Development and Review
Development and Review
Development and Review
. O
Under the terms of Article III of its Statute, the IAEA is authorized to establish
or adopt standards of safety for protection of health and minimization of danger to life
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The publications by means of which the IAEA establishes standards are issued in
the IAEA Safety Standards Series. This series covers nuclear safety, radiation safety,
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The publication categories in the series are Safety Fundamentals, Safety Requirements
and Safety Guides.
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the International Nuclear Safety Group’s INSAG Series. The IAEA also issues reports
on radiological accidents and other special publications.
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IAEA-TECDOC Series, the Training Course Series and the IAEA Services Series, and
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© IAEA, 2006
Printed by the IAEA in Austria
February 2006
IAEAL 06-00425
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1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1. Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2. Objective and scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3. Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4. REVIEW OF EOPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
One of the basic safety principles for nuclear power plants, as stated in
Ref. [1], is that “Emergency operating procedures are established, documented
and approved to provide a basis for suitable operator response to abnormal
events”. According to the same publication, emergency operating procedures1
(EOPs) are an important component of the defence in depth concept for
nuclear power plant operation. Consequently, EOPs can be viewed as an
additional line of defence, after plant design, in preventing core damage as
a result of unplanned transients.
Emergency operating procedures are also addressed in the IAEA Safety
Standards Series. Paragraph 5.11 of Ref. [2] states inter alia that:
Emergency operating procedures: plant specific procedures containing instruc-
tions for operating staff to implement preventive measures for managing accidents.
Emergency operating procedures typically contain all preventive measures for both
design basis accidents and beyond design basis accidents up to the point of core damage.
Symptom based procedure/guideline: a procedure or guideline containing
actions which are taken depending on the values of directly measurable plant
parameters. A symptom is a measurable plant parameter that is available to the
operator in the control room.
“For [nuclear power plants] …arrangements shall be made for mitigatory
action by the operator to prevent an escalation of the threat, to return the
facility to a safe and stable state, to reduce the potential for releases of
radioactive material or exposures and to mitigate the consequences of
any actual releases or exposures. These arrangements shall take into
account the following aspects of the response to mitigate the
consequences of a nuclear or radiological emergency: the operational
actions necessary; the operational information needs; the workload and
conditions of the operational staff (such as in the control room); the
responder actions necessary in the facility; the conditions in the facility in
which responder actions are necessary; and the response of the personnel,
instrumentation and systems of the facility under emergency conditions.
Arrangements shall include emergency operating procedures and
guidance for the operator on mitigatory action for severe conditions, for
the full range of postulated emergencies, including accidents beyond the
design basis.”
Developments in the Preparation of Operating Procedures for Emergency
Conditions of NPPs, IAEA-TECDOC-341, IAEA, Vienna (1985) (out of print).
An AMP comprises plans and actions undertaken to ensure that the plant and
its personnel with responsibilities for accident management are adequately prepared to
take effective on-site actions to prevent or mitigate the consequences of an accident.
document be prepared that would be devoted to the development, validation5
and implementation of EOPs. It was further requested that this document
provide guidance for both the developers and the reviewers of EOPs.
The IAEA Operational Safety Review Team (OSART) guidelines6
provide some guidance on the review of EOPs. However, because the scope of
an OSART review is very broad, dealing with all aspects of nuclear power plant
construction and operation, these guidelines provide only very general
guidance for EOPs.
Validation: the process of determining whether a product or service is adequate
to perform its intended function satisfactorily. Validation is broader in scope, and may
involve a greater element of judgement than verification. EOP validation: the objective
of EOP validation is to determine if control room operators can manage emergency
conditions in the plant using the EOPs. This can be done by evaluating the EOPs with
regard to the validation principles of usability and operational correctness. The usability
is the provision of sufficient information understandable to the operator and opera-
tional correctness is the EOPs, compatibility with the plant response, plant hardware
and the shift manpower.
OSART Guidelines, 1994 Edition, IAEA-TECDOC-744, IAEA, Vienna (1994)
(out of print).
general guidance. Flexibility concerning the proposed details will be necessary
in order to reflect and adapt the programme to the specific context,
background, conditions and constraints that prevail for any particular EOP
development project.
Several ‘standard’ or ‘reference’ systems for EOPs have been developed
by various groups of nuclear power plants, utilities and reactor designers
around the world. This publication establishes that these are not ‘portable’ as
such to all nuclear power plants. The type of reactor technology, the
operational culture and staff organizations of the plant are examples of major
elements that need to be considered when choosing among these systems.
There are two categories of review:
(1) Those that focus on assessing the status of an ongoing programme and
provide recommendations for improvement or completion;
(2) Those that focus on providing a review — technical and administrative —
of the final plant specific EOPs and possibly provide recommendations
for improvements.
Severe accident guidelines: a set of guidelines containing instructions for actions
in the framework of severe accident management. Severe accident management: the
goals of severe accident management are: (a) to terminate core damage once it has
started; (b) to maintain the capability of the containment as long as is possible; (c) to
minimize on-site and off-site releases and (d) to return the plant to a controlled safe
This section also contains a discussion of issues related to the use of EOPs
from the perspective of nuclear power plant staff (mainly operators). These
human related issues play a major role and need to be clarified and resolved
very early in the development project because they impact the reliability of
operators and consequently the effectiveness of the EOPs. The coverage of
plant operational modes by the EOP package is another general topic that will
be briefly discussed in this section.
or in a support system. This would normally result in a more complex operating
condition, since such events impact the operation of more than one system or
component. However, in some cases the direct effects of the malfunction or
fault can be compensated for by the normally operating plant systems without
the need to trip the reactor and/or actuation of safety systems. The operating
documents, available to the operators to support their actions in such an
operating condition, are termed abnormal operating procedures (AOPs). At
most plants the AOPs are entirely event based procedures. However, some
plants have developed a consistent, integrated set of interdependent
procedures to cover events of all levels of severity.
2.1.2. Accidents
2.1.3. Severe accidents
Emergency plan
Routine Accident
operations conditions
Event based procedure: a procedure that contains actions which are appro-
priate only for a specific accident sequence (or set of sequences), which must be
diagnosed before applying the procedure. An event based procedure may or may not be
symptom based.
and providing for their protection/recovery independently of the development
of the initial event. For this purpose the general concept of a set of safety
functions has been applied, where any specific safety function is the
representation of safety margins of the respective barrier.
The general method for developing these scenario independent
procedures includes:
(a) The event that occurs is one among a well defined set of anticipated
events (usually limited to the list of DBAs for that plant);
(b) The operator recognizes (identifies) which particular event is actually
going on;
(c) The event will evolve in a certain predetermined way and follow a well
known and well defined sequence (typically obtained from a thermal-
hydraulic analysis of that presupposed event).
The advantage of this approach is that the procedures are highly efficient
for an initiating event included in the selected set of events and the linear
(sequential) structure corresponding to the usual way of thinking. Typically,
these event based procedures are descriptive and instruct the operator to
proceed in a single series of steps without providing any contingencies to deal
with additional dependent or independent failures. One of the characteristics
of these event based procedures is that they focus the operator’s attention on
those specific parameters and controls associated with the particular event
being corrected or mitigated and they generally do not direct the operator to
assess overall plant status by reviewing various plant parameters beyond those
associated with the particular event. A diagnosis is made only at the beginning
of the accident in order to select the most appropriate procedure.
(a) Symptoms are defined as one or more measurable plant parameters that
are available to the operator in the control room;
(b) States are defined as sets of measurable plant parameters that are
available to the operator in the control room.
(a) The event that occurs is not necessarily one from a limited predefined list,
and in particular can be a combination of accidents (the scope of coverage
of the EOP guidance should be documented);
(b) The event evolves in a way that might be very different from what an
event analysis would predict, either because of other event(s) or
equipment failures occurring later in the accident history, or because of
operator errors;
(c) The EOPs should be the tool for the operator to diagnose and recognize
the possibly very complex event by providing directly measurable
diagnosis criteria that are checked on a continuous or repetitive basis (at
a certain minimum frequency).
Symptom/state based EOP packages generally contain both scenario
independent and scenario dependent procedures. However some consist
almost entirely of scenario independent procedures. The operators are guided
through an assessment of the overall status of the plant by focusing on a
predetermined set of safety functions. Based on the status or state of those
safety functions they are directed to use specific procedures within the EOP
package to restore a safety function if it is degraded, or to correct or mitigate
the event or events. The aspects governing the split between the scenario
dependent and scenario independent part of the procedures in the EOP
package are discussed in more detail in Section 3. Table 1 shows the current
implementation status of EOPs in IAEA Member States.
2.3.2. Operator versus safety system logic
Verification: the process of determining whether the quality or performance of
a product or service is as stated, as intended or as required. Verification is closely related
to quality assurance and quality control. It is the evaluation performed to confirm the
correctness of a written procedure or guideline to ensure that technical and human
factor concerns have been properly incorporated. EOP verification: The objective of
EOP verification is to determine that consistency has been maintained between the
EOPs and the EOP source documents. Consistency is determined by verification princi-
ples of written correctness and technical accuracy. Written correctness ensures that
information is incorporated as specified by administrative guidance. Technical accuracy
ensures proper incorporation of generic and plant specific technical information.
