Mid Term Syllabus & datesheet O2 (3)
Mid Term Syllabus & datesheet O2 (3)
Mid Term Syllabus & datesheet O2 (3)
2. Urdu Comprehension, Multiple choice, note making, summary writing, Email writing &
Creative Writing
1. Basic Math 2. Numbers 3. Percentages 4. Coordinate Geometry 5. Algebra 6.
3. Math Trigonometry 7. Bearing 8. Functions 9. Mensuration 2D/3D shapes 10. Circle
P1 - Quranic Passages 1-15 - History and importance of Quran i- Revelations ii-
4. Islamiyat Preservation of Quran during the lifetime of Prophet (PBUH) iii- Compilation of
Quran under Rightly guided Caliphs iv- Quran and Hadith as source of Legal
thinking - Life of Prophet (PBUH) Life in Makkah Life in Madinah -The First
Islamic Community Wives of Holy Prophet Desecendants Scribes Important
personalities P2 Ahadith 1-20 History and importance of Hadith • Stages of
compilation of Hadith • Musannaf and musnad collections • Need to compile
Hadith • Isnad and Matn • Types of Hadith •. sources of legal thinking Rightly
Guided Caliphs • Hazrat AbuBakr (RA) as Caliph. Hazrat Umar . Hazrat Ali
Articles of Faith Pillars of Islam
Paper 1 History - Complete (Section 1+Section 2) & Section 3 (initial problems
5. Pakistan and early years 1947_1958 only)
Studies Paper 2 Environment of Pakistan: First 8 units -Topography till Power Resources
1) States of Matter 2) Atoms and Elements 3) Chemical Bonding 4) Chemical
6. Chemistry Energetics 5) Rate of Reaction 6) Periodic Table 7) Separation and Purification
Techniques 8) Acids Bases and Oxides 9) Salt Preparation
Motion Force and energy + Thermal Physics complete (3 chapters) + Waves (2
7. Physics chapters (Properties and sound) )
5th December
Urdu P1,P2 3hrs 45m 9:00
Pakistan Studies
6th December Friday P2 1h 30m 9:00
9th December
Mathematics P1,P2 3 hrs 9:00
11th December
Islamiyat P2 1h 30m 9:00