Horror Hero - Endless Nightmares

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Authors: Alan Dickerson, Robert O'Neal, John Tucker & David Utter

Additional Material:
George MacDonald and Steve Peterson
Editor/Developer: Bruce Harlick
Cover Art: Jim Warren
Interior Illustrations: Storn Cook, Alan Dickerson,
Louis Frank, Fredd Gorham, Stephan Peregrine,
Giorgia Ponticelli, Scott Ruggles, Greg Smith
Project Specific Contributions -
Pagemaking: Blackhawk Typesetting;
Paste-Up: Gera Miles, Mike Reynolds;
Cover Graphics: Terry K. Amthor;
Art Direction: Jessica Ney-Grimm;
Production Direction: John W. Curtis III;
Editorial Contributions: Coleman Charlton, Ray Greer,
George MacDonald, Steve Peterson

ICE Staff - Sales Manager: Deane Begiebing;

Managing Editor: Coleman Charlton;
President: Peter Fenlon; CEO: Bruce Neidlinger;
Editing, Development & Production Staff: Monte Cook,
John Curtis, Bruce Harlick, Jessica Ney-Grimm;
Sales, Customer Service & Operations Staff:
Heike Kubasch, Dave Platnick;
Shipping Staff: Dave Morris, Daniel Williams.

Horror Hero: Endless Nightmares is Hero Games' trademark for its superhero roleplaying game using the Hero System.

Chempions" and Champions, The Super Roleplaying aeme: are Hero Games' trademarks for its superhero roleplaying game using the Hero System.
Hero System" is Hero Games' trademark for its roleplaying system.
Horror Hero: Endless Nightmaresm Copyright" 1994 Hero Games. All rights Reserved.
Champions Copyright e 1981, 1984, 1989 Hero Games. All rights reserved.
Hero System Copyright" 1984, 1984 Hero Games. All rights Reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying (except Character
Sheets for personal use only), recording, or computerization, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the
Publisher: Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 1605, Charlottesville, VA 22902.

Printed in the U.S.A, First Printing 1994 Stock #: 509

Produced and Distributed by Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc., the exclusive manufacturer of Hero Games. ISBN 1-55806-203-3

C~ T_~_B_L_f__ O_f_C_O_N_T_f_N_T_S ~)
An Introduction To Horror .4 Horrible Imaginings Psychic Powers .42
What's Inside 6 Psychic Abilities And Magic 42
How To Use This Book 6 Using Psychic Powers 42
Overview 8 Setting 45
The Horror Genre 8 Creating A Horror Campaign Background 45
Defining The Genre 10 Using An Existing Campaign Setting 45
Tone 10 Horror In Champions .46
Defining The Rules 10 Horror In Fantasy Hero .46
New Rules 12 Whoever Fights Monsters Character Creation .47
Spirit Rules 12 Character Conception 47
Shock And Stress 22 Character Archetypes 50
Normal Presence Attacks 23 Officials 51
General Presence Attacks 25 Academics 54
Stress Level 27 Professionals 56
The Effects Of Stress 27 Mystics 59
Long Term Stress 29 Character Abilities 61
Characteristics 61
Defining Horror Magic: That Foul Sorcery 32 Skills 63
Introduction 32 Perks 63
Magic Special Effects 33 Talents 64
Setting The Balance 33 Powers 65
Buying Magic 34 Character Disadvantages 65
Horror Hero Magic Systems .40 Character Development 66
Looking Into The Abyss: Horror Roleplaying 68
The Abyss Bites Back 71
Grave Undertakings: Gamemastering Horror Hero 74
Introduction 74
The Nature Of The Beast 74
Implements Of Destruction 74
Projecting Icy Tendrils Of Fear 80
Looking For Trouble 88
Horror Magic Sourcebook 89
Ritual Magic 89
Enchanted Objects 93
The Shadow Of The Civil War 96
Players' Guide To Eldritch Horror 96
GMs Guide To Eldritch Horror 99
The Eldritch Horror Campaign 103
The Black Dawn 103
The Art Of The Dawn 106
Notable Black Dawn Cultists 110
Dr. Arthur Barrosmythe 11 0
Colonel Midas Caine 112
Icarus Caine 114
Silas And Paul Voltanus 116
Creatures 118
The Tormentor 119
The Oracle 120
The Possessor 121
The Construct 122
Walking Cadaver 123
Skeletons 124
The Incarnate 124
The Hades Sentinel 126

Lairs And Locations 127

The Opposition 131 AUTHORS' DEDICATION
The Fortunatii Operatii 131
Parson William Chandler 132 Dave's Dedication:
To my parents, for being there; my fellow authors for their
First Lt. Sean O'Leary 133 constant (sometimes even lucid) inspiration; and to the end
Dr. James Leonard Tipsword 134 of the GAME.
Daniel Graeme 135
AI's Dedication:
Scenario: The Anglewood Slasher 137
To Ronald and Shirley Dickerson - just skip over the
Beating It To A Pulp 141 weird parts, OK? To Dave (who went to school), Bob (who
Players Guide To Pulp Horror 141 knows the rules), and John (who's a bloodylunatic.) - for
Roleplaying In 1900-1945 America 141 patience and friendship above and beyond, etc. etc.
GMs Guide To Pulp Horror 144 For REH, HPL, MWW, JK, JV, BOC
The Pulp Horror Campaign 146 Bob's Dedication:
To my beloved Marylynn, for putting up with my hobby; to
The Cult Of Taxlan 146
the other three for what began as a "small project" - Thanks,
Notable Taxlan Cultists 151 guys.
Manifest Jones ; 151
Chantelle Dujon 152 John's Dedication:
To my Dad and Mom (AKA Jack and Margaret), without
Taxlan Inner Cultist 153
whom one quarter of this book would not be possible. Nice
Taxlan Outer Cultist 153 work, guys; he turned out all right. Looks like there is a little
Creatures 154 dark side in him after all - luv ya.
The God Taxlan 154 To Christine and the rest of our tribe - Maria, Angela,
Ictaxlians 155 Richard, Annie and the son of my right hand, Benjamin. I love
Aquasanguis 157 you all. Thanks, Chris, for letting me loose nights when the
Baka 158 moon is full.
Chauche 159 And to my long-time friends, S.H.E.E.S.H.; Bob O'Neal-
Loup-Garou (Haitian Vampire) 160 acquainted about seventeen years, dude - Don't worry;
Mono Grande 162 we'll flatten the hill before we go over it. CONGRATULA-
TIONS, pop. (Hi, Kyle.) Dave Utter. The guy who made it
The Zombie 163 possible to put "eldritch" down on floppy. The next round of
Lairs And Locations 164 Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters is on me. Alan Dickerson. A
The Opposition 166 coffee czar with an esoteric library and a fantastic imagina-
Typical Dark Corner Society Member 166 tion - pseudo-vampire with a video yen and a twisted sense
Jimmy Horton 167 of humor I can relate to. It's been good going way back with
Vito Lagardia 168 you. Looks like we made it - Hark! Is that the sound of
Patrick Mitchell 170 shekels rolling in?
Scenario 171 To my brothers, Sam and Steve, to Greg (Ha! You really
do trace your artwork, don't you?) and to Brian K. Davidson,
The Awful Truth 176 wherever you are.
Players Guide To Paranoid Horror 176
Group Dedication:
GM's Guide To Paranoid Horror 178
To Monte Cook, for the opportunity; to Bruce Harlick, for
The Modern Horror Campaign 181 working above and beyond and to Ray Greer and Steve
The Shapeshifters International Conspiracy 181 Peterson, for listening and for suggestions. It would not have
The History Of The Shapeshifters 181 been done without any of you.
Sample Spells 186
Notable S.I.C. Members 188
Spike Earley 188
Kurten 190
Creatures - Lycanthropes 191
Creatures - Vampires 193
Creatures - lods 197
Lairs And Locations 198
The Opposition 199
Jim Bob Barnes 200
Jude 201
Wilton St. John 203
Morgan Blake 204
Scenario 205
Appendix: Spirit Examples 211

"But Inspector, if she was killed here, what happened to
the blood? Wouldn't these wounds give off a lot of blood?"
Graeme did not answer. A man in a long coat standing
across the street had his attention ...
After the turn of the century those awful Pulp magazines
told lurid tales of terror which spanned the world. Little did the
eager readers of those tales suspect that real horror was
occurring across the globe, as the last dark corners of the
Earth were probed by "civilized"men...
Haiti, 1933: Exploding with a tremendous sound, the tunnel
was closed with several tons of dirt and rock. Patrick Mitchell
pulled himself from the ground with tremendous effort; every
muscle and bone felt torn or smashed. The stone! What
happened to the stone?
Adrenaline took over now. The explosion had not killed
him, but losing the stone would be akin to dying. Where was
it? His flashlight beam obscured by the cloud of dust, Patrick
began to search the ground with his hands frantically.
Then he heard The Sound. No mistake, falling rock does
not make That Sound. Patrick slowly aimed the flashlight
down the tunnel opening to the west. It was coming. Patrick
turned to the southeast passage and started running. "When
the Ictaxlian finds the stone," Patrick thought, "it will never
stop until it finds me... "
And so it went, until the thermonuclear forces of Chaos
rent the sorcerous fabric already stretched to the breaking
point by WOUld-be world conquerors. A new enemy surfaced
after the war- Science. You will never hear about it now, but
for a while your little world fell prey to the children of the atom
and the cold grip of intelligences from beyond ....
Ohio, 1956: The helicopter was still ten feet off the ground
when General Nebula leaped out. In seconds he was in
position at the mouth of the cave and waiting for the others
So. You have come. to catch up. "You're sure this is where the kids went?" he
Tonight you will enter the many worlds of Horror Hero. It is hissed, and the field team assured him it was. No need to
I, One-eye, your monocular Host with No Name. I am your ask, really - he could smell a Robot lair a mile away. "Let's
tour guide through the horrors of the past century on Earth. go!"
I was there. I watched it all happen. I saw eldritch horror Forty feet inside the rough stone gave way to polished
unfold in the dark streets of yesteryear ... metal, and the hum of machinery could be heard. Twenty feet
Delaware, 1888: Both policemen bent over the young after that the tunnel opened up into a cavernous chamber.
woman's body as steam appeared in the cold night air over Alien technology lined the walls, and a dark gray saucer
her mortal wounds. Inspector Graeme looked down the hovered over a gaping pit in the floor. All around the room
alley, staring off at a point seemingly beyond the horizon. human slaves - teenagers - toiled at the machines.
With a sudden turn, Graeme startled Patrolman Johnson Suddenly a reverberating clang came from the tunnel behind
and walked to the street. the General, and a hatch opened up on the saucer. Darn it!
"He followed her out of the inn, Grover. She was at the It was a trap!
back of the group; her friends were in a hurry to get to their From within the saucer a mechanical voice intoned, "Wel-
homes and none of them saw him stop her. He engaged her come human-Ieader-called-Nebula. Throw down your primi-
in conversation here, pulled her into the alley and killed her tive weapons and surrender."
near this wall."

"Never, you lousy alien! You'll never get us!" gallery and Barnes was on the floor. The air rippled around
"Scanning threat. .. 'Us', General?" the three figures and Blake swore in disgust.
Boy, the team was quiet. Nebula turned and his awful "Wereboars. Damn." Their disguises gone, Blake saw
suspicion was confirmed. Glassy eyes, slack face, guns three hairy monsters gnashing their tusks and growling, "Our
pointed at him - they'd been brain-changed, all right. This masters want their property back, human. They also want
was going to be tougher than he thought... you dead. Let us begin, shall we?"
But you protest - That is ancient history, and of little But you do not seek real horrors such as I have witnessed.
concern to me. Where is the horror now? That, my young Youseek to create horror through the art of Aleanumerology,
friends, is a question you will regret the answer to... the magic of dice. So be it. I, too, have studied this art and
Somewhere in America, 1992: Blake scoffed. "There's no trust my counsel will enlighten you. I will provide guidance,
way that that's the bullet. If your theory is true then they would admonitions, warnings and the odd word to the wise. But
have recovered it." first, a final caution - with this book you will enter regions of
The Texan only shrugged. "This ain't the one they picked Hero System roleplaying you only dreamed could exist.
up off Connally's stretcher. Our people got there first. Just From the gas-lit streets of historic America to the neon
watch." jungles of today, Horror Hero strips away the veneer of
The two mannequins in the convertible had photographs normality and exposes the terror within!
taped to their heads, which the Texan explained was neces- Here you will find information enabling you to run exciting
sary. He loaded the bolt-action rifle and pointed it at the car. scenarios of horror in any Hero System campaign. If your
"You going to aim that thing?" heroes are fighters or thinkers, if your genre is the Roaring
"Nope. Don't need to." Barnes pulled the trigger and Twenties or the saucer haunted Fifties, if your players want
plaster flew off the dummies. "Take a gander at that there." to face a different threat, or if you just need to throw
Sure enough, there were seven wounds. The magic bullet something nasty and evil at their bare throats, you hold in
had hit the Connally dummy twice and the other dummy five your hands the book you need. But beware! Your campaign
times, changing direction three times. Blake picked it out of may never be the same again!
the car door and found it to be in pristine condition. Suddenly Or you may wish to start a newall-horror campaign.
the room seemed very cold. He was holding in his hand the Included here is information on four distinct horror genres
bullet that killed Kennedy. spanning the century, dozens of monsters researched from
His reverie was interrupted by a strangled cry from the sources across the globe and beyond, organizations plotting
Texan. Three swarthy men in suits stood in the corner of the agendas that spell doom for humanity, new package deals

enabling players to recreate their favorite Horror Hero,

background notes for each era, new wrinkles on magic and
powers, more scenarios than you can sprinkle holy water at, (~
__ B_O_O_K ~
and much, much more!
In Horror Hero, the research has been done for you, and Horror Hero is a combination genre and campaign book
the monsters lie in wait. All you need to do is add your designed for use with the Hero System rules. It contains
unsuspecting players; a sinister laugh is optional. And re- material describing ways of creating and running horror-
member: themed role playing games. Horror Hero does not contain
IF YOU CAN'T BE A HERO, the rules needed to play the game; creating characters,
RUN FOR IT! using skills and conducting combat are described in the Hero
System Rulesbook, available separately.
We recommend that you read all the way through Horror
Hero, of course. However, we do have some specific recom-
C....___W_H_I\_T_'S_IN_S_ID_E_~) mendations about reading this book.
Here is a brief summary of what is included in Horror Hero
and how it is organized. IF YOU HAVE NEVER PLAYED
GENRE BOOK As explained, this book will help you create exciting Horror
The first half of Horror Hero explains how the GM and role playing games using the Hero System, but it won't teach
players can use the Hero System for horror roleplaying. First you how to actually play them. If you don't already have the
of all is an overview section, describing the horror genre and Hero System Rule Book, you should buy a copy right away.
its components. Next is the rules section (Defining The Once you have the Hero System Rulesbook, you should
Genre), where we describe how to use the Hero System familiarize yourself with the following sections: Character
rules (and some new rules) to create horror roleplaying. This Creation, Character Skills, and the Combat rules (you and
includes rules for magic and psychic abilities in Horror Hero. your players will find scenarios run smoother if you practice
The fourth section describes how to create settings for the combat system for an hour or so before you commence
Horror Hero, and how to use Horror Hero in existing settings. the campaign). After you have mastered these areas, read
The Characters section describes in detail how to create and the rest of the Hero System book.
play Horror Hero characters in a variety of settings. The The Game Master (GM) should read the entire Horror
Stories section describes howto GM HorrorHero; it includes Hero book, paying particular attention to Defining The Rules.
guidelines on creating and running scenarios, campaign The GM must then select which campaign to run (or create
rationales, and more. Finally, the Sourcebook section pro- a brand new campaign, which requires a lot more work). We
vides some examples of magic systems, spells and items for recommend that novice GMs begin by using a sample
Horror Hero. scenario from one of the campaigns; this is the easiest way
to get started.
Players should read all of the Genre portion on Horror
CAMPAIGN BOOK Hero, paying particular attention to the Characters section.
The second half of Horror Hero contains three different Additionally, the players should read the Player's Guide
campaign settings, each designed to simulate a different section of the campaign that the GM has chosen to run (but
type of horror. Each era contains a brief Player's guide no further!). The players can use the sample heroes included
describing the setting and containing information on skills with the campaign, or they can construct their own charac-
and technology that are currently available. Next is a GM's ters. If the players are constructing their own characters, the
guide that explains how to set and run a campaign during the GM must provide the campaign ground rules for the players
time frame. Then a campaign setting forthe era is presented. (see Defining The Rules).
Each campaign details an organization indicative of the era,
with the organization history, current activities, sample magic
and NPCs, monsters and lairs. Then a PC organization with IF YOU HAVE PLAYED
sample PCs is presented. Finally, each era contains a ready HERO SYSTEM GAMES BEFORE
to run scenario. These are presented in the most appropriate The material in Horror Hero may be added to an existing
era. but can (and should) be used in any campaign. Hero System campaign or it may be used as the basis of an
The campaign settings are The Shadow of The Civil War all-new campaign. The GM who wants to add horror sce-
(gothic/eldritch horror in historic America), Beating It To A narios to an existing campaign can ignore most of the
Pulp (world-spanning adventure horror in the pulp era), and Campaign section, but the creatures, NPCs and scenarios
The Awful Truth (urban legend and paranoid horror in may be useful for almost any campaign with a little modifica-
today's world). tion.lfyou wantto start up a Horror Hero campaign using one
of the campaigns included in the book, then of course you
should read through that entire section of the Campaign
book as well as the entire Genre book. Players should read
the Player's Guide to that campaign, as well as the Charac-
ters section of the Genre book.
All roleplayers know how deflating it is when a player
knows all about a villain's weaknesses because he read the
rulesbook or scenario; this situation is magnified in a horror
game. The definitions of horror and terror are, after all, fear
of the unknown. Players should never read the scenarios,
organization and monster entries or the descriptions of
enchanted items. If they do, the GM is justified in charging
experience points for appropriate knowledge skills if the
players use that information during a game!


Tales of horror are the oldest known to man. From Cro-
Magnon cave drawings to the sophisticated movies of today,
horror has explored the emotion of fear, the dread of painful
death and the fear that an individual has no control over his
own destiny.
Horror can occur in any roleplaying game, because it is
based solely on an emotion that has always been with us.
The fiends of the night are reflections of ourselves, and our
triumph over them are victories over the darkness in our
This is why horror roleplaying is such fun and so satisfying.
Those who cannot identify with costumed superheroes or
muscle-bound barbarians can still connect with the ordinary
mortal who thrusts back the darkness, if only for a little while.
Horror is the roleplaying equivalent of a whistle in the dark,
or a nervous laugh - the authors hope that you have as
much fun exploring it as we had creating it.

This section gives you an overview of the horror genre, mysteriousdisappearanceorthree, unusual noises orevents,
and a look at some of the classic types of horror and how they or perhaps violent death in strange circumstances. This
apply to roleplaying games. Additionally, we'll look at some opening leads (sooner or later) to actual confrontations with
of the appropriate settings, characters, and story types that the Monster. The Monster can take many forms; it may be an
are part of the horror genre. Subsequent sections of this organization of evil cultists, a vampire, a haunted house, a
book go into more detail on these topics. psychotic killer, or a voracious alien. In any case, the
protagonists struggle to stay alive and to determine the
nature of the Monster. Once the Monster has been un-
(THIS HORROR (iISNRIS) masked, this leads to a Solution, where the protagonists
have determined a way to eliminate the Monster. Sometimes
the Solution is easy, but the implementation is hard (sure, all
What is a horror story? The essence, of course, is terror. we have to do is knock out the psychotic killer, but we have
The trappings aren't important; whether the terror occurs in no weapons and all the lights are out!). In other cases, there
a spaceship stalked by a ravenous alien creature or in a appears to be no Solution whatever (hOW are we gonna stop
vampire-haunted Carpathian castle, it's still a horror story. this thing?), but then something always turns up at the last
The fact that horror stories may be set in fantasy or science moment. Finally, there is the Final Confrontation with the
fiction or westerns or any other time and place is unimpor- Monster, wherein the Solution is implemented and the Mon-
tant. The root of this genre, a terrible gnarled root that ster is defeated.
plunges straight to the depths of Hell, is terror.
Terror takes many forms. It can be the refined mental fear HUMOROUS HORROR
that grips you when you read the classic story The Monkey's
Yes, horror can be mixed with humor sometimes, though
Paw, or Poe's The Telltale Heart. There's nothing overtly
it's a fine line to tread. Normally this attempt ends up in one
scary on stage in these stories; that cold chill down your
camp or the other. The excellent movie Ghostbusters had its
spine is generated entirely by your overactive imagination. horror elements, but was basically a comedy. American
A more common sort of terror is that feeling you get when Werewolf In London, for all its comedic interludes with the
you see a monster, or some horrible sight like a mangled rotting corpse played by Griffin Dunne, was essentially a
body. This timethe source of the emotion is more obvious-
horror film.
that grisly sight in front of your eyes is extending its razor-like
In roleplaying, you may find this sub-genre appearing
claws, and you fear for your life. This source of terror can frequently, as players attempt to relieve their tension with
verge into disgust in its extreme state, as when you view that humorous remarks. Of course, the GM will usually make
truly ugly triumph of Hollywood special effects making a
things even more deadly after everyone has had a good
disgusting mess out of a very lifelike human replica. Yuck.
laugh... so beware. For the GM who wants to make humor a
Roleplaying games, being interactive stories, require ef-
regular part of the horror game, be advised that this is very
fort on the part of both the GM and the players to generate difficult to achieve. Still, the humorous and bumbling team of
horror. The GM must set up the proper mood through his
monster hunters can be an amusing campaign.
choices of setting, characters, and stories, while the players
must respond in ways consistent with the mood. This still
leaves everyone a wide range of choices. We'll try to provide
This is horror that occurs mostly in the mind, with a
you with some specifics on how to accomplish this.
minimum of physical fuss and bother. Of course, this means
it's not all that suited to a roleplaying situation, where the
SUB-GENRES players expect to face threats they can handle with direct
Horror comes in different flavors. These sub-genres can action. So psychological horror should be used as an extra
give you some variation in your horror campaign. The four flavoring, a technique that the GM uses to increase the
sample campaigns presented in Horror Hero also show you tension and the effects of other types of horror.
some different flavors of horror.
CLASSIC This is horror that focuses on the blood and guts aspect of
This is the core of the horror genre, the "gothic" horror story horror; in some circles it's known as splatterpunk. The "dead
that takes many forms and shapes but follows the same teenager" movies such as the Friday the 13th series are a
pattern under its shroud. good example of this. Unfortunately for roleplaying, this
In the classic horror story, the protagonists gradually genre tends to kill off most of the characters by the end of the
become aware that something is Not Right. This can be a story. Slasher horror is short on subtlety, and long on
inventive methods of sudden death. It's really not suited to More unusual abilities such as psychic powers or magic
long-term roleplaying action, though an occasional sojourn may be available, depending on the campaign. While a
into splatterpunk can work. character who is expert in one of these areas can be useful,
The standard slasher story features a group of characters beware of the dangers of over specialization. If your charac-
stalked by an evil creature (human or non-human, super- ter is too narrowly focused, the player may find himself bored
natural or natural). Usually the characters are in some for long stretches during the adventure when there's nothing
remote location, and they are cut off from help or escape. for his character to do.
One by one, the attacker eliminates them. The survivors Perhaps most important of all when designing a character
gradually discover the nature of their attacker and look for is to consider the other characters that form your group. A
ways to defeat him. The final confrontation takes place balanced mix of capabilities among the group is useful; and
betweena handful of su rvivors (one to three, usuallywounded) it's important not to step on someone else's role. The GM
and the creature. Often the demise of the creature is left should be sure to have an enabling device handy for the
uncertain, paving the way for future sequels. group; this explains why they are together and why they stay
Slasher horror works best in roleplaying by giving the together. Such an enabling device may be a group that the
players a set of characters to play for the evening; that way characters all belong to, or someone who hires them all to
they don't have any preconceptions about who will live and perform a task. There may be more than one enabling
who will die (of course, usually it's the NPCs who die). This device, but the GM must ensure that the enabling devices
can be somewhat dull for those players whose characters don't work at cross-purposes.
expire early on; the GM should let those players handle
NPCs or assist in combat in order to keep their interest up. STORIES
Generally, Horror Hero stories follow the basics of the
SETTINGS genre or the sub-genre in which they are set, as discussed
Settings for horror can be in any time or place, but some in the previous section. There are some general principles
are more effective than others. The traditional settings for about successful Horror Hero stories that you should know.
horror help the atmosphere along, and make it easier for the The GM must decide when to allow the heroes to eliminate
GM to generate the proper emotions in the players. the threats and when to allow the threats to continue.
Horror seems to work best in the past or in the present, not Sometimes the heroes will succeed in slaying the monster,
in the future. For a horror campaign, technology can offer too but then the GM has to know where the next threat is coming
many possible solutions to problems. Science fiction set- from. Some menaces are institutional (such as a secret
tings are thus more difficult to manage for repeated horror society), and the heroes can never eliminate them entirely.
adventures. Or perhaps there's a never-ending supply of vampires to
Even present-day settings can offer some of that problem, keep the Fearless Vampire Hunters busy. It's important,
as players will attempt to find technologies that can help however, to give the players a sense of true victory even if
them ("Can I use this frequency analyzerto detect ghosts?"). they know the threat will return. They should accomplish
The Gm must be prepared to deal with technology as used something of value: saving some lives, making an area safe,
against the opponents. Perhaps technology doesn't work at making it more difficult for the threat in the future.
all, or the players are in a situation where they don't have Eliminating the threat completely is a very satisfying
access to advanced technology. reward forthe players. Of course, the GM should have a new
Settings in the past make it easier to terrorize the charac- threat ready so that the campaign doesn't come to a halt. But
ters, but at the same time they require more effort on the part don't introduce it right away; letthe players savortheirvictory
of the GM to create the details of a time period largely first. A victory is a welcome relief after the terror and tension
unfamiliar to the players. Somehow, though, it's often easier of the story.
to justify the presence of magic and monsters in a time period NPCs are very important tools for the GM to use in
before the present day, when such things seem out of place adventures. Aside from the normal usages of NPCs to add
in our silicon civilization. flavor and information to an adventure, in a horror scenario
NPCs are Vitally important. The NPCs provide a way to bring
CHARACTERS horror to the characters without the need to slay or maim a
character. Of course, for this technique to have maximum
Characters designed for horror roleplaying situations are
effect the GM has to have built up the NPC as someone
much like other adventurers. They need a mix of capabilities,
important to the player-characters. The more time that is
so that they can be useful in different situations. More
specifically, while some characters may be designed for spent on this process, the more impact the NPC's troubles
will have on the players. If you introduce an NPC and then
action roles, some or all characters should have skills that
have them slain ten minutes later, this may cause some
can help them deal with the all-important non-combat situa-
consternation. But if you have an NPC that's been in the
tions in horror. Knowledge of the occult forces and oppo-
nents they will be Iaclnq can be critical to survival. Of course, game for several adventures suddenly die horribly, the
some of this knowledge will be acquired in the course of play, players should feel this intensely.
but related Knowledge Skills will always be useful.

This section suggests ways to use the Hero System rules RULES LIST
in a horror campaign to create the desired effect. Also, new The following rules should be used in Horror Hero cam-
rules for the Hero System are presented here, as well as paigns. Of course, optional rules can be left out at the GM's
magic and psychic powers designed especially for Horror discretion, and should be avoided when there are a large
Hero. number of players or complicated combats occur.
Horror Hero Standard Rules

C T_O_N_E __ ~) Standard and Optional Combat Maneuvers

Hit Location, Wounding and Bleeding
New Stress rules
Obviously the horror genre is unified in tone by its very New PRE Attack rules
nature, unlike many other genres. Horror tends to be dark
and grim, characterized by a fear of the unknown and a Do not use:
feeling that the capabilities of the opponents are greaterthan Knockback
the heroes. Of course, for roleplaying purposes the heroes Endurance
usually overcome these problems, but still this atmosphere Pushing
is very important to the flavor of horror. Old PRE Attack rules
Given that this is the correct tone for horror roleplaying,
this guides the choice of Hero System rules to use in setting You can generally ignore the Endurance rules unless
up your horror campaign. In order to bring home the effects there's extensive use of hand-to-hand combat or a special
of horror to the players, rules should be selected that have situation arises during play. In most modern or near-modern
potentially devastating and long-lasting effects. This raises Horror Hero campaigns, characters will be using firearms
the stakes for the players and puts them under greater instead of muscle-powered weapons. Thus, keeping track of
tension, which contributes to the atmosphere of terror. Endurance cost isn't necessary.
Conversely, rules that tend to minimize the effects of dam- The Pushing rules can be used in special circumstances
age should be left out. (when the GM feels they will help the drama), but characters
We have introduced some new rules that deal with the should not depend on the availability of Pushed STR (or
long-term psychological effects of horror and tension on the anything else). This is horror, after all, and the characters
characters. Used judiciously, these can add just the right should know fear. ..
horrific flavor to the ordinary Hero System rules.
This section describes the rules basis used by character
(DEfINING THE RULES) in Horror Hero.

This section describes the rules that we recommend using POINT BASE
in Horror Hero. Of course, each GM is free to decide which Horror Hero characters should be built at the heroic level,
Hero System rules to use, and to create any house rules with a base of 75 points plus up to 75 points in Disadvan-
necessary to suit the individual gaming group. We recom- tages. This gives players enough points to become quite
mend that you consider which rules to use carefully, and that good at one or two things, and have generally good Charac-
it's often useful to have a slightly different subset of the Hero teristics. Most characters should try to strike a balance
System rules used for a different campaign. This keeps all between buying Skills for combat use and for non-combat
your Hero System games from becoming to similar in style, use.
and keeps the players on their toes adapting to new circum- Effective Horror Hero campaigns can also be run at the
stances. Competent Normal level of 50 points plus up to 50 points in
Disadvantages. This may be difficult for players used to a
higher power level, but it can be helpful in creating an
EXISTING RULES atmosphere of terror. A character built on a total of 100 points
Horror Hero campaigns generally use the Hero System certainly won't feel that he can handle any monster he might
rules concerned with heroic level campaigns, and leave out face, that's for sure.
rules designed for superheroic campaigns (such as
Knockback). The following rules list discusses specific Hero
System rules that should be used in Horror Hero.

LIMITS It's usually best to restrict starting characters to no more

Horror Hero characters should use the Characteristic than a total OCV of 8 or 9 from DEX and combat Skill Levels
Maxima as defined in the rules, and thus cannot use the combined. Characters with a 9 OCV are quite powerful
Normal Characteristic Maxima Character Disadvantage. against normals. Later on, characters can be allowed to
Generally, characters who wish to buy up a Characteristic exceed this limit if the GM allows.
beyond the maximum should only do so for one Character-
istic (such as INT or STR). This keeps characters from
becoming too powerful in multiple areas.

This section presents some new rules for the Hero System powers can affect spirits, even when bought with the right
that are helpful in running horror campaigns. These rules can Advantages; spirits have no physical form, so any powers
be used, where appropriate, in other Hero System games, if that affect the physical form (such as Energy Blast, Killing
the GM allows. These rules are, of course, optional. Attack, Entangle, and so on) have no effect on a spirit.
Spirits are found either floating freely on the spirit plane or
in containers; a container is merely a physical object that can
C__ S_P_I_R_IT_RU_L_E_S__ ) hold a spirit (a container may be a living being). For instance,
every living being that possesses an EGO has a spirit as well
as its physical form. (Nonliving objects become containers
These rules cover a wide range of subjects that all deal through a special process; see Spirit Containers.) Normally,
with spirits. First, the nature of a spirit in the Hero System is these spirits are always bound to the living form which holds
defined. Next, new powers and advantages for dealing with them, but the Shift Spirit power can free these spirits. A
spirits are described. The next section deals with playing and specially prepared object, such as a djinn bottle, can also be
gamemastering spirits, and describes how to handle a a container. Some spirits are bound to places or objects (like
number of common situations dealing with spirits. The next a haunted house); such a place is considered to be a
section is all about how to create spirits, along with some containerforthe spirit. (In fact, the entire spirit plane itself can
objects that deal with spirits. be considered to be a container, albeit one that is huge;
effectively the size of the world or even the physical uni-
What constitutes a spirit? Basically, a spirit exists on the Spirits can be anywhere they want to be within the con-
spirit plane as an invisible and intangible entity. The spirit fines of their container at the speed of thought (in other
plane is another dimension of reality subject to its own words, it takes merely a half phase action to be anywhere).
peculiar laws (more on that later). All living creatures with an However, leaving or entering a container is more difficult;
EGO have a spirit which is a part of them until they die. you must use the Shift Spirit power to accomplish this. Shift
However, with the Astral Projection power, a character may Spiriting can be done to yourself orto others. So to have your
free his spirit to wander on the spirit plane while his body spirit leave your body, you use Shift Spirit (see Astral
remains in a comatose state. There are also spirits that exist Projection). A spirit on the spirit plane (such as a ghost or a
independent of a body; these may be the spirits of dead demon) must use Shift Spirit in order to enter a body (this is
people (ghosts), or supernatural creatures such as demons. called Possession). If you wanted to swap minds with some-
A character's spirit may be removed from his body against one else, you'd have to use Shift Spirit in several stages: first
his will, transferred to another body, or even destroyed. to take your spirit from your body, then to put your spirit into
Spirits have INT, DEX, EGO, PRE, and SPD; they do not the other body, then to take the spirit out of the other body,
and can not have STR, CON, BODY, COM, PO, ED, REC, and finally to put the new spirit into your body.
END, or STUN. Spirits are completely intangible; this is
similar to being Desolid, but with different special effects. NEW POWERS AND
Powers bought with Affects Desolid will not affect spirits;
Desolid characters cannot perceive or affect spirits and vice- POWER ADVANTAGES
versa. Spirits are completely invisible to all normal senses There are several new Powers and Advantages that are
and detects; specific senses and detects that can find spirits used to deal with spirits.
are listed later in this section. Spirits can have powers that
affect other spirits orthey may buy (at extra cost) powers that SHIFT SPIRIT
affect the real world. This power allows the user to move his spirit into or out of
Spirits are affected by any Powers bought with the +112 a container. Shifting a spirit is accomplished by removing the
Advantage Affects Spirits and the +112 Advantage Based on spirit's EGO from its current container (similar to a Drain) and
EGO vs. Spirits (a total of +1 Advantage). Mental Powers placing it onto the spirit plane, or by taking a spirit from the
(generally used as psychic powers in Horror Hero) may spirit plane and placing it into a container. Spirits can never
affect spirits by buying the powers with a +V2 Advantage be moved directly from one container to another; they must
Affects Spirits (Mental Powers are, of course, already based always move to or from the spirit plane first. So if you want
on EGO). In addition, spirits are affected by Shift Spirit, to move your spirit out of your body into another body, you
Consume Spirit, and Spirit Summoning. Only certain special must first use Shift Spirit to move your spirit to the spirit plane,
senses and detects can locate and identify spirits. Not all then use Shift Spirit again to move your spirit into the new
Before you use Shift Spirit, you must designate the target if the spirit cooperates, or if you have controlled the spirit
of the attack and the result of the attack: For instance, you through Mind Control (telling it to stay put) or if you have
may want to shift your own spirit from your body to the spirit confined the spirit to a virtual container (using Power De-
plane. Or a demon may want to shift its spirit from the spirit fense; see Blocking Spirits). A spirit trying to use Shift Spirit
plane into a person (possession). Both of these actions on another spirit that's in a container merely has to manifest
would use Shift Spirit. Shift Spirit can also be used on in the same place as the container; this does not require an
another entity; for instance, a wizard may take someone's Attack Roll (the spirit still has to do the EGO-based Attack
spirit out of their body and put it onto the spirit plane. Roll, though).
The user buys 1 d6 of Shift Spirit for every 20 points; Shift Adding the Ranged Advantage to Shift Spirit is extremely
Spirit requires an EGO-based Attack Roll but has no range. useful; this eliminates the need for any sort of DEX-based
Once you have successfully made the Attack Roll on the Attack Roll to grab a container. As long as you can see or
target spirit, roll the dice and total them to determine the perceive the target spirit, you can use the ranged Shift Spirit
effect. The effect is treated as an EGO Drain, except that the on it. Thus, you could do a Mind Scan to locate a target spirit
target's EGO score is only used as a marker; for any purpose and then use Ranged Shift Spirit to move that spirit to some
other than this power, the target's EGO is not affected. other spot.
In orderto Shift a spirit, the target's EGO must be "drained" The recipient of a Shift Spirit may already have a spirit, in
to the negative value of the target's beginning level. Thus, for which case there may be a conflict between the two spirits
a character with a standard EGO of 10, this must be reduced (see Spirit Combat).
by Shift Spirit to a value of -10 before the spirit is shifted.
The "drained" EGO returns at the standard rate of 5 active ASTRAL PROJECTION
points per turn. This time period may be stretched out; each This is the process of the spirit leaving the body and going
+1;4 Advantage moves the return rate one step further on the out on its own, while the body remains behind. This can be
Time table. accomplished by using the standard Shift Spirit power on
The target of a Shift Spirit has no way of resisting this your own spirit. Or, if you want to lower the cost, Astral
process except through Power Defense (bought with Affects Projection can be purchased using Shift Spirit with the -1
Spirits) or an appropriate Suppress, preventing the Shift Limitation Self Only. While you are Astral Projecting, your
Spirit from taking full effect. body and spirit are separated. The spirit has the INT, EGO,
Example: Artemus Magus wants to cast a 3d6 Shift Spirit DEX, PRE, and SPD, while your body has all remaining
spell upon his faithful servant Rogi, who is tied to the Characteristics.
examining table for this experiment. Since the spell has As with any spirit, a character's spirit form is completely
no range, Artemus must touch Rogi to make the attack. invisible and intangible. The character's spirit can use any
Once physical contact is made (a Grab roll is pretty easy powers or abilities it may possess, subject to the restrictions
in this Circumstance), Artemus must make the EGO of the spirit form. Obviously, your Stealth Skill or your
Attack Roll. Artemus has an EGO of 18 while poor Rogi Lockpicking Skill aren't very useful (though if you had bought
has an EGO of 10, so Artemus easily makes his Attack Telekinesis at +2 Affects Real World, then your Lockpicking
Roll. Rogi has no Power Defense (Affects Spirits), so he might be handy). Powers can be used as long as they don't
has no defense at all against this attack. Artemus rolls require END (they must use Charges, an END Reserve or
3d6 and scores a 13, so Rogi loses 6 points of EGO for have No END Cost), but these powers won't affect the real
the purposes of Shifting his spirit. Rogi's EGO is still 10 world unless bought with the +2 Advantage Affects Real
for the purpose of making EGO Rolls or resisting further World. Powers aren't usable if their Limitations prevent a
Shift Spirit attacks, but Artemus must only subtract 14 spirit form from employing them (such as a Power with
more points of EGO from Rogi in order to free Rogi's spirit Gestures or Incantations Limitations).
from his body. Artemus successfully attacks twice more Spirits have a natural affinity for the body that they were
this turn, rolling a 9 for the effect of the second attack created in, if that body is still living. Thus, you can get into
("draining" 4 more points of EGO) and a 12 for the third your own body automatically without using Shift Spirit (un-
attack ("draining" 6 more points of EGO). Rogi has now less someone has placed a barrier on your body) if your spirit
lost a total of 16 EGO, so his spirit has almost been can get into contact with your body. (See the rules for spirit
shifted out of his body. But now it's the end of the turn, so contact in the Shift Spirit writeup.) Note that unless you have
Rogi gets back 5 Character paints worth of EGO, so after bought some senses that can be used while in spirit form,
the end of the turn Rogi has only lost 14 paints of EGO. you'll have a very hard time finding your body again. Astral
Artemus must attack again until Rogi reaches -20 EGO, Projection is not for the novice!
at which point Rogi's spirit has been freed from his body. If for some reason your spirit can't get back, your body will
Shift Spirit is not ranged, so you must be in physical eventually die (from starvation) unless it obtains advanced
contact with the target before you can use this power. If you medical or magical treatment that can keep the body fed.
are attempting to use this power on a spirit that's in a physical You may also want to prevent wandering spirits from enter-
container, then you must make a standard DEX-based ing your conveniently unoccupied body while you are gone;
Attack Roll to grab the container. You may now make your see Blocking Spirits for information on how to do this.
EGO-based Attack Roll to Shift the spirit. Spirits within the The END cost for Astral Projection is borne by the body,
same container are considered to be in contact (the spirit since your spirit is in the body when you use this power. Any
powers used while in spirit form must use spirit form END
plane is not considered a container for this purpose).
Reserves (if any), not your body's END. Or those powers can
The only way you can use the standard Shift Spirit on a
be bought to No END Cost or on Charges.
free-floating spirit (that is, a spirit that's not in a container) is
CONSUME SPIRIT currently attacking or manifesting in some way). The baseline
This power allows the user to remove a spirit from its is the last time you were in contact with the spirit, or the last
container or from the spirit plane and convert it into usable time it was alive (if formerly alive), whichever is less. Take a
Character Points. This, of course, destroys the spirit in the -2 to the Mind Scan roll for every time increment that's gone
process, which means thatthis is a power the GM should use by since, starting with 1 minute as -0. For instance, if you are
rarely. The base cost of Consume Spirit is 1 d6 for 30 points; searching for the spirit of someone who died a year ago, you
this has no range and requires an EGO-based Attack Roll. would take a -16 modifier.
Consume Spirit is used in generally the same manner as If you're not searching for the spirit of a dead person, you
Shift Spirit; once you are in physical contact with the spirit, can use modifiers based on the size of the class as deter-
you make an EGO-based Attack Roll. If that is successful, mined by the GM. If the GM says there are 1 billion similar
roll the dice and total them to find the number of active points demons, then your modifieris -18. You may need to buy your
of EGO that are taken from the target. With Consume Spirit, Mind Scan as Transdimensional (see the Hero System
those active points can then be used by the character in any Ru/ebook) in order to search for some types of spirits, at the
way, just like the Transfer power. You must desiqnate how GM's discretion. For instance, demons may be found only in
those points will be used when the Consume Spirit power is a particular hell, or the spirit of a dead comrade may be in
purchased. Limbo. The modifier would still be based on the size of the
As with the transfer power, both the target and the user class; if there are 10,000 demons in the particular hell you
have a return rate for the points that are Consumed. Each are searching, the modifier is -8.
rate may be moved down the Time table for a +% Advantage. Once a successful Mind Scan is achieved, then you can
Once the target's EGO reaches negative the starting value, bring the spirit to you. If the spirit is cooperating, it's easy:
the target's spirit is completely consumed and he gets no Travel on the spirit plane is instantaneous, and the spirit has
more recovery of the transferred EGO. a way to "home in" on you through the Mind Scan, so the spirit
A character whose spirit is Consumed is utterly and is automatically right there with you next phase. If, on the
completely dead, and cannot be resurrected. The GM may other hand, the spirit is not cooperating, then you must use
well decide that Consume Spirit is too nasty a power to allow persuasion (communicating via Telepathy) or compulsion
in his campaign for this very reason. (Mind Control) to compel the spirit to come to you. Oryou can
If the Consume Spirit is interrupted before the process is (after the Mind Scan lock-on is achieved) simply use a Shift
complete, then the target can recover completely from its Spirit to put the spirit into a handy container.
effects (using the recovery rate specified when you buy the Modifiers to the Mind Scan roll: +1 to +3 for appropriate
Consume Spirit power). If you elect to merely toss away the conditions (quiet, darkened room, magical spot), -1 to -3 for
points gained instead of using them, that's a -112 Limitation to bad conditions (noisy, bright lights, skeptics present).
Consume Spirit.
As with Shift Spirit, adding the Ranged Advantage to
Consume Spirit is extremely useful; this eliminates the need
for any sort of DEX-based Attack Roll to grab a container. As
long as you can see or perceive the target spirit, you can use
the ranged Consume Spirit on it.

Essentially, summoning a spirit is a combination of other
powers. First, you must find the desired spirit, and then bring
it to you by communicating with it or compelling it. Finally, if
you wish to make the spirit serve you, you must command it
or make a deal with it. Seances are a particularly common
type of Spirit Summoning, with some extra Limitations. The
person conducting the seance is called a medium. The
medium goes into a trance, in which state the medium is very
open to spirits. The trance state is defined as intense
Concentration (-1 Limitation), where the medium is DCV 0
for the duration of the seance, and is unaware of the
surroundings. Additionally, the medium often requires extra
time to get into the trance state (up to one hour, depending
on the ability of the medium).
The fact that an evil spirit can be called up may be
considered Side Effects (-1 Limitation): if the roll isn't made,
the medium calls up the wrong spirit (sometimes an evil spirit
that may try to deceive the players, possess the medium, or
Finding the spirit requires Mind Scan with the +1/2 Advan-
tage Affects Spirits (this can be bought with the -1 Limitation,
Spirits Only). You don't define an area per se; the modifiers
are different. Use the Time table for modifiers to searching
for a spirit that's not in the immediate vicinity (i.e., it's
Of course, if you're summoning an evil spirit, you would be DETECT SPIRIT
wise to take precautions in the event that it answers your This general power can be purchased with a number of
~ummons. You'd better be ready to use Shift Spirit to put it different Advantages. Its base cost is 3 points, like any
Into a safe place, or otherwise control it or prevent it from standard Detect. It is more useful to buy this as an Area Effect
harming you. of some sort, and possibly Discriminatory as well, and
maybe with Range, too. A Discriminatory Detect Spirit would
SPIRIT SENSES give you details about the type of spirit, and perhaps some
There are several senses and detects that can be used to indication of its powers.
detect spirits. The basic sensory mechanism on the spirit
plane is very primitive without buying some additional sen- NORMAL SENSES
sory ability. Spirits without other senses cannot sense the This allows a spirit to use a sense in the real world as
real world in any way, and they can only sense other spirits normal characters do. This is subject to the same limitations
when they are in communication or combat with the other as normal senses (such as not being able to see through a
spirit. Otherwise, there is no sensory input whatsoever. wall or in the dark). The standard human senses (sight,
Spirits may buy these senses for use on the spirit plane, or hearing, touch, taste, and smell) may be bought for 10 points
some senses may be bought by characters trying to see the apiece. This is assuming a base 5 points for the cost of the
spirit plane. Senses that are bought Only While In Spi rit Form sense and adding the +2 Advantage: Affects Real World,
have a -1J2 Limitation if you are a living being that spends most and the Limitation Only Usable Against Real World (-1J2). The
of the time in real form. The senses may also have the Linked spirit may buy other Enhanced Senses in this fashion. For
Limitation; if they do, they may not use the sense when instance, buying Radar Sense would cost 30 points (15
someone else is using Shift Spirit on them. The Limitation points at a +2 Advantage, -112 Limitation). A Normal Sense
Only In Real Form is worth at most a -% (unless the character costs 10 points.
is usually a spirit!).
ASTRAL VISION This Psychic Power (described in the Psychic Powers
This allows the character to see entities on the astral section) allows the user to sense the presence of spirits with
plane, namely spirits. Only spirits that are "nearby" can be a successful PER Roll. Sometimes this power is purchased
seen; it's up to the GM to define the meaning of nearby with the Discriminatory ability; that allows the user to get
(generally, spirits that are bound to a physical area in the some idea of the spirit's nature, intent, or abilities (in general
vicinity, or that are manifesting in the vicinity). For people in terms, and only with a good roll). Sensitive costs 5 points.
the real world using this power, you are limited in some ways
by normal eyesight: You can't see through walls with Astral PLAYING AND
Vision, so you couldn't see a spirit that was in the next room.
(Yes, this does get rather strange when, to the spirit, every-
where in the spirit plane is instantly accessible; butthe spirit's This section discusses how spirits are dealt with in a
attention is probably drawn to specific spots, and wherever gaming situation, both by the player and by the GM.
its attention is, that's where the spirit is.) Spirits that are Generally, spirits are used as opponents in a game. An
inside of containers (such as bodies, a jar, a sword, etc.) entire adventure can be built around a single ghost or evil
cannot be seen with Astral Vision. Astral Vision costs 10 spirit. Since spirits tend to be very difficult for the heroes to
points, either for spirits or for characters. handle, it's usually best to have only one or two spirits for the
heroes to deal with. Of course, if spirits are rarely encoun-
AURA VISION tered in a game, then it's unlikely that any of the heroes will
have abilities that can deal with the spirits. So it may become
See the writeup under Psychic Powers elsewhere in this
book for more details. Aura Vision does not allow you to see necessary to bring in a helpful NPC at certain stages of an
spirits by themselves (unless you also have Astral Vision), adventure. Better still, the GM should try to devise alternate
but if a spirit is in a container then you can see its aura. Also, methods for the players to solve the problems presented by
someone who is possessed by a spirit will have a highly the spirit. For instance, finding the body that the ghost used
unusual aura (usually, it's primarily the aura of the dominant to inhabit and giving it a proper burial, thus freeing the ghost.
spirit, but there's always some unusual traces that indicate
a second spirit in the body). Aura Vision costs 10 points. THE SPIRIT PLANE
Essentially, the spirit plane is another dimension that is
CLAIRSENTIENCE contiguous with every point in the real world. But the spirit
plane has some very unusual properties; it is a realm of
Spirits may buy this at +20 points in order to perceive the
real world. Or characters may buy this at +20 points in order thought and mind, not physical forms. Physical actions have
to perceive the spirit plane. Clairsentience costs 40 points to no effect on the spirit plane; there are no physical objects as
pe~c~ive the spirit plane (or the real world if you're a spirit). such, and spirits have no physical forms on the spirit plane
to affect. So powers like Energy Blast have no meaning on
SPirits can also buy other senses as the basis for
Clairsentience; for instance, a spirit might use Radar as the the spirit plane; since spirits have no ED or STUN or BODY,
basis for its Clairsentience, and it would perceive everything they cannot be affected by an energy blast.
The only powers that have meaning on the spirit plane are
as shadowy forms with no great detail.
those powers that can affect the Characteristics that spirits
possess. Adjustment Powers can affect spirits, so can Men-
tal Powers (except EGO Blast). Flash can have meaning if it must be ECV-based (Based on ECV versus Spirits is only a
is applied to a sense that a spirit possesses. But powers like +Y2 Advantage). Exceptions are Shift Spirit and Spirit Con-
Entangle and Teleport are meaningless on the spirit plane. sumption, which already affect spirits. Mental Powers are
All spirits must buy powers at +2 Advantage to affect the already based on ECV.
real world; real people must buy powers at +112 to affect the Spirits attacking spirits need not buy Affects Spirits on their
spirit world (and an additional +112 Advantage to make them powers. Spirits that are occupying living bodies are subject
EGO-based). When you leave your body, you can still use to any and all powers, just as the original occupant of the
your powers (unless limitations like Gestures make this body was. Another way of saying this is that spirits on the
impossible); but they must be bought at +2 to affect the real same plane need no special Advantage to attack one an-
world. Once you're a spirit, your powers will affect spirits other; but if they are on different planes, they do need some
without extra cost (assuming the powers have meaning; sort of Advantage.
Entangles have no meaning on the spirit plane, for instance).
Movement on the spirit plane is instantaneous, since the MENTAL POWERS AND SPIRITS
spirit plane is a realm of pure thought and it is coexistent with Mental Powers can affect spirits by purchasing the addi-
every point on the physical plane. Spirits can be anywhere tional +112 Affects Spirits Advantage. Spirits can buy Mental
they want to be on the spirit plane, subject to other limitations Powers that affect the real world with a +2 Advantage. A spirit
the spirit may have. Spirits may (with proper skills) appear in on the spirit plane can use Mental Powers against another
other dimensions, planes, or realities, such as various heav- spirit on the spirit plane at no additional cost; similarly, a spirit
ens or hells. Desolid characters are not present on the spirit Possessing a living body can use Mental Powers or have
plane. them used against him at no extra cost.
Some spirits may inhabit other planes as well (hells, Spirits are completely undetectable by normal senses,
elemental planes, etc.). The GM may require you to buy the and Mental Powers can be used on spirits only after a line-
Transdimensional Advantage on your various Spirit Powers of-sight is established. Therefore, you have to buy some
to reach those places. Generally, each such dimension is targeting sense (see Spirit Senses) to be able to use Mental
considered as a separate container; spirits must use Shift Powers on spirits. (This is true whether you're in the real
Spirit to leave their dimension and then use Shift Spirit again world trying to attack a spirit, or whether you're a spirit trying
to enter another dimension. For that purpose, we assume to attack a spirit.) Of course, spirits can move instantly, so
that there is some intra-universal dimension that contains all you have to be looking in the right place for them. And
others; this is where you go when you Shift out of your current remember that your senses may be subject to certain limita-
dimension. tions; with standard Astral Vision, for instance, you won't be
Spirits may communicate with one another by directly able to see a spirit that's behind a wall.
transferring thoughts; this is treated just as if the two spirits A spirit in a living body is differentthan a spirit in a nonliving
were having a conversation in normal speech. Actually container. Being in a container means that you are still on the
reading a spirit's thoughts require the use of Telepathy. spirit plane, but confined to a physical location. Thus, the
Spirits can only communicate when they can sense each rules about which powers can affect you apply as to any
other; there's no way to "shout" on the spirit plane. other spirit.
A spirit using a body as a Focus (animating a corpse, for
MOVEMENT ON THE SPIRIT PLANE instance) can be targeted by Mental Powers only ifthey have
Spirits can move instantaneously to any point in the spirit the +112 Advantage Affects Spirits. But you can easily estab-
plane, and thus to any point they are familiar with in the real lish line-of-sight in this case merely by using your normal
world, unless they are confined in a spirit container (or sight, since the spirit is contained in an easily visible Focus.
inhabiting a body, which is the same thing). Thus, spirits are When a spirit is in a living body AND it's the dominant spirit,
usually located where their attention is: if they are looking at that spirit can be reached by normal Mental Powers (those
something or if they are manifesting themselves, that's powers don't need to be bought with the Affects Spirits
where they are. Spirits can, however, stay in one "spot" while Advantage). Also, the dominant spirit in a body can be
manifesting or sensing somewhere else, if they have the affected by any other powers, just as a normal character
right abilities (powers usable at range). Spirits can't teleport would be (see Possession). The non-dominant spirit in a
into objects (or use teleport on a spirit at ali); they must use body is one level harder to affect with mental powers,
Shift Spirit to put themselves into a container. Spirits can't provided that you know it's in there. If it's not in there, you
cross an area protected by Power Defense (see Blocking have to be able to detect it first! And the dominant spirit will
Spirits). know about any attempt to use Mental Powers on it or any
other spirits in that body. In fact, you must make your Attack
SPIRIT COMBAT Roll against the ECV of the dominant spirit in order to reach
Spirits can't hurt one another normally, since they have no the other spirit in the body. However, the effects of your
BODY or STUN. Of course, they can use Shift Spirit on one Mental Power work against the EGO of the spirit you are
another to force the target into a specific spot. More likely is trying to reach.
the use of a Drain or Transfer of some sort to render the Example: The night-demon Calagar has possessed
opposing spirit powerless, or a Mind Control to control Rogi and is in control of Rogi's body. Artemus Magus
another spirit. Spirits can also erect defenses against other attempts to contact Rogi via Telepathy and assure him
spirit powers, using Power Defense, Mental Defense or that everything will be fine once he performs an exor-
Suppress. cism. Normally, reaching Rogi for this little chat would
All targeting rolls against spirits must be done based on only require that Artemus make an ECV Attack Roll
EGO Combat Value (ECV). All powers that affect spirits from against Rogi's EGO of 10. But since Rogi is dominated
the real world must be bought with +V2 Affects Spirits, and by Calagar's spirit, Artemus must make his ECV Roll

against Calagar's EGO of 20. Artemus succeeds (just POSSESSION

barely) and tries to send his message to Rogi. Normally, This is a classic situation in horror fiction, whereby a spirit
this would only require that Artemus roll greater than (usually a demon) enters into an already occupied body. To
Rogi's EGO. But since Rogi is dominated by Calagar's determine control, all spirits in the body must make an EGO
spirit, Artemus must roll greater than Rogi's EGO + 10 to Roll with modifiers. An INT Roll is a complementary skill, so
send his message. Rogi is pleased to know that Artemus tricky spirits can get an advantage in this battle. Spirits can
is working on the problem. buy Combat Skill Levels with their EGO Roll; this gives the
spirit a +1 for 2 points. Or spirits can buy the skill KS:
BLOCKING SPIRITS Possession, which works as a complementary skill.
Normal Power Defense does not protect against Shift Other modifiers: +2 for being in your own body, -1 to -3 for
Spirit or Consume Spirit; you must buy Power Defense with unfamiliar type of body (e.g., a dog instead of a human), -1
the +112 Advantage Affects Spirits. This defense works in one to -3 for confusion (if you don't really know what's happening
direction only; the direction is defined when you buy the to you or you don't believe it).
Power Defense. Power Defense that acts in both directions All spirits make EGO Rolls; the spirit that makes the EGO
against Shift Spirit or Consume Spirit is bought with an Roll by the greatest amount wins, and has successfully
additional +V2 Advantage. wrested control of the body from the other spi rits. Ties mean
The Power Defense you buy subtracts from the amount of that the spirit originally controlling the body still controls it.
active points of Shift Spirit or Spirit Consumption. Thus, if you Once the results of this EGO Roll are known, the losing
have 5 points of Power Defense that Affects Spirits (which spirit can't force another EGO Roll again until the situation
costs 7 points), then a Shift Spirit that does 9 points of effect changes in some way. If the host body is knocked out, then
would actually only do 4 points (Shifting 2 points of EGO, there's another chance to have a contest of wills when the
since EGO costs 2 points per point). body wakes up. It's up to the GM to decide what constitutes
Example: Artemus buys Power Defense (with +1;2 Af- enough of a change to allow for a new contest of wills.
The dominated spirit can still use the host's senses unless
fects Spirits) for himself, to protect against possible
the dominated spirit failed its EGO Roll in the domination
possession by demons (an occupational hazard in
contest. In that case, the dominated spirit has no sensory
Artemus' line of work). Artemus defines this Power
input unless the dominant spirit grants it that input.
Defense as working against Shift Spirits and Spirit Con-
sumption coming into his body, but not going out. After
all, Artemus doesn't want to make his Astral Projection
ability more difficult to perform. Though Artemus might
consider buying Personal Immunity to his Power De-
fense, so that he won't have to overcome it when he
wants to get back into his body when he's finished Astral
Next, Artemus decides to devise a spell to protect his
sanctum from incursions by unwanted spirits, or to pre-
vent spirits from leaving without Artemus' permission. He
buys Power Defense with the +1;2 Advantage Affects
Spirits, another +1;2 Advantage Two-way Defense, and
Area Effect at + 1 so he can cover his entire sanctum.
With the Two-way Advantage, the Power Defense works
against spirits attempting to Shift into his sanctum or out
of his sanctum.
If you only want the Power Defense you buy to work
against spirit powers, that's a -1 Limitation to the cost.
There is no need to have a physical object holding the
Power Defense; you can confine a spirit with 1 hex Area
Effect Power Defense that Affects Spirits. Though you do
have to target the spirit with an ECV-based Attack Roll, which
means that you also have to buy it Based on ECV. And don't
forget you have to be able to see the spirit to target it.
Of course, merely confining a spirit's movement doesn't
mean that you have restricted the spi rit's other powers. Even
though a spirit may not be able to leave, it can still use any
of its other abilities unless you take steps to prevent that. You
can block Mental Powers by buying Mental Defense; you can
block all other powers with Suppress. If you want to make
things easier, buy Suppress at 3 points per unit instead of
rolling dice to determine the amount (see the Nonrandom
Output writeup elsewhere in this Almanac). Thus the Sup-
press will have a standard level (such as, for instance, 35
points), which will make it easier to determine how much
power it can hold on a regular basis.
The dominated spirit can always converse with the domi- would cost twice as much as normal cost. The dead body is
nant spirit. This is one way that the dominated spirit has .a considered an Inaccessible Focus because it can't easily be
chance to break out; by finding the right thing to say that will taken away from the spirit; you have to dismember i~ or
shake up the dominant spirit enough to force a new contest destroy it in order to remove it from the spirit's possession.
of wills. A simple Grab maneuver won't do the trick.
The dominated spirit is prevented from using the body in
any way, but other than that it is not subservient to the EXORCISM
dominant spirit. If the dominant spirit wants to order around The classic way to deal with cases of Possession is to cast
the dominated spirit, Mind Control must be used. out the invading spirit using an Exorcism of some sort. In
A spirit in a living body is now considered part of the real Hero System terms, an Exorcism is simply a Shift Spirit that
world, and is no longer on the physical plane. Thus the spirit can be used to pry a spirit out of a possessed body. Of
can now be affected by Mental Powers without those powers course, if the spirit has Shift Spirit, it can jump right back in
having the +Y2 Advantage Affects Spirits. The spirit can also if it wants unless you prevent that from happening somehow.
use its own Mental Powers without needing the +2 Advan- You must use Transdimensional Shift Spirit (a +V2 Advan-
tage Affects Real World. tage) to get rid of such spirits, putting it back into its proper
The spirit can use any of its own powers plus any of the dimension or plane of existence (which counts as a con-
innate powers or abilities of the host body. A spirit wouldn't tainer). Or you can destroy the spirit entirely if the GM allows
be able to cast any of its host body's magic spells, because you to use Consume Spirit on it. But in either case, you must
casting those spells requires the knowledge of the body's be able to restrain the spirit somehow while you do the
mind. Of course, a really powerful spirit might use Telepathy Transdimensional Shift Spirit on it.
to pry those secrets out of its host body's mind.
When the body is knocked out, so is the controlling spirit. CREATING SPIRITS
The dominated spirit is awake, but cannot do anything with
Spirits are intangible and invisible to the real world (treat
the unconscious body. However, the dominated spirit is able
this as Desolidification and Invisibility to all normal senses
to use any of its own powers (not the body's powers), free of
control. with no fringe effect). Because of their nature, spirits hav~ no
physical Characteristics and are not affected by any physical
The possessed body uses either the spirit's or the host's
SPD and DEX, whichever is higher.
Spirits start with INT 10, EGO 10, DEX 10, PRE 10, SPD
2. There are no standard senses or other standard abilities
SPIRITS & THE UNDEAD for a spirit; spirits have no movement and no Everyman
A body of any kind is a potential spirit container; this is why Skills. Spirits can start with any number of base points the
spirits often choose to animate dead bodies. Spirits in GM deems appropriate, though for most purposes you can
recently dead or well-preserved bodies (those that still have start with 100 base points and add Disadvantages to go up
most of the flesh attached, or mummies) may animate the
from there. Given the cost of spirit abilities, though, powerful
body as if the body was alive. The spirit still has no STUN, spirits will likely need very large Bonuses in order t<;> balance
END, REC or CON score, though, but the body does have a their points. Balancing the point cost isn't the most Important
STR and BODY, and it can have PO and ED (bought as
thing, though; what's important is determining the powers
Armor). The spirit can make the body walk, talk, fight, etc. as
the spirit has and the amount of power each one has, so that
usual. The GM may rule that the DEX and SPD scores of an heroes can attempt to do something about those powers
undead body are lower than normal, due to the somewhat
when faced with them.
rotten condition of the body. Spirits may possess Skills, Talents, Perks (if appropriate)
The body cannot heal any damage done to it; it is dead, and Powers. Spirits may not buy Elemental Controls, and
after all. In fact, really rotting bodies may have less BODY
they shouldn't use other Power Frameworks unless they are
than they did intheir live state, at the GM's discretion. Once allowed in the campaign. Skills, Talents, and Perks are
twice the total BODY is done, that body can no longer be purchased with the normal cost structures. Powers may also
animated by a spirit (without using TK). Undead usually have be bought at the normal cost, but then they would only affect
an extra PRE bonus for their horrendous appearance. other spirits, and they would have no effect on the real world.
The difference between this ability to animate a dead body
without paying points and using a dead body as a Focus for
Telekinesis is this: the TK costs points, but you also continue
Spirits must buy all powers at +2 in order to affect the real
to function even if the body is dismembered. Thus, lopping
world. However, if a spirit has entered a living container, it
off a hand merely means that the hand now crawls on its own
towards you. You have to sever such a body into even may use any powers it has against the r~~1 ~orld ~~en
smaller pieces before it becomes ineffective. without having paid the +2 Advantage. SPirits In a ~1~I.ng
container are also subject to all normal powers and abilities
Spirits can be freed from dead bodies by using Shift Spirit
and effects, just as if they were an ordinary person. See
or by destroying the body completely (usually by fire).
Possession for more details.
A spirit using a dead body as a vehicle in this manner can
Since spirits have no END, all spirit powers must be
be targeted by standard mental Powers (they don't need the
bought with charges, No END Cost, or from an END Re-
+Y2 Advantage Affects Spirits), as well as by Adjustment
Powers without the +V2 Advantage Affects Spirits. serve. Non-physical powers (especially magic) can function
If you're building dead bodies for spirits: buy STR, BODY, in spiritform, but only on other spirits. For instance, you could
movement, defenses (if any) at +2 Affects Real World, -V2 use an INT Drain against other spirits, but an Energy Blast
OIF Dead Body. Essentially, all the abilities of the dead body would have no meaning on the spirit plane.

SPIRIT POWER ADVANTAGES For spirits that have powers that could be used to affect
Generally, all the usual Advantages listed in the Hero both the spirit plane and the real world (i.e., powers that have
System can apply to powers that spirits buy. An additional meaning on the spirit plane and are bought at +2 Affects Real
Advantage is required for spirits that wish to use their powers World), if the power only affects real world targets they can
to affect the real world: +2 Advantage Affects Real World. use the Limitation Only Usable Against Real World (-V2).
For heroes that want to be able to affect the spirit plane, one Conversely, the Limitation Only Usable Against Spirit Plane
or two Advantages are necessary. First of all, powers that is worth a -1 Limitation.
affect the spirit plane must be ECV-based. In other words,
powers other than Mental Powers must be bought with the SPIRIT DISADVANTAGES
Advantage Based on ECV. Usually, this Advantage is a +1 Disadvantages that have been reinterpreted or redefined
Advantage; but in the case of spirits it's only a +Y2 Advan- especially for spirits are listed here. Spirits should only use
tage, because of the additional difficulties in targeting spirits. those Disadvantages listed here; other Disadvantages are
(You must establish a line-of-sight contact, as with any ECV- not available for spirits (unless the GM makes an exception).
based power, but to do this with spirits you must have one of These Spirit Disadvantages are presented as a helpful guide
the Spirit Senses.) when creating spirits, so that the GM can balance the power
Additionally, all powers that can affect spirits from the real of the spirit with some compensating problems.
world must be bought with the +iJ2 Advantage Affects Spirits.
So most powers that heroes would buy to use on spirits Berserk
would be bought at a total of +1 Advantage or more. One Spirits can certainly take this Disadvantage, but of course
more note: spirits do not need to buy any Advantages on their they are unlikely to have friends handy to help snap them out
powers if all they want to do is use those powers on other it.
spirits in the spirit plane. It's only when you are on the spirit Bound/Repelled
plane trying to affect the real world, or in the real world trying This Disadvantage means that the spirit is bound to a
to affect the spirit plane, that you need to buy an Advantage. specific spot or item, and may not leave that spot. Or,
conversely, you can use the same point structure to reflect
SPIRIT POWER LIMITATIONS the way a spirit is Repelled by holy objects or other things.
Any of the existing Power Limitations are acceptable for Being Bound may be a Psychological Limitation, a Physical
spirits to use, subject to the GM's approval. There are Limitation, or a combination of both. Why should you get two
several new Limitations that are of special interest to spirits. Disadvantages for the same circumstance? Because the
Spirits may buy powers with the Limitation Only While In Disadvantages have different game effects. The Psycho-
Spirit Plane (-V2) , which means that they cannot use their logical Limitation means that the spirit doesn't want to
powers while Possessing a body. This Limitation might be perform the action (such as leaving or entering holy ground),
worth more or less, depending on the amount of time the but some external force can make the spirit do so (or an
spirit spends in Possession (i.e., the amount of time the spirit extraordinary situation allows the spirit to make an EGO Roll
spends in the real world). A spirit that never Possesses at great penalties). A Physical Limitation means that the
anyone would not get any bonus for this Limitation. spirit is unable to cross into holy ground, and no external
Conversely, a spirit that spends almost all of its time in force can make that happen (unless the Physical Limitation
someone else's body would get a -1 Limitation. A real person is itself Suppressed). Remember, though that such a Physi-
who takes this Limitation (such as a wizard who wants to buy cal Limitation cannot be advantageous, or it ceases to be a
powers usable only when Astral Projecting) would get a-1 Disadvantage.
Limitation. Also, powers may be bought Linked to Astral There are also some additional modifiers to consider
Projection (-%), and also with Usable Only While In Spirit beyond the standard ones for these Disadvantages.
Form (-1). If you have the Linked limitation, you can't use the A Psychological Limitation binding a spirit often occurs as
powers unless you are using your Astral Projection. This a result of the circumstances of the death of the spirit's body.
could be a problem if you are cast out of your body by As part of this Disadvantage, the GM should define a set of
someone else. circumstances that will dissolve the bonds and free the spirit.
Spirits may also take powers with the Limitation Only For instance, if a person is murdered violently and their body
Usable In This Location (-0 to -1). Spirits that are Bound to is not given a proper burial according to their customs, their
a particular location might only get a -1;4 Limitation oreven no spirit may be bound to the spot until the murderers are
bonus, depending on how likely it is that the spirit might be brought to justice or until their body is properly buried with full
taken away from its location. (Even though a spirit is Bound rites.
to a spot, someone might come along and forcibly remove it.) Psychological Limitation: Bound is worth 25 points (Very
Spirits that can roam freely might get more of a bonus, unless Common, Total).
it's very likely that they'll be found in a particular spot. Being Bound physically means that while the spirit may
Spirits may also buy powers usable Only While In Real want to leave, it is prevented from doing so. This may be
World (-0 to -2). This is the inverse of the previous Limitation; because the spirit lacks the Shift Spirit power, or because
spirits can only use such a power when they are Possessing there is sufficient Power Defense (or Suppress) on the area
someone. Obviously, a spirit without the ability to Possess to prevent the spirit from using its Shift Spirit power.
someone would take a -2 Limitation here (on the off-chance The spirit may be removed from the place where it is bound
that someone else might put the spirit into a body). A spirit by a Shift Spirit. The spirit is automatically freed when the
that's in the real world much of the time would get a bonus of place or item it is Bound to is destroyed. As part of this
only -% or even no bonus at all. Disadvantage, the GM should define a set of circumstances
that will dissolve the Bonds and free the spirit.
Physical Limitation: Bound is worth 25 points (All The capricious or whimsical, too. In short, spirits are at least as
Time, Fully) as a base, with the following modifiers: wacky as the normal beings you're likely to meet, and often
Bound Location Is: Points more so.
Small (item) +5 Physical Limitation
Fragile (1 DEF) +5 The obvious physical problems that a spirit has (like
Large (estate) -5 lacking the ability to manipulate or sense the real world) isn't
worth any points, since it's built into the basic nature of a
So a spirit that is Bound both physically and psychologi- spirit. The only specific physical limitations that spirits can
cally to a small, fragile item gets a 60 point Disadvantage. A have are covered separately under Bound and Repelled.
large area is less limiting to the spirit, so if the spirit is bound
to such an area (like the grounds of an estate, or a certain Susceptibility
valley) this is a -5 (or even -10) modifier to the Disadvantage. Spirits often have Susceptibility to certain conditions.
Being Repelled by a particular environment or circum- While some spirits may avoid holy symbols or holy places
stance can be treated in the same fashion as Bound, (see Bound/Repelled), if forced into contact with them spirits
pointwise. may take damage. Since spirits don't take STUN damage,
Some examples of being Repelled: read each die for the amount of BODY and treat that as an
Repelled by garlic: Physical Limitation 15 points (Fre- equivalent amount of Consume Spirit directed against the
quently, Greatly Impairing) spirit's EGO. Each BODY done results in one EGO lost by
Repelled by holy places: Physical Limitation 20 points the Spirit as a Consume Spirit; the recovery rate for this lost
(Frequently, Fully) and Psychological Limitation 20 points EGO is 5 Character points per day. Because of this, each
(Common, Total). 1 d6 of Susceptibility is worth 10 points, beginning with the
first 1 d6. The amount of dice taken in the Susceptibility can
Dependence be more than 3; each additional die is worth 10 points.
Some spirits may have a Dependence, usually on some- Examples:
thing unsavory like human blood or souls. Or a vampire may Vulnerable to holy symbols: 3d6 Susceptibility, Com-
be dependent on sleeping in its native soil every day. Since mon, per segment: 55 points.
spirits don't take STUN damage, read each die for the Die when container is destroyed: 10d6 Susceptibility,
amount of BODY and treat that as an equivalent amount of Common, per phase: 120 points.
Consume Spirit directed against the spirit's EGO. Each Sunlight: 5d6 Susceptibility, per phase, Very Com-
BODY done results in one EGO lost by the Spirit as a mon: 75 points.
Consume Spirit; the recovery rate for this lost EGO is 5
Character points per day. Because of this, each 1 d6 of Unluck
Dependence is worth 10 points, beginning with the first 1 d6. Spirits can be just as unlucky as living beings.
The amount of dice taken in the Dependence can be more
than 3; each additional die is worth 10 points. Vulnerability
Example: A wraith requires the consumption of souls to Since spirits cannot take damage in the ordinary sense,
sustain its undead form of life. While it can subsist on a this is actually a variant on the standard Vulnerability Disad-
meager diet of animal souls, it really prefers the much vantage. A spirit (or any character, forthat matter) that takes
juicier portions afforded by the occasional adventurer. /f damage from an attack or an effect that wouldn't normally be
the wraith isn't fed for a while, it grows steadily weaker. damaging gets a bonus according to the following table. This
Dependence: must consume souls frequently (Consume is used instead of Susceptibility when the attack or effect
Spirit), Very Common (5 points), occurs once per day uses dice (such as a Flash or a Drain); Susceptibility is used
(-25 points), 6d6 (60 points); total 40 points. when the effect has no dice rating of its own (such as sunlight
or green argonite).
Hunted and Watched Remember, an Uncommon attack is worth 5 points, a
Spirits can be Hunted or Watched, but this is generally not Common attack is worth 10 points, and a Very Common
meaningful if the spirit has taken the Bound Disadvantage. attack is worth 15 points as a base. The following table
Only a free-moving spirit should be allowed to have this serves to modify those values when you are Vulnerable to an
Disadvantage. And any Hunters should be able to do some- attack that normally doesn't cause damage.
thing about the spirit; this Disadvantage isn't meaningful if Modifier Bonus
the Hunters can't harm the spirit somehow. Takes STUN damage x2
Psychological Limitation Takes BODY damage .. x3
Spirits can certainly have these; in fact, it's very common Takes X1Y2 damage +x1
among spirits to have a number of severe psychological Takes x2 damage +x2
problems. The most common problems are covered sepa-
rately in the Bound and Repelled Disadvantages listed here. Example: /f you want to take STUN damage from Fire
Among other common problems, a spirit might well have an attacks (ruled a Common attack), that would be worth 20
unusual fixation on certain things (a severe hatred of soldiers points (10 points x 2). /fyou take BODYand STUN from
since it was slain by a soldier, for instance). Or a spirit might Fire Attacks, that's 30 points. If you took x1!1? the damage
be unusually stupid and easily tricked (as are many djinni). rolled on the Fire attack as STUN and BODY, that would
Spirits can often be immensely overconfident, not unreason- be worth 40 points.
able since they can be immensely powerful. Spirits are often

This could apply to any power at all, from Mind Control to BUILDING SPIRITS IN A FOCUS
Change Environment. If the effect you want is not damage, Spirits that enter a living container in the course of play
use the active points of the attack to determine how much don't have to pay points for any abilities the container has.
effect to use. Similarly, spirits that enter a recently dead body get to use its
In the case of spirits with this Vulnerability, BODY damage basic capabilities (like STR and movement) without paying
from attacks (or any other power, for that matter) is treated for them. If you want to create a spirit that occupies a physical
as an equivalent amount of Consume Spirit directed against form, though, you have to pay points forthe privilege. Spirits
the spirit's EGO. For instance, a spirit that takes BODY can be created from scratch as occupying a body of some
damage from magic weapons (a Common attack in a Fan- sort, whether it's a corpse, a skeleton, or a clockwork
tasy Herocampaign) would get a 30 point bonus. (Spirits are mechanism. The spirit's Characteristics are purchased nor-
particularly vulnerable to this sort of attack, since they are not mally, but the spirit can buy additional Characteristics and
able to buy any defense against it.) Each BODY done by an powers through the body, which is treated as an Obvious,
attack results in one EGO lost by the Spirit as a Consume Inaccessible Focus. Spirits built this way can buy (if desired)
Spirit; the recovery rate for this lost EGO is 5 Character STR, BODY, PD, ED, END, REC, and COM; but any these
points per day. Thus, if you slash a spirit that has Vulnerabil- that are purchased must be bought from a starting value of
ity to Magic Weapons with a magic sword and do 7 BODY, O. Spirits built this way still cannot purchase CON or STUN
it loses 7 EGO. Of course the first line in the bonus table (since neither have meaning for a nonliving body).
about STUN damage does not apply to spirits (since STUN While this "spirit in a Focus" resembles an ordinary char-
does not affect spirits). acter at a casual glance, there are important differences.
Some common examples of this Vulnerability for spirits in First of all, because of the nature of the spirit, it takes no Stun
a horror campaign: damage at all and it doesn't get Stunned. You don't need to
Vulnerability Points buy Life Support for the spirit; the Focus is not really alive in
Magic weapons (normal damage) 30 the traditional sense, and thus does not need to breathe, eat,
sleep, or other annoying functions. Those can be taken as
Magic weapons (1 1/2X damage) .40
Character Disadvantages, if you like. On the other side of the
Magic weapons (2x damage) 50 equation, any physical Characteristics desired must be
Dispel magic (2x damage) 25 bought from a 0 starting value. The spirit in a Focus has no
Fire attacks (2x damage) 75 base movement and no senses to begin with; all must be
All physical Characteristics and all attacks should be
bought at a +2 Advantage Affects Real World, with a -1/2 OIF
Limitation. Essentially, most things are purchased at double
cost underthis rule. Skills, Perks, and Talents are purchased
at the normal cost, however. Spirits in a Focus are subject to
Flash attacks (assuming they've bought some senses, since
they start with none) and Entangles. Normal Adjustment
Powers will work only against those Characteristics bought
through the OIF. Mental Powers and Adjustment Powers
that work against spirit Characteristics must be bought with
the usual Affects Spirit Advantage (and ECV-based, in the
case of Adjustment Powers) in order to affect the spirit.
However, you at least get the line-of-sight for free; no special
senses are necessary to find the spirit, since it's always in its
The Focus Limitation as used here is interpreted differ-
ently than the standard Focus Limitation. The body as Focus
does not gain any defenses automatically, and is not subject
to the "take BODY, lose a power" rule. However, the Focus
can lose abilities when damage is taken, according to the
special effects. For instance, if you lop off the body's hands,
it can no longer use any weapons (or cast any spells that
require gestures). If you remove the body's head, it is still
"alive" and can still think, but it cannot control its body. (If you
want severed parts to continue functioning after they are
severed, buy Telekinesis, OIF Body.)
The body Focus does not bleed, but neither does it heal
any damage. Damage can be repaired by using Adjustment
Powers or with appropriate skills. So it's entirely possible to
completely destroy the Focus.
Additionally, since the body is an OIF, you must define
some way that it can be rendered inactive. An example might
be holy attacks or symbols used against undead.
SPIRIT CONTAINERS Stress, on the other hand, is a constant situation; in some
While any living thing with an EGO can hold a spirit, ways it's like a low-level continuous PRE Attack. The effects
nonliving objects cannot unless they have been specially of stress are based on the situation and the experience of the
prepared. Creating a container that can hold a spirit is done character. The general stressful ness of a situation is mea-
with a cosmetic Transform; the cost is dependent on the sured by the Stress Level. Stress Level is normally gener-
amount of BODY in the object, which is relatively cheap. It ated by a General Presence Attack based on the situation
does provide an explanation for why spirits tend to be put into and environment. See the General Stress section for how
small objects as opposed to bigger ones (aside from the General Presence attacks and Stress Level affect charac-
portability issue). A container can be "uncontainerized" by ters.
casting another cosmetic Transform on it (though this is a A character's loss of capabilities due to stress is reflected
different Transform than the first one, and therefore must be in a value called Long Term Stress. A character accumulates
bought separately or the Transform should be bought with a Long Term Stress by being in stressful situations and under-
+114 Advantage). going great psychological shocks. Long Term Stress re-
Fortifying a container is another matter. Containing the duces a character's Psychological Resistance; subtract a
spirit (preventing it from using Shift Spirit) and preventing it character's Long Term Stress value from his Presence and
from using its powers are two different things. To prevent a EGO scores to get the current effective Presence and EGO
spirit from entering or leaving a container, buy Power De- values. These reduced Presence and EGO values are used
fense with the + % Advantage Affects Spirits; this will work to in all Skill Rolls, Characteristic Rolls, Presence Attacks, and
prevent the movement of a spirit in one direction only (either Mental Combat calculations. The other effects of long term
in or out of the container). If you want to restrict the move- stress are described in the Long Term Stress section later in
ment of a spirit in both directions, then you must buy an this section.
additional +% Advantage (Bidirectional) on the Power De- A character can reduce his Long Term Stress by getting a
fense. (This could be made cheaper by saying the Power Psychological Recovery. This Psychological Recovery is
Defense only applies to Shift Spirit, and not to Consume equal to the character's base PRE/5 + EGO/5. The time it
Spirit; this is a -% Limitation.) Note that this is not an absolute takes a character to take a Psychological Recovery is based
prevention against the movement of a spirit; the Power on how much Long Term Stress he has accumulated.
Defense merely subtracts form the Shift Spirit that is per-
formed. So a sufficiently large Shift Spirit power wouldn't be WHEN TO USE WHICH SYSTEMS
stopped by a Power Defense, merely slowed down. Between the effects of Normal Presence Attacks, General
Blocking the powers of the spirit in the container is a Presence Attacks, Stress Level and Long Term Stress the
different matter, and that depends on the specific powers of Game Master has many ways of simulating the effects of
the spirit. It's often not enough to put a malevolent spirit into stress on characters. These systems can cause Combat
a jar; you also want to keep it from using all those nasty Effects, Skill Effects and Indirect Effects, as well as Tempo-
powers it has that can affect the real world. To block mental rary and Long Term Psychological Limitations. Not all of the
powers, use Mental Defense. Note that this will reduce but systems need to be used at all times.
not necessarily eliminate the effect of such powers (a very In simple cases, Normal Presence Attacks, General Pres-
nice touch in keeping with many stories). To block other ence Attacks and Stress Level will convey the tension of a
powers, use Suppress, adding the proper Advantage so that horror situation without a lot of bookkeeping. The Game
it can work against all spirit powers (+2 Advantage). Of Master can restrict the modifiers stress causes to Skill
course, you'll want to buy the Suppress as a Continuous Modifiers and Indirect Effects to streamline the system. The
power at no END cost, so it's working all the time. You may Game Master may give characters Temporary Psychologi-
want to define the Suppress as having a nonrandom output cal Limitations as a result of a particularly horrible situation
of 3 points per 1 d6, sothatyou're not concerned about power at the climax of the adventure.
fluctuations that might allow something untoward to occur. In cases where the Game Master wants the characters to
As you can see, a full-fledged spirit container with the feel the long term psychological degradation of continuous
ability to block the movement and powers of a spirit could be stress, the Game Master may use the Long Term Stress
quite expensive, even if you buy it as an Independent Focus. system by itself. Characters will quickly recognize that their
mounting Long Term Stress scores reflect a real loss in the
health and control over a character. The Game Master can
( SHOCK }\ND STRESS) apply Indirect Effects plus Temporary and Long Term Psy-
chological Limitations to make the effects of this stress
Shock is a sudden change in situation that startles a crystal clear.
Only when the environment is unusually bizarre, unex-
character; in the Hero System Presence attacks are used to
represent the effects of a shocking turn of events. The effect plainable, and dangerous, should all of these systems be
of a Presence attack is determined by how much the attack used together. Characters who do not have substantial EGO
exceeds a character's Presence or Ego, whichever is greater. and Presence characteristics and familiarity with their bi-
For simplicity, the greater of those two Characteristics (PRE zarre surroundings will be in big trouble. They can be quickly
and EGO) is called the Psychological Resistance. The reduced to gibbering ineffectiveness. The Game Master
section on Normal Presence Attacks following describes should only use all of the systems together in specific
how characters may react under both shock and stress. situations, where the psychological sacrifices the characters
make are in keeping with the scale of their goals.

SOURCES OF STRESS there and expands on many new modifiers. If a situation has
Stress can be caused by three different elements: fear of a range of two or three modifiers, the names of the various
the unknown, lack of control and danger. Maximum stress is levels is listed in parenthesis after the description. If a
caused when all three elements are present. situation has a range of four or more modifiers, the names of
First, stress can come from lack of knowledge about how the least and most effective modifier is listed in parenthesis
an environment is supposed to work. If a character in an after the description.
ancient house spots paintings that drip blood or fresh earth
over old graves, he doesn't know what is happening at first. Expanded Presence Attack Modifiers:
Similarly, a character in a strange culture might find that he
doesn't know the local customs and doesn't realize when he Modifier Situation
has insulted someone important until it is too late.
Second, stress can come when a character has lost -1d6 During Combat
control of his environment. A character working his way -1d6 to -3d6 Attacker's Presence Attack
through a haunted house, where knives fly from walls and command runs counter to
evil mystic forces defy logic, is not in control of his environ- existing mood
ment. In the same way, if a character in a strange culture -2d6 to +2d6 Attacker's Reputation
suddenly loses his translator, he can no longer communicate (Laughable to Overwhelming)
and is no longer in control of his environment. -2d6 to +2d6 Setting (Very Inappropriate to
Finally, stress can come when a character is in danger of Very Appropriate)
bodily harm or death (or the dreaded Fate Worse Than -1 d6 to +3d6 Attacker's position of relative
Death, which comes in many varieties), or when others that power to Target (Disadvantaged
the character cares about are threatened. The energy- to Complete Conquest)
draining undead creature is a threat to everyone within the
+1d6 to +3d6 Attacker surprises Target
haunted house. The threat can also be to a character's
(Minor, Major, Total)
position, status, or relationships. Thus, the character in a
strange culture realizes that the constabulary bearing down +1d6 to +3d6 Attacker's Soliloquy
on him, guns drawn, are a threat to his position. (Good, Excellent, Incredible)
The fear of not knowing, fear of not controlling, and fear of +1d6 to +3d6 Attacker's Violent Action
dire consequences all conspire to put a character under (Regular, Extremely, Incredibly)
stress. Much of a horror story is based on creating such +1d6 to +3d6 Attacker exhibits an ability (Effec-
dramatic tension or stress. The Game Master can use all of tive, Spectacular, Overwhelming)
these fears as tools to create a properly stressful horror +1d6 to +3d6 Attacker Exhibits an unexpected
atmosphere. What follows are some game mechanics that ability (Unanticipated, Shocking,
help the Game Master reflect the effects of stress on the Outrageous)
capabilities and actions of the characters. Attacker Exhibits an unexplained
+1d6 to +3d6
ability or violent action (Unusual,
SOME THINGS MAN Weird, Bizarre)
WAS NOT MEANT TO KNOW +1d6 Target's Current attack shown
The GM may decide that some environments or experi- to be ineffective
ences are always stressful. These are things that are so +2d6 Several of Target's attacks have
bizarre or terrifying that a character can never completely been ineffective
explain or grow accustom to them. These things might +3d6 All of Target's rational forms of
include otherworldly monsters, alien science so advanced it attack have been ineffective
is like magic, or changing environments so complex that they +2d6 to +4d6 Target in retreat (Partial, Full)
defy rational analysis. In these cases, the GM has decided
-1d6 per Repeated Attack
that no matter what skills or experience the character has,
the character is under stress. +1d6 per Stress Level if the attack
reinforces the stress (if used)

(______ l\_T_T_~_C_K_S
J~ -1d6 per Stress Level if the attack
resists the stress (if used)


There are many possible modifiers to Presence Attacks in GIVING A COMMAND
a horror situation. Dealing with the unknown provides unlim- Presence Attacks are often used to give commands.
ited possibilities for shock and surprise. Some commands, like "run in fear", are inherent in the attack.
Others contain specific spoken instructions. These com-
EXPANDED PRESENCE mands divide into Easy Commands and Normal Commands.
ATTACK MODIFIERS The Normal Commands divide again into Short Commands
and Long Commands.
This chart replaces the one on page 170 of the 4th Edition
Hero System Rules. It includes all of the modifiers listed
A Long Command is often full turn or more. It's long
enough for a combat to be completed. It's long enough for a
character to complete a complex task. It is often long enough
for an enemy to make a clean getaway.

Expanded Short Term Presence Effects for Commands:

Presence Attack is
greater than or Effect of Commands
equal to on Target
Target's Psychological Will move to follow Easy
Resistance Commands, but may
reconsider the action
before completing it.
Target's Psychological Will follow Easy
Resistance + 1 0 Commands for a short
time unless target makes
an EGO Roll or target is
supported by a fellow
character. Will move to
follow other commands,
but may reconsider.
Target's Psychological Will follow all commands
Resistance +20 for a short time unless
target makes an EGO Roll
or target is supported by a
fellow character. Will follow
Easy commands for a long
time unless the target
makes an EGO Roll or the
target is supported by a
fellow character.
A character is more likely to do easy commands than Target's Psychological Will follow all commands
normal ones. A character is also more likely to do short Resistance +30 for a short time. After a
commands than long ones. A character is also more likely to short time, target may
resist a command if he has the support of another character. make an Ego Roll to try to
When a character is alone, he has only his own willpower to regain control
resist a command. When another character is spending time Target's Psychological Will follow all commands
and effort giving him moral support, he is more likely to resist
~esistance +40 or more for a long time. After a long
a command. The Expanded Presence Attack chart reflects time, the target may make
the difference between these various commands. an EGO Roll to try to
Easy Commands tend to reinforce a character's natural regain control
instincts and tendencies. They include many short, simple,
one word commands like, "Run," "Freeze" or "Look." These
easy commands tend to be things a character can begin A character can sometimes resist the effects of a Pres-
instantly. The natural tendency of a character overcome by ence Attack with an Ego Roll, -1 per 10 points of the
fear is to run away or freeze. The natural tendency of a Presence Attack. If the character successfully makes the
character who is uncertain of his surroundings is to look EGO Roll, but does not make the roll with the negative
around to see if he is missing something. These Easy modifiers the character may overcome the attack enough to
Commands do not incapacitate a target for long, but they avoid the command by freezing or running. The Game
may provide an opening when a character is covered by Master has the final say about how well a character resists
enemy weapons or an enemy is about to deliver a killing a Presence Attack.
blow. If the Presence Attack equals or exceeds the character's
Normal Commands tend to be more complex. They re- PsychologicalResistance, the character automatically moves
quire a character to act intelligently, not just out of instinct. to follow the command for an instant. If the character retains
These commands are often variance of "Obey Me." The enough control to reconsider the action, he may stop before
command might be to tell a character to drop an item or executing the action and do something else. But, the charac-
weapon, attack someone, or do a specific task. ter has been affected by the attack. He has begun to lose
A Short Command is normally only one or more phases. control of his actions, and then regains control just in time.
It's long enough for a single attack or move. It's long enough
to complete a short term task. It's not long enough to do
complex long term tasks.
To make a General Presence Attack, roll the appropriate
(i~N~R/\b PR~S~NC~ ~ number of dice as listed in the examples chart. Tell the
players the type of stress they are under (fear, horror,
/\TTl\CKS danger, deadline pressure, etc.) and announce the total. The
GM may allow characters with specific skills or familiarities
Normal Presence Attacks are delivered by a character with the situation to ignore the attack or to reduce the effect
using a Presence value; General Presence Attacks come of the attack (at the GM's option). Other characters should
from the atmosphere of a situation. They are not based on compare the attack to the General Presence Attack Effects
any Presence value, but on generally how the characters Table and react accordingly.
understand and control their situation. The more bizarre and
uncontrollable a situation is, the greater the General Pres- GENERAL PRESENCE ATTACK EXAMPLES TABLE
ence Attack.
General Presence Attacks help establish future modifiers Presence
to Presence Attacks and other rolls. They can also help the Attack The Situation is:
players understand just how unusual a situation is.
A General Presence Attack can represent many kinds of 2d6 Spooky: things are not quite right,
stress. Being in an unusual culture can be stressful. If that but you can't put your finger on it.
culture makes living your life difficult, or even dangerous, it An annoying culture. A stressful
is even more stressful. As a character becomes wiser in the job at deadline time (Newspaper,
ways of a culture, the stress, and therefore the size of the or Overnight Shipping Firm.)
General Presence Attack, will go down. Many kinds of jobs 4d6 Wrong: You know something is
can be stressful. The more dehumanizing and dangerous a wrong, but you don't understand it.
job is, the more stressful it tends to be. Of course, as a You're being watched. You know
character gets more knowledgeable about a job, the stress, an enemy is out there. A difficult
and therefore the size of the General Presence Attack, will go culture. A very stressful job, where
down. people are treated like machines
A General Presence Attack often starts with very few dice (post office, or an assembly line.)
as unusual things begin to happen. As more and more 6d6 Threatening: What is wrong is now
unusual, dangerous, or unexplainable things happen, larger a known threat, but it is still not
and larger General Presence Attacks are appropriate. By the understood. This is often the
climax of an adventure the level of horror, and the size of the situation after the first unexplained
General Presence Attack, should be near their maximum. attack. A dangerous culture. A
The General Presence Attack Examples Table lists various stressful and dangerous job, where
situations and the appropriate dice of General Presence a mistake can cause injury or
Attack. death (coal mine, fire station, or
police beat.)
threatening, not understood, and
Presence Attack is the danger is imminent. The
greater than or Effect of Commands stalker is in sight
equal to on Target 10d6 Terrifying: normal means don't
Target's Psychological Target is affected by the seem to stop the enemy. The
Resistance stress. If the character enemy has been shown to be
does not understand the bizarre and dangerous. The
situation they may take characters may be physically or
stress modifiers. mentally injured.
Target's Psychological Target is very much 12d6 Overwhelming: the characters
Resistance + 10 affected by the stress. have tried everything, but nothing
Character will consider seems to stop the enemy. The
attempting to avoid or enemy is shown to be bizarre,
escape from the stress dangerous, and seemingly
Target's Psychological Target is overcome by
Resistance +20 stress. Character will act 14+d6 Nightmarish: nothing seems to
irrationally to avoid or make any sense. The situation is
escape stress unless inescapable, bizarre, and over-
supported by others whelmingly dangerous. It violates
Target's Psychological Target is broken by stress. all rationality.
Resistance +30 or more Character will act irratio-
nally to avoid or escape
PSYCHOLOGICAL LIMITATIONS, green troops, combat can be a very stressful situation
because it is both dangerous and unfamiliar. For veteran
SHOCK AND STRESS troops, combat may be just as dangerous, but it may not be
Psychological Limitations are important modifiers to the as stressful because they know what they are getting into. Of
effects of Stress and Shock on a character. Psychological course, this can work the other way, too: a lack of knowledge
Limitations divide into several types. Codes of Conduct or about an environment may cause a character to think it's not
Hatreds tend to resist the effect of Presence Attacks. For dangerous at all, and thus he experiences no stress. Mean-
example, a characterwith a hatred of supernatural creatures while, the veteran who understands exactly what can hap-
could have a chance to resist the fear caused by a demonic pen may be under severe stress. It's up to the GM to decid~
Presence Attack. Fear tends to reinforce the effect of Pres- which set of circumstances and stress results are appropn-
ence Attacks. A character with a fear of spiders might have ate.
to grapple with a giant man-spider. Compulsions can resist A character may also come up with an explanation of a
or reinforce the effect of Presence Attacks. A compulsively situation that fits within his world view. The character decides
clean character might have to wade through a pool of eldritch that a local fraternity has been pulling a prank, and explains
slime to save a friend. away the unusual things in the haunted house. Because the
Psychological Limitations that reinforce stress effects character believes he understands his situations, he is not
tend to enhance the effects of smaller Presence Attacks. If under stress while he explores the house. But he's in for a big
a Presence Attack exceeds a character's Psychological shock when he finally meets the undead creature.
Resistance, then it acts as if it has exceeded his Psychologi- Finally, a character could be unaware of the unusu~1
cal Resistance by + 10. However, an attack that exceeds a occurrences and threats around him. A character who IS
character's Psychological Resistance by +10 or more is unaware of these elements may escape the stress, but will
treated normally. If the effect of the Psychological Limitation be very vulnerable when the threats rear their ugly head!
is greater than the effect of the Presence Attack, then use the Normally, a character starts a scenario under little or no
effect of the Psychological Limitation. For example, a char- stress, becomes aware of more and more unusual things
acter who is Totally Afraid of Spiders takes the Total effect and gets more and more stressed as the scenario goes on.
when he is targeted by a spider's Presence Attack, even if However, if a character finds a way to explain the unknown,
the attack only just exceeds his Psychological Resistance. or defeats his enemy, the stress may go away.
Psychological Limitations that resist Stress Effects often
mask a hidden fear. They tend to make the character more
brittle; he's tougher against low-level attacks, but more REDUCING THE EFFECTS OF STRESS
affected by stronger attacks. The character may ignore an The most direct way for a character to reduce the effects
attack that just exceeds his Psychological Resistance, and of stress is to maximize his Presence and EGO values.
the effect of an attack that exceeds a character's Psychologi- Stress effects tend to reduce the Skill and Characteristic
cal Resistance by +10 is reduced by one level. However, Rolls based on Presence and EGO. High scores tend to
under greater shock, the character's hidden fears emerge. reduce the game effect of these penalties. A character
The effect of an attack that exceeds a character's Psycho- whose roll goes from 13 or less to 11 or less is much better
logical Resistance by +20 or more is increased by one level. off than a character whose roll has gone from 11 or less to 9
Also, because of the great shock and stress, the character or less.
tends to reverse the effect of his Psychological Limitation. Some other abilities are less useful. The EGO Defense
For example: a character would break his code of conduct or Power does not change stress effects, it only helps defend
flee from that which he hates instead of attacking it. against mental attacks. The Resistance Talent is only useful
A very large shock like this tends to be a shattering against interrogation and questioning; its cost is too low to
experience for a character with a hatred or code of conduct. help a character against stress effects.
A character may receive a Temporary or Long Term Psycho- In many cases, however, skill and experience are the best
logical Limitation after such an experience. See the section ways to reduce the effects of stress. For example, the
on Temporary and Long Term Psychological Limitations for combat veteran is less effected by combat stress than the
their effects. green trooper. Thus, after a particularly bizarre adv~nture
the GM may wish to give out specific knowledge skills as
assigned experience to represent the character's experi-
ESCAPING STRESS ence with the unknown.
Not all situations are stressful for all characters. If a Knowledge skills can reduce the fear of not knowing.
character knows something about a situation then he may Experience in a situation can reduce the fear of being out.of
not have the fear of not knowing or of not controlling. Thus, control. Knowing effective tactics can reduce the fear of dire
a character with appropriate Knowledge Skills or Profes- consequences. If a character has the appropriate skills and
sional Skills may avoid stress that affects others without experience, the GM may reduce the effects of General
those skills. Presence Attacks, Stress Level, and Long Term Stress by
A character may also have experience in situations that one or more levels. However, there are always some situa-
are not indicated by specific skills. If a character has been tions so bizarre orterrifying, that all characters take full stress
through a situation before, or has seen a creature before, he effects regardless of their skill and experience.
may understand it enough to avoid the effects of stress. For

(..___S_T_R_E_S_S_L_E_V_E_L__ ) Stress often reduces a character's ability to deal with
people and pressure situations. The GM can apply penalties
The Stress Level is a measure of game modifiers on all to Presence and Ego Rolls to represent stress. Presence
characters affected by a stressful situation. Remember that Based Skills may also be degraded. Under extreme stress,
based on knowledge and experience, a situation may be all Skill and Characteristic Rolls may have penalties.
stressful for some characters and not for others.
The Stress Level is normally equal to the value of the last INDIRECT EFFECTS
General Presence Attack divided by 10 and rounded down.
Stress most often is represented by its indirect effects on
The Game Master may modify this value based on the the choices a character makes. These choices can be in or
situation, or define his own Stress Level based on other
out of combat. Generally, stress leads a character to make
less than optimal choices. Sometimes, stress leads a char-
In general, for each level of. stress add +1 d6 to any acter to do something that seems outright silly from the
Presence Attacks that reinforce that stress and subtract -1 d6
outside, but makes perfect sense in the stress of the mo-
to any Presence Attack that resists the stress. For example,
in a horror situation that is Stress Level 3, all fear based
The stress of a situation often makes a character avoid the
Presence Attacks would be +3d6, but all Presence attacks to
sources of that stress. A character may not attack the most
rally the troops to resist the fear would be -3d6. Presence
dangerous monster in the room because of its overwhelming
Attacks that neither reinforce nor resist the prevailing stress
stench of evil. A character may not move towards the
are not affected.
creeping undead because of the unknown dangers it may
If the Game Master is not using the Long Term Stress
hold. And a character may not show bravado or make a
rules, he may utilize the Stress Level as a Skill modifier. All
Presence Attack toward the slimy alien creature, because of
Presence and EGO based Skill and Characteristic Rolls
its bizarre, otherworldly appearance. In each case, a com-
would take a penalty of -1 per Stress Level. This represents
pletely rational character might want to attack, approach, or
the debilitating effects of stress on interpersonal communi- deal with the most dangerous enemy, but the stress of the
cations and strength of will. situation can causes the character to make other choices.
If the Game Master feels that continuous stress has A character may rationalize his choices, even after making
degraded the character's ability to perform other tasks, he
a poor decision because of stress, A comrade asks, ''why
can apply a penalty to all Skill Rolls. If the degradation is far
didn't you attack the giant swamp monster when you had the
along, all Characteristic Rolls could be affected. If the effects
chance?" The character replies, "I didn't want the monster's
of stress have begun to overwhelm the characters, even minions to attack us from behind!" The answer seems
their OCV and DCV could be penalized. Generally, these logical, but it is just hiding the character's deeply held fear of
abilities take a penalty of -1 per 2 Levels of Stress, rounded
the unknown.
down. The Game Master may apply the Stress Level penalty Players should do their best to roleplay the indirect effects
to none, some, or all of these abilities. of stress· the GM shouldn't force these on the characters.

O_f__S_T_R_E_SS _
J Some ge~tle reminders or suggestions, though, are in order.
As players get into the spirit of horror roleplaying, they'll see
the value of having their irrational actions due to stress
adding to the overall atmosphere and thus, adding to the fun
of horror roleplaying.

Characters under great stress can be affected in a number

of way. Combat effects may include changes to a character's
combat characteristics. Skill effects may result in penalties to PSYCHOLOGICAL LIMITATIONS
a character's Skill and Characteristic Rolls. Indirect effects Tremendous stress and shock can make a character act
include changes in the character's decision making. Tempo- irrationally, even after the stress is removed and shock is ~ar
rary or Long Term Psychological Limitations may change the in the past. One way to show this when characters acquire
character's behavior. Temporary or Long Term Psychological Limitations. ~har-
acters can receive these limitations after undergoing a
COMBAT EFFECTS tremendous shock while in a stressful situation. This occurs
when a character gets hit by a powerful Presence Attack
Stress can change a character's combat characteristics. A
while under a high stress level.
powerful Presence Attack can cause a character to freeze
and loose one or more actions. Under extreme stress, the Characters gets no Character Points for these Limita~ions,
and can work them off in the course of the game Without
Game Master can apply modifiers to a character's OCV and
DCV when attacking targets that are horrific or bizarre. spending Experience Points. Temporary and L~ng .Term
However, players tend to hate it when their combat capabili- Psychological Limitations represent a character's fixation on
ties are degraded. The Game Master may find that players what shocks or frightens him.
respond better to indirect psychological effects then to direct
combat penalties. These indirect effects are often as or more
effective in creating a sensation of tension and horror.
Temporary or Long Term Psychological Limitations are
generally narrowly targeted against the specific creature,
item or situation that shocked the character. The most
common type of limitation is the fear of what caused the
shock. However, a player and Game Master may decide that
a hatred or compulsion would fit the situation better. Each
Temporary or Long Term Psychological Limitation should be
customized to fit the character, the situation, and the shock.
Temporary or Long Term Psychological Limitations are an
interesting way for the Game Master to bring home the
psychological cost of adventuring in the unknown. A charac-
ter who shows fear, or loses control in a particular situation
has a lot of hooks for generating interesting role playing. The
Game Master and players can examine how a character
feels about coming face to face with his own fears and
limitations. These fears can also generate interesting role
playing situations as the group reacts to the character's
changing psychology. Both the Game Master and the play-
ers should look upon these transient limitations as ways of
generating new story possibilities, not as some sort of
punishment or penalty.

