 0.54 1.50 1.35 66.2
12 2.4769 2.20 1.35 1.28 70.06 4.28 0.40 1.26 1.23 72.8
13 2.6221 2.05 1.58 1.39 64.32 4.42 0.25 0.97 0.97 91.8
14 2.7672 1.91 1.77 1.48 60.28 4.57 0.11 0.65 0.65 137.9
15 2.9124 1.76 1.91 1.56 57.46 4.71 0.04 0.48 0.48 188.0
16 3.0576 1.62 2.02 1.61 55.61 4.86 0.18 0.82 0.82 108.9
17 3.2028 1.47 2.08 1.64 54.55 5.00 0.33 1.13 1.13 79.4
18 3.3479 1.33 2.10 1.65 54.20 5.15 0.47 1.39 1.30 69.1
19 3.4931 1.18 2.08 1.64 54.53 5.29 0.62 1.61 1.41 63.6
20 3.6383 1.04 2.02 1.61 55.57 5.44 0.76 1.79 1.50 59.8
21 3.7834 0.89 1.92 1.56 57.40 5.58 0.91 1.93 1.57 57.1
22 3.9286 0.75 1.77 1.49 60.18 5.73 1.05 2.03 1.62 55.4
23 4.0738 0.60 1.59 1.39 64.18 5.87 1.20 2.09 1.64 54.5
24 4.219 0.46 1.36 1.28 69.87 6.02 1.31 2.10 1.65 54.2
25 4.3641 0.31 1.09 1.09 81.84 6.16 1.16 2.08 1.64 54.6
26 4.5093 0.17 0.78 0.78 114.17 6.31 1.02 2.01 1.60 55.8
27 4.6545 0.02 0.43 0.43 206.71 6.45 0.87 1.90 1.55 57.7
28 4.7997 0.12 0.69 0.69 129.91 6.60 0.73 1.75 1.47 60.7
29 4.9448 0.27 1.01 1.01 88.59 6.74 0.58 1.56 1.38 64.9
30 5.09 0.41 1.29 1.25 71.88 6.89 0.44 1.33 1.26 70.9
31 5.2352 0.56 1.53 1.36 65.59 7.04 0.29 1.05 1.05 85.1
32 5.3803 0.71 1.73 1.46 61.17 7.18 0.14 0.74 0.74 121.7
33 5.5255 0.85 1.88 1.54 58.08 7.33 0.00 0.38 0.38 235.1
34 5.6707 1.00 2.00 1.60 56.00 7.47 0.15 0.55 0.55 161.3
35 5.8159 1.14 2.07 1.63 54.75 7.62 0.29 0.73 0.73 122.8
36 5.961 1.29 2.10 1.65 54.22 7.76 0.44 0.90 0.90 99.1
37 6.1062 1.22 2.09 1.65 54.38 7.91 0.58 1.08 1.08 83.1
38 6.2514 1.07 2.04 1.62 55.23 8.05 0.73 1.25 1.23 73.0
39 6.3966 0.93 1.95 1.57 56.85 8.20 0.87 1.43 1.31 68.2
40 6.5417 0.78 1.81 1.51 59.37 8.34 1.02 1.60 1.40 63.9
41 6.6869 0.64 1.64 1.42 63.03 8.49 1.16 1.77 1.49 60.2
42 6.8321 0.49 1.42 1.31 68.23 8.63 1.31 1.95 1.57 56.8
43 6.9772 0.35 1.17 1.17 76.78 8.78 1.45 2.12 1.66 53.9
44 7.1224 0.20 0.87 0.87 103.28 8.92 1.60 2.30 1.75 51.2
45 7.2676 0.06 0.53 0.53 170.12 9.07 1.74 2.47 1.84 48.8
46 7.4128 0.09 0.49 0.49 184.40 9.21 1.89 2.65 1.92 46.5
47 7.5579 0.23 0.66 0.66 135.69 9.36 2.03 2.82 2.01 44.5
48 7.7031 0.38 0.83 0.83 107.34 9.50 2.18 2.99 2.10 42.7

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49 7.8483 0.52 1.01 1.01 88.79 9.65 2.32 3.17 2.18 41.0
50 7.9934 0.67 1.18 1.18 75.70 9.79 2.47 3.34 2.27 39.4
51 8.1386 0.81 1.36 1.28 70.01 9.94 2.61 3.52 2.36 37.9
52 8.2838 0.96 1.53 1.37 65.55 10.08 2.76 3.69 2.45 36.6
53 8.429 1.10 1.70 1.45 61.62 10.23 2.90 3.86 2.53 35.3
54 8.5741 1.25 1.88 1.54 58.13 10.37 3.05 4.04 2.62 34.2
55 8.7193 1.39 2.05 1.63 55.02 10.52 3.19 4.21 2.71 33.1
56 8.8645 1.54 2.23 1.71 52.22 10.66 3.34 4.39 2.79 32.0
57 9.0097 1.68 2.40 1.80 49.69 10.81 3.48 4.56 2.88 31.1
58 9.1548 1.83 2.58 1.89 47.40 10.95 3.63 4.74 2.97 30.2
59 9.3 1.98 2.75 1.98 45.31 11.10 3.78 4.91 3.06 29.3

3Lane Class - A
Load on Wheel-1 = 57.0 kN Load on Wheel-2 = 57.0 kN
Load on Wheel-3 = 57.0 kN Load on Wheel-4 = 57.0 kN
initial position of first wheel = 0.880 m
Final position of first wheel 2.300 m
Number of load generation 40
Transverse increament of Wheels 0.0355 m
Wheel-1 Wheel-2 Wheel-3 Wheel-4

Load Dist. of P with Dist. of P with Dist. of P with Dist. of P with

Case beff beff beff beff
Position Nearest beff Impact Position Nearest beff Impact Position Nearest beff Impact Position Nearest beff Impact
(mod) (mod) (mod) (mod)
Support (kN) Support (kN) Support (kN) Support (kN)

1 0.880 1.15 1.75 1.48 60.59 2.68 2.00 1.66 1.43 62.54 4.38 0.30 1.06 1.06 84.30 6.18 1.15 2.07 1.64 54.72
2 0.9155 1.11 1.71 1.46 61.48 2.7155 1.96 1.71 1.45 61.56 4.4155 0.26 0.99 0.99 90.52 6.2155 1.11 2.06 1.63 54.95
3 0.951 1.07 1.67 1.43 62.39 2.751 1.92 1.75 1.48 60.66 4.451 0.22 0.91 0.91 98.00 6.251 1.07 2.04 1.62 55.23
4 0.9865 1.04 1.63 1.41 63.33 2.7865 1.89 1.79 1.50 59.84 4.4865 0.19 0.84 0.84 107.14 6.2865 1.04 2.02 1.61 55.55
5 1.022 1.00 1.58 1.39 64.30 2.822 1.85 1.83 1.51 59.09 4.522 0.15 0.75 0.75 118.56 6.322 1.00 2.00 1.60 55.92
6 1.0575 0.97 1.54 1.37 65.30 2.8575 1.82 1.86 1.53 58.40 4.5575 0.12 0.67 0.67 133.18 6.3575 0.97 1.98 1.59 56.33
7 1.093 0.93 1.50 1.35 66.33 2.893 1.78 1.90 1.55 57.78 4.593 0.08 0.59 0.59 152.56 6.393 0.93 1.95 1.58 56.80
8 1.1285 0.90 1.46 1.33 67.39 2.9285 1.75 1.93 1.56 57.22 4.6285 0.05 0.50 0.50 179.42 6.4285 0.90 1.92 1.56 57.32
9 1.164 0.86 1.41 1.31 68.49 2.964 1.71 1.96 1.58 56.71 4.664 0.01 0.41 0.41 219.08 6.464 0.86 1.89 1.55 57.90
10 1.1995 0.83 1.37 1.29 69.63 2.9995 1.68 1.98 1.59 56.25 4.6995 0.02 0.44 0.44 201.96 6.4995 0.83 1.86 1.53 58.53
11 1.235 0.79 1.33 1.26 70.80 3.035 1.64 2.01 1.60 55.84 4.735 0.06 0.53 0.53 168.07 6.535 0.79 1.82 1.51 59.23
12 1.2705 0.75 1.29 1.24 72.01 3.0705 1.60 2.03 1.61 55.48 4.7705 0.10 0.62 0.62 144.49 6.5705 0.75 1.78 1.49 60.00
13 1.306 0.72 1.24 1.22 73.27 3.106 1.57 2.04 1.62 55.17 4.806 0.13 0.70 0.70 127.16 6.606 0.72 1.74 1.47 60.83
14 1.3415 0.68 1.20 1.20 74.57 3.1415 1.53 2.06 1.63 54.90 4.8415 0.17 0.79 0.79 113.90 6.6415 0.68 1.70 1.45 61.74
15 1.377 0.65 1.16 1.16 77.31 3.177 1.50 2.07 1.64 54.68 4.877 0.20 0.87 0.87 103.44 6.677 0.65 1.65 1.43 62.74
16 1.4125 0.61 1.12 1.12 80.26 3.2125 1.46 2.08 1.64 54.50 4.9125 0.24 0.94 0.94 94.98 6.7125 0.61 1.60 1.40 63.82
17 1.448 0.58 1.07 1.07 83.45 3.248 1.43 2.09 1.65 54.36 4.948 0.27 1.02 1.02 88.02 6.748 0.58 1.55 1.38 65.00
18 1.4835 0.54 1.03 1.03 86.90 3.2835 1.39 2.10 1.65 54.27 4.9835 0.31 1.09 1.09 82.20 6.7835 0.54 1.50 1.35 66.28
19 1.519 0.51 0.99 0.99 90.65 3.319 1.36 2.10 1.65 54.21 5.019 0.34 1.16 1.16 77.26 6.819 0.51 1.44 1.32 67.68
20 1.5545 0.47 0.94 0.94 94.74 3.3545 1.32 2.10 1.65 54.20 5.0545 0.38 1.23 1.21 73.79 6.8545 0.47 1.39 1.29 69.21
21 1.59 0.43 0.90 0.90 99.21 3.39 1.29 2.10 1.65 54.22 5.09 0.42 1.29 1.25 71.88 6.89 0.44 1.33 1.26 70.87
22 1.6255 0.40 0.86 0.86 104.13 3.4255 1.25 2.10 1.65 54.29 5.1255 0.45 1.35 1.28 70.13 6.9255 0.40 1.26 1.23 72.69

