dynamics calculations to find the lowest energy conformation followed by vinblastine and magnesium-ATP were indistinguishable. Blockers
another energy minimization to provide the final structure. of P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance also inhibited
Received 23 June; accepted 8 October 1997. LmrA-dependent drug resistance. Kinetic analysis of drug dis-
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resistance in pathogenic microorganisms. Taken together, they
demonstrate that bacterial LmrA and human P-glycoprotein are
functionally interchangeable and that this type of multidrug-
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A bacterial antibiotic-
resistance gene that
complements the human
P-glycoprotein gene
Hendrik W. van Veen*, Richard Callaghan†,
Loredana Soceneantu†, Alessandro Sardini‡,
Wil N. Konings* & Christopher F. Higgins†
* Department of Microbiology, Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and
Biotechnology Institute, University of Groningen, Kerklaan 30, 9751 NN Haren,
The Netherlands
† Imperial Cancer Research Fund Laboratories and Cancer Research Campaign
Drug Resistance Group, Nuffield Department of Clinical Biochemistry,
Institute of Molecular Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford,
Oxford OX3 9DS, UK
‡ Department of Physiology, King’s College London, The Strand,
London WC2R 2LS, UK
Figure 2 Drug-resistance phenotypes generated by LmrA expression in GM0637 refers to the half-maximal inhibitory concentration. c, Daunomycin resistance of cells
human lung fibroblast cells. a, Survival of cells expressing the wild-type (squares) expressing wild-type LmrA in the absence (A) and presence (L) of the P-glycoprotein
and K388M (circles) forms of LmrA, at increasing concentrations of ethidium modulator CP100 2 356 and the K388M form of LmrA in the absence (X) and
bromide. b, Drug-survival characteristics of mock-transfected cells (grey bars), and presence (O) of CP100 2 356. d, Effect of individual modulators on the daunomycin-
cells expressing wild-type (white bars) and K388M (black bars) forms of LmrA. IC50, resistance of cells expressing the wild-type (A) and K388M (B) forms of LmrA.
Genetic manipulations. The lmrA gene was amplified from pGKLmrA3 by
ACCATCACGATGACGATGACAAAGCC-39 to introduce an XbaI site, Kozak
sequence9, hexa-histidine tag, and enterokinase cleavage site at the 59-end of
lmrA, and the oligonucleotide 59-ATGGCCGACGTCGACTTATTATTGACC
AACAGTCAATTGTTCTGAAACATATTTAGC-39 to introduce a SalI site at the
39-end of lmrA. The K388M mutant form of LmrA was constructed by site-
directed mutagenesis of lmrA using the Altered Sites System (Promega) and the
CATCTTCTCACTTTTAGAACG-39. The wild-type and mutant lmrA genes
were cloned into the mammalian expression vector pCIneo (Promega) as
1,796-base-pair (bp) XbaI–SalI fragments, giving pCHLmrA and
pCHLmrAK388M, respectively, and sequenced to ensure that only the intended
changes had been introduced.
The wild-type lmrA gene and human MDR1 gene11 were inserted into the
genome of the Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus under the
control of the polyhedrin promoter using the BacPAK baculovirus expression
system (Clontech). The wild-type lmrA gene was subcloned from pCIneo into
the transfer vector pBacPAK9 as a 1,807-bp XbaI–NotI fragment. The human
MDR1 gene, together with a Kozak sequence9, was subcloned from pKSMDR1
(D. Gill, unpublished data) into the transfer vector pBacPAK9 using flanking
BamHI and XhoI restriction sites. To generate recombinant baculovirus
carrying the lmrA or MDR1 gene, the permissive host insect cell line Sf913
was cotransfected with modified transfer vector and linearized Bsu36 I-digested
BacPAK6 viral DNA by lipofection (Clontech). After isolation of recombinant
baculovirus DNA, the lmrA and MDR1 genes were sequenced to confirm their
Figure 3 Wild-type LmrA protein functions as a multidrug transporter in GM0637 proper insertion into the baculovirus genome.
human lung fibroblast cells. a, [3H]Vinblastine accumulation by cells expressing Cell culture and membrane preparations. The human lung fibroblast cell
the wild-type (A) and K388M mutant (X) forms of LmrA. After 10 min of vinblastine line GM0637 was cultured in DMEM medium supplemented with 10% fetal
accumulation, verapamil was added to wild-type LmrA-expressing cells (K) to calf serum11. For transfection, lung fibroblast cells were seeded at a density of
inhibit LmrA-mediated vinblastin extrusion. b, Transport of Hoechst 33342 in cells 2 3 105 in a 35-mm dish and grown for 18 h to ,40% confluence. Cells were
expressing wild-type LmrA (blue). Fluorescence intensity is presented in arbitrary washed three times with serum-free Opti-MEM (Life Technologies). 5 mg of
units (a.u.). At the time indicated by the arrow, reserpine was added to one of the plasmid DNA in 1 ml Opti-MEM was gently mixed with 25 mg of Lipofectin
incubations (red) to inhibit LmrA-mediated extrusion of Hoechst 33342. reagent (Life Technologies) in 1 ml of Opti-MEM, in a polystyrene tube. After
Figure 4 Pharmacological properties of wild-type LmrA and human P-glycopro- containing (K) and control (X) plasma membranes, as a function of the free
tein expressed in insect cell membranes. a, Effect of the magnesium-ATP concentration of [3H]vinblastine. c, Effect of P-glycoprotein modulators on the
concentration on the basal ATPase activity of LmrA in the absence (A) or equilibrium binding of [3H]vinblastine to wild-type LmrA. d, Dissociation kinetics
presence of 50 mM verapamil (B) or 2 mM sodium vanadate (X), and of P- of [3H]vinblastine from wild-type LmrA in the absence (A) and presence of
glycoprotein in the absence (K) or presence of 50 mM verapamil (O). b, Equilibrium CP100 2 356 (K) or nicardipine (W).
binding of [3H]vinblastine to wild-type LmrA-containing (A), P-glycoprotein-