Temporary Psychological Limitations are generally ac-
quired when a character gets a great shock under a stressful
situation. Thus, when a character is in a stressful situation
and is affected by a Presence Attack that exceeds his
Psychological Resistance by +20 or more, he may acquire a
Temporary Psychological Limitation. The Game Master will
decide when a character is under the influence of a Tempo-
rary Psychological Limitation and what the object and sever-
ity of that limitation is.
Both Psychological Limitations and Presence Attacks can Characters generally recover from Temporary Psycho-
cause a character to lose some control of their actions and logical Limitations once they are removed from the stressful
perhaps to act irrationally. The Game Master may force the environment for a period of time. The basic recovery period
player to perform a specific action that fits his Psychological is often equal to the time the character spent under stress.
Limitation or the level of the Presence Attack. Remember Each recovery period the intensity of the limitation is reduced
that a character with a Psychological Limitation or under the one level. A character is back to normal after he has
influence of a Presence Attack is not completely sane. They recovered from a Moderate intensity limitation. Very restful
are acting based on fears and influences beyond the rational conditions, counseling, or other conditions that relieve stress
world. can halve the character's recovery period. New or additional
The intensity of the Temporary or Long Term Psychologi- stress can double the recovery period or halt the character's
cal Limitation can be based on the severity of the worst recovery all together. .
Presence attack against the character. A Presence Attack
that exceeds a character's Psychological Resistance by +20 LONG TERM
tends to cause a Moderate intensity limitation. A Presence PSYCHOLOGICAL LIMITATIONS
Attack that exceeds a character's Psychological Resistance Long Term Psychological Limitations are more serious
by +30 tends to cause a Strong intensity limitation. A Pres- that temporary ones. A character normally receives a Long
ence Attack that exceeds a character's Psychological Resis- Term Psychological Limitation after stress has overcome his
tance by +40 or more tends to cause a Total intensity Psychological Resistance, while he is under great stress and
limitation. after he receives a tremendous shock. A character's Psy-
Temporary or Long Term Psychological Limitations act chological Resistance is overcome when the buildup of Long
just like normal Psychological Limitations, except that they Term Stress exceeds the greater of the character's Pres-
are very narrowly targeted. Moderate intensity limitations ence or EGO. See the section on Long Term Stress for more
decide the character's choice of actions and his reaction to details on how this can happen.
situations. Strong intensity limitations can make the charac- Recovering from Long Term Psychological Limitations
ter take irrational actions, but the character can resist the can be lengthy and challenging for a character. Characters
effects with a successful EGO Roll. Total intensity limitations must be removed from the stressful situation before they can
make the character totally useless or irrational in the specific begin to recover from Long Term Psychological Limitations.
situation. Characters must recover their Psychological Reserves be-
fore they can begin to recover from Long Term Psychological
Limitations. To do this, they must reduce their Long Term
Stress to zero.

Once a character has reduced his Long Term Stress to LONG TERM STRESS TABLE
zero, he may begin reducing the intensity of his Long Term
Psychological Limitations. The basic recovery period is often Time Period The Situation is:
equal to the period required for a Psychological Recovery as
detailed in the section on Long Term Stress. Each recovery 1 week Spooky: things are not quite right,
period the intensity of the limitation is reduced one level. A but you can't put your finger on it.
character is back to normal after he has recovered from a An annoying culture. A stressful
Moderate intensity limitation. job at deadline time (Newspaper,
The Game Master may decide that recover from a Strong or Overnight Shipping Firm.)
or Total intensity limitation takes more than just time. It may 1 day Wrong: You know something is
take a psychological breakthrough. A character that is carry- wrong, but you don't understand it.
ing around a lot of guilt, fear, and hatred may have to come You're being watched. You know
to grips with his weaknesses before he can recover. A an enemy is out there. A difficult
psychological breakthrough is a perfect opportunity for in- culture. A very stressful job, where
tense role playing, and a useful vehicle for a character's self people are treated like machines
discovery. (post office, or an assembly line.)
Often a psychological breakthrough will require a charac- 5 hours Threatening: What is wrong is now
terto face his problems head on. It may require the character a known threat, but it is still not
to confront the enemy that caused the initial problem. Unfor- understood. This is often the
tunately, the possibilities for additional stress, and increased situation after the first unexplained
psychological limitations can make such confrontations both attack. A dangerous culture. A
physically and emotionally dangerous. It is up to the Game stressful and dangerous job, where
Master to decide if a character has had a sufficient psycho- a mistake can cause injury or
logical breakthrough to begin recovering from an intense death (coal mine, fire station, or
Long Term Psychological Limitation. police beat.)
Some characters may never have the psychological break-
1 hour Dangerous: What is wrong is
through necessary to recover from some limitations. They threatening, not understood, and
become another psychological casualty of the battle to
the danger is immanent. The
understand the unknown.
stalker is in sight
5 minutes Terrifying: normal means don't
seem to stop the enemy. The
( LONG TERM STRESS) enemy has been shown to be
bizarre and dangerous. The
Long Term Stress is a value that represents how much an characters may be physically or
individual character has been effected by constant exposure mentally injured.
to intense stress. It is individual to each character. Different 1 minute Overwhelming:the character's
characters in the same situation may have different Long have tried everything, but nothing
Term Stress values because of their Psychological Resis- seems to stop the enemy. The
tance, their skills and knowledge, and the luck of the dice. enemy is shown to be bizarre,
The Long Term Stress value is subtracted directly from a dangerous, and seemingly unstop-
character's effective Presence and EGO scores for all pur- pable
poses. This includes: Presence Attacks, Characteristic Rolls, 1 Turn Nightmarish: nothing seems to
Skill Rolls and EGO Based Combat. If a character began with make any sense. The situation is
a Presence of 10, and has accumulated 5 points of Long inescapable, bizarre, and over-
Term Stress, he is 5 points more vulnerable to Presence whelmingly dangerous. It violates
Attacks gets one less die of effect on Presence Attacks, and all rationality.
has all Presence Based Skill and Characteristic Rolls re-
duced by 1. When a character's Long Term Stress value
exceeds his Psychological Resistance, he is vulnerable to The Game Master may also use the x5 time table from
receiving Long Term Psychological Limitations. page 140 of the Hero System Rules or the revised Time
Characters accumulate Long Term Stress in two ways. Table from page 13 of the Hero System Almanac. In either
First, they accumulate Long Term Stress by spending time case, start with Nightmarish Situation at %d6 per 1 turn and
in a stressful situation. Second, they accumulate Long Term proceed to longer periods from there.
Stress by receiving a tremendous shock while under stress.
The greater the stress, the faster the character accumu-
lates Long Term Stress. The type of stress corresponds to a
period of time on the time chart. At the end of each time
period, each character affected by the stress accumulates
V2d6 in Long Term Stress. The Long Term Stress Table
details the type of stress and the time period.
A character may also accumulate Long Term Stress by The Game Master may extend the Presence chart so that
being affected by a shock while under stress. Generally, a a character adds Long Term Stress for Presence Attacks if
character's Long Term Stress is increased by %d6 for every the character's Psychological Resources are exceeded by
level of Presence Attack that has affected them. Each Level +40, +50, +60, etc. A character whose Psychological Resis-
of Presence Attack can only affect a character once. So, if a tance is exceeded by +60 is probably in deep psychological
character is under stress and takes a Presence Attack that trouble.
just exceeds his Psychological Resistance, he adds Y2d6 to
his Long Term Stress. Additional Presence Attacks that just RECOVERING LONG TERM STRESS
exceed his Psychological Resistance have no affect on his A character can reduce his Long Term Stress by taking a
Long Term Stress value. But, if he takes a great shock and
Psychological Recovery. This Psychological Recovery is
receives a Presence Attack that exceeds his Psychological
equal to the character's base level PERfS + EGO/S. At the
Resistance by +20, then he adds 2x %d6 to his Long Term
end of each recovery period, the character reduces his Long
Stress (V2d6 for exceeding + 10 and V2d6 for exceeding +20.)
Term Stress value by an amount equal to his Psychological
One result of this system is that no matter what order a
character takes Presence Attacks in, the total amount of
The time it takes a character to receive a Psychological
Long Term Stress Lost is based on the worst Presence
Recovery is based on how much Long Term Stress he has
Attack the character has suffered. One character can take
four Presence attacks, each 1 points more powerful than
the last, climaxing with an attack that exceeds his Psycho-
accumulated and the circumstances of his rest. If the char-
acter has accumulated a lot of Long Term Stress, recovery
can be a lengthy process.
logical Resistance by +30, and he will add a four separate
A character reduces his Long Term Stress by his Psycho-
Y2d6 rolls to his Long Term Stress. Another character can
logical Recovery every day when active but out of stress. If
take one big Presence Attack that exceeds his Psychological the character's Long Term Stress equals or exceeds his
Resistance by +30, and he will add a total of four times V2d6
Psychological Resistance, then it takes one more level on
rolls to his Long Term Stress.
the time chart per recovery. For every +10 points the
character's Long Term Stress exceeds his Psychological
Resistance it takes an additional level on the time chart per
recovery. If the character is resting, and not active, then it
takes one level less on the time chart per recovery. If the
character is resting in a very soothing place and under the
care of a professional councilor, then it takes one less level
on the time chart per recovery. The Game Master may
modify the recovery time up or down to fit the character,
situation, and campaign.


Long Term Stress reduces the character's current effec-
tive Presence and EGO. Aid adds to the character's current
effective Characteristic. So long as the character's Aided
Characteristic is greater than his effective Characteristic
without Aid, then it drains away normally. Like an impairing
or disabling wound, Long Term Stress is not healed by Aid
or Transfer. Drain and Transfer act against a character's
effective Presence and EGO. All Drains and Transfers return
normally up to the effective value of the Characteristic. For
example, a character has a base Presence of 10 and has
accumulated 4 points of Long Term Stress. His effective
Presence is 10 - 4 = 6. A Presence Aid adds +12 to his
Presence value. The character's effective PRE is now 1 0- 4
+ 12 = 18. After the Aid effect has worn off, the character's
effective PRE returns to 10 - 4 = 6.

The Game Master should be very careful not to apply too

many Long Term Stress rolls to characters. The Game
Master may quickly find that his campaign is running out of
active characters. Characters with low Presence and EGO
values are especially vulnerable to the effects of Long Term
One way to reduce the impact of Long Term Stress is to
give characters a free Psychological Recovery just after they
remove themselves from the stressful situation. This is a
reasonable reflection of the relief a character may feel after
surviving a long nightmarish ordeal. The Game Master
should be careful that players not use this rule to recover the
majority of their Long Term Stress faster than normal how-
ever. If a character with some accumulated Long Term
Stress enters into a stressful situation, they should not
recover more when they leave the stress, then they accumu-
lated while in the stress. In other words, adding one point of
Long Term Stress, and recovering 8 points afterwards is a
The Game Master should also remember that characters
will become more accustomed to many bizarre situations
over time. They may be under less or no stress the second
time they encounter a specific eldritch monster.
The Game Master can give out assigned experience
points to represent the characters growing knowledge of
bizarre creatures and situations. A 1 Point Knowledge Skill,
Familiarity with a specific creature, item or situation on an 8-
will nicely represent this experience.
Generally it takes a knowledge of a specific thing or a
group of things to avoid stress. Very general Knowledge
Skills, such as Magical Situations, or Undead Monsters, are
probably too broad to save a character from stress. Each
creature or situation is an individual and should be encoun-
tered and understood individually. Each one creates its own
THE CAMPAIGN EFFECTS type of stress. Each type of stress must be conquered
OF LONG TERM STRESS psychologically.
When using only the Stress Level system, characters And some creatures, items, and situations, are so bizarre
return to normal fairly quickly. But, a character who has that they may never be understood or psychologically con-
accumulated a lot of Long Term Stress and Long Term quered. A character that encounters them is always under
Psychological Limitations can be effectively out of a cam- stress. In those cases, the character must try to work within
paign forquite some time. The Game Master must take these the limitations of his fears, and find a way to survive despite
lasting effects into account by pacing his scenarios to give a them.
character a chance to get psychologically well.
The time it takes to recover from Long Term Stress and
Long Term Psychological Limitations need not be a problem
if the Game Master does not keep a strict timeline of
campaign time. Simply estimate the time it will take a
characterto recover and say that much time passes between
adventures. Or, hold that character out of the next arc of
adventures to represent the time it takes him to recover.


C I_N_T_R_O_D_U_C_TI_O_N_ ___,)
scientific belief. We made it up - it is only a game device.
With that out of the way, here's the Horror Hero Cosmology
- the story of the Universe, of Lite, Magic, the Afterlife and
a brief history of the Earth.
First, whether by accident or design, the Universe comes
Beware, seekers. Now you venture into existence. Simultaneously all along the corridors of
into my dark domain. Here lurks mad- possibility every conceivable variation on the model ap-
ness and damnation; here is the certain pears. The universes float like planets inside a great void.
doom of the foolish. The authors of this This is where the missing matter that puzzles physicists is
poor tract call the manipulation of oc- hidden, and is also the astral plane so popular with mystics.
cult forces 'Magic'. I do not care for The Void is the key to many mysteries in Horror Hero; we'll
such a benign label - call it sorcery. return to it momentarily.
Call it wizardry, legerdemain, witch- The pure white light of creation cast a shadow, a dark
craft, voodooism. It is not a toy for success. It is the multiverse known to the wise men of many cultures. Each
engine that drives the driver. It is the great uncon- universe has its own shadow. This is the basis of Duality, a
trolled, and it is to be feared. Look what it did to me ... universal law that is embedded into every aspect of science
So be it then. If you must continue, listen: Magic in and mysticism (themselvesan example of it). Newton grasped
horror allows characters to compete against the genre's the concept, and his version was, "For every action (state of
more dangerous creatures, and to acquire otherwise being) there is an equal reaction (state of being)." By this
unobtainable knowledge. Spells in horror are unlike axiom we have creation / destruction, life / death, good / evil,
those in conventional fantasy - seek no marvelous God / Devil, female / male, light / dark, yin / yang, etc. The
wonders here. The magic systems presented here are history of the universe, the world, mankind and Horror Hero
called Ritual Magic, Ceremonial Magic, Alchemy and is little but an illustration of these two forces conflicting at
Wielder Magic. These styles of spellcasting are char- various levels of existence.
acterized by intricate preparation, grave danger, and Life is matter animated by energy. Life exists throughout
generally subtle effects. The practitioner of horror the multiverse and the Void in every conceivable form. All life
magic runs a constant risk of corruption by the forces is linked at the quantum level ("Every man's death dimin-
he seeks to control; true masters of magic are very rare. ishes me"). Sentience, however, is pure energy. Each uni-
You have been warned. verse has a limited amount of energy to invest in new life-
when its quota is filled it will pull life energy from the Void,
where it has taken strange configurations. Life born of Void
This section should be studied carefully before game play
energy is slightly different; this is how evolution occurs. A
begins. The GM should decide whether or not to include
being born of Void energy retains an intuitive link with that
magic and whether or not PC spellcasters should be al-
realm. Sorcerers, psychics, mystics, madmen and monsters
lowed. A campaign can be full of evil sorcerers and occult are the result.
artifacts, or a campaign can be run without the presence of
The more a world or universe is geared toward the
magic at all (example: a modern day PC group that hunts
positive, the more Void energy is used and the more enlight-
down dangerous perpetrators of horrifying crimes).
ened it becomes. More destructive worlds merely recycle the
same old energy, and Entropy is the result.
THE HORROR HERO COSMOLOGY Energy and matter in the Void is susceptible to wishes or
Crazed adherents of an ancient god scuttle ships along commands from the universes, especially when they come
the Atlantic seaboard ... Ritual rnaqlclans call up demons from life born of the Void. This is how Magic works. A wizard
from Hell to do their foul bidding ... The rich and famous are uses a ritual whereby his mind (consciousness) is fine tuned
possessed by phantoms from beyond ... lnsidious cults ma- to reach into the Void and pluck out energy or matter of a
nipulate history ... Saucer-borne invaders abduct screaming certain configuration. A Magic Wielder carries void energy
victims ... How did the world get this way? within himself. Enchanted objects are items in which Void
Herein are described all the mysteries of Creation - the energy/matter is stored or through which it is channeled.
source of magic, the nature of good and evil, and what The Afterlife of a being depends on the makeup of their
happens when we die. This section is an amalgamation of animating energy. This has many names - we'll use the
myth, guesswork and fiction designed as a framework for all term 'soul.' The Void is far from empty. Within it is contained
the diverse elements in this book. It is definitely, positively, all the afterlives that man has dreamed of or had prepared for
absolutely nota statement of personal belief, nor should it be him (this is a chicken or egg question that we'll dodge). A
considered in any way a challenge to any religious or variety of destinations awaits a soul after death. It may be

trapped in a place associated with its life. It may recycle into note that when interdimensional travel is mentioned it means
life through reincarnation or simply dissipate and become that something has left its own universe or the Void and
part of the universe. If it believed in a destination, a heaven traveled through the Void to our own universe. Travel of this
or hell, then it will enter the Void and join others of similar type weakens or tears the barrier between the Void and the
belief in a place prepared for it. The destinations in the Void universe and sometimes unwanted visitors take advantage
are populated by natives of those realms who have either of the opportunity to come through. This is the primary
influenced or been influenced by the beliefs of humanity. reason that magic is generally considered a foolish and
These beings are subject to the Law of Duality and are dangerous practice - You never know what you'll meet!
known as gods and devils. These beings are sometimes That's all. Have fun with the cosmology. Tinker around
capable of traveling into the material universes through their with it if you like or disregard it. It's only here to provide a
own power or via a summoning spell. The inhabitants of the rationale for the diverse elements in this book.

Void, once introduced to human affairs, often develop agen-
das and scheme for greater power.
Finally, here is a brief history of Earth as it applies to Horror
Hero. Our planet, in its approximately 4500 million year MI\GIC SPECII\L
existence, has been host to a multitude of civilizations. Each (~ E_f_f_E_C_T_S _
considered itself the pinnacle of creation and the rightful heir
to the universe. Some of these pre-human races migrated to Magic can be considered as a group of special effects,
the stars. Some destroyed themselves or were conquered while psychic powers are an entirely different group. Thus a
by others. The planet has been colonized from space in the Suppress spell against all magic would not work against
past and some believe that man himself is descended from psychic powers. Additionally, the innate magical abilities of
extraterrestrial stock. Catastrophic wars and natural disas- monsters (such as Flight) are considered a separate special
ters have periodically cleared the Earth to allow the develop- effect; again, a Suppress All Magic spell would not work.
ment of new life forms. Some pre-human races still cling to Magic spells cast by monsters are, however, part of magic
existence in hidden lairs on earth or in the stars. Who knows special effects.
what secrets are buried? What strange lifeforms lie dormant
awaiting resurrection? When will former inhabitants of Earth
return from their voyaging to claim what is rightfully theirs?
Note that when this book mentions the Land of the Dead, (SETTING THE BI\LI\NCE)
the Afterlife, Heaven or Hell it is referring to the Void. Also
Generally, magic should be restricted so that it doesn't
become the dominant element in the Horror Hero campaign
(unless that's what you want). Restrictions on active points
are one method. Perhaps better is to require a Magic Skill
Roll at -1 per 10 active points, or even -1 per 5 active points,
then restrict the number of skill levels the character can buy.
This creates an effective cap on the power limit of spells, but
then powerful spells can still be acquired and attempted
even if the chance of success is low. (The GM may provide
bonuses for certain circumstances in order to make such
powerful spells more useful when they're really needed for
the purposes of the story).


The effects of magic are simulated by using Talents,
Powers, and Power Advantages and Limitations. Using this
method almost any spell may be constructed.
GMs should establish at the beginning of a campaign
which Talents, Powers, and Power Advantages and limita-
tions will be available for players.
The STOP Talents and Powers should be carefully con-
sidered, as they can seriously unbalance a campaign when
used as magic.


You wish to continue? Horror magic is the darkest form
of magic; it is a door that, when open, creates a consum-
ing vortex and draws in al/ it touches. There is seldom
anyone who "dabbles" in magic, just as there is seldom
anyone who dabbles in mixing up explosives. To dabble
in magic is to invite madness, but to master magic is to
master the universe. Just be aware that this poor uni-
verse is only the innermost sphere ...
In horror, manipulative magic is very uncommon. Very few NO SPELLS ARE PERSISTENT
students of magic will ever possess a truly effective spell. A spell based on a Persistent power is not automatically
The spells are difficult to learn, time consuming to cast, and persistent itself. Horror Hero spells and Hero System powers
dangerous to those who fail to control the magic. Death is are related only as a gaming convenience - special effects,
often the least painful consequence. Limitations, and end results may be wildly different. Bear in
It should be noted that characters who study magic are mind -this magic system is designed not to be user friendly.
giving up a part of themselves to higher forces. These higher A spell will cease to function when a sorcerer sleeps orfalls
forces sometimes require extraordinary sacrifices both physi- unconscious (q.v. Turning Off Spells), and must be recast
cally and spiritually for the power that is received. upon awakening. Thus, no Horror Hero spells are persistent.
Once a character chooses the path of magic, there is no Any spell based on a Persistent power receives a -% Power
turning back. Limitation: Costs END.
Of course the Advantage Reduced Endurance can be

C__ B_O_Y_IN_G_M_I\_G_IC__ )
used to byaspell's ENDcostdowntoO, but even these spells
must be recast after a period of unconsciousness. (Note:
GMs are advised to disallow pes the option of buying attack
and defense spells with this Advantage.)

Rules, they say. Be aware, seeker of SPELLS MUST FIT GM's LIMITS
horror, that in sorcery there are no The GM in a horror campaign that includes magic-using
rules. There are only conditions to be pes should take special care that things do not get out of
met. Only men write rules. Nature and hand. Unless limits are set on sorcerer's abilities, non-
the supernatural abide by the condi- spellcasters may feel like second string players. Inter-char-
tions of existence. Need I spell it out? acter conflict is fun, inter-player conflict is not.
This is but one way to present the dark It is recommended that limits be placed on the active
arts. This is a way that functions in the points of attack, defense, and information gathering spells in
author's poor world. You may ignore it and create your a horror campaign. Especially powerful spells can be cast
own. I will not visit your home late at night to see if you occasionally, as lives may depend on it, but the penalty for
are following these rules, honest ... failure should be higher (q.v. Limitations, Side Effect). Failing
that, perhaps deus ex machina spells could be built with the
As the reader has no doubt gathered by now, gaining and Limitation "Limited Use - can only be cast once ever by the
using sorcerous powers in the world of Horror Hero is not same person."
easy. The material in this section might not make characters'
lives any Simpler, but players and GMs may find it useful. MAGIC AVAILABILITY
Here can be found the standard Horror Hero Magic Limita- Using the recommendations in this section will keep magic
tions, guidelines for creating new magics, and tips for con- from dominating the game. True magic has never had any
verting Powers into spells. great exposure and never seems to work if there are more
than a scant handful of people available to witness the event.
STANDARD HORROR MAGIC - In a campaign, the presence of player-characters, the de-
mented spellcaster, and a group of followers fanatically
THE RULES devoted to the caster's cause can constitute a "scant hand-
STANDARD LIMITATIONS The rationale for keeping magic a secret from the general
Horror Magic should always have some inherent limita- populace is twofold. First, if the good residents of a town
tions besides the restricting of the actual magic knowledge. were to observe someone conjuring demons forth from the
Concentration, Extra Time, Focus (for items used in the Netherworld, they may seek to deprive the wizard of his life.
casting), Gestures, Incantations, and Increased END Cost Second, public exposure of the art cheapens it and lessens
are all recommended Limitations for a spell. Side Effects, its effect. True magic just does not have the same effect on
although not an absolute must, should be included in most pes if they are used to seeing it regularly.
spells. The GM, at his discretion, may require a sum of
Limitations to be taken with any spell. Also, the GM may GM: The major villain chuckles with glee from inside his
require other Limitations of his choosing to be taken with a magic circle ...
spell. All Ritual spells must have a minimum -2 in Limitations. Bob: I draw my gun and shoot him. He's got to be at
least half DCV if he's seated, right? The last three were,
Example: Anton is running a late 1880's horror cam- after al/.
paign and John would like his character to be a ritualist.
Anton decides that John can have Ritual Magic, but all Lesson: keep magic mysterious and rare. Players will
his spells must take the following Limitations: "Requires appreciate greater power more if it only appears in the hands
A Skill Roll," "Side Effects," "Concentration," "Increased of a capable magician on occasion.
END Cost," "Focus," and "Extra Time - One Hour."

How does this section apply to PCs? First and foremost,
spellcasters are extremely rare - unless the event is ratio-
nalized in the plot of the campaign (all PCs being Fortunatii
Operatii agents, for example), one is plenty. Second, PC
spellcasters must take steps to conceal their abilities. They
will find themselves dead or dissected if they do not.
The Horror Hero Campaign contains the premise that
benevolent secret societies are actively collecting magical
tomes and items. These groups are willing to resort to harsh
measures to prevent free agents and evil doers from using
their abilities; the groups are wide ranging and benefit from
centuries of experience. PC spellcasters, then, have three
choices: do not use magic, belong to an organization (and
follow orders) or be a free agent and live life on the edge.

Obviously, PC spellcasters have to find their spells some-
where. So how is this done? The easiest way is to assume
that the PC had many spells at the beginning of the cam-
paign, but had not yet deciphered all of them. As he adven-
tures and gains experience, he can simply decipher (i.e.,
purchase with experience points) additional spells. The
biggest drawback to this approach is the lost opportunities
for roleplaying the arduous task of finding new spells.
Looting the dwellings of slain wizards, while smacking of
dungeon-crawling, is still an accepted way of gaining new
spells. Beware, though - such troves are rarely taken
without cost.
Finally a wizard may decide to devise unique spells of his
making. The amount of time this takes is entirely up to the
GM, who may disallow the practice by deeming it too time-
consuming. This does not prohibit PCs from including spells
of their devising in their beginning spell list, or from having MAGIC SKILL
one "almost done" at the onset of the campaign. This is a must for every spellcaster in the Horror Hero
Magic System. No spell can be cast without it. The Magic
NPCWIZARDS Skill roll defines a sorcerer's abilityto channel magical power
In horror, life is not fair for the good guys. This section is and the way the power is manifested.
a reminder to the GM that game balance, the grail of game Magic depends upon the caster's force of will. For that
designers, is fair game for exploitation in horror. NPC wiz- reason, the Magic Skill in Horror Hero is an EGO-Based skill,
ards, pulling the strings from off-screen as they usually do, not an INT -Based skill. Magic Skill costs 3 points, + 1 to the
should not be expected to play by the rules except when in Skill Roll per 2 points.
direct conflict with the PCs. In other words, don't roll dice for
spell failure, side effects, etc., when nobody is around to see KNOWLEDGE SKILL
it. Remember, players will not be afraid of an evil sorcerer Occult based knowledge skills add immeasurably to the
who continually blows himself up. So cheat, cheat, cheat. character of a sorcerer, and a GM should always require a
few to be bought. KS: (Type of) Magic is a must, and KS:
SKILLS Spell Components is highly recommended. Knowledge Skills
The occult practitioners of Horror Hero have access to of a general sorcerous nature include KS: Magical Lore,
several skills that are closely related to the buying and (In)Famous Magicians, Items of Power, Cabals, Diagrams
casting of magic spells. Not all the skills of use to magicians and others.
are exotic and mysterious. Professional Skill: Artist can be a Knowledge Skills based on specific magic systems in-
complementary skill for drawing diagrams. Cryptography clude Alchemy, Demonology, Candlelight Rituals, Divina-
works for deciphering the obligatory moldy tomes and Lan- tion Systems, Witchcraft, Shamanistic Magic and others.
guages for reading those tomes in the first place. Science, history, religion, and folklore also have their


Power Name Primitive Society Eldritch Era Pulp Era Modern Era
Absorption Unc Unc Unc Unc
Aid Com Com Com Com
Armor N/A N/A N/A N/A
Change Environment Com Com Com Com
Characteristics Com Com Com Com

Clairsentience* Com Com Com Com

Clinging Unc Unc Unc Unc
Damage Reduction N/A N/A N/A N/A
Damage Resistance Unc Com Com Com
Darkness Com Com Com Com

Density Increase N/A N/A N/A N/A

Desolidification Unc Unc Unc Unc
Dispel* Com Com Com Com
Drain Com Com Com Com
Duplication N/A N/A N/A N/A
Ego Attack Com Com Com Com
END Reserve N/A N/A N/A N/A
Energy Blast Unc Unc Unc Com
Enhanced Senses Com Com Com Com
Entangle Com Com Com Com

Extra Limbs N/A N/A N/A N/A

Extradimensional Movement Unc Unc Unc Unc
Faster than Light N/A N/A N/A N/A
Flash Defense N/A Unc Unc Unc
Flash Unc Com Unc Unc

Flight Unc Unc Unc Unc

Force Field* Unc Com Com Com
Force Wall* Unc Com Com Com
Gliding Unc Unc Unc Unc
Growth N/A N/A Unc N/A
Hand Attack Unc Unc Com Com
Hand Killing Attack Unc Unc Com Unc
Images Com Com Com Com
Instant Change N/A N/A N/A N/A
Invisibility Unc Unc Unc Unc

Knockback Resistance N/A N/A N/A N/A

Lack of Weakness N/A N/A N/A N/A
Life Support Com Com Com Com
Mental Defense Com Com Com Com
Mental Illusions Com Unc Com Unc

Mind Control Com Com Com Com

Mind Link Com Com Com Com
Mind Scan Com Com Com Com
Missile Deflection/Reflection Com Unc Com Com
Multiform* Com Com Com Com

Power Defense Com Com Com Com

Ranged Killing Attack Unc Unc Com Unc
Regeneration Com Unc Com Unc
Running Com Unc Unc Unc
Shapeshift Unc Unc Unc Unc


Power Name Primitive Society Eldritch Era Pulp Era Modern Era
Shrinking N/A N/A Unc N/A
Skills Unc Unc Unc Com
Stretching N/A N/A N/A N/A
Summon* Com Com Com Com
Superleap Unc N/A Unc N/A
Suppress* Com Com Com Com
Swimming Unc N/A Unc N/A
Swinging N/A N/A N/A N/A
Telekinesis Com Com Com Com
Telepathy Com Com Com Com
Teleportation Unc Unc Unc Unc
Transfer Com Com Com Com
Transform* Com Com Com Com
Tunneling N/A NlA Unc Unc


Most spells in this book are built using Powers. The Force Wall is the most common of these two closely
appended table of Powers shows which ones are recom- related powers. Force Walls can be built with a variety of
mended for each era. Also included are the recommended Special Effects (shimmering force, ring offlame), Limitations
Powers (Spells) for Shamans (Primitive Ritual I Ceremonial- (only in graveyards, Vampires only) and Foci (a magic circle,
ists). line of salt or blood). Force Fields are usually invisible and
On the table, common Powers are traditional, accepted built without Foci, but may have any number of Limitations.
parts of the genre. Uncommon Powers may be inappropriate MULTIFORM
for some eras; the GM will decide whether to allow these This is a classic spell power; occult lore is steeped in tales
powers or not. Powers noted as Not Available should not be of shamans, witches and sorcerers who use it to assume a
used in the Horror Hero genre. favorite animal form. When bought with the advantages 0
Special Powers or Talents used as spells must be pur- END and Usable on Others this spell is used by Werewolf
chased with the "Costs END" Limitation. coven leaders and Mkodo Leopard Men to transform their
The table on the following pages shows the availability of SUMMON
powers in the Eldritch, Pulp, and Modern Eras. The Fifties When built as a spell, this Power is used to summon
era is not included as magic is not available in that time. The plagues of frogs, locusts and other mundane animals, but it
column Primitive Societies can be used for witch doctors, finds its greatest use by demonologists.
shamans, witches, and other nature oriented magic users.
Note: Powers followed by an * have a more detailed All-purpose Suppress spells do not exist in the Ritual
entry following the table. Magic system. Each suppress must be tailored to a specific
spell (Energy Blast, Summon, etc.)
Clairsentience can be used to simulate both the psychic TRANSFORM
Power and (when bought with a Focus) innumerable Divina- This power is loaded with possibilities for misuse and
tion spells. These include Crystalomancy (crystal bails), tea should be carefully monitored. It is suggested that trans-
leaf reading and Haruspication (entrail divining), etc. Each forms be bought with a specific effect in mind; for example,
Divination must be bought separately, with a different Focus the venerable"person to toad" spell.The Advantages"Change
and a different goal (finding a person, treasure, etc.) target into limited class of objects" and "Change target into
anything" are not recommended for Horror Hero.
In Horror Hero, Dispel serves two purposes. A Dispel can
be bought that applies to certain spells, such as Hellfire (an
Energy Blast) or Raise Zombie (a Transform). The traditional
use of this spell in horror is as an Exorcism. Each Exorcism
must be bought for a specific class of creature (Phantom,
Oracle Demon, etc.) and applied as a Dispel versus Sum-
mon (specific class).
TALENTS Delayed Effect: This important Advantage allows wizards to
Magic also can be used to duplicate Talents. As with keep spells prepared at all times.
powers, the duplication of a Talent's effects is the aim of the Difficult To Dispel: This Advantage is rare, as its presence
sorcerer. All spells built from Talents are subject to the same in a Summon spell would make the creature more difficult
Limitations as any spell. All require a Magic Skill roll and cost to dispatch with standard Dispel rituals.
END, they can be Usable By Others; none are persistent. Double Knockback: This would apply only to powers with
a physical manifestation. It probably would not occur often
USING POWER MODIFIERS in a heroic campaign.
Magic spells can be further enhanced with the use of Explosion: Fireballs and other spells have this Advantage.
Power Modifiers. All spells must have Limitations totaling at Hardened: Since the only time this would be useful is when
least -2. someone has an attack with an Armor Piercing attack, it
should occur only as frequently as that Advantage.
ADVANTAGES Hole In The Middle: Area affecting, non-damaging spells
Affects Desolidified: Vengeful spirits can be affected with like darkness can have this Advantage to render the
this modifier. Contradiction center of the field useful while those outside the middle
Area Effect: This modifier can be used to expand the effect are affected by the power; i.e., a Darkness field versus
of Energy Blasts or Ranged Killing Attacks. Telekinesis Hearing would keep nosy monsters from eavesdropping
also can use this modifier to affect an entire room, and on battle plans.
Mind Control can affect an entire crowd of people at once. Increased Maximum Range: Not available.
Armor Piercing: This Advantage can increase the effective- Increased STUN Multiplier: On rare occasions, this Advan-
ness of powers against a creature with a strong Physical tage can be added to a spell to create a painful and
or Energy Defense. damaging attack.
Attack Versus Limited Defense: As a STOP power, the Indirect: This can be an impressive looking spell effect; i.e.,
GM has to approve any use of this modifier on powers. a wizard could cast a spell into a sealed building to affect
Autofire: This Advantage should be very rare, perhaps the occupants.
presenting itself only in an era where autofire weapons Invisible Power Effects: Magic spells should look impres-
are commonplace. sive, so the use of this Advantage is not recommended.
Based on ECV: This should not be allowed, as it would take No Normal Defense: A spell that would render a foe
away from the special effects of psychic abilities. senseless rather than killing him can be created with this
Continuous: Not recommended for the horror genre. Advantage.
Damage Shield: A mystic circle of fire, for example, would No Range Penalty: This is not recommended.
have this Advantage. Penetrating: See Armor Piercing.


Talent Name Primitive Society Eldritch Era Pulp Era Modern Era
Absolute Time Sense Com Unc Unc Unc
Ambidexterity N/A N/A N/A N/A
Bump of Direction Com Unc Unc Unc
Combat Sense Unc Unc Unc Unc
Cramming N/A Com Com Com
Danger Sense Unc Unc Unc Unc
Defense Maneuver Unc Unc Unc Unc
Double Jointed N/A N/A N/A N/A
Eidetic Memory N/A N/A N/A N/A
Fast Draw N/A N/A N/A N/A
Find Weakness N/A Unc Unc Unc
Immunity Com Unc Com Com
Lightning Calculator N/A Unc Unc Com
Lightsleep Unc Unc Unc Unc
Luck Unc Unc Unc Unc
Perfect Pitch Com Unc Unc Unc
Resistance Unc Unc Unc Unc
Simulate Death Unc Unc Unc Unc
Speed Reading N/A Com Com Com
Universal Translator Unc Unc Unc Unc

Personal Immunity: This Advantage should be used if the No Conscious Control: Not appropriate for ritual magics.
Explosion or Area Effect Advantage is present. Only In Hero 10: Not allowed.
Ranged: This modifier is needed for Drains and Transfers Reduced By Range: This would represent spells that fade
that the ritualist wishes to cast from a distance. in power quickly as they move away from the caster.
Reduced Endurance: Not allowed. Contradicts pg. 27 Reduced Penetration: This is rarely used in the genre.
Sticky: Appropriate to Entangles, the Sticky is a perfect Requires a Skill Roll: Spellcasting requires that the caster
Advantage in the horror genre. have a Magic Skill roll based on 9+(EGO/5).
Time Delay: This would allow the caster to cast a Summon Side Effects: Horror magic is not friendly at all. A failed spell
spell, then cast a spell to bind the creature that would should have dangerous repercussions to any caster.
activate just as the Time Delay was expiring.
Variable Limitations: Not applicable.
Trigger: Mystic traps could have this Advantage to foil
Visible: Can be used to make the presentation of powers
would-be looters of treasure. Note that the Advantage
that do not have a physical effect more interesting.
does not have to be a directly-damaging spell; a Summon
(Guardian) could take the form of virtually any horrible
creature that would appear to oppose grave robbers. POWER FRAMEWORKS
While Elemental Controls, Multipowers, and Power Pools
Usable Against Others: This Advantage should be re- are not recommended at all for PCs, this does not apply to
stricted to NPCs with strange abilities to affect characters villains and other NPCs. Power pools for some NPCs make
with powers that alter the body (Growth, Shrinking) or its that NPC more impressive and better simulate their actual
movement (Flight, Extradimensional Movement.) abilities.
Usable By Others: A caster could give a follower a spell to
use against his enemies. This is recommended for NPCs. POINTS TO CONSIDER
Uncontrolled: Not allowed.
Variable Advantage: Not allowed. CONSISTENCY
Variable Special Effect: Not allowed. Horror magic, no matter which era is played, should be
consistent. A GM should establish at the beginning of a
LIMITATIONS campaign all restrictions, standard Limitations, standard
Advantages, and any magics not allowed to Player Charac-
Ablative: Appropriate for mystical fields that wear away ters.
under continued assaults. This has a twofold effect. First, it makes the GM's life much
Activation: Since a Magic Skill roll is required for all easier to know that two separate casters are not going to
spellcasting, this Limitation is not recommended. follow two sets of rules and produce two sets of paperwork.
Always On: Not applicable. The second is that players will find it easier to create
Charges: This can further limit the number of times a spell characters and spells if the system is consistent. No more
can be cast daily, in addition to the already present Costs "Hey-how come her character has three more spells than
END Limitation. mine?" This also makes for a cohesive campaign.
Concentrate and Extra Time: Both Limitations are very POWER LEVEL
appropriate to the genre. The GM must establish before gameplay begins what
Focus: Most rituals require some type of Focus or multiple Power Level (i.e. Active Points) the campaign magic is to be.
Foci. For PCs, high levels of magic are not recommended. A
Gestures and Incantations: Both Limitations are very campaign with medium level magic effects would be very
common to the genre. powerful and not simulate the magic as presented in Horror.
Increased END Cost: All ritual spells cost END, and this For Horror Hero a low level magic system is recommended,
Limitation is good for simulating the "drain" on the caster as this keeps magic from becoming the end-all of everything.
when using a powerful spell. It should be one of the It makes the horror all the more distressing when PCs know
required Limitations on any spell that is more powerful they can't just blast their way out. Remember PCs should
than what the caster would normally possess. think before confronting the horror, and a group that relies on
magic instead of a plan is soon to be no more. For NPCs,
Independent: Not applicable. campaign magic level is as high as the GM wants.
Limited Power: This category is available on a case basis,
except "Costs END," which is required. MAGIC ITEMS
Linked: This can be used to link two powers with similar Magic items should be restricted. PCs should understand
special effects, like an Ego Drain linked to an Ego Attack that items in horror usually are as much a detriment as a
that makes a target weaker physically as well as mentally. blessing, and that most items were designed with evil or
Mental Powers based on CON: An alchemist could use this malicious intent. Most items also will be single use or
Limitation to create potions that affect the mind, like love severely restricted on charges. As the original creator prob-
potions or other mind control potions. ably had no intention of giving away the item, there may be
persons who want the item back or simply destroyed along
No Knockback: Most magical attack powers will have this with the possessor.
Limitation, to represent the way magical energy affects a So remember - restrict magic items and keep them
target without having any tangible physical manifestation. mysterious, evil and dangerous.
HORROR HfRO Especially intelligent sorcerers can have more than one
spell operating at once. For example, a ritualist might be
MI\(iIC 5Y5TfM5 enjoying an "accelerated healing' spell while using
haruspication (entrail divining) to find his attacker's motives.
In Horror Hero, the number of spells a wizard may use
simultaneously is equal to his INT divided by 10. Spells held
With my one eye I've spied them all. in reserve (see the power Advantage "Delayed Effect") count
The Ritualists; lonely old men huddled against this total.
over their grimoires and diagrams, the Of course, this does not mean that a sorcerer can cast
Voodoo Hougan with his bones and more than one spell at once. This is impossible no matter
tainted hosts, the New Age candle what the individual's intelligence. As an example, a wizard
burner. The Ceremonialists; I've seen could only trap one person's soul during a phase, even if he
men of such miraculous faith that in has two soulcatching spells ready (as per "Delayed Effect").
other ages they would be canonized as A spell that has been completely cast does not count against
saints, ordinary people who heal the sick. I've been the INT/1 0 total; the exception to this would be the presence
with Alchemists as they strove for that final transforma- of the "Continuous" Advantage in a spell without the Advan-
tion. And, from afar, I've watched in terror as a Magic tage "Uncontrolled." Some ritual magic spells have the
Wielder slew an army of jealous lesser sorcerers. Limitation "Concentration"; these spells can never be used
Classification is a fool's errand, true, but with the four with another.
types of magic described below the Game Master may
recreate any of the infamous mages of history and INTERRUPTIONS DURING CASTING
legend. If he dares ...
One of the gravest dangers attending Ritual Magic is the
possibility of interruption. Any interrupted spell is automati-
There are four types of magician presented in this book. cally treated as a failed attempt, and all Side Effects will
GMs should feel free to use any combination in his cam- apply. It does not matter whether the sorcerer himself or an
paign. outside force is responsible.
Needless to say, no sane sorcerer will attempt a danger-
RITUAL MAGIC ous spell if a possibility of interruption exists (this illustrates
This is the standard Horror Hero spellcaster. Ritual Magic the value of "Delayed Effect"), nor will one willingly stop an
spells are lengthy and dangerous to perform, and the Ritual unfinished spell. Any spell with the Limitations Gestures,
Magician is a man of great intelligence and self-mastery (at Incantations, or Concentrate can be interrupted by others.
first ... ) Ritual Magicians achieve most of their power from Any attack that results in damage taken by the caster (BODY
trafficking with baneful supernatural creatures. Although or STUN) counts as an interruption.
"good" ritualists exist, they are rare. Spell Limitations suggest other ways to interrupt a spell-
swiping material components, trampling magic circles, or
BASIC SPELLCASTING blowing trumpets in the desperately concentrating
spellcaster's ear, among others.
Spellcasting in Horror Hero is a hazardous undertaking,
one that requires hours or days of rigorous preparation and
nerves of steel ... well, not really. Regarding game mechan-
ics, it is very simple. A character activates a spell, making the What happens to a sorcerer's arcane efforts when he is
Magic Skill roll, during one of his phases. The spell either asleep or knocked unconscious? A spell whose effects
succeeds or fails, and the results are calculated. The prop- require a constant END cost will simply cease to function.
erties of ritual magic often vary wildly from the powers they Damage or transformations will remain, as will any
are based on, due to the use of Advantages and Disadvan- summonings or mind control spells. Any spells built with the
tages; many spells are invisible, have greatly delayed ef- Advantage "Trigger" also will remain, since they are com-
fects, require the presence of demons to work, etc. pletely cast by the time the spell is turned off.
This is not to suggest that using magic is easy for PCs. To
simulate the extreme rarity and peril involved in the Dark CEREMONIAL MAGIC
Arts, all Ritual Magic spells are required to be built with This is a system of Ritual Magic for priests. It differs mainly
Limitations totaling at least a -2 from a specific group of from its Ritual cousin in that no offensive spells of any type
Limitations. In addition, more powerful sorceries may require are allowed. Ceremonial Magic spells are limited to exor-
a series of successful Magic skiil rolls, and steeper Limita- cisms (Dispel vs. Summon - Specific Creature), blessings
tions may apply. (Transforms or Aids), or healings (usually Aids, but can be
Transforms, i.e., blind person to normal Sighted one).
o HORROR Hf:RO: f:NDbf:55 NI6HTMI\Rf:5 41


Ceremonial magicians, be they shamans or conventional An item's effects can only be turned off by use of a Dispel.
priests, are always men of great faith. Spells are cast just as In Horror Hero, the exact nature of the spell must be known
they are in Ritual Magic, except that the GM should apply and a specific Dispel applied to the effect (for example, a
modifiers to the caster's MagiC Skill roll based on their Dispel vs. Invisibility will counter a magic potion of invisibil-
behavior (adherence to their code of conduct) during play. ity.)


This is handled the same as Ritual Magic. This is an optional wizard who, because he uses solely his
own END to create magical effects, does not need to perform
INTERRUPTIONS DURING CASTING lengthy rituals. The Magic Wielder is designed for faster and
This is handled the same as Ritual Magic. more combat-oriented spellcasting.
This is handled the same as Ritual Magic. Magic wielders need only succeed at their Magic Skill roll
and expend END to create a magical effect. This is a one
ALCHEMY phase action, unless a spell requires extra time to activate.
Alchemy is a branch of Ritual Magic dedicated to the
creation of magical potions, salves and poisons; also, it is NUMBER OF SPELLS
used to transmute elements. Many Ritual Magicians are also This is handled the same as Ritual Magic.
BASIC SPELLCASTING This is handled the same as Ritual Magic.
The use of Alchemy counts as three separate actions.
One, the mixing of ingredients, two, a magic ritual that TURNING SPELLS OFF
empowers the mixture, and three, the actual use of the item. This is handled the same as Ritual Magic.
Only step three is likely to occur in a combat situation; using
an item is normally a one phase action unless an item MAGICAL LIMITATIONS
requires extra time to activate. The magic systems presented in this book is designed to
simulate the Dark Sorcery found in horror, where magic is as
NUMBER OF SPELLS dangerous to the caster as it is to his victim. Spells in this
An alchemist cannot perform any other ritual during the genre are always designed with Limitations that gre~tly
creation of an item. This reflects the total concentration affect the way a spell is cast. GMs should carefully monitor
needed to prevent potentially lethal laboratory accidents. all Limitations and require strict adherence to them.
Regarding the consumption of multiple potions at the same Some Limitations apply only to the actual casting of a spell,
time, many factors must be considered. Common sense, while others must be observed throughout its entire duration.
compatibility, and spell limitations apply. A sorcerer who summons an Oracle demon need only
complete the combination summon/bind/dispel incantation
INTERRUPTIONS DURING CASTING once - the incantation only applies during the casting. But
Typically, an alchemist will suffer no adverse effects if the drawn diagram necessary to bind the demon to the
interrupted while mixing ingredients, unless they are un- caster's will must remain undisturbed throughout the interro-
stable to begin with (heh.) If the ritual portion of the enchant- gation. If the caster's circle is damaged then he will be too.
ment is interrupted, standard penalties apply. Alchemical
creations built with the Limitation "Limited Power - Correct
Dosage Required" (-V2) may have different effects if one
consumes too much ortoo little of a potion, for example (heh,

The abilities to read other people's
Generally, psychics can simultaneously use a maximum
thoughts, to bend someone to one's
number of powers equal to their EGO divided by 5. They
will, and to perceive a world of super-
frequently possess only one power in the horror genre, but
natural happenings beyond the notice
of normal men, are examples of psy- there are exceptions for powerful psychics. Psychic abilities
built with the Limitation "Concentrate" can only be used
chic powers. Psychic powers derive
singly. These powers are draining on the psychic and should
from the mind of an individual, and vary
be limited in other ways, so as not to overshadow other non-
in strength from the minor precognitive
flashes of deja vu to the astounding strength of mind psychic PCs. Their abilities should complement a group.
Optionally, when a psychic is interrupted in the course of
using their powers, they can be allowed an EGO roll at -1 per
2 BODY damage sustained to continue using the power. If
PSYCHIC ~BILITIES the power has the Limitation "Concentrate" then an inter-
~ND M~(iIC rupted power must be restarted. Also, if the power has a Side
Effect, they take this when they are interrupted and fail the
EGO roll (unless the power has "Concentrate," when the
To compare these two areas of supernatural manipulation interruption will trigger the Side Effect.)
and cause/effect, some of the similarities and differences This system can be used for magicians as well.
must be discussed.
In Horror Hero, psychic abilities use Powers and Power
Modifiers to simulate the desired effect, just as magic does. BUYING PSYCHIC POWERS
Talents and Special Powers are available at the GM's
discretion, but must have a Limitation "costs END." Psychic
abilities, like magic, are not commonplace and are found in You didn't think they were free, did
only a few individuals. you? Every power, whether it be magi-
The differences between the two types of powers lay calor generated by the mind of the
mostly within the individual PC. Psychic abilities come from user, carries an awful price.
the person and are "natural," inborn powers, whereas ritual-
ists and magic wielders have to go out and learn about magic Psychic powers should not be too pow-
before using it. Psychics in the horror genre frequently have erful in Horror Hero, or else they will tend
little or no control over their abilities; stressful situations and to dominate the campaign. The GM should
other external stimuli generally trigger the ability, ratherthan set an active point limit for psychic powers in the campaign;
the magician's absolute control over his spellcasting and we recommend 30 active points as the maximum. Addition-
spell selection. ally, the GM should apply other restrictions to psychic
This does not preclude PCs from having control over powers. We recommend that characters be limited to one or
psychic abilities; to the contrary, these are just classical two psychic powers, and certainly no more than three.
ways of presenting psychic abilities for the genre. Additionally, all psychic powers (except perhaps for Sensi-
tive) should be bought with an Activation Roll; for most

(______ P_O_W_E_R_S _
J campaigns, an 8 or less is best. This keeps psychic powers
from being used too frequently, and keeps them from be-
coming central to the campaign. Psychic powers should be
an interesting talent that helps distinguish a character, not a
powerful weapon that every character must have. The GM
The lists in the next sections can give the player and should feel free to place even more restrictions on psychic
Gamemaster ideas for using psychic powers in a campaign. powers or eliminate them from the campaign altogether.
Some guidelines follow, but ultimately it is the player and GM
who must decide exactly what it is the PC will and will not be STANDARD PSYCHIC POWERS
able to do.
Astral Projection
See the section on Spirits for a description of this power.

meanings of different colors in combinations or patterns. It's

more fun when the meanings of colors are ambiguous, and
the players must interpret them for themselves.

Color Meaning
Blue-white The basic aura color; the color of
all inanimate objects.
Pink Compassionate, warm, sociable.
Pale Pink Psychotic; indicates weakness or
Rose Generous, unassuming, motherly.
Red Energetic, a leader, extroverted;
anger, moodiness.
Dark Red Emotion, desire, sensuality.
Orange Sincere, open-hearted, a sense of
justice, fair play.
Yellow-orange Friendly, witty, humorous.
Dark Yellow Cowardice, fear, inferiority.
Yellow Intellectual, a teacher, deep
Pale Yellow Idealistic, humanitarian.
Yellow-green Greedy, stubborn; also jealous,
deceitful, distrusting.
Green Practical, composed; also indi-
cates a love for nature.
Light Green Brooding, lonely; often a loner.
Dark Green Envy, hate, maliciousness.
Blue-green Psychic or spiritual powers, a
Aura Vision seeker after knowledge.
This is the ability to see auras around living beings and Blue Peaceful, calm, a strong character.
objects. An aura is a brightly colored radiance that extends Light Blue Creative, spiritual.
for several inches about a person, with colors that have
meaning to those experienced in perceiving auras. (See the Dark Blue Blind faith, superstitious, fearful.
Aura Color table for details.) Lavender Conservative, sensitive, civilized.
All objects have a basic blue-white aura; living things have Violet Excitable, easily swayed by
more variation in their aura colors (though objects that are arguments, loves variety.
magical or otherwise unusual are an exception to this). Purple Royalty, majesty, calm; a true
Creatures and monsters also have auras. It's important to leader.
remember that it is impossible to "disguise" your aura; this White Purity, innocence, honesty; often
could be handy when you're trying to figure out who is a found in children.
werewolf in disguise, for instance. Auras are not very specific
(it's not as if each person has a unique pattern of colors), but Gray Sickness, anxiety, a negative
a supposedly meek, mild-mannered person with a blazing attitude.
red aura is not right somehow. Black Rage, anger, savagery, black
A person's aura is rarely composed of one color; it's magic, extreme illness.
normally a mixture of several or many shades, and this mix Gold The color of saints; the highest,
changes with the current emotional state of the person. The most spiritual color
effective range of Aura Vision is only about 3" (6 meters) in
dim light, or 1" or less (2 meters) in bright sunlight. The GM Aura Vision is bought as Detect Aura, Sense, Discrimina-
should apply modifiers to the Aura Vision roll for ambient tory, for a total cost of 10 points. Though Aura Vision has a
conditions, such as bright lights (-1 to -3), many people range, that range is so limited that it's more of a special effect
crowded together (-2), distractions (-1 to -3), and so on. than an added cost. Aura Vision is based on a standard 9 +
The GM should use the Aura Color table to good effect in (INTIS) or less roll, +1 for 2 points.
a game; use this creatively to describe the various patterns
and colors that a hero sees in an aura. Describing the aura Clairvoyance
of an evil creature can be particularly chilling. The GM should This is the ability to see visions of other places and events.
also feel free to add more colors to the table, and also the Clairvoyance is purchased using the Clairsentience power
for vision only, at a cost of 20 points.
Clairaudience Precognition
This is the ability to auditory equivalent of Clairvoyance. This psychic power allows the user to get glimpses of
Clairaudience is purchased using the Clairsentience power future events; see page 60 of the Hero System Rulesbook for
for hearing only, at a cost of 20 points. details. Precognition costs 40 points.
This is the ability to detect water, minerals, metals, and Psychometry
even caverns by use of a forked stick as a Focus. The This psychic power is the ability to gain impressions and
character dowses by walking across an area, concentrating information about someone by handling objects associated
on whatever substance she is seeking. Dowsing characters with that person. Information gained can include facts about
walk at no more than 2" per phase and are DCV 0 (Concen- the person, his personality, current whereabouts, current
tration, -1 Limitation) while dowsing. The GM should apply status (alive or dead), etc. The amount of information de-
negative modifiers if the substance being sought is very pends on the amount the PER Roll is made by. The GM
deep (-1 per 3" down), very small, or otherwise difficult to should apply modifiers to this chance based on the degree
detect. of association an object had with the subject (for instance, a
. Dowsing can be used to find buried treasure, lost graves, wedding ring would be worth a +3 bonus or more); objects
hidden tunnels, and similar things of interest to heroes. seldom used or used long ago would take a negative
Dowsing works best on large things, like underground rivers modifier. The GM should use Psychometry to provide clues
or oil deposits; a lost ring would be very difficult to find (at to the heroes, help set the mood, increase tension, and other
!east -5 and maybe -8 or more). The dowser may specialize useful plot purposes.
In dowsing for specific things, such as water or metal; the Psychometry is bought as Clairsentience, vision, with
Detect that forms the basis of Dowsing would be changed to Retrocognition (-2, Only To See Person Associated With
reflect this specialty. Object), OAF object (-1; whatever is the subject of the
Dowsing is bought as Detect Underground Objects/Sub- Psychometry). Psychometry costs 10 points and is based on
stances, Range, Discriminatory; OAF Forked Stick, for a a standard 9 + (INT/5) or less roll, +1 for 2 points.
total of 7 points. You may buy +1 to Dowsing for 2 points.
Dowsing is based on a standard 9 + (INT/5) roll.
This psychic power allows the userto get glimpses of past
Empathy events; see page 60 of the Hero System Ru/esbook for
This is the ability to detect basic emotions of other people details. Retrocognition costs 40 points.
(~nd animals, too; even spirits, if you've bought Empathy Sensitive
with the +112 Affects Spirits Advantage). To use Empathy, This psychic power allows the user to detect the peculiar
make a successful ECV roll to target the subject, and then roll
"vibrations" of magical or psychic phenomena, whether
the amount of dice of Empathy to determine the emotional latent or currently in use. This includes the ability to detect
information you get from the subject. Empathy can serve to
the presence of spirits, though without any idea of direction.
provide important clues in an adventure or to help commu- The GM should give this sense a bonus for very powerful
nicate with people or creatures that cannot speak your
phenomena; perhaps a + 1 for every 10 active points in magic
language (by reading their emotions and reacting to them). being used. The Sensitive takes a -1 to the roll for every 1"
Empathy is purchased using Telepathy with the -1 limita-
distance away from the target, -0 for the first 1". Physical
tion Only to Read Emotions.
objects between the character and the psychic/magic power
Medium tend to block the vibrations, so apply a -1 for every 2 DEF and
A medium is a person who can contact the spirit world, -1 for every 2 BODY in the intervening objects. Sensitives
converse with spirits, and sometimes even have spirits may be able to tell a little more about an object with a half roll,
manifest themselves in the real world in some fashion. This but not very much; this psychic power isn't usually very
is discussed in some detail in the Spirit section of the rules. discriminating.
A m~dium should buy Mind Scan Affects Spirits in orderto go Sensitive is bought as a Detect Psychic/Mystic Phenom-
looking for spirits; this is bought with the following limita- ena, Sense, for 5 points. Note that this is a different ability
tions: Concentration DCV 0 (-1), Extra Time (variable de- than Mental Awareness.
pending on the power of the medium, but usually 1 hour; -2 Telepathy
112), and Side Effects (Failure to make the Mind Scan Roll
This is the ability to read the minds of others and to send
brings the wrong spirit, -1). Additionally, the medium should thoughts to them. Generally, as a psychic power this should
buy some Telepathy (at least the minimum cost of 10, and be a fairly weak ability, not the terrifically powerful version
usually more) to converse with the spirit; the Telepathy is used by superheroes. Use the Telepathy power in the Hero
purchased with all the same modifiers listed for Mind Scan System Rulebook to buy this, preferably with some addi-
with the addition of Linked and without the Side Effects. '
tional Limitations, and with no more than about 30 active
A medium may require that a seance be held, where a points.
number of people gather in a darkened room with the
medium and hold hands in orderto help the medium's efforts
to contact the spirit world. Requiring this setting is an
additional -1 Limitation to the Mind Scan and Telepathy Powers and Talents can be purchased to simulate psychic
abilities other than the ones listed above. These abilities
powers. The GM should apply modifiers to the Mind Scan
should be subject to the same guidelines as the other
roll, as specified under Seances in the Spirit article.
The cost of being a medium can vary greatly depending on psychic powers in the campaign ..
the power of the medium.

This section describes how to create a campaign back- An easier method than the completely original creation is
ground for Horror Hero, or how to use an existing campaign to begin with an existing campaign setting. You can take
background with Horror Hero adventures. elements from a published campaign setting and make your
own changes to it; this is much faster than starting from a
r blank piece of paper.
In any case, the general procedures are the same. You
CREf\TING f\ must decide the time and place where the campaign is set.
HORROR Cr\MPr\IGN For horror campaigns, this is usually set on Earth, most often
in a near-modern time period (anywhere from 100 years ago
Bf\CKGROUND to slightly in the future). Then you must choose the type of
horror campaign to run, as discussed in the Sub-genres
Creating your own Horror Hero campaign, like creating section earlier in this book.
any other campaign, requires a lot of work. You must make If your setting is historical, then do some research to get
a tremendous number of decisions regarding the world and the basic facts of the time period. An ideal source is a Hero
its inhabitants, and then keep track of all this information. product set in the time period, or any roleplaying product set
Plan on spending dozens if not hundreds of hours on such a in the time period should give you a nice historical overview
project. from a roleplaying perspective. If you made up the setting,
you may wish to use real world examples as models for your
We suggest you use the campaigns presented in Horror
Hero as models for the information you need in your own
campaign setting.

The settings included in Horror Hero campaign book
contain enough information to use right away. We recom-
mend you look at those campaigns as your first choice for a
Horror Hero campaign. If those campaigns aren't exactly
what you're looking for, there are other choices.
Campaign settings from other Hero products or other
roleplaying games can also be used. Hero campaign set-
tings are easy to adapt; just change power levels (if neces-
sary) and campaign restrictions, altering NPCs to fit.
Using campaign settings from other games requires some
work. Primarily, NPCs and weapons must be converted to
the Hero System (though you can probably find analogous
weapons and NPCs in existing Hero products).

For many players and G Ms, the most popular use of Horror
Hero is as an occasional side trip into horror. This works quite
well for almost any campaign.
Character selection is important; make sure they will feel
threatened by the opponents. Stay away from long-term
effects on the players. There should be a strong resolution to
the story, to prevent lingering after-effects.

No large-scale horror campaign ideas here (no plagues of
vampires). But individual horror works well: the spell gone
awry, the demon, the magical supervillain seeking world
domination through invocation of dark gods, and so on. Use
Difficult, but not impossible. The first problem is that magically oriented supervillains and organizations as your
superheroes are so much tougher than normals, that often starting point. "Normal" horror won't be horrifying; psychotic
standard supernatural threats don't scare them. The GM killers may be disgusting and evil, but they don't represent
must threaten them with events and opponents that are horror to a superhero.
beyond the character's abilities, or at least can seriously
affect the heroes. This may require careful selection of the
heroes as well as the opponents. DARK CHAMPIONS
See Champions in 3-0 for a horror-oriented world for Horror works well with the grimmer shades of emotion
superhero adventures. found in Dark Champions. Since the heroes are lower-
powered than their Champions Universe counterparts, it's
easier to scare them with a variety of threats. To someone
armed with normal weapons, a vampire or a werewolf or a
ghost can represent quite a challenge, and a demon can be
nearly invincible.
Integrate the modern paranoid horror campaign with Dark


Horror here can grow easily out the pulp horror campaign
described here. Of course, the mystic inclinations of the
Nazis make for exciting wartime scenarios. This can almost
be like Dark Champions Horror in the Golden Age; an
interesting melange of styles .

(...•...__ f_~_N_'[_r\_S_Y__H_E_R_O__
An entire campaign can be constructed around horror, or
horror can be used for occasional adventures. For horror to
be effective, the magiCwielded by the he~oesshould not be
overwhelmingly powerful against the opponents. The oppo-
nents may well have magic of their own to overcome the
magic of the heroes. Generally, the magic of horror oppo-
nents should have a distinctly different flavor and style than
the magic that the heroes use. Necromancy is particularly
appropriate. Animated corpses and skeletons are classic
horror elements.


have never considered playing in a horror campaign before,
So you want to fight monsters, eh? and have no idea where to start. This section is for those
You want to waltz into the vampire's lair players.
and be home for supper? Fools. You, Sometimes a few ideas will present themselves after the
bright eyed and clean shaven, dressed GM chooses the era to be played, and the players section of
in your new monster-hunting suit. You that era is read. These concepts are the beginning of a
who have never felt the breath of the complete character!
damned on the back of your neck, never Was the character's motivation the first thing that came to
felt their claws in your guts or wilted in mind? Has he set out to rid the world of evil or is he an
their inhuman gaze. Do you really know why you are unwilling participant in events beyond his control?
here? Have you thought about it? Look at me! I went to Maybe a certain skill or ability seems like it would be fun to
them willingly! To learn, not to fight! Look what hap- play. Does the character catch glimpses of the future or is he
pened to me and ask yourself - Who am I to want to a champion archer surrounded by gun enthusiasts?
do this? Or does the era seem an interesting place for a character
You probably will already have ideas about the type based on a historic or fictitious person to appear? Maybe
of character you wish to play before an era to campaign playing a Sir Richard Francis Burton or Professor Challenger
in is chosen. Using the material in this section and the is appealing to the player. Perhaps the player would even like
character creation guidelines in the HERO System to play himself, either as is or a glamorized version. All of
Rule Book (page 8) will make it easy for novice players these styles for creating characters are perfectly acceptable,
to construct their first character. It probably won't live but final choice is up to the GM.
long, so look at it as practice. Heh. A player who cannot come up with an idea should ask the
Depending on which era the new campaign is set in, GM if there is a type of character essential to the campaign
your GM will decide how many points characters start that was passed over. This gives the player a PC that is tailor
with, and which disadvantages and skills apply. The made for the campaign, and may solve a few problems for
choice of era also affects the use and availability of the GM as well.
talents, powers, weaponry, etc. Not that they'll help, of

CHI\RI\CTER ) Oh, but you protest. I have a good

(~ C_O_N
__CE_P_T_I_O_N _ reason, you say. I wouldn't want to do
this but - but - Yes, I've heard it all
before. You aren't the first to come this
way. Let me guess. Your wite-tover-
Horror is a personal matter. No mat- brother-sister-father-mother-friend-co-
ter how many atrocities a monster or worker was killed-maimed-abducted-
villain has committed, no matter how seduced by a vampire-werewolf-mad
much outrage you may feel at their scientist-alien-monster. Or you're full of the light of
actions, the real test comes when you righteousness and are driven to fight evil. Or it's your
face the horror yourself. When that job. Or you're a scientist and you must study ... bah!
happens, who do you want to be? A When you are seconds away from having your throat
stalwart adventurer who won't even torn out you'll find the only true motivation. Survival of
blink at the danger? A nutty professor who would rather the fittest.
study then slay? An average person whose first thought
is escape? Or a mystic whose motives are as mysteri- This is a PC that is defined by personality. The reason may
ous as the creatures? be as simple as "I like to fight" or as complex as "My brother
was abducted by aliens and I'll search until I find him."
Some players may have horror characters kicking around The PC's motivation should be complex enough for the
in their head that will jump full-blown onto a character sheet, GM to utilize it in games, but not to the detriment of other
once an appropriate campaign presents itself. Others may PCs. Motivations should be defined at the onset of the
campaign. (The exception to this is when the motivation is THE BYSTANDER: In horror many characters are acciden-
the focal point of the campaign opening scenario.) PC's tal heroes. PCs with this motivation have the misfortune
motivations should be kept mysterious and slowly revealed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. This situation
throughout the campaign, the scene where a PC's motiva- is perfect for opening scenarios, usually leading into other
tion is finally revealed should be a memorable moment in a motivations such as the quest or revenge. The normal
campaign. Some common motivations for horror PCs are: person whose mundane life is shattered by an encounter
LOYALTY: This can include loyalty to a family (a clan of with the unknown is perfect for players who have never
witches), an individual (a mysterious benefactor), an before played horror.
organization (secret society, church, or even the military)
or a country or ideal. A PC with this motivation usually
receives orders from a superior; his degree of loyalty is up
to the player.
PROMOTING A CODE: This can be a code of conduct
(nationalism/asceticism) or a religious belief (Catholi-
cism). This motivation is rare in horror roleplaying by itself,
but when combined with another motivation can round out
a PC's personality.
LOVE: This is closely linked to loyalty, but the PC's "orders"
are self imposed. For example, the adventurer is devoted
to a cause or person, but he decides on his course of
action, not someone or something else. This occurs in
horror roleplaying more often than in other genres.
FAME: This PC exists for personal glory. This is a rare
motivation in horror roleplaying, as most campaigns try to
insure the general public learns nothing. A PC may seek
recognition within an organization or among his peers.
MONEY: This motivation is similar to fame or loyalty, except
the PC expects to be paid or otherwise become wealthy.
Hard-bitten mercenaries who will do anything for pay are
a natural for the horror genre. These are also well-suited
for players who do not enjoy PCs with complicated per-
sonal motivations.
KNOWLEDGE: The acquisition of knowledge is a common
motivation for horror roleplaying. The wizened professor
or traveling mystic so appropriate to the genre will brave
any terror to gain a chance to study. A character whose
motivation is knowledge will blithely wander into situa-
tions that would cause other PCs to flee in terror (all at the
while taking notes and questioning man-eating plants).
ADVENTURE: The adrenaline junkie is a character who
battles for the sheer enjoyment of it. A PC with this
motivation is likely to dash into hopeless situations with USING MOTIVATIONS
abandon; the adventure is often its own reward. Have you got it yet? Let me tell you a story .... The sleazy
REVENGE: "So, Count, we meet again. This time you die!" tabloid reporter Eddie Carson has as his motivation the
Revenge is a natural motivation for horror characters, but acquisition of knowledge, i.e., he'll do anything for a
can be inherently limiting. A character with this motivation story. The GM decides that potential Pulitzer prize win-
may wish to broaden his base list of motivations. Imagine ning situations crop up regularly in the course of the
that Van Helsing, Harker, etc. continued to hunt vampires campaign; the occurrence of the motivation is common.
rather than hang up their stakes. But to what lengths is the malodorous Wombat willing to
THE SEARCH: A PC with this motivation will use his asso- go? I.E., how strong is this motivation? If Mr. Carson is
ciation with the others as a means to further his own content to wait for stories to drop in his lap, this motivation
private agenda. He may be searching for a certain occult should be listed as of moderate intensity (10 points). If he
book, item, or even a person. The others may not be spends most of his time looking for and investigating
aware of this, and in certain cases a PC with this motiva- stories, with only occasional "off" time, his motivation
tion may hold his quest in higher regard than he does the should be listed as strong and he will need to make an
lives of his companions. EGO roll to ignore the situation (15 points). But if the
intensity is total, it's worth 20 points, and Mrs. Carson
THE FUGITIVE: An individual with this motivation is on the
might as well turn off the porch light and go to sleep. If
run, and often leads to interesting developments for their
Eddie Carson's motivation is this strong he will obses-
associates. He may be a fugitive from the law, a secret
sively search every nook and cranny for weird and occult
society, or even a revenant. Often in order to maintain the
knowledge to write about. In the average horror cam-
group's protection he will conceal his motivation.
paign he will find it!


Here's a tough guy. Are you good

with that peashooter, or do you just
carry it around to impress the others?
Oh, you know martial arts too? That'll
really help out against the Loup-Gerou,
they're terrified of people with martial
arts and guns! And you're a magician!
How splendid! Make sure they carve it
on your tombstone ...

This the type of PC that appeals to action oriented players,

a PC based not so much on who he is, but what he can do.
The first step in creating a character of this type is to decide
on his abilities, talents, or powers. The power level and the
era of the game will determine the selection available.
Be careful not to rely entirely on combat abilities to define
the PC. Most PCs in horror spend most of their time re-
searching, investigating and avoiding unwanted official que-
ries. So spend points on abilities which will help the PC in
these endeavors, and save a few for side-line abilities which
help define the PC's personality. This is very important to
establish a pre-campaign "life" for the PC.
.Remember, the more "alive" a PC is, the more realistic his
reaction to horror will be. A good way for players to "cheat"
is to play someone whose motivations and abilities are
already created. Which leads to ...

An excitingly complex motivation is fun to create and
roleplay, but it still must be accounted for in game terms. A
motivation is usually bought as a Psychological Limitation. It So you want to rip off - excuse me!
may be reduced or removed altogether after the PC has Pay homage - to an already existing
gained experience points, and the events roleplayed to character? Here's one way to handle it.
effect such a change. The number of points gained from a Stephen is running a 1950's saucer
disadvantage will determine the strength of the motivation. scare campaign, and Clive wishes to
Obviously, the intensity of a motivation determines how play Sherlock Holmes. Clive discovers
great an effect it will have on the game. A strong individual that Holmes, faithfully rendered, will
with a "Total" intensity motivation may unduly affect the cost in excess of 300 points. As this is
course of a campaign. GM's should take heed and monitor a Heroic campaign, Clive must build Holmes on 75
character creation carefully so that this does not occur points plus Disadvantages. After this Herculean task is
unexpectedly. Besides their primary motivation, a well- finished, Stephen informs Clive that in no way is he
rounded PC should have other personality quirks. For ex- going to let Holmes in the campaign. The idea of
ample, a pulp hero may go catatonic on airplanes, or a playing Holmes' grandson meets with equal failure. So
modern PC may distrust computers. While these are often in the end Clive plays Sherman Locke, an aloof, calcu-
amusing, they should not detract from the primary motiva- lating American private investigator with a DNPC Phy-
tion. sician friend. In this manner he can play "Holmes," but
PCs built in this manner, from disadvantages outward, are in a version that is agreeable to the established cam-
often the most "Real" in a campaign. But some players are paign.
not interested in why their PC crusades against evil, they
want to know how he does it, which brings us to- For many beginning roleplayers, this is the easiest method
of creation. A PC such as this comes with motivations and
abilities pre-made, and tailored to the campaign. The GM
should be consulted before fictional or historic PCs are
created. The GM will most likely impose a few conditions on
the transference to game statistics. First, only a certain
number of character points will be available at the onset, less
than are probably necessary for a faithful rendition. Patience
is called for; the PC will resemble its model after gaining a few
experience points. The GM also may point out that the PC in Following the parameters of both roleplaying games and
question simply cannot or does not exist in the campaign. the horror genre, once the basic idea for the character is
The presence of a fictional or historic character may conflict decided upon, he must be fleshed out and made real. Using
with the believability of the campaign. This may be countered the preceding sections will help, and when the character is
by changing the name and a few details of the PC. finished he will usually be seen to reflect all four methods.
Creating a PC based on fact or fiction is a good way to Fighter pilots need motivations, obsessed vengeance seek-
insure that the player will know how the PC will react in ers need skills, and almost all characters have a precedent
certain situations; consistent PC response is a big bonus to in fiction or history and a bit of the players own (idealized)
creative roleplaying. This can be taken a step further by personality.
creating a character whose reactions the player is certain to Confer with the GM and read the players section of the
know ... setting that has been selected. Each era has slightly different
opportunities for character types, and the GM should always
CHARACTERS BASED be allowed to decide whether a character is suitable for the
ON THE PLAYER In real life, everybody has areas of knowledge or skills that
seem useless. After giving a character his primary skills and
abilities, the player should add a few of these to round him
Heh. Heh Heh Heh. Getting a little out. His psychic investigator may collect postage stamps, or
Freudian now, are we? be a terrific dancer. The creative addition of non-essential
skills adds depth to a character and who knows? That
It may seem an unlikely option for a knowledge skill of taxidermy may come in handy someday!
horror campaign, but it is possible for a What follows are package skills reflecting archetypal hor-
player to base a character on himself, ror characters, with notes on how to use them in the various
either transported to the game world or as eras. Players seeking ways to trim points off their characters,
an alternate version of himself. This option as well as those seeking ideas and inspiration, should keep
is subject to the same conditions that govern the use of reading.
fictional or historic characters, i.e., their suitability to the
campaign and the attending "belief" factor.
Basinq a character on oneself is not a bad idea for
beginning roleplayers, and with a new name and an alternate
history these characters are fun and easily roleplayed. All
that needs to be done is assume that the character grew up
(,- __ rl_R_C_H_~_T_V_P_~_S__
in that setting, and has the appropriate skills for the era.
Playing oneself can be problematical. Even assuming GM
permission (maybe he will want everybody to play them- My one eye spies that you ha ve yet to
selves!) and the acceptance of the other players, questions put your alter ego to paper. Is your mind
regarding technology, historical knowledge, and character a blissful blank? Cast your two upon the
mortality arise. A player character transported to the past fol/owing. I've seen them aI/ go out to
with memory intact could wreak havoc on history or find conquer the night - the coppers, the
himself ineffectual. The point must be stressed: a horror army men, the nosy reporters - some
campaign, more than any other, requires a realistic game have even returned! Keep reading.
world. Otherwise, the horror will not happen. The believabil- Perhaps your alias lurks below ...
ity of the setting will be strongly compromised by the contin-
ued presence of a PC identical with his creator. Another
Horror roleplaying is unique among the field in many ways,
aspect of horror gaming that may persuade players not to run not the least of which being the relative scarcity of role
"themselves" as characters is the sheer lethality potential. models for player characters. Most roleplaying games are
The horror genre is the least player-friendly of all genres. set in genres that feature continuing characters or atthe least
Dangerous situations abound, and great care must be taken leave the heroes alive and well atthe end of the book, movie,
lest players see attacks on the character as personal at- or whatever. Horror books and movies, on the other hand,
tacks. In order to prevent hostility between player and GM,
feature groups of individuals who are killed one by one until
great care must be taken to maintain a sharp distinction the "hero," through an amazing stroke of luck, somehow
between a player and a character modeled on himself. destroys the monster at the end, but is left either crazy or
swearing off adventure forever. There are exceptions to this
FLESHING THE BONES chain of events, but they are rare. Needless to say, this
scenario is not conducive to enjoying long campaigns.
The Horror Hero character, in light of the above, should be
What? You thought you were done? regarded as more of an independent creation than a repre-
All you have now is a puppet, a cipher. sentation of the average horror genre protagonist. In no way
How can you fear for the life of that? does this limit a potential player's choices. The relative lack
Now is the time for alchemy, for the of genre conventions opens up the selection of potential
mystic transformation. Time to bring character types! Given enough resourcefulness any type of
your wretched creation to life. individual is suitable for a horror game.

The following section has a dual purpose. It is a listing of Suggested Disadvantages: Watched by superiors is a
character archetypes that have been proven to work well in must, and most policemen have "SubjectTo Orders" as well.
horror roleplaying and a collection of package deals that Distinctive Feature - Uniform or a Reputation fortheir basic
enables players to build their character less expensively. attitudes as viewed by the populace they protect and serve
Also, 85% of monsters interviewed found these particular are appropriate (i.e., good cop, bad cop).
character types to be tasty, easy to prepare and suitable for Roleplaying Tips: Policemen in horror roleplaying are often
most fine wines and social occasions. torn between sworn duty and the necessity for illegal activi-
A player wishing to depict one of these character arche- ties when horror looms. Police PCs are usually very uptight
types needs merely to purchase the package deal. If the about this, or very philosophical. A policeman will be very
player desires to play an archetype without the package busy balancing his official duties and monitoring his civilian
deal, that is fine; package deals are not mandatory. The cohorts ("You did whatl") to keep them out of trouble ("But
same holds true of the suggested abilities, motivations, and he's, he was, the mayor!"). The policeman may be a hardy
disadvantages. A character who has retired or quit a profes- veteran or a wet behind the ears rookie ("Golly! That's
sion can use the package deal to reflect that past profession, illegal!").
with whatever modifications are appropriate.
Authors' Note 1: In some skill lists in the package deals,
an option for a Skill called Brawling exists. Brawling is a 3 POLICEMAN
points skill that adds + 1 d6 in unarmed combat. Brawling may
not be used in conjunction with Martial Arts; it is a more
Skills Cost
primitive form of that skill.
Authors' Note 2: Sample characters built using these FAM w/Small Arms 2
packages can be found in the Sourcebooks under the FAM w/Billyclub 1
heading 'The Opposition". They are referenced at the end of KS: Criminal Law 11- 2
each package description. The GM may wish to use these PS: Police Officer, Trooper, Sheriff, et al 11- 2
characters as NPCs, so his permission should be asked Perk: Local Police Powers 2
before they are looked over. AK: Patrol Area, City of Operations, et al 11- 2
Pick 3 Skills: 9
OFFICIALS (Bugging, Bureaucratics, Combat Driving,
Almost inevitably, the events of a horror scenario will Concealment, Conversation, Criminology,
attract the attention of the police, national intelligence agen- Forensics, Persuasion, Shadowing, Streetwise)
cies, or the military. An individual representing one of these Basic Self Defense Martial Art 15
groups is highly recommended for any character party. Use Art w/Billyclubs 1

POLICEMEN Disadvantages
(See also page 129 of the Hero System Rulesbook)
The policeman character is a staple for the horror genre. Package Bonus -3
He may be a sheriff in the Old West, a highway patrolman, Distinctive Features: Cop -5
a security officer at a private industrial complex, etc. A Reputation (Good cop, bad cop,
policeman usually has access to privileged information and or another personality trait) 8- -5
Watched by Superiors 11 - (Mo Pow, NCI) -13
is normally armed. They can be helpful when official inquiries
make life uncomfortable for a PC group, or they may have to Package Cost 9
hide their extra-departmental activities from their superiors.
They are incredibly useful when impounded evidence or Detectives add:
forensic information are needed, as civilians do not legally
Bureaucratics 3
have access to this material.
Deduction 3
Typical Goals and Motivations: The policeman's primary KS: Wanted Felons 11- 2
motivation is to uphold the law and protect those he has Pick 2 Skills from above list 6
sworn to serve. If dealing with the powers of darkness Disadvantages
demands that he follow the spirit, rather than the letter of the Package Bonus -3
law, so be it. Watched by Superiors 14 - (Mo Pow, NCI) -15
Typical Abilities: Policemen, depending on their rank, tend Reputation (As above, can be due to media
to be skilled at fighting or bureaucratics or both. These coverage of a major arrest or a widespread story
characters tend to spend more of their characteristic points about the character, i.e., "Maybe we should
on physical stats, unless they are old timers or desk jockeys. register you as a lethal weapon.") 11- -10
He will have appropriate weapons skills and transportation Psychological Limitation (Choose) -10
familiarities for his era. For police combat units, such as
SWATteam members, extra characteristicpoints and weapon Package Cost 11
skills are recommended.
SOLDIER Suggested Disadvantages: Veterans may have suffered
They signed up knowing that war might break out at any injuries in battle that can be reflected as Physical Limitations
minute and that they might be called upon to give their all for and Distinctive Features (Missing one eye, permanent limp,
their country. The Horror Hero soldier might be a boy in the etc.) Especially gung-ho types may want Psych Limitations
Confederate army, a trench-bound doughboy from the Great like Superpatriot, Always Obeys Orders, Hatred of Former
War, or a shell shocked vet of the modern era. These Enemies, or Overconfidence. Particularly famous soldiers or
individuals learned how to fight and kill for their country, or well-traveled mercenaries may have Reputations reflecting
sold their services in mercenary armies. Now, either as this status.
special liaisons or civilians, they bring their skills to bear Roleplaying Tips: Soldiers can be resourceful leader-types,
against the deadliest enemy of all. sullen sociopaths, enthusiastic slayers of "enemies," or the
Typical Goals and Motivations: An active duty soldier is favorite of late night war movies - the grizzled old sergeant
just a joe doing his job. He is motivated because he is with a heart of gold.
ordered to be! An ex-soldier might simply miss the gut-
wrenching excitement of battle, or he may have reluctantly
taken up arms again because a new war has erupted at SOLDIER
home. Loyalty, love, or revenge can be a soldier's motives.
Typical Abilities: An active duty soldier is fit and tough, and Skills Cost
his characteristics should reflect this. The ex-soldier may
FAM w/Small Arms 1
have gone soft, but as the action progresses he can buy his
FAM w/Melee Weapons 1
stats up to their former level. The soldier is skilled in several
Concealment 3
weapons and may also possess knowledge and skills in
Stealth 3
demolitions, martial arts, tactics, and other combat-related
PS: Soldier 11- 2
skills. PCs who are members or ex-members of Special
KS: "The Enemy Army" 11- 2
Forces units will have higher characteristics and skill rolls
Pick 3 Skills: 9
than the normal soldier.
(+1 w/Rifles, WF: Rocket Launchers, Grenade
Launchers, Man-Guided Missiles, Flame Throwers
(Pick 3), +1 w/above weapons, Breakfall, Climbing,
Combat Driving, Combat Pilot, Cryptography,
Demolitions, Electronics, Interrogation, Languages,
KS: Military Electronics Equipment, Mechanics,
Navigation, Paramedic, PS: Surgeon, SC: Medicine,
Riding (Eldritch/Pulps era), Survival, Systems
Operations, Tactics, Tracking, Transport FAM:
Large Ground Vehicles, Airplanes, Tracked Vehicles,
Parachuting, SCUBA, Weaponsmith)

Package Bonus -3
Psychological Limitation (Choose) -15

Package Cost 3

With all the dire plots and hideous creatures threatening
national security, it is only a matter of time before Washing-
ton takes notice. An intelligence agent may be a representa-
tive of the Treasury (Eldritch and Pulp eras) or the CIA, FBI,
or NSA (Fifties and Modern eras). He may even be an agent
for a top secret agency that monitors the supernatural!
Typical Goals and Motivations: The agent character is
under orders from his superiors. Great dedication is required
to advance far in his line of work, and the agent will take any
steps to fulfill his mission and preserve his country. Some
agents are more loyal to their organization than their country,
and some are even in the service because they simply enjoy
being a spy.

Typical Abilities: Agent characters are usually in peak AVIATOR

physical condition and very intelligent. They are skilled with Like the soldier, the aviator can be on active military duty
various weapons and devices, and are well-educated in or a civilian. A PC group wishing to travel a great distance in
politics, languages, and geography. Contrary to popular a short time relies on the aviator's skills. The aviator appears
belief, a knowledge skill in fine clothing is not a prerequisite. in the Pulp, Fifties, and Modern day eras - he may be a
Suggested Disadvantages: The agent is always being jungle pilot, a saucer chasing Air Force aviator, or a chopper
watched by superiors, and he is often required to keep his jockey in modern times.
mission and true identity a secret, even from other PCs. They Typical Goals and Motivations: An active duty aviator will
may also have intense rivalries with fellow agents. In a horror have motivations similar to soldiers and sailors. A civilian
game, dangerous enemies are a given. pilot can have any motivation, from profit motivation to a
Roleplaying Tips: The true occupation of an agent charac- vested, sinister interest in the macabre happenings.
ter is often a secret shared only with the GM. Their unex- Typical Abilities: Obviously, the pilot has at least a Trans-
pected abilities and suspicious disappearances may arouse port Familiarity with his craft. Combat Piloting is also a must
the interest of other PCs, and the agent will find himself for this character; the better the pilot, the more his services
constantly on guard. They usually play their cards close to will be in demand. Those with military training will have
the chest when undercover. When their cover identity is no combat levels with their craft's weaponry. Other useful
longer an issue, they are often take charge types. abilities are Navigation, Mechanics, Survival, Systems Op-
erations, SC: Aeronautics, and appropriate knowledge skills.
Suggested Disadvantages: Like other military archetypes,
INTELLIGENCE AGENT the active duty aviator will usually have the disad "Subject to
Orders." A civilian pilot may have disadvantages like Psych
Skills Cost Lims: "Protective of his aircraft" (01' Bessie's a good girl.) ,
"Fear of Thunderstorms," or "Daredevil - likes to perform
KS: College Degree Field of Study 11- 2 stunts." Pilots are fun characters when they have strange
FAM w/Smal1Arms 2 disads, since the other PCs lives are often in their hands.
FAM w/Melee Weapons 2
Martial Arts (Choice) 10 Roleplaying Tips: A pilot is an individual who soars above
KS: Law and Agency Procedures 11- 2 the Earth and is master of his own fate. His life depends on
KS: Other Intelligence Agencies 11- 2 his skills. He is usually a cool, confident character, but the
Criminology 3 time he spends up in the sky can give him odd perceptions
Perk: Federal Law Enforcement Powers 3 and unusual viewpoints on life (Whaddya know, there really
Pick 3 Skills: 9 isa demon up here.) In a horror game, the aviator gets to see
(Acting, Breakfall, Bribery, Bugging, Bureaucratics, lots of strange perspectives.
Climbing, Combat Driving, Computer Programming,
Concealment, Conversation, Cryptography,
Demolitions, Disguise, Electronics, Interrogation, AVIATOR
Inventor, KS: Culture (Pick one) 12-, KS: City
(Pick one) 12-, Language (Completely fluent), Skills Cost
Linguist, Lockpicking, Mechanic, Paramedic,
Persuasion, Resistance +3, Security Systems, Combat Pilot 3
Shadowing, Streetwise, Survival, Tracking, FAM w/Small Arms 2
Weaponsmith, +1 w/three maneuvers or tight group, PS: Airman 11- 2
+1 w/Perception, FAM w/Rocket Launchers, KS: Enemy Aircraft 11- 2
Grenade Launchers, Man-guided Missiles) Pick 3 Skills: 9
(Breakfall, Cryptography, Electronics, Languages,
Mechanics, KS: Military Electronic Equipment,
Navigation, Paramedic, PS: Flight Instructor,
Package Bonus -3 Systems Operations, Tactics, TF: Parachutes,
Watched, "Organization of membership" +1 w/Aircraft Weapons)
(Mo Pow, NCI) 11- -12
Psychological Limitations (Choose) -15 Disadvantages
Package Bonus -3
Package Cost 5
Psychological Limitation (Choose) -15

Package Cost 0
NCOs/Officers add:
Bureaucratics 3
Pick 1 Skill from above list 3

Package Cost 6
Not many horror campaigns take place at sea, but the life Knowledge is the greatest weapon that can be wielded in
of a sailor takes him to exotic ports and gives him a wealth the face of horror. Men of learning have always played an
of experience that is an asset to any PC group. Like the essential role in the genre. They are the ones who know a
soldier and the aviator, he might appear in the campaign as demon's true name, or the location of the only weapon that
a representative of the Armed Forces or as a civilian. can kill the horrible Toad-snake orwho possess the scientific
Typical Goals and Motivations: For a military sailor, see acumen that enables them to develop the obligatory death-
the soldier package deal. Civilian sailors may come home to ray in the nick of time. Innumerable groups of pes, their
find a tragedy has occurred, or maybe his adventurous blood mighty fighters sprawled unconscious on the floor, have had
is stirred at the prospect of exciting conflict with the powers their butts saved at the last minute by the learned interven-
of darkness. tion of an academic player-character.
Typical Abilities: Sailors are usually healthy characters;
they also perform a specialized duty on board a vessel. THE SCIENTIST
These duties can be navigation, gunnery, engineering, pilot- The scientist requires little elaboration. This character
ing, swabbing the deck, etc. depending on the era. Sailors in archetype pops up all overthe genre. A scientist is one of the
the historic eras are particularly good at tying knots. Many first individuals a person encountering horror runs to for help,
enjoy a good brawl and have some skill at throwing a decent and as often the scientist has useful information. A PC
punch. Weapon familiarities range from the sword to modern scientist may join a group, quit his job and enter the field, or
small arms. retain his post and adventure on weekends and holidays.
Suggested Disadvantages: The nomadic lifestyle of the
sailor may be the result of Psych Lims like "prefers the ocean Typical Goals and Motivations: The accumulation of knowl-
to land" or "dislikes cities or crowds." A Hunted may be edge is the scientists primary motive to adventure, but many
motivation to depart a particular area via ship. Superstition are lured out of their safe academic environs into a world
has been a fixture of seaman's lore since ancient times, and fraught with terror by the promise of fame and fortune.
would make an appropriate Psych Lim or three. Typical Abilities: The scientist will have communication
Roleplaying Tips: A sailor can be played as a crusty old skills and lots of knowledge skills or sciences. They almost
seadog who has been around and seen lots of strange always have a high INT stat - their physical stats depend on
sights, or as carefree dreamers, rock-steady adventurers, or their age and health. The Cramming talent allows a scientist
the rough-and-ready (and dim witted) boxing mariner. to quickly learn a skill that is necessary to defeat some
monster. Do not assume that a scientist has to be old and
doddering;movies, particularlyfrom the Fifties, feature young,
SAILOR vibrant scientific types who are as handsome as they are
Skills Cost Suggested Disadvantages: A scientist sometimes has
Psych Lims like "Curious" or "Absent Minded." An older
FAM wlSmall Arms or Melee Weapons 2 scientist may have the Age limitation to get a higher INT
PS: Sailor 11- 2 score. Some have Physical Limitations like "Myopic" or
KS: Types of Seagoing Vessels 11- 2 "Walks with a cane" and buys down some of their Running.
Brawling 3 Reputations (Abercrombie? He's mad, I tell you, mad.) or
Pick 3 Skills: 9 Distinctive Features (like "bookish looking" appearance) can
(Breakfall, Combat Driving (Ships or Submarines), be taken. The older scientist seem to insist on having a
Cryptography, Electronics, Languages, Mechanics, DNPC: Beautiful Lab Assistant, who is sometimes also their
KS: Military Electronic Equipment, Navigation, daughter.
+3" Swimming, + 1 w/Ship to Ship Weapons, Roleplaying Tips: The PC scientist can be a feeble-but-
+1 w/Perception, Paramedic, System Operations, brilliant academic, a crusading professor in the Lovecraft
Tactics, Transport FAM: Boats, Submarines) mold, or a young idealist. The eccentric scientist can be very
entertaining to have along when supernatural hostiles are
Disadvantages being hunted, and useful when said hostile is encountered.
Of course, in the midst of the greatest carnage he is likely to
Package Bonus -3
be outlining his next lecture on what he is currently learning.
Psychological Limitation (choose) -15
("Now, then Mister Akkleeeatttlzllle, is that spelled with one
Package Cost 0 "k" or two?")
NCOs/Officers add:
Bureaucratics 3
Pick 1 Skill from above list 3

Package Cost 6

A handy character to have around, the inventor can be an
on-the-spot gadgeteer or a laboratory scientist. When the
destruction of The Really Big Critter depends on a recurring
burst of holy water at three second intervals, or when a
special computer card is needed to dispel the Demon Oracle
of the Phone Company Computer, the situation calls for an
Typical Goals and Motivations: Excepting those motiva-
tions that arise out of game play, the inventor is usually
driven by the love of creating things and the obsession to get
it just right. Kook inventors who design flying saucers and
perpetual motion machines will be motivated to find the
knowledge to make such an item work.
Typical Abilities: High INT scores and a good DEX plus the
requisite knowledge skills and Inventor skill. Skills like Elec-
tronics, Mechanics, or SC: Mechanical Engineering can be
helpful. Successful inventors might have the Perk: Wealthy.
Suggested Disadvantages: A somewhat colorful charac-
ter, the inventor may have Psych Lims that reflect the general
slant the inventor is taking (i.e., Dislike of fried food, ciga-
rettes, and X-rays, for an individual working on a machine to
cure cancer.) Some inventors may have DNPC assistants. If
the character is employed by the military, he may be subject
to orders. A gadgeteer character may be overconfident in his
ability to invent his way out of tight spots.
Roleplaying Tips: As can be seen, the inventor presents a
wide variety of possible character personalities. Whether the
character is an old eccentric, a military weaponsmith, or a
gadgeteer field operative, he will have one personality trait
- the belief that the universe is a working mechanism
composed of building blocks that need only to be recom-
bined to create new items. An introduction to the forces of
sorcery and chaos may come as a rude shock.


PS: Professor, Scientist, Researcher, et at, 12- 3
Scholar, Scientist, or Linguist 3 Skills Cost
Cramming 5
PS: Inventor 11- 2
Bureaucratics 3 5
Inventor at + 1
Computer Programming (1950s and up) 3
Scholar or Scientist 3
Oratory 3
Pick 3 Skills 9
Appropriate Knowledge Skills, Sciences,
or Languages 9 (Knowledge and Science skills
should be INT based): (Computer Programming,
Contacts (Two at 11-, usually with universities
Electronics, KS: As Applies, Mechanics, SC: As
or other professors) 4
Applies, System Operations, Weaponsmith)
+ 1 w/lNT based skills 5
Package Bonus -3 Disadvantages
Age 40+ -5
Package Bonus -3
Reputation or Distinctive Feature (Choose) -10
Age 40+ -5
Physical or Psych Limitation (Choose) -10
Psychological Lims (Choose) -15
Package Cost 2 or 5
Package Cost 1
For every altruistic do-gooder combating the dreadful BOUNTY HUNTER
horrors of the world, there will always be five or six others
who earn a living from the same horrors. Motivation for these Skill Cost
characters is usually profit, but the motivation can be more
FAM w/Small Arms 2
personal, like revenge or a quest for knowledge. Competent
FAM w/Melee Weapons 2
and bold, the professional who deals with the occultic side of
the world is an implacable person, risking his very life for his
KS: Wanted Felons 11- 2
KS: Standard Criminal M.O.s 11- 2
chosen career.
KS: Police Agencies 11- 2
KS: Criminal Law 8- 1
THE BOUNTY HUNTER Perk: Bounty Hunter License 1
The world of horror is not all monsters and mysticism. Evil
Pick 2 Skills: 6
people seek to manipulate the living horror for their own
(Bribery, Combat Driving, Deduction, Forgery,
ends, committing crimes and atrocities so terrible that law
Interrogation, Lockpicking, Persuasion,
enforcement agencies have placed a price on the heads of
Security Systems, Brawling)
the more notorious wanted felons. That is where the bounty
hunter comes in, seeking a foe who is not only canny and
dangerous, but bolstered by unspeakable powers and dread- Disadvantages
ful allies. But who said making a good liying was going to be Package Bonus -3
easy in this world, anyway? Psychological Limitations: Greedy (Com, Mod) -10
Typical Goals and Motivations: The bounty hunter is just
that: someone who hunts others for the reward offered. Package Cost 5
Frequently, they are pragmatic persons who could care less
about megalomaniacal delusions of power or the dubious
presence of magic. But they are brought into conflict with the THE REPORTER
forces of horror because they are in the way. And if the EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it! Sewer Slasher Slices
bounty hunter wants his prey, well, the horror has got to go. Seven Shriners! The hallmark of a reporter's trade is the front
Most encounters for a bounty hunter with eldritch forces are page "scoop." Seeking the truth and exposing the lies behind
by happenstance and not intention. the horror, this is what the reporter does. Unfortunately,
Typical Abilities: One does not last long as a bounty hunter printing stories on entities who would much rather remain
without being strong and clever. They are knowledgeable unknown to the general public does make life interesting for
about the world of crime and criminals. Although most a reporter. Particularly when the entity in question would like
rewards require the return of a live felon, most felons tend to to rebut a few statements with the reporter present. If it was
resist capture with force. Thus, the need for weapon skills is not forthe intrepid reporter shining his light into the darkness,
important. Other skills are important, too. To catch a felon, who knows what terrible deeds would be accomplished,
you have to find the felon. Bribery and forgery can work well were it not for his light.
in places where gunfire would reveal the hunter to his prey. Typical Goals and Motivations: Getting a story and getting
Suggested Disadvantages: The desire for profit is para- it right is what a reporter does. If it means going undercover,
mount to the bounty hunter. A Psych Lim reflecting this profit or delving into the most dangerous places in the world, the
motivation is very appropriate. Also, they tend to be loners reporter's quest for truth continues. After all, without them,
(since you don't have to share the reward that way) and the public would know very little of the truths in today's world.
come across to others as very intense, slightly paranoid When revealed, people react to the truth, and changes in
types. Particularly well-armed bounty hunters tend to be society come about. It is a difficult, perilous job, with all the
overconfident at times. A Reputation reflecting their tenacity horror existing today, but the job never has been easy.
and a Hunted seeking to reduce that tenacity to wafting Typical Abilities: Reporters are particularly attentive to
smoke go together well. Hunters who frequently foul up the detail, and quickto deduce the real story behind a story given
plans of eldritch powers may have a Watched: The Super- enough clues. They are skilled at finding out information
natural. about people, and their press pass gives them access to
Roleplaying Tips: To the bounty hunter, the adventure is some places normally off limits to people.
not a game. Magic and mysticism are children's stories; Suggested Disadvantages: Psych Lims like "Inquisitive" or
anything can be explained. The results are all that matter. "Compelled to find the truth" work well for the reporter. Some
Bounty hunters tend to look over their shoulders a lot. They may have a DNPC photographer accompanying them. Many
can be portrayed as fearless and straightforward, or as reporters may have a Reputation for obnoxiousness or
patient and calculating. fairness, depending on how they operate or who employs
them ("Hi! Eddie Carson, Weekly Tabloid News! Can I have
a ... ")
Roleplaying Tips: Get all the facts, keep after the subject,
and break the story. Or, get some of the facts, "embellish" a
few of the subject's quotes, and write whatever sells the
paper. These are two basic ways to approach the character:
fair, accurate, well-informed, or as a creative, over-exuber-
ant, fiction-with-a-grain-of-truth style writer.


Skill Cost Skills Cost

PS: Reporter (INT based) 3 PS: Medical Doctor (INT based) 3
Perk: Press Pass 1 Paramedic 3
KS: Specialty (Sports, Sensational Crimes, SC: Medicine (INT based) 3
Business, etc.) 11- 2 Perk: License to Practice 1
Pick 2 Skills: 6 Pick 2 Skills: 6
(Acting, Bribery, Bureaucratics, Computer (Sciences: Biology, Biochemistry, Bacteriology,
Programming (1950s and up), Concealment, Pathology, Pharmacology; Forensics, High Society)
Conversation, High Society, Oratory, Persuasion,
Resistance +3, Security Systems, Shadowing, Disadvantages
Package Bonus -3
Disadvantages Psychological Limitations (Choose) -10

Package Bonus -2 Package Cost 3

Reputation or
Psychological Limitations (Choose) -10

Package Cost 0

In a campaign where characters face down armed cultists,
magic-wielding wizards and bloodthirsty monsters, a doctor
can be a very welcome character in a group. In many
settings, showing up at a regular hospital en masse bearing
a variety of wounds will draw unwelcome attention from the
authorities. Being able to treat a number of patients who want
to "keep things quiet" can be very profitable for a doctor.
Typical Goals and Motivations: The monetary motivation
becomes more important to this character when the cam-
paign era is closer to modern day. In a horror campaign, the
doctor, having been exposed to terrible events, may find
himself compelled to aid other PCs in their mission.
Typical Abilities: Doctors have a high INT score and many
knowledge skills related to the human body. Surgeons are
very proficient with knives, scalpels in particular. The profes-
sion itself tends to be well-regarded by the public, and having
a good PRE helps out with that perception.
Suggested Disadvantages: A doctor can have Psych Lims
like "Compassionate" and "Follows the Hippocratic Oath," or
he can be "Greedy" and "Very Impersonal." Age helps a
doctor buy up his INT and PRE scores.
Roleplaying Tips: A doctor should exude confidence, par-
ticularly to his patients. Being a more formally educated
person, the character's language should reflect this training.
Unless, of course, he is a back alley slugyanker who re-
ceived his degree from some school in the Caribbean and
only has his license because his brother-in-law is on the
licensing review board. Then he may have a number of
quirky personal habits ("Now, I know the appendix is around
here somewhere. Slice. Or maybe it's over here ... ").
PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR Suggested Disadvantages: Psychological limitations are a
Sometimes a matter requires more discretion than an given for this character. Examples include "Seeks justice,"
ordinary police investigation; alternately, someone may need "Overconfident" or "Hatred ofThe Cult of <Fill-in-the-blank>."
the services of an investigator when the police cannot help Some may have minor Reputations among the forces of
because of legal restrictions. This is when the private inves- darkness due to their exploits, or known to the cops for the
tigator is usually hired. This character could also be working same exploits. They may have a Hunted or two if they have
on a very ordinary, it-pays-the-rent case when he stumbles brought a criminal to justice who is subsequently freed from
onto the activities of some dangerous person, cult, or mon- jail and wants revenge.
ster. Roleplaying Tips: The stereotypical trench coat wearing,
Typical Goals and Motivations: Being paid for his services tough talking, hard boiled detective is fun when played
frequently becomes secondary to the solving of a difficult against horrors, but is by no means the only option available.
case, especially if his life depends on solving the case. For Private investigators have scores of examples in TV, movies
example, a private investigator who uncovers the activities of and books.
a group that normally eliminates any and all witnesses will
have to see it through to the end. There are times when the
character might turn down a case because it sounds like a PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR
waste of his time. When the would-be client is found dead,
the detective may feel remorseful about not having listened Skills Cost
in the first place and sets off to solve the case to "set things
right." FAM w/Pistols 1
Perk: Private Investigator's License 2
Typical Abilities: The detective's mental statistics will be a
Perk: Concealed Weapon's Permit
little higher on the average than a regular policeman. He will
(where applicable) 2
also have more knowledge skills, and probably streetwise
Deduction 3
and disguise.
Streetwise 3
KS: Criminal Law 11- 2
PS: Private Investigator (INT based) 3
AK: City of Operations 11- 2
Pick 3 Skills: 9
(Bribery, Bugging, Bureaucratics, Combat Driving,
Computer Programming (Modern day only),
Concealment, Conversation, Criminology,
Cryptography, Forensics, Forgery, Lockpicking,
Persuasion, Shadowing, Stealth, + 1 Perception,

Package Bonus -3
Hunted or Reputation -10
Psychological Limitations (Choose) -10

Package Cost 4

Ever since there have been reports of occult related
phenomena, there have been people who have made inves-
tigating these events an occupation. Many of these investi-
gators have been self-serving greedy con artists, some have
been interested for the sake of gaining information for their
own use. A rare few have been genuine, knowledgeable
people who track down horror wherever it makes its pres-
ence felt and opposes its agents whenever they act.
Typical Goals and Motivations: Very few people in the
world know just how terrible the horror really can be if it
remains unchecked. The occult investigator has made eso-
taric undortakinns not only an occupation. but a mission
bordering on a quest. His is a thankless, life threatening job,
but it yields rewards of timeless knowledge more valuable
than any currency. Sometimes, the occult investigator is the
agent in gathering a group togetherto combat evil in its many
forms, and his motivation becomes almost heroic.
Typical Abilities: The occult investigator knows what he is MYSTICS
up against, and is the only non-mystical character archetype The horror genre would be incomplete without a tinge of
that would normally start a campaign with an Occult Knowl- mysticism. Magic is present in all but one of the campaign
edge skill. And such knowledge can save a PC group from eras, as it is in horror stories and movies. Monsters are
certain doom. The investigator can be a strong, monster spawned from mystical rituals, sorcerous items are sought
slaying person skilled in hand to hand combat, or a chess- by wielders of magic, and old houses are populated by
like adversary that manipulates his foes into making critical psychics. A PC group does not necessarily have to have a
errors. mystic in their group, and a GM may prefer not to allow them
Suggested Disadvantages: The type of character abilities to be played at all. Used properly in the game, they can add
chosen usually lead to appropriate disadvantages. The a lot of atmosphere to a campaign and act as "hooks" for
monster hunter can be "Paranoid" or "Fanatical about de- future adventures.
stroying monsters." An intellectually inclined character can
be "Manipulative" or "Emotionally aloof from others."Watched THE PSYCHIC
by The Supernatural is an automatic disadvantage for the Without a doubt, the psychic is the most well-known type
PC, but having it at more than an 8 - roll is suicidal. In a small of mystic in the genre. They can have any of a number of
town horror setting, the character may have a minor Repu- psychic talents, but usually they have one talent at which
tation as a minor nuisance or nutcase ("But Mrs. Wallace, the they excel. The talent can be as low-key as a sensitivity to
tinfoil on your windows is for your own good.") psychic auras or as flashy as pyrokinetics.
Roleplaying Tips: What helps this character out more than Typical Goals and Motivations: Psychics are sometimes
anything else is knowledge that other characters do not the unwilling center of activity in an adventure, as their
possess. They have confidence in that knowledge, some- talents become sought after by PCs and NPCs. These
times too much, and usually come across as "do it my way characters sometimes seek out other PCs, and take part in
or we're all doomed." The occult investigator usually has a adventures to discoverwhy some phenomena is "disturbing"
plan of action before he engages the adversary. their minds.
This is a more serious PC than others in a serious genre. Typical Abilities: Psychics possess a psychic talent or
While most of these characters are fairly stern and solemn,
power. They can become detached from society, due to their
there are exceptions. A currently popular comic book about "different" ability. They do have knowledge of psychic phe-
a British occultist features a wise-cracking Cockney who
nomena and sometimes other esoteric phenomena as well,
sneers in the face of demons and other threats.
but are usually not as well-rounded as more worldly charac-
OCCULT INVESTIGATOR Suggested Disadvantages: Psychics can have a Psych
Lim related to their powers. A telepath or empath may need
to be around other people on a regular basis, while a
Skills Cost
clairsentient could experience unwelcome flashbacks in
Deduction 3 areas where people experienced severe psychic trauma.
Scholar 3 Roleplaying Tips: This character is markedly different from
KS: Occult Knowledge (INT based) 2 other character types and should act in that manner. Seem-
KS: Occult Persons (INT based) 2 ingly trivial events may hold great interest to the character,
KS: Occult Areas (INT based) 2 while events of tremendous, albeit mundane, significance
KS: Occult Items (INT based) 2 may be casually dismissed by the psychic ("Someone shot
KS: Specific Type of Occultic Activity the president? So what's your point?").
(i.e., UFOs, Magic Tomes, Cults,
Cryptozoology, Cultures, etc.) 2
PS: Occult Investigator 11- 2 PSYCHIC
Pick 3 Skills: 9
(Bribery, Bureaucratics, Computer Programming, Skill Cost
Concealment, Conversation, Cryptography, Forgery,
Languages, Lockpicking, Paramedic, PS: Psychic 11- 2
Security Systems, Shadowing, Stealth, Streetwise, KS: Psychic Phenomena 11- 2
Tracking, +1 Perception) Psychic Ability (From Psychic Powers section 10+

Disadvantages Disadvantages
Package Bonus -3 Package Bonus -3
Watched: The Supernatural (Mo Pow, NCI) 8- -10 Psychological Limitation (choose) -10
Psychological Limitation (Choose) -10
Package Cost 1+
Package Cost 4
Suggested Disadvantages: The sorcerer traffics in powers
that can consume him completely if a spell is performed
incorrectly. This can wear on him, and is reflected with Psych
Limitations like "Obsessively devoted to detail." They can be
very secretive or highly curious. Age helps them buy up their
mental stats. Their activities can also have a Watched: The
Supernatural or even a Hunted if the character "acquires"
something he should have left alone in the first place.
Roleplaying Tips: To this character, magic means more
than anything. More than life or death. He can be a very
deliberate character, and is rarely foolhardy in taking ac-


Skills Cost
Choose one:
Magic Skill: Ritual Magic (EGO based), Ceremonial
Magic (EGO based) or Alchemy (EGO based) 3
Choose one:
KS: Ritual Magic (INT based)
Ceremonial Magic (INT based) or
Alchemy (INT based) 3
KS: Occult Knowledge (INT based) 3
PS: Chemistry (INT based) for Alchemist 3
PS: Artist (INT based) for Ritual or Ceremonial 3
Spells (see Horror Magic section) 20
Pick 3 Knowledge Skills (all INT based) 9
(Alchemists, Cults, Demonology, Elementals,
Magic Legends, Magical Tomes, Items of Power,
Magical Herbs, Properties of Gems,
THE SORCERER Historical Wizards, Undead, etc.)
This package can be used to create three different types
of sorcerer-the Ritual Magician, the Ceremonial Magician Disadvantages
and the Alchemist. Magic has been a part of society since
prehistoric times (see Magic). The performer of these rituals Package Bonus -3
has went from holding a revered place in primitive societies Age 40+ -5
to being a fairly reclusive individual in more modern society. Psychological Limitation: Cautious (Com, Strong) -15
But the power of the act still holds promise for those who
pursue such a path in their lives. Package Cost 18
Typical Goals and Motivations: Acquiring more magical
knowledge, learning new magic and gaining more personal
power motivates this character. They will ally themselves THE MAGIC WIELDER 8
with a PC group if the PCs' mission could bring some gain to Possessing the power of magic independent of the act or
the sorcerer. word associated with sorcery is akin to possessing a devas-
tating superpower with the potential to backfire at any time.
Typical Abilities: Sorcerers must possess the Magic Skill
Magic is a wondrous gift, and a terrible burden. The person
applicable to their discipline (see Horror Magic skills) and a
who actually can wield the force of magic as an extension of
Knowledge Skill of the same. Also, a PS: Artist is needed to
themselves is rarer than the rarest metal. A magic wielder in
draw the ubiquitous magic circles that appear in most Ritual
a horror game is not a superhero, nor should they be played
and Ceremonial magic spells and PS: Chemistry is neces-
that way. With great power comes great responsibility; with
sary for Alchemists. The other knowledge skills and magic
irresponsibility comes only doom.
rituals available to this character are not available to any
other except the magic wielder. Performing magic requires
a strong EGO, and a high PRE and INT are also helpful.

