The P-glycoprotein multidrug transporter (Pgp) is an active hydrolysis, and the Km for TMR was 0.3 mm. TMR
efflux pump for chemotherapeutic drugs, natural products transport was inhibited in a concentration-dependent
and hydrophobic peptides. Pgp is envisaged as a fashion by verapamil and cyclosporin A, and activated
`hydrophobic vacuum cleaner', and drugs are believed to (probably by a positive allosteric effect) by the transport
gain access to the substrate binding sites from within the substrate colchicine. TMR transport by Pgp reconstituted
membrane, rather than from the aqueous phase. The into proteoliposomes composed of two synthetic phospha-
intimate association of both Pgp and its substrates with tidylcholines showed a highly unusual biphasic temperature
the membrane suggests that its function may be regulated dependence. The rate of TMR transport was relatively high
by the biophysical properties of the lipid bilayer. Using the in the rigid gel phase, reached a maximum at the melting
high affinity fluorescent substrate tetramethylrosamine temperature of the bilayer, and then decreased in the fluid
(TMR), we have monitored, in real time, transport in liquid crystalline phase. This pattern of temperature
proteoliposomes containing reconstituted Pgp. The TMR dependence suggests that the rate of drug transport by
concentration gradient generated by Pgp was collapsed by Pgp may be dominated by partitioning of drug into the
the addition of either the ATPase inhibitor, vanadate, or Pgp bilayer.
modulators. TMR transport by Pgp obeyed Michaelis±
Menten kinetics with respect to both of its substrates. The Keywords: fluorescence; multidrug resistance; phospholipid
Km for ATP was 0.48 mm, close to the Km for ATP bilayer; phase transition; tetramethylrosamine.
Overexpression of the P-glycoprotein multidrug transporter Pgp function. Two commonly used modulators are the
(Pgp) in the plasma membrane is believed to be a major Ca21-channel blocker verapamil and the immuno-
cause of resistance to multiple chemotherapeutic drugs suppressive agent cyclosporin A. The latter compound has
(multidrug resistance; MDR) in human cancers. The proved highly effective in clinical trials in overcoming
biochemistry and biology of Pgp have been the subject of MDR in paediatric cancers [12].
several recent reviews [1±4]. The protein, which is a Despite the advances of recent years, we still have only a
member of the ATP-binding cassette superfamily of mem- very nebulous view of the molecular mechanism by which
brane proteins [5], operates as an ATP-dependent efflux Pgp transports such a wide diversity of compounds across
pump, exporting a wide variety of hydrophobic drugs, the membrane, and how this process is powered by ATP
natural products and peptides from the cell. Purified Pgp hydrolysis. Some insights have come from in vitro studies
exhibits a high level of constitutive ATPase activity [6±8] on the purified protein. Vanadate is a highly effective
which is modulated further by drug and chemosensitizers, inhibitor of Pgp ATPase activity [6±8]. Senior and
and the reconstituted protein has been shown to transport coworkers observed that the addition of vanadate to Pgp
several drugs and a hydrophobic peptide in proteoliposomes in the presence of ATP trapped the complex ADP´Vi´Mg21
[9±11]. Many compounds, known as modulators, chemo- (a transition state analog) in the active site of one of the
sensitizers or reversers, can overcome MDR by blocking nucleotide-binding (NB) domains of Pgp, following a
single catalytic turnover [13]. Vanadate trapping at one
active site results in complete inactivation of the ATPase
activity of both NB domains, which led to the proposal that
Correspondence to F. J. Sharom, Department of Chemistry and Pgp operates by an alternating sites type of mechanism
Biochemistry, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, [14].
