Province : Thua Thien Hue Hue Saola Nature Reserve is recognized as a global Key Biodiversity Area (BirdLife, 2018a), which means it is a site Status : Nature Reserve with high diversity and high threats with considerable Latitude : 16003’ to 16009’ N conservation value. The site forms part of a larger network : 107025’ to 107033’ E of protected areas, including with its neighbor across the Longitude border in Quang Nam Provnice, the Quang Nam Saola NR. Size : 15,342 ha Together, these cover an area of approximately 32,000 ha. The NR has rugged terrain, being situated on the northern SITE OVERVIEW flank of a ridge of mountains which is part of the larger Hue Saola Nature Reserve is located between 16003’ to Annamite mountain chain. This area experiences high 16009’ N and from 107025’ to 107033’ E, in southwest Thua annual rainfall. Thien Hue province. The site includes the districts of A Luoi While historical surveys in the 1990s and early 2000s and Nam Dong and the communes of Huong Nguyen, documented several flagship large mammals, including Thuong Quang and Thuong Long. Hue Saola Nature leopard Panthera pardus, tiger Panthera tigris, gaur Bos Reserve was designated on the 9th of October 2013, gaurus, sun bear Helarctos malayanus, saola Pseudoryx through decision 2020/2013/QĐ-UBND, with the explicit nghetinhensis, and large-antlered muntjac Muntiacus goal of preserving habitat for the Critically Endangered vuquangensis, recent surveys have saola Pseudoryx nghetinhensis. The sites total area is failed to detect these species. The species for which the 15,324.4 ha, composed of 8,092 ha of strictly protected site was created the Critically Endangered saola, has not zone, 7,108 ha of ecological restoration zone and 124 ha of been detected since a camera trap photo was taken in the service-administration zone. adjacent Quang Nam Saola Nature Reserve in 2013, and Hue Saola Nature Reserve is still heavily forested, with most biologists agree that there are no saola populations in forest covering 92.99% of the total area. Forests at the site this landscape can survive in the long-term without still includes high quality evergreen forest (17%) which is intervention (Tilker et al. 2017). rare in Vietnam, with more degraded evergreen forests Field surveys of the sites biodiversity have confirmed the (41%) and regrowth (28%) dominating the rest of the site. sites importance, with 57 mammal species, 161 bird Hue Saola Nature Reserve currently has a Management species, 73 reptile and amphibian species and an amazing Plan to guide its operation which is for the years 2015 – 1,035 plant species. Many of these are internationally and 2020 and holds a total staff of 25 individuals.
nationally recognized as species with a high risk of requires ongoing management and law enforcement and extinction (IUCN 2018; MoST 2007) and of high importance prosecution. for protection. This threat is shown through the lack of additional saola Key species known to still occur at the site include the records over recent years, despite considerable effort Annamite striped rabbit Nesolagus timminsi, a poorly through extensive camera trapping. Capture of any known animal that appears to still occur in good numbers remaining saola for captive breeding should be considered here. Important birds include the Indochinese Wren Babbler given the population is unlikely to be able to persist without Jabouilleia danjoui, Annam Partridge Arborophila merlini, support. Austen’s Brown Hornbill Anorrhinus austeni, Great Hornbill Buceros bicornis. Reptile and Amphibian species of note include several turtle species, including the Critically Endangered Indochinese box turtle Cuora galbinifrons, and REFERENCES the Endangered Black breasted leaf turtle Geoemyda BirdLife International. 2018a. The World Database of Key spengleri and the Chinese stripped neck turtle Mauremys Biodiversity Areas. Developed by the Key Biodiversity sinensis. A total of 44 listed plants found at the site are Areas Partnership. Downloaded from listed as threatened nationally or internationally. on 31/05/2018. CONSERVATION ISSUES AND ACTIONS BirdLife International. 2018b. Endemic Bird Areas The forest in Hue Saola Nature Reserve is currently well factsheet: Annamese lowlands. Downloaded protected, with very little loss of forest in recent years; only from on 31/05/2018. 0.02% between 2012 and 2014. This is likely due to strong IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2018. Version 2017- management and that local communities have been 3. <>. Downloaded on 31/05/2018 engaged in forest protection at the site. Hunting however continues to be a significant issue, with large numbers of Ministry of Science and Technology, and Vietnam Academy snares used for catching wildlife removed from the forest of Science and Technology. 2007. Vietnam Red Data Book. by rangers and community patrol teams on a regular basis. Science and Technology Publishing House, Hanoi, This is the largest threat to wildlife in the protected area and Vietnam. USAID PA FACT SHEET HUE SAO LA NATURE RESERVE
Status of Large Mammals: Case Study of Gorilla (Gorilla Gorilla Diehi), Chimpanzee (Pan Troglodytes Ellioti) and Buffalo (Syncerus Caffer), Menchum South, NW Cameroon