Gamemasters should be warned that magic wielders in a

horror campaign can be very unbalancing, like having men-
talists in a mystery scenario. Players will come to rely on the
(CHf\Rf\CTfR f\BIbITIf5)
fast and easy power of the magic wielder instead of their own
abilities, and a GM may be disappointed to find his carefully
nurtured cultists and monsters annihilated in a round of Ahh ... Aleanumerology. Yourauthors
combat. Therefore, magic wielders should be strictly con- have included the information below to
trolled with regards to spells available to them or disallowed help you put your characters on paper.
altogether in the campaign. Remember - for best results create
Typical Goals and Motivations: Like the sorcerer, the your character first. Do their statistics
magic wielder is a seeker of knowledge and new magics. later. After all, numbers don't lie but
They will oppose horror if the horror is a threat to the they don't run away screaming either.
acquiring of magic. Since most horror tends to be highly Personality is the key, not prowess!
destructive in nature, magic wielders find themselves left
without a choice but to pit themselves against it.
Typical Abilities: As the name states, these are wielders of CHARACTERISTICS
magic. Skills and stats are usually bought in a way that Characteristics in a horror campaign function exactly as
contributes to their magic wielding ability. For more informa- they do for all campaign settings. Horror Herocampaigns are
tion on magic, see the Horror Magic section. heroic campaigns. This means that characters should be
built on 75 points plus up to 75 points in disadvantages for a
Suggested Disadvantages: Age helps cheapen the pur-
total of 150 points. This should be regarded as a guideline
chase of mental stats. A magic wielder may have a DNPC
only. Effective and entertaining characters can be built for
Apprentice or Assistant. Past magical mishaps could leave
much less, and sometimes going over will not be detrimental
the wielder with a Distinctive Feature, like a scar, or a
to the game. GMs should not insist on a slavish devotion to
Physical Limitation, like missing one eye. Supernatural forces
the numbers unless a possibility of glory hogging exists.
might be Watcheds or Hunteds. The wielder is probably
Characters also are built with Normal Characteristic maxima
owner of one or two Psych Lims, like "Ambitious" or "Arro-
for zero points.
gant" or "Secretive." Among other wizards or in the occult
world, the character may have a Reputation. In any era, the STRENGTH
wizard is not likely to present himselfto the public as anything Physical strength may seem less important in Horror Hero
more than a regular if slightly eccentric person; a Secret ID campaigns than in others. After all, few people relish the
(Wizard) is appropriate with GM permission. prospect of fighting hand to hand with vampires and
Roleplaying Tips: This character can be played in virtually werewolves, even if they are physically able to do so. But
any manner, from stoic and solemn to cheerful and strength is sometimes quite important. There will always be
daredevilish. But all magic wielders have an eccentric quirk heavy crypt doors to open and coffins to lug about. Some-
or two that other people will notice. times sheer physical strength is all that stands between a
group and certain doom ('Bruno, you hold the door shut while
the rest of us escape, O.K. ?').
Dexterity is important for combat oriented characters as it
Skill Cost affects their combat values. Also, any character who relies
Magic Skill: Spellcasting (EGO based) 3 on DEX based skills, like a doctor, should have a better than
KS: Spellcasting (INT based) 3 average DEX. A cursory examination of horror media will
KS: Occult Knowledge (INT based) 3 reveal that hair-breadth escapes abound, and that DEX roll
Spells (see Horror Magic) 20 is often the key to survival.
Pick 3 Knowledge Skills (all INT based) 9 CONSTITUTION
(Alchemists, Cults, Demonology, Elementals, Since END and STUN are both based upon CON, this stat
Magic Legends, Magical Tomes, Items of Power, is very useful for all characters. Those who do a fair amount
Magical Herbs, Properties of Gems, of fighting or spellcasting will want higher CONs than most
Historical Wizards, Undead, etc.) people to boost the END. Considering that some of the
creatures are capable of doing a lot of damage with one
Disadvantages strike, a good CON score can keep a character on his feet.
Package Bonus -3 BODY
Age 40+ -5 No matter how much effort is expended to avoid direct
Psychological Limitation (choose) -10 confrontation with things that want to hurt PCs it eventually
Reputation or Watched -10 will happen. In light of this, a decent Body is often crucial in
Horror Hero. If the impairing/disabling rules are used, BODY
Package Cost 10 becomes even more critical. A higher than normal BODY stat
aids the character's STUN total and vastly improves the
chance of survival versus the unknown. On the flip side,
some players relish the challenge of keeping PCs with low
Body alive through the festivities.
While it seems illogical that a character with a high INT These combat stats are vitally important to PCs that
would be out chasing monsters this may be the most helpful expect to face down cultists, monsters, spells, traffic cops
statistic a PC could have. For scholars, scientists and and other horrors. Investigative PCs who do not plan to fight
investigators a high INT ability is mandatory. Sorcerers will a lot would be better off spending character points else-
find that INT affects the maximum number of spells they are where. Of course, it is the defenseless ones who get at-
capable of "carrying" (see Horror Magic). GMs should not let tacked first. .. For magic using PCs, here is a hint: sorcerers
a pes intelligence-based skills override the players own tend to encounter other sorcerers in a campaign. Therefore,
deductive reasoning, however. It is well within the spirit of the a higher ED is recommended for those who may engage in
game to use INT based rolls only as an absolute last resort. sorcerous duels.
Realistically, a character with an INT over 15 would be able
to solve every mystery within the first ten minutes of gameplay SPEED
- definitely an unwanted development. Supernatural creatures are often inhumanly fast, so a
In a sense this is a unique Characteristic because it is the combat-oriented PC is advised to have a minimum of a SPD
only one shared by player and Character. Only when INT 3. Cerebral characters like professors and inventors will find
based Skills are rolled is a PC smarter than his player. This that a SPD 3 allows them to think on their feet to make
results in supergeniuses running around like ordinary people meaningful contributions to the goings-on. An occasional
most of the time. A good way to avoid this incongruity is for fighter character with a SPD 4 can be a great help toward
the GM to put a ceiling on available INT scores. While buying party survival.
Knowledge Skills will be more expensive the payoff in
greater realism and honing of the players investigatory skills
In the dangerous world of Horror Hero, the time it takes a
will be worth it.
character to come out of CON stunning can make the
EGO difference between making it home for dinner or becoming
EGO vies with INT as the most important characteristic a dinner. A good REC is encouraged for combative PCs and
character can possess. The EGO stat helps the character mystics, who depend on a lot of END to be effective in
deal with the effects of spells, the fear instilled by certain dangerous situations.
creatures, and the maintaining of a stable mentality among
all the grisly events to unfold. EGO is one of the primary Like all combat statistics, this is of great importance for any
protections against the ravages of stress. Not that a low EGO PC that expects to fight frequently or cast spells. To face
is necessarily a bad idea. The portrayal of a neurotic PC can
down horror toe-to-talon, a good END will aid the character
be entertaining for both the player and his companions. greatly (particularly since he seems to be lacking in common
Remember, not every character needs to be a superman.
A characters' presence should be based on how the player In horror campaigning any points spent on STUN are
wants it to react to an encounter with the uncanny. The worth their weight in gold. Any PC who is considering combat
enemies here are beyond the realm of normal encounters
against the unknown should at least consider the purchase
and should at least cause the PCs to question their actions of a few extra points of STUN. Of course, PCs who get
("I don't think shooting it is going to do much good, Clem."). knocked out and captured a lot are also entertaining.
Not every character should have a godlike PRE. The only
thing worse than a bunch of PCs who turn chicken and run
the minute they meet an imposing creature are those who do
not bat an eyelash. A good mix of varying PRE statistics is Here is some free advice - a charac-
both more realistic and more entertaining. PRE is also one ter who depends entirely on combat
of the defenses against stress. skills for success is often the least use-
ful during the course of a campaign.
COMELINESS Certainly they are useful for those con-
This characteristic is less important for PCs than NPCs; frontations with the villains, but for the
sometimes only an incredibly low COM separates a monster most part this is a thinking man's genre.
from the rest of the human race (remember actor Rondo To fight a monster you must find it. To
Hatton, a.k.a. the Creeper?). This does not mean that destroy a monster you must know its weaknesses. So
Comeliness will not affect gameplay - think of all those do not spend all your points on combat skills - knowl-
women who are so strikingly beautiful that the monster just edge and reasoning are the key to success. Skill in
has to have her, or the handsome heroes who seduce the combat is important, and a PC fighting machine is
evil high priestess in order to escape. entirely acceptable, but remember - your best weapon
is that squishy gray thing in your thick skull. Heh. Just
remember that some situations cannot be thought out
of ...

The Skills a PC can have are determined by the time frame This enhancer is encountered mostly in the Fifties (where
of the campaign. Any skill may be possessed by a character scientists appear in alarming numbers) and the Pulps (where
as long as it is 1) available in the era and 2) approved by the the heroes seem able to do anything), but is appropriate
GM. Certain skills will be restricted or expanded in each era, everywhere. An Eldritch character who is well-versed in that
and these changes will be noted in the Skills section of the eras' myriad pseudo-sciences is very entertaining.
appropriate Sourcebook. TRAVELER
Knowing his way around the world has saved many an
EVERYMAN SKILLS occult investigator. This enhancer is very useful for the
The everyman skills for Horror hero are the same as those globe-spanning adventurer and allows for the reduced pur-
presented in the Hero System Rulesbook, page 18 (use the chase price of Culture Knowledges as well. GMs who plan to
Modern list). The following changes apply: in the Eldritch include other planes of existence and alternate realities in
Horror era, Paramedic is not available as an everyman skill the campaign may allow characters to purchase this En-
and characters must pay the point to be literate in their native hancer to cover these areas, i.e. Mystic Traveler.
language. The other three eras use the standard list.
SKILL ENHANCERS The saying goes, "It's not what you know, but who you
All the skill enhancers are available in Horror Hero. Play- know." In horror, a character's contacts and perks are often
ers should confer with the GM before purchasing Skill instrumental to assuring success. This enhancer works well
Enhancers. forthe character who has contacts on both sides of the horror
campaign. GMs should be careful not to allow a PC to buy
JACK OF ALL TRADES any contact without a very good rationale for doing so, nor
The character who knows a little bit about everything is should they assume that once Favors are granted the
built using this enhancer. Appropriate for all the genres, the dispenser will continue to be well disposed to the PC.
Jack of all Trades is often an eccentric who cannot stick to
one job for long. Players who wish to use this enhancerto buy
occult-based professions (Astrologer, Psychic Reader, Oc-
cultist etc.) should confer with the GM first. A character built Perks in Horror Herodifferonly slightly from the norm. The
this way may spoil many a mystery with a cheaply purchased following are a few of the variations which are unique to the
roll of the dice. genre. Players may wish to conceal certain privileges granted
them by buying perks, until opportunities to use them arise.
This enhancer is highly appropriate for occultists and CONTACTS
researchers. Many tomes of lore are in ancient or obscure In horror some characters will belong to or join secret
languages. It also never hurts for stranded characters to be societies or lodges. These groups are often privy to secret
able to learn the language ofthe local populace while waiting knowledge or allow characters to meet individuals outside
for rescue. Note that Linguist will not help a character their normal social strata. The GM should rule that especially
decipher a written language he has never encountered useful lodge contacts (i.e. players having an elevated rank
before, such as one found on scrolls from a vanished within the society) which grant more privileges will cost more.
civilization. In the real world this always takes years of Occultist characters may also have contacts within the
painstaking trial-and-error (and a healthy Cryptography roll). supernatural realm, such as a spiritualist with a favored
Here's an example of how NOT to use this enhancer: ghostly contact. These entities are often very mischievous
Inspector Graeme - "We've only got three days before and cloak their information in riddles. GMs should impose
the Vampire bites Betsy for the third time! Chandler, take high costs on such contacts depending on their usual clarity
this journal we found and try to translate it! It's in ancient of information. Especially dangerous contacts will cost less
Carpathian. Can you do it in time?" due to the risk of summoning or contacting them.
Parson Chandler (Glances at book) - "OK, I'm fin-
ished. Let's go." FAVORS
These perks should be handled as perthe rulesbook. Note
SCHOLAR that magical assistance should be more costly to reflect its
If there is an enhancer that is tailor-made for the horror rarity. And the favor giver may demand a service in return
genre this is it. The Scholar enhancer is a must for any sometime in the future.
character considering the exploration of the darker side of
reality and is appropriate for every era. Again, the GM is FOLLOWERS
cautioned to not be too liberal when allowing this Enhancer. Followers are important in Horror Hero for several rea-
One of the joys of roleplaying is the acquisition of knowledge sons, and the GM should encourage their creation. A long-
- the PC who already knows everything may lose out on this standing horror tradition dictates that the heroes are usually
aspect of the game. in the position of having to rescue, revenge or protect those
who are in his care. Followers are usually fairly disposable,
a status which grants the GM more leeway in creating horror
without constantly targeting the PCs. Followers also help
reduce the point cost of PCs.
The GM should build the Follower according to a rough TALENTS
outline provided by the Player. This allows the GM to Special abilities such as talents are very common in
purchase secret Disadvantages such as Hunteds or Psy- horror, often being an individuals impetuous to investigate
chological Limitations which the Follower has hidden from the unknown in the first place. Most are usable, although the
his mentor. This way the Follower will seem more like a real suitability of STOP talents should be carefully weighed by
person and less of a cipher. Also, this provides the GM with the GM before play. Only talents that bear further elaboration
more material for scenarios. I magine the PC's curiosity when with regards to Horror Hero are discussed here.
his loyal Follower 'goes on vacation' every time the Moon is
This is a blessing for characters who cast ritual magic, as
FRINGE BENEFITS the timing of the casting is usually critical for success. Also,
Additional fringe benefits for this genre include: this is useful for characters with the Demolitions skill.
Lodge Member, Low Rank (1 pt) - This perk allows
characters to mingle socially with fellow lodge members, BUMP OF DIRECTION
grants them a small degree of sanctuary, and in some This is a good talent for adventurer/explorer types who
cases allows contacts in distant lodge locations (8-). This search new continents and for those who delve into the
can be used to represent the rankings in secret societies. labyrinths of monsters. Note that this talent does not help in
Lodge Member, Middle Rank (5 pts) - After characters dimensions or areas where the accepted laws of physics and
gains status in a lodge or secret society, they will be more geometry do not apply.
privy to information, including access to the library if one
is available and a slight degree of control over lesser COMBAT SENSE
members. The contacts from above are now at 11-. Combat Sense is great for those PCs who are foolish
Lodge Member, High Rank (10 pts) - This assumes enough to tackle a monster in a darkened room by them-
leadership over a local chapter. The political clout of this selves.
perk may be considerable; GMs should use caution when
players request this perk. All other benefits are as above, CRAMMING
except the contacts now becomes 14-. For scientists, researchers, and occultists this talent is
wonderful. No one character can know everything about the
True Name Of Lesser Entity (3 pts per name) - Some
creatures must obey any orders issued to it under its true occult, but using this talent and the right research material a
few hours before meeting the enemy will help the PC sagely
name, i.e. demons and some spirits (in this book, the
face any foe. While this will do wonders for his confidence,
Tormentor demon is an example). This is a benefit of
it does not necessarily mean that his plan is going to work ...
occult or magical knowledge. The rituals required to use
this perk must be purchased separately. Revealing this
knowledge to the entity in question without first taking DANGER SENSE 8
proper precautions is suicidally stupid. This talent is not advised for the horror genre "as is."
Naturally, players are going to want this talent, but GMs take
True Name Of Greater Entity (10 pts per name) - These note: it will wreck a lot of surprises. Only allow it to a player
are the true names of very powerful or useful creatures who is not going to want to make a dice roll every time they
such as Oracle demons. As above the same conditions enter a room or a second ticks on a clock. The talent works
apply. much better in literature than in gameplay; the GM should
carefully monitor it.
This is unchanged from the rulesbook but GMs should DEFENSE MANEUVER
note that treasures often appear in horror scenarios. If A delightful talent for the PC who simply insists on going
players keep a treasure which raises their income level then up against a roomful of cultists by himself. Idiot.
they should be required to pay the perk cost. Realism-
minded GMs should keep in mind that the equipment and DOUBLE JOINTED
traveling involved in occult investigations is very expensive, This talent helps the PC who likes to shinny down narrow
so some provision should be made to explain their availabil- holes in the ground so they can find out if the monster is down
ity. there or not. Also good for shinnying outof a narrow hole in
the ground after it has been established that yes there is a
BASES AND VEHICLES monster down there ...
As this is a heroic campaign these should be paid for with
money. However GMs may wish to impose a point cost on EIDETIC MEMORY
magically fortified buildings, or any other "special" retreat If the character has to get a mystical alchemical formulae
such as a lodge hall. perfect the first time they try to make a potion, but they can
only see the formulae for a few seconds in a collapsing
cavern, then this talent is eminently helpful. And if your PC
wants to memorize some codex that weighs around 25
kilograms because he does not wants to carry said codex
around, then Eidetic Memory is worth a million words.


If allowed, this talent should be carefully monitored by the A key element of horror roleplaying is the human frailties
GM. With the physiology of some arcane creatures, the GM of the protagonists. Character Disadvantages do not replace
should enforce the Find Weakness modifiers on the more good roleplaying in this regard but are a useful GM tool for
physically challenging specimens. enforcing realistic play.
Some disadvantages will be bought at the onset of the
IMMUNITY campaign. Others will come about as the consequences of
This talent functions the same as listed in the rulesbook. gameplay. For guidelines on how to manage a Characters
Some GMs may consider contagious magical conditions to evolution and a listing of pertinent Disadvantages see 'The
be a type of disease and allow the option that a PC may pay Abyss Bites Back' in the Roleplaying section.
the three point cost and be immune to a mystical 'disease'
like vampirism or lycanthropy. This does not stop damage ACCIDENTAL CHANGE
from attacks by these creatures, only the resultant condition. This disadvantage works not only for Iycanthropes, but for
Each immunity must be purchased separately and be speci- characters with Jekyll / Hyde personalities. This may also be
fied to work on only one type of condition. used for creatures that conceal their trueform and may be
changed by accident or intention. Incarnate demons are
LlGHTSLEEP examples of how this disadvantage may be used.
For horror games this becomes almost second nature. Not
all the things in the night go "bump;" some have Stealth AGE
scores that would put a Master of Ninja to shame. Not all characters are young or physically fit. Scientists,
professors, or even great magic wielders often times do not
RESISTANCE achieve their zenith until they reach middle age. Characters
This talent is a staple of horror literature and movies. with this disadvantage should remember that they may be
Almost every story has a moment when the character(s} more vulnerable to illnesses or fatigue at the GM's option.
have to overcome an otherwise mind-shattering experience
to survive. BERSERK
This is a good disadvantage for PCs who are Iycanthropes
UNIVERSAL TRANSLATOR 8 or just unstable. The Enraged form may be used to show how
As a STOP talent this bears close scrutiny. Especially nice strongly a PC feels about certain events. Taking a Berserk
GMs may allow this Talent to be used on written languages, should be carefully considered, because a character that
but remember that a lot of the mystery of ancient tomes and starts indiscriminately causing mayhem to friend as well as
cultures is lost with instant understanding. foe will find the other PCs not so friendly after the rage is over.
Note also that often a PC really doesn't want to know what
the shambling horror is trying to say ... DEPENDENCE
This is a rare disadvantage for PCs in Horror Hero, but not
POWERS for monsters (vampyrs need blood, radioactive adolescent
Because Horror Hero is a heroic campaign, characters kung-fu skunks need cabbage, etc.) A character may take
cannot normally buy powers. As always, there are excep- this disadvantage but must be aware that the chosen sub-
tions. stance can be taken away and the character will begin to die.
Certain beings may have powers as part of their racial
background, like Ultraviolet Vision for someone with a feline DEPENDENT NPC
parentage (don't ask us how), Ritualists, magiCwielders, and In keeping with the theme of developing well-rounded
psychics purchases spells or abilities as powers with limita- characters, players should consider the value of buying
tions. Dependent NPCs. In horror this is a recommended and time-
Also, in rare cases the GM may permit a character to honored tradition. Almost every character in horror literature
purchase powers to fill in the character concept. This should or film has had someone to save from the forces of terror.
be done only in extreme cases with good rationales and a Depending on the age of the character, it is recommended
need for the power to properly simulate the idea. Examples that spouse and progeny or at least a true love is present for
include a PC who suffers from lycanthropy having Multiform the proceedings. If the character is still a bachelor at
and all the powers of a werewolf, or someone whose grand- campaign's start, the GM may introduce prospective mates
father was a monster and has passed along UV Vision down along the way who could conceivably be major plot devices
the bloodlines. later in the campaign.
These abilities should be rare and never allowed to unbal- Why is this so strongly suggested? It is an altogether
ance the campaign. different matter when one defends spouse or child rather
than just oneself. The horror is that much more evil and
threatening; besides, the GM needs somebody to pick on!

This is more appropriate for creatures than characters.
This does not mean characters cannot have this, but it must
make the PC stand out. Military and police types with their
short haircuts and ramrod postures, or professors who dress
in a style not popular for ten years are examples.
For horror HuntedlWatched is almost an inescapable This is almost entirely unheard of for characters; it is
selection for a disadvantage. Officials will monitor the activi- usually reserved for monsters and other NPCs. Although a
ties of government, police, or military types, and characters character may still have this disadvantage if there is a
from special backgrounds or secret societies will be under reasonable explanation. Perhaps the character is an occult
some scrutiny from their contemporaries. And The Super- investigator who was infused with demonic blood in the past,
natural, mentioned in a few character archetypes, always making him susceptible to holy items.
notices intruders into the realm of occultic knowledge and
events. UNLUCK
Life is difficult for horror characters. The creatures are
NORMAL CHARACTERISTIC MAXIMA tougher than the PC's best weapons, the cultists are relent-
Since this is a heroic campaign, this is enforced for zero less fanatics and most of the magic items are trickier to figure
points. out than tax forms (and the audits are deadlier). Adding
Unluck to these already formidable odds is recommended
PHYSICAL LIMITATION only for masochists.
The genre of horror is unique in that not everyone has to
be a perfect physical specimen. Many horror protagonists in VULNERABILITY
fiction have had physical disabilities, such as the blind man While Vulnerability is usually thought of as a monster or
who sees only good and evil in a popular comic book villain Disadvantage it can add an extra dimension to a PC,
miniseries. Players should not feel the need to skip this especially a sorcerous or psychic one. As with Susceptibility,
disadvantage. a PC with an unusual past may have an unusual Vulnerabil-
ity. If the GM and players have Ninja Hero they may be
PSYCHOLOGICAL LIMITATION interested in the optional use of Vulnerability to hit locations
Arguably, most characters in horror have this disadvan- on page 53.
tage, otherwise they would be at home playing cards instead
of battling horror. Past events usually are the cause for this
disadvantage; motivations for the character can also be
reflected with Psychological Limitation, such as "Driven by
Faith" for a minister or "Protective of Spouse" for a married (~
D_E_V_E_L_O_P_M_E_N_T__ ~
person. All characters should have at least one Psychologi-
cal Limitation. As in real life a Player Character is not a static creation
destined to go through the campaign unchanged. The devel-
PUBLIC IDENTITY opments may be positive - these changes are reflected in
This disadvantage is more suited for the Pulps and Fifties game terms by buying or improving Knowledge Skills, Char-
eras where larger-than-life characters exist more openly. acteristics and Perks with Experience Points. But battling the
unknown often takes a terrible toll on heroes. These changes
REPUTATION are reflected by roleplaying, buying Disadvantages and
Like Public Identity, this disadvantage is more suited to the lowering Skills and Characteristics. A third way of developing
Pulps and Fifties eras. A character may also have a Repu- a PC is to roleplay the changes which cannot be represented
tation within a certain group or organization, such as Wizards in game terms, such as a natural increase or decrease in
or the Black Dawn. A Reputation should be played for all it is confidence or leadership ability.
worth by the player and the GM, but remember that some When a PC is awarded experience at the end of a scenario
individuals or groups will benefit from knowing about the PC the player may wish to consider the following points before
before encountering him ... spending. First, remember that XP are intended to simulate
the learning and training process - there should always be
RIVALRY a reason for an increase. If a PC made good use of his
This disadvantage should be carefully considered. Rivals Climbing skill during the scenario part of the awarded expe-
who are PCs playing in character during an encounter with rienceshould logicallybe used to increase Climbing, shouldn't
horror may see their days end prematurely ... it? Second, do not feel that XPs must always be used. If a
player is happy with the way his PC is at the moment there
SECRET IDENTITY is no reason to change it. XPs can be hoarded like gold and
Horror is probably the only genre where a heroic character used later (some GMs even allow unused XPs to be traded
can have this disadvantage. A character can be the town for luck roils). The player should never spend if he does not
mayor and secretly be head axeman for the Black Dawn. want to, except when the GM rules otherwise.
Also a character can have a dark, shameful secret from the
past and use this disadvantage to reflect that secret ("Let me
get this straight; the minister used to work for a vampire?")


A PCs Primary Characteristics are bound to improve After the initial creation of a Character the addition of new
during the course of a campaign. This is, of course, the Character Perks is best left up to the GM. Perks will almost
cheapest way of improving a PC because so many Figured always arise out of game circumstances. For example,
Characteristics and Skills are improved along with the Pri- suppose the PCs rescue Judge Kowalski's son from joining
mary. When picturing a Character it is useful to regard the the Shapeshifters International Conspiracy. Unless the PCs
numerical values as an indication of how well the PC uses his were performing the deed for profit it would be reasonable to
Characteristics rather than a rating of the Characteristics assume that the Judge would want to reward the PCs for
themselves. their actions. The Perk in this case would be a Favor or a
Physical Characteristics (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution Contact (depending on the character of the Judge).
and Body) are improved when a PC exercises and eats well Perks gained during gameplay are assumed to be 'free';
between adventures. These characteristics also improve that is, a point or two for a perk is granted above and beyond
along with a Characters understanding of his own abilities. In any earned experience. The GM is entirely within his rights
other words, just because a PC buys a higher Dexterity does to ignore this suggestion - after all, a perk is more valuable
not mean he has become physically faster - he has simply to a PC in the Campaign world than a few XPs are to his
learned how to use his natural speed more efficiently. player.
Mental Characteristics (Intelligence, Ego and Presence) Contacts and Favors will be the most common and the
are improved as a PC gains confidence and learns how to most useful perks accumulated during gameplay. Not only
use his abilities better. Buying Intelligence, for instance, do they contribute to the feel of a 'lived-in' campaign, they
does not mean that the PCs IQ has suddenly gotten higher. help the PCs gauge their contributions.
He may simply be studying more, practicing ™ or engaging Contacts and Favors owed by powerful occult personas
in some other brain-building exercise. should be treated as if they were 'special', i.e. they should
Figured Characteristics (Physical Defense, Energy De- cost a point or three more. This is in accordance with the
fense, Speed, Recovery, Endurance and Stun) are the best rules for extremely useful Perks from the Hero System
meter of how well a PC will survive combat. The more Rulesbook (pg. 43).
physically fit a PC is the better these Characteristics will be. Followers in Horror are usually doomed from the start but
Any action-oriented PC will want to spend XP here or on the this does not preclude their use. Most will be purchased at
applicable Primary Characteristics. the beginning of a campaign; any acquired later will probably
be 'gifts' from the GM. They will usually be disciples of
INCREASING SKILLS occultists or admirers of writers, etc. As with all GM gifts they
The lions' share of PC activity in a horror game will be can be a mixed blessing. Sometimes their skills are useful
spent using Skills. In fact, the increase of Skill ability is the but they are a pain in the butt to protect. As with Contacts and
best barometer of a PCs growth. Favors the PC should not bear the responsibility of paying for
There are three ways a PC can realistically and logically the Follower.
rationalize an increase in his Skill ratings. First, he can The most important thing to remember about Fringe
increase a skill which he used during the course of the latest Benefits is that their stated cost can always be exceeded,
scenario, as mentioned above. Second, he can engage in granting even more privileges. For example, a network news
training during 'off-screen' time to improve existing but anchor will get more mileage out of a press pass than a writer
seldom-used Skills. Finally, he may learn a new skill. for a supermarket tabloid. Players should always pay for
For greater realism the GM may wish to impose a set of Fringe Benefits.
time constraints on the increase of Skill ratings. This will Money is symbolic of the grasping evil that most horror
prevent PCs from finishing a game with an 8 or less roll and PCs oppose. Despite this it is damned useful to have and no
returning the next day with an 18 or less. Obviously, this is not PC should pass up an honestly earned buck. PCs will
realistic. A good rule of thumb to follow is that any skill probably spend more money than they earn during an
successfully used during the course of a scenario can be average horror campaign unless they have a wealthy patron
instantly increased with no time lag but an unused or new or are funded by an organization. Horror Hero recommends
Skill requires a months training for each point spent on the that GMs use the optional money system on pg. 44 of the
Skill. After all, no one learns Latin over the weekend. Char- Hero System Rulesbook.
acters with Talents or unusually high Intelligence or Dexterity
may realistically shorten training time. This guideline will
encourage players to adhere to their original Character
concept while allowing realistically gradual change.


vides, take reasonable advantage of the opportunity. Don't
So now you are ready. You have get your hackles up if another player plays an internationally-
learned your skills and chosen your known (and utterly fictitious) celebrity - play along, relax
weapons. You know Who you are and and have fun.
Why you are doing this. Heh. Have you Write a brief biography of your character, and share it with
given any thought about How you are the GM. He should be the final arbitrator of how much
going to go about it? exposure to the unknown a PC has had before the start of the
campaign. If a PC has had encounters before the GM may
Role playing is a cooperative venture be able to incorporate them into the body of the campaign,
between the GM, who designs the environment, inhabitants in the form of revenge scenarios, helpful NPCs, etc. He may
and general plotline of a scenario - and the players, who for wish for the PC to be a member of a secret society which he
all intents and purposes create the storyline. An exciting and has plans for, or he may require the PC to buy Character
scary horror game is the result of players who willingly Disadvantages and Knowledge Skills to reflect his past. On
suspend their disbelief and pretend that the situation pre- the flip side of this are PCs who have never encountered the
sented by the GM is important and real to their Characters. unknown at all, or are rigorous skeptics. These characters
They will respond to Horror realistically, have more fun doing and their reactions to being involved in the unknown for the
so and encourage the GM to be more creative. first time are entertaining for all.
The roleplaying tips which follow fall under four general
categories; Who to Play?, During Gameplay, Rollplaying DURING GAMEPLAY
and Roleplaying and The Abyss Bites Back, an examination
The campaign has started. Character sheets and dice are
of insanity.
at hand. The players open their beers and start munching
corn chips. All eyes turn to the GM. "Scare us" is their
wao ro PLAY? unspoken challenge. Well, it's not entirely up to him. That's
When a GM designs a campaign he usually has an idea right, a successful horror scenario demands cooperation
about the types of characters would work best in the setting. and input from all parties involved. Here are some ways that
As long as he expresses a willingness to consider new ideas players can contribute to the campaign:
the players should respect his final judgment. When making Psyche yourself! Imagine you're playing a horror scenario.
PCs the following points should be heeded. It's a scary, claustrophobic setting and the monsters are ugly
A well balanced group is important if the party seriously and hungry. In only a matter of minutes the final bulkheads
expects to have any impact on the machinations of evil. Your will be breached and ravenous terrors will erupt with blinding
GM will take care to insure that a well balanced group is speed toward the heroes, whose players voices can be
formed, and that every player has a vital role in the success heard. Strangely, the tone of the conversation is mild, almost
of the campaign against evil. But remember that sometimes leisurely. 'What do you think, the 45 or the Uzi?' - 'I don't
allowances must be made to accomplish this. If it seems that know. What's your Speed? I think I go first, so give me the
you may have to play an unfamiliar type of character, don't Uzi' - 'Okay. What do you think the body of that door is
complain but rise to the challenge. You might surprise anyway? Hey, can I make a Metallurgy roll?'
yourself and find an untapped reservoir of talent you didn't Not very gripping, is it? Just as actors in a movie have to
know you had. For example, the Hero System is noted for act scared, even though they know they're just in a movie
allowing the creation of characters who use their brains to be studio, the players in a horror RPG should pretend to be
as effective in scenarios as their more physically oriented scared. This is essential. No amount of GM descriptions will
compatriots - try a character who neverfights. While a party match a player's ability to psyche himself out when realistic
of all fighters or all mystics can be fun for a while, the reactions to horror are called for. The play setting - base-
campaign will be unable to progress very far with any ment, living room - must be risen above and the game
success, so work with your GM and the other players when setting - old house, abandoned mine - should be allowed
you are deciding what type of character you want to play. to envelop the players imagination. Remember, it's a
Make sure the PC fits the campaign. The GM has enough roleplaying game, not a dice game!
to do without having to deal with characters who simply don't Now imagine the same scene with players who make an
fit in the setting. He may wish to set the campaign in the "real" effort to experience the game fully by scaring themselves.
world, which means you should not try to introduce overtly The conversation is rushed and tense, because each PC is
fictional elements, such as a character who obviously does experiencing the situation. They have 'seen' the mangled
not exist but is recognized everywhere he goes. If the GM bodies of their friends and they 'hear' the pounding on the
wants the freedom of storytelling a fictional universe pro- steadily weakening door. 'Man, we're dead' - 'Shut up and

give me that Uzi! You don't need both guns' - 'Hey, hey, hey character can become a badly injured character, and an
- how long do think that doors gonna hold?' - 'You're the ability forgotten in the excitement can be used again later
expert - Go check it out' - 'No way am I getting any closer (Hey .. you know Karate. Oh yeah I).
to that door' - 'We need a plan, quick' ... Lots better, isn't it? Don't hog the action. Here is a true gaming story which
Remember, being scared does not mean that a PC is a illustrates everything a single player and his character can
coward who will be unable to take decisive action when the do to ruin a game foreveryone. The GM in this case was quite
time comes. In fact, there is more heroism in being terrified skilled but fairly inexperienced. The story involved a group of
and then taking action than in calmly, methodically looking characters who are investigating a haunted house which
over a character sheet and rolling dice. drives trespassers insane. Professor Hog (our goat) calls all
Cooperate with the GM's world vision. Roleplaying games, the PCs together and outlines his version of the problem. He
more than perhaps any hobby save mountain-climbing, are insists on giving each PC vague orders and then throws a
a cooperative venture. All the PCs inhabit the same world, tantrum when they return from assignments they did not
that created by the GM. In an ideal situation every player really understand. Instead of letting the others return he
contributes to the proceedings, and a player who constantly insists on doinq it all himself, dragging along a new player
makes waves by second-guessing the GM will ruin the game (guess who) who finds himself saddled with knowledge
for everyone. which would benefit the entire group but is instead 'our
Players can ruin the action by not cooperating with the secret'. So far, Hog has 1) Taken charge on his own
'world vision' the GM wishes to portray. In a realistic cam- recognizance, 2) Allowed his emotions to extend toward
paign such a player will attempt stunts which are impossible other players rather than their characters, 3) Withheld infor-
to reconcile with reality, such as blowing up the Queen Mary mation from the others for his own benefit and 4) tried to pit
II. On the same token, they try to take advantage of 'real' players against each other.
knowledge which the GM may not be aware of - "Ha-Ha. Later on the PCs enter the house and split up to search.
The villain can't escape because [wherever] does not have Hog discovers ajournal which the ghost kept while alive and,
a back door!" This is just being snide and petty - don't do it! finding a hiding place, he begins to read. The Gamemaster
A similar set of guidelines apply if the GMs setting is rules that it will take a couple hours to finish, and tells him
fictional - for example, he may set the campaign in the what he will discover. Meanwhile, an exciting discovery is
Champions Universe. In a case like this, disruptive players made upstairs. Hog, as if by magic, is suddenly upstairs
will try to impose hard reality on the campaign setting. If the himself. He starts barking orders and taking command. The
GM decides that a mile-long immunization record is not GM gently reminds him that he is downstairs reading at that
necessary to enter Borneo, keep your knowledge to the particular moment, and cannot be here without stopping his
contrary to yourself. Any actions of this sort serve only one reading. Hog, very reluctantly and with much whining, agrees.
player and one character, and will easily derail the GMs hard
won atmosphere. The only solution to a player who con-
stantly acts in this manner is eviction from the game.
Do not argue with the GM's decisions. A player who has
not GMed a game may not realize how difficult it can be to be
fair to all the players while at the same time trying to keep the
action moving. There is a lot to keep track of and sometimes
mistakes happen or quick decisions must be made. The
result of this is that sometimes a player may feel that he has
been treated unfairly.
The GM knows what is going on all around, and some-
times he will announce developments which seem to not
make sense or be fair. He may roll dice out of sight and
announce that a PC is suddenly unconscious. All the mon-
sters might be singling out a particular PC. Familiar villains
on the verge of destruction might exhibit startling new
abilities which help them escape. All of these may seem
unfair to a player but give the GM the benefit of the doubt-
it is all for the good of the game. If that PC hadn't been
unconscious and unmoving a monster might have eaten
him. The fact that all the monsters are after one guy is
probably an important clue. The escaping villain is being
saved for bigger and better things.
Sometimes a GM will simply screw up. He may forget that
a character has Danger Sense. He might accidentally skip a
combat round or lose track of a character's Body. He may be
distracted from a PC's sure-fire plan for success. When
things like this occur a good player will keep the peace,
mentioning the omission or mistake when it will least disrupt
the proceedings. Players should never insist that the clock
be rolled back to accommodate what they imagine is the right
way things should have gone. The GM can fix most things
after the fact without having to rewrite history. A dead
But he uses knowledge that could only have come from
finishing the book through the remainder of the scenario.
Finally, by the end of the scenario everyone is dead except
for one PC who entirely by accident shoots Hog in the back,
to everyone's warm approval. A few weeks later Hog's player
is blaming the GM for the 'failure' of the game.
Here we see 1) a PC again hiding information in a pitiful
attempt to be 'better' than the others. He also 2) changes
what has already happened in order to be more important, 3)
plays using player knowledge which the PC does not have
and 4) whines. His reaction to being killed (quite fairly) had
to be seen to be believed. Worst of all, he blamed the GM for
all the problems he brought onto himself.
The whole point of this ugly tale is obvious. Players should
never try to take over an entire game just for their own ego
stroking. It is small-minded and wrong. Sometimes a GM will
run a scenario starring a certain PC. If this ever happens the
other players should relax, play along and wait for their own
time in the limelight. If you feel that your PC is being left out,
bring it up to your GM outside of the game session.
Be faithful to the spirit of your character conception. In
Horror gaming, each character type has a specific function.
The scientist experiments, the occultist does research, the
reporter snoops around, the policeman investigates, etc. In
short, everyone will do the job their player created them for.
Obviously, overlapping of roles will occur during gameplay.
This is natural, as unusual occurrences will require unusual
solutions. But during ordinary gameplay, don't step on each
other's toes. Let everyone do their jobs. The scientist should
not be making arrests, and the cop should not dream up a
death ray. Your characters will be more distinctive and more
fun to play if you let them be themselves.
Another aspect of being true to your character is to keep
in mind that a PC does not share all his creators knowledge. Maybe the player has had a bad day. Maybe he is sick of
This is especially important in historical settings. Despite the character. Whatever the reason, his character is just not
player misgivings, most PCs would be pleased at the chance himself. It's happened to everybody. The most logical reason
to travel on the Titanic orthe Hindenburg. By the same token, for an erratically played PC is that the character just does not
if a player notices that the GM's notes feature stats for suit the player. In this case it's best just to build another. But
Dracula he shouldn't start making stakes just for the heck of every player is urged to take a minute to think when the mood
it. Players should never let their knowledge of history or their hits them to throw their PCs personality to the winds. Your
foreknowledge about a scenario impact on a PC's actions. GM maydepend on a PC being in character in ordertofurther
Behave consistently. Imagine that gentle Granny Pru- the plot. After all, if the other characters don't feel that they
dence, who has been a model of wisdom and patience know you, how will they know when it really isn't?
throughout the campaign, is taken prisoner by the minions of Avoid stupidity and anachronisms. Lurking slimily at the
The Great Whatever. The GM, who has been watching bottom of the rogues gallery are those players who think that
Granny grow wiser and even more patient, and whose entire the whole game is there just for them. They are here to have
scenario depends on the octogenarian letting herself be fun, and they will enjoy themselves no matter what. How do
taken to Whatever's lair and discovering a Dread Secret, is they go about this? By making their characters do things that
appalled to find Granny fighting back. Before he knows it the they shouldn't, couldn't and wouldn't. They commit deliber-
old bag has mopped up the cultists and started wearing ately stupid actions on a whim - 'The cultists are inside the
ammo belts over her ginghams. What's wrong here? building where the other characters are? I'll just blow it up,
A large part of the enjoyment of roleplaying is the way that then.' They introduce jarring anachronisms - 'My character
consistently played characters become more real with each invented napalm over the weekend. Let's go torch the
passing scenario. This does not mean they shouldn't grow or vampires.' Disruptive actions such as these can derail the
evolve like real people. They can tire of bloodshed and atmosphere quicker than a house fire. Even worse than the
develop a Code versus Killing, or go the opposite route and stupidities themselves is trying to convince the player that
become violence addicts. They may be more nervous with they shouldn't have been committed. There are some people
each passing scenario, or develop a skin so thick the who just cannot understand why their PC couldn't have
Inquisition couldn't even tickle them. They can learn new invented something years before its time.
skills and become better or worse friends. These are legiti- It may seem harsh but the best thing for a player like this
mate changes which fit game logic and keep players from is to find a new genre to play in. Horror simply requires too
growing stale on the same PC. But sometimes logic and much on the part of GM and players to have to put up with this
characterization get thrown to the winds and the result can type of nonsense. If you are such a player you may wish to
be very messy.

consider that what these actions do is sabotage everyone Finally, learn the rules! Do not put a drag on the action
else's enjoyment. No one likes or respects an individual who because you have to flip through the rulebook. When you
shows so little regard for others. So don't do it, or go away. build a PC read the entries for every Skill, Perk or Talent you
Pay attention. This is very important. Everyone has been choose. Know what your character can and cannot do.
to a game where the action is starting to move really well and Practice the combat system and try not to create characters
the skills of a certain PC are needed right now and when all who take ten minutes a round to play. Remember, the more
eyes turn to the player ... He's reading a book. 'Huh? What's you are distracted from the scenario the less you will enjoy
going on?' This is how GMs get sent to death row, by killing it.
players like this. To summarize, remember the two ideas underlining all the
Listen to the GM. Horror roleplaying is a cooperative previous tips. First, remember that you are here to create a
venture between GM and Players. When players pay atten- story. The GM will establish the world paradigm and act as
tion to the GMs descriptions and willingly cooperate with his arbitrator of events, but the story is written by the players
story the scenario will jell into an exciting experience for all. because they are always center stage. Do not hog the
When a character is on stage he should be putting all his spotlight - everyone involved has a role to play which may
concentration into playing him to the hilt. The most hack- vary from scenario to scenario. Do not be a putz who ruins
neyed scenarios will be enjoyable if this simple suggestion is everyone else's fun. Be a Zen gamer - exist for the moment
followed. But the best written, most original scenario ever you are creating and do not worry about how your character
written will not work if the players are not paying full attention sheet will look after you are finished. Second, don't rely on
to what is going on. Why? Because the GM will assume that the GM to keep you entertained- enter into the spirit of the
the problem is with the game - he will lose confidence in his proceedings. The GM is here to have fun too. His sense of
creation and become more concerned with finishing it than accomplishment and commitment to quality will grow if his
making it good. players put a little effort and care into their roleplaying. At first
So, pay attention to the game. Don't drift off to a comic this may seem like a very somber genre to play in, and the
book. Don't start talking about the latest bang-bang shoot em characters may seem like fatalities waiting to happen, but if
up flick you just saw. Don't interrupt the game for a discourse the game and its populace are played straight, hilarity will
on your PCs favorite pop-guns. Horror requires everyone erupt at the most inopportune moments and a fantastically
concerned to keep their concentration focused on the game. good time will be had by all!
Only then will horror happen, and isn't that what everyone
came for?


Elsewhere in this book are GMing tips wherein it is
recommended that the role of dice during gameplay be de-
(..____ B_I\_CK _
emphasized. The reasoning behind this is simple - rolling No one whose life work is the investigation of the unknown
dice brings players back to reality, out of the game world. In remains unchanged by his encounters with the uncanny.
many instances dice are used when they simply aren't The fit young man who fearlessly goes off to fight the
necessary. Sometimes they damage the flow of the game. Shapeshifters International Conspiracy may learn much
Take perception rolls, for instance. Should a reasonably from his battles. By year's end he is a seasoned veteran who
intelligent PC have to roll dice to notice a Voodoo fetish can withstand almost any torture. He has trained himself so
nailed to his apartment wall? Of course not. Nor should any that not even the least significant clue escapes his notice. He
Knowledge Skill over 11 be rolled unless the circumstances is now a crack shot. But all knowledge and all abilities have
are extremely unusual. their price. He is now a white haired, lame insomniac with an
Another reason that constant dice rolling is wrong for irrational fear of being buried alive.
horror RPGs is that it shifts the emphasis of the campaign
from the story (where it should be) to paper and pencil
character development. A player whose only concern is
buying more skills and raising stats should probably be
playing giant robots, not horror. The knowledge and memo- The authors have been queried on
ries a PC gains through experience are infinitely more the subject of insanity. This seems to
valuable than a few more points of Concealment. be a quality associated with the so-
This is not to suggest that dice have no value. Their called horror genre. Their thoughts will
function is very important. They represent fickle fate, the luck tollow this paragraph, but I am sure that
of the just and the immutable laws of physics. In many cases they will agree on one point. If there is
they are the final arbitrator of what is and what isn't. But no to be any representation of a formerly
one should rely on them to provide every insight and to justify lucid horror investigator succumbing to
a characters every move. the effects of insanity, the player must roleplay this
One final word of advice on dice - the GMing section of effect. All the rules and guidelines in the world are
this book strongly recommends that many dice rolls which useless if a player simply refuses to play his now-
are usually performed by players become the responsibility unbalanced character properly. While this should be
of the GM. He may ask you to roll and never tell what it was
the only information you need to convey the quality of
for, or he may ask you to roll several times before gameplay
insanity, I am sure many of you require the umbilical
begins and just check off the rolls as the game progresses. safety net of written rules. Again it begins ...
Do not be surprised if a scenario is completed with almost no
dice rolling.
CHARACTER DEGENERATION Some examples could include a brush with death, a face-
Horror roleplaying has the dubious distinction of being the to-face meeting with a monster, witnessing the death of one
most lethal of genres. This means that while PCs might face or several close companions at the hands of horror, or a
horrible creatures similar to those in Fantasy Hero only inthe scene filled with items of an otherworldly nature. Perhaps the
nicest campaigns can they expect to benefit from that genres PC falls into the clutches of some terrible group or entity, and
magical healing. Horror Hero PCs can look forward to being is tortured, or confined, or subjected to experiments. Anyone
shot, stabbed, bitten, eaten, buried, electrocuted, maimed, thing can be the trigger; when it is pulled, the GM and the
deboned, field dressed, fed to things, cursed, tortured and player should get together and discuss just how in-depth the
skin~ed. alive. And that's just the physical stuff. Courtesy of newfound insanity is going to be. The player needs to
the Villains and monsters in Horror Hero the PC wil also be understand the absolute need to roleplay the PC appropri-
possessed, brainwashed, disembodied, haunted, driven mad ately, while the GM should tell the player what he thinks the
and made to live in a constant state of unease and paranoia. PC should be doing in those moments when real life and
And yes, players will love every minute of it. insanity mix.
The effects of these horrible occurrences are simulated
during gameplay by buying Disadvantages, lowering Skills WHERE THE INSANITIES ARE
and Characteristics and most of all by roleplaying. In the world of Horror Hero, PCs are exposed to sights,
sounds, and smells that they usually have never experi-
enced before. After one incident, or after a substantial length
BUT WHEN DID I GO INSANE? of game time and repeated exposures to horror, PCs may
Unfortunately, players, there is no magic formula for find themselves feeling the mental effects of anyone of a
counting down points to madness. Nor is there a dice roll with variety of disorders. This occurs because most (and prob-
modifiers for every possible variable that will allow the ably all) PCs will have a background where they never did
Gamemasterto say "Ah, an eleven. Sorry, J.D., but the dice more than dabble in occult research. Their life experience to
say your PC is, well, mad." that point has never included seeing the wondrous and mind-
Determining insanity is ideally the product of cooperation shattering Sights of a world of horror.
between the GM and the player. Together, the GM can run The easiest method, in game terms, for the Gamemaster
down the list of factors leading to this turning point in the PC's to impose required roleplaying of insanity is for him to make
mental state while the player decides how to present this PC the player emphasize pre-existing Psychological Limitations
if it is still playable. In a perfect world, a good roleplayer will as if they were Total intensities if they are not already.
not need prompting from the GM to portray insanity. The Suddenly that Psych Lim: Fearof Bats (Common, Moderate)
player would assess all that the PC has encountered con- becomes a wide ranged phobia of anything bat-like. The PC
sider the PC's background and Disadvantages, and then will be uncomfortable even looking at a picture of one in a
pla~ t~e character in a way that would indicate Something Is book, and he probably will not even touch a photograph of
De~lnl.tely ~rong Wit~ Him. This can be subtle physical one. Fluttering sounds in the night will send him screaming
variations In the PC s mannerisms to a full-blown new for cover; clothing billowing in the wind on a clothesline may
personality possessing only vestiges of the previous person- evoke a "first strike" attack on the offending article.
In gameplay, everyone will find this method of roleplaying GM: "Yes, it most definitely looks like a classic vampire's
to be far superior to any dice-roll directed behavior. How- batlike cape. Undoubtedly the fiend is trying to unnerve
ever: a system for keeping track of stress and insanity is you before swooping in for the kill."
provided for those who wish a more mechanistic approach. Insane PC: BLAM BLAM BLAM DIE DIE DIE BLAM
WHY HAST THOU GONE MAD Other PC: "Are you crazy? That's a @J\&%*1 bedsheet
hanging out there!"
Some PCs are very stable individuals, while others are
only a heartbeat away from the line that separates normal
PANT sorry. Guess I overreacted a little. I sure nailed it
society from the abnormal. What causes a PC to become
though, didn't I?"
Usually there is some part of the PC's mind that is The phobia, or unnatural fear, of something is a time-
vulnerable to the day-to-day atrocities of Horror Hero. Re- honored element of Psychological Disadvantages. In a hor-
flected as a minor Psychological Limitation, it usually pro- ror game, many of the players may have taken one or two of
vides nothing more than some mild discomfort at times. After these Disads to fill out the character concept. Other phobias
the continuous hammering the PC's mind suffers from sce- can be of heights, water, bridges, animals, reptiles, insects,
nario after scenario, the little phobia becomes an encom- the dark, open areas, enclosed areas, people in uniform,
passing neurosis or affective disorder. people from foreign countries, high technology, magic, etc.
All ittakes is onetrauma to push the PC overthe proverbial By "playing up" these phobias to a higher intensity, the player
edge. The sight of some horrifying crime, dreadful monster, will be in character while the other players will be able to react
or abysmal remnants of a bizarre society could be the little to their comrades former mild phobia turned acute fear.
nudge that a PC (and GM) needs to send the character into Sometimes the mind triggers a flight response, or some-
the terrifying enclosure that is the insane mind. There should thing similar, when the body encounters some type of
not be a lack of these experiences in a Horror Hero game. sensory stimulus that brings back memories of a dreadful
event. These are known as affective disorders, causing the
PC to overreact to sensory input. For example, loud noises
may remind a PC of the sepulchral bellowing of a nigh-
omnipotent creature who nearly had the PC for a snack.

While there are a number of compulsive disorders that a

PC could suffer from (pathological lying, kleptomania, etc.),
these are not typical of the horror genre. Certainly a PC with
a habit of dropping various little items into their pockets could
find themselves at the center of unwanted attention ...
Player: "I don't understand! What do you want with me?"
GM (as A Slew Of Diabolical Creatures Surrounding
The PC): "Have you the Eye. Us give the Eye. Have you
the Eye. Us give the Eye."
Player: "Eye, what Eye? I have this little roCk, I don't
know how it got in my pocket."
(Sounds of Slew Of Diabolical Creatures all going
Gleeargyh, teeth gnashing, dice rolling, Hand Killing
Attacks being totaled by the GM, etc.)
Some of the more severe types of insanity suffered by PCs
will result from some sort of traumatic experience. These
psychoses are at the extreme of insane behavior, and a PC
who exhibits them will find that their career as an explorer of
the unknown is over. Done. Finished.
The unheroic Disad Berserk/Enraged could be acquired
by PCs with a penchant for shoot first and ask questions at
the seance later. An encounter with any aspect of horror
would provoke an immediate, violent, continued response
until the "come out of Berserk" roll is made. After one or two
episodes with this PC, his former allies are likely to cart him
off to some distant facility for treatment if they don't shoot him
first in self-defense.
Other types of psychotic behavior, like paranoid schizo-
phrenia or manic depression, could function in a campaign.
These two disorders could add a bit of edge to a PC and his
comrades ...
PC in manic phase of manic depression: "Don't worry
Grimy or dirty areas could be reminiscent of the lair of a friends, I can translate the scroll and fend off the Uncon-
voodoo priest whose spells took the lives of everyone except querable. Just watch this!"
the PC during an investigation. This PC may be toting Other PCs (in asides to each other): "This is the same
disinfectants and dust rags around with him, so he may clean person we pulled off the ledge last night, right?" "Uti huh.
up an area before checking for clues. This would be to the But he's on a roll now, so leave him be. "
dismay of a PC police officer who is trying to dust for
fingerprints. THE LAST STEP
Powerful orfaint odors of a certain type could trigger some A good roleplayer given the chance to portray an insane
other unpleasant memories, and the PC would react to their PC should remember a few items. First, conveniently ignor-
presence as if the odors were a precursor to an attack by ing the Disadvantage during game play is not an option.
something. Drawing weapons and wandering around some Second, the GM may impose some restrictions on the PC's
public area, like a shopping mall, while sniffing the air and use of skills if they are not in complete control of their
bellowing out "I know you're here! Show yourself, you faculties. Third, other PCs may decide that associating with
murdering demon bastard!" is bound to bring forth a memo- the insane PC is no longer desirable, requiring the player to
rable response from the other PCs the first time they witness "retire" the PC. Fourth, "insane" does not mean "evil." While
it. Mall security probably will not heed this PC's protestations insanity is sometimes associated with villainy, it is the
of "unseen creatures with claws that reach out of the air to perception of the actions of the PC that determines their
take you away! Damn it man, I have the scars to prove it! Let goodness. If a PC is "good" but sometimes cannot recognize
me go!!!" the consequence of his actions, this does not make him
"evil." Finally, the GM is well within his rights to take over the
insane PC whenever it suits his story. After all, insanity is a
Disadvantage, not just a personality quirk.

who have no desire to confront the unknown, spend most of
There is an emotion that all mankind the action fleeing from it and are either dead or insane at the
shares, and none enjoy. It is fear. A end. The last thing a survivor would want is to seek out and
response to the unknown, fear drives a confront the horror again. This works fine in film, fiction and
man's heart to beat wildly, his muscles 'one-shot' scenarios but is not very suitable for character-
to weaken. There exists no weapon to oriented roleplaying campaigns.
combat fear, save one. Knowledge. With this in mind, the beginning GM will find it useful to
Implacable fear falls to its knees before regard his campaign as an opportunity to create a new type
irresistibleknowledge. Thus,knowledge of horror rather than trying to recreate the type of plot found
must be withheld from the masses. But fear cannot in books or movies. But several storytelling techniques and
deny the most inquisitive searchers what they seek. story devices borrowed from film and fiction work well in
Fear has a weapon, one to shatter the senses and roleplaying; these, along with others unique to RPGs, are
bodies, and inter the searchers within the primordial explored in this chapter.
dust of the Earth, flesh to ash, ideas to wafting dreams;
that weapon is horror.
Horror. The unbelievable becomes real, the illogical r
becomes fact. It is horror that guards the knowledge of IMPLEMENTS Of
fear's demise. And there are many who benefit from
fear and unknowing, from the street-scarred mugger DESTRUCTION
who surprises you on a darkened street, to the rulers of
the world. They do not want you to know, will not let you For the harried GM whose schedule does not permit hours
learn, can not allow themselves to end. Using horror, of preparation time, the following lists and tables are offere~.
they will project fear like a shadow over all their grand Included are lists of Standard Horror Elements, ClaSSIC
schemes. Schemes that would fade before the light of Scare Plots, things found at The Scene of the Crime,
knowledge ... Scenario Boosters, a Horror Scenario Generator and more.
GMs should use this section as a tool kit to speed up scenario
construction only - nothing here is intended to be a replace-
ment for the GMs imagination.

Although horror scenarios can appear in any genre, a
This section is designed to help the GM conduct a suc- horror campaign has a set of 'props' all its own. Standard
cessful horror campaign. Novice GMs who are unsure how Horror Elements in roleplaying include:
to proceed will find many helpful hints here, and experienced
GMs may read it as a refresher course. Cults The presence of cults in horror roleplaying helps the
GM keep players guessing about who can be trusted, and

T_HE__ B_E_~_5_T
Of J_ cult members serve as convenient cannon fodder for PCs
between monster encounters.
Death By its very nature, horror roleplaying is the most lethal
of all genres. The most common fear is that of de.ath,
especially violent, painful death. If players do not believe
Horror roleplaying is unique in the field for two reasons. that PCs or their loved ones can die, then horror will not
First, horror is universal. Some roleplaying genres are be as effective.
based on the type of character that is played (superheroes Mad Scientists These characters, with their grandiose and
or fantasy characters), while others are defined by the ill-fated plots to save or rule the world, have evolved right
setting (The Wild West or Dark Future). Horror is dif!erent along with the horror genre and are sure to appear.
because it is based on an emotion and can be played In any Magic Evil sorcery is a prevalent theme in horror RPGs, and
setting with any type of character. even those who wield magic in the name of goodness run
The second difference is the way horror translates from an appalling risk of corruption and destruction. As a type
the source material. While several exceptions come to mind, of power that defies physical laws, the Black Arts are
the bulk of horror films and fictional tales feature characters perfect for instilling disquiet in the hearts of players.

Monsters And what horror campaign would be complete CLASSIC HORROR PLOTS
without them? Monsters can be insane or evil humans, Here's a partial listing of Horror Plots which have with-
demons, real animals, aliens, transformed humans, mu- stood the test of time.
tations (atomic and otherwise), the dead, cryptozoological
mystery animals, machines, prehistoric survivors, mu- Apocalypse It's the End of the World as we know it. Horror
tated plants or anything else with a taste for PCs. erupts everywhere, and civilization perishes. The agents
of change might be flesh-eating Zombies, an outer space
Mystery The most common horror RPG structure is the mutation, or even eldritch gods. In a horror RPG the PCs
mystery, where PCs investigate crime scenes, conduct might travel to the post-apocalypse world which will result
research and develop hypotheses long before they at- if their current efforts fail. Or, a limited campaign could
tempt to destroy the evil. feature the characters efforts to survive after the End of
Psychic Powers Mind powers can duplicate many magical Everything.
effects without the use of special equipment or rituals. Astrohorror The moral is, don't go into space or you'll be
They are especially frightening because they are very sorry. Mankind has no place among the malevolent stars.
plausible. Also, many characters have a sixth sense that Unfortunate astronauts are transformed into monsters,
has drawn them into investigation of the unknown. pick up hungry hitch-hikers or both. Worst of all, these
Religion A touchy subjecf for some, but battles between things never happen until the trip back to Earth. Has this
good and evil often involve the personifications of these ever really happened? Remember that NASA stands
cosmic axioms. Whether God and the Devil are real for Never A Straight Answer!
beings or only projections of humanities' desire for an The Curse This is the plot of almost every Gothic horror ever
ultimate authority and a scapegoat is entirely up to the created. For whatever reason, someone has sworn ven-
gaming group. Without religion there wouldn't be any Holy geance. It may be because of a breach of jungle etiquette,
Water or crucifixes to chase off vampires. Sometimes an an overzealous archaeologist or an ancestors hand in the
evil religion is the crux of the tale, and only the intervention burning of a witch. The problem with curses are that they
of a good one can save the day. have a tendency to dog families for generations. Mad-
The Supernatural The abiding fear of the unknown. Who ness, monsters and fear await the victim of a curse.
has not felt a chill at the thought of the supernatural The Deadly Friend An unholy partnership has commenced.
intruding into their lives? Sure that noise in the dark is just An individual seen by all as weak and ineffective suddenly
the house settling, but after a Creature Double-Feature at gains a benefactor. This deadly friend could be the
two AM it takes on a life of its own, empowered by the Monster From Under the Bed, a manifestation of the
imagination of the person who perceives it. weaklings dark desires or a demon sent to fan the thirst for
revenge. Sometimes the Deadly Friend operates without
the knowledge of their ward. Sometimes the creature is
summoned in the heat of the moment and the summoner
is later appalled by the extent and ferocity of its atrocities.
Devil Worshippers and Sundry Cultists They're every-
where, the pesky little devils. If they aren't trying to bring
about the advent of the Anti-Christ they're chasing hap-
less folks who have inadvertently spied upon their rites.
They've got spies everywhere and monsters on their side.
They don't want to kill - they want to watch their victims
suffer. They're your neighbors, your priest, your
parents ... Say, we haven't seen you in church lately, have
we? Hmm...
The Experiment Gone Wrong Where would horror be
without scientists meddling in the province of the Al-
mighty? From Shelly to King the scientist and his ill
advised experiments have been the crux of classic horror
tales. Through madness or misguided idealism a creature
is built, a doorway is opened, a weapon is built. The
seeker of knowledge becomes the architect of terror as
the creature kills, things come through the portal and the
weapons fall into the wrong hands.
Extraterrestrial Visitor The plot that launched a thousand
B-movies. What do they want? Are they friend or foe? In
an RPG the heroes must find the alien and discover what
it wants. Even if it is benevolent, its methods leave a lot to
be desired. And if it is not it must be destroyed.
The Haunting Ghosts are the best known monster and the
one most believed in. A haunting usually features an
ordinary family plagued by manifestations of the unknown
and the occultists they summon for help. But how to fight
a foe that is already dead?
Hunting a Monster In the far corners of the Earth they still wisest. Usually the plot involves the summoning of some-
survive. The Snowman of the Himalayas. The Living thing which cannot be controlled, but sometimes unholy
Dinosaur of the Congo. The Serpent of the Loch. Their bargains are reached and lowly apprentices become
names are a siren call to anyone with a romantic soul and masters before theirtime. Before the Devil collects his due
a taste for danger- Yeti, Mokele-Mbembe, Nessie. Who the recipient of power is a force to be reckoned with.
knows what horrors they hide? And who knows what The Possession An innocent becomes the vessel of evil.
would happen if they were brought back to the land of The possessor may be a demon from hell, an avenging
men? spirit, an alien from space or the shade of an evil ancestor
Invasion Similar to the Apocalypse, but not all is lost. An returning to this coil. Maybe the possessor is here only to
invasion could be noisy and destructive or subtle. All that corrupt the faithful. Maybe it has a dark agenda all its own.
is required is one group (race, country, planet, surprise Psychics Run AmokThis is actually two classic plotlines.ln
indigenous species) entering the territory of another with the first, power resides in unstable minds which crack
an intent to usurp ownership. In RPGs an invasion can be under the strain. In the second, shadowy agents of
played out through the course of an entire campaign. Big authority pursue psychics and try to turn their abilities into
scale horrorforthose who like to blow things up real good. weapons. In both chaos and death are sure to erupt.
The Item of Power An ordinary person finds something The Secret Race Unseen, they walk among an unsuspect-
which changes their life forever. It may be an accident or ing humanity. The secret race may look like and live
the culmination of a long search. The Item whispers among humans, or they may skulk in the shadows. But
promises of power and the fulfillment of the finders dark- almost always they prey upon man as he does the cattle.
est desires, but there is always a catch. The item may be Sometimes they just want to be left alone. Sometimes
a book of magic, an idol of an eldritch god or an ordinary they want to rule the world.
object imbued with fantastic power. It may even be
strange powers gained accidentally and not an item at all. The Seduction A monster has targeted an innocent. Its goal
is not to kill but to corrupt or use. The monster may be a
Lost Worlds Who knows what secret places are hidden cultist seeking new followers or a sorcerer seeking an
around the world, and what brave fools are willing to go apprentice. Or maybe it is a vampire who has fallen in love
there? A lost world can be the interior of the hollow Earth, and wants to share his immortality. Whatever its reason,
an island forgot by time, the ruined city of a prehuman race the monster may appear to his victim as a new best friend.
or a network of tunnels beneath a modern city. But just
Transformation Sometimes a monster is an innocent hu-
because they are lost does not mean they are forgotten-
man who has no control over their evil alter-egos. It could
sometimes dark things endure the ravages of time and
isolation, and grow mad in their secret places. And when be a werewolf whose human side doesn't know about its
trespassers appear. .. alter ego's new diet plan, the hapless victim of an experi-
ment gone wrong or the victim of a malevolent spell. The
Madman on a Rampage He's crazy, he kills. He has no problem is that the heroes may have to resort to murder
redeeming social values. He might not even have a face. in order to stop the monster's rampage. It may even be
But he's armed, by God - you can bet on that. If the one of the heroes himself. ..
reader attended one Horror movie in the 1980's then he
knows all about madmen. Interminable examples include
the hockey mask guy, the dead guy with the glove, the guy HORROR SCENARIO GENERATOR
who dresses like mother, the guy who hates babysitters, Every GM has had it happen: After eight grueling hours of
the mutant guys in the hills and the guys in Texas who use wage slavery he trudges home and collapses on the nearest
chainsaws. They all have two things in common. They're horizontal surface. Something cold and wet magically ap-
hard to kill, and they keep coming back. pears in his hand as his mind winds down. His significant
other calls, wants to know what's on tap forthe evening. 'Got
The Misunderstood Monster It is big, ugly and violent. a game tonight, babe. Yeah I know it's weird. Be nice -
Where it goes, death follows. It may be an alien, the result they're my friends. Okay, later.' He soaks in some peace and
of a scientists experiment or the product of an occultist's
quiet and then realizes - I have a game tonight! Oh damn!
rite. But is it really evil, or just afraid? How threatening Madness ensues as the GM rustles papers and tosses
everything seems to a visitor in an unfamiliar place. It lives books around only to verify what he already knew - He
on the brink of panic and fury, knowing nothing but its own forgot to write a game, and in a few hours his head is going
power. to be on a pike.
Nature Revolts Mankind and nature live in a precarious The following game generator is for GMs who find them-
balance. Sometimes the scales tip too far and nature selves in this lovely situation and any others who are tempo-
reasserts itself. Ordinary creatures or strange mutations rarily bereft of ideas. The generator is easy to use. Just pick
are her weapons and pity the humans who meet them or randomly roll3d6 to select an item from each list. The first
face to face. Popular versions of this plot have featured list tells how the players enter the story. The second is the
carnivorous worms, killer bees, slugs, giant bunny rab- villain. List number three determines what the villain will dol
bits, rats, spiders, killer shrews, ants, etc. If it has more is doinglhas done, and list four determines the focus of the
than two legs someone somewhere has featured it in a villain's attention. List five tells why they are doing this and list
horror story. six tells where part of the action will happen.
Occultist Goes Too Far Here is the plot of a zillion Weird After rolling, sand the results around the edges so they
Tales stories. Sorcery is for professionals, and anyone dovetail with the ongoing campaign. It may be necessary to
who dabbles in the Black Arts had better be careful- he's change a few results so that anachronisms and genre-
playing with dangerous forces which consume all but the inappropriate scenarios are not generated.


List One: The PCs ... List Three: Who will (1,2),
(on 7-13 they are hired/ordered to ... ) List Two: The Villain, a ... is (3,4), or has (5,6) ...
03 Use divination to discover 03 Mind controlled PC/NPC 03 Harass
04 Psychically discover 04 Necromancer 04 Sacrifice
05 Witness 05 Established NPC 05 Corrupt
06 Dream about 06 Alien monster 06 Summon
07 spy on 07 Undead monster 07 Mind control/manipulate
08 avenge 08 Maniac/Fanatic 08 Hide
09 protect victim of 09 Mad scientist 09 Murder/destroy
10 investigate 10 Occultist 10 Abduct
11 find 11 Minor cult follower 11 Use
12 destroy 12 Demonologist 12 Steal
13 capture 13 Cult leader 13 Cast spell on
14 Read about 14 Witch/mystic 14 Experiment on
15 Just stumble onto 15 Government agent 15 Marry/join
16 Get secret message from victim of 16 Deluded scientist 16 Feed on/drain
17 Are challenged by 17 Lycanthropic monster 17 Replace with duplicate
18 Attacked by 18 Demon 18 Impregnate

List Four: The Object, a .. List Five: Because ... List Six: The Hideout
03 Meteorite 03 Nihilist 03 Other dimension
04 Mystic locale 04 Lonely 04 Mystic site
05 Relative of sponsor/PCs 05 Sociopathic 05 Wilderness
06 Magic item/alien device 06 Battle of wits 06 Mine or tunnels
07 Very Important Person 07 Influenced by drugs or alcohol 07 Lodge hall
08 Formula 08 Love or lust 08 On the run
09 Stranger 09 Revenge 09 Laboratory
10 Friend of PCs 10 Knowledge 10 Abandoned house
11 DNPC 11 Power 11 Home/dwelling/lair
12 PC 12 Wealth/profit 12 Church/temple
13 Friend of sponsor/DNPC 13 Following orders 13 Public building
14 Minister or priest 14 Hatred 14 Military or Gov't Base
15 Important documents or evidence 15 Believes "it's right" 15 Factory
16 False item of power 16 Obsession 16 Subway
17 Spell 17 For kicks 17 Cave
18 Monster 18 Religious reason 18 Virtual reality

Here is an example of a randomly rolled scenario: The HORROR: BROUGHT TO YOU BY ...
pes (13) are hired to capture the Villain, a (8) maniac / Somebody, but who? With a scenario in place, the
fanatic, who (1) will summon a (7) very important person. Gamemaster may need to develop some on-the-spot NPCs
The villains is dOingthis (12) for profit / wealth. Part of the for the game. Any Player Character archetype can be used
game occurs in (6) a subway / system of tunnels. for villains; everyone has heard of a crooked cop, demented
Nowthe GM must make sense of his results. Taken at face scientist or evil sorcerer.
value it looks like a possibly insane person or a religious nut What makes villains villainous is their willingness to do
is trying to set up a meeting with an important person. As evil. To quickly create a villain the GM can take a PC
profit is his motive, the GM could guess that he intends to archetype, assign a rank and motivation from one of the
commit blackmail. The V.I.P. has hired the PCs to catch the following lists and WHAM an evil villain is born. Some minor
guy. This one is pretty straightforward. As this is a horror retooling may be necessary to fit the particular style of the
scenario we can assume that eitherthe hiring party really has campaign. Note that none of the following motivations re-
something to hide (and thus may actually be the villain by quire the villain to be human.
scenario's end) or the blackmailer has monsters in the cave
with him. Maybe the maniac is a lycanthrope who infected
the V.I.P. and now wants to be paid to keep it quiet.
Notable motivations and self-rationalizations: entitled to do whatever he wishes, or he may believe that
Bent on Revenge: "They shall pay for my humiliation. The his goal is too important to be hindered by moral consid-
World Shall Know My Wrath." Everybody has a breaking erations.
point. The villain who is bent on revenge will sometimes Thrill seeker: "Life is a game and I play hard." Excitement is
stop at nothing to even the score with his enemies. The a drug that many are addicted to. But addicts need bigger
PCs may be put in a position to protect the target of and bigger doses. A thrill seeking villain may kill for sport
vengeance or be the offending party themselves. and mess with the supernatural because of the rush that
Conqueror: "Nothing compares to holding a city in your accompanies danger. Eventually somebody gets hurt...
grasp, save maybe holding a country." Here is the stan-
dard power mad fool. This archetype ranges from a CLUE AND EVENT LISTS
scheming sorcerer who just wants to be head of his cult to The most brilliant individuals in the world are often stymied
an alien invader bent on domination of the world. when faced with puzzles in a roleplaying game. No one
Crazed: "The skies have turned purple and the lemon drops knows why this is; numerous GMs have despaired at seeing
are rallying to my cause." They may think silly, but what they thought were obvious clues go unheeded.
madmen are the scariest and most unpredictable of Despite their best efforts GMs occasionally get stuck in the
villains. How do you track a villain when his M.a. changes middle of a game. They have a thrilling climax all worked out
every time he turns around? A crazed villain may be a but suddenly they have no clear idea how to get players to it.
homicidal killer or someone with no conception of conse- In this section are listed clues and events which the GM
quences. can use to either nudge players in the right direction or off on
Fanatic: "In the name of the terrible Grrtfeg, I cast you a wild goose chase. To use this material, go to the appropri-
down!!!" There is nothing worse than a villain whose ate section and read the introduction. Each section concerns
motivation is, "God (or whoever) told me to." I n addition to a specific part of a scenario. They are: 1) The Mystery (The
an annoying habit of speaking in Jamesian English the initial hook) and 2) The Investigation (The middle section of
fanatic will never question the source of his divine de- the game). Each section lists several options for the GM to
crees. consider. Listed below each option are plot points the GM
should decide on followed by clues and events which he can
Greedy: "At last the wealth of the ages is mine! I shall buy use to direct the investigations of his players. Please note
and sell countries as others would sell trinkets." Ah, the that some of the listed evidence applies to multiple occur-
vice that sunk a thousand ships. If the supernatural can rences; the evidence list under 'Murder' contains most of
help this villain achieve his dreams of avarice then he'll these. The GM is encouraged to read through all the lists
pay any price. Of course, in his rush to riches he may when building scenarios.
neglect to study the fine print. ..
Hunger: "Terribly sorry to do this, but a man's got to eat, you SECTION ONE: THE MYSTERY
know?" Not too much elaboration needed here. The These are ideas on how to involve pes in a scenario.
commonest monster motivation. Almost every type of horror scenario begins in one of the
Nihilist: "It's all means nothing and your striving is point- following ways. While this list may seem rather short the GM
less." To a nihilist the morals and ethics mankind lives by should remember that thousands of variations on each type
have utterly no meaning. Life is but an empty state in of opening is possible. All one needs do is vary the type of
which one may do whatever they want, because when it victim, the local color (location), the villain and his ultimate
is over, it is over. objective, the monsters involved or the attendant strange
Outside Influenced: "You are my only true friend. I'll do phenomena. The GM is urged to consult the preceding
whatever you ask. You want me to dig up a body?" This sections on random scenario building and classic horror
villain is only doing what he is told. Maybe his mind is plots for ideas on how to keep out of a storytelling rut.
being controlled; maybe he is just such a weakling that he Murder
will do whatever he is told. The most common horror opening event is the discovery
Power Hungry: "Now I have the Scrolls of Blood, and the of a body. The average horror PC will not, of course, be
world will tremble at my name." This is the twin of the interested unless there is something weird about the condi-
conqueror. The biggest difference is that while the con- tion of the body orthe circumstances surrounding its demise.
queror may lose interest once the struggle is over, the Plot Points: Is the victim a John Doe or easily identified?
power hungry individual looks forward to running things Is the body found at home or elsewhere? Did the victim die
afterward. where the body was found? Was there a struggle? Who is the
Seeker of knowledge: ''The end of a lifetime of research is culprit?
within my sight, and no group of uneducated idiots is going Evidence: Placement of body (i.e. inside residence), state-
to ruin it for me." Curiosity, the need to know, is a powerful ment of witness, rnissinq person's report, DNA analysis,
motivation indeed. Someone who is on the verge of a fingerprints, tattoos, dental records, 10 in wallet (drivers
great discovery may forget exactly why the knowledge license, credit card, voter registration, etc.), identification by
was important in the first place - knowing is all that is relative or friend, personal journal, effect of weather on
important, and woe to anyone who stands in the way. corpse, animal feeding, fallen leaves, last entry in journal,
Self Righteous: "My reasons are my own and you are too last seen alive, stopped watch, last contact with PCs, tem-
stupid to understand." The self righteous villain is similar perature of victim's liver, telephone record, visual inspection
to the fanatic except that his motivation is not religious. He of body or fragments thereof, strange coloration, unusual
may be convinced that he is superior and therefore odor, type and location of wounds, missing body parts,

apparition of victim, psychic divining, weapons or objects Plot Points: Where was the object stolen from? Why was
that may have been used as weapons, signs of struggle, the object stolen? Who stole - or had a motive to steal- the
anomalous material on shoes or clothing, location of victim's object? Where is it now?
vehicle, known habits of victim, undeveloped film, photo- Evidence: The missing item, evidence of a break in, no
graphs, will, articles missing from residence, sound record- evidence of a break in ("locked room" vanishings), rumors on
ing, video tape or filmstrip, notes, insurance policy, journals, the street (so-and-so wants the tome badly), item has been
matchbook cover, map, movie or theater ticket, telegraph or switched for a fake, new people at the crime scene before the
fax slip, address books, bloodstains, fingerprints, footprints, robbery, observation of covert surveillance before the crime,
detritus beneath fingernails, hair samples, non-human spoor etc.
(claw marks, animal tracks, droppings, feeding on corpse),
tire tracks, known enemies of victim, black magic parapher- SECTION TWO: THE INVESTIGATION
nalia, fibers, background check on victim, cigarette butts, The material here is to help the GM pump up the middle
monster-specific items (crucifix, wooden stake, silver bul- section of his game. Included are events and evidence which
lets, etc.). help steer players in the right direction or to slow them down
when they are moving too fast. The events depicted here
Disappearance occur in most horror stories and are certain to make games
SudC:enlysomeone has dropped off the face of the Earth. more interesting. As with the preceding material the choices
It may have been a kidnapping or a seemingly meaningless may seem limited but will not be repetitious if the details are
disappearance. PCs will become involved if the missing varied from game to game.
person was a friend or relative. Perhaps it was someone
involved in a similar line of work whose researches proved Recurrence of Initial Mystery
deadly. Often the quest for a missing person ends with the The reason forthe PCs' involvement once again manifests
revelation that they are dead. Sometimes an abductee is still itself. Now, the PCs are closer in time and space to the event.
alive and can be rescued. Sometimes the missing person The investigators have a better chance to glean clues from
disappeared on purpose for safety or sinister reasons. a fresh crime scene, and thereby get on the villain's trail.
Plot Points: Did anyone witness the disappearance? Has
there been a ransom demand? Who would profit from the Attack by villain
abduction, and why? When was the victim last seen? The PCs are getting too close! To deterthem, the villain or
Evidence: Ransom note, signs of struggle, statement of his henchthings launch an attack. Unless the PCs are really
witness, disruption of victims normal routine, background chicken-hearted, this will only harden their resolve to find the
noises on recording of ransom call, similar M.O. to previous mastermind behind the plot.
abductions, whereabouts of known kidnappers, clue left by
abductee, abductee attempting to find assistance (note
dropped out window, phone call, etc.). If ransom note is
received: paper type, saliva on stamp, handwriting analysis,
odor or perfume, fingerprints, typewriter or printer peculiari-
ties, 'cut out' letters, postmark on envelope, similar occur-
rences, 'locked room' or 'impossible' disappearances, previ-
ous paranoia on part of victim, occult researches of victim,
known enemies, journal entries, signs of struggle.
Unnatural Phenomena
Nothing makes a horror PC's ears perk up like a just damn
strange occurrence. But once the GM has snagged players
interest how does he initiate an investigation?
Plot Points: Has this phenomena happened before? Does
it pose a threat? Will it happen again? Why is it occurring?
What does it mean?
Evidence: Circles in fields, recently vacated crypts, plain
sight disappearances, old airplane wreckages, shared
dreams, cattle mutilations, strange radioactive events, inap-
propriate atmospheric changes, hair samples, odd foot-
prints, random innocuous events happening on a wide scale,
statistically impossible coincidences, inanimate objects
moving around, bleeding walls, personal messages appear-
ing in newscasts that no one else notices, etc.
Many games will begin with the theft or disappearance of
a valuable or seemingly worthless object. The object could
be a book of spells, a magical artifact, an archaeological
treasure or a common possession. Sometimes a break-in
has occurred but no one is sure what is missing.
Red Herring the Gamemasters. But many times, ideas can be difficult to
Clues have been gathered, leads checked, trails dis- develop. A little "spark" can be found by casually skimming
cerned. The P.Cs approach the villain's hideout, shotguns in newspapers, tabloids, CNN, or computer news services for
hand, and blow the doors off their hinges. Only after they ideas. Something as innocent as "Debutante's Ball To Be
enter the residence and confront the occupants do they Held Tonight" can become "Two Cultists With Attitudes And
realize the magnitude of their mistake. It's not the right place, Explosives Terrorize Formal Ball To Get Back At Rival Cult
and the real villain is committing another atrocity somewhere Leader Who Is Also One Of The Deb's Parents."
else! See how easy that was?
The "where" and ''when'' may be easily determined, par-
Interference by authorities ticularly if the campaign is one of an ongoing nature. For
The PCs are on track now. On their way to confront the example, if the previous session ended with the PCs depart-
villain, the police stop them. They are not pleased with the ing for Patagonia, the next session could pick up a day into
explanation for all of the loaded weapons and are requesting the journey, or a week after their arrival. In a "timeless,"
your presence at the police station. Of course, the fiend the episodic campaign, where there is no specific timeline uti-
PCs were about to throttle discovers they have been de- lized, the setting could be this: Nighttime, city street, light rain
tained, and continues its plans unhindered. Eventually, the falling, suddenly a scream rings out from an alley.
PCs should be released, preferably just in time to see the Adding minor details to "where" and "when" will help your
fiend's plans come to fruition. Heh. players get into the proper mood and urgency for the game.
Realism in a description is helpful. If a game is being played
in a real-life geographical location, take a few minutes of
A lead! Nowthe PCs can go out and rescindthat madman's
license to kill. But if the lead is instead a trap ... game preparation time to research the setting. Using
CompuServe or watching special channels like CNN or The
Supernatural Intervention Weather Channel can give up-to-date information on current
And what horror game would be complete without mem- news happeningsand climate conditions. Maps,travel guides,
bers of the supernatural community showing for some rea- and recent encyclopedias will help augment the GM's de-
son? In horror games, the appearance of the otherworldly in scription of the setting.
tangible form usually means the time for negotiation is past. (Please note how the word "real" keeps recurring in this
This intervention could be informational rather than confron- section. This is done for two reasons. First, players find it
tational, if the GM wishes, but it can be just as terrifying as a easier to accept real-world settings than fantasy settings.
combat situation just by the implied violence of the entities in They can more easily visualize a hotel ballroom with high
question. ceilings and expensive chandeliers than some realm filled
with basalt spires extending upward from dense clouds
New evidence where people can move up or down as easily as walking on
The villain has cheerfully thumbed his nose at the PCs for level ground due to some gravitational anomaly. Second,
half the scenario. Now, the PCs have a piece of evidence that images of real threats, like fanatical gunmen devoted to a
connects the criminal to his crime. When he realizes they cause or pit bulls with slavering jaws and a taste for blood,
have it, he will become very aggressive at recovering it, have been reinforced by the media so much that subcon-
especially if it has some mystical importance. sciously the players will react to the threat realistically, and
roleplay their PCs response appropriately.)
r "Who" is the antagonist in the story. Thugs, monsters,
PROJECTING ICY cultists, lawyers, government men, anyone who is providing
the opposition for the PCs drives the plot behind the story.
TENDRILS Of fErlR After the "what," the "who" is easily determined. If the
campaign has a predetermined adversary, then they are
In Horror Hero, the Gamemaster has to project an emotion almost always going to be the "who" ... unless the GM wishes
when telling his story. Dreadful fear is essential to the tone to temporarily sidetrack the PCs with a subplot where,
of a horror campaign, but the players will not accept a although the main adversaries are not directly involved, their
suspension of disbelief if the GM cannot present a proper activities have caused the situation.
tone to the proceedings. The following information may be of A "who" subplot can involve the loose ends that PCs have
assistance to those GMs new to the shadow world of Horror left behind earlier in the campaign. If they once set upon the
Hero. trail of three murderous ghouls, but only dispatched two of
them while the third escaped, an idea for a subplot is in place.
Perhaps a novice occultist has been contacted by the ghoul,
WHAT THE GAMEMASTER CAN and they form a simple alliance. The ghoul provides arcane
AND SHOULD DO information from a long-buried library in exchange for the
Before a game session, the GM needs to develop an idea occultist's aid in securing victims to satiate the ghoul's
for the basic plot of the game. This may be the latest hunger. When the PCs begin to track down the ghoul, they
installment in a continuing campaign against the Black Dawn encounter the corrupted occultist and must stop his ritually-
or Shapeshifters. It could be an investigation into the activi- powered schemes also.
ties of a sociopathic murderer. Perhaps there exists a few But "why" is any of this happening? "Why" is the one
"loose ends" regarding a dependent NPC. This becomes the question that only the GM should determine. It is his cam-
basic idea behind the story, the ''what.'' paign. World conquest, sinister voices from nowhere, frus-
Some people can generate ideas without difficulty. In tration, power hunger, the reasons are numerous. For much
roleplaying games, these are frequently the ones who are of the campaign "why" will be unknown to the PCs. But the

GM must know "why." The random acts of horror that terrify GM: "Well, it's pretty evident that the werewolf was
are more diabolical if they are part of a greater scheme linked indeed aiding those cultists."
to the campaign world. Players: "But the werewolves we encountered before
The ultimate goal of the campaign would be to learn about hate humans. What gives?"
the horror, to investigate it, and finally, to confront it. Now, do What indeed? This could be due to a tenuous alliance of
not mistake "horror" in this context with "adversary." Every villainous masters. A clever villain may maneuver a stronger
game would contain a measure of horror, empowered by the but dumber fiend into using its resources to further the first
campaign's primary adversary. But how to accomplish the mastermind's plans.
goal ... The number of encounters before the final confrontation
with the real cause of the horror is determined by the GM. If
HOOK THE pes he desires a quick, one night game, he will give the PCs
In the misty domain of horror, where fear and paranoia fewer encounters than a GM who wants to milk a particular
walk in the shadow of the PCs, involving the characters in a idea for five or six game sessions. Plotting an outline for a
plot should not be very difficult. If getting players "into" the game is a good idea for the novice (and more than a few
game is taking valuable game time, let them know about it. advanced) Gamemasters.
Directly. A hooked hand across a PC's face should not be An outline for a sample session could be as follows:
necessary to get the players involved every single session. 1) Prelude - PCs are alerted to a plain sight vanishing in
But a plot "hook" is needed, and good players will take the a nearby city.
tasty bait even though they know what lurks above the 2) Introduction - Traveling to the city, PCs are accosted by
surface of the water. an NPC occultist friend of one of the characters.
Hooks can be very blatant. A man staggers up to the PCs,
clutching the time-honored mortal wound, and mutters some 3) Plot Point A - At the occultist's urging, PCs go to the
enigmatic clue that has a vague meaning to a PC. Screams scene of the vanishing.
emanate from behind a closed door; the investigating PCs 4) Plot Point B -Investigation of the site uncovers a clue.
find items of an occultic nature and set upon the trail of the 5) Plot Point C1 - PCs follow up on clue or Plot Point C2
cultists. Newspapers carry a story that the general public - PCs are followed upon by monster.
dismisses as nonsense, but the PCs recognize as the onset 6) End Game - Resolution of conflict with monster.
of yet another evil plot.
Or, hooks can be subtle. In a horror campaign, the players 7) Postscript - GM leaves players with a sense of "things
know that they are up against very bad things. If they are to come."
playing in character, a subtle nudge should be all they need. This is a simple format for a basic horror game theme -
Events in horror can be preceded by a standard set of weird Monster Hunt. The outline from 1 through 7 may go some-
happenings known as "Fortean" events. Named after author thing like this. In 1, the PCs hear of a Fortean event - an
Charles Fort, occurrences like fish raining from the skies, inexplicable occurrence that (in the PCs experience) fore-
strange lights in the heavens, plain-sight disappearances, shadows dreadful events to come. A plain sight disappear-
and mirages can be harbingers of bad times to come. ance of a normal person, one without any ties to the horror
GM: "You look out your motel window and gaze upon the investigative community, catches the PCs' attention.
falling snow. Of course, the flakes are colored char- In part 2, the PCs have decided to go to the sight of the
treuse." disappearance. An NPC occultist, acquainted with one of the
Players (in unison): "We load our guns." PCs, intercepts them before they reach the city. Any particu-
lar habits, mannerisms, or other personalities of the NPC
Whatever the method, the hook should not dominate the
should be conveyed in the encounter. The GM should have
game. It is only a catalyst for the events to come ...
this NPC's basic personality noted for future reference.
Notes will allow the NPC to be presented in a consistent
DOWN THE HALL, manner throughout the campaign. If the players are fairly
WITH WEAPONS IN HAND adept at looking for clues, this NPC can merely add color to
The PCs are enmeshed in the GM's plot. Having been the proceedings. Or, the NPC can aid novice investigators by
hooked, they investigate the events of the game's onset and pointing them in a general direction. Either way, this NPC
find more clues to Some Dreadful Event To Come. Their should not hand the PCs a vital clue; he has not been to the
progress is marked by encounters with ... scene himself, so how could he know what is there?
Well, that depends. Will the PCs find normal humans in the The PCs should feel a sense of urgency and foreboding in
service of a scientist who is being deluded by a possessor 3. This is where GMing comes into play. Describe the cold
demon? Are shambling shapeshifting monstrosities waiting chills a PC feels in 90 degree weather that pass as quickly as
around the corner with a subaltern of the Shapeshifters they come. Intimate the weird sensation that insects are
International Conspiracy? Is the victim of a long ago crime paying close attention to a particular PC. Elaborate how
back from the dead as a revenant, manipulating the PCs into nature seems to be acting ... strangely; the grass, the trees,
destroying its foes? The nature of the adversary is the force the flowers reacting to unseen footsteps.
behind the early encounters. Powerful enemies will have But don't get too carried away with this "mental scenery."
weaker henchmen who share their master's motivation. The players will spend too much time hunting down the
Only in the most complex plotlines will two or more types causes of mere background effects. If the game time is
of followers be working together. Such activity is bound to limited, this will become a problem. Players will unerringly go
add tension and some confusion to the proceedings. after some minor flash of light when they should be con-
cerned with the real threat, and will spend hours of real time
chasing the innocuous light. The GM can dissuade the casual notice. Any PC who stands out in the fight against
players with a stern" It's gone, what do you do now?' Or, if the dreadful horror by their actions will CERTAINLY attract a
GM is comfortable with inventing a subplot on the fly, he can great deal of unwanted attention before they are truly ready
let the PCs go on as long as he likes. to handle the threat. Skills possessed by a PC group should
Point 4 is similar to 3, but the hinted-at strangeness of 3 is show diversity and balance in their selection. While some
replaced with the discovery of tangible evidence of a horrible useful skills should be duplicated by most or all of the PCs
event. Personal items of the disappearance victim, or even (KS: Occult, for example), some skills should be the sole
body parts, could be found. From the clue, the nature of what domain of the PC whose background dictates their posses-
befell the unfortunate victim should be discernible by the sion most logically.
PCs, adding to the horror of the event. In 5, the PCs must GM: Sorry, but that Weapon Familiarity: Flamethrowers
decide what to do with this clue. The NPC occultist mayor has to go.
may not have given the PCs the information necessary to Player: But why?
proceed. The PCs may figure out the clue themselves, or GM: Pacifistic Occult Researching Bookworms carry
may be completely at a loss. Perhaps the GM will omit the magnifying glasses, not military ordnance. Since you are
clue, loosing the monster on the PCs' trail without any playing the brains of this group, you should spend that
warning. point on a Knowledge Skill related to your PC's field of
What happens in 6 does NOTnecessarily have to end with expertise instead.
a firefight. Read that last sentence again, GMs. If the Player: If my character is that smart, he would be
monster can be thwarted through intelligent non-violent carrying a flamethrower.
means, and the players develop a plausible way to imple- GM: Sigh.
ment this method, then do it. Alternately, the GM can ensure
Sometimes, the GM must firmly stand his ground. Players
the game ending with a bloody fight to the finish. Whatever
in a horror game have a good idea that whatever they will be
suits the GM's plot should be used here.
facing, they will need every edge they can wheedle out of the
If there are any survivors, 7 will let them know that,
although the battle is won, the war continues. At midnight,
With regards to weapons and PC magic wielders, the GM
the sky glows red, then fades as the snow begins to fall. ..
must define allowable levels of power. Real cost of weapons/
spells, maximum damage/effects, power modifiers and limi-
THE TERROR CONTINUES tations, skill levels applicable to weapon/spell use, these
The first game is over. As the Gamemaster looks over his limits must be clearly spelled out and enforced by the
players feverishly developing new characters to replace the Gamemaster.
ones that did not emerge intact from the initial session, he Of course, the adversarial horror may do whatever it
reflects on the horror he has wrought. Plot points uncovered, pleases. This is a tough genre on PCs who like to shoot first
skillful and adept roleplaying, the inevitable demise of the and interrogate the remains later; the GM must make clear
PCs, one tortured scream after another echoing into the that intelligent uses of firepower or spells are required. The
darkness, the GM is at least partially satisfied with the moral of this paragraph to impart to the players: Show off too
beginning game ... much power, too many monsters show up.
Wait a moment. Some of the players actually survivecf? With the meat of the campaign in the pot, add the veg-
Uh oh. Now the players want to continue playing these etables next. Carrots are the hooks of the campaign. (See
characters, don't they? "Hook The Players" above). These morsels entice the play-
Of course they do. Hero System characters take a long ers to take a bite and see how it tastes. The GM would be
time to create. Skills and characteristics and disadvantages well-advised to establish one to three "Fortean Events"
do not just mystically appear on the character sheet. The before running a campaign that would appear almost consis-
players had to make an effort to develop their characters. tently before the going gets weird. But not always, because
Likewise, the GM must put effort into establishing a continu- there are times when horror will show up and surprise the
ing campaign, whether it is an unconnected series of epi- PCs without any foreshadowing. A sample platter of Fortean
sodic adventures or a fiendishly crafted world where the Events could be this: inappropriately colored snow or rainfall,
slightest PC activity has repercussions on the rest of the a shared vision of a child holding a headless doll, and the
campaign. number 327 appearing in odd places (bank marquee tem-
Earlier in this section, an outline on creating a basic perature displays, deli counter "Next number please" tickets
scenario is presented. In that same vein, the Gamemaster that should only go up to two digits, etc.)
must concoct a tasty stew to serve up to the players. Another way of using the carrots is by creating physical
First, light the stove. Setthe creative fire under the players. clues, like maps, diary entries, or personal effects like
To do this, do not just tell them, "Let's make this a campaign!" watches, wallets filled with business cards, or clothing ar-
Tell them that the campaign they are about to encounter will ticles. Giving the players something to actually touch is a
shatter the PCs' senses. Emphasize the alluring aroma of good idea in any type of RPG, anyway. It shows the players
dark places and forbidden knowledge, dangerous cultists that the GM is really into the game, and makes them want to
and loathsome monsters, labyrinthine plots and inscrutable be as into the game as he is. By fleshing out the items (i.e.,
plotters. Get the players excited about facing the unknown putting fake business cards in the wallet, fake blood stains on
on a weekly basis. a scrap of clothing), the players will have a better taste of the
Characters are the meat of any roleplaying game. If the horror to come.
campaign is like most travails against horror, secretive and It takes potatoes to flesh out a good stew. These are cut
underground, the PCs should also possess this character into many different shapes and sizes from a larger potato or
trait. Fitting in to the background will help the PCs avoid even a sack of potatoes. Meat and potatoes go together;
thus, PCs and NPCs also go together. The NPCs are
everyone who appears in the campaign who are portrayed
by the GM. Preparation, like peeling spuds before adding to
the stew, is required.
Each of the major NPCs should have a complete writeup,
featuring stats, abilities, background, and their rationale for
being involved in the proceedings. Minor recurring NPCs,
the ones that PCs will encounter the most, also need
writeups on stats and abilities, with any distinctive personal-
ity traits listed. This is crucial because the most frequent
mistake a GM will make is failing to present a recurring NPC
in a consistent manner. A simple computer file or index card
will eliminate this mistake.
Monsters make the horror genre a difficult yet entertaining
challenge for PCs. Without their presence, either overt or
merely hinted at, the game will cease to be horror. They are
the most identifiable part of this genre. Take special care to
impart the nuances of the Monsters presented in the
Sourcebook or the GM's own creations to the players. Make
the critter memorable in a way besides its method of slaying
countless PCs with one swipe of a tentacle.
The most flavorful part of any stew is the time-honored
ingredient, the onion. For the GM, the onion is the multi-
layered plot so important to any horror game, or campaign.
As an example, the PCs are drawn into the first layer of the
plot by a Fortean Event. This gives way to the next layer, the
details of a crime committed in a cult-like manner. Following
this, the PCs uncover the layer where the cult exists, but find
another layer beneath them. This layer is the start of a new
subplot, the layer behind the cult that actually gives the cult
Perhaps this inner layer is the cult leader, and peeling him
away finally puts a finish to the onion. Or, the cult leader may
yield to the power of a Tempter demon, and the Tempter is table with a laborious shuffle of its bare, dirt-crusted feet, it
the first layer of a new plot that the PCs must begin to regards you with a tilted, smooth face. Drool escapes from its
investigate. After a few sessions, the PCs should realize they curled lip as its eyes capture the light of your lantern. But
are part of a continuing cycle of conflict with horror, and every even the steadily burning flame reflected in the glassy
layer reveals another facet of the traumatizing powers await- countenance of the twisted form before you lends no fire to
ing the PCs. its long extinguished soul. Hunger is the pulse that beats
Now, the GM is ready to serve his players. Of course, within the abomination, and the sense that draws it to you ...
horror is a dish best served at corpse temperature ... "Where" is the location of the pleasant scene taking place.
A room becomes: The cubical area, about thirty feet deep
THE GAMEMASTER, AS SKALD and half as wide, is caked with the grime of the centuries.
From the time when mankind began passing down tales of Behind the creature rests the only standing piece of furniture,
darkness and mystery, the most legendary tales have been a low table made of termite-eaten oak. Bits of metal and bone
filled with descriptions so threateningly real that many be- carpet the area near the table, a grim memorial to countless
came accepted as truth. It is possible the novice horror GM others who met their demise here ...
may not be as adept at crafting a highly descriptive tale when The Gamemaster is heartily encouraged to elaborate on
he first begins a campaign. For example, someone familiar the details of his scenes, painting enough mental imagery to
with the hack-n-slash genre may say "You open the door and give the players something to see in their mind's eye, but
see a zombie in the room." leaving out just enough to hint at a greater evil permeating
This is fine for the treasure seeking fantasy heroes of the the whole scene. Don't give them everything at once; discov-
gaming world. For the horror genre, where maneuvering the ery is the greatest part of horror.
players into suspending their disbelief of things inimical is
part of the game, a more detailed account of the events is THE GAMEMASTER, AS HOST
required. Before many of the sections of this book, the A group of games does not a campaign make. The
enigmatic narrator One-Eye imparts a few paragraphs of his Gamemaster, reader of this tome, cannot be merely a
hard-won wisdom. He is a good example of horror narration monster generator and be a horror GM. Taking on the
style. Returning to the scene of "open door, see zombie", the challenge of running a PC-lethal genre and keeping the
GM can accentuate Who, What, Where, When, and Why same players coming back for yet another nibble of forbid-
with a little creative embellishment. den fruit requires quick thinking, laborious planning, and a
"Who" is the zombie. It is a creature the PCs encounter in dab of showmanship. Players want to be entertained, yet
this setting. Or it can be: Turning away from the low wooden chilled at the horror their PCs must face. It is the GM who
makes a group of character sheets and concepts into an Fighting the impulse to begin a real life subplot of "Killer
interactive part of a pseudo-realistic world. GM On Acid," the GM runs his game. After a few hours, the
In any RPG, players take cues from the GM on howto react session ends, and he asks "Well, how was it?"
to the game. An effective way to get the players to react to Oh, it was OK.
horror in a natural manner is to act natural. The GM does this And that is all it was. Sure, everyone had a good time, but
by taking on the role of a "storytelling buddy", seemingly just something was missing. Even during the game, the GM
as amazed at what transpires in the game as the players are. could feel it. The plot, the plot was somehow, flawed. It was
He tells the story from a "we" point of view, handling game a good game, but it could have been better. How?
mechanics questions in an easy, off-hand manner while First, the dreaded "P" word. Preparation. Think about what
sitting with his players and gazing at a certain point in the should be accomplished and Write It Down. Very few GMs
room. Players are drawn into this "projecting", reacting to a can run a plausible, solid game solely from imagination.
point in space as if the action is taking place right there. Consider the following:
Running a game in this manner requires the GM to commit Does the game fit in with what I have run/what I plan to run?
the plot and characters to his mind. Vital game mechanics, Do the players have the necessary skills to accomplish
such as a Speed Chart and NPC sheets, should be kept what I want them to do?
nearby and referred to only when necessary. Having this Do the NPCs have a (game) logical reason for being
information on hand allows the GM to concentrate on the there?
story without interrupting the flow by needing to ask a player In an episodic campaign, continuity of games is unimpor-
some mechanical question about a PC's Combat Skill Lev- tant. With a continuous campaign, where each adventure
els. Sitting with the players, instead of the customary front draws on what has transpired before and feeds what is to
and center position, is probably something most players come, there should be some element of the plot that players
have never seen. It breaks down that unseen "players versus can see as part of the greater whole. This element would
Gamemaster" barrier because the GM is in it with his players. either be something familiar from a past game, or it would
But remember, friendship only goes so far ... become relevant only after some future session had shown
Players: "On, no, something is coming out of the book! just what that little plot point had set forth.
What should we do?" PCs who have no way of dealing with the horror do not
GM: "Whyare you asking me? I'm just the Gamemaster. belong in anything except an introductory scenario. The
What do you think should be done?" Gamemastershould give individual PCs a chance to demon-
strate just why they are part of this group. If in doing what they
Another side of Gamemastering is showmanship. A GM
do best, the PCs cannot accomplish what the GM thinks they
who enjoys being a showman, using accents and physical
should, then the GM needs to rethink the approach of this
gestures, is a benefit to his players, who are enjoying the
plot. To wit, thinker PCs do not belong in hand to hand
show so much that they will cheerfully return each week to be
combat with werewolves and combat oriented PCs are going
monster take-out.
to indiscriminately blow up subtle clues. The plot should be
Effective showmanship starts with preparation. Those
a reflection of the PC group, not its evil opposite.
NPC notes on mannerisms and vocal qualities are now part
Like plot points in an ongoing campaign, the NPCs should
of a script (did someone say ... a tragedy?) that the showy GM
have a good reason for opposing the PCs in a particular
may wish to rehearse before trying out. And for those GMs
session. Part of the horror in a horror game is the intercon-
who are saying "I can't act," take advantage of available
nected nature of evil and the world. All events have a reason
resources. That video rental membership is absolutely golden
for taking place, being empowered by men and entities of
when it comes to finding foreign accents, attitudes, or physi-
influence, woven through the tapestry of "business as usual."
cal mannerisms. The GM is running a game for players, not
It is when the PCs come across hints of behind-the-scenes
theater critics, and a well-timed facial twitch may be all a
string pulling while investigating an impossible eventthatthe
player needs to realize that their supposed-ally is really a
NPCs will respond. And these NPCs will have an interest in
traitorous enemy.
stopping the pes' progress.
Simplicity is a major element of showmanship. Players will
If the campaign has a predesignated antagonist, such as
appreciate the extra effort made by the GM, but he does not
The Black Dawn, and this antagonist is responsible for
need to do Hamlet when only one or two little physical
nearly all of those events that will draw PC attention, then it
distinctions are enough to convey the NPC's personality. If
is they who will oppose the PCs with who or whatever is
an NPC can be made distinctive merely by the GM talking in
available. Only on occasions where a change of pace or a
a slow, deep voice and looking around through half-closed
sinister plot twist is required will NPCs with no prior interest
eyelids, then do it. Instant characterization is achieved.
in current events will show their abysmal maws.
Again, keep notes on which mannerisms will be used to
For the GM running a campaign against "horrors of the
portray specific NPCs and avoid duplication unless, heh, the
world," where the PCs encounter an underground of crea-
plot calls for it.
ture activity paralleling normal society, the NPCs will be
seemingly unconnected. They can remain that way, or an
THE GAMEMASTER, AS PLOTTER NPC mastermind can manipulate the forces around it to
Ah, the thankless task of plotting a game, or a campaign. further its own goals. Thus the pes' forays against monsters
The players show up at the designated time, clutching will take on a different tone, with NPCs allying forthe greater
munchies and beverages, chatting and joking, when the GM "good" of horror in general. Mind wrenching horror is one
walks up to the group. Everyone stops, looks at the thing to encounter, but an organized group of NPC monsters
Gamemaster, and they all say the same thing with a look. using a measure of intelligence and tactics against PCs is
Entertain us. real terror for the PCs, and a joy to run for the GM.

