class-10 real number test

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[Previous Year Questions]

Multiple Choice Questions with one correct answer :

Q.1 The product of the additive inverse and multiplication inverse of 6 is :

(A) –6 (B) 1 (C) –1 (D)

Q.2 The value of 3 3 3 3 3....... is :

(A) 0 (B) 3 (C) Both 0 and 3 (D) Can't be determined

Q.3 Which of the following statements is correct?

(A) 0 is called the additive identity for rational numbers.
(B) 1 is called the multiplicative identityfor rational numbers.
(C) The additive inverse of 0 is zero itself.
(D)All the above.

Q.4 The value of 80  45 is :

(A) 35 (B) 5 (C) 4 5 
(D) 4 5  3 
Q.5 The number 311 – 38 is divisible by prime numbers:
(A) 2 and 3 only (B) 2, 3 and 11 only (C) 311 only (D) 2, 3 and 13 only

Q.6 Find the unit digit in 13274 – (3498)49 :

(A) 6 (B) 0 (C) 4 (D) 2

Q.7 Which of the following alternatives is wrong? Given that :

(i) Difference of two rational numbers is a rational number.
(ii) Subtraction is commutative on rational numbers
(iii) Addition is not commutative on rational numbers.
(A) (ii) & (iii) (B) (i) only (C) (i) & (iii) (D)All the above

2 1 3 5
Q.8 The average of the middle two rational numbers if , , , are arranged in ascending order is :
5 2 4 7
5 9 39 17
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 10 35 28

Q.9 Which is smallest among :

10  3 11 , 18  5 13 and 51 10 26
(A) 10  3 11 (B) 18  5 13 (C) 51 10 26 (D)All are equal

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Q.10 The greater between 19  14 and 12  7

(A) 19  14 (B) 12  7 (C) Both are equal (D) Can't say

Q.11 The smallest among 2 2 , 3

4 and 4 3 is :
(A) 2 2 (B) 4 3 (C) 3
4 (D) Can't compare

Q.12 A number that has to be added to 9247653140 in order to make it divisible by 8 is :

(A) 2 (B) 8 (C) 6 (D) 4

Q.13 In order that the six digit number 1x0x3x be divisible by 11, the digit x should be :
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 4 (D) 5

Q.14 What are the values of x and y if 15x 0468913y is divisible by 8 and 11, where x and y are single digit
(A) x = 3, y = 6 (B) x = 6, y = 9 (C) x = 9, y = 12 (D) x = 0, y = 3

Q.15 What is the complete solution to the equation :

|3 – 4x| = 13 ?
5 5 5 5
(A) x = ,x=4 (B) x = ,x=–4 (C) x = – ,x=4 (D) x = – ,x=–4
2 2 2 2

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Multiple choice questions with one correct answer :

Q.1 If the LCM of a and 18 is 36 and the HCF of a and 18 is 2, then a =

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 1

Q.2 The number of decimal places after which the decimal expansion of the rational number will
2 5

terminate, is
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

Q.3 If n is a natural number, then 92n – 42n is always divisible by

(A) 5 (B) 13 (C) both 5 and 13 (D) None of these

Q.4 If n is any natural number, then 6n – 5n always ends with

(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 7

Q.5 The smallest number by which 27 should be multiplied so as to get a rational number is
(A) 27 (B) 3 3 (C) 3 (D) 3

Q.6 If a = 23 × 3, b = 2 × 3 × 5 and LCM (a, b, c) = 23 × 32 × 5, then c =

(A) 1 (B) 9 (C) 3 (D) 4

Q.7 Which of the following is a pair of coprimes?

(A) (14, 35) (B) (18,25) (C) {31,93} (D) (32,62)

Q.8 HCF of 23 × 32 × 5, 23 × 33 × 52 and 22 × 3 × 53 × 7 is

(A) 30 (B) 48 (C) 60 (D) 105

Q.9 The product of two numbers is 2160 and their GCD is 12. The numbers are
(A) 72, 30 (B) 36, 60 (C) 96, 25 (D) None

Q.10 LCM of two numbers is 14 times their HCF. The sum of LCM and HCF is 600. If one number is 280,
then the other is
(A) 40 (B) 60 (C) 80 (D) 100

Q.11 The ratio of two numbers is 3 : 4 and their HCF is 4. Then LCM is
(A) 12 (B) 16 (C) 24 (D) 48

