CJCSI 3030.01A
CJCSI 3030.01A
CJCSI 3030.01A
CJCSI 3030.01A
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See Enclosure G
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c. Removes the Joint Force Integration Cell and the Capstone Concept for
Joint Operations.
A- Guidance for Joint Force Development and Design
B - Executing and Implementing Joint Force Development and Design
C -Assessments and Joint Force Development and Design
D - Guidance for Developing Concepts
E - Responsibilities
F- Products and Forums Integrated with Joint Force Development and
G - References
GL - Glossary
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ENCLOSURE A – Guidance for Joint Force Development and Design ............ A-1
Purpose .................................................................................................. A-1
Scope ..................................................................................................... A-1
Joint Force Development and Design and the Joint Strategic Planning
System .............................................................................................. A-1
Joint Force Development and Design ...................................................... A-2
Joint Force Development and Design and the Path to Proficiency ............ A-5
Joint Warfighting Concept ...................................................................... A-7
Key Stakeholders .................................................................................... A-8
ENCLOSURE C – Assessments and Joint Force Development and Design ..... C-1
Overview ................................................................................................ C-1
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Assessments ................................. C-1
Capability Assessments .......................................................................... C-2
Office of the Secretary of Defense Analysis and Assessments .................. C-3
Outcomes-Based Military Education Assessments .................................. C-3
Assessment Outcomes ............................................................................ C-3
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GLOSSARY ................................................................................................GL-1
Part I – Acronyms and Abbreviations ....................................................GL-1
Part II – Definitions ..............................................................................GL-4
1. Continuum of Strategic Direction ............................................................ A-2
2. Joint Force Development and Design Across the Continuum of
Strategic Direction .............................................................................. A-4
3. Concepts to Concepts of Operations and Concepts of Employment to
Concept Required Capabilities ............................................................ A-7
4. Implementing Joint Force Development and Design ................................ B-1
5. Interaction of Programs, Process, Activities, and Decision Bodies
within the Build the Force Line of Effort.............................................. B-3
6. Interaction of Programs, Process, Activities, and Decision Bodies
within the Educate the Force Line of Effort ......................................... B-8
7. Incorporating Joint Force Development and Design Outcomes into
Joint Doctrine................................................................................... B-12
8. Interaction of Programs, Process, Activities, and Decision Bodies
within the Train the Force Line of Effort ............................................ B-15
9. Progression of Joint Force Development and Design inputs through
the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System .............. B-22
1. Products and Forums Integrated with Joint Force
Development and Design ................................................................... F-1
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2. Scope. This instruction does not repeat existing policy for executing title
10, U.S. Code force development functions. Rather, it describes how the joint
force guides, aligns, synchronizes, and integrates these functions to achieve
development and design objectives established by senior leadership.
A-1 Enclosure A
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3. JFDD and the Joint Strategic Planning System. The JSPS (reference b) is
the method by which the CJCS fulfills responsibilities under title 10, U.S.
Code, maintains a global perspective, leverages strategic opportunities,
translates strategy into outcomes, and provides military advice for the SecDef
and President. The JSPS aligns products and processes to support the CJCS’s
continuum of strategic direction (Figure 1) on how the joint force employs,
adapts, and innovates to meet the requirements of strategic guidance and
direction and achieve objectives for global integration.
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that describes an operational approach to how the joint force will fight in the
future; defend U.S., ally, and partner interests; and deter and defeat great
power adversaries. It is aligned with strategic guidance and direction from the
SecDef and CJCS.
4. Joint Force Development and Design. JFDD is the iterative and continuous
process of improving the effectiveness of the current and future joint force
through concept development, assessment, capability development, and joint
force proficiency. JFDD assesses the joint force strategic capabilities in
comparison with our enemies and adversaries, measures our current
capabilities against assumed strategic risk, and provides technological and
operational solutions to bridge those gaps and sustain competitive advantage
A-3 Enclosure A
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5. Joint Force Development and Design Path to Proficiency. The Joint Staff
implements and manages an integrated JFDD campaign of learning to examine
specific problems, test the viability of joint concepts, analyze and synthesize
results, and develop recommendations for senior leaders. Evolving ideas from
joint concepts to proficiency requires synchronization of efforts and
collaboration with key stakeholders throughout the joint force. The Joint Staff
Director for Joint Force Development, J-7 (DJ-7) is responsible for leading
collaborative JFDD efforts that include:
A-4 Enclosure A
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(4) Executing Large Scale Global Exercises (LSGE) to train and assess
the joint force for future conflict in all domains and across multiple CCMDs.
