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No. A.5/101 /Pers-Rectt/BSF/Min Staff/2024 / 2 -1 ?

- 2 2 -
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
Directorate General Border Security Force
(Personnel Directorate: Recruitment Section)

Block No. 10, CGO Complex,

Lodhi Road, New Delhi.
Dated, the ( v Dec, 2024.

i) The DIG (Rectt), CRPF Dte, R.K Puram, New Delhi
ii) The AIG(Rectt), CISF Dte, CGO Complex, New Delhi
iii) The DIG (Rectt), ITBP Dte, CGO Complex, New Delhi
iv) The Comdt (Rectt), SSB Dte, R.K Puram, New Delhi
v) DG AR (Adm Branch: Rectt Cell), Shillong -793010



I have been directed to forward herewith an advertisement for the post of Assistant
Sub Inspector (Stenographer/Combatant Stenographer) & HC (Ministerial/Combatant
Ministerial) in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) and Warrant Officer (Personal
Assistant) & Havildar (Clerk) in Assam Rifle Exam-2024 through limited departmental
competitive examination (LDCE). Request circulate upto Company/platoon/Section level
for wide publicity amongst the troops including those willing personnel who are on
leave/temporary duty/deputation and course cadre etc. The last date for receipt of
application is 21st Jan 2025.

2. It is therefore, requested to carry out scrutiny of applications & service records of

all candidates by respective Forces w.e.f. 27.01.2025 to 25.02.2025. Forward board
proceedings alongwith list of eligible/disqualified candidates only in hard and soft copy
with their Admit cards for allotment of Roll numbers to Nodal Force (BSF) by 26.02.2025
positively, please.

Enel :- As above.

COPY to :•
01 CT Dte (IT Wing), FHQ For information with request to upload the
same on IPP (General download) & BSF
website, please.
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
Directorate General Border Security Force
(Personnel Directorate: Recruitment Section)

Help line No. 011 -24364851,52,53,54,55 Website httos://bsf.aov.in.



Start date of submission of applications form 23.12.2024

Last date and time for receipt of applications form 21.01.2025

1. Application are invited from serving Male and Female Head Constable(GD), Constable
(GD), Constable (Tradesman) and Constable (Daftry)/Rifleman(Daftry) of all CAPFs
and Assam Rifles through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for
the vacancy year -2024 as per Recruitment Rules of respective Forces. However, Head
Constable (Min/Combatant Min) in CAPFs & Havildar (Clerk) in Assam Rifle will also be
eligible to appear in said Exam for the post of ASI (Steno/Combatant Steno) in CAPFs &
Warrant Officer (Personal Assistant) in Assam Rifles. The posts are temporary but likely
to become permanent in accordance with guidelines of the Government.

2. Vacancies:-Force, Post & Category wise vacancies are as follows:-

a) Assistant Sub Inspector (Stenographer/Combatant Stenographer) and
Warrant Officer (Personal Assistant):-
Name of Force Number of vacancies
Unreserved SC ST Total
CRPF 03 00 00 03
BSF 22 00 00 22
ITBP 12 03 01 16
CISF 14 02 01 17
SSB 00 00 00 00
AR 00 00 00 00

b) Head Constable (Ministerial/Combatant Ministerial) and Havildar (Clerk):-

Name of Force Number of vacancies

Unreserved SC ST Total
CRPF 36 07 04 47
BSF 12 00 00 12
ITBP 34 01 07 42
CISF 68 13 06 87
SSB 00 00 00 00
AR 05 01 00 06
Vacancies are subject to change (may increase or decrease) due to
administrative reasons. BSF reserves the right to make changes or cancel
or postponed the recruitment without assigning any reason.

P ag e 1 of 20
3. Pay Scale:-Posts carries following Pay Level as per 7th CPC:-
Post Pay Level Pay Matrix
Assistant Sub Inspector (Stenographer/ Combatant 05 29200-92300
Stenographer) and Warrant Officer (Personal
Head Constable (Ministerial/Combatant Ministerial) 04 25500-81100
and Havildar (Clerk)
3.1 Posts will carry general pay scale and general allowance admissible from time to
time to the Central Govt. Employees as admissible under Rules in CAPFs & AR.
4. Eligibility conditions
The eligibility for ASI (Steno /Combatant steno) & HC (Min/Combatant Min) in all CAPFs
and Warrant Officer (Personal Assistant) and Havildar (Clerk) in Assam Rifle through
LDCE will be as per RRs of the respective Forces. It will be responsible of respective
CAPFs & AR to scrutinize the application accordingly before forwarding it to Nodal
Force i.e. BSF.
a) Age : The upper age limit for appearing in the LDCE will be 35
(thirty five) years for all categories as on 1st January 2025.

