I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to;
a. Demonstrates understanding of lines through drawing.
b. Appreciates that artist create visual texture by using a variety of lines
c. Creates an artwork of using lines
III. Procedures
1. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
Everybody, stand up. (Student’s name),
lead the prayer.
Yes, teacher.
c. Checking of Attendance
Class, Now, Let’s check your
attendance. Kindly raise your hand as I
call your name and say present.
(Checks attendance)
a. Review
What was our topic yesterday?
Who can tell me what is texture?
It is lines, teacher.
b. Motivation
(The pupils will follow)
Today, we are going to explore a special
mystery! But first, let's see if we can figure out
what kinds of lines exist all around us.
I found out that a curtains has wavy
And the whiteboard is also having a
(Draws a straight, curved, zigzag, wavy)
straight rectangle lines.
What do you see in the board? Describe it.
4. Analysis
A curvy or wavy line Is a line that
Now, I think you already have an idea on bends smoothly in various
what is we’re going to discuss today, Am I directions, without forming sharp
right? angles or straight segments.
4. Abstraction
Today, we are going to learn about the
names of those lines.
None, teacher.
Yes, teacher.
Curvy is like this (Insert picture)
5. Generalization
6. Application
(Insert drawing)
IV. Evaluation
Direction: Look at the picture of lines in the first column to correct name by writing
letter of the picture beside it’s name.
________1. A. Horizontal line
V. Assignment
• Look around your house, school or surroundings and find examples of different
kinds of lines.