Act 4 Scene 3
Act 4 Scene 3
Act 4 Scene 3
A. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow :
1. Cassius. In such atime as this is not meet
That every nice offence should bear his comment
Lines. 7-8
Meanings: (i) meet - fitting, suitable. (ii) nice offence - minor fault, trifling offence. which is
existing only in the eyes of a very critical person.
o.L What particular state of affairs is referred to "In sucha time as this" ?Explain fully.
Ans. Cassius refers to their uncertain and troubled conditions when he savs "in such a time as
this. They were trying to gather support and raise troops to fight the armies of Antony
and Octavius. So Cassius tells Brutus that their position and freedom was threatened and
they required their friends and followers. It was unwise to pick on every small oftence.
such as bribs taken, of their subordinates. This would alienate their friends and supporters
at a time when they needed each one of them to deal with the threat posed by the torces
of Antony and Octavius.
Q. II. What, in particular, does Cassius refer to as "every nice offence" ? Explain the
significance of the last line above. What does it tell us about Cassius ?
Ans. Cassius is upset that Brutus had condenmned his friend Lucius Pella for accepting britbes
which in his eyes is a trifling offence. He accuses Brutus of disregarding his appeals and
tells him that he should not become so particular about picking on every slight moral
aberration of their subordinates. He refers to the offence as "nice" nmeaning that only a
fastidious and over critical verdict could have taken a severe decision and found an oftence
where none seemed to exist. He believes that bribery was a minor crime and Brutus should
not have taken such aserious and stern notice of it as to condemn Lucius Pella. The last
line is significant because it shows the divergent attitudes and ideologies of Cassius and
Brutus. Cassius cannot understand why Brutus has given undue importance toa trifling
offence. It becomes pathetically evident that the two have reached a stage in their
relationship where they fail to understand each other's values and motives, We realise
that Cassius is a man who can get carried away from justice for the sake of gain. Cassius
reveals that he is a typical ruthless soldier who has no scruples about raising money to
meet his ends at the time of war. He believes that money is necessary, and can be obtained
by all means at his power, to procure supplies and he does not attach undue importane
to minor deviations from the path of ethics.
Q. III. What response does this evoke ? What is Cassius accused of ? How does he react to
this ?
Ans. Brutus responds to Cassius by accusing him directly of accepting bribes and ot selling
appointmentstounderserving people for gold Brutus is angry and disillusioned at Cassius'
dishonest and corrupt actions and accuses him angrily of being carried away trom the
path of morality for personal gains. Cassius is enraged and lashes out verbally at Brutus.
He warns him to control his tongue. He tells him that he was in a senior position and a
friend and hence was safe otherwise Cassius would not have allowed him to live after
accusing him of having a hand ready toaccept bribes.
Q. IV. What unusual aspect of the characters personality is brought out to us by this interchange ?
Ans. Both Cassius and Brutus appear to be confused, hurt and fearful. They are like two
cornered animals who start snarling at each other when the odds against them seem to be
Impatient of my Mark Antony
4. Brutus. Idid send 5. Brutus.
young Octavius with with her death
pay my legjons, And grief that strong: for
To you for gold to was that done like
Cassius ?
Have made
themselves so distract,
Which you denied
Lines. 75-77 With this she feil
That tidings came. swallow'd fire.
that done like Cassius - was it an act attendants absent, Lines. 132-156
refused. (in) was And, her
(i) denied - - news.