SCENARIO STRUCTURE than one game session is necessary to set the stage for a
Like most roleplaying games, horror is most effective new monster or plot twist, let it take that long. Horror
when structured in the manner of the classic mystery plot. roleplayers will investigate every clue and jump at every
The main difference in horror, of course, is the identity and noise. They will imagine more horrific fiends and darker
motive of the guilty party. Beginning GMs will find this the designs than thought possible, and the GM can help by
easiest type of scenario to run; later, after he gains experi- providing mind numbing descriptions of the monsters atroci-
ence, other story structures will become apparent. ties or hints of a vast conspiracy afoot.
Classic horror scenario structure is divided into three At the same time the GM should provide clues at a steady
parts, or "chapters." They are the Strange Occurrence, the pace to further bewilder his players. Horror is most fun when
Investigation, and the Resolution. The Strange Occurrence players do not know what to expect. This does not mean the
usually takes place off-screen, and PCs will travel to the site GM should block their attempts to solve mysteries, only that
to investigate. They might do so under orders or because of he should prolong their agony as long as possible (or until he
a personal interest in the matter. The Strange Occurrence hears knives being sharpened in the next room.)
could be a monster report, a disappearance, a strangely So, the GM should keep his cards close to his chest until
mutilated body or any happening that falls outside of mun- they can be revealed with maximum shock value. The more
dane interest. This part of the game is usually little more than self-restraint he exercises, the greater the payoff.
a brief attention grabber setting the stage for the meat of the
scenario, the Investigation. MYSTERY AND DECEPTION
A successful horror scenario will gradually gain momen- Players will inevitably become more adept at bringing
tum during the Investigation. There are several ways the GM scenarios to a successful conclusion. To help combat player
can help it along. First, devise a series of strange events to overconfidence and complacency, the GM may wish to
take place while the PCs are following up clues, interacting utilize the following methods.
with NPCs and snooping around in general. Examples are The simplest way to keep players off balance is to include
repeats of the original Strange Occurrence, NPC disappear- elements that are never explained. The GM can either
ances or even the efforts of the quarry to throw off his withhold clues, or he may introduce wild cards such as the
pursuers. Second, toss in a few "red herrings" to throw them previously discussed Fortean events. GMs may rationalize
off track. The most effective way to ensure player interest is the events by having these phenomena preface supernatu-
to split the character group and send players away when ral occurrences (also known as ''The Scenario"), while play-
their characters are not "onstage." They will go crazy trying ers will be baffled by their failure to construct linkages
to figure out what is going on. between totally unrelated events. If nothing else these inci-
The final step in the typical horror scenario is the Resolu- dents will help perpetuate the campaign atmosphere by
tion. Let players regroup, compare clues and experiences, suggesting vast unknown forces at work.
and decide what is going on and how to deal with it. If they Another good method is to lie. The evildoers in horror are
are wrong, let them be wrong (more fun for the GM!) Finally, not only exotic and uncanny but skilled at deception. The GM
the climactic endgame. The enemy is found, secret weapons should take advantage of this. PCs may discover that all the
have been built, plans are made and the fight to the finish is clues in a certain scenario were clever fakes and that an
on. innocent has been framed through their unwitting actions.
Using this basic structure will keep the campaign running Or, perhaps their "mysterious benefactor" has been assist-
during the first few scenarios. Later, the players will grow to ing their efforts against one cult only because he secretly
know their characters better. They, not the plots, will become leads another rival cult. Each of these examples could lead
the engine that runs the campaign, and the classic scenario into scenarios.
structure can be loosened a bit. In game terms, cheating can be accomplished by using
A final thought on scenario structure - roleplayers are a the good old Gamemaster screen to shield prying eyes from
clever and devious bunch. No matter how well constructed dice rolls. If the dice come up with a result that just is not
a scenario is, they may be counted on to do something the appropriate to the GM's story at that point, he can ignore it.
GM has not thought of. Never cheat to make the scenario One good example would be in combat, where the last
proceed exactly as planned; the GM must be ready to standing PC with a chance at "winning" the scenario for his
improvise and should have a backup plan if the PCs solve the comrades is slower than a mad cultist with a dagger. The
mystery too soon. GM's roll for the cultist indicates a successful attack. Know-
ing that even an average damage roll will finish the PC, the
PACING THE HORROR GM shakes his head and goes "The cultist just missed your
Players spend most of their time in a horror game solving throat. What do you do?"
mysteries. These may only apply to the scenario at hand Another PC dice roll that should be GM controlled is the
("What ate Professor Ferguson?") or be relevant to the Deduction skill. Giving out clues just because the dice say so
campaign as a whole ("What isthe ultimate goal of the Robot is not conducive to exciting horror scenarios. The amount of
Invaders?") Mysteries with relevance to the game will be information garnered from an encounter should be minimal.
solved, as they should, but the GM should take care that it is Heed this example of how not to use Deduction ...
not done too quickly. A puzzled player is an interested player, PC (after rolling a three for his Deduction skill): "OK, so
and if not overdone a dose of the enigmatic is good for the where is the top secret Robot Invader base?"
game. GM (in spite of the fact that the PC has nowhere near
No matter how pleased the GM is with a new creation, he enough information to find this out): "Under your mother's
should not be in a hurry to unveil it. Remember, the GM's job house. She's been a sympathizer for years."
is to terrify players, not impress them with creativity. If more PC: "Mom?"
If a dice roll says "Ha! Game over!" then the GM should say this PC sacrifice should make the memory of the PC last in
"No. I put too much work into this to have it undone in six the minds of both PCs and NPCs forever. It will help that
minutes by a lucky dice roll." So, if necessary, cheat, cheat, player feel he made a good decision, and it will show the
cheat. other players that their actions are making a difference in the
A word of caution - excessive use of this technique will campaign world.
put off players. It is in the best interest of the campaign to
establish untouchables; some aspects of the game should THE TRADEOFF
be above suspicion. I n the intense world of Horror Hero, pes Sure the pes defeated six hundred mad cultists and their
will need friends they can trust and safe places where they associated monsters, but it cost them the most powerful
can relax. spellbook known to exist. Or they have ended a government
Finally, and most importantly - by no means should coverup of the truth behind UFOs, which in turn ended the
players have previous knowledge of a scenario before it is funding for their organization the next day. Or they managed
run. The GM should not divulge campaign secrets or sce- to get assistance from a long time foe to save the life of one
nario plotlines beforehand, except when lying. If the game PC, but now they are legally bound to avoid this adversary in
does not revolve around the player's portrayal of characters the future. In these examples, the PCs are alive and victori-
who are solving mysteries, developing theories, being chased ous, but have lost something.
by monsters or looking death square in the hollow eye Items, particularly those of great power that should remain
socket, then they are only observers ratherthan participants. lost, may be all that stand between world domination and
A player who already knows what a game is about will show world salvation. Afterthey have fulfilled thei r prescribed duty,
up, roll dice, make jokes and guide his character around but the GM sadly informs the PCs that the item is useless, except
he will not be inside his character's head experiencing the as a really weird paperweight. While the players know that
adventure. He will not be roleplaying and miss all of the fun. the GM is nowhere near as disappointed as they are at the
loss, they still won and will be content with that.
WINNING WITH A COST Another way of trading off powerforvictory is to letthe PCs
retain their mystical, government, or influential edge. This
HEROIC DEATH will give the GM very good reason to throw larger than normal
numbers of enemies at the PCs without seeming unfair
In the peril filled world of Horror Hero, regardless of the
("Hey, you chose to keep pretending you were the CEO of
time it is played in, not every encounter ends with the PCs
Mega World Dynamics Corp., that makes you a visible
dusting themselves off and going on to the next encounter
threat.") Soon, the smarter (surviving) PCs will realize that
unscathed. Frequently, horror claims some measure of
the loss of this edge is worth the reduced interest of their
victory for itself. This victory is usually in the form of a PC's
adversaries ("Fine, I'll resign tomorrow. Sheesh!")
When using the tradeoff, the GM need not worry about
There are going to be times in the campaign when some
equality of the trade. If the PCs receive what they feel is the
PC will have to make the ultimate sacrifice to save his fellow
short end of the deal, such is life. Of course, they may never
PCs and thwart evil. This is the "hero" part of Horror Hero;
have found out all the uses for their little treasure while they
normal people making above normal sacrifices forthe greater
had it. Be certain that the NPCs know exactly what to do with
good. A good roleplayer, while attached to his character,
it, and that the PCs find out in the future. Heh.
usually will not have a problem with this. Some of the newer
players may still equate PC death with losing. The GM must
address this before the campaign gets under way. LOSING WITHOUT DYING
First, horror is a deadly genre. There will be many seem- Yes, not every PC loss in Horror Hero requires a trip to the
ingly random acts of violence perpetrated on the PCs; tombstone engraver. While several of the fiends who oppose
suffering from violent assaults is not an exclusive right of the PCs are of the "kill it if it is in our way" mentality, there are
NPCs. Players had better be ready to handle the PC demise others who will find that the PCs are eminently useful to the
issue maturely. The GM should tell his players death is a bizarre plottings they have developed.
sometimes result of confronting horror; if they can turn this Assume that an NPC ritual magician desires to summon a
situation to an advantage for the rest of the group, they will spirit of the Moon. Part of the summoning of this dangerous
have accomplished what they set out to do in the first place. entity requires the slaying of a werewolf. The ritualist is no
Second, PCs should die. It enforces the concept of the match for the fury of a lycanthrope, but he knows some
genre, and it ensures that foolish actions by the PCs will not people who are ...
be lightly ignored by an adversary seeking to reduce the PCs' NPC Ritualist (posing as a benevolent giver of informa-
threat to its plotting. Also, it helps the remaining PCs develop tion): "Oh you must find the beast before it kills again! It
a solid resolve to ending the threat of horror to their world. has already victimized two farms, it is certain to try the
The Gamemaster has an assortment of monsters to choose farm that borders the two next."
from in this book. None of them has "Suffers Fools Gladly" as PC: "Don't worry, sir. We've encountered them before.
a Disadvantage. I'm certain we can find it and stop its killing."
Finally, if a PC has grown weary of playing a certain NPC: "Oh bless you, kind sirs, bless you."
character, orfeels that the PC has reached a point where the Naturally the NPC is certain of where the monster will
battle is not worth the trauma, they may wish to withdraw the strike next. He has already planted wolfsbane in a perimeter
PC from the game. If the player wishes for the PC to go out around the two farms that were attacked, making certain that
in dramatic fashion, the GM should oblige the request. And the beast will have to avoid those areas in order to feed. The
PCs have set up a trap for the werewolf in the prescribed
area, and the NPC ritualist has tagged along ...

RNI( 11.· n

NPC Ritualist: "Oh thank you for letting me come along. to speed the plot along then similar occurrences that are
I know I can be of some help." (Pats gun loaded with silver essential to the GM's plans may go uninvestigated.
bullets in pocket) NPCs in horror serve three basic functions. First, they act
PC: "Just stay back here and be ready to shoot if it gets as local color and atmosphere. They also serve as informa-
past us." tion sources. The third function of the NPC is to physically
NPC: "Oh, you can be certain that I will." take part in a scenario as an ally or enemy. An NPC may
Yes, the PCs can be very certain of the NPC staying back serve all three functions during the course of a scenario. In
and taking care of himself. He has a spell to finish casting, orderto cut preparation time, it is recommended that the GM
and all that is left is a few lines of the spell to be spoken aloud determine beforehand whether an NPC will enter combat
overthe dying werewolf. After the PCs have barely defeated situations or not.
the creature, the NPC will speak over the body (prayer for its One of the best things about a horror campaign set in near-
soul in ancient Greek, he will say) and depart. The PCs may past or contemporary times is the opportunity to involve real
notice that the moon shines a little more brightly around the people in the proceedings. The extent to which these char-
NPC. When they encounter his newly formed cult of Moon acters interact with PCs depends on the game era, the
worshippers competing with them for artifacts in the future, desired "reality level" of the campaign and the acting skill of
they will know that it was their actions that helped this new the GM. The encounter may be as minor as seeing a
group of madmen come into existence. celebrity eating at a nearby table ("Look, it's Boris Karloff!")
or as extensive as an eminent physicist secretly helping the
USING NPCS PCs breach the dimensional barrier ("Surely you're joking,
Mr. Feynman!")
NPCs in horror campaigns present new opportunities and
Using real people in historic campaigns is relatively risk-
new challenges for the GM. The Horror Hero GM must be
subtle and skillful when portraying the inhabitants of his free, since their entire lives are on record and there is little
world. Much of the fun and drama of this genre derives from danger of new information surfacing to trip up the GM. Using
figuring out the motivations and identities of NPCs, so the real people who are still alive is a little trickier, especially in
GM must try to portray them as consistently as he is able. a "hard realism" type campaign where the GM cannot
Remember, players will be on constant lookout for traitors introduce NPCs who are world renowned but obviously
and villains. If NPCs are too erratic in their behavior then PCs fictitious. A GM using real people as NPCs should:
will not want to interact with them and this important element 1 )Establish them as untouchables, or
of gameplay will be lost. A medical examiner, for example, 2)Be ready to explain how the NPC can be on television the
should not be helpful one day and indifferent the next without day after the PCs fed him to his R6ttweilers.
good reason. If an abrupt change in behavior occurs merely

fOR J~ An AWWO can be real or imaginary. Many real life
"alphabet organizations" exist which PCs may belong to,
such as the FBI, CIA, NSA and others. Each of these groups
may have bureaus that specialize in the occult. On a smaller
scale, many local police forces have special occult crime
In horror film series, the monster is the star. The killing of task forces. Using groups like these will add realism to a
a new cast of characters (with any survivors disposed of in campaign, but some players may tire of following orders.
the first reel of the next sequel) is the thread that holds these This campaign rationale works best in Fifties and modern
series together. Horror RPGs are the opposite. Here, the settings.
characters and their continuing exploits are the basis of the If the GM chooses, he may create his own organization or
story. This section discusses the options of having PCs use one listed in this book. Fictional AWWOs spare the GM
belonging to an Acronymical World Wide Organization and his players from following established procedure, and
(AWWO) versus being an Independent Investigator Group allow the GM greater latitude when designing scenarios.
(ILG). Both options have merit in Horror Hero, but each will
result in a different type of campaign. INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATOR
THE ACRONYMICAL WORLD WIDE Independent Investigator Groups are best suited for cam-
ORGANIZATION (AWWO) paigns that feature a high level of realism. Choosing this
For fast-paced action and a lighter tone an Acronymical option means that save for an occasional NPC met during
World Wide Organization is recommended. Fans of horror play, the character party is on its own. They provide their own
have always been fascinated by the possibility that some- funding, transportation, research, and equipment. The impli-
where in the world exists top-secret organizations who cations of this approach are obvious - PCs can be arrested
investigate and do battle against the unknown. GMs can and jailed, go broke, or have their activities garner more
capitalize on this interest by having players belong to or join vigorous notice by their enemies.
such a group. The benefits of this approach include a stranger atmo-
An organization can cut red tape, provide monetary assis- sphere of desperate paranoia and situations that force PCs
tance, bestow reasonable protection from the law, and to become more creative at problem solving. PCs will be
generally make life easier. Possible drawbacks of this ap- strongly motivated to proceed with care when they cannot
proach are loss of urgency and PC dependence on the expect a last minute rescue by the cavalry.
group. These concerns are mitigated a bit if the GM plays the PC motivations should always be considered when an
organization as realistically as possible. He should consider independent group is formed. There is no reason why an ILG
the utmost secrecy that these groups must maintain. If faced should not include an individual or two who are members of
with a choice between unwanted exposure and cutting loose AWWOs. The inevitable conflict of organizational agendas is
foolish PCs, they will choose the latter. The watchword of entertaining for both GM and players.
these groups is secrecy. They cannot achieve their goals if A happy medium between the AWWO and the ILG is met
their activities are emblazoned on the first page of the Times. when the latter group is sponsored by a Mysterious Benefac-
Sometimes these groups have to make harsh decisions, and tor. This happens frequently in horror, and the players'
member PCs whose lack of good judgment endanger the interaction with Mr. X, who is every bit as mysteriOUSas the
group may find themselves brainwashed, cast out, or con- creatures he helps to destroy, is fun to roleplay. A Benefactor
demned to death for the good of the world. In short, neither is usually incredibly rich, has friends worldwide, and is
the GM or an AWWO should suffer fools gladly. generally a one man (or woman, or critter) AWWO. His true
motives and his final plans for the PCs are up to the GM.

Sometimes the fruition of one's efforts is not entirely

Raided my library, they did. Distracted successful. Rain does not come; cattle and crops perish, as
me with feigned fawning adoration and do the people they sustained. Foolish men su.mmon.wh~t
absconded with material and secrets they cannot control, and perish horribly. A ritu~llst errs In his
that took me the better part of a century conjurations, and the enemy he sought to stnke down n?w
to collect. And they ask my coopera- confronts him with weapons drawn. Worst of all, the casting
tion? My wisdom? Bah. Had your unre- can go exactly as planned. The result, however, is wholly
liable authors bothered to check they unwanted.
would realize that the information and One type of conjuration that, in horror, never goes exactly
examples they present are but the tip of a black iceberg as the caster plans is the summoning. Not a more ungratef~l,
and they now lack a steersman. Let us hope they can terrifying creature is that one which is su~mo~ed from Its
swim ... home surroundings by some self-deluded ritualist. An Exor-
So. The history of magic and the occult is one of cism is used to expedite the departure of this ill-mannered
horror, bloodshed and damnation. Few can see all that sanctum guest; in Horror Hero terms, this is a Disp~1 Versus
the occultist sees; those who brave the darkness are Summon (Creature type). This ritual normally reqUl~es Ext~a
often lost. This section describes the underlying ratio- Time Concentration, Incantations, and the Required Skill
nale for the Horror Hero Magic System and ties it in with Roll Limitations. Some monsters take over their victims via
the Sourcebooks. Here are notes on Ritual Magic and the Transform power (q.v. Qiang Shi), and must be coun-
descriptions of Sample Spells and Enchanted Objects. tered with the same power: Major Transform (possessed to
Also included is information on Ceremonial Magic and free person), Cumulative, with the Limitations described
Alchemy and examples of each. Last is the Horror He_ro above.
Cosmology, which ties it all together. The perceptive Magicians love to acquire kno~ledge: A useful spell for a
reader will heed only my comments, of course. ritualist and one that some denve an Income from, IS the
Divinati'on. This is simulated with the Precognition (Sight)
power, and usually has a Focus, like a crystal ball, I Ching
books, Tarot cards, entrails, tea leaves, etc. The spell
C",--_R_I_T_U_f\_L_M_f\_CiI_C ) Requires A Skill Roll, Extra Time, and occasionally Gestures
or Incantations.
Ritual Magic is used by practicing magicians around the A well used but very appropriate spell, particularly in the
world, from shamans in the West to secret society leaders in more primitive societies is the Curse. It is also useful in any
the East. Cave drawings found in Europe dating back to the genre where sympathetic magic users are present, such ~s
Pleistocene period are similar to those made by the Bush- Voodoo cults, Gypsies, or tribal shamans. The curse, or ItS
men of South Africa; this gives a historical starting point for opposite form, the Blessing, is purchased as a Major ~rans-
the art. Indeed, some researchers consider Ritual Magic the form (normal person to cursed/blessed individual), wl~h the
third of three classes of true magic. particular curse/bless defined. The curse .can be as. Simple
The user of Ritual Magic is a well prepared individual. as a few dice of Unluck, or as dramatic as setting the
Native American shamans perfect their dance steps and fast characteron a new course in life forever (q.v. Vito LaGardia).
the impurities from their bodies. Learned men on the East And where would the horror genre be without a few
Coast research books and draw complex, symbol-laden magical creatures of wildly varying temperaments and appe-
circles of power. In the South, witch doctors acquire locks of tites wandering around the campaign? They have to get to
hair from persons to be ensorcered and sharpen their keen the campaign somehow. The genre is rife with the next spel!,
edged ceremonial blades. . the Summon, and its aftereffects. For those who feel theit-
Results hoped for by the ritualist usually are of a conjured lives will be incomplete unless they can bring forth a monster
nature; that is, something not present is brought into exist- they have absolutely no hope of controlling (or for the GM
ence from somewhere else. A thunderstorm or an Oracle who needs his favorite NPC ritualist to have some super-
demon, a treasure revealed or a question answered, the natural assistance), the Summon works exactly as its power
power to harm, the strength to heal, all this and a thousand description. The Limitations are Requires A Skill Roll, Extra
more possibilities may be sought by the caster. Time Gestures Incantations, Increased END Cost, Focus
(magic circles ~re popular with the summoning crowd), in
any combination the GM deems appropriate.
The annals of magic state that most Ritual MagiCians
conduct their art in the service of the evil entities from whom
their power comes. The dark sorcerers of the world, then,
may be largely considered priests. No matter how self-
serving these fiends may seem, they are but pawns of larger
powers. This is not to say that all ritualists are evil, but those
who are not must constantly guard against corruption. The
governors of the outer darkness do not suffer failure gladly;
this is why a miscast spell is so injurious. But what of the
powers of good? Are they so intent on man finding his own
path that their priests are denied the power of magic?
Fortunately for mankind, this is not so.
Some researchers believe that Ceremonial Magic was
practiced long before its evil counterpart; some even con-
tend that ritual magic is merely a corruption of the older art.
Two facts are incontestable: one, that Ceremonial Magic is
One other entirely appropriate Limitation for Summons, extremely rare and rarely practiced with the sanction of its
and a given for the horror genre, is "Must know creature's parent church. This is because magic of any kind is univer-
true name." Entire scenarios can be built around the need to sally condemned in the dogma of most religions; this is to
discover the true name of a creature, if it is not already protect the faithful from corruption. Two, that the life of a
known. Some demon entries have ideas on other Limitations Ceremonial Magician is fraught with peril. The temptation to
to apply. wield power for its own sake is ever present, and only men
of staunch faith can resist it. Ceremonial Magic can neverbe
SAMPLE RITUAL MAGIC SPELLS used in destructive ways; its spells are dedicated to blessing,
To bring misfortune upon an enemy the curse is favored by healing, banishment of evil, and other beneficial uses. A
sorcerers worldwide. The casting of this spell varies from Ceremonial Magician who strays from the narrow path will
culture to culture with one common element - a belonging find his power gone until he repents his wrong-doing.
or body part of the victim. To the uninitiated little difference can be seen between the
casting of ceremonial and ritual spells. There are similarities:
Curse: 3d6 Unluck, Usable Against Others [Defense: Hav-
each requires Incantations, Gestures, Extra Time and Foci.
ing a Lucky Charm], Costs END, Requires A Skill Roll, Extra
The powers of good are a little more forgiving regarding an
Time: 1 Turn, Gestures: Throughout, Incantations: Through-
honest mistake made when spellcasting (no Side Effects).
out, Increased END Cost x2, OAF (Personal item belonging
Another stipulation of Ceremonial Magic stems from the
to or image of the victim), Side Effect (Caster is cursed with
clandestine nature of the art. It will not function in public
6d6 Unluck)
END cost: 6 places.
Active cost: 30 Real Cost: 5
A basic spell of the Ceremonial Magician is the Blessing,
Magic Skill roll modifier: -3
which functions as either a Transform (Normal person to
To raise a whirlwindprotecting the caster in the center, this blessed person) or an Aid, usually to PRE or EGO, with a
spell is used. An invisible vortex of energy will materialize longer rate of decline than the normal 5 CP per turn.
when the spell is completely cast.
Summon Spirit Wind: Telekinesis 30 STR, Area Effect
Radius, Hole In Middle, Requires A Skill Roll, Extra Time: 1
Turn, Gestures: Throughout, Incantations: Throughout, In-
creased END Cost x2, OAF (Bag containing wind-blown
leaves, feathers, etc.)
Active cost: 101 Real Cost: 20 END cost: 20
Magic Skill roll modifier: -10
To blast an enemy the caster must have access to an open
flame. The spell is then cast and an inferno of destruction is
rained upon his enemies.
Iracundia: 8d6 Energy Blast (Caster defines Special Effect),
Requires A Skill Roll, Extra Time: Full Phase, Gestures,
Incantations, Increased END Cost x2, OAF (Open flame)
Active cost: 40 Real Cost: 8 END cost: 8
Magic Skill roll modifier: -4

While some regard alchemy as a medieval version of
chemistry, it is more correctly identified as a branch of ritual
magic. "Khemeia" originated in ancient Egypt, and was kept
alive after the empire fell by the Arabs. In the Eighth century
alchemy came to Spain from Morocco, and thereafter spread
across Europe. The Thirteenth century traveler Marco Polo
found that Chain had developed an almost identical system
of alchemy independent of Western sources.
For a time alchemy was the most common form of ritual
magic practiced in the world, until the Church decreed itto be
blasphemy. Its favored status may be attributed to the
relative lackof peril involved in conducting alchemical rituals.
The choice between handling volatile chemicals or traffick-
Another spell effect, popularized in many fantasy horror ing with soul-hungry demons was understandably easily
settings, is the Healing spell. A simple Aid to BODY to made.
starting values will accomplish the spell that makes a Cer- The primary goals of the alchemist are three - the
emonial Magician very popular with his comrades. transmutation of lesser metals into gold, the discovery of an
Finally, the most challenging, difficult, and frequently used immortality elixir using the philosopher's stone, and the
spell in the horror genre by the Ceremonialist is the Banish- manufacture of homunculus, the artificial life. Hundreds of
ment. Although the Ceremonial Magician never has any- lesser goals have been recorded. These include the mixing
thing to do with summoning some fiendish monstrosity, they of potions that will explode when certain conditions are met,
are the ones who usually have to undo what their friends insidiously clever poisons, drugs that augment ordinary
have wrought. Let it be fair warning to all that creatures being abilities and others that grant non-human powers.
subjected to a Banishment (Dispel vs. Summon - Specific Alchemy is a true neutral art; unlike most ritual magic there
Type, of course) will know that they are being banished. If is no evil inherent in its practice. Many occult scholars
said fiend wishes to remain where it is rather than return believe that the three major goals are actually symbolic, and
home, it is likely to attempt to interrupt the casting. With refer to the transformation and ensured immortality of the
violence. Lots of violence. alchemist's soul, after the success of which will make him a
"new man." The validity of this hypothesis has been con-
SAMPLE CEREMONIAL SPELLS tested by the victims of evil alchemists whose only goal was
The Gamemaster can determine what standard Foci will wealth and power, and the controversy is unlikely to be
be required for the Ceremonial spellcaster. These items resolved.
include, but are not limited to, Crystals, Herbs, Icons, etc. A Horror Hero alchemist is built in this manner. First, the
The following spells have the Limitations: Focus OAF: GMs character must have SC: Alchemy, and a supplementary
choice, Concentrate % DCV, Extra Time 1 hour (-2 %), SC: Chemistry is recommended. A Magic Skill: Alchemy is
Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), 2x END cost, Requires also required; the cost of the skill is three points for a 9+(INTI
Magic Skill roll. 5) roll, with a +1 costing two points. Please note that the
To heal the injured, the Harmonic Adjustment is used. This characteristic INT is used for alchemists rather than EGO,
spell knits bones, closes wounds and replenishes lost blood. which is used for other spellcasters. The suggested limita-
tions and requirements for ritual magicians apply to alche-
Harmonic Adjustment: 2d6 Aid to BODY, Only to starting mists.
Active Cost: 10 Real Cost: 1 END cost: 2
Magic Skill roll modifier: -1
To protect against mind control the Freedom Cage is
used. This is useful against the thrall of Demons, Vampires
and other types of mental manipulators.
Freedom Cage: 40 pts. EGO Defense
Active Cost: 40 Real Cost: 6 END cost: 8
Magic Skill roll modifier: -4
SAMPLE ALCHEMICAL POTIONS probably exist at any time, a rarity attributable to both the
To heal the body this potion is used. It is rumored that murderous jealousy of lesser known sorcerers and the
several modern Alchemists have become rich by blackmail- unlikelihood that such a gifted person should encounter
ing pharmaceutical companies, lest they reveal it to the magical teachings.
world. Fortunately for the world, the power of the Magic Wielder
is limited in some ways. Because their spells drain away their
Restorative Elixir: 2d6 Aid to BODY, Only to starting value,
magic reservoir they must rest often. Also, because magic
3 charges, IAF Potion, Independent
Active Cost: 10 Real Cost: 1
without control is powerless, they must study and master the
written formula for a spell to work. They are unable to
Magic Skill roll modifier: -1
summon or dispel supernatural entities unless they cast the
To kill from afar this potion was developed. Anyone who ritual as a Ritual Magician WOUld, with all Limitations and
drinks it becomes a magnet for lightning and prone to Side Effects applying.
electrical accidents. Each potion must be mixed with a The life of a Magic Wielder tends to be solitary. Their
specific target in mind. Others who drink will suffer only the teachers tend to react violently upon learning a wielder's true
side effect. nature; murder is the most common reaction. Some groups
Lightning 'Shine: 4d6 RKA Energy, Time Delay (Three have successfully wooed magic wielders to their cause and
days), Indirect (From Skies to Target), Explosion, Limited: allowed them to live under the group's protection. But most
RKA only affects imbiber of potion (-1), No Range, 1 Charge, wizards will have nothing to do with a wielder and certainly
IAF Potion, Independent, Side Effect (6d6 Unluck, related to will not share any hard won secrets. Only by criminal means
electrical accidents) or fortuitous discovery can a wielder broaden his repertoire.
Active Cost: 150 Real Cost: 20
Magic Skill roll modifier: -15 SAMPLE MAGIC WIELDER SPELLS
To gain mind powers this potion is used. But beware! No These spells have the following limitations: 2x END cost,
sane person would try this. An entire scenario could be built Requires Magic Skill roll, cannot use spells on ground
around this potion, which first gives the imbiber a tremen- sanctified to opposite beliefs (-112)
dous feeling of well-being, then uncontrollable telepathy To protect the Magic Wielder this spell is used. It creates
which drives most insane, and then makes the imbiber a force wall around the caster. The GM can adjust the spell
explode into flame. Rumor has it that several western towns to have several different manifestations, such as a wall of
were destroyed by the wide spread use of this deadly mix. bones, fire, etc.
Professor Margrave's Soothing Warmth Wonder Shield: 6 PD/6 ED Force Field
Elixir: 3d6 Aid to CON (Fades 5 Power Points/ Day, Active cost: 12 Real Cost: 5 END cost: 2
+ 1 1;4), 1 Charge, IAF Potion, Independent Magic Skill roll modifier: -1
Active Cost: 33 Real Cost: 6 A torrent of consuming fire jets from the body of the caster
Magic Skill roll modifier: -3 when this spell is cast. It is wearing on the caster but
extremely effective.
1 Od6 Telepathy, 1 continuous charge of 5 days (+ 1;4), Linked
to Aid, Activates two days after consumption of potion (-1), Demonfire: 5d6 Energy Blast, Area of Effect (5" Line) (+ 1),
IAF Potion, Independent Not in water (-1;4), Side Effects (3d6 END drain) (-%)
Active Cost: 62 Real Cost: 12 Active Cost: 50 Real Cost: 15 END cost: 2
Magic Skill roll modifier: -6 Magic Skill roll modifier: -5
To detect the presence of magical forces at play the
5d6 RKA NND (LS: Heat), Time Delay (Five days), Limited:
Wielder uses this useful enchantment. A more expensive
RKA only affects imbiber of potion (-1), No Range, Linked to
version will allow the magician to be more precise in his
Aid, 1 Charge, IAF Potion, Independent
Active Cost: 168 Real Cost: 22
Magic Skill roll modifier: -16 Sense Magic: Detect MagiC (sight) w/sense,
Costs END (-112)
Totals: Active Cost: 263 Real Cost: 40
Active Cost: 5 Real Cost: 1 END cost: 2
Magic Skill roll modifier: -25
Magic Skill roll modifier: -1
To exorcise spirits and Demons the Wielder may attempt
MAGIC WIELDERS this magic. Note that the exorcee rarely wishes to be evicted,
The Magic Wielder is the rarest and most hated of adding to the danger of the operation.
spellcasters. Unlike Ritualists, the wielder does not need to Dispatch: 8d6 Dispel vs. Summon, Side Effects (3d6 END
perform lengthy incantations or deal with devils. He needs Drain) (-112)
not serve a deity, like the Ceremonialist. He has no use for Active Cost: 24 Real Cost: 8 END cost: 6
the potions or items of the Alchemist. Magic Wielders are Magic Skill roll modifier: -2
despised for their independence from fettering limitations.
A Magic Wielder, unlike his jealous fellow magicians, is
To flyis the purpose of this spell. Of course, a flying wizard
gifted from birth with a natural reservoir of magic to draw is an inviting target. ..
upon. He can cast a spell with scant warning and at practi- Air Mastery: 10" Flight, Side Effects (3d6 END Drain) (-%)
cally any time. Less than a dozen of these individuals Active Cost: 20 Real Cost: 6 END cost: 8
Magic Skill roll modifier: -2

Important Rule #1 - The PC should not know whether his

(ENCHrlNTED OBJECTS) efforts were successful or not until:
A. He uses the item for the first time or
Any horror campaign that involves magic can be en- B. He suffers the Side Effect for the enchantment spell he
hanced by the introduction of enchanted objects. This sec- miscast.
tion describes how to use objects wisely, explains how they The GM is well within his rights to delay the Side Effect or
can be created and provides an easy classification system item malfunction until the appropriate time, such as in when
with examples of each to govern their suitability for a given the PC is in combat with eighteen screaming, murderous
campaign. Black Dawn cultists.
Important Rule #2 - Only under the most extenuating
circumstances should PCs be allowed an object of greater
USING ENCHANTED OBJECTS power than a charm (see below).
Enchanted objects are useful in a horror campaign for Important Rule #3 - None of these rules apply to NPCs,
several reasons; some help build atmosphere, while others who can do anything they want as long as it is terrifying.
merely facilitate roleplaying. Among the best reasons to
introduce items are:
It's Scary - Many a tale has revolved around an ordinary
person (PC) who comes upon an item and is ensnared by the Horror Hero uses a classification system of five types of
power it offers. An item can contain a demon, cause a major enchanted object. The five types, there power level, and
transformation, or bring its previous (and very powerful) hints for their use follow.
owner looking for it.
As A "MacGuffin" (Plot Device) - The race to obtain or AMULETS
destroy an item is often the focal point of horror scenarios, or The most common type of enchanted object is this item,
in the case of a powerful artifact, an entire campaign. which marginally improves one or more existing abilities or
As A PC Aid - Horror is an extremely dangerous genre to characteristics. The power of amulets varies but should not
adventure in; sometimes PCs need the added power level an exceed the limits of normal capabilities.
enchanted object provides. These rules apply to amulet creation:
To Provide Interparty Power Equity- A player whose PC An amulet can only enhance an existing ability or charac-
is ineffective or under powered can be granted an item to teristic. The -112 Limitation "Must already possess ability"
help balance his abilities with the rest of the group. applies only to amulets that modify an ability, since all
characters have characteristics.
No more than five points may be placed in an amulet. This
CONTROLLING OBJECT will generally yield a +2 to most skills. An amulet that affects
AVAILABILITY Primary Characteristics will affect Figured Characteristics,
The GM is encouraged to limit the number of enchanted unless it is bought with the -112 Limitation "Does not affect
objects available for continued use. Too much magic in a Figured Characteristics." In any case, an amulet should not
horror campaign can seriously dilute its effectiveness; this is allow a PC to exceed the GMs ability or skill roll limits on the
doubly true of items, because most can be used by anyone. campaign.
Remember, magic is like uranium; even when used for a An amulet must be built with a Focus. This could be an IIF
good purpose it is still incredibly dangerous. Ring or an OAF Medallion that glows in the dark. An amulet
How can the GM limit the use of an enchanted object? His is considered to be functioning as long as it is worn.
options include:
Don't Introduce Any CHARMS
Purchase the Limitation "Limited Power" - The limitation A charm is an item that gives PCs an ability (Talent or Skill)
"Limited Power" is perfect for this purpose. Examples could that they do not already possess. Most charms are designed
include "Used only at night," "Works only for clergy," "Must be to grant talents like Bump of Direction, Combat Sense, etc.
dipped in blood daily," "Requires sacrifices," etc. The pur- Charms built to simulate skills must have their own Char-
pose is to make it difficult or distasteful to use, more so than acteristic value. Charms that do not have a value will yield a
the Limitation "Charges" does. skill that performs at a 9 - roll (9+(CHA/5) with the CHA
Purchase Side Effects - Instead of making it difficult to equaling zero gives a roll of 9+0::::9).
use the item, make it dangerous. Side Effects can include Charms built to simulate talents should have Activation
"Ages User five years per use," "Summons Monster," "Drains Rolls and Side Effects. An example would be eyeglasses
BODY," "Self-destructs after x number of uses," etc. that bestow the Eidetic Memory talent. If the Activation roll is
missed, it may cause the character to suffer from an imme-
CREATING ENCHANTED OBJECTS diate onset of amnesia for a brief time. A malfunctioning
Universal Translator might cheerfully start chanting a spell
Caution is recommended when debating the wisdom of
on a castle wall that awakens a vampyr, over and over until
allowing PCs to create enchanted objects. Even the lowliest
the vampyr shows up to smash the charm and the pes.
item can damage a campaign if it is mass produced.
Charms cannot boost skills or talents above current levels.
If PC object creation is allowed, the GM should make it a
major undertaking. First the item should be designed. The If a PC has a skill rated at 13 - and a charm that would give
GM must consider the benefits and drawbacks of the item's that skill at a 15-, they still have only a 13 - rating with the
skill. Exception: if they are unimproved everyman skills, they
potential use or misuse. If the object is approved, the point
cost should be charged to the creating PC and roleplayed can be boosted by a charm.
into the campaign. Charms must be Foci, like amulets.
An Item of Power imparts an ability not usually present in Artifacts are the enchanted objects that give birth to
the human race. These include both spells and powers. An legends. They are also less common than saints in Hades.
Item of Power also can be built as a charm or amulet, but with History suggests many artifacts: the Holy Grail, the Spear of
the Advantage "Usable By Others." An example of this would Destiny, the Cup of Djenscheed, John Dee's Obsidian Mir-
be a Mkodo priest using his Fetish staff to bestow Ultraviolet ror, and the Head of Baphomet. Any artifact in the wrong
Vision on a group of his followers during a nocturnal combat. hands can be disastrous.
Never treat an Item of Power lightly. Amulets and charms The only rules governing artifacts to be offered here are
are minor magicks compared to what an enchanted object of these: the capability to cause virtually any effect (and Side
this type can do. The following guidelines are strongly Effect) and the ability to draw evil cultists and beings by the
recommended: dozens to their location.
The active cost of an Item of Power should be limited by the
GM. Usually, no more than twenty-five points should be ENCHANTED TECHNOLOGY
needed. Enchanted Technology is machinery powered or aug-
Items Of Power have standard limitations. Costs END and mented by an occultic enchantment. Items of this nature
an Activation roll are part of an Item's design. range from computers with demonic databases updated
Side Effects are suggested. If the Item has been con- second by second to magically silenced firearms.
structed by a particularly nasty wizard, then it should have Most effective in modern campaigns, enchanted technol-
nasty side effects on users other than the wizard. ogy represents modern man's strides in both science and
Items Of Power cancel out lesser magical items borne by sorcery. Like artifacts, enchanted technology can cause any
an individual. An Item that raises the bearer's Strength would effect it is constructed to cause. For PCs that possess
negate the effect of an amulet that had the same effect. This enchanted technology, it should be nothing more than a
is to prevent magic hoarding so common to fantasy genre convenience. Only villainous NPCs should possess en-
RPGs. chanted technology of any great power (heh).
Like charms and amulets, Items are Foci.
The Tiger's Walk: This amulet boosts the natural stealth of
the wearer. It is a tiger claw worn on a thread of woven tiger
Ability: +2 to Stealth, IAF Amulet, Fragile, Independent
Active Cost: 4 Real Cost: 1

Patagonian Abacus Ring: This ring is inscribed with a
stylized abacus surrounded by sigils.
Ability: Lightning Calculator, IIF Ring, Independent, Activa-
tion Roll 14-
Active Cost: 3 Real Cost: 1
Hand of Glory: This is the mummified hand of a hanged
thief, used as a candleholder.
Abilities: A - Lockpicking 13-, OAF Hand, Fragile, Indepen-
dent; B - Stealth 13-, OAF Hand, Fragile, Independent
Active Cost: 18 Real Cost: 4

Beast's Blessing: This is the shaman's Fetish Staff's power
that allows the nocturnally roaming hunter to possess a
distinct advantage against their prey in the darkness.
Ability: Ultraviolet Vision, Usable By 4 Others at Range and
bearer, IAF Fetish Staff, Costs END, Activation roll 14-
Active Cost: 12 Real Cost: 5

ARTIFACTS Destiny Chess Set: This is an artifact of which only eight

have ever existed. The Destiny Chess Set gives its user
The Deep Map: This artifact is an interdimensional hideout power over the fortune of others. A product of the darkest
and spying device. It is an aerial depiction of an area with Arabian sorcery, the chess pieces are carved from the
buildings and other landmarks drawn to scale. An astute disinterred bones of real queens, kings, bishops and so on.
observer will notice an extra building drawn in. If he peers The rooks are stone and wood from sacred or notable
closely to this building he will "tall" into the Deep Map and find buildings and the bones of horses (or more eldritch steeds)
himself in a colorless three-dimensional doppleganger of the figure into the knights. The board itself is non-magical.
reallocation. The true world can be glimpsed going about its To use the chess set a lengthy ritual must be performed
business, dimly superimposed upon the map. over the pieces, each of which has had blood, hair or a
The depicted area should be imagined as a plane bisect- personal item from the intended target placed upon it. The
ing a cube. If the map shows an area of two square miles then rooks have had a fragment of a particular building placed
an individual will enter the map a mile above the plane. An upon it. If the ritual is successfully cast the pieces will
individual within a Deep Map can travel freely (Le. fly, burrow, transform into perfect sculptures of the intended target, their
pass through walls) everywhere in the map except inside the family, friends, etc.
extra building where the normal laws of physics apply. The owner of the board can now meddle undetected in the
The Deep Map can be used to visually spy on the depicted lives of the counterparts of the pieces. In game terms this
area of the real world no matter how far away the map itself translates as Luck or Unluck rolls. These are incurred when
is taken. Spirits and invisible creatures are visible when a piece is in danger of being removed (Le. killed or rendered
sought through a Deep Map. An individual inside the map harmless) from the board. The PC (or whoever is repre-
can affect the real world at a telekinetic strength of EGO/5. sented by the threatened piece) suffers from a number of
Note that the Deep Map is shielded against unwanted Unluck dice based on the piece that is threatening it on the
intrusions from the spirit realm. Despite this the steward of a board. If the PC or other acquaintance is the one threatening
Deep Map is often surprised to find unwanted tenants in his the opposition, then they gain dice of Luck. For example:
domain. King and Queen - 4 d6
To exit a Deep Map one needs only to leave the confines Bishop and Rook - 3d6
of the cube, entering the white void beyond it's borders. Knight -2d6
Anyone who leaves in this manner will find themse!ves Pawn -1d6
standing overthe map, as will anyone rendered unconscious The dice are cumulative. GMs are admonished to remem-
while inside. However, unless they are carried out the body berthat a PC should not be slain by an Unluck roll, although
of an individual who dies inside the map will be lost. In the NPCs could be. If a rook is removed from the board then the
event that the map is destroyed anyone left inside will corresponding building is vacated or destroyed. Remember
reappear in the area of the real world corresponding to their - the board cannot kill people - it can only maneuver them
last position in the map, unless they were inside the extra into dangerous situations. .
building. The fate of these individuals is unknown (GMs PCs who have been placed on the board may expenence
discretion). a nagging feeling of being manipulated, especially those
Only a handful of sorcerers know the secret of Deep Map who are psychically sensitive. Through an effort of Will (EGO
construction - it is taught only to bonded apprentices and of player vs. EGO of chess player) the influence of the board
has never been written down. The sorcerous cartographers may be overthrown. The pieces on the board will actually
charge dearly fortheir services and will die before they reveal rearrange themselves to reflect this shift in fortune. After a
their secret. period of time (GMs discretion) the chess set will reassert
A Deep Map has no special defenses and unless other- itself and the game will continue.
wise magicked will be destroyed as easily as the material it The user of the board must observe two rules when he
is drawn on. plays or the cumulative Unluck of the remaining pieces will
Ability: Extradimensional Movement to map's pocket di- descend on him. First, a new game cannot be started more
mension, and Clairsentience (Sight), and Major Transform than once every thirty-two years. Second, a game must be
to Spirit realm dweller. played through to the end without stalemate. If the pieces are
Powers: Extradimensional movement to map's pocket di- disturbed by an outside agency the game is considered over.
mension, 0 END Persistent, IAF Deep Map, person is Thus, it is unlikely that the board will be left sitting in the
automatically moved to real world when map's boundaries villain's drawing room.
are passed (-%) Ability: 12d6 Mind Scan, 0 END, IAF Destiny Chess Set and
Active Cost: 40 Real Cost: 22 personal items as mentioned above, Gestures throughout
Clairsentience (Sight), 0 END Persistent, IAF Deep Map, (-1/2) (chess moves), Extra Time: 1 hour (-2 1/2), Concentrate
only to see territory represented within the boundaries of the 1/2 DCV (-%)
map (-1/2) Active Cost: 90 Real Cost: 21
Active Cost: 40 Real Cost: 20 4d6 Luck or Unluck, Usable Against Others, Based on ECV,
8d6 Major Transformation (normal human to spirit realm o END, Linked to Mind Scan, IAF Destiny Chess Set
dweller), 0 END Persistent, Transformation ends when per- Active Cost: 70 Real Cost: 35
son flies out of the map's boundaries (-%), IAF Deep Map
Active Cost: 240 Real Cost: 137
Total Active Cost: 320 Total Real Cost: 179


here, America during and after the Civil War is the site of the
'There is a period in history of pal- last gasp of the survivors of antiquity. Battle lines are drawn
pable darkness. Years of conflict have between the fiends who would set back mankind's progress
ended; a nation counts its dead sons and the persons who oppose them. Feeding off the natural
and weeps. Released from chains and human resistance to change, the enemy blankets the coun-
servitude, an entire race sees the sun try with superstition and magic. Only by returning the world
with free eyes for the first time. Industri- to the Dark Ages can the eldritch past of America be recalled;
alization is in a period of infancy. In a only the PCs can help determine Her destiny, and the destiny
time of limited technological and social of the world!
development, the greatest advances have been made Almost everyone has had some exposure to the exciting
by practitioners of occultism ... " era presented here, both fictional and historic. Have you ever
"They never went away entirely. When the war asked yourself what you would do if Dracula had come to
started, all the good boys dressed in their blues or America? What would you do if your friends Willie and Henry
greys and went off with rifles and bayonets in hand. came back from the War, ten years after their deaths? Or, if
Four years, four long years of brother killing brother. you discovered your local lodge planning to open a gate~ay
Matthew Brady and his camera brought back images of into Hell? The Historic America campaign needs players like
boys, just images without soul or emotion. If the world you to strap on their guns and deal with these menaces!
only knew that the people who steyed at home, locked
in their libraries, were as soulless as Mr. Brady's CHARACTER SKILL CHANGES
images! Land of mercy!" Players should consult this listing when buying skil s for
"Not all the bad ones were content to just research their Historic America character. Keep in mind the lower
those accursed books and rituals. Walk into the Bayou technological level of the era when devising new skills. Also,
or the Everglades real late at night. Don't get caught. characters must pay 1 point for literacy in their native
They kill for sport. Burning sticks, drawing circles, language
sacrificing animals, uttering curses, it's just vileness
compounded upon vileness, that's what it is. One of ANIMAL HANDLER: In this horse-drawn era, a very com-
them talked to me one night, came right to my window. mon skill.
I was helpless. I was alone. I listened." BUGGING: Change to Eavesdropping (INT, 9+(INT/5),3/2).
"And I learned. Oh, what I learned. The world outside, COMBAT DRIVING: Animal drawn vehicles and, after 1898,
the people, so rooted to the ground. There are wonders early autos.
to behold. All you have to do is learn to fly, and do what
CRIMINOLOGY: This was a very inexact science until late
you are told. Sure there is a price. But my one eye sees
in the era. Early lawmen may wish to substitute Interroga-
more than any two eyes can ... "
tion and buy up their perception. Fingerprinting and other
now familiar police procedures were imported from Eu-
rope in the late 1880's. Criminal records were kept but
difficult to access.
PLl\YER5' GUIDE TO DEMOLITIONS: This was a very risky profession in this era!
ELDRITCH HORROR TNT and Nitroglycerine became available late in the era,
gunpowder charges and dynamite (standard fuse) or
black bombs were most common. Experts were highly
sought after.
ROLEPLAYING IN HISTORIC AMERICA ELECTRONICS: A rare and highly specialized profession.
Not found in areas where electricity is unavailable.
THE ERA FORENSIC MEDICINE: Performed almost entirely by mor-
Madness and despair take spectral form behind the locked
ticians in this era.
door of a seemingly abandoned, crumbling mansion... an
evil cult conjures forth a demon train to Hell. .. a snake oil MARTIAL ARTS: Eastern Martial Arts styles are stili alien to
salesman holds the keys to eternal life and infernal death an the genre except in very rare circumstances. Boxing and
amateur sorcerer loses control of a summoned bog god And Fencing were considered gentlemen's sports, while the
you are there! lower classes might learn Dirty Infighting.
This chapter of Horror Hero is about America in the latter SECURITY SYSTEMS: This skill will apply to mechanical
half of the Nineteenth Century. In the campaign presented traps in this era.

SYSTEMS OPERATION: This applies to communication whose safety was taken lightly. Also, horses are very sensi-
devices such as telegraphs and telephones. The factory tive and tend to panic and bolt if exposed to manifestations
machines of the era often required teams of skilled of the supernatural. While this may be a prudently intelligent
individuals to operate. response to a confrontation with horror instead of just plain
TRANSPORTATION FAMILIARITY: These include several terror, it is not within the scope of Horror Hero to determine
types of animal drawn vehicles, boats, hot air balloons, this. Make an EGO roll forthe horse with suitable minuses for
bicycles and early autos near the turn of the century. surprise and other mitigating circumstances to find out if the
horse bolts.
Horse-Drawn Vehicles: Investigators will do most of their
OUTFITTING THE PC local traveling in a vehicle of this type. These range from one
This era encompasses America's transition from an agri- horse carts to stagecoaches drawn by teams of four or six
cultural society to one based on mechanized industry. The animals. The following statistics are typical of the era. For
technological strides made during this time are substantial. purposes of combat, assume that the SPEED and DEX of the
It began with horse drawn travel, cap and ball weapons, oil vehicle are those of the slowest or least dexterous animal.
lamps and fire places, and ended with automobiles, semi- A quick way to determine maximum possible distance
automatic firearms, electric light and central heating. traveled in a day is to use the formula (Animal's REC x
This section discusses this rapidly evolving technology as Vehicle's Move). In the most favorable conditions, the above
it applies to the needs of a Horror Hero player character. The vehicles can travel about 70 miles (112 km).
material here is brief and should be regarded as a stepping- Trains: Trains were present and continually improving
off point only; a complete listing of the technology of the age throughout this era. Railway construction was constant. The
would fill a book of this size! Potential players of a Historic country was linked coast to coast in 1869, but even this feat
America setting should be advised that no attempt has been of engineering pales beside the maze of tracks that covered
made to render the source material entirely accurate. Enter- the land barely a decade later. The examples given below
tainment possibilities have taken precedent over history assume one engine pulling ten cars. For every added carthe
whenever a conflict arose. Those whose enjoyment of the locomotive will lose one point of STR and 4" of MAX MOVE.
game depends on strict adherence to established history will Sea Travel: Vessels of all description plied the seas and
find additional research both fun and rewarding. waterways during this era, ranging from birch bark canoes to
steamships. Travel time by ship was surprisingly fast; as
TRANSPORTATION long ago as 1838 the Atlantic was crossed in only 16 days.
Travel in this era is slow and arduous when compared to This length of time grew shorter until by the turn of the century
the other eras covered in this book. Journeys that take hours the crossing took little more than a week and a half.
in the modern day were major undertakings for our ances- It is suggested elsewhere that an Eldritch Horror Cam-
tors. The following listings will give brief descriptions and paign be limited to a small geographic area, due to the nature
game statistics for common modes of transportation of the of the genre. If the GM decides that travel is necessary, and
time. if the journey is uneventful, it is recommended that the trip
The Horse: Everyone is familiar with horses and the role occurs "off-screen," i.e., "You have arrived, now what?" This
they played in American history. Statistics for this animal are saves precious time and allows for a fuller telling of the horror
on page 197 of the Hero System Rulesbook. Players who tale without undue distractions. But remember that if the
portray historic characters should remember that a person's pursuit of the evil count takes a month, then his poor victim
horse was often their most prized possession, and not one is probably lost.



1 Horse Buggy 1x1 0 200 kg -1 15 3 8 15 3 12" 72"

2 Horse Carriage 3x1.5 -3 800 kg -3 25 3 10 15 3 12" 72"
4 Horse Stagecoach 4x2 -4 1.6 ton -4 30 3 13 15 3 12" 72"

American 4-4-0 8x2 -4 45 tons -7 45 9 19 10 2 9"/seg 144"

(Circa 1855, this train engine was a wood burner)
Consolidation 2-8-0 5x2.5 -5 50 tons -8 50 9 19 10 2 12"/seg 192"
(Circa 1866)
9994-4-0 8.5x2.5 -6 40 tons -9 55 9 19 10 2 15"/seg 240"
(Circa 1893)
One Boxcar 6x2 -4 3.2 ton -5 35 4 15 - - - -
(The STR of a boxcar is passive STR)
Rowboat 2x1 -2 200 kg -1 20 3 7 10 2 12" 24"
Skiff 5x1.5 -4 800 kg -3 30 3 13 13 3 4"/seg 48"
Small Steamer 7x3 -5 25 tons -8 50 4 18 10 2 36" 72"
EQUIPMENT First Aid Supplies: While comforting to have around, these
The monster hunting equipment available to the PCs of are only useful if the nameless horror does not completely
this era is a mixture of old and new. Almost every modern destroy its target. Any bets on the frequency of clemency
convenience had a working counterpart in the Nineteenth granted by revenants?
Century. Modern civilization was essentially in place. The old Field lab equipment: In this day, it consists of crude little
and new were used simultaneously - a town may be lit by vials and dishes made of glass that hold samples for future
Lanterns, gas lighting and electric arc lights, for instance. reference.
Telegraph: Offices can be found almost everywhere; this Lockpicks: For when the suspect neglects to leave a key
was the fax machine of the 1800s. Investigators seeking under the doormat for investigators.
knowledge of events in distant places can usually have an Matches: Eminently useful for lighting pipes, barn fires,
answer within minutes. and animated scarecrows.
Telephones: After the 1880s telephones became more Magnifying Glass: For the Holmes who wants to get a
common, and by the turn of the century millions were in use. really good look at the back teeth on a rampaging werewolf.
Be warned - these were party line phones. Evil master- This is only a sampling of items that will come into play.
minds could listen in on conversations easily. Unless the gaming group decides to be history-intensive,
Oil or Kerosene Lamps: Contrary to popular belief, these common sense should suffice when the question of a par-
items will not explode on impact. They were designed not to ticular item's existence arises. After all, the point of the game
explode if they fell. Only if the reservoir is made of some is to have a few hours of chilling fun, not to teach History 1 01.
fragile substance will it break and make a satisfying fire. A few minor anachronisms won't damage the campaign



Pocket Pistol -1 -2 1d6 0 8 1 .45 1850 Cap and ball
Derringer 0 -2 1d6 0 5 1 or 2 .41 1860
Rolling Block 0 0 1d6+1 +1 13 1 .50 1867
Revolver (small) 0 -1 1d6 0 4 50r6 .36 or .38 1850 Cap and ball
Revolver (small) +1 0 1d6+1 0 8 5 or 6 .36 or .38 1860
Revolver (large) 0 -1 1d6 +1 8 5 or 6 .440r.45 1845 Cap and ball
Revolver (large) +1 0 1d6+1 +1 12 5 or 6 .440r.45 1860
Borchardt +1 -1 1d6 0 8 8 7.65 mm 1893 Early semiauto
Mauser 1896 +1 0 1d6+1 0 10 10 7.65 mm 1896 Early semiauto
Browning 1900 0 -1 1d6 0 5 8 7.65 mm 1900 Early semi auto
Henry Rifle +2 +1 1V2d6 0 10 10 .44 1860 Lever action
Spencer Rifle +2 +1 2d6-1 +1 10 7 .56-50 1863 Lever action
Martini-Henry +1 +1 2d6 +1 10 1 .577 1871 Lever action
Springfield 1873 +2 +1 2d6 +1 10 1 .45-70 1873 Breech loader
Winchester 1873 +2 +1 1V2d6 +1 10 15 .44-40 1873 Lever action
Sharps Express +1 +2 2V2d6 +1 15 1 .50-140 1880 Lever action
Mauser 71-84 +1 +1 2d6 +1 13 8 11mm 1884 Bolt action
Colt Lightning +1 +1 1V2d6 +1 10 8 .44-40 1885 Pump action
Lee-Metford +1 +1 2d6 +1 13 8 .303 1888 Bolt action
Mann Licher +1 +1 2d6+1 +1 13 5 8mm 1895 Bolt action
12 gauge 0 +2 2V2d6 +1 12 112/5 12ga 1860 5 shot is lever/pump action
Scattergun +2 -2 2V2d6 +1 11 %/5 12ga 1860 5 shot is lever/pump action
Heavy Weapons
Gatling Gun +1 +4 2d6+1 +1 n/a 40 .45-70 1874 Autofire 5 shots
Cannonball 0 +4 3d6 +2 n/a 1 var. 1800s ocv- o
Canister Shot +2 -2 4de +1 n/a 1 var. 1800s Reduced Pen.

MEDICINE jams) as ifthe weapon were poorly maintained. Use the chart
Bravely leaping into danger during this era is not a matter on page 198 of the Hero System Rulesbook.
to be taken lightly. Most serious injuries of this era, if In addition to the firearms listed here, players may wish to
survived, usually left some kind of permanent disability. It is choose proficiencies in the Melee Weapons table on page
recommended that GMs be merciful on PCs with the debili- 202 of the Rulesbook. Many other common household and
tating effects of injury, lest the entire group be retired to "Miss farm implements may become weapons in certain situa-
Mabel's Rest Home." tions. Most can be simulated by choosing a similar object on
Normal recovery rates should apply for this era, whether the Melee Weapons table. Below are a few that may not be
a character is hospitalized or not. GMs who wish to keep so obvious:
matters moving may want to allow PCs access to some form
of mystical healing. If this is made available, it should be
restricted lest PCs begin believing themselves unstoppable,
and the frission of horror will be lost.
GMs who decide to use historical healing methods may EbDRITCH HORROR
wish to conduct additional research, paying close attention
to the campaign year. Generally, treatment was confined to
cleaning, stitching, and waiting. Antibiotics were not avail- THE SETTING
able. Reconstructive surgery was strictly experimental and
not often successful.
Due to the aforementioned concerns, the suggestion that HISTORY
mystical healing be made available is not lightly offered. This section describes how the fictional and Mythic horrors
GMs are urged to make it available if they want a PC group of the times were derived and reflect the real concerns and
to stay around in the campaign. But, making up new charac- events that shaped the era's populace. Timelines and
ters after each combat can be fun, too. recountings of events and places are included only when
pertinent; GMs needing more mundane knowledge of the
WEAPONRY time are advised to check their local libraries and other
reference sources.
The weapons of this era progress from Civil War cap and
The gaming material in this section of Horror Hero has
ball firearms to the earliest semi-automatics used in the
been culled from three sources: the Gothic literature of the
Spanish-American War. GMs who allows semi-automatics
Nineteenth Century, American history, and the annals of
are urged to impose a Jamming Activation roll 14- (15-18



Farming Implements
Pitchfork 0 1V2d6 0 13 2-handed, unhorse, set, Reduced Pen.
Shovel 0 1d6 0 8 2-handed, unhorse
Hoe 0 1d6+1 0 10 2-handed, unhorse
Scythe 0 1V2d6 0 13 2-handed, unhorse
Sledgehammer -1 1V2d6 +1 13
Drill -1 V2d6 AP -1 5
Screwdriver -1 V2d6 0 5
Handsaw 0 V2d6 0 5 Full Phase, Must grab
Powered Saw 0 1d6 0 n/a Found in lumber mills; Continuous,
Gaff/Boat Hook -1 1d6AP 0 8
Straight Razor 0 V2d6 0 5
Hypodermic -1 1 pip n/a 5 Syringe contents can only affect a
character who takes the damage from
the attack
Lg. Black Bomb 0 9d6NEx 0 10
Sm. Black Bomb 0 6d6NEx 0 8

occult lore. GMs and players will find material here enabling The middle years of the era produced an odd contrast. In
them to recreate the eldritch horror of this exciting, colorful the East, the accelerating Industrial Revolution started the
period of American history. urbanization of America; westward the cattleman and farmer
The latter half of the Nineteenth Century in America was held sway. Well-organized police forces kept the Eastern
a time of conflict. Opposing political, cultural and spiritual citizenry safe; lawlessness raged in the West, and justice
forces waged war for supremacy over the country. The wore a tin star and a six gun. Society dined on tea and
inhabitants of America during these years felt overwhelmed crumpets while miners and cowboys caroused in seedy
by the rush of events they witnessed. Change and uncer- saloons.
tainty were in the air both here and abroad. The seeds of Nearing the end of the century the country was more
revolution were planted throughout the world; political time homogenized. The cities of the West were as civilized as
bombs were ticking. In 1860 South Carolina seceded from their Eastern counterparts. The country was linked by rail-
the Union, followed by ten other southern states the next way and telegraph. Looking back at the bloody decades
year. The Civil War raged until 1865; while generals pored before, America was amazed at what had been wrought. The
over maps and politicians shook their fists, hundreds of nation sprawled from sea to shining sea, gone from blood-
thousands died on muddy battlefields. The conflict finally shed and division to reconciliation and unity. A land of
ended with Lee's surrender at the Appomattox Courthouse, agriculture was now also a land of steam driven industry.
and an uneasy peace was won. It seems difficult to believe, but the noisy steam engines of
Long held institutions had been eradicated, leaving only a the 1800's held as much promise for our forebears as the
void in their place. For Southerners, their way of life gone superconductor does for us today. The lightning rate of
with the fall of the Confederacy, the Reconstruction was a invention and discovery during this time led to a rapid
time of bitterness and hardship. Many made scapegoats of reordering in the minds of the country. Science, freed from
the freed slaves, who found their tribulations just beginning religious dogma, demonstrated that many cherished beliefs
as they labored to be equal citizens in a hostile land. The may have been unsound; the works of Darwin and his fellow
victorious North found the celebration cut short by the count scientists generated a veritable flood of alternative schools
of the dead and the assassination of Lincoln. The oppressive of thought. But as in the closing years of our own century, the
atmosphere of the East d rove many to seek their fortunes in spiritual vacuum of science created a reactionary move-
the Western wilderness, and the abhorrent crusade to for- ment. In our era, this is manifested as the "New Age;" those
ever eradicate the Native American cultures began in ear- who believe this to be a new phenomenon have not looked
nest, fueled by the lies of a greedy and intolerant govern- to the past.
o HORROR HfRO: fNDbf55 NIGHTMI\Rf5 101

The late 1800's saw America surprisingly receptive to If the GM is not sure which year he wants to place his
novel ideas. The Spiritualist movement, replete with se- campaign in he may wish to consider the following sugges-
ances and tapping spirits, endures today. Occult and mysti- tions. Both can contribute to his idea mill.
cal lodges of all description peppered the landscape; almost First, the GM should consult his players. An agreement
every upright American male belonged to one, and most had should be reached about the desired level of technology. Do
a ladies' auxiliary. The Theosophical Society was founded, the players want their characters to carry black powder, cap-
and a willing country embraced Eastern Mysticism for the and-ball weapons or six-guns? This is not a matter to take
first time. The nation's interest in the bizarre was reflected in lightly - the monsters in this book are tough.
the press, where hoaxing was considered an almost respect- Another good way to schedule the campaign is to look for
able activity. Fantastic tales of airships, monsters and flying historical occurrences that can be used as springboards for
men were read with half-believing astonishment by an eager scenarios. Disasters always make good stories, and this era
public. had its share. The riverboat Sultan explosion (1865), the
Readers responded to the strong moral underpinning of Great Chicago Fire and even more deadly Peshtigo firestorm
this breed of journalism, despite its being merely designed to (on the same day in 1871), the Yellow Fever epidemic
sell newspapers. The public's interest in morality plays (1878), the Haymarket Square bombing (1886 - could it
carried over into book publishing, and the Gothic romance. have been the Black Dawn?), the Great Blizzard of 1888, the
Gothic fiction is a broad genre, including such seemingly following year's Johnstown Flood - how many of these
disparateworks as the brooding romance"WutheringHeights" tragedies were the work of agents of Iniquity? Other good
and the sensationalist adventure "Varney the Vampire." The bets for scenarios that can be found in history are political
most familiar novels in the category are the influential clas- scandals, true reports of the supernatural and the wars that
sics "Frankenstein" and "Dracula." waged during this time.
Gothic literature is noted for the heavy atmosphere it No matter how a start date is chosen, either through
conjures forth, where morality plays are cast in the purest intelligent decision or by picking a date out of a hat, all
shades of black and white, and ambiguity is all the more involved should remember that the purpose of the game is to
poignant for its scarcity. In the Gothic landscape "good" is have fun. GMs should not allow armchair experts to ruin the
rewarded only after tribulation, and "evil" meets swift retribu- game by insisting on slavish adherence to history. If the GM
tion; malevolent monsters threaten the innocent, and the wants to rewrite history to accommodate his campaign then
spirits of the dead hover near. It is a mist-shrouded land- he should feel free to do so.
scape of brooding mansions and vengeful phantoms, char- Note: The sample campaign for this Genre is set in the
nel houses and secret treaties, vampires and Iycanthropes, year 1888.
and the evil outcome of forbidden experiments.
Gothic horror has a large influence on the material in this CHOOSING A LOCATION
chapter, but the term "eldritch" is used throughout, as a few Next the group should decide where they wish to set the
other story styles are well served by the setting. While they campaign. Most gaming groups will wish to set the campaign
are not Gothic in the strictest sense, the era of Horror Hero nearto where they live, and this is heartily encouraged. The
also draws inspiration from the works of Shelley, Stoker, local legends and folklore that the players grew up with can
Poe, Machen, Doyle and Lovecraft. then be incorporated into the framework of the tale as real
This, then, is the historic basis on which the Eldritch Horror monsters, haunted houses, etc. When a player is not using
campaign is built. Now it is time to step sideways and back all his imagination to visualize a scene but already knows the
into a past that never was, but should have been. Here, the setting, roleplaying is easier and suspense becomes tangi-
Civil War cast a long shadow, and for many the real war was bly real.
just beginning. This time the fighting would not be over flags A group who decides to portray characters who travel
or free trade. The bounty of this war would be dominion over around the country or who wish to adventure in a location
the souls of Mortal mankind. other than their own will find that each section of Historic
America has much to recommend it. The contrast between
CHOOSING A START DATE the Eastern Seaboard, the Midwest, the Deep South and the
A new set of challenges awaits the GM who chooses to set Wild West are more pronounced in the past than they are
a campaign in Historic America. As the era spans over fifty today.
years, the GMs first task is for him and his players to decide An Eastern campaign provides an opportunity to utilize the
the year in which to set the campaign. The material in this rich history of the area. European superstition and legend
section of Horror Hero has been designed for use in adven- playa prominent role in the lives of the inhabitants. From the
tures set during the Civil War and all the way to the turn of the witch-haunted seaports and hamlets of New England, be-
century. loved by horror writers past and present, to the teeming
Player Character creation may be affected by which masses of the great metropolises, the East is the traditional
campaign year is chosen. Consideration of race, gender and setting for Eldritch Horror.
political orientation should be made. The relationship be- Consider the South, with mysterious plantations deep in
tween a Connecticut Yankee and a Georgia Belle would be the pines and endless tracts of unexplored swampland. The
quite different in 1865 than in 1899. Not that inter-character brooding mystery of the Great Smokey Mountains, the
tension is in itself a bad thing. The sense of disquiet gener- unplumbed depths of pellucid caverns, and the Caribbean
ated when PCs are not sure whom to trust adds depth and magiCof New Orleans may be perfect for a campaign.
humanity to the proceedings, and the moments when an- In the Midwest, players may explore many mysteries. The
tagonists ally themselves to battle the common enemy are deep woods surrounding the Great Lakes, the Indian Mounds
wholly satisfying. of the Ohio Valley, the dark waters of the Mississippi, what
ravening horrors inhabit these places? In addition to its still- CAMPAIGN SCALE
considerable wilderness, the Midwest offers huge cities and Travel in the era presented here is arduous and time-
industry for the urban-oriented campaign. consuming. In light of this, and according to the parameters
While not usually considered a horror setting, the Wild of the genre, it is suggested that the geographical radius of
West is a milieu of great promise. Who knows what mighty the campaign be kept small. Eldritch Horrorworks best if PCs
fortresses have been secretly built in the barren wastelands? are cast in the role defenders rather than explorers. Of
With colorful cities such as San Francisco to adventure in, course, GMs can always allow whatever their players desire.
and Amerindian and Oriental magic to provide mystic atmo- If they wish to journey about the world, let them. Travel in
sphere, a Horror Hero campaign of unique character can be roleplaying can be accomplished by simply saying "You
created. As a bonus for groups who choose it, the Western leave; you arrive," or the details of the trip with encounters
setting is covered in detail in 'Western Hero' from Hero can be played out as they happen. The world is an exciting
Games. place during this period, with game-worthy locales such as
Victorian England, mysterious China, and the dark continent
CONDUCTING THE CAMPAIGN of Africa ready to challenge PCs.
The mounting sense of doom so essential to the atmo-
ESTABLISHING THE TONE sphere of Eldritch Horror is best accomplished in settings the
In an Eldritch Horror campaign, atmosphere is often the PCs have a vested interest in protecting. The immortal souls
prime consideration for the GM; the mood of palpable dread and physical well-being of family, friends, and homestead
that keeps players on the edge of their seats is sometimes are endangered more dramatically than those of strangers.
difficult to conjure up and sustain. This section is intended to No matter how grandiose the villain's plot may be, the
help the GM hone his talents in this essential aspect of landlady's innocent daughter is of more immediate concern.
Eldritch Horror in Historic America. In short, Eldritch Horror is the mundane invaded by the
This is horror at its most traditional level. Taking advan- incredible, and by allowing the outre to slowly filter into the
tage of the bad reputations that cling to certain locations familiar, the horror is more potent.
standard to the genre helps establish an eldritch sense of The campaign setting for this genre is one that spans the
dread. Decaying mansions, eerie graveyards, treacherous country, providing players an opportunity to explore America
swamps, and forbidding forests are all standard props used from coast to coast.
in historic American settings. Using locales such as these
will enhance early games without undue effort on the GMs
part. These settings allow players to concentrate on
roleplaying, as they are familiar and easily visualized.
GMs may wish to use standard monsters and villains like
vampyrs, werewolves, phantoms, and evil sorcerers in the
early scenarios of the campaign. The rationale behind this is
much the same as that for using familiar settings - quick
establishment of atmosphere, ease of visualization, and
allowance for player character development.
Two other quick atmosphere enhancers are weather and
time. Violent thunderstorms, dense fog, torrential rains and
raging blizzards are perfect complements to supernatural
events. Monsters in this genre always strike at night. During
the first few scenarios, nothing outre should occur during
daylight hours. Players should begin to dread sundown and
the terror it presages.
Finally, the GM may wish to engineer circumstances
designed to forcibly remind players that they are in the past.
The sense of being part of history is an essential element of
Eldritch Horror, and the sooner that players realize this, the
better. The GM may accomplish this by having an eaves-
dropper on the primitive party-line telephone or by forcinq the
players to travel a distance, illustrating how long the journey
takes. Basically, deny them a convenience or resource taken
for granted in modern times.
Later, the campaign will gain momentum and expand to
other locations, less familiar monsters, and less traditional
situations. Players will have gained knowledge and experi-
ence, and will know their characters better. The tone of the
campaign will have been set, and characters and events
rather than mere settings will provide the thrills for these
hardened warriors.


trained on the solution of these enigmas been unable to
(_T_H_~_B_LI\_C_K_D_I\_W_N~) provide an answer until just recently? Only with the events of
the late Seventeenth Century that prompted the founding of
The Black Dawn are an eldritch-style organization serving the Fortunatii Operatii (q.v.) was the truth finally made
evil beings from the dark pit. The Black Dawn campaign known. The unmasking of the true villains in the matter have
focuses upon styles of Horror popular in the eldritch/gothic offered no solution, but merely magnified the threat to
milieu - featuring ceremonies to evil beings, murderous humanity.
cultists and sorcerous rituals. This material is for GMs eyes The Black Dawn, worldwide, receives its orders straight
only! Players - don't ruin the campaign for yourselves. from the powers of The Pit. Their leaders are the network of
Read no further. Incarnate demons (q.v.) who have plotted the downfall of
mankind since antiquity. This is not to imply the presence of
an Incarnate in every Dominion; those beings are too few,
THE LEGEND OF THE BLACK DAWN and the powers of the Inferno employ other useful agents.
As long as there are tyrannical establishments, there will Tempter demons (q.v.) relay instructions between the di-
be revolutionaries. As long as there are engorged, conceited mensions, and Oracles (q.v.) reveal hidden knowledge to
upper classes there will be dissatisfied, rebellious lower expedite the foul work of the Black Dawn. Only in a climate
classes. As long as there is good there will be evil, as the day of political unrest can the powers of darkness truly flourish,
turns to night. These are facts with which the supreme as progressive systems of government and benevolent
powers of malevolency and the diabolical are well ac- rulerships create an atmosphere of prosperity in which the
quainted. Therefore, waging the age old struggle against moral strength of the populace prohibits most base tempta-
light and order can be found ... The Black Dawn. tion. To maintain chaos, with the final goal of worldwide
The Black Dawn is the most mysterious and certainly the anarchy, the Black Dawn was created to seduce the dissat-
most reviled cult in existence today. Their long history of isfied elements of society to lawlessness and demon wor-
violent anarchy and superior alchemical prowess is cloaked ship.
in a veil of ambiguity that has only recently been partially As noted, the demonic patronage of the Black Dawn
lifted. The cult has committed assassination and atrocity opens avenues of information that the Cult, composed of
against church and state for centuries; the records place mostly lower class elements, could not normally utilize. Each
them as far back in time as the fall of Imperial Rome (which Black Dawn Dominion is serviced by an Oracle demon,
they take credit for with customary modesty). Many times whom they can summon and dispel without the usual stric-
their enemies have declared them disbanded, and de- tures. The Oracles teach their leader the art of alchemy, and
stroyed. The tenacious Black Dawn has always reemerged, relay information to the cult that men of their class would not
more powerful than ever, the mysteries of their existence still normally be privy to, such as the daily schedule of a targeted
unanswered. ruler. Occasionally the leader is an Incarnate demon, and the
others have been known to be possessed.
THE CULT OF THE BLACK DAWN A special dagger, known as the Hand of Night, is the
The burning questions that have bedeviled the foes of the symbol, calling card and coup de qras of the Black Dawn.
Black Dawn might be posed by a modern journalist in this The dagger has a five pointed blade forged in the shape of
manner. Who is their leader? While each individual cell, or a stylized sunrise, and the hilt is a coiled serpent, hollowed
Dominion, of the Black Dawn has a chief who relays instruc- in the center to hold poison. It is constructed of unearthly
tions and mixes chemicals, the identical nature of widely materials. Each can be consecrated to the death of an
separated Dominions proves the reality of a central author- individual target, and after a successful kill will corrode at the
ity. What is their agenda? This at least is superficially same rate as the decomposition of the victim.
answerable. They seem bent on the promotion of anarchy A Gamemaster requiring a dirty deed to be performed can
and religious disorganization, showing no bias toward any find many eager candidates in the Black Dawn. This group
particular moral stance held by their targets. When was the can be the nemesis of a PC group through a campaign, as
Black Dawn formed? Due to the apocryphal nature of the the survival nature of the group and their powerful patrons
records, this will likely never be answered. Where is their can keep them in a campaign for a long time. These loonies
headquarters? This question is of course linked with the can show up anywhere. Remember that most Black Dawn
mystery of their leadership. The revelation from China that members are criminals, but anybody who is evil can be a
their empire had its own Black Dawn, with identical aims and member. And if the Black Dawn is around the Fortunatii
alchemical weaponry, did nothing toward solving this riddle. Operatii won't be far behind.
Finally, why have the political, religious, and occult forces
The entries below describe three American Black Dawn
Dominions. All are under the control of an Incarnate named
L~thur Steward. Steward lives in Washington D.C. and is a
railroad tycoon. More specific details are unnecessary - it
should ?e a lon~ tim.~ before the PCs meet Steward, except
:naybe In a social milieu. The GM is encouraged to custom-
iza the leader to his own campaign.

Many occult investigators have made the critical error of
supposi~g that all Black Dawn cultists are rowdy criminals
and their plots deal only with the imminent execution of
mur~er and destruction. Doctor Arthur Barrosmythe, the
architect and leader of the Dead Soul Dominion, does his
part to encourage such mistakes. His dominion is almost
i~visible, yet has done the devil's work for nearly two centu-
ries. The more attention focused elsewhere, reasons the
Doctor, the better.
The Dead Soul Dominion is unique in that, save for
Barrosmythe and his assistants, the membership consists
solely of individuals possessed by the phantoms of Black
Dawn cultists. The Dominion, currently a score strong, has
grown quickly since the advent of the Spiritualist movement
m.ade the procedure easier. Barrosmythe has allied himself
with the chapel house of the Inner Circle of the Astral Elect
in order to further his plans.
The goal of the project is to secretly control the major
power brokers in the Northeastern Unites States. This is but
a small piece of a larger plot to embroil the nations of the
world into a global war.
The phantom possessions are enabled in this manner. A A long standing NPC of irreproachable reputation may
wealthy or influential member of society is invited to sit in a actually be a ravenous phantom. After "helping" the PCs
seance at the ICAE chapel house. The masked medium (Dr. against their enemies the revelation he is a monster is sure
Barrosmythe) calls upon the spirit of a lost loved one to to be a show-stopper. GMs should read the entries on Dr.
materialize, but it is the shapechanged phantom of a Black Arthur Barrosmythe, the Phantom and the chapel house of
Dawn cultist who appears. The victim is allowed to interact the ICAE before devising a Dead Soul Dominion scenario.
with the phantom, who then follows the victim home. Note Here are a few ideas to start with:
that phantoms summoned in this manner are not bound to a ~f the Black Dawn need a person possessed fast they will
spe?ific place or item. Then, after studying the life and Skip the sean~~ a~d just kill the victim. Then the body will be
routines of the victim, the phantom slowly and carefully animated until It either fulfills its purpose or falls apart.
possesses him. Thereafter, all that the new member of the ~he presence of a phantom is noticeable in several ways
Dominion does is in the service of the Black Dawn. - Images, cold spots, footsteps, etc. A potential possessee
may call on PCs to rid himself of the ghost.
GMs should note the following items. First possessed
individuals need not be under the phantom's ~ontrol at all The Dead Soul Dominion hold black mass once a month
times. He may believe that his occasional blackouts and the in the basement of the chapel house of the Inner Circle of the
reports of activities he cannot remember are the result of Astral Elect. On special occasions it may be conducted
dementia. Second, if the phantom totally possesses his host, elsewhere, and the comings and goings of members of many
he may become reclusive lest he be judged mentally incom- disparate levels of society may be noticed.
petent. Psychics and animals will sense the phantom. A PC may be the target of the Dominion. If he does not
The presence of the Dead Soul Dominion adds several notice the tell tale signs of a phantom's presence ...
interesting wrinkles to a Black Dawn campaign. Sometimes One final note- The individual members of the Dead Soul
the identity of the invading spirit is the main point of interest. Domi~ion are tough. Two at once are mind-boggling. A GM
Any o.f the great villains of history - Caesar Borgia, Sir who pits more than this against his players should be shot.
FranCIS Drake, Benedict Arnold - may have been Black If big groups are your game, develop an artifact or similar
Dawn cultists. The spirit may be that of a cultist slain by PCs. object to give PCs an edge!

THE HELLMINE DOMINION Perhaps a government official, like the Arizona territorial
In recent years the scattered dominions of the Black Dawn governor, has disappeared in the area. He could be held
have cooperated to an unprecedented degree. The exact hostage, or maybe he was a cultist who made a mistake and
reasons for this disquieting development are presently un- is now toiling in the mine.
known; it is feared that their plans are coming to a head. For a change, the GM might run a few wild (wild) west
Nowhere is this theory better supported than in the events scenarios, taking advantage of the Fortuantii Operatii's
surrounding the Hellmine Dominion at Fort Blaze in the predilection for gadgetry and the Black Dawn's tendency
Arizona Territory. toward grandiose plots.
The leader of the Dominion is Colonel Midas Caine, US A lot of miners are abducted from Tucson and the sur-
Cavalry. Thanks to the considerable political clout of his rounding areas. The Black Dawn preys on travelers, throw-
Incarnate master, more than half of Caine's company are ing them off trains or snatching them from stagecoaches.
Black Dawn cultists. The remainder, a rough crew, are Hopefully, PCs Witnessing one of these incidents will inves-
prospective recruits. tigate.
Primarily, the reason forthe large Black Dawn presence is If the PCs have encountered Doctor Barrosmythe, they
the proximity of the Conquisto Diablo mine. Hidden in the can be pointed toward Fort Blaze as part of a continuing
rocky hills south of Growler Pass, the Conquisto Diablo is the campaign. Barrosmythe ships skeleton guards and con-
only place in the world that nonamite, the metal out of which structs to the mine regularly; the PCs may have learned of
the Hands of Night daggers are forged, is found. The mine is these shipments.
protected by a dangerous gang of Comancheros, Apaches, Of course, time honored Western plot elements like war-
Papago, and Mexicans. Caine's lieutenant at the mine is his ring land barons, unsmiling gunfighters, Native Americans
son, Icarus. Icarus is a Cambrion, and only the Black Dawn (called Injuns in those days) and cattle drives (and stam-
hierarchy knows of his relationship to the Colonel. See 'The pedes) work well with a horror spin.
Hands of Night" "Midas Caine", "Icarus Caine" and "Fort
Blaze" for more. THE HANDS OF NIGHT
The mission of the Hellmine Dominion is threefold. As Perhaps nothing better symbolizes the Black Dawns de-
alluded to above, Caine is responsible for the protection of ranged evil than their assassination weapon of choice - the
the mine. Should an outside force attempt to storm the mine multibladed dagger called the Hand of Night.
the cavalry are sure to come to its rescue (imagine the PCs' A Hand of Night resembles an Indian katarwith five fixed
surprise!) blades and a standard hilt. The blades are grooved to carry
Dominion members have inherited the onerous task of poison. The knife is weighted for throwing. Varios sizes are
training the carrion legion that is kept in the mine. The made; the largest is about a foot long.
walking cadavers are trained to mine and fight. The training Most Hands are non-magical except for a defense mecha-
includes taking the undead into the desert to conduct exer- nism detailed below. Even non-magical Hands are fearsome
cises, usually against troops in Caine's company who did not weapons of murder.
qualify for the Black Dawn, and the occasional raid of a The greater Hands are designed to function mainly as
remote village. Future uses of the legion are anybody's assassination devices and have additional abilities of mind
guess, but informed sources suggest trained cadavers are control and resurrection. These abilities come into play after
being shipped to Dominions around the country. Possibilities an ordinary Hand is ensorcered to target a single individual.
of a simultaneous, coordinated attack upon centers of popu- After this is done a mere nick of the blade brings all the
lation are disturbing at best. target's darker traits to the surface. In other words, he
The final mission of the Hellmine is to train living Black becomes evil. In this condition the target will willingly follow
Dawn cultists to fight. The hills south of Fort Blaze teem with orders issued by the wielder of the Hand. These orders are
crazed cultists. This is a fairly recent development, and one usually designed to bring ruin on the target - he will be
that occurs periodically in Black Dawn history. Once trained, effectively neutralized.
the cultists are sent to their respective Dominions. The fact Next, the Hand is used as a devastating killing weapon.
that many now have feelings of loyalty to Caine is not lost on The hilt is hollow to hold poison.
him or his Incarnate master. If the corpse is stabbed it will arise as a Walking Cadaver
This Dominion and its attendant locations provide the GM under the thrall of his murderer. After the victim is dead the
with the opportunity to run Old West scenarios. It is strongly Hand is considered 'used'. It will corrode at the same rate as
recommendedthatthe Hellmine Dominion be unveiledslowly. the decomposition of the body. As a final insult the Black
The city of Tucson is close by and could be the setting of Dawn usually buries the used Hand at the victim's gravesite.
several adventures before the clues point to Fort Blaze and After a Hand is consecrated to an individual, a curious side
the Conquisto Diablo mine. Here are a few ideas: effect manifests - the target will sense his approaching
The PCs could be sent undercover to infiltrate the Domin- doom. In weaker-willed men, this is often enough to destroy
ion and learn its secrets. This is a good chance to have PCs their mental well-being. The sense of doom strengthens as
prove themselves to the Fortunatii Operatii or some other the Hand draws nearer.
employer. Maybe they will find that they are not the firstgroup The magical properties of a Hand of Night cease when the
to be sent on this mission. weapon is exposed to sacred objects or hallowed ground.
All Hands have circular grooves in the serpent carved hilt
which house spring loaded blades which are magically
triggered when the dagger is held by an individual who is not
wholly evil (gripping a Hand is part of the Black Dawn
initiation ceremony). An individual injured by the blades
[_____ T_H_E__D_l\_W_N
becomes evil (but not stupid!) until the wounds heal. A wholly The school of sorcery known as the Art of the Dawn
evil individual, cultist or not, may hold the Hand without fear. borrows from many disciplines, most notably alchemy, de-
The metal from which the Hands are forged - Nonamite monology and necromancy. In this way it resembles Euro-
- is currently mined only in the Conquisto Diablo mine. It is pean Grimoire Magic filtered through a skeen of devil wor-
an inherently evil ore that is mined by the dying and the ship. Whatever its origins, the Art is a deadly potent form of
walking dead. black magic whose sole purpose is to further the ascendancy
The story of the Hands of Night and their manufacture offer of Hell.
many scenario opportunities to the GM. The beginning of the The two primary effects of the Art are bodily transformation
story is described in the entries for Fort Blaze and the and communion with spirits and demons. Bodily transforma-
Conquisto Diablo mine. From here the PCs can trace the tion is achieved by use of chemical agents and formulae of
Nonamite ore westto Plunder Island, the lairof Silas Voltanus diabolic inspiration. It is said that summoned demons pro-
and the Barbary dominion. vide certain alchemical reagents of unearthly origin. The
The first leg of the journey is across the bandit infested transformations manifest themselves as physical changes
wastes south of the Growler Mountains. The Hellminers and temporarily gained abilities. Physical changes include
always include demons and undead guardians among their metamorphosis into animals orthe assumption of a demonic
company while making the trip, increasing the possibilities aspect. Temporary abilities include augmented natural abili-
for horror scenarios. ties (STR, DEX, CON, etc.) or non-human abilities (en-
The terminus of the night road is a small village on the Gulf hanced senses, movement powers, etc.). The GM should
of California, Porto Penasco. Here the Nonamite and other see the Powers in the Hero System Rulesbook and the
treasures (including undead, alchemical potions, sorcerous Alchemy writeup in Horror Magic for more ideas.
supplies, weapons, gold and hostages) are loaded onto a Communion with spirits and devils is reached through
cargo vessel for the sail around Baja California to Plunder intricate rituals designed to appeal to the vanity of the entity.
Island. The ship is escorted by Silas Voltanus in his The Art of the Dawn differs from demonology in the sense
alchemically powered submersible; most of the ships crew that demons are predisposed to be helpful. While the old
are walking cadavers possessed by the spirits of a pirate rules of conduct must be observed, it is doubtful a Black
crew who perished on Plunder. Dawn ritualist would be torn apart for a minor deviation.
On Plunder Island Voltanus is training eight apprentices in High ranking magicians within the Black Dawn are able to
the art of forging Hands of Night. He is the only living monitor, terrorize, or harm a chosen target or puppet at a
individual able to do so; should he perish years will pass distance. These acts are carried out by demonic agents or
before manufacture can begin again. The apprentices are evil spirits that are summoned and bound psychically to their
able to forge the basic knives now but the attendant ceremo- charges. Sensitive information and personal articles are
nies are difficult to master, and Voltanus is a poor teacher. acquired prior to the actual casting of the blasphemous
Finally, the Hands are smuggled to waiting dominions bonding ceremony.
around the world. Only the three described in this book know Furthermore, each sorcerer at the head of a Black Dawn
their origin. Every dominion leader or an aide is able to cast dominion has access to a roster of the true names of minor
the ritual which consecrates the blade to an individual victim. entities (demons and spirits) available for these missions.
Here are scenario ideas and roleplaying hints designed This information, made available by Oracle demons, is
around the Hands of Night. received by a Dominion leader upon his ascension to the
A VIP, NPC or PC is targeted by the Dawn. He feels the head. The knowledge is secret and sacred. It is known to the
blade approaching and asks for protection. Alternately, PCs leader and the Oracle, no one else.
may discover the plot on their own. If any of the ritual secrets of the Black Dawn were to be
PCs must discover why an individual or group has turned carelessly revealed the Dominion leader responsible would
evil (picked up or nicked by a Hand). Formally trustworthy find himself in a hellish situation. The annals of the Black
individuals may become murderous psychopaths or bomb Dawn relate a tale of one such individual who made this error
lobbing anarchists. in a bid for greater power. He was torn asunder, very slowly,
PCs must track down the Walking Cadaver of an assassi- in front of his congregation by a group of unseen screaming
nation victim. entities.
PCs attempt to hijack a Nonamite shipment.
The PCs ship is sunk by Silas's submarine and 'rescued'
by the cadaver ship.
GMs should note that the Hands are sacred to the Dawn.
They will stop at nothing to retrieve one.

ELEMENTS OF THE ART Construct See monster entry.

OFTHE DAWN Diagram, Magical A magical diagram is always used when
The following terms will help the GM flesh out his portray- dealing with the denizens of other spheres. The shape of
als of the Art. Also included are spiritualist terms used in this a diagram often reveals its purpose. Triangles are used by
setting. necromancers to contact and bind the spirits of the dead.
AltarThe Black Dawn use altars of unworked, unmortared The double triangle (a star with six points equidistant from
stone for sacrifices (they are also easily dismantled). Perma- one point to the next) is used to bind or banish earthbound
nent altars are usually ornately carved from black woods. demons. The tetragram (four pointed star) is for summon-
ing elemental spirits and for non-summoning sorcery. The
Apport An object, during a seance or demon summoning, pentagram (five pointed star) is used to summon and
which materializes from thin air. control evil entities (two points of the pentagram face
Apparition See monster entry north) or good entities (one point faces north). Most
Black Mass Devil worship ceremony performed by the Black diagrams are enclosed in a circle.
Dawn on Saturday night. Usually climaxes with sacrifice Grimoire A black magic book detailing the proper proce-
and invocation of an evil entity. dures for summoning and binding devils and spirits.
Bowl, Magical Used by the Black Dawn to catch the blood Historical examples include the "Grimorium Verum," the
of their victims. The Black Dawn carves their bowls from "Grande Grimoire," and the greater and lesser "Key of
the skull of their enemies. Solomon."
Candles, Magical Used to highlight portions of magical Hades Sentinel Demonsthat compose the retinueof Oracles.
diagrams. The Black Dawn use candles made from hu- Also called Cataboligne or Sentinel Demons.
man fat, blackened with ash. Incarnate Powerful earthbound demons who are the archi-
Censer, Magical An incense burner. Held suspended in a tects of the Black Dawn. See monster entry.
black iron tripod. Incense, Magical Sorcerers use incense to literally charge
Chalice, Magical Used for imbibing potions, blood, etc. A the atmosphere during rituals. Most Black Dawn incense
chalice of black iron is used by the Black Dawn. is made of sulfur, asafetida, and alum.
Circle, Spiritualist Refers to the twelve participants in a Lamp, Magical Primary light source during rituals. Fash-
seance; half are supposed to have "positive" body chem- ioned of precious metals and engraved with runes, seals,
istry, the other half a "negative" chemistry. and diagrams.
Manifestation Physical evidence that a spirit has been SAMPLE SPELLS
drawn to a seance.Common manifestationincludeapports, To summon, bind, and command a demonthe caster must
levitation of the medium, elongation of the medium (i.e., know the true name of the entity, possess the apparatus
changes in height), table tipping, rapping, ghostly visions, described under the Elements section, and draw a magical
and voices. circle with a pentagram within. When his preparations are
Oil, Magical Symbols are traced on sorcerer or sacrifice with complete the caster and any assistants must begin the
this. The Black Dawn use a tempting mixture of human fat, evocation. Depending on the strength or willingness of the
corpse blood, aconite, belladonna, and nightshade. entity, the procedure may take minutes to hours. If the
Oracle A demon that serves as informant and demon with pentagram and circle are properly inscribed the demon will
Hell. Every Dominion is served by an oracle. (See entry) be trapped within and subject to the caster's wishes. To
Phantom A powerful self-aware ghost. The possessing dispel the demon it must be commanded to leave at the
spirits of the Dead Soul Dominion are phantoms. completion of its task. Failure to perform the summoning
correctly may result in a demon appearing, but unbound by
Poltergeist A malevolently mirthful spirit; often summoned the circle. Failing to bind it properly means it can do whatever
and set against the enemies of Black Dawn sorcerers. it wants. And failing to command it properly means the
Possessor A despicable demon that is able to possess the demon may "cleverly interpret" the instructions to its own
living. ends. The cost of spell failure is normally an attack by the
Rod, Magical Used to draw diagrams and as a self defense demon; Black Dawn members are first stripped of rank and
weapon against summoned entities. Made of almond or privilege before being slain.
hazel wood, with a magnetic rod running the length of its All the demons in this book (except the Incarnate, which
core. Two prisms, one clear and one black, are affixed at cannot be summoned) are summoned in this manner. The
each end. cost of the spell and the END cost vary by type of summon-
Skeleton The animated bones of a corpse have been used
as murder weapons by the Black Dawn. Summon Possessor: Summon Possessor Demon, Re-
quires A Skill Roll, Extra Time: One hour, Gestures, Incan-
Sword, Magical (or dagger) In the Black Dawn a magical
tations, Concentrate 0 DCV, OAF (Magic Circle), Side Effect
sword, which serves the same function as the magical
(enmity of unbound, free Possessor)
rod, is wrought of Nonamite. It is usually covered with
Active cost: 94 Real Cost: 12 END cost: 9
various glyphs, symbols, and seals. Magic Skill roll modifier: -9
Tormentor This is the most common true demon.
Summon Oracle: Summon Oracle Demon, Requires A Skill
Trident, Magical Replaces the sword in Black Dawn necro- Roll, Extra Time: One hour, Gestures, Incantations, Concen-
mantic rites. trate 0 DCV, OAF (Magic Circle), Side Effect (enmity of
True Names Necessary to bind or control demons. Histori- summoned, free Oracle)
cal demon names, which number into the thousands, Active cost: 81 Real Cost: 10 END cost: 8
include: Bune, Moloch, Pluto, Leonard, Adramelech, Magic Skill roll modifier: -8
Nergal, Baal, Belphegor, Mammon, Belial, Rimmon,
Thamuz, Hutjin, Martinet, Zimimar, Gorson, Amaymon, Summon Tormentor: Summon Tormentor Demon, Re-
Goap, Beleth, Agares, Leraie, Morax, Furcas, and many quires A Skill Roll, Extra Time: One hour, Gestures, Incan-
more. tations, Concentrate 0 DCV, OAF (Magic Circle), Side Effect
(enmity of nasty, free Tormentor)
Vestments, Magical The clothing worn by a sorcerer during
Active cost: 87 Real Cost: 11 END cost: 8
a ceremony. In the Black Dawn, vestments vary accord-
Magic Skill roll modifier: -8
ing to the purpose of the ritual. Vestments for a revenge
ceremony are blood red robes belted with steel, with Summon Sentinel: Summon Sentinel Demon, Requires A
bracelets and rings of steel, and a gold headpiece. To Skill Roll, Extra Time: One hour, Gestures, Incantations,
meddle in politics, the sorcerer wears bright red robes with Concentrate 0 DCV, OAF (Magic Circle), Side Effect (enmity
a brass tablet bound to his forehead. The caster of curses of summoned, free Sentinel)
or death magic wears black canvas robes and a heavy Active cost: 104 Real Cost: 13 END cost: 10
lead collar. To summon a demon a sleeveless, seamless Magic Skill roll modifier: -10
black robe and a lead skull cap are worn. Black Dawn To create a living skeleton the necromancer must procure
necromancers, when creating undead or calling spirits, a complete skeleton (or corpse), draw a magic triangle and
wear a white linen undergarment under a black velvet wear the proper vestments. In addition, a quantity of mud
robe covered with signs and symbols. On the head he from an unconsecrated burial ground must be at hand, along
wears a conical white hat. with a pinch of powdered Nonamite. The mud and Nonamite
Walking Cadaver A corpse reanimated by Black Dawn are mixed with blood and the skeleton or body is completely
necromancy. coated; the necromancer must intone the ceremony through-
out. When this is finished the caster implores the dark
powers to grant him a boon and animate the skeleton. If the
mud is absorbed into the skeleton, the spell was successful.
The skeleton will now follow his commands. Spell failure
means the caster's own skeleton will animate and do the
bidding of the invoked entity!

Create Walking Cadaver: Summon Walking Cadaver, Re-

quires A Skill Roll, Extra Time: One hour, Gestures, Incan-
tations, Concentrate 0 DCV, OAF (Magic Circle and materi-
als), Side Effect (18d6 Mind Control, one command "Start
eating human flesh.")
Active cost: 76 Real Cost: 10 END cost: 7
Magic Skill roll modifier: -7
To summon a possessing phantom the caster must have
the Magic Skill: Medium. If the possession is to be a secret
the main portion of the ceremony must be performed before-
hand. The necromancer must have a valued possession that
once belonged to the spirit. A triangle is drawn and the
evocation spoken. Once the phantom has appeared and
expressed its willingness to proceed, a second triangle must
be drawn on a parchment, paper, tile, or some other small
object. The object is then passed on to the victim. Alternately,
the second triangle may be inscribed on a chair, bed sheet,
or other place the victim is certain to touch. A single word
binds the phantom to the victim; the possession can then
commence at the phantom's leisure.
This spell is unknown outside of the Black Dawn. If the
phantom is not bound to the victim within twenty-four hours
or if the skill roll is missed the caster suffers a relatively mild
period of weakness. Please note that this is the spell used by
Dr. Barrosmythe to create the Dead Soul Dominion.
Summon Phantom: Summon Phantom, Requires A Skill
Roll, Extra Time: One hour, Gestures, Incantations, Concen-
trate 0 DCV, OAF (Magic Circle and materials), Side Effect
(2d6 Drain of STR, CON, and INT)
Active cost: 140 Real Cost: 18 END cost: 14
Magic Skill roll modifier: -14

Create Skeleton: Summon Skeleton, Requires A Skill Roll, BLACK DAWN POTIONS OF NOTE
Extra Time: One hour, Gestures, Incantations, Concentrate Before a battle, Black Dawn cultists imbibe this steaming
o DCV, OAF (Magic Circle and materials), Side Effect (12d6 brew, the effects of which cannot be predetermined. They do
Mind Control by invoked entity) this for the sheer hell of it.
Active cost: 76 Real Cost: 10 END cost: 7 Demon's Luck: 4d6 Aid, Effects anyone characteristic,
Magic Skill roll modifier: -7 Fade Rate of 5 Power Points per Hour, Only to a random
To create a Walking Cadaveraceremony similartothatfor physical characteristic (STR, DEX, CON, SPD, REC, STUN)
animating skeletons is conducted. The primary difference is -A, 1 charge, IAF Potion, Independent, Side Effects: 3d6
the need for a greater quantity of Nonamite (a fistful instead BODY Drain when potion wears off.
of a pinch). For this spell the powdered metal is mixed with Active Cost: 40 Real Cost: 6
fresh human fat to form a paste; this is forced into the mouth Magic Skill roll modifier: -4
of the corpse. The rest of the ceremony is similar to the For Demonic strength, Midas Caine and other cultists
skeleton ceremony with one difference. The cadaver is not drink this elixir. Rare among non-Black Dawn Cultists, the
subject to control or commands. It should be tied down or primary ingredient is a shot of Demons blood.
restrained to prevent it from eating the caster. The penalty for
Demon's Might: 4d6 Aid to STR, Fade Rate of 5 Power
spell failure is the transfer of the cadaver's ferocity and
Points per Hour, 1 charge, IAF Potion, Independent, Side
hunger to the necromancer. As a twist, this essence could
Effects: 3d6 BODY Drain when potion wears off
instead transfer to a random nearby person. While under this
Active Cost: 35 Real Cost: 6
thrall, all of the person's faculties are intact, but they are
Magic Skill roll modifier: -3
overwhelmed by an unfightable urge; they serve as witness
to their own cannibalism, the effects of which are up to the To insure survival during battle Turkish toads secretions
GM to determine. and the enchaphelic fluid of unhatched cobras are mixed
with fresh blood and drunk. Surprisir.gly, it's not fatal.
Death Resistance: 3d6+6 Aid to BODY, Fade Rate 5 Power
Points per Minute, 1 charge, IAF Potion, Independent
Active Cost: 22 Real Cost: 4
Magic Skill roll modifier: -2
NOTABLE BLACK DAWN CULTISTS ~ersonalitx:Outwardly, Barrosmythe cultivates the impres-
sion of a serious medical man who is blessed with consider-
DR.ARTHURBARROSMYTHE able charm and wealth. In this guise he is a pleasant enough
fellow, very concerned and helpful.
Background/History: The nightmares began when he was As the Necromancer, head of the Dead Soul Dominion he
eight, in the year of our lord 1664, the year when the English is a coldly calculating killer who has not a shred of goodn~ss
c~me and New Amsterdam became New York. They, the or charity. The only thing he values above his service to Hell
nightmares, were old Reverend "Fire and Damnation" Larch's is his own continued existence. This is his priority, and he
fault. For a Protestant, he had an awful vivid description of does. not toy wi~h fate. Every move he makes is carefully
Hell. The Roman Pontiff himself could not conjure visions as considered and Implemented with precision. If forced to rush
terrifying as those Larch regaled his congregation with every his plans he may be prone to indecision. If seriously endan-
Sunday. Young Arthur Barrosmythe, cat-torturer and church- gered he will most likely bolt to another identity.
yard vandal, knew in his soul that the eternal perdition was
designed just for him. He dreamt of it every night - the black Powersrractics: Barrosmythe is a skilled sorcerer. He
fires, the screaming, the sibilant voices telling him what he knows Alchemy and Ritual magic but Necromancy is his
already knew. There was no room in his heart for repen- specialty.
tance. No shame or remorse for his actions. He was He wields considerable polltical and financial influence
Hellbound. through his position as head of the Dead Soul Dominion.
The hope began when he was forty, in the year of our Lord Because of the high social standing of its members he is an
1696, the year when the physician Arthur Barrosmythe saw activ~ pla~er in the ~ffai~s of the elite. While having no official
a man run down by a great carriage drawn by six black practice his expertise IS often sought by his medical col-
horses. Wounded beyond hope for recovery, the man al- leagues and occasional VIPs.
lowed Barrosmythe to take him to his home. As his delirium Barrosmythe's real work occurs in the laboratory below
grew, he confessed that there had been witches and sorcer- Locust Valley. Here he creates skeleton guards for the
ers in Salem four years ago, despite "Official" repentance of Conquis~oDiablo Mine, calls spirits and demons, and experi-
the Massachusetts court. In his home, the man said, was a ments With constructs and walking cadavers. His assistants
sea trunk containing all the secrets of life and death. He and bodyguards are graduates of the College and trained
implored. Barrosmythe to take it and the dagger hanging cadavers and constructs.
around his neck, and to destroy all of it, and bring him a man Dr. Barrosmythe depends on the protection of his servants
of God to confess to. and his connections in society to protect him from violence.
So Dr. Barrosmythe took the dagger from his neck, the His distaste for violence is notduetoa lackof ability- he has
man's scream echoing those of his childhood dreams. Then 300 years of experience in handling difficult matters and is
he sat b~ the side of the bed and watched as the man aged not above entering combat if it is required. For example, if he
before his eyes. When the withered husk could do no more learns investigators are on his trail he could have them
than stare at him with pleading eyes, six firm knocks came at framed and arrested. Or he could have a Hades Sentinel
the door. Terror replaced pleading in the man's eyes as dissuade them from proceeding. In most matters he will use
Barrosmyt~e open.ed the door. He let in a man whose great subterfuge and deception to achieve his means. This is
black carnage, With a sea-trunk tied to the top waited evident in his style of combat where he uses various weap-
outside... ' ons normally associated with sneak attacks.
This is how Dr. Arthur Barrosmythe met the Incarnate His Achilles' heel is the Amulet he wears. He has managed
Luthur Steward, who revealed that he need not ever die. He to alter the original spell on it so if it is stolen or lost he will age
told him of the Black Dawn, and of a grand reversal of onlyoneyearforeach day he is without it. He is now "40" and
mankind's fortunes, planned to occur in two centuries hence. could get along without it for about 40 more days before
So Ba~rosmythe became the Necromancer, immortal mas- becoming seriously feeble.
ter of life, death, and resurrection. Should he be killed, Barrosmythe has one trump left. He
Moving to Long Island, he supervised the digging of a has made a pact with the Incarnate Steward that he will be
grand underground laboratory, using walking cadavers as permitted to return as a possessing phantom. This is why
his labor. Planning ahead he established new identities for Barrosn:ythe always is accompanied by a young healthy
himself, so that none may ever learn his secret. His labors man (With a weak EGO) who is usually an assistant or
continue in the year of our Lord, 1888, and Barrosmythe is student.
two hundred thirty-two years old. Appearance: Barrosmythe is a fairly small man. 5'8" tall and
Barrosmythe's home in Manhattan is plush and comfort- compactly built, he is adept at blending into a crowd, but can
able. Because he is often in the public eye, he does not dominate a room with his charisma if he wishes. His hair and
conduct ~Iack Dawn business there. Nor does he keep any muttonchops are black, his eyes an arresting green. His face
personal Items or records that reveal his true age or occult is rather thin but handsome.
profession in his home.
During the week, he spends most of his time in the Locust
Valley College of Medicine and Asylum for the Insane. He is
(secretly) the owner, but publicly only a professor of Surgery.
As described in the entry for Locust Valley, he also controls
and performs as Medium in the chapel house of the Inner
Circle of the Astral Elect.


