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Grade Level 11/12
Teacher Learning Area
Teaching Dates and
WEEK 1 Quarter QUARTER 3
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
The learners have an understanding of…
A. Content Standards a. social sciences and applied social sciences.
b. disciplines of counseling.
The learners shall be able to…
a. explain clearly public perceptions about the work of social sciences and applied social science practitioners.
B. Performance Standards b. demonstrate a high level of understanding of the basic concepts of counseling through a group presentation of a situation in
which practitioners of counseling work together to assist individuals, groups, or communities involved in difficult situations (e.g.,
post disaster, court hearing about separation of celebrity couple, cyber bullying)
a. clarify the relationships and differences between social sciences and applied social sciences.
C. Learning
b. identify the goals and scope of counseling.
c. explain the principles of counseling.
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
Teacher will start the lesson by Teacher will start the lesson by
Teacher will ask the students to
1. Reviewing previous lesson asking the students if they asking the students if they have
recall the different types and
or presenting the new SUBJECT ORIENTATION remember the different social ever talked to a counselor or
scope of counseling that they
lesson science disciplines they have know someone who has talked
learned in the previous lesson.
studied in the previous classes. to a counselor.
The purpose of this lesson is to
help students differentiate social The purpose of this lesson is to The purpose of this lesson is to
2. Establishing the purpose of sciences from applied social help students understand the help students understand the
the lesson sciences and to discuss the goals and scope of counseling as principles of counseling as an
relationships and differences an applied social science. applied social science.
between them.
3. Presenting The teacher will present a list of The teacher will present The teacher will present
examples/instances of the social science disciplines on the examples of situations where examples of principles of
new lesson board and explain that these counseling may be necessary counseling such as empathy,
disciplines aim to study human such as coping with stress, active listening, non-judgmental
society, culture, and behavior.
Then, the teacher will present
some examples of applied social
adjusting to life changes,
sciences such as social work,
managing mental health issues, attitude, confidentiality, respect,
public administration, and urban
and dealing with interpersonal and empowerment.
planning, and explain that these
disciplines apply social science
theories and methods to solve
practical problems.
The teacher will define
The teacher will explain each
counseling as a process of
The teacher will lead a principle of counseling in detail
helping individuals or groups to
discussion about the different and provide examples of how
explore and resolve personal,
social science disciplines and ask they are applied in the
social, or emotional issues by
the students to give examples of counseling process. The teacher
4. Discussing new concepts providing them with guidance,
each. Then, the teacher will will emphasize that the
and practicing new skills support, and feedback. The
explain the concept of applied principles of counseling are
#1 teacher will discuss the goals of
social sciences and ask the essential for building a strong
counseling, such as improving
students to give examples of therapeutic relationship with
mental health, enhancing
practical problems that applied clients and creating a safe and
personal growth and
social sciences try to solve. supportive environment for them
development, and promoting
to explore their personal issues.
The teacher will ask the students
to work in pairs and practice
The teacher will explain the
active listening and empathy
differences between social The teacher will explain the
skills. One student will share a
sciences and applied social scope of counseling, including
personal story while the other
sciences in terms of their goals, the different types of counseling
student will listen attentively
5. Discussing new concepts scope, and methods. The such as individual, group, and
and show empathy by reflecting
and practicing new skills teacher will also highlight the family counseling. The teacher
on their emotions and
#2 interdisciplinary nature of will also discuss the different
experiences. Then, the roles will
applied social sciences and their counseling settings such as
be reversed, and the other
need for collaboration with other schools, clinics, and private
student will share their personal
fields such as natural sciences, practices.
story while the first student
engineering, and business.
practices active listening and
6. Developing Mastery The teacher will divide the class The teacher will divide the class The teacher will divide the class
into small groups and assign into small groups and assign into small groups and assign
them different case studies them different scenarios where them different scenarios where
related to practical problems counseling may be necessary counseling may be necessary.
such as poverty, inequality, or such as a student struggling with Each group will have to identify
environmental issues. Each academic performance, a family the appropriate principles of
group will have to apply social experiencing communication counseling that apply to the
science theories and methods to problems, or an individual scenario and explain how they
analyze the problem and dealing with anxiety. Each group would use them in the
propose practical solutions. will have to identify the counseling process. Then, each
appropriate type of counseling
and explain the goals and scope
Then, each group will present group will present their findings
of counseling for that scenario.
their findings and discuss them and discuss them with the rest
Then, each group will present
with the rest of the class.SCUY7 of the class.
their findings and discuss them
with the rest of the class.
The teacher will ask the students
The teacher will ask the students
to reflect on their personal
The teacher will ask the students to reflect on their personal
experiences and identify
to think of a social problem that experiences and identify
situations where they could
7. Finding practical they have encountered in their situations where counseling
apply the principles of
applications of concepts community and to propose could have been helpful. Then,
counseling in their daily lives.
and skills in daily living practical solutions using social the teacher will ask the students
Then, the teacher will ask the
science theories and methods to brainstorm ways to promote
students to share their
they have learned in the class. mental health and well-being in
reflections with the rest of the
their daily lives.
The teacher will summarize the
The teacher will summarize the The teacher will summarize the
key points of the lesson and ask
key points of the lesson and ask key points of the lesson and ask
the students to reflect on the
8. Generalizing and the students to reflect on the the students to reflect on the
importance of the principles of
abstractions about the importance of social sciences importance of counseling as an
counseling in building strong
lesson and applied social sciences in applied social science in
relationships, promoting mental
addressing practical problems promoting mental health and
health, and enhancing personal
and improving people's lives. well-being.
growth and development.
The teacher will assess the The teacher will assess the The teacher will assess the
students' learning through class students' learning through class students' learning through class
9. Evaluating Learning participation, group participation, group participation, pair practice,
presentations, and individual presentations, and individual group presentations, and
reflection papers. reflection papers. individual reflection papers.
The teacher will recommend
The teacher will recommend The teacher will recommend
some online resources and
some online resources and some online resources and
reading materials for students
reading materials for students reading materials for students
who are interested in learning
10. Additional Activities for who are interested in learning who are interested in learning
more about social sciences and
Application or Remediation more about counseling. The more about the principles of
applied social sciences. The
teacher will also offer extra help counseling. The teacher will also
teacher will also offer extra help
sessions for students who need offer extra help sessions for
sessions for students who need
remediation. students who need remediation.


A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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