Meanings: () legions - troops. separation from me (r) thd1ngshad gore
worthy of you just before this ? of my absence - unable to endure people look1ng after her
accused Cassius of doing from the Meanings: () impatient insane, (rt) attendants
2I. What had Brutus
of accepting bribes and gold Sardians
and vile methods
to makee (ii) distract - upset, which is corros1ve
Ans. Brutus had accused Cassius underhand -a poison
accuses Cassius of using out. () fire ? Why ? WVhere ?
appointments. He angrily saying that he had "an Brutus say these words their dtfferences
He insults Cassius by itching Q.I. T whom does Cassus after they have reconaled and conanuing
funds and money for his troops. are spoken by Brutus to
camp at Sard1s
your offices for gold." Ans. These words tent in his and
palm, To sell and mart Explain,"was that done like quarrel. They are in Brutus´ tells Cassius that he had lost control
Q. II. What does he accuse
Cassius ofin these lines ? Cassius
gold for the: salary of
?" and ended their
bowl of wine. Brutus hum to follow his
Cassius of refusingto pay him his their disqussion over a was burdened with sorrows. Cassus adises
Brutus accuses
become angry because he tells CassiUS about
Ans. In the above lines
Brutus had earlier
condemned Cassius for raising money by mistortune storcally Brutus then
troops. It is ironical that giving him money to; pay his own philosophy of bearing pain and his friend and praises him for hus tortitude and self
"vile means" but now is upset with Cassius for not
purposely not giving him money troops.
for his soldiers and telle t Portia's death. Cassius teels sorry for
explains her death in the
above lines.
He feels that Cassius is
a man of Cassius status especially when he Was R t control. Brutus then
her ? Describe the
circumstances of this persons death.
that it was an act unworthy of whom is Brutus speaking that Portia had ded because
Q. II. About Portia, his wife's death. He explains anuety
friend. "legions" does he refer to bee Ans. Brutus is speaking about she loved him very much. Her
Cassius need money for? What separation from him as
Q. III. What did Brutus and
to pay for supplies and to pay their
soldiers she could not bear the longcame to know that Antony and Octavius were rentorc1ng
Ans. Brutus and Cassius needed money
their troops, the forces raised by Brutus from the Ro had increased when she
Finally unable to bear her burdens
of despair and aniety she
"legions referred to here are themselves to fight Brutus. consuming
or legons had been gathered to face the a corrosive poison.
states and kingdoms in Asia Minor. These forces had committed suicide by themselves strong?
armies of Antonv and Octavius. and Octavius made
mind ? Q. III. what way had Mark Antony armies and had gathered support by forming
reveal the confusion in Brutus' Octavius had raised strong the
Q. IV. How do these lines abstract code of ethics and L Ans. Mark Antony and had recruited new soldiers and harnessed
reveal that Brutus is confused about his and
dependable strong alliances. They
Ans. The above lines
nobility and integrity are praiseworthy qualities and Octavius had convened meetings
reality of surival. His concepts of honour, tand friendship of many strong allies. Antony
and ways of deal1ng with open problems.
but thev are not practical in a soldier and can make a man overbearing, self - ighteous to discuss methods ofexposing hidden dangers
hand he condemns Cassius for news have on Cassius ?
and muddle - headed. His priorities get confused. On one Q. IV. What effect did this piece of existed
collecting monev by "vile means" and on the other he wants
to take the samemonev to
Ans. Cassius is deeply effected to hear of Brutus' loss. He knew of the bond of love that
with the reality of his plight and feels guilty forquarrelling
pay his troops. His values contradict his needs and are conflicting between Portia and Brutus, He grieves for Brutus' deep sorrow. He wonders at Brutus'
requirements and responsibilities. with him at a time when he was suffering such
0. V. How did this quarrel end ? How do each of them explain away their
tempers ? immense self-control and fortitude to bear such sorrow with courage.
revealed of his character with
Ans. The quarrel ends when Cassius becomes emotional and expresses pain
that Brutus, a Q. V. How does Brutus endure this person's death ? What is
He breaks
dear friend, should hate and rebuke him. He denies having refused the money. regard to this inident ?