A-5 Enclosure A
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critical thinking to the strategic and operational levels of warfare and inform
the students’ achievement of program learning outcomes.
6. Joint Warfighting Concept. The JWC guides the organization, training, and
equipping of the joint force and includes efforts to exercise, experiment,
wargame, and analyze new ideas that, through a campaign of learning,
influence future iterations of the JWC. Rigorous assessment both during and
after JWC development informs the development of concepts of operations
(CONOPS), concepts of employment (CONEMPs), and CRCs, further described
A-6 Enclosure A
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c. Joint and Service Concept Alignment. Joint and Service concepts are
built on the foundational idea that the joint force requires synchronized all-
domain operations to win in a contested operating environment. JFDD efforts,
including capability development, require close coordination and collaboration
to align future operational approaches in support of globally integrated
operations, integrated joint solutions, and shared learning from joint, Service,
CCMD, Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), and ally and partner studies,
exercises, wargames, and experiments.
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A-8 Enclosure A
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B-1 Enclosure B
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(1) Build the Force. The Build the Force LOE consists of iteratively
analyzing, testing, and refining new concepts for the joint force to develop and
maintain warfighting advantage against adversaries.
(2) Educate the Force. The Educate the Force LOE consists of
providing joint leaders with the necessary knowledge to fight and win in the
current and future operating environment across the spectrum of conflict.
(3) Train the Force. The Train the Force LOE consists of improving
readiness, developing proficiency in joint force employment, and incorporating
concepts into joint training and exercises at large scale to validate new ideas
and create feedback into concept development through lessons learned.
d. The following paragraphs explain the key components within each JFDD
LOE, how the LOEs interact, and key JFDD outcomes and decisions.
3. Build the Force Line of Effort. This LOE consists of iteratively analyzing,
testing, and refining new concepts for the joint force. The LOE includes
wargames, experiments, and studies guided by the JWC that address
operational gaps and CRCs. Figure 5 depicts the interactions between
programs, activities, products, and decision bodies within the LOE. Wargames
provide a means to apply innovative thinking towards opportunities, gaps, and
seams in the joint force’s ability to conduct operations in the future operating
environment. Experimentation, guided by the JWC and the JExG, provides a
disciplined method for identifying, testing, and refining innovative concepts,
B-2 Enclosure B
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B-3 Enclosure B
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B-4 Enclosure B
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B-5 Enclosure B
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(4) Joint Experimentation Network. The JExNet is the DoD system for
managing Joint Experimentation knowledge and data. It provides an enduring,
integrated digital capability to manage, share, aggregate, analyze, exploit, and
present data and knowledge in support of strategic guidance and direction and
the campaign of learning. JExNet is hosted on Advana—the DoD’s overarching
knowledge management system—to enable access to authoritative enterprise
data and structured analytics.
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studies help refine existing concepts, iterate ongoing analysis, and enable joint
force capability recommendations to senior leaders. The Joint Staff, Services,
and OSD integrate analyses and findings across DoD research,
experimentation, wargaming, and exercise activities to refine future concept
and capability requirements. Key study components include:
4. Educate the Force Line of Effort. The Educate the Force LOE consists of
talent management, PME, and joint doctrine that collectively provides joint
leaders with the necessary knowledge to fight and win in the current and
future operating environment. Educating the joint force enables effective
execution of Train and Build by placing the most talented people into the right
assignments within the joint force at the appropriate time. Figure 6 depicts the
interactions between programs, products, activities, and decision bodies within
the LOE.
