Sici Wang, Sisi Zheng, Francis Xiaitan Zhang, Rui Ma, Sitong Feng, Mingkang
Song, Hong Zhu & Hongxiao Jia
To cite this article: Sici Wang, Sisi Zheng, Francis Xiaitan Zhang, Rui Ma, Sitong Feng,
Mingkang Song, Hong Zhu & Hongxiao Jia (2024) The Treatment of Depersonalization-
Derealization Disorder: A Systematic Review, Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 25:1, 6-29, DOI:
Depersonalization disorder/depersonalization-derealization disorder (DPD) is
a mental disorder that, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
CONTACT Hong Zhu; Hongxiao Jia The National Clinical
Research Center for Mental Disorders & Beijing Key Laboratory of Mental Disorders, Beijing Anding Hospital, Capital
Medical University, Beijing100088, China
Sici Wang and Sisi Zheng have contributed equally to this work and share first authorship.
This article has been republished with minor changes. These changes do not impact the academic content of the article.
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed online at
© 2023 Beijing Anding Hospital, Capital Medical University
Overall, this review examines clinical evidence for various methods along
with their curative and side effects to develop a clear landscape of DPD
healthcare, inform appropriate treatment options, and develop robust
This systematic review adhered to PRISMA 2020 guidelines and followed
a predetermined published protocol (Page et al., 2021). Details of the systema-
tic review protocol were registered on PROSPERO.
Search strategy
To gather articles for this review, we searched the PubMed, Web of Science,
PsycINFO, Embase, the Cochrane Library, Scopus, and ScienceDirect data-
bases from inception to June 2021. The named databases were searched using
combinations of two key concepts from MeSH, namely: depersonalization
(such as depersonali#ation, dereali#ation) and treatment (such as treatment*,
therap*, drug, pharmacotherap*, chemotherap*, psychotherap*, CBT, EMDR,
hypno*, cognitive behavior*, NIBS, noninvasive brain stimulation, ECT,
rTMS, transcranial magnetic stimulation*, tDCS, cathodal stimulation). The
within-concept subject headings and keywords were combined with the “OR”
command, while the two search strings were combined with the “AND”
command in each database. The complete search strategy is provided in
Table S1.
We also combed through the references sections of relevant review articles
to identify any relevant studies. The corresponding authors were contacted to
obtain additional data, when required.
The inclusion criteria were as follows: studies where participants were assessed
using at least one diagnostic basis for DPD, including the ICD or DSM, or
diagnosis by a specific clinical institution or physician. Any single or com-
bined ethical intervention was accepted when compared with another kind of
treatment, usual care, placebo, or none. Response to therapies should be
recorded using standardized rating scales, clinical interviews, or self-report.
Studies using electroencephalogram (EEG), magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), and other measurements were considered. We included case reports,
case series, RCTs, and quasi-experimental studies. Only studies written in
English were included.
Studies were excluded when participants had DPD symptoms secondary
to organic brain disorders and other diseases (e.g., epilepsy, schizophrenia
Study selection
After summarizing the retrieved articles and references to critical reviews,
results with the same author and similar titles were confirmed by reading the
complete text and excluded. All remaining studies were reviewed by the lead
authors (WS and ZS) who read the study titles to exclude any nonrelevant
articles based on the criteria listed above. All reviews/studies deemed poten-
tially relevant were read in full and independently judged against the inclusion
and exclusion criteria by two reviewers (WS and ZS). When necessary, dis-
putes were resolved by consensus and consultation with a third reviewer (FS).
Hand searches of the references from all included reviews/studies were per-
formed to identify studies missed by the bibliographic searches. The corre-
sponding authors of the papers were contacted to request additional
information if needed.
A total of 40 citations, including 41 studies with 300 participants, were
identified by the PRISMA 2020 guidelines, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Prisma.
(Simeon et al., 50 10-60mg/day not allowed CGI, DES No N/A AD, DD, TSRD, fatigue, RCT Cochrane 19/
2004) carryover SSRD,PD insomnia, 21
eUect decreased libido,
et al.