Canada. Fax: 11 519 766 1499, Tel.: 11 519 824 4120 extn 2247, The process of drug transport by Pgp differs from that of
E-mail: many other ATP-driven transporters in that its substrates,
Abbreviations: MDR, multidrug-resistance/resistant; MIANS, the majority of which are hydrophobic, have a relatively
2-(4-maleimidoanilino)-naphthalene-6-sulfonic acid; Myr2GroPCho, high rate of passive diffusion across the membrane
dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine; NB, nucleotide binding; compared with ions and small polar molecules. As a
PamMyrGroPCho, 1-palmitoyl-2-myristoyl-phosphatidylcholine; consequence, the observed (net) rate of drug transport by
Pgp, P-glycoprotein; PtdCho, phosphatidylcholine; TMR, Pgp represents a balance between two opposing processes;
tetramethylrosamine. active pumping by Pgp up a concentration gradient, and
(Received 15 November 2000, revised 11 January 2001, accepted passive diffusion of drug across the membrane down the
18 January 2001) concentration gradient. Pgp substrates probably gain access
1688 P. Lu et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 268) q FEBS 2001
to the protein after partitioning into the membrane rather transport of TMR was characterized with respect to
than from the aqueous phase. The hydrophobic vacuum kinetics, inhibition by MDR modulators, and allosteric
cleaner model [15] envisions the transporter expelling drugs activation by a substrate. The rate of TMR transport in
directly from the bilayer. This proposal is supported by liposomes of two synthetic phosphatidylcholines showed an
recent results from our laboratory showing that the apparent unusual biphasic response as the temperature was
affinity of a drug for binding to purified Pgp is highly increased, reaching a maximum at the phase transition, or
correlated with its lipid-water partition coefficient [16]. melting temperature of the bilayer. This work represents the
Evidence is also accumulating that Pgp may act as a plasma first report, using proteoliposomes containing reconstituted
membrane flippase [15], moving drug molecules from the Pgp, of real-time measurements of the rate of substrate
cytoplasmic leaflet to the extracellular leaflet [17,18]. It has transport and its modulation by membrane phase state.
been demonstrated already that the bacterial multidrug
transporter LmrP expels drugs from the inner leaflet of the
membrane [19].
Reconstitution of membrane transport proteins into
defined lipid bilayer systems, and measurement of the
kinetic characteristics of substrate transport, is a powerful Dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (Myr2GroPCho) and 1-
approach to enhancing our understanding of their function palmitoyl-2-myristoyl-phosphatidylcholine (PamMyrGroP-
and mechanism [20,21]. In previous studies of drug Cho) were obtained from Avanti Polar Lipids. ATP, AMP,
transport by reconstituted Pgp in proteoliposomes, we sodium ortho-vanadate, rhodamine 123, verapamil,
employed radiolabelled substrates in a rapid filtration colchicine and Chaps were from Sigma. Cyclosporin A
technique [9,11]. As drug uptake was very fast (it became was from Pfizer Central Research (Groton, CT, USA). TMR
nonlinear in , 1 min, and reached steady state in 3±4 min), was from Molecular Probes. Creatine kinase and creatine
it was possible to determine uptake only at steady state, phosphate were from Roche Diagnostics.
rather than the rate of transport. Methods using continuous
monitoring of fluorescent dyes can allow measurement of
Plasma membrane preparation and Pgp purification
transport rates in real time. In native plasma membrane
vesicles from MDR cells, rhodamine 123 [22], Hoechst Plasma membrane vesicles from the colchicine-selected
33342 [17], and LDS-751 [18] were used to measure rates MDR Chinese hamster ovary cell line CHRB30 were
of transport. However, rate measurements of this type have isolated as described previously [24,25]. Plasma membrane
not yet been achieved for Pgp in a reconstituted system. In vesicles were stored at 270 8C for no longer than 3 months
the only report to date of fluorescent substrate transport by before use. Pgp was isolated from CHRB30 plasma
reconstituted Pgp, Shapiro and Ling used the dye Hoechst membrane and reconstituted into proteoliposomes of
33342 to monitor transport by Pgp in proteoliposomes [10]. Myr2GroPCho or PamMyrGroPCho by gel filtration
This dye has negligible fluorescence in aqueous solution, chromatography on a Sephadex G-50 column [23]. Pgp
and displays enhanced fluorescence on partitioning into the made up . 85% of the reconstituted protein in the
lipid bilayer, so that the monitored decrease in fluorescence proteoliposomes as indicated by SDS/PAGE. In a typical
intensity corresponded to Pgp-mediated pumping of the dye preparation, 0.4±0.5 mg Pgp was reconstituted into 5 mg
out of the bilayer. Hoechst 33342 efflux was extremely lipid. The final lipid/protein ratio of the proteoliposomes
slow, and as the vesicles were not sealed, it was not possible was in the range 7±10 : 1. Dynamic light scattering
to establish a substrate concentration gradient. In addition, measurements to assess vesicle size were carried out as
because the dye concentration in the lipid phase was described previously [23]. The protein content of plasma
unknown, analysis of the kinetic parameters of substrate membrane was determined by the method of Bradford [26],
transport could not be carried out. and the protein content of Pgp preparations and proteolipo-
The intimate association of both Pgp and its drug somes was measured by a modified Lowry method [27].