PAGE 108 OF 128

23 1.661 0.36 0.82 0.82 109.56 3.461 1.21 2.09 1.65 54.39 5.161 0.49 1.41 1.31 68.53 6.961 0.36 1.20 1.20 74.80
24 1.6965 0.33 0.77 0.77 115.59 3.4965 1.18 2.08 1.64 54.54 5.1965 0.52 1.47 1.33 67.06 6.9965 0.33 1.13 1.13 79.32
25 1.732 0.29 0.73 0.73 122.32 3.532 1.14 2.07 1.64 54.73 5.232 0.56 1.52 1.36 65.71 7.032 0.29 1.06 1.06 84.62
26 1.7675 0.26 0.69 0.69 129.88 3.5675 1.11 2.06 1.63 54.97 5.2675 0.59 1.58 1.39 64.47 7.0675 0.26 0.98 0.98 90.90
27 1.803 0.22 0.65 0.65 138.44 3.603 1.07 2.04 1.62 55.25 5.303 0.63 1.63 1.41 63.34 7.103 0.22 0.91 0.91 98.47
30 1.9095 0.12 0.52 0.52 172.56 3.7095 0.97 1.98 1.59 56.36 5.4095 0.73 1.76 1.48 60.46 7.2095 0.12 0.67 0.67 134.13
31 1.945 0.08 0.48 0.48 188.00 3.745 0.93 1.95 1.57 56.83 5.445 0.77 1.80 1.50 59.65 7.245 0.08 0.58 0.58 153.84
32 1.9805 0.04 0.43 0.43 206.48 3.7805 0.89 1.92 1.56 57.35 5.4805 0.81 1.84 1.52 58.92 7.2805 0.04 0.49 0.49 181.24
33 2.016 0.01 0.39 0.39 228.99 3.816 0.86 1.89 1.54 57.93 5.516 0.84 1.87 1.54 58.25 7.316 0.01 0.40 0.40 221.88
34 2.0515 2.05 1.58 1.39 64.27 3.8515 0.82 1.86 1.53 58.57 5.5515 0.88 1.91 1.55 57.64 7.3515 0.03 0.41 0.41 217.31
35 2.087 2.09 1.53 1.37 65.49 3.887 0.79 1.82 1.51 59.27 5.587 0.91 1.94 1.57 57.09 7.387 0.06 0.45 0.45 196.94
36 2.1225 2.12 1.48 1.34 66.82 3.9225 0.75 1.78 1.49 60.04 5.6225 0.95 1.96 1.58 56.59 7.4225 0.10 0.50 0.50 180.06
37 2.158 2.16 1.42 1.31 68.27 3.958 0.72 1.74 1.47 60.88 5.658 0.98 1.99 1.59 56.15 7.458 0.13 0.54 0.54 165.85
38 2.1935 2.19 1.36 1.28 69.85 3.9935 0.68 1.70 1.45 61.80 5.6935 1.02 2.01 1.61 55.75 7.4935 0.17 0.58 0.58 153.71
39 2.229 2.23 1.30 1.25 71.57 4.029 0.65 1.65 1.43 62.80 5.729 1.05 2.03 1.62 55.40 7.529 0.20 0.62 0.62 143.23
40 2.2645 2.26 1.24 1.22 73.46 4.0645 0.61 1.60 1.40 63.88 5.7645 1.09 2.05 1.62 55.10 7.5645 0.24 0.67 0.67 134.09
41 2.3 2.30 1.17 1.17 76.50 4.1 0.57 1.55 1.38 65.07 5.8 1.13 2.06 1.63 54.85 7.6 0.28 0.71 0.71 126.04

Wheel-3 Wheel-4
Dist. of P with Dist. of P with
beff beff
Position Nearest beff Impact Position Nearest beff Impact
(mod) (mod)
Support (kN) Support (kN)
7.88 0.55 1.05 1.05 85.55 9.68 2.36 3.21 2.20 40.62
7.9155 0.59 1.09 1.09 82.21 9.7155 2.39 3.25 2.22 40.23
7.951 0.63 1.13 1.13 79.11 9.751 2.43 3.29 2.25 39.85
7.9865 0.66 1.17 1.17 76.24 9.7865 2.46 3.33 2.27 39.48
8.022 0.70 1.22 1.21 74.07 9.822 2.50 3.38 2.29 39.11
8.0575 0.73 1.26 1.23 72.79 9.8575 2.53 3.42 2.31 38.75
8.093 0.77 1.30 1.25 71.55 9.893 2.57 3.46 2.33 38.39
8.1285 0.80 1.34 1.27 70.35 9.9285 2.60 3.50 2.35 38.05
8.164 0.84 1.39 1.29 69.19 9.964 2.64 3.55 2.37 37.71
8.1995 0.87 1.43 1.31 68.07 9.9995 2.67 3.59 2.39 37.37
8.235 0.91 1.47 1.34 66.98 10.035 2.71 3.63 2.42 37.04
8.2705 0.95 1.51 1.36 65.93 10.071 2.75 3.67 2.44 36.72
8.306 0.98 1.56 1.38 64.91 10.106 2.78 3.72 2.46 36.40
8.3415 1.02 1.60 1.40 63.93 10.142 2.82 3.76 2.48 36.09
8.377 1.05 1.64 1.42 62.97 10.177 2.85 3.80 2.50 35.78
8.4125 1.09 1.69 1.44 62.04 10.213 2.89 3.85 2.52 35.48
8.448 1.12 1.73 1.46 61.14 10.248 2.92 3.89 2.54 35.18
8.4835 1.16 1.77 1.49 60.26 10.284 2.96 3.93 2.57 34.89
8.519 1.19 1.81 1.51 59.41 10.319 2.99 3.97 2.59 34.60
8.5545 1.23 1.86 1.53 58.58 10.355 3.03 4.02 2.61 34.32
8.59 1.27 1.90 1.55 57.77 10.39 3.07 4.06 2.63 34.04
8.6255 1.30 1.94 1.57 56.99 10.426 3.10 4.10 2.65 33.77
8.661 1.34 1.98 1.59 56.23 10.461 3.14 4.14 2.67 33.50
8.6965 1.37 2.03 1.61 55.48 10.497 3.17 4.19 2.69 33.23

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8.732 1.41 2.07 1.63 54.76 10.532 3.21 4.23 2.71 32.97
8.7675 1.44 2.11 1.66 54.06 10.568 3.24 4.27 2.74 32.71
8.803 1.48 2.15 1.68 53.37 10.603 3.28 4.31 2.76 32.46
8.8385 1.51 2.20 1.70 52.70 10.639 3.31 4.36 2.78 32.21
8.874 1.55 2.24 1.72 52.05 10.674 3.35 4.40 2.80 31.97
8.9095 1.58 2.28 1.74 51.41 10.71 3.38 4.44 2.82 31.73
8.945 1.62 2.32 1.76 50.79 10.745 3.42 4.48 2.84 31.49
8.9805 1.66 2.37 1.78 50.18 10.781 3.46 4.53 2.86 31.25
9.016 1.69 2.41 1.80 49.59 10.816 3.49 4.57 2.88 31.02
9.0515 1.73 2.45 1.83 49.01 10.852 3.53 4.61 2.91 30.80
9.087 1.76 2.49 1.85 48.45 10.887 3.56 4.65 2.93 30.57
9.1225 1.80 2.54 1.87 47.89 10.923 3.60 4.70 2.95 30.35
9.158 1.83 2.58 1.89 47.35 10.958 3.63 4.74 2.97 30.13
9.1935 1.87 2.62 1.91 46.83 10.994 3.67 4.78 2.99 29.92
9.229 1.90 2.66 1.93 46.31 11.029 3.70 4.82 3.01 29.71
9.2645 1.94 2.71 1.95 45.81 11.065 3.74 4.87 3.03 29.50
9.3 1.98 2.75 1.98 45.31 11.1 3.78 4.91 3.06 29.29

1Lane 40T Boggie (L-Type)

Load on Wheel-1 = 100 kN Load on Wheel-2 = 100 kN

Max. load on a wheel = 100 kN
Max. tyre pressure = 5.273 kg/cm2 Contact area = 1896.5 cm2
Contact width along span = 810 mm Contact width across span = 234.1 mm
Distance between two loads across span = 1.22 m b1 = 0.364 m
Impact factor = 1.25
Initial position of wheel first wheel = 2.13 m
Final Position of first wheel 7.940
Transverse increament 0.1162