B-7 Enclosure B
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B-8 Enclosure B
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(a) PME and Joint PME (JPME) programs must prepare joint
warfighting leaders, senior staff officers, and strategists who can discern the
military dimensions of national challenges, lead adaptation and innovation,
conduct fully integrated joint warfighting at all levels of war, and execute
strategy through campaigns and operations. Officers gain knowledge through
formal education, joint and Service experience, and self-development that is
critical to the joint force implementing the JWC and achieving strategic
objectives. JPME curriculum is based on clear Joint Learning Areas (JLAs)
that are oriented on providing joint leaders with the knowledge, skills, and
abilities to fulfill NMS, NDS, and NSS objectives. JLAs require JPME
institutions to instruct and assess joint leaders in ways that will ensure they
can lead and contribute in the current and future strategic environment. The
current JLAs and JPME policy on outcomes-based military education (OBME)
is contained within reference s.
(b) The Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman and the Service
Senior Enlisted Advisors provide guidance for joint enlisted PME through
reference t. Through JPME, enlisted leaders acquire and refine their ability to
operate and lead in a joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational
environment; understand the strategic environment; communicate effectively
through all levels of the chain of command; and anticipate and adapt to
surprise and uncertainty. Imbuing joint enlisted leaders with key knowledge,
skills, and attributes enables the joint force to continue to rely on the non-
commissioned officer corps as a fundamental strength in the application of
joint warfighting capabilities.
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(2) Special Areas of Emphasis. SAEs are topics approved by the CJCS
based on independent stakeholder review to ensure JPME curricula remains
relevant and current (reference s). JPME institutions are required to
incorporate SAEs into curricula to respond to the enduring and emerging needs
of the CJCS, JCS, Combatant Commanders (CCDRs), and Joint Staff. Two
SAE categories exist: enduring and periodic. Enduring SAEs (SAE-Es) are
based on the SecDef’s direction for PME and reflect long-term national security
interests. SAE-Es remain in policy at the discretion of the SecDef. References
q and s provide the list of SAE-Es, which includes irregular warfare and
nuclear capabilities and concepts. Periodic SAEs (SAE-Ps) are based on
stakeholder nominations from throughout DoD to expand or maintain the
relevancy of JPME curricula. JPME institutions incorporate SAE-P topics into
their curriculum for two years in accordance with references q and s. The
Joint Staff J-7 manages receipt, vetting, and approval of SAE-P nominations,
with the assistance of the Military Education Coordination Council (MECC) as
an evaluation body. Further information on the scope, submission, and
approval of SAEs is contained within references q and s.
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B-11 Enclosure B
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doctrine also informs and considers multinational and allies’ joint doctrine to
enable interoperability in future competition and conflict.
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6. Train the Force Line of Effort. The Train the Force LOE consists of
improving readiness, developing proficiency in joint force employment, and
incorporating concepts into joint training and exercises at large scale to
validate new ideas and create feedback into concept development through
lessons learned. The LOE includes joint exercises and training that address
JWC operational imperatives and CRCs. Testing novel concepts through joint
exercises requires close coordination between Joint Staff directorates, CCMDs,
and the Services to ensure force employment requirements are met within the
current strategic environment. Joint exercises are an important component to
testing, assessing, and validating joint concepts. Validated elements of joint
concepts may be incorporated into joint doctrine, in accordance with references
v and w, once requisite capabilities are developed. Figure 8 depicts the
interactions between programs, products, activities, and decisions bodies
within the LOE.
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B-14 Enclosure B
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B-15 Enclosure B
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(1) Globally Integrated Exercise. GIEs are activities that prepare the
joint force for global operations through an exercise scenario consisting of an
emerging crisis with one or more major adversaries. The primary participants
are the Joint Staff and CCMDs. GIEs address key operational problems
identified in the NDS and offer participants an opportunity to learn through the
exercise. GIEs focus on building proficiency in planning and executing globally
integrated operations across the joint force, specifically to stress the ability of
senior joint force leaders to maximize decision space in crisis for the President
and SecDef.
