What is an atom?
The ancient Greeks first developed the idea of atomic theory and thought of
atoms as being the smallest building blocks of matter. They considered the
idea of taking an amount of a substance, such as water, and dividing it into
smaller portions. They knew that when a cup of water was poured into two
smaller cups, the two smaller portions of water would have the same
properties as the initial cup – it would still be the same substance. However,
they thought that there would be a limit to how many times you could go on
dividing the water. Eventually, they concluded, you would have the smallest
amount of water possible that could not be divided any further while still
having the properties of water. They called this smallest amount an atom.
The word atom itself derives from the Greek meaning “indivisible”.
In the late 18th century, chemists studied the quantities of matter used in
chemical reactions and realized that the relative amounts of matter involved
were always in fixed ratios. This led to them drawing the conclusion that the
fixed ratio of chemicals was due to the fact that the chemicals came in
discrete quantities – atoms. Chemists were then able to classify substances
as being either a compound, involving two or more different types of atom,
or an element, matter which only had one type of atom.
Chemists put the elements into an arrangement that they called the periodic
When a large nucleus emits an alpha particle, the remaining nucleus, often
called a daughter nucleus, is now smaller as it has lost two protons and two
neutrons. This can be written as a nuclear equation. For example, the
decay of americium-241(24195𝐴𝑚) can be written as:
A nucleus with too many neutrons can restore the balance and become
more stable if a neutron turns into a proton. If a neutron does this, it also
emits a high-speed electron from the nucleus. This is called a beta particle
and the process is called beta decay. The process by which a neutron turns
into a proton can be written as the equation:
The electron or beta particle is given the mass number 0 and the atomic
number -1 in order to balance the equation. An example of beta decay is
the decay of carbon-14. The most abundant isotope of carbon is carbon-12
which has six protons and six neutrons. Carbon-14 is much rarer as it has
two extra neutrons which make the nucleus unstable. The equation for the
decay of carbon-14 into nitrogen-14 is:
The total number of protons and neutrons remains the same, but by turning
one neutron into a proton, the balance in the number of protons and
neutrons is restored to seven of each. The general equation for a nucleus
decaying by beta emission is:
Beta-Minus Decay
• A beta-minus (β−) particle is a high-energy electron
o It has a charge of −1e.
• The nuclear notation for a beta-minus particle is:
• Beta-minus particles are usually emitted by unstable nuclei with too many neutrons
• Beta-minus decay is when a neutron turns into a proton and emits an electron and an anti-
Beta-Plus Decay
• A beta-plus (β+) particle is a high-energy positron
o It is the antimatter particle of the electron
o It has a charge of +1e
• The nuclear notation for a beta-plus particle is:
• Beta-plus particles are usually emitted by unstable nuclei with too many protons
• Beta-plus decay is when a proton turns into a neutron and emits a positron and a neutrino
• Positrons have a proton number of +1, so overall:
o The proton number decreases by 1
The nucleon number remains the same.
Particle Charge Mass Role
Gamma decay does not involve a change in the structure of the nucleus,
hence the equation for gamma decay is: