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Endemic is the sudden increase in the number of cases of

1. Which of the following is a key requirement for microbial a disease above what is normally expected in a specific
infec�on? area.
A. High environmental temperature A. TRUE
B. Presence of host defenses B. FALSE
C. Access to a suitable host cell or �ssue
D. Low pH in the environment 10. The study of the cause of disease, par�cularly in rela�on
to pathogens is known as
2. What is the role of capsules in bacterial pathogenicity? ETIOLOGY.
A. Enhancing nutrient adsorp�on A. TRUE
B. Providing mo�lity B. FALSE
C. Preven�ng phagocytosis
D. Facilita�ng DNA replica�on or mid 11. What role does an�genic varia�on play in the survival of
pathogens within a host?
3. Which enzyme breaks down fibrin clots, allowing bacteria A. It accelerates the pathogen's replica�on rate within the
to spread? host.
A. Coagulase B. It allows the pathogen to evade detec�on and atack by
B. Kinase the host immune system.
C. Hyaluronidase C. It enhances the pathogen to evade detec�on and atack
D. Collagenase by the host immune
4. What stage of disease is characterized by the ini�al D. It increases the pathogen's resistance to an�bio�cs.
appearance of mild symptoms?
A. Incuba�on period 12. How does the use of the host cell's cytoskeleton benefit
B. Prodromal period bacteria during infec�on?
C. Illness period A. It allows bacteria to move within and between host cells,
D. Convalescence period facilita�ng the spread of
5. An�genic varia�on allows pathogen to ___? B. It strengthens the host's defenses against the infec�on.
A. Increase their replica�on rate C. It helps bacteria resist environmental stress outside the
B. Evade the host's immune system host.
C. Atach to host cells more effec�vely D. It accelerates bacterial replica�on within the host.
D. Produce toxins
13. In a study of a new infec�ous disease, it is found that
6. Which of the following is a mode of direct transmission of some individuals carry the pathogen without showing any
pathogens? signs or symptoms of the disease. What term best describes
A. Fomite transmission these cases?
B. Vectore0borne transmission A. Local infec�on
C. Droplet transmission B. Systemic infec�on
D. Foodborne transmission C. Subclinical infec�on
D. Acute infec�on
7. What is the func�on of the bacterial cell wall in terms of
pathogenicity? 14. A 45-year-old man is hospitalized with pneumonia.
A. Nutrient storage Blood cultures reveal the capsule-producing strain of
B. Protec�on against desicca�on Klebsiella pneumonia. Despite appropriate an�bio�c
C. Resistance to osmo�c pressure therapy, his condi�on deteriorates rapidly. What is the most
D. Providing structural support and contribu�ng to likely reason for the rapid progression of his condi�on?
pathogen by resis�ng Phagocytosis A. The capsule is preven�ng effec�ve phagocytosis by the
immune system.
ITEMS 8-10 TRUE or FALSE B. The bacteria are producing a toxin that directly damages
lung �ssue.
8. In Mutualism, symbio�c rela�onship does one organism C. The bacteria are u�lizing the host cell cytoskeleton to
benefit while the other is ne spread to other �ssues.
helped nor harmed. D. The bacteria are resistant to all forms of an�bio�c
A. TRUE treatment.
15. A university campus of 20,000 students reports 50 new 22. Which of the following bacteria is classified as a
cases of influenza during the first week of August. The psychrophile, meaning it can grow and thrive at low
university health services aim to track the spread of the temperatures, such as those found in refrigerated
disease over �me to assess the effec�veness of preven�ve environments?
measures. What epidemiological measure does the number A. Escherichia coli
50 represent in this context? B. Staphylococcus aureus
A. Prevalence C. Bacillus cereus
B. Frequency D. Listeria monocytogenes
C. Epidemic rate
D. Incidence 23. Generally, all members of the Enterobacteriaceae family
are mo�le, among the given species, which is mo�le?
16. What bacteria most likely cause dental caries? A. Shigella
A. Streptococcus mutans B. Klebsiella
B. Staphylococcus mutans C. Yersinia
C. Streptococcus sanguis D. Escherichia
D. Staphylococcus sanguis
24. Which flagellar arrangement is most commonly found
17. Which pair is incorrect? among members of the Enterobacteriaceae family?
A. Streptococcus aureus: Skin Scalded Syndrome A. Monotrichous
B. Streptococcus aureus: Toxic Shock Syndrome B. Lophotrichous
C. Streptococcus aureus: Rheuma�c Fever C. Peritrichous
D. Streptococcus aureus: Osteomyeli�s D. Amphitrichous

18. This Streptococcus species is usually associated with 25. Which of the following statements accurately describes
neonates they are considered the major pathogen of a characteris�c feature of respiratory diphtheria caused by
newborns. Corynebacterium diphtheriae?
A. Group A Streptococcus A. It is primarily transmited through contaminated water.
B. Group B Streptococcus B. It typically presents with a pseudo membrane forma�on
C. Group C Streptococcus in the throat.
D. Group D Streptococcus C. It causes a chronic, progressive lung disease with a
gradual onset.
19. Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes what disease in infants? bioday o
A. Infant Botulism D. It is most associated with gastrointes�nal symptoms such
B. Granulomatosis Infan�sep�ca as diarrhea.
C. Infan�le Diarrhea
D. Ophthalmia Neonatorum 26. Premise: Bacillus anthracis infec�on can vary depending
on the route of exposure.
20. What causes the most potent exotoxin (Botulinum abob sud
toxin) Statement 1: Cutaneous anthrax typically results from
A. Clostridium botulinum inhala�on of spores.
B. Corynebacterium botulinum Statement 2: Gastrointes�nal anthrax results from inges�on
C. Clostridium tetani of spores.
D. Clostridium difficile Statement 3: Inhala�on anthrax results from inocula�on of
spore’s sore throat and mild fever, but does not involve
21. What metachroma�c granules is present in C. pseudo membrane forma�on of a bull-neck appearance.
A. Babes-Ernst Granules A. One of the statements is incorrect
B. Volu�n Granules PILLNATA
C. Both A and B B. Two of the statements are incorrect
D. NOTA C. All statements are incorrect
D. All statements are correct
27. Which of the following statements accurately 30. Typhoid fever is a systemic infec�on caused by
dis�nguishes between adult botulism and infant botulism Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi. Which of the following
based on their route of exposure? accurately describes a characteris�c clinical
A. Adult botulism is typically caused by the inges�on of manifesta�on associated with Typhoid fever?
preformed toxin from contaminated food, while infant
botulism results from the inges�on of spores that grow in A. The disease typically presents with a sudden onset of
the infant's gut and produce toxin. high fever and a characteris�c W rash known as "rose
B. Adult botulism is usually acquired through contact with spots" on the abdomen and chest.
contaminated soil, while infant botulism is caused by B. The infec�on is marked by chronic watery diarrhea and a
inges�ng improperly canned foods. diffuse rash that
C. Adult botulism results from wounds infected with the commonly covers the en�re body.ol
botulinum toxin, whereas infant botulism is caused by C. Typhoid fever is primarily associated with respiratory
exposure to contaminated water. symptoms and a dry cough, with no notable skin
D. Adult botulism is associated with the consump�on of manifesta�ons.
honey, which is a known source of botulinum spores, D. The disease usually causes acute abdominal pain and
whereas infant botulism does not involve honey as a risk localized ulcers in the diges�ve tract, but does not present
factor. with systemic symptoms such as fever