Wheel-1 Wheel-2
Load Dist. of P with Dist. of P with
Case beff beff
Position Nearest beff Impact Position Nearest beff Impact
(mod) (mod)
Support (kN) Support (kN)
1 2.13 2.13 1.45 1.34 93.60 4.06 0.62 1.59 1.41 88.90
2 2.2462 2.25 1.25 1.24 101.05 4.1762 0.50 1.42 1.32 94.81
3 2.3624 2.31 1.13 1.13 110.65 4.2924 0.38 1.22 1.22 102.86
4 2.4786 2.20 1.34 1.28 97.59 4.4086 0.27 0.99 0.99 126.63
5 2.5948 2.08 1.53 1.37 91.01 4.5248 0.15 0.73 0.73 170.64
6 2.711 1.96 1.69 1.45 86.03 4.641 0.03 0.45 0.45 276.92
7 2.8272 1.85 1.82 1.52 82.28 4.7572 0.08 0.57 0.57 218.83
8 2.9434 1.73 1.92 1.57 79.51 4.8734 0.20 0.84 0.84 148.57
9 3.0596 1.62 2.00 1.61 77.55 4.9896 0.31 1.08 1.08 115.21
10 3.1758 1.50 2.06 1.64 76.29 5.1058 0.43 1.30 1.26 99.12

PAGE 110 OF 128

11 3.292 1.38 2.08 1.65 75.68 5.222 0.55 1.49 1.36 92.16
12 3.4082 1.27 2.08 1.65 75.68 5.3382 0.66 1.66 1.44 86.90
13 3.5244 1.15 2.06 1.64 76.29 5.4544 0.78 1.79 1.51 82.93
14 3.6406 1.03 2.00 1.61 77.55 5.5706 0.90 1.91 1.56 79.98
15 3.7568 0.92 1.92 1.57 79.51 5.6868 1.01 1.99 1.61 77.87
16 3.873 0.80 1.82 1.52 82.28 5.803 1.13 2.05 1.63 76.49
17 3.9892 0.69 1.69 1.45 86.04 5.9192 1.24 2.08 1.65 75.75
18 4.1054 0.57 1.53 1.37 91.02 6.0354 1.29 2.09 1.65 75.63
19 4.2216 0.45 1.34 1.28 97.61 6.1516 1.17 2.06 1.64 76.12
20 4.3378 0.34 1.13 1.13 110.69 6.2678 1.06 2.02 1.62 77.25
21 4.454 0.22 0.89 0.89 140.32 6.384 0.94 1.94 1.58 79.06
22 4.5702 0.10 0.63 0.63 199.73 6.5002 0.82 1.84 1.53 81.67
23 4.6864 0.01 0.39 0.39 317.55 6.6164 0.71 1.71 1.47 85.21
24 4.8026 0.13 0.68 0.68 183.85 6.7326 0.59 1.56 1.39 89.93
25 4.9188 0.24 0.94 0.94 133.02 6.8488 0.48 1.38 1.30 96.16
26 5.035 0.36 1.17 1.17 106.57 6.965 0.36 1.17 1.17 106.57
27 5.1512 0.48 1.38 1.30 96.16 7.0812 0.24 0.94 0.94 133.02
28 5.2674 0.59 1.56 1.39 89.93 7.1974 0.13 0.68 0.68 183.85
29 5.3836 0.71 1.71 1.47 85.21 7.3136 0.01 0.39 0.39 317.55
30 5.4998 0.82 1.84 1.53 81.67 7.4298 0.10 0.49 0.49 255.16
31 5.616 0.94 1.94 1.58 79.06 7.546 0.22 0.63 0.63 198.62
32 5.7322 1.06 2.02 1.62 77.25 7.6622 0.34 0.77 0.77 162.60
33 5.8484 1.17 2.06 1.64 76.12 7.7784 0.45 0.91 0.91 137.63
34 5.9646 1.29 2.09 1.65 75.63 7.8946 0.57 1.05 1.05 119.31
35 6.0808 1.24 2.08 1.65 75.75 8.0108 0.69 1.19 1.19 105.30
36 6.197 1.13 2.05 1.63 76.49 8.127 0.80 1.33 1.27 98.17
37 6.3132 1.01 1.99 1.61 77.87 8.2432 0.92 1.47 1.34 93.08
38 6.4294 0.90 1.91 1.56 79.98 8.3594 1.03 1.61 1.41 88.48
39 6.5456 0.78 1.79 1.51 82.93 8.4756 1.15 1.74 1.48 84.32
40 6.6618 0.66 1.66 1.44 86.90 8.5918 1.27 1.88 1.55 80.53
41 6.778 0.55 1.49 1.36 92.16 8.708 1.38 2.02 1.62 77.07
42 6.8942 0.43 1.30 1.26 99.12 8.8242 1.50 2.16 1.69 73.90
43 7.0104 0.31 1.08 1.08 115.21 8.9404 1.62 2.30 1.76 70.97
44 7.1266 0.20 0.84 0.84 148.57 9.0566 1.73 2.44 1.83 68.27
45 7.2428 0.08 0.57 0.57 218.83 9.1728 1.85 2.58 1.90 65.76
46 7.359 0.03 0.40 0.40 308.70 9.289 1.96 2.72 1.97 63.44
47 7.4752 0.15 0.54 0.54 229.62 9.4052 2.08 2.86 2.04 61.27
48 7.5914 0.27 0.68 0.68 182.80 9.5214 2.20 3.00 2.11 59.24
49 7.7076 0.38 0.82 0.82 151.84 9.6376 2.31 3.14 2.18 57.35
50 7.8238 0.50 0.96 0.96 129.84 9.7538 2.43 3.28 2.25 55.57
51 7.94 0.62 1.10 1.10 113.42 9.87 2.55 3.42 2.32 53.90

1Lane 40T Boggie (M-Type)

Load on Wheel-1 = 50 kN Load on Wheel-2 = 50 kN

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Load on Wheel-3 = 50 kN Load on Wheel-4 = 50 kN
Max. load on a wheel = 50 kN
Max. tyre pressure = 5.273 kg/cm2 Contact area = 948.2 cm2
Contact width along span = 360 mm Contact width across span = 263 mm
Distance between two loads across span = 1.22 m b1 = 0.393 m
Impact factor = 1.25

Initial Position of first wheel 1.905

Final position of first wheel 7.715
No of Load generation 50
Transverse increament 0.1162