substrates with the membrane suggests that the biochemical
and biophysical nature of the lipid bilayer will probably
Real-time fluorescence measurement of drug transport in
have strong modulatory effects on its function. A previous
study using Pgp reconstituted into bilayers of synthetic
phospholipids showed that both ATP binding and ATPase Fluorescence measurements were carried out using either a
activity were modulated by bilayer phase state [23]. More Spex Fluorolog-2 or a PTI QuantaMaster C-61 high
recently, we found that drug binding affinity was also sensitivity steady-state fluorimeter, equipped with a
highly dependent on the nature of the lipid environment temperature-controlled sample compartment. A 450-mL
[16]. In the present work, one of our goals was to explore aliquot of proteoliposomes containing 10±20 mg Pgp was
the effect of lipid environment and membrane phase state preincubated with the appropriate concentration of TMR in
on the rate of ATP-driven drug transport by Pgp in a transport buffer. After a 5-min incubation at the desired
reconstituted system. temperature, the sample was transferred to a thermostatted
In the present study, we have used a continuous quartz cuvette, and allowed to equilibrate for about 300 s to
fluorescence assay with tetramethylrosamine (TMR, a allow stabilization of the fluorescence intensity. Transport
rhodamine dye) to quantify drug transport by purified Pgp of TMR was initiated by addition of a 50-mL aliquot of
in proteoliposomes of defined phospholipids. Both the buffer containing ATP (final concentration 1 mm) and an
formation of a substrate concentration gradient and its ATP regenerating system (30 mg´mL21 creatine kinase,
collapse by inhibitors were observed, and the rate of 3.5 mm creatine phosphate) followed by mixing for 5±10 s.
drug transport was measured in real time. Pgp-mediated Excitation at 550 nm was carried out with a slit width of
q FEBS 2001 Drug transport by reconstituted P-glycoprotein (Eur. J. Biochem. 268) 1689
Fig. 2. Real-time fluorescence measurements of TMR transport TMR accumulates in the proteoliposome lumen during
into reconstituted Myr2GroPCho proteoliposomes containing Pgp. transport
A 450-mL aliquot of proteoliposomes containing 10±20 mg of Pgp
was equilibrated with 1 mm TMR in transport buffer at 27 8C. TMR
TMR accumulates in the vesicle interior during the
transport was initiated (indicated by the arrow) by addition of 50 mL
transport process, as indicated by the results of the
of buffer containing ATP (final concentration 1 mm) and an ATP following experiments. As shown in Fig. 3A, addition of
regenerating system (30 mg´mL21 creatine kinase, 3.5 mm creatine 4 mm Chaps after TMR transport and establishment of a
phosphate), followed by mixing. Excitation was carried out at 550 nm, steady state, resulted in restoration of the TMR
and the intensity of fluorescence emission at 575 nm was measured at fluorescence, indicating the release of accumulated TMR
1-s intervals for < 150 s, until a steady state was approached. At this from the interior of the proteoliposomes. Chaps addition
time, an aliquot of buffer was added (indicated by the arrow) did not result in full restoration of TMR fluorescence,
containing either vanadate (A; final concentration 100 mm), verapamil compared with that achieved by addition of vanadate or
(B; final concentration 20 mm), or cyclosporin A (C; final concentra- modulators. Further investigation using a range of detergent
tion 1.6 mm) and after mixing, further fluorescence intensity data were concentrations revealed that release of TMR was
collected. Fluorescence data collected immediately after addition of concentration dependent, and that Chaps concentrations
ATP or vanadate are shown in (D) and (E), respectively. (F) up to 8 mm were insufficient to fully permeabilize the
Fluorescence traces for: addition to active proteoliposomes at time proteoliposomes. Detergent concentrations higher than this
zero of 1 mm ATP or 1 mm AMP; addition of 100 mm vanadate prior could not be used, as micelle formation interfered with
to 1 mm ATP; and addition of 1 mm ATP to heat-inactivated fluorescence measurements. Additional experiments using
proteoliposomes. Each addition of reagent to the cuvette resulted in SDS in place of Chaps resulted in complete restoration of
a 10% dilution of the sample, resulting in a 10% decrease in the TMR fluorescence, suggesting that the lower value
overall fluorescence. observed for 4 mm Chaps was due to incomplete
permeabilization of the vesicles. Addition of Chaps before
ATP resulted in no transport-associated fluorescence
Pgp in the presence of 1 mm TMR led to a rapid drop in decrease, consistent with the inability to build up a TMR
TMR fluorescence, until a new lower steady-state level was gradient in permeabilized proteoliposomes (Fig. 3B). Pre-
reached (Fig. 2A±C). Previous work suggested that for vious work in our laboratory indicated that Chaps is not a
colchicine, such a steady state represents a balance between substrate for Pgp; MDR cells are not cross-resistant to it
active inward pumping of drug by Pgp and outward passive [40], and it does not stimulate Pgp ATPase activity [41].
