Into the Deep
Into the Deep
Into the Deep
Part 1
TTGroup productions
Into the
some parallel theories that may exist
By Tanmay tiwari
and given them some new parallel theories. The books says
thanks to all those believer who believe in these theories .
The person who emphasize me to write this world is no one you
The book do not have ideology to harm any
religion or to proof them wrong. It's only motive is
to give some parallel theories that people thinks
wrong or not known.
....Tanmay tiwari....
Table Content
Chapter -1
Why we are?
Chapter -2
who is god?
Chapter -3
Humans right, belief, education
Chapter -4
Humans as a parent, teenegers
Something may exists
Why we are?
Humans one of the precious living nature created by god
which have all those necessity items that is needed to be
superior but why? I mean why got created us. What was his
compulsion to create a and other living nature? Well let us
look at the first different religions believe ideology that how
humans came into the existence and what was theperspective
of creation of human in this universe.
According to Christian
According to Islam
Islam one of the most oldest religious and approx 1.5
billion followers stands it at second. The People's of this
religion are known as 'Muslims ' and they also believe on
monopoly means single God known as 'Allah'
According to 'The Holy Quran' humans are created by all
mighty God Allah from clay he has blessed us with
noured and say to become ruler (Caliph) of the earth.
according to the chapter 2 'al bakrah' God created us to
worship and remember him.
'Quran says that we human rises from sea'
According to Hindunism
Hinduism is the oldest followed religion in the world. It is
most diversified and moves colourful religion. Peoples
follows this religion known as 'Hindus' the believe on
multiple God known as 'Bhagwan'
Well Every religion have its own perspective of defining God and
human but my belief says that concreted us not possible or rule on
anyone just we can say that he gives us these all advancement but
neither for domination on fish nor air.
Who is god?
God the term whenever comes it gives relaxation as well as
compulse us to think about his existence and how superior
he is? Again every religion have its own way to describe God
but one thing that is common in all is that they describe him
as a most powerful and creator of whole universe including
human. If you will search who is God? You will find that god is
usually viewed as a Supreme being creator and principle
objects of Faith but is it really true? let's find out
Well religion like judiasm Christianity and Islam they look very
similar about God because they believe on monotheism
means one god.
Q. Who is God?
When this term really exist so it can be define as something
that control the whole universe and that have power to
change whatever he wants in the nature of the universe
God is the Creator of the Universe (Genesis 1:1). Through him and by him, all things are
made (Romans 11:36). He sustains every living thing. Every living thing is finite and
contingent upon his existence. Because of his infinite nature, he is not reliant on
anything for his existence.
Q Is God really exists?
According to the Bible if you will notice there is someone who revealed his
character his law his wisdom his Grace and his redemptive purpose and
create the whole universe in the book of the Genesis he takes 7 days and
he was faceless and there was no any physical appearance. Whatever he
ordered it created in just few seconds this is how the Bible represents the
existence of god.Now the question arises who created them if they created
According to the quaran The Qur'an says that "the heavens and the
earth were joined together as one unit, before We clove them
asunder" (21:30). Following this big explosion, Allah "turned to the
sky, and it had been (as) smoke. He said to it and to the earth: 'Come
together, willingly or unwillingly.'
According to the bible god never came into existence and he will
never go out of existence but he exists within time.
Well if we think from the perspective of Christianity so that for that
God never comes into the existence cause he created the time. But
why on the other hand Hinduism says God Rises from somewhere it
means they clearly crossing each others points let's understand
with some new ideas that me you not know
But now the question arises after reading the Bible that when
God is not created the how he came into the existence?
This is part of the reason why atheists may try to argue that the universe always
existed, because then it wouldn’t need a Creator.
What Was God Doing before Creation?
This may prompt us to wonder what God was doing before Creation. After all,
Creation started at a set point in time, and God, being eternal, is outside of
time. So what did God do before He made the world?
As this article from Ken Ham points out, this question also misunderstands
that when God created the Universe, he also created time. Time needs space
and matter to exist, and neither existed until God created them. “Before
creation” technically is a misnomer because God exists in eternity and isn’t
bound by the constraints of a timeline. Time didn’t exist until God declared it
to exist
So from my perspective I will say these all entities which are
created to represent God looks wrong because I think that god knows
how he looks and why he created us. We all can only guess or can
forward all these statement to the next generation while all these rituals
which are followed in the different religion all are not said by God to
follow he says to do all those were which are needed to become a
beautiful human not only physically but also mentally. In Hindu's
scriptures it has written that got born from golden egg so my question is
who created that golden neck and what he was doing before?
