New Projection of Lines
New Projection of Lines
New Projection of Lines
Projections of Lines
Problem Set 1: Inclined to Both Planes (TL & TI given, draw projections)
1. A line AB, 75 mm long is inclined at 45O to the HP and 30O to VP. End A is 20 mm
above HP and 30mm in front of VP. Draw all three projections.
2. A 50 mm long line has one end in both the HP & VP. It is inclined at 30O to the HP &
45O to the VP. Draw all three projections.
3. A line CD measuring 70 mm has its end C is 20 mm above the HP and 15 mm in front
of the VP. The other end D is 50 mm above the HP and 60 mm in front of the VP.
Draw the front & top views of the line & find the inclinations of the line to the
principal planes.
4. A line PQ 80 mm long has one of its ends 15 mm above HP and 10 mm in front of the
VP. The end Q is 55 mm above HP. The distance between their end projectors is 50
mm when measured along the XY. Draw the front & top views of the line and
determine the true inclinations.
5. The front view of a line 70 mm long is inclined at 45O to the XY line and measures 65
mm. One end of the line is in the VP and 15 mm above the HP. Draw the projections
to determine the true inclinations.
6. A 75 mm long line has one end in the HP and the other is in the VP. It is inclined at
30O to the HP and 45O to the VP. Draw its projections.
7. A line EF measuring 80 mm is inclined at 30O to HP & 60O to VP. E is in HP & F is in
VP. Draw its projections.
Problem Set 2: Inclined to Both Planes (Projections given, find TL & TI)
8. The distance between the end projectors of a line MN is 70 mm. M is 15 mm above
the HP and 10 mm in front of the VP. The line appears to be 90 mm in the front view.
Draw the projections and determine the TL & TI if the end N is 35 mm in front of the
9. The top view of a line is 75 mm long and it’s inclined at 45O to XY. One end of the line
is in both the HP & VP. The other end of the line is 65 mm above the HP and in front
of the VP. Determine true length & true inclinations.
10. The top view of the line CD measures 80 mm and makes an angle of 30O with the XY.
The end D is in the HP while C is in the VP and 50 mm above HP. Draw the
projections of the line to determine the true length and true inclinations.
11. Draw the projections of a line RS if the distance between the end projectors is 65
mm. The end R is in the HP & 25 mm in front of VP. The end S is in VP and 50 mm
above the HP. Find the TI & TL.
12. Draw a projection of a 100 mm line if it is inclined at 45° to the HP & 30° to the VP.
One end is in the HP while the other is in the VP. Find the shortest distance between
the line and the point of intersection of the planes of projection.
13. The projection of a line AB measures 80 mm in the top view 70 mm in the front view.
The mid-point of the line is 45 mm in front of the VP and 35 mm above the HP. One
end of the line is 10 mm in front of the VP & closer to it. The other end is closer to
the HP. Draw the projections of the line to determine the true length and
14. A line AB 100 mm long measures 80 mm in front view and 70 mm in top view. The
midpoint M of the line is 40 mm from both HP and VP. Draw its projections. Find its
15. A line MN measures 60 mm. Its top view & front view measure 42 mm & 48 mm
respectively. A point P on the line divides MN in a ratio of 1:2. The point P is at 40
mm from both the planes. Draw the projections of the line and find the true and
apparent inclinations.