IAEA Practice
Rest of
Plant status Strategy Procedures g to USA France Germany WWERs a
and South
Ref. [6]
Normal Prevent Written and Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
unsafe authorized Event Event Event based Event Event Event based
condition instructions based based based based
Anticipated operational Verify Incident Abnorm Abnorm Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
occurrences normal system al al Event based + Event Event Event based
control instructions Event Event state based or based based or or symptom
system based based generalized symptom based
functions state approach based
to limit
DBAs (safety functions Verify EOPs EOPs EOPs EOPs EOPs EOPs EOPsb
challenged) functions of aimed at Sympto Sympto State based or Symptom Symptom Symptom
engineered going to m based m based generalized based based based
safety cold state approach
features shutdown
BDBAs Prevention Restore Function AMP/ EOPs EOPs EOPs EOPs EOPs
(design of degraded critical safety restoration EOPs Sympto State based or Symptom Symptom Symptom
basis barriers core functions Sympto m based generalized based based based
challenged) conditions (CSFs) m based state approach
IAEA Practice
Rest of
Plant status Strategy Procedures g to USA France Germany WWERs a
and South
Ref. [6]
2.3.3. Level of computerization
The paper version is the easiest to develop and requires the least
investment. The EOPs then fully rely on the operator properly reading and
understanding the procedures and the plant information displayed in the
control room during actual use of the EOPs. The common consensus is that
modern full paper EOPs provide for adequate support and computerization is
not necessary to improve safety.
A stand-alone computerized version does not bring much advantage
compared to the paper version. The operator is still in charge of reading and
understanding the EOPs on the computer and of collecting the necessary plant
information. Such EOPs can possibly improve navigation within the package,
e.g. support the transitions from one part of the package to another. For
instance going to another procedure could be done through a hypertext link. In
the same way, some transitions that violate the rules of EOP usage could be
made impossible. Most important, calling the continuous diagnostic page could
be faster and some additional help could be provided in monitoring the
execution of continuous steps (steps/actions that have to be performed as soon
as specific conditions are satisfied). Altogether, the advantages are considered
limited and trained operators should perform similarly with the paper version.
The next level is on-line computerized EOPs. This level is achieved by
coupling the computerized EOPs and the plant process computer. This level of
computerization can markedly affect the use of the EOPs. The integration of
the EOPs and the plant computer can be more or less advanced.
The on-line computerized EOPs represent progress compared to the two
other versions, mainly in that they greatly facilitate the handling of the
continuous steps and continuous diagnostic, and contribute to decreasing
operator errors or delays which are the major constraints of writing/using time
independent EOPs. Reminders can be built into the system that appear
whenever a condition of continuous automatic action appears, as well as for
conditions of continuous diagnostic. From a safety perspective, the EOP screen
can include a continuous display of each safety function status and thus
alleviate the burden on the control room staff.
However, in deciding on the extent of computerization of the EOPs, care
should be taken to properly reflect the control room organization and decision
making and the degree of computerization already used in the control room.
Computerization of the EOPs can also affect team organization in the control
Considerations of computerization of the EOPs should also take into
account that a full paper set of EOPs must be available as a backup in case of
unavailability of the computer system in the control room or if access to the
control room, the emergency control room or the safety panels is denied. The
existence of several versions of EOPs also creates additional requirements for
the training of operators.
(TSC). All of these items should be distinctly specified in the user’s guide.
The early involvement of safety authorities in the discussion may be useful.
Another relevant aspect is the attitude of the control room crew towards
the new procedures, specifically in cases in which they apply a different
philosophy from the original one. It is important that the operators have
confidence in the procedures and consider them primarily as their support.
Experience indicates that the acceptance of new EOPs is generally more
natural and obvious for newer, less experienced operators who are being
trained for the first time on these documents, than for experienced operators
who are very familiar with the philosophy of the previous EOP package.
Acceptance of new procedures is also greater if the change has been initiated
or promoted by the operators themselves. It should be noted that the
confidence of the control room personnel is highly dependent on the quality of
the background documentation (analyses), training (theoretical and practical)
and mainly on the drills on plant simulators which are conducted under
conditions that realistically simulate those during an emergency.10
There are several ways of promoting the acceptance of new EOPs. One of
the best is having the operators be actively involved in the development of the
procedures. There are several benefits attached to this approach. In addition to
the improved attitudes, the operators gain better knowledge, expertise and
understanding of the EOPs and their backgrounds than they would ever gain
through formal training programmes.
Simulator: a computer based assembly of software and hardware which is
capable of presenting the physical behaviour of the whole nuclear power plant or part of
it during various operational states and malfunctions. Simulators are typically equipped
with an advanced user interface (graphic or hardware interface) suitable for interactive
operation and particularly suitable for training purposes.
Plant modes: operating conditions as defined in the technical specifications of
the plant such as normal power operation, hot shutdown, cold shutdown, cold shutdown
with the primary system open and refuelling.
comparable to the risks associated with normal power operation. Therefore,
development of specific shutdown EOPs is the next logical step in the evolution
of EOPs.
Shutdown operations present several unique features that require special
This section sets forth an EOP development plan that should be fulfilled
before the start of the actual writing of any guidelines or plant specific
procedures. It also contains a discussion of the role of the regulatory body and
the required supporting role of the utility. The following sections provide
guidance on how to produce a consistent package of technically correct plant
specific EOPs.
3.1.1. Basic EOP principles
(1) The role of EOPs within the plant procedure set, including procedures for
abnormal operation;
(2) Initial plant conditions (power mode, shutdown modes, etc.) and the final
state (e.g. safe conditions at the exit of the EOPs);
(3) Approach to possible plant hardware modifications that could be
identified during the development/implementation of new procedures
(enhancement of instrumentation and control (I&C), modifications of
control systems, qualification of certain equipment, etc.);
(4) Shift organization (role and responsibility of each operator and how they
work together);
(5) EOP organization (only one EOP for the supervisor or one EOP for each
(6) EOP ergonomics (EOP format, EOP support, etc.);
(7) Organizational responsibilities after declaration of an emergency;
(8) Control room workload after declaration of an emergency;
(9) Instrument response under accident conditions;
(10) Hazardous conditions within the plant that may be present during
application of the EOP.
3.1.2. General approach to EOP development
One of the first tasks is to define the scope of the new EOPs. This
encompasses two related decisions: should the EOPs only apply to power
operation or to both power operation and shutdown conditions, and what
should the relationship of the EOP to AOPs and to SAGs be. Once these
decisions are made the outcome will be a documented basis for the scope of
Depending on the previous decisions, the set of EOPs should cover the
The EOP project might then include separate, but interfacing procedure
sets covering all plant initial modes and having clear interfaces with AOPs and
SAGs. Different sources of information can be used for definition and
justification of the scope of the EOP. Examples of sources typically available at
each nuclear power plant are:
(1) FSARs and other sources of analyses representing the sound engineering
approach, based on the understanding of plant behaviour in accident
conditions, that provide the minimum scope of EOP coverage.
(2) Regulatory body requirements: In defining the scope of the EOPs the
safety authorities may also be a source of input since they may elect to
impose specific scenarios.
(3) Operating experience: This source results from a thorough review of the
operational feedback from experience collected by the nuclear industry
worldwide and application of engineering judgement. All pertinent
events should be evaluated in the definition of the scope of EOPs.
Examples include:
— High frequency of incidents due to maintenance errors during power/
shutdown operation;
— Major accidents, not limited to the specific reactor type (e.g. post-
Chernobyl boron dilution concerns for PWRs);
— Feedback from the Mihama event (which led to improvements in the
management of small primary to secondary leaks);
— Lessons learned from the Rovno steam generator (SG) collector
accident (an optimized procedure was needed to cover this BDBA).
(4) PSA: Probabilistic techniques can be applied in the determination of the
EOP’s scope. Although deciding on the EOP’s scope, as previously
described, is better than limiting the guidance to just DBAs it is still
deterministic in nature and remains too arbitrary. A method of avoiding
this is the application of probabilistic techniques. In general, when the
decision on the scope of EOPs is made (based on plant specific probabil-
istic reasoning), it should be made on the cut-off probability for events to
be covered only in the scenario independent part of the EOP package.
Typically, the acceptable cut-off frequency is 10–6–10–8 per reactor-year.
The final choice of the cut-off probability should be made in agreement
with the regulatory body.
The position and role of the regulatory body in the EOP development
and implementation project should be clarified as early as possible. Normally
its function is to ensure that the EOPs provide the plant operators with
reasonable, prudent and effective guidance. In performing this mission it will
probably review various aspects of the EOP’s development and
implementation. These reviews might include the EOP’s technical bases
document, verification, validation and training programmes. The regulatory
body will in many cases need to provide approval of the new EOPs before they
are put into service. It is reasonable to create an atmosphere of mutual co-
operation (consensus on the requirements and specific features of the EOPs)
and understanding between the utility and the regulatory body, thus reducing
the probability of disruptions later on.
In the case of sophisticated EOP concepts it may be necessary for the
plant/utility to provide the regulatory body’s experts with theoretical training
to enhance technical discussions. This is especially important if an EOP
reference system is being applied and the nuclear power plant is not able to
present all the details of the development of the reference EOP package.