diffusion through the membrane [25]. The decrease in Pgp proteoliposomes were capable of carrying out more
fluorescence intensity arises from transport of TMR into the than one round of TMR transport, and this was also both
vesicle (see below), where its fluorescence is decreased, disrupted and prevented by detergent permeabilization.
probably as a result of self quenching due to its Following the initial round of TMR transport at a
accumulation in the lumen. This phenomenon was noted concentration of 0.5 mm, a second portion of TMR was
previously for rhodamine 123, and has been applied to the added, corresponding to a final concentration of 3 mm. This
measurement of dye transport in native plasma membrane resulted in an immediate second round of TMR transport,
vesicle systems in yeast and mammalian cells [37,38]. The as indicated by a rapid fluorescence decrease, and
rate of the fluorescence decrease could be estimated (after establishment of a new steady state (Fig. 3C). Addition of
q FEBS 2001 Drug transport by reconstituted P-glycoprotein (Eur. J. Biochem. 268) 1691
can be used to carry out real-time transport measurements Pgp-mediated transport of TMR resulted in its
in proteoliposomes containing Pgp. The high sensitivity of sequestration inside the vesicle lumen, as shown by
this technique is suitable for reconstituted systems, and it Chaps permeabilization and osmotic sensitivity data.
has several advantages over methods used previously to TMR transport by Pgp obeyed Michaelis±Menten kinetics
examine transport in proteoliposomes. Measurements can with respect to both ATP and TMR. There was no evidence
be made in real time using a single proteoliposome sample, of positively cooperative kinetics, as reported previously for
a substantial improvement over the fixed time-point rapid transport of daunorubicin in intact cells [47] and DNA-
filtration technique, where multiple samples must be used loaded plasma membrane vesicles [48]. As it is difficult to
to obtain a single value of the transport rate, and time make true kinetic measurements in these cases, the previous
resolution is poor (first data point at 15 s, then 15 s observations may be an artefact arising from the complexity
intervals) [9,11]. The rate of transport can be measured over of the systems under study.
a wide range; relative values ranged from 0.03 to 1.0 (% The dynamic nature of the steady state maintained by
change in fluorescence intensity´s21). Unlike the Hoechst Pgp is exemplified by experiments in which TMR is added
33342 method, transport kinetics can be examined. In to the system more than once (Fig. 3C,D). Addition of ATP
principle, this real-time approach could be extended to to proteoliposomes in the presence of 0.5 mm TMR led to
other Pgp transport substrates or their derivatives, e.g. an immediate round of transport, with establishment of a
fluorescent verapamil, fluorescent peptides. TMR gradient. Addition of TMR up to 3 mm resulted in a
We have shown recently that a variety of NBD-labelled second round of transport and establishment of a new
phospholipids are flipped from one membrane leaflet to the steady state, with a concentration gradient that could also
other by Pgp in reconstituted proteoliposomes [46]. be collapsed by detergent permeabilization. Both the
Therefore, it is likely that normal unmodified membrane transport rate and the size of the new gradient established
lipids are also substrates for Pgp flippase activity, although for the second round of TMR transport were much larger
they are likely to be of relatively low affinity compared than those observed for the first round of transport, in
with compounds such as TMR. The measured affinity of keeping with the higher substrate concentration.
TMR binding may reflect its ability to displace bilayer The rate of TMR transport in proteoliposomes was
lipids from the substrate binding site(s) of the transporter. dependent on the concentrations of both ATP and TMR.