(Fichtner et al., 1 20mg/d none self report 2 N, S, A, R AD N/A Case report TEMQCR 6/8
(E. Hollander 1 80mg/d none self report 4 N, S, A, R SSRD, OCRD, DD N/A Case report MHM 7/8
et al., 1992)
(RatliU & Kerski, 1 20mg/d Alprazolam self report 2 N, S, A AD,DD N/A Case report MHM 6/8
Fluvoxamine (E. Hollander 1 300mg/d Clomipramine self report 1 A, S, R OCRD none Case series JBI 5/10
et al., 1990)
Clomipramine (Simeon, 7 250 mg/d not allowed CGI 28·6% (2/ N/A DD, AD, OCRD sedation, weight RCT Cochrane 7/21
Guralnik, 7) gain
et al., 1998)
Desipramine (Simeon, 6 250 mg/d not allowed CGI 16.7% (1/ N/A DD, AD, OCRD N/A RCT Cochrane 7/21
Guralnik, 6)
et al., 1998)
(Noyes et al., 1 200mg/d none self report 3 N, S, R AD, DD Drowsiness, dry Case MHM 7/8
1987) mouth and report
Paroxetine (Ströhle et al., 1 40 mg/d none self report 2 N/A none restlessness, Case report MHM 7/8
2000) sleep
Venlafaxine (Preve et al., 1 112·5mg/d none CDS 4 S DD, AD, OCRD none Case report MHM 6/8
Lamotrigine (Sierra et al., 11 250mg/d SSRIs only PSE, DES 54·5% (6/ N/A AD none Case series JBI 7/10
2001) 11)
(Sierra et al., 14 250mg/d none PSE, CDS, DES, BDI No N/A N/A dizziness, muscle RCT Cochrane 19/
2003) carryover aches, nausea 21
Table 2. (Continued).
Number of Specific psychological
Treatment Author, year participants Dose Second treatment Assessment EUect manifestation symptoms Side eUect Study type Quality Score
(Sierra et al., 32 25-600mg/d unlimited CDS, DES 56·3% N/A N/A nausea, diarrhea, Case series JBI 8/10
2006) (18/32) visual
tremor and
(Rosagro- 1 100mg/d Sertraline, CDS, DES 3 S, R AD, OCRD, DD, N/A Case report MHM 6/8
Escámez Clomipramine BPD
et al., 2011)
(Salgado et al., 1 200mg/d none CDS 2 N, S AD, DD N/A Case report MHM 6/8
Clonazepam (Stein & Uhde, 1 1mg/d Carbamazepine SADS-L 4 R none N/A Case report MHM 7/8
(Sachdev, 2002) 1 3mg/d Citalopram self report 4 N, R, S, A DD, OCRD N/A Case report MHM 7/8
(J. V. Weber 1 1mg/d none CDS 3 N, S, R AD, DD, TSRD, N/A Case report MHM 7/8
et al., 2018) SSRD
Phenazepam (Nuller, 1982) 42 3–30 mg/d none self report 59.5% N/A AD N/A Case series JBI 2/10
Carbamazepine (Stein & Uhde, 1 1200mg/d none SADS-L 1 N/A N/A panic attacks Case report MHM 7/8
Clozapine (Nuller, 1982) 15 150–600 mg/ none self report 60·0%(9/ N/A AD, DD perculiar Case series JBI 2/10
day 15) confusion, loss
Quetiapine (Mancini-Marie 1 700mg/d none CDS, DES 2 N N/A N/A Case report MHM 7/8
et al., 2004)
Opioid receptor antagonists
Naloxone (Nuller et al., 14 1.6–10 mg i.v. benzodiazepine depersonalization 71.4% N/A DD, AD none non- Minors 17/
2001) scale (10/14) randomised 24
controlled trial
Naltrexone (Simeon & 14 100-250mg/d baseline treatment CGI, CDS, DES N/A N/A sedation, fatigue, Case series JBI 7/10
Knutelska, et al.
Table 2. (Continued).
