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Explain Properties of Convolution

2. State Properties of Cross Correlation for Energy Signals.
3. Define Power Spectral Density and Energy Spectral Density
4. List out Different Sampling Techniques with help of Diagrams
5. Define ROC in Laplace and Z-Transforms with help of Diagrams
6. Write Auto and cross Correlation formulas
7. State Time and Frequency Convolution Theorems
8. State Sampling theorem
9. Give Advantages and Limitations of Laplace Transform
10. Find Z- Transform of Unit Impulse and Unit – Step Function and Draw their ROC’s.
1.What is an LTI system? Explain its properties. Derive an expression for the transfer function of an LTI system.
2. Obtain the impulse response of an LTI system defined by dy(t)/dt + 2y(t) = x(t). Also obtain the response of
this system when excited by e–2tu(t).
3.The input and impulse response to the system are given by x (t )=U ( t +2 ) and h ( t )=U ( t−3 ). Determine the
output of the system graphically.
4. Explain about Theorems of Convolution in detail.
5.Explain the detection of periodic signals in the presence of noise by cross correlation
6.Differentiate between PSD and ESD
7. Explain about Different Sampling Techniques with necessary diagrams and Equations.
8.Determine Nyquist rate and Nyquist Interval for
i) x (t )=1+ cos 2000 π t +sin 4000 π t
sin(4000 π t )
ii) ii) x (t )=
d 2 y ( t ) dy ( t )
9.A system described by a differential equation is given by − +12 y ( t )=x ( t ) and system is initially
dt dt
at rest. Determine it’s output when input x(t)= 4u(t)?
10.Find the Laplace Transform of the following: (i) te–at u(t) and
(ii) Cos(ω0t) u(t)
11. Compare and Contrast Laplace and Z - Transform.
12.Find the Z-Transform of the Signals i) δ (n−4) ii) x ( n )=a n U (n)
13.Discuss the properties of Convolution in detail
14.Find the Convolution of x 1 ( t )=e−2 t U ( t ) and
−4 t
x 2 ( t )=e U (t)
15.Explain the procedure for finding convolution using Graphical Method
16.Obtain the Convolution of following two functions x (t )= { 1 for−3 ≤ t ≤ 3
0 elsewhere

h ( t )= 2 for 0 ≤ t ≤ 3
0 elsewhere
17.Describe the properties of Cross correlation of energy and power signals.
18.State and Prove Sampling Theorem with necessary diagrams and equations
19.Determine the Nyquist Rate and Nyquist Interval for
1 1
i) x (t )= sinc ( 100 πt ) + sinc(50 πt)
2 3
ii) ii) x (t )=sinc ( 80 πt ) . sinc (120 πt )
20.Compare and Contrast Laplace and Fourier Transform.
21.Find the Laplace Transform of the signals
i) x (t )=U (−t ) ii) x (t )=e−t U (t ) +e−4 t U ( t ) and find their ROCs
22.Find the inverse of Z transform of X (Z) = Z / (3Z2 - 4Z+1).
23. State and prove the following properties of Z transform: (i) Time shifting, and (ii) Differentiation in z-

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