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CURSOR 13 TDCV ‒ Operating diagrams


CRIN 3.3 injector section

181583 Figure 7
1 Coil 6 Nozzle
2 High-pressure fuel inlet fitting 7 Pressure chamber
3 filter 8 Fuel return
4 Pressure rod 9 Control volume
5 Needle 10 Pilot valve shutter

The electro-injector may be considered as mainly made up of two parts:

- actuator spray nozzle consisting of a pressure rod (4), needle (5) and jet(6).
- control solenoid valve made up of coil (1) and pilot valve.
Electro-injector operation is divided into three phases:
1st Phase - Resting position
The coil (1) is cut off and the shutter (10) of the pilot valve is in the closed position.
In this condition the opening force is balanced by the closing force, because the pressure of the fuel in the control volume (9) is the
same in the pressure chamber (7).
2nd Phase- Injection start
The coil (1) is energized and causes the shutter to rise (10).
The control volume fuel (9) flows back towards the return manifold (8), causing a drop in pressure
At the same time, in the pressure chamber (7) the pressure line exerts an opening force that causes the needle (5) to rise, with
the consequent introduction of fuel into the cylinders.
3rd Phase - End of injection
The coil (1) is cut off and causes the shutter (10) to return to the closed position, recreating a balance of forces, bringing the
needle (5) back to the closed position and consequently ending injection.

– printed P1D32C016E1114

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