My motive is not to say the practices in today's rituals are
wrong even I am also a hindu But when our vedas says prove
us wrong then why we pray these potrate.
… I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” — Genesis 32:30
This was about christan and hindunism let's talks about islam
7.54 10.3
This was ok there is no mistake but now the problem rise
from this
When it's holy books is not sure that how many days that's got
takes to create all over the universe so how we became sure.
Human's rights belief and
3 education
Social responsibility
Speciality teachers as many of the importance of social responsibility and collective will
being this involves basic necessity of a human being to leave on the earth and also
involves addressing systemic injustice poverty and inequality and working towards the
common goods through act of services Charity and advocacy
But the problem is not in their believe it Rises from there implementation
means how they are implementing these all believes in this modern era.
Well let's understand with a short paragraph.
Today in 2023 if we see the nature of human so we can understand the difference
between ideology and behaviour and the difference occurs only because today we do not
have anyone who can give us the path to follow and do implement the correct believe if
we look at the ideology of people in the past so they have many social reformer just like a
They give many of spritual knowledge in different region due to which people of different
religion became mentally strong.
Today's if we look out the world it looks very open everything is easily
accessible. This is not to become sad but we should appreciate the humans
but as we all know everything have two faces advantages and disadvantages
and it is the rule of nature open world is very helpful for only those who
utilise to develop the world but today if we look around approx 85 to 90%of
the people are its not good but we all know that all this in this world is
helpful still you do not overconsume it. Today humans specially mens want to
get quick relif and not want to wake up from their comfortable zone. Today's
mens becomes very sad and shy. Due to their unhealthy diets and their
regular masturbation their testosterone level is also decreases. In a study it
was noticed that by avoiding masturbation for 7days the testosterone level of
body increase with 10%
While in ancient time men were like warior they were trained in that
environment due to they rises a hardness inside themselves. Their
testosterone level was also balanced but today mens are not able to wake up
from their comfort zone.
Different types of people belief on
creation of universe
Philosophical perspective
• Plato: The ancient Greek philosopher Plato proposed that the material world is a mere
reflection of a higher reality- the realm of Forms or Ideas. According to him, the universe
emanated from these eternal and perfect Forms.
• Aristotle: Aristotle believed in an eternal cosmos, rejecting the idea of a specific moment
of creation. He posited that the universe had always existed and was self-sustaining
Cosmological perspective
• Modern Cosmology: Cosmology, once a matter of religious belief, has become a branch of
physics. The Big Bang theory suggests that the universe began as a singularity a point of
infinite density and temperature. Over time, it expanded, cooled, and formed galaxies, stars,
and planets.
Mythological perspective
Cultures worldwide have creation with that explain how the world came into
existence these stories often involve Gods Premordinal beings and cosmic
event creation maths very widely reflecting cultural, diversity and imagination
In summary the creation of Universe remains are captivating mystery explode
through religious text philosophical scientific theories and ancient tales is
perspective contributes to our collective understanding of our cosmic origin.
They think with their own cultural and all those available things which gives
them sense of creation of universe by those prospective
Creation of universe according
to some religious textbook
Approx 98% percent of the world population follows different kinds
of religion. Certainly! The creation of this universe becomes very
complex term if we look at different religious holy text . But later
understand why the approx whole peoples follows religion and their
In Christianity the creation stories outline in the book of Genesis in the Bible. Itdescribe how
God created the universe in 6 days with various element of creation happening on each day,
culminating in the creation of humans on the sixth day. The story is foundational to the
christan faith, thought interpretation of the creation story can vary among different
Both christan and Muslims are from same catogry known as Abrahnic religion. In
islam, the creation of the universe is described in the quaran. Allah is believed to
have created the universe in six days similar to the christans tradition.
Hindunism has multiple creation myths and philosophical perspective on the
origin of the universe. One of the most popular myth involve that God brahma,
who believes to have created the universe out of his own being. Hindu
cosmology also involves a cycle 'yugas' and say the creation, preservation,
and destruction with the current universe being just one of many.
The words which are colliding
between science and religion
The origin of the universe is very differ in science and religion
science think that universe is created due to big bang while
different religion have it's own perspective to define creation of
It is a complex and multifacted concept that has been approched
differently by religion and science
In many religious traditions. Consciousness is often seen as a
fundamental aspect of the human being, sometimes interwined with
the soul or spirit.
Religious often poist the existence of the transcendent realm or
higher consciousness, such as God and divine.