Number of Specific psychological
Treatment Author, year participants Dose Second treatment Assessment EUect manifestation symptoms Side eUect Study type Quality Score
Methylphenidate (Foguet et al., 1 54mg/d baseline treatment self report 4 N/A DD N/A Case report MHM 4/8
Mixed (S. R. Weber, 1 20mg/d baseline treatment CDS 2 N/A N/A N/A Case report MHM 5/8
amphetamine 2020)
rTMS (TPJ) (Mantovani et al., 12 1Hz, 1800 lorazepam CDS, DES 50% (6/ N/A DD, AD N/A Case series JBI 7/10
2010) pulses (100% 12)
(Jay et al., 2014) 9 1Hz, 900 pulses baseline treatment CDS, DES, skin 55.6% (5/ N/A DD, AD “twitching or RCT Cochrane 7/21
(110% MT) conduction 9) jerking”
(Rachid, 2017) 1 1Hz, 1800 Paroxetine CDS 3 N, S, R, T DD N/A Case report MHM 7/8
pulses (100% +Trazodone
MT) +Lamotrigine
rTMS (VLPFC) (Jay et al., 2014) 8 1Hz, 900 pulses baseline treatment CDS, DES, skin 62.5% (5/ N/A DD, AD “drunk-like” RCT Jadad 5/5
(110% MT) conduction 8) feelings,
(Jay et al., 2016) 7 1Hz, 900 pulses baseline treatment CDS, DES 85.7% (6/ N/A AD headache, pain Case series JBI 7/10
(110% MT) 7) above left eye
rTMS (DLPFC) (Jiménez-Genchi, 1 20Hz Clomipramine CDS, BDI, SPECT 3 N, S, R DD N/A Case report MHM 7/8
(Karris et al., 1 1-10Hz, 3000 Bupropion CDS, HRSA 3 N, S, R DD N/A Case report MHM 7/8
2017) pulses (110%
ECT (Ordas & Ritchie, 1 12 sessions Fluoxetine self report 2 S DD, SSRD, PD mild short-term Case report MHM 7/8
1994) memory loss
Table 2. (Continued).
Number of Specific psychological
Treatment Author, year participants Dose Second treatment Assessment EUect manifestation symptoms Side eUect Study type Quality Score
CBT (E. C. M. Hunter 21 13 sessions baseline treatment PSE, DES, CDS 29% (6/ N/A AD,DD none Case series JBI 7/10
et al., 2005) 21)
EMDR (H. E. Hollander, 8 20 sessions not limited self report 2 N/A AD none Case series JBI 2/10
vis-à-vis therapy (Rosen, 1955) 1 70 sessions none self report 2 S, R, A none N/A Case report MHM 5/8
Supportive (McKellar, 1978) 1 2 weeks none self report 4 S, R N/A N/A Case report MHM 3/8
Behaviour (Sookman & 2 20–50 sessions Flooding treatment self report 3, 4 S, R, A, T AD, OCRD N/A Case report MHM 5/8
therapy Solyom, 1978)
Directive therapy (Blue, 1979) 1 6 sessions none self report 4 A, S, R SSRD N/A Case report MHM 6/8
Family therapy (Dollinger, 1983) 1 16 weeks none self report 4 A, R N/A N/A Case report MHM 7/8
psychotherapy (Ballard et al., 1 12 sessions none self report 4 R, S, A AD N/A Case report MHM 6/8
MBCT (Mishra et al., 1 24 sessions Paroxetine CDS 3 N, S, R, A AD none Case report MHM 7/8
Symptoms of DPD
To make deep use of the available information, we summarized the character-
istics of the patients from 26 case reports. The specific clinical information is
listed in Table S2, including symptoms, accompanying diseases, personality,
trauma history, family history, and treatment history. The main manifesta-
tions of DPD symptoms and detailed comorbidities are sorted based on Sierra
(Munn et al., 2020; Sierra et al., 2005) and the DSM-5, as shown in Table 2.
Main symptoms of DPD and co-morbid mental disorders were summarized
in Table 3. Unreality of self is the most common symptom of DPD (24 times),
followed by unreality of the surroundings (23 times), and numbing (13 times).
Most participants had other mental disorders: almost half had anxiety dis-
orders or depressive disorders, while one-third had obsessive-compulsive and
related disorders. Notably, all showed a sensitive and perfectionist personality
when dispositions were reported. Histories of psychological trauma, substance
abuse, and family abuse were common, too.
The symptoms were extracted from the Cambridge Depersonalization
Scale. The co-morbid mental disorders were extracted from DSM-5. The
specific manifestations and psychological symptoms were summarized from
the literatures.
There are problems with previous systematic and narrative reviews of DPD
treatment, such as the singularity of the research field, low quantity and quality
of included studies, and an early publication time (E. C. M. Hunter et al., 2017;
Orrù et al., 2021; Somer et al., 2013). This review has performed an updated
search of the relevant databases and assessed the methodological quality of the
identified studies.
