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1 Home work assignment I

1.1 y 2 = x3 + d2
Problem Let d 6= 0 and consider the curve E : y 2 = x3 + d2 . Let l be
the straight line passingthrough a point (x0 , y0 ) ∈ E and (0, d). Compute the
coordinates x1 , y1 of the third point of intersection between l and E.
Solution The line l through (x0 , y0 ) and (0, d) is given by
y0 − d
y−d= x.
Elimination of y with y 2 = x3 + d2 gives us
y0 − d
x3 − d + + d2 = 0

The coefficient of x2 in this cubic equation the sum of its roots 0 + x0 + x1 on

the one hand and on the other hand
y0 − d 2
x0 + x1 = .
y0 − d 2 y 2 − 2dy0 + d2 − x30 d − y0
x1 = − x0 = 0 = 2d
x0 x20 x20
where we have used y02 = x30 + d2 . Using this equation once more we find that
= − y0x+d
. hence
x1 = −2d .
y0 + d
Then y1 becomes
y0 − d 3d − y0
y1 = x1 + d = d .
x0 y0 + d

1.2 y 2 = x3 + k
Problem Let k 6= 0 and consider the curve E : y 2 = x3 + k. Choose a point
(x0 , y0 ) ∈ E and let l be the tangent of E at this point. Compute the third
point of intersection between l and E.
Solution The slope of l is given by 3x20 /2y0 and the line is

y − y0 = (x − x0 ).
We determine the third point of intersection (x1 , y1 ) again by looking at the
coefficient of x2 in the cubic equation

x − y0 + (x − x − 0) + k.

We get
2x0 + x1 =
from which we deduce
9x40 x4 − kx0
x1 = 2 − 2x0 = 0 3 .
4y0 x0 + k

3x2 x40 − kx0
y 1 = y0 + 0 − x0
2y0 x30 + k
which equals

3x30 x60 − kx30 + k 2

k 1
y 1 = y0 − 3 = .
y0 x0 + k y0 x30 + k

1.3 Hartshorne, problem 1.1

Part a) Let Y be the plane curve y = x2 . Show that k[Y ] is isomorphic to a
polynomial ring in one variable over k.
Solution Notice that A[Y ] = k[x, y]/(y − x2 ). We show that this ring is
isomorphic to k[x] via the k-algebra homomorphism φ : k[x, y] → k[x] given by
x 7→ x, y 7→ x2 . Notice that y − x2 is in the kernel of φ. Suppose that P (x, y) is
in the kernel of φ, i.e. P (x, x2 ) ≡ 0. We show that P (x, y) is divisible by y − x2
from which we can conclude that the kernel is (y − x2 ). Notice that for any
P ∈ k[x, y] the difference P (x, y) − P (x, x2 ) is divisible by y − x2 . In particular,
if P (x, x2 ) vanishes we can conclude that P is divisible by y − x2 , as asserted.
Since the map φ is surjective we can apply an isomorphism theorem to
conclude that k[x, y]/(y − x2 ) = k[x].
Part b) Let Z be the plane curve xy = 1. Show that k[Z] is not isomorphic
to a polynomial ring.
Solution Note that k[Z] = k[x, y]/(xy − 1). This ring is generated by x, y
which are invertible elements in k[Z]. Suppose there is an isomorphism of k[Z]
with a polynomial ring over k. Then this ring is also generated by invertible
elements. However, the only invertible elements of a polynomial ring are the
ground field k and such elements do bnot generate the polynomial ring. So there
can be no isomorphism.
Part c) Let f be any irredicuble quadratic polynomial in k[x, y] and then
let W be the conic defined by f . Show that k[W ] is isomorphic to k[Y ] or
k[Z]. Which one is it when? We can assume that k is algebraically closed of
characteristic zero.
Solution. Let f = ax2 + bxy + cy 2 + dx + ey + h. We apply a linear change
of coordinates to bring f into standard form. We distinguish several cases:

- a = c = 0. Then b 6= 0 and we can assume b = 1.Then f = xy+dx+ey+f .
Substitute x → x − e, y → y − d to get f = xy + h − de. Since f is
irreducible we have h − de 6= 0. After the substitution x → (de − h)x we
obtain f = xy − 1.
- a 6= 0. We assume a = 1. Substitute x → x − by/2 − d/2 to obtain
x2 − ∆y 2 + e0 y + h0 where ∆ = c − b2 /4. We distinguish two cases,
- ∆ = 0. In that case e0 6= 0 because f is irreducible. Substitute
y → (y − h0 )/e0 to get f = x2 + y.
- ∆ 6= 0. Substitute y → y − e0 /2∆ to get f = x2 − ∆y 2 √ + h00 with
h 6= 0 because
√ of irreducibility of f . Now replace x − y ∆y by x
and x + y ∆ by −h00 y to obtain f = xy − 1.
Thus we see that k[W ] is isomorphic to k[Y ] if and only if ∆ = 0. In other
words b2 − 4ac = 0. When b2 − 4ac 6= 0 we see that k[W ] is isomorphic to k[Z].

1.4 Hartshorne, problem 1.3

Let Y be the algebraic set in A3 defined by the two polynomials x2 − yz and
xz − x. Show that Y is a union of three irreducible components. Describe them
and their prime ideals.
Solution. Vanishing of zx − x implies either x = 0 or z = 1 or both. When
x = 0 the first equation gives yz = 0, which implies y = 0 or z = 0. When
z = 1 we find from the first equation that y = x2 . Concluding we see that Y is
a union of the zero sets of (x, y), (x, z) and (z − 1, y − x2 ). All three ideals are
prime ideals, hence their zero sets are irreducible.

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