28. Acute Necro�zing Ulcera�ve Gingivi�s (ANUG), also 31. A 6-year-old child is brought to the emergency room
known as Vincent's angina, is characterized by specific with symptoms of a sore throat, high fever, and difficulty
clinical features. Based on its presenta�on and causa�ve breathing. The child has a history of incomplete
factors, which of the following accurately describes ANUG? vaccina�ons and had recent contact with a classmate who
had similar symptoms. On examina�on, the physician
A. ANUG is primarily caused by a viral infec�on and is observes a grayish-white pseudo membrane covering the
commonly associated with systemic symptoms such as fever tonsils and the back of the throat, swollen cervical lymph
and rash. nodes, and a significant "bull-neck" appearance due to
B. ANUG is a condi�on characterized by painful, necro�c pronounced cervical lymphadenopathy and swelling.
ulcera�ons of the gums, o�en associated with poor oral
hygiene, stress, and smoking, and is primarily caused by
a combina�on of anaerobic bacteria including A.
Fusobacterium nucleatum and Treponema vincen�i. B.
C. ANUG is a chronic inflammatory disease of the oral C. Streptococcal Pharyngi�s (Strep Throat) caused by
mucosa with gradual Streptococcus pyogenes, which typically presents with a red
onset, primarily related to systemic diseases like diabetes throat, white patches on the tonsils, and tender
and cancer. lymphadenopathy, but without pseudo membrane
D. ANUG is caused by fungal infec�ons and typically forma�on or a bull-neck appearance.
presents with white patches on the oral mucosa and D. Mononucleosis caused by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV),
difficulty swallowing. presen�ng with severe fa�gue, swollen lymph nodes, and
an enlarged spleen, but not with a pseudo membrane, bull-
29. Which of the following statements about the neck appearance, or significant respiratory symptoms.
pathotypes of Escherichia coli is correct?
A. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) causes diarrhea 32. Case: A 60-year-old diabe�c male, presents to the
through the produc�on of Shiga toxin, and is commonly emergency department with a 5-day history of a painful,
associated with hemoly�c uremic syndrome (HUS). swollen abscess on his le� thigh. He also reports feeling
B. Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) causes diarrhea feverish and experiencing chills. The abscess was drained,
primarily through the produc�on of enterotoxins that lead and a wound culture was sent for analysis. The laboratory
to watery diarrhea, and does not typically involve results revealed the following:
adherence to intes�nal epithelial cells. Gram stain: Gram-posi�ve cocci in clusters
C. Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) / Shiga toxin- Catalase Test: Posi�ve
producing Escherichia coli (STEC) is known for causing Coagulase Test: Posi�ve
bloody diarrhea and can progress to hemoly�c uremic An�bio�c Suscep�bility Tes�ng: Resistant to Methicillin
syndrome (HUS), primarily due to the produc�on of Shiga & Penicillin but sensi�ve to vancomycin.
toxin. llog What is the causa�ve organism of the pa�ent's infec�on?
D. Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC) causes traveler's A. Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
diarrhea through the produc�on of exotoxins that s�mulate B. Staphylococcus aureus
intes�nal secre�on. C. Streptococcus pyogenes
D. Staphylococcus epidermidis
33. Case: A 35-year-old woman, presents to the dental clinic 35. A 12-year-old pa�ent presents with a sore throat, high
with a chief complaint of severe tooth pain in her upper le� fever, and difficulty swallowing that have developed over
molar. She describes the pain as throbbing and intermitent, the past two days. On physical examina�on, the pa�ent has
worsening with hot and cold foods. She also reports a red and swollen throat with white patches on the tonsils
no�cing a dark spot on the tooth and occasional swelling of and tender cervical lymphadenopathy. The pa�ent has
the gums around the affected area. recently been exposed to a schoolmate with similar
The pa�ent has a history of poor oral hygiene and irregular symptoms. Laboratory tests are performed, and the results
dental visits. Upon examina�on, the den�st finds extensive are as follows:
carious lesions on the upper le� molar with visible decay
and a significant cavity. A sample of the dental plaque is Hemoly�c patern: Beta-hemolysis on blood agar.
collected for microbial analysis. The laboratory results Catalase test: Nega�ve (indica�ng a gram-posi�ve cocci).
reveal the following: Bacitracin test: Posi�ve.
Gram Stain: Gram-posi�ve cocci
Catalase Test: Nega�ve Based on the clinical presenta�on and laboratory findings,
Hemolysis Test: Alpha-hemoly�c which of the following is the most likely diagnosis and the
Optochin: Resistant primary causa�ve agent?
Bile Solubility: Resistant
A. Streptococcal Pharyngi�s (Strep Throat) caused by
What microorganism is present in the pa�ent? Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A Streptococcus),
A. Viridans streptococci specifically S. mutans characterized by beta-hemolysis on blood agar, nega�ve
B. Viridans streptococci specifically S. sanguis catalase test, and posi�ve bacitracin sensi�vity.
C. Streptococcus pyogenes V you B. Viral Pharyngi�s caused by a common cold virus, which
D. Streptococcus agalac�ae typically presents with a sore throat and mild fever but
would not show beta-hemolysis or specific results on
34. Case: A 28-year-old pa�ent presents to the dental clinic catalase
with a painful, foul-smelling oral condi�on. The pa�ent and bacitracin tests.
reports recent stress and poor oral hygiene. On C. Streptococcus pneumoniae infec�on, which causes
examina�on, the den�st observes necro�c ulcera�ons on pharyngi�s but is typically alpha hemoly�c on blood agar
the gums, par�cularly at the margins, with a characteris�c and sensi�ve to optochin, not bacitracin.
grayish pseudo membrane. The pa�ent also has no�ceable D. Staphylococcal Pharyngi�s caused by Staphylococcus
halitosis (bad breath) and swollen, tender lymph nodes. aureus, which is catalase posi�ve and would show different
and its associated prima -----------. hemoly�c paterns and resistance to bacitracin.