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(1) Senior Advisory Group. The Senior Advisory Group (SAG) is a three-
star decision body co-chaired by the DJ-7 and the Deputy Assistant Secretary
of Defense for Force Education and Training (DASD(FE&T)). The SAG provides
strategic direction for all joint training efforts and approves the Program
Objective Memorandum (POM). The SAG also convenes to de-conflict
unresolved training issues and serves as the fiscal governing body for
adjudicating funding allocation decisions that cannot be settled at a lower level.
If an issue cannot be settled at the SAG, it will be pushed up to a higher level
for review and resolution. See reference hh for further information concerning
the SAG and subordinate coordinating bodies.
(4) All 7s Meeting. The Joint Staff J-7 chairs monthly meetings with
representatives from the force development and design community from OSD,
CCMDs, and the Services. These meetings help the joint force maintain
alignment with the JWC and needs of the future joint force within the context
of the NMS and national priorities. Additionally, the meeting bridges
knowledge gaps and encourages information sharing that can lead to rapid
advancements or the adoption of novel concepts and capabilities.
7. Coordinating Joint Force Development and Design with Allies and Partners.
Allies and partners offer valuable experiences and insights that could improve
the future joint force and JFDD efforts can contribute to allies and partners’
force development. Coordinating JFDD with allies and partners helps mitigate
or resolve interoperability gaps with partner nations, improves mission
capability, and influences concept and force development efforts. For example,
the Multinational Capability Development Campaign (MCDC), a Joint Staff J-7–
led program consisting of 25 allies and partners, focuses on developing non-
B-17 Enclosure B
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8. Joint Staff Integration. The Joint Staff organizes, aligns, and leverages
JFDD efforts while continuously assessing progress towards force development
objectives. Joint Directorates facilitate inputs and collaboration through the
activities, programs, and decision bodies described throughout this enclosure.
JFDD activities produce deliverables that are timed, sequenced, and responsive
to the JSPS battle rhythm, maximize impact on the CPR, and shape joint
requirements for CCMD and Service implementation.
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Staff J-8. Integration and collaboration between joint concept and capability
development is critical to future joint force performance.
10. Key JFDD Decisions. Joint Staff and OSD decisions on JFDD matters
directly affect future efforts to build, train, and educate the joint force. Senior
DoD leader decisions based on the outcomes of JFDD efforts directly impact
the CPR, the Defense Planning Guidance (DPG), the DoD components’ POMs,
and, ultimately, the President’s Budget. These decisions are made by senior
DoD decision bodies within the Joint Staff and OSD. Key JFDD decisions
include approval and endorsement of JWC and its follow-on revisions;
capability validation and development; training guidance and direction;
education and doctrine guidance and direction; research funding; and exercise
and experimentation funding and execution.
11. Joint Staff Decision Bodies. The following Joint Staff decision bodies
consider JFDD outputs for execution or promulgation throughout the joint
a. The Joint Chiefs of Staff Tank. JCS Tank meetings are the primary
forum by which the CJCS and JCS approve JWC revisions and approve
funding and execution of joint exercises. The DJ-7 is responsible for preparing
these decisions for the CJCS’s consideration through the Operations Deputies
(OpsDeps) and the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (VCJCS).
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(2) Joint Capabilities Board. The Joint Capabilities Board (JCB) is one
level below the JROC and advises the JROC on issues within and across
capabilities portfolios in accordance with references c and d. The DJ-8 chairs
the JCB. JCB membership is defined in reference c.
(3) FCBs and FCB Working Groups. The FCBs are one level below the
JCB, advise the JCB and JROC on issues within their capability portfolio(s),
and perform other activities at the direction of the JCB or JROC, in accordance
with references c and d.
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B-21 Enclosure B
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B-22 Enclosure B
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2. CJCS Assessments
C-1 Enclosure C
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e. Joint Strategic Intelligence Estimate. The JSIE defines and assesses the
near-term and future global threat environment, including the perspectives of
the CCMDs and Services. The Director for Intelligence, J-2 publishes the JSIE
to support the CRA, JMNA, JWC, and Global Force Management.
