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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education 2019; 4(1): 931-934

ISSN: 2456-0057
IJPNPE 2019; 4(1): 931-934
© 2019 IJPNPE
Impacts of exercise on muscular system
Received: 13-11-2018
Accepted: 14-12-2018 Harvinder Singh
Harvinder Singh Abstract
Assistant Professor, Baba Farid
Every single human development, from the flickering of an eye to the running of a long distance race,
College, Bathinda, Punjab, India
rely upon the best possible working of our muscles. The reason for this area is to investigate different
changes in strong frameworks of body concerning the physiological instrument required just as to the
important preparing factor. Educators of physical instruction, mentors, sports people and understudies of
physical instruction must know about the impacts of physical exercise preparing on different frameworks
to understand the quantitative changes in the body for better execution. About a large portion of the
heaviness of our body is of our muscles. They make our body to move. There are around 650 muscles in
our body and every one encourages us in delivering a specific development. Muscles move our body with
the assistance of bones. Blood is siphoned all through our body by the heart muscles. A few movements'
activities of our body require numerous muscles cooperating. At the point when our heart beat, when a
feast we have eaten travels through our digestive organs, and when we move any piece of our bodies
muscle is included. The bunch capacity of the strong framework are performed by just three kinds of
muscles skeletal muscle, smooth muscle and cardiovascular muscle. The three noteworthy muscle
withdrawals are isotonic constriction, isometric compression and isokinetic contraction. Excitability,
Contractility, Extensibility, Elasticity are considered as the significant attributes of muscle. Physical
exercise/Training, especially opposition or weight preparing influence our solid framework to
extraordinary degree. Numerous parameters of solid framework get changed after protections preparing
that incorporate hypertrophy of muscle, biochemical changes in muscles (high-impact changes and
anaerobic changes) and body structure changes.

Keywords: Strong framework, exercise and hypertrophy of muscle

Exercise is the physical movement that will be arranged, organized and monotonous to
condition any piece of the body. It is utilized to improve wellbeing, keep up wellness and is
vital as a methods for physical rehabilitation. Exercise physiology is the investigation of how
body's structure and capacities are changed because of activity. The human body contains in
excess of 650 individual muscles moored to the skeleton, which give pulling power with the
goal that you can move around. These muscle establish around 40 % to half of our complete
body weight. The muscle's purpose of connection to bones or different muscles are assigned as
beginning or inclusion. The purpose of inclusion is the purpose of connection deep down the
muscle move. For the most part, the muscle appended by intense stringy structure called
ligaments. These connections connect at least one joints and the consequence of muscle
withdrawal is developments of these joints.

Kinds of Muscles
There are three fundamental sorts of muscle tissue in the human body.

Skeletal muscle: Otherwise called striated or striped muscle as a result of its striped
appearance when seen under a magnifying instrument, this sort of muscle is willful, which
implies it is under cognizant control. Skeletal muscles are basic to game and exercise as they
are associated with the skeletal framework by means of ligaments and are essentially in charge
of development. Skeletal muscles contract and, therefore, destroy on your issues that remains
Harvinder Singh
to be worked out development. They can end up exhausted amid exercise.
Assistant Professor, Baba Farid
College, Bathinda, Punjab, India
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education

Cardiovascular muscle: This kind of muscle tissue is just Structure of Skeletal Muscle
found in the mass of your heart. It works persistently. It is A whole skeletal muscle is considered an organ of the
automatic, which implies it isn't under cognizant control. It is muscular system. Each organ or muscle consists of skeletal
made out of a specific kind of striated tissue that has its own muscle tissue, connective tissue, nerve tissue, and blood or
blood supply. Its constrictions help to constrain blood through vascular tissue.
your veins to all pieces of your body. Every withdrawal and Skeletal muscles vary considerably in size, shape, and
unwinding of your heart muscle all in all speaks to one arrangement of fibers. They range from extremely tiny strands
heartbeat. The cardiovascular muscle does not weariness, such as the stapedium muscle of the middle ear to large
which implies that it doesn't get worn out amid exercise. masses such as the muscles of the thigh. Some skeletal
muscles are broad in shape and some narrow. In some
Smooth muscle: An automatic muscle that works without muscles the fibers are parallel to the long axis of the muscle;
cognizant idea, working under the control of your sensory in some they converge to a narrow attachment; and in some
system. It is situated in the dividers of your stomach related they are oblique.
framework and veins and directs absorption and pulse.

Fig 1: Structure of a Skeletel Muscle

Each skeletal muscle fiber is a single cylindrical muscle cell. attached to bones by tendons at both ends. One of the bones
An individual skeletal muscle may be made up of hundreds, remains relatively fixed or stable while the other end moves
or even thousands, of muscle fibers bundled together and as a result of muscle contraction. Skeletal muscles have an
wrapped in a connective tissue covering. Each muscle is abundant supply of blood vessels and nerves. This is directly
surrounded by a connective tissue sheath called the related to the primary function of skeletal muscle, contraction.
epimysium. Fascia, connective tissue outside the epimysium, Before a skeletal muscle fiber can contract, it has to receive
surrounds and separates the muscles. Portions of the an impulse from a nerve cell. Generally, an artery and at least
epimysium project inward to divide the muscle into one vein accompany each nerve that penetrates the epimysium
compartments. Each compartment contains a bundle of of a skeletal muscle. Branches of the nerve and blood vessels
muscle fibers. Each bundle of muscle fiber is called a follow the connective tissue components of the muscle of a
fasciculus and is surrounded by a layer of connective tissue nerve cell and with one or more minute blood vessels called
called the perimysium. Within the fasciculus, each individual capillaries.
muscle cell, called a muscle fiber, is surrounded by
connective tissue called the endomysium. Skeletal muscle
cells (fibers), like other body cells, are soft and fragile. The
connective tissue covering furnish support and protection for
the delicate cells and allow them to withstand the forces of
contraction. The coverings also provide pathways for the
passage of blood vessels and nerves. Commonly, the
epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium extend beyond the
fleshy part of the muscle, the belly or gaster, to form a thick
rope like tendon or a broad, flat sheet-like aponeurosis. The
tendon and aponeurosis form indirect attachments from
muscles to the periosteum of bones or to the connective tissue
Fig 2: Kinds of Muscle Contraction
of other muscles. Typically a muscle spans a joint and is