Some of the topics that should be discussed with the regulatory body are:
covered in the scenario independent part of the EOP package. As stated
previously, the acceptable cut-off probability is 10–6–10–8 per reactor-year,
but it should be established in agreement with the regulatory body.
(c) Assignment of priority to operator actions versus safety systems logic
circuits: This major issue has a direct impact on the philosophy of the
EOPs and may be limiting when applying a specific EOP reference
system. It may be necessary to discuss the priority issue with safety
authorities and possibly revise the legal administrative requirements.
(d) Licensing: Licensing requirements vary between countries. For example,
one country’s regulatory body might require approval at each step of the
process while another country’s regulatory body only requires consensus
on the basic principles.
disciplines should be involved in the EOP development from the very
beginning of the project:
In almost all nuclear power plants there is a series of old event based
procedures that respond to a wide range of events. Since the effort associated
with the development of a full symptom/state based EOP package is very
significant a possible approach is to divide the work into two successive phases:
(i) The first phase would be dedicated to the development of new scenario
independent procedures related to the specific safety functions. These
new procedures will supplement the existing event based EOPs. This
phase should come first since the implementation of these scenario
independent procedures will significantly improve the safety of the plant
by decreasing the core damage frequency, which would be shown by
a Level 1 PSA.
(ii) The second phase would consist of developing new and/or upgrading
existing event based procedures to be compatible with the chosen EOP
contrary. EOP development is an undertaking that is primarily operationally
oriented and requires a broad understanding of the entire plant response.
Operationally oriented aspects, such as general trends of plant parameters,
available symptoms, states, timing of actions, play a role in strategy
development as well as verification of some safety criteria.
The following is a list of typical analytical support tasks:
(d) Development and validation of strategies: Determining or justifying the
strategies selected for individual EOPs, or sometimes selecting the
strategy among different possibilities, might involve a number of best
estimate analyses. It must also be understood that many accidents will not
require any analysis because the recovery strategy is obvious. Analyses
must be considered as only one of the different means that are available
to support the definition of a recovery strategy. Engineering judgement,
industry experience and practice, and references to existing analyses from
similar plants are other elements that can be used to justify a given
recovery strategy.
In summary, the need for computer analyses and systems analyses can be
expected in the following areas:
The previous phases have resulted in the definition of the overall scope of
the EOP and the event coverage of that scope. This has been distributed
between the scenario dependent and scenario independent set of EOPs. The
next step is to further distribute the scope within each of these categories into
more specific individual procedures. The most important item at this level is to
ensure that all the pieces of the overall scope are properly covered.
Optimal recovery from the event is provided by the set of procedures
written for the diagnosed events. After definition of the scope it is necessary to
establish the major operator actions (recovery strategy) to be implemented in
response to any of these events. At this stage it is important to note that since
these procedures are to be symptom or state based there is no need to develop
a procedure for each scenario. This would actually be impossible considering
the very high number of different combinations of credible equipment failures
and/or human actions/failures. Moreover, the diagnosis of the proper
procedure would become very difficult if there were a large number of
procedures. Each procedure should therefore cover a number of variants or
similar events of the same category. It is of prime importance to maintain the
most straight and direct guidance and stay within one procedure to respond to
the most risk-significant scenario (i.e. the most probable or the one with the
worst consequences) within the family of sequences covered by that procedure.
Since each procedure typically covers many different scenarios (size breaks,
combination of equipment availability/failures, etc.) it will be necessary to
include many contingencies, continuous diagnostics, changes of operational
sequence and systems alternatives in the procedure.
A detailed structure of procedures will be established by grouping them
into logical and technically consistent entities (series of major actions) from the
standpoint of plant operation. This will dictate the number of recovery
procedures and their individual scope of coverage. Great care should be given
to defining the links between the individual procedures.
To ensure that exhaustive checking of the safety functions is addressed,
all the safety functions and the possible challenges to them have to be
identified and verified. This means that it is necessary to establish a complete,
documented and explicit list of the safety functions that are applicable to the
plant as well as the list of all possible challenges to any of these functions. The
specific safety functions are the functions applied in the design intended to
eventually protect the public by protecting the integrity of the successive
barriers. Minimum barriers to be considered are:
For example, typical safety functions that are representative of the status
of the barriers and can be applied in safety function restoration guidelines
(FRGs) for PWR technology are:
(1) Reactor core subcriticality (typically protects integrity of the fuel
structure itself);
(2) Reactor core cooling (typically protects integrity of the fuel cladding or
(3) Heat sink and any other function that protects the integrity of the RCS;
(4) Integrity of the RCS boundary;
(5) RCS inventory;
(6) Integrity of the containment structure;
from different nuclear power plants whose systems were operated outside the
design basis (without cooling water, etc.). Examples of typical EOP related
information that could be available to the designer/vendor are the PTS
characteristics of the reactor pressure vessel, behaviour of the MCP seals under
loss of cooling conditions, thermal shock aspects of filling the dried out SGs,
and susceptibility to failure of different pumps operated without supporting
systems in out of design conditions (e.g. MCP operation in a PWR without seal
injection and cooling or under two phase flow conditions).
The result of this stage is a definitive structure of the plant specific EOPs.
For each of them the operating modes covered are identified, the entry
conditions and the objectives of the recovery strategies defined, the major
operator actions and the local (field) actions determined and the links with the
other procedures in the package established.
It must be demonstrated that these arrangements were developed
taking into account the operational information needs; the workload after
declaration of an emergency and conditions of the operational staff (such as
in the control room); the responder actions necessary in the facility; the
conditions in the facility in which responder actions are necessary; and the
response of the personnel, instrumentation and systems of the facility under
emergency conditions (Ref. [4], para. 4.39). It must also be demonstrated that
any local (field) actions needed to implement a recovery strategy can be safely
carried out by the staff under anticipated emergency conditions (Ref. [4],
paras 4.61–4.62).
At this point it is recommended that the status of the work be presented
to the regulatory body in a completely documented report, listing all plant
specific basic/generic principles and also listing all accidents to be covered. An
explicit agreement with the regulatory body on this document is highly
advisable before continuing with the next step of the work.
For this particular task, reference will be made to Ref. [3]. It provides
a list of those constraints that are to be applied in the development of any
operating procedure, including EOPs. To facilitate both the development
(writing) of the EOP procedures and the approval by the regulatory body (if
applicable) all these items should be built into the plant specific EOP writer’s
guide. Figure 2 provides a flow diagram of the activities to be performed.
Consistency in how the information is written (wording) and structured
throughout the package of procedures is a unique characteristic of EOPs.
During the accident, depending on the scenario, the evolution in time of the
accident and the plant and operator responses, there may be transitions
EOP draft EOP analyses
Proposed Verification
Yes Yes
Modification Approvals
No Action Training
Long term
maintenance Implementation
between unpredictable locations within the EOP package. From this viewpoint
the EOPs constitute a set of interrelated procedures that cannot be considered
to be independent of each other, like all of the plant procedure systems. It is
necessary to maintain consistency among the individual EOP procedures, as
well as with other ancillary procedures, with the objective that the whole
package constitutes a single coherent operating guidance document interfacing
with the procedures from abnormal operation to SAGs.
Therefore, when writing specific operator instructions at a certain place in
a procedure, the writer should make sure that they are correctly written to
reflect all the possible transitions the operator might have made before getting
there and all the transitions which might have to be made afterwards. In other
words, the wording and the structure used for certain instructions at one place
in the EOPs might have an impact on the way instructions must be written and
structured at other places in the package. This is why it is necessary to review
the consistency of the entire EOP package. It may also make sense to run
partial consistency reviews earlier in the project for smaller subsets of
procedures. The consistency review should involve all the participants in the
EOP development project, as well as any independent reviewer(s) who are
technically capable and have adequate practical expertise in EOP
Other procedures or actions that will also be followed by the control
room staff must be accounted for (such as determining if conditions warrant a
change in emergency classification) in order to demonstrate that the control
room staff will be able to effectively carry out all their assigned responsibilities
during an emergency.
Verification of the consistency of procedures can be greatly facilitated by
the use of dedicated procedure development tools specifically developed for
EOP writing. These software tools have hardwired standard format structures
defined in the user’s guide and are equipped with a connection to the support
databases (with action verbs, set points, component identifications, standard
steps and sequences, etc.). The use of these databases is crucial for maintaining
consistency. For example, the set points database allows the use of set point
identifications during the writing of the EOP and the exact values of set points
are the referenced database items. This ensures that the set point values can be
easily modified simultaneously in many different locations throughout the
EOP package.
As stated earlier, verification means checking of the written correctness
and the technical accuracy of the EOP. Each concept is discussed briefly below.
Written correctness means that the EOPs are consistent with the plant
specific writer’s guide. Legibility, formatting, the presentation of the
information, and procedure referencing and branching are part of the checks
for written correctness:
(a) The legibility check is merely to ensure that the EOPs can be read.
Potential problems include the faulty positioning of pages during copying
and blurred text.
(b) Format inconsistency can present problems to the operator in terms of
being able to find the information necessary to perform the EOP. The
question answered by a check of format consistency is: “does the EOP
have the organization required by the plant specific writer’s guide?” This
includes title, entry condition, operator actions, etc., presented in a
consistent manner throughout the set of EOPs.