3. Capability Assessments
C-2 Enclosure C
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e. Assessment Outcomes. The CPR is the CJCS’s direct input to the DPG
and represents his advice to the SecDef on capability investments to ensure the
joint force maintains competitive advantages over its adversaries. The JFDD
enterprise provides timely and relevant input to the CPR through analytically
supported inputs to the JMNA and CPMRs. The CPR is the culmination of the
Joint Staff’s assessment inputs to financial investment into the future joint
C-3 Enclosure C
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C-4 Enclosure C
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a. JWC. Enclosures A and B describe the role of the JWC (reference k).
D-1 Enclosure D
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D-2 Enclosure D
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will consider the future environment as described in the NMS, JOE and other
assessments of the future security environment.
d. The Central and Supporting Ideas of the Proposed Solution. The central
idea is the centerpiece of the concept, providing a framework for how the joint
force will address the proposed military challenges. Supporting ideas explain
and expand on the central idea in greater detail. This set of ideas introduces
new ways of operating and accentuates differences from extant practices.
e. CRCs. This section of the concept describes capabilities the joint force
must possess in order to execute the concept. The ability to operate as
described in the concept generates force development implications. Concept
writers express these implications as CRCs. CRCs directly map to one or more
of the concept’s ideas for addressing the military challenge within the future
operating environment. CRCs:
(1) Directly map to one or more of the concept’s ideas, should address a
single capability, and should not be duplicated within the same concept.
(2) Are measurable in their ability to solve the military problem and
sufficiently detailed to facilitate transition to capability development processes.
D-3 Enclosure D
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training and exercises with war games, experiments, tests, analysis, and
technology demonstrations to innovate and gain and maintain advantage in the
future against all threats by exploring ways to develop and evaluate concepts
that drive capability development. This enterprise approach examines specific
problems, tests viability of the concept’s ideas, conducts and synthesizes
analysis, and provides recommendations to senior leaders. The methodology
aligns and incentivizes experimentation and wargaming activities that feed
GIWG design, execution, and assessments while concurrently creating
feedback loops across DoD, allies and partners, industry, and academia.
Continuous outputs from this campaign of learning address joint force
challenges, establish priorities, and inform CJCS and SecDef decisions.
Concept development is an iterative process that incorporates results from
exercises, wargames, experimentation, analysis, and capability development,
and considers the future operating environment.
D-4 Enclosure D
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2. Office of the Secretary of Defense. The SecDef, with the advice of the CJCS,
sets the DoD’s policies and objectives and defines the roles of the DoD’s senior
leadership in executing JFDD strategies and resourcing.
a. Provides JFDD direction through the NMS, JWC, and other guidance
f. Approves SAE-Ps.
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b. Director for Intelligence, J-2. Act as the proponent for the intelligence
joint function. In collaboration with DIA and Joint Staff J-7, integrate
intelligence support to CONOPS development through a common
understanding of the future operating environment by integrating analysis from
the JSIE, Gamechanger Studies, JOE, and GIWG. Provide intelligence support
to the GIWG series for friendly and adversary intelligence participants.
c. Director for Operations, J-3. Act as the proponent for the information
joint function and the co-proponent for the C2 joint function. Integrate
campaign planning for capability development with current and future
operations, under dynamic force employment, to reinforce desired effects of
capability experiments, demonstrations, and tests. Develop concepts and
capabilities for global joint C2 and information joint functions. Participate in
the GIWG and GIE series for global integration and coordination with allies and
d. Director for Logistics, J-4. Act as the proponent for the sustainment
joint function. Develop concepts and capabilities for logistics and sustainment
to inform and shape the JWC and Joint Concept for Contested Logistics.
Integrate logistics and sustainment support into CONOPS development by
integrating analysis from the JLE and logistics studies. Participate in the
GIWG and GIE series for global integration and coordination with allies and
e. Director for Strategy, Plans, and Policy, J-5. Develop and publish the
NMS to establish the CJCS’s vision on how the joint force supports the NDS
and NSS. Department lead for the AJA, CRA, and JSIRA. During development
of the CRA, considers the strategic and operational risk factors addressed in
E-2 Enclosure E
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the JWC. Participate in the GIWG and GIE series for global integration and
coordination with allies and partners.
(1) Leads both the C4/Cyber FCB and JADC2 developing, executing,
and governing process, frameworks, and joint alignment to accelerate C2
capability development and delivery to the operational community.