The Km value estimated for ATP by Michaelis±Menten
analysis was 0.48 mm, close to the Km for ATP hydrolysis
(< 0.4 mm) and the Kd for binding of ATP estimated by
fluorescence quenching measurements (0.4±0.5 mm)
(summarized in [35,36]). Analysis of kinetic measurements
showed that TMR is a high affinity transport substrate, with
a Km value of 0.3 mm. This is the first time that Km values
have been measured for drug transport by Pgp in a simple
reconstituted system. The value of Km obtained for TMR
compares favourably with its Kd for binding to purified
MIANS-labelled Pgp, which was estimated to be 0.70 mm
(Fig. 1).
The TMR gradient was collapsed by the modulators
cyclosporin A and verapamil, which compete for TMR
transport at the drug binding site(s) of the protein, and by
vanadate, which interacts with the NB domains of Pgp to
inhibit ATPase activity. Both the rate of TMR transport and
the size of the generated substrate concentration gradient
were inhibited by verapamil in a concentration-dependent
manner. We also report the novel finding that colchicine is
able to activate Pgp-mediated transport of TMR in proteo-
liposomes. Additional experiments revealed that TMR acts
reciprocally, activating transport of [3H]colchicine 5.5-fold
(P. Lu and F. J. Sharom, unpublished data). This mutual
activation of transport probably takes place via positive
allosteric effects, and reinforces the concept of multiple
binding sites, where occupancy of one site by substrate
influences the other site. Thus, if we assume (as proposed
by Neyfakh and coworkers [49]) the presence of a flexible
`binding region' within the transporter, more than one
Fig. 7. Arrhenius plot showing the effect of temperature and lipid substrate molecule can apparently occupy this region
phase state on Pgp-mediated transport of TMR into reconstituted simultaneously. We also noted mutual activation of
proteoliposomes containing Pgp. (A) PamMyrGroPCho proteo- transport for colchicine and the tripeptide NAc-LLY-
liposomes; (B) Myr2GroPCho proteoliposomes. The gel-to-liquid amide [11], suggesting that the peptide and TMR may
crystalline phase transition temperature, Tm, for each lipid is indicated occupy the same site within this binding region. Previous
by the arrow; Tm 30.4 8C for PamMyrGroPCho, and 24.0 8C experiments demonstrating allosteric activation of transport
for Myr2GroPCho [23]. were carried out in native plasma membrane vesicles. The
q FEBS 2001 Drug transport by reconstituted P-glycoprotein (Eur. J. Biochem. 268) 1695
present work indicates that such allosteric effects also take TMR. However, it seems reasonable to assume that the
place in a simple reconstituted system, which may allow temperature dependence of Plip observed by Rogers and
more detailed dissection of the phenomenon. Davis would also apply to some other lipophilic com-
The temperature dependence of TMR transport in pounds. ATP-driven membrane transport by Pgp is a
reconstituted bilayers of two synthetic phospholipids multistep process, involving binding and release of the
showed several very unusual attributes. First, transport transported substrate, binding and enzymatic hydrolysis of
rates were relatively high in the gel state. The behaviour of ATP, release of ADP and Pi, and protein conformational
Pgp is unusual in this respect, as transport by many changes. In the case of Pgp, we can add to this the
membrane proteins in a rigid gel phase lipid environment is partitioning of transport substrate into the membrane, which
often low, or nonexistent, compared with activity in the is probably an essential prerequisite for transport to take
fluid liquid crystalline phase. Gel phase lipid is rigid and place. The rates of all of these steps are likely to be
poorly compressible, and it is thought that a rate-limiting temperature dependent. The results of the present study
protein conformational change is hindered in such an suggest that the temperature dependence of drug transport
environment. Pgp does not appear to have a conformational by Pgp may be dominated by partitioning effects on the
barrier of this type. As the temperature was increased, the local drug concentration within the bilayer, providing
rate of TMR transport reached a maximum at Tm, and then further support for the hydrophobic vacuum cleaner
declined substantially in the fluid liquid crystalline phase. model.
Again, this type of behaviour is very different from that
observed for other membrane transport proteins.
Overall, the temperature dependence of Pgp-mediated ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
TMR transport displayed highly atypical characteristics.
This research was supported by a research grant to F. J. S. from the
This unusual behaviour is unlikely to be restricted to TMR National Cancer Institute of Canada, with funds provided by the
as a substrate. For example, we previously noted that uptake Canadian Cancer Society.
of [3H]colchicine into reconstituted proteoliposomes of
Myr2GroPCho (determined by rapid filtration) was more
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