Respiratory Therapy Technician Q paper

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Paramedical Certificate Courses Examination – 2024

Respiratory Therapy Technician

Paper 1
I. Multiple Choice Questions
1) How many bronchopumonary segments are there in right middle lobe
a) 3, b). 2, c). 1, d) 4
2) Number of Sputum samples examined for AFB as per National Tuberculosis Elimination
Program is
a) 5 , b) 3 , c) 1. d) 2
3) NTEP program started functioning from
a) 2017 , b). 2020 , c). 2010. d). 2012
4) Which is not a part of PFT
a) DLCO , b). Sputum AFB smear , c). CPET . d). Spirometry
5) Which drug cause more tremors
a) Cetrizine , b). Prednisolone , c). Deriphylline . d). Azithromycin
6) Which of the following is not an Antihistamine drug
a) Fexofenadine , b). Montelukast , c). Levocetrizine, d). Cetrizine
7) Which drug is not used as nebulization
a) Amoxicillin , b). Levosalbutamol , c). N-Acetyl Cysteine , d). Salbutamol
8) Tuberculosis is diagnosed by following tests except
a) CBNAAT , b). ECG , c). Chest X Ray, d). AFB smear
9) Sputum AFB smear results are all Except
a). scanty + , b). 4+, c). 2+, d). 3+
10)Thoracic cage contains these structures except
a) Lymph Nodes, b). Lungs , c). Pancreas, d). Heart
11) Sterilization can be achieved through:
a) Antiseptics b) Disinfectants c) Autoclaving d) Antibiotics
12) The function of the laryngoscope is to:
a) Measure oxygen saturation b) Visualize the larynx
c) Assist in intubation d) Monitor heart rate
13) The symptom 'dyspnea' refers to:
a) Chest pain b) Coughing c) Shortness of breath d) Wheezing
14) Universal precautions are used to:
a) Diagnose diseases b) Prevent infection transmission
c) Treat respiratory infections d) Sterilize equipment
15) A defibrillator is used to:
a) Provide oxygen therapy b) Monitor vital signs
c) Deliver an electrical shock to the heart d) Assist with ventilation
16) The primary purpose of a pulse oximeter is to measure:
a) Blood pressure b) Oxygen saturation c) Heart rate d) Respiratory rate
17) The term 'pulmonary circulation' refers to the circulation of blood between the:
a) Heart and brain b) Heart and lungs c) Heart and kidneys d) Heart and liver
18) Crossmatching is essential before:
a) Spirometry b) Blood transfusion c) ECG recording d) Chest physiotherapy
19) Culture medium used for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
a) Blood agar b) Robertsons cook broth medium
c)Chocolate agar d) Lowenstein Jensen medium

20) Air in pleural cavity is called

a) Hemothorax c) Pneumothorax b) Chylothorax d) Effusion

II. Fill in the Blanks;

1. Normally Trachea is deviated to which side? ________________
2. Most common infection affecting upper lobes ________________
3. Causative organism for TB is ________________
4. Normal Respiratory Rate in an adult is________________
5. AFB expansion ________________
6. The ______________ is the primary muscle responsible for breathing
7. Expand NTEP ________________
8.Anatomical Structures protecting from aspiration in normal persons ________________
9. FEV1 means ________________
10. Normal BP in an adult male is ________________
11. ______________ are the building blocks of proteins
12. Blood supply to the heart is by __________ arteries
13. Breathing exercises for COPD patients are _____
14. ______________ is the medical term for inflammation of the lung parenchyma
15. Which Anti Tubercular drugs gives orange colour to body secretions_________
16. Seasonal Variation of symptoms is seen classically in which condition? ___________
17. Mechanical device used in chest physiotherapy to apply oscillatory positive expiratory
pressure to mobilize secretions is__________
18. Name an inhalational Steroid

19. _________ packing procedure is to be followed for transporting samples in NTEP

20. _______________ refers to the surgical removal of a lung

III. Short Notes :

1. Spirometry procedure, Indications & contraindications
2. Sputum collection for AFB smear and Sputum processing
3. Explain the process of gas exchange in the alveoli
4. Discuss the role of the diaphragm in respiration.
5. Role of Respiratory therapist in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary diseases
6. Aerosol Drug delivery systems
7. Oxygen delivery devices
8. Preparation of patient for Bronchoscopy procedure
9. Bronchodilators
10. Explain the process and importance of sterilization and disinfection.