Note:-Crucial date to determine the age limit shall be in

accordance with DoP&T OM No.AB-14017/70/87-Estt.(RR)
dated 14.07.1988 i.e. 1st day of January of the year in
which examination is held, if the competitive or written
examination is conducted in the 1st half of the year and
1st day of August of the year, if the competitive or written
examination is conducted in the 2nd half of the year.
b) Service The candidate should have completed 05 (five) years
eligibility continuous regular service in Constable and Head Constable
grades(s) including basic training.
c) Educational The required education qualification will be Intermediate or
Qualification Senior Secondary School Certificate (10+2) examination from
a recognized Board or University or equivalent.
d) Clean record They should have maintained minimum ‘Good’ APAR
grading of last 05 (five) years and should have “No
major/minor punishment of entire service until issue of
offer of appointment".
e) Medical SHAPE-I (applications of candidates having low medical
Category category should not be entertained).

f) Essential : (i) ASI (Steno /Combatant steno)

Skill Shorthand @ 80 words per minute in English OR Hindi in 10
minutes Transcription of dictation in English in 50 minutes
OR in Hindi in 65 minutes, on computer

(ii) HC (Min/Combatant Min)

35 words per minute in English or 30 words per minutes in
Hindi on computer. (35 w.p.m in English and 30 w.p.m in
Hindi correspondence to 10500 KDPH in English and 9000
KDPH in Hindi respectively with an average of 5 key
O - depression for each word on computer)
Tim e Allow ed : 10 M inutes

P ag e 2 of 20
N um ber o f chances
A total of 03 (three) chances will given for appearing in the LDC Exam. The willing and
eligible candidates will submit application to their respective Force as per
Annexure -'A'. No TA/DA, journey expenses are allowed for attending LDCE. The
period of LDCE will be treated as on leave for the candidates appearing, which would be
sanctioned by the leave sanctioning authority.

Scheme of Examination
6.1 The examination will be consist of Scrutiny of Applications/Service Record,
Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Skill Test, Documents verification and Medical
Examination (DME/RME). All these stages of examination are mandatory. The
examination will be conducted in three phase as per follows:-
a) Stage-I Scrutiny of application/service record.

b) Stage-ll : Written Examination (CBT Mode)

c) Stage-Ill : Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Skill Test, Documents

Verification and Medical Examination.

Staqe - I : Scrutiny of application/service record fStaae-l)

Applications of willing /eligible candidate duly completed in all respect will be sent by the
candidates to their respective Forces. Applications so received will be serially entered in
a register in the chronological order of the receipt. Preliminary screening of applications
will be carried out by the concerned Forces strictly as per the eligibility conditions by
constituting a Board of Officer. Applications will be supported by proof of the date of
birth, educational qualifications, service certificate of completing 05 (five) years
continuous regular service after due verification/checking from service records, APARs,
Disciplinary Vigilance Clearance Certificate and SHAPE-I Medical Category. Applications
received after due date fixed for receiving or those found incomplete in any manner will
be rejected after duly recording the reasons for rejection in the register against the name
of the applicant. No direct correspondence in this regard shall be made with Nodal
Force. The concerned CAPFs & Assam Rifles will forward board proceeding with list of
eligible / disqualified candidates only in hard and soft copy as per Annexure-‘F’
alongwith their Admit Cards for allotment of Roll numbers.
Stage -II : Written Examination
Outsourced firm will conduct Computer Based Test (CBT) for all candidates to be
qualified in 1st Phase of examination. Computer Base Test will consist of one paper with
100 objective type multiple choice questions. It should be attempted in 01 hour and 40

Part Subject No. of Questions/ Time Duration

Maximum Marks & Marks
a) Hindi/English 20/20 01 Hour and
Language (Optional) 40 Minutes/100
b) General Intelligence 20/20 Marks
c) Numerical Aptitude 20/20
d) Clerical Aptitude 20/20
e)___ Computer Knowledge 20/20

8.1 Date & Centre of written examination (CBT mode) will be informed to respective
Directorate by Nodal Force for further informing to the candidates.
8.2 Question Papers will be set in Hindi and English only.
8.3 Marks scored by candidates in CBT will be normalized and such normalized
scores will be used to determine final merit and cut off marks.
8.4 The question in the CBT will be of Intermediate level.