E-3 Enclosure E
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(3) Develops the JWC to drive force development and design, and
implements the concept across the DoD through interaction with the programs,
decision bodies, activities, and products.
(6) Develops and executes the GIWG series to assess the JWC and
inform the AWG and DMAG through GIWG outcomes.
(8) Designs and executes the GIE series to prepare the joint force for
GIO through a campaign of learning, assessment of operational campaign
plans, and the identification and closing of gaps related to Joint Force
Development requirements.
E-4 Enclosure E
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experiments, and other venues with allies and partners and presents
recommendations to the DMAG.
(16) Provides assessment of future risk to the joint force in the CRA.
(1) Serves as Secretariat for the JROC and JCB Chair in accordance
with reference c.
(3) Develops assessments, in concert with the Joint Staff J-3 and J-5,
to provide guidance to the force providers and joint force providers on
capturing force sufficiency data during the annual Global Force Management
assessment process.
E-5 Enclosure E
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(8) Acts as the proponent for the Protection, Fires, and Movement and
Maneuver Joint Functions.
c. Design and execute exercises that focus on priority threats and stress
vertical and horizontal integration from the operational to the strategic national
E-6 Enclosure E
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e. Co-chair and support the JFDD ARP through the NDU Institute for
National Strategic Studies.
E-7 Enclosure E
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E-8 Enclosure E
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Signature JS
Element Frequency Purpose
Authority Lead
Strategic Documents that Inform or are Informed by JFDD
National Security President N/A as required Provides descriptions of “the worldwide interests, goals, and objectives of the
Strategy [U.S.],” “national defense capabilities…necessary to deter aggression,”
proposed “short-term and long-term uses” of elements of national power, and
Title 50, U.S. Code, “the adequacy of the capabilities…to carry out the strategy.”
section 3043(a)
National Defense SecDef J-5 at least every 4 Provides formal defense guidance that includes, but is not limited to:
Strategy (OCR) years descriptions of the “the most critical and enduring threats to national
security, a strategic framework” that “guides how the will prioritize among the
Title 10, U.S. Code, threats,” the “elements of the defense program necessary to support [the
section 113(g)(1) strategy],” and “the major investments in defense capabilities, force structure,
force readiness, force posture, and technological innovation that the [DoD] will
National Military Strategy CJCS J-5 review even Serves as the CJCS’s central strategic and planning document, and provides
numbered military guidance for the employment, development, and design of the joint
Title 10, U.S. Code, years force.
sections 153(b)(3)(A) and
Joint Warfighting CJCS J-7 Continuous Advances the joint force’s operational effectiveness and capability employment
Concept to meet current and future challenges.
Joint Operating DJ-7 and J-7 CJCS’s term Describes the future operational environment and its military implications.
Environment DIA start /
as required
Assessment Documents that Inform or are Informed by JFDD
Annual Joint Assessment N/A J-5 annually Collects CCMD, Service, and NGB perspectives on the strategic environment,
risks, and priorities.
Joint Staff Independent N/A J-5 annually Joint Staff collaboration with the intelligence community to develop an
Risk Assessment independent risk assessment in support of the CRA.
Joint Strategic DJ-2 J-2 annually Assesses the global threat environment and the threats posed by adversaries
Intelligence Estimate likely to arise in 2 to 10 years and the implications
Chairman’s Net DJ-8 J-8 as required Provides relevant net assessments that focus on a single adversary or topic as
Assessments directed by the CJCS. These net assessments directly inform the JMNA.
Joint Military Net CJCS J-8 annually Serves as the capstone Joint Staff assessment product on comprehensive joint
Assessment readiness; synthesizes other JSPS assessments.
Capability Gap CJCS J-8 annually Identifies and assesses joint military requirements; recommends prioritization
Assessment and resourcing to address risks and gaps.
Chairman’s Risk CJCS J-5 annually Assesses strategic risk to national interests and military risk to execution of
Assessment the NMS.