Val Char Cost Combat Stats

13 STR 3 OCV: 5+
14 DEX 12 DCV: 5
13 CON 6 ECV: 7
13 BODY 6 Phases: 4, 8,12
20 INT 10
20 EGO 20 Costs
20 PRE 10
14 COM 2 Char: 100 Base: 75
5 PD 2 + +
8 ED 5 Powers: 200 Disad: 225
3 SPD 16 = =
7 REC 2 Totals: 300 300
36 END 6
28 STUN 1

Cost Powers END

9 Magic Skill: Ritual Magic 16-
9 Magic Skill: Alchemy 16-
45 Spells: Chose from the following;
Summon Possessor Demon, Summon possessor
Phantom, Summon Oracle, Summon Sentinel
Demon, Create Skeleton, Create Walking Cadaver
2 Life Support: Immunity to aging, IIF (Amulet)
3 Climbing 12-
3 Concealment 13-
3 Conversation 13-
3 Deduction 13-
3 Paramedic 13-
3 Stealth 12-
5 Shadowing 12-
75+ Disadvantages
3 Acting 13-
3 Bribery 13- 10 Public I.D. : Barrosmythe
5 Disguise 12- 15 Secret I.D. : Necromancer of the Black Dawn
3 High Society 13- 15 Secret I.D. : Masked Medium
3 Oratory 13- 5 Susceptibility: Must have Amulet (Unique(5 pts),
3 Persuasion 13- 2d6 Body I Month (non-recoverable, 0 pts), AGING)
3 Seduction 13- 15 Hunted: Fortunatii Operatii (AsPow, NCI, Harsh, 8-)
3 Tactics 13- 10(15) Watched: Luther Steward
3 Sleight of Hand 12- (MoPow, NCI, Harsh, 14-,x1f2)
3 Cryptography 13- 20 Psych Lim: Arrogant (V.Com, Str)
1 Lockpicking 8- 5(10) Psych Lim: Fear of losing Amulet (UnCom, Str)
5 Forgery 12- 10 Reputation: Necromancer (occult world), 11-, Extreme
5, 5 Riding (Horses) 13-, Combat Driving (Carriages) 13- 5 Reputation: Masked Medium (Psychic circles), 11-
2 TF: Boats, Hot Air Balloons 115 Villain Bonus
7 WF: SmArms, Melee, Thrown, Garrote, Blowgun
3 + 1 level wi Pistols
5 + 1 level wi Blades
4 + 2 levels wi Blowgun NECROMANCERS'PERSONAL
3 +1 level wi Garrote DOMINION TROOPS
3 PS: Surgeon (INT) 13-
3, 3 PS: Medium (INT) 13-, PS: Necromancer (I NT) 13- This entire dominion is made of his students who are also
10 Perk: Lodge Member (High Ranking) Black Dawn Cultist.
3 Scholar 13 STR 14 DEX 13 CON 10 BODY 10 INT
5, 5 KS: Necromancy 16-, KS: Demonology 16-
8 EGO 13 PRE 10 COM 6 PD 5 ED
5 KS: Alchemy 16-
4, 4 KS: Magic Lore 15-, KS: Magic Items 15- 3 SPD 6 REC 26 END 24 STUN 31 COST
4 KS: Poisons 15- Skills: Combat Driving (Carriages) or Riding (Horses, et al.)
3 Well Connected(PRE-Based) 12-, Demolitions 11-, PS: Medical Student 12-, PS: Cultist
2 Contact: Governor of New York 13- 12-, WF: Small Arms, Melee Weapons, +1 w/Pistols or
2 Contact: Society Debutante 13- Blades. Cost: 19
2 Contact: Attorney 13-
50+ Disadvantages: 0
COLONEL MIDAS CAINE PowerslTactics: By the powers commissioned to his au-
Background/History: Midas Caine was born in WestTexas t~~r!ty, th~ Colonel employs all of his military, political, or
in 1 ~~6. At an early age he learned to take charge and use ~Ivillan.allies.. He enjoys being the tactician controlling (or
positions of power to his advantage. His wealthy family Interfering) With other people's lives. Whenever his evil
proud of their Army background, sent the boy east to b~ machinations fail and he finds himself in personal combat he
educa~ed. in military academies. Upon his graduation and oblig~s the antagonists with his military might. Caine is a
commission, he was assigned to explore and patrol the cunning, seasoned veteran of many campaigns who has
western frontier. When the Civil War broke out he served the dirty tricks up his sleeve and a black heart under his coat.
Confederacy .as a cavalry captain. His clever stratagems, Relishing his leadership role, he will be found at the forefront
colorful exploits and bloody victories won him laurels from of any conflict, usually from a position of superior power.
the South, but a notorious reputation from their Northern Should he be severely wounded he will fall back and lead
enemi~s. When !t was over he surrendered reluctantly. from the rear, using all available resources to destroy the
At his war crimes trial Caine met his benefactor the opposition. He controls a cavalry company, a fort, a gang of
m~steriou~ rail baron Luthur Steward. Through clande~tine Comancheros, the town of Brimstone and its inhabitants,
stn.ng pulling and generous bribes, Steward not only won and above all a Black Dawn Dominion; he is not afraid to use
any of them.
Caine a full pardon but also had the Major reinstated in the
army. When pressed for an explanation for his intervention . Among h~s favorite maneuvers are softening up the target
Steward explained to Caine that there was far, far more to th~ Wlt~ an artillery barrage or small arms fire (whichever is
established powers than could be imagined. There were available) and then mowing them down under a cavalry
gre~ter thinQs.afoo~ a~d Caine was being offered an oppor- charge. Black Dawn potions and any other special items he
tunity to participate In It, to overthrow the nations of the world may h~ve ~ill be used to augment the troops or sway the
and squeeze the fruits of his labors to the fullest. He took battle In his favor. If Colonel Caine should face superior
Caines bitterness and polnted it to a new horizon - the Cult forces he will do all the above plus enlist the aid of any
of the Black Dawn. Soon, his initiation into the shadow demons he may have access to via his Oracle or call upon
empire ?ehind him, sword in hand, Midas Caine was ready a~y entiti~s he has discovered wandering out of the Conquisto
for duty In the army of the night. Now he served two masters Diablo Mine. He will mobilize the undead army secreted in
and two armies. the depths of the Conquered Devil.
His destiny took him back to the Southwest, where for Colonel Caine is capable of using many weapons with
deadly preclslon. He wears a pairof .44 Remington revolvers
ma~y years h~ occupied his time waging war against the
Indians and Siphoning the spoils of war for the unseen and always carries his ornate cavalry saber. The saber is
masters of his higher cause. As a reward for his profession- very dear to him, for it symbolizes his career. He uses it to
alism and patriotism he was promoted to full Colonel and dispatch downed enemies and to conserve ammo. He also
given his own command - Ft. Lowell near Tucson in the carries a double barreled derringer, a boot knife and a pair of
potion phials, Demonic Might and Death Resistance. He is
Ari.zona ~er~itory. It was here that the ~econd major turning
point of his life occurred - he met his son, the outlaw called never unarmed.
the Snake-eye Killer. The moment he saw the Killer, a dream Once a week, Caine reports to Luther Steward through the
he had almost forgotten exploded into his mind as a true Oracle demon assigned to his Dominion. This occurs at the
horrible memory. ' Bl.ack Da~n's shr!ne hiddenin a secret cavern atthe Conquisto
He remembered standing next to a darkened Indian vil- Diablo Mine. Unlike most Dominion leaders, Caine is limited
lage, and Luthur Steward standing beside him ... somehow to utilizing only independent magic items and was taught to
flying over the desert ... a guttural chuckle from Steward ... a call the Oracle only in the shrine. If the need for a Sentinel
million stars ... and Luthur's eyes glowing like hot brands. demon should arise, Caine must deal directly with the Oracle
There had been a gorge, cliffs and a cave. Luthur had smiled for permission each time. In the event that Caine's Dominion
diabolically and shoved him in. He remembered worse should suffer defeat or the Hellmine operation be in jeopardy
~hings now. Walking through a torchlit, winding tunnel. .. an the Colonel will contact the Oracle and send an emergency
Immense cavern ... sensing the presence of dead bones all message to Steward, provided Caine can make it to the
shrine. Steward will send advice or aid if possible. If natural
a~oundhim ... and, atop a bone-strewn bier, a beautiful Indian
girl. Nakedness ... golden eyes ... hellish lust.. .claws ... and or supernatural reinforcements do not arrive in time to save
the Hellmine operation the PCs will have earned the undying
he ran screaming, his mind contorted from the realization of
enmity of an enraged Incarnate (if they have not done so
what he had been with, and the awful transformation of the
maiden's shape . already).
. Now, hi~ son and Luthur Steward watched appraisingly as Appearance: The Colonel is 5'11" and 180 pounds. His
Midas Caine stood and gazed evenly at his dark master- close cropped hair and full mustache are grey, matching his
his sons grandfather. His eyes shining from the cleansing flint colored eyes. Being in the Southwestern sun has tanned
madness, he said, "All right. What's our next move?" his skin to a leathery bronze. He walks with a limp due to a
shrapnel wound to his right leg. A long scar on the left side
P7~sonality: Colonel Caine exudes an aura of brooding
military presence. He can be polite, courteous, an educated of his !ac~ glows an angry red when he is in a rage, purplish
man with ~ relentless obsession for power, a man of many when In hts other moods. Both wounds are Caine's "badges
human evils, and a man offew redeeming qualities. Caine is of honor" from the Civil War.
a true son of classic villainy, vowing never to bow down to

75+ Disadvantages
15 Psych Lim: Refuses to admit defeat (Com, Str)
15 Psych Lim: Fear of Paul Voltanus (Unc, Tot)
Val Char Cost Combat Stats 10 Psych Lim: Hates Silas Voltanus (Unc, Str)
10 Enraged by failure (11-/11-)
13 STR 3 OCV: 5+ 10 Rivalry with Silas (Professional, w/Superior)
14 DEX 12 DCV: 5
15 Reputation: Ruthless, relentless, obsessed with victory,
13 CON 6 ECV: 6
sadistic, prone to fits of rage (Extreme Rep) 11-
13 BODY 6 Phases: 4, 8,12
15 Watched: Demonic Forces (MoPow, NCI) 14-
18 INT 8
15 Hunted: Fortunatii Operatii (AsPow, NCI, Harsh) 8-
18 EGO 16 Costs 10 Dist Feature: Scar on left side of face from brow to
18 PRE 8
12 COM 1 Char: 76 Base: 75 2 (10) Physical Lim: Bad right leg (old cannon wound)
6 PD 3 + + running reduced -2"
4 ED 1 Skills: 116 Disad: 117
0(3) Package bonus - Soldier
3 SPD 6 = =
6 REC 0 Totals: 192 192
32 END 3
30 STUN 3

Cost Skills
5 Perk: Black Dawn member (middle)
3 Bribery 13-
3 Bureaucratics 13-
3 Concealment 13-
3 Conversation 13-
3 Cryptography 13-
3 Deduction 13-
3 High Society 13-
3 Interrogation 13-
3 Persuasion 13-
3 Riding (Horses) 13-
3 Streetwise 13-
3 Tactics 13-
3 Breakfall 12-
3 Combat Driving (Carriages) 12-
3 Stealth 12-
3 Weaponsmith 12- (Slugthrowers)
3 Demolitions 11-
3 Navigation 11-
3 Survival 11-
3 Scholar
2 KS: Black Dawn 13-
2 KS: US Military 13-
2 KS: Western/Southwestern
Native American Cultures 13-
3 Traveler
3 AK: Fort Blaze/Brimstone Mine 14-
2 AK: West/Southwest American Territories 13-
1 AK: United States 11-
2 CK: Tucson 13-
1 CK: Washington DC 11-
3 PS: US Army Cavalry Fort Commander 13-
2 PS: Black Dawn Dominion Leader 13-
3 Spanish Language, Completely Fluent (3 pts) COLONEL CAINES' PERSONAL
8 WF: Small Arms, Melee, Missile, Gatling Gun,
5 + 1 Level w/US Army Weapons 15 STR 14 DEX 13 CON 10 BODY 8 INT
2 + 1 OCV w/Saber
10 + 1 Overall Level 8 EGO 13 PRE 8 COM 6 PD 6 ED
3 SPD 6 REC 26 END 25 STUN 31 COST
Skills: Combat Driving (Wagons) or Riding (Horses) 12-,
Demolitions 11-, PS: Cultist 12-, Streetwise 11-, WF: Small
Arms, Melee Weapons, + 1 w/Pistol or Blades. Cost: 19
50+ Disadvantages: 0
Note: These troops are for use with Colonel Caine as his
soldiers and with Icarus Caine as his Comancheros. Note
that all should be considered to be well armed at all times.
ICARUS CAINE have become somewhat used to the hellish manifestations
Background/History: The Western gunfighter has always that plague the mine; that, or they fear Icarus more.
enjoy.ed a reputation forged more from legend and exag- The bandits attack with small arms and explosives from
geration than the actual truth. But for a while the saloons and horseback in a lightning swift coordinated assault. They
campsites of the Southwest buzzed with tales of a fearsome frequently take hostages which are turned over to the Black
villain they called the Snake Eye Killer, or Snake Eyes. Here Dawn for various purposes. Other loot is theirs to keep;
was a gunfighter who was actually stronger, meaner and Icarus always gets the biggest share.
stranger than any whiskey-inspired tall tale. The truth in the Though he is not a true Dominion head, he is authorized
Killer's case, was more unbelievable than the legend. to lead Black Dawn troops at his father's bequest. Naturally,
because of his diabolic origin, he is a full member. He has an
He was found, wrapped in goatskin, after an early morning
storm. The peaceful Papago Indians who found him named uncanny knowledge of the inner workings of the cult which
the infant Black Dawn in honor of the ferocity of the storm exceeds his father's. He has access to all of this Dominions
which heralded his discovery. Years later the tribe's aging facilities and hardware.
shaman, alarmed at the ever more pronounced social and Unbeknownst to Colonel Caine, Icarus has found out how
physical peculiarities of Black Dawn, contacted his spirit to summon the Oracle Demon in the mine's Shrine. He uses
gUides to learn more about the youth. He learned things this venue to research his precognitive dreams and to
which were so shocking that Black Dawn, thirteen years old, contact his Incarnate Grandfather. There is a growing cama-
was exiled. raderie between Icarus and the Oracle that would cause the
elder Caine much unrest did he know .
.Th~ exile wandered the wasteland for two years. During
thl~ time he acq~ired an eld~itch advisor, a huge black dog The hellish son of Caine is an accomplished expert with
which spoke to him of mysteries and darkness, principalities ma~y weapons and a deadly combatant. His weapons of
a~d powers. The dog (the Incarnate Luthur Steward) taught c~o.lce are a. pair of Colt .45s with many notches counting the
him to steal and to kill to survive. He taught him the use of the v!ctlms of h~s numerous showdowns. He is fast, a profes-
weapons he'd snatched from remote dwellings. Finally, he sional gunslinger. He especially enjoys gunfights in the dark
told him of the white man's world. The booze, the comforts, ~here his ultraviolet vision gives him the winning edge. He
IS hard to surprise due to his superior hearing and enhanced
the women, !he g?ld --:- all the things which could be won by
a gunman with a lightning draw and a sharp eye. It was time senses. When in a sporting mood during a showdown he
to go to town. may allow his foe to fire first, relying on his powers of
regeneration for healing after he has gunned down his
And. so the legend, the varnished truth, began. The Snake
Eye Killer slew for money and spite. He robbed banks and adversary. He will never act this way when expecting to face
multiple opponents.
trains. He rustled cattle and terrorized honest settlers from
th~ir land s~ th.e railroad could go through. Then, at the very
height of his Infamy, a wanted man in Mexico and two
Territories, he vanished.
He was not, as many hoped, dead. Following a dream as
the Black Dog advised, the Snake Eye Killer drifted to
Tucson. There he encountered Colonel Midas Caine and
Luthur Steward. Luthur proved that he was the black dog and
that Caine was Snake Eyes' father. "Your mother," the
Demon revealed, "is my daughter." The name given him by
the Papago proved to be a name of power, an omen. His
gunfighter name was just a description. His new name,
bestowed by Midas Caine, is an honor and a caution -
Icarus can fly and achieve greatness but should ever 'ware
the Sun.
Personality: Icarus Caine shares with most Black Dawn
cultists the less than stellar traits of greed, covetousness,
arrogance, deceit and cunning viciousness. True to his
lineage, he is a domineering bully. He is, after all, a devil and
a son of Caine.
Pow~rs/Tactics: Icarus commands a gang of the renegade
bandits known as Comancheros. They pillage and loot over
a vast territory from their hideout at the abandoned Indian
Pueblos near the Conquisto Diablo mine. Although a vile and
bloodthirsty lot, they are not true Black Dawn members. The
Comancheros have cut a mutually beneficial deal with the
Dawn and Icarus has his eyes on select members for
recruitm~nt into the arms of the dark cause. Enjoying any
opportunity to cause mayhem, he rides along on important
and strenuous ventures. Any member who swerves from the
goal of th~ cambion comanchero is dealt with directly by
Icarus's six-guns. He has no time for dissent. The bandits
Icarus's demonic heritage has bestowed on him powers
he neither understands or can control. Under physical du-
ress or during hand-to-hand combat he may experience an 5 Weaponsmith 11- (Slugthrowers &
involuntary surge of strength. When frustrated or angry he Muscle-Powered Weapons)
sometimes delivers a mental blast which can affect objects 3 Demolitions 11-
in the area. His most astounding power is the precognitive 3 Navigation 11-
3 Survival 11-
dreams which are alluded to above.
3 Mechanics 11-
Appearance: Icarus's appearance has grown stranger as 3 Animal Handler 11-
he ages. He has copperish skin, fangs, vestigial horns and 3 Shadowing 11-
the vertically slit pupils which earned him the moniker, Snake 3 KS: Local Indian Cultures 12-
Eyes. 3 KS: Local Legends 12-
2 KS: Black Dawn 12-
3 Traveler
2 AK: Fort Blaze/Brimstone Mine 12-
ICARUS CAINE 2 AK: Southwest U.S. Territories and N. Mexico 12-
2 AK: Sonoran Desert 12-
3 PS: Bandit Leader 13 -
Val Char Cost Combat Stats 3 PS: Gunslinger 13-
15 STR 4 Spanish Language, Native (4 pts)
5 OCV: 6+
18 DEX 24 3 English Language, Fluent (3 pts)
DCV: 6
15 3 Apache Language, Accented (2 pts)
CON 10 ECV:5
14 BODY 3 Papago Language, Fluent (3 pts)
8 Phases: 4, 8,12
14 INT 2 TF: All Ground Vehicles
14 EGO 8 WF: Small Arms, Melee, Missile, Gatling Gun,
8 Costs
18 PRE Cannon/Mortar
14 COM 2 Char: Base: 75 16 +2 Levels w/ Combat
6 PD 2 +1 OCV w/ Colt Single Action Army Revolver
3 + +
6 ED 10 + 1 Overall Level
3 Powers: 227 Disad: 238
3 SPD 2 5 +1 Level w/ General Skills
= =
7 REC 2 Totals" 313 313 75+ Disadvantages
40 END 5
32 STUN 2 20 Vulnerability: 2x STUN Vs. Magic/Holy Weapons
Cost Powers END 20 Vulnerability: 2x BODY Vs. Magic/Holy Weapons
14 (Com)
3d6 Ego Attack, Area effect (1 Hex), Does KB,
15 Watched: Luther Steward (MoPow, NCI) 14-
Only when angered, No Conscious Control 7
5 3d6 Aid to STR, Only when cornered or wounded, 20 Hunted: Fortunatii Operatii (MoPow, NCI, Harsh) 8-
No Conscious Control 1 15 Hunted: U.S. Marshals/ Federalies(LessPow, NCI, 11-)
13 Clairsentience: Sight & Hearing, See into future, 25 Dist Feature: Copperish skin, Fangs, Vestigial Horns,
No conscious control, 3 Charges [3c] Vertically slit pupils (Not Conc, Extreme)
13 Enraged: Symbols / Representatives of "Good"
6 UV Vision, Ultrasonic Hearing
Religions (14-/11-)
6 Life Support: Intense Heat, Hellish effects of the
Atmosphere of the Conquered Devil Mine 25 Psych Lim: Hatred of opposing faiths (V.Com, Total)
25 Psych Lim: Cruel, Vicious (V.Com, Total)
6 Immunity to all poisonous reptile venom
20 Susceptibility: Holy Items (V.Com, 1 d6/ Turn)
4 Regeneration 1 BODY/Day (-1%)
3 20 Reputation: EI Diablo Yanqui (Extreme, 14-)
5 1d6 Unluck
3 Bump of Direction
7 Fast Draw 15- 15 Villain Bonus
3 Lightsleep
4 +2" Running 1/5"
9 +3 Perception rolls
3 Breakfall 13-
3 Climbing 13-
3 Combat Driving (Carriages) 13-
3 Conversation 13-
3 Interrogation 13-
3 Persuasion 13-
3 Riding 13-
3 Stealth 13-
3 Streetwise 13-
3 Trading 13-
3 Concealment 12-
3 Paramedic 12-
3 Tactics 12-
3 Tracking 12-
SILAS AND PAUL VOLTANUS Personality: Silas is hot tempered, domineering, arrogant,
Background/History: Even the most infamous of organiza- vengeful and unpredictably violent even by Black Dawn
tions harbor individuals of evil reputation exceeding their standards. While he has no appreciation of others' work, he
own. The renowned Silas Voltanus has achieved such a is surprisingly artistic. The constant companionship of Paul
level of distinction in the Black Dawn. The question of his has only reinforced his guilt over his brother's death, and his
gratitude at having Paul's spirit with him now has blinded him
personal involvement is usually the first to arise at word of
Black Dawn activities, and an answer in the affirmative gives to certain peculiarities exhibited by the mannequin. Paul
rise to great dread. Silas Voltanus, the only Black Dawn himself is a vicious creature. He murders indiscriminately,
member in all history to have received acquittal for failure, is and is feared by the Black Dawn members under Silas'
destined to forge a mighty weapon for his Evil Masters, an command. Silas and Paul function as a unit. They scheme,
instrument to lay waste the governments of the world. He is fight, and conduct research, talking and arguing constantly.
the key to their plot to violently usher in a new world order. Paul has promised Silas that when the aims of the Black
Silas Voltanus has many enemies, but none so great as Dawn are fulfilled, he will be restored to life in the flesh.
the benevolent wizard-agents of the Fortunatii Operatii. Powersrractics: Never content to serve any but the Mas-
They have investigated his past with hope of finding a lever ters of the Pit, Silas is now leader of his own Black Dawn
against him, and privately circulate a monograph containing Dominion, a mixture of his own hand-picked men and the
their findings. It reveals that Silas and his "brother" Paul are survivors of a San Franciscan Chinese dominion. Silas'
the sons of a deceased Budapest noble, whose name was group is currently in California, but is for hire anywhere if the
not Voltanus after all. Silas' murderous career began at his deed is in the Inferno's best interest. His primary responsibil-
birth; his mother, already weakened by the delivery of his ity is the forging of the Hands of Night on Plunder Island.
twin, Paul, lacked the strength to survive the violence with Silas learned well in his years of studying the library hidden
which Silas came bawling into the world. Their cruel father in his father's house. He has fully mastered the alchemical
died in a duel when they were six - Silas chose the pistol his and ritual arts, although he seldom utilizes the latter as Paul
father used. The next unexplained death was that of Paul has an uncanny knack for it.
Voltanus, who fell through thin ice on a frozen lake. His body During the years before he met the Black Dawn, Silas
was never recovered. A grieving Silas, deeply affected, acquired many martial skills which, combined with his own
fashioned a wooden mannequin which he named Paul, and natural ferocity, renders him a deadly combatant. He is a
used his ventriloquism to carry on conversations with it. crack shot, and an able swordsman, but his knife fighting skill
The elder Voltanus had died defending the family honor. is legendary, second to none in the world. His natural
His forefathers were accused of dealing with evil powers. In brawling prowess compounds the danger. He is nevercaught
an occurrence that perhaps preceded Paul's death, Silas without weapons, and usually carries around certain deadly
found that the rumors were true. A secret sub-basement with gadgets he has devised. Through his association with the
an occult library, an alchemical laboratory and a temple Black Dawn he has learned demolitions, and his ability in this
dedicated to something called The Black Dawn was discov- field is growing constantly. Players encountering Silas forthe
ered by the boy, who immersed himself in study. Unknown first time might get a laugh at his expense, as the man does
to Silas, he was being observed by an invisible presence carry a doll around. Of course, after the doll has jumped at
trapped in a pentagram on the floor. them and slit a few throats it isn't funny anymore. Clever
After the unexpected death of his stepmother from a players who try to prove to Silas that Paul is not really his
tumble down the basement stairs, Silas was separated from brother will find that the argument falls on deaf ears.
his treasures and sentto an academy. The Fortunatii Operatii Paul himself is a danger not to be underestimated. His
do not know where he was following the night he ran away small wooden body serves him well, as he is strong as a
from the school, but rumors of robbery, insurrection and grown man and very dexterous. He is in fact a possessor
prison breakouts prevail. It is known that under an assumed demon, and may employ any of the abilities of that species.
name he was one of the last great Barbary Coast pirate That he does not merely underscores the importance of
captains. Upon his return to Budapest he avenged the death maintaining Silas' belief that he is his brother. The abilities he
of his father, then was captured and sentenced to execution does exhibit in front of Silas are his strength and speed, his
by firing squad. ability to use magical potions, and his skill at contacting the
Amazingly, he survived the first volley, and, as the captain Oracle demon that serves this particular Dominion. He
advanced to administer the death blow, a wild horde of suffers the same weaknesses any other possessor does.
madmen surged over the wall and massacred the soldiers. These he hides from Silas through clever lies. He is able to
Silas had been rescued by the Black Dawn. They bore him use any weapon built to his scale. Paul has the same stats
back to the deserted mansion, where he used his alchemical as a Possessor demon (q.v.), with these additions: Shrinking
apparatus to heal himself, and was reunited with his beloved (one level, 0 END Pers, Always On), Summon Oracle
Paul. He held the wooden doll to his breast and spoke to it. Demon, WF: Melee Weapons and Small Arms. Also, the
The cultists made excuses to each other and left the two wooden body has STR 15, BODY 8, and PD 4 (2 PO is
alone. Then came the moment when the last vestiges of Damage Resistant) while the Possessor is inhabiting it.
rationality still existing in the mind of Silas Voltanus were Appearance: Silas and Paul are consumed by darkness,
blown away, as the little carved head looked up at him and and this is reflected in their appearance. Both dress theatri-
two living eyes opened. "Hello Silas," said Paul. "I've been cally, often with cloaks or capes, always in black.
waiting so long for you." Silas is a huge man, over six feet tall and built like a bull.
Silas, exultant with the return of his brother's spirit, never His extremities ~re large even on him - he can strangle a
noticed that the pentagram on the floor had disappeared. man with one hand. His black hair and beard frame a
hawkish, intelligent face. Dark brown eyes of unusual inten-
sity complete the picture.

Paul is thirty inches tall, with the proportions of a

100+ Disadvantages
ventriloquist's dummy. He is fully articulated, and Silas is
always working on improving him. His head is the only part 30 Berserk when Paul is "injured" or "slain" (14-/8-)
that has not been replaced many times. Paul can, at will, alter 25 Psych Lim: Crazed (V.Com, Tot)
the aspect of his painted-on eyes so that they appear to be 25 Psych Lim: Protective of Paul (V.Com, Str)
real. He usually affects this change for emphasis, either 15 Psych Lim: Casual Killer (Com, Str)
15 Distinctive Features: Crazed madman (Not conc,
when arguing with Silas, barking orders to the Black Dawn, extreme reaction)
or just before delivering the killing thrust to his victims. 15 Extreme Reputation (Black Dawn leader, to KS:
Occult World only) 14-
5 DNPC, Paul (AsPow, useful skills) 14-
SILAS VOLTANUS 15 Watched by the Evil Masters of Hell (MoPow, NCI) 14-
25 Hunted by Fortunatii Operatii (AsPow, NCI) 14-
5 Unluck 1d6
Val Char Cost Combat Stats 104 Villain bonus

20 STR 10 OCV: 6+
19 DEX 27 DCV: 6 Silas Voltanus carries a number of potions of Restorative
18 CON 16 ECV:7 Elixir and Demon's Luck with him at all times to insure his
15 BODY 10 Phases: 4, 8,12 continued survival. These potions can be found in the Art of
18 INT 8 the Dawn.
20 EGO 20 Costs
10 COM 0 Char: 116 Base: 100
8 PD 4 + + TROOPS
8 ED 5 Powers: 263 Disad: 279
3 SPD 1 = = 15 STR 14 DEX 13 CON 10 BODY 8 INT
8 REC 0 Totals: 379 379 8 EGO 13 PRE 8 COM 6 PD 6 ED
40 END 2 3 SPD 6 REC 26 END 26 STUN 31 COST
38 STUN 4 Skills: Transport FAM (all water craft) or Riding (Horses, et'
Cost Powers END al.) 12-, Demolitions 11-, PS: Cultist 12-, Streetwise 11-, WF:
Small Arms, Melee Weapons, + 1 w/Pistol or Clubs. Cost: 19
11 Magic Skill (Alchemy) 17-
9 Magic Skill (Ritualism) 16- 50+ Disadvantages: 0

10 Perk: Black Dawn member (high)
40 Followers 64 50 pt. Black Dawn cultists
10 Money: Wealthy
3 PS: Cult Leader 13-
3, 3 Brawling; Combat Sense 13-
5, 3 Defense Maneuver; Fast Draw 13-
3, 3 Lightsleep; Resistance +3
5 Streetwise 14-
3, 3 Acrobatics 13-; Breakfall 13-
3 Climbing 13-
3 Combat Driving: Boats 13-
3 Concealment 13-
3 Combat Riding: Horses 13-
3, 3 Conversation 13-; Persuasion 13-
3, 3 Bribery 13-; Interrogation 13-
3, 3 Inventor 13-; Stealth 13-
3,3 Tactics 13-; Paramedic 13-
3, 5 Cryptography 13-; Ventriloquist 12-
3, 3 Demolitions 11-; Forgery 11-
4 Weaponsmith: Melee and slugthrowers 11-
3, 3 Gambling 11-; Mechanics 11-
3, 3 Navigation11-; Shadowing11-
8 SC: Alchemy 18-
7, 3 KS: Black Dawn 17-; KS: Ritual Magic 13-
5 PS: Woodcarver 14-
3 PS: Pirate 12-
4, 3 AK: Hungary 14-; AK: West Coast 13-
5 Fluent Languages w/Literacy: Latin, English,
Spanish (Hungarian is native)
16 + 2 Levels w/Combat
20 +2 Overall Levels
6 WF: Small Arms, Melee Weapons, Common Missile
3 TF: Balloons, Carriages, Horses

C C_R_E_"'_T_U_RE_5__ )
The wise magician Newton stumbled onto a great univer-
sal constant when he wrote his third law: "For every action
there is an equal and opposite reaction." Logical extensions
of this principle include "every light can cast a shadow; every
yin is accompanied by a yang." Therefore every good births
an evil, every angel has a demon. And the annals of religious
lore everywhere show that every beneficent deity is opposed
by a malign entity.
Only vague generalities may be made regarding the dark
dominion. The enemy camp is a real place in a physical
sense, inhabited by the spirits of the damned and by the
demons, bodily incarnations of corruption. It is governed by
a chain of command based on power, ranging from lowly
tempters to the pre-eminent demon lords. The goal of The
Inferno is the debasement of all that is good and noble in

I> )
'vi; :

Fortunately the powers of The Pit are constrained by

maxims of cosmic law. A demon cannot travel between The
Dark Valley and Earth unless summoned by a human.
Demons cannot be damaged by most human weapons, but
have no special immunity to magic. The core of a demon's
power is its true name; commands issued to it by this name
cannot be disobeyed. The greatest law is that forbidding a
demon to prove to the world at large the existence of The Pit,
for this action would nullify faith, and there is no redemption
or damnation without faith.
Demonic intervention in human affairs is a rich vein to mine
game ideas from, as the agencies of Hell are resourceful and
seemingly motiveless. Care should be taken not to parade
demons up and down in front of players like targets; these
entries should be regarded more as GM tools than simply
monster encounters. The only real "monsters" are the Incar-
nate and the Tormentor. A campaign will be scarier if the
demons are kept in the background.
Statistics for demon lords have not been presented in this
Sourcebook, consequently, but excellent statistics for these
and other types of demons may be found in the Fantasy Hero
Companion, which is well worth a look.

Background/History: The vast majority of demonic sub-
species in the Abyss are collectively known as Tormentors.
Millions of these beings exist, and none are identical. In their Val Char Cost Combat Stats
home country they function as soldiers, servants, and tor-
mentors of damned spirits. 23 STR 13 OCV: 5
15 DEX 15 DCV: 5
Sorcerers have found the Tormentor the least hazardous ECV: 4
20 CON 20
type of demons to summon and command. While the greater 13 BODY 6 Phases: 4,8, 12
parameters of the magic required to achieve this are identi- 10 INT 0
cal to those of Oracle summoning, the behavior of the 13 I::GO 6 Costs
Tormentor should the spell fail is different. An inept magician 20 PRE 10
who fails to bind or dismiss a Tormentor is still doomed, but 6 COM -2 Char: 91 Base: 100
the Tormentor lacks the ability to return to its place of origin. 10 PD 5 + +
It is then loosed on the Earth. 12 ED 8 Powers: 194 Disad: 185
A Tormentor stranded on Earth finds itself in a precarious 3 SPD 5 = =
situation. It will know that powers that guard the Earth will 9 REC 0 Totals: 285 285
40 END 0
destroy it if there is no danger of human notice. A marooned 40 STUN 5
Tormentor will always immediately seek powerful allies and
offer its services to them. The preferred master is an Incar- Cost Powers END
nate demon (q.v.), but Tormentors have been encountered Physical attack power - GMs discretion
in association with vampyr lords, powerful sorcerers, and the 25 Energy attack power - GMs discretion
Black Dawn. 20 Movement power - GMs discretion
PowerslTactics: The Tormentor is the least powerful of the 25 Mental power or bonuses to PRE - GMs discretion
true demons. Each possesses an insidious knack for inflict- 10 25% Physical Resistant Damage Reduction,
ing pain, and all possess a limited power of invisibility. not vs. silver, holy items (-112)
45 Invisibility to normal sight, No fringe, 0 END 0
28 Images to all sight, one hex, -5 to PER roll,
no range 2
20 Universal Translator
3 Interrogation 13-
3 PS: Torturer 12-

100+ Disadvantages
10 Vuln: 2x Effect from holy items
20 Psych Lim: Must obey those who summon it properly
and know its true name (Com, Tot)
20 Physical Lim: Repelled by holy items
(Frequently, Greatly)
15 Secret ID (True Name)
120 Monster bonus

Each Tormentor employs a special mode of travel- some

fly, others may tunnel, many will run at lightning speed. The
unique physiognomy of each provides a special form of
physical attack - stinging, biting, or pummeling. The magi-
cal nature of these demons manifests itself in spell abilities
- fire, ice, or force attacks.
Tormentors can utilize limited illusionary skills to appear
as humans, animals, or inert objects. The mind powers of a
Tormentor may be encountered as telekinesis, telepathy, or
remarkable communication skills like magically enhanced
conversation, oratory, persuasion, or seduction. Those Tor-
mentors with seduction abilities are known as incubi or
Appearance: A true form of a Tormentor is unique with each
individual. Forms encountered range from hundred-legged
winged centipedes to seemingly normal humans. Their
illusionary powers permit particularly eldritch Tormentors to
temporarily alter their appearance into mind-shattering im-


Val Char Cost Combat Stats

20 STR 10 OCV: 5
16 DEX 18 DeV: 5
13 CON 6 ECV: 7
12 BODY 4 Phases: 3, 6,9,12
18 INT 8
20 EGO 20 Costs
20 PRE 10
10 COM 0 Char: 102 Base: 100
8 PD 4 + +
8 ED 5 Powers: 153 Disad: 155
4 SPD 14 = =
7 REC 0 Totals: 255 255
30 END 2
30 STUN 1

Cost Powers END

50 10d6 Ego Attack, Requires eye contact (-1) 10
15 1 d6 HKA (2d6 wi STR) [Claws) 1+
45 Shapeshift, any form, 0 END 0
5 UV Vision
20 Universal Translator
11 KS: Occult World 21-,
6 KS: Activities of subject of query 16-

100+ Disadvantages
10 Vuln: 2x Effect from holy items
20 Psych Lim: Must obey someone who uses proper
summoning rituals and knows its true name
(Common, total)
20 Physical Lim: Repelled by holy items
THE ORACLE (Frequently, Greatly)
15 Secret ID (Oracle Demon's true name)
Background/History: These are demons called up by magic 90 Monster bonus
to be interrogated. Those reckless enough to attempt such
a sorcery reap great reward, but the risk is appallingly great.
There are three steps to the procedure. First the demon In a specific conjuration the demon may appear in animal
must be summoned. To accomplish this the demon's true or angelic guise, or even perfectly human. If the spell is
name must be known, and a magic circle drawn with great botched, the form is limited only by the evil imagination of the
ceremony. A lengthy evocation is then chanted. If the circle Oracle, which is a long and broad imagination indeed.
is drawn correctly then the second step of binding is accom-
plished. The dialogue with the creature is then conducted.
The final step is dismissal. If the proper dispellations are The Oracle is mentioned often in this
cast, the Oracle bears no enmity toward the caster, and the book. They are intended for use as a
wizard is enlightened. GM's tool, a way to rationalize the se-
PowerslTactics: A properly ensorcered Oracle is eminently cret knowledge evil forces always seem
useful. Many secrets are known to the denizens of the to possess. The summoning of an
Inferno, and they often display an astonishing knowledge of Oracle is an act of evil, and should
human affairs. These demons regard it as an honor to be player characters attempt it the GM
precisely summoned. Beware, however, for an Oracie con- should enforce all the summoning re-
siders a clumsy invocation an umbrage to be severely quirements, and show no mercy for failure. The dice
avenged. While sometimes the summoner is slain outright, should be rolled out of players' sight so that they do not
often the demon will play along and lie to its offender. Then know whether or not all conditions were met, and even
it will pretend to be successfully dispelled. It will then arrange a successful attempt should be so harrowing that they
among its kin a campaign of terror that will culminate in the never do it again.
destruction of its victim. The primary agents of this undertak- A final word of caution - only the most powerful
ing will usually be Tormentor demons. villains should be able to summon Oracles; if every
opponent knows everything about the pes they will
Appearance: A very important stipulation of a correct sum-
more than likely get very disgusted with the campaign.
~oning is that the demon will obey the command to appear
Don't overdo it!
In an aesthetically pleasing form. This is both vital to the
sanity of the sorcerer and pleasing to the vanity of the Oracle.


Background/History: Evil conjurers in the service of the Pit
are sometimes called upon to commit the ultimate betrayal
of humanity - the summoning of a Possessor demon. Such
a behest is considered a great honor by a depraved wizard
Val Char
Cost Combat Stats
OCV: 5
and is easily accomplished. The diabolical Possessor is 15 DEX 15 DCV: 5
never bound and goes out into the world promptly. The
wizard's responsibility in the matter is at an end. He remains
ECV: 8
Phases: 3,6,9, 12
23 INT 13
with his reward and a colder heart.
25 EGO 30 Costs
The Possessors are the most reviled of Hell's legions, 23 PRE 13
ironically due to circumstances when total occupancy was 2 COM -4 Char: 138 Base: 100
not achieved. The familiar symptoms of demonic possession * PD 0 + +
are a sign of failure on the part of the fiend, whose goal is to 10 ED 5 Powers: 178 Disad: 216
take a human host without outward indication. 4 SPD 15 = =
When a Possessor fails to completely sublimate the per- 5 REC 10 Totals: 316 316
sonality of its host, the battle of wills manifests itself as 50 END 2 • These Stats are equal to host
horrible physical and mental aberrations on the part of the +20 STUN 13 body's characteristics.
victim. A Possessor is often quite content to remain in the Cost Powers END
body and inspire terror, hopefully killing a few WOUld-be
exorcists along the way. 90 12d6 Mind Control, 0 END 0
A successful possession enables the demon to meddle in 24 STR 16 Telekinesis 2
37 6d6 Aid to Any Physical CHAR 3
human affairs undetected. The mission of a Possessor may
7 1 d6 Major Transformation, Cumulative
be subtle or explosive, lasting a minute or a human lifetime. (normal person into demonic servant),
The targets of the hellish saboteur are usually reliqious or power is usable once per day (-2) 1
positively aligned occult institutions. 20 Universal Translator

100+ Disadvantages
20 Vuln: 2x Effect from holy items
20 Psych Lim: Fear of failure (Com, Tot)
15 Psych Lim: Hatred of clergy and holy items (Com, Str)
15 Psych Lim: Overconfident (Com, Str)
20 Physical Lim: Dispelled by death of host body
(Freq, Fully)
30 Susceptibility 3d6/phase from holy ground (Common)
20 DNPC, Host body (Normal) 14-
76 Monster bonus

PowerslTactics: The true mission of the Possessor is to

commit its atrocities undetected and unsuspected. Should a
Possessor be forced into conflict, however, it is a formidable
opponent. Besides its powerful telekinetic ability, the Pos-
sessor can alter and augment the physical capabilities of its
human host, even to the extent of transforming the body itself
into horrifically deadly shapes.
Exorcists and psychic investigators are hampered in con-
flict with Possessors by the knowledge that the innocent
within may be destroyed if great violence is used to subdue
the demon.
The host, once freed of the demon, retains only vague
impressions of his ordeal.
Appearance: The outward symptoms of a partial posses-
sion are familiar enough to preclude the need for elaboration.
A complete possession has no outward sign save for odd
behavior on the part of the possessee. As with all demons,
the Possessor cannot bear the sight of holy items wielded by
believers. Nor can they enter consecrated areas without
suffering damage.

Val Char Cost Combat Stats
35- STR 20 OCV:4
13 DEX 9 DCV: 4
20 CON 20 ECV: 3
21 - BODY 20 Phases: 4,8, 12
8 INT -2
10 EGO 0
20 PRE 10 Costs
8 COM -1
8 PD 2 Char: 87 Base: 100
4 ED 0 + +
3 SPD 7 Powers: 113 Disad: 100
11 REC 2 = =
40 END 0 Totals: 200 200
46- STUN 0 -Char from Growth added in

Cost Powers END

9 +3d6 Hand Attack 1
15 25% Physical Resistant Damage Reduction
4 PD Damage Resistance (8 PD)
7 Growth, 0 END, Pers, Always on 0
20 Regeneration: 2 Body/turn
21 Life Support: No need to breathe, eat, sleep,
excrete, immune to aging and disease
2 + 1" Running (7" total) 1/5"

3 PS: Former profession 12-
2 KS: Past hobby 11-
2 Familiarity w/two skills
9 Three talents or skills, variable
THE CONSTRUCT 10 Two skills at + 1
5 5 pt skill level
Background/History: Little did Mary Shelley realize it, but 3 Weapon familiarities
when she penned "Frankenstein" she set fire to the imagina- 1 1 Basic Language
tion of sorcerers across Europe and the Americas. They took
it as a challenge to duplicate the experiment described in the 100+ Disadvantages
book without the detrimental events which ensued. While 15 Psych Lim: GM chosen fear or phobia (Com, Str)
simple animation of the dead, i.e. zombification, was com- 10 Psych Lim: Encroaching insanity (Com, Mod)
monly known, the construction of a superior being capable of 20 Distinctive features: Size (Not conc, Major reaction)
thought and self-direction had not been achieved. 55 Monster bonus
These endeavors and the methods utilized met with vary-
ing success. Surgery, necromancy, science and alchemy
were all brought to bear on the experiment. Using corpses PowersfTactics: The construct may be of varying intelli-
stitched together worked, but often the brain retained memo- gence, but all are immensely strong. They are capable of
ries of its past life, and the construct tended to wander off and using many weapons. Any phobias possessed in life tend to
terrify grieving relatives. Growing bodies worked better, but be magnified intensely.
it took years to educate the creation. The most successful The life force of a construct does not always depend on the
result came with the brain of an amnesiac and an alchemically proper functioning of internal organs. This makes them
grown body. This creature rebelled against the evil plans of difficult to kill. They can lay dormant for years and rise again.
its maker and is now a valued and apparently immortal agent The Fortunatii Operatii agent mentioned above, Adam Clay,
of the Fortunatii Operatii. allowed himself to be frozen in ice for a year and emerged
The experiments continue and these creatures are still undamaged. Their regenerative power is legendary.
met with occasionally. It is feared one day the perfect Appearance: A construct may appear as a normal human or
construct, a being of great intelligence, strength, and ambi- as a hideously stitched-together parody of humanity, de-
tion, will be made capable of procreation. Humanity's domin- pending on the materials used. Having no soul, they often
ion on Earth would be ended. The great failure of the emit an air of great tragedy.
construct is its lacking of a soul; it must be taught good and

Background/History: The hellish metal Nonamite is a sub-
stance of many properties, all of them evil. It is an essential
part of necromantic rituals designed to reanimate the dead. Val Char Cost Combat Stats
In large enough quantities it will animate the dead without
rituals! An intact corpse brought back to life by Nonamite, by 10 STR 0 OCV:3
10 DEX 0 DCV:3
ritual or proximity, is called a walking cadaver.
10 CON 0 ECV:2
Powers/Tactics: Whatever identity it had in life has fled by 10 BODY 0 Phases: 6, 12
the time a walking cadaver is made. The creatures know no 5 INT -5
emotion save craving and frustration. They are as intelligent 5 EGO -10 Costs
as a bright dog. 10 PRE 0
A newly resurrected walking cadaver is a wild beast whose 6 COM -2 Char: 7 Base: 75
sole thought is to feed on living flesh. It will not rot as long as 6 PD 15 + +
4 ED 9 Powers: 127 Disad: 64
it can feed. Evil necromancers have learned that walking
cadavers are quite trainable. Some villainous groups, the
2 SPD 0 = =
4 REC 0 Totals: 134 134
Black Dawn in particular, have gone so far as to train armies 20 END 0
of undead. 0 STUN 0
To train a cadaver it must first be trained, or more pre-
cisely, broken. Only after the wild spirit has been beaten out Cost Powers END
of them are they ready to learn a task. With patience and a 24 Life Support: Total (-114)
supply of fresh rewards, they can be taught fairly compli- Must eat raw meat or decompose) 0
cated (Skill roll 11-) procedures. The cadavers even seem to 35 Sense Life: Detect bought as Sense, Targeting,
gain satisfaction from performing their jobs. Range, Discriminatory, +3 to Perception Roll 0
3 + 1 d6 Hand Attack
8 1J2d6 HKA (1 d6+ 1 wi STR) - Bite 1+
45 Takes No Stun
12 Skills as taught by particular Master

75+ Disadvantages
20 Physc Lim: Must obey master (Freq, Fully)
20 Distinc Features: Corpse (Cone wi effort, Extreme)
5 Dependence: Raw meat (V.Com, 1/week, 1d6)
14(15) Watched: Current Master (MoPow, NCI, 14-, x 112)

Among the tasks they can learn are mining, factory work,
housekeeping and field work. They are most commonly used
as guards and fighters. They use melee weapons well, and
have a vicious bite. Guns require extra training, but are
learnable if the mechanism is not too complicated.
Cadavers lose their speaking skills but understand their
native language. If their vocal cords are in good enough
shape they can be taught to speak haltingly. Their vocabu-
laries run to about fifty words.
The strangest aspect of a walking cadaver is the fact that
it does not use any of its organs, musculature, or nervous
system. While it eats, it does not digest or excrete. It sees, but
put out its eyes and it can still sense warm flesh. It can even
differentiate between individuals while "blind." If its head is
cut off or its spine severed it can still walk. The only way to
stop a walking cadaver is to destroy it.
Appearance: The walking cadaver is just that. They can be
rotted to almost any degree and still move about. A fresh
walking cadaver is noticeable by the lack of life in its eyes.
Background/History: The common perception of the reani- SKELETON
mated skeleton as a fragile construct of mindless aspect is
accepted at great peril. A notable solidity is imparted upon Val Char Cost Combat Stats
the creation by the mighty spells necessary for fabrication.
The magical field animating a skeleton allows it to reknit 15 STR 5 OCV: 5
16 DEX 18 DCV: 5
breakage and reconstruct itself if it is undone. The individual
10 CON 0 ECV:-
bones can be prevented from rejoining the whole if they are
10 BODY 0 Phases:4, 8, 12
crushed, burned, or dissolved in acid. 5 INT -5
Also, skeletons are frightfully quick and agile. They pos- - EGO - Costs
sess uncanny awareness of their surroundings. If their 15 PRE 5
creator desires, the skeleton may use any normal weapons. 0 COM -5 Char: 44 Base: 100
PowerslTactics: Among the fruitful but dangerous undead 5 PD 12 + +
5 ED 12 Powers: 206 Disad: 150
creations a sorcerer can call up is the skeleton. The ease by
3 SPD 2 = =
which a number of skeletons can be transported, simply by REC Totals: 250
0 0 250
ordering them to disassemble, enriches their status as the 0 END 0
undead slave of choice. - STUN -
Drawbacks are the difficulty of the glamour required, and
the danger, common to this and zombie creation, of ghosts Cost Powers END
of the deceased seeking vengeance for the umbrage com- 17 1d6 HKA (2 x 1d6 w. STR), 0 END,
mitted on their former bones. The drain on the sorcerer Reduced Penetration 0
prohibits the control of more than a few skeletons at a time. 7 o END Cost on STR 0
Appearance: Skeletons are simply that - a framework of 60 Automaton - no STUN, does not bleed
bone. They are almost always human, although some ani- 36 25% Resistant Physical Damage Reduction,
not vs. magic (-V4)
mal skeletons have been noted. Tricky sorcerers will ani-
16 Regeneration 2 BODY/turn, not vs. magic (-v,,)
mate the skeleton inside a fresh cadaver or otherwise 30 Life Support: Full
disguise the skeleton. 35 Spatial Awareness, 360 degrees
4 WF: Melee Weapons, Missile Weapons
1 Climbing 8-

100+ Disadvantages
25 Psych Lim: Must obey orders of its creator
(V.Com, Tot)
20 Distinctive features: Skeleton (Cone w/disguise,
Extreme reaction)
105 Monster bonus

Background/History: Stalking red-handed through occult
history, leaving vanishings and destruction in their wake, go
the Incarnate demons. They are the ultimate agents of The
Inferno on Earth. The mission of these Earth-bound fiends is
easily deduced by the wreckage of their passing - the
systematic elimination of the enemies of the Pit.
Oracle demons have revealed the small amount of knowl-
edge of the origin of the Incarnates. Millennia ago in a long-
vanished country a coven of sorcerers gave themselves over
for possession by a powerful type of demon in exchange for
eternal life. As the centuries passed the demonic infusions
exerted themselves and the original human personalities
were lost. If queried to the fate of these human souls, the
Oracle only utters a dry chuckle. The Incarnate goes on,
assuming new identities through the centuries, doing its
awful work.


Val Char Cost Combat Stats

30 STR 20 OCV: 6
18 DEX 24 DCV: 6
23 CON 26 ECV: 6
20 BODY 20 Phases: 4, 8, 12
13 INT 3
18 EGO 16 Costs
18 PRE 8
10 COM 0 Char: 151 Base: 100
14 PD 8 + +
14 ED 9 Powers: 315 Disad: 366
3 SPD 2 = =
11 REC 0 Totals: 466 466
50 END 2
60 STUN 13

Cost Powers END

30 Multipower (30 pt pool) - Demonfire Control
3u 2d6 RKA [Demon Fire] 3
2u 1 d6 RKA, Area Effect 4" Cone,
No Range [Demon Breath] 3
20 4d6 RKA, Explosion, No Range, 1 Charge,
only when demon is slain (-1) [1 c]
24 18" Flight only in winged form (-V2) 1/5"
10 Damage Resistance (6 PD/14 ED)
27 Life Support: All except still must sleeping
81 Summon Oracle Demon (255 point creature)
20 Multiform to normal human 100 points
10 Multiform to black hound 100 points
35 Spatial Awareness 360 degrees
13 Detect Magic wi Range, Discriminatory
An Incarnate has made a precarious change in its exist- Skills
ence. To its advantage it can now revel in all the fleshy vices
20 Universal Translator
it was heretofore denied. It is still a being of tremendous
3 Lightsleep
capability, and enjoys an envied status among its demonic 7 High Society 14-
peers. Human beings cannot exercise mastery over it by 5,5 KS: Occult World 14-, KS: Secret Societies 14-
learning its true name. It cannot be summoned or dispelled.
Its mortality is the most obvious drawback to the Incarnate's 100+ Disadvantages
existence. Now it is susceptible to violent death. Icons of light 20 Vuln: 2x Effect from holy items
still hold power against it, and holy ground causes it harm. 20 Accidental Change - cycles through all 3 forms while
Lacking other physical needs, it still must sleep. Worst of all, sleeping 14-
it is still one of a select few who are closely monitored by their 15 Psych Lim: Fear of discovery (Unc, Tot)
Evil Masters. 10 Psych Lim: Gluttony (Unc, Str)
30 Susceptibility 3d6/phase from holy ground (Common)
PowerslTactics: Incarnates operate as deep-cover agent,
10 Watched by its Evil Masters in Hell (MoPow, NCI) 8-
procurer, and executioner. Establishing human identities
15 Secret ID (Alter ego human form)
and blending itself into society, it ingratiates itself into occult 246 Monster bonus
and mystical circles seeking out people or magics that
endanger the machinations of The Pit.
Years of combating the resourceful agents of good have
In the unlikely event an Incarnate faces doom, it will take
taught the Incarnate the value of subtlety in its mission.
grim satisfaction from the knowledge that The Pit has a final
Initially an Oracle will be consulted to ascertain the viability
avenging trump to play. The tremendous demonic energies
of using ordinary medical or legal channels to defuse the
squeezed into its human form impart on it the nature of a
threat. Failing this, the Incarnate will mobilize the Black
bomb that explodes with devastating might upon death (e.g.,
Dawn, its network of human and monstrous operatives, to
Chicago 1871).
accomplish the deed. Only in the most extreme circum-
stances will the awesome might of the Incarnate itself be Appearance: Incarnates have three forms, which they cycle
brought into play. Violent death and an inferno of destruction through each time they sleep. One is the human host body,
are the usual result. sometimes grotesquely obese from centuries of high living.
One is a horrible demonic shape, bipedal and winged. Finally
there is the fear-inspiring great hound form. This form is
always as black as sin with glowing red eyes.
Background/History: Hades Sentinels, also known as
Sentinel Demons and Cataboligne, are the personal ser-
vants of Oracle Demons and the Black Dawn dominion to Val Char Cost Combat Stats
which they are attached. In this capacity, the Sentinels act as
messengers, spies, intimidators and repossessors of items. 20 STR 10 OCV:6
18 DEX 24 DCV: 6
As noted in The Art of the Dawn, a Dominion head is given
18 CON 16 ECV:5
the true names of all Hades Sentinels under his command. 12 BODY 4 Phases: 3, 6,9,12
Oracles keep close watch on the activities of their Sentinels 15 INT 5
and have been known to rebuke Dominion heads who 15 EGO 10 Costs
carelessly abuse their services. In extreme cases a Domin- 18 PRE 8
ion head may lose his access to their services, his position 6 COM -2 Char: 110 Base: 100
in the Black Dawn, and in extraordinary cases of wanton, 10 PO 6 + +
wasteful abuse, he may be hideously slain. 10 ED 6 Power: 260 Disad: 270
The reason Oracles guard the true names of their own so 4 SPD 12 = =
jealously is that they neither want nor will stand for dissent 8 REC 0 Totals: 370 370
50 END 7
among the ranks of their personal aides. Magical enslave-
35 STUN 4
ment by a rival faction or another demon is a possibility that
could seriously undo the Oracle's schemes (and its ego and Cost Powers END
20 20 STR Telekinesis, fine manipulation, 2x END 4
PowerslTactics: Hades Sentinels are very specialized de- 31 Teleportation, extra phase to use, 1/2 DCV,
mons. Forbidden to kill unless thrice offended, their main 1,310,720" (1489 Miles) 1 fixed location (point of
mission is to cause fear and pain. They bring to this mission origin), 2x Mass, 1 Charge, Only to recover
an undeniable enthusiasm and an impressive bag of tricks. victim or Item or for self preservation (-112) 10
For example, an individual might steal an artifact and 20 Universal Translator
defect from a cult. The leader of the cult calls up an Oracle 6 Damage resistance (10 PD/10 ED),
and is granted leave to "borrow" a Sentinel. Its mission is to Not vs. silver/ Magic/Holy items, etc., (-1/2)
29 UV Vision, Ultrasonic Hearing,
find the individual and persuade him to return the item. The Tracking/Discriminatory Smell, +2 PER
Sentinel will find its target and haunt his dwelling, moving 45 Flight 15" (x8 non-combat, 90") 1/5"
furniture and moaning until it is noticed. Then it will relay its 22 1d6 HKA (11/2d6 w/ STR), AP 2+
message in a sepulchral voice. Refusal will send the demon 5 Mind Link (Summoner)
away. 5 Mind Link (Oracle Demon that it serves)
Now the demon is told to increase its frightening activities 40 Invisibility, No fringe, vs. all sight, 0 END,
and to hurt the target mildly. The thief will find himselftripping Does not work in Holy/Sacred Areas (-112) 0
on staircases, being bitten in his sleep, etc. A second 11 Life Support: Immune to Intense Heat/Cold
defiance of the Sentinel's request will be followed by instruc- Environments, Aging, May Breathe unusual
tions to the Sentinel to cause severe injury to the target. This atmosphere (Hades)
could include house fires, attacks on innocent acquaintan- Skills
ces, public embarrassment, etc. The Sentinel, as men-
tioned, loves its work and is very imaginative. But it wants 3 Concealment 12-
3 Conversation 13-
that third refusal, for then its most impressive power can be
3 Interrogation 13-
used. 3 KS: Occult World 12-
Once scorned for a third time (or having failed for a third 3 KS: Subject hunted 12-
time) the Sentinel can approach its victim and open a gate 3 Persuasion 13-
between its present location and the locale of the magical 3 Shadowing 11-
diagram that permitted it entrance to this world. In the 3 Stealth 13-
example, the orders were to retrieve an item. It can now 2 WF: Melee Weapons
merely transport the item away, leaving the thief without his
prize. If the Sentinel wishes to kill its victim, it can only do so 100+ Disadvantages
in the presence of its Oracle. 20 Vuln: 2x STUN from holy items (COM x2)
Appearance: Sentinel Demons are totally invisible until they 20 Vuln: 2x BODY from Holy Items (COM x2)
20 Psych Lim: Fear of failure (Com, Tot)
have drawn blood. They come in a variety of shapes and 15 Psych Lim: Hatred of clergy and holy items (Com, Str)
sizes; the listed individual is an average specimen. All are 15 Psych Lim: Sadistic Taunter (Com, Str)
capable of flight, whether winged or not. They are eloquent 25 Psych Lim: Limited by code (All time, Fully)
and talkative when harassing a victim. 30 Susceptibility 3d6/phase from holy ground (Common)
125 Monster bonus

the chapel house he conducts seances, his features cloaked

While specifically intended for a Black by a silk mask. But while both locations provide Barrosmythe
Dawn campaign the Sentinel can be ideal conditions under which to practice villainy it is that
used anytime a sorcerer deals with an which a passers-by does not see that contains the starkest
Oracle. By no means should the GM let horror. For beneath the oddly hemispherical hill is a labyrinth
players know the Sentinel cannot kill of unknown origin that Barrosmythe has fashioned into a
until thrice thwarted -let them work for necromantic laboratory without peer.
that knowledge. Sentinels do not hurry GMs using Locust Valley as a location for their campaign
unless specifically ordered to; a ha- will find much fuel for scenarios. By no means should PCs be
rassment by one may take several game sessions. allowed to traipse about the place at will. Locust Valley and
its denizens should be hinted at in the beginning; the town
should be the hidden center of the campaign before PCs
The College is little-known and held in contempt by the
medical community. Both physical and mental care are
taught here. The curriculum also includes such dubious
subjects as phrenology (psychic analysis by reading the
shape of the skull), mesmerism (healing by hypnosis and
magnetic waves), and the use of Electricity as Cure-all.
Many of the students here either failed to pass muster at
more prestigious schools or are from low income families. A
fair percentage showed an inordinate pleasure in conducting
surgery while studying elsewhere. A few are even Black
Dawn cultists enrolled in a special curriculum. Drunkenness
and medicine abuse are epidemic among the student body.
The T shaped College is in the center of a heavily wooded
lot that is enclosed by a ten foot high wall. The building is four
stories tall and constructed of black brick. The top floor holds
dormitories forthe students. The second and third floors are
classrooms and laboratories. The ground floor consists of
offices. The rear section of the College (the stem of the T) is
a lunatic asylum. Conditions here are appalling, and woe to
the enemies of the Black Dawn who end up here.
The entire complex is gaslit. Electricity is used only in the
laboratories and Asylum. The basement houses a huge
wood furnace that provides moderate heat in the winter. The
chief administrator of the College and Asylum was appointed
by Barrosmythe. He is Sears Tattersall, a Dead Soul Domin-
ion member possessed by the spirit of Pious Freeman, a
17th Century alchemist who was a contemporary of
Barrosmythe's. Tattersall is a morphine addict.
Barrosmythe's office has a secret hatchway leading past
the basement into an underground complex. Here, in stone
chambers built by walking cadavers over two centuries ago,
Barrosmythe conducts hellish necromantic and medical
experiments. Many of the undead he creates here are sent
to the Conquisto Diablo mine in Arizona Territory. His ser-
(LI\IRS I\ND LOCI\TIONS) vants are walking cadavers, constructs, and telekinetic spir-
its. An entire chamber is set aside for Black Dawn ceremo-
LOCUST VALLEY, NEW YORK The complex has two other entrances. One is inside a
This small hamlet on the westward end of Long Island boathouse three miles east on Long Island Sound. The
houses an incongruous pair of buildings. Built on opposite tunnel is navigable by rowboat for about two miles inland. A
sides of a heavily wooded hill, the Locust Valley College of coach drawn by cadavers provides passage forthe last mile.
Medical Science and Asylum for the Insane and the chapel Guarding the tunnel entrance are hired thugs; the tunnel
house for the Inner Circle of the Astral Elect have been itself is patrolled by the undead. The other entrance leads
known to inspire amusement in passers-by: "If the patient into the wine cellar of the chapel house of the Inner Circle of
dies at the hospital then the doctor can go to the Spiritualist the Astral Elect.
and apologize to the fellow in person!" But the forbidding Built ten years ago on the foundations of a 17th Century
aspect of the two stifles most jocularity, and sensitive people farmhouse, the chapel house is a fine example of Italianate
feel a chill when passing by here. Victorian architecture. It is surrounded by well-tended but
This is the domain of Doctor Arthur Barrosmythe. Both the somewhat colorless lawns and gardens. The house itself is
College and the chapel house are under his secret com- slate grey with black and violet trim.
mand. In the college he operates as Professor of Surgery; at
The GM can use the chapel house of the ICAE for Locust Valley is an important location in. the context of a
scenarios based on the Spiritualist movement, which is Black Dawn campaign. Barrosmythe is one of the three
hugely popular at this time. The house belongs to its only greatest Dominion leaders in America, a position he takes
(living) permanent resident, the widow Grace Whippett. dead seriously. PCs should not be able to disrupt his work
Almost eighty years old, Whippett has the charm and energy easily - he is over two hundred years old and did not live this
of a young girl; her connections in society are extensive and long by being foolish. Given an opportunity he and Whippett
persuasive. Only Barrosmythe and the Dead Soul Dominion will go so far as to betray their underlings before forcing a
know that she is in fact a devil worshipper and ritual magician direct confrontation with pes. They will do their best to
of the darkest order. GMs should portray her as a charming convince players they are on the side of the righteous.
lady without a hint of sinisterness. When the PCs finally discover the secret of Locust Valley,
Save for its fortune telling parlors and the seance room Barrosmythe and WhippeU will flee to Fort Blaze or Plunder
where the spirits of the dead are manifested, the mansion is Island, California if possible.
Seances are held nightly. Whippett and her two assistants FORT BLAZE
perform most seances, but on certain nights the Spiritualist
Fort Blaze and its environs are located in the beautiful yet
seekers are graced by the presence of the mysterious
terrible southern deserts of the Arizona Territory. The tem-
nameless medium, who always conducts the ceremony
perature is extreme; blistering daytime heat turns to stark
wearing a mask (Barrosmythe). The identity of this individual
chill at night. Only the hardiest of species inhabit this inhos-
is unknown, and a topic of much debate.
pitable land: the rattlesnake, the eagle, the scorpion, the
Locust Valley offers many scenario themes. The College tarantula, and the coyote. But the hills and mountains here
can be the focus of stories about body snatchers (fresh are rich in minerals and precious metals, so man is also here.
cadavers are difficult to come by in this time), eldritch
And wherever man goes, violence and conflict follow.
medical experiments, escaped lunatics, "Frankenstein" sce-
The jagged peaks of the Growler mountains rise out of this
narios, the walking dead, and other stories dealing with life,
forbidding landscape like the exposed spine of a monstrous
death, and rebirth. Remember that the College itself does
beast. Running north and south for almost sixty miles, the
not need to appear in each story.
mountains can only be crossed at Growler Pass (elevation
The chapel house of the ICAE could inspire scenarios 453). On the desert floor a mile west of the pass the Spanish
dealing with the Spiritualist movement. Plot elements here
built a Presidio that passed to the United States with the
include speaking with the dead, casting fortunes, posses-
Gadsen Purchase of 1853.
sions, separating the gullible from their money, and the
The heavily fortified Presidio is now United States Cavalry
working of black magic.
post 66, commonly known as Fort Blaze. Its commander,
Colonel Midas Caine, his lieutenants, and about three-
fourths of the company are Black Dawn Cultists. Despite
this, a government inspector would be hard-pressed to find
anything amiss here - Caine runs a tight ship. For this
reason, PCs probably will not find anything suspicious here.
A half mile west of the Fort is the town of Brimstone. With
silver mines being found to the north of the Fort a boomtown
was inevitable. While currently fairly small in terms of perma-
nent residents (around 100) the transient population of
miners, cowboys, travelers, and prospectors numbers in the
hundreds. The sheriff, old Billy Winston, is a drunk who
keeps his nose out of Black Dawn business in exchange for
silver dollars and his continued existence. The town has
saloons, barbers, bordellos, assay offices, and all the stan-
dard "western" locations. Hidden in the town is a Fortunatii
Operatii safe house.
Overall, Brimstone is a dangerously woolly place. Not only
do the nearby silver mines attract crooks and swindlers out
for a fast buck, but the off-duty soldiers run wild with impunity.
PCs who do not keep their wits about them could perish here
before encountering anything supernatural.
Six miles south, hidden in a cul-de-sac, yawns the en-
trance to the Conquisto Diablo mine. The mine and sur-
rounding hills are rich in occult history. Thousands of years
ago, Hohokam shamans bound a powerful demon (If neces-
sary for stats use an Incarnate to represent this creature, but
it has a true name and can be dismissed) deep within the
natural cave here. For centuries, until their extinction, the
Hohokam kept guard over the site. But with their passing the
essence of the buried demon began to assert itself, and now
the lower levels of the cavern extend into the frontiers of Hell

The mine was rediscovered by Midas Caine a few years A good finale for the Hellmine Dominion would be the
after the Civil War. This is also where his son Icarus was release of the entombed demon. This demon is opposed to
conceived. The Incarnate, Luthur Steward, discovered the the Black Dawn due to their "mining" of its evil essence.
interdimensional properties of the cavern and identified it as Release of the demon would cut off the entrance to Hell and
this century's source of Nonamite. The cave system has the supply of Nonamite. The PCs merely have to deal with a
been mined by kidnapped slaves and walking cadavers ever really angry demon to end the threat of the mine once and for
since. all.
Anyone who dies while mining Nonamite (as all eventually
do) is resurrected as a walking cadaver. The unused side PLUNDER ISLAND
passages are packed with carrion legions awaiting shipment
The Black Dawn haunt the night like bands of insane
to Dominions worldwide. The Black Dawn has even brought
specters. Not for them are green meadows and b~sy boul.e-
horses into the poisonous mines to provide undead transport vards: rancid tunnels and midnight alleys are their domain.
for cadavers. The n'ames of their lairs are a litany of deranged obsession
This army consists of over one thousand walking cadavers - Locust Valley, Brimstone, Conquisto Diablo. But the
that function as infantry. Four hundred of them are called the ultimate den of Black Dawn terror has an exciting name
Hades Guard and are trained to use rifles and bayonets. Two which conjures visions of treasure, sea breezes and hearty
hundred are trained as cavalry and are equipped with buccaneers - Plunder Island. But those who come here
undead horses and appropriate weapons. Two hundred expecting adventure had best take heed - the Plunder here
skeletons serve as light infantry; forty of these are also given is not gold but men's souls. He who escapes this place
undead mounts and use whatever weapons they are told to
unscarred may count himself lucky. . ...
use. These arrived courtesy of Doctor Barrosmythe in boxes Plunder Island was first inhabited by a man the inquisition
and are stored in the mine at various locations. Any prisoner erased from history. Carlos de Tarantula and his group of
taken from a battle and fit enough will be sentenced to labor followers built a Moorish style castle here in 1686 as a safe
in the mine, where he will eventually die and join the army of haven wherein to practice their diabolical rites. The colony of
undead. Important prisoners are saved for whatever pur- Devil worshippers was short lived; all vanished after a late
poses the Black Dawn has forthem. Those weak orwounded season hurricane in 1700. The Island, 15 miles west of
are executed outside the mouth of the Hellmine. Colonel Tiajuana, soon become a source of local legend. All who
Caine enjoys watching his son Icarus gun them down. stayed here met with madness and damnation. The Wel~h
The outlaw membership of the Hellmine Dominion live in pirate Wythyr was killed here by authorities in 176~. HIS
the abandoned cliff dwellings built under the overhanging rim crew, judging by their condition, had been eaten alive. In
of the cul-de-sac. Their steeds are stabled in a large cavern 1800, strange lights pulsed in the sea off ~Iunder, B:nd
just inside the mine. forever after the fish here were vicious and unfit to eat. Fifty
The mine has six levels; each is dug directly beneath the years later a band of Jesuit Brothers ve~tured forth to bless
one above. The small amount of Nonamite mined annually the Island, its castle and the surrounding waters. All van-
yields enough ore to forge about a hundred Hands of Night. ished save one. He was found three years later, his mind
Gamemasters can use this location in several ways; by no gone, in a Taiwanese Opium Den. That, as far as t~e world
means should all the mysteries here be solved in one knows, is all history tells of Plunder Island. But there IS more.
scenario. The presence of the demon has leaked evil magi- Silas Voltanus and his brother Paul came here several
cal force from the mine throughout the area, which means
years ago from the Mediterranean B~rbary Co~~t. The
that monsters, sorcerers, etc., unconnected to the Black combined forces of a San Franciscan Chinese Dominion and
Dawn may be drawn here. An old West vampyr, werewolf, or his own band of cut throats were required to tame the blood-
evil sorcerer can make for a good scenario and added thirsty spirits dwelling here. The survivors banded. together,
mystery. . . . with Silas as Dominion head. The haunted Island IS now the
Walking cadavers are wild until tamed -It IS possible that ultimate safe refuge for the Black Dawn. When the forces of
one could escape and need to be caught. Or one of the mine sanity smash a Black Dawn operati~mit is her~ to which the
slaves, on the verge of being overwhelmed by Nonamite, survivors flee, to plot anew. Here IS where Silas Voltanus
may seek help for his "condition" from the PCs. forges the Hands of Night. Here, hidden in a sea cave, is a
The church in Brimstone is under Black Dawn control. The small fleet of vessels captured by Silas and his murderous
minister there will implore PCs to leave, but will not volunteer Dominion. Of greatest importance is the meeting held here
information (Caine has had a Hades sentinel assigned to the every six years by the Incarnate masters of the Black Dawn.
preacher; he is not even safe in the church, which has been Truly, should a band of saints be strong and clever enough,
unconsecrated.) the despicable organization could be smashed here forever.
Since the atmosphere in the mine is poisonous to humans, The Island and its defenses are arrayed in this manner.
all interior guards are animated skeletons sent from Locust The landmass itself is small (about 50 acres) but forbidding.
Valley, New York by Arthur Barrosmythe. The skeletons Except for the sea cave entrance and a small be~ch below
generally rest in pieces, reconstructing swiftly when intrud- the castle the entire Island is encircled by cliffs (-2 to
ers approach. Climbing Skill rolls). The rugged topside is grown over with
The PCs will have to be clever to get in the mine. A wild grasses and cacti. A dying apple orchard surrounds the
straightforward assault is doomed to failure, with all of the castle. There are several caves hidden amongst the rocky
outlaws, cadavers, skeletons, and cavalry to oppose an
outcroppings and ravines scarring the Island.
inhabited by the spirits of de Tarantula and his cult. They
serve the Black Dawn by possessing sea creatures (includ-
ing a few unknown to science) and discouraging trespass-
ers. Wythyr and his crew are now spirits inhabiting the
Walking Cadaver crew of the smuggling ship. On the Island
are dozens of Spirits of all types. Silas has managed to bar
those inimical to the Dawn from entering the castle and
associated areas. The others are free to come and go as they
please. Several tormenter demons call Plunder home; they
are in charge of the torture chamber. Silas has enlisted a few
monsters on his travels to be caretakers in exchange for the
safety it offers. A Vampyr lives in one of the towers; a
werewolf and his pet wolves roam the Island, feeding off
interlopers and the native goat population. Walking cadav-
ers are numerous and perform assorted functions.
Finally, there is the sentient Forge Flame itself. It is firmly
in the camp of Hell. It takes no action against Silas and his
allies. Any other mortal on the island is subject to a constant,
cumulative mind control (1 d6/ Hour on the island) by the
Flame. Eventually, trespassers will become homicidally in-
sane (until they die or leave the Island). Anyone who attacks
the forge directly will be met by tendrils of flame that cause
whoever they touch to vanish utterly (random teleport to any
location on the Earth - remember the Jesuit Priest in

- STR 11 DEX - CON 12 BODY 8 INT
8 EGO 15 PRE 0 COM - PD 4 ED
Skills & Powers: 1) Teleportation (1 floating location), range
x1 ,310,720" (1489 Miles), usable against others (tendrils of
The castle itself is in bad need of repair. The four towers flame), Cost: 220; 2) Mind Control 1 d6/hour, range of the
are crumbling and uninhabited by the living. The ground island, cumulative, 0 END, persistent, always on
floor, where Silas holds court, is in reasonably good condi- Disadvantages: The forge will take damage from attacks
tion. The interior walls are painted in a veritable catalog of versus the flame as follows:
blasphemies; the floor is strewn with stolen treasures, opu- Bucket of sand - Y2d6 KA
lent rugs and decadent furniture. Torches and oil lamps
Gallon of water -Y2d6 KA
provide murky illumination.
At the end of the main hall is an ornate, carved throne. This Gallon of Blessed/Holy water -1 d6 KA
is on a swivel and conceals a staircase. The Apartments If PCs think to use explosives to extinguish the flame, treat
below are hewn from solid rock. Silas, his Dominion and their the explosion as a normal attack, hence the ED stat above.
guests dwell here. Below the apartment level is a large grotto Note that the forge possesses no armor versus the explo-
dominated by an imposing forge. This is where Silas forges sion, this is a tactic that may well beat the forge but the
the Hand of Night. He is currently teaching this skill to several resultant explosive damage could be lethal to PCs.
apprentices. The fire in the forge never goes out. It was here
when Silas arrived, and the spirits on Plunder hint that should
• • •
the fire be extinguished the Island will sink beneath the sea. Plunder Island is fairly easy to work into scenarios. If the
Three caverns branch off from the forge grotto. One leads PCs are actively pursuing the Black Dawn the GM may wish
into the sea cave where the fleet and Slias submersible are to have the Incarnate meeting getting ready to happen.
docked. The roof of the cavern is high enough to permit the A West to East campaign might start here. In that case
entrance of all but the tallest masts. The second passage have the PCs investigate the island before going there. This
leads into a temple. Silas holds Black Mass here. This is is a tough location. Beginners will not survive it.
where the Incarnates conduct their conferences. The final PCs can be lured here by promises of treasure.
passage delves deep beneath the Earth to a labyrinth of cells The GM can play up on the Jules Vernian angle with Silas
and chambers. Prisoners and captured monsters are kept as mad inventor.
here. The torture chamber here would shock the most The GM may wish for the PCs to first visit Plunder when the
fanatical Inquisitor. Black Dawn aren't home. This will help them plot an effective
Now a word about the diverse inhabitants of the Isle. The sortie against the island and its inhabitants.
Black Dawn Dominion, who are often away, share the Island The Black Dawn and it's allied monsters will not kill a PC
with a menagerie of creatures. The waters off shore are at first. Any NPC is GM bait, but pes should be captured and
chained in the Dungeon. (Give 'em time to escape).

C~__T_HE__ O_P_P_O~5~IT~I~O~N~) Or~anization Abilities: Men who live on the edge of chance
enjoy t~e company of their kind; the Fortunatii Operatii are no
exception. They are organized in the manner of an occult
lod~e, holding.r~gular and frequently raucous meetings, and
THE FORTUNATII OPERATII actlv.ely re?~~ltlng new members. Most Operatii possess
magical abilities, especially the upper echelon. The breach
Organization Background: The mortal inhabitants of the
with the Arcan~m Royale has healed over the years, and the
planet Earth for the most part are content to allow accident
two groups. enJ~y a cordial relationship, despite the differ-
to carry them through to their final destination. Their exist-
ence of their.philosophies. This benefits the Operatii in that
~n~e. is di~tated by larger events; they do not struggle in the those who fall to pass the stringent requirements for Arcanum
1n~lslble tides of chance that sweep them into hardship and membership are often ideally suited for the more active
misfortune. The average man will merely shrug his shoul- Operatii.
ders and blame fate, and drift on with life. Little does he This is not to imply that the Operatii is careless in the
realize ~he fearsome powers behind the scenes, directing drafting of members. Often possible candidates are moni-
the motion of humanity toward doom; never does he suspect tored for years before being approached. Those with evil
that "fate" is not a random element at all but the result of tendencies or an excessive portion of ambition are marked
machinations beyond his comprehensio~. But sometimes for. surv~illance and passed over. In some ways they are
the :nasks slip an~. he is faced with the awful truth lurking quite lenient - a vampyr and a construct are counted in their
behind them. And It IS then, when the chips are down and the number,which has appalled certain members of other groups.
cards.co~e up empty, he may catch a fleeting glimpse of a At any rate, once a targeted individual has accepted mem-
laughmg figure, a man who can thwart the dealer. This man be~shipin the Operatii, the veil of secrecy is lifted, and he will
will confront the supernatural menace head on, not stopping enjoy the camaraderie of the occult elite.
for ~hanks or compliments. The common man may then The one trait that sets the Operatii apart from similar
realize that perhaps he can affect destiny, and having met gro.ups is their ~ttitude. These men and women truly enjoy
the real enemy, he can be the arbitrator of his fortune. He has their confrontatl~ns wit~ evil! Getting their hands dirty in
seen a larger world, courtesy of those who are not content to mortal combat With the fiends of The Inferno is to them like
let themselves up to the foibles of destination, those agents fin~ wine is to a. connoisseur; something to be taken dead
of fortune, the Fortunatii Operatii. seriously but enjoyed as fully and as often as possible.
It ~egan sometime in the late seventeenth century. A T~e Fortunatii Operatii looks forward to the day when their
certain man had caught the ear of the British crown and services are no longer needed with mixed feelings. On one
plans were festering that would spell eventual doom f~r the hand, they will miss the exciting adventures they have
Isles. A midnight raid by the Arcanum Royale produced shared. On the other hand they yearn for the time to come
sev~ral. powerful artifacts that proved responsible for the when mankind takes the reins of his fortune and throws off
malign Influence, and the leadership of the Arcanum consid- the yoke of diabolic oppression. To this end they have
ered the matter closed. But it was not, argued several invested heavily into scientific research. They are always on
m~mb~rs of that august body, the plans of the fiend were still the lookout. for improved weapons and technology, and
bemg Implemented. Enraged at what they perceived as through their patronage have often utilized new inventions
weakness and indecisiveness by their superiors, this small years before the public learns of their existence.
group became the first ever schism of the Arcanum. Perceiv- Final.I'y, a note on the sole great failing of the Fortunatii
ing the need for magical aid, they approached the small Operatii - an obsessive concern with the malevolent cult
lodge of b~nevolentwizards known as the MiraculumOperari, The Black D~~~. This i~tense hatred reaches all the way
whose existence was endangered by the new policies is- back to the lnitlal conflict with the Incarnate demon that
su~d from the monarchy. A new organization came into o~casioned the founding of the Operatii, and it shows no
bemg soon after this meeting, a marriage of the vast occult signs of abating. Fully half the original membership fell to the
knowledge Of. the Arcanum Royale and the magical adept- knives of the Dawn before the Incarnate leader of the cult
ness of the Miraculum Operari. A nonsensical pseudo-Latin was foiled, and the Operatii has never forgotten that. The
name for this group was coined - they would call them- Black I?awn is t~eir total antithesis, and any news of activity
selves the Fortunatii Operatii. Thus, the vagaries of evil ?n th~lr ~art. Will p~ompt an Operatii to drop his current
!ortune itself came to create a group whose sworn purpose investiqatlon Immediately and rush to the scene. This unfor-
IS to be the agents of its downfall. tunate fixation has tragically led to the death of innocents
The.1 ncarnate demon, for such he p roved to be, was swiftly who the Fortunatii Operatii had sworn to protect.
vanquished. In the flush of success the newborn Fortunatii
Operatii composed their charter and set about to accomplish ~ark Secrets: The Fortunatii Operatii's occult lodges are
the task they set before themselves. The aims of this new hidden throughout historic America. An Operatii member
organization were not only to monitor the events of the occult may drag a PC group into a confrontation with a demon or an
rea.lm, orto ~xperimentwith sorcerous abilities, but to play an investigation i~to suspected Black Dawn activity. Any active
active role In ~he outcome of unseen history by tipping the Involvement With an Operatii member is certain to end with
scales of fate In a direction inimical to the forces of darkness some flashy dramatic conflict.
~he~ev~r and whe.rever possible. Theirtheater of operation
IS primarily based In Europe, but is even now expanding to
the far corners of the world, particularly to America where a
huge upsurge of the malevolent seems to be developing.
Archetype: Occult Investigator
Personal Details: Age: 45 Height: 6'0" Weight: 160 Ibs Hair:
Brown (Receding Hairline), Eyes: Brown Val Char Cost Combat Stats
Background/Personality: A man's faith in God is often 10 STR 0 OCV:4
shattered by an encounter with the uncanny, but when a 13 DEX 9 DCV: 4
young student named William Chandler observed an exor- 13 CON 6 ECV:4
cism in 1862, his strong religious beliefs were strengthened 10 BODY 0 Phases: 4,8, 12
by the tangible proof of the Adversary. The incident inspired 20 INT 10
a lifetime of studying the occult, magic, and the nature of evil. 13 EGO 6 Costs
20 PRE 10
Born in New York City, young Chandler was a brilliant but
10 COM 0 Char: 54 Base: 75
introspective student. His love of scholarly pursuits has
6 PD 4 + +
stood him well through life, and his anonymous writings are 5 ED 2 Powers: 69 Disad: 48
hailed as works of genius. His inherited wealth has provided 3 SPD 7 = =
him the means to travel wherever he wishes and to collect 5 REC 0 Totals: 123 123
one of the finest occult libraries in America. 26 END 0
Chandler's travels have taken him throughout Europe and 22 STUN 0
Asia, and he maintains correspondence with dozens of
learned friends in these locations. As noted, he frequently Cost Skills
publishes his findings for his occultist peers. All of these 3 Contact: Occult Publisher 12-
activities and the location of his library are secrets known 1 Contact: Arcanum Royale 8-
only to a trusted few. This is because William Chandler is 1 Perk: Minister
leading a double life. 3, 5 Resistance +3, Deduction 14-
During his lifetime Chandler has been a Buddhist priest, a 3, 3 Bu reaucratics 13-, Conversation 13-
3 Paramedic 13-
Jesuit missionary and is now a respected Methodist parson.
1, 1 Cryptography 8-, Persuasion 8-
None of his congregation suspect that their God fearing 3 Scholar
shepherd is actually an Agnostic occultist. Chandler has no 7,2 KS: Occult 18-, KS: Supernatural Creatures 13-
illusions about the nature of Good and Evil. His conviction is 5,5 KS: Demonology 16-, KS: World Religions 16-
that an ultimate power of Evil exists which a faithful servant 2, 2 KS: Occult Areas 13-, KS: Occult Items 13-
of the omniscient Good is compelled to oppose - it is a 2, 2 KS: Occult Personalities 13-, KS: Ritual Magic 13-
2 PS: Occult Investigator 11-
3, 2 Linguist, Latin, Completely fluent
4 Languages: Nepalese; Ancient Greek;
Sinhalese (All Fluent); Mandarin (Basic)
1 WF: Rifles
3 + 1 wiPER Rolls

75+ Disadvantages
10 Psych Lim: Code Vs. Killing (Com, Mod)
10 Watched, The Supernatural (Mo Pow, NCI) 8-
5 Age 40+
5 Distinctive Features: Parson (Conc, Noticed)
15 Secret ID (Chandler's occupation as
Occult Investigator is generally not known)
3 Package Bonus

man's faith which is important, not the name of his god. He

believes that no one is past redemption, but his reluctance to
kill does not extend to supernatural creatures.
Chandler cuts an imposing figure, and his stern appear-
ance reflects his personality. He is always formal and re-
served; only his closest associates know that his dour
exterior masks a considerable sense of humor.

Chandler is useful as an NPC be-

cause of his extraordinary KS: Occult.
The GM in need of an exorcist may wish
to buy him a Magic Skill roll and the
appropriate ceremonies. Chandler will
never reveal his secret without extreme


Val Char Cost Combat Stats

10 STR 0 OCV: 5+
14 DEX 12 DCV: 5
13 CON 6 ECV:4
10 BODY 0 Phases: 4,8, 12
13 INT 3
13 EGO 6 Costs
10 PRE 0
10 COM 0 Char: 39 Base: 75
7 PD 5 + +
4 ED 1 Powers: 64 Disad: 28
3 SPD 6 = =
5 REC 0 Totals: 103 103
26 END 0
22 STUN 0

Cost Skills
3 Fast Draw 12-
10 Martial Arts - Indian Wrestling
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Punch/Kick +2 0 4d6 Strike
Throw 0 +1 2d6+v/5 Strike,
Target falls
Grab -1 +1 Grab + 10 STR to hold
3 Concealment 12-
3 Deduction 12-
3 Riding 12-
3 Stealth 12-
3 Tactics 12-
3 Tracking 12-
3 Navigation 11-
FIRST LT. SEAN O'LEARY 3 Shadowing 11-
Archetype: Soldier 3 Survival 11-
2 KS: Indian Tribes 11-
Personal Details: Age: 28 Height: 5' 9W' Weight: 150 Ibs. 0 AK: Maryland 8-
Hair: Brown (Bearded) Eyes: Brown 2 PS: Soldier 11-
Background/Personality: Sean came from a long distin- 2 PS: Schoolteacher 11-
guished line of naval officers. Growing up within a stone's 2 SC: General Science 11-
throw of the Naval Academy, his entire future was planned. 2 SC: Geology 11-
But Sean was different. He enjoyed the outdoors, camp- 3 Apache Language, Completely Fluent
2 Spanish, Fluent
ing, hiking, and especially horseback riding. So without his
1 TF: Carriages
family's knowledge he applied to and was accepted at West 5 WF: Small Arms, Melee, Bows
Point. When his family found out he was disowned and has 3 + 1 Level w/Pistols
never looked back.
After graduation he was posted to the Indian Territories 75+ Disadvantages
and served with distinction; that is until a sergeant under his 15 Psych Lim: Protective of others, will sacrifice self
command went on a rampage in a village. Sean's last image (Com, Str)
of the battle was the sergeant aiming at him with a rifle. 10 Psych Lim: Confident (Com, Mod)
The following investigation absolved him of any wrong 3 Package bonus - Soldier
doing, but the stigma was a burden, so he resigned.
After traveling about the west for awhile, he chose to
become a school teacher and settled in a small quiet town.
He had only been teaching about a month when one of his
students was killed by a Vampire. This exposure to the
unknown convinced him to once more become a soldier, this
time for a better cause.


Val Char Cost Combat Stats

13 STR 3 OCV:4
13 DEX 9 DCV: 4
13 CON 6 ECV: 5
10 BODY 0 Phases: 4,8, 12
13 INT 3
14 EGO 8 Costs
13 PRE 3
12 COM 1 Char: 55 Base: 75
6 PD 3 + +
6 ED 3 Powers: 111 Disad: 91
3 SPD 7 = =
7 REC 2 Totals: 166 166
40 END 7
24 STUN 0

Cost Skills
35 Magic Wielder Spells: Shield, Demonfire, Sense
Magic, Dispatch & Air Mastery
12 Martial Arts - Boxing
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Jab +1 +3 2V2d6 Strike
Cross 0 +2 4V2d6 Strike
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
2 +1" Running (7" total) 1/5"
3 Cryptography 12-
3 Demolitions 12-
3 Lockpicking 12-
15 Magic Skill: Spellcasting 18-
3 Scholar
3 KS: Spellcasting 13-
Archetype: Magic Wielder 3 KS: The Black Dawn 13-
3 KS: Fortunatii Operatii 12-
Personal Details: Age: 40 , Height: 6'4", Weight: 180 2 KS: Alchemists 12-
pounds, Hair: Black (Bearded), Eyes: Hazel 2 KS: Cults 12-
Background/History: The fog of London shrouds the old 2 KS: Demonology 12-
city and all of the buildings that comprise this sprawling 2 KS: Magic Legends 12-
center of civilization. Shadows gain a life of their own, and 2 KS: Magic Tomes 12-
mothers tell recalcitrant children who refuse to sleep that 2 KS: Items of Power 12-
OAK: England 8-
these fog-spawned specters will bear them off into the night 1 PS: Historian 8-; (PS: Teacher 8- is free)
to the land of the fairy folk, a place where they will be 3 Basic languages: German, Greek,
tormented and spooked by all manner of wee beasties. Latin (English is native)
They stop believing in these stories when they attain the 4 WF: Small Arms, Thrown Blades
proper age, where cynicism blends with the demands of day o TF: Carriages
to day life. Losing the childhood innocence for most was 3 + 1 Level wlPistols
nothing more than a passage to adulthood.
Not so for James Leonard Tipsword. The shadows still 75+ Disadvantages
came to life and tormented him. Early in life, the shadows led 15 Psych Lim: Curious about magic (Com, Str)
a curious little boy down a path of exploration. When the man 10 Psych Lim: Reckless (Com, Mod)
returned, he had seen a side of life few believe exist. 5 Age 40+
Creatures of darkness cavorted with men who had the power 5 Watched, Fortunatii Operatii (As Pow, NCI) 11-
to summon and control these beings. A lifetime of careful 20 Hunted, Black Dawn (As Pow, NCI) 11-
10 Distinctive Features: Tall, slightly odd Englishman
study and painstaking cultivation of knowledgeable contacts
(Conc, Noticed)
brought Tipsword the satisfaction he had sought since his 3 Package Bonus - Magic Wielder
youth. 23 Hero Bonus

He learned the power of sorcery. The inscrutable cultists DANIEL GRAEME

who had shared their forbidden wisdom with the inquisitive
Archetype: Psychic
Englishman discovered in him that rarest of marvels, a Magic
Wielder. He was raw clay to them, and rather than follow Personal Details: Age: 37 Height: 5'9" Weight: 165 Ibs.
tradition and slay him outright, they would mold from the Hair: Black Eyes: Grey
innocent a vessel of magic, needing only to be filled with Background/Personality: In a world filled with mind-shat-
knowledge to create a wielder of power who could someday tering horrors and mind-shattered characters, their activities
rival the most legendary wizards. Yes, they now had some- serving to confound and terrify the opposing powers of good,
one who could bring the Order to its prophecized destiny. some exist solely to observe the conflict with an impassioned
Dominion of the world. eye. The task is grueling, heart-rending at times, but the truth
They did not believe Tipsword would refuse to serve the must be preserved in an unbiased form. This work falls into
Order. After all, they had shown him the way; how could he the domain of the Arcanum Royale's secondary mission,
turn away now? Not even the most gifted men of the order transcribing occult history as it happens; the job is fulfilled by
had a clue regarding the sudden change in Tipsword's heart. many people. One of these individuals is Daniel Graeme,
Had they known he would steal one of their most valued police inspector and roving Arcanum historian.
grimoires and flee from Normandy in the dead of night, the Few people pay Mr. Graeme any real intense notice. His
Order would have slain him immediately. In their hubris, or normal height and bearded features are wholly unremark-
possibly astonishment, Tipsword was not pursued across able under a well-worn derby and long coat. It is his adver-
the Channel. saries who pay this deductive genius any measure of recog-
The small group who observed the fugitive's dance beside nition and respect. While the purpose of the Arcanum is to
his grounded craft showed no astonishment at all. When the observe, Inspector Graeme frequently enjoys taking a more
jubilant escapee ceased his capering he had been sur- active hand in his investigations into the unknown events of
rounded. The stern frowns encircling him chilled his heart- the day. And the subjects of his investigations, believing
but was that man now smiling? To his befuddlement,Tipsword themselves untouchable by the law, find themselves looking
's captors began to laugh and applaud, and moments later he on slack-jawed as the Inspector and a pair of his worthy
was being backslapped and he was shaking hands, and he constables show up at a secret hideout with warrants and
knew that he had come home. Thus it occurred that the boy handcuffs at the ready.
who refused to grow up learned to resist the corruption of Some of these villains are convinced that the Inspector is
power, and by doing so passed the initiation rite of the gifted with precognitive powers beyond his deductive and
Fortunatii Operatii. criminology skills. This is entirely false, as his wife will tell
Today, Tipsword is in America helping the small Fortunatii you, for he has yet to foresee an anniversary or birthday on
Operatii lodges in this war-torn land battle where the horrors time and have a gift in his possession when he returns home
erupt on all sides. He is still an eccentric, laughing figure from work. Even after Mr. Graeme has calmly related the
given to jokes and bawderisms, but at his core is a rock-solid evidence he has gathered, the screams still continue. "How
heart of goodness. did you know?!" they roar in disbelief.
But Graeme merely dismisses the astonished shouts with
a shrug and some type of unflattering remark about the
criminal's lack of foresight or carelessness regarding evi-
dence. He is almost totally unflappable and unperturbable in
the face of even the most atrocious crime scenes. He does
enjoy his investigative duties, and gets a thrill from confront-
ing the responsible parties for a first hand account of their
activities. Since many of these activities endanger the public
at large, the activists can be disappointingly unwilling to talk
frankly about what they have been doinq, Being a reason-
ably intelligent man, Graeme will be certain to have assis-
tance on hand to deal with any possible danger arising from
an arrest situation. He is well-trained in the use of pistols and
careful to have the backing of official warrants when con-
fronting a suspect.
Graeme's investigative abilities are his premier talents. He
has a fine knowledge of criminology and a knack for deduc-
tion bordering on the mystical. As a member of the Arcanum,
he is versed in cryptography, trading, and occult knowledge.
It is likely that he would be a legend in crime circles even if
he did not possess postcognitive abilities, a gift he keeps
closely guarded.
At a crime scene, Graeme fades into a postcognitive
trance. His visions allow him to see, hear, and feel everything INSPECTOR DANIEL GRAEME
that has taken place during a traumatic experience in a
location. Even crimes committed long ago leave a psychic
residue behind that can trigger his postcognition. A keen Val Char Cost Combat Stats
observer, Graeme takes full advantage of the visions he 10 STR 0 OCV: 5+
sees and notes any clues left behind that he can recover after 15 DEX 15 DCV: 5
his trance. The gallows has been the last place a number of 15 CON 10 ECV:4
astonished criminals have wondered how their seemingly 10 BODY 0 Phases: 4,8, 12
flawless crimes were found out. 18 INT 8
13 EGO 6 Costs
18 PRE 8
GMs will note that Graeme's post- 12 COM 1 Char: 83 Base: 100
cognition is limited by no conscious 6 PD 4 + +
6 ED 3 Powers: 137 Disad: 120
control and no range. Thus, PCs seek- 3 SPD 5 = =
ing to take advantage of his wondrous 6 REC 2 Totals: 220 220
gifts will find that the information he can 45 END 15
be coerced into parting with is rather 29 STUN 6
limited and incomplete. The Inspector
can be used to set PCs upon the right Cost Powers END
track in a game. Or, they can be called upon by Graeme 17 Clairsentience (Retrocognition) w/sight, 0 END,
to assist in confronting a suspect ("Look, I know you no conscious control, no range 0
chaps have been nosing about this sorry business for 15 Clairsentience (Retrocognition) w/hearing, 0 END,
some time now. Work with me, and maybe we can stop no conscious control, no range,
this nonsense once and for ali.") linked to Sight Clairsentience 0
15 Clairsentience (Retrocognition) w/tactile sense,
o END, no conscious control, no range,
linked to Sight Clairsentience 0

2 Perk: State Police Powers
1 Perk: Arcanum Royale member (low)
3 Resistance +3
11 Deduction 17-
5 Criminology 14-
5 Forensic Medicine 14-
5 Concealment 14-
3 Cryptography 13-
3 Trading 13-
3 Persuasion 13-
5 Stealth 13-
3 Bureaucratics 13-
3 Combat Driving (Carriages) 12-
3 Riding (Horses)12-
7 KS: Occult History 17-
5 KS: Chess 15-
3 KS: Police Procedures 13-
3 KS: Arcane Items 13-
4 WF: Small Arms, Common Melee Weapons
9 +3 Levels w/Pistols
4 +2 Levels w/Sight Perception

100+ Disadvantages
20 Psych Lim: Protective of wife (V.Com, Str)
15 Psych Lim: Curiosity (Com, Str)
5 Physical Lim: Myopic (Infreq, Slight)
20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
10 Distinctive Features: Cop (easily conc, major reaction)
15 DNPC, wife Anne (normal) 11-
10 Watched by Arcanum Royale (MoPow, NCI) 8-
10 Watched by Police (AsPow, NCI) 11-
15 Secret ID (Arcanum Royale researcher,
postcognitive psychic)

r • A good perception roll will reveal that the incision severing

SCENr\RIO: THE her head was cut on a line bisecting two fresh puncture
wounds similar to the scars but slightly further apart. [The
\. r\N6LEWOOD SLr\SHER..I killer is attempting to frame a vampire for the murder]
At this point the pes have only a few avenues of
Players! Read no further! investigation. They can examine the body, visit the scene of
the crime or do nothing.
This scenario introduces players to the Black Dawn. Only THE SCENE OF THE CRIME
one cultist appears, but his actions set the stage for further The scene of the crime is Gorton's house, a two story brick
horrors with the Black Dawn. dwelling in a wooded lot at the edge of town. His workshop
Clues and events are presented in the approximate order is adjacent. Dr. Emory, Jason MacGuire and the uncon-
the players will encounter them. GM explanations are en- scious Gorton are upstairs.
closed in brackets [ ]. Jason will let the investigators in and answer any ques-
The year is 1888. The specific locale is up to the GM; a tions. He has little to add to his prior statement. He earnestly
small town or close-knit neighborhood is recommended. The believes that Gorton is innocent. Upon reflection he has
GM should take care to provide a solid rationale forthe PCs realized that Gorton was stumbling as if delirious or injured
presence. The group may include a representative of the that morning. He had blood on the back of his collar. [Gorton
law, a local towns person or perhaps an investigator for the stumbled onto the crime and was struck from behind]
Fortunatii Operatti. Dr. Emory is ready to leave but will answer questions is
asked. That morning, he was preparing his carriage to visit
THE VICTIM town when MacGuire ran up and explained what happened.
The scenario begins with a shocking event. At least one Being the Gorton family physician, he and MacGuire imme-
PC should be present. The GM should describe a typical diately rushed to town. [He is lying. He and an accomplice-
weekday morning, taking care to stress the mundane. Chil- who is hiding in the basement - are the killers]
dren are playing, boys are hawking newspapers, black- • If asked about the faded scars on Ellie's neck he will
smiths are hammering off in the distance and merchants are profess ignorance, as she only recently returned to his
moving displays outside. Everything is normal. care after a few months with another physician. The other
Then a horsecart careens around the corner, hits a rut and doctor is an Englishman who arrived here last year. His
overturns. Driver and passenger are thrown to the street and name is Michael Lansing. The PCs will have to ask him
something rolls toward a PC. The driver, an older man, about the bites. [Emory wants them to visit Lansing]
mutters, 'Doctor, doctor' - beside him is the headless • She returned with insomnia and anemia. He prescribed a
corpse of a young lady. At the PCs feet is her head. It has sedative. [That's why she slept through the draining]
been neatly sliced off. The Anglewood slasher has claimed
his first victim. Gorton is heavily drugged and cannot be awakened. An
The man is Elwood Gorton, widower and local woodcrafter. examination will reveal a contusion on the back of his head.
He lapses into catatonia before saying more. The girl was his Emory has bandaged it. An exceptional Skill Roll (-5) will
daughter Ellie. After a couple minutes a second cart ap- suggest that this injury was not sustained during the acci-
pears. The driver reins up at the wreck. He is Dr. Justin dent. This and a look at his laundry (his shirt has blood at the
Emory. His passenger is Jason MacGuire, Gorton's appren- back of the neck) confirm MacGuire's story. [Emory has no
tice. intention of allowing Gorton to awaken. He was terrified that
Emory will diagnose Gorton as suffering from shock. After morning when Gorton made it to town. Now that that crisis
Emory promises to keep him bound and sedated, the police has passed he is full of confidence]
release Gorton into his care. Jason MacGuire will volunteer A search of the house and grounds reveals:
to help the doctor, but wants to talk to the police first. • The kitchen door lock has a large fresh scratch on it, as if
Jason's story throws suspicion on the father. That morn- someone had broken in. [Emory and his assistant]
ing Jason had been unavoidably late for work but Gorton was
• The girl had been sleeping downstairs in the parlor on
not at the shop so he knocked at the house. After a minute
doctor's orders. [To make the murder easier]
Gorton emerged with Ellie's headless corpse in his arms (the
head was bound in an apron). Muttering, 'No blood, no • A bottle of medicinal powder on the girl's nightstand. The
blood', Gorton took Jason's cart and drove off. The aston- prescribed dose is rather high.
ished apprentice ran across a field to Dr. Emory's adjacent • A few drops of blood on her pillow.
house and the two rushed into town. [The story is true] • Outside the parlor window, in the fresh earth of a flowerbed,
The body is at the mortician's, Joe Gates. are footprints indicating that two men hastily exited the
• The body is almost entirely drained of blood. There is no window. [The killers fled upon hearing MacGuire's knock]
post-mortem bruising and little evidence of bleeding save • If dogs are used to track the footprints they will become
a few drops on her collar. [The body was drained out by spooked and refuse to proceed past the edge of the trees.
a manual pump before the head was severed] [There is an invisible Sentinel Demon blocking their path]
• Gates guesses that she died right before dawn. [Correct] By now the pes are probably sure that a vampire or two
• On her neck are faint, well healed scars resembling fang are stalking the area. Emory's testimony indicates that the
marks. [A vampire fed on her several weeks ago] villain is Dr. Michael Lansing. They can investigate this
possibility a number of ways.