P ag e 3 of 20
8.5 A mock test link will be available in candidates corner on BSF website to
familiarize the candidates with CBT.
8.6 Candidates are not permitted to use calculator and other electronic gadgets.
Therefore, they should not bring the same inside the Examination Hall.
8.7 The Objection Management Link shall be hosted on BSF website
2-3 days after conduct of CBT to invite objections from the candidates related to
questions and answers keys of CBT, if any.
8.8 Candidates may go through answer options while filing objections and submit
representations, if any, through online mode only within given time limit. Any
representations regarding answer keys received through said modality within time
limit fixed at the time of uploading of answer keys will be scrutinized before the
finalizing of answer keys and decision of the organization in this regard will be
final. No representation regarding answer keys shall be entertained later.
8.9 There is no provision for re-evaluation/rechecking of the scores. No
correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
8.10 No bonus marks will be given to the National Cadet Corps (NCC) certificate
8.11 In case of any difference/discrepancy/dispute in the questions between English
and Hindi, the consent of English version shall prevail.
8.12 All qualified candidates in Computer Based Test (CBT) for the post of ASI
(Stenographer/Combatant Stenographer)/Warrant Officer (Personal Assistant) to
be called for appear in Stage-Ill and number of candidates qualified in Computer
Based Test (CBT) will be restricted thirty (20) times the number of vacancies for
the post of HC (Min/Combatant Ministerial/Havildar (Clerk).
8.13 Indicative syllabus for Computer Base Test:
For English Language only
This will include spot the error, fill in the blanks, synonyms/ homonyms,
antonyms, spellings/detecting miss-spelt words, Idioms & phrases, one word
substitution, improvement of sentences, active/ passive voice of verbs,
conversion into direct/indirect narration, shuffling of sentence parts, shuffling of
sentences in a passage, close passage, comprehension passage and
flftft ^HmT 4? fel^l
1) FM cfft TTPTRT 2) 1^41 ci||c|?\!U| cfTT *i)fcicb f f R , fjj’cft
cM hi<
hi, fcTefFr, grenreff $ tstr m
T T W fl cflcpzrf cFf ^ ^FTT, feFT, cpSFT, >h 4-IH,
fcT^t FT, f^TT, cf5Tef, cfraj, 3TcZTH, T jw f , TRTTf, fcRFT— gglcft
FlchlRkiilT Tff, WZ, 3FFFR 3) 3FfecT # 7 , 4) cfrfcT, eRPF
TEFrrtf, 5) 'JTM 3 6) fa fa j FFTT I
General Intelligence: It will include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type,
questions on semantic analogy, symbolic operations, symbolic/ number analogy,
trends, figural analogy, space orientation, semantic classification, Venn diagrams,
symbolic/number classification, drawing inferences, figural classification, punched
hole/pattern (folding & unfolding), semantic series, figural pattern (folding &
completion), number series, embedded figures, figural series, critical thinking,
problem solving, emotional intelligence, word building, social intelligence, coding
& de-coding, other sub topics, if any numerical operations & miscellaneous
intelligence tests.
Numerical Aptitude: It will include number system, fundamental arithmetical
operations, algebra, geometry, mensuration, trigonometry, statistical charts &
P ag e 4 of 20
Clerical Aptitude: It will include alphabetic filling, attention to detail, data
checking, comparison ability, spelling checking, errors spotting and other
miscellaneous issues related to aptitude of clerk.
Computer Knowledge: It will include basic computer fundamentals, history &
future of computers, operating system and basic of windows, computer
abbreviation, Microsoft office (MS Word & Excel), short keys, computer
communication & internet and miscellaneous.

Note: Qualifying marks for UR, EWS & OBC Categories will be 45%. However,
qualifying marks for SC & ST Categories will be 40%.

9. Stage -III: Physical Efficiency Test. Skill Test. Documents Verification and
Medical Examination
The candidates who qualify/shortlisted in written examination will only be called for
Physical Efficiency Test, Skill Test, Documents Verification and Medical Examination at
recruitment centre specified by the respective Forces by constituting a Board of Officers.
However, Physical Standard Test (PST) will not be conducted of subject post since
eligible candidates would be combatant enrolled persons of the respective Forces.
9.1 Physical Efficiency Test (PET):
For male candidate : 1.6 Kms race in 06 minutes and 30 seconds.
For female candidate : 800 meter race in 04 minutes and 45 seconds.
9.2 Physical Efficiency Test (PET) will be qualifying in nature and will be conducted
on knock out basis but failure even in one item of this test will amount to
9.3 On reporting of female candidate(s) for Physical Efficiency Test (PET), a self­
declaration indicating about her pregnancy status shall be submitted. In case, if
she declares that she is not pregnant, then she may be allowed to participate in
PET. In case of false declaration, all risk for undergoing PET will be of her own.
Female candidate declares that she is pregnant before PET, then a confirmatory
pregnancy test to be done and in case she is found to be pregnant, irrespective of
duration of pregnancy, she may be declared temporarily unfit and her appointment
shall be held in abeyance until confinement is over. The vacancy against which a
woman candidate was selected would be kept reserved for her. She will be re­
examined for PET six weeks after the date of confinement was over, subject to
the production of medical certificate of fitness from a registered medical
practitioner. If she is found fit in PET & DME, she may be appointed to the post
kept reserved for and allowed the benefit of seniority in accordance with the
instructions of the Government as amended from time to time. In case female
candidate is found negative for pregnancy, she may be allowed to participate in
10 Skill Test :- Candidates qualify in PET will further appear in Skill Test norms on
computer [shorthand test for ASI (Steno)/Warrant Officer (Personal Assistant) and typing
speed test for HC (Min)/Havildar (Clerk)].
Skill test norms on Dictation: 10 minutes @ 80 words per minute,
computer for ASI(Steno/ Transcription time - 50 minutes in English or 65 minutes in
Combatant Steno) Hindi on Computer. Candidates who make mistakes upto
20% (160 words) will be declared “Passed” and those who
make mistakes over 20%(160 words) will be declared
Candidate will not be allowed to bring /use their
personal keyboard, mouse for transcription of
shorthand passage
P ag e 5 of 20
Skill Test norms on English Typing with minimum speed of 35 w.p.m on
computer for HC (Min/ computer.
Combatant Mini Havildar Or
Clerk ) Hindi Typing with minimum speed of 30 w.p.m on computer
(35 words per minute in English and 30 words per minute
in Hindi corresponding to 10500 KDPH in English/ 900
KDPH in Hindi with average of 5 key depressions for each
word on computer. 10 % mistakes are allowed. For each
mistake beyond 10% of the permissible limit, 10 words for
each mistake will be subtracted/ deducted from the total
typed out by the candidates.
Candidate will have to type the given passage /matter.
(Time allowed-10 minutes)
10.1 Skill test (typing) will be conducted only on computers. Computers & key
boards for the purpose will be provided by the Recruitment Centres.