Wheel-1 Wheel-2 Wheel-3 Wheel-4

Load Dist. of P with Dist. of P with Dist. of P with Dist. of P with
Case beff beff beff beff
Position Nearest beff Impact Position Nearest beff Impact Position Nearest beff Impact Position Nearest beff Impact
(mod) (mod) (mod) (mod)
Support (kN) Support (kN) Support (kN) Support (kN)
1 1.905 0.12 0.54 0.54 116.30 2.7 1.98 1.70 1.46 42.79 3.49 1.19 2.10 1.66 37.69 4.285 0.39 1.26 1.24 50.44
2 2.0212 0.00 0.40 0.40 157.05 2.8162 1.86 1.84 1.53 40.90 3.6062 1.07 2.05 1.64 38.21 4.4012 0.27 1.03 1.03 60.58
3 2.1374 2.14 1.47 1.34 46.50 2.9324 1.74 1.94 1.58 39.50 3.7224 0.95 1.98 1.60 39.06 4.5174 0.16 0.78 0.78 80.25
4 2.2536 2.25 1.27 1.24 50.20 3.0486 1.63 2.03 1.62 38.50 3.8386 0.84 1.88 1.55 40.30 4.6336 0.04 0.50 0.50 125.16
5 2.3698 2.31 1.17 1.17 53.27 3.1648 1.51 2.08 1.65 37.85 3.9548 0.72 1.76 1.49 41.99 4.7498 0.07 0.58 0.58 107.32
6 2.486 2.19 1.38 1.30 48.01 3.281 1.39 2.11 1.67 37.52 4.071 0.60 1.61 1.41 44.23 4.866 0.19 0.85 0.85 73.17
7 2.6022 2.07 1.57 1.39 44.85 3.3972 1.28 2.11 1.67 37.50 4.1872 0.49 1.43 1.32 47.20 4.9822 0.31 1.10 1.10 56.84
8 2.7184 1.96 1.72 1.47 42.45 3.5134 1.16 2.09 1.65 37.77 4.3034 0.37 1.22 1.22 51.14 5.0984 0.42 1.32 1.27 49.24
9 2.8346 1.84 1.86 1.54 40.65 3.6296 1.05 2.04 1.63 38.35 4.4196 0.26 0.99 0.99 62.91 5.2146 0.54 1.51 1.37 45.78
10 2.9508 1.72 1.96 1.59 39.31 3.7458 0.93 1.96 1.59 39.28 4.5358 0.14 0.74 0.74 84.88 5.3308 0.66 1.68 1.45 43.16
11 3.067 1.61 2.04 1.63 38.38 3.862 0.81 1.86 1.54 40.60 4.652 0.02 0.45 0.45 138.07 5.447 0.77 1.82 1.52 41.17
12 3.1832 1.49 2.09 1.65 37.78 3.9782 0.70 1.73 1.47 42.39 4.7682 0.09 0.63 0.63 99.65 5.5632 0.89 1.93 1.57 39.70
13 3.2994 1.38 2.11 1.67 37.50 4.0944 0.58 1.57 1.40 44.77 4.8844 0.21 0.89 0.89 69.85 5.6794 1.00 2.02 1.62 38.64
14 3.4156 1.26 2.11 1.67 37.52 4.2106 0.46 1.39 1.30 47.91 5.0006 0.33 1.14 1.14 55.02 5.7956 1.12 2.07 1.65 37.94
15 3.5318 1.14 2.08 1.65 37.84 4.3268 0.35 1.18 1.18 52.98 5.1168 0.44 1.35 1.29 48.63 5.9118 1.24 2.11 1.66 37.56
16 3.648 1.03 2.03 1.62 38.48 4.443 0.23 0.94 0.94 66.22 5.233 0.56 1.54 1.38 45.31 6.028 1.30 2.12 1.67 37.48
17 3.7642 0.91 1.95 1.58 39.46 4.5592 0.12 0.68 0.68 91.73 5.3492 0.67 1.70 1.46 42.80 6.1442 1.18 2.10 1.66 37.70
18 3.8804 0.79 1.84 1.53 40.85 4.6754 0.00 0.39 0.39 158.45 5.4654 0.79 1.84 1.53 40.91 6.2604 1.06 2.05 1.63 38.23
19 3.9966 0.68 1.71 1.46 42.72 4.7916 0.12 0.68 0.68 91.48 5.5816 0.91 1.94 1.58 39.51 6.3766 0.95 1.98 1.60 39.10
20 4.1128 0.56 1.55 1.38 45.21 4.9078 0.23 0.95 0.95 66.10 5.6978 1.02 2.03 1.62 38.51 6.4928 0.83 1.88 1.55 40.35
21 4.229 0.45 1.36 1.29 48.49 5.024 0.35 1.18 1.18 52.91 5.814 1.14 2.08 1.65 37.86 6.609 0.72 1.75 1.49 42.06
22 4.3452 0.33 1.14 1.14 54.63 5.1402 0.47 1.39 1.31 47.88 5.9302 1.26 2.11 1.67 37.52 6.7252 0.60 1.60 1.41 44.33
23 4.4614 0.21 0.90 0.90 69.14 5.2564 0.58 1.57 1.40 44.75 6.0464 1.28 2.11 1.67 37.49 6.8414 0.48 1.42 1.32 47.33
24 4.5776 0.10 0.64 0.64 98.07 5.3726 0.70 1.73 1.47 42.38 6.1626 1.16 2.09 1.65 37.76 6.9576 0.37 1.22 1.22 51.39
25 4.6938 0.02 0.44 0.44 141.43 5.4888 0.81 1.86 1.54 40.59 6.2788 1.05 2.04 1.63 38.35 7.0738 0.25 0.98 0.98 63.48
26 4.81 0.14 0.73 0.73 86.03 5.605 0.93 1.96 1.59 39.27 6.395 0.93 1.96 1.59 39.27 7.19 0.14 0.73 0.73 86.03
27 4.9262 0.25 0.98 0.98 63.48 5.7212 1.05 2.04 1.63 38.35 6.5112 0.81 1.86 1.54 40.59 7.3062 0.02 0.44 0.44 141.43
28 5.0424 0.37 1.22 1.22 51.39 5.8374 1.16 2.09 1.65 37.76 6.6274 0.70 1.73 1.47 42.38 7.4224 0.10 0.51 0.51 122.48

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29 5.1586 0.48 1.42 1.32 47.33 5.9536 1.28 2.11 1.67 37.49 6.7436 0.58 1.57 1.40 44.75 7.5386 0.21 0.65 0.65 96.20
30 5.2748 0.60 1.60 1.41 44.33 6.0698 1.26 2.11 1.67 37.52 6.8598 0.47 1.39 1.31 47.88 7.6548 0.33 0.79 0.79 79.20
31 5.391 0.72 1.75 1.49 42.06 6.186 1.14 2.08 1.65 37.86 6.976 0.35 1.18 1.18 52.91 7.771 0.45 0.93 0.93 67.31
32 5.5072 0.83 1.88 1.55 40.35 6.3022 1.02 2.03 1.62 38.51 7.0922 0.23 0.95 0.95 66.10 7.8872 0.56 1.07 1.07 58.52
33 5.6234 0.95 1.98 1.60 39.10 6.4184 0.91 1.94 1.58 39.51 7.2084 0.12 0.68 0.68 91.48 8.0034 0.68 1.21 1.21 51.76
34 5.7396 1.06 2.05 1.63 38.23 6.5346 0.79 1.84 1.53 40.91 7.3246 0.00 0.39 0.39 158.45 8.1196 0.79 1.35 1.28 48.70
35 5.8558 1.18 2.10 1.66 37.70 6.6508 0.67 1.70 1.46 42.80 7.4408 0.12 0.53 0.53 117.40 8.2358 0.91 1.49 1.35 46.19
36 5.972 1.30 2.12 1.67 37.48 6.767 0.56 1.54 1.38 45.31 7.557 0.23 0.67 0.67 93.03 8.352 1.03 1.63 1.42 43.92
37 6.0882 1.24 2.11 1.66 37.56 6.8832 0.44 1.35 1.29 48.63 7.6732 0.35 0.81 0.81 77.04 8.4682 1.14 1.77 1.49 41.87
38 6.2044 1.12 2.07 1.65 37.94 6.9994 0.33 1.14 1.14 55.02 7.7894 0.46 0.95 0.95 65.74 8.5844 1.26 1.90 1.56 40.00
39 6.3206 1.00 2.02 1.62 38.64 7.1156 0.21 0.89 0.89 69.85 7.9056 0.58 1.09 1.09 57.33 8.7006 1.38 2.04 1.63 38.30
40 6.4368 0.89 1.93 1.57 39.70 7.2318 0.09 0.63 0.63 99.65 8.0218 0.70 1.23 1.22 51.03 8.8168 1.49 2.18 1.70 36.73
41 6.553 0.77 1.82 1.52 41.17 7.348 0.02 0.42 0.42 148.46 8.138 0.81 1.37 1.29 48.28 8.933 1.61 2.32 1.77 35.28
42 6.6692 0.66 1.68 1.45 43.16 7.4642 0.14 0.56 0.56 111.52 8.2542 0.93 1.51 1.36 45.81 9.0492 1.72 2.46 1.84 33.94
43 6.7854 0.54 1.51 1.37 45.78 7.5804 0.26 0.70 0.70 89.30 8.3704 1.05 1.65 1.43 43.59 9.1654 1.84 2.60 1.91 32.71
44 6.9016 0.42 1.32 1.27 49.24 7.6966 0.37 0.84 0.84 74.47 8.4866 1.16 1.79 1.50 41.57 9.2816 1.96 2.74 1.98 31.56
45 7.0178 0.31 1.10 1.10 56.84 7.8128 0.49 0.98 0.98 63.86 8.6028 1.28 1.93 1.57 39.72 9.3978 2.07 2.88 2.05 30.48
46 7.134 0.19 0.85 0.85 73.17 7.929 0.60 1.12 1.12 55.89 8.719 1.39 2.07 1.64 38.04 9.514 2.19 3.02 2.12 29.48
47 7.2502 0.07 0.58 0.58 107.32 8.0452 0.72 1.26 1.24 50.45 8.8352 1.51 2.21 1.71 36.49 9.6302 2.31 3.16 2.19 28.54
48 7.3664 0.04 0.44 0.44 141.06 8.1614 0.84 1.40 1.31 47.76 8.9514 1.63 2.35 1.78 35.06 9.7464 2.42 3.30 2.26 27.66
49 7.4826 0.16 0.58 0.58 107.29 8.2776 0.95 1.54 1.38 45.35 9.0676 1.74 2.48 1.85 33.74 9.8626 2.54 3.44 2.33 26.83
50 7.5988 0.27 0.72 0.72 86.57 8.3938 1.07 1.68 1.45 43.16 9.1838 1.86 2.62 1.92 32.52 9.9788 2.65 3.58 2.40 26.05
51 7.715 0.39 0.86 0.86 72.56 8.51 1.19 1.82 1.52 41.18 9.3 1.98 2.76 1.99 31.38 10.095 2.77 3.72 2.47 25.32
1Lane 70R Track

Load on Wheel-1 = 350 kN Load on Wheel-2 = 350 kN

Contact width along span = 840 mm Contact width across span = 4570 mm
Distance between two loads across span = 30 m b1 = 4.70 m
Impact factor = 1.25
Initial Position of first wheel 2.12
Final position of first wheel 7.82
No of Load generation 50
Transverse increament 0.114

Wheel-1 Wheel-2
Load Dist. of P with Dist. of P with
Case beff beff
Position Nearest beff Impact Position Nearest beff Impact
(mod) (mod)
Support (kN) Support (kN)
1 2.12 2.12 5.80 5.80 75.40 4.18 0.50 5.75 5.75 76.13
2 2.234 2.23 5.61 5.61 77.96 4.294 0.38 5.55 5.55 78.85
3 2.348 2.33 5.44 5.44 80.46 4.408 0.27 5.32 5.32 82.17
4 2.462 2.21 5.65 5.65 77.45 4.522 0.15 5.07 5.07 86.21
5 2.576 2.10 5.83 5.83 74.98 4.636 0.04 4.80 4.80 91.15
6 2.69 1.99 6.00 6.00 72.98 4.75 0.07 4.89 4.89 89.48
7 2.804 1.87 6.13 6.13 71.37 4.864 0.19 5.16 5.16 84.85
8 2.918 1.76 6.24 6.24 70.12 4.978 0.30 5.40 5.40 81.05