A. Acute Necro�zing Ulcera�ve Gingivi�s (ANUG), hygiene 36. Skin, lac�c acid secre�ons, stomach acidity, and the
and stress, with the involvement of anaerobic bacteria such mo�on of cilia represent which type of immunity?
Fusobacterium nucleatum and Treponema vincen�i.
B. Herpes Simplex Gingivostoma��s, caused by the herpes A. Cross immunity
simplex virus, presen�ng with mul�ple vesicles and ulcers in B. Innate immunity
the oral cavity. C. Autoimmunity
C. Chronic Periodon��s, characterized by gradual gum D. Adap�ve immunity
recession and tooth mobility, usually due to long-term
plaque accumula�on. 37. What type of immunity results from vaccina�on?
D. Candidiasis (Oral Thrush), caused by an overgrowth of A. Naturally acquired ac�ve immunity
Candida species, presen�ng with white patches on the B. Naturally acquired passive immunity
mucosa and difficulty swallowing. C. Ar�ficially acquired ac�ve immunity
D. Ar�ficially acquired ac�ve immunity

38. What structure is formed by the fusion of an engulfed

material and diges�ve enzymes
within the phagocy�c cell?
A. Phagosome
B. Lysosome
C. Vacuole
D. Phagolysosome
39. What is the target cell of the Human Immunodeficiency 46. Statement 1: During inflamma�on, vasoconstric�on
Virus (HIV)? occurs due to the increased blood flow to the injured area.
A. CD8 Statement 2: Diapedesis is the phenomenon in which the
B. CD25 leukocytes squeeze through the gaps created by the
C. CD2 contrac�on of endothelial cells.
D. CD4
A. Statement 1 is TRUE; Statement 2 is FALSE.
40. What type of immunity results from catching a cold? B. Statement 2 is TRUE; Statement 1 is FALSE.
C. Both statements are TRUE.
A. Naturally acquired ac�ve immunity D. Both statements are FALSE.
B. Naturally acquired passive immunity
C. Ar�ficially acquired ac�ve immunity 47. Which of the following defenses are part of the
D. Ar�ficially acquired ac�ve immunity nonspecific host defense mechanisms?

41. What phagocy�c cell can migrate into the body �ssues I. First line of defense
to differen�ate into macrophages? II. Second line of defense
A. Basophils III. Third line of defense
B. Eosinophils
C. Monocytes A. I and III
D. Neutrophils B. I only
C. I and II
42. Which of the following is incorrectly paired? D. II only
A. Calor-heat
B. Rubor - redness 48. Which of the following immunoglobulin is predominant
C. Tumor - pain in secre�ons?
D. Func�o laesa - loss of func�on A. IgG
B. IgM
43. Statement 1: Alterna�ve pathway is ac�vated by C. IgD
an�body-an�gen complexes. D. IgA
Statement 2: Opsoniza�on enhances phagocytosis by
coa�ng with C3b. 49. Which of the following is NOT a phagocy�c cell?

A. Statement 1 is TRUE; Statement 2 is FALSE. I. Monocytes

B. Statement 2 is TRUE; Statement 1 is FALSE. II. Lymphocytes
C. Both statements are TRUE. III. Dendri�c cells
D. Both statements are FALSE. IV. Neutrophils

44. What process in which the phagocytes are atracted to A. I only

microorganisms? B. II only
A. Chemotaxis C. III only
B. Atachment D. IV only
C. Inges�on
D. Diges�on 50. All of the following are part of the second line of
defense, EXCEPT:
45. Statement 1: Latex allergy is an example of Type II
hypersensi�vity. Statement 2: Autoimmune diseases occur A. Produc�on of an�bodies
when there is self-tolerance. B. Rise of body temperature
A. Statement 1 is TRUE; Statement 2 is FALSE. C. Ac�va�on of complement cascade
B. Statement 2 is TRUE; Statement 1 is FALSE. D. Presence of an acute inflamma�on
C. Both statements are TRUE.
D. Both statements are FALSE.

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