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THE DOCTOR cast shadows and reflections. He does not kill his victims
A background check on Lansing will reveal the following. or create fledglings. He drains minimal amounts from
Note that unless the PCs are operating in an official capacity female patients during the course of the day, hence the
the townsfolk will be reluctant to speak ill of the popular erotic dreams.
Lansing. He is by no means a good Vampire. His apparent mercy
is a self-defense tactic. He will do whatever is necessary
• Lansing lived in New York City before moving his practice to protect his secret.
here last year. When the PCs approach Lansing he will be in his office
• He is English, well-mannered and expensive. He is popu- or just arriving home from a house call. The GM is warned
lar with the affluent citizens in town. He has been spotted that the course of the scenario depends on this first
at numerous social events at all hours of the day. As his meeting. How do the PCs approach Lansing? Is Lansing
denomination (the Church of England) is not represented openly accused of being a Vampyr? Whether the PCs
in town, he attends no worship services. interrogate Lansing outright or use a sneakier method, the
• A successful PER roll on any of Lansing's female patients visit will confirm Lansing's suspicion that he is being
will reveal an element of embarrassment in her de- framed (he'll have heard about the murder). [After neutral-
meanor, as if an impropriety had occurred. [They have izing the PCs suspicions, his first priority will be finding the
erotic dreams about him] real killer]
• He has a manservant, Blythe, who is his constant com- Or do the PCs sneak into his home while he is out? If the
panion and medical assistant. search is conducted while he and Blythe are out the PCs will
• He operates a practice from his home, Anglewood Manor. have little trouble finding the only evidence of Lansing's
He is often out making house calls. vampirism - a coffin in the basement. If this coffin is defiled,
[Lansing has a terrible secret - he really is a vampire Lansing will retire to one buried in the back yard. Lansing will
(use the stats for Vampyr, in the modern section). He is be furious. He will avenge the disruption of his life and then
448 years old and originally from Inverness, Scotland. depart to start anew.
Over the years he has rejected the typical behavior If the PCs are surprised by (or openly attack) Lansing at
patterns of the typical Vampyr. Aged and experienced, he home, he and Blythe will do their utmost to kill the intruders.
h~s mastered the bodily processes that would destroy Lansing's veneer of gentility will drop away and he will
him when exposed to sunlight. He cannot tan, but does become a vicious animal.

.~ Anglewood Manor -
Basement Lansing, while in New York, made the acquaintance of a
spiritualist group called the Inner Circle of the Astral Elect.
Through them he came to the attention of the necromancer,
Dr. Arthur Barrosmythe. Lansing was fascinated by
Stairs up to Kitchen
Barrosmythe's esoteric studies and the necromancer was
eager to study a Vampyr. But the two had a falling-out over
the extent of Barrosmythe's experiments, and Lansinq broke
Ladder up to Stable !II contact. Soon he fled town to escape persecution from the
Black Dawn.
Emory was the most prestigious doctor in town until
Lansing came. The usurper quickly became a favorite of the
local blue bloods, making a substantial dent in Emory's
social standing. Emory became unhinged at the defection of
his patients. His consuming jealousy of Lansing came to the
attention of certain nefarious powers who dispatched a
• Lansing's appearance is startling. His skin is pale and his Sentinel Demon and a Black Dawn cultist to his aid. The two
lips are darker than normal. He dresses in practical, revealed Lansing's true nature and explained how he could
stylish clothing. be ruined. Now quite mad, Emory wasted little time in
• Blythe is tall, stoic and dark haired. A successful PER roll implementing the plan of revenge. Ellie was the first victim.
reveals that he is wearing a shoulder holster. Barrosmythe intends that neither Lansing or Emory sur-
• If approached in a friendly manner Lansing is civilized and vive. His agent in this matter is Julian Register, the Black
cordial. His voice is deep, mellow and arresting. He stares Dawn cultist. No one except Emory knows he is in town. The
right into the eyes of whoever he is addressing. He does Sentinel Demon is under his command. He is very important
not blink. if the GM wishes to use this scenario as the first in a Black
Dawn campaign.
• He will offer tea and fine cookies to a guest. He'll sip tea
He is hiding at Emory's house. In the basement, among his
but skip the cookies, saying he has just eaten. He will
belongings, is a photograph depicting a group of society
express concern about the events of the morning. He liked
types. In the back row, circled, is Lansing (He can be
Ellie and her father very much. She returned to Emory's
photographed if he chooses). The inscription is I.C.A.E.,
care for a personal reason
New York chapter.
• l.ansinq could not return the love she professed for him. The rest of Register's belongings are an impressively
He is genuinely remorseful. complete Vampire hunting kit. Besides the usual compliment
• If confronted with evidence implicating him as the killer he of stakes, hammers, mirrors etc., the kit includes special
will tell PCs that he believes the real criminal is a stranger items which can help PCs defeat Lansing. There is a cross-
in town who is framing him. bow with wooden and silver-tipped quarrels, two Black
• If he is accused of being a Vampire he will laugh and have Bombs incorporating silver shrapnel and a hand-held sprayer
Blythe tell an amusing story of a young boy who accused loaded with holy water. Register intends to make short work
him thus shortly after coming to town. He will repeat the of Lansing. He carries with him a Hand of Night of the lesser
tests the youngster had him perform - exhibiting his variety.
shadow, reflection and ability to stand in the sun. He will Register and the Demon will attack if the plot is uncovered.
put on an airof righteous indignation if the use of crucifixes The Demon cannot kill unless the conditions described in
is suggested, saying that the symbols of his savior are that entry are fulfilled, but Register - pumped up on potions
unsuited for mere parlor games. If the PCs push it he will and armed with knife and pistol - is under no magical
insist that they leave at once. Blythe will stand to his constraints. He will take great pleasure in killing a few PCs
defense. If Lansing is positive that he has been exposed or NPCs. His final orders are to insure that neither Emory or
he will arrange a few accidents forthe PCs later (acciden- Lansing are left alive.
tal falls, rat attacks, etc.). The GM should be prepared to think on his feet. The
fol/owing situations have aI/ occurred during p/aytesting.
• If the interview is concluded on a positive note, Lansing Undoubtedly, players will come up with more.
will offer to assist in the investigation. [The better to keep
an eye on PCs]
By now the PCs should be working on some vel}' imagina-
tive theories. They have probably interviewed Emory and
Lansing, and come to certain conclusions. But there are two
more players in the melodrama. To fully understand their role
in this it is necessery to look at how it all began.
The PCs search Dr. Emory's house. Unless the plot calls For Lansing, use the statistics for Vampyr in The
for Register to be out assisting Emory on another kill, he will Shapeshifters International Conspiracy, with these changes
be here. If the opportunity presents itself he will attempt to - Remove his Disadvantages associated with sunlight.
murder trespassers. Otherwise he will grab the gear and Give him skills to be a physician,
escape. If he is trapped by multiple opponents he will shout
out, "Attend me!;" the Demon will arrive in one round. It will DR. JUSTIN EMORY
help Register by deflecting weapons, tripping pes, etc. If
Register is killed, the Demon will go on a destructive ram- 10 STR 11 DEX 10 CON 10 BODY 13 INT
page through the house. The GM should play this for 11 EGO 13 PRE 10 COM 3 PD 3 ED
maximum scares. 3 SPD 4 REC 20 END 20 STUN 12 Cost
If Register is captured, the Demon will rip out his throat in Skills: Combat Driving (Carriages) 11-, Paramedic 12-,
a spectacularly gory fashion. Emory will profess total igno- Stealth 11-, PS: Doctor 12-, PS: Surgeon 12-,
rance concerning Register's presence in his home, hinting KS: Locals 12-, AK: Setting of Town 12-,
that Lansing hired him. WF: Shoulder Arms, Blades. Cost: 23
If PCs confront Emory with hard evidence of his guilt, he 35+ Disadvantages: 0
will claim that Lansing is framing him. He will openly accuse
Lansing of Vampirism and state his case most convincingly. JULIAN REGISTER
He will go so far as to accompany PCs to the Vampire's lair
for a showdown. If he starts talking about the Black Dawn, 13 STR 14 DEX 13 CON 10 BODY 10 INT
the Demon, if still in the area, will kill him (Emory was tricked 8 EGO 13 PRE 10 COM 6 PD 5 ED
into thwarting it twice) or Gate him to Locust Valley, or a 3 SPD 6 REC 26 END 24 STUN 31 Cost
setting of GMs choice. It would be interesting to run into him Skills: Riding (Horses, et al.) 12-, Demolitions 11-,
later in the campaign. KS: Medical Student 12-, PS: Cultist 12-,
If the PCs take no action on the first day, Gorton and WF: Small Arms, Melee Weapons, +1 w/Pistols. Cost: 19
MacGuire will be killed in the same manner as Ellie. Emory
will drop a handkerchief with the initials M.L. at the scene. 50+ Disadvantages: 0
Finally, if the Vampire is killed and Emory escapes justice,
Register will slay the doctor in ritualistic fashion and return BLYTHE
home, his job well done. 20 STR 14 DEX 18 CON 13 BODY 10 INT
10 EGO 18 PRE 8 COM 7 PD 7 ED
3 SPD 8 REC 36 END 35 STUN 66 Cost
Skills: Combat Driving (Carriages) 12-, Stealth 12-,
PS: Manservant 12-, WF: Small Arms, Melee Weapons,
Missile, Brawling, +2 w/Combat. Cost: 34
75+ Disadvantages: Loyal to Lansing (V.Com, Total)

"There is a period in history of glori-

ous adventure. The War To End All ROL~PLI\YIN(i IN
Wars is over; a new world has risen
from the carnage. Shining cities soar
'" 1900 - 1945 /\MERIC/\ ~
upward to a sky fiffed with aeroplanes;
motorcars speed around on a network
of highways. Modern civilization has THE ERA
weathered the storm and emerged tri- The gaming material in this section of Horror Hero owes its
umphant. But, scattered across the globe, realms of tone to the wonderful pulp fiction of the Twenties and
evil darkness still endure ... " Thirties, with a element of cryptozoology and occult history
"Man can travel from New York to London in record stirred in. Many monsters in this section are reputed to exist
time, but he may take forever to learn the lessons of the in real life, and Horror Hero has cast them into the shapes of
last forty years of the Nineteenth Century. I learned one Pulp Horror. The enclosed campaign, The Cult of Taxlan,
great lesson myself; I learned to fly, and to see with one covers but one corner of an age teeming with adventure and
eye all the shadows that a two eyed man never notices. horror; the resourceful GM and his lucky players have the
And when I fly, I find the same evil, the same yearning entire planet at their disposal!
hungry darkness that I encountered just a few decades During their heyday, the pulp magazines published every
before." type of fiction known. Many tales originally found in the pulps
"This era is a lantern to all the adventurous souls in are now acknowledged classics. The majority, while vastly
the world, drawing them, moth-like, to the uncaring entertaining, were as disposable as the poor quality paper
dance of a fire. Adventure! Even when tribal wise men they were printed on. Still, between those lurid covers lurked
speak of horrors in the unexplored Dark Continent, some of the darkest horror and highest adventure ever to be
they plunge onward. 'Damn the travails, mount up and unleashed on a public eager to forget their woes. Here were
move forward!' While the witch doctors of hidden tribes breathless tales of weird menace, cosmic horror, evil mon-
in the Amazon basin can deter their followers from sters, mad scientists, lost worlds, occult detectives - the list
passing the sacred stones with a look, their warnings is endless. Horror Hero has drawn on the adventure pulps
are ignored by the stalwart adventurers of the world. also, giving the setting an international flavor. The evil
'Just stories. Don't give them a thought. We're not criminals and exotic lands, all routine to the likes of Doc
afraid of fairy tales, are we?'" Savaqa", The Shadow", G-8©, or The Spider", become
"Moths to a flame. A scream doesn't travel too far apparitions of stark horror when confronting ordinary adven-
across the South Pole, just far enough to let the next turers.
victim know he should make peace with his soul. I Horror Hero looks on this era and asks, What did those
thought the cults were bad enough. The capability of pulp writers know? Did they learn of horrors so Earth-
mankind for evil is one thing. What do you call the shattering that they had to disguise their warnings as fiction?
natural impulses of a creature inimical to humans? What really happened to those adventurers who vanished
Sociopathy? Psychosis? from the face of the Earth? Were those legends and fables
"I know one thing to call it. Terror. Terror of the heard in the dark corners of the world actually the awful
unknown becoming real, and all the time it takes is a truth?
heartbeat. " Welcome to the Age of Adventure, the Pulp Horror cam-
paign. Here your stalwart heroes will explore the jungles of
South America, chase monsters through city streets and
investigate a deadly cult in the Caribbean. The Pulp Horror
campaign will span the Atlantic, bringing to light the constant
PLI\Y~R5 (iUID~ TO variety of adventure and horror.
Twisted minds hatch fiendish plots in labyrinths beneath Pulp adventures are most enjoyable when everyone in-
the sea ... Famed adventurers emerge raving madly from the volved has had an exposure to this brand of fiction. The
steaming jungles ... Eldritch cities pulse with strange life in easiest way to familiarize yourself with the pulp ethic is
the forgotten corners of the world Ancient gods demand through the Indiana Jones films.
sacrifices from modern worshippers And you are there.
CHARACTER SKILL CHANGES SECURITY SYSTEMS: The security systems of the time
When creating a Character for a Pulp era campaign were fairly primitive compared to today. Usually the com-
players should bear in mind the following guidelines for plexity of a lock determined the complexity of the security,
buying skills. First, remember that the electrical devices of and only wealthy individuals or important, negotiable-
the day were often bulky and difficult to transport. A character handling businesses had electric alarms.
specializing in this field should not count on being able to SYSTEMS OPERATOR: This is used for telegraph/tele-
carry devices along on adventures unless the GM is very phone operators, radio operators and for radar and sonar
lenient. Second, check with the GM and see how realistic he near the end of the era.
intends the campaign to be. He may wish to portray an
'anything goes' milieu or he may require players to com- OUTFITTING THE PC
pletely document everything they carry, down to the loose
change in their pockets TRANSPORTATION
The changes listed for the Pulp era are as follows: The Vehicles of this Eratraverse a gamut; from the earliest
BRIBERY: A must for world travelers. planes to the Messerschmitts of the Reich. Below are ex-
BUGGING: Players buying this skill should remember that amples of several means of ground, air & sea transportation.
electrical gear during this era was bulky and difficult to
This Era is an age of invention; a time when the secrets of
COMBAT PILOTING: This would include all planes,
radio waves, electrons and even the atom were brought to
autogyros, and dirigibles.
light. The following list of items are to familiarize Players with
COMPUTER PROGRAMMING: This skill does not exist. the genre.
DISGUISE: Hollywood has made great progress in this field; Telegraph: Offices can be found almost everywhere; this
a complimentary PS: Makeup Artist can be purchased. was still in use through most of the Era. Investigators seeking
LANGUAGES: The GM should be aware that too much knowledge of events in distant places can usually have an
leniency with the language chart in the rulesbook will answer within minutes.
detract from the horror in many scenarios. Telephones: After the turn of the century millions were in
MARTIAL ARTS: Pulp Adventurers were famous for study- use. By now these were only party line phones in remote
ing esoteric arts in foreign lands, but only a few possessed or rural areas. A character could find a phone in the most
a form of weaponless combat. A PC who has traveled in unlikely places.
the East may be permitted karate, jiu-jitsu or kung-fu . Oil or Kerosene Lamps: These items were stili in use,
Other two fisted adventurers can buy boxing or dirty whether by farmers in Idaho or Jungle explorers. The
infighting. For simplicity, a + 1 d6 Hand Attack may be all a design had not changed over the years, so ali the previ-
PC needs ously listed advantages and disadvantages still apply.


Model "T" 2Ax1.25 -2 1.6T -5 35 3 8 10 3 9x4 108
Stutz 3x1 -3 1.6T -4 30 3 9 15 3 20x4 240
Sedan 3x1.5 -3 3.2T -5 35 3 10 10 3 15x4 180
Touring Car 3.2x1.6 -3 3.2T -5 35 2 11 10 3 20x4 240
Motorcycle 1.25x.5 0 200Kg -1 15 2 6 10 3 15x4 180
Sopwith Camel 2.5x1.25 -2 800kg -3 25 1 8 15 3 23x4 276
PW-9C Bi-plane 2.5x1.25 -2 800kg -3 25 2 9 18 3 33x4 396
Ford Tri-motor 5x2.5 -4 12.5T -7 45 3 10 15 3 21x4 252
Lockheed P-38 4x2 -4 6AT -6 40 3 19 18 4 36x8 1152
Messerschmitt 4x2 -4 6AT -6 40 4 15 20 4 50x8 1600
Rum Runner 4x2 -4 SAT -6 40 2 9 18 3 9x4 108
U.S.N. PT 16x8 -8 400T -12 70 2 22 10 3 11X4 132
U.S.C.G Cutter 20x10 -8 800T -13 75 5 23 10 3 7x4 84
Freighter/Liner 25x12.5 -9 1.6KT -14 80 6 24 8 2 4x4 32
USN Destroyer 32x16 -10 3.2KT -15 85 10 25 8 2 11x4 88

First Aid Supplies: These are useful for Jungle Doctor This is only a sampling of items that will come into play.
types and for PC's ease of mind. Bear in mind that in the Unless the gaming group decides to be history-intensive,
fast paced Pulp era most characters will not have the common sense should suffice when the question of a par-
luxury of extended rest. ticular item's existence arises.
Field lab Equipment: Much improved by this Era, portable
complete labs were available for a fair sum of money. All WEAPONRY
bonuses for lab & accessories should be allowed by the With two World Wars in the first half of the century, weapon
GM if one of these is owned by the PCs. technology improved drastically. Below is a sampling of
Lockpicks: Still a favorite style of entry for thieves, P.I.'s, firearms from the beginning of the Era to near the end.
and PCs with a curious streak. Please note that a complete list would require a text more
Magnifying Glass: This is more popular for professor types immense than this book could hold.
and a few of the more older style detectives.


Browning .25 0 -1 Ad6 0 5 6 .25ACP 1906
Walther P-38 +1 0 1d6+1 0 8 8 9mm 1938
M14 Nambu +1 0 1d6 0 8 8 8mm 1925 Japanese
Tokarev M1933 +1 0 1d6+1 0 8 8 7.62mm 1933 Russian
Colt Police +1 0 1d6 0 8 6 .38 Spec. 1907
S&W # 27 0 0 1Ad6 0 8 6 .357 1935
Submachine Guns (All may autofire)
Owen MK1 +2 0 1d6+1 0 10 33 9mm 1941 Australian
Vz23/25 +1 0 1d6+1 0 10 40 9mm 1948 Czech
MAT-49 +1 0 1d6+1 0 13 32 9mm 1949 French
MP18-1 +2 0 1d6+1 0 10 32 9mm 1916 German
Mauser M32 +1 0 1d6+1 0 10 10/20 .30 Mauser 1932 German
MP40 +2 0 1d6+1 0 13 32 9mm 1940 German
Beretta M38A +2 0 1d6+1 0 10 40 9mm 1938 Italian
M-45 +2 0 1d6+1 0 10 36/50 9mm 1945 Swedish
PPsh-41 +1 0 1d6+1 0 10 35/71 7.62mm 1941 Russian
Sterling L2A3 +1 0 1d6+1 0 10 34 9mm 1943 British
KAR-9BK +1 +2 2d6+1 +1 10 5 smm 1935 German
FG-42 0 +1 2d6+1 +1 10 20 8mm 1942 German
MP-44 +1 +1 2d6 0 13 30 7.92Kurz 1943 German
Arisaka 99 +1 +2 2d6 +1 10 5 7.7 1939 Japanese
Mosin-nagant +1 +2 2d6+1 0 13 5 7.62R 1930 Russian
SKS +2 +1 2d6 0 10 10 7.62Short 1945 Russian
Enfield #4 +1 +2 2d6 +1 10 10 .303 1941 British
Heavy Weapons (All may autofire)
MG-OB +2 +4 2d6+1 +1 * 250 Bmm 190B German; *mounted
MG-34/42 +1 +2 2d6+1 +1 13 50 8mm 1934/42 German
Type 99 +1 +2 2d6 +1 13 30 7.7mm 1939 Japanese
DP 0 +2 2d6+1 +1 15 47 7.62R 1928 Russian
SG-43 +2 +4 2d6+1 +1 13 250 7.62R 1943 Russian
Dsh KM 38/46 +2 +4 3d6 +1 * 50 12.7mm 1946 Russian; *mounted
Vickers MK1 +2 +4 2d6 +1 * 250 .303 1912 British; *mounted
Lewis MK1 +1 +2 2d6 +1 13 47 .303 1914 British
Bren MK II +1 +1 2d6 +1 13 30 .303 1938 British
BAR 191B 0 +2 2d6 +1 15 20 30-06 1918 U.S.A.
MEDICINE 1900-1910: This was the age of transition. Campaigns set
This is still the age of invention. But for the intrepid horror during this period will be an interesting mix of Pulp and
character, these things pale when compared to the items Eldritch, with monsters and motorcars sharing the scene. All
that might save a life. For purposes of healing PCs should be over the world the political scene was in turmoil, with assas-
allowed normal healing when out in the "field" and 1112 x sinations the order of the day. This was the last great empire
healing if hospitalized or under close medical supervision. building era, the English, Dutch and Japanese all made
This still does not prevent infection by "Mystical diseases." forays into other lands, only to discover that such behavior
was rapidly becoming intolerable. Across the globe native

__R_O_R _
J people began to fight for independence.
Great disasters of the time include the San Francisco
earthquake (1906), the Monongah, W. Virginia coal mine
explosion (1907), the New Orleans Yellow Fever epidemic
- a Wu plot? (1905) and the unexplained disappearance of
the steamer Waratah with 300 aboard (1909).
THE SETTING Notable advances in roleplaying-related technology and
exploration include the wireless, the widespread use of
HISTORY submarines and airships, the rapid development of the
The early decades of the Twentieth Century saw the world airplane and automobile, Hans Meyers's Andean expedition
remade. The first decade saw social and scientific develop- in 1903, the first motion pictures, the New York subway
ments so rapid that mankind could hardly keep up. Then began construction in 1900 (who knows what they found
came ten years of constant turmoil. After World War One, down there?) and opened in 1904, Teddy Roosevelt starts a
America emerged as a world power. The decade following national ju-jltsu craze, Roald Amundsen navigates the North-
the conflict was a time of fantastic prosperity - The Roaring west Passage in 1906, the trans-Atlantic steamship record is
Twenties. This is the era of Prohibition and speakeasies, set by the Lusitania - 5 days, 54 minutes. Hiram Maxim
gangsters and revenuers, Harding and Coolidge and Hoover, invents the silencer in 1908, Peary reaches the North Pole in
Jazz and the Blues, radio and movies, and everyone agreed 1909, Halley's comet fails to destroy the Earth in 1910 and
that life had never been better. finally, after being commercially available for three years,
On October 24th, 1929, the bottom dropped out. America airplane sales to private individuals total five.
and the world were thrust into the Great Depression. The gulf 1911 - 1920: The decade of constant warfare. Pulp cam-
between the classes grew larger until it seemed that society paigns set during these years may feature a strong military
included only the very rich or the very poor. The Roaring content, with sorcerers and cultists working to sway the war
Twenties, just over, seemed a fleeting dream. The twin in opportune directions. The United States sent troops to
realities of hunger and homelessness took command of the Mexico, China, Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti and finally to Europe
worlds' consciousness. But not all was darkness. Human for World War One. Tarzan and Fu Manchu become literary
nature proved generous and indomitable. The world coped, sensations in the now-popular 'Pulp" format (for which we all
and grew stronger through adversity. As the decade ended should be eternally grateful).
the cyclic nature of history asserted itself; the world breath- Disasters and other scenario-inspiring events include the
lessly watched as storm clouds began to gather yet again ... Triangle Shirt Factory fire, the Yangtze river flood which
The decades of sharp contrast shared one common killed 100,000 and the eldritch 100 degree weather in Lon-
distinction - transportation technology had rendered the
don (all in 1911). In 1912 the Titanic sinks (on Taxlan Day).
planet open for exploration, and intrepid adventurers rose to Multiple train crash in Switzerland kills 227, Italian Earth-
the challenge. The last great era of earthly discovery had quake kills 30,000 and the East/and capsizes, all in 1915.
come. Far off jungles were awakened by the roar of an Disasters continue through to the end of the decade, the
aeroplane for the first time; flags were planted on virgin most notable being an influenza epidemic in 1918-19 that
mountain tops. And as heroes plumbed the graves of pha- kills 20 million worldwide. The next-greatest disaster is man-
raohs and stumbled across lost cities in the Amazon, they made: WW1 casualties are estimated at 11.6 million dead
found that here, far away from home, the world was stranger and 11.8 million missing or imprisoned.
and more terrifying than they dreamed. Exploration and technology kept up with the constant
After the start of the Great Depression, Congress passed warfare. Notable advances in roleplaying-related technol-
a number of acts that led to the regulation of industries like ogy and exploration include the automatic pistol, the Lewis
securities trading and communication. Anti-depression mea- machine gun (usually mounted on airplanes), Amundsen's
sures begin to turn the country back on a course of recovery. successful expedition to the South Pole in 1911, the first
But elsewhere in the world, men motivated by a lust for parachute jump and seaplane (both in 1912), the Stefansson
power began to implement ambitious schemes in Germany, and Anderson expedition to the Canadian Arctic (1912), the
Russia, and China. Perhaps these individuals have been Shackleton Antarctic expedition in 1914, Stein's discovery of
influenced by outside agencies more evil than themselves? Marco Polo's lost city of Etzina in South Mongolia (1915),
First transcontinental phone call in 1915, plastic surgery
CHOOSING A START DATE developed (after 1916 villains were never quite the same),
This era, spanning the years 1900 - 1945, offers a wide the Tommy Gun in 1916, Hall and Woolley begin excava-
variety of opportunities. Pulp campaigns may be set in either tions in Babylonia (1918), First trans-Atlantic flight in 1919
of the two World Wars, during the giddy Twenties or during and finally, the first London to South Africa flight across the
the dark years of the Great Depression. The choice of a start Sahara was made in 1920.
date will have a great effect on the tone of the campaign.
Decade by decade, here is what the Pulp Era has to offer.

1921 -1930: Here it is - the first decade of the Pulp Era as From 1939 on, World War II dominated the news, particu-
it is popularly reckoned, The Roaring Twenties! The country larly after the United States entered the conflict in 1941. This
became a land of lawlessness. A vocal minority managed to was the beginning of America's recovery from the Depres-
convince the government to pass the Volstead Act and sion, fueled by the demand for manufactured military goods.
Prohibition became the law. This had the immediate result of Life revolved around support of the war effort. It was the end
opening the nation up to exploitation by organized crime. of the war that signaled the end of the Pulp Era. Methods of
After the war, people wanted to party! For the entire decade entertainment turned to the mass appeal of the movies and
the gangsters ruled. The nights were broken by machine- radio and away from the more individual-oriented activity of
gun fire, "speakeasies" could be found all across the country reading, a trend that increases as time goes by.
and corrupt cops and politicians pocketed bribes. Through it
all rang the music which scandalizedthe straights even more CHOOSING A LOCATION
than rock and roll would thirty years later - Jazz! In a Pulp Campaign the world is the setting. The nature of
The Occult saw a resurgence in popularity. From parlor this sub-genre almost demands that characters be permitted
games to deadly serious demon worship, the mysteries of to travel. The organization and monster entries presented in
the unknown held a strong fascination forthe denizens of the this chapter are designed to allow scenarios which start in
times. The most far reaching result of this craze was the the United States and then branch out to foreign locations.
strong impression the racist teachings of the Thule Society For example, an adventure cycle featuring the villain Taxlan
made on young Adolf Hitler in Austria, and their role in the could lead from any Atlantic coast city to the Caribbean and
holocaust to come. finally to Taxlan's hellish lair beneath Haiti. Choosing a
Disasters and other notable events include the ZR-2 location, then, is more likely to be choosing a place to travel
airship disaster and the Hong Kong sinking (1921), the from. If the Dark Corner SOCiety or a similar organization is
Blackston, Va. meteor strike (20 tons, seen for miles) in used, then the PCs may regard whatever chapter they
1922, the YokohamafT okyo earthquake in 1923, the Vestris belong to as their home base.
sinking in 1928, the St. Valentines Day Massacre in 1928,
and the Ohio State Penitentiary fire, the Burmese earth- CONDUCTING THE CAMPAIGN
quake, and the killer hurricane that ravaged Santo Domingo,
Exploration and technology became a favorite subject for The material in this chapter is designed to be used in
escapist reading. Among the true stories of the decade are scenarios featuring a combination of dark horror and high
the invention of the polygraph (1921), the discovery of adventure. The consequences of PC failure should be grim,
Tutankhamen's tomb (and accompanying curse) in 1922, and the desired results of a mastermind's schemes should
the exploits of paleontologist Roy Chapman Andrews in be ambitious indeed. But why is this so?
Mongolia in 1924, the first trans-Atlantic phone call, the A cursory review of some of the more fantastic heroic pulp
airship Norge completing a transpolar crossing and Byrd stories will show that the villains were not content with what
flying an airplane over the pole, all in 1926. Lucky Lindy they could easily have. They wanted the world, and if they
captured the admiration of the world with his solo flight could not have it, then they wanted to destroy it. The monster
across the Atlantic, Watkins explored Spitsbergen (did he entries illustrate the desires of many eldritch creatures to
find Lamplighters?) and an 8000 foot well was drilled in extend their influence across the globe. And if they are not
California, all in 1927. In 1928 the beloved Autogyro is opposed, then they are likely to succeed.
introduced and Amundsen dies on a rescue mission to the Not all stories need to start with the PCs discovering a
Arctic. Pluto is discovered in 1930, to the consternation of dead body and a cryptic clue, a staple of countless pulp
Astrologers everywhere. stories. Exploration that leads to evidence of the presence of
1931-1945: The final fifteen years of the Pulp Era saw Something Strange should have the PCs eager to learn
worldwide depressionferment into globalwarfarethat dwarfed more, portents of doomand curses notwithstanding. Political
that of two decades earlier. The Great Depression is already events mayarouse the suspicions of PCs (i.e., some corpo-
underway at the beginning of this period, and will continue ral in Germany just took over the whole country) and send
until the outbreak of World War Two. But the American spirit them off to investigate matters firsthand.
prevailed, and countless young men went overseas to fight
for a system of government that had basically failed them for CAMPAIGN SCALE
the last ten years. This is the age of saboteurs and spy rings, Unlike the previous era, travel in the pulps is much faster
of secret treaties and hidden agendas. Games set in this and strongly encouraged. New York is a great city, but so are
period can feature Nazis and Japanese villains who bring the major population centers of a hundred other countries.
horror to America, or exciting terrors overseas in enemy Likewise, evil plots take on a greater scale. World domina-
territory. Who knows what desperate tactics were tried by tion, by force, monetary control, or blackmail, is the goal of
would-be world conquerors? many of the more influential adversaries in this time.
Game-worthy disasters and events during these years With travel being such a staple of this era, some adven-
include the Morro Castle fire and the Honshu Island typhoon tures could take place on conveyances like a train speeding
in 1934, the Dust Bowl and the Quetta, India earthquake in across Europe or a cruise ship making its way across the
1935. The Hindenburg explosion, the New London, TX Atlantic. Popular novelists have taken advantage of the
schoolhouse explosion and the disappearance of Amelia possibilities afforded by some methods of transportation:
Earhart all occurred in 1937. A living Coelacanth is caught, isolation within a small area, hindrances due to inclement
Orson Welles broadcasts War of the Worlds and an unex- weather, the potential of being marooned in a strange
pected Hurricane in New England - all combined to make country or on a deserted island, etc. The GM is encouraged
1938 a very strange year. to exploit all these ideas to the fullest.


was now a god, and instructed them how to serve him. East
(TH~ CULT Of TI\XLI\N) and west he sent them, and ancient cultures on both sides of
the Atlantic recorded their visits. The mythology of Central
This section describes the Cult of Taxlan, a pulp-style America remembers them as gods who taught the primitives
organization serving an evil god from prehistory. The Taxlan there many things- howto grow maize, weave cotton, build
campaign embraces most Pulp Horror themes - here the with stone and how to tell time by charting the stars. The
GM will find ancient moldy manuscripts, murderous cultists, passage of centuries twisted the legend so that now these
sorcerous rituals, lost cities, mind-numbing monsters and accomplishments are attributed to one god - Ouetzalcoatl,
the horror of an antediluvian god stalking the Earth. The impact of the Taxlanian exodus on the west is negli-
This material is for GMs eyes only- players who enjoy gible. Conditions on this side of the Atlantic were more
unraveling mysteries should read no further lest their enjoy- favorable to the development of civilization. It is likely that
ment of the campaign be compromised. most Taxlanians quietly blended in the cultures there or to
have formed secret societies; others are thought to have
entered the African interior. As the centuries passed their
THE HISTORY OF TAXLAN story entered the realm of myth.
Atlantis, the shining pinnacle of civilization, has fascinated Taxlan the god, having sent his followers away, used his
humanity since Plato recorded it in the "Timoerus" thou- magic to raise an archipelago from the ocean floor and
sands of years ago. The ancient philosopher chose to relate constructed a huge labyrinth linking the islands. Then, ex-
the story as a moral tale, dressed in the familiar trappings of hausted, he waited forthe sacrifices to commence, so that he
his contemporary religion. He detailed the fate of a mighty could build cities and call back his people. He waited there
continent in the Atlantic. Wise scholars and mighty warriors in the darkness for centuries, and felt his energy ebbing. Only
lived there. Their prosperity led them into pride and impiety, just before oblivion seized him did his pride allow him to
and the gods that they forsook destroyed them and sank the admit that he had made a mistake. His predecessor had
country beneath the waves. But this is not the story as Plato gained power as the result of a mighty war; sacrifices to him
heard it. At the center of the myth of Atlantis lies deception were made by the knife. Taxlan had ascended through a
and madness. mass drowning but had assumed that the method of sacrifice
The truth, which Plato secretly recorded in his "Revela- was the same as before. As the god entered a deep coma,
tions of Chronos," is a darker matter. It is the tale of Taxlan, his priests were killing millions in his name ...
a mortal man who aspired to godhood, and the horrible The evil history of the god-thing Taxlan might have ended
lengths he went to in his quest. Taxlan was hereditary Priest- in darkness and silence if not forWestern man's lust for gold.
King of the island nation that bore his name. He commanded Through the centuries the worship of Taxlan metamor-
the navy, and officiated at religious functions. His passion phosed into the familiar rites of the Native American cultures.
was the Black Arts; he was already five centuries old when But a few of the faithful remained, and kept his name alive.
he discovered that the god he worshipped was once a No book records their dark deeds, but they are there,
human being, his distant ancestor. More importantly, he between the lines of history, sacrificing their all for the glory
discovered the secret means by which his god's power was of their ravenous master. But they never realized that to
sustained. His evil spirit was inflamed by the realization that properly sacrifice to their god the victim must be drowned.
he, Taxlan, could become a god. When a proper offering was made it was entirely by accident.
Taxlan's plan was simple, and it worked. First he furiously The year was 1522. A small band of Aztec refugees
escalated the rate of human sacrifice on the island, to lull the encountered a Spanish scouting party near the shore of the
demanding god into carelessness. Then he performed the Gulf of Mexico. A priest of Taxlan was among those who
rituals that would channel all the sacrificial energy into escaped. Swearing vengeance he snuck onto the Galleon
himself. Planning to trick the god into a characteristic act of anchored offshore. Making his way into the hold he whis-
mass destruction, he then ordered all sacrifice stopped pered the most powerful spell he knew, "Ic Taxlan Ummentul"
immediately. The scheme worked beyond his wildest con- (More Souls forTaxlan), and set a fire. He almost made it off
jectures. The wrathful deity, enraged at its worshippers, sank the ship before the gunpowder exploded. Knocked uncon-
the hills and temples beneath the sea - in short, he drowned scious by the blast, he and a dozen sailors drowned ... And
them all. And Taxlan was ready. In the rush of unimaginable fourteen hundred miles to the east Taxlan stirred from his
power stolen from millions of fleeing souls, killing the for- age-old slumber. He cast his mind across the waters and
merly omnipotent deity was almost an afterthought. touched the souls of the dying. Sensing the evil in their hearts
The god Taxlan's first divine act was ensuring the survival he gave them the choice to live again and serve him or to
of a handful of his faithful. He demonstrated to them that he perish. Thus the new Cult of Taxlan was born.

THE CULT OF TAXLAN "Ic Taxlan Ummentul" or "More Souls for Taxlan" is their
The evil of Taxlan has spawned two cults. The Outer Cult litany, and they fulfill its command without fear for them-
is an evil variant of Voodoo based on the worship of Taxlan selves. Having drowned once, they can never do so again
and the spirits of his long-dead priesthood. The traditional until Taxlan wills it. If he deems their sacrifice adequate, they
Voodoo church, even those schisms and sects known to be will survive the watery depths to serve him again. An Inner
evil in intent, hates and fears Taxlanian Voodoo. This group Cultist who has distinguished himself over all others is
practices blood sacrifice, consorts with monsters and has transformed into a non-human Ictaxlian (q.v.). Those who
bullied the islands with terror for years. But the horror of the have displeased Taxlan are drowned with the victims of their
Outer Cult pales next to the atrocities of the chosen of crime.
Taxlan, the Inner Cult. All of them, everyone, is an individual The Cults of Taxlan exist to this day, sacrificing victims to
who died once and chose resurrection and total fealty to empower their god. Taxlan himself is content to reside in his
Taxlan over final judgment. They care little for power or underwater lair, continuing his studies in magic. He keeps
terror. They exist to murder the innocent. well abreast of the human world; periodically he will enter the
Those who cannot swim are foolish to enter deep water; body of one of his priests (Manifest Jones q.v.) and wander
those who seek the Cult of Taxlan should take heed. The cult the planet, studying new sorcerous techniques and indulg-
exists in every seaport on the Atlantic, but is most influential ing in fleshy vices. With the dual protection of his two cults
in the Caribbean, especially in Haiti. Adventurers who in- and his monstrous servants he expects to live forever.
quire about Taxlan will soon find themselves slipping be-
neath the surface of rationality into a twilight abyss of DARK DESIGNS
deranged fantasy. Their only answer may be cold steel
between the ribs or a set of concrete galoshes. Obscurity is THE NEW ICTAXLIANS
the watchword of the Cult of Taxlan; the secrets they gloat With mankind becoming more sophisticated and his weap-
over are not meant for the mind of a sane humanity. onry more deadly, Taxlan has seen a need for a more
The Inner Cult of Taxlan are shipwreckers. Sabotage is efficient magical servant. The Ictaxlian works well in an
their mission; a cultist may neglect to warn his captain of a underwater environment but is inefficient on land. His Cults
looming iceberg, or unfurl a sail in the midst of a hurricane. are committed but they are mere humans and often too weak
He may act more directly; dynamite or arson may be his in dangerous situations. What Taxlan wants is a combination
tools. But not all cultists are sailors, and not all drowning of the two - a servant who is able to pass as a human but
victims are shipwrecked. Cultists may be aeroplane pilots, a is capable of the shapeshifting feats and hideous strength of
nice elderly couple who push people overboard from cruise the Ictaxlian.
ships or a U-Boat commander. A Taxlanite may simply prowl The problem calls for extensive research and experimen-
beaches and kill his victims in the surf. The sacrifice may be tation. However, the nature of the work demands that it not
committed on a sudden whim or after years of intricate be traceable to Taxlan himself. With this object in mind
planning. Taxlan has appointed a team to establish a base, protected
No one may approach a Taxlanite and expect to join the by members of both cults and monsters, in an abandoned
Inner Cult. It does not recruit members, and an outsider who Seminole village in the Everglades. Their mission? The
exhibits knowledge of their existence is marked for death. capture and dissection (while 'alive') of shapeshifting crea-
Inducting novice cultists is the prerogative of mad Taxlan tures. Taxlan is well aware that many of these beings belong
himself; he chooses them all, from every strata of society. to communities which are likely to desire revenge, thus the
Inner Cultists share only one common trait - each perished acquisitions must be accomplished through agents. Occa-
in a shipwreck, or drowned in the Atlantic in some manner. sionallyTaxlan himself will supervise the work in his Manifest
At the exact moment of death, an unfettered soul was Jones guise.
grasped by the searching intellect of Taxlan. If evil and Player Characters can be involved in this scheme in
destructive in life, or potentially so, he will be judged worthy several ways. They may be tricked into capturing a monster
to serve. The lost soul is then tempted with vistas of pellucid and naturally wonder what the 'Government agents' want
splendor. Acceptance of their dark promise blasts away with it. They may simply be investigating a disappearance in
whatever vestiges of good he possessed, and into the void the 'Glades. Possibly they may even be approached by a
comes the murderous desires of Taxlan. Then comes re- monster seeking help - perhaps a Werewolf who is un-
birth, rescue, and a foul new purpose. aware of his condition and knows only that weirdoes are
The taint of Taxlan allows Inner Cult members to identify chasing him. Chantell Dujon is a good NPC to involve in this
each other on sight. While they are not tightly organized they story cycle.
keep in touch. They participate in the rites of the Outer Cult,
which they throw themselves into with wild abandon. Taxlan THE REVELATIONS OF CHRONOS
has only one day that is held sacred by his followers, April Taxlan is obsessed with immortality. While incredibly
15th. On this date great revels are held on deserted ocean powerful he is still vulnerable, and quite capable of dying.
fronts, and sacrifices are made to commemorate that long One of the greatest threats to his existence is the twelve
ago day when the souls of drowning millions elevated the evil scroll Platonicmanuscript called 'The Revelationsof Chronos'.
sorcerer-king to godhood. Their god is content to remain in The text is written in the form of a dialogue between the Titan
his undersea lair, influenCing the tiny creatures that serve Chronos and Plato himself. Briefly, the story is that re-
him, and to grow fat from their sacrifices. While he has not counted in the 'History of Taxlan' section. Somehow -
communicated to his worshippers an ultimate objective, all perhaps 'Chronos' was an Oracle Demon - Plato recorded
follow the dark agenda he instituted millennia ago. details of the story which not even a witness to the events
One final note - at first, Taxlan should not be aware of the
scrolls. Their existence is not known to the occult circles he
moves in. About midway through the campaign, however,
the GM should let him on to the secret (maybe somebody will
drown) so that the cult will be able to get in on the hunt. ..

An interesting twist on a Taxlan campaign is that the PCs
will have an opportunity to meet their enemy long before the
dreaded climactic battle. Taxlan (inhabiting Jones) has sev-
eral identities in man's world, all of them connected in some
way to the study of the occult. In America his name is Warren
Erickson and he is a reclusive shipping magnate who helps
sponsor Dark Corner Society expeditions. PCs investigating
the history of Atlantic maritime disasters will discover that a
disproportionate number of the ships involved belonged to
Erickson. If Erickson is met by the PCs he may well help their
investigations along in the wrong direction, perhaps com-
plaining that an evil sorcerer (or cult, monster, etc.) has
targeted him. Taxlan has often disposed of enemies and
rivals by setting them against each other.
In Europe Taxlan has established the identity of Azuago
Formosa, Portuguese antiquities dealer. In this guise the
wily god has managed to cultivate a reputation as one who
can procure anything, no questions asked. The game appli-
cation of this is obvious - pes tracking down or trying to
identify a certain artifact are bound to attract the attention of
Formosa, who has many greedy spies on the continent.
Formosa is also said to be involved in Black Magic rituals-
persistent rumors suggest that among his wares are potent
magical tomes and devices. The best stuff he takes home, of
course. This is Taxlan's favorite alias.
On the west coast of Africa, Taxlan is called Papa Takla.
would have been able to share. The most important portion Here, mocking the ability of colonial authority to thwart him,
of the scrolls is the exact spell Taxlan used to ascend to Taxlan indulges in horrific foulness. Papa Takla wanders the
godhood! With this knowledge in their possession a sorcerer coast speaking out against the hated imperialist govern-
could feasibly devise a way to reverse the process. The ments, twisting legitimate grievances into dogmatic racial
'Revelations are encoded so that all twelve must be on hand hatred. He openly displays his magical abilities and savagely
for any single portion to be understood. Finding the scrolls is murders any who cross him. Taxlan plans to link together a
the key to defeating Taxlan forever, but it should not be an brotherhood of witch-doctors and use their influence to
easy task. instigate a continental rebellion, with new leaders hand
The "Revelations" are included here as a tool for the GM. picked from his cult. PCs may become involved in this matter
Their most obvious use is as a method of winning the in any number of ways. They may hear of the (officially non-
campaign without having to resort to extreme measures existent) Takla uprising because of its sorcerous aspect-
such as blowing up Haiti. They are also useful as a campaign perhaps an official known to the PCs is being victimized by
barometer - the more scrolls the PCs possess the more a local witch-doctor. Or, maybe a friend of theirs has had
deadly the opposition should be. They could also open up an family members join the cult.
entirely new storyline wherein an evil sorcerer is also track- Here are a few points to consider when Taxlan is out
ing down the scrolls with an eye towards using the spell to slumming. First, he will not willingly endanger the body of
obtain godhood himself. Tales featuring this individual and Jones. He will always have hired thugs, cultists or monsters
his minions could alternate with Taxlan scenarios, giving around to help him out of jams. Second, while doing so is not
waterlogged PCs a break from aquatic menaces. injurious he will not willingly travel far from the coast. Third,
Where are the scrolls now? It is suggested that the GM he is prone to relaxing while in disguise and may be difficult
establish that an occultist group once collected all twelve, to antagonize. Fourth, he may use his aliases as a means of
saw the danger they posed, and split up. Each took one of the commissioning individuals to fight other supernatural men-
twelve for safekeeping. The PCs must find the descendants aces which cause him problems. PCs may well believe that
of the twelve and determine where the scroll is now. If one of he is a staunch ally. Finally, remember that he uses magic to
the twelve is still alive he could be the ambitious individual alter his appearance - it will be a while before PCs catch on
alluded to above. Feigning goodness, he might even hire the that Manifest Jones is really Warren Erickson who is Azuago
PCs to help him! Or, an academic PC could stumble across Formosa who is Papa Takla who is the god Taxlan.
a scroll and wonder if there is any truth to the tale therein. His
investigations could initiate the campaign.

TAXLANIAN VOODOO Houmfort: A Voodoo temple, usually a house or barn.

Voodoo is a complex subject which has been badly Ictaxlians (see creature entry) A sea monster created by
represented in popular culture. The style of Voodoo pre- Taxlan.
sented here is not the real article, which is a religious faith Loi: In traditional Voodoo, a divine spirit which possesses
practiced by millions worldwide. Instead, this is Taxlan the body of an adherent. Major Voodoo Loi include the
worship cloaked in the trappings of the Voodoo faith. Very VenuslVirgin Mary figure Erzulie, the serpent god
few Voodoo practitioners would condone the activities de- Damballah and the greatly feared master of black magic,
scribed here - in fact, most would willingly ally themselves Baron Samedi.
with PCs who oppose Taxlan.
Loup-Garou: (see creature entry) Not a Werewolf, but a
Real Voodoo is a curious mix of native African Spiritual-
Haitian Vampire which can be bribed to do favors for the
ism, Catholic rite and European Grimore Magic. It has
existed in its present form for approximately two centuries,
primarily in Haiti. The core belief of Haitian Voodoo is that the Mambo: A female Hougan.
gods are always nearby and will participate in their own Mamaloi: A minor priestess in traditional Voodoo. The
worship services by possessing willing hosts. Taxlanian Taxlan version is a Mamabaka.
Voodoo is a far different matter. The trappings and terminol- Papaloi: A minor male priest in traditional Voodoo. The
ogy of the two faiths are quite similar due to their concurrent Taxlan version is a Papabaka.
evolution. Because of this many adherents of Voodoo in Haiti
Petro: The ceremony wherein Loi or Baka are beseeched to
have been seduced into participating in Taxlan rites; this
mistake often results into their excommunication and/or possess worshippers.
destruction at the hands of the traditional Voodoo gods. The Tontons Macoutes: These traveling sorcerers are the most
Outer Cult has many adherents on the island who are quite hated and feared figures of Voodoo. They owe no alle-
unaware of the activities of the Inner Cult - they are simply giance to family or village. Dedicated to Voodoo, they use
evildoers who are attracted to the power offered by Taxlan, their evil powers to oppose the Cult of Taxlan.
and are smart enough not to question the presence of the Vever: A magical diagram; every Loi and Baka has its own
occasional white in the houmfort (True Voodoo has been Vever without which it cannot be summoned.
suppressed and scorned by white-led churches for as long Zombie: (see creature entry) A reanimated corpse. Used for
as it has existed. Understandably, the motive of whites who menial labor and murder.
wish to join the true religion is held in deep suspicion). The
only requirement for joining the Outer Cult is a black heart.
Taxlanian Voodoo includes most of the atrocities attributed VOODOO SPELLS AND ITEMS
to evil Voodoo practitioners. This includes such activities as Voodoo Spells and Items have been developed to influ-
trafficking with evil spirits, cavorting with monsters, and the ence almost every aspect of life. Those listed below deal with
creation of deadly spells and magic items. matters which may involve Player Characters.
To calf up Baka in a non-worshipsetting go to a crossroads
ELEMENTS OF TAXLANIAN VOODOO at midnight on Friday. Bring along a pistol loaded with dirt
Here is described the terminology, creatures and magic and incense, and light a candle of beeswax. Have a question
items associated with Voodoo; unless otherwise noted all ready. At the moment of midnight light the candle, draw the
terminology applies to both types. vever in the dirt, call out in the name of the Baka, and fire the
Baka: (see creature entry). Evil spirits in Traditional Voodoo pistol to the East while imploring the Baka to answer your
parley, these possessing creatures are actually phan- question. Please note the lack of dismissal spell. Wait on the
toms, the ghosts of Taxlans prehistoric priesthood sum- crossroads until daybreak.
moned back to the waking world. The Taxlan cult actively
Summon (Baka): Requires magic skill roll, Extra Time (5
implores these spirits to possess the faithful. hours), Incantations, Gestures, OAF (Pistol and candle)
Bokor: A sorcerer (not necessarily a priest) of the Voodoo or Active cost: 90 Real Cost: 15 END cost: -9
Taxlanian faith. A Bokor uses his powers for personal Magic Skill roll modifier: -9
gain, and is considered to be evil.
To contact an Ictaxlian and issue a brief command, stand
Chauche: (see creature entry) An individual possessed by
in the sea and speak the ritual. A message written in blood
a Baka. Chauche transform into dogs during the night and
on human skin is then forced down the gullet of a live fish.
practice cannibalism.
Release the fish and go about your business. The Ictaxlian
Grande Mamaloi: A Voodoo high priestess. There is no will always know where the caster is until the aegis has been
Taxlanian counterpart. fulfilled, so it will find you. If the caster is not a Taxlan cultist
Grande Papaloi: A Voodoo high priest. Taxlanian Version is the monster will attack.
a Grande Papabaka. Call of the deep: Summon Ictaxlian, OAF (fish, message),
Gris-gris Bag: (see spells and items) A pouch of items used extra time 5 hours, requires magic skill roll.
to bestow blessinqs or curses to the recipient. To hurt an Active cost: 70 Real Cost: 12 END cost: 7
enemy the gris-gris can be hidden among personal be- Magic Skill roll modifier: -7
longings. Beneficial gris-gris must be worn.
Hougan or Obeah Man is the Voodoo and Taxlanian
equivalent of a Bishop.
To cast your thoughts to another person procure a fresh Voodoo Doll: 4d6 EB NND (Mental defense), Indirect (+114),
human head. Stuff a possession, picture or body part of the Invisible power effects (Sight, Sound) (+%), No range pen-
intended listener into its mouth. Perform the ritual and alty, 0 END, OAF (Doll/Black Pins/Personal Item), Extra time
whisper your message into the ear. If anyone else hears the 1 week (-4), Gestures, Incantations.
message the spell will not work. 4d6 Healing Aid (option rule): Advantages and Disadvan-
Death's Call: Mind Link (Taxlan Cultist 1 at a time), OAF tages as above, but pins are white instead of black.
(Head/ Item from subject), Requires magic skill roll, Incanta- Active cost: 80 harm/40 heal Real Cost: 12/6
tions END cost: 10 Magic Skill roll modifier: -12
Active cost: 10 Real Cost: 3 END cost: 1 To Curse or Bless a JuJu bag is used. This is a small
MagiC Skill roll modifier: -1 drawstring bag made of cloth, leather or human skin which
To become the monster Aquasanguis make an appeal to is filled with items (see common spell elements) consecrated
Taxlan for power and cut your throat. This seems easy but to a particular Loi, Baka or god. To curse an enemy the bag
only works for members of the Inner Cult. See monster entry. is hidden among their personal belongings. As long as the
bag is undiscovered it will act as a 3d6 Unluck roll. A Juju bag
Favor of Taxlan: Summon Aquasanuis, Trigger (Cutting designed to bless is given to the honored individual. If they
own throat), Requires skill roll, Gestures, Incantations, Extra accept it in good faith without doubt the bag will give the
time I hour, Side effect Automatic (Cultist dies), Spell ends if bearer a 1 d61uck roll for about a month or until he expresses
cultist body is destroyed (-112) doubt in the magic. Sometimes items which attract monsters
Active cost: 80 Real Cost: 13 END cost: 8
are hidden in the bags.
Magic Skill roll modifier: -8
JuJu Bag: 8d6 Major transform (normal person to cursed/
To drown a victim on land the sorcerer summons the blessed person), OAF (Juju bag), Extra time 1 hour, Incan-
Breath of Taxlan. Casting the spell requires a live fish, a tations, Gestures, Must be hidden or accepted in good faith
wooden pail and an item, picture or body part of the victim. ( -112).
Take the representative object and put it in the pail. Incant for Active cost: 120 Real Cost: 21 END cost: 12
a while, then add the fish and some water. The fish should eat Magic Skill roll modifier: -12
the object, after which it should be removed from the water
and allowed to die. The victim of a correctly cast Breath spell • • •
will have their lungs fill with water while the fish is expiring. Common Voodoo spell elements include dried lizards, the
If first aid is not immediately applied they will drown. This bones of a victim's father, anything a Christian priest is
spell does not empower Taxlan like a death at sea but is an tricked into blessing: fowls' bones, graveyard dirt, blood, live
effective terror weapon. spiders, fish, chickens, fruit and the like.
Breath of Taxlan: 2d6 RKA (Special Effect: Victim cannot
breathe), Requires A Skill Roll, Extra Time: Full Phase, NOTABLE TAXLAN CULTISTS
Gestures, Incantations, Increased END Cost x2, OAF (Fish
removed from water) MANIFEST JONES
Active cost: 30 Real Cost: 7 END cost: 6
Magic Skill roll modifier: -3 Background/History: He comes home in the evening with
his face wreathed in smiles and hellos, with a bounce in his
For protection against injury sew a garment of rough rags step and a kind word for everyone. All the neighbors know
and tie on a belt of cat-eye (it's a plant) with a prayer written him, though none call him friend. Some say he must be a
on it. Cast the spell. Give to the poor every day until someone great man of God to be so cheerful in a place of darkness.
attempts to injure you. The shirt will repel a number of attacks Others have seen that his jolly smiles do not reach his eyes;
equal to the number of days that it has been worn to a Manifest Jones may be a great man of God, they ask, but
maximum of seven days. Stopping the donations or remov- what god?
ing the garment will negate the spell and it must be restarted. Jones is the Grande Papaloi of Taxlan. His little house in
Cloak of Taxlan: Armor (+4PD), 7 Charges (Note: Charges Port-Au-Prince, Haiti is built over an entrance to his god's
are limited to actual number of days donations are made), labyrinthine domain, the upper part of which extends upward
Requires magic skill roll, OAF, Incantations, Gestures, Extra into the hill itself. Manifest Jones is the gatekeeper and
time 1 hour, Garment must be worn continuously. guardian. Despite his humble lifestyle, he is Taxlan's prime
Active cost: 6 Real Cost: 1 END cost: 1 agent on Earth.
Magic Skill roll modifier: 0 During the day, he is employed in the dockyards as a
tallyman, supervising the loading of cargo bound for faraway
To control an enemy the infamous Voodoo doll is used. ports. Here he is in contact with many fellow cultists of both
The doll is constructed of wood, clay, fabric or wax and circles, and here he plies his deadly mission. Cotton and
stuffed with magical herbs and mosses. A part or represen- bananas are not always the only cargo in the holds of
tation of the victim must be incorporated, such as hair, blood, doomed freighters he loads. Once they sail, explosions will
nail clippings or photographs. After a full week of ritual, blast out their hulls, and there will be more souls for Taxlan.
including the sacrifice of wealth to the spirits and the ritual After the hideous Ictaxlians bury the wreckage, the ship will
slaying of a black rooster, the sorcerer- no one else - can be logged as vanished without a trace. Days later certain
inflict Stun damage to the victim by stabbing the doll with a sailors will swim ashore and go to the little bungalow on the
black pin. A Voodoo doll cannot be used to kill except through hill, and deep in the realm of Taxlan revels will be held.
accidents stemming from sudden unconsciousness. A doll Manifest Jones will be there, leading the chants and singing
can be stabbed with white pins to promote healing. the formulae that honor their ravenous god.

Personality: Manifest Jones seems the happiest, kindest

man anyone is liable to meet. In many ways, in fact, he is. He MANIFEST JONES
truly enjoys his life, both as a friendly dockhand and as a
sorcery - wielding high priest of an evil god. He is kind to
children and animals, and as good a neighbor as circum- Val Char Cost Combat Stats
stances allow. But there is a hollow place in him where 15 STR 5 OCV: 7+
Taxlan dwells, and while he is always gentle to his victims, 20 DEX 30 DCV: 7
he shows them no mercy. 18 CON 16 ECV: 8
Investigators who attempt to implicate him in wrongdoing 12 BODY 4 Phases: 4, 8,12
will find the authorities and populace of his home city 18 INT 8
unwilling to believe them. Only his closest neighbors harbor 23 EGO 26 Costs
18 PRE 8
any suspicion toward him.
14 COM 2 Char: 116 Base: 100
PowerslTactics: Manifest Jones is a powerful magician 8 PO 5 + +
with a large following of Taxlanian Voodoo CUltists. His spells 6 ED 2 Powers: 129 Disad: 145
and rituals are described in the Taxlanian Voodoo section. 3 SPD 0 = =
Although he is familiar with the use of knives, he is not a 8 REC 2 Totals: 245 245
combatant. He is to be feared because of the cult he leads, 40 END 2
his magic and most of all because he is Taxlan's chosen 35 STUN 6
human vessel. Cost Powers END
When Taxlan desires to wander the normal world, or when
his priest is threatened, he and Jones switch bodies. The 71 Ritual Magic Spells: Manifest Jones's spells can
possessed Manifest Jones is a frightful opponent. Only the be chosen from the Taxlanian Voodoo section
5 Detect Taxlan cultist w/Sense (Sight) 0
human limitations of his borrowed body check the sorcerous
arsenal ofT axlan. Taxlan will normally cast magic to toughen Skills
Jones' body first, heal any injuries, and then will turn his
10 Perk: Cult of Taxlan member (high)
attention to his foes. Taxlan shares none of his priest's gentle
13 Magic Skill: Ritual Magic 19 -
nature and delights in inflicting pain. 3 Interrogation 14-
3 Oratory 14-
3 Persuasion 14-
7 Demolitions 13-
3 KS: Cult of Taxlan 13-
3 KS: Voodoo Magic 13-
2 PS: Tallyman 11-
1 WF: Knives
5 + 1 Level w/Spells

100+ Disadvantages
15 Psych Lim: Split personality; outwardly kind,
merciless to foes (Com, Str)
25 Psych Lim: Subject to Taxlan's will (All time, Fully)
13 Watched, Taxlan (Mo Pow, NCI) 14-
15 Hunted, Dark Corner Society (As Pow) 11-
10 Distinctive Features: Mixed caste (Conc, noticed)
15 Reputation: Merciless Taxlan Cult leader
(Extreme, 14-, only in occult circles)
15 Secret 10 (Manifest Jones is actually Taxlan's priest)
37 Villain Bonus

There is no limit to the length of time the possession may

be held and in the event of the Jones body's death Taxlan is
in no way injured. He will merely abandon the corpse, find
another human vessel, then return to his form in his lair and
evict the Jones soul from the Taxlan form. Manifest Jones is
aware of this potential drawback to his position but suffers it
Appearance: Manifest Jones's happy-go-lucky demeanor
is marred only by an unutterable sadness in his eyes. He is
of mixed parentage, and is unremarkable in any company.
Hard work on the docks has kept him healthy and tanned.
Background/History: Chantelle Dujon was born in New
Orleans less than thirty years ago. She was the only child of
a wealthy older couple whose loving indulgence produced a Val Char Cost Combat Stats
spoiled brat who never learned to treat others as anything
except underlings. She was never given to introspection - 8 STR -2 OCV: 4
11 DEX 3 DCV: 4
for Chantelle the world consisted only of possessions and
status. Perhaps this is what Taxlan saw in her.
10 CON o ECV: 6
For her twenty-first birthday her parents sent Chantelie on
10 BODY o Phases; 4, 8, 12
15 INT 5
a Caribbean cruise. The ship hit a reef off Andros and 18 EGO 16 Costs
everyone aboard was drowned. For the first time in her life 20 PRE 10
Chantelle found a situation where beauty and special privi- 25 COM 10 Char: 52 Base: 75
leges could not save her. But there was an edge to her that 2 PD o + +
Taxlan found intriguing. When he revealed himself she 2 ED o Skills: 83 Disad: 60
eagerly embraced the opportunity he presented. Like so 3 SPD 9
many before, Chantelle arose from the watery depths as a 4 REC o Totals: 135 135
cultist to the dark god. The seeming miracle of her survival 20 END o
20 STUN 1
paled beside the changes the experience wrought in her
personality. The fragile flower of society became an adven- Cost Skills
10 Martial Arts - Dirty Infighting
Now back in New Orleans society, Chantelle is the darling
of the elite and a respected member of the Dark Corner Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
SOCiety. At the DCS she keeps a close watch for expeditions Punch +1 0 3 %d6 Strike
which might threaten Taxlan. From her contacts with the rich Low Blow -1 +1 2d6 NND(1)
and powerful she keeps her evil mentor supplied with infor- Clinch -1-1 STR 18 Hold
mation and more souls for the cause. 5,5 Perks: Dark Corner Society member, Cult of Taxlan
member (both medium)
8 Detect Taxlan Cultist at range
5 Life Support: Breathe water
2 +2" Swimming
7 Stealth 14-
5 Demolitions 12-
3 PS: Cultist 12-
8 + 1 Level wi combat
3 High SOCiety 13-
3 Persuasion 13-
3 Conversation 13-
3 Seduction 13-
3 French 4 pts.
3 Carib 3 pts
3 PS: Society Matron 13-
4 FAM: wi Small Arms & Melee Weapons

75+ Disadvantages
15 Watched Taxlan (MoPow, NCI, 14-,XV2)
15 Psych Lim: Fear of Taxlan (Com, Str)
15 Secret 10 (Taxlan Cultist)
15 Villain Bonus

Personality: Chantelle is a perfect example of impeccable

manners and refinement. She is constantly courted by
gentlemen callers and suitors. To the public she is a society
darling and a bit of an airhead. Only a select few of know of
her occult activities. She always has a clever quip on her lips
and the proper attire for the occasion.
Powersrractics: Chantelle possesses no special powers
beyond those of a Taxlan cultist. Hervalueto Taxlan isas an
insider at the Dark Corner Society. Whenever an expedition
is launched which may endanger the secrecy of the Cult
Chantelle is sure to charm her way aboard.
Appearance: Chantelle is a 5'8", auburn haired beauty able
to stop most men with a misty-eyed look or pout.


This is an average Inner Cultist of Taxlan. GMs are
encouraged to use these stats for large groups and tem-
plates. Remember that in most cases the only thing Inner
Culti.sts have in common are their water-breathing ability and
servitude to Taxlan. Suggested Professional skills are sailor
diver, traveler, load master, fisherman or any occupatio~
dealing with the sea. The Inner Cultists' drive in life is to
murderforTaxlan, so they tend to seek employment near the


Val Char Cost combat Stats

15 STR 5 OCV: 6+
17 DEX 21 DCV: 6
18 CON 16 ECV:4
11 BODY 2 Phases: 4, 8,12
13 INT 3
11 EGO 2 Costs
18 PRE 8
10 COM 0 Char: 63 Base: 100
6 PD 3 + +
4 ED 0 Skills: 67 Disad: 30
3 SPD 3 = =
7 REC 0 Totals: 130 130
36 END 0
28 STUN 0

Cost Skills
15 Martial Arts - Dirty Infighting
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Punch +1 0 5d6 Strike
Roundhouse -2 +1 7d6 Strike TAXLAN OUTER CULTIST
Low Blow -1 +1 2d6 NND(1) The Outer Cultists are best envisioned as evil Voodoo
Clinch -1 -1 STR 25 Hold worshippers. They can be found in every city on both sides
of the Atlantic. They may be of any race, age or gender. For
5 Perk: Cult of Taxlan member (medium)
8 Detect Taxlan Cultist at range leaders use the package deal for Ritual Magicians and
5 Life Support: Breathe water choose from the Voodoo spell list.
2 +2" Swimming
7 Stealth 14- OUTER CULTIST
3 Streetwise 13-
5 Demolitions 12- 15 STR 13 DEX 15 CON 11 BODY 10 INT
3 PS: Cultist 12- 8 EGO 13 PRE 10 COM 4 PD 4 ED
3 KS: Taxlan priestly rituals 12- 3 SPD 6 REC 30 END 27 STUN 34 Co~
3 WF: Any choice of GM Skills: Martial Arts (Dirty Infighting)1 0 pts, Perk: Cult of
8 + 1 Level wi combat Taxlan member (Low), Stealth 12-, Demolitions 12-,
100+ Disadvantages PS: Cultist 12-, +1 w/Combat. Cost: 29
15 Watched Taxlan (MoPow, NCI, 14-,XV2) 50+ Disadvantages: Watched: Taxlan (MoPow, NCI,
10(15) Psych Lim: Fear of Taxlan (Com, Str) 14-, XY2), Psych Lim: Fear of Taxlan (Com, Str)
Background/History: See 'The History of Taxlan'.
PowerslTactics: Taxlan's current power level, a tiny frac-
tion of what it once was, is still mind boggling. The Earth
should be grateful that he has no desire for conquest, for It
would be hard-pressed to stop him. If not forthe actions of his
murderous cult, most occult adventurers agree, he would
best be left alone.
Taxlan's magical research has enabled him to forgo the
lengthy rituals needed to cast spells. The ever-growing
library hidden in his lair contains many fabled sorcerous
texts, including a few pre-dating the ascent of human!ty.
Taxlan's primary concern at this time is to increase the size
of his collection. Taxlan is capable of performing every spell
listed in this book - after all, he's a god with a Power Pool.
GMs desiring to fashion a style for Taxlan would be well
served by limiting his spells to those which deal with the
element of water, bodily transformation and the summoning
of various entities.
There is no happiness for Taxlan. Wrested from his time
by the capriciousness of magic, he awoke in an alien world.
Wishing only the unquestioning devotion of his beautiful
people he slew their god; instead of ascending into sunlit
Nirvana he plummeted into a Hell of his own design. Now,
grown twisted in the darkness, he creates monsters and
cultivates the devotion of murderers. He endures the en-
treaties of Demons who demand diverted souls and Vampire
lords who plead for his secrets but share none of their own.
And always, every day, his attention is diverted toward the
dying struggles of tiny creatures to whom he can offer n?
succor, lest they be drowning in evil. But he must endure It physical harm, as the occasional accident has shown. VYhile
all for his life to continue. Finally, when he can bear the still tougher than almost anything else alive, he can die by
clamor no more, Taxlan casts his mind upward, out and into violent means. He does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe.
the skull of Manifest Jones. And around the world dogs begin Taxlan is master of his undersea environment. From his
to howl and sensitive men go mad, for black-handed Taxlan vast lair beneath the Caribbean his consciousness monitors
stalks the Earth. the activities of his cult. If a member seems lax in procuring
Taxlan often enters the body of Manifest Jones and travels life-sustaining sacrifices, Taxlan will have him destroyed, or
around the world researching new magic and making per- allow him to drown with his victims.
sonal visits to cultist projects. He has established several
residences and identities around the world. While in the body Appearance: The twin deformities of godhood and vast age
of Jones he cannot sense or resurrect drowning victims, nor have rendered Taxlan barely human. He seems little more
than a skeleton cloaked in loose leather. He would almost
is he empowered by sacrifices. Taxlan cannot possess
anyone but Jones until that body is dead - after that a new seem frail, save for his incredible size and the painful
avatar must be chosen. miasma of darkness he exudes. Standing, he is almost
The ascent to godhood has had unexpected complica- twenty feet tall. He wears no clothing. He spe~ds almost ~II
his time in a seeming coma, save when he IS dictating to hls
tions for Taxlan. He was quite surprised to find that he was
assistants in his sorcerous laboratory. Taxlan never travels
still bound to the body he was born in, and that the body was
under his own power unless events demand it; he is usually
by no means immortal - its condition depended on the
dragged on a huge sledge by a team of human slaves.
sacrifices dedicated to him. Nor was his body impervious to

TAXLAN Background/History: It is an honor only the most faithful
can attain. It is the glorious, terrifying rejection of all that is
Val Char Cost Combat Stats human, the surrender to a new existence free of mortal
weakness. The Cult of Taxlan calls it the Ictaxlian Transfor-
40* STR 0 OCV: 6 mation; it is the pre-eminent prize and the blackest curse of
18 DEX 24 DCV: 6 Taxlan.
25 CON 30 ECV: 12
25* BODY 18 Phases:3,6,9,12 A Taxlan cultist is only offered the opportunity once - any
35 INT 25 refusal means instant retribution. He is escorted into the vast
35 EGO 50 Costs undersea domain and with great ceremony is sealed into a
40 PRE 30 vault to undergo a year-long ordeal during which his body
2 COM -4 Char: 246 Base: 100 metamorphoses into a shape that has no place in a sane
20 PO 18 + + world. The pain is excruciating and without relief, sleep is
20 ED 15 Powers: 1141 Disad: 1287 impossible and food cannot be taken. Only the power of
4 SPD 12 = = Taxlan keeps his faithful servant alive. After a year, the
13 REC 12 Totals: 1387 1387 sealed vault is broken, and where a man went in, a sham-
70 END 10 bling monstrosity emerges.
55* STUN 6 '-Characteristics from Growth added in
PowersfTactics: lctaxlians serve their master in many ways.
Cost Powers END They guard the entrances of his lair, capturing intruders and
150 10d6 Ego Attack, % END 5 preventing escape by captives. They are his foremen, his
100 PowerPool: Spellsand AlchemicalPotions slave drivers. Taxlan's domain is also the lair of many
100 ControlCost on MagicPool, 0 phaseto change strange monsters and sea beasts, and the Ictaxlians act as
100 PowerPool: Sciencesand KnowledgeSkills their handlers.
100 ControlCost on KnowledgePool, 0 phaseto change Often Taxlan will send them out into the sea to perform
30 25% ResistantPhysical& special duties. When an especially fruitful mass sacrifice is
EnergyDamageReduction planned, the Ictaxlians will lurk in the area, ready to pull
10 10 PD/10 ED DamageResistance(10 PD/10 ED) swimmers into the depths. They are also called upon should
40 Growth30 pts, 0 END Pers, AlwaysOn, 8m height,
6400 kg, -4 DCV, +4 PER, +2" reach, -6" KB 0 danger to the cult become evident; they are by no means
3 Life Support:Immuneto Aging confined to the sea, and may travel overland for days to seek
65 Followers:2048 OuterCultists, out and slay offenders.
(50 pts + Disads)each Besides the obvious bodily changes they have endured,
55 Followers:128 Ictaxlians,(100 pts + Disads)each an Ictaxlian's brain matter is bombarded by a steady stream
60 Followers: 256 InnerCultist,(100 pts + Disads) each of adrenaline. While they remain quick and cunning, this
300 Base: 200 km x 200 km chemical imbalance robs them of higher thought processes.
Their normal mental state is the frenzied temperament of a
Skills drug addict, and their rapid guttural speech reflects this.
3 Interrogation20- Because of this, they can rarely be appealed to or reasoned
3 Oratory20- with.
3 Persuasion20- The furious adrenaline production affects their bodies in
3 Deduction19- the expected way. An lctaxlian's strength and speed are
13 MagicSkill: Ritual Magic 21- those of a madman. An Ictaxlian possesses an incredible
13 MagicSkill: Alchemy21-
10 KS: Ritual Magic23- transformation ability - it may alter the nature of its four
10 KS: Alchemy23- limbs as it sees fit. If at sea, it may fuse its limbs into its body
10 KS: Cult of Taxlan23- to facilitate swimming; on land it may form arms and legs, or
10 KS: World History23- tentacles. Any combination is possible. The huge maw of an
10 AK: AtlanticOcean23- Ictaxlian is equipped with dozens of razor sharp teeth; its
strong jaws can crush stone.
100+ Disadvantages The astonishingly tough body of an Ictaxlian can withstand
25 PsychLim: TaxlanunderestimatesHumanity the high water pressure in the deepest Atlantic abyss. They
(V.Com,Tot) can see in complete darkness, and the placement of their
25 Psych Lim: Taxlandoes not tolerate failurein his cult eyes allows them to see in all directions at once.
15 Psych Lim: Disdainsmostactivity,exceptresearch
(Com, Str)
25 DistinctiveFeatures: Extremelytall, leather cloaked
corpse(Not Conc, Extreme)
1197 Villainbonus


Val Char Cost Combat Stats

18 STR 8 OCV: 5
14 DEX 12 DCV:5
18 CON 16 ECV: 3
12 BODY 4 Phases: 3,6,9, 12
10 INT 0
10 EGO 0 Costs
18 PRE 8
8 COM -1 Char: 78 Base: 100
8 PD 4 + +
4 ED 0 Powers: 122 Disad: 100
4 SPD 16 = =
10 REC 4 Totals: 200 200
40 END 2
35 STUN 5

Cost Powers END

15 1 d6 HKA (2d6 w/STR) 1+
3 + 1 d6 Hand Attack 1
6 Damage Resistance (8 PD/4 ED)
20 Shapeshift (Limited to appendages) 2
5 Life Support: Breathe underwater 0
10 360 degree Vision
5 Ultraviolet Vision
5 Detect Taxlan cultist w/Sense (Sight)
10 +10" Swimming (12" total) 1/5"

3 Contact: Taxlan 12-
3 Bump of Direction
9 Stealth 15-
3 Interrogation 13-
Appearance: The elastic nature of an Ictaxlian renders an 3 Concealment 11-
accurate description difficult. Captured or killed specimens 3 Navigation 11-
quickly dissolve into a rapidly evaporating tarry mass, no 3 Shadowing 11-
doubt due to the intervention of Taxlan. A few general 3 Survival 11-
parameters of their appearance are available, however. 3 Tracking 11-
They are a uniform oily black in color. Their heads, the only 3 KS: Cult of Taxlan 12-
2 KS: Shipping Lanes 11-
portions of their body that they cannot alter, resemble a
2 KS: Ports 11-
deep-sea fish more than anything. Their huge eyes are 3 AK: Atlantic Ocean 12-
slightly luminous, and protrude from the side of the skull. The
torso is thin and sinuous, and tapers into a powerful narrow 100+ Disadvantages
tail. The general effect is serpentine. The limbs, as has been 25 Berserks when attacked by flame (14-/11-)
noted, may be transformed into flippers, arms, tentacles, or 15 Physical Lim: Subject to Taxlan's will (Freq, Greatly)
any other appendage. 15 Watched, Taxlan (Mo Pow, NCI) 14-
20 Hunted, Dark Corner Society (As Pow, NCI) 11-
25 Distinctive Feature: Fish head (Not cone, Extreme

Background/History: The Taxlan cultists arsenal of death
includes the knife, the club and the merciless murder by
drowning. In extremis the magic-using cultist may call upon Val Char Cost Combat Stats
an Ictaxlian or others of the cult. But when weapons fail and
allies are not to be found a final option is open, one terrible 15 STR 5 OCV: 6+
18 DEX 24 DCV: 6
both to undertake or be the target of. It is a the blasphemous
18 CON 16 ECV:3
invocation of the Aquasanguis Transformation. 11 BODY 2 Phases: 3, 6,9, 12
An Aquasanguis is the magically animated bodily fluids of 10 INT 0
a Taxlan cultist. It is directed by the spirit of the cultist and is 8 EGO -4 Notes
best visualized as a type of water elemental. To cast the spell 23 PRE 13
one must be a member of Taxlan's Inner Circle. The cer- 0 COM -5 Char: 67 Base: 75
emony requires a human sacrifice by drowning accompa- 7 PD 4 + +
nied by drumming and ritual dancing. It need only be cast 4 ED 0 Powers: 123 Disad: 115
once; the transformation may take place any time thereafter. 4 SPD 12 = =
When a cultist is forced to undergo the transformation he 7 REC 0 Totals: 190 190
36 END 0
will find a place where his body will not be disturbed. To make
28 STUN 0
the spell go off he must utter a short prayer to Taxlan and cut
his throat. Blood and other bodily fluids will rush from the Cost Powers END
wound and leave the body a brittle husk. The Aquasanguis
9 +3d6 HA [pseudopodia]
will then be able to move about at will.
15 1 d6 HKA (2d6 wi STR) [Drowning Attack] 1+
Powersrractics: The most deadly attack an Aquasanguis 20 Desolidification (cannot move through completely
can perform is to flow into a victims lungs and drown him. If solid objects) -2 4
the intended victim is magically protected the creature will 40 4d6 Minor Transform;
have to overcome the defense. If there is no magical defense Dead body to animated body 4
the best protection is to evade the swift-moving creature.Once 8 Detect Taxlan Cultist at range
the victim is dead, the Aquasanguis will be able to animate 10 LS: Need not breathe
2 +2" Swimming (4" Total) 1/5"
the dead body. It can use the borrowed body to move about 4 +4" Running (10" Total) 1/5"
in sunlight or get close to its next victim. It vacates a body in 7 Stealth 15-
a torrent of liquid ejected from the mouth and nostrils. 8 + 1 Level wi combat

75+ Disadvantages
15 Watched Taxlan (MoPow, NCI, 14-,XV2)
15 Psych Lim: Fear of Taxlan (Com, Str)
25 Distinc Looks: Mass of body fluids
(Not concealable, Extreme)
30 Susc: Sunlight (V.Com, 2d6/ Turn)
30 Vuln: Cold (V.Com, 2x BODY)

The creature has full control over its mass and can form
mocking faces and useful limbs at will. It enjoys an almost
complete freedom of movement - only the slickest vertical
walls frustrate its progress.
The magic which animates an Aquasanguis protects the
creature from being diluted in water or other liquid. It can
swim or move through the heaviest downpour without ill
effect. The creature will, however, take evaporation damage
from heat or sunlight. It generates no internal heat and can
be frozen. It is also vulnerable to magic and Holy Water.
An Aquasanguis will retain animation and cohesion only
as long as its original body is intact. If the body is destroyed
the Aquasanguis will perish.
Appearance: The Aquasanguis is a vile creature. It looks
like moppings from a slaughterhouse floor and smells worse.
It is a horrible experience to see an Aquasanguis; the dog-
sized mass of congealed liquid purposely surging toward its
victim while forming ghastly faces and pseudopodia will give
the strongest man pause.
A body housing an Aquasanguis has a repellent ''full'' look
to it due to the double load of bodily fluids it carries. Its voice
will be phlegmy and its breath atrocious.

Val Char Cost Combat Stats
" STR 0 OCV: 5
15 DEX 15 DCV: 5
23 CON 26 ECV: 8
" BODY 0 Phases: 3, 6,9 ,12
23 INT 13
25 EGO 30 Costs
23 PRE 13
2 COM -4 Char: 138 Base: 100
" PD 0 + +
10 ED 5 Powers: 163 Disad: 201
4 SPD 15 = =
5 REC 10 Totals: 301 301
50 END 2 "These characteristics are as per
+20 STUN 13 the Host body.

Cost Powers END

90 12d6 Mind Control, 0 END 0
7 1 d6 Major Transformation, Cumulative
(normal person into demonic servant), power is
usable once per Summoning (-2) 1
66 Summon: Chauche 7

100+ Disadvantages
20 Vuln: 2x Effect from holy items
20 Psych Lim: Fear of failure (Com, Tot)
15 Psych Lim: Hatred of clergy and holy items (Com, Str)
15 Psych Lim: Overconfident (Com, Str)
20 Physical Lim: Dispelled by death of host body
(Freq, Fully)
30 Susceptibility 3d6/phase from holy ground (Common)
BAKA 81 Monster bonus

Background/History: Among the countless victims of

Taxlan's deluge were many priests who had faithfully served
him and his blood-cult. His reward for their service was to Taxlan and will order assassinations or other dark deeds.
After about six hours the Baka will leave and its vessel will
grant them eternal life as disembodied spirits. Throughout
awaken unharmed.
the centuries, as they glided invisibly through the rise of
Sometimes a Baka will possess an individual who is a
civilization, their frustration at being unable to sway the mind
natural "spirit trap." The personality of the Baka will be
of man grew. After his awakening centuries ago Taxlan
dissolved into that of the host. This individual has become a
summoned the Baka and granted them the powerto possess
the living and to speak to those who summoned them. To Chauche (see entry).
these mad spirits (whose very passing chills the blood) were Powers/ Tactics: A disembodied Baka is powerless to
given the responsibility of maintaining his human cult. affect the real world except when it is summoned (see spell).
The Outer Circle of Taxlan worship the Baka as demi- It is then able to speak aloud in a teeth-rattling bass and to
gods. To them and the all-mighty Taxlan they ascribe all mentally summon Chauches if the summoner is an enemy.
responsibility for natural forces and human destiny. They If the individual is not protected (see Disads) the Baka may
treat each Baka as an individual personality and build altars also attempt a possession.
and shrines to honor them. The ultimate religious experience The main function of the Baka is to spy for Taxlan and
for an Outer Cultist is to be possessed by a Baka during a report the actions of his enemies. As Taxlan punishes any
houmfort ceremony. Baka who interrupts his studies for less than grave threats,
The possession of a cultist by a Baka will manifest in one a Baka will usually attempt to reconcile matters on its own.
of two ways. The most common is for the Baka to enter the Appearance: Baka are entirely invisible. Their presence is
body and officiate over the gathering. The Papabakas and felt as an abrupt drop in temperature and a palpable tension
their congregations will worship the 'god', offering it food, in the air. Animals and babies sense Baka well before adults
wine and carnal pleasures. Often the Baka is on an errand for do.

Background/History: One person in every five hundred
has a secret from which there is no release but death. It is not
a secret learned but one born into. An individual with this Val Char Cost Combat Stats
secret may life his entire life and never suspect that he
belongs to a select fraternity. Scientists scoff at the merest 18 STR 8 OCV: 6
18 DEX 24 DCV: 6
suggestion of their existence, but learned scholars of the
23 CON 26 ECV: 6
occult have a name for them. They are called 'spirit traps' - 13 BODY 6 Phases: 4, 8,12
no ghost, demon or spirit can ever escape from their bodies 18 INT 8
unless exorcised. In the dreaming land of Haiti, where drums 18 EGO 16 Costs
murmur beneath the stars and worshippers writhe in invita- 23 PRE 13
tion to possessing entities, a spirit trap becomes a monster. 6 COM -2 Char: 108 Base: 75
Sometimes a Baka or Loi comes to a Petro and enters a 8 PO 4 + +
spirit trap unknowingly. The person so possessed may feel 8 ED 3 Powers: 69 Disad: 102
strange for a moment but will not otherwise suspect that he 3 SPD 2 = =
has been honored by a visitor from beyond. But on the next 9 REC 0 Totals: 177 177
46 END 0
Friday night and every one thereafter the spirit will rise to the
34 STUN 0
fore. A benevolent spirit will seek release and engage the
services of a Papaloi, but an evil spirit or a Baka will rage and Cost Powers END
struggle. So violent is the escape attempt that it alters the
24 2d6 HKA, (2 x 1d6; 2x1d6+1 wi STR), Reduced
very appearance of the host. What was once a man is now
Penetration [Bite] 3+
the dreaded beast known as the Chauche. 16 Armor (+8 POI +8 ED), Not vs Blessed or
Holy Items or salt treated weapons used by those
who know the host's identity (-1/2)
20 Multiform 100 pt Outer Cultist
3 Stealth 13-
3 Concealment 13-
3 Shadowing 11-

75+ Disadvantages
30 Accidental Change: Every Friday
(V.Com, Unavoidable)
35 Berserk: When in the kill (14-/8-)
5 Dependence: Killing (V.Com, 1 d61 week)
25 Distinc Looks: Large black dog (Not Conc, Extreme)
7(15) Psych Lim: Cannot harm member of family, or anyone
who has saved its life. (Infreq, Fully)
0(15) Psych Lim: Cannot cross over Salt or Saline water
(Infreq, Fully)
0(15) Psych Lim: Cannot enter Holy Ground (Infreq, Fully)

PowerslTactics: A Chauche is a feral beast bearing a

superficial similarity to a werewolf. Both are vicious killers
and both take canine forms. Both are locked into a cycle of
transformation. But the differences are greater. Chauche are
as intelligent as the possessing spirit. They have only one
form - a great dark 'dog'. They change at sundown every
Friday and revert to human at dawn on Saturday. Eeriest of
all, Chauche trick and taunt their victims in growling voices
before the kill ('let me in, there's a monster out here'). Its only
offensive weapon is its sharp teeth.
Chauche must kill and feed at least once during each
transformation or the spirit will be damaged. It feeding is
prevented a sufficient number of times the transformations
will cease. Evil men have been known to enter partnerships
with Chauche wherein enemies are provided for the feast.
Chauche are able to communicate with Baka and will per-
form services through them forTaxlan. Sometimes Chauche
will take part in Petros, howling along with the drumming and

.,,_..... , ., .... ll1e ~ ~.\;:,~.-

A skilled exorcist can dispel the possessing spirit if he is LOUP-GAROU (HAITIAN VAMPIRE)
able to learn its true name. As with most evil creatures the Background/History: A visitor to the Caribbean may be
Chauche have special weaknesses and defenses. A Chauche excused if he ignores warnings and falls under the spell of
is unable to harm a member of its host body's immediate the luminous nighttime of the islands. The calm whls~er ?f
family. It cannot enter ground sanctified to benevolent dei- the breeze caressing the verdant jungle and the majestic
ties. It cannot cross a line of salt or saline water. It cannot canopy of stars soothe the most troubled heart. But some-
harm anyone who has saved the life of its host (staged times the breeze turns chill and the stars glare cold and
rescues do not count!). distant. The visitor will sense that the jungle watches all who
The Chauche's greatest defense is that no weapon can pass within and that the comforting closeness has become
harm it unless the wielder knows its host's identity. Once this oppressive. Then he will hear a high pitched cackle among
is established only blessed or salt-treated weapons will the trees and something will crash through the leafy canopy
injure it. Clubs of driftwood and shotgun loads of rock salt are and land silently before him. He will not have even begun to
especially effective. flee when cold grasping fingers will find his throat. He has
Appearance: Chauche resemble large black or grey dogs of met the Haitian Vampire, the female called Loup-Garou.
an unknown species. The hair on their bodies is short and PowerslTactics: Loup-Garou are the most independent of
their rippling muscles are evident. Their eyes glow with ~n Taxlan's creatures. While an individual is occasionally met in
ever-shifting spectrum of color. The face of a Chauche IS the company of cultists or other monsters the majority are
uncannily human and their jaws are large and powerful. solitary hunters.
Taxlan creates a Loup-Garou by kidnapping babies who
he knows will not be baptized. All are female. After a
ceremony the child will be returned to its home to live a
normal life. The change into Loup-Garou will only occur after
the young woman gives birth. Then her hair will slowly turn
red and she will begin to drink the blood of children through
small incisions between their toes. Her strength will increase
and she will become moody and withdrawn. A Loup-Garou
in this stage of development will usually be banished to the
wilds and forcibly prevented from entering any habitation.
Note that these individuals are considered passed beyond
the judgment of man and are therefore never killed.

The Cult of Taxlan is always on the watch for these

individuals and invites them to join. Any who do are kept well- LOUP-GAROU
supplied with young victims. Eventually a Baka will come and
announce that the Loup-Garou is ready to move on to the
next stage. She will then be ritually slain in a ceremony which Val Char Cost Combat Stats
climaxes with her heart being cut out and put in an enchanted 23 STR 13 OCV: 6
vessel, which is buried. This is not the end. Three days later 18 DEX 24 DCV: 6
the body will quicken and a true Vampire will be free to stalk 18 CON 16 ECV: 6
the night. 10 BODY 0 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
The Loup-Garou can now feed on any warm-blooded 13 INT 3
animal but still prefers human children. Lacking fangs the 18 EGO 16 Costs
20 PRE 10
creature stabs its victims with its razor-sharp talons and
8 COM -2 Char: 97 Base: 75
drinks from the wounds. Lacking other vampires mind con- 7 PD 2 + +
trol powers they beat their victim unconscious before at- 7 ED 3 Powers: 73 Disad: 95
tempting to feed. Their favored method of feeding is to haunt 4 SPD 12 = =
the intended for a while (several days) before making the kill. 9 REC 0 Totals: 170 170
A Loup-Garou is a formidable adversary. They delight in 36 END 0
terrifying their victims and play cruel games before feeding. 31 STUN 0
Some will keep a 'corral' of victims in their lair, sometimes
Cost Powers END
feeding for months before tiring of an individuals taste. They
are skilled at moving through trees and climbing. They are 10 1 d6 HKA (2d6 wi STR), Must grab (-V2) [Claws] 1+
almost as strong as European vampires and use their talons 6 +2d6 HA
to blindingly swift effect. 9 7" Flight, Must be in touch with tree limbs (-Y2) 1/5"
Many Loup-Garou live in Taxlan's lair beneath Haiti,
where plentiful victims may be found. Independent individu-
als usually reside in caves or abandoned buildings. Some 3 Breakfall 13-
act as guardians of houmforts dedicated to Taxlan. During 7 . Climbing 15-
the daylight hours a Loup-Garou reverts to human form. 7 Concealment 14-
7 Shadowing 13-
7 Stealth 15-
3 Tracking 12-
5 PS: Braichiating 15-
3 AK: Haiti 12-
3 KS: Cult of Taxlan 12-
3 KS: Hunting Tricks 12-

75+ Disadvantages
5 Dependence: Human Blood
(Com, Every Night, 1 d6/Night)
20 Distinc Looks: Red hair, Chalk skin
(Conc w/effort, Extreme)
13 Watched: Taxlan (MoPow, NCI, 11-, XV2)
20 Psych Lim: Sadistic (V.Com, Str)
20 Psych Lim: Giggles to self (V.Com, Str)
15 Reputation: Noted stalkers of children (Extreme, 11-)
2 Monster Bonus

If a Loup-Garou's heart is destroyed the vampire will die.

If one is baptized it will be cured of its condition, as indicated
by a return to its natural hair color. It has no special defenses
against normal weapons but will craftily avoid run-ins with
well-armed investigators.
Appearance: The undead Loup-Garou is most noticeable
because of its blood-red hair and chalk-white skin. During
the night its digits extend to twice normal length and its spine
curves so that it must move on all fours. They are prone to
giggling to themselves while hunting. During the day only
their red hair and nasty disposition reveal their vampiric
Background/History: The Mono Grande, or 'de Loys ape', MONO GRANDE
inhabits the lost city Tzulemtec in the swampy jungles south
of Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela. Tzulemtec is a colony of Val Char Cost Combat Stats
the nation of Taxlan built thousands of years ago and now
fallen into ruin. The apes are all that remains of the inhabit- 18 STR 8 OCV:6
18 DEX 24 DCV: 6
ants. The apes were an intrinsic part of the culture, providing
15 CON 10 ECV: 6
slave labor and companionship. See the location, 'Lost City 10 BODY 0 Phases: 4,8, 12
of Tzulemtec', for more information. 10 INT 0
Powers/Tactics: The apes inhabiting Tzulemtec are similar 18 EGO 16 Costs
to Chimpanzees in most respects. They are excellent climb- 18 PRE 8
ers and move through the jungle as silently as wraiths. While 6 COM -2 Char: 70 Base: 75
of lean build they are stronger than most men. 6 PD 2 + +
5 ED 2 Powers: 164 Disad: 159
Most Mono Grande are now possessed by the spirits of the
3 SPD 2 = =
cities past inhabitants. This makes them much more danger- 2324
7 REC 0 Totals: 234
ous than if encountered in their natural state. Having human 30 END 0
intelligence, the Mono Grande is capable of building traps 27 STUN 0
and working together to kill intruders. A favorite tactic is too
drop nets from the trees and beat ensnared victims to death Cost Powers END
with clubs. The apes also inflict a ferocious bite. 90 12d6 Mind Control, 0 END 0
The possessing spirit is able to communicate telepathi- 7 1 d6 Major Transformation, Cumulative
cally, but will move its mouth to simulate speech. (normal person into demonic servant),
power is usable once per Moon cycle (-2) 1
15 1 d6 HKA (2d6 wi STR) [Bite] 1+
7 7" Flight, Must be in contact with tree limbs,
branches (-1) [Brachiating] 1/5"

5 Breakfall 14-
5 Climbing 14-
5 Concealment 12-
3 AK: The City 12-
3 AK: The Jungle 12-
2 PS: one of choice 11-
5 Shadowing 12-
5 Stealth 14-
3 Survival 11-
5 Tracking 12-
4 WF: Melee, Missile

75+ Disadvantages
25 Distinctive Features: Ape (Not Cone, Extreme)
25 Psych Lim : Evil and Manipulative (V. Com, Total)
20 Psych Lim : Must wait until next new moon after
leaving host before possessing a new one
(Frequently, Fully)
89 Monster Bonus

Should the possessing spirit be exorcised from an ape the

animal will flee unless cornered. The possessing spirit will be
unable to enter a new host until the next new moon.
Appearance: The Mono Grande averages between four
and five feet tall. It is covered with coarse grayish-brown hair
everywhere except the face. Its head is quite round; its
simian features recall an evil old man's. The creature has
extremely long fingers and toes which grant it considerable
arboreal mobility.


Val Char Cost Combat Stats

13 STR 3 OCV:3
8 DEX -6 DCV: 3
10 CON 0 ECV: 2
14 BODY 8 Phases: 6, 12
8 INT -2
5 EGO -10 Costs
15 PRE 5
6 COM -2 Char: -2 Base: 50
3 PD 0 + +
2 ED 0 Powers: 102 Disad: 50
2 SPD 2 = =
5 REC 0 Totals: 100 100
20 END 0
26 STUN 0
Cost Powers END
9 PD Armor(+6 PD)
15 25% ResistantPhysicalDamageResistance
6 o END Cost on STR 0
24 LS: Full exceptVacuum,Heat/Cold
25 SpatialAwareness
15 DoesNot Bleed
3 WF: Creator's choice(example:MeleeWeapons
and ThrownSpears)
1 Climbing8-
1 KS: Memoriesof previouslife 8-
3 Languageof creator
50+ Disadvantages
15 Psych Lim: Must obey ordersof its creator(Com, Mod)
Background/History: Loss of identity is one of man's great- 20 Distinctivefeatures:Zombie
est fears. The horrible possibility that an ego can be stripped (Concw/disguise, Extremereaction)
away and replaced with total loyalty to a hated master has 15 MonsterBonus
spawned nightmares in the bravest of men. But nightmares
were bearable as long as the daylight came. Then, atthe turn
of the century, strange tales from the mysterious island of Three days after burial the sorcerer will retrieve the body.
Haiti began to suggest that, no, not even a man's will was A long drum ceremony follows. More appeals to the spirits
immune from the forces of evil. and a dose of fluid squeezed from secret herbs will revive the
The popular conception of the Zombie as an undead Zombie within the next few days.
servant of Voodoo priests owes more to sensationalist
journalism than any shred of truth. The Zombie is in fact a PowersrTactics: Zombies, with rare exceptions, have no
living person whose identity has been stolen by evil magic. intelligence save that necessary to perform menial labor or
Th~. first Zombies were created by the culte de morts, a guard duty. Due to their slowness they do not function well
Haitian cult whose similarity to Voodoo echoes that of in combat, except when encountered in large numbers. Note
Satanism to Christianity. The Cult of Taxlan, as might be that Zombies do have some vague memories of their past
expected, has made extensive use of the Zombie ritual. lives and if unattended will occasionally wander home.
The creation of a Zombie begins before their "death." The In a few instances, occultists have reported that Zombies
intended Zombie is abducted and taken to a houmfort. The of normal human agility and intellect have been created.
sorcerer must then work quickly, because the abductee These creatures are cannibals. They have been encoun-
cannot be missed or all will be for naught. A powder of tered serving Obeah men, living off leftovers from the priest's
Callaloo, animal intestine and dried blowfish venom is rubbed sacrifices. For these creatures use the statistics below but
all over ~he victims body. He is then forced to drink a potion adjust the INT to 10 and DEX to 13.
of r~m, fish blood, belladonna and thorn apple juice. Afterthis The condition is curable but Haitian sorcerers often de-
he IS spun around until he is too dizzy to stand. After a final mand exorbitant fees or impossible tasks in return for their
appeal to the Baka and Taxlan for success the victim is services.
cleaned up and returned home. By morning he will be "dead." Appearance: Zombies look like normal, albeit vacant-eyed
and drooling humans.
On the crest of a wooded hill overlooking Port-au-Prince is
ISLE DE NAGULA an inconspicuous bungalow. Neighbors have whispered that
Off the Yucatan peninsula lies several small islands. One the house seems larger on the inside, a nervous comment
of these, the Isle De Nagula, is shunned by native fishermen. based on the amount of traffic seen entering and exiting, but
Here, it is said, shapechanging witches reside. Any tres- they do not complain. It is only one more bit of strangeness
passers are said to be eaten. There is a germ of truth in these that they must endure, for the entire slope is haunted. Their
tales. For centuries the Cult of Taxlan has used this island as uneasy slumbers are disturbed by screams and croakings
a safe haven. A permanent guard was established who slew emanating from deep beneath their floors. Stenches rise
anyone foolish enough to approach. Now, in the twentieth from the ground, which sometimes shudders as if in torment.
century, the island has been put to a new use. Sometimes odd figures stagger past their windows at night.
On the island is a hidden submarine port, manned by an They live in fear, but the people who live on the hill are too
unholy alliance of Taxlan cultists and Nazis. This strange poor to abandon their homes. The little house on the hill
collaboration came about through the machinations of cer- belongs to Manifest Jones, and beneath a stone slab in the
tain Taxlan cultists of German nationality who saw an oppor- center of his floor is a flight of stone stairs which twist
tunity to curry great favor with the god. What better way to downward into the hellish lair of Taxlan himself.
send souls to Taxlan than through the use of an armed Taxlan's cavernous abode lies under the northern Carib-
submersible? When coupled with the chance of advancing bean; several well-hidden tunnels lead to it. The most often
their political careers it seemed an idea whose time had used is that described above. Others are entered through
come, especially with Taxlan himself predicting world wide caves and old ruins in the jungles. All are guarded by cultists,
warfare within the next decade. And so, secret meetings Ictaxlians, Loup-Garou, Zombies and other dire creatures.
were held in the highest corridors of power and authorization Taxlan favors his privacy greatly.
was given to send a U-Boat to Isle De Nagula, and to train the The labyrinth is huge. Over a thousand miles of tunnels
cultists in its use. connect the portals and the chambered areas. The largest
There is a second submarine here, an American one set of chambers lies below Haiti and is larger than Manhat-
salvaged from the ocean floor by the cult. It is still being tan. Dozens of smaller complexes radiate outward from the
refitted for service. This is taking longer than expected, as center. Some, such as those that serve as housing for
the necessary components must be stolen from the United cultists, are lavishly decorated. The halls are clean and
States military. tastefully adorned, the apartments are elegantly decadent
The island is governed through the joint leadership of the and well-lit. Slaves stolen from the upper world serve their
cult and the Nazis. The cult representative is Darren Killian, masters every need. Other areas are maintained for de-
an American Naval officer presumed dead after disappear- monic delegations and visiting entities - these are mind-
ing in Norfolk, Virginia (he was drowned by a fellow officer). bending areas of impossible geometry and blasphemous
Killian is totally committed to Taxlan and harbors no loyalty decor. The outer chambers are dark and unmaintained.
for his homeland. The German leader here is Horst von None of Taxlans people have trespassed here for years,
Kloten, a U-Boat commander whose vessel sunk off Ber- except on the main thoroughfares. Wanderers tend to disap-
muda a year ago. He is torn between loyalty to Hitler and pear in these dark areas, and rumors of societies of escaped
Taxlan. His second in command is a fanatical Nazi who, like slaves and areas inhabited by non-allied monsters persist.
the rest of the Germans, loathes and hates the cultists they Ironically, it is through these areas that enemies of Taxlan
are training. The sailors under von Klotens command are are most likely to gain entrance.
unaware of his Taxlanian sympathies and would likely revolt The ancient ruins are kept dry to facilitate magical experi-
if the truth was revealed. mentations, and are staffed by kidnapped humans and
The situation is tense and unlikely to last much longer. The zombies who do their duties under the watchful eyes of the
cultists plan to kill the Germans as soon as their training is Ictaxlians. Slaves who are lax or try to escape are usually
complete. Ictaxlians wait offshore to kill intruders and help turned into Zombies or are eaten by the Ictaxlians. Found
slay the Germans when the time comes. Local officials are throughout this dim realm of horror are portals leading to the
starting to wonder about the unusual activity being reported sea, where the Ictaxlians and other creatures come and go.
by native fishermen. The U.S. Navy is alarmed by the
thievery of Top Secret submarine components.
PCs could enter the fray at any time. They could be
investigating the thefts or the numerous local disappear-
ances, or even be shipwrecked on the island. Maybe they
could stir up trouble between the two groups. When the PCs
di~cover what is happening, the Nazis will be receiving
reinforcements to battle the cultists, who will summon
Ictaxlians to their aid. A war of technology versus eldritch
mysticism will ensue, with the PCs right in the middle of
things. The pes will have to work to neutralize the Nazi
sabotage scheme, the Taxlan cult's grisly mission, and also
get off the island while safeguarding the lives of any innocent
NPCs who may be on hand.

When the city was first destroyed by the tribes the spirits
rose up to exact a terrible revenge. Using their new ability to
possess another they possess some of the tribesmen and
set out to destroy the villages of the area. In this they were
successful and now the area is almost forgotten by all the
The possessions have gone on for several generations
now, but the ability is fading and the level of being they are
able to possess has deteriorated, because even spirits have
a limited time on this Earth and the remaining ones are the
strongest and most evil. Now they are able to only possess
lower lifeforms such as apes and some of the great cats. The
population of the city is barely one-tenth of what it once was.
The spirits have used the bodies they possess to live out
their evil desires and to maintain their city. PCs encountering
the city for the first time will be amazed to be met by talking
apes. The apes when first met will probably astound PCs into
believing that they have encountered a new species of
primate, as the apes are of a species that has only been
reported on one occasion. This occasion became known as
the Mono Grande, or deLoys ape, named after the explorer
who shot and photographed one that attacked his party.
They are a large primate approximately four and a half to five
feet tall and incredibly fierce. But close observation will show
that the words being spoken do not match the lip movements
of the apes. This is a weakness in the spirit possession as the
apes do not possess the vocal capabilities of a person, and
the spirit simply manifests a voice to speak with.
PCs will have to fend against the apes, find the mosaic and
get out alive. Not an easy task in the jungles of South


This city is inhabited by the spirits of the people who fled
from Taxlans takeover of the Old God. The inhabitants
created many works of art including a giant mosaic of their
exodus from the Caribbean. This text also contains research
of how Taxlan conquered the Old God and how to possibly
destroy Taxlan. Unfortunately for them, the local tribes rose
up and destroyed them before their plan could be put to work.
The city is now inhabited by the spirits of these same people.
Characters who come to the city will be amazed at the level
of technology and the relatively preserved state of the
surrounding buildings. The reason for this is that the spirits
live on in the local animals.

