Lesson 2 in GEC 2 - 9
Lesson 2 in GEC 2 - 9
Lesson 2 in GEC 2 - 9
Language is very powerful. It is used to express our emotions, thoughts, and ideas.
However, if the recipient of the message cannot understand you, then there is no communication
at all. It is very important that both of you understand the language. Mathematics is very hard
for others to study because they are overwhelmed with the numbers, operations, symbols, and
formulae. On the other hand, if one knows how to interpret and understand these things, then
the subject will be comprehensible.
Comprehending a message is better understood once a person understand how things
are said and may know why it is said. The use of language in mathematics is far from ordinary
speech. It can be learned but needs a lot of efforts like learning a new dialect or language. The
following are the characteristics of the language of mathematics: precise, concise, and powerful.
Activity 4.
Discuss in your own words the characteristics of the language of mathematics precise,
concise and powerful and give an example to supplement your explanation. (15 points).
See video from youtube for more information: Mathematical Expressions vs.
Mathematical Sentences by Learn With Mayora.
Activity 5:
Classify each given equation as mathematical expression (E) or a mathematical sentence
1. a + 9 __________
2. b + 0 = b _______
3. 100 ____________
4. 3.1416 _________
5. x + y = y + x_____
The common symbol used for multiplication is x but it can be mistakenly taken as the
variable x. There are instances when the centered dot ( ∙ ) is a shorthand to be used for
multiplication especially when variables are involved. If there will be no confusion, the symbol
may be dropped.
1. 8 ∙ y = 8y
2. a ∙ b ∙ c = abc
3. t ∙ s ∙ 9 = 9st
It is conventional to write the number first before the letters. If in case the letters are
more than one, you have to arrange the letters alphabetically.
Sets are usually represented by uppercase letters like S. The symbols ℝ and ℕ represent
the set of real numbers and the set of natural numbers, respectively. A lowercase letter near the
end of the alphabet like x, y, or z represent an element of the set of real numbers. The lowercase
letter near the middle of the alphabet particularly from i to n may represent an element of the
set of integers.
A set is a collection of any object. It is a mathematical expression in which a name is given
to some collection of objects. Elements or members refer to the objects in a set. If the numbers
of elements in a set can be enumerated, then it is called a finite set. Otherwise, infinite set. A set
that has no members is called the empty set which is denoted by { } or 𝝓.
List method is a way of describing the set in which members are separated by commas
and enclosed in braces like set S = { 4, 8, 12 }. The set has 3 elements which are 4, 8, 12. Below
are some symbols used to represent the relationship of an element to a set.
Symbol Read as
𝜖 “is in”/”is an element of”/ “ is a member of”
∉ “is not in”/” is not an element of”/”is not a
member of”
Proper Subset (⊂ )– Let A and B be sets. A is proper subset of B if, and only if, every
element of B is in B but there is at least one element of B that is not in A.
Example: A = { 1, 2, 3 }
Proper subsets of A are: { 1 }, { 2 }, { 3 }, {1, 2}, { 1, 3}, { 2, 3 }.
Improper subsets are : { 1, 2, 3 }, and { }.
To identify the numbers of subsets in a given set is by the use of the formula 2n, where n is the
number elements in a given set and 2 is constant.
In the operations on sets we use geometric figures circle for subset/s and rectangle for
universal set U to illustrate operations on sets.
UNIVERSAL SET ( U ) – is the totality of all objects under consideration.
COMPLEMENT OF S - denoted by S’ ( read , S complement is a subset of all the elements
of the universal set ( U ) that are not elements of set S. In symbols, we write
S’ = { x/x ∈ U and x ∉ S }
UNION – THE union of two subsets A and B of the universal set U, denoted by A U B, in
the set of all the elements of U belonging to either A and B.
INTERSECTION – the intersection of two subsets A and B, written A ∩ B, is the subset of
all elements belonging to both A and B.
PRODUCT SET OF A and B – IS DENOTED by A x B is the set of the ordered pairs (x, y) such
that x ∈ A and y ∈ B.
Given: U = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
A = { 1, 3 }
B = { 2, 4 }
Find the element/s of the ff. sets:
1. A’ = { 2, 4, 5 }
2. B’ = { 1, 3, 5 }
3. A U B = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
4. A ∩ B = { }, since no common element between A and B
5. A ∩ U = { 1, 3 }, since there is a common element between A and U.
6. A U (A ∩ B ) = {1, 3 }, since intersection of A and B is empty combine to A is 1, and 3.
7. A x B = { (1,2 ), (1, 4), (3, 2), (3, 4)}
APPLICATION ON SETS: see video from youtube, Application of Sets Using Venn Diagram
(Problem Solving) by Learn With Mayora.
a. Draw the Venn diagram. 10 points
b. how many students were there in the class? 3 pts.
c. how many students used reagent A and B only? 3pts.
d. how many students used reagent C? 3 pts.
FUNCTION – a function is a relation such that for every first element x of the ordered pair
( x, y), there corresponds a unique second element y.
For each of the following relations, determine the domain and range and state
whether or not the relation is a function.
a. { ( 1, 2 ), (-1, 3), (3, 5), ( 6, 7 )}
ans. Domain is the ist element of the ordered pair:
Domain: { 1, -1, 3, 5