(c) Identification of information is another comparison made against the
writer’s guide. The questions answered are whether the EOP’s purpose is
clear, complete, approved, and in effect. Additionally, for example, it
might include whether the procedure title is descriptive of the
procedure’s purpose, the title is on the cover page/first page, the
procedure contains the correct number, revision number, number of
pages and whether all of the pages are in the correct order.
(d) The presentation of information is also checked in this part of verification.
This check determines if the instruction steps, notes and warnings are
clearly and consistently presented, understandable, and distinguished from
each other. This answers whether the steps and sequences are numbered
correctly, operator optional sequencing is identified, steps correspond to
one specific objective, sentences are short and simple, actions are
specifically stated, and the logic is correct. Additional checks are made to
determine whether notes and warnings are properly placed and contain no
actions, that numerical values are properly written, set points are
designated, and the necessary charts and graphs are included.
(e) Procedure referencing and branching determines whether transitions
within the EOPs are consistent and compatible with rules of referencing
and branching. Referencing can be defined as the use of supplemental
information contained elsewhere in the procedure that is in use.
Branching, meanwhile, implies that the operator leaves the procedure in
use and implements actions contained there. The check of referencing
and branching prevents transitions to inappropriate instructions, ensures
that the transitions are appropriate, ensures that these transitions are
minimized and that in making a transition the operator does not bypass
important information.
Technical accuracy means that the EOPs are consistent with the EOP
source documents. These include all of the reference documents used to
develop the EOPs. Examples are the EOP technical bases document, FSAR,
limits and conditions, event based procedures, etc. The verification of technical
accuracy requires that evaluation criteria be developed. These criteria should
encompass entry conditions/symptoms/states, sequences/steps/notes/warnings,
quantitative information and hardware:
(b) The walk-through method is a validation method by which control room
operators follow a step-by-step enactment of their actions according to
a scenario and for an observer/reviewer.
(c) According to the table top validation method by which personnel explain
and/or discuss procedure action steps in response to a scenario and for an
(d) The reference method is a validation method by which similar plants use
the data developed in a common EOP validation programme.
The validation method that will provide the most meaningful and
thorough scrutiny for the EOP set is the simulator method. Consequently, this
section will concentrate on it. However, the walk-through, table top or
reference methods will have to be used when there is no simulator or if the
simulator modelling is incapable of producing a situation that a specific
procedure addresses. These alternate validation methods must also be
performed when actions occur outside the control room. Modelling limitations
of the full scope simulator that could typically be experienced in a complex
thermalhydraulic accident with severely inadequate core cooling conditions
(core uncovered, superheated steam, etc.) can be overcome by employing an
engineering simulator in the validation exercise. The EOP developers could
then validate the accidents that are not covered by the simulator models on an
engineering simulator. In all cases the validation should be carried out under
conditions that, to the greatest extent possible, simulate conditions during an
emergency and include workload and instrument response.
Correct application of EOP validation will ensure that the EOPs are
usable and correct. Usability encompasses two concepts, level of detail and
ease of understanding. The level of detail must be sufficient but not excessive.
There should be a balance between providing all possible information and the
minimum information needed. The plant specific writer’s guide should address
the desired level of detail. During validation, the user and observer judge
whether the level of detail is sufficient. Typical questions that are asked
Ease of understanding reveals whether or not the material in the EOP is
presented properly and whether the operator can understand the information
under emergency conditions. Readable print, standard terminology, usable
format and proper emphasis are evaluated to ensure ease of understanding.
Typical questions that are asked include:
— Do the technical bases agree with the plant’s response?
— Are instrument readings (local and remote) and tolerances consistent
with the EOP?
— Are the EOPs (books/flow charts) compatible with the work situation?
Lastly, the validation process is used to ensure that the EOPs are operator
compatible. This tests whether shift manpower is adequate to comply with the
actions specified within the EOPs and whether policies for operator duties and
responsibilities conflict with actions specified in the EOPs. This evaluation also
looks at whether time critical actions can be performed with the current shift
and in the allotted time. It also tests whether actions assigned to specific shift
personnel are coordinated by the procedure and whether the operating crews
can follow the sequence of actions.
The preceding part of this section discussed the principles of validation.
The rest provides suggestions and examples of how some utilities have applied
these principles. It is recognized that the details of some of these examples
repeat some of the previous part of this section but they have been included to
ensure clarity of application.
When preparing for validation, a validation team which includes experienced
personnel in various fields of expertise must be assembled. A team may be
composed of plant operators, plant EOP writers, simulator instructors
knowledgeable of EOP methodology, simulator model experts knowledgeable
of EOP methodology, a human factors expert and an analysis expert. Note that
the operators should not be involved in any activities that would affect their
performance and consequently the validation exercises.
When developing validation scenarios the goal is to exercise as many
procedures and transitions as possible. It is not expected that they will cover
every conceivable scenario. Some aspects are presented in the following list,
which should be considered when defining the scenarios and preparing for the
(g) Operator training: for the validation test, normally only basic training,
mainly on the rules of EOP usage, should be provided to the control room
crew, the reason being that an operator knowledgeable in EOPs could
inadvertently correct procedural mistakes through his knowledge and
the mistake could be omitted by the observers.
(h) Review of scenarios with the simulator experts and instructors.
(i) Training of trainers: simulator instructors must be very knowledgeable of
all aspects of: (1) the EOPs (as suggested earlier, they should have been
involved in the EOP programme since the early stages of EOP
development); (2) other actions to be carried out following the
declaration of an emergency by the operating staff; (3) response of
instruments under accident conditions; and (4) conditions within the
plant (e.g conditions hazardous to the staff) during an emergency.
(j) Preparation of all the logistics (simulator room, debriefing room, blank
forms to be used, sufficient number of copies of the EOPs, etc.).
(15) Did you feel comfortable during the handling of the emergency?
(16) Do you feel that the plant was always under control?
(i) Were there situations when the entry conditions into the procedure were
not recognized?
(ii) Did a crew fail to enter the proper procedure after diagnosing the entry
(iii) Were there any procedure step omissions?
(iv) Were there any mistakes in sequencing through the steps?
(v) Were there any erroneous operator actions?
(vi) Did the operators have any problems making decisions?
(vii) Did the operators have any problems understanding the instructions?
(viii) Did the operators have any problems following the routes in the block
(ix) Did the operators have any problems reading or manipulating the EOPs?
(x) Were there any steps in the procedure that the operators could not
(xi) Did the operators require more detailed instructions during the scenario?
(xii) Were there any discrepancies between instructions in different
(xiii) Was any instrumentation or equipment considered in the EOP that does
not exist in the nuclear power plant?
(xiv) Could any parameter values in the procedures not be determined by the
existing instrumentation?
(xv) Did the execution of any instruction require the use of special equipment
whose location is not shown or is not known to the operators?
(xvi) Did the scenario lead to a situation in which the operator was unable to
stabilize the parameters?
(f) General recommendations (assessment of the compatibility of the EOP
with the plant design and its responses, proposals and justifications of any
operator intervention with the protection system logic and signals, etc.);
(g) A complete set of discrepancy sheets with each sheet addressing the
— Identification of procedure and step,
— Identification of discrepancy type (according to the criteria),
— Determination of whether a change to the EOP is required,
— Resolution, i.e. proposed change of wording, change of transition,
change of set point, etc.
Items (a), (b) and (c) below are recommended as the minimum technical
documentation supporting the EOP’s development, verification, and
(b) The technical basis and background documents:
— The technical basis document provides the basis for each element of
the EOP package. The availability of this information is mandatory
when developing EOP training materials.
— The background documents track the history and reason of each
element for every EOP procedure. During procedure revision these
documents provide the required information to evaluate whether a
particular element can be modified and, if so, how it should be
— The safety analysis report;
— Limits and conditions/technical specifications;
— Detailed system descriptions;
— Operating procedures;
— Equipment specifications and operating manuals;
— Sensitivity studies on various approaches;
— Review of applicability (and its limits) of the reference system to
the plant, if used.
(d) Other general documents that are relevant to EOP development and
implementation may include:
Items (a), (b) and (e) below are recommended as the minimum
administrative documentation supporting the EOP development project:
(a) Plant specific EOP writer’s guide: Before starting to write the EOPs
themselves a set of rules has to be established in order to ensure
consistency from procedure to procedure and within the individual
procedures themselves. Such rules are necessary because the procedures
are a structured document which contains looping of steps, procedural
transitions, conditional requirements, etc.
Consistency between the intentions of the procedure writers and the
understanding of the procedure users is ensured by clearly defining all
potentially ambiguous structures and through the adoption of a limited
mandatory vocabulary (action verbs). Consistency significantly reduces
the probability of operator misunderstandings/errors.
Following are some examples of rules that should be defined in a writer’s
guide. Most of these rules, as discussed earlier, can be built into dedicated
software tools:
— Defining the procedure format as a whole;
— Defining a limited set of action verbs that will be used consistently
throughout the procedures;
— Formatting of condition statements;
— Structuring of steps;
— Transfer between columns in a two column format;
— Looping;
— Rules for links within and between procedures;
— Creation of links to reference documents and set points database;
— Use of graphic symbols, tools, tables and diagrams;
— Indication of strategies;
— Indication of communication points for team coordination;
— Definitions of principal terms and abbreviations used in EOPs.
