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Section d’assaut (hommage à Vae Victis) Putot-en-Bessin-1

Scénario SK Design : Laurent Martin

Putot en Bessin, Normandie, 8 June 1944

The Royal Winnipeg Rifles, belonging to the 7th Brigade of the 3rd Canadian
Infantry Division disembarked on the 6th of June in the sector of Courcelles,
where they suffered heavy losses. The next day they were sent to occupy
Putot-en-Bessin; on their way, they brushed aside elements of the Panzer
Lehr Division, but soon they were to be threatened by an altogether
different enemy…
Determined to push the allies back into the sea, the redoubtable 12th
SS Panzer Division, “Hitler Youth” had just taken up their positions
in the face of the Canadian troops. On the 8th at dawn the German
A casualty of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division receives Grenadiers started to assault the village.
first aid

Victory Conditions : Balance : Mapboard : 

The German player wins if he takes Canadian: Replace a German 9-2 with a 8-1
control of two of the three buildings German: Remove one Canadian MMG

K9, S5, or Z3.
Hexrows I-GG inclusive in play only.

Canadian sets up first 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

German moves first
Elements of C company of the Royal Winnipeg Rifles Set up by SSR1 ELR 3

6 6 4 2 2 3 2

Elements of the 7th company, 26th Panzergrenadier Rgt, 12th SS Panzer Division. Set up North of road I5 – Q1 ELR 4

6 6 2 2 4

Scenario Special Rules: 3) German Elite units are granted a broken morale 1 higher than that
on the reverse side of the counter.
1) The Canadian player has three deployment hexes: K8, Q3, W7. He
must set up a minimum of 4 MMC, 1 leader, and 1 SW at a maximum of
two hexes from each deployment hex.

2) The German player has 2 mortar attacks from off-board – 1 attack

maximum per turn. At the start of his prep fire phase, he may choose a Consequences :
target hex within the LOS of one of his leaders. He makes a dr: on a
result of 1-4 contact with the mortar unit is established, and the fire After the first furious assault, the Germans over-ran
mission takes place. At the start of the Advancing Fire Phase on the same
turn, the attack is resolved. He makes another dr with a -2 DRM. The
the Canadian first lines, and tightened the noose
result (0-4) represents the distance in hexes from the target hex where the around the Royal Winnipegs, who were in serious
salvo lands. A result of 0 means the target hex is hit. If the result is not 0, danger of becoming encircled.
a third dr is made to determine the direction of error. 1=N, 2= NE, 3=SE,
4=S, 5=SW, 6=NW. ALL units in the resultant target hex AND the six
The Canadian riflemen withstood, come what may,
hexes around it are hit with a 120mm Mortar attack – One 12 FP attack holding out for reinforcements which would be late in
DR per hex in the 7 hex cluster, modified by TEM is made. If contact is arriving.
not established during the Prep Fire Phase, another attempt may be made
during the following friendly Prep Fire Phase, and so on until the two fire
missions are exhausted, or the game ends. The leader that attempts
contact with the off-board mortar unit is marked with a Prep Fire counter. Translation : Eddy Houghton

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