445DA DMR_7
445DA DMR_7
445DA DMR_7
CSA Resources Corporation Water-based
Report Date 03/12/2024
Report Time 00:00
Address Unit 7B PDCP Bank Centre cor. Herrera St. and Leviste St., Salcedo Village, Makati City MD (m) 1433.00
E-mail edcmudengineer3@gmail.com Phone 88922528 TVD (m) 1271.46
Engineer Antonio Mendoza/Joseph Carlo Encarnacion Cell Inc (°) 38.32
E-mail Office Azi (°) 127.22
Spud Date 27/11/2024 API Well No. Rig Name TDC Rig 3 Activity Work on Stuck Pipe Interval 9-7/8in
Operator Energy Development Corporation Contractor ThermaPrime Stock Point VMI
Operator Rep. A.Pedoy / M.Manila Contractor Rep. J.Dotong / C.Gongona / P.Macariola Phone
Well Name/No. Field/Block Section-Township-Range County/Parish/Offshore Area State/Province Country Formation
445DA Leyte Geothermal Project Leyte Philippines
Description OD (in) ID (in) Length (m) Description OD (in) Top (m) Shoe (m) Mfr. Smith
DP 5.000 4.276 1189.36 26in Casing 26.000 0.00 121.00 Bit Type PDC
HWDP 5.000 3.000 85.50 18-5/8in Casing 18.625 0.00 737.00 No. of Bits
Jar 6.500 2.750 5.53 13-3/8in Casing 13.375 0.00 1083.00 Size (in) 9.875
HWDP 5.000 3.000 57.00 10-3/4in Liner 10.750 1057.00 1308.00 Depth (m) 1424.00
X/O 6.500 2.875 0.60 TFA (in2) 1.374
DC 6.500 2.250 56.40 Description ID (in) MD (m) Washout (%) Nozzle (1/32in)
NM Pony DC 6.444 3.250 2.85 9-7/8inch Hole 9.875 1433.00 5.0
NM GapSub 6.375 2.800 1.20
WOB (lbf) Hole 600 Screen Time (hr) U/F (ppg) O/F (ppg) Time (hr)
Rot. Wt. (lbf) String 75 Mongoose 60/60/60/60 24.00
S/O Wt. (lbf) Annulus 521 Mongoose 60/60/60/60 24.00
P/U Wt. (lbf) Displacement 43 Mongoose 60/60/60/60 24.00
RPM (rpm) Active Pits 780 Mud Cleaner 140/140/140/140 24.00
ROP (ft/hr) Storage 270
Depth Drilled (m) 10.00 On Location 1650
Properties Sample 1* Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Mixed hi-vis polymer in the reserve tank and transferred to the
Description Water Hi-Vis Polymer Hi-Vis Polymer
Sample from Suction Pill Tank Pill Tank pill tank. Pumped 20bbls hi-vis polymer in between 25gals
Time Sample Taken (hh:mm) 20:30 20:30 13:00 ADA polymer sweeps every 5m and 2x15bbls at 10mins
Flowline T. (°C) interval at TDD during circulating out fill / drilling. During
Depth (m) 1433.00 1433.00 1433.00
*MW (ppg) 8.33 8.40 8.40 reaming/washing of fill, pumped 10bbls hi-vis polymer every
Funnel Visc. (sec/qt) 27.0 120.0 125.0 15mins. Added Corrosion Inhibitor 404 WB and Oxygen
T. for PV (°C) 49.00 49.00 Scavenger L in the pill tank for every hi-vis polymer sweep
*PV (cP) 10.0 10.0
*YP (lbf/100ft2) 43.0 44.0 prepared. Pumped 8-10bpm water to the backside via
Gel str. 10s (lbf/100ft2) floodline during reaming and washing of fill and 10-15bpm
Gel str. 10m (lbf/100ft2) during trippping. No backside pumping during drilling/working
Gel str. 30m (lbf/100ft2)
API Filtrate (mL/30min) on stuck pipe. Used Aluminum Stearate to control foaming in
API Cake Thickness (1/32in) the mud tanks while drilling with returns. ADA used 6 PHPA
T. for HTHP (°C) Liquid for their polymer requirement.
HTHP Filtrate (mL/30min)
HTHP Cake Thickness (1/32in)
Solids (%)
*Oil (%)
*Water (%)
Sand Content (%)
MBT Capacity (lb/bbl)
pH 9.50 9.50
Mud Alkalinity (Pm) (mL)
Filtrate Alkalinity (Pf) (mL)
Filtrate Alkalinity (Mf) (mL)
Calcium (mg/L) REMARKS
*Chlorides (mg/L) Continued circulation to clean the hole. Drilled ahead 9-7/8in hole from
Total Hardness (mg/L) 1423m to 1433m. Circulated to clean the hole. Conducted wiper trip
Excess Lime (lb/bbl)
K+ (mg/L) from 1433m to 1372m. Ran in hole abck to 1421m with 12m fill.
Make up Water: Chlorides (mg/L) Circulated to establish parameters and regain returns. Reamed down
Solids Adjusted for Salt (%) from 1421m to 1429m. Circulated and worked string and encountered
Fine LCM (lb/bbl) high torque stalled at 1428m. Worked on stuck pipe. Pipe freed.
Coarse LCM (lb/bbl) Circulated to clean the hole. Conducted wiper trip to 1287m. Slip 20ft
of drilling line. Ran in hole back to 1417m and tagged 16m fill.
Reamed/washed fill from 1417m to 1424m while sweeping 10bbls hi-
vis polymer every 15mins. Encountered tight spot at 1424m. Worked
LGS (%) 1 2 3 4
LGS (lb/bbl) Liner ID (in) 6.500 6.500 6.500
HGS (%) Rod OD (in)
HGS (lb/bbl) Stk. Len. (in) 10.000 10.000 10.000
Bentonite (%) Eff. (%) 98.0 98.0 98.0
Bentonite (lb/bbl) Stroke (stk/min)
Drill Solids (%) Displ. (bbl/stk) 0.1006 0.1006 0.1006
Drill Solids (lb/bbl) Rate (gpm) 0.0 0.0 0.0
DS/Bent Ratio Total (gpm) 400.0 Pump P. (psi) 1400
Avg. SG of Solids
Section (in) Path Minutes Strokes
Section Len. (m) Surf. - Bit 8 0
Btm MD (m) Btm Up 55 0
Ann. Vel. (ft/min) Surf. - Surf. 63 0
Crit. Vel. (ft/min) Pits 82 0
Crit. Rate (gpm) Total Circ. 145 0
Flow No. of Nozzles 7 HHP Bit (HP) 0.0
ECD (ppg) TFA (in2) 1.374 HSI 0.00
P. Drop (psi) Nozzle Vel. (ft/s) 0 Sys. HHP (HP) 0.0
Slip Vel. (ft/min) Impact F. (lbf) 0 Sys. HHP (%) 0.0
CTR (%) P. Drop (psi) 0 BH ECD (ppg) -