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9 3.032 1.64 6.32 6.32 69.19 5.092 0.42 5.61 5.61 77.94
10 3.146 1.53 6.38 6.38 68.56 5.206 0.53 5.80 5.80 75.38
11 3.26 1.42 6.41 6.41 68.20 5.32 0.64 5.97 5.97 73.30
12 3.374 1.30 6.42 6.42 68.13 5.434 0.76 6.11 6.11 71.63
13 3.488 1.19 6.40 6.40 68.32 5.548 0.87 6.22 6.22 70.31
14 3.602 1.07 6.36 6.36 68.79 5.662 0.99 6.31 6.31 69.33
15 3.716 0.96 6.29 6.29 69.54 5.776 1.10 6.37 6.37 68.65
16 3.83 0.85 6.20 6.20 70.60 5.89 1.22 6.41 6.41 68.25
17 3.944 0.73 6.08 6.08 72.00 6.004 1.32 6.42 6.42 68.12
18 4.058 0.62 5.93 5.93 73.77 6.118 1.21 6.41 6.41 68.27
19 4.172 0.50 5.76 5.76 75.96 6.232 1.09 6.37 6.37 68.68
20 4.286 0.39 5.56 5.56 78.65 6.346 0.98 6.31 6.31 69.39
21 4.4 0.28 5.34 5.34 81.92 6.46 0.87 6.21 6.21 70.40
22 4.514 0.16 5.09 5.09 85.90 6.574 0.75 6.10 6.10 71.73
23 4.628 0.05 4.82 4.82 90.77 6.688 0.64 5.96 5.96 73.43
24 4.742 0.07 4.87 4.87 89.84 6.802 0.52 5.79 5.79 75.54
25 4.856 0.18 5.14 5.14 85.14 6.916 0.41 5.60 5.60 78.14
26 4.97 0.29 5.38 5.38 81.30 7.03 0.30 5.38 5.38 81.30
27 5.084 0.41 5.60 5.60 78.14 7.144 0.18 5.14 5.14 85.14
28 5.198 0.52 5.79 5.79 75.54 7.258 0.07 4.87 4.87 89.84
29 5.312 0.64 5.96 5.96 73.43 7.372 0.05 4.76 4.76 91.98
30 5.426 0.75 6.10 6.10 71.73 7.486 0.16 4.89 4.89 89.41
31 5.54 0.86 6.21 6.21 70.40 7.6 0.27 5.03 5.03 86.98
32 5.654 0.98 6.31 6.31 69.39 7.714 0.39 5.17 5.17 84.68
33 5.768 1.09 6.37 6.37 68.68 7.828 0.50 5.30 5.30 82.49
34 5.882 1.21 6.41 6.41 68.27 7.942 0.62 5.44 5.44 80.42
35 5.996 1.32 6.42 6.42 68.12 8.056 0.73 5.58 5.58 78.44
36 6.11 1.22 6.41 6.41 68.25 8.17 0.84 5.71 5.71 76.57
37 6.224 1.10 6.37 6.37 68.65 8.284 0.96 5.85 5.85 74.78
38 6.338 0.99 6.31 6.31 69.33 8.398 1.07 5.99 5.99 73.07
39 6.452 0.87 6.22 6.22 70.31 8.512 1.19 6.12 6.12 71.44
40 6.566 0.76 6.11 6.11 71.63 8.626 1.30 6.26 6.26 69.87
41 6.68 0.65 5.97 5.97 73.30 8.74 1.41 6.40 6.40 68.38
42 6.794 0.53 5.80 5.80 75.38 8.854 1.53 6.53 6.53 66.95
43 6.908 0.42 5.61 5.61 77.94 8.968 1.64 6.67 6.67 65.58
44 7.022 0.30 5.40 5.40 81.05 9.082 1.76 6.81 6.81 64.26
45 7.136 0.19 5.16 5.16 84.85 9.196 1.87 6.95 6.95 62.99
46 7.25 0.08 4.89 4.89 89.48 9.31 1.98 7.08 7.08 61.78
47 7.364 0.04 4.75 4.75 92.17 9.424 2.10 7.22 7.22 60.61
48 7.478 0.15 4.88 4.88 89.59 9.538 2.21 7.36 7.36 59.48
49 7.592 0.27 5.02 5.02 87.14 9.652 2.33 7.49 7.49 58.39
50 7.706 0.381 5.16 5.16 84.83 9.766 2.44 7.63 7.63 57.35
51 7.82 0.49 5.29 5.29 82.64 9.88 2.55 7.77 7.77 56.34

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Load on Wheel-1 = 85.0 kN Load on Wheel-2 = 85.0 kN
Max. tyre pressure = 5.273 kg/cm2 Contact area for 70RW = 1612.0 cm2
Contact width along span = 810 mm Contact width across span = 199.0 mm
Distance between two loads across span = 1.22 m b1 = 0.329 m
Impact factor = 1.25
1Lane Class - A
Load on Wheel-1 = 57 kN Load on Wheel-2 = 57 kN
Contact width across span = 250 mm Contact width along span = 500 mm
Distance between two loads across span = 1.200 m
Minimum edge distance upto c/l of wheel = 0.400 m
b1 = 0.380 m
Load on Wheel-3 = 57.0 kN Load on Wheel-4 = 57.0 kN
Impact factor = 1.5
initial position of first wheel(70Rw) = 2.130 m
initial position of 2nd wheel(1LCA) 8.000
Final position of 2nd wheel of 1LCA 11.100 m
Total movbement of train 3.100 m
Number of load generation 20
Transverse increament of Wheels 0.155 m
Wheel-1 Wheel-2 Wheel-3 Wheel-4
Case Dist. of beff P with Dist. of beff P with Dist. of beff P with Dist. of beff P with
Position beff Position beff Position beff Position beff
Nearest (mod) Impact Nearest (mod) Impact Nearest (mod) Impact Nearest (mod) Impact
1 2.13 2.13 1.42 1.32 80.62 4.06 0.62 1.56 1.38 77.08 6.12 1.21 2.09 1.64 52.00 7.92 0.59 1.09 1.09 78.15
2 2.285 2.29 1.15 1.15 92.61 4.215 0.46 1.32 1.26 84.41 6.275 1.05 2.03 1.61 52.97 8.075 0.75 1.28 1.24 68.95
3 2.44 2.24 1.24 1.23 86.42 4.37 0.31 1.03 1.03 103.08 6.43 0.90 1.92 1.56 54.79 8.23 0.90 1.47 1.33 64.14
4 2.595 2.08 1.49 1.36 78.35 4.525 0.15 0.70 0.70 152.45 6.585 0.74 1.77 1.48 57.64 8.385 1.06 1.65 1.43 59.96
5 2.75 1.93 1.70 1.46 72.82 4.68 0.00 0.34 0.34 310.69 6.74 0.59 1.57 1.38 61.84 8.54 1.22 1.84 1.52 56.29
6 2.905 1.77 1.86 1.54 69.06 4.835 0.16 0.72 0.72 147.59 6.895 0.43 1.32 1.26 67.95 8.695 1.37 2.02 1.61 53.04
7 3.06 1.62 1.97 1.59 66.64 4.99 0.32 1.05 1.05 101.13 7.05 0.28 1.02 1.02 83.76 8.85 1.53 2.21 1.71 50.15
8 3.215 1.46 2.03 1.63 65.31 5.145 0.47 1.33 1.27 83.85 7.205 0.12 0.68 0.68 126.13 9.005 1.68 2.40 1.80 47.55
9 3.37 1.31 2.05 1.64 64.96 5.3 0.63 1.57 1.39 76.69 7.36 0.04 0.42 0.42 202.61 9.16 1.84 2.58 1.89 45.21
10 3.525 1.15 2.02 1.62 65.56 5.455 0.78 1.76 1.48 71.79 7.515 0.19 0.61 0.61 140.63 9.315 1.99 2.77 1.98 43.09
11 3.68 0.99 1.94 1.58 67.15 5.61 0.94 1.90 1.55 68.50 7.67 0.35 0.79 0.79 107.68 9.47 2.15 2.95 2.08 41.17
12 3.835 0.84 1.82 1.52 69.88 5.765 1.09 2.00 1.60 66.46 7.825 0.50 0.98 0.98 87.24 9.625 2.30 3.14 2.17 39.40
13 3.99 0.68 1.65 1.43 74.05 5.92 1.25 2.05 1.62 65.48 7.98 0.66 1.17 1.17 73.33 9.78 2.46 3.33 2.26 37.78
14 4.145 0.53 1.43 1.33 80.15 6.075 1.25 2.05 1.62 65.47 8.135 0.81 1.35 1.28 67.01 9.935 2.61 3.51 2.36 36.29
15 4.3 0.37 1.17 1.17 91.12 6.23 1.10 2.00 1.60 66.41 8.29 0.97 1.54 1.37 62.45 10.09 2.77 3.70 2.45 34.91
16 4.455 0.22 0.85 0.85 124.48 6.385 0.94 1.91 1.55 68.41 8.445 1.12 1.72 1.46 58.48 10.245 2.92 3.88 2.54 33.63
17 4.61 0.06 0.49 0.49 215.14 6.54 0.78 1.77 1.48 71.66 8.6 1.28 1.91 1.56 54.98 10.4 3.08 4.07 2.64 32.45
18 4.765 0.09 0.56 0.56 191.42 6.695 0.63 1.58 1.39 76.50 8.755 1.43 2.10 1.65 51.88 10.555 3.23 4.26 2.73 31.34
19 4.92 0.25 0.91 0.91 117.13 6.85 0.47 1.34 1.27 83.57 8.91 1.59 2.28 1.74 49.11 10.71 3.39 4.44 2.82 30.31
20 5.075 0.40 1.21 1.21 87.66 7.005 0.32 1.06 1.06 100.18 9.065 1.74 2.47 1.83 46.62 10.865 3.54 4.63 2.91 29.34
21 5.23 0.56 1.47 1.34 79.00 7.16 0.16 0.73 0.73 145.29 9.22 1.90 2.65 1.93 44.37 11.02 3.70 4.81 3.01 28.43

