Lesson-9 (1)
Lesson-9 (1)
Lesson-9 (1)
Principles of Deductions
The deductions are legal, ordinary, actual and necessary expenses
of business or profession.
2. Matching Principle
Only expenses of generating income subject to regular tax is
3. Related party rule
All incomes between related parties are taxable but losses,
interest and bad debts are non-deductible.
4. Withholding rule
No withholding, no deduction. Withholding taxes includes final
taxes, withholding tax on compensation and expanded withholding
Related parties
1. Members of a family
2. Except in cases of distribution in liquidation, and the direct or
indirect controlling individual
3. Except in cases of distribution in liquidation, corporations under
direct or indirect common control by or for the same individual
4. Grantor and fiduciary of any trust
5. Fiduciaries of trusts with the same grantor
6. Fiduciary of a trust and beneficiary of such trust