Q.12 The HCF of (4a2b3–9b) and (2a2b2–ab–3) is

(A) (2a–3) (B) (2ab–3) (C) (2b – 3a) (D) None of these

Q.13 What is the greatest number which shall divide 305 and 629 and leave a remainder 8 in each case?
(A) 24 (B) 36 (C) 27 (D) 35

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Multiple choice Questions with one or more than one correct answers :

Q.1 If n is a natural number, then n can be

(A) a natural number (B) always an rational number
(C) an irrational number (D) always a natural number

Q.2 Which of the following statements for natural numbers a, b and c is/are true
(A) If a is divisible by b and b is divisible by c, then a must be divisible by c.
(B) If a is a factor of both b and c, then a must be a factor of b+c
(C) If a is a factor of both b and c then a must be a factor of b–c.
(D) If a is a factor of b and b anc c are coprime, then a,c must also be coprimers.

Q.3 Which of the following rational numbers have terminating decimal expansion
(A) 64/455 (B) 29/343 (C) 13/325 (D) 1/308

Q.4 The number 14  6 5  14  6 5 is,

(A) is a rational numbers (B) is not a rational number
(C) simplifies to 5 (D) simplifies to 6

Q.5 The number 3  2 2  3  2 2 can be

(A) rational number (B) natural number (C) prime number (D) irrational number

Q.6 Simplify : 1

14 63 13 21
(A) (B) (C) (D)
45 33 19 11

Match the following (one to one) :
Column-I and column-II contain four entries each. One entry of column-I is to be matched with one
entry of column-II.

Q.1 Column I Column II

(i) –10 (P) Natural number

(ii)  (Q) Integer but not a natural number

(iii) 3 (R) Rational number but not an integer

(iv) 5/2 (S) Irrational

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Q.2 Column I Column II

(i) Every odd integer is of the form 2m – 1 (P) Rational
where m is

(ii) 3.27 is (Q) Equal

(iii) The LCM and HCF of two rational numbers (R) Integer
are equal then the numbers must be

(iv) 2  5 is (S) Irrational

Q.3 Column I Column II

 10
(i) (P) 1
(ii) 3 2 5 (Q) Prime number
 2p 2 q 
 
(iii)  xy  (R) Irrational
 
(iv) 2 (S) Fractional but not natural number

Match the following (one to many) :

Column-I and column-II contains four entries each. Entries of column-I are to be matched with some
entries of column-II. One or more than one entries of column-I may have the matching with the some
entries of column-II and one entry of column-II may have one or more than one matching with entries of

Q.4 Column I Column II

(i) If two irrational numbers are (P) Irrational number
added then sum may be
(ii) Division of a natural number by (Q) Rational number
another natural number gives
(iii) Natural number (R) Neither rational nor irrational
(iv) Every real number (S) None of these

Q.5 Column I Column II

(i) The sum of two prime numbers (P) Natural number
(ii) The product of three consecutive natural (Q) Even number
numbers is
(iii) Sum of two even numbers (R) Odd number
(iv) Sum of two odd numbers (S) None of these

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Multiple Choice Questions with one correct answer :

Q.1 C Q.2 B Q.3 D Q.4 B Q.5 D
Q.6 A Q.7 A Q.8 D Q.9 B Q.10 B
Q.11 B Q.12 D Q.13 D Q.14 A Q.15 C


Q.1 17 Q.2 64 Q.3 12 Q.4 14

Q.6 Going upwards 55, 165, 330, 660 Q.7 64 Q.8 170 litres
Q.9 75 cm Q.10 (i) 12 (ii) 312 (iii) 1266 (iv) 3 (v) 10
Q.11 Q.12 30


Q.1 C Q.2 B Q.3 C Q.4 A Q.5 C

Q.6 B Q.7 B Q.8 C Q.9 B Q.10 C
Q.11 D Q.12 B Q.13 C


Q.1 A,C Q.2 A,B,C,D Q.3 C Q.4 A,D

Q.5 A, B, C, D Q.6 B,D


Q.1 (i)-(Q), (ii)-(S), (iii)-(P), (iv)-(R) Q.2 (i)-(R), (ii)-(P), (iii)-(Q), (iv)-(S)
Q.3 (i)-(S), (ii)-(R), (iii)-(P), (iv)-(Q) Q.4 (i)-(P,Q), (ii)-(Q), (iii)-(Q), (iv)-(P,Q)
Q.5 (i)-(PQR), (ii)-(PQ), (iii)-(Q), (iv)-(Q)

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