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Material Specification

Concrete Grade = M 40

Characteristic Compressive Strength of Concrete,fck = 40 Mpa at 28 days

Design Compressive strength of Concrete, fcd = 17.87 Mpa at 28 days (0.67/1.5 * fck) - Refer Fig 6.5 of IRC : 112-2011
Tensile strength of concrete , fctm = 3.03 MPa

Strain at reaching Characteistic Strength, ec2 = 0.02

Ultimate Strain, ecu2 = 0.035

Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete ( Ec ) = 3.16E+04 N/mm ( 5000 x sqrt ( fck )
Ecm = 3.33E+04 N/mm2
Steel Grade = Fe 500 D (HYSD Steel)

Yield Strength of Reinforcement, fy or fyk = 500 Mpa

Design Yield Strength of Reinforcement, fyd = 435 Mpa (1/1.15 * fy)

Modulus of Elasticity of Steel ( Es) = 2.00E+05 Mpa

Dry weight of Concrete = 25.00 kN/m

Permissible Crack Width = 0.2 mm - For Moderate Exposure Condition

Maximum compressive stress in concrete under rare = 0.48 fck ( Refer Clause 12.2.1 of IRC:112-2011)
= 19.2 N/mm
Maximum tensile stress in steel under rare combination = 400 N/mm

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Cantilver Cantilver
SPAN Outer Span Inner Span 1 Outer Span
Span Span

Node 10

Node 11

Node 12

Node 13

Node 14

Node 16

Node 17

Node 18

Node 19

Node 20

Node 22
Node 2

Node 4

Node 5

Node 6

Node 7

Node 8

DL 1.12 1.12 0.92 0.16 0.10 0.16 0.16 0.03 -0.32 0.03 0.16 0.16 0.10 0.16 0.92 1.12 1.12
SIDL (CB + Railing + FP Dead Load) 1.77 1.77 1.61 0.71 -0.19 -0.34 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.34 -0.19 0.71 1.61 1.77 1.77
SIDL (Surfacing) 0.16 0.16 0.12 -0.01 0.04 0.07 0.07 0.03 -0.06 0.03 0.07 0.07 0.04 -0.01 0.12 0.16 0.16
FPLL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1CLA (Max. Hog) 7.0 7.0 5.5 1.0 1.9 2.7 2.7 1.9 0.9 2.2 3.0 3.0 1.9 0.8 2.4 3.3 3.3
1CLA (Max. Sag) 0.0 -0.1 -1.6 -2.4 -0.5 -0.8 -0.8 -0.7 -2.0 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.7 -2.5 -0.9 0.0 0.0
3CLA (Max. Hog) 7.0 5.4 0.6 1.6 2.7 2.8 2.1 0.0 2.4 3.2 3.2 2.1 0.0 2.3 3.3 3.3 0.0
3CLA (Max. Sag) -0.1 -1.5 -1.6 -1.0 0.0 0.0 -0.9 -1.2 -0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.9 -1.7 -0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
1L 40T-L (Max. Hog) 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.0 2.7 3.8 3.8 2.6 1.1 3.1 4.1 4.1 2.8 1.0 0.2 0.0 0.0
1L 40T-L (Max. Sag) 0.0 -0.1 -2.1 -3.1 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.8 -2.7 -0.8 -0.7 -0.7 -1.2 -3.3 -1.3 -0.1 0.0
1L 40T-M (Max. Hog) 1.3 1.3 0.3 1.1 2.1 3.4 3.4 2.4 1.1 2.7 3.8 3.8 2.1 1.1 0.2 0.3 0.3
1L 40T-M (Max. Sag) 0.0 -0.1 -1.5 -3.3 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.4 -2.8 -0.4 -0.6 -0.7 -0.6 -3.5 -1.1 0.0 0.0
1L 70R TR (Max. Hog) 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.7 2.3 3.3 3.3 2.3 0.7 2.5 3.5 3.5 2.4 0.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 70Rw+1LCA'
1L 70R TR (Max. Sag) 0.0 -0.1 -1.6 -2.9 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.6 -2.6 -0.6 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -3.0 -1.2 -0.1 0.0
LL (Max. Hog) 7.0 7.0 5.5 1.6 2.7 3.8 3.8 2.6 2.4 3.2 4.1 4.1 2.8 2.3 3.3 3.3 3.3
LL (Max. Sag) -0.1 -1.5 -2.1 -3.3 -0.7 -0.8 -0.9 -1.2 -2.8 -0.8 -0.7 -0.9 -1.7 -3.5 -1.3 -0.1 0.0
Combination for ULS as per IRC-6
1.35*(DL+SIDL)+1.75*SIDL 4.2 4.2 3.6 1.2 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.4 -1.0 -0.4 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 1.2 3.6 4.2 4.2
1.35*(DL+SIDL)+1.75*SIDL+1.5*FPLL 4.2 4.2 3.6 1.2 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.4 -1.0 -0.4 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 1.2 3.6 4.2 4.2
1.35*(DL+SIDL)+1.75*SIDL+1.5*LL1 14.7 14.7 11.9 3.6 4.0 5.6 5.6 3.5 2.6 4.4 6.0 6.0 4.1 4.6 8.6 9.1 9.1
1.35*(DL+SIDL)+1.75*SIDL+1.5*LL2 4.0 1.9 0.5 -3.8 -1.1 -1.3 -1.5 -2.2 -5.2 -1.6 -1.2 -1.5 -2.6 -4.1 1.7 4.0 4.2
1.35*(DL+SIDL)+1.75*SIDL+1.5*(FPLL+LL1) 14.7 14.7 11.9 3.6 4.0 5.6 5.6 3.5 2.6 4.4 6.0 6.0 4.1 4.6 8.6 9.1 9.1
1.35*(DL+SIDL)+1.75*SIDL+1.5*(FPLL+LL2) 4.0 1.9 0.5 -3.8 -1.1 -1.3 -1.5 -2.2 -5.2 -1.6 -1.2 -1.5 -2.6 -4.1 1.7 4.0 4.2
DESIGN HOG. 14.7 14.7 11.9 3.6 4.0 5.6 5.6 3.5 2.6 4.4 6.0 6.0 4.1 4.6 8.6 9.1 9.1
DESIGN SAG 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.8 -1.1 -1.3 -1.5 -2.2 -5.2 -1.6 -1.2 -1.5 -2.6 -4.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Combination for SLS as per IRC-6
1.0*(DL+SIDL)+1.0*SIDL 3.05 3.05 2.65 0.86 -0.05 -0.11 -0.12 -0.29 -0.73 -0.29 -0.12 -0.11 -0.05 0.86 2.65 3.05 3.05
1.0*(DL+SIDL)+1.0*SIDL+1.0*FPLL 3.05 3.05 2.65 0.86 -0.05 -0.11 -0.12 -0.29 -0.73 -0.29 -0.12 -0.11 -0.05 0.86 2.65 3.05 3.05
1.0*(DL+SIDL)+1.0*SIDL+1.0*LL1 10.05 10.05 8.15 2.46 2.65 3.69 3.68 2.31 1.67 2.91 3.98 3.99 2.75 3.16 5.95 6.35 6.35
1.0*(DL+SIDL)+1.0*SIDL+1.0*LL2 2.95 1.55 0.55 -2.44 -0.75 -0.91 -1.02 -1.49 -3.53 -1.09 -0.82 -1.01 -1.75 -2.64 1.4 3.0 3.1
1.0*(DL+SIDL)+1.0*SIDL+1.0*(FPLL+LL1) 10.05 10.05 8.15 2.46 2.65 3.69 3.68 2.31 1.67 2.91 3.98 3.99 2.75 3.16 5.95 6.35 6.35
1.0*(DL+SIDL)+1.0*SIDL+1.0*(FPLL+LL2) 2.95 1.55 0.55 -2.44 -0.75 -0.91 -1.02 -1.49 -3.53 -1.09 -0.82 -1.01 -1.75 -2.64 1.4 3.0 3.1
DESIGN HOG. 10.05 10.05 8.15 2.5 2.7 3.7 3.7 2.3 1.7 2.9 4.0 4.0 2.8 3.2 6.0 6.4 6.4
DESIGN SAG 0.000 0.000 0.000 -2.44 -0.75 -0.91 -1.02 -1.49 -3.53 -1.09 -0.82 -1.01 -1.75 -2.64 0.0 0.0 0.0
Combination for QLS as per IRC-6
1.0*(DL+SIDL)+1.2*SIDL 3.08 3.08 2.67 0.86 -0.04 -0.10 -0.11 -0.28 -0.74 -0.28 -0.11 -0.10 -0.04 0.86 2.67 3.08 3.08
1.0*(DL+SIDL)+1.2*SIDL+0*FPLL 3.08 3.08 2.67 0.86 -0.04 -0.10 -0.11 -0.28 -0.74 -0.28 -0.11 -0.10 -0.04 0.86 2.67 3.08 3.08
1.0*(DL+SIDL)+1.2*SIDL+0*LL1 3.08 3.08 2.67 0.86 -0.04 -0.10 -0.11 -0.28 -0.74 -0.28 -0.11 -0.10 -0.04 0.86 2.67 3.08 3.08
1.0*(DL+SIDL)+1.2*SIDL+0*LL2 3.08 3.08 2.67 0.86 -0.04 -0.10 -0.11 -0.28 -0.74 -0.28 -0.11 -0.10 -0.04 0.86 2.67 3.08 3.08
1.0*(DL+SIDL)+1.2*SIDL+0*(FPLL+LL1) 3.08 3.08 2.67 0.86 -0.04 -0.10 -0.11 -0.28 -0.74 -0.28 -0.11 -0.10 -0.04 0.86 2.67 3.08 3.08
1.0*(DL+SIDL)+1.2*SIDL+0*(FPLL+LL2) 3.08 3.08 2.67 0.86 -0.04 -0.10 -0.11 -0.28 -0.74 -0.28 -0.11 -0.10 -0.04 0.86 2.67 3.08 3.08
DESIGN HOG. 3.08 3.08 2.67 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 2.7 3.1 3.1
DESIGN SAG 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 -0.04 -0.10 -0.11 -0.28 -0.74 -0.28 -0.11 -0.10 -0.04 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0