10.2 Mode/Procedure/ Method for conducting skill test will be decided by BSF
(Nodal Force). Skill test will be of qualifying nature and no marks will be
awarded for skill test.
10.3 Skill Test in Hindi shall be conducted only in “MANGAL Inscript Font”.
10.4 They will be tested in skill test i.e. stenography/short hand test as mentioned
above [For ASI (Steno/Combatant Steno) only].

10.5 The transcription of shorthand notes will have to be done on computers &
keyboards provided by the Recruitment Centres and in no case use of other
typing mode shall be allowed.

10.6 The dictation will have to be noted/taken by the candidates in shorthand

strokes and same will also be evaluated. Noting/taking of dictation in long hand
(i.e. other than standard shorthand strokes) will not be accepted and such
candidates will be declared failed in skill test even if they transcribe correctly in
given time.
10.7 No request for re-test of skill test will be accepted/ entertained.
10.8 BSF reserve the right to make any modification compatible with Recruitment
Rules in Skill Test assessment procedure and any other changes to be made.
11. Documents Verification:-
Candidates to produce all their original documents of Age proof, Educational qualification,
caste certificate & other testimonials/certificates i.e. NOC, Disc /Vigilance c l e a r a n c e
certificate , Service certificate etc required for above posts during documentation.
12. Medical Examination :-
The Candidates who qualify the Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Skill Test and
Documentation shall be eligible for undergoing medical examination to be conducted by
the duly constituted Medical Board of concerned CAPFs. The medical examination will be
conducted as per revised Medical Guidelines issued by MHA dated 20.05.2015,
F.NO.32012/ADG (Med )/DME &RME /DA-1/2020(Part File )/1166 dated 31.05.2021 and
as amended from time to time for recruitment of NGOs in the CAPFs and AR. There
would also be a provision for Right to Appeal as per the existing guidelines. The Review
Medical Examination will be in continuation of Detailed Medical Examination.
13 Merit List:-
On completion of above recruitment process in all respect (stage wise), the Nodal Force
shall prepare the final merit list of the candidates for the vacancy year -2024 as per the
eligibility of the candidates for each Force (category wise ) and the result will be declared
accordingly. A list of finally selected candidates (Force wise) will be sent to respective
Directorate General by the Nodal Force for issue of offer of appointment.

P a g e 6 of 2 0
14. Tie Principle
In cases where more than one candidate secures the equal aggregates marks, in
Computer Based Test, tie will be resolved by applying the following methods one after
14.1 Date of birth, with older candidates will be ranked higher.
14.2 Alphabetical order in which the first name of the candidates appear.

15. Training
The selected candidates shall undergo training at the training centre of respective Forces
and they will remain on probation for a period of two years as per Recruitment Rules.

16 Submission of application:-
(i) The Directorate General of CAPFs and Assam Rifles will further circulate this
advertisement, approved scheme and its related instructions to their field formations for
obtaining the applications of eligible candidates.
(ii) The eligible candidates shall apply for the post in the prescribed format attached with
this notification (Annexure-‘B’) to their respective Directorate General through proper
Applications should be supported with proof of the Date of Birth, Educational
Qualification, Cast/Tribal Certificate issued by the Competent Authorities, Certificate for
completing length of clean service (as prescribed in RRs of respective CAPFs & AR) after
verification/checking from service records (Annexure-‘E’), ACRs/APARs for last 05 years
and DisciplinaryA/igilance clearance Certificate/SHAPE-I Medical Category, However, no
marks will be allotted for documentation. No direct correspondence by the candidates, in
this regard will be made with BSF Directorate being Nodal force.