Paramedical Certificate Courses Examination – 2024

Respiratory Therapy Technician
Paper 2
I. Multiple Choice Questions
1. Normal apical impulse is felt at
a) Left 3rd ICS b) Left 5th ICS c) Right 3rd ICS d) Right 5th ICS

2. To achieve highest oxygen concentration, you will select which of the following device
a) Venturi mask b) NRM mask c) Nasal prongs d) Simple face mask

3. Which of the following is a method of airway clearance therapy

a) Spirometry b) CPAP c) Percussion and postural drainage d) Mechanical ventilation

4. PFT is used to diagnose

a) Asthma b) COPD c) Restrictive lung disease d) All of the above

5. Pulse oximeter records

a) Blood pressure b) Oxygen saturation c) Temperature d) Blood glucose

6. Clinical sign of anemia in patients is

a) Clubbing b) Icterus c) Pallor d) Lymphadenopathy

7. Whooping cough is seen in

a) Pertussis b) Typhoid b) Covid Pneumonia d) Tuberculosis

8. Which of the following is not an oral Antituberculous Drug

a) Isoniazid b) Rifampicin c) Streptomycin d) Ethambutol

9. Air in pleural cavity is called

a) Hemothorax b) Pneumothorax c) Chylothorax d) Effusion

10. Which stain is used for acid-fast testing

a) Gram stain b) Methylene blue stain b) Ziehl-Neelson stain d) India ink stain
11. The heart pumps oxygenated blood to the body through the:
a) Pulmonary artery b) Pulmonary vein c) Aorta d) Superior vena cava
12. Which muscle is not involved in respiration?
a) Diaphragm b) Intercostal muscles c) Latissimus dorsi d) Scalene muscles
13. Which of the following is an antihistamine?
a) Amoxicillin b) Salbutamol c) Cetirizine d) Prednisolone
14. The main component of the gas exchange surface in the lungs is the:
a) Alveoli b) Bronchi c) Trachea d) Pleura
15. The normal pH range of blood is:
a) 6.8 - 7.2 b) 7.35 - 7.45 c) 7.8 - 8.2 d) 6.5 - 7.0
16. The main purpose of nebulizer therapy is to:
a) Measure lung capacity b) Deliver medication directly to the lungs
c) Monitor oxygen levels d) Assist in breathing
17. An inflammation of the bronchi is known as:
a) Bronchitis b) Pneumonia c) Asthma d) Emphysema
18. The first step in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is:
a) Chest compressions b) Checking the airway c) Rescue breaths d) Defibrillation
19. Which one of the following is an inhaled corticosteroid?
a) Hydrocortisone b) Prednisolone c) Budesonide d) Dexamethasone
20. Normal tidal volume (ml)
a) 700 b) 500 c) 1000 d) 1500

II. Fill in the Blanks:

1. Expand DLCO____________
2. Peripheral Neuropathy is a side effect of which anti-tuberculous drug
3. Name an inhaled antibiotic
4. Hemoptysis means____________________
5. No. of lung fissure on Rt side? Name them
6. Minimum trials for PFT is_______
7. ______ is used to measure/monitor the electrical activity of the heart
8. ______ is the procedure used to remove fluid from the pleural space
9. ______ - The volume of air remaining inside lungs after maximal exhalation
10. ______ - vessel carrying oxygenated blood from lungs to heart
11. _________ - handheld device used to measure peak expiratory flow
12. Expand CPR
13. Mention two microbes causing pneumonia
14. Room air Oxygen concentration is____
15. Mention two causes dyspnea
16. _________ packing procedure is to be followed for transporting samples in NTEP
17. ________ is a technique used to grow and identify bacteria from clinical specimens
18. Postural Drinage is useful in which condition?
19. Technique which involves patient exhaling forcefully to clear secretions from the
respiratory tract
20. Normal chest wall expansion is ______

III. Short Notes :

1. Explain the process of gas exchange in the alveoli.

2. Tracheobronchial tree
3. Discuss the use of antibiotics in respiratory infections.
4. Lung Volumes & Capacities
5. Surfactant
6. Causes of Bronchiectasis
7. Anti Tuberculous Drugs
8. Role of Respiratory therapist in Interstitial Lung diseases
9. Care of a patient on Mechanical Ventilator
10. Boyle’s Law

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