C TH_f__ O_P_P_O_S_IT_I_O_N~)
Organization/Background: Nestled amongthe narrowlanes
of New Orleans, between the Metairie burying grounds and
the French Quarter, is a house with many stories. It is a
nondescript Victorian of the type common to the area, and
the plaque set beside the recessed door simply reads D.C.S.
The neighboring citizens sometimes wonder about the place,
and its curious hours - closed and silent all day, at night the
house lights up. Soon afterward a Hindu doorman appears,
a strange assortment of visitors begins to arrive, then music
and carousing can be heard throughout the night. It is known
that D.C.S. is a club of some type, and local gossip has
identified certain members as famous explorers. The current
theory, then, is that a type of adventurer's club operates on
the premises, and for once the gossips are right, but the
whole truth is much stranger.
The Dark Corner Society is the name of this elite organi-
zation. It was founded at the turn of the century by an
anonymous group of investors who experienced confronta-
tions with the supernatural and saw the need for an orga-
nized front to aid others in the battle against unnatural
menaces. Membership in the Society is by invitation only;
potential inductees must have already proven themselves to
be resourceful explorers and sworn enemies of the occult
threatto humanity. They have several clubs scattered across
the globe, but the main meeting hall is the one in Louisiana.
Organization Abilities: The Dark Corner Society is a com-
bination meeting hall and outfitter. The famous and not-so-
famous who frequent its richly appointed premises are noted explorers, researchers and fighters; all have in common the
mission to rid the world of supernatural menaces. The
, Society is a place for relaxation, discourse, and tale-spin-
TYPICAL DARK CORNER ning. This last is a tradition; one room of the building is a
museum, and each exhibit is proof of a tale brought back
SOCIETY MEMBER from the dark corners of the world. The ambiance of a tale of
true terror, told in a darkened room in front of a roaring fire,
Val Char Cost Combat Stats is an addictive drug for the intrepid members of the Society.
Some of the dignitaries to be met in the Society are psychic
13 STR 3 OCV: 4 researchers; lacking the brawn and fighting prowess of their
11 DEX 3 DCV: 4 fellows, but counted as equals for the power of their knowl-
13 CON 6 ECV: 3
10 BODY 0 Phases: 6, 12 edge. Many a fruitful seance has been held here, and many
10 INT 0 a dusty tome of eldritch lore can be found in the library.
10 EGO 0 Costs The Society's usefulness as an expedition sponsor cannot
10 PRE 0 be underestimated. It must be stressed that the coffers of the
8 COM -1 Char: 10 Base: 25 Society are, for practical purposes, limitless. When a pro-
3 PD 0 + + posal for an expedition is made, a quorum is called, and the
3 ED 0 Skills: 15 Disad: 0 matter will be debated and voted on by the group. Often
2 SPD -1 = = members will volunteer to accompany the supplicants on
6 REC 0 Totals: 25 25 their mission, which should come as no surprise in a room full
26 END 0
24 of die-hard adventurers. If the proposal is accepted, then
money is no object - the Society will do all in its power to
Cost Skills make the mission a success.
1 The Society owns airports on both coasts and the Gulf.
Perk: DarkCornerSocietyMember(low)
2 PS: Adventurer 11- Aeroplanes of all description, and skilled pilots, are provided
2 KS: Occult 11- free of charge for SOCiety members. Also available is an
2 AK: Foreign Countrypreviouslyexplored11- extensive motorpool, a dirigible, and a refitted U-boat. The
2 KS: Native superstitionsof AK: above 11- Dark Corner Society has contacts and associates both
4 WF: SmallArms, CommonMelee Weapons civilian and military across the globe.
25+ Disadvantages

Player characters can be members of the Dark Corner

Society. The GM can use the Society as an easy adventure JIMMY HORTON
hook, since its members are all investigators of horror.
However, the DCS should not ride to the rescue of PCs who
find themselves in deep trouble with the obligatory murder- Val Char Cost Combat Stats
ous cults and vicious monsters that populate the era. 18 STR 8 OCV: 5
15 DEX 15 DCV: 5
12 BODY 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12
Archetype: Sailor 10 INT o
Personal Details: Age: 32, Height: 6'1", Weight: 195 pounds, 13 EGO 6 Costs
Hair: Brown, Eyes: Hazel 8 PRE -2
Background/History: Everyone seeks adventure in their 10 COM o Char: 50 Base: 75
8 PD 4 + +
own way. Some are content to find thrills vicariously through 3 ED o Skills: 65 Disad: 40
picture shows or reading. Others scorn the armchair adven- 3 SPD 5 =
turer, and go out into the world as explorers or sportsman. 7 REC o Totals: 115 115
There is another type of person whom adventures seem to 30 END o
seek out, and the boxing sailor Jimmy Horton is all three. 29 STUN o
Jimmy grew up in a San Francisco Orphanage, where he
had been left as an infant. As he matured he learned to love Cost Skills
reading adventure stories, a pastime which led others to 1 Perk: Dark Corner Society member (low)
regard him as a bookworm. His taunters soon learned that 3 Resistance +3
Jimmy was a born fighter, a skill he honed in a nearby gym. 5 Luck 1d6
When he was sixteen, Jimmy ran away and found a berth 21 Martial Arts - Boxing
on a disreputable tramp steamer bound for Singapore. Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Opportunities to display his boxing talents abounded, and Jab +1 +3 3 Y2d6 Strike
soon the exploits of "Knockout" Horton spread throughout Cross 0 +2 5 Y2d6 Strike
the Pacific boxing circuit. Hook -2 +1 7 Y2d6 Strike
Once away from the safety of the orphanage, Jimmy Block +2 +2 Block/Abort
discovered that he had an uncanny knack for getting into Clinch -1-1 STR 28 Hold
scrapes with crooks and weird cults. Just like the heroes in 3 Breakfall 12-
3,1 Deduction 11-, Interrogation 8-
3,3 Shadowing 11-, Streetwise 11-
1, 1 Contortionist 8-, Combat Driving 8-
2,1 KS: Sea vessel types 11-, KS: Boxing 8-
0,2 AK: New Orleans 8-, PS: Sailor 11-
3 Language: Cantonese Fluent (English is native)
1,2 TF: Boats, WF: Blades, Pistols
6,3 + 2 Levels w/ Boxing, + 1 Levels w/ Perception

75+ Disadvantages
20 Psych Lim: Fearless (V. Com/ Str)
10 Hunted: Tong (As pow, NCI, LGA) 8-
10 Watched: Local Authorities (AsPow, NCI,) 11-

the pulp magazines he voraciously read. For sixteen years

he has sailed around the world - Europe, South America,
Africa and his favorite - the Caribbean. He has boxed and
usually triumphed in ports from Hong Kong to Rio De
He has read everything from Edgar Rice Burroughs to
H.P. Lovecraft, and from "Magic Carpet" magazine to "Doc
Savage." And no matter how hard he tries not to, he has
His foes have included ghosts and vampires, but the Cult
of Taxlan is his greatest enemy. As a well-regarded member
of the Dark Corner Society he has often been tempted to
disclose all he has learned about the murdering cult, but his
natural reticence and caution have made him bide his time.
Jimmy Horton is a good NPC for players to have on their
side; his knowledge of the occult is won from 16 years of
personal experience, and he is an excellent fighter and
staunch ally. PC's may meet him through the Dark Corner
Society or in any number of exotic ports.


Val Char Cost Combat Stats

15 STR 5 OCV: 4+
12 DEX 6 DCV: 4
14 CON 8 ECV: 4
11 BODY 2 Phases: 4, 8,12
13 INT 3
13 EGO 6 Costs
15 PRE 5
10 COM 0 Char: 53 Base: 75
4 PD 1 + +
4 ED 1 Skills: 75 Disad: 53
3 SPD 8 = =
6 REC 0 Totals: 128 128
34 END 3
31 STUN 5
Cost Skills
5 Streetwise 13-
3 Contact: Baltimore P.D. 11-
5 Follower: Ernest Fishman
3 Perk: Licensed Bounty Hunter,
Dark Corner Society member
6 Resistance + 6
3 Bribery 12-
3 Conversation 12-
3 Deduction 12-
4 Forgery 12-
3 Interrogation 12-
5 Lockpicking 12-
3 Persuasion 12-
3 Security Systems 12-
1 Sleight of Hand 8-
VITO LAGARDIA 2 KS: Wanted Felons 11-
Archetype: Bounty Hunter 2 KS: Standard Criminal M.Os 11-
2 KS: Police Agencies 11-
Personal Details: Age: 47, Height: 3'4", Weight: 140, pounds, 1 KS: Criminal Law 8-
Hair: Black, Eyes: Blue 1 KS: Occult Knowledge 8-
Background/Personality: From the moment the head on 4 AK: Gulf Coast, USA 13-
the table opened its eyes, Vito LaGardia knew with awful 3 AK: United States 12-
clarity that his life would never be the same. Not that his life 2 PS: Bounty Hunter 11-
so far had resembled anyone else's. Who else could truth- 1 PS: Safecracking 8-
fully say that they had been born a dwarf, orphaned in an
o Language English/Italian (Bilingual native)
4 WF: Small Arms, Melee Weapons
automobile accident at age ten, and taken off the street by a 3 + 1 Level w/Blades
minor gangster boss who thought he would be good for a few
laughs? 75+ Disadvantages
Everyone in the gang soon learned that the intense young 20 Distinctive Features: Dwarf (Not cone, Major Reaction)
man refused to be a laughing stock. His skills and intelli- 15 Physical Lim: Dwarf (All the time, Slightly)
gence impressed them so much that by age seventeen he 15 Cursed (All the time) [Vito can only be involved with
was a full fledged member. Then began his slow descent into cases dealing with the supernatural]
darkness. Vito stole, threatened, and, by age 20, murdered. 3 Package Bonus
When he was twenty-five his "father" sent him to kill an old
woman in Manhattan who refused to pay protection money.
A night of horror ensued ...
The lady was caught by surprise; the job was easy. Then
Vito saw the head; its eyes opened, and it spit a curse. "Your
gang family is dead," it said. "Your responsibility to them is
ended. By this act of murder you have damned yourself to
fighting the source of your own evil. Darkness will dog your
steps. No profit will you earn lest evil be vanquished. I curse
you to a life of service."

Vito was on a train fifteen minutes later. The next day he

read in the news that the entire gang, himself presumably ERNEST FISHMAN
included, had perished in a gas explosion.
It is now twenty-two years later. The neighborhood gangs
of Vito's time are now huge organizations that almost own Val Char Cost Combat Stats
the country. Vito himself is now a bounty hunter, an occupa- 8 STR -2 OCV: 3
tion at which he excels. The curse has been with him all this 10 DEX 0 DCV: 3
time. Potential clients with ulterior motives will not hire him, 10 C'JN 0 ECV: 3
and never has a case been without the supernatural. Vito 8 BODY -4 Phases: 6, 12
hates the occult with a passion. He has recently taken on a 18 INT 8
partner, an odd but brilliant young occultist named Ernest 10 EGO 0 Costs
Fishman. Fishman, an heir to riches limited to a stipend, is 8 PRE -2
8 COM -1 Char: -1 Base: 25
Vito's driver and occult advisor (Vito's knowledge of the 2 PD 0 + +
occult derives solely from experience). Vito succeeds at his 2 ED 0 Skills: 51 Disad: 25
tasks through bullheadedness and sheer cunning; his skill 2 SPD 0 = =
with his silver blade cane helps, though. 4 REC 0 Totals: 50 50
Vito, now fairly well-off, continues his work as a way of 20 END 0
cleansing his soul. Through Ernest, Vito was introduced to 17 STUN 0
the Dark Corner SOCiety. Although he is not an official
member he can often be encountered in their halls. His Cost Skills
career of late has been tied closely with the Society - he is 6 Perk: Well Off, Dark Corner Society
their 'official' bounty hunter. Although Ernest has indicated 3 Contact: Other occultist 12-
that the curse might be dispelled, his dwarfish friend refuses 3 Paramedic 13-
to have it done. 3 Combat Driving (Small Ground Vehicles) 11-
4 Weapbnsmith (Muscle Powered, Slugthrowers) 11-
The GM wishing to use Vito and Ernest as NPCs can
3 Scholar
introduce them in a campaign when their goals coincide with
6 KS: Occult Knowledge 17-
the PCs'. Vito should be played confident but moody; Ernest 4 KS: Ritual Magic 15-
is a well-meaning social misfit. 2 KS: Supernatural Creatures (Cryptozoology) 13-
2 KS: World Religions 13-
3 Linguist
2 Latin 3 pts
2 Ancient Greek 3 pts
2 Arabic 3 pts
2 Mandarin 3 pts
1 WF: Pistols
3 + 1 Level w/Pistols

25+ Disadvantages
10 Distinctive Features: Flame red hair, blotchy skin
(Conc w/Disguise)
10 Physical Lim: Myopic (Infreq, Greatly)
5 Psych Lim: Loyal to Vito

Archetype: Private Investigator PATRICK MITCHELL
Personal Details: Age: 37, Height: 6'1 ", Weight: 180pounds,
Hair: Brown (Graying), Eyes: Blue Val Char Cost Combat Stats
Background/History: "Listen kid, you'd smoke 2 packs a 15 STR 5 ocv. 5+
day and drink a little hooch too, if you'd seen what I have." 15 DEX 15 DCV: 5
Mitch started out just a kid from the French Quarter, but he 13 CON 6 ECV: 3
had a dream of being better. So after school he went to the 12 BODY 4 Phases: 4,8, 12
police academy, and served 10 years as one of New Or- 13 INT 3
leans' Finest. But Mitch was too good and too honest. After 10 EGO 0 Costs
15 PRE 5
turning down a bribe from the local Capo, he soon found
12 COM 1 Char: 46 Base: 75
himself up on charges that he had murdered an informant. 5 PD 2 + +
With careful skill he was able to prove himself innocent, 3 ED 0 Skills: 70 Disad: 41
and set out to find who had set him up. His investigations led 3 SPD 5 = =
him to a warehouse, where he encountered members of a 6 REC 0 Totals: 116 116
weird cult (The Cult of Taxlan, in fact) and interrupted their 26 END 0
ceremonies. 27 STUN 0
He barely escaped with his life. Fortwo weeks he was able
to avoid the assassins and continue his investigation. Then Cost Skills
the Taxlanites made a serious mistake; they tried to kill his 3 Brawling
mother, and no one, but no one messes with Mother Mitchell. 3 Perks: PI License, Dark Corner Society member
Afterthe smoke cleared the cultists were devastated along 3 Fast Draw 12-
with the Capo who had set him up. It turned out he was a 5 Deduction 13-
cultist himself. Mitch hasn't seen any members of the cult 3 Breakfall 12-
3 Bu reaucratics 12-
since but he knows that they are out there and one day he Concealment 12-
plans to find out who they are and bring them all down. 3 Conversation 12-
3 Criminology 12-
3 High Society 12-
3 Interrogation 12-
3 Lockpicking 12-
3 Stealth 12-
3 Streetwise 12-
3 Shadowing 11-
3 KS: Organized Crime Gangs 12-
2 KS: Criminal Law 11-
2 KS: NO Police Department 11-
2 AK: New Orleans 11-
3 PS: Private Investigator 12-
3 PS: Safecracking 12-
2 WF: Small Arms
6 +2 Levels w/Pistols

75+ Disadvantages
5 (25) Psych Lim: Protective of Mom (V.Com, Tot)
10 Watched, NOPO (As Pow, NCI) 8-
15 Hunted, Taxlan Cult (As Pow, NCI) 8-
8 (10) DNPC, Mother (Normal) 8-
3 Package Bonus - Private Investigator

With what he had uncovered and seen, Mitch knew he

could never go back to his former life. So he resigned and got
his P.I. license, and now he takes cases that are of the
unusual nature. He is now a member of the Dark Corner
Society, an honor granted him by a perceptive client. Patrick
is unique in the Society - he has never set foot outside the
United States!
Mitch should be presented as someone who is a little
world-weary and sad. Mitch can meet PCs while on a case,
through the DCS or from previous clients.

A rawhide thong is tied to a low tree branch near the back

C....___ S_CE_N_/\_R_I_O_,_,,) door. It is apparent that until very recently something was
hanging from it, and then was cut off. A search of the grass
Players should read no further, or your GM will know, and beneath will yield a black wooden bead. [A Juju bag was
he will kill your character. You have been warned. hung here and removed by Harrick a week ago]
A strip of black velvet suggests that clothing was torn by
someone climbing the fence at the rear of the house. [The
THE ESCAPE ARTIST abductor tore his magician's cape]
This scenario is intended to be an introduction to the Cult The fireplace is completely clean except for a small pile of
of Taxlan and the Dark Corner Society. While the events ashes which include several small round chunks of charcoal,
depicted in this scenario do not overtly disclose the exist- perhaps the remains of more wooden beads. Nothing else is
ence of the Cult they will leave several answers badly in need identifiable. [Harrick burned the Juju bag]
of questions. The clues and evidence are presented in the A framed photograph on the wall of the study depicts three
approximate order in which PCs will uncover them. Explana- men standing in front of a ruined temple. The plate on the
tions for the GM are in brackets []. frame reads, 'B.H., J.D., N.K. -India, 1931'. The men, from
GMs should expect the adventure to run through at least left to right, are a middle-aged, hearty looking man in a white
two game sessions. In game time the adventure takes about suit (Bruno Harrick), a friendly looking younger man in a
a week. white tee shirt and blue denim jeans (Jimmy Horton) and a
The entire adventure is set in New Orleans in the year dour looking, smallish man in safari khakis and pith helmet
1933. (Ned Keen). The glass in the frame has been smashed.
Harrick's journals are missing the volume covering August
GETTING PCS INVOLVED to December, 1931. The previous volume ends with Harrick,
The GMs first consideration is how to believably bring the Ned Keen and a sailor named Jimmy Horton exploring a
PCs together. Experienced GMs are encouraged to allow ruined Kali Temple in India. The next volume begins with him
the PCs to investigate independently until the plot brings back in New Orleans, and mentions that an unspecified
them together. Beginners may wish to have a relative or scandal has run its course. It reads:
friend gather the PCs together to investigate at the onset. 'NK has departed for points unknown, and good rid-
At this point the PCs should not all be members of the DCS dance. I cannot believe that the Society was so naive in
although an especially good roleplayer who can keep his inducting him. We have no regrets about the steps we took
cards close to his vest could begin as a member if the GM and wish the obnoxious toad nothing but ill fortune'.
desires. One of the plot points of this scenario is the reluc- A search of the other journals will take until the next day.
tance of DCS members to involve outsiders in internal Each is handwritten in a hard to read script. The Dark Corner
problems. Society is not mentioned in any except as The Society. If an
The adventure begins with the mysterious disappearance investigator perseveres he will discover this entry in the July
of the famed archaeologist Bruno Harrick. He is primarily 1927 volume:
known for his researches into Indian mysticism. 'I cannot express my distaste for N.K. openly without
causing friction with his sponsors. Here I am under no such
HARRICK'S HOUSE constraints. Jimmy reports that the idiotic charlatan became
Harrick's home is on Franklin Avenue two blocks south of beastly drunk and caused a scene with the doorman that
Lake Pontchartrain. It is a moody Victorian with an extensive almost brought the officials down on us. The last thing the
garden, surrounded by an ornate iron fence. The PCs may Society needs is to be publicly identified as a common
search the grounds as they wish but unless keys have been speakeasy. On my next expedition to India I intend to look
provided they will have to either break into the home or ask into his story closely'.
the police to let them in. In the volume for 3 months ago an entry reads:
The police responded to a call from Mr. Ned Keen two days 'Jimmy reports that while in Miami on [GMs date] he read
ago. Keen is a big game hunter renowned for his African that-' The next page has been ripped out.
exploits. Keen had come to Harrick's home, as previously [In the missing volume Harrick details how he, Ned Keen
arranged, to discuss future expeditions. When his ring was and Jimmy Horton discovered that a fellow DCS member
not answered Keen tried the doors and found the rear door named Nick Kouvaris joined under false pretenses in 1927,
to be open. Lights were burning in the house and a half-eaten and the steps they took to have him ousted and blacklisted
meal sat on the table but Harrick was gone. upon their return from India in 1931. The missing page tells
The investigating officers have given the house a rudimen- how N.K. murdered his assistant and drowned himself in the
tary search and concluded that Harrick left the house expect- ocean]
ing to return very shortly. They are of the opinion that he fell The 1927 and 1933 entities should only be found after an
prey to a gang of thieves who operate in the area and extensive search. If a PC announces his intention to read
consider the case closed. them the GM should hint that he be left behind while the
Harrick's wife is somewhere in the Himalayas and cannot others continue their investigations.
be reached. At this point the PCs have several options. They will want
An investigation of the house and grounds will yield the to speak to Ned Keen and find Jimmy Horton. The 'N.K.' in
following clues. Note that some will not seem important to the the journal is desiqned to make the pes suspect Ned Keen,
PCs until later events unfold. They can return to the site as of course. Subsequent events will do little to disavow PCs of
often as they desire. the notion that he is the villain, but he is not.
PCs might also guess correctly that some type of sorcer- CLUES AT KEEN'S APARTMENT
ous apparatus was burnt in the fireplace, and the black velvet Regardless of how the preceding scene ran the PCs now
may remind them of some sort of performers garb. have an opportunity to speak to Mama Tubman and search
Finally, the PCs will want to learn more about the Society Keens apartment.
mentioned in the journal. Mama Tubman has been friends with Keen for several
years. She will invite the PCs to sit in her kitchen behind the
NED KEEN shop and will ask the PC with the lowest PRE to make tea.
Ned Keen left his address and telephone number with the She will answer PCs questions as long as they do not involve
police, who will release it to family members, licensed private the DCS or Voodoo (she is a Mamaloi). The GM should play
investigators or anyone who makes an appropriate PRE her as rather distant and mysterious - she is deliberately
based skill roll. Keen has an apartment on Bourbon Street. holding back information.
If the PCs call before they visit him he will reluctantly agree The night before Harrick's disappearance he phoned
to meet them at his apartment at nine that evening. He will Keen, who was out of town lecturing; Mama sensed it was a
answer no questions over the telephone. matter of some urgency but Harrick would not discuss it. All
If the PCs go directly to his address they will discover that he would say was to tell Keen it involved India and to come
the address given is for 'Mama Tubman's Herbs and see him as soon as he returned. She will scoff at any
Medicinals'. They will hear incoherent shouting through the suggestion that Keen is involved in any wrongdoing. If PCs
open window of an apartment over, and apparently entered ask to search the apartment she will allow it on the condition
through, the store. that she is present.
The PCs can enter the store or go down an adjacent alley In the apartment the following clues can be found:
to see if there is a back entrance. If they enter the store they The desk is locked but Mama has a key. Inside is a cloth
will be met by a beautiful middle-aged black woman. This is pouch tied with a rawhide thong and containing feathers, a
Mama Tubman. She is worriedly twisting a strand of rosary lizard skull and several black wooden beads. Perceptive
beads and glancing at the ceiling. She will ask that the PCs PCs will note that Mama blanches at the sight but she will
return some other time as she is closing now. If they profess no knowledge of the object. [This type of Juju pouch,
persevere she will admit that Keen is upstairs buttheycannot hidden in or near a targets residence, increases the chance
see him. If she senses that they are suspicious of Keen she of a successful abduction]
will stand her ground. If they indicate a desire to help him she A notepad near the phone indicates that Keens was an
will urge them to go upstairs through a curtain at the rear of obsessive note taker. It says -
the store. Keen will be gone. 'Call docks - see if the 'Sea Whiskey' is in yet' [this is
Any PC going down the alley will be blocked by three large Jimmy Horton's ship, which docked this morning]
blacks who will tell them they are trespassing and will resort 'Inform DCS of possible trouble [PCs will figure out that the
to violence to prevent their passing. (Use the stats forTaxlan S stands for Society. They should be able to find the Dark
Outer Cultist, armed with knives) Unless the PCs start Corner Society now, have them make AK: New Orleans or
combat they may spot a Caucasian accompanied by three KS: Occult Organizations]
more black men going into an alley across the courtyard. If Mitch? Vito? [The GM can introduce these NPCs (see 'The
they saw the photo in Harrick's study they will recognize Ned Opposition) to bolster the group's firepower if he wishes]
Keen. He will not acknowledge the PCs and if pressed will In the pocket of his coat is an unsealed envelope. On a slip
order them to stop interfering. The group enter a taxi parked of paper inside are several names, all but the last three
at the end of the alley and speed away. The three cultists crossed out. [These are all the stage magicians currently
engaging the PCs will try to disperse. working in the city. Keen had heard rumors that the myste-
The PCs should be prevented from meeting Keen. If these rious N.K. was still alive, and correctly deduced that he was
events occur in the evening the GM should add a Chauche responsible for Harrick's disappearance. For the past three
(make it Friday Night) to the ranks of the cultists. days he has been visiting clubs hoping to spot N.K.]
If the PCs wait until nine o'clock both store and apartment The names are: The Amazing Johnstone [X], Mulgrew the
will be locked and unlit. A successful Perception roll will Magnificent [X], Swami Serbu [X], Merlin the Magician [X],
reveal an insistent thumping sound from within the store. If The Wizard Wastrani [X], The Astounding Armstrong, Dylan
PCs enter the unlocked window around back they will find the Bedazzler and The Amazing Nictzin [who is the villain of
Mama Tubman tied up behind the counter. Keen is nowhere this scenario]
to be found. [Keen has been abducted by the villain. He is At this juncture the PCs have several options. They can
overconfident in his abilities and believes he went willingly, find and visit the Dark Corner Society, follow up on Harrick's
on the condition that Mama Tubman not be injured. He has journals (only if someone stayed behind to read them), look
actually been cursed] for the 'Sea Whiskey' or start looking for magicians.

