Binbin CHEN,1) Zhixun XIA,1)† Liya HUANG,1) Likun MA,1) and Gang LONG2)
College of Aerospace Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, Hunan 410073, China
Xi’an Modern Control Technology Research Institute, Xi’an, Shanxi 710065, China
In this study we report an experimental research on the characteristics of combustion chamber in a solid propellant
ducted rocket (SPDR) with a chin type inlet. Two kinds of propellants are tested, including boron-based solid propellant
and hydrocarbon solid propellant. A new configuration of the SPDR with swirling flow is proposed. Effects on combustion
characteristic of swirling flow, chamber length, propellant type and equivalence ratio are conducted. Results show that
combustion efficiency based on temperature rise of the SPDR with swirling flow can reach 95%, which is 7% higher than
the one without swirling flow. Furthermore, the swirler used in this study offers a significant effect on thermal protection.
The combustion efficiency of hydrocarbon fuel-rich propellant is lower than that of boron-based fuel-rich propellant, and
the SPDR using hydrocarbon propellant suffers from an ignition delay problem. When equivalence ratio decreases, com-
bustion efficiency of the SPDR without swirling flow remains the same, whereas combustion efficiency of the SPDR with
swirling flow increases first and then decreases.
Key Words: Combustion Characteristic, Solid Propellant Ducted Rocket, Experimental Investigation, Swirling Flow,
Propellant Type
Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., Vol. 62, No. 5, 2019
inlet type10,14–17) and chamber configuration.18–22) hydrocarbon propellant is composed of 35% AP, 25% HTPB
However, most of these studies are forced on SPDRs with and 40% C11H14.
four inlets or two inlets, combustion characteristics of According to the burn rate formula of propellant (formula
SPDRs with chin inlets are not found in open literature. (3)), we can find that the mass flow rate of primary fuel-rich
The chin type inlet could achieve high performance over a gas can be varied by changing the pressure of gas generator,
wide range of Mach numbers, altitudes and angles of at- the pressure of gas generator is controlled by the area of the
tack,23) but it suffer from bad mixing and combustion per- gas generator throat. Therefore, the mass flow rate of primary
formance. Thus, combustion characteristics of SPDRs with fuel-rich gas can be varied by changing the area of the gas
a chin type inlet should be investigated to improve the com- generator throat. The generator throat and the nozzle throat
bustion performance. are made by graphite, and will be replaced during every test.
In current study, combustion characteristics of a SPDR Schematic of the test ducted chamber is shown in Fig. 2,
with a chin type inlet were investigated experimentally, a the detailed geometric specifications are summarised in
new swirler was designed and used to achieve high combus- Table 1. Swirling flow could improve the mixing and com-
tion performance. The influences of swirling flow, chamber bustion performance of SPDRs,24) thus, two types of cham-
length, propellant type and equivalence ratio (ER) were ana- ber with a chin inlet are tested in this study: a chamber with-
lyzed. The connected-pipe apparatus, the test SPDR and data out swirler and another with a swirler. The swirler (Fig. 3) is
processing method are presented in Section 2. In Section 3, very simple, it has a central cylindrical inner wall with a
the test results are provided and the influences of structural 50 mm diameter and a cylindrical–divergent outer wall. It
parameters, propellant type and ER on the combustion char- is designed for installation in the dome region, the primary
acteristics of the SPDR are discussed. Thereafter, conclu- fuel rich gas decelerates to subsonic after flowing through in-
sions are summarized. ner wall of the swirler, the ducted air flows to sidewall of the
chamber and generates a pair of reverse eddies through outer
2. Experimental Apparatus and Data Acquisition wall of the swirler. The Streamline of the SPDR with a swir-
ler is shown in Fig. 4.
2.1. Experimental apparatus The swirl number can be physically defined as the ratio of
As shown in Fig. 1, the connected-pipe test facility used in axial fluxes of swirl and linear momentum divided by a char-
this study comprises a vitiated air heater, a thrust stand and a acteristic radius.22) In the study, the swirl number is calcu-
test ducted rocket. Ethanol, oxygen and air are used to gen- lated at the exit of swirler and is 0.17.
erate hot air in the vitiated air heater, thereby simulating the
stagnation parameters at a certain flight condition. The pa-
rameters include a total temperature of 625 K, and a stagna-
tion pressure of 0.97 MPa, which represents the flight condi-
tion at an altitude of 10 km, and a Mach number of 3.0. The
stagnation pressure is maintained by the mass flow rate of hot
air and the nozzle area at the exit of air heater.
2.2. Test SPDR
The test SPDR includes a chin type inlet, a gas generator, a
ducted chamber and a nozzle. The chin inlet is simplified as a Fig. 2. Schematic of an SPDR chamber with a swirler.
rectangular inlet with a small inlet angle for the laboratory-
scale tests. The gas generator is a small rocket. The nozzle Table 1. Geometries of the chamber.
contains a convergent part with 45 degrees, a columniform Parameter Size Parameter Size
part and an expand part of about 15 degrees. The nozzle Lc (mm) 730/580 Dc (mm) 100
throat is varied to keep chamber pressure. L1 (mm) 53.4 Dg (mm) 76
Two types of propellant are tested in this study: boron- L2 (mm) 132 Dg2 (mm) 88
La (mm) 25 # (degrees) 30
based fuel-rich propellant and hydrocarbon fuel-rich propel- Lb (mm) 75
lant. The boron-based propellant mainly contains 33%
ammonium perchlorate (AP), 29% hydroxyl-terminated pol-
ybutadiene (HTPB), 33% boron (B) and 5% magnesium. The
a b
Fig. 8. Comparison of pressure evolutions between tests with and without
swirling flow.
a b
This work was funded by the National Natural Science Founda- Toru Shimada
tion of China (No. 51406231 and No. 11572349). Associate Editor