Network Structure in Root, Stem, and Leaf

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Organologi plant is the science that studies the tools or organs in plants.
Organologi is part of the Botanical Science. Organ on plants that are a staple of
stems, roots, and Leaves.

If created cross section Rod latitude and observed under a microscope, it
will be seen three principal areas, namely: the Epidermis, the cortex, and the
1. Epidermis
The epidermis is the outer most part of the stem, usually consists of only
one layer of cells, the rare multiple epidermis. The layer is composed of cells of
the epidermis as well as stomata and trikomata. Trokomata this may be the
non glandular grandular, may, depending on the species in question. The
epidermis serves as patron. For example, a batang thickened secondary
2. Cortex
the cortex is the area that's located next door in the epidermis, the
cortex is usually composed of cell layers a lot especially in the network
parenkim the network as a basis. Parenkim that is located in the peripheral,
typically contain chloroplasts, so this network is called klorenkim. A network
that is located in the epidermis that contain a color antosian called the
hypodermis. Often also obtained a kolenkim as the network amplifier. The
inner part of the cortex is endodermis are on the stem are called ploeoterma.
The network is not very real and usually characterized by the presence of grain
starch, it is called the hive mestom.
3. Stele
Stele is the part that's located next door in the endodermis. There is a
stele in the files carriage and pith (medulla), there is the transport files
between the fingers are on the outside, the pith of the file transport there are
areas called the area perikambial.

The stem on the plant serves as a buffer. Rod also consists of vessels that
distributes water and minerals that are important to all parts of the plant.
Plants need sunlight to make food, so that the function of the other rod is
making sure the plant gets Sun. The trunk is very strong woody stem with
branches of wood. Trees grow tall to acquire Sun. Other plant stems such as
plants spread, circular, and twisting, also aims to find a way get sunlight.

In morfologisn and anatomically the leaves is the most varied plant organs.
The leaves can be distinguished into several parts, which is the base of the
leaves, stalks, leaves and helaian leaves. The form, structure, and size of the
leaves on the plant. It can be used as the basis of a classification of plants. The
leaves are composed of three types of networks, i.e. networks of epidermis,
mefosil network, a network of vessels.
1. Epidermis
The leaves have an epidermis on the surface, both on the upper surface
(epidermis adaksial) or on the surface of the bottom of the epidermis called
In some plant species, the epidermal cells elongated so called cell length.
On the top there are bones of short cells consist of two types of cells, i.e. cells
silica and Cork. On the epidermis there are a very small holes, called stoma.
This section is a crack that is bounded by two special cells called guard cells. So,
the stomata guard cells which consist of berkloroplas, a neighbor who did not
berkloroplas, and the crack of the stomata.
Stomata function in gas exchange and evaporation of water. In land
plants, the stomata are generally located on the bottom of the leaf surface. On
floating water plants, the stomata are located on the upper leaf surface,
whereas in plants that live in the water floating stomata located on both
surfaces of leaves. On the epidermis, there is also an extra organ in the form of
a bulge or hair which is named trikoma. This organ functioning
memperlammbat rate transpilasi.
2. Mesofil
Mesofil muerupakan network parenkim that lay in the epidermis.
Mesofil is composed of a network of palisade (fence of chain pillar) and the
sponge (network sponges).
Palisade tissue located under the epidermis. Palisade tissue chloroplasts
contain lots to perform photosynthesis. Diverse shape sponge tissue can
resemble the cells or may also runs parallel to the direction of the surface of
the leaves. In the network there are sponges, antarsel spaces. In addition, the
network also sponge found in chloroplasts. The number of chloroplasts in
tissue palisade more than a network of sponge.
3. The network of vessels
The network of vessels found in the bones and veins of the leaves. On
the leaves, there are subtle veins that serve as carrier vessels and water and
food substances throughout the body. Bones and veins of the leaves also serve
in order to the leaves. To better know the arrangement of leaves on a network
and understand the relationship between the structure of the network with
the functionality it supports.