Design for ULS condition

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Design Max Hogging Moment = 146.8 KNm/m
Design Max Sagging Moment = -52.1 KNm/m

Design for SLS condition

Design Hogging Moment at Cantilever Face at Node (2,22) = 100.5 KNm/m

Design Hogging Moment at Outer Support at Node (5, 19) = -35.3 KNm/m

Design for QLS condition

Design Hogging Moment at Cantilever Face at Node (2,22) = 3.1 KNm/m

Design Hogging Moment at Outer Support at Node (5, 19) = -7.4 KNm/m

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Support Reinforcement Calculation:
Flange thickness of girder rectangular 0 mm
tapered 0 mm
Thickness of slab = 220 mm at Interior span
Thickness of slab = 220.0 mm (at support)
Clear Cover to outer steeel = 40 mm
Maximum Diameter of Reinformcement = 16 mm
Effective Depth Provided ( deff) = 172 mm
Design bending moment Cant. Support = 146.82 kNm/m At Int. Support 118.755
Mulim = 0.167 x fck x b x d^2 = 146.82 kNm/m

= SQRT( 146.82 x 1000000

Effective Depth of Required (dreq) 0.167 x 40.00 x 1000

Effective Depth of Required (dreq) = 148 mm

Total Depth Required ( Dreq) = 196 mm
Total Depth Provided (Dprov) = 220 mm OK

R= MRD/(b d^2) = 4.96

Design Moment of Resistance MRD = 0.87fyAst * (d-(lxu/2))

146.82 = 0.87fyAst * (d-(lxu/2))

n = 1
fcd = 17.84 N/mm
fy = 500 N/mm
fyd 435 N/mm
l = 0.8

MRD = 0.87fyAst * (d-(0.87*fy*Ast/(b*n*fcd*2))

Area of Steel Required, Astred = 2356.7 mm /m

Astreq = 2356.7 mm /m
Area of Steel Required for intermediate support, Astred = 1823.6 mm /m
Area of Steel Required for intermediate support beyond flange, Astred = 2356.7 mm /m
Minimum Longitudinal Reinforcement :
As. Min = 0.26 x fctm x b.d - Refer Eq. &
fyk of IRC: 112-2011
Whichever is higher OR = 0.0013 x b.d -Refer Clause 16.9 of IRC:112-
b = 1000.00 mm 2011'
d = 172.00 mm
Ast min = 270.94 mm2/m
Governing Reinf. Ast = 2356.71 mm2/m
Provide 16 mm dia @ 100 mm c/c + 10 mm dia @ 100
mm c/c
2 2
Area provided= 2796 mm /m > 2357 mm /m OK
Percentage of Steel (pt%) = 1.63 %
Area provided 16 mm dia @ 100 mm c/c + 0 mm dia @ 100
support = mm c/c
2 2
Area provided= 2011 mm /m > 1824 mm /m OK
Percentage of Steel (pt%) = 1.17 %

Maximum Spacing of Bars : as per Clause of IRC:112-2020

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Smax = 2h = 344.00
OR = 250.00 mm whichever is max

Provided Spacing is less than Smax, Hence OK

Moment of Resistance of Section corresponding to Provided Ast

MRD = 0.87fyAst * (d-(0.87*fy*Ast/(b*n*fcd*2))
= 167.74 kNm > 146.82 kNm
MRD inner support = 0.87fyAst * (d-(0.87*fy*Ast/(b*n*fcd*2))
= 129.00 kNm > 118.76 kNm
Distribution reinforcement: SAFE
Effective Depth in Long. Direction = 159 mm
As per Clause of IRC:112-2011 , Secondary Reinforcement shall be at least 20 % of the main reinforcement

20.00 x 2356.71 = 471.3425 mm2/m


Provide 10 dia bar 150 mm c/c at Trans direction in top face. (Providing = 524 mm^2 )

Span Reinforcement Calculation:

Clear Cover to outer steeel = 40 mm

Maximum Diameter of Reinformcement = 12 mm
Effective Depth Provided ( deff) = 174 mm
Design bending moment = 52.10 kNm/m
Mult = 0.167 x fck x b x d^2 52.10 kNm/m
= SQRT( 52.10 x 1000000
Effective Depth of Required (dreq) 0.167 x 40.00 x 1000
Effective Depth of Required (dreq) = 88.3100 mm
Total Depth Required ( Dreq) = 134.31 mm
Total Depth Provided (Dprov) = 220.00 mm OK
R= Mu/(b d^2) = 1.72

Ast Required:

MRD = 0.87fyAst * (d-(0.87*fy*Ast/(b*n*fcd*2))

Area of Steel Required, Astred = 725.5 mm /m

Astreq = 725.471 mm /m

Minimum Longitudinal Reinforcement :

As. Min = 0.26 x fctm x b.d - Refer Eq. &
fyk of IRC: 112-2011
Whichever is higher OR = 0.0013 x b.d -Refer Clause 16.9 of IRC:112-
b = 1000.00 mm

d = 174.00 mm

Ast min = 274.09 mm2/m

Governing Reinf. Ast = 725.47 mm2/m

Provide 12 mm dia @ 100 mm c/c + 0 mm dia @ 100

mm c/c

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Area provided= 1131 mm /m > 725 mm2/m OK
Percentage of Steel (pt%) = 0.65 %

Maximum Spacing of Bars : as per Clause of IRC:112-2011

Smax = 2h = 348.00
OR = 250.00 mm whichever is max

Provided Spacing is less than Smax, Hence OK

Moment of Resistance of Section corresponding to Provided Ast

MRD = 0.87fyAst * (d-(0.87*fy*Ast/(b*n*fcd*2))
= 78.82 kNm > 52.10 kNm
Distribution reinforcement:
Effective Depth in Long. Direction = 165 mm
As per Clause of IRC:112-2011 , Secondary Reinforcement shall be at least 20 % of the main reinforcement

20.00 x 1130.97 = 226.1946711 mm2/m


Provide 10 dia bar 150 mm c/c at Trans direction in top face. (Providing = 524 mm^2 )

PAGE 121 OF 128

Section Properties of Uncracked Section:


width of section (Dx) = 1000 mm

Depth of Section (Dy) _ support = 220 mm
Depth of Section (Dy)_span = 220 mm
for support section
Gross Cross sectional area (Ag) = 220000 mm
Gross Moment of Inertia Igxx = 8.87E+08 mm
Gross Moment of Inertia Igyy = 1.83E+10 mm
for span section
Gross Cross sectional area (Ag) = 220000 mm
Gross Moment of Inertia Igxx = 8.87E+08 mm
Gross Moment of Inertia Igyy = 1.83E+10 mm

Perimeter of section (u) = 2440 mm

2 Ac/u = 180.328 mm
For Dry atmosperic condition
Creep coeff. = 1.48
Eceff = Ecm = 1.34E+04
(1 + ø )

Modular Ratio (m) = Es/ Eceff = 14.87

Details of Reinforcements:
For Max Hogging 16 mm dia @ 100 mm c/c
10 mm dia @ 100 mm c/c
Total Ast provided = 2796.02 mm /m
pt = Ast/(b*D) = 0.0163
effective cover = 48 mm
C.g. Of Tension steel from N.A. (y) = 62.00 mm
Area of concrete, Ac = ( Ag- Ast) = 217203.98 mm
Transformed Area of Section AstT Ac + m Ast = 258789.547 mm
Transformed M.O.I (Ixx) Igxx+(m-1).Ast . y^2 = 8.87E+08 + 149107018
= 1.04E+09 mm
Section modulus (Zxx) = Ixx /( Dy/2)
= 9422185.01 mm
Bending stress ( M/ Zxx ) = 10.666 N/mm
Tensile strength of concrete , fctm = 3.03 N/mm Cracked

Sectional Properties of Cracked Section:

Stresses under Service load are usually within Linear Elastic Range hence such analysis involved use of Modulus ratio.