(iii) The concerned Directorate General of CAPFs & AR shall accordingly collect
applications form willing/eligible candidates of their Organization, consolidate applications
properly, entered serially in a register in the chronological order of the receipt. Preliminary
screening of applications as per checklist (Annexure-‘A’) will be carried out by the
concerned Force Directorate strictly as per eligibility conditions by constituting a Board of
Officer and will forward board proceeding of eligible/Not eligible candidates only in hard
and soft copy alongwith their Admit Cards (Annexure-B-1& F ) to the Commandant
(Rectt), Directorate Gender, BSF, Block-10, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi for
allotment of Roll numbers to the eligible candidates. The applications received after due
date fixed for receiving or those found incomplete in any manner will be rejected by the
concerned Force Directorate, duly recording the reasons for rejection in the register
against the name of the applicant. Board Proceedings alongwith individual-wise
Recruitment Dossier, containing all essential documents including copy of ACRs/APARs,
NOC etc. tagged should be prepared in separate file cover in each case & same should
be serially as per check list and retained by concerned CAPFs till hearing form Nodal
Force (BSF).
(iv) Application received after due date i.e. 21.01.2025 will not be considered under any

(v) Candidates must send the following documents with his/her applications to their
concerned Directorate General:-
(a) Admit Card duly filled in all respect and signed by the candidates with
photograph pasted (duly typed on A4 size paper).
(b) Two identical copes of recent passport size (5 cms x 7 cms approx.)
photographs of the candidate in uniform, one pasted on the applications
form and the other on the admit card in the space provided therein, duly
signed by the candidate as per instructions.

'■“vn v* (c) Two self-addressed envelopes of 11.5 cms x 27.5 cms size affixed with
Rs.25 postal stamp.
P ag e 7 of 20
(d) Self-attested true copy of matriculation or equivalent certificate as proof of
(e) Self-attested true copy of the certificates of education qualifications.
(f) Self-attested true copy of case certificate in case of SC/ST candidates.
(g) Service certificate/vigilance clearance as per specimen enclosed with the
application (Annexure-‘E).
(h) Latest SHAPE-1 (ONE) Medical Category certificate duly signed by Medical
(i) Applications, which are not in prescribed proforma or not accompanied by
the specified enclosures or incomplete or defective applications shall be
summarily rejected. No representation or correspondence regarding such
rejection shall be entertained under any circumstance.
(ii) Candidates are not required to submit any original certificates in support of
their claims regarding educational qualifications and other relevant
certificates and will submit only self-attested/certified true copies with their
applications. If on verification, even at any later stage, it is found that any
candidate does not fulfil any of the eligibility conditions; his/her candidature
shall be liable to be rejected.
(iii) The applications to the eligible candidates received through respective
CAPFs HQ and Assam Rifles will be allocated Roll Numbers by the Nodal
Force (BSF).
(iv) Admit Card for the written examination and venue to the examination will
be issued to each eligible candidate by Nodal Force and will be
communicated through their respective CAPFs HQ and Assam Rifles. If
any candidate does not received intimation, he/she may contact concerned
CAPFs HQ and Assam Rifles and not personal enquiry will be accepted by
BSF Dte. being Nodal Force.
(v) Any change/notice in recruitment process will only be uploaded in BSF
website i.e. https://bsf.qov.in. Hence, candidates at their own interest are
advised to log on to the BSF recruitment website from time to time
17 Centre of Examination:-
Date and time of written examination, Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Skill Test,
Documentation and Medical examination will be intimated to the candidates through their
respective CAPFs and Assam Rifles by Recruitment Branch, Directorate General, BSF,
Block-10, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi. The candidates are required to bring
along with them all their testimonials in original at the time of documentation.

Note:- Call letters will be issued to the eligible candidates for appearing in written
examination by respective CAPFs and Assam Rifles on receipt from BSF (Nodal Force).
Call letter for 3rd stage examination i.e., PET, Skill Test, Documentation and Medical
examination will be issued by respective CAPFs & Assam Rifles. The list of eligible/
qualified candidate will be circulated to concerned CAPFs and Assam Rifles and same
also be uploaded BSF Website i.e. https://bsf.qov.in.

P a g e 8 of 2 0
18 Guidelines for filling up the application form:-
(a) The application must be filled by the candidate in his/her own
handwriting. Corrections, if any, should be legible and attested by the

(b) Before filling in the application form, the candidates should read the
eligibility conditions for the recruitment carefully to see if they are
eligible. They should apply if they fulfil all the conditions to avoid
disappointment at the later stage.

(c) Being allowed to appear in the written examination will not in any way
guarantee appointment.

(d) Applications, which are not legible or are incomplete or incorrectly filled
or are not accompanied by prescribed enclosures, shall be summarily

(e) No changes in the entries once made in the application form will be
allowed at later stages under any circumstances.

(f) Applications supported by all documents as mentioned in above Paras

will only be accepted and no advance copy will be entertained by the
Nodal Force.