The writer’s guide should define the general philosophy regarding how
much detail should be provided in the procedures. In general, whatever is
obvious should not be expounded upon in the procedures (for instance
the location of the reactor trip control). Conversely, items that are not
normally operated or are being used for out of the ordinary actions
should be detailed in the procedure. For example, sufficient detail should
be provided in the procedure for a seldom used valve so that no time is
lost while an operator refers to a plant drawing or a system description for
information. Operator guidance is not only required in the control room
EOPs but also for local actions by the field operators.
The writer’s guide must be consistent with the user’s guide. The writer’s
guide can also define the QA process to be followed for the development
and validation of the EOPs.
(b) Plant specific EOP user’s guide: Similarly to the writer’s guide that
determines the rules to be followed while writing EOPs, the user’s guide
establishes the rules to be followed while using them. This guide
complements the writer’s guide and provides rules on how to use the
procedures that were written according to the writer’s guide. Because the
user’s guide is written mainly for the operators it also defines rules on
how to use the EOP package as a whole.
Following are some examples of rules that should be defined in the user’s guide:
• Entry conditions;
• Distribution of roles between control room personnel;
• Communication protocol in the control room;
• Priority rules for transitions between and within the scenario
dependent and scenario independent parts of the EOP package;
• Progression rule through the procedures;
• Evaluation of CSF status trees/safety function status (when necessary
for priority management).
(c) Plant specific EOP verification guide and EOP verification report: This
guide establishes the verification criteria, documentation of findings,
resolution of findings, etc.
(d) Plant specific EOP validation guide and final EOP validation report: This
guide establishes all the administrative rules for validation.
(e) Licensing requirements: The regulatory body may require the utility to
demonstrate compliance with a number of administrative and/or
technical rules. If so, compliance with these rules will have to be
(f) QA requirements: Since the development of EOPs is safety related, this
has to be done in compliance with international QA standards. However,
this does not necessarily mean that a specific QA programme has to be
defined for the project. Reference can be made to an existing utility and/
or a supplier’s overall QA programmes.
stalled while the training programme is being developed. It is not
recommended that operators be allowed to self-study the EOPs and the
background documents because there is so much information that without
prior knowledge of this material they will not be able to properly sort through
and digest the salient information. The training material should include, as
previously mentioned, guidance on EOP philosophy, usage, bases and on all
procedures contained in the EOP set. Simulator training sessions should also
have prepared simulator exercise guidance. Additionally, it is important that
operators are aware of and trained in fundamental physical concepts and are
able to apply this knowledge to the EOPs.
Note that involvement of operators and other operating personnel in the
development of the EOPs in the framework of reviews, EOP verification, etc.,
provides valuable initial training as well as feedback to the development team.
Another critical item that will greatly influence the licensing process is
the quality of the documentation that is provided by the nuclear power
plant to the regulatory body at each step of the development programme.
Past EOP development programmes demonstrate that the time taken to
document every aspect of the EOP project (EOP development, verification,
validation) is never wasted. In fact, it has been shown to save time in the
long run. This is why it is vitally important to obtain, before the start of the
development programme, a clear list of regulatory body requirements for
the final product.
The typical duration of an external review is one week. During this period
of time it is impossible to review all aspects of the EOP development
programme and/or all documentation in detail. Therefore, the review should be
focused on specific areas of the EOP programme. For example, the review may
be oriented towards either administrative or technical aspects of the
programme. While the administrative review will be mainly focused on a
review of the development/implementation process and the QA and
methodology used, the technical review will concentrate more on the
correctness and accuracy of the procedures themselves, including human factor
Review objectives generally involve verification of the adequacy of the
entire EOP development and implementation programme and an in-depth
review of one or more particular topics of the development and
implementation programme. Topics for an in-depth review may be chosen from
Sections 2 and 3 above or may be tailored to optimally respond to specific
needs of the host organization.
(a) EOPs;
(b) EOP technical basis documents;
(c) Administrative documents related to EOP development;
(d) Relevant FSAR chapters, or any other relevant documents in which
design basis can be found;
(e) Supporting thermalhydraulic analysis;
(f) Limits and conditions/technical specifications;
(g) Normal operating procedures;
(h) Alarm response procedures;
(i) Abnormal operating procedures;
(j) SAGs;
(k) Relevant QA manuals;
(l) Training programme and other training materials.
Some plants use a reference approach for the development of plant
specific EOPs. If this is the case the documentation describing the reference
approach and justifying deviations from that approach in detail should be
presented to the team.
The team should consist of a minimum of three experts (one IAEA staff
member and two senior external consultants). Experts from the host country
are not included on the team. This approach is consistent with similar IAEA
activities such as OSART missions. Involvement of a writer of EOPs for a
similar plant design would be of great benefit and would facilitate the transfer
of information in both directions.
The programme should also include the minimum requirements for the
plant to conduct the review in specific areas, such as relevant plant personnel,
facilities, administrative support, etc.
(a) Definition of the scope (initial conditions and events to be covered and
interfaces with other procedures);
(b) Decision and justification of the type of EOPs and approach used for
(c) Priorities between automatic and manual operator actions in accident
(d) Organization in the control room under normal operation, abnormal
operation and accident conditions;
(e) Allocation of authority and responsibilities in the nuclear power plant’s
overall accident response organization;
(f) Requirements and role of the safety authorities in the development of
the EOPs;
(g) Role of the utility.
The aim here is to review the scope and adequacy of supporting analyses
that were used throughout the development of EOPs. Areas requiring
analytical support are specified in Section 3.3. The review should focus on the
scope of the analyses, whether they provide sufficient information on the
plant’s response to various accident conditions and a qualitative assessment of
all recovery strategies used in EOPs. Careful evaluation should be made of the
applicability of computer codes used for the analyses.
The review of relevant factors influencing the process and the scope of
coverage are of particular concern, e.g. initial plant operating modes, operator
actions, other factors known to challenge human performance and scenarios
that have been adopted to justify the scope of EOPs.
Because of differences in their importance the analyses chosen for
detailed review should be selected using the same criteria as those
recommended in Section 4.5.4 for prioritization of procedures.
Examples of categories of analysis for detailed review are:
(b) Probabilistic analysis in support of the determination of the scope of
the EOP;
(c) Analysis related to equipment and system vulnerabilities, capabilities and
set points;
(d) Analysis of specific parameter values for specific safety functions;
(e) Analysis in support of strategies applied in the EOPs;
(f) Specific data related to reactor vessel resistance to PTS.
This phase involves a general review of the EOP package as a whole and
an in-depth review of a representative sampling of procedures covering the
following types: diagnosis procedure, scenario dependent procedure and
scenario independent procedure. For a discussion of the relevant issues, see
Section 3.4. Due to its limited scope the review should focus on the most
important procedures.
The proposed criteria that can be used to prioritize the procedures in
terms of importance are:
Those procedures for which all answers are no can be screened out of the
review. However, these criteria will generally screen out only a limited number
of procedures. If the remaining list of procedures is still beyond the capability
of the review team during the available period, then an additional criterion is to
look at similar procedures. It often happens that procedures or their selected
parts are similar in their writing and content (sequences of identical steps) or
strategy. An example is the back end of procedures dealing with plant
cooldown and depressurization. For these, the review may look at one
representative procedure or part of one to have a complete view.
The review focuses on the following aspects:
(1) Review of the EOP’s scope:
— Accident sequences considered: consistency with the FSAR, with
the plant specific PSA, with the regulatory body requirements, with
the plant specific and international experience feedback;
— Initial operating modes taken into account;
— Conditions covered by the EOP package and the interface with other
plant procedures (AOPs and SAGs);
— Compliance with the present plant system status;
— Strategy concerning planned modifications of EOPs.
(2) Review of the technical justification of the procedure or a set of
procedures: For each of the reviewed procedures the following aspects
should be addressed in detail:
— Consistency with the basic/generic principles;
— How the administrative reference documents have been used;
— Consistency with the EOP writer’s guide;
— Consistency between the reviewed procedures;
— Correctness and technical effectiveness of the strategies;
— Technical basis and justification of the strategies.
(3) Review of the human factor related aspects of the entire EOP package or
individual procedures. The review team should review the following:
— EOP location and identification: The EOPs should be placed within
easy access of the operators in both the main and emergency control
rooms and should be clearly distinguishable from other operating
— EOP format: The EOP format should be easy to use and the review
team should also check whether an agreed format for statements used
in procedures is consistently maintained throughout the EOP;
— EOP support: The supporting documentation (drawings, charts, flow
diagrams, etc.) should be available in locations where the EOPs are
used and the ergonomics of the supporting documentation, instrumen-
tation and displays needed for entry information, etc. (colour coding,
quality and completeness of information) should be adequate;
— Team organization aspects.
(4) In case of computerized procedures additional human related aspects
should be reviewed:
— Operator acceptance;
— Team organization aspects;
— Ergonomics of the computerized EOPs;
— Ergonomics of the human–machine interface;
— Rules for leaving the computerized EOPs following computer
— Completeness of the paper backup set of EOPs;
— Ergonomics of the paper backup set of EOPs.