AT THE DARK CORNER SOCIETY Background checks (Newspapers, agencies, etc.) will
A lot depends on the time of day that the pes visit the Des. reveal that of the three suspects only the Amazing Nictzin
If they approach the building during the day they will find it could be Kouvaris. The Astounding Armstrong and Dylan the
locked. If they ring at the gate a huge Indian in a turban will Bedazzler are both older men who have been active for
leave the building and approach. If the pes do not look like many years, while the Amazing Nictzin has only been
salesmen he will inquire their business. He will answer no performing about a year and a half (Nictzin is noted for his
questions concerning the Society or any of its members. astounding ability to hold his breath for almost an hour).
Admittance is restricted to members and screened guests Visiting the magicians will not be easy but persistent
only. He will not unlock the gate under any circumstances. investigators (and a charitable donation) will yield the where-
He will attempt to discovertheir reason forthe visit, however, abouts of the two oldsters. Nictzin / Kouvaris's employer
and if pes are reasonably frank he will instruct them to return hasn't a clue where he is. Dylan will be drunk in his hotel
at eight that evening. [GMs should note that the doorman is room. He will happily reminisce for hours if the pes allow it.
a powerful supernatural guardian and if pes attempt to If the other two are mentioned Dylan will say slightly petty
sneak in they will fiercely regret it] things about his rival Armstrong but at the mention of Nictzin
If they arrive during the evening the building will be he will become quite venomous. He will describe how Nictzin
noticeably lit up. The doorman will behave as before but after snubbed his offer of congratulations at a club up north last
hearing the pes' story will instruct them to wait a moment. year. If the pes mention Kouvaris he will be equally irate but
Then he will return with a scruffy, ti red looking man in a rather will remark on the resemblance between the two, noting that
cheap suit. This is Patrick 'Mitch' Mitchell. Mitch will ask them if Nictzin had blonde hair and no mustache they would be
in. pes will be grilled by Mitch in a sitting room at the front of almost identical. [Kouvaris is in disguise.]
the club. He will neither confirm nor deny any of their Armstrong is in his eighties. He is an endearing grandfa-
conclusions. The interview will most likely be frustrating for ther type who will fall asleep about five minutes into an
the pes, but the Society plays its cards close. Mitch will be interview.
especially interested in the pes future plans. If he thinks their If the pes visit either of these two men's shows they will
ideas are sound he will volunteerto accompany them on their learn absolutely nothing. Dylan is playing at the 'Green
rounds. Room' at the Walker Inn, Armstrong is on Toulane Avenue
at the Moonglow Theater.
THE DOCKS The Amazing Nictzin is performing at a dive called 'Bot-
At the docks passersby can direct the pes to the 'Sea toms Up' which apparently is still celebrating the end of
Whiskey'. [This is Sailor Horton's ship. He is staying in a prohibition. It is a madhouse. Nictzin is scheduled to be on at
room at the DeS. None of his shipmates know where he is. ten, but no matter what time the pes arrive, the first bar-
If any pes have interviewed Mitch then Horton may be tender who is asked will recall seeing him going backstage
assumed to have been eavesdropping nearby.] with a sailor about ten minutes ago. [The sailor is Jimmy
During the day the crew will be busy unloading the cargo. Horton. As soon as they got to Nictzin's dressing room,
At night they will all be in town with only a couple left on board several cultists entered. Horton was overpowered but the
to keep watch. [If the game needs a shot of combat some room was pretty messed up in the fight. A bouncer who came
cultists might be on board at night, torturing the sailors in an to investigate the noise started shouting for help. This
attempt to find Horton's whereabouts. To add some fear the panicked Nictzin, and he and the cultist escaped out the
GM can put an Ictaxlian in their midst. Do not let it fight the back, killing the bouncer on the way out]
pes too much - at this point in their careers they are no When pes go backstage they will see a small group of
match for it. Just let it fight its way past them and go for the performers clustered around a body on the floor next to an
river. The pes will be real nervous from now on in.] open dressing room door. The body is that of a bouncer.
Witnesses will describe the sounds of a fight followed by a
FOLLOWING UP ON THE JOURNALS rush for the back door.
This will clear up a lot. By checking any Miami newspaper Inside the dressing room are several clues which will lead
on the date of the drowning the pes will learn that witnesses the pes to the climax of the scenario.
saw a stage magician named Nick Kouvaris swim out to sea A ripped black velvet cloak will be hanging on a peg.
and go under. His body was never recovered. Miami police The missing journal and the ripped out page are here. The
records show that all of Kouvaris's gear was stolen the next pertinent entries are clearly marked.
night. By now the pes should realize that Nick Kouvaris is Kouvaris's coat, forgotten in his flight, is here. In the pocket
still at large and is abducting the three DeS members who is a key and a legal document. It is a rental agreement which
ruined him. was signed three weeks ago and gives Nictzin a one year
lease on a property called The Atlantis Theater'. An AK: New
INVESTIGATING THE MAGICIANS Orleans Skill Roll will allow a character to remember an
This can be done several ways. [GMs should note that abandoned theater on the docks. The pes now know where
things will start moving pretty quickly now]The pes maywish the missing men and the escape artist are.
to visit the clubs while the three unchecked magicians are As soon as a character gives voice to this realization the
worki~g, they may visit them at their hotels (the club manag- lights in the room will dim and it will become very cold. A Baka
ers might be hesitant to release this information, though), or is here, spying on the pes to see if they found the clues. The
they could run background checks on them. pes will get an eerie feeling that they are being watched by
something malevolent and then it will be gone. Now the
escape artist will know that he has more enemies and he
and the cult will be ready. '
Keen will be sawed in half. Ten minutes later Horton will be
l' put in a trunk and tossed into the flooded basement as a
. __ ::ii sacrifice to Taxlan. Therefore, after the Baka leaves the PCs
S\ Warehouse have forty-five minutes before everybody is dead. In an
Warehouse (1) • automobile they will get to the theater in about ten minutes.
._ .••.(1)/
. •. At this point they still have fifteen minutes before the carnage
(i3 \.
~~~_.....J begins. Unfortunately, the Cultists are waiting for them.

>~.-. <\
CD .•••••

I '.1 \ /' -:<' 2m ~)- .... ---( THE AMBUSH

,\ There are twelve cultists in all. They are totally fanatical
/ and will fight to the death. Four are armed with pistols, the
. ,,--<
\. r ,;'""- .-.~\\
rest with knives. They will skulk just inside the door to the
theater, hiding in alcoves and behind piles of chairs and
" such. They will wait until the PCs are inside and those with
CD pistols will open fire. If the PCs rush the room the others will

", -\ /--\ / \"I>lg spring up and charge. In all likelihood the PCs will fall back
· . . -\1 r=. '-'J\L;. ·. I·· ··\.
~Iqrage P;;(,~t r:/storagepallet
r=.711 --<I I
and try to come up with a plan. Two other ways the PCs can
enter the theater are through the roof and by swimming into
CIl the basement via the river. If these are tried a few cultists
l. \'I·I·-·.{
::J . ·_···J\ \.: .... _.<)
1 1 \". .... _.1\ .I -, should be waiting to make it interesting.
o i •• e ,,"'".••• it -,
.c '''-. 1
J ••
~ •• "
.' ••••••••
> -<_ 1
('II \b··<! _ i::. .=:J L\~ ./ _~. WRAPPING IT UP
If even one of the victims is rescued the PCs will be invited
/rs;: :J~"F(-- --\'==\1-. \'F'n back to the DCS and escorted into the lounge where many
\ SJ;'~~~~. '.Storage pallet
L ',---- .., _ji"-'_'
I (; 1"
U) \
famed occultists and explorers will congratulate them. They

-.tv I
·. - I':c ""]',.' - - - -(-
~/o-6 .
\ •... '-'-1 'Chairs" •....... ,.
\;lL,l<; I
I <if \
i "1"
will be asked to donate an item to the museum and tell their
story. If the crowd approves they will be invited to join as
honorary members.
/' L.....all:!.j" I Orchestra Pit' I\ . L. J If they fail in their task (unlikely) the DCS will still want to
\ \ .. __..•
/0 \. , ...._·UoJ
r:f. \., •.......
hear about it. Everyone there has had to face failure before
and may be willing to give PCs a second chance if they seem
/ '. '. / \ Stfige'\, ., , to be of the right caliber.
I' fEli 2,I • /------\. - • - of;, ~</).

-"',,,/'- '~'!,~_-. , r-/ " l/~' '.~(/ " . (~" '0,.,,,/

I~ 2m -+j : i ,
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. Skf/!Pht J_ ~ .; . '"" __ <'" J. Sky-light
, .,- .Abov""~'.,/
, r--, i
.-' . '.'
,- -.~
..,~ ',.,., ",.I' "'.
" •..,/~'Abov~
! r-,
, , , • J I I
The Atlantis Theater is at the end of a cul-de-sac. The
warehouses bordering the alley are three stories tall and the
.' :.,. ~::Jt ", -,::.r::-~q~~~/'il.~.~:r~~g.h.::~t~.~l~;:.~__ "<,
1 i 1 . 1 Up to Bqlcony t
crumbling theater is one story shorter. The back of the
Theater juts out over the Mississippi. (See Map) "". •••
.. ,., <. /. )"
.. , 'C""'-

L.".",/, .),.
•• ">:> 1
... <, "",,.. ) .. , .•, .••••.
The interior of the building has been used as a warehouse 1 1 !

and bears little resemblance to a theater. It has never been H Ba/conyEdg~~ ~

wired for electricity -- all interior lights are kerosene lanterns. . •./ ......•....•...

All the inside doors have been removed and many of the
walls knocked down. The stage is still intact, however, and ""..-"'~ . "
it has been set for a show.
Once Kouvaris starts his show he will stop for nothing. His
assistant is a surly Ictaxlian whose orders are to save ,./1 "' ..•.
Kouvaris if his life is threatened. If PCs get past the cultists
and into the theater it will grab him and go for the basement <,
. If it has to hurt a few PCs to get there he will happily do so.
Do not forget to check for the Ictaxlians presence attack. s;
_),. :)-", ...
The GM should track how long it takes the PCs to get to the
theater. Kouvaris will begin his show about fifteen minutes
after the Baka leaves the dressing room. Twenty five min-
utes after the Baka departs Harrick will be chained upside
U711111 1 1
down in a tank of seawater, drowning. Ten minutes after that y
Atlantis Theater - 2nd Floor

Atlantis Theater - Basement V Kouvaris' plan is simple. With the assistance of Chantelle

Dujon (who should ideally remain off-stage) he learned who

\ / , was responsible for his misfortune, and how they could be
'> _ .. "-"'~\
captured. He has rented an abandoned theater. With the
assistance of the local Outer Cult he plans to abduct the
three DCS members whose Asian expedition revealed his
duplicity. Then he will put on a show of magic and escapes.
Each act will climax with the death of one of his prisoners.

11 STR 13 DEX 15 CON 11 BODY 10 INT
18 EGO 18 PRE 14 COM 4 PD 4 ED
4 SPD 6 REC 26 END 25 STUN 75 Cost
Skills: Perk: Cult of Taxlan member (Low), Stealth 13-,
Demolitions 11-, PS: Cultist 12-, Acrobatics 13-, Acting
13-, Breakfall 13-, Concealment 11-, Contortionist 13-,
KS: Magic Tricks 12, KS: Cult of Taxlan 12-, Oratory 13-,
PS: Magician 12-, PS: Esc. Artist 14-, Sleight of Hand 12-,
Double Jointed, LS: Breathe water. Cost: 51 Total: 126
75+ Disadvantages: Watched: Taxlan (MoPow, NCI,
Take care to steep the game in the atmosphere of New
14-, XY2), Psych Lim: Fear of Taxlan (Com, Str), Psych
Orleans. Stress the atmosphere of the city, where Spanish
Lim: Obsessed with revenge (V.Com, Total), Bonus
moss hangs off the trees and all the graves are above
ground. Tell players about the wild mix of races seen on the
street and the many languages heard. Let them 'hear' the
jazz and the slow spirituals. 11 STR 13 DEX 15 CON 11 BODY 13 INT
No Taxlan cultist will evertell an outsider about his religion. 13 EGO 13 PRE 16 COM 4 PD 4 ED
Ever. Anyone taken prisoner will disappear into the prison 3 SPD 5 REC 30 END 25 STUN 48 Cost
system. Skills: Voodoo spells 20 pts (GMs choice),
The police will arrive five to twenty minutes after any Perk: Voodoo priestess, Stealth 12-, PS: Apothecary 12-.
gunplay. Unless PCs can prove thatthey have a valid reason Cost: 36 Total: 84
forbearing arms their guns will be confiscated. The DCS may
intervene in any matters of arrest if the PCs have behaved 50+ Disadvantages: Watched: Taxlan (MoPow, NCI,
heroically. 14-, XY2) , (19) Psych Lim: Protective of neighborhood
(V.Com, Total)
And now, meet the escape artist:
Nick Kouvaris - The Fabulous Kouvaris, as he is better BRUNO HARRICK
known, is an obscure stage magician who has never been
the sensation his talents warranted. He traveled the world 15 STR 13 DEX 15 CON 11 BODY 13 INT
learning obscure feats of magic, and an accidental encoun- 11 EGO 13 PRE 10 COM 5 PD 5 ED
ter with an evil Indian Mystic earned him an undeserved 3 SPD 6 REC 30 END 27 STUN 44 Cost
membership in the Dark Corner Society. His act was truly Skills: Martial Arts (Dirty Infighting)10 pts,
sensational but audiences found something disturbing about Perk: D.C.S member(LOW), Survival 11-,
his hyperkinetic mannerisms and patronizing banter. Then SC: Archaeology 12-, PS: Archaeologist 12-,
Bruno Harrick, Ned Keen and Jimmy Horton learned the WF: Sm Arms, Blades. Cost: 23 Total: 67
truth about Nick, had him barred from the Society and leaked 50+ Disadvantages: Watched: D.C.S. (MoPow, NCI,
a damning story to the press. He was reduced to two years 14-, XY2), Psych Lim: Scientific Curiosity (Com, Str)
of working in sleazy dives for pennies.
Despite his constant failure Nick persevered, until one NED KEEN
night in Miami when he struck his clumsy assistant and was
booed offstage. Later that night he murdered the girl and 15 STR 13 DEX 15 CON 11 BODY 10 INT
swam out to sea to drown. Instead of dying he embraced the 11 EGO 10 PRE 10 COM 5 PD 4 ED
dark promise of Taxlan. But now he was not only a magician; 3 SPD 6 REC 30 END 27 STUN 38 Cost
with his new ability to breathe water he would be the greatest Skills: Perk: D.C.S. member (Low), Stealth 12-,
escape artist the world had ever seen. He would establish a Survival 12-, PS: Hunter 12-,Tracking 12-,
new identity and start over. Butfirst he would start small, and WF: SmArms/Melee, +1 w/Combat. Cost: 25 Total: 63
then he would have his revenge on the three Dark Corner 50+ Disadvantages: 15- Psych Lim: Overconfident
Society members who ruined him. (Com, Str)
• • •
The Cultists are all members of the Taxlan Outer Cult.
Their leaders, who do not appear in the scenario, are likely
to want revenge.

Contemporary Horror draws on the rich heritage of horror

There is a period in history of awful that came before. Elements of Eldritch, Gothic, Pulp Adven-
uncertainty. Look out the window and ture and Atomic Horror can be seen in almost every modern
you'll see it; walk out the door and terror tale. Entire modern campaigns may be conducted
you're there. This is the nexus of all featuring one of these horror styles - all work well in a
horror, the ever changing present. All modern setting -or a new type of horror based on 'true' weird
you mortals stand poised directly be- occurrences may be played. Horror Hero calls this genre
tween the center of the Earth and the "Paranoid Horror."
ultimate end of everything. The merest Today's world is awash in strange contradictions. As new
brush with the uncanny can send you spinning into the technology is discovered and science expands the borders
void. I know - I have but recently returned. Now my of the known universe, thousands turn their backs to rational-
one eye watches... ity and embrace magic and mysticism. Governments appeal
The modern man pays his taxes, washes his car, and to blind patriotism while claiming to desire a peaceful world.
goes through the motions that compose his existence. Every day the divisions between human beings of different
But nagging at the back of his mind come doubts and sexes, religious beliefs and races become wider. In a world
uncertainties that give him pause. Who really killed like this it is easy to believe that somewhere, hidden from
JFK? Why does his neighbor have tin foil lining his view, evil intelligences are controlling it all. That is the reason
windows? Where do all the missing persons go? this chapter is called "The Awful Truth."
I read the headlines. Wars and rumors of wars. What if all the crazies and fringe theorists are right? What
Military in League with Aliens. Earthquakes in diverse if monsters, demons and aliens are victimizing the world with
places. The Immortality Diet. Pestilence, War, Famine impunity, with the full knowledge and cooperation of secret
and Death. societies within the ruling powers? What if you discovered
Do you wonder what the night still hides? Does the that it really WAS a magic bullet that killed JFK? What if
question coalesce and turn in your mind? Who's really vampires and werewolves still stalk mankind, cloaked in
running the world? disbelief? What would you do if you discovered an inhuman
conspiracy ruling the world? Are you ready to face the Awful


PI\RI\NOID HORROR Since this is the time in which the players live, this section
will be brief. The entertainment technology of the era has
evolved rapidly from the early years of color TV to the
laserdiscs, VCRs, CDs and laptop computers of today.
ROLEPLAYING IN Transportation has gone from gas guzzlers to rice burners.
MODERN DAY AMERICA Medicine, weaponry and all other types of technology have
developed so rapidly that mankind is hard-pressed to keep
THE ERA up. This section is bound to be obsolete within a year of
It is the real world - your world - but things are not what publication!
they seem ... A secret race manipulates the destiny of man-
kind with sadistic glee ... Twisted cultists sacrifice victims and MEDICINE
howl at the Moon ... Red-handed madmen stalk the unsus- Gone are the days of runaway infection and minor wounds
pecting through the cities and the wilderness ... Secret bases proving fatal. Today, with the proper equipment and medi-
in the desert hide an unholy alliance ... and the governments cine, almost any injury is treatable with a good recovery
of the world deny everything ... And You Are There! almost guaranteed. This is pretty good news for your aver-
The modern era offers roleplaying opportunities unlike age player character.
any other. Instead of imagining your characters in distant It is recommended that with total hospitalization a PC be
times and unfamiliar surroundings, the modern campaign given 2x REC to simulate these advances. This is also pretty
lets you adventure in the here and now. Modern characters good news.
employ state-of-the-art technology. All of today's vehicles, Here is the bad news. Special monster attacks (like
equipment, medicine and weaponry are at your disposal. Lycanthropy) are still a serious matter. Badly injured PCs will
have tons of questions to answer. Their doctors could be
working for THEM. Finally, if you are dead you are dead.


Here is a listing of some ofthe latest monster-killers on the The skill list is essentially unchanged. It is important to
streets today. Do not forget that a lot of these weapons are note that in a Modern Horror campaign the emphasis on
illegal and all are subject to various Federal and State realism may require players to justify the possession of
regulations. certain skills to the GM (or, during gameplay, to the authori-
As with the other weapons lists in this book the following ties). Players are encouraged to remember that today's
statistics can be used for non-listed weapons. Just match bureaucratic society keeps records of practically everything,
caliber and fire rate and a pip of damage either way will not and many of the more useful skills will require the PC to hold
be important. a periodically updated license. The "real life" consequences
Of course the weapons of previous eras are largely and requirements for some skills are listed below. These are
available in modern times, so PCs should feel free to choose in no way intended to detract from the players fun, only to
off previous lists. spurn them on to greater ingenuity.


Automatic Handguns
MKII Gyrojet +2 -1 1d6+1 +1 5 8 13mm 1966 Experimental
Ruger P85 +1 0 1d6+1 0 8 15 9mm 1985
RugerP90 +1 0 1d6+1 +1 10 7 .45ACP 1989
Desert Eagle +1 0 1 Y2d6 0 12 9 .357 Mag 1980 Israeli
Desert Eagle +1 0 2d6 +1 14 7 .44 Mag 1981 Israeli
Desert Eagle 0 0 2d6+1 +1 15 7 .50AE 1991 Israeli
Bren Ten +1 0 1d6+1 0 9 11 10mm 1981
Glock Model 22 0 0 1d6+1 0 9 13 .40 S&W 1988
Submachine Guns
Bushmaster +1 +1 2d6-1 0 12 30 .223 1970 Autofire 5 shots
Ingram MAC 10 +1 0 1d6+1 +1 13 30 .45ACP 1971 Autofire 5 shots
H&K54 +2 0 1d6+1 0 12 30 9mm 1974 Autofire 5 shots
Beretta M93R +1 0 1d6+1 0 12 20 9mm 1980 3 shot bursts
VP70 0 0 1d6+1 0 10 18 9mm 1972 3 shot bursts
Mini-Uzi 0 -1 1d6+1 0 8 20 9mm 1982 Autofire 5 shots
L42A1 +2 +2 2d6+1 +1 13 10 7.62N 1966 British
H&K33 +2 +1 2d6-1 0 10 20 .223 1968 Autofire 5 shots
Styer-Aug +2 +2 2d6-1 0 10 30 .223 1972 Austrian Autofire
Mini 14 +2 +1 2d6-1 0 8 20 .223 1973 Autofire 5 shots
AK-74 +2 +1 2d6-1 0 14 30 5.54R 1974 Russian Autofire
G11 Caseless +2 +1 2d6-1 0 8 50 4.7mm 1980 German Autofire
Heavy' Weapons
M-249 SAW +1 +1 2d6-1 0 11 200 .223 1974 Autofire 5 shots
LAW 0 +1 4d6AP +1 5 1 - 1972 May not reload
TOW 0 - 6d6AP +1 - 1 - 1974 No RMod, 1,12 DCV, mounted
Stinger +2 - 14d6NEx - 1 - - 1975 No RMod
M-203 (Frag) +2 +1 2d6 0 8 1 40mm 1969 Explosion
(Concussion) +2 +1 6d6NEx - 8 1 40mm 1969 Explosion
Armbrust 300 0 0 4d6AP +1 10 1 - 1972
M134 Minigun +2 +3 2d6+1 +1 14 1500 7.62N 1967 Autofire 10 shots
XM2146 Pack +3 +3 2d6-1 0 12 500 .223 1974 Autofire 10 shots
ANIMAL HANDLER: An animal is likely to be put to death if
it is proven to have been used in an offensive attack. (1M's (lUIDE TO
BRIBERY: Still a favored form of commerce in Washington
and the Third World. Players should be very cautious with PI\RI\NOID HORROR .)
this skill - fame, trials and imprisonment are likely to
follow a failed attempt.
BUGGING: Electronic surveillance by private individuals is THE SETTING
highly illegal - do not get caught. HISTORY
BUREAUCRATICS: A staggeringly useful skill in today's This chapter of Horror Hero explores the possibilities for
world. roleplaying in modern campaigns. Everyone is familiar with
CRIMINOLOGY: Private persons who are discovered to the setting; after all, they are living in it. But the "Awful Truth"
have practiced this skill before an official has an opportu- is that the mystics and quantum physicists are right - the
nity to do so are considered to have tampered with the world outside the window is an illusion. The media reports
scene of a crime and are eligible for arrest. This applies to the facts as they see them but they learn only a fraction of
Forensic Medicine also. what is really going on, and anything which does not neatly
DEMOLITIONS: GMs may wish to expand this skill to dovetail with established 'fact' is related only to be ridiculed.
include the creation of explosives using legally obtained In Horror Hero the world is as the paranoids claim - vast
ingredients, such as those found in The Anarchist Cook- unseen forces manipulate reality to suit their needs; discredit
book. Otherwise, pre-made explosives, may be impos- and scandal plague those who threaten to expose them. A
sible to obtain without a (easily traced) license. KS: dark picture, but more fun to roleplay.
Chemistry can be a complementary skill. The History of the past thirty years will be familiar to almost
all GMs and players and really does not bear repeating here.
FORGERY: Again, a skill that is strictly illegal. Note that Besides, most of what the public is told can be taken with a
Computer Programming (desktop publishing) can be used liberal dose of salt. With this in mind, the material here will
as a complementary skill. present the past three decades as game settings - the
LANGUAGES: GM's in a "realistic" campaign may wish to gaming group can make up their own 'History," their own
be less lenient with the language chart. Anyone who has Awful Truth.
eavesdropped on a conversation conducted in a foreign The Awful Truth is hidden between the lines of recent
language will realize the great latitude the present rules history. It is camouflaged as trashy tabloids and strident
allow. GMs may wish to use the chart only when the paperbacks. It is whispered of at night when it is hoped no
speakerwishes to be understood by someone not entirely one listens. In Horror Hero the mundane reality of today is
fluent in the language. peeled back and the ugly mechanisms underneath are
PARAMEDIC: Bear in mind that a successful roll does not exposed. The more unbelievable a rumor or a theory, the
preclude the need for further medical attention. A severely more far reaching and frightening its implications, the more
injured character is bound to attract police inquiries, so likely it is to be true.
players should get their stories straight before admitting It starts with the Sixties. The civil unrest and unprec-
injured friends to a hospital. edented paranormal activity of the times blend nicely for a
campaign setting. Players could investigate the assassina-
tion of JFK while the trail is still warm, for instance, or be on
required for automobiles. Not only must an airplane pilot
hand for the massive UFO flap of '66-'67. Or maybe Paul
be licensed, but is expected to file flight plans as well as
McCartney and Brian Jones were sacrificed to the devil. This
keeping current flight hours. Excessive non-compliance
was an age of hippies and beatniks. The occult was every-
with this rule may bring official inquiries. The same goes
where and misguided kids were bound to get involved in
for most boats.
matters beyond their control.
WEAPON FAMILIARITY: Gun control laws are constantly in The Seventies had a definite dark side. Cult killings, cattle
flux, but generally any weapon of any use against super- mutilations and demonic possession all made headlines,
natural horrors is illegal to use outside a licensed firing and Bigfoot and the Bermuda Triangle sold tons of tabloids
range. The GM is the final arbitrator on this matter, but in and paperbacks. The decade also had its own version of the
any "realistic" campaign the use of a non-silenced firearm New Age movement. These are all worthwhile investigations
within earshot of civilization is certain to bring the police for Polyester Leisure Suit clad pes. Near the end of the
around to investigate. In most areas melee weapons are decade players can depict obnoxious punk rockers "aving it
subject to similar laws. The labyrinth of red tape that out wit "orrible monsters and evil disco dancers. Finally, the
surrounds the ownership and use of firearms would Seventies were the home of that classic group of occult
require an entire Sourcebook to explain, so GM's option investigators, the four meddling kids with the Great Dane.
is the law in this matter. The Eighties are truly in the spirit of the source material-
this was the decade of Mammon, demon god of greed.
Money was the grail and its worshippers were heroes. The
wealth flowed uphill to a select few. Distrust of those in power
surged and the dark mutterings of conspiracygrew louder. In
the midst of this orgy of shallow materialism and pessimism
an astonishing development occurred - the New Age

First, the GM can use recent news stories as stepping-off

points for scenarios. This idea will be explored further under
the heading 'Creating Intrigue'. Second, the time will be
close enough for players to remember, but not so close that
the game loses realism. For example, a gaming group
convening on May 4th will have trouble believing a scenario
set on the same day. After all, something may occur in the
'real world' that day which totally invalidates the scenario.
Tying into this, the short time lapse allows the campaign to
keep up to date with world developments (political, techno-
logical, etc.) without the aforementioned anachronisms dis-
pelling the illusion of reality. No GM wants to fall on his face
by using a living person as an NPC only to discover that he
has died the night before ("Would you believe ... a ghosn")!
No matter when it is set, a Modern Horrorcampaign will be
memorable. In no other setting is the horror so immediate, so
in-your-face and so exciting to roleplay.

Modern Horrorworks best with characters traveling around
investigating reports of weird and supernatural events. The
GM must decide whether the characters will journey over-
seas or keep their operations confined to their home country.
Both approaches have much to recommend them.
The "homeland" campaign allows the GM to tap into the
rich mythos of the land, the subtle shadings that only a native
can understand. Whether it is America, Japan, the British
Isles or anywhere, the atmosphere engendered by Kerouac-
like wanderings through the night is a fine counterpoint to the
horrors that erupt shrieking from the shadows. As characters
roam from the corridors of power through the porch lights of
suburbia out into the moonlit countryside, their journey and
the terrors they face will acquire an atmosphere of legend
movement. Suddenly millions of Americans were casting and a surprising resonance.
spells, crystal gazing, Tarot reading, astral traveling and Many groups will want to travel overseas. An international
studying the dubious wisdom of "channeled" entities. To the campaign is more freewheeling. Rather than exploring their
adherents of this new religion the universe was a benevolent homeland (and hence, themselves) the characters are out-
place and every man's unconscious desires shaped his siders and explorers. Dealing with NPCs is more difficult;
personal reality. In short, they became perfect patsies for barriers of language and custom must be dealt with. In a
manipulation. To top it all off the horrifying Abductionists world where half the population is shooting at the other, the
began to make headlines - what was once a tiny percent- challenges are many. But this will accentuate the horror.
age of UFO incidents became a major phenomenon. When the unknown rears its grisly head the most foreign of
Now we come to the world of today. Sweeping changes surroundings and the oddest of cultures will seem all the
have occurred in the political and social arenas. Some say more human. An international campaign will remind players
that the world is forthe first time passing into the hands of the that beneath religious and political differences all men are
people and that the long night is over. But others say that it the same species, and the Awful Truth damns everyone.
is all a ruse to raise false hope before it dashed forever. The GMs should resist the temptation to dwell on these themes
monsters are still among us, they say, and the real fight for during gameplay; let them sneak up on players. After all, the
the future of mankind is just beginning. purpose of roleplaying -the jokes, the stories, the dice - is
to have fun and experience a few vicarious thrills, not to
CHOOSING A START DATE discover the meaning of life. Whether a group opts for a
When a GM starts a Modern Horror game he will probably 'home' or an international campaign, the possibilities for
already have an idea of when he wishes to conduct the horror scenarios are endless.
campaign. This chapter describes the world of 199-, but the
material is suitable for campaigns set from 1964 to the near CONDUCTING THE CAMPAIGN
As the preceding entry illustrates, each of the four modern ESTABLISHING THE TONE
decades has much to offer as a campaign setting. The The GM of a Modern Horror campaign should give serious
recommended option for Modern Horror, however, is the consideration to determining the degree of realism he wishes
'yesterday' campaign, which is set a few months in the past. to present in his campaign. The wise GM will consult with his
This approach works well for several reasons. players on this matter - after all, the campaign exists for
their enjoyment.
Some players enjoy roleplaying because of the fantasy in the campaign as a quick way of setting a scary tone.
and the escape it offers from the rat race. For these players, Remember, all of the source material the GM uses will also
the less reality the better. They want to play characters who exist in the campaign world, and will be accessible to the
can investigate crime scenes and conduct investigations PCs. When the GM pulls out a copy of the very book the PCs
without official interference. They like playing characters are researching (the players, of course, believing it fictional)
who don't have to bother with licenses and permits, and who the effect will be devastating! The 'real-world' tone of the
can travel where - and whenever they wish. At the climax campaign will be firmly set.
of a scenario they expect to engage in ferocious pyrotechnical Another good way of establishing the realistic tone so
gun battles with the enemy. After the dust settles, fans of this essential to Paranoid Horror is to start out the campaign
type of game want their characters to be able to move on to without a hint of strangeness. The mundane lives of the PCs
the next scenario while the authorities look the other way. For and their daily routines should be established. Mature play-
the players who favor this type of campaign, the frequent ers won't even mind if the initial scenario contains no horror
lapses of logic and unrealistic situations are of no conse- at all. But once a comfortable feeling of normalcy is estab-
quence. lished, introduce a few disquieting elements to throw them
Other players demand more realism. For them, the ac- off balance.
complishments of player-characters mean little when the Disquieting elements might include UFO or monster
mechanics of the universe itself work in their favor. These sightings in the area, a disturbing new neighbor or co-
players relish the challenge of performing outrageous stunts worker, unbelievably weird information overheard, or any
and experiencing terrifying adventures in a setting where number of strange glitches to reality. Don't overdo it -
hard realism is the rule. Their favored type of game features players must believe in the reality of the setting if exposure
PCs who rely on cleverness rather than dice rolls to remain . to the Awful Truth is to be effective.
alive. Operating outside of a law that is often actively pursu- Then comes the pivotal moment of the campaign when the
ing them, these characters must contend with the knowledge PCs conception of reality is shattered by their first face-to-
that their efforts to save humanity might end in violent death. whatever encounter with a living embodiment of the Awful
This is not to suggest that a realistic campaign is unrelent- Truth. No longer will they dismiss reports of the Conspiracy
ingly dark, only that it features characters who accept re- as the babbling of kooks and charlatans - they have seen
sponsibility for their actions within the context of today's what man is not meant to see. The unfortunate recipients of
reality. privileged information, they must now decide what they are
Most Modern Horror campaigns will fall between these two going to do with it. And as easy as that the tone of Paranoid
extremes, and the reality level will fluctuate attimes. The GM Horror has been established. PCs will see the hand of the
should not be concerned about this - it is perfectly natural. Conspiracy everywhere. They will trust no authority but
A word of caution - the reality level should not be deliber- believe the most outrageous claims. No event, no matter
ately changed without unanimous consent. A GM who is how trivial, will seem important to their fevered imaginations.
tempted to change the rules in order to achieve a desired They will see hidden connections where there are none. And
effect should resist the inclination. Not only is this grossly the GM will have fun feeding their paranoia while only he
unfair to players, it can backfire in detrimental ways, damag- knows the Awful Truth.
ing everyone's enjoyment of the campaign. The reality level
of a campaign is a major factor in establishing the tone; the CAMPAIGN SCALE
next step is to determine a general direction (orsubgenre) for Next, the GM must consider his campaign scale. In Para-
the game. noid Horror this does not refer to geographic scale, but the
Unlike the previous chapters of this book, Modern Horror actual degree of involvement his PCs will have with the
is more a setting than a separate subgenre. Just like in machinations of the Conspiracy. Again, more than one
today's films and literature, Modern Horror can be Eldritchl approach works well.
Gothic, Adventure, or even Atomic (Super-scientific). Espe- An entire campaign can be conducted where PCs never
cially adventurous GMs might even set Apocalyptic Horror in once see the "big picture." This approach works well when
a modern setting! GMs who wish to run modern-day variants players are not interested in too much intrigue. In this case,
of these styles should read the appropriate sections of this they can travel around, solve mysteries, and kill monsters to
book. Those who wish to present a uniquely modern cam- their heart's content. As all the monsters in the previous
paign style should read on for suggestions relating to estab- chapters are assumed to have contemporary counterparts,
lishing the tone of Paranoid Horror. there are a lot to choose from and enough for years of
The monsters and villains described in this chapter are campaigning. It is still Paranoid Horror - this aspect of the
derived from true eyewitness reports, the writings of con- game is enhanced by occasional hints of vast invisible forces
spiracy theorists, urban legend and tabloid newspapers, or at work which the PCs have no power over. But players will
are fictional extrapolations based on these sources. For eventually become dissatisfied with battling manifestations
purposes of brevity these sources and the evil they describe and minions of Evil - they will want to go after the dark
will hereafter be referred to as the Conspiracy. Since these masters themselves.
sources are so readily available, the GM can use them early


And so the 'Great Kurten' travels the world spreading the
r TH~ SHr\P~SHIfT~RS""' false gospel and uniting the tribes. Today, with only two
decades left before the uprising, the Shapeshifters number
INT~RNr\TIONr\L tens of thousands. Despite this seeming imbalance of power,
CONSPIRr\CY most observersfeel that the brute passion of the Shapeshifters
may put them ahead if open conflict with humanity occurs.
The dark ambition of the Goddess seems destined to be
This section describes the Shapeshifters International fulfilled.
Conspiracy, a modern-style organization of Lycanthropes,
Vampires, sorcerers and Demons serving an evil goddess
from the past. The S.I.C. campaign focuses upon Horror THE SHAPESHIFTERS
themes prevalent to current settings - here the GM will find INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY
material enabling the running of games featuring ceremo- The Shapeshifters International Conspiracy, while com-
nies to an ancient Goddess, murderous cultists, sorcerous posed of individuals noted for chaotic behavior, operates on
rituals, serial killings, and of course the horror of discovering a system of strictly enforced dictates from the Goddess.
our world is not as we are led to believe. Advancement in SIC is based on natural law, save that
battles for progression are 'publicly' declared and fought.
Murder for promotion is punished by slow death. Private
r TH~ HISTORY Of THE ~ behavior is conducted according to SIC codes - unautho-
rized 'reproduction' is penalized by loss of rank. Disclosure
SHf\PESHlfTERS of SIC secrets is rewarded with torture. It is rare for any but
the newest recruits to break SIC law.
The tale is told wherever they gather. They tell it to SIC is run by a council of thirteen - 'Kurten' and twelve
inductees in training camps in Tennessee. They tell it to regional Governors (Kurten rules the European tribes). Each
inspire management in Tokyo boardrooms. They tell it to tribal Governor is served by thirteen lieutenants who are
wide-eyed cubs in the well fed exhaustion after the hunt ... responsible for black magic ceremonies, the induction of
Kurten the Great stumbled through the charred ruin of his new cultists and the military training for their provinces.
beloved village. Blind with grief and rage he fell to his knees There are additional squads of troops with special responsi-
and howled at the silent moon. Never again, he cried, would bilities. Assigned due to ability rather than race, they report
he and his people trust isolation to protect them from the men directly to Kurten. SIC also hires supernatural free agents
who thought it was God's will to destroy them. He would be such as Spike Early when the need arises.
a Moses and gather the Folk together; he would be Joshua SIC places high priority on placing members in positions
and conquer their enemies. Kurten prayed and the Mother of of political, military and fiscal influence. The infiltration agenda
Shapeshifters, moved by his grief, came down and dried his is proceeding well. Most military and civil forces include SIC
tears. Yes, she promised him, he would be Her prophet and members and many financial institutions are being system-
Her general. And someday, far ahead in the misty future, the atically looted by those who are considered above suspicion.
world would be theirs ... Unknown to all but the council, there is another organiza-
... It is a tale designed to inspire righteous anger, to instill tion lurking within SIC. This group, whose leader is the being
a sense of community and to move those who listen to which founded SIC, will be detailed in a forthcoming volume.
worship. The story is mostly true. But the being telling it is not GMs may wish to hint at the existence of this group, the
the same Kurten as he in the story. That Kurten has been Hunters of the Moonlit Empire, but may consider it a separate
dead for centuries, slain by the founder of SIC. The creature organization for now. The leader of HOME founded the inner
who rules SIC under the name Kurten is a Demonic impostor. cult in case SIC is somehow defeated.
But the Goddess is real, and exactly what she is claimed to Membership in SIC is open to anyone or anything willing
be. to swear total fealty to the cause. A recruit must possess, or
She is one of the ancient ones; her names and aspects are be willing to kill to gain, shapeshifting abilities. All manner of
many. In times long past, hunters called her Artemis and vampires, demons and shapeshifting wizards are counted in
wizards called her Hecate. Lunatics cried out to Selene the their number but the ranking officials are always Iycanthropes.
changing one and she would answer. She is the devourer, The cult is most often encountered in connection with devil
the Moon, the shapeshifting demon goddess of the hunt. worshipping activity, smuggling and serial killings. The
Scholars call her myth, but she lives. She may yet be the Shapeshifters can be used as a vehicle to introduce Old
death of us all. Soon every moon will be full, every hunter a World monsters in a New World order. A campaign involving
changer and every mortal a quarry. monster-hunters can feature SIC as the main antagonist.
Players should not betold on the outset that the cult exists.
Their strict laws were instigated to protect the secrecy of the
group. It is strongly recommended that the first half-dozen or
so SIC scenarios feature members who are operating on
their own recognizance. If any PCs are members of SABER
at the onset they should not reveal it to the others until the
existence of SIC is disclosed.

The Shapeshifters I nternational Conspiracy is not the only
cult plotting against humanity. Events have hinted of a new
Black Dawn, and the Shapeshifters are known to be at odds
with a baffling society (or race?) called the Lamplighters. Add
to these the conspiracy theorists usual mob of IIluminatis,
Satanists, Masons and space aliens and one wonders how
ordinary citizens have room to breathe. The common goal of
these groups is the acquisition o~ power. 'Power' is a broad
term which variously signifies military might, scientific su-
premacy, fiscal superiority or, as is the case here, mastery of
the mystic arts.
The Occult Objective of SIC is a multitiered undertaking,
instituted over a century ago. The breadth of the project
makes it likely to be the commonest cause of PC / SIC
The objective has three declared goals. They are, (1) The
acquisition of spells and enchanted objects, (2) The destruc-
tion or suppression of inimical items or magic and (3) The
identification and purchase of magically charged real estate
such as Ley lines, mystery ruins and haunted houses.
(1) The Shapeshifters grAedfor more magic may be equated
with the Arms Race of the Cold War years. There are
procedural differences, of course - research and develop- (2) Part two of the objective follows naturally. The sheer
ment of new sorcery is but a part of the operation. Minions of scope of SIC operations renders inevitable the possibility
SIC prowl the halls o~ academia, monitoring the status of that magic or artifacts inimical to their objectives is occasion-
archeological expeditions world wide. When promising sites ally found. By no means does this imply any 'goodness' on
are excavated they are there, waiting for the glimmer of lost the part of the enemy - it may be something more evil than
occult treasures. A disturbing number of artifacts are never they. But sometimes a saintly being or benign magic comes
logged, never displayed in museums. Some are stolen, to light which SIC is compelled to destroy before it is used
never to be seen again. Others are 'found', but only after against them.
being replaced with diabolical lods. This is not a task undertaken lightly. The operatives SIC
Unsurprisingly, SIC is actively engaged in bibliographical uses in this phase of the objective are all extremely capable.
pursuits. They have looted the great repositories of knowl- Their chief is a human wizard named Estelle DeFelice. A
edge for over two centuries. native of Chad, she possesses spells which enable her to
The Shapeshifters are always on the alert for new magic change into a number of African animal forms. Her squad are
developed by rival cults and independents. They do not all non-magical humans with orders to kill her if she appears
share - they are thieves. Many an unexplained 'occult' to be under the sway of enemy magic. They have all taken
murder may be laid at their doorstep. blood oaths to the Goddess and after serving for a time are
This project is administered by a Demonologist named transferred into the Lycanthropic fold. They carry state of the
BannermanGeovijan and his three sons, who are werewolves art weaponry and gear. Their exceptional success rate
of the sorcerous type. Geovijan specializes in scrying magic. proves that magic need not be countered by magic.
He uses mirrors, Tarot cards, astrology, entrail divining and (3) Conventional mystical wisdom holds that magic is a form
Ouija boards to pinpoint important new finds. His sons, who of energy which, like water, sometimes pools in one place.
are well-traveled and skilled thieves, function as a retrieval SIC would add that any pool can be drained. It is true that
squad. Geovijan, while committed to SIC, occasionally al- certain areas on Earth are charged with mystic energy, such
lows his insatiable curiosity to override his caution. Already as haunted houses, burial mounds, cemeteries, sacred
his indiscretions have allowed SABER to recapture a horde groves, some mountains, ruins, Ley lines, crop circles and
of Mound Indian relics which may have proven useful in religious shrines. These areas are noted for weird phenom-
overcoming the 'silver problem'. Kurten is keeping a close ena like ghosts, mysterious lights, inexplicable emotional
eye on him. One more mistake and Geovijan is through. It is outbursts, psychic events and healings. Some are benevo-
possible he may turn traitor to extend his existence ... lent in nature; SIC desecrates these. Some are downright
evil. Most are not aligned to either moral polarity. Notable

examples include Stonehenge, the Bermuda Triangle, the (1) Most inductees are recruited from devil cults, asylums,
Great Serpent Mound, the Shrine at Delphi, Ayers Rock, Mt. prisons and the military. These are all institutions whose
Kailas and Easter Island. These are well known and useless members have the innate bloodlust deemed desirable in a
to SIC. Their bloodshot eyes are cast on the hundreds more SIC warrior. The recruitment of new members is the respon-
around the globe which have yet to become centers of sibility of the thirteen tribal lieutenants serving each regional
organized worship or tourism. Some are right under our governor. They follow a predetermined quota in order to
noses - hooray for Hollywood. Others have yet to be found. prevent overpopulation. Should the targeted recruit be incar-
What does SIC want with these places? Their sorcerers cerated and legal attempts at parole or discharge fail then an
have discovered that spells cast on enchanted soil have a escape will be arranged. Post offices around the world have
greater success rate. Magical research is accelerated. Also, pictures on their walls of wanted criminals and madmen who
supernatural creatures feel more powerful there. Finally, the are now safe in the embrace of SIC. Because shapeshifters
magic can be 'mined' and stored in mystic batteries until it is transformed by contagion suffer from conflicting loyalties
needed elsewhere. In game terms this means that, at GMs (i.e. creator vs. cult), the Goddess has taught SIC a method
option, certain spells may have additional dice of effect or by which to induce lycanthropy through ritual murder - the
require lower Magic Skill rolls. resultant creatures are Wereboars (q.v.). These creatures
The identification and acquisition of these areas is the form the bulk of the SIC warrior class.
responsibilityofa pairofTormentor Demons (q.v., The Black (2) Non-allied monsters are considered a danger to the
Dawn, Creatures) called the Surveyor and the Purchaser. clandestine operations of SIC. It is felt that eventually such
They travel together searching for mystic sites and terroriz- a being will become publicly known and a 'witch hunt' will
ing any occupants until the land can be purchased through commence. Therefore SIC has squads monitoring the mass
a dummy corporation run by the Tokyo council. The Sur- media for clues of such creatures whereabouts. They are
veyor is a taciturn, glum being. His partner is a hyperactive then hunted down and invited to join. Any who refuse are
wheeler-dealer who shakes more hands than a politician. considered enemies and slain. Almost all SIC vampires are
Both are constrained from committing outright murder (most recruited in this manner. This process has given rise to great
of the time) but can swiftly summon SIC members if business enmity between the organized vampire nations (q.v., Vampyr)
tactics and terror fail. and SIC. SABER seeks to take advantage of this bad blood,
As noted above, it is likely that the majority of SIC sce- hoping the opposing sides will decimate each other.
narios will spin out of this project. Here are a few plot
(3) Sorcerers are extremely valuable to SIC. Not only are
suggestions and ideas to help the GM develop stories.
they largely free of the cyclical transformations which plague
• Always bear in mind that SIC need not be central to the Lycanthropes (and render infiltration difficult), their magic is
main story. Tales of innocents finding items of power and counted on to be SICs edge in the coming uprising. Any who
being corrupted and/or destroyed are horror staples. Run do not possess shapeshifting magic upon recruitment are
that story and then have SIC appear in a sequel, search- taught spells that enable them to fulfill membership regula-
ing for that item they heard about. tions. While prohibited from attaining leadership roles due to
• This is a good opportunity to put PCs in the awkward SIC law, the sorcerers are often given great responsibility in
position of cooperating with an enemy in order to defeat specialized projects. The vast magical archives of SIC are a
a greater threat. Some things are best left buried; when persuasive coin to prospective inductees.
unearthed they may pose a threat to man and were (4) Summonedcreatures are defined as any extradimensional
creature alike. being not native to Earth. The majority of these are com-
• For a while PCs may be employed by a SIC representative monly known as Demons. When the Goddess broke from the
pretending to be a friend. After all, why dirty your own hierarchy of Hell many Demons came with her; more stayed
paws if you can get a crew of idiots to do yourwork for you? but have conflicting loyalties. The Goddess cannot send
• PCs may have to protect an individual with benevolent Demons (except lods) to Earth dueto cosmic law. They must
powers who poses a threat to SIC. For example, some be summoned by men. She is also prohibited from revealing
people have an uncanny knack for communing with and the True Names of her followers, so they must be discerned
controlling animals - what if someone had this same through research and experimentation. A team of
power over were creatures? Demonologists works around the clock to find the identities
of these beings. These beings, once summoned, cannot
• Once PCs realize that SIC favors mystically charged sites roam freely unless protected by a powerful shielding spell
for habitations and lairs the conspiracy will seem a bit less which requires the death of the caster. As sorcerers are in
daunting. PCs will eventually need this edge, but it should short supply, this sorcery is not performed very often. About
not happen too early in the campaign. Remember, the a dozen SIC Demons are now loose on the planet.
more familiar or flawed a threat the less scary it is. In addition to Demons, several powerful ghosts work with
THE DRAFT (5) Unique monsters are the rarest SIC members. There are
SIC is now entering the final phases of the conspiracy- onlya handful, and are recruited in the same manner as non-
accelerated recruitment. The project has two main objec- allied monsters. One is an Alien who apparently has been on
tives. First, find new members who will be posted according Earth since the nineteen-fifties. It is an amnesiac known by
to their abilities. The second is to target positions of power- the name John Smith (use the Construct stats for Smith,
either through infiltration or replacement. adding shapeshifting abilities and total immunity to magic.
New cultists may be (1) humans slated fortransformation, Adjust the Disads.). He is able to assume any bipedal form
(2) non-allied monsters, (3) sorcerers, (4) summoned crea- and often helps spring prisoners slated for recruitment.
tures and (5) unique monsters. Other unique creatures are left to the GMs imagination.
Infiltration, the second agenda of the draft, is achieved SIC encourages amateur Devil worship for a different
through standard human forms of promotion (sometimes reason. The 'Rock n Roil', 'Devil made me do it' style of
magically influenced) by current SIC members and by re- Demonologywhich causes so much excited comment among
cruiting or replacing individuals currently in position. SICs concerned parents and fundamentalists is not, despite all
long range plans require the placement of individuals who attempts to prove otherwise, organized in any manner. It has
will be able to sabotage human counter-attacks during the more to do with bad parenting, teenage psychology and
uprising. To this end the governments and militaries of many schizophrenic behavior than any type of magic. But it gets all
nations have been infiltrated. Some of today's greatest the press. As long as the public is exposed to this type of
military and political heroes secretly labor on an itinerary that demonology-one that, while awful, demonstrably does not
would horrify their human peers. The Intelligence community work in a supernatural sense - the real article will not be
has not been ignored. Even SABER has been penetrated. recognized as the grave threat it is. More importantly, true
The replacement of existing people is achieved through Demonology will remain an obscure talent.
Demonic possession or shapeshifting magic. At least one This may require further explanation. The preceding state-
recently deceased Eastern European head of state was a ments are not meant to suggest that diabolical influence has
SIC member (see recent events in Hungary). Because high- nothing to do with amateur devil worship - Hell takes what
profile positions are sometimes difficult for Lycanthropes to souls it can, and sometimes its emissaries approach likely
maintain (that damned accidental change) most are filled by candidates with horrible whispered suggestions. Despite
sorcerers. SICs best efforts, individuals sometimes graduate from
Potential scenarios built around this project may include: amateur status and become the real thing. SIC does not want
• A monster approaching PCs for protection against SIC. this to happen. It is a danger.
The monster may be a Lycanthrope who is not fully aware True demonologists ply their trade in complete anonymity.
of his condition or a Vampyr who has mastered his desire The books they use have never been translated into any
to kill and is trying to do 'good'. language the typical disaffected teen could hope to read.
The ceremonies they employ are beyond the skills of all but
• The PCs may get caught in the crossfire between SIC and a select few. The entities they conjure are real and often
one of the Vampire nations. Or, they may instigate it! opposed to SIC. Why? The Goddess is a renegade Demon
• The PCs may have to track down an escapee before he who, along with her hordes, is not in favor with the bosses
joins SIC. downstairs. Every Demon summoned is a potential danger
• An investigation of a non-allied monster may involve SIC to her machinations. Therefore, SIC finances the printing of
recruiters. SIC may even (secretly) hire the PCs to cap- useless grimoires and 'Satanic' music to lure youths into
ture the critter for them. false beliefs which pose no threat.
• A magic using PC may be approached by recruiters. Will This project is administered by a sorcerer/werewolf named
he say no or take the opportunity to infiltrate the group? Miles Greenbough. He is the editor of Destiny magazine, an
occult monthly published in Newark, New Jersey. Destiny
• The PCs discover that an important public figure is an caters to the current occult craze and is very successful. In
impostor. Can they SOlV9 the problem without causing a addition to the magazine, Greenbough is editor in chief of
national crisis? Desmonda Publishing, whose works on witchcraft and thinly-
veiled Demonology are found in every mall bookstore.
FALSE PROPHETS Greenbough's staff are mostly well-meaning New Agers
It is a measure of SICs intelligence that most of their who do not suspect the horror they are abetting.
enemies dismiss them as militaristic idiots. For further evi- Greenbough is the financier of dozens of bogus cults. He
dence one need look no further than the project code named often visits various compounds and temples to observe how
'False Prophets'. The objective is the proliferation of false things are working out. His current pet project is the Trans-
and misleading magical, mystical and philosophical beliefs. formation Temple. Here the adherents openly worship a
SIC has a deplorable amount of company in this field. In version of the Goddess and pay homage to Lycanthropes
addition to the relatively harmless horde of con men and tent (not that any of them have seen one). The broad slant of the
preachers a very real threat in the form of false messiahs and cult is back-to-nature, with lots of camping out and getting in
reckless demonologists vie for the wealth and souls of the touch with our 'inner animal'. Soon, Greenbough intends to
unwary. These individuals and groups are often at odds; infect an inner circle of followers.
when SIC enters the fray the outcome is often bloodshed and Greenbough is a celebrity in occult circles. He is often
terror. invited to seances and ceremonies. He enjoys his status and
SICs current endeavors in this arena are concentrated on the opportunities it offers to help the Goddess. He also
the corruption of Wiccan groups and the proliferation of false secretly attends various Black masses in a masked 'high
Devil cults. They see the Wiccans veneration of an idealized priest' get-up. Finally, when he encounters Wiccans, occult-
Goddess as an affront to the evil Demoness they serve. To ists and Demonologists of true power who resist recruitment
make matters worse, the spells of 'White' Wiccans are very he shapeshifts into Werewolf form and goes huntin'.
effective against the Shapeshifters. SICs goal is twofold. The sheer number of phony cults and twisted religions
First, infiltrate Wiccan covens and trick the weak-willed and today is staggering. Ritualistic crimes are on the rise. While
greedy into serving the SIC Goddess. Second, turn public depressing in the real world, these facts provide the GM with
opinion against those who resist their wiles. This is accom- a lot of scenario opportunities.
plished by framing Wiccans for human sacrifices, corrupting • The classic plot is the rescue from the cult. A concerned
minors and similar crimes. As long as the public perceives all relative asks PCs to sneak into a cult temple and save
witches to be evil the accidental exposure of the SIC god- their brainwashed kin. Of course, he may not want to be
dess should not draw undue comment. rescued...

• A good non-SIC scenario in this vein could be built around In light of this the GM should not feel limited to any
the apprehension of a ritualistic killer. For a SIC tie-in, particular style of magic when presenting SIC spellcasters.
maybe his activities mask a similar SIC crime. The organization is international, after all. Simply make them
• Greenbough may alert the PCs to a rival cult, letting them strange, make them unexpected.
do the dirty work. This is not to suggest that there is no central repertoire of
SIC sorcery. The spells favored by the Goddess have been
• The GM may wish the Temple of Transformation to be a compiled in a book called 'Ex Liber Renovari', or 'The Book
bit further along than the write-up suggests. Imagine
of Moon Changes'. As the title suggests, the book is a
trying to rescue juniorfrom a cult when junior is a Werewolf.
collection of transformation and Moon related spells. The
• For a good moral dilemma, have a rival cult combat SIC spells listed below are taken from this book, which is widely
with little regard for civilians in the crossfire. What is the circulated among the ranks. As a safeguard, the Goddess
greater of two evils? has ordered that every copy, be it bound, microfilmed or
• The PCs may be approached by a Wiccan coven who are programmed to disk, is to be an lod replicant. Any SIC
being persecuted by SIC. Do the PCs harbor negative member who fails to obey is doomed.
preconceptions about witches? The spells in the Liber are drawn from several sources.
Ancient Greek scrolls, medieval German grimoires, De-
monic inspiration and modern spell research have all con-
SIC SORCERY - tributed. The book is available to all SIC sorcerers.
Never before in the history of evil has an organization had ELEMENTS OF SIC SORCERY
as cosmopolitan a membership as the Shapeshifters Inter- As noted above, SIC sorcery encompasses a broad vari-
national Conspiracy. Unlike cults of the past, SIC has ag- ety of styles- far too many to relate here. The GM is referred
gressively recruited without regard for previous belief sys- to the other magic sections in this book. By slightly retooling
tems or philosophies. All are rendered void when the blood the spells and terminology therein the resources of SIC
oath to the Goddess is made. The sorcerers of SIC, then, triple. The Terms below deal mostly with specific items of
represent an astonishing variety of magical classes and interest to the SIC campaign GM.
specializations. Their only common link is a natural or Artemis (Latin: Diana): The virginal Greek Goddess of the
sorcerous ability to shapechange. hunt. One of the SIC Goddesses three aspects.
Girdle: A broad belt of wolfs hide is an essential component
in a sorcerous transformation to wolf. A sorcerer whose
girdle is lost or stolen must obtain another by killing a wolf
Hecate: The Greek goddess of sorcery. The most dominant
of the SIC Goddesses three aspects.
lod: (see entry) A Demonic race, loyal to the Goddess, able
to assume the form of inanimate objects.
Lycanthrope: Any being who, either through sorcery or
innate ability, is able to transform into an animal or semi-
animal form. The change is most often associated with the
cycles of the Moon.
Moon: The Moon has figured in magical rites since time
immemorial. Because its phases roughly coincide with
the menstrual cycle, it is considered a 'She' by most
cultures. She gave mankind the measurement of time and
her phases and colors are omens of good and ill fortune.
For SIC, the Moon is the symbolic body of the Goddess.
Her power is linked with its phases; when there is no Moon
above She is incommunicado.
Selene (Latin-Luna): The Greek Goddess of the Moon.
Another ancient alias of the SIC Goddess.
Silver: The precious metal most associated with the Moon.
Alchemists called it Luna or Diana (Greek: Artemis)
because it is always found in pure (virginal) form. Because
of its purity it is considered a 'good' metal. Silver has
power of creatures of the night. The reason for this is not
entirely clear: it may be because of its purity. Another
school of thought reminds us of the old adage, 'fight fire
with fire', suggesting that night creatures have no defense
against an element so integral to their nocturnal exist-
ence. Maybe it is the Goddesses way of reminding her
creatures who their master is.
Vampire: (see Vampyr and Lesser Vampyr, also see Loup To create a wereboar a series of ritualistic murders must be
Garou in Pulps) Any of several species of undead crea- committed. The potential Wereboar must be accompanied
ture who exist by drinking the blood of the living. by a SIC sorcerer who instructs the recruit as he goes. Sigils
Wereboar: (see entry) A creature created by SIC magic who must be drawn on the victim before they are killed; the
transforms into a bipedal, piglike creature. method of killing cannot involve any artificial weapon, for it
must be done barehanded or with natural weapons, such as
Werewolf: (see entry) A human being who transforms into a
a pony tail garrote. An attending SIC sorcerer performs the
wolf or wolflike creature. verbal portion of the spell during the proceedings. Murders
have to be committed at midnight on six consecutive nights;
SAMPLE SPELLS the final murder must be committed on the first night of the
To Suppress a cyclical shapeshift (Werewolf) the sorcerer full moon. Should the Goddess be displeased with the
needs a blood sample taken from the target while in human inductee due to their failure to complete the ritual, they will be
form. He also needs a magnifying lens which has been torn apart by unseen claws and teeth.
consecrated to the Goddess. Finally, fresh blood from a non- Hellhog: Sd6 Major Transformation (normal human to
lycanthrope must be obtained. During the next full moon the wereboar), Requires A Skill Roll, Extra Time: One week,
blood samples are mixed and placed beneath the lens, Gestures, Incantations, Concentrate 0 DCV, OAF (Sacrifi-
which bathes it in concentrated moonlight. An invocation is cial victims and materials), Misc. Disad (If inductee fails to
read. The target drinks the resultant mixture. If it has been complete ritual, Inductee will suffer vengeance of the God-
prepared correctly he will not transform during his next cycle. dess ... 3d6 RKA, NND)
Each use of the potion becomes increasingly risky - there Active cost: 115 Real Cost: 17 END cost: 11
is a cumulatively greater chance the mixture will poison the Magic Skill roll modifier: -11
To summon an lad the moon must be visible in the sky. The
Suppress Shapeshift: Transform Were creature to Human, item intended for replication must be at hand, inside a
8d6 Major Transform, Hequlres A Skill Roll, Extra Time: One diagram. The timing must be exact - The Book of Moon
hour, Gestures, Incantations, Concentrate 0 DCV, OAF Changes reveals the times when the Goddess will be ex-
(Blood and lens), Misc. Disad (Cumulative 1 d6 KA, NNDI pecting a supplication. No summoning is necessary. A ritual
Potion after first) (-1), Misc. Disad (Only lasts through next prayer, with gestures, must be correctly performed lest the
Full moon) (-1) Goddess punish the seeker. No Magic Skill is needed to
Active cost: 115 Real Cost: 16 END cost: 11 summon an lod.
Magic Skill roll modifier: -11
Summon lod: Summon lod, Extra Time: One hour, Ges-
To cause a non-lycanthrope to shapeshift the sorcerer tures, Incantations, Concentrate 0 DCV, OAF (Magic Dia-
needs the following - a personal item or body part (hair, gram and materials), Side Effect (12d6 EB from Goddess)
nails, blood etc.) of the target, a similar item from a were Active cost: 67 Real Cost: 10 END cost: 6
creature, and one other item whose use will explained Magic Skill roll modifier: N/A
momentarily. A magic diagram is drawn and the first two
To attack an enemy using the tidal power of the moon the
materials are imbedded in a lump of clay which is then baked
sorcerer needs a drop of the victims blood and an identical
for an hour. Gestures and incantations are performed. The
amount of sea water drawn during a full Moon. The elements
hardened clay is then puivetized. An object is then coated
may be mixed beforehand. This is a relatively fast spell
with the dust. This object must touch the intended victim (the
GM can be imaginative here). Finally, a symbol must be suitable for combat situations but normally used as an
written or spoken. This instantly triggers the change when assassination weapon. A quick incantation, with gestures,
the target either sees the symbol or hears the word. The will cause the blood of the victim to be drawn upward in their
transformation lasts twenty-four hours. body. Depending on the health of the target he will suffer
effects ranging from migraine headaches to aneurysm-like
Mortal Clay: 8d6, Major Transformation (Human to Were- death.
creature), Trigger (+Y2 may change with each use), Invisible
power effects (Invisible to all senses except Magic) (+ 1 ),Re- Bloodtide: 1 d6 RKA, Requires A Skill Roll, Gestures, Incan-
quires A Skill Roll, Extra Time: One hour, Gestures, Incan- tations, Concentrate 1f2 DCV, OAF (Drop of blood), Side
Effect (Active points in power)
tations, Concentrate 0 DCV, OAF (Magic Diagram and
Active cost: 15 Real Cost: 3 END cost: 1
materials), Misc. Disad (Only for one transformation) (-2),
Active cost: 287 Real Cost: 41 END cost: 28 Magic Skill roll modifier: -1
Magic Skill roll modifier: -S

To induce lunacy in a victim the sorcerer needs to locate his To control animals of a Lycanthropes species (Werewolf-
intended victim while he is sleeping. Placing a silver coin wolves and other canines, Wereboar - Boars and other
over each of the victim's eyes, the sorcerer implores the pigs, etc.) the sorcerer must obtain a live animal. The animal
Goddess to cause the victim to see only those things in the must be slain, barehanded, by the beneficiary of the spell.
world that are normally unseen. If successful, the victim will Then, wearing the skin of the animal, he stands in the
perceive even the dearest of friends and harmless of objects diagram while the spell is performed. At a later time, the
as something entirely different. Other PCs will be alarmed to beneficiary can trigger the spell in the presence of the
learn about the unseen world around them and hard-pressed chosen beasts by emulating their summoning cry. Animals
to thwart a lunatic with a nigh-unfathomable agenda. closer to the spell-user are more powerfully affected than
Moon Madness: 10d6 Mind Control, Requires A Skill Roll, those farther away, and must be commanded with simple
Extra Time: One hour, Gestures, Incantations, Concentrate instructions due to their animal nature. The Moon must be up
o DCV, OAF (Materials), Side Effect (12d6 Mind Control by (but not necessarily visible) for the spell to be triggered. The
invoked entity) effects will end when the Moon sets.
Active cost: 50 Real Cost: 7 END cost: 5 Beast Brother: 8d6 Mind Control, Explosion, Trigger (benefi-
Magic Skill roll modifier: -5 ciary wills it), Requires A Skill Roll, Extra Time: One hour,
Gestures, Incantations, Concentrate 0 DCV, OAF (Magic
For protection against silver-based attacks an admittedly
Diagram and materials), Side Effect (Animals are affected by
unreliable defense has been engineered. It is an invisible single command, "Kill the summoner"), Only affects animal
shield which deflects silver. To cast the spell the sorcerer
from same species as Lycanthrope -1/2)
needs to wound himself or the target with a silver blade. The
Active cost: 70 Real Cost: 9 END cost: 7
blood is then rubbed all over the body. Then the beneficiary
Magic Skill roll modifier: -7
stands in the center of a diagram while gestures and incan-
tations are performed. Once the spell is in place it will protect
against silver until the shield is worn away.
Silver Shield: 8 PD Armor, Requires A Skill Roll, Extra Time:
One hour, Gestures, Incantations, Concentrate 0 DCV, OAF
(Magic Diagram and materials), Ablative (-1%) Already has
an 11- activation.
Active cost: 12 Real Cost: 1 END cost: 1
Magic Skill roll modifier: -1
Background! History: Spike was always a problem child.
He hated the other kids, household pets, the neighbors and
his parents. At the age of fourteen he ripped off a motorcycle
and hit the road. Over the next ten years he vented his rage
on anyone or anything unfortunate enough to cross his path.
Two years ago he and his cronies formed a club they
called "The Death Reapers" and embarked on a spree of
bloodshed and terror that ended shortly after it started.
In a small Arizona town the fugitives met up with a handful
of citizens who, incensed at their mindless destruction,
resisted. Led by the biker-mystic Jude, the group consisted
of a vacationing cop from New York City, the local minister
and the county sheriff. The battle that ensued claimed the life
of Spike and his entire gang. With the full cooperation of the
sheriff the incident was never publicized. The residents of
the battered town buried the bodies of the Death Reapers in
a common grave, and their bikes were sold to help the
families of their victims. As far as the survivors were con-
cerned, "good riddance to bad rubbish," and that was that.
But such a great evil does not perish so easily ...
On the anniversary of his timely demise, the wind howled,
the ground shook, the mud boiled overthe grave of the Death
Reapers and Spike Earley arose to exact his revenge.
Crazed before death, a year of suffering the torments of the
dead had made him a monster. Leaving the rotting remains
of his gang behind, he stole the first bike he saw and roared
into the stormy night. He would have his revenge on those
who opposed him, and then he would make war on the world.
But first, the Reapers must ride again. His new gang was
assembled from the very worst of the outlaw clubs, individu-
als whose souls were almost as black as his. He keeps them (spiked, of course) in one hand and an antique six-gun in the
in sway through violence and terror when necessary, but the other. The revolver is his one treasure. Nobody knows where
gang almost slavishly obeys their supernatural master's evil he got it or what it means to him, but he will go to any lengths
will. Any deviation from his word brings agonizing death. to retrieve it if it is lost.
PowersfTactics: Spike is no fool. He has no desire to be Appearance: Death was not kind to Spike, but he likes it. His
destroyed again, so he and the Reapers have been careful skin is the pallor of raw clay. His sparse hair drips with grave
not to attract official attention toward themselves. Instead of rot. His eyes are hollow and glow with an eerie green light.
running amok as he did in life, Spike has called on his old His stench is almost unbearable.
connections in the occult/criminal underground and an- He wears the leather gear he died in - there is not a stitch
nounced his return from the grave and willingness to perform of cloth on him. A World War One aviators helmet and yellow
any deed for bargain prices. He makes no attempt to hide his sunglasses complete his ensemble.
undead state, enjoying the terror it produces in his victims.
He and the Reapers have murdered, kidnapped, smuggled
and terrorized for a variety of cults and crime lords. Spike is offered as a break from the
While not a member, Spike has strong connections to SIC. world-spanningconspiraciespresented
The Shapeshifters like to use him because he is effective and elsewhere in this chapter. Any scenario
cannot be traced to the organization. Spike likes the featuring Spike and the Reapers is
Shapeshifters because they're monsters like him. He has no bound to be full of rip-roaring combat.
desire to join them and they have not asked. He is essentially a revenant without the
Spike is not subtle when engaged in full combat - he likes powers, but he can only be destroyed
the blunt approach. He will lead his gang of psychos in a by burial in consecrated ground. Other-
charge and crush the foe under their wheels first. Then they wise, his body willjust reform after the good guys leave.
will attack the enemy hand to hand until none are left. The Of course, Spike may have a prior agreement with
Reapers will brave any hail of bullets for their master, so some underworld types to come and dig him up in case
clever ambushes and cover are no advantages when fight- he is interred in consecrated ground ...
ing them. Spike's favorite weapons are a baseball bat

100+ Disadvantages
25 Psychological Limitation: Total psychopath
(V Com, Total)
Val Char Cost Combat Stats 25 Psychological Limitation: Must have his six gun
(V Com, Total)
15 STR 5 OCV: 5
35 Berserks when confronted (V.Com 14-, 8-)
15 DEX 15 DCV: 5
20 Distinctive Features: Corpse (Conc, Extreme reaction)
15 CON 10 ECV: 3
15 Hunted, PCs (As Pow, NCI) 8-
12 BODY 4 Phases: 3,6,9, 12
10 Hunted, local law enforcement (LsPow, NCI) 8-
10 INT 0
65 Monster bonus
10 EGO 0 Costs
20 PRE 10
6 COM -2 Char: 69 Base: 100
8 PO 5 + +
8 ED 5 Powers: 226 Disad: 195
4 SPD 15
6 REC 0 Totals: 295 295 THE DEATH REAPERS
30 END 0
30 STUN 2 13 STR 14 DEX 13 CON 10 BODY 8 INT
8 EGO 10 PRE 8 COM 6 PO 6 ED
Cost Powers END 3 SPD 6 REC 26 END 24 STUN
15 1d6+1 RKA,OEND, Skills: Combat Driving 12-, Mechanics 11-,
OAF (Colt Peacemaker Six Gun) 0 PS: Gang Member 12-, Streetwise 11-,
11 +5d6 Hand Attack, 0 END, OAF (Baseball bat) 0 WF: Small Arms, Melee Weapons, + 1 w/Pistol or Clubs
20 50% Resistant Physical Damage Reduction,
Not vs. blessed or holy items (-V2) 25+ Disadvantages: Hunted, Local Law Enforcement
3 Damage Resistance (8 PO), (As Pow, NCI) 8-
Not vs. blessed or holy items
13 Regeneration 2 BODY/turn,
Not vs. blessed or holy items
21 Life Support: Need not breathe, eat, sleep, excrete;
Immune to disease, aging
5 Ultraviolet Vision
15 Does Not Bleed
15 Cannot Be Stunned

3 Ambidexterity
7 Fast Draw 14-
5 Contact: Cult leader/drug smuggler 14-
20 Followers: Eight @ 25 pts each
24 Martial Arts - Dirty Infighting
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Disarm -1 +1 25 STR Disarm
Kidney Blow -2 0 1 d6+ 1 HKA
Low Blow -1 +1 2d6 NND
Punch/Kick +2 0 5d6 Strike
Roundhouse -2 +1 7d6 Strike
Throw 0 +1 2d6+v/5 Strike,
Target falls
1 Use Dirty Infighting w/Clubs
7 Streetwise 15-
5 Combat Driving motorcycles 13-
3 Interrogation 13-
3 Gambling 11-
3 Mechanics 11-
3 AI(: Southwestern US 12-
5 PS: Gang Leader 14-
5 PS: Terrorist 14-
4 WF: Melee Weapons, Small Arms
2 Fluent Spanish (English language is native)
8 + 1 Level w/all Combat
Background/History: The true story of the Great Kurten is
not what his inferiors in SIC believe it to be. The tale of his
village being slaughtered and his destiny being ordained by Val Char Cost Combat Stats
the Goddess is a partial fabrication. Kurten is but a figure-
head. He is a false target to enemies of SIC, placed where 23 STR 13 OCV: 5
15 DEX 15 DCV: 5
he is to protect the cults real leader. The true founder of SIC
20 CON 20 ECV: 4
is a being called Andrew Howell (to be detailed in a forthcom- 13 BODY 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
ing volume) who arrogantly summoned the Goddess and 10 INT 0
saved himself by proposing the foundation of SIC. Kurten is 13 EGO 6 Costs
a Tormentor Demon summoned by the founder to imperson- 20 PRE 10
ate a werewolf he once slew. In this sense, the Kurten story 6 COM -2 Char: 91 Base: 100
is true - it has been verified by curious SIC historians - 10 PO 5 + +
except that the creature claiming to be the historical Kurten 12 ED 8 Powers: 294 Disad: 285
is an impostor. 3 SPD 5 = =
Many men died in the course of casting the spell that hides 9 REC 0 Totals: 385 385
40 END 0
Kurten's true nature. Only sorcery on the highest level could
40 STUN 5
strip him of the illusion that he is not simply a magically gifted
Werewolf. Cost Powers END
Despite the deception, much of the credit for SICs success
15 1 d6 HKA (2d6 wi STR) [Claws, Bite] 1+
can be attributed to Kurtens labors. He traveled the world for 2d6-1 RKA [Flame] 2
centuries, seeking out the hidden pockets of shapeshifters 20 +10" running (16" Total) 1/5"
and spreading the word of SIC and the Goddess. 5 Mind link with The Founder 0
Kurten is now regional Governor of Europe. He is the final 6 25% Physical Resistant Damage Reduction,
arbitrator of all interorginazational disputes (after consulting not vs. silver, holy items (-%)
with Howell, of course) and looked upon as the paragon of 45 Invisibility to normal sight, No fringe, 0 END 0
Lycanthropism. He divides his time between Europe and his 28 Shapechange
estate in Africa (q.v.). (Only to change from Were form to human) 2

5 Defense Maneuver
20 Universal Translator
12 Contacts: Two Senators, Two Army officers, Two
Businessmen, all 11-
10 Perk: Lodge Member (SIC Leader, HIGH)
15 Perk: Wealthy
3 Acting 13-
3 Bribery 13-
3 Bureaucratics 13-
3 Conversation 13-
3 High Society 13-
3 Interrogation 13-
3 Oratory 13-
3 Persuasion 13-
3 Trading 13-
3 Stealth 12-
3 Concealment 11-
3 Cryptography 11-
3 Gambling 11-
3 Mimicry 11-
3 Shadowing 11-
3 Tactics 11-
5 AK: Africa 14-
5 AK: Europe 14-
2 AK: Russia 11-
7 KS: SIC Hierarchy 16-
3 KS: SIC 12-
3 KS: The Goddess 12-
3 KS: World Politics 12-
3 KS: World Economics 12-
6 PS: Cult Leader 16-
3 PS: Torturer 12-

100+ Disadvantages CREATURES - L YCANTHROPES

The lycanthrope, as every schoolboy knows, is a human
10 Vuln: 2x Effectfrom holy items
20 Psych Lim: Must obeythosewho summonhim properly who changes into an animal when certain conditions are
and know his true name(Com, Tot) met. A pupil of the occult will know further that only this most
20 Physical Lim: Repelledby holy items (Frequently, general of definitions can hope to encompass a genus of
Greatly) monster whose forms and impulses range wildly and span
15 SecretlD (True Name) the globe.
15 Secret 10 (Not really Kurten) The transformation of human to were-creature may be
205 Monsterbonus attributed to one of two factors - sorcery orcontagion. Every
primitive culture known has a belief system that includes
Personality: For all his bureaucratic gifts and commanding intentional lycanthropy stemming from the magical powers
presence, Kurten is not all that bright. His long silences, of their shamans and witch doctors. In contrast, civilized
interpreted by his adherents as periods of deep thought, are lands are terrorized by Iycans who are involuntarily stricken
actually blessedly free of synaptic activity. Most of his with the bestial state. The inference can be made, then, that
decisions are made through a Mind Link with Howell. the self-control and violence of a Iycan is inversely linked with
Kurten is measurably less active than before. This is the individual's degree of closeness with the natural world.
because of his patently stupid actions in the case of Wilton
St. John, who stumbled upon SICs existence several years WEREWOLVES
ago. Rather than quietly disposing of the threat, St. John was Background/History: The werewolf is the most familiar
spared only so Kurten could force him to watch as his family type of lycanthrope known, and it is unique among were
was infected with Lycanthropy. Kurten, then, is wholly re- creatures in that its condition may be incurred both by
sponsible for the founding of SICs greatest human nemesis, sorcery or contagion. History is replete with reports of
the organization SABER. Needless to say, Howell and the werewolves; over 20,000 were reported in France alone
Goddess are not amused. Kurten has been made aware that during the 16th Century, and more sightings and atrocities
he is replaceable. are compiled yearly. The condition shows no signs of disap-
PowerslTactics: For all his buffoonery, Kurten is a deadly pearing.
combatant. The natural armaments of his Wolfman body are A sorcerer desiring to become a werewolf must follow a
enhanced by his Demonic abilities of casting fire and turning complex ritual that includes a body salve and a magic belt of
invisible. He enjoys the standard Demonic immunities to wolf hide. A werewolf who comes about in this manner, while
non-magical weapons. still motivated by blood lust, is intelligently self-aware and
His minions in SIC obey his slightest command and will may activate or quit the transformation as it chooses.
gladly fight to the death to protect him. He is always accom- Werewolves of this type often form hunting packs.
panied by an entourage of were creatures. A person assaulted by a werewolf generally suffers one of
Appearance: Kurten, in his human form, is a noble looking two fates. Transformation, surprisingly, is not the most
man of around fifty years of age. He has pale skin, gray eyes common fate. Death due to injuries inflicted by the Iycan is
and graying blonde hair. He dresses like a banana republi- more likely to occur. To be transformed means surviving the
can dictator. were-creature's onslaught with less-than-fatal wounds and
In Wolfman form he resembles the Lon Chaney-style Wolf being infected with the Iycanthropic curse. When a victim is
Man with a slightly more lupine cast to his features. His in his animal state, he is a mad creature guided by a bloodlust
Demonic aspect is now lost. far surpassing that of his canine namesake. His unwanted
transformation is solely dictated by the phases of the moon,
of which he possesses an innate awareness.
PowerslTactics: Werewolves are hunters, similar to other
carnivores in the animal kingdom. Smaller, weaker crea-
tures are preferred as victims. over stronger creatures. A
werewolf that hunts humans will almost invariably choose
children as its prey. Combat with capable opponents is
avoided unless necessary, and then only if it can attack
individuals singly.
Werewolves will attack using their stealth abilities and
attacking from high territory if possible, using concealment if
available. Assaults are made to knock the opponent down
first, then slashing or biting the prone victim. Because of their
innate resistances, a lycan will ignore most attacks against
it unless silver is present. The creature's survival instinct is
overpowered by the presence of silver. Werewolves hate
silver with good reason.
Only injuries inflicted by silver can kill a werewolf, a fact the
creatures understand very well. If the creature detects silver


Val Char Cost Combat Stats

20 STR 10 OCV: 6+
18 DEX 24 ECV: 6
20 CON 20 ECV: 2
12 BODY 4 Phases: 3, 6,9,12
8 INT -2
5 EGO -10 Costs
20 PRE 10
10 COM 0 Char: 79 Base: 100
9 PO 5 + +
5 ED 1 Powers: 271 Disad: 250
4 SPD 12 = =
10 REC 4 Totals: 350 350
40 END 0
33 STUN 1

Cost Powers END

15 Multiform (Into 150 pt. person),
Extra Time 1 Turn (-1)
30 2d6 HKA (3d6+1 wi STR) [Claws] 3+
54 6d6 Major Transform: To lycanthrope, 0 END,
No Range, Bite Attack must do Body (-%),
Activation 14- 0
30 1 d6 HKA (1 1I2d6 wi STR), Continuous [Bite] 3+
6 +3" Running (9" total) 1/5"
40 75% Resistant Physical Damage Reduction,
Not vs, Silver (-%)*
20 50% Resistant Energy Damage Reduction,
Not vs. Silver (-112)'
6 Armor (+3 PD/+3 ED), Not vs. Silver (-112)'
13 Regeneration 2 Body per turn', not vs. silver (-%)
10 Tracking Scent
weaponry, the werewolf will go berserk and savagely attack 10 Discriminatory Sense wlSmell
the wielder immediately. The self-preservation drive of a 10 Detect Silver wlSense, Range
maddened wolf-lycanthrope is a terrifying sight to behold, or 5 UV Vision
to endure. Remember, werewolves are not drawn to silver, 5 Concealment 12-
only severely provoked by its presence. While a werewolf in 12 +4 to all Perception rolls
human form is not affected by this curse, they retain the 5 + 1 Level w/H-to-H Combat
defenses of their monstrous selves in regard to mundane , Marked abilities are retained in the Multiform -
weaponry. human form
Werewolves form the aristocracy of the Shapeshifters 100+ Disadvantages
International Conspiracy. The most commonly encountered
SIC werewolf is the sorcerous version - the 'naturals' are 10 Vuln: 2x Body from silver weapons
often too bestial when changed. But very old naturals who 20 Dist. Features: not conc, major reaction
20 Reputation, Killer of humans, Extreme reaction 14-
retain their identity are revered as elder statesmen.
25 Berserk when silver weapons are detected,
Appearance: Werewolves are not limited in appearance by (uncommon, 14-,8-)
the time of day - the moon can be seen during daylight 15 Physical Lim: No Fine Manipulation
hours. Experienced occult hunters have encountered the 15 Psych Lim: Enjoys Killing
creatures in different stages of animalism at all times during 15 Secret ID (Alter ego human form)
the calendar month. These stages, dependent on the phases 130 Monster bonus
of the moon, range from a rather hirsute and hot-tempered
human to a bipedal wolfman to the true wolf form. Remember
that this applies to the victims of an attack only; werewolves
born of sorcery wield total control overtheir transformations.

Background/History: These creatures are the footsoldiers
of the Shapeshifters International Conspiracy. They are
recruited from the ranks of devil worshippers and serial Val Char Cost Combat Stats
killers, character types well suited to the heinous task which
SIC has committed itself to. Created through a ritual featur- 30 STR 20 OCV: 7+
21 DEX 33 DCV: 7
ing the torture/murder of kidnapped innocents, a wereboar is
20 CON 20 ECV: 4
totally committed to its cause. If the inductee fails in his 15 BODY 10 Phases:3, 6, 9, 12
initiation in any way he will be torn apart by invisible entities. 10 INT 0
A successful initiation culminates in a ceremony wherein he 13 EGO 6 Costs
sells his soul to the Goddess and is cursed with the 20 PRE 10
Iycanthropic condition. 8 COM -1 Char: 113 Base: 100
Powers/ Tactics: A wereboar, while as short tempered as 8 PD 2 + +
8 ED 4 Powers: 92 Disad: 105
its porcine namesake, retains full command of its faculties 4 SPD
while shape changed. They are immensely strong and agile,
9 = =
10 REC 0 Totals: 205 205
able to literally rend a normal man limb from limb. Males are 40 END 0
equipped with fearsome tusks which they use to disembowel 40 STUN 0
hapless victims. But the worst thing about wereboars is their
ability to drive, use weapons and conduct complicated Cost Powers END
maneuvers while shapechanged. 24 2d6 HKA, Red Pen (2 x 1 d6; 2 x 2d6 wi STR)
Appearance: Wereboars are humanoids combining the [Tusks] 3+
worst features of wild boars and humanity. They are detect- 9 +3 perception
able in human form by observing that they never perspire. 20 Multiform to a 100 pt. Human
6 +3" Running (9" Total) 1/5"

5 Combat Sense 11-
8 + 1 Level wi combat
2 KS: SIC 11-
2 PS: Cult Member 11-
3 Shadowing 11-
3 Stealth 13-
1 Tactics 8-
3 Tracking 11-
6 WF: Small Arms, Melee, Missile

100+ Disadvantages
20 Berserk when in combat (Com, 11-, 11-)
20 Distinctive Features: Wereboar
(Conc wi effort, extreme)
15 Watched by the Goddess: MoPow, NCI, 14-,
Harsh, XV2
25 Psych Lim: Murderous (V. Com, total)
25 Psych Lim: Enjoys the power (V. Com, Total)
0(25) Psych Lim: Dedicated to the Goddess (V. Com, Total)

Of all the damned children of the night, the vampire is the
most misunderstood. The popular conception of tragic nobil-
ity coupled with superhuman prowess holds a romantic
allure for many in Europe and America. In other uncivilized
parts, the truth is known. The vampire, whatever patrician
face it holds up for the world, is a ravenous beast of
corruption which exists solely through the treatment of
humanity as its cattle.
Vampires are encountered in the folklore of every culture.
Many elements of the legend remain constant worldwide, but
differ greatly in detail. Presented below are two types of
Vampyrs - an older more experienced "Master" and a
"Fledgling" or new Vampyr. There are, of course, other types
of vampires. The details are left up to the GM.
VAMPYRS Sometimes competing clans will engage in war over
ethical or territorial concerns. SABER agents have reported
Background/History: The vampyr is the best known spe-
an entire subculture of nations and creeds, vying for domi-
cies of blood drinking undead, lending its name to the order.
nance ofthe vampiricworld. Only the stern intervention of the
This is thefamiliarcreature immortalized by Mr. Bram Stoker
overlords prevents these skirmishes from erupting into hu-
in his novel, "Dracula." Stoker, in writing the novel, made use
man awareness. Population control and utter secrecy re-
of material he encountered while serving the Arcanum
main the cornerstones of vampiric concerns.
Royale as Distinguished Secretary.
The vampyr, of all its kin, occasions the greatest worry PowerslTactics: The vampyr is a resourceful beast, and
among vampire hunters. This is due to the contagious nature has adapted to many of its weaknesses. The need to rest on
of vampirism, and the ease with which the vampyr imperson- the earth of its homeland is countered by having dozens of
ates humanity. dirt-lined coffins scattered throughout its domain. The pro-
If certain conditions are met, the victim of a vampyr will scription against crossing running water is met by having
become an undead themselves. A vampyr wishing to create home soil in its shoes. Resourceful vampyrs who are mindful
another will bite its prey on three consecutive nights, orforce of their vulnerability to heart wounds have taken to wearing
a victim to drink its vampiric blood. If a victim perishes of total armored chest plates.
blood loss resurrection will not occur. A new vampyr will act The inhuman abilities of the vampyr gain strength as the
bloodthirstily unless its "parent" is present to provide educa- individual ages. Newly resurrected vampyrs will not always
tion. Fears of vampiric overpopulation and the possibility of possess all the abilities generally attributed to the species,
public exposure limit the number of converts a vampyr is while vampyr lords wield them all with the deadly precision
likely to create. only countless years of practice can bestow.
Reports of bloodless cadavers will bring vampire hunters The most immediate benefits of contracting vampirism are
on the scene, armed with hard-won knowledge gleaned from tremendous physical strength and extraordinarily acute
years of combating the undead menace. SABER circulates senses. Leaving and returning to its sealed and buried coffin
an especially useful booklet that provides step-by-step meth- are accomplished by turning to mist. Soon, the fledgling
ods to follow when vampire hunting. vampyr will discover the ability to climb any surface like a
First, the vampyr must be identified. While not true of spider. Next to develop are its animal transformation powers,
particularly old individuals like Mr. Stoker's "Dracula," most enabling it to take the form of a bat or wolf.
vampyrs are unable to move about during the daylight hours. By this time the vampyr will have recovered most of its
They may additionally be identified by their extreme pallor, or memories and self-control, and it will take more care to cover
their lack of reflection or shadow. Vampyrs cannot bear the its tracks. Feeding becomes less of a frenzied attack, taking
odor of garlic or the scent of roses. on the nature of seduction as its fearsome powers of mind
Some misunderstanding exists concerning the vampyr control emerge.
and sanctified items. Religious icons hold no power over the The vampyr is a master hypnotist, able to stop a man dead
undead unless wielded by a true believer. A vampyr may in his tracks if eye contact is made. It can compel a subject
enter holy ground and fondle artifacts except for blessed to perform any action that is not absolutely contrary to its
water to its heart's content. Blessed water is detrimental to nature. A sufficiently deep hypnotic state allows the vampyr
the undead even in the hands of a heathen or unbeliever. to establish a mind-to-mind communication of such power
But, if a vampyr believed in a particular creed before their that the victim can be controlled at any range. The individual
death and rebirth, then icons of that belief, even those of an being dominated in this manner is slowly driven to believe
evil deity, will hold at bay or even injure a vampyr. that he himself is a vampyr, to the extent of actually stalking
The SABER manual describes methods to destroy prey. The vampyr's sphere of i nfl uence extends to the animal
vampyrs. The creatures are best dealt with during the kingdom as well. Swarms of insects, rats, and packs of
daylight hours, when all but the most ancient must rest and wolves are fearsome weapons when under the sway of the
even the great vampyr lords lose their special abilities. A vampyr.
sleeping vampyr should have its heart punctured, which The manual contains a final word of warning - never
immobilizes it, and its head removed. It should be noted that underestimate the enemy. It is most likely that, having
contrary to popular belief, a wooden stake is not essential to endured for several human lifetimes, he is not stupid. He will
the task, nor are silver weapons. If the neck of the vampyr is have capable servants protecting him while he rests, and he
not severed and the head destroyed, resurrection of the will never allow his movements to follow an easily discerned
creature is likely once the object puncturing the heart is pattern. He will be in contact with others of his kind, and he
removed. Burning the creature will permanently lay it to rest. will exercise his spirit of self-preservation by making it his
Vampyrs generally belong to clans under the rule of a business to monitor vampire hunters closely, and to elimi-
"parent" vampyr. The leader will see to it that the nocturnal nate them if any danger is evident.
populace does not grow too large, and punishes those who Appearance: The vampyr appears as a very pale human.
create new vampyrs without permission. On occasion a Their canine teeth are slightly longer than normal, but not
stronger individual will set out on its own to create a new clan remarkably. During feeding, however, they may extend as
in a previously uninfested area. SIC has aggressively re- much as an inch past the jawline. A vampyr's eyes are
cruited Vampyrs in recent years, due both to their effective- usually bloodshot and slightly reflective.
ness and as a hedge against the 'nations'. SIC Vampyrs are
required to swear loyalty to the Goddess; these individuals
are considered traitors and are actively hunted down. Still,
the safety of life within SIC is considered to be worth the risk
by those who have joined.

The familiar, brooding Balkan prince Skills

of the night presents roleplaying possi- 2 WF: Melee Weapons or two 1 point groups
bilities beyond the standard hunt-the- 3,3 Conversation 15-, Persuasion 15-
blood-drinker-down game. If the tragic 3, 3 Seduction 15-, Stealth 14-
count regrets what he is compelled to 3,7 Concealment 13-, Shadowing 13-
do, he may elicit sympathy from a PC 3, 3 PS: Former Occupation 13-, AK: Home Territory 13-
who wants to help him. Or it could be a 3 KS: Vampire Hunters 13-
trap... Also, older vampires who earn 100+ Disadvantages
experience through a campaign may buy down a few
disads, like that nasty Susceptibility to sunlight. 20 Psych Lim: Repulsed by holy icons when presented
by believers or if icon represents Vampyr's original
religious beliefs (Com, Tot)
20 Physical Lim: Cannot cross running water (Freq, Fully)
20 Physical Lim: Cannot stand scent of garlic or roses
VAMPYR (Freq, Fully)
35 Susceptibility 3d6/phase from sunlight (V.Com)
5 Susceptibility 1 d6 from holy water
Val Char Cost Combat Stats (instant effect, Uncom)
5 Susceptibility 1 d6 from holy icons
30 STR 20 OCV:8 (instant effect, Uncom)
25 DEX 45 DCV: 8 5 Dependence - must drink blood once per day or
20 CON 20 ECV: 6 take 3d6 END Drain per phase
15 BODY 10 Phases: 3,5,9, 10, 12 5 Dependence - must rest on home soil once per day
18 INT 8 or take 3d6 STUN
18 EGO 16 Costs 20 Distinctive Features: Casts no reflection
30 PRE 20 (cone, extreme reaction)
16 COM 3 Char: 161 Base: 100 15 Watched by superiors (Parent Vampyr or Nosferatu)
10 PO 4 + + (MoPow, NCI) 14-
4 ED 0 Powers: 373 Disad: 424 10 Hunted by Vampire Hunters (Less Pow, NCI) 8-
5 SPD 15 = = 20 Secret 10 (Human alter ego)
10 REC 0 Totals: 524 524 244 Monster bonus
40 END 0
40 STUN 0

Cost Powers END

10 1d6 HKA, Must grab (-1/2) [Bite] 3
14 3d6 Major Transformation (human to vampyr),
Cumulative, Linked to bite, Concentrate 0 DCV,
Extra time: 1 minute (-1112), usable once/day on
target and must succeed with 3 or fewer attempts
or attack will never again affect that target (-11/4) 4
62 10d6 Mind Control, Telepathic contact 5
16 8d6 Mind Control, wolves, bats,
or rats only (-1112) 4
10 Mind Link, subordinate vampyr or willing human,
one at a time
20 50% Resistant Physical Damage Reduction,
not vs. wood, silver, or holy items (-1/2)
13 Regeneration 2 Body per turn, not vs. damage
done by wood, silver, or holy items (-1/2)
24 Life Support: All except vacuum, heat/cold
37 UV & IR Vision, Discriminatory Smell,
Tracking Scent, Telescopic Hearing
+8 vs. range penalties to hearing PER only
10 Clinging, 30 STR
9 Armor (+8 PO), Not vs. wood, silver,
or holy items (-1/2)
20 Shape Shift, limited group (bat, wolf, mist cloud)
2 +1" Running (7" total) 1/5"
5 +4" Running, wolf form only (-1/2) 1/5"
13 10" Flight, bat form only (-1/2) 1/5"
13 Shrinking, 2 levels, bat form only (-112) 2
10 Active Sonar, bat form only (-112)
48 Desolidification, 0 END,
vulnerable to magic spells and items (_1/4) 0
4 3" Flight, mist form only (-1/2) 1/5"


Val Char Cost Combat Stats

28 STR 18 OCV: 8
24 DEX 42 DCV: 8
13 CON 6 ECV:4
11 BODY 2 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
13 INT 3
11 EGO 2 Costs
13 PRE 3
10 COM 0 Char: 86 Base: 100
8 PD 2 + +
4 ED 1 Powers: 121 Disad: 107
4 SPD 6 = =
9 REC 0 Totals: 207 207
26 END 0
33 STUN 1

Cost Powers END

10 1d6 HKA (2d6 w/ STR), must grab [Bite) 1+
34 50% Resistant Physical Damage Reduction,
Not vs wood, silver or magic (-%)
5 Armor (+6 PD), Not vs wood, silver or magic)
10 Clinging for STR 28
24 Life Support: All except vacuum, heat/cold
14 7" Flight 1/5"
5 IR Vision

3 PS: Former Occupation 12-
3 WF: Any combination
2 KS: Hobby 11- "/
9 3 Skills or Talents (Defaults to Seduction 12-,
LESSER VAMPYRS Stealth 14-, Interrogation 12-)
10 2 Skills at + 1 (Defaults to Shadowing 12-,
Background/History: These are the newly undead, souls Concealment 13-)
introduced to the darkness either of their own accord or by 5 +1 Level w/ one group of weapons skills
force. The fledgling is still a formidable opponent, able to face
most PC groups and still account for themselves in a fight. 100+ Disadvantages
Since these are new Vampyrs, their knowledges and abilities 5 Dependence: Human Blood (1/Day or 3d6)
will reflect the modern age (surfing Vampyrs?). 5 Dependence: Rest in soil of either homeland or
Depending on how they were created, "Iessers" may be burial site (1/Day or 3d6)
totally committed to a life of vampyrism or may simply seek 10 Psych Lim: Fear of fire
to be at peace with this new way of life. But make no mistake, 15 Psych Lim: Fear of holy items
all are still driven by their hunger and should be watched 10 Phsyc Lim: Aversion to garlic
35 Susc: Direct Sunlight, 3d6/ Phs
20 Susc: Holy ground, 3d6 STR drain/turn
SIC is especially interested in recruiting fledglings. Once 20 Susc: Holy items when presented in faith, 2d6/Phs
excised from the traditional master/servant relationship and
the baggage of tradition which accompanies it the fledgling
is freed to explore new ways to live. Caught soon enough,
lessers are usually eager to cast their lot with SIC.
Powersrractics: The lesser's abilities are a step down from
the masters. They may use trickery and deception, but they
are more likely to rely on their newfound abilities to bully their
way through a situation. With their knowledge of modern
skills and customs, they may blend more easily into society,
whereas some of the older ones seem to feel a nostalgia for
the "simpler" times of their youth.
Appearance: The lesser appear as do their older kindred, a
slightly pale human. They also readily adapt to current styles
of fashion and language. (See the videos "The Lost Boys" or
"Fright Night" for more details on the modernized vampyr.)

Background/History The medieval concept of Demons as
mirrors of mankind's worst traits is both persuasive and
essentially correct. The denizens of the nether regions are Val Char Cost Combat Stats
petty, vicious, cruel and covetous - in short, they are much
8 STR -2 OCV: 5
like the dregs of Humanity. But among the hordes are beings 16 DEX 18 DCV: 5
and species whose desires and motivations are utterly alien. 15 CON 10 ECV: 2
One such species, its members allied with the SIC Goddess, 12 BODY 4 Phases:4, 8, 12
are now encountered with frightening regularity. They are 5 INT -5
called lods. 5 EGO -10 Costs
lods show no emotion, no passion. They have no names 10 PRE 0
and do not speak. Strangest of all, they appear on Earth not 0 COM -5 Char: 17 Base: 100
as flesh and blood, not as spirits, but as inanimate material 4 PD 2 + +
- stone, metal, plastic, wood. Are they alive or some Hellish 4 ED 1 Powers: 168 Disad: 85
mechanism? As will be seen, they are a little of both. 3 SPD 4 = =
5 REC 0 Totals: 185 185
Powers/ Tactics An lod cannot be summoned in the tradi- 30 END 0
tional manner. They have no names and cannot be bound. 24 STUN 0
Desiring no payment, they perform no favors. Only those
lods in the service of the Goddess will ever be encountered. Cost Powers END
They serve SIC on her command and no other. 22 2d6 HKA (2 x 1 d6 wi STR), Reduced Penetration
lods are called by beseeching the Goddess. The key [Spikes) 3
component of the ceremony is an object or device (nothing 30 Power Pool (Function of Duplicated Object)
living!) placed in a magical diagram. Within certain limita- 5 Power Pool Control Cost (-2 Cannot be Changed)
tions, the lod will perfectly duplicate the form and function of 4 Damage Resistance (4 PD/4 ED)
30 Full Life Support
this object. An object which requires additional components
6 3" Flight 115"
to function can be duplicated but will not function without the 27 2 Lvls Shrinking (0 END, Persistent, Always On) 0
other part. In other words, a gun still needs bullets, a camera 20 Shapeshift (1 item, Chosen when summoned,
still needs film and a VCR needs a videotape. However, lods o END, Always On) 0
never require an outside energy source such as electricity or 15 Cannot be Stunned
gasoline. 9 Mind Link WISummoner, Invisible to Mental Sense
and Danger Sense (+%)

100+ Disadvantages
20 Vulnerability 2x Body vs. Silver, Magic and Holy Items
25 Psych Lim: Must Obey Orders (V Com, Total)
15 Physical Limitation (Loses Summoned Shape in
Presence of Holy Items)
15 Secret ID (as normal item)
10 Watched by the Goddess (More Powerful, NCI) 11-

lods have been encountered in the form of surveillance

cameras, bricks, books, firearms, sound systems and even
sections of larger objects such as automobiles. A trans-
formed lod is detectable only by a faint magical aura.
Animals and psychically sensitive people become agitated
in their presence.
lads are used as guardians, assassination devices and
secret weapons. Their reasoning capabilities are low but
they understand fairly complex orders such as, 'Guard this
house and kill any policemen who enter'. When the condi-
tions spelled out in their orders requires mobility the lod will
change to its Demonic form unless its summoned form is
capable of locomotion.
Once transformed, an lod will attack its target utilizing an
aerodynamically impossible mode of flight. It is best pictured
as a fist on an invisible arm sweeping toward a victim, striking
him on the way past and abruptly returning. Once the target
is down the lad will pound on him like a spiked hammer.
Unless destroyed an lad will remain on Earth until the
conditions of its dismissal are met. It is conjectured that some
lads have waited patiently for centuries, biding their time until
their orders can be fulfilled.
198 HORROR Ht:RO: t:NDLt:55 NI(iHTM~Rt:5 o
lods are subject to standard Demon advantages and Demons, Werewolves and Vampyrs. Humans who have
disadvantages in regards to magic and holy items/ground. survived to the rank of sergeant are likely to be ex-Special
Appearance The true form of an lod resembles a cross Forces themselves, hardened by combat with shapeshifting
between a stylized star and a sea urchin. They're about two creatures.
feet in diameter. Its spikes, which vary in number, constantly PCs who uncover the identity of this camp and move
change as if driven by a rhythmic internal piston. The body against it could severely damage SICs capability to provide
pulsates like a diseased heart. . muscle to its myriad operations. Failure to completely de-
On this plane the body will consist of the same material as stroy this operation will earn the pes the undying enmity and
its summoned shape. A 'radio' lod, for example, would be pursuit of the Shapeshifters.
made of plastic, wire and ceramic. The tips of an lods spikes
are the hardest part of the body. The inner core, no matter THE HUNT CLUB
what it is composed of, is soft and pliable. The Hunt Club in Montana, east of Sumatra in Rosebud
County, is only open to the highest-ranking members of SIC.
The club's holdings range over 1500 square miles of terrain.
lads are a great way of illustrating This club does not provide the normal entertainment of
how the creatures of darkness adapt to hunting elk or other endangered species. Its existence is not
changing times. These creatures are discussed outside of elite SIC circles, and anyone showing
common around SIC hideouts. Their knowledge of it who is not an elite member may find them-
ability to take any non-organic shape selves the "guest of honor" at the next hunt. Man is the prey
should be taken advantage of - PCs of choice for the elite of SIC.
will be afraid to open their mail or turn A large hunting lodge, elaborately provided for, is the heart
on their TVs. of the Club. Stables are located nearby (The animals have
been raised around shapeshifters). No other structures are
on the expanse of territory, save the occasional abandoned
All servants consider themselves fortunate to be here.
THE MIC FOR SIC Being around the elite is by invitation only, and these
The Military Indoctrination Center for SIC, covering parts servants can usually expect their service to be rewarded at
of Hardeman and McNairy counties, Tennessee is the major a later date. Grateful allies in the hierarchy are very good to
training center for SICs paramilitary forces. Theirtop officers have if one wishes to advance in this dreadful organization.
run a tight camp, insuring that the departing recruits are in top As for the head honchos, they are the military, sorcerous or
fighting form (and properly respectful of SIC's agendas). It corporate elite of SIC. Most of them will either know Kurten
should be noted not all the attendees are shapeshifters; personally or have attracted his favor somehow.
some are mundane individuals who have sold their services Prey will be treated with dignity and manners by the
to SIC. servants until the hunt. Given a one hour head start, the prey
Among the 78 square miles of shooting ranges, confi- is turned loose with only the clothes on its back. It should be
dence courses, and explosive ordnance disposal ranges are noted that no prey has ever escaped the hunt. PCs who are
real mine fields and lethal booby traps. No slacking of effort the prey may be fortunate to find one of the old line shacks
is allowed in this re-creation of the best Special Forces containing a few precious articles of food and weaponry, all
training grounds. Modern technology allows the security to dated but usable.
discern between a deer and a person from the safety of a PCs may find themselves here because of the problems
command center. The monitors are often lods (q.v.). Natu- they have caused SIC in the past, either as prey to be hunted
rally, SIC has shapeshifting walking patrols; what the lods or as part of a mission against SIC. Destroying the Hunt Club
miss, their finely honed senses normally do not. The roads and its occupants would be even more damaging than the
to the camp are well concealed; the compound is camou- destruction of the training center; it takes time for Kurten to
flaged from aerial and satellite surveillance to appear as a select individual elite members.
corporate retreat.
The main compound contains a command and communi- KURTEN'S GAME PRESERVE
cations center, armory, barracks, motor pool, mess hall, Kurten's game preserve in Kenya is where the unques-
security and detention center. The motor pool contains not tioned master of SIC spends most of his time. The area it
only standard trucks and jeeps, but Humvees equipped with occupies is mind-boggling: thousands of miles of Savannah
light and heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft weapons. teeming with wildlife.
A chapel to the Goddess is present at the center of the Kurten's home here is huge, with many rooms and a large
compound, and regular rites take place here and in sacred verandah. Nearthe house is a majortemple tothe Goddess,
groves throughout the forest. If sacrifices to the Goddess are where Kurten communicates with her when he is in need of
conducted, the victims will NOT be from the surrounding divine guidance. His staff consists of local people. Kurten
area. does not harm any of the locals. On the contrary, he treats
Personnel encountered will be Wereboars, Werewolves, them as a feudal lord would have treated those who worked
Demons, Vampyrs and humans. SICs strict chain of com- his land, with generosity and compassion. Nor does he allow
mand and promotion system are based on ability ratherthan others to treat his subjects poorly. His kindness is repaid with
species. Still, the highest ranking officers are likely to be a fierce loyalty to the man (they do not know the evil of the
man they protect, nor will they believe tales of his treachery.)

PCs traveling here will encounter a population devoted to SABER began in the late 70s after the death of St. John's
Kurten, a few select guests of the master, and Kurten family. He felt that no one should go through what he did; so
himself. This is the den where the monster will flee to if he is he committed his life, money, and very existence to the
driven out from behind the scenes. Any violence the PCs destruction of this evil. St. John worked for the National
inflict upon Kurten will have to be unobserved; otherwise Security Council and it was as an operative that he discov-
they will have to recreate the scene from Zulu Dawn where ered SIC. When the tragedy happened to his family, St. John
the British engineers held off thousands of attacking tribes- went to the NSC with evidence that convinced the govern-
men. ment of the threat of supernatural beings; thus, SABER was
If the PCs are embroiled in a campaign against SIC, this born. SIC and other occult groups were uncertain of the
may be where it will end. Destroying Kurten will be a reports that began to filter in about a new, anti-occult agency,
trsmandous blow to the morale of the organization. Note that and began to search for these "unknowns." This proved
Kurten's mysterious leader, Howell, may have a replace- disastrous for a few groups when their identities became
ment forthe present 'Kurten' waiting in the wings. He may not known. Fortunately, most of the savaged corpses of these
be missed at all. would-be do-gooders will never be found. It was not until the
development of advanced technologies that the members of
THE OPPOSITION SABER became a little saferfrom prying eyes and were able
to create a secure system of contacts and communications.
SPECIAL ACTIVITIES BRANCH-EMERGENCY Operating on a "blind drop" system, these small groups are
RESPONSE (SABER) virtually untraceable beyond their current members. All
The organization known as SABER is an "Above Top contacts are based upon mutual trust between members and
Secret" group commissioned to investigate occult activities. these drops. There are no ranks or levels within SABER,
SABER is a government agency so well hidden within the simply people who want to make a difference.
bureaucracy of the government, not even the president Because of this decentralized style, the organization has
knows of its existence; it gives missions, information, equip- had time to become more experienced. SABER has grown
ment, and other types of support. But SABER has no to about 20 actual core members, with the rest being made
particular hold over PCs. PCs who tend to use excessive up of independents commissioned for a specific job. The
force or draw undue attention to themselves will be aban- exact size is known to only St. John. Most of the organiza-
doned by SABER. tions that represent some form of evil have had run-ins with
To use SABER as a campaign background, simply have members of SABER, though most have no idea that they
players create any archetype (of course this PC must be were anything other than random encounters.
acceptable to the GM). The PCs can begin as members, or
they can be recruited in the course of an adventure. RESTRICTIONS
PCs may then want to create their own group (as per the As a vel}' unofficia/group, each team operates in their own
ones presented below) or they may elect to continue on thei r style, without supervisors. SABER does try to maintain a few
own. New PCs can appear as "guest stars" (this allows for rules; those that make a habit of breaking these rules will find
those players who cannot make every game or for a novice themselves denied help from SABER.
wishing to try something new) and may even become a new 1) Operations must be kept secret from the public.
member. This makes the job of GM a little bit easier. 2) Keep security tight.
3) Anyone not trusted will be contacted by drop only.
The world is full of organizations and conspiracies the 4) Protect member's anonymity at all costs.
normal world never sees. This underworld includes evil cults, 5) Be ready to go into hiding if you are compromised.
inhuman beasts, even human agents acting in the name of 6) All are volunteers, treat them as your equals.
these cruel masters and other groups who exist at the
expense of the normal man. Mundane law agencies try to STRUCTURE
fight against that which they can see and understand, but SABER consists of teams of independents, with each
due to their minimal funding, overwork, and a lack of special- covering certain geographical areas and expertises. These
ized knowledge (although most police forces are beginning groups contain their own operatives and support teams, as
to create occult task forces as well as the U.S. Government) well as a contact with at least one other group (through the
they are usually ineffective. use of untraceable satellite networks).
There is an organization of individuals who are willing to do Since each team has not fought or encountered the same
something. In cities around the globe, small groups of highly creatures, there are times when a team may be asked to
skilled people have been drawn togetherto fight back. These "loan" itself out to another team to confront something that is
groups form the backbone of SABER. outside the "home team's" area of expertise.
SABER has a core team of operatives who travel the world
HISTORY over, recruiting the above mentioned independents when
SABER is a very secretivQ group. Brought toqether by necessary. GMs may use the pre-made characters below as
chance or purpose, rumors persist that the top board are all the core team or as an independent team.
members of government agencies. This is far from the case,
for only one man founded this group; his name is Wilton St.
Archetype: Inventor JIM BOB BARNES
Personal Details: Age: 34, Height: 5' 11", Weight: 160
pounds, Hair: Sandy wi mustache, Eyes: Hazel Val Char Cost Combat Stats
Background/Personality: As he tells it, "Jim-Bob"was born 15 STR 5 OCV: 5
in Tulia, Texas and raised just about everywhere else in the 15 DEX 15 DCV: 5
state. His parents were the restless kind who never settled 15 CON 10 ECV: 4
on anything or anyplace and they passed this trait on to their 11 BODY 2 Phases: 4,8, 12
brood. 13 INT 3
The life-style worked out well for Jim-Bob. He's worked so 11 EGO 2 Costs
15 PRE 5
many jobs that he knows a little bit about practically every-
10 COM 0 Char: 57 Base: 75
thing, and his ability to think on his feet has proven invalu- 8 PD 5 + +
able. He's such a nice guy that people enjoy teaching him 8 ED 5 Skills: 93 Disad: 75
about things, which has resulted in his being a veritable jack- 3 SPD 5 = =
of-ail-trades. He has been a plumber, electrician, carpenter, 6 REC 0 Totals: 150 150
mason, pilot, Tae-Kwon-Do instructor and wildcatter. It was 30 END 0
this latter occupation that exposed him to the horrors at large 27 STUN 0
in the world, and which changed his life forever.
Cost Skills
Three years ago Jim-Bob and a buddy were 'catting for oil
when their rig shook violently. Expecting a gusher, the two 34 Martial Arts - Tae Kwon Do
ran up to the rig just as it dropped into the Earth. The tremors Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
threw Jim-Bob to the ground. When he regained his footing Arm Sweep +2 +2 Block, Abort
he saw huge black tendrils erupting from the pit and entwin- Crescent Kick + 1 +3 3d6 Strike
ing his friend. He rushed forward but was slapped back by a Flying Side Kick++ 1 -2 7d6 Strike
tendril. His friends soulful cry for help was the last sound he Front Kick 0 +2 5d6 Strike
heard before unconsciousness claimed him. Knifehand -2 0 1d6+1 HKA
When he returned with the Sheriff, the pit had vanished, Punch +2 0 5d6 Strike
and back at the station three burly men in white coats were Roundhouse
waiting. There had been no trial and no hearing - but Jim- Kick -2 +1 7d6 Strike
Bob was soon in a padded cell courtesy of Uncle Sam. Takedown +1 +1 3d6 Strike;
Target falls
5 Inventor 13-
3 Breakfall 12-
3 Combat Pilot (Planes) 12-
3 Computer Programming 12-
3 Systems Operation 12-
3 Tracking 12-
3, 3 Electronics 11-, Mechanics 11-
1, 1 Demolitions 8-, Navigation 8-
1, 1 Riding (Horses) 8-, Survival 8-
2 + 1" Running (7" total)
3, 2 KS: Occult 12-, KS: Tae Kwon Do 11-
4 WF: Small Arms, Melee Weapons
2 WF: Common Martial Arts Melee
(Optional category from Ninja Hero)
3 Jack of All Trades (All PS are 11-)
9 PS: Carpenter, Construction Worker, Electrician,
Inventor, Mason, Plumber, Rancher,
Roustabout, Sensei
OAK: Texas 8-
1 Language: Spanish (basic) [English is native]
o TF: Small Ground Vehicles
3 +1 Level wfTae Kwon Do

75+ Disadvantages
15 Psych Lim: Fear of capture/confinement (Com, Str)
10 Psych Lim: Fear of authorities (Com, Mod)
15 Distinctive Features: Cowboy w/laconic drawl
(Conc, Major reaction)
15 Hunted, Authorities (As Pow, NCI) 8-
10 Hunted, The Unknown (As Pow, NCI) 8-
10 Style Disadvantage - Martial Arts
(Optional rule from Ninja Hero)
o (3) Package Bonus - Inventor

The next two years were a Thorazine blur. He not only JUDE
could not communicate or think coherently, he didn't care.
Archetype: Ritualist
Then a stranger came into his cell and removed his re-
straints. Without a word he threw the stoned Texan over his Personal Details: Age: 42, Height: 6'0", Weight: 200 pounds,
shoulder and carried him out of the hospital and to a hotel. Hair: Dark. Brown wi beard, Eyes: Blue
For the next week Jim-Bob went through withdrawal tied to Background/Personality: Recently an eminent folklorist
a chair as his silent companion watched TV. Slowly, Jim-Bob began to collect legends in the American Southwest, where
regained his identity. they have permeated to the core of society. The flood of
The man introduced himself as Blake, an agent sent to stories astonished him. Here were the classic hookman and
retrieve him. He told Jim-Bob that certain factions in the babysitter stories, vanishing hitchhikers, and spider nest
government had been responsible for his imprisonment, that hairdos, but one legend was new. Remarkably widespread
what he had seen was real and that he was not insane. Blake and self-consistent, it told of a magical guardian angel whose
himself worked for another faction in Washington who were name was "JUDE."
interested in hiring Jim-Bob. His skills and talents would be Jude (the stories said) is a biker; he is not a ghost or a literal
useful in the ongoing struggle against horrors such as he had angel but a magical shaman whose Harley has carried him
faced and besides, his family had been told he was dead two from Tijuana to "N'Orleans" since the mid-Seventies. He
years ago. appears in times of trouble and performs astounding feats of
Although he grieved for his family, Jim-Bob felt that for the magic. He can find missing persons, heal the wounded,
first time his life had a direction. He could travel wherever foretell the weather and reputedly cure insanity. No one
necessary, help those in trouble and get paid for it at the knows his last name or where he lives; he vanishes as
same time. mysteriously as he comes.
He's surprisingly laid-back for the kind of work he's now
involved in. His easy-go-Iucky demeanor and laconic Texas
drawl off-set his tremendous energy when fixing or creating
some device to stop a rampaging horror.
But his experience has left its mark. With the exception of
Blake and a handful of fellow agents, Jim-Bob will not trust
any doctor or law enforcement personnel. He especially
avoids government officials.
He is still being sought by the authorities as "John Doe," an
escaped mental patient.
Dark Secrets: Jim-Bob is the one to send pes to when they
need an unusual item to be constructed, such as an auto-fire
holy water gun or a two-way TV. He has the knack of showing
up just when he would be most useful, either as gadgeteer
or as pilot of a getaway plane. Jim-Bob should be presented
as a little off-the-beam - no one could undergo experiences
like his and remain unchanged. He's a nut.
The stories were unlike any the folklorist had ever seen.
They gave specific dates and named real people. The dates MARTIN 'JUDE' FIGOWITZ
checked out. When Jude rescued a young family from the
Fork Killer, the newspapers related the same story with only
a reference to the police being helped by a "civilian." A Val Char Cost Combat Stats
pattern continued through all the stories. The events oc- 15 STR 5 OCV: 5
curred but Jude was never given credit. It was apparent from 15 DEX 15 DCV: 5
reading between the lines that the participants had promised 14 CON 8 ECV: 5
never to include him in their testimonies. After weeks of 12 BODY 4 Phases: 4, 8,12
scouring old newspaper articles the folklorist made a discov- 18 INT 8
ery. Two photos, one from 1975 and the other 1991, con- 15 EGO 10 Costs
tained the same Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The plates 15 PRE 5
14 COM 2 Char: 70 Base: 75
were the same in both pictures. The legend was true. 6 PD 3 + +
Finding Jude was easy after that, and within days the 6 ED 3 Skills: 80 Disad: 75
researcher was at the door of a trailer far into the Arizona 3 SPD 5 = =
desert near the Navajo Reservation. The Indian who an- 6 REC a Totals: 150 150
swered his knock said Jude was honored at his interest, and 28 END a
would gladly satisfy his curiosity on the condition that he not 29 STUN 2
publish his findings. The man himself was in the living room
with several Indian children and a pile of English textbooks. Cost Skills
Jude sat quietly throughout the interview - the kids an- 20 Spells: HarmonicAdjustment,FreedomCage,
swered all the questions. ClearThoughtor others
Jude's real name was Martin Figowitz, and he was born in 3 Brawling
this very trailer. As a child his only friends were on the 7 Magic Skill: CeremonialMagic14
Reservation; his closest friend was a wizened old Shaman 3 Scholar
3 KS: NavajoCeremonialMagic14-
who taught him many things about the land. Jude was 3 KS: Occult14-
drafted in 1972, and served in a secret unit in Laos. Deeply 2 KS: SecretSocieties13-
affected by the horrors he'd seen, upon his return he sought 2 KS: Cults 13-
out his old friend. He was ready to fulfill a vision, the Shaman 2 KS: Crystal/GemstoneProperties13-
said, and would be taught Magic. 1 KS: Mystic Herbs11-
And so, Jude the legend was born. The folklorist left after 3 Concealment13-
dinner (rabbits that Jude had caught) and drove away. As he 3 Paramedic13-
pulled off the dirt track onto the highway he felt he'd taken a 3 CombatDriving(Motorcycles)13-
step between worlds, and it occurred to him that all he'd been 3 Conversation12-
told might be lies. Somehow, it didn't matter. 3 Stealth12-
3 Streetwise12-
Dark Secrets: Jude can be found among Native Americans, 3 Mechanics11-
Biker clubs (but not known criminals) or on the road. He has 3 Navigation11-
a knack for showing up when there is trouble. In person, he 3 Survival11-
is friendly and soft-spoken. He wears Biker denims at all a AK: Arizona8-
times. a PS: MetaphysicalMinister8-
1 Navajolanguage(Englishis native)
6 WF: Small Arms, MeleeWeapons,Missile Weapons
75+ Disadvantages
25 Psych Lim: Driven to help others(V.Com,Tot)
10 Watched, The Supernatural(Mo Pow, NCI) 8-
15 Hunted, Lamplighters(As Pow, NCI) 8-
10 Reputation:Do-gooder11-
10 DistinctiveFeatures: Bikerdenimcoveredw/mystic
symbols(Conc, Noticed)
3 PackageBonus - Sorcerer(CeremonialMagician)
2 Hero bonus

Jude's spells are listed in the Horror MagiC Sourcebook

under Sample Ceremonial Spells.


Val Char Cost Combat Stats

8 STR -2 OCV: 3
10 DEX 0 DCV: 3
8 CON -4 ECV: 5
10 BODY 0 Phases: 6,12
15 INT 5
15 EGO 10 Costs
20 PRE 10
14 COM 2 Char: 21 Base: 75
2 PO 0 + +
2 ED 0 Powers: 81 Disad: 27
2 SPD 0 = =
4 REC 0 Totals: 102 102
16 END 0
18 STUN 0
Cost Skills
3 Well-Connected
1 Contact: Judge 11-
1 Contact: Senator 11-
1 Contact: Mercenary Captain (Darian Hawk)11-
15 Wealthy
10 Perk: Bureau Head (equivalent to License to kill)
2 Perk: Passport wi multiple visas
3 Bribery 13-
3 Bureaucratics 13-
3 Conversation 13-
3 High Society 13-
3 Oratory 13-
3 Persuasion 13-
3 Seduction 13-
3 Computer Programming 12-
WILTON ST. JOHN 3 Deduction 12-
Background/History: When Kurten laughed at the pitiful 3 Systems Operation 12-
human on the ground before him, little did he know that he 3 PS: Government operative (PRE) 13-
had created a power that would cause him great distress. 3 KS: S.I.C. 12-
Wilton's family was everything to him; he would have done 3 KS: World Politics 12-
anything for them. Kurten found this out while investigating 3 Lang. French 4 pts.
the man who had discovered his latest operation. 3 Lang. Japanese 2 pts.
3 WF: SmArms, Blades
As punishment for finding out about SIC, Kurten decided
to kill Wilton's family. But not in a typical manner. He had 75+ Disadvantages
Wilton bound while his wife and children were infected with
20 Hunted S.I.C. (AsPow, NCI, 11-, Harsh)
lycanthropy. Wilton was then left to suffer for the next month
5 Age 40+
waiting and praying that they would not transform. Then 2(25) Psych Lim: Hatred of S.I.C. (V.Com, Total)
when they did transform, Wilton was forced to destroy them. (15) Secret 10: Financier against S.I.C.
Wilton was left to suffer in his grief and madness.
This is how Wilton St. John became the man he is today,
a man driven to the destruction of SIC and its terrible leader. PowersfTactics: Wilton is not a combatant, though he is
He uses all his vast resources to finance and protect acquainted with the use of firearms. His weapons are his
anyone who fights against the forces of darkness. He lives in money and contacts and these he uses to great effect.
a fortified brownstone in Washington D.C., never leaving or
being seen outside the grounds. Most of the core agents feel Appearance: Wilton is 5'8",120 pounds, his eyes are green
that it is only a matter of time before St. John has a total and very sad looking. His hair is white as driven snow; all in
collapse. But until that time they do their jobs and keep the all he presents a disheveled and sad demeanor.
world safe for one more night. Dark Secrets: Wilton has a dark belief, that he will find
Personality: Wilton is a man with a single agenda. He no Kurten one day and do to him what was done to his family.
longer sleeps at night, and when he does sleep it is a fretful To this end he will work and spend every ounce of effort no
sleep. He is forever on his guard for fear of Kurten and the matter how great and should he ever meet Kurten there will
members of SIC. Wilton knows that there are things far be a terrible reckoning.
worse than death. Wilton is a man with a mission; he should
be portrayed as a weary man who will do anything to help
those in trouble and to destroy anything supernatural.


Val Char Cost Combat Stats

15 STR 5 OCV: 5
14 DEX 12 DCV: 5
13 CON 6 ECV: 3
11 BODY 2 Phases: 4,8, 12
10 INT 0
10 EGO 0 Costs
15 PRE 5
10 COM 0 Char: 42 Base: 75
6 PD 3 + +
6 ED 3 Skills: 101 Disad: 68
3 SPD 6 = =
6 REC 0 Totals: 143 143
26 END 0
26 STUN 0

Cost Skills
3 Perk: Federal Authority
6 Ambidexterity, Lightsleep
24 Martial Arts - Commando Training
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
Chop -2 0 V2d6 KA (2 DC)
Disarm -1 +1 25 STR Disarm
Choke hold -2 0 Grab, 2d6 NND
Throw 0 +1 3d6 + v/5,
Target falls
Punch 0 +2 5d6 Strike
9 Acrobatics 12-; Climbing 12-; Concealment 11-
9 Criminology 11-; Cryptography 11-; High Society 12-
MORGAN BLAKE 9 Security Systems 11-; Stealth 12-; Survival 11-
5 Tactics 11-; Demolitions 8-; Interrogation 8-
Archetype: Intelligence Agent 1 Weaponsmith 8- (slugthrowers)
Personal Details: Age: 44, Height: 6'6", Weight: 270 pounds, 2 KS: The Law and Agency Procedures 11-
Hair: Brown, Eyes: Brown 2 KS: World Class Mercenaries 11-
2 KS: North American Intelligence Agencies'
Background/Personality: Joining the service of his nation's Standard Tactics 11-
armed forces at the age of seventeen, Morgan Blake has 2 KS: Middle East Intelligence Agencies'
served his country well. At the command of various military Standard Tactics 11-
officers and well-clothed minor government officials, Blake 3 Traveler
has combated enemies both in declared and undeclared 5 CK: Saigon, Berlin, Moscow, Cairo, Peking 11-
wars. Who the enemy was does not matter to a gung-ho, OAK: New York State 11-
highly trained intelligence operative; overthrows and dirty 3 Linguist
tricks were just tools of his trade. Blake, for all his patriotism 8 Languages: Fluent Arabic, Cantonese, Vietnamese,
German, Russian
and love of country, never really considered that the real
8 WF: Small Arms, Blades, Hand Flamer, Heavy
enemy had a familiar face: his own. Machine Guns, Rocket Launchers,
Grenade Launchers, Flamethrowers
o English (native)
o TF: Small Ground Vehicles
75+ Disadvantages
20 Distinctive Features: Tall, beefy man
(Not cone, Major Reaction)
5 Age 40+
15 Hunted, Rival mercenary (As Pow, NCI) 8·
10 Hunted, Various foreign gov'ts (As Pow) 8-
15 Psych Lim: Overconfident (Com, Str)
3(7) Psych Lim: Obsessive (Com, Mod)

He awoke in a military hospital one day after a conflict with

rebel forces in some terrible patch of jungle in the Third
World, his mind numbed by painkillers, his body filled with
C-...... __ S_CE_N_I\_R_IO
__ ~)
antibiotics. His own country had captured him in the act of
breaking several international laws regarding the sanctity of
elected democratic governments. Where Blake had be- MURDEROUS OPERANDII
lieved himself to be fighting for his country, he really had This is a mystery scenario that will introduce PCs to the
been a pawn in a terrible game. Wereboars. It does not explicitly reveal the existence of SIC,
The incident came out after months of psychological but should intrigue players enough to warrant further inves-
therapy. In one of his first training missions over the North tigations. An investigation of the scope described herein
Sea his plane had been downed by an unknown force, and could easily become very complex. For this reason some
he was taken to their stronghold and reconditioned mentally details have been simplified. The GM can beef up the story
to do their will. Playing up on Blake's patriotism, this force if he chooses.
(Which is still unidentified) manipulated him into command- The information will be presented in the approximate order
ing several missions that were in their own interests and not the PCs will encounter it. GM notes are enclosed in brackets
his own country's. His allies were mercenaries, not American [ ].
operatives, and they were well financed by the leader of The scenario can be placed in any city.
these conspiratorial forces.
Now free of the manipulative influence of this force, Blake GETTING pes INVOLVED
is one of only a few operatives to be involved in "black" The investigations in this story, by all rights, are the
operations against an enemy the average person on the concern of the police. The GM will have to figure out how to
street would believe to be a fairy-tale: a world of horror filled involve the PCs in what is a touchy business. An experienced
with terrible monsters and diabolical schemes. GM may wish to have PCs begin independently of each
Dark Secrets: Blake is a canny veteran of dozens of military other, allowing events to draw them together. Possible PC
and covert operations, using all the dirty tricks learned over motivations and occupations include: SABER agent, police-
a lifetime to succeed in his mission. He could be encountered man, Federal Agent, reporter, relative of victim, occultist, etc.
in a scenario featuring any
enemy that hides behind a
facade of proper business A series of murders, each
(read "horror"), and might aid more horrifying than the last,
PCs needing a little extra is occurring in the city. The
firepower. Of course, any details are being hushed up to
information he observes about prevent panic and facilitate
the PCs will be passed along police work. The local police,
to his superiors. unknown to the media, have
assigned the investigation to
GM's note: Blake carries a their interdepartmental Occult
special weapons with him; a Crime Task Force. Detective
"hand flamer." This nasty little Sussman of the OCTF is in
device is a .45 caliber sized charge of the investigation.
flamethrower, doing 1 V2d6 He will vehemently oppose
Energy RKA with 8 shots. It is any outsider interference in
a special creation of a the case, and will summarily
government research and refuse to cooperate with the
development's department press. He will not acknowledge
and is the only existing working on the case. The
prototype. Sadly, the scientists OCTF has been called in
working on this project lost because of the presence of
funding with the last election, occult sigils found on site.
and the plans have completely
The four victims and details of their deaths are described Name: Mr. Francis Lefebre Age: 23 Hair: Black
below. The GM will have to decide how PCs acquire the Eyes: Blue Ht: 6'3" Wt: 132 Occupation: Freelance
information. The police have ordered a press blackout on the Writer Marital Status: Single Address: 86 High Rd #8
case - perhaps a disgruntled reporter will approach PCs, or Description of body: Lefebre's body was discovered in
perhaps one has a contact on the force. Federal Agent PCs much the same condition as that above. He died of blood loss
will have access to the files prepared by the OCTF, but will from multiple bites. Notably, a large bruise on the rear of the
find them poorly done. The bodies are all in the police skull indicates that he was struck forcibly from behind.
Description of Crime Scene: Lefebre died at home three
THE FIRST VICTIM days ago. His gagged body was found in an Occult diagram.
Again, there is no evidence of struggle [he was knocked
Name: Mr. Stephen Speece Age: 34 Hair: Black unconscious by a visitor].
Eyes: Brown Ht: 5'10" Wt: 160
Occupation: Freelance Photographer Other clues; GMs info: Lefebre was new to town, having
Marital Status: Divorced Address: 306 22nd Ave S lived here only a month. The apartment came furnished and
there is little in the way of personal effects. His writing was
Description of body: Speece died when his neck was published in porno magazines and occult small press publi-
bitten, crushing his windpipe. He was also bitten on the face cations under various pseudonyms.
and right wrist and hand. The body was heavily bruised. Lefebre is one of the cultists in Speece's pictures. An
Occult symbols were painted on the body using the victim's inquiry into his past will reveal that his latest non-writing job
blood. Speece was nude when found; there is no evidence was at a branch of the 'Other Shores' bookshop.
of sexual attack. The wounds indicate that no weapons were Sussman and his squad were the first on the scene of this
used in the attack. and subsequent murders.
Description of Crime Scene: The body was found in a
dumpster behind a deli on 22nd Ave S, near the victims THE THIRD VICTIM
residence. The murder occurred in an unknown location Name: Ms. Judy DiFabbio Age: 22 Hair: Blonde
[inside a van]. The victim's residence shows no sign of Eyes: Brown Ht: 5'10" Wt: 110 Occupation: Student
struggle [Speece willingly accompanied the killer]. Marital Status: Single Address: Dorm at __ College.
Other clues; GMs info: The murder occurred four days ago. Description of body: DiFabbio was strangled with her own
The police theorize that Speece was abducted on the street hair. Otherwise, the body was similar in condition to the two
and killed elsewhere. They admit to no further leads. previous except for one important fact. The occult symbols
If tMe PCs investigate the area where the body was found found on her body were drawn in goat's blood before she was
they may discover that the lid of the dumpster won't stay killed. The police line is thatthis is the work of a copycat killer,
open by itself. Either the killer hoisted the body in one- or a crime of passion disguised as such [it is not].
handed or he had an accomplice.
If the PCs gain entrance to Speeces home (a row house) Description of Crime Scene: Judy was found two days ago
they will discover (1) a large occult library and (2) two rolls of in a field outside town by a farmer searching for a missing
undeveloped film in a home darkroom. goat. The goat, partially devoured, was found nearby. If
The library is largely composed of books dealing with investigators visit the scene they will discover that it has been
demonology. Speece used sales receipts as bookmarks- plowed over, and the goat's body removed, on orders of the
most are from a store called "Other Shores ." police.
The first roll of film contains run-of-the-mill 'fluff' photos of Other clues; GMs info: Investigators will find that hardly
street scenes and kids playing. Three of these are different anyone knew Judy, who was an 'invisible' on campus. A few
angles on an apparently abandoned church. In one of these students thought her strange because she always dressed
a tall man frowns at the camera. The other roll is more in black. The police have impounded her belongings; Judy,
interesting. The pictures depict a group of black-robed a never-adopted orphan, attended school on a scholarship.
figures in various activities, taken at night. In two of the If PCs are persistent a fellow student will remark that the
pictures a cultist's face can be dimly seen. One picture police seemed almost uninterested in her recollection that
plainly shows a dog being ritualistically slain. The cultists Judy often drove off at night with a young man in a dark van.
appear to be inside a smallish red room. It is implicit from the She does not know if Judy left with the man the night she was
angles and degree of close-ups that the cultists were being murdered [the man in the van is the killer].
photographed willingly. There are no other photos of this
type among Speece's collection.
o HORROR H~RO: ~NDL~55 NI(iHTMP\R~5 207


Name: Mr. Darren Episcipo Age: 49 Hair: Bald
Eyes: Green Ht: 6'1" Wt: 200
Occup.: Bookstore Manager Marital Status: Married
Address: 899 Greenwood Lake Dr.
Description of body: The coroner has determined that
Episcipo died of cardiac arrest, possibly brought on by the
shock of having all ten fingers broken. This body was marked
by the same type of wounds and sigils as the others but was
also horribly mutilated and partially devoured after death.
Episcipo was gagged.
Description of Crime Scene: The body was found this
morning in a shed adjacent to an under-repair runway at the
airport. Apparently this is where the murder occurred. See
below for a note on fingerprints.
Other clues; GMs info Episcipos wife, Martina, is missing.
She had phoned her sister last night and asked permission
for her and Darren to visit. She would not explain her
If the PCs gain entrance to Episcipo's home (a humble
suburban ranch style house) they will discover several items
of interest. It is apparent that the pcllce have not been here.
First, pay receipts on the kitchen table reveal that Episcipo
was manager of the "Other Shores" bookshop.
If PCs think to check the telephone answering machine
they will hear two messages, recorded the night before. The
first is, "Hey - It's Jeff. I'm back. Why is the store closed? If
you wanted me to work you could have said so. What's the
big mystery? Call me." The second message is, "It's me. I'll
be by at eleven to take you to the airport. Pack light. Be ready.
All hail." [this message is from the killer]
A pair of brand new workgloves lies on a small table in the
foyer. If compared with others in the house it is evident that Darren Episcipo
they belonged to neither of the Eplscipos [the killer left them Martina Episcipo
there]. This is important. Sussman and his crew did not dust Jeff Davis
for fingerprints at the crime scene - there were none at the James Hamilton
other sites - and missed a set on the inside of a window in Judith DiFabbio
the shed. Let the PCs figure this out themselves. If they have Stephen Speece
the means to identify the prints they'll discover that they Francis Lefebre
belong to one of the police- a rookie assigned to Sussman's Edwin Mason
OCTF named Eugene Floyd. The PCs, in light of the clues Marvin Keating
listed below, may not find this significant unless they dis- Laurie List
cover that Floyd was at the station all morning. Floyd is the Gary List
killer. Russell Marker
There is more. In the corner of the basement is a parti- Charles Trigula
tioned - off room. It is locked. Inside is a chilling sight. The
walls are painted blood reel. A Pentagram is painted on the THE LIST
floor, an upside-down crucifix is on the wall behind and Here is information which PCs can discover about the
above a wooden altar. A parchment scroll nailed above the people on the list. All but DiFabbio and Lefebre are in the
crucifix reads, "On this day, (three weeks ago), we dedicate telephone book.
this chapel and this church to the Lord of Darkness. Long Darren Episcipo is one of the victims. He managed the
may he reign." Below are thirteen names, printed and signed, 'Other Shores' occult bookstore for six years. He recently
in blood. decided to become a devil worshipper. The other members
of the cult are customers and friends.
Martina Episcipo is Darren's wife. She is missing. Hersister
in another state is concerned because she was not on her
flight. She is being held prisoner in an abandoned summer
camp outside of town (see The Final Victim).
Jeff Davis is Episcipo's employee. He has been on vacation James Hamilton. He died in a car crash two weeks ago. His
for a week and knows only that he is unable to contact any death meant that the cult needed to recruit a new member.
of his fellow cultists. He is an affable, red-haired fellow whose Judith DiFabbio. The third victim. She was the killer's
attitude toward devil worship is that of a dilettante. He was girlfriend. It was through her that he gained access to the cult.
already put off by it by the time of the scenario - he went on
vacation to clear his head. He cleverly did not sign his full Stephen Speece. The first victim.
name, Jefferson, to the blood scroll. This, he feels, frees him Francis Lefebre. The second victim.
from any supernatural obligation. Edwin Mason. An insurance salesman, Mason's occult
Davis, unable to contact his boss, will have opened the activities were unknown to his wife, who thinks he is having
store. Its hours are noon to midnight. If approached by PCs an affair. He left two days ago, telling her he was going to
and apprised of the murders Davis will panic. He'll be open a new account out of town. In fact, he is hiding and has
convinced that a malevolent supernatural entity is after not called her. She will tell PCs that his whereabouts are
them. He'll confess everything. If the PCs have yet to visit none of their business - she already talked to the cops this
Episcipo's residence he will tell them about the chapel. If morning. Ask them.
shown Speece's pictures he will identify Lefebre. He does Marvin Keating. He is an assistant coroner. It was he who
not know the other man, who he guesses is a new recruit. warned the others about the killings. He is now barricaded in
The man in the church picture is Charles Trigula. his house. He has told his boss he is sick. He will not open
The police have not contacted him. He is not inclined to his door for anyone, and will attempt to shoot trespassers if
contact them, either. He will want to stay in the store, which they try to force their way in. If the PCs do not solve the case
Episcipo claimed was protected from malevolent entities [it's then Keating will be framed for the murders and 'commit
not]. Unless the PCs force him to accompany them (at which suicide'.
point he will deduce they are the killers and scream for help)
he will stay until closing. A sufficiently high Conversation roll Laurie and Gary List. They went on vacation last night.
may convince him of the PCs' good intentions. See The They are now in Bermuda.
Police' for more on Davis's fate. Russell Marker He is in Bermuda with the Lists.
Charles Trigula Is the smartest of the bunch. He is the man
in the church pictures, and is hiding out there. He is conduct-
ing his own investigation. An essentially evil person, Trigula
is not distressed by the murders. He correctly assumes that
Floyd is the killer and deduces that the crimes will either be
declared unsolved, or one of the cultists will be framed. In
order to protect himself he has made sure that he has alibis
forthe times of the killings. Until one of the others is revealed
as the killer he is content to stay here.
Trigula is a good stand-in for the GM. He knows who the
killer is and he knows that the OCTF is rotten. Once he is
convinced that the PCs are trying to solve the case he will
mockingly offerto help. He won't state right out who the killer
is, or directly implicate the police, but will ask leading
questions, enjoying the PCs attempts to solve the puzzle. He
will neither confirm nor deny their conclusions. Here is what
he knows:
He recognized the symbols Keating copied off the bodies
as being derived from the Hecatic Rite of Transformation,
with a few minor changes. Part of the symbols indicated that
six victims were to be slain; Speece and Lefebre were
marked one and two. He assumes that if three and four were
DiFabbio and Darren Episcipo then Martina Episcipo is
being held somewhere to be number five. She'l be killed at
midnight tonight. If the killer manages to complete the rite
tomorrow night, whatever transformation is sought will oc-
cur. He has no intention of being number six.
He will also hint to the PCs that they are in way over their
heads (he deduced the existence of SIC several years ago).
The killings are identical to thousands of other cases, most
of which occurred in the Third World. He thinks that 'Some-
body' is being extremely unwise. Their 'masters' will not
appreciate this rite being performed in such an obvious
manner. He will not elaborate - 'If you keep this up, you'll
find out.'
He'll tell PCs that the OCTF know who the killer is. Why
don't they go ask? Time, after all, is in short supply. 'Just be
careful - it is a full Moon tonight.'

THE POLICE Sussman has black kinky hair and a pencil mustache. He
Much of what happens in this scenario will depend on how is burly and six inches shy of six feet tall. He does not wear
the PCs interact with the police. The GM must bear in mind a uniform - his suits look like he sleeps in them (in common
that the very group charged with investigating the killings, the with all Wereboars, he does not sweat).
Occult Crime Task Force, are in fact involved in the matter. GM Info: Despite their occasional personal disputes,
One is the actual killer, and the other three were present at most policemen are unwilling to speak ill of their fellow
the scene. They are in a tricky situation - while the regular officers. This is not true in Sussman's case. PCs inves-
force largely leaves them alone they are still subject to tigating his background will discover that his poor record
investigation by internal affairs. Their first priority is to protect is well known around the station. Many feel that his
their own, the second to keep the details out of the media. promotion to the head of the OCTF was politically moti-
The OCTF will not welcome interference by private or vated [It was, by SIC}. The only charitable actions attrib-
federal investigators. They will refuse to comment. They will uted to Sussman is work with children at the Police
put a tail on any PCs who are openly investigating. If they are Athletic League's summer camp. That facility is now
observed breaking the law the OCTF will attempt to arrest closed.
them. They will not be taken to the station, however. They will
be taken to the camp described in 'The Final Victim'. Richard Watson and Byron Lewis: Sussman's two assis-
In regards to the three cultists remaining in town - the tants. Like him, they are Wereboars. They are both brighter
cops plan to frame Keating for the murders and then fake his than their boss, and Watson has doubts about the wisdom of
suicide. They're reasonably certain that he will stay put their orders. But, in obeisance to the strict hierarchy of SIC,
where he is. he will obey his orders.
They've been waiting for Davis to return - he is slated to Watson is a hulking African-American. He is the most
be victim number six. While PCs are in the 'Other Shores' the qualified for OCTF duties, having broken several local cults
phone will ring but the caller will immediately hang up. About before being seduced by the Goddess. He is the scholar of
an hour later Davis will answer the delivery door at the back the group and keeps up with the occult underworld; he may
of the shop and be arrested. The arresting officer is Richard recognize Occultist PCs.
Watson. If PCs are on the scene he will wait until they leave Watson, who has limited spell abilities, acts as sorcerer in
before arresting Davis. attendance while Floyd is committing the murders. If Watson
If Davis accompanies the PCs instead of staying, an is killed Floyd will be unable to achieve his dark dream.
unmarked car with Watson inside will be parked down the Watson will volunteer to shadow the PCs should the
street. If the PCs approach, Watson will roll up his window, opportunity arise. He is very good at it.
hold up his badge, and indicate that PCs should leave. He Lewis is small and pale. He is devoted to Sussman and
will then follow the PCs wherever they go, keeping his follows him around like a puppy. Of the entire group, he is the
distance. He will report their activities to Sussman. If the PCs most dangerous. Even when shapeshifted he prefers to use
break the law he will call for Sussman, who will arrive with two firearms, most notably a pair of sawed-off shotguns. His
other officers. senses are acute (he grew up in the slums) and he stands
They want very much to find Trigula. If the PCs visit the guard during the killings.
abandoned church while Watson is trailing them Trigula will GM Info: Neither Watson or Lewis are natives of this city.
be arrested also. Both enjoyed careers as military police before joining the
Davis and Trigula will be taken to the location described in force.
'The Final Victim'. Eugene Floyd: This is the killer. He is the second cultist in
The four policemen assigned to the case are detailed Speece's pictures. He will not be at the station with the
below. others. He is at the abandoned PAL camp guarding his next
Gerald Sussman: The officer in charge of the OCTF, victim.
Sussman is a prime example of the stereotypical 'bad cop'. Floyd is a young man, not yet twenty-five. He is clean cut
He is stupid, brutal and prone to shoot first and interrogate and has classic square jawed features. Women - Judy
later. Never a good lawman, Sussman was recruited by SIC DiFabbio was the latest - find him irresistibly charming. He
several years ago. They are wholly responsible for his is due to come into a sizable inheritance.
current position - he certainly did not earn it. GM Info: Floyd is a vicious killer and has been for years.
Sussman is a Wereboar. His immediate SIC supervisor, a Five years ago Sussman tracked him down and offered
regional Governor's Lieutenant, was slain by SABER two him a career with the police (,where you can kill all the
weeks ago. Sussman immediately assumed his duties and people you want') and hinted of a darker destiny beyond.
decided to preside overthe transformation of his first recruit, Now, with the ritual slayings of just two more people, he
rookie cop Eugene Floyd. Stupidly, he gave Eugene permis- will be married to the night forever. These are not
sion to choose his victims from an amateur devil cult his ordinary killings - the murders are part of the Wereboar
girlfriend belonged to, ratherthan randomly slaying vagrants transformation ceremony. Tomorrow night at midnight
as is preferred. he will kill Davis (or maybe one of these damned inves-
tigators) and the transformation will come. As part of the
inheritance he is to receive the deed to the land occupied
by the PAL camp. A PC background check will uncover
this, and that he owns a black van.
THE FINAL VICTIM his last kill he will suffer the dire effects of spell failure (i.e.
The scenario is reaching its violent conclusion, by this time torn apart by invisible entities). If Floyd has succeeded he will
the OCTF and PCs should be quite aware of each others role attack with vigor, trusting in his new found abilities, but if
in what is going on. It is entirely conceivable that one or more things go bad he will flee as best as he can. If PCs manage
PCs have been "arrested" and taken to the camp. It is equally to stop the ceremonies from even beginning Floyd will go
possible that one or more of the OCTF have been captured mad and attack PCs with his bare hands (+10 to STR is
or slain by the PCs. Rememberthat if forced into a non-public recommended to simulate his insane fury).
combat situation the OCTF members will change shape and
use their special abilities. However if publicly confronted with THE WRAP-UP
evidence of their guilt they will go quietly, trusting in the Of course the truth will never be told. A passable fiction
resources of s.l.e. to free them at a later date. At any rate about "bad cops" and a PR campaign are all that will be
GMs should not be overly worried about steering PCs toward released. PC SABER agents will be expected to file com-
the camp. An opportunity will arrive to direct PCs there plete reports. Other PCs who have done well will be ap-
(Memories of movies about serial killers at camps should do proached by SABER. Federal or other Law enforcement
the trick). PCs will have to file some type of report; depending on the
The camp is ten miles outside of town at the edge of a small Agency this may require a certain bit of creativity.
forest. A chain link fence surrounds the thirty acre site. Astute One last thing ... A few days later, the most public PC
PCs will notice that surveyor markers are placed throughout during the investigation will receive a plain white envelope in
the area. Several bulldozers are here as well as other the mail. Inside on plain white paper, written in blood, are the
construction equipment. Piles of rubble mark the sites of words:
demolished cabins (since Floyd owns the land. he had "It's not over"
construction stopped for a while claiming permit problems).
A black van is parked next the only building remaining - NOTES ON NPCS
the bath house next to the swimming pool. The dried out pool All the Wereboars should be constructed using the Detec-
is to be the site of the next slaying. Mrs. Episcipo and anyone tive package; extra levels are not recommended due to the
else captured during the course of the scenario will bound tough nature of Wereboars. Floyd is a regular Detective; use
and gagged inside the bath house. the package and add Stealth. Especially nasty GMs may
Wrapping up the scenario is a fairly straightforward task- choose to add the Soldier package to Watson and Lewis.
rescue the prisoners and stop the Wereboars. GMs should
be prepared for PCs to create grandiose schemes to get in FINAL NOTE
the camp. Go ahead and let them. When in a combat If the GM really wants to complicate things he can have
situation at the camp the Wereboars will use the following James Hamilton, the cultist who died in the car wreck, be the
tactics. All will transform into Wereboars, including Floyd local SIC lieutenant. It will be his death that put Sussman in
(but only if he has been able to complete the Spell). Lewis will charge and created the necessity for a new member in the
charge PCs head-on, firing as he closes, using tooth and cult. Charles Trigula can actually be a SIC member, also. He
claw when out of ammunition. He will not retreat. Watson will will be watching Sussman to see whether he is fit for the post
attempt to flee if the odds begin to turn against the Wereboars. of lieutenant. He may even be in the running for the post
Sussman will attempt to use prisoners as hostages and himself - his assistance to the PCs can be construed as a
bargain his way out. If Floyd is interrupted while performing clever way of getting rid of the competition.

Note: These examples previously appeared in HERO BUILDING SPIRITS IN A FOCUS
System Almanac !. Spirits that enter a living container in the course of play
Here are some sample spirits for use in different genres. don't have to pay points for any abilities the container has.
Of course, the nature of certain types of spirits may vary in Similarly, spirits that enter a recently dead body getto use its
your campaign according to your view of them. Vampires, basic capabilities (like STR and movement) without paying
particularly, vary widely in the literature, according to the way for them. If you want to create a spirit that occupies a physical
the author defined them. The particular type of vampire form, though, you have to pay points for the privilege. Spirits
presented here is a way of treating one as an evil spirit rather can be created from scratch as occupying a body of some
than as a corporeal entity. sort, whether it's a corpse, a skeleton or an android. The
Spirits include such beings as djinn, ifrits, genies, ghosts, spirit's Characteristics are purchased normally, but the spirit
(some) demons, poltergeists, banshee and will-o-the-wisps. can buy additional Characteristics and powers through the
Some spirits may have realistic seeming manifestations, body, which is treated as an Obvious, Inaccessible Focus.
using Telekinesis and Images to present the illusion of a Spirits built this way can buy (if desired) STR, BODY, PD,
body (even adding Force Wall if necessary). Of course, they ED, END, REC and COM; but any these that are purchased
cannot be destroyed by ordinary means. Djinn and ifrits are must be bought from a starting value of o. Spirits built this
good examples of such extremely powerful spirits. Some way still cannot purchase CON or STUN (since neither have
demons may also manifest in this way. Ghosts range from meaning for a nonliving body).
very innocuous spirits that merely create a harmless Image While this "spirit in a Focus"resemblesan ordinary character
or two (a ghostly figure, a rattling chain and a moan) to at a casual glance, there are differences. First of all, because
powerful spirits that can affect the physical world with TK or of the nature of the spirit, it takes no Stun damage at all and
even spells. Poltergeists are spirits with TK (often area effect it doesn't get Stunned. You don't need to buy Life Supportfor
TK). Note that Djinn would have a very high EGO and thus the spirit; the Focus is not really alive in the traditional sense,
be very difficult to put into a jar. They might even have Power and thus does not need to breathe, eat, sleep or perform
Defense to help defend against Shift Spirits. other annoying functions. Those can be taken as Character
Barrow wights would be types of spirits also, as would Disadvantages, if you like. On the other side of the equation,
skeletons, liches, and zombies. Essentially, these are spirits any physical Characteristics desired must be bought from a
that have physical manifestations of some sort. This makes o starting value. The spirit in a Focus has no base movement
them very, very dangerous, since they can attack you in and no senses to begin with; all must be purchased.
physical ways, yet they cannot be directly hurt by physical All physical Characteristics and all attacks should be
attacks. Sometimes the spirit is bound to its physical bought at a +2 Advantage Affects Real World, with a -112 OIF
manifestation, and destroying that can free the spirit. A lich Limitation. Essentially, most things are purchased at double
might be a spirit bound to some old bones; a skeleton would cost under this rule. Skills, Perks and Talents are purchased
use the bones as a Focus for its Telekinesis. at the normal cost, however. Spirits in a Focus are subject to
It's important to note that many of these spirits have Flash attacks (assuming they've bought some senses, since
Disadvantages that allow them to be hurt in some fashion by they start with none) and Entangles. Normal Adjustment
ordinary heroes (those without special powers that can affect Powers will work only against Characteristics bought through
spirits). Unless a spirit possesses those types of the OIF. Mental Powers and Adjustment Powers that work
Disadvantages, though, normal heroes can't do much too against spirit Characteristics must be bought with the usual
them unless they have some powers or weapons designed Affects Spirit Advantage (and ECV-based, in the case of
to affect spirits. Adjustment Powers) in order to affect the spirit. However,
The spirit rules can also be used to write up more diverse you get the line-of-sight for free; no special senses are
creatures, such as extremely tough trolls, androids, or even necessary to find the spirit, since it's always in its container.
certaintypes of aliens. Generally,such unusualinterpretations The Focus Limitation as used here is interpreted differently
of spirits are considered different special effects forthe spirit than the standard Focus Limitation. The body as Focus does
rules. For instance, a standard Shift Spirit wouldn't work on not gain any defenses automatically, and is not subject to the
an android. "take BODY, lose a power" rule. However, the Focus can
These sample spirits can be created in different ways than lose abilities when damage is taken, according to the special
that presented here, in order to better represent how things effects. For instance, if you lop off the body's hands, it can no
work in an individual campaign. longer use any weapons (or cast any spells that require
gestures). If you remove the body's head, it is still "alive" and
can still think, but it cannot control its body. (If you want
severed parts to continue functioning after they are severed,
buy Telekinesis, OIF Body.)
The body Focus does not bleed, but neither does it heal
any damage. Damage can be repaired by using Adjustment DEMONFLAME
Powers or with appropriate skills (for an android, anyway;
repairing a corpse might be beyond the abilities of hand
tools). So it's possible to completely destroy the Focus. Val Cha Cost Combat Stats
Additionally, since the body is an OIF, you must define - STR - OCV: 6
some way that it can be rendered inactive. An example might 18 DEX 24 DCV: 6
be an Off button for an android, or holy attacks or symbols - CON - ECV: 9
used against undead. - BODY - Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
It's important to note that this is not the only way to create 15 INT 5
an android or other artificial being. It's equally proper to say 26 EGO 32 Costs:
25 PRE 15
that your character is an android, and it's so human that you
- COM - Char: 88 Base: 100
just happen to feel pain and bleed and do all those other - PD - + +
things that normal characters do. The decision is up to you. - ED - Powers: 317 Disads: 305
4 SPD 12 = =
- REC - Totals: 405 405
- END -

Cost Powers
Val Cha Cost Combat Stats
47 12d6 Mind Control, Wielder Only (-2), No Range,
- STR - OCV: 6 No END Cost
18 DEX 24 DCV: 6 47 12d6 Telepathy, Wielder Only (-2), No Range,
- CON - ECV: 7 No END Cost
- BODY - Phases: 3, 6,9,12 90 4d6 RKA (demon flame), 16 charges
14 INT 4 38 2d6 HKA, No END Cost, STR Min 10 (-%)
20 EGO 20 Costs: 17 1 d6 RKA vs. ED, sword flame, Linked to HKA,
35 PRE 25 No Range, No END Cost
- COM - Char: 85 Base: 100 17 1 d6 RKA flame, 16 Continuing Charges, 1 Turn,
- PD - + + No Range, Linked to HKA
- ED - Powers: 337 Disad: 322 35 Change Environment (intense heat) 4" radius,
4 SPD 12 = = No END Cost
- REC - Totals: 422 422 7,7 Normal Vision; Night Vision
- END -
7,5 Normal Hearing; Astral Vision
- STUN -
All powers bought as OAF broadsword.
Cost Powers 100+ Disadvantages
175 5d6 STUN Drain, No END Cost 50 Repelled by holy ground (pyschological and physical)
78 Telekinesis 15 STR No END Cost 50 Repelled by holy symbols (pyschological and physical)
52 Images (sight, sound) 15 pts, No END Cost 25 Berserk when thwarted, 14-, Recover 8-
15 Night Vision 20 Psychological Limitation: Cruel and vicious
10 Astral Vision 160 Bonus
1 Familiarity with sword
6 2 Skill Levels w/swords
100+ Disadvantages Demonflame looks like a broadsword, but certainly not an
ordinary broadsword. This sword has a demon's head at the
40 Magic weapons do 1 Y2X damage as Consume Spirit quillons, so that the sword looks like a giant fang protruding
75 Susceptibility to sunlight, 5d6 per phase from the demon's mouth. The edges of the sword are jagged,
50 Bound to barrow, physically and psychologically and it makes terrible ragged wounds. The sheath and the hilt
25 Repelled by holy symbols (psychological)
are bound in a blood-red leather that's almost like sharkskin,
25 Hatred of living things
30 Berserk when damaged, 14-, Recover 8- but it's not-it's demonhide. Two blood rubies form the eyes
15 Watched by local forest spirits, 14- of the demon, and the pommel is an enormous ruby that
62 Bonus seems to glow in the sunlight.
The sword is actually a captive demon, bound there by the
Sorceror King of ancient Serrunis over a thousand years
This undead creature has no physical form, yet it can use ago. The Sorceror King was mighty enough to control the
its Telekinesis to wear armor and wield a sword. (The armor demon and bend it to his will, and he used this blade when
is mostly for effect, since there's no physical form to protect.) he went to war. When the Sorceror King was overthrown by
The barrow wight can be destroyed by magic weapons or by the barbarian hordes of the Northlands, the sword was lost
sunlight. The barrow wight is bound to its barrow or burial during the sack of the palace. Concealed in the ruins for
location. centuries, the sword lay undisturbed until it was uncovered
It uses its STUN Drain to take captives, then it sacrifices by traders salvaging marble blocks from the ruins. The trader
them at its leisure. The barrow wight uses its Images to who found it didn't draw it (which was wise indeed), but sold
manifest itself; it often uses PRE Attacks to make its targets it to a merchant in Kythros. Whence it now passes into the
easier prey. The barrow wight can also wield its sword and realm of the player characters ...
shield if it's necessary to physically attack its foes.
Demonflame will instantly seek to control anyone who
draws the sword from the sheath. And with the amount of DJINN
Mind Control the demon wields, he's almost certain to do just
that. Bored after a thousand years of interminable
nothingness, Demonflame seeks sensation first, to glut Val Cha Cost Combat Stats
himself on the blood and screaming pain of anyone he can. - STR - OCV: 7
But the demon is cunning enough to ensure that his wielder 21 DEX 33 DCV: 7
isn't slain out of hand, and risk the chance that Demonflame - CON - ECV: 8
might be stored away where no one can touch him. So - BODY - Phases: 3, 6,9, 12
Demonflame, after an initial burst of joy at his newfound 5 INT -5
freedom, will be cautious, though the bloodlust runs strong 23 EGO 26 Costs:
25 PRE 15
within him, and he delights in destruction.
After a while, Demonflame will realize that he can achieve
- COM - Char: 78 Base: 100
- PO - + +
more than just being a sword with a handy servant. Indeed, - ED - Powers: 522 Disad 500
if Demonflame works this aright, he could lead his wielder to 4 SPD 9 = =
great power over other men. Perhaps someday his wielder - REC - Totals: 600 600
will grow powerful enough (with Demonflame's help) to hire - END -
a wizard to free Demonflame from the sword, when - STUN -
Demonflame will resume his true identity and rule in his true
Cost Powers
form. Someday ...
This is a very nasty sword that can provide long-term 101 Transform (create anything) 3d6, No END Cost
interest in a fantasy campaign. Demonflame's famous quote 169 Telekinesis 50 STR, Area Effect 15" radius,
to its new wielder is: "Hello, hands and feet!" But Demonflame No END Cost
will prove his usefulness in combat with his deadly attacks, 74 Images (sight, sound, -6 PER, 4" radius),
including the ability to set things on fire, cast flaming bolts of No END Cost
38 Images (sound, -2 PER), No END Cost
energy, run flames along the sword, and just genereally 40 Shift Spirit, 4d6, Self Only (-1), Nonliving containers
cause a lot of damage while being light as a feather to wield. only (-1), No END Cost
But Demonflame will take every possible opportunity to 52 Change Environment (weather) 16" radius,
cause pain and slay people, especially those who are No END Cost
dearest to its wielder. A demon loves nothing more than 7 Normal Vision
torment, after all. 7 Normal Hearing
Demonflame's true demon form could be considered a 20 Clairvoyance
Multiform, which the GM is free to design to fit the needs of 5 Astral Vision
the campaign. The true from would have an entirely different All powers (except the minor Sound Images and
Shift Spirit) are bought with the -1 Limitation Can't
set of powers; this demon in the sword was shaped thus by
Use While In Container.
the magic of the Sorceror King. 2 Familiarity with common melee weapons
3 + 1 Skill level with swords
2 KS: Desert environment
2 Fluent in modern language

100+ Disadvantages
25 Bound to bottle, physically
30 Berserk when thwarted, 14-, Recover 8-
25 Psychological Limitation: Very Stupid
420 Bonus

This powerful djinni is stuck in a bottle; his overriding goal

is to be free. To that end, he will promise people anything (his
minor Sound Images is used for talking to those nearby the
bottle). Once he's out, he'll promptly break any promises
he's made. And he's so amazingly powerful that only a
mighty wizard could put him back in the bottle., unless you
take advantage of his incredible ego and incredible stupidity
to trick him back inside. The djinni can use his TK directly as
Strength to throw the heroes around or punch them, or he
can wield a mighty weapon (created with his Transform) or
he can combine it with his Change Environment to create
immense whirlwinds or other weather effects. The djinni
uses his Images to manifest himself as an immense manlike
form, normally, though he can take any shape he desires.
Other types of djinn may have greater or lesser powers
than this one.

Val Cha Cost Combat Stats Val Cha Cost Combat Stats
- STR - OCV:4 - STR - OCV: 4
11 DEX 3 DCV: 4 11 DEX 3 DCV: 4
- CON - ECV: 5 - CON - ECV:4
- BODY - Phases: 4,8, 12 - BODY - Phases: 4,8, 12
15 INT 5 11 INT 1
14 EGO 8 Costs: 11 EGO 2 Costs
15 PRE 5 20 PRE 10
- COM - Char: 30 Base: 100 - COM - Char: 25 Base: 100
- PD - + + - PD - + +
- ED - Powers: 233 Disad: 163 - ED - Powers: 150 Disad: 75
3 SPD 9 = = 3 SPD 9 = =
- REC - Totals: 263 263 - REC - Totals: 175 175
- END - - END -
- STUN - - STUN -

Cost Powers Cost Powers

101 Transform (create anything) 1 d6, No END Cost 35 Images (sight, sound, 1 hex), No END Cost
98 Images (sight, sound, -6 PER, 1 hex), No END Cost 70 Change Environment (fear) 8" radius, No END Cost
15 Normal Vision 15 Normal Vision
15 Normal Hearing 15 Night Vision
10 Astral Vision 10 Astral Vision
2 KS: Fashion design 5 Lipreading 12-
2 Fluent in modern language
100+ Disadvantages
100+ Disadvantages
50 Bound to house, physically and psychologically
20 DNPC (generic helpless person), 11- 25 Repelled by holy symbols (psychological)
20 Psychological Limitation: Always Helpful
20 Psychological Limitation: Dotty & Forgetful
103 Bonus This is your basic spirit, a ghost that's haunting a house.
He's got a little bit of Change Environment to create an aura
of fear in an area, which can add to his PRE Attacks (the
Well, we had to throw in a nice spirit, didn't we? This Fairy amount is at the GM's discretion). The ghost uses Images to
Godmother is adept at doing instant clothing alterations, or create scary Sights and sounds, usually with the intent of
minor bits of similar magic in order to be a little helpful to addingto the PRE Attacks (rattlingchains, moans, horrendous
people in need. Of course, the FG is a little bit crazy, and she visions). He's also got Astral Vision, Normal Vision and Night
does tend to forget things, so she may end up being more of Vision so that he can see what goes on. This ghost can't
a bother than a help. She uses her Images to manifest her hear, but he can read lips if he has to find out what people are
appearance and to talk to people. saying. Of course, he can't physically affect normal people,
but he can scare the heck out of them. This may cause death
or injury, if the ghost picks on the elderly or weak, or scares
someone when they're in a hazardous situation (like on a
ladder or a weakened stairway).
His goal in all this is to remove the condition which binds
him to the house; the GM should create an interesting set of
conditions that the players must bring about in order to end
this ghost's haunting. You'll notice that this ghost doesn't
have the Shift Spirit power, so he is unable to leave a
container once placed there.

The lich is a powerful undead wizard, essentially an

LlCH animated skeleton with vast sorcerous powers. The lich will
usually be surrounded by servants it has conjured through its
necromancy: zombies, skeletons and the like. The lich
Val Cha Cost Combat Stats should have a set of magical powers consistent with your
20 STR 47' OCV:6;DCV:6;ECV:9 campaign; the ones listed serve as an example of what a lich
18 DEX 24 Phases: 4,8, 12 could do.
- CON - Costs The lich uses its Mind Scan and Mind Control along with
8t BODY 3 Char: 180 Base: 100 its Shift Spirit to bring spirits to its pentagram, where it will use
25 INT 15 + + the Force Wall to contain the spirit. In the case of especially
28 EGO 36 Powers: 587 Disad: 667 dangerous spirits, the lich will use its Suppress to prevent the
30 PRE 20 = =
spirit from causing damage outside the Force Wall. The lich
4t COM 4 Totals: 767 767
PO -
often forces spirits to occupy dead bodies, thus becoming its
4=1= ED - • - Bought with Affects Real World (+2) and servants.
3 SPD 2 No END Cost (+Y2). OIF Body (-Y2). The lich's other powers are used on any who are foolish
- REC - t - Bought with Affects Real World (+2). enough to cross its path. The GM should feel free to substitute
- END - OfF Body (-Y2). a different set of spells more in keeping with the nature of his
- STUN - :j: - Bought as Armor; see Powers List for cost. or her particular campaign.
Note that the lich doesn't have to buy its Mind Scan and
Cost Powers Mind Control with the +V2 Affects Spirits Advantage, since
47 Life Drain: 4d6 BODY Drain, Ranged, OAF Amulet, the lich is still on the spirit plane. This is an important
Gestures, Incantations, 8 Charges (-112) difference between using a body as a Focus and Possessing
213 4d6 Shift Spirit, Ranged, No END Cost Spirit a body.
Summoning (all bought with Gestures, Incantations,
Extra Time (5 hours), Human sacrifice required (-2),
OIF inscribed pentagram (Immobile),
1 Charge. (-9 total Limitation)
16 8d6 Mind Scan, +5 to Roll, Only for spirits (-1),
No END Cost
25 16d6 Mind Control, Only for spirits (-1), No END Cost
49 10/4 Force Wall 7", Gestures, Incantations,
OAF Amulet, No END Cost
20 Power Defense (15 points), Affects Spirits
Both Ways (+ 1), Linked to Force Wall, Gestures,
Incantations, OAF Amulet
96 Suppress Magic, (45 or 15d6), 1 Continuing Charge
(5 minutes), Area Effect 7" radius, Gestures,
Incantations, OAF Amulet, No END Cost
36 Armor, +8 PO, +4 ED
10 Astral Vision
7 Normal Vision
7 Normal Hearing
28 Running 7"
7 Flash Defense (5 points), OAF Amulet
7 Power Defense (5 points), OAF Amulet

Cost Skills
2 Familiarity with common melee weapons
6 +2 with sword&shield
3 KS: Magic 14-
3 KS: Necromancy 14-
5 Stealth 13-

100+ Disadvantages
40 Magic weapons do 1 Y2x damage as Consume Spirit
65 Susceptibility to holy water, 5d6 per phase
50 Repelled by holy symbols (psychological and physical)
25 Hatred of living things
30 Berserk when damaged, 14-, Recover 8-
457 Bonus

Note: All Powers are bought with +2 Affects Real World,

Note: Note that the STR, BODY, COM are all bought from a
starting value of O.
This is a friendly spirit, often taking the form of a giant rabbit
POLTERGEIST that only its friend can see, as in the classic movie Harvey.
Other examples of similar spirits include Topper, Heaven
Can Wait, and numerous other movies where ghosts appear
Val Char Cost Combat Stats and only one person can see them. The Pookah is a friendly
- STR - OCV:4 sort of spirit that just wants to help out the human it befriends.
11 DEX 3 DCV: 4 Of course, the Pookah really doesn't have much in the way
- CON - ECV: 4 of powers; all it can do is observe what's happening in the
- BODY - Phases: 6, 12 real world, and report to its friend. This can be useful in the
10 INT 0 right situations; a little knowledge of what someone else is
11 EGO 2 Costs planning can be very helpful.
20 PRE 10
Unfortunately, the poor human friend of the Pookah may
- COM - Char: 15 Base: 100
soon be seen as a real loon by others, since no one else can
- PO - + +
- ED - Powers: 160 Disad: 75 see or hearthe thing that the human is talking to. This can be
2 SPD 0 = = a very interesting plot complication.
- REC - Totals: 175 175
- END -
- STUN -
Cost Powers
135 Telekinesis 20 STR, Area Effect 3" radius, Val Char Cost Combat Stats
No END Cost
15, 10 Normal Vision; Astral Vision 15 STR 30' OCV: 5; DCV: 5; ECV: 3
14 DEX 12 Phases: 4, 8, 12
100+ Disadvantages - CON - Costs
8t BODY 32 Char: 81 Base: 100
50 Bound to house, physically and psychologically 9 INT -1 + +
25 Repelled by holy symbols (psychological) -4
8 EGO Powers: 54 Disad: 35
15 PRE 5 = =
ot COM 0 Totals: 135 135
The poltergeist is a destructive form of ghost that is mostly 2:j: PD -
Telekinesis. The poltergeist throws things around in the area 2:j: ED - • - Bought with Affects Real World (+2) and
it is bound to, and works to frighten or injure people. 3 SPD 6 No END Cost (+V2). OIF Skeleton (-V2).
Poltergeists have some root cause which the GM should - REC - t - Bought with Affects Real World (+2).
create; when this essential problem is solved for the - END - OIF Skeleton (-V2).
poltergeist, it will go away. Until then, though, the poltergeist - STUN - :j: - Bought as Armor; see Powers List for cost.
can give the heroes fits.
Cost Powers
12 Armor, +2 PD, +2 ED
7 Normal Vision
POOKAH 7 Normal Hearing
24 Running 6"
2 Familiarity with common melee weapons
Val Char Cost Combat Stats
- STR - OCV:3 100+ Disadvantages
10 DEX 0 DCV: 3 30 Vulnerability to magic attacks as Consume Spirit
- CON - ECV:7 5 Unluck
- BODY - Phases: 4, 8, 12
15 INT 5
20 EGO 20 Costs Note: All Powers are bought with +2 Affects Real World,
15 PRE 5 -1I20IF.
- COM - Char: 40 Base: 100 Note: Note that the STR, BODY, COM are all bought from a
- PD - + + starting value of O.
- ED - Powers: 70 Disad: 10
3 SPD 10 = = This is the basic model skeleton. Necromancers prefer
- REC - Totals: 110 110 spirits that are easily handled when they conjure skeletons,
- END - so they look for spirits with a low EGO. This skeleton had
- STUN - basic weapon-handling skills wilen it was alive; optionally,
the wizard could put the skeleton in some armor for added
Cost Powers
protection. A more dangerous skeleton would be stronger,
35 6d6 Mental Illusions, No END Cost, tougher or more skilled. A really dangerous skeleton might
Only To Talk & Appear to Friend (-2) use Telekinesis instead of STR to animate itself. This would
15, 15 Normal Vision; Normal Hearing allow it to keep using limbs that had been hacked off,
10 Astral Vision whereas with STR those limbs become useless.
100+ Disadvantages
10 Psych Lim: Friendly

100+ Disadvantages
20 Psychological Limitation: Bloodthirsty
10 Vulnerability: 2x Effect from Suppress
Val Char Cost Combat Stats 20 Reputation: Intensely Evil
10 Distinctive Looks: Rune-carved black blade
- STR OCV: 6
483 Bonus
18 DEX 24 DCV: 6
BODY - Phases: 3,6,9, 12 This hand-and-a-half sword eats the souls of those it
8 INT -2
attacks and feeds the powerto its wielder. The points drained
18 EGO 16 Costs from the souls are used to replenish an END Reserve, which
25 PRE 15
4 COM 3 Char: 69 Base: 100 the sword uses to feed various Aids that can be given to the
PD + + wielder. It's important to note that the Aid is completely at the
ED Powers: 574 Disad: 543 discretion of the sword, not the wielder. The sword will only
4 SPD 12 use Aid when it deems it appropriate. While generally the
REC Totals: 643 643 sword doesn't try to influence events, occasionally its
END bloodthirstiness will take over and it will use its Telekinesis
STUN - to direct itself contrary to the wielder'S wishes. For instance,
Cost Powers
sometimes the sword will attack someone that the wielder
wanted to spare.
63 3d6 HKA, No END Cost, STR Min 10, This sword is currently found as the symbiotic companion
1Y2 handed sword (-Y2) of an albino prince of a lost race. The prince is a weakling
168 4d6 Consume Spirit, transfers to END Reserve, without the sword; STR 5, CON 8, though he is a skilled
Linked to HKA, No END Cost
24 3d6 STR Aid, Wielder Only (-Y2),
swordsman and a powerful wizard. But the sword feeds him
Fade Rate 1 hour (+ 1) a tiny trickle of STR when the prince is awake, thus enabling
24 3d6 CON Aid, Wielder Only (-Y2), him to function normally. (Occasionally the sword will also
Fade Rate 1 hour (+1) supply CON, REC or END, usually in battle.) The sword
24 3d6 REC Aid, Wielder Only (-Y2), replenishes itself by feeding off the souls of those it slays,
Fade Rate 1 hour (+ 1) and its appetite for souls is immense. SoulDrinker has an evil
24 3d6 END Aid, Wielder Only (-Y2), reputation, and for good reason.
Fade Rate 1 hour (+1) Aside from its souldrinking powers, the sword is a deadly
180 1200 pt. END Reserve for Aid weapon in combat, doing immense damage and almost
24 Telekinesis STR 20, Sword Only (-2), seeming to direct itself towards the target at times. The
No Range, No END Cost
sword's levels can be used for OCV or DCV, but only if the
7 Soul Vision: sees souls around itself
36 +3 with sword (OCV or DCV only, 8 point levels) sword can see its opponent with its Soul Vision.
All powers bought with the -1 Limitation OAF
bastard sword.
218 HORROR Ht:RO: t:NDLt:SS NI(iHTM~Rt:S o

TROLL There is a way to defeat the troll: fire will destroy its body
parts and stop the regeneration. If you cast the body pieces
into a fire, that will destroy them permanently. When all are
Val Char Cost Combat Stats destroyed, the troll is vanquished. But be assured that all the
- STR - OCV: 5; DCV: 5; ECV: 3 players will remember a battle with this sort of troll for a long,
14 DEX 12 Phases: 4,8, 12 long time.
- CON -
20t BODY 80 Costs
4 INT -6 Char: 104 Base: 100
8 EGO -4 + +
25 PRE 15 Powers: 371 Disad: 375
1t COM 1 = =
Cost Combat Stats
Val Char
2:1: PD - Totals: 475 475
2:1: ED - 25 STR 58' OCV:5; DCV:5; ECV:4
3 SPD 6 * - Bought with Affects Real World (+2), 15 DEX 15 Phases: 4, 8, 12
- REC - OIF Body (-V2). - CON - Costs
- END - 10t BODY 40 Char: 140 Base: 100
- STUN - :j: - Bought as Armor; see Powers List for cost. 10 INT 0 + +
11 EGO 2 Powers: 100 Disad: 140
Cost Powers 20 PRE 10 = =
105 STR 30 Telekinesis, No END Cost, 10t COM 10 Totals: 240 240
acts like STR (no bonus) 8:1: PD -
43 1%d6 HKA claws/fangs, 8:1: ED - * - Bought with Affects Real World (+2) and

Reduced Penetration (2 x 1 Y2d6 w/STR) 3 SPD 5 No END Cost (+V2), OIF Armor (-V2).

120 Regeneration 6 BODY/Turn - REC - t - Bought with Affects Real World (+2),

12 Armor, +2 PD, +2 ED - END - OIF Armor (-V2).

7,7 Normal Vision; Night Vision - STUN - :j: - Bought as Armor; see Powers List for cost.
7,7 Normal Hearing; Normal Taste/Smell
Cost Powers
20,32 Tracking Scent; Running 8"
5,6 Stealth 12-; +3 OCV with claws 48 Armor, +8 PD, +8 ED
7 Normal Vision
100+ Disadvantages 7 Normal Hearing
50 Vulnerability to fire, 2x damage 24 Running 6"
120 10d6 Susceptibility to body destruction, per segment 2 Familiarity with common melee weapons
20 Psych Lim: Very stupid 12 +4 with swords
35 Berserk in combat 14-, Recover 8-
100+ Disadvantages
150 Bonus
100 8d6 Susceptibility to helmet removal or opening,
per phase
Note: All Powers are bought with +2 Affects Real World, 40 Vulnerability to magical attacks, 1.5x damage

This really nasty troll is based On the one found in Poul

Note: All Powers are bought with +2 Affects Real World,
Anderson's classic fantasy novel Three Hearts And Three -% OIF.
Lions. This beast, while very stupid, nonethless has a keen
Note: Note that the STR, BODY, COM are all bought from a
sense of smell and is nearly unstoppable. The troll regenerates
starting value of O.
very rapidly, and since it doesn't bleed at all nor care if it is
at a negative BODY total, it takes an incredible amount of The spirit knight is an empty suit of armor that's nearly
hacking and hewing to cut it to pieces. impossible to defeat in single combat. Well, of course that
But the trouble doesn't stop even if you've succeeded in depends on how good the hero is, and how the GM chooses
severing a limb or opening its belly, because all parts of the to alterthis writeup. This particular spirit knight may not be as
troll's body are independently animated. Cut off a hand or an fast as some heroes, but it is stronger than most and skilled
arm, and it crawls toward you to clutch at you. Carve open its with a sword. The GM may want to give the spirit knight an
intestines and they'll wrap around you like snakes. Pieces enchanted blade, too, to make things even more difficult.
that are cut off will either attack or attempt to rejoin the body Spirit knights are created as servants or guardians by a
(a half-phase maneuver to get into the right place, and a powerful necromancer, in most cases. They are terribly
couple of segments to regenerate the 1 BODY necessary to difficult to stop, since they have heavy plate armor and a fair
heal the cut). amount of BODY. However, if you can somehow manage to
Even if the troll is cut into pieces, thought, it will only get remove its helmet or open its helmet, this will release the
three actions in a turn (as per its SPD rating); the GM must spirit and destroy the creature. (The GM is free to consider
decide which body parts will choose to act. One minor the Consume Spi rit effect from the Susceptibility as meaning
exception: if a body part is clutching something, it may either of two things: the spirit was destroyed, or the spirit was
continue to exert its STR every phase the troll has, regardless freed and returned to where it belongs, wherever that may
of other actions being performed. (This is somewhat like be.)
having an Extra Limb.)


Val Char Cost Combat Stats

- STR - OCV: 7
21 DEX 33 DCV: 7
- CON - ECV:9
- BODY - Phases: 3,6, 9, 12
18 INT 8
26 EGO 32 Costs
40 PRE 30
- COM - Char: 112 Base: 100
- PO - + +
- ED - Powers: 773 Disad: 785
4 SPD 9 = =
- REC - Totals: 885 885
- END -
- STUN -
Cost Powers
84 6d6 Mind Control, Limited Range (_1/4), No END Cost
50 10d6 Mental Illusions, Only To Create Self-Image (-2)
Actions Limited By Image (-1), No Range (-112),
Area Effect Radius 20" (+1), No END Cost (+112)
Always On (-112), Persistent (+112)
72 Telekinesis STR 30, Area Effect 1 hex, Only As If A
Body (-1), No Range (-112), No END Cost
315 2d6 Consume Spirit, Recovery per week (+ 1 %),
No END Cost
70 2d6 BODY Drain, Linked to Consume Spirit,
No END Cost, Recovery per week (+ 1 %)
60 2d6 Cumulative Transform, Spirit to Vampire,
No END Cost
15, 15 Normal Vision; Night Vision
15,10 Normal Hearing; Astral Vision Vampires have been the subject of hundreds of stories,
and it seems as if each author has their own interpretation of
Cost Skills vampire abilities. Certainly there is no one correct way to
24 +3 all combat write up a vampire in game terms; each GM will have his own
3,3 Conversation 17-; Persuasion 17- idea of what vampires should be like. This writeup is closer
3,3 Oratory 17-; Seduction 17- to the classical vampire, a highly powerful supernatural
3, 7 High Society 17-; Shadowing 13- being that feeds off of the life force of living people. This
3,3 Concealment 13-; Stealth 13- version of a vampire has no true physical existence, but it's
3,3 Bribery 17-; Bureaucratics 17- a malevolent spirit that presents itself as having a humanoid
3,3 Deduction 13-; KS: Transylvania 13- form.
0,3 Rumanian (native); English Here's a key thing about this vampire; he's not based on
100+ Disadvantages raw power, but on cleverness and subtlety. The vampire's
weaknesses are many, and to survive he must use his
50 Vulnerability to wood and other attacks, 2x damage powers, skills, and cunning to the fullest extent possible.
65 Susceptibility: wood and other attacks, Especially when determined heroes, armed with knowledge
1 Od6 damage per phase
and weapons, come hunting for him.
75 Susceptibility to sunlight, 506, per phase
55 Susceptibility to holy symbols, 3d6 per segment This vampire's Mind Control is limited to a fairly close
10 Dependence: Must sleep in native earth, 2d6 per day range where good eye contact can be made, generally less
5 Dependence: must have blood to survive, 2d6 per day than 6 meters or so, but it can be further if the circumstances
40 Repelled by holy places, Physical Limitation 20 points, are right. You'll notice that the vampire's Mind Control isn't
and Psychological Limitation 20 points that powerful; he relies on his cleverness in setting up
40 Repelled by holy symbols, Physical Limitation 20 situations where this power can be used, and on his
points, and Psychological Limitation 20 points overwhelming Presence and personal skills (like Persuasion
15 Repelled by garlic and some other herbs (Physical and Seduction).
Limitation) His Mental Illusions are merely to create the image of his
50 Stays dormant during daylight, Physical Limitation 25
body (or of his other forms, the bat, the wolf, the mist, and
points, and Psychological Limitation 25 points
40 Repelled by dwellings unless invited, Physical others the GM might wish to use). Because this is a Mental
Limitation 20 points, and Psychological Limitation 20 Illusion, the vampire's image will not appear in a mirror or on
points film. It's all in your mind, in an area around the vampire where
340 Bonus he can be seen. You'll note that the vampire's actions are
limited by his form, although he is a spirit and can technically
do many "impossible" things. Still, if the vampire wants to go
down a sheer wall, he does so by appearing to cling to the ZOMBIE
surface, or by taking bat form, rather than just showing his
body levitating (or indeed, by disappearing and reappearing).
The vampire cannot become invisible; he must always show Val Char Cost Combat Stats
himself in some form. The classical vampire is limited to 15 STR 15' OCV: 4; DCV: 4; ECV: 3
human, bat, wolf, and mist; the GM may wish to define other 11 DEX 3 Phases: 4,8, 12
forms that the vampire may assume. - CON - Costs
The vampire's Telekinesis is used to further the illusion 10t BODY 17 Char: 58 Base: 100
that there is an actual body there. The Telekinesis gives a 8 INT -2 + +
real tactile impression to someone who might touch the 10 EGO 0 Powers: 22 Disad: -20
20 PRE 10 = =
vampire, and of course it also allows the vampire to exert
2t COM 1 Totals: 80 80
tremendous Strength on the real world. This is the source of PD 3
the vampire's main "attack," if he is ever forced into such 2t ED 2 • - Bought with Affects Real World (+2) and
crude methods. (Though the vampire works hard to avoid 3 SPD 9 No END Cost (+Y2), OIF Body (.Y2),
any such confrontation.) - REC - Independent (·2).
So the vampire, while appearing to be a real form, is - END - t - Bought with Affects Real World (+2),
merely a mirage, yet with the ability to affect the real world - STUN - OIF Body (-Y2), Independent (-2).
when he so desires. In this fashion the vampire is immune to
Cost Powers
damage from almost all sources; bullets pass through him
with no more effect than if they passed through smoke. 9 V2d6 HKA claws/teeth,
However, the vampire is in some sense bound to this Reduced Penetration (2 xV2d6 w/STR)'
representation of a body, so that attacking with a wooden 4 Normal Visiont
stake is attacking the spirit directly, too, because of the 4 Night Visiont
vampire's Disadvantages. 5 Running 3"t
The vampire normally feeds by draining his victim's life 100+ Disadvantages
force, defined as a Consume Spirit where the points are
transferred to the vampire's EGO (often to restore the effects 30 Vulnerability to fire as Consume Spirit
25 Bound to body, physical
of EGO lost because of the vampire'S Dependence on
-75 Unused points
blood). Note that this really isn't EGO, in the sense that it
doesn't add to the vampire's ability to use ECV-based
attacks or to resist same. This EGO score is just a marker, Note: All. Powers are bought with +2 Affects Real World,
as EGO is used in Shift Spirit. The BODY Drain that -V20IF.
accompanies the Consume Spirit represents the total blood Note: Note that the STR, BODY, COM are all bought from a
loss that the victim endures; this is part and parcel of the starting value of O.
Consume Spirit, so the two are linked. Zombies are spirits animating recentlydead bodies. Usually
Usually a vampire feeds all at once, slaying the victim in a this occurs because of a necromancer creating servants for
minute or so. The vampire will often approach the victim as himself, but sometimes it's just because of an invading spirit.
a friend, using all his masterful skills to persuade the victim The zombie body is treated as an Independent Focus forthe
to give in willingly. Willingly, that is, until the fangs enter the purposes of this writeup, though of course when zombification
victim's neck ... by which point it's too late, usually. The happens in the course of a game, you'll just use whatever
vampire's attack takes a number of phases to complete, but Characteristics the dead body had when it was alive, and
generally the victim can't do much, paralyzed by the vampire's hang the point cost.
immense STR. Help from others is usually the only answer. Zombies can be much more powerful than this; some
The vampire may, if he chooses, convert a victim into a zombies are extremely tough (normal weapons bounce off of
vampire. This is done in conjunction with the Consume Spirit them; treat as high Armor values). Usually, though, zombies
described above. As the final part of this sequence, the are fairly slow and can't do all that much damage. Zombies
vampire completes his Cumulative Transform upon the spirit usually do well against normal people, who are scared out of
of his victim, who then becomes a vampire (having died in the their wits by the sight of walking dead men. (As, indeed, are
process, of course). Since the victim doubtless has far less all sane people except for player-characters.) Zombies
points than the mature vampire, many abilities will have to be could also wear armor and use weapons, if the GM desires.
sacrificed or reduced in order to make the points balance, if This particular zombie isn't a very tough one, except for the
that is important to the GM. fact that you haveto do a lot of hacking to carve him up. Whe~
The vampire has numerous skills, many of them based on the body is destroyed, the spirit is also destroyed (or It
Presence, of course. The vampire will use his skills to deflect leaves, which has the same effect in game terms).
the curious and to arrange for a steady supply of easy A warrior with good physical Characteristics, wearing
victims, hopefully without endangering the vampire's secret armor and bearing weapons, would be a much tougher
in the slightest. That, of course, is where the heroes come in.
The GM should play this vampire as the most cunning
adversary the heroes can face.

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