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Chapter 4: Processor Management TRUE/FALSE 1. A process is an inactive unit, such as a file stored on a disk. 2.

A program is an active entity that requires a set of resources, including a processor and special registers, to perform its function. 3. The processor is also known as the CPU. 4. A single processor can be shared by several jobs, or several processes, but if, and only if, the operating system has a scheduling policy, as well as a scheduling algorithm, to determine when to stop working on one job and proceed to another. 5. The Processor Manager is a composite of two submanagers: one in charge of job scheduling and the other in charge of program scheduling. 6. After a job has been placed on the READY queue by the Job Scheduler, the Process Scheduler takes over. 7. Most computer programs alternate between CPU cycles and I/O cycles. 8. CPU-bound jobs (such as printing a series of documents) have many brief CPU cycles and long I/O cycles 9. As a job moves through the system it s always in one of five states; these are called the job status or the process status. 10. From HOLD, the job moves to WAITING when it s ready to run but is waiting for the CPU. 11. The transition from one job or process status to another is initiated by either the Job Scheduler or the Process Scheduler. 12. Each job is uniquely identified by the user s identification and a pointer connecting it to its descriptor. 13. The process state contains all of the data about the job needed by the operating system to manage the processing of the job. 14. It is possible to minimize response time by running only interactive jobs and letting the batch jobs wait until the interactive load ceases. 15. The Process Scheduler often uses a timing mechanism and periodically interrupts running processes when a predetermined slice of time has expired. 16. First-come, first-served (FCFS) is a preemptive scheduling algorithm that handles jobs according to their arrival time. 17. If one job monopolizes the system, the extent of its overall effect on system performance depends on the scheduling policy and whether the job is CPU-bound or I/O-bound.

18. Shortest job next (SJN) is a nonpreemptive scheduling algorithm (also known as shortest job first, or SJF) that handles jobs based on the length of their CPU cycle time. 19. When using priority scheduling, priorities are assigned to jobs by the owner of the job (the user). 20. The Shortest remaining time (SRT) algorithm is often used in interactive systems. 21. Context switching is required by all preemptive algorithms. 22. In round robin scheduling, if processing isn t finished when time expires, the job is preempted and put at the end of the READY queue and its information is saved in its PCB. 23. Multiple-level queues isn t really a separate scheduling algorithm but works in conjunction with several other schemes. 24. Aging is used to ensure that jobs in lower-level queues will eventually complete their execution. 25. The control program that handles the interruption sequence of events is called the interrupt scheduler. Chapter 5 TRUE/FALSE 1. Deadlock is a system-wide tangle of resource requests that begins when two or more jobs are put on hold, each waiting for a vital resource to become available. 2. Deadlock does not affect the entire system, but only one process. 3. Deadlock was a serious problem for early batch systems. 4. Deadlocks are most serious in real-time systems. 5. Locking can be done only at the level of the entire database. 6. If locks are not used to preserve their integrity, the updated records in the database might include only some of the data and their contents would depend on the order in which each process finishes its execution. 7. Deadlocks occur when processes request access to devices of the same type, but never when waiting for access to devices of different types. 8. Most systems have transformed the printer into a sharable device by installing a high-speed device, a disk, between it and the CPU. 9. A livelock is caused by two processes attempting to access a shared device such as a disk. 10. A deadlock is preceded by five conditions that the operating system should recognize and act upon to prevent deadlock from occurring. 11. In a directed graph used to model deadlock, processes are represented using squares.

12. When modeling deadlock, if there s a cycle in the graph then there s a deadlock involving the processes and the resources in the cycle. 13. It is easy to design a foolproof deadlock prevention policy. 14. Mutual exclusion should be eliminated from a computer system to avoid deadlock. 15. Resource holding, where a job holds on to one resource while waiting for another one that s not yet available, could be sidestepped by forcing each job to request, at creation time, every resource it will need to run to completion. 16. In many cases, there exists at least one allocation of resources sequence that will allow jobs to continue without becoming deadlocked. 17. According to the Banker s Algorithm an unsafe state always leads to deadlock. 18. The operating system must be sure never to satisfy a request that moves it from a safe state to an unsafe one. 19. Although the Banker s Algorithm has been used to avoid deadlocks in systems with a few resources, it isn t always practical for most systems. 20. There are several recovery algorithms, but they all have one feature in common: they all require at least one victim, an expendable job, which, when removed from the deadlock, will free the system. 21. Starvation is the result of the liberal allocation of resources. 22. Once starvation has been detected, the system can block new jobs until the starving jobs have been satisfied. 23. In the dining philosophers problem there are five philosophers but only four forks. 24. When recovering from deadlock, jobs close to completion are usually left alone. 25. A problem with the Banker s Algorithm is that resources aren t well utilized because the algorithm assumes the worst case and, as a result, keeps vital resources unavailable to guard against unsafe states. Chapter 6

TRUE/FALSE 1. Parallel processing is a situation in which two or more processors operate in unison. 2. For multiprocessing systems, the Processor Manager has to coordinate the activity of each processor, as well as synchronize the interaction among the CPUs.

3. Multiprocessors were developed for high-end models of IBM mainframes and VAX midrange computers where the operating system treated additional CPUs as additional resources that could be scheduled for work. 4. The only reason for multiprocessing is to increase computer power. 5. The master/slave configuration is an symmetric multiprocessing system. 6. In a master/slave system, the master processor is responsible for managing the entire systemall files, devices, memory, and processors. 7. The loosely coupled configuration features several complete computer systems, each with its own memory, I/O devices, CPU, and operating system. 8. In a loosely coupled system, a job may move from one processor to another during execution. 9. The symmetric configuration is best implemented if the processors are all of the same type. 10. In a symmetric configuration, processor scheduling is centralized. 11. The success of process synchronization hinges on the capability of the operating system to make a resource available to other processes while it is being used by one of them. 12. The common element in all synchronization schemes is to allow a process to finish work on a critical region of the program before other processes have access to it. 13. Test-and-set is a single indivisible machine instruction known simply as TS and was introduced by IBM for its multiprocessing System 360/370 computers. 14. The WAIT and SIGNAL operations must be issued at the same time. 15. A semaphore can have a negative value. 16. In parallel computations mutual exclusion is achieved automatically because each operation is handled in order, one at a time. 17. The classic problem of producers and consumers is one in which one process produces some data that another process consumes later. 18. The problem of masters and slaves arises when two types of processes need to access a shared resource such as a file or database.

19. Multiprocessing can refer to one job using several processors to execute sets of instructions in parallel. 20. For many computational purposes, serial processing is sufficient; its easy to implement and fast enough for most users. 21. Implied parallelism includes automatic detection by the compiler of instructions that can be performed in parallel. 22. Multiplying two 3x3 matrices requires 45 operations when performed in parallel using three processors. 23. Threads share the same resources as the process that created them. 24. Thread Information Blocks contain basic information about a thread such as its ID, state, and a pointer to the process that created it. 25. Augusta Ada Byron is regarded as the worlds first programmer for her work on Charles Babbages Analytical Engine in the 1830s. Read more: Carla, do you remeber this Do you have these answers still Study JustAnswer

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