1946 Puneet Kr. Sharma Business Development Manager Delhi

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DEN/HR/APPT./2010 03 Nov 2010 To, Puneet kr.

Sharma 65 Kishan Kunj Colony, Near Sr Sec School Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi Dear Puneet kr. Sharma With reference to our discussions, we are pleased to appoint you for the position of Business Development Manager on the following terms and conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To find salary details, refer to the annexure I enclosed herewith.

Other Benefits: In addition to above you will be entitled to payment under Bonus & Gratuity Act, as per statutory provisions. Service Rules: You will be governed by the terms and conditions of services as per Annexure attached to this letter of appointment. Location & Joining Date: You are advised to join at Location: Delhi on 12 Nov 2010 failing which your appointment shall stand cancelled. Reporting: joining. Your reporting relationship will be communicated to you at the time of your

If the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you, kindly return the duplicate copy of this letter duly signed as token of your acceptance. Thanking you, For Denave India Pvt Ltd.

R. Biswas Head - HR Cc: Personnel File

DENAVE ANNEXURE Principal Terms & Conditions of Employment 1. You will be on probation for a period of six months in the first instance which can, however be extended twice for a period of three months at a time, at the discretion of the Management. However, you shall be deemed to be on probation unless a specific order is issued to you confirming your service. Performance and Compensation Review shall be considered after one year of service. Actual date would vary depending upon the period of Performance Appraisal Cycle. You will be paid no salary in case you leave the services of the company within 20 Days of your joining on your own accord. However, if the Management terminates your services, you will be paid salary up to the date of your termination. In case you remain absent or overstay sanctioned leave for a period of 8 days continuously of your joining on your own accord. However, if the Management terminates your services, you will be paid salary up to the date of your termination. During your entire tenure with the company, you will devote full attention to guard the interests of the company. You will neither communicate nor divulge any information connected with the business of the company including that of its clients nor take any documents, photograph, or other official paraphernalia of the company & its clients without the express consent of Management. During the course of your service with the company, you will not engage yourself in any other trade, business or profession without the written permission of the Management. You will be responsible for the safe keeping and return in good condition and order of all company and its client property entrusted to your care and charge. The company reserves the right to deduct the money value of such articles from your dues, or take such action as may be deemed proper, in the event of your failure to account for such property to the companys satisfaction. You will inform any change in your postal address within two days of the change, otherwise the address in the official records shall be deemed to be sufficient. You will be solely responsible for the consequence of not informing the company about the change and the company will have no liability arising out of it. You will abide by the service rules and regulations of the company which are in force or which may come into force from time to time.

2. 3.



6. 7.



10. Your services can be transferred to any location of the Company or its Client within India or outside, whether existing at present or to be set up in future. 11. Your working hours and holidays entitlement will be governed by Company Policy and as per the requirement of the 'Client Company'.

12. Your services may be terminated at any time by either side during the period of probation by giving notice period of seven days or payment in lieu thereof. After confirmation, your services can be terminated by either side by giving, to the other party, one months notice or one months salary in lieu thereof. However, in case of indiscipline, insubordination, nonperformance, dishonesty or negligence, the Management shall be at liberty to terminate your services without notice and payment in lieu thereof. 13. You shall retire from the services of the company on attaining the age of Fifty Eight. For this purpose the official record of your age with the company shall be treated as final. 14. Company reserves the right to declare your appointment null & void anytime during course of your employment incase of non receipt of testimonials. 15. In the event of your having furnished false information, documents, testimonials or credentials, your services shall be terminated with immediate effect and no payment/compensation shall be made to you. If the offer of the appointment is acceptable to you on the terms and conditions mentioned above, please signify your acceptance by signing the duplicate copy of the letter.

For Denave India Pvt Ltd.

R. Biswas Head - HR

ACCEPTANCE I hereby declare that I have read and understood the terms and conditions of employment mentioned above and the same are acceptable to me. I further declare that I have never been convicted in any court of law. Signature of the applicant

(Name in Block Capitals)

ANNEXURE - I Denave India Private Ltd Date Of Joining - 12 Nov 2010

Name Designation Location

Puneet kr. Sharma Business Development Manager Delhi

Details of Emoluments Per Month Earnings Break Up: Basic HRA Conveyance CCA Medical Reimbursement Special Allowance A. Gross Salary Performance Incentive B. Variable Salary 7200 3600 800 2000 1250 1930 16780 2000 2000 Company Contribution: PF Comp. Contri.@12.0% ESI Comp.Contri.@4.75% C. Company Contribution Total ( A+B+C ) 780 0 780 19560 Employee Deductions: PF Emp Contri.@12% ESI Emp Contri.@1.75% Professional Tax D. Employee Deduction In Hand Pre Tax 780 16000 192000 780 0 0 As Per State Govt. 9360 9360 234720 0 9360 9360 43200 9600 24000 15000 23160 201360 24000 24000 86400 Per Annum

Maximum Reimbursement Eligibility (Max.& Actual whichever is less)

Mobile Expenses Conveyance Internet E. Reimbursements

Other Benefits:--

1000 2500 NA 3500 30000 NA



In addition to above you will be entitled to payment under Bonus & Gratuity Act, as per statutory provisions. (Head - HR) I have understood the above distribution of my salary emoluments and the same is acceptable to me Signature _________________ Date

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