(Amar Bir'sIngS)^7
Comdt( Recti)
Dec 2024

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The concerned Directorate General of CAPFs & AR collect applications form
willing/eligible candidates of their Organization, consolidate applications properly,
entered serially in a register in the chronological order of the receipt. Preliminary
screening of applications will be carried out by the concerned Force Directorate
strictly as per eligibility conditions by constituting a following Board of Officer :-

i) Presiding Officer :-Deputy Commandant

ii) Member-I :-Assistant Commandant
iii) Member-ll :-lnspector (GD)
iv) Member-iii SI(Min/Combatant Min/ASI(Min/Combatant
Min) of CAPFs and SI(Clerk)/ASI(Clerk) of
Assam Rifle
ii) The application must be filled by the candidate in his/her own handwriting.
Corrections, if any, should be legible and attested by the candidates as per
Annexure - ‘A’.
iii) Candidates must send the following documents with his/her applications to their
concerned Directorate General:-
(a) Admit C a r d duly filled in all respect and signed by the candidates
with photograph pasted (duly typed on A4 size paper).
(b) Two identical copes of recent passport size (5 cms x 7 cms approx.)
photographs of the candidate in uniform, one pasted on the
applications form and the other on the admit card in the space
provided therein, duly signed by the candidate as per instructions.
(c) Two self-addressed envelopes of 11.5 cms x 27.5 cms size affixed
with Rs. 25 postal stamp.
(d) Self-attested true copy of matriculation or equivalent certificate as
proof of age.
(e) Self-attested true copy of the certificates of education qualifications.
(f) Self-attested true copy of case certificate in case of SC/ST
(g) Service certificate, Disc-vigilance clearance and No objection
certificate must be enclosed with the application.
(h) Latest SHAPE-I(ONE) Medical Category certificate duly signed by
Medical Officer.
(ii) Applications, which are not a prescribed proforma or not accompanied by the
specified enclosures or incomplete or defective applications shall be summarily
rejected. No representation or correspondence regarding such rejection shall be
entertained under any circumstance.

Sig with seal of exam centre

P ag e 10 of 20



(For office use only)

Registration No. Roll No.

(This form should be filled in by the candidate in his own handwriting neatly and legibly in
block capitals. It should be completed in all respect and should be accompanied by certified copies of

Paste here a
1. Name of Force copy of your
recent passport
2. Applying for the post o f_______ size photograph
(also tick (V ) as applicable below (Approx 3.5 x
4.5 cms) duly
self attested.
(a) ASI(Steno/Combatant Steno) & Departmental
Warrant Officer (Personal Assistant)

(b) HC(Min/Combatant Min) &

Havildar (Clerk)

3. Full Name
(In block letters)
4. Father’s Name :

5. Sex (Male/Female) :

6. Present Postal Address:

with Telephone/Mob No. &
E-mail ID

7. Permanent Address
with Telephone/Mob No.

8. Nationality
9. State
10. Name of Centre opted :

11. Date of birth (in Christian era, certified copy D D M M Y Y Y Y

of Matriculation/ SSLC in support of age.

P a g e 11 o f 2 0
-2 -

12. In case you claim age relaxation, mention the

category i.e.SC/ST

13. Category: UR SC ST
(tick (V) as applicable)
(Copy of certificate to be enclosed)
14. Educational qualification

15. Particulars of present employment if any with

post and service number/name of department etc.

16. Personal identification marks


I do hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to
the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect or
ineligibility being detected before, during or after the recruitment process, my candidature will stand
cancelled and all my claims for the recruitment be forfeited. I also understand that if at any stage. 1 am
found by the Selection Board to have used any unfair means in the written examination or typing test or
to have violated any of the Rules/ Regulation governing the conduct of selection process, my
candidature can be cancelled or be declared failed by the selection board at its sole discretion.

I also declare that I do not stand debarred by SSC/UPSC as on date and have never been
convicted by any court of law. I also declared that no criminal case is pending against me. Further
declare that I have never been dismissed or removed from Govt. Service or my service been terminated
during probation.

I do hereby also opt/opt out of the disclosure scheme for making available above information
filled in the application and total marks with ranking in the merit if I stand in the final result of this
examination for publication in the web page of the department.

Place : __________________________
Date : __________________________ (_______________________________)
Signature of candidate.

Note: Candidates already in Government Service must submit their application through proper
channel with the following certificates duly signed by their employer agreeing to release them, in case
finally selected for the post of ASI(Steno/Combatant Steno) and HC(Min/Combatant Min) in CAPFs
and Warrant Officer (Personal Assistant) and Havildar (Clerk) in Assam Rifles.

a. Certified that Shri_______________________________ holds a permanent/ temporary

post under Central/ State Govt, since____________.

b. Certified also that he has submitted his application to this department/ office on

c. Certified also that Shri________________________________________will be released

in case of his selection for the post of ____________________________in

Place Signature of Head of Office

Date Department with Official Seal

P ag e 12 of 20
Annexure - ‘B -l’
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
(Directorate General Border Security Force)

Regt No.__________________________ Roll No.___________________


(TO BE FILLED BY CANDIDATE) Paste here a copy of
your recent passport
1. Name of candidate : ___________________________ size photograph
(In Capital letters as (Approx. 3.5 x 4.5
recorded in Matriculation or cms) duly self
equivalent certificate) attested.

