Solubility of Some compounds in water_241205_005417

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1. Carbonates : alkalimetal, ammonium carbonates are soluble other carbonates are

2. Sulphites: alkalimetal and ammonium sulphite are soluble the sulphites of other
metals are insoluble
3. thiosulphates: Pb, Ag and Ba sulphates are soluble many of them dissolves in excess
of Na 2S2O3 solultion forming complex salts
4. Sulphides: Alkalimetal and Ammonium sulphide are soluble other metal sulphides
are insoluble
5. Nitrite : AgNO2 insoluble other metal nitrite are soluble
6. Cynanides : Group-I and Group-II cyanides are soluble Hg(CN)2 is also soluble
(solution non electrolyte) other metal cyanide are insoluble
Note: Many metal insoluble cyanides dissolves in excess of KCN due to formation of
 
Thicyantes SCN : Cu(1) Ag(I) thicyanates are insoluble Pb(II) and Hg(II) are sparingly
soluble of Cu(SCN)2 black ppt Cu(SCN) white ppt Cu(SCN) 2  H 2SO3 
 CuSCN 
Black ppt or white ppt
SO 2

Ferro cyanide  Fe(CN) 6  : group I and group II ferro cyanides are soluble others are soluble.

Ferricyanide  Fe(CN) 6  : group I and group II are soluble other metal ferricyanides are

Ferricyanides are more soluble than Ferrocyamides
Chlorides: Most of the chlorides are soluble:
AgCl, PbCl2 (cold water); CuCl, BiOCl, SboCl, Hg 2Cl2 are insoluble
Bromides: Hg 2 Br2 , CuBr, HgBr2 , PbBr2 are in soluble

(so lub le in

Iodides: AgI, Hg(I), Hg(II), Cu(I); PbI2 are sparingly or insoluble

Fluorides: fluorides of group-I (except Li) AgF, BeF2 aluminium, mercury and nickel readily
soluble: those of Pb, Cu, Iron (III), Ba sparingly soluble (or insoluble)
Nitrates: All are soluble
Chlorates: (ClO 3 ) : All are soluble: KClO3 is least soluble LiClO3 most soluble.
Perchlorates:  ClO 4  : Generally soluble in water potassium perchlorate least soluble NaClO4
one of the most soluble.
Borate  BO 33  : group-I borates are soluble others sparingly soluble or insoluble

Sulphates:  SO 4  : CaSO4 ,SrSO4 , BaSO4 , PbSO4 , HgSO4 are insoluble rest of sulphates are

Soluble Insoluble
Ag 2CO3 HNO3 , NH3
Ag 2SO3 dil HNO3 , NH3
Ag 2S Hot dil HNO3 , (hot con Cold
HNO3Ag 2S 
S ) HNO3 , (NH 4 )2 S, (NH 4 )Sx , NH3 , KCN, Na 2

Ag 2S2O3 Na 2S2O3
AgCl dil.NH3soln , KCN, Na 2S2O3 H 2O, dilHNO3
AgBr conc NH3soln , KCN, Na 2S2 O3 H2O, dil HNO3
AgI KCN, Na 2S2 O3sol n
Dil or conc. NH3 , dil HNO3
Ag 2CrO4 Dil HNO3 , NH3sol n
(HCl 
 AgCl)
Ag 2 CrO4
Ag(CH3COO) dil NH3sol , boiling water

Ag3PO4 dil HNO3 , dilNH3soln

Ag 2SO4
Ag(COO)2 NH3Soln , dil HNO3 Water
Ag 2O HNO3 , NH3soln
PbCO3 dil HNO3 , acetic acid
PbSO3 dil HNO3 , NaOH
PbSO4 hot conc H 2SO4 due of HSO4 
solubility is much lower in presence
of ethanol decomposes when con
HNO3 is added
PbS2O3 Na 2S2O3
PbCl2 Boiling water
PbBr2 Boiling water
PbI2 Hot water
PbCrO4 dil HNO3 , in NaOH Acetic acid reprecipitate PbCrO4
from solns
BaCO3 Mineral acids, carbonic acid (soda
BaSO4 Boiling con.HCl warm dil HCl, dil HNO3
BaSO 4 
con HNO3
 
Ba ( NO3 ) 2

PbHPO3 acetic acid
CaCO3 , BaCO Mineral acids and carbonic acid
PbSO4 More conc soln of (NH4 )(CH3COO) (or)
(NH 4 )(C4 H 4O6 ) in presence of NH3 to
[Pb(CH3COO)4 ]2 ion[Pb(C4 H 4 O6 ) 4 ]2
 


BaS not ppt, in water

BaCO3 Soluble in acetic acid, dilute mineral
acids slightly soluble in soln s of NH 4
salts of strong acids
BaSO3 Dil HCl (liberates SO2 ),
Br2 / H2O, HNO3 , H 2O2 (coconuts to
BaSO4 )
BaS2O3 Ppts from moderately conc soln Na 2S2O3
BaNO2 in water
BaSO4 Boiling conc H 2SO4 , boiling conc HCl Water, dilute acids, in (NH 4 )2 SO4 ,
warm dil HCl, dil HNO3
Ba(COO)2 Slightly soluble in water; hot dilute
CH3COOH (set and by mineral acids
(distinct from (a) strong acids, NaOH
Hg 2Cl2 dil.acids
Hg 2O / HgO dil . HNO3 / acids  distinctn from water, hot dil HNO3 alikali OH 
Hg 22 / Hg 2 or (NH 4 )2 S colourless
2 
CO 3 Alkali and NH are4soluble
remaining in soluble
SO32 1 A, NH 4 are soluble, remaining
HSO3 1 A, soluble. II A known only in
S2 O32 Pb, Ag, Ba – insoluble
S2  1A are soluble
NO2 AgNO2 is sparingly soluble
CN  IA, IIA, are soluble of hydrolysis,
Hg(CN)2 soluble but doesn’t exihibet
ionic xns of CN 
OCN  IA, IIA are soluble, Ag, Hg(1), Pb, Cu
are insoluble
SCN  Ag, Cu(I), Hg(II),Pb are insoluble
 Fe(CN)6  IA, IIA are soluble
4, 3

Cl Hg 2Cl2 , AgCl, PbCl2 , CuCl, BiOCl,SbOCl, Hg 2

are insoluble
Br  Ag, Hg(I), Cu(I), PbBr2 are insoluble
I 
Ag, Hg(I), Hg(II), Cu  , PbI2
F IA, Ag,Hg, Al, Ni-readily soluble,
Pb,Cu, Fe3 , Ba, Li  slightly soluble, IIA
NO3 All are soluble, Hg, Bi yield basic
salts H 2O soluble in dil. HNO3
SO24 Ba,Sr,Pb,Ca, Hg(II)
PO34 IA except Li are soluble HPO4 IIA are soluble

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