library work
library work
library work
Thermodynamics is both a branch of physics and an engineering science. It generally deals with energy
and with relationships among the properties of matter.
Thermodynamics is often described as the study of energy conversion involving heat. It’s historical roots
are found in the quest to develop heat engines, devices that use heat to produce mechanical work.
The name thermodynamics stems from the Greek work there (heat) and dynamics (power).
Thermodynamics can be defined as the science of energy. It deals with equilibrium states and changes
from one equilibrium state to another. One of its most fundamental nature is the conservation of energy
(Thermodynamics an Engineering Approach 3rd Ed. By Yumus A. Cengel and Michael A. Boles)
1. The calculation of heat and work effects associated with process as well as the calculation of the
maximum work obtainable from a process or the minimum work required to drive a process
2. The establishment of relationships among variables describing systems at equilibrium
Thermodynamics is a science which comprises the study of energy transformation and of the
relationships among the various physical quantities or properties of substances which are affected by
these transformation.
Thermodynamics, in the broadest sense, is that branch of physics which deals with forms,
transformation and evaluation of energy. Thermodynamics is concerned with both thermal and
mechanical properties of substance and their measurement, incident to the development of useful
engineering knowledge.