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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education

Muscle contractions during exercise can be divided into three can lead to severe muscles soreness (DOMS) if you overdo it
categories; isotonic (meaning same tension throughout the too soon.
contraction), isometric (meaning same tension), also known
as a static contraction and isokinetic muscle contractions Isometric Contractions
which are performed with a constant speed throughout the
movement. Here we explain these in more detail including in
which types of exercise they occur.

Isotonic Contractions
Isotonic contractions are those which cause the muscle to
change length as it contracts and causes movement of a body
part. There are two types of Isotonic contraction:


Fig 5: Isometric Contractions (Not Moving)

Isometric contractions occur when there is no change in the

length of the contracting muscle. This occurs when carrying
an object in front of you as the weight of the object is pulling
your arms down but your muscles are contracting to hold the
object at the same level. Another example is when you grip
something, such as a tennis racket. There is no movement in
the joints of the hand, but the muscles are contracting to
provide a force sufficient enough to keep a steady hold on the
racket. The amount of force a muscle is able to produce
during an isometric contraction depends on the length of the
Fig 3: Concentric muscle at the point of contraction. Each muscle has an
optimum length at which the maximum isometric force can be
Concentric contractions are those which cause the muscle to produced.
shorten as it contracts. An example is bending the elbow from
straight to fully flexed, causing a concentric contraction of the Isokinetic Contractions
Biceps Brachii muscle. Concentric contractions are the most Isokinetic contractions are similar to Isotonic in that the
common type of muscle contraction and occur frequently in muscle changes length during the contraction, where they
daily and sporting activities. differ is that Isokinetic contractions produce movements of a
constant speed. To measure this a special piece of equipment
Eccentric known as an Isokinetic dynamometer is required. Examples of
Eccentric contractions are the opposite of concentric and using Isokinetic contractions in day-to-day and sporting
occur when the muscle lengthens as it contracts. This occurs activities are rare. The best is breaststroke in swimming,
when lowering the dumbbell down in a bicep curl exercise. where the water provides a constant, even resistance to the
The muscle is still contracting to hold the weight all the way movement of adduction.
down but the bicep muscle is lengthening.
Impacts of Exercise on Muscular System
Exercise has both short and long term effects to muscular

Short term effects such as

Blood flow: After exercise you can notice that muscle tissue
(warm muscle) is bigger than cold muscle, because of blood
flow into them. It can increase by up to 25 times, because
muscle requires more energy and oxygen.

Muscle fatigue: Is the decline in ability of a muscle to

generate force. It can be a result of intense exercise, but
Fig 4: Eccentric abnormal fatigue may be caused by barriers to or interference
with the different stages of muscle contraction. There are two
Another very common example is the quadriceps muscles at main causes of muscle fatigue. The limitations of a nerve’s
the front of the thigh when landing from a jump. As you land ability to generate a sustained signal (neural fatigue) and the
the thigh muscles and in particular the quad muscles at the reduced ability of the muscle fibre to contract (metabolic
front of the leg are strongly contracting but also lengthening fatigue).
at the same time. This type of contraction puts a lot of strain
through the muscle and is commonly involved in muscle Muscle exhaustion: General exhaustion often occurs after
injuries. Plyometric training exercises (hopping and you have done too much activity at one time, such as by
bounding) involve a lot of eccentric muscle contractions and taking an extra-long hike. You may feel weak and tired, or
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education

your muscles may be sore. These sensations usually go away

within a few days. In rare cases, generalized muscle weakness
may be caused by another health problem, such as problems
with body regulating the distribution of energy to muscles and

Muscle damage: Any effort beyond muscle ability level or

accident can tear the fibres and cause muscle damage. When a
muscle fibre is damaged, the body immediately starts to repair
it at the cellular level. Muscles most of the time repairs by
themselves (if body is functioning properly) through time. If
damage or injury is critical, surgery might be needed.

Cramp: Because of over-exercise, lack of nutrients like

magnesium or bad blood circulation when muscles don’t
receive enough oxygen. It is very painful and can be
dangerous if doing exercise that involves heavy weights

Long-term effects of exercise

Muscle size: Is mostly determined by persons genetics, but
can be affected with life choices like: anabolic steroids,
exercise, and healthy food. Exercising specific muscles
regularly can increase their size by up to 60%. This increase
in muscle size is mainly due to increased diameter of
individual muscle fibres.

Muscle coordination: It trains muscles to work more

efficient and effectively by working together. E.g.: when the
prime mover contracts more rapidly the antagonist (muscle)
must also relax as quickly to prevent blocking the movement.

Blood supply: As a result of frequent exercise over a

sustained period of time both the quantity of blood vessels
and the extent of the capillary beds increases.
Effects of exercise on muscular system would benefit by
increasing size and number of mitochondria, improved
perception of muscle tone and also overall improved:
 Coordination
 Power
 Balance
 Speed
 Agility
 Body composition
 Reaction time
 Muscular endurance
 Flexibility

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