The outer leaves are penhyusun chain morphology consists of helaian

leaves (lamina), tangakai leaves (petiolus), the stem of the leaf (folius). The
leaves have a third part is called the leaf perfectly, for example, banana leaves
and the leaves of taro. The leaves do not have one or more parts of the leaf
called Dáin is not perfect, for example the leaves of mango and daunjambu.

The function of the leaf as part of the plant is to be used as a place to do

photosynthesis or the production of food ingredients. In addition the leaves
also have other functions such as used as a means of excretion and
evaporation on an event is also utilized as a place to gutasi it does gas
exchange process i.e. O2 (often referred to as oxygen) and CO2 (often referred
to as carbon dioxide) because there is stomata and also gutatoda.

C. Roots
The root is part of plants that usually thrive brought surface. However, there
are some plants that have roots that grow above the ground. The form and
structure of the root is very diverse. This situation is deeply connected with the
function of the root, as keeper of the food reserves, roots, and root hair
At the root of monokotil and dikotil which have not undergone enlargement
of secondary is composed of a network of the epidermis, the cortex,
endodermis, and the Central cylinder (stele). In plants undergoing secondary
enlargement of the network, tampering with the body also increases with the
presence of wood and secondary skin, the presence of felogen that produces
feloderm and felem (Cork).
1. Epidermis root
At the root of the transverse slices one layer of cells, looked composed
at the outermost layer called the epidermis. Near the end of the root of the
hair root, i.e. There is a bulge of the epidermis that serves to expand the root
surface, thus speeding up the absorption of nutrient substances in the soil. The
farther from the tip of the root, the root pass away. The epidermis is generally
coated with Cork that is not functioning for the absorption of substances, but
serves as a protector of the cells below.
2. The cortex
The cortex including parenkim chain composed of several cells below the
epidermis tissue. Cortex function to forward the transport of substances that
have been on nutrient absorption by cylinder headed into the center of the
epidermis through the endodermis. At some plants, the cortex function to
store the substance of flour.

3. the Endodermis
Endodermis is composed of a single layer of cells under the cortex. A
thickening substance Cork in cell walls perpendicular to the cylinder-shaped
Ribbon Center called Ribbon kaspari, who could not be in translucent by water.
With a thickening substance Cork this, endodermis function regulates the entry
of water and dissolved substances into the center of the cylinder. Monokotil
on the endodermis cell wall thickening of the shape of the letter U and
therefore cannot serve to transfor water heading to the center of the cylinder.
For the function of a plant cell has monokotil special called the endodermis
cells walls are the successor does not suffer thickening.
4. Stele (cylinder centre)
The Central cylinder is composed of networks within networks of
endodermis. The outermost chain called perisikel or perikambium. Cells that
can be xilem to face with meristem and splitting for the establishment of a
branch of the root. The transport file consists of xilem and floem. Xilem
received substance hara of the endodermis and forwarded to xilem on the rod.
On dikotil there is a xilem that separates kambium and floem. Kambium always
splitting to form a secondary network including xilem and secondary floem,
thus causing the secondary growth.
On longitudinal slices seemed the tip of the root is protected by the
kaliptra set up by a group of budding cells (growing point). On the monokotil, a
group of cells that form a beginner kaliptra called kaliptrogen, so the line
between the tip of the root with a kaliptra very clear. On kaliptra there is
usually a cell kolumela containing grain flour and is suspected of influencing
the direction of growth of the roots. The other Starter cell group is growing
that form networks at the root.

Although it plants monokotil and dikotil plants have different rooting

systems, but the function of the same plants at the roots. The root is the organ
in plants that function as follows:

 To absorb water and mineral salts (nutrient substances) of the ground.

 To support and strengthen the establishment of the plants at the place
of his life.
 In some plant species, the roots serve as a tool to breathe, for example
on mangrove plants.
 In some plant species, the roots serve as a place to store reserves of
food or as a means of vegetative reproduction. For example, carrots
have a taproot that dilate, functioning as a place to store food. At the
plant, from the breadfruit roots can grow shoots that grow into new

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