Title 10, U.S. Code,
section 153(b)(3)(B)
Joint Irregular Warfare CJCS J-7 annually Assesses the ability of the joint force to conduct and support Irregular Warfare
Assessment operations and activities across the spectrum of conflict. Provides
recommendations to mitigate shortfalls identified during the assessment.
Strategic Portfolio Review OSD CAPE J-8 as required Marshals and guides the Department’s analytic capabilities, advances key
strategic priorities, and improves the analytic underpinnings available for
senior leader decisions through the AWG.
Programmatic and Capability Documents Informed by JFDD
Defense Planning SecDef J-8 annually Describes the SecDef’s force planning and development, analytic, and
Guidance (OCR) investment priorities for the future joint force. The DPG informs the Service
Title 10, U.S. Code, POMs.
section 113(g)(2)
Program Objectives varied N/A annually Recommendations from the DoD Components to the SecDef addressing how
Memorandums they plan to allocate resources to meet planning and programming guidance.
Chairman’s Program CJCS J-8 annually Provides CJCS’s military advice to the Secretary on capability investments
Recommendation needed to improve comprehensive joint readiness.
Title 10, U.S. Code,
section 153(a)(7)(A)
F-1 Enclosure F
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JROC Strategic Directive VCJCS J-8 as required Direct future capabilities that the Services, CCMDs, and other DoD
components need to build towards, IAW reference c.
Capability Portfolio FCB Chairs J-8 annually Formally evaluate Services’, CCMDs’, and other DoD components’ capability
Management Review development efforts to address gapped capabilities.
Strategic Capabilities VCJCS J-8 as required Guide the Services’, CCMDs’, and other DoD components to develop certain
Development Guidance capabilities to support joint warfighting requirements.
JFDD Documents and Forums to Build the Force
JWC Joint DJ-7 J-7 as required Provides a framework for joint experimentation and synchronizes experimental
Experimentation Guide and analytical outputs to inform senior leader decision-making.
Globally Integrated CJCS J-7 as required Inform JFDD through JWC-based Joint and Combined wargames, and
Wargame support AWG and DMAG decisions through GIWG outcomes.
Advancing Globally CJCS J-4 as required A forum for senior logisticians, planners, and operators to explore ideas
Integrated Logistics Effort proposed in joint concepts and identify potential solutions to joint force
logistics and sustainment challenges
Joint Experimentation n/a J-7 as required Informs, synchronizes, and supports joint experimentation
Joint Warfighting Notes DJ-7 J-7 as required Provide warfighting insights, lessons learned and best practices throughout
the joint force
Multinational Capability n/a J-7 as required Program of allies and partners that improves interoperability in joint,
Development Campaign multinational and coalition operations to meet the present and future need of
the joint force and mission partners.
JFDD Documents and Forums to Educate the Force
JCS PME Vision CJCS J-7 as required Provide additional guidance to the joint force, beyond published policy,
concerning PME.
Periodic Special Areas of CJCS J-7 annually Approved JPME topics that respond to the emerging needs of the CJCS, the
Emphasis Joint Chiefs, CCDRs, and the Joint Staff.
CJCSM Outcomes Base DJS J-7 as required Require JPME institutions to instruct and assess joint leaders in ways that
Military Education will ensure they can lead and contribute in the current and future strategic
Manual environment.
CJCSIs on Officer and CJCS J-7 as required Provide guidance for the services to educate joint officers and enlisted service
Enlisted Military members to fulfill national strategic objectives with the joint force.
Education Policy
Joint Leader n/a J-7 as required Resolve issues in implementing and integrating the JCS Vision and Guidance
Development Council
Military Education n/a J-7 as required Addresses key educational issues of interest to the joint education
Coordination Council community, promote cooperation and collaboration amongst the MECC
member institutions, and coordinate joint education initiatives.
Joint Doctrine n/a CJCS as required Serves as the primary publication review and approval community for joint
Development Community doctrine products, including JDNs and JPs.
JFDD Documents and Forums to Train the Force
Chairman’s Joint CJCS J-7 annually Sets conditions for joint readiness and force development; directs training for
Training Guidance globally integrated operations
Globally Integrated n/a J-7 annually The annual culminating event from the GICoL that improves whole of
Exercises government and ally and partner alignment, evaluates globally integrated
operations, and informs updates to GCPs, GIFs, and Tier 1 exercises.