Considering the quality and quantity of evidence, medication is the main
treatment for DPD. Drugs currently used to treat DPD include antidepres-
sants, antiepileptics, antipsychotics, opioid receptor antagonists, etc. Serotonin
reuptake blockers play a mediating role in serotonergic dysregulation, which is
a possible mechanism for DPD. Serotonergic effects and pharmacokinetic/
pharmacodynamic interactions between lamotrigine and SSRIs have been
considered in multiple mental disorders (Dursun & Deakin, 2001; Normann
et al., 2002; Southam et al., 1998), suggesting a link between glutamate, GABA,
and the serotonergic system (Sanacora et al., 2002). Hypoalgesia (Moroz et al.,
1990) and low cortisol levels (Nuller et al., 2001) in patients with DPD indicate
a possible role of the opioid system. Naloxone and naltrexone also help with
dissociation on a larger scale (Bohus et al., 1999; Glover, 1993), which may be
related to augmentation of cortisol production.
Neuromodulation is another promising therapeutic option, particularly
with the TPJ and VLPFC being in the spotlight. Possible causes for DPD
include fronto-limbic imbalance, hyperactivity of prefrontal structures and
hypoactivation of limbic regions (Lemche et al., 2008; Medford et al., 2006;
Phillips et al., 2001; Sierra & Berrios, 1998), and altered functional connectiv-
ity, can be explained by TPJ imbalance (E. Hollander et al., 1992; Locatelli
et al., 1993; Sierk et al., 2018). The VLPFC plays a role in physical and social
pain, emotional attribution (Vucurovic et al., 2020), object recognition
(Romanski & Chafee, 2021), and representation and integration of auditory
and visual stimuli (Romanski, 2012), which correlates with DPD symptoms
such as numbing, unreality of surroundings, and perceptual alterations. TMS
as a noninvasive brain stimulation technique that can modify the underlying
neural activity (Kluger & Triggs, 2007; Rossini & Rossi, 2007), resulting in
a decrement in cortical excitability when at low frequency (1 Hz) (Chen et al.,
1997). This method has been applied to stimulate the TPJ and VLPFC for the
treatment of DPD. Meanwhile, TMS in healthy individuals can induce illu-
sions or perception of self, disrupted mental transformation of the body
(Blanke et al., 2005), proprioceptive abilities (Tsakiris et al., 2008) and resolu-
tion of intersensory conflicts (Papeo et al., 2010).
Studies on psychotherapy are empirical without a mature paradigm. From
a cognitive behavioral perspective, transient depersonalization symptoms
could be exacerbated and perpetuated by a maintenance cycle resulting from
catastrophic misinterpretations of serious mental illness (E. C. Hunter et al.,
2003), which could be a path to chronic DPD. Models of panic (Clark, 1986)
and health anxiety (Warwick & Salkovskis, 1990) can provide similar evidence
for DPD treatment. From the perspective of the nervous system, inhibited
thalamic activity due to excessive suppression by the medial PCF and anterior
score from baseline to the end of the trial can be used to assess
treatment efficacy.
In summary, this study has highlighted the low volume of studies and small
sample sizes in research relative to the high prevalence of DPD. Moreover,
heterogeneity among the studies hinders disease research. As DPD is a stressor
to society and a burden to 1% of the population without a knowledgeable doctor
or guidelines, there is a need for research focused on identifying and combining
evidence-based strategies to treat DPD through robust designs that aid symp-
tom alleviation and healing.
This review is subject to several limitations. First, the identified studies were not of
high quality and lacked sufficient information. The quantity of evidence is not
enough to support a robust conclusion. Additionally, conflicts of interest of
evidence were not analyzed, which may give rise to present biased data, resulting
in low robustness of the conclusion. The number of studies focusing on the
combination of different types of treatment is insufficient to confirm robust
combination strategies.
Relative to previous studies, this review has advanced our understanding of
DPD research in terms of both breadth and depth. By comprehensively evaluat-
ing previous clinical studies in this area, we have provided a reference for future
clinical trial designs and guideline writing. We summarized the existing treat-
ment methods and proposed three strategies as references: collaborative treat-
ment strategies, personalized therapeutic schedules, and expectations for high-
quality research. Meanwhile, we made a summary of the main manifestations
and comorbidities of DPD, which can construct the characteristics of DPD to
a supplementary diagnostic basis, and provide clues to the relationship between
symptom propensity, comorbidity propensity, and treatment effectiveness.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
The sponsor had no influence on designing the study, collection of data, analysis, or inter-
pretation of data, as well as no experience writing reports or deciding whether to submit the
article for publication.
Sici Wang BMed
Sisi Zheng MD, PhD
Francis Xiaitan Zhang MSc
Sitong Feng MSc
Mingkang Song BMed
Hong Zhu MD
Hongxiao Jia MD, PhD
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