freightliner air tank-Internal Check Valve

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Air Reservoir 42.

Internal Check Valve Replacement

Internal Check Valve

Replacement, Two-Chamber
Air Reservoir
General Information
Contamination in two-chamber, wet/secondary, reser-
voirs may cause the inline check valve to become
clogged or stuck closed. This can result in insufficient
air buildup. If insufficient air buildup is noted, replace
the check valve. If the check valve can not be re-
moved (due to corrosion), it is acceptable to install a
bypass line.
10/12/2006 f130126
There are two styles of check valves that may have
been installed in the tank. An internal check valve is Fig. 1, Accessing the Internal Check Valve
threaded into the internal wall that separates the wet
side and secondary side of the reservoir. Or an ex- 1
ternal check valve is mounted in a port on the top
surface of the reservoir.
2 3
Internal Check Valve
Replacement (located in the
separator wall of the reservoir) A
1. Park the vehicle on a level surface, shut down 10/12/2005 f130127
the engine, and set the parking brake. Chock the A. Tank cut away for clarity.
tires. 1. Interior Wall
2. Check Valve
2. Drain the air reservoir. 3. Socket with Extension
3. Disconnect the air lines and remove the reservoir Fig. 2, Cutaway View of Split Air Reservoir
from the vehicle.
4. On the supply (wet) side of the reservoir, discon- CAUTION
nect the pressure-protection valve, and the 90-
degree elbow located on the end of the reservoir. Take care not to drop the check valve into the
5. The check valve is located on the interior wall reservoir when removing or installing it. The res-
that separates the sides of the reservoir. To ervoir can not be used if the check valve is lost
reach it, use a 1/4-inch drive, 1/2-inch deep-well in it. A loose check valve could scratch the teflon
socket with a 1/4- to 3/8-inch drive adapter, and coating of the interior of the reservoir, causing it
necessary 3/8-inch extensions to reach the to corrode. If the check valve is not recoverable,
valve. Tape the socket and extensions, to ensure replace the reservoir.
the valve will stay in the socket, and that the 6. Install a new check valve.
wrench assembly will stay together inside the
tank. Insert the socket assembly through the end 7. Attach the pressure-protection valve and the 90-
port of the reservoir, and remove the valve. See degree elbow.
Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. 8. Install the reservoir on the vehicle and attach the
air lines.
9. Charge the air system and inspect for leaks.

Columbia Workshop Manual, Supplement 14, June 2006 130/1

42.06 Air Reservoir
Internal Check Valve Replacement

10. Remove the chocks from the tires. 6. Remove the chocks from the tires.

Internal Check Valve Bypass Line Installation

Replacement (located in the side Check with the PDC for the appropriate bypass line
port of the reservoir) kit for your vehicle.
1. Park the vehicle on a level surface, shut down
1. Park the vehicle on a level surface, shut down
the engine, and set the parking brake. Chock the
the engine, and set the parking brake. Chock the
2. Drain the air reservoir.
2. Drain the air reservoir.
3. On the top port on both sides of the reservoir,
3. Remove the check valve assembly from the top
disconnect the existing plumbing from the tank.
port on the reservoir. See Fig. 3 and Fig. 4.
Install a T-fitting, and connect the existing plumb-
ing to the top port of the T-fitting. See Fig. 5.
4. On the secondary (dry) side of the reservoir, on
the side port of the T-fitting, install a check valve,
then a 45-degree elbow.
5. On the supply (wet) side of the reservoir, on the
side port of the T-fitting, install the straight brass
6. Install a 1/2-inch air line between the 45-degree
elbow on the secondary (dry) side, and the brass
fitting on the supply (wet) side.
12/06/2005 f130128
A. Check valve is located in this port. 7. Charge the air system and inspect for leaks.

Fig. 3, Check Valve Location

8. Remove the chocks from the tires.

10/14/2005 f130129
1. Check Valve
2. Tank Shell (cut away)

Fig. 4, Cutaway View of the Check Valve Installation

4. Install a new check valve.

5. Charge the air system and inspect for leaks.

130/2 Columbia Workshop Manual, Supplement 14, June 2006

Air Reservoir 42.06
Internal Check Valve Replacement

1 1
2 6 2

12/06/2005 f130130
1. Existing Plumbing 3. Check Valve 5. 1/2-Inch Air Line
2. T-Fitting 4. 45-Degree Elbow 6. Brass Fitting
Fig. 5, Check Valve Bypass

Columbia Workshop Manual, Supplement 14, June 2006 130/3

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