2. ID card No : ___________________________
(If the candidate has Force Identity card number, then provide the ID Card No. If he/she does
not have the Identity Card, then other option e.g number of Aadhaar Card and PAN card etc.
will be required to be provided. Copy of ID number mentioned above may be enclosed with
this application form). (Candidate may bring the same original card with him at the time of
recruitment exams.)
3. Name of Force : ___ ________________________________

4. Name of Post applied for

5. Father’s Name

6. Date of Birth

7. Correspondence Address : __
(With PIN Code) : __
Mobile Number(if any) : ___
E-Mail ID : __
8. Category (UR/SC/S1) : __

9. Personal mark of Identification : i)


Thumb Impression of Signature of Candidate



9. Centre of Examination
10. Date of written Examination
11. Duration : From to
12. Time of reporting
Date Signature of candidate Signature of invigilator

Contd Page - 21-

Page 13 of 20

Part of Annexure -‘B -l’


(i) You should be present in the examination hall before 30 minutes alongwith with writing
material etc. Candidate reporting after 15 minutes of the commencement of the written
examination will not be allowed.
(ii) No TA/DA will be given for journey under taken for this test.
(iii) The department will not be responsible for any injury or health hazard etc. caused during
to and fro journey and during the halt at examination Centre.
(iv) Admit card enclosed with this letter may be brought when you appear for the test.
(v) No aid including Mobile phones, calculator, Bluetooth or any other electronic devices is
allowed. During written examination only writing material are allowed. No candidate be
allowed to leave the examination hall/place during the first half hour after start of
examination. Candidates found copying or using any unfair means should be disqualified
and debarred from further tests. An endorsement be made in his dossier by the board.
(vi) The call letter to appear in the written test is purely PROVISIONAL. If it is found later on
that you do not fulfil any of the eligibility conditions your candidature is liable to be
cancelled and no appeal against such cancellation will be entertained.

Sig with seal of exam centre

P ag e 1 4 of 20
Annexure - ‘C’
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
(Directorate General Border Security Force)

Regt No.______ ___________________ Roll No.___________________


Physical Efficiency Test, Shorthand Test [for ASI (Steno/Combatant Steno)], Typing Speed Test [for
HC (Min/Combatant Min/Havildar (Clerk ], Documentation and Medical Examination
Paste here a copy of
1. Name of candidate : _______________________ your recent
(In Capital letters as recorded in passport size
Matriculation or equivalent certificate) photograph
(Approx 3.5 x 4.5
2. ID card No : ___________________________
(If the candidate has Force Identity card number, then provide the ID Card No. If he/she does
not have the Identity Card, then other option e.g number of Aadhaar Card and PAN card etc will
be required to be provided. Copy of ID number mentioned above may be enclosed with this
application form). (Candidate may bring the same original card with him at the time of
recruitment exams.)
3. Name of Force : ___________________________________________
3. Name of Post applied for : ___________________________________________
4. Father’s Name : ___________________________________________
5. Date of Birth : ___________________ ________________________
6. Correspondence Address : ___________________________________________
(With PIN Code) ___________________________________________
Mobile Number ___________________________________________
7. Category (UR/SC/ST) : ________________________________________
8. Personal mark of Identification i) _________________________________________

Thumb Impression of Signature of Candidate



9. Centre of Examination
10. Date of written Examination
11. Duration : From to

12. Time of reporting

Date Signature of candidate Signature of invigilator

Contd Page - 21-

P ag e 15 of 20
-2 -

Part of Annexure - ‘C’


It is to inform you that, you have qualified the second phase test i.e. written examination held on
________________and shortlisted to appear in 3rd phase examination. Hence you are hereby called
upon to appear for second phase tests i.e. Physical Efficiency Test, Shorthand Test (for ASI
(Steno/Combatant Steno), Typing Speed Test (for HC (Min/Combatant Min /Havildar Clerk),
Documentation (Checking of Documents) and Medical Examination as per schedule mentioned below:-

Sri No. Event Date & Time Venue

1. Physical Efficiency Test

2. Shorthand Test (for ASI (Steno)

Reporting time at
3. Typing Speed Test (for HC (Min)

4. Documentation -
5. Medical Examination

(i) Candidate should bring original copies as well as certified true copies of all the certificates duly
self-attested and testimonials i.e. educational qualification certificates, Trade certificate,
Experience Certificate, Admit Card, Cast Certificate, Aadhaar Card/ID Card & Passport size
photographs at the time of documentation. Non production of original document shall lead to
disqualification for which candidate will be responsible.
(ii) Candidates should be present at the examination centre well in time as per schedule.
(iii) ____________will not be responsible for any injury etc. caused during to and fro journey and
during the duration of halt at recruitment centre for test.
(iv) No TA/DA is admissible for journey and stay for recruitment tests.
(v) Canvassing in any form or bringing outside influence will disqualify the candidate from
appearing recruitment tests.
(vi) This admit card to appear for the above test is purely PROVISIONAL. If it is found at a later
stage that candidate do not fulfil any of the eligibility conditions, candidature of such candidate is
liable to be cancelled and no appeal against such cancellation will be entertained.
(vii) Selection will be made strictly on merit at par with available vacancies. If any candidate who has
qualified all tests but could not come in merit list will not be considered for selection to the
applied post.
(viii) Candidate has to come prepared for stay for 4-5 days at his own expenses to appear in third Phase
of Examination.