4.5.5. Verification
4.5.6. Validation
EOP project have been created, used and appropriately referenced. If
necessary, some of these documents may be reviewed in detail with respect to
the recommendations in Section 3.7. The documents to be reviewed are:
(a) Technical reference documents that were used or produced during the
development process, such as:
— Existing analysis, technical specifications, system descriptions,
operating procedures, equipment specifications, instrumentation and
equipment qualification reports, etc.;
— Background documents developed during the EOP development
process, justifications for application of the reference development
method, relevant supporting studies, specific thermalhydraulic calcu-
lations, verification of EOP strategies and validation reports, training
materials, etc.
(b) Administrative documents such as:
— EOP writer’s guide;
— EOP user’s guide;
— EOP verification guide and report;
— EOP validation guide and report;
— EOP training programme guide;
— Report documenting compliance with the licensing requirements;
— The QA programme, established for writing, implementation and
maintenance of the EOP.
4.5.8. Training
(d) Operator retraining: Frequency and contents (ability to retrain all the
EOPs, taking into account the operating feedback, significance of the
procedures and the modifications included from the last revision), means
(full scope simulator, engineering simulator, etc.) and evaluation tests.
(e) Training material: Training documents, video and computer training
(f) Proper assignment of priorities in the training.
(1) An interview with instructors should include topics like what has been
their involvement in the EOP’s development process, when they were
involved, what difficulties they have to face with the operators regarding
the acceptance of the new set of EOPs;
(2) An interview with operators should include topics like what has been
their involvement in the EOP’s development process, what were and
what are their concerns about the newly developed EOPs, what is their
opinion of the training and retraining received.
also recommended that the consistency of the EOPs with the real plant status
be verified to some degree. Guidelines dealing with this should be in line with
the QA system at the nuclear power plant.
Examples of modifications related to the EOP’s implementation include:
(a) In the control room: Specific displays defined for continuous monitoring,
installation of new/improved instrumentation, using labels in the control
room to identify the qualified instrumentation which can be used during
an accident;
(b) In the operating documentation: Effect of the interface with normal and
AOPs, required modification of the alarm sheets that address orientation
into an EOP, addressing specific requirements in limits and conditions/
technical specifications to ensure required instrumentation availability;
(c) In other plant documents: The emergency plan and the procedures for the
groups in emergency response as the TSC and/or the radiological group;
(d) In the plant systems: Modifications to allow timely operation of
equipment used in the strategies (e.g. exchange of locally operated valves
for control room operated valves).
The review team should compile a list of all these modifications in order
to verify their correct implementation. It is recommended that the review team
directly verify the adequacy of the modifications and the physical
implementation of the EOPs by consulting the documents and visiting the
control room or other locations in the plant.
For a multi-unit plant, EOPs may be developed in parallel. Differences
between the units should be addressed and the review team should verify how
these differences have been considered in the development.
The long term maintenance process for the set of EOPs should be
prepared in parallel with the development of the procedures. Guidelines
dealing with this aspect should be in line with the QA system at the nuclear
power plant. The reviewers will have to evaluate this process developed by the
plant to guarantee that the impact of any significant modification is correctly
addressed in the EOPs and training documents.
The review should concentrate mainly on how the process of modification
control, which has been established in the nuclear power plant, provides for
proper maintenance of EOPs. Possible sources of modifications to EOPs
(3) Internal and external feedback on operational experience;
(4) Feedback on experience from training sessions;
(5) Changes to the reference EOP if a reference approach has been used;
During the course of the review each team member writes technical notes
describing the situation in each of the review areas. These notes contain
experts’ observations, including any recommendations and suggestions. Good
practices or good performances are reflected as well. Technical notes form the
basis for a draft review report. The draft report is completed by the end of
the review and presented to the host organization.
After completion of the review the team leader prepares the final review
report based on the draft report. This is an official IAEA record which
summarizes the team’s main observations and conclusions including all
recommendation and suggestions. Before the text is finalized the utility is given
the opportunity to comment. This report is submitted through official channels
to the Member State which hosted the mission. The IAEA restricts initial
distribution to itself, members of the review team, the nuclear power plant, the
utility and the national regulatory body. The report is derestricted after a
specified period of time unless the Member State wishes otherwise.
Appendix I
2.1. Did the analyses use a dedicated methodology developed for the purpose
of the EOP’s development?
2.2. Are the supporting analyses properly defined and technically correct?
See Sections 4.5.1 and 4.5.2.
See Section 4.5.3.
2.3. Is the approach to modelling and computer codes/models used for
analyses up to date?
2.4. Were the scenarios for analyses defined by operations oriented personnel
(see Section 3.3)?
2.5. Was there any independent assessment of the analysis results?
2.6. Were the conditions in the facility in which responder actions are
necessary and the response of the personnel, instrumentation and systems
of the facility under emergency conditions considered?
3.1. Do the procedures comply with system descriptions and operator actions
specified in the safety analysis report?
3.2. Are the initial plant conditions covered by the procedures clearly defined
and documented?
3.3. Are the transitions between AOPs, EOPs and SAGs clearly defined and
3.4. Is the final plant status (i.e. EOP exit conditions) clearly defined and
3.5. Is the overall structure defined and justified?
3.6. Is the list of specific safety functions defined and justified?
3.7. Are all the possible challenges to these safety functions identified,
classified and justified?
3.8. Is the list of procedures defined and justified?
3.9. Is there a proper verification of automatic actions?
3.10. Do the procedures contain an initial diagnostic section allowing discrimi-
nation between the events?
3.11. Are there continuous diagnostics which will allow the operator to
recognize errors, combinations of accidents or time evolving accidents?
3.12. Are there explicit rules for transitions between procedures?
3.13. Are the entry conditions, objectives and major actions justified and
documented for every procedure?
See Section 4.5.4.
3.14. Have all strategies been technically justified and documented for every
3.15. Does each procedure have sufficient background documentation to allow
for operator training?
3.16. Is every action in each procedure properly documented for traceability
(knowledge retention)?
3.17. Were the recommendations of Ref. [3] followed and implemented as
appropriate for each procedure?
3.18. Were all procedures subject to independent review?
3.19. Were the consistency aspects addressed in Section 3.4.2 taken into
3.20. Does the format of the EOPs take into account human factor aspects
according to current knowledge?
3.21. Is the supporting information to the operators provided in a user friendly
See Sections 4.5.5, 4.5.6.
4.11. Were the discrepancies properly resolved (complete documentation and
justification of the resolution)?
4.12. Was the revised package revalidated? If not, is it adequately justified?
See Section 4.5.7.
See Section 4.5.8.
7.1. Is there a systematic process to evaluate the effect of any plant design
change on the EOPs?
7.2. Does the modification control in the plant include EOP maintenance?
7.3. Are the changes made to the EOPs properly documented (i.e. traceable)?
7.4. Is the feedback from the operator training programme (simulator and
theoretical) effectively used in the EOP maintenance programme?
See Section 4.5.9.
Appendix II
ERGs may not be entered into and used until a manual or automatic
reactor trip or safety injection has been initiated, or conditions exist that should
have resulted in either actuation. Regardless of the trip-initiating event, the
first ERG entered is the ‘reactor trip or safety injection’ (E-0) procedure. This
procedure serves four basic functions:
(1) It checks whether the minimum support conditions assumed for the
EOPs are present;
(2) It determines if the event falls into the accident or incident category;
(3) It verifies proper automatic response and alignment of systems;
(4) It directs diagnosis of event symptoms and guides operating staff to an
Once the E-0 procedure is entered it is not exited until there is a direct
transition to an ORG or an FRG as identified by the symptoms being
monitored in E-0 or as being directed by the CSF status trees, respectively.
(1) Protection of the fuel matrix and fuel cladding;
(2) Protection of the RCS pressure boundary;
(3) Maintenance of containment/confinement integrity.
The CSF status trees (flow diagrams) are basic tools used for directing
the operating crew between the ORGs and the FRGs, and thus switch
between scenario dependent and scenario independent activities. Monitoring
of the status tree starts early in the accident and is done continuously by an
assigned member of the control room crew (e.g. safety engineer). Continuous
monitoring provides an event independent diagnosis of the safety status of
the plant barriers, independent of the activities performed according to the
event related procedures in effect. Based on the severity of the challenge to a
specific safety function the operators are directed into a respective
restoration guideline. After restoration of the safety function, the operator
proceeds according to the ORG that was in effect before the transition or in
accordance with a lower priority level FRG, depending on plant conditions
existing at the time.
(1) The ‘generalized state approach’ set of EOPs (‘approche par état’ in
French), which is implemented on all four loop units (including a fully
computerized version for the N4 plants, the most recent 4 loop units) and
on some three loop units.
(2) The ‘symptom/state based’ set of EOPs (‘événementiel’ in French) which
is still implemented on most of the three loop units. By 2005, all three
loop units are expected to adopt the set of ‘generalized state approach’
— Subcriticality;
— RCS pressure and temperature;
— RCS inventory;
— SG inventory;
— SG integrity;
— Containment/confinement integrity.
By using a well defined set of reliable plant parameters available in the
control room, the ‘state’ of the plant can be evaluated at any time based on the
status of each state function. According to this evaluated ‘state’ the safety
functions are then prioritized and the associated operating strategies defined
(taking into account the available systems needed for adequate operation).