Effective Depth deff (dy) = 172.00 mm

Depth of neutral axis ( yb) = k * dy
where , k - = sqrt{ 2 pt *m + (pt*m)^2 } - pt* m
= 0.4944

PAGE 122 OF 128

Depth of Neutral axis from Extreme compression face(yb) = 85.0430 mm
Depth of Neutral axis from Extreme Tension face(yt) = 134.9570 mm
Depth of Neutral axis from c.g. Of tesion steel (ys) = 86.9570 mm

Cracked Moment of Inertia ( Ixxcr) = Dx *(k * dy)^3/3 + m Ast * (dy - k * dy)^2

= 5.1947E+08 mm

Maximum compressive stress in concrete= Mxx/Ixxcr * yb = 16.45 N/mm < 19.2

Maximum Tensile stress in steel= m * Mxx/Ixxcr * ys = 250.22 N/mm < 400

Details of Reinforcements:
For Max Sagging 16 mm dia @ 100 mm c/c
0 mm dia @ 100 mm c/c
Total Ast provided = 2010.62 mm /m
pt = Ast/(b*D) = 0.0117
effective cover = 48 mm
C.g. Of Tension steel from N.A. (y) = 62.00 mm
Area of concrete, Ac = ( Ag- Ast) = 217989.38 mm
Transformed Area of Section AstT Ac + m Ast = 247893.607 mm
Transformed M.O.I (Ixx) Igxx+(m-1).Ast . y^2 = 8.87E+08 + 107223024
= 9.95E+08 mm
Section modulus (Zxx) = Ixx /( Dy/2)
= 9041421.43 mm
Bending stress ( M/ Zxx ) = -3.904 N/mm
Tensile strength of concrete , fctm = 3.03 N/mm Uncracked

Sectional Properties of Cracked Section:

Stresses under Service load are usually within Linear Elastic Range hence such analysis involved use of Modulus ratio.

Effective Depth deff (dy) = 174.00 mm

Depth of neutral axis ( yb) = k * dy
where , k - = sqrt{ 2 pt *m + (pt*m)^2 } - pt* m
= 0.3535

Depth of Neutral axis from Extreme compression face(yb) = 61.5160 mm

Depth of Neutral axis from Extreme Tension face(yt) = 158.4840 mm
Depth of Neutral axis from c.g. Of tesion steel (ys) = 112.4840 mm

Cracked Moment of Inertia ( Ixxcr) = Dx *(k * dy)^3/3 + m Ast * (dy - k * dy)^2

= 2.9043E+08 mm

Maximum compressive stress in concrete= Mxx/Ixxcr * yb = 7.48 N/mm < 19.2

Maximum Tensile stress in steel= m * Mxx/Ixxcr * ys = 203.34 N/mm < 400

PAGE 123 OF 128

Section Properties of Uncracked Section:


width of section (Dx) = 1000.00 mm
Depth of Section (Dy) = 220.00 mm
Gross Cross sectional area (Ag) = 220000 mm

Gross Moment of Inertia Igxx = 8.87E+08 mm
Gross Moment of Inertia Igyy = 1.83E+10 mm

Calculation of Modular Ratio:

Perimeter of section (u) = 2440 mm
2 Ac/u = 180.328 mm
For Dry atmosperic condition
Creep coeff. = 1.48
Eceff = Ecm = 1.34E+04
(1 + ø )

Modular Ratio (m) = Es/ Eceff = 14.87

Details of Reinforcements:
at Span 12 mm dia @ 100 mm c/c
0 mm dia @ 100 mm c/c
Total Ast provided = 1130.97 mm /m
pt = Ast/(b*D) = 0.0065
effective cover = 46 mm
C.g. Of Tension steel from N.A. (y) = 64.00 mm
Area of concrete, Ac = ( Ag- Ast) = 218869.03 mm
Transformed Area of Section AstT Ac + m Ast = 235690.1538 mm
Transformed M.O.I (Ixx) Igxx+(m-1).Ast . y^2 = 8.87E+08 + 64266869.8
= 9.52E+08 mm
Section modulus (Zxx) = Ixx /( Dy/2)
= 8650910.938 mm
Bending stress ( M/ Zxx ) = 0.858 N/mm
Tensile strength of concrete , fctm = 3.03 N/mm Uncracked

No need to check for Crack width as the section is Uncracked

PAGE 124 OF 128

Section Properties of Uncracked Section:


width of section (Dx) = 1000.00 mm
Depth of Section (Dy) = 220.00 mm
Gross Cross sectional area (Ag) = 220000 mm

Gross Moment of Inertia Igxx = 8.87E+08 mm
Gross Moment of Inertia Igyy = 1.83E+10 mm

Calculation of Modular Ratio:

Perimeter of section (u) = 2440 mm
2 Ac/u = 180.328 mm
For Dry atmosperic condition
Creep coeff. = 1.48
Eceff = Ecm = 1.34E+04
(1 + ø )

Modular Ratio (m) = Es/ Eceff = 14.87

Details of Reinforcements:
at Span 16 mm dia @ 100 mm c/c
10 mm dia @ 100 mm c/c
Total Ast provided = 2796.02 mm /m
pt = Ast/(b*D) = 0.0163
effective cover = 48 mm
C.g. Of Tension steel from N.A. (y) = 62.00 mm
Area of concrete, Ac = ( Ag- Ast) = 217203.98 mm
Transformed Area of Section AstT Ac + m Ast = 258789.5468 mm
Transformed M.O.I (Ixx) Igxx+(m-1).Ast . y^2 = 8.87E+08 + 149107018
= 1.04E+09 mm
Section modulus (Zxx) = Ixx /( Dy/2)
= 9422185.011 mm
Bending stress ( M/ Zxx ) = 0.327 N/mm
Tensile strength of concrete , fctm = 3.03 N/mm Uncracked

No need to check for Crack width as the section is Uncracked

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100 kN


Cantilver from C/L of diaphragm 0.300 m D= 220

Cantilver from diaphragm face 0.150 m Cover 40
Contact width of wheel in longitudinal direction 81.00 cm Bar Dia 10
810.00 mm deff 175
Contact width 'b' after dispersal through w/c 1010.00 mm
Effective width =1.2 a + b 1.10 m
a= 0.150 b= 1.01
Revised effective width if it is > 1.93m 1.10 m Load Factor
Bending moment per unit width 17.05 kNm 1.50
Bending moment due to self wt 0.06 kNm 1.35
Bending moment due to w/c 0.02 kNm 1.75
Bending moment due to footpath 0.06 kNm 1.35
Total ULS Moment 25.77 kNm
Lever arm Z 175*0.9 = 157.50 mm Ast 25.77*1000000/(157.5*0.87*500)
376 mm2
Provide :- 0 @ 250 Ast= 0 mm2
10 @ 150 Ast= 524 mm2
Total Ast, Provide :- 524 mm2
Rare Quasi P
Moment (Ton.m) 1.72 0.0 tm
Stress in steel due to neg. temp. 0.6*12.516, 0.5*12.516 7.51 6.3 mpa
Stress in concrete due to neg. temp. 0.6*2.065, 0.5*2.065 1.24 1.0 mpa
Stress in steel due to shrinkage 0.26 0.3 mpa
Stress in concrete due to shrinkage 0.04 0.04 mpa
Reinf 8.00 nos of 0 dia
Modulus of Steel Es Moment 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 mpa
Concrete grade 40 40 mpa
Modulus of Concrete Ec 33000.0 33000.0 mpa
Modular ratio 'ae' = Es/Ec 200000/33000= 6.1 6.1
Steel Yield stress 'fy' 550 550 mpa
permissible comp stress in concrete sc = 19.2 14.4 mpa
permissible tensile stress in steel sst = 440 440 mpa
Depth of neutral axis x = 2*1000*523.598775598299*200000*33000*180))/(1000*33000*180) 0.171 0.171 times 'd'
Leve arm j= 1-0.17/3= 0.94 0.94 times 'd'
Thickness 'h' = 220 220 mm
fct,eff 3 3
bt 1000 1000
Cmin' min cover to tension steel 40 40 mm
Es 200 200 kN/sqm
Ec 33.0 33 kN/sqm
m= 6.060 6.060
Effective Depth 'd' 220-40-0/2 180 180 mm
As 8*pi*(0^2/4) 524 524 sqmm/m
Depth of neutral axis 'dc' 0.171*180 30.78 30.78 mm
Second moment of area of section

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Due to concrete above neutral axis
1000*30.78^3/12+1000*30.78*(30.78/2)^2 9.72E+06 9.72E+06 mm^4
Due to steel below neutral axis
6.06*523.60*(180-30.78)^2 7.07E+07 7.07E+07 mm^4
Total moment of area 97,20,410+7,06,52,140= 8.04E+07 8.04E+07 mm^4
stress in steel ssc = 1.72*10000000*(180-30.78)/8,03,72,550*6.1 193.0 2.0 mpa
stress in concret scb = 1.72*10000000*(30.78)/8,03,72,550 6.6 0.1 mm
However the actual reinforcement provided is much more due to other considerations.

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