down and bemoans the rift in their friendship and wants Brutus to kill him with
the Ans. In spite of loving Portia deeply Brutus bears his loss without giving away his feelings his
dagger he offers him. He despairs that he does not want to live anymore because he is public. The only sign he shows that he is upset is the loss of control he displays in
"hated by one he loves". Cassius pleads with Brutus to bear with his ill-temper in the quarrel with Cassius. It is only in private that he tells Cassius casually about Portia's
future as it was a fault he had inherited from his mother. Brutus also admits that
he had death. Brutus stoicism and moral courage at bearing the pain of Portia's death is
insulted Cassius in a fit of bad temper and in reality was a man as gentle as a lamb. His commendable. He has managed to discipline his emotions so well that he reveals great
temper was only short-lived and he actually meant no harm to Cassius. He loved him
as fortitude in bearing intense pain and despair. Bruus endures with "patience" Portia's
a brother and in future would ignore Cassius and leave him alone whern he was in a bad death whom he loved deeply. He controls his emotions and suffers inwardly without any
mood. public display of grief. Brutus reveals that he has an iron control over his intense emotions
and enlists our sympathies for his tragic loss.
angry with Brutus because he has disregarded his accepting bribes. Cassius in turn is
Brutus further aceuses appeals and
. II. What gesture does Cassius make to end the quarel ?How do they explain their ill
vile means. He tells Cassius himself of selling condemned his friend. humours ?
Cassius is infuriated Cassius that he appointments and
at the insults has "itching palms" and a collecting gold by Ans. Cassius offers his dagger to Brutus to kill him as he could not bear to be "hated by one he
Brutus at the same time tells Brutus hurls and threatens to greed lose
for personal gains. loved." Brutus also explains his ill-temper and says that it was the outcome of his burden
troops. This is ironical Cassius that he had refused to control and kill him. of sorrows. His wife Portia had died by consuming poison and he was suffering intense
because Brutus is asking give him
for a part of the money to pay his sorrow and despair. Cassius also feels guilty at quareling at a time when his friend is
same money which undergoing such tragedy. He asks for forgiveness for his quick temper inherited from his
Comprehension Passages 248 mother. He praises Brutus for his fortitude and courage in bearing his sorrows. aesar
Arun Deep's I.C.S.E. Julius
Caesar Comprehension Passages 249 Arun Deep's I.C.S.E. Julius Caesar
2. Brutu,
The people twixt Phillippi and this ground
Do stand but in a fore'd affecton;
Por they have grudg'd us contribution ;
The eneny, marching along by them,
By them shall make a fuller number up
Come on refresh'd, new-added, and encourage'd;
l'or which advantage shall we cut him off. Lines. 204 - 210 Me.
MeaningN : () twixt- between. (i) forced affection- unwilling support, friends by compulsion.
money. (v) a
() grudged-reluctantly given. (iv) contribution - support, supplies
tuller number up - increase their troops by fresh recruitments.
Q. I. To whom is Brutus speaking ? Who is the enemy spoken of ?
Ans. Brutus is speaking to Cassius in his tent at his camp in Sardis. They are speaking
Antony, Octavius and Lepidu, their enemy in the forth comíng battle.
Q. II. What suggestion had been given by Cassius with which Brutus disagreesnot? march to
Ans. Cassius had suggested that they should let the enemy look for them and would use
I'hillippi to face them. Cassius feels that the enemy while searching for be refreshed
their troops would
up its resources and tire its soldiers. On the other hand
and their defences strong and mobility intact.
Q. I. What do they decide to do ? Who is proved correct in the light of later events ?
that they would march with
Ans. Brutus does not accept Cassius suggestion. It is decided that Brutus had committed
their troops to Phillippito face the enemy. Later events prove
his final error of judgement by not agreeing with Cassius' suggestion.
significance of this visit ?
Q. IV. Who visits Brutus when he is alone in his tent ? What is the
appears, unseen and unheard
Ans. When Brutus is alone, reading in his tent the ghost of Caesar of Caesar and upsets
by Lucius, Varro and Claudius. The ghost is a terrible manifestation with the assassination
Brutus as he realises that Caesarism has not been destroyed even
showing to him the
of Caesar. It could also be a creation of his tortured and guilty mind melancholy
evil inherent in all men. The appearance of the ghost heightens the sense of
and impending doom and disaster.