Why we get addicted
Why we get addicted
Why we get addicted
Discover how our brains can be
tricked into wanting more and more
ddiction is a biopsychosocial flood the dopamine system and cause it
disorder, meaning that its to release abnormally large amounts of
occurrence is a combination neurotransmitters. They also disrupt the
of a person’s biology, mental cycling of dopamine to make its presence
health and societal factors. last longer. These drugs can trigger the
It’s typically associated with a dependency release of between two and ten times the
on different harmful substances or amount of dopamine that is naturally
behaviours, such as the use of narcotics, produced from normal pleasurable
alcohol or gambling, but can also apply to experiences, such as eating food.
overdoing anything that leads to harm. The point at which we become addicted
What unites addictions is their ability is when our brains adapt to the presence of
to increase the levels of dopamine in the this excess dopamine. When that excess is
body. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter missing, the body craves it. When the body
that’s made in the brain. When it’s released, experiences these false ‘hits’ of dopamine,
it activates the nucleus accumbens, also over time it will begin to start reducing the
known as the pleasure centre of the brain. level of naturally produced dopamine and
Outside of addiction, dopamine is released
during pleasurable experiences, such as
getting food, watching a film or anything
that brings you joy. However, this built-in
reward system can be hijacked by other
substances and damaging behaviours.
Some substances, such as heroin,
marijuana and nicotine, mimic the presence
of a chemical messenger that activates
nerve cells called neurons. When activated,
neurons generate electrical signals to
tell the brain to release dopamine. Other
substances, like cocaine or amphetamines,
A!er just one puff, nicotine can get its claws into you
Without the presence of Within the first few seconds Once nicotine has At the point of addiction,
nicotine, neurons operate of inhaling the smoke of a been used up and is neuron receptors wait for the
normally, activated by a cigare#e, nicotine binds to no longer present, arrival of nicotine and the
type of neurotransmi#er neuron receptors that normally receptors return to body craves the resulting rush
called acetylcholine. bind with acetylcholine. normal function. of dopamine.