Sig with seal of exam centre

Page 16 of 20



This is to certify that Shri/Shrimati/Kumari*.......................................................................

son/daughter* of ................................................................................................................... of
village/town* ............................................................................................ in District/Division*
........................................................................................................................ of the State/Union
Territory*................................... belongs to th e ............................. Caste/Tribe* which is recognized as
a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe* under:-
@The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950
@The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950
@The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Union Territories Order, 1951
@The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Union Territories Order, 1951
[as amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Modification) Order, 1956, the Bombay
Reorganization Act, 1960, the Punjab Reorganization Act, 1966, the State of Himachal Pradesh Act,
1970, the North Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971, the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
Order (Amendment) Act, 1976, the State of Mizoram Act, 1986, the State of Arunachal Pradesh Act,
1986 and the Goa, Daman and Diu (Reorganisation) Act, 1987]
@The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order, 1956
@The Constitution (Andaman & Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1959 as amended by the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes order (Amendment Act), 1976.
@The Constitution (Dadar and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes Order, 1962
@The Constitution (Dadar and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1962
@The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order, 1964
@The Constitution (Uttar Pradesh) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1967
@The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Castes Order, 1968
@The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1968
@The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1970
@The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Castes Order, 1978
@The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1978
@The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1989
@The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Amendment) Act, 1990
@The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Orders (Amendment) Act, 1991
@The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Orders (Second Amendment) Act, 1991
@The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act 2002
@The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Act, 2002
@The Constitution (Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Act, 2002
@The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 % 2. Applicable in
the case of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes persons who have migrated from one
State/Union Territory Administration another.

2. This certificate is issued on the basis of the Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes
certificate issued to Shri/Shipmate* ............................................................... Father/Mother* of
Shri/Shrimati/Kumari* ....................................................................................................... of
village/town* .............................................. in District/Division* ....................................... of the
State/Union Territory* ................................ who belongs to the Caste/Tribe* which is recognised
as a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe in the State/Union Territory* o f .............................................
issued by th e .......................................................... dated............................................
% 3. Shri/Shrimati/Kumari* ....................................................................... and/or* his/her* family
ordinarily reside(s) in village/town* .......................................of........................ District/Division* of
the State/Union Territory* o f ...................................................

Place : _________________ Signature : .......................................

Date : __________________ Designation : ...................................
(with Seal of Office)
State/union Territory*
P ag e 17 of 20
* Please delete the words which are not applicable.
@ Please quote specific Presidential Order.
% Delete the paragraph which is not applicable.
NOTE: The term “Ordinarily reside(s)” used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the
Representation of the People Act, 1950.
** The authorities empowered to issue Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Certificates:
a) District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/ Additional
Deputy Commissioner/Deputy Collector/lst Class Stipendiary Magistrate/’ Sub-Divisional
Magistrate/ Taluka Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate/Extra-Assistant Commissioner.
’(not below of the rank of 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate)

b) Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency Magistrate.

c) Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar.

d) Sub-Divisional Officers of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides.
e) Administrator/Secretary to Administrator/Development Officer (Lakshadweep).

P ag e 18 of 20
Annexure - ‘E ’



Certified that ______________________________________S/o Shri ______________

___________ holds permanent/ temporary post in the rank o f _______________________ in this
department office.

2. Certified that above official joined service in this Department/ office o n __________

3. Certified that above official has completed _______ years _______ months of qualifying
service in the present rank o f_____________.

4. His basic pay as on date is Rs.______________ per month in the pay scale of

5. Certified also that Shri_______________________________will be released in case selected

for service in

Date :______________



(with seal of office)

P age 19 of 20


S/ Name Regt Rank Name Father's HQ/ Date of Birth Permane Correspondence Centre Remarks

whether any adverse remarks exists in last 5 years APAR or

No. of No. Name Unit nt Home address

Whether any Bad Entry in the entire service or otherwise

Total length of service as on 01.01.2025 (Including BRT)
Post (in (DD/MM/YYYY) Address (HQ/Unit)

Whether any disc/vig case pending

Date of enrolment (DD/MM/YYYY)
Category(Gen/SC/ST/ OBC)

Present Medical category

Age as on 01/01/2025

Edn Qualification


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

P a g e 20 of 20

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