The main parameters used for ‘state’ diagnosis include the RPV water
level, the subcooling margin, the core outlet temperature, the SG water level,
the SG activity, the containment/confinement pressure, and the containment/
confinement dose rate.
For the ‘generalized state approach’ diagnosis is directly implemented in
the EOPs used by the operators, as the operating strategies are designed
according to the status and priority of the safety functions at any time. Full
redundancy is built in through independent monitoring by the safety engineer
who has a separate procedure.
For the ‘symptom/state based’ set of EOPs, diagnosis is included in the
EOP package by a separate procedure for the safety engineer who monitors
the status of the safety functions and asks the supervisor for complementary
actions as defined in this procedure.
II.2.4. Scope
Both EdF reference sets of EOPs cover all plant modes from normal
power operation down to hot and cold shutdown, cold shutdown with RCS
open, and refuelling. The diagnosis procedure is valid for all shutdown plant
modes where automatic protection signals no longer exist or are actuated with
long delay.
II.2.6. Structure
(1) Diagnosis valid for all plant modes based on reliable plant information
available in the control room;
(2) Optimal recovery of incident and accident situations up to core damage;
(3) Continuous safety function monitoring for recovery actions when the
safety functions are challenged due to degradation of the situation, multi-
failures and/or human errors;
(4) Local action sheets referenced in the set of procedures and to be
implemented by field operators.
Both EdF reference sets of EOPs have four separate procedures: for the
reactor operator, for the water and steam (turbine) operator, for the shift
supervisor (containing a combination of reactor, water and steam operator
procedures) and for the safety engineer. All procedures are in the colour flow
chart format (paper based). The recent four loop N4 plants have fully
computerized procedures (with computerized operating actions actuated from
the operator video display units) as well as a complete backup paper based set
of procedures for operating from the auxiliary panel if the computer system
The ‘symptom/state based’ EOP package is structured as follows:
(a) One initial diagnosis procedure without safety injection actuation and
another one with safety injection actuation. These procedures are
implemented by the supervisor and by the operators.
(b) A set of symptom based procedures for recovery actions dealing with
incidents (I procedures), DBAs (A procedures) and BDBAs (H
procedures). These are scenario dependent procedures and implemented
by the supervisor and the operators.
(c) One state based procedure for ultimate recovery actions when I, A and H
procedures have become ineffective (U procedure). This is diagnosed and
initiated by the safety engineer through his continuous safety function
monitoring and constitutes the ultimate non-optimized recovery actions
before potentially going to SAGs. This procedure is scenario independent
and implemented by the supervisor and the operators.
(d) One state based continuous safety function monitoring procedure for
continuous diagnosis and complementary actions when I, A, H
procedures are in force and the residual heat removal system is not
connected, and another one when the residual heat removal system is
connected. Both procedures are scenario independent and implemented
by the safety engineer.
(e) One state based continuous safety function monitoring procedure for
continuous diagnosis and complementary actions when the U procedure
is in force. This procedure is scenario independent and implemented by
the safety engineer.
(1) The set of EOPs is scenario independent: diagnosis and operation are not
related to specific events but to the state of the plant.
(2) A limited number of representative states can be used to define the
diagnosis, the EOPs, the safety priorities and the operating strategies.
(3) Each EOP has a limited number of operating strategies organized in
sequences. Each sequence contains operating actions, important system
surveillance, support system surveillance and a continuous diagnosis
(loop structured).
(4) The continuous diagnosis at the end of each operating sequence induces
the operator either to restart at the beginning of the sequence or change
to another operating sequence or to another EOP.
(5) The systematic surveillance detects the loss of different support functions
(electrical sources, air, cooling water sources). A separate action sheet is
then used to guide the operator.
(6) The systematic surveillance detects the loss of systems which are required
for implementing the operating strategy. An alternate system is then
proposed to the operator (substitution).
(7) Concurrent with the use of team EOPs, a continuous state monitoring
procedure is used by the safety engineer, providing the major safety
actions with an additional degree of redundancy. This procedure provides
a direct link with the states and actions to be taken independently of the
operational logic diagram used by the control room operators.
(i) One initial diagnosis procedure when the residual heat removal system is
not connected and another when the residual heat removal system is
connected. This is implemented by the supervisor and the operators.
(ii) A limited set of state based procedures for recovery actions with graded
response from no state functions challenged to several state functions
challenged, valid for all plant modes. This set is implemented by the
supervisor and the operators. For example, the reactor operator has four
procedures for non-shutdown plant modes, two procedures for shutdown
modes with RCS closed, and one procedure for shutdown mode with
RCS open.
(iii) Two continuous state monitoring procedures providing an additional
degree of redundancy on the major safety actions (one for RCS closed
and one for RCS open). These procedures are implemented by the safety
(iv) A set of action sheets for loss of support functions and restoration, valid
for all plant modes.
(v) The impact of fire on operations is built into the EOPs through separate
fire action sheets.
Each EOP flow chart is entered whenever any of its prescribed entry
conditions occurs, irrespective of whether that procedure has already been
entered or is presently being executed. An EOP flow chart is exited when
either an exit condition specified in the procedure is satisfied or it is
determined that an emergency no longer exists. After a procedure has been
entered, subsequent clearing of all entry conditions for that procedure is not,
by itself, a conclusive indication that an emergency no longer exists. If an EOP
has already been entered and a new entry condition is reached, that procedure
will be re-entered and all steps addressed again from the beginning of the
GEOG EOP flow charts are designed to contain sufficient top level
guidance as needed to implement the strategy that achieves the EOP
objectives. Any guidance beyond this level may be a distraction to the user and
impede the achievement of procedure objectives in rapidly progressing
transients and is therefore not included in the flow chart procedures. However,
this supporting information is available to the operator in basis documents
located in the control room. Additionally, a great effort is made to replace text
with quickly and easily recognized icons.
The amount of training on EOP bases that will be afforded to the user is a
factor in determining the level of detail required in an EOP. The more training
that can be provided, the more information can be relegated to memory,
leaving less procedural information. Other factors that were considered are the
complexity of the strategies, the command and management structure invoked
in the control room, the prevalence of instrumentation and controls to manage
parameters specified in the EOP, and the number and experience of operators
available on-shift to carry out EOP actions.
GEOG EOPs are organized into four flow charts (primary procedures)
supported by six contingency procedures. The four primary EOP flow charts
The RPV control EOP is designed to maintain adequate core cooling,
shutdown of the reactor, and decrease RPV temperature to ‘cold shutdown’
conditions. Entry into this procedure is required at an RPV water level below
(low level scram set point), RPV pressure above (high pressure scram set
point), drywell pressure above (high pressure scram set point), and SCRAM
condition and reactor power above a certain value (average power range
monitor downscale trip) or reactor power cannot be determined.
The PC control EOP is designed to provide a barrier to the uncontrolled
release of fission products, contain and condense steam discharged through the
safety relief valves and primary cooling system breaks, shield personnel from
radiation emitted by the reactor, and provide a protected environment for key
equipment important to safety. Entry into this procedure is required at a
suppression pool temperature above the limiting condition for operation
(LCO), a drywell temperature above LCO, a containment temperature above
LCO, a drywell pressure above the high pressure scram set point, a suppression
pool water level above maximum level LCO, a suppression pool water level
below minimum level LCO, and an SC hydrogen concentration above the
alarm set point.
The SC control EOP is designed to maintain SC integrity, limit
radioactivity release to and from the SC, and protect equipment in the SC.
Entry into this procedure is required at an SC pressure at or above atmospheric
pressure, an area temperature above the maximum normal operating
temperature, a cooler differential temperature above the maximum normal for
operation, an exhaust fan radiation level above the maximum normal for
operation, an area radiation level above the maximum normal for operation, a
floor drain sump water level above the maximum normal for operation, and an
area water level above the maximum normal for operation.
The RR control EOP is designed to establish a basis for isolating systems
and controlling RPV pressure to minimize the off-site release of radioactivity
and provide the interface/transition between the site emergency plan and the
symptomatic control of RPV, PC and SC parameters. Entry into this procedure
is required at radiation release levels requiring declaration of an alert.
If parameters cannot be stabilized using the four primary EOPs the
operator will be directed to transition to one of the following contingency
procedures, employing more severe mitigation strategies:
(a) The alternate level control contingency procedure contains more detailed
instructions on the use of injection systems.
(b) The emergency RPV depressurization contingency procedure contains
additional guidance on establishing or maintaining adequate core cooling,
terminating or minimizing discharge from a primary system break,
minimizing RR from the RPV, reducing the energy contained in the RPV
before conditions are reached at which the pressure suppression system is
ineffective, and maximizing injection flow into the RPV.
(c) The steam cooling contingency procedure provides guidance on the
optimization of heat transfer to the remaining RPV coolant inventory.
(d) The RPV flooding contingency procedure provides guidance to ensure
adequate core cooling by a combination of submergence and steam
(e) The level/power control contingency procedure provides guidance to
ensure that the reactor will remain shut down under all conditions.
(f) The SC flooding contingency procedure provides guidance on the
restoration of adequate core cooling through core submergence.