Large Scale Global SecDef J-7 annually Joint force-conducted, annual exercise to evaluate global integration against a
Exercises great power threat.
Joint Training n/a J-7 annually Plan resourcing and funding for future joint exercises and training.
All 7s n/a J-7 monthly Help the joint force maintain alignment with the JWC and requirements
within the context of the NMS and national priorities. Additionally, bridges
knowledge gaps and encourages information sharing that can lead to rapid
advancements or the adoption of novel concepts and capabilities.
Senior Advisory Group n/a J-7, as required Provides strategic direction for all joint training efforts and approves the
OSD Program Objective Memorandum (POM). Also convenes to de-conflict
(FE&T) unresolved training issues.
Chairman’s Joint CJCS J-7 as required Fulfills CJCS Title 10 responsibilities to formulate policies and technical
Training Policies standards for the joint training of the armed forces.
Joint Doctrine Notes DJ-7 J-7 as required A pre-doctrinal publication that presents common fundamental guidance and
is part of the initiation stage of the joint doctrine development process.
Joint Publications DJ-7 J-7 as required Presents fundamental principles that guide the employment of US military
forces in coordinated and integrated action toward a common objective.
F-2 Enclosure F
CJCSI 3030.01A
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G-1 Enclosure G
CJCSI 3030.01A
3 October 2022
p. “Developing Today’s Joint Officers for Tomorrow’s Ways of War: The Joint
Chiefs of Staff Vision and Guidance for Professional Military Education &
Talent Management,” 1 May 2020
y. CJCSI 3500.01 Series, “Joint Training Policy for the Armed Forces of the
United States”
z. CJCSM 3500.03 Series, “Joint Training Manual for the Armed Forces of the
United States”
aa. CJCSG 3501 Series, “The Joint Training System: A Guide for Senior
dd. CJCSM 3511.01 Series, “Joint Training Resources for the Armed Forces of
the United States”
CJCSI 3030.01A
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G-3 Enclosure G
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G-4 Enclosure G
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3 October 2022
GL-1 Glossary
CJCSI 3030.01A
3 October 2022
GL-2 Glossary
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3 October 2022
GL-3 Glossary
CJCSI 3030.01A
3 October 2022
GL-4 Glossary
CJCSI 3030.01A
3 October 2022
(Unless otherwise stated, the terms and definitions contained in this glossary
are for the purposes of this document only.)
Advancing Globally Integrated Logistics Effort. A Joint Staff J-4–led forum for
senior logisticians and operations to explore ideas proposed in Joint Concepts
and identify potential solutions to joint force logistics and sustainment
GL-5 Glossary
CJCSI 3030.01A
3 October 2022
GL-6 Glossary
CJCSI 3030.01A
3 October 2022
Joint Experimentation Forum. An annual forum led by Joint Staff J-7 that
informs, synchronizes, and supports joint experimentation prioritized efforts.
Joint Force Development and Design. The iterative and continuous process of
improving the effectiveness of the current and future joint force through
concept development, assessment, capability development, and joint force
proficiency. Joint Force Development and Design assesses the joint force
strategic capabilities in comparison with our enemies and adversaries,
measures our current capabilities against assumed strategic risk, and provides
technological and operational solutions to bridge those gaps and sustain
competitive advantage across two overlapping time horizons: 3–7 years for
intermediate-term gaps (force development), and 5–15 years for long-term
capability gaps (force design).
GL-7 Glossary
CJCSI 3030.01A
3 October 2022
Large Scale Global Exercise. A Joint Exercise Program event designed to train
and access the joint force for future conflict.
Warfighting Lab Incentive Fund. The Warfighting Lab Incentive Fund supports,
via a cross-enterprise governance structure, the development and refinement of
new Service and Joint concepts of operation via field experiments and
demonstrations that take concepts from paper to real world execution.
(DepSecDef memo, “Warfighting Lab Incentive Fund and Governance
Structure,” 6 May 2016).
GL-8 Glossary
Inner Back Cover