Despite these difference the new social group was born known as
Athesim. They knows every religion in this world are colliding somewhere
in each other they are not sure of creatinon of universe and God but
they are blindly following and colliding each other that why Atheist says
first you all fight to clear these all then we will choose which religion we
should follow.
The role of religion in sharping Educational
value and ethics
Religion has a long been a corner stone in shaping the values of ethics
embedded within educational system worldwide. Religion gives us many
of the deep knowledge from generation by generation but the problem
arises that the knowledge given in a spiritual textbooks is written on the
comfort of those centuries but today it need some changes to make
suitable for today's humans
Gender equality and religion
Gender equality and religion have a complex and very relationship across
different cultures traditions and religious beliefs. Many of the religion have
teaches the power combination due to good relationship between different
caste while many of the religion have taken it to introduce bad habits in
society. The interpretation of religious text and scriptures place a
significant role in shaping attitude towards gender roles and equality within
religiius community. Despite historical barriers the rise of women in
leadership rolls within religious contest reflex changing attitude whats
gender roles and the recognition of women contributions.
Hinduism third most followed religion in the world. Even I am also Hindu
that's why I can relate more closely to upper and work as peoples of
Hinduism and how much this discrimination impact on lower caste and
upper caste peoples in Hinduism.
One of the well known form of inequality in Hinduism is a caste system
which historically divided society into 4 main varnas or social classes
brahmins, Kshatriyas, vashays and the shudras. Most of the discrimination
and any quality occurs by upper 3 varnas to Dalitts. They believe that they
cannot pray or they are not level of him. But today to destroyed government
has taken many of steps but also the same time it takes part in many of the
backward villages.
Humans as a teenager
4 and parents
On the other hand parent s, human play aakroshial roll in supporting their
teenagers through this to tumultuous period of growth and transition.
Effective parenting during adolescence invole fostering open
communication, providing guidance and support. This stage also serves as
role model, influencimg their teenagers attitude, behavioir and values.
The whole cycle of humans journey marked by distinct stages with many of
responsibility and pressure. I think thatGod given us this beautiful journey of life to
get out of these obstacles and spread love and harmony. But today teens and adult
people instead of pass out from these they fall down from these obstacle as
depression, addiction of phone.
Problem arises due to overthinking in
Today's in this era most of the teens are getting depressed. According to
National survey of drugs 2017 In 2017, 13% of U.S. teens ages 12 to 17 (or 3.2
million) said they had experienced at least one major depressive episode in
the past year, up from 8% (or 2 million) in 2007, according to a Pew Research
Center analysis of data from the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and
Humans as a parent
If you will search out humans as a parent they will give the answer
like they are the best living parent but I think that this has ended. I
know it will hurt you a lot but upcoming generation of parent is
going to more careless as a parent.
Today' sucide cases are rising in between students why because of pressure
of parent not only physically but mostly mentally. Today in India if a student
passed out 12 standard they have only some choices like engineering,
medical or administration but what about other professions. That is why
today the statement is correctly proving that uneducated people are
earning more money than educated this is only of pressure of study and
parents emotions.
Something that may
5 exists
In this chapter we will try to understand some new theories that may
exists if you believe on them. These theories consist of some
important fact which helps us to learn something new by preexisting
If we analyse and observe all the past chapters with scientific evidence
so the squeez will be that "there is supreme being that is the creator of
whole universe and have control and coordination of this whole
observable universe including living organism.
As I believe on multiverse theory so I think that everything
in this universe have its opposite something will be in
favour of us while something will not. Similarly like how we
named someone God in this earth will known as devil in
other planet where life exist. I mean to say that we pray
god (positive energy) exist may treat devil as God and God
as devil.
Other thing that can exist is that why we pray god. well if you ask
anyone this they will tell you answer like to achieve anything while
in abrahnic religion it is written that god says us to pray him why ? As
I have told you motive behind creation of humans
In this I think that athesist are best you know why if we look at data approx
80℅ of atheist achieve big success because they are free to think while in
religion if a person like want to think about creation of universe so first he will
believe on his religious textbook and on there ancestors not in science
because there surrounding has given him environment like this that they
cannot think or go against his religion.
We humans created not to pray every time god yes you can remember him but carry on your
responsibility for what you comes in earth and contribute something in this planet without
harming any living things life, heart, emotions, Because we all humans are only divided due
to religion so please focus for what you born here.
Whenever I saw any people who fast for God he say that and he /she say that I will
fast for this day for God to fulfil my desire I always think first that God bless them
because thay are very religious and innocent they believe on anything what ever
there ancestors says them. And I am saying again that there is nothing will fulfilled
due to fast instead of this you will loose your energy. So please mind in your