The CEOG EOP methodology, approach and format are very similar to
WOG ERGs, with minor differences in terminology and structure. The
elements of the EOP structure remain the same. Although some differences in
the procedural format exist between different plants, emergency procedure
guidelines (EPGs) are generally written in a dual column format. One column
lists operator instructions and the opposite column defines contingency actions.
The key elements of the EPG package are:
The standard post-trip actions procedure serves as the stepping stone into
the Combustion Engineering EPG structure. EPGs may not be entered and
used for guidance until a manual or automatic reactor trip has been initiated or
conditions exist that should have resulted in an automatic reactor trip.
Regardless of the reactor trip initiating event, the standard post-trip actions
procedure will be the first EPG utilized. Entry and utilization of another EPG
of any type may not take place until completion of the post-trip actions. The
standard post-trip actions procedure serves three basic functions, as follows:
(1) All relevant safety functions are checked against acceptance criteria to
show the operator the entire status of plant safety;
(2) The check of safety functions provides the operator with objective
decision making criteria as to whether action is required in the short term
to restore plant safety;
(3) The status check distinguishes between an uncomplicated reactor trip
(e.g. one caused by technician error) and more complex events.
ORGs are used to treat specific symptom sets that are identifiable or can
be diagnosed following a reactor trip. As indicated earlier, the standard post-
trip actions are performed before an ORG is implemented. The emphasis in
the ORGs is on treatment of a set of symptoms according to an optimal
strategy, as contrasted to treatment of a specific event. One of the first recovery
actions will be to assess the safety functions against specific acceptance criteria
using an ORG specific safety function status check. This serves a dual purpose.
First, it is a check to verify that all safety functions are being satisfied. Second,
it provides a means of verifying that the initial diagnosis was correct. If the
guideline in use is adequately treating the symptoms the treatment is
continued. If the treatment is inadequate, either because new symptoms appear
that are not covered in the guideline or because the observed symptoms are not
properly responding, each ORG has a step that requires the operators to exit
the ORG and to implement an FRG. The checking process using the safety
function status check continues as long as the guideline is in use. This is the way
the EPG system manages multiple, significant failures or misdiagnosed
symptom sets. Combustion Engineering ORGs that reflect specific symptom
based event sets are as follows:
(a) Reactor trip;
(b) Loss of coolant accident (LOCA);
(c) Steam generator tube rupture (SGTR);
(d) Excess steam demand event (ESDE);
(e) Loss of all feedwater (LOAF);
(f) Loss of forced circulation (LOFC);
(g) Loss of off-site power (LOOP);
(h) Station blackout (SB).
(success paths) to provide guidance in re-establishing safety functions,
depending on the severity of the challenge.
Safety function status checks are basic tools used for directing the
operating crew between the ORGs and the function recovery guidelines and
between scenario dependent and scenario independent activities. Each ORG
has its own safety function status check that must be used whenever an ORG is
in use. This is accomplished by comparing control board indications to safety
function acceptance criteria tailored for each class of event. Monitoring of the
safety functions is started early in the accident and is done continuously by a
dedicated member of the control room crew (e.g. safety engineer). Continuous
monitoring provides a diagnosis of the safety status of the plant barriers,
independent of the activities performed according to the event related
procedures in effect. Based on the severity of the challenge to a specific safety
function the operators are directed into a recovery guideline. After restoration
of the safety function, and assuming a success path has been satisfied for all
safety functions, the operator proceeds according to guidance provided under
the functional recovery guidelines’ long term actions.
(3) Other specific EOP diagnosis parameters;
(4) Main turbine parameters (MTPs).
The CSPs are a small set of parameters whose status, over a determined
limit, indicates a threat to or a deterioration in the integrity of the safety
barriers. For all CSPs, a restoration guide has been prepared aiming at the re-
establishment of the parameters within acceptable limits or the mitigation of
the consequences.
The CSPs are:
The MSPs are a larger set of parameters and they give, if maintained
within determined limits, a sure indication that the reactor power is under
control, that the fuel is adequately cooled and that the radioactivity is properly
contained. All the CSPs are included in the MSPs. Monitoring of MSPs aims to
confirm the response of the plant and helps to anticipate deterioration of the
general plan conditions. Some parameters other than CSPs and MSPs, which
are key elements in the diagnosis of scenario dependent EOPs, must also be
monitored continuously. The monitoring of this third category of parameters
helps to re-actualize the diagnosis during the use of a scenario dependent EOP.
The MTPs are a small set of parameters and they give, if kept within
predetermined limits, a sure indication that the turbine integrity is not
threatened while unloading or decelerating.
Several computer display bar charts are specially dedicated to rapidly
monitor those very important parameters (CSPs, MSPs, MTPs and other
parameters of scenario dependent EOP diagnosis).
This global approach aims at facing any abnormal situation. This
approach consists of nine major stages:
(3) Actions in the main control room (MCR) prior to evacuation and actions
in the secondary control area if the MCR becomes inoperative and/or
(4) Verification and completion of the actions of emergency core cooling, if
automatically actuated;
(5) Continuous monitoring of CSPs, MSPs, MTPs and other parameters of
scenario dependent EOP diagnosis;
(6) Restoration of the subcooling margin, if required;
(7) Diagnosis;
(8) Application of scenario dependent procedures:
— Common mode event EOP,
— EOP,
— Alarm sheet procedure,
— Abnormal operating manual procedure,
— Abnormal general operating procedure;
(9) Criteria to reset a shut down system after a trip and increase power.
The design criteria for KWU plants specify that no manual intervention
by the plant staff be necessary for at least 30 minutes following an initiating
event leading to an internal accident and 10 hours following an external impact.
During this time the plant is automatically controlled by the reactor protection
system and other automatic protection measures. Internal accidents are
accidents originating within the plant. External impacts are earthquakes,
pressure waves caused by explosions and aircraft crashing into a nuclear power
plant installation.
The CSFs are permanently monitored using, on the one hand, specified
individual parameters such as pressure, temperature and liquid level and on the
other hand using the PRISCA® process information system that displays all
CSFs graphically on monitors. The process information system also displays
Actions carried out in parallel
All MSPs within Verification of the criteria to reset SDS
Safety function stable
acceptable limits and to increase the power (EOP)
a diagnostic logic tree with the help of which the operator can, in the majority
of cases, identify the accident initiating event. After a positive identification,
the appropriate event oriented procedure is selected and carried out. In this
case, event oriented procedures are preferable as they constitute an optimized,
simulator verified procedure which brings the plant to a safe shutdown
condition with the least thermal and mechanical stresses to the plant
components. While the event oriented procedure is carried out, the CSFs are,
at all times, monitored in parallel.
Should the event oriented procedure not be successful, i.e. should, due to
additional failures, erroneous diagnosis, human errors or any other reason, a
CSF be challenged, the event oriented procedure will be abandoned and the
control room staff will concentrate on monitoring the CSF. Uniquely defined
CSF criteria alert staff to a CSF being challenged and preparatory measures
(e.g. starting a pump) are taken. Another more severe criterion is used to
determine a violation of a CSF and the appropriate measures to restore the
CSF are then taken. These different criteria, which constitute a certain
graduation, take into account the finite time required by the staff between
recognizing the situation, preparing the necessary measures and carrying them
The CSF approach and event oriented accident management approach
are not mutually exclusive. They are two complementary methods for dealing
with an accident. The fulfilment of CSFs guarantees the safety of the reactor at
any stage of an accident, regardless of the ability to identify the initiating event
or despite the occurrence of multiple failures. The event oriented procedures,
on the other hand, help in the case of positive identification of the initiating
event to transfer the plant into a safe condition in such a way as to minimize
thermal and mechanical stresses.
diagram and the more detailed instructions needed by the control room
operator to carry out a specific procedure is clarified through the use of special
graphic elements.
If the same manual measures appear more than once in any particular
flow diagram it is unnecessary to repeat the corresponding detailed
instructions. Hence, another advantage of the modular structure is that the
overall number of pages in the manual is significantly reduced, thus increasing
its manageability.
An event oriented accident procedure, which is entered after identifying
the initiating event, consists principally of:
beyond design basis accident. Accident conditions more severe than a design
basis accident.
design basis. The range of conditions and events taken explicitly into account in
the design of a facility, according to established criteria, such that the
facility can withstand them without exceeding authorized limits by the
planned operation of safety systems. Used as a noun, with the definition
above. Also often used as an adjective, applied to specific categories of
conditions or events to mean ‘included in the design basis’ as, for
example, in design basis accident, design basis external events, design
basis earthquake, etc.
design basis accident. Accident conditions against which a nuclear power plant
is designed according to established design criteria, and for which the
damage to the fuel and the release of radioactive material are kept within
authorized limits.
operational limits and conditions. A set of rules setting forth parameter limits,
the functional capability and the performance levels of equipment and
personnel approved by the safety authorities for safe operation of an
authorized facility.
plant equipment.
Plant equipment
plant states.
Beyond design
basis accidents
Anticipated Design
Normal Severe
operational basis
operation accidents
occurrences a accidents b
Accident management
Accident conditions which are not explicitly considered design basis accidents but are encompassed by them.
Beyond design basis accidents without significant core degradation.
severe accident. Accident conditions more severe than a design basis accident
and involving significant core degradation.
Vayssier, G.L.C.M. Nuclear Safety Consultancy, Netherlands
Consultants Meetings