Flight management system
Flight management system
Flight management system
The objective of this assessment is to check your ability to complete a project as per the
provided “Project Design”.
1. Write the source code for the classes, methods and packages EXACTLY as mentioned
in the “Project Design” section.
2. Ensure that the names of the packages, classes, methods and variables EXACTLY
MATCH with the names specified in the “Project Design” section.
3. Understand the project requirements and ACCORDINGLY WRITE the code and logic
in the classes and methods so as to meet all given requirements.
1. You are expected to create your project locally using eclipse (or any other IDE) on
your desktop.
2. Once you are ready with the code, you should upload the src folder of your project
in .zip format, using the “Upload Zip File” button.
IMPORTANT NOTE 1 : The extension of the zip file should be ONLY .zip (any other zip
formats such as .7z will produce unexpected results)
IMPORTANT NOTE 2 : The .zip file should contain zip of ONLY the src folder structure
from your project. (If the zip file has anything other than the src folder structure, the
result will be unexpected. Do not zip the entire project folder structure. Just do the
zip of the src folder structure and upload it)
IMPORTANT NOTE 3 : The name of the .zip file should be <your employee
number>.zip For e.g., if your emp no. is 12345, the zip file should be named
3. After uploading the zip file, you can click on “Compile & Test” button and the
assessment engine will compile your source code and test it using its pre-defined
4. If some of the test-cases fail, you can make the fixes in your source code locally on
your desktop, and again repeat the above two steps.
5. Once you are finished with all the fixes, you can click on “Final Submission” button,
which will show you the final result/score.
NOTE that –
6. The assessment engine will create objects and invoke methods as per the project
design, and while doing so, it will use your packages, classes and methods. If your
packages, classes and methods have a name mismatch or method prototype
mismatch with respect to the expected “Project Design”, the tool will show it as an
ERROR. If your packages, classes and methods match as per the names but do not
perform the expected functionality, the tool will show it as a FAILURE.
7. Unless specified in the Project Design, DO NOT use System.exit(0) anywhere in your
code. Using System.exit(0) in your project code will cause the CPC test engine to exit
and it will not be able to run all test-cases.
Project Objective:
Create a console based application, that will help the admin of a FMS to add new Flight
Note: This application will cover only limited functionalities for the assessment.
Project Design:
A. Database Design: You can skip this step if you have created this user earlier
commands ]
a) Note: Do NOT use the default scott/tiger account of oracle for this project. You
b) Username/password : B<batchnumber><employeeid>
For example, if your batch number is 39806 and Employee number is 12345, then
be B3980612345
c) For JDBC connection, only use XE as service name and 1521 as port number
2. Steps for creating a new user
3. Create Table [ To be done using sql commands, after logging-in as the new user
4. Create Sequence
Package: com.wipro.flight.bean
Package: com.wipro.flight.dao
Purpose: This method is used to
String getComputedId(String compute the flightid, which will be a
combination of first 2 alphabetical
letters of name in uppercase followed
name, String seqName)
by 5 digit number that will be
generated by the oracle sequence
Package: com.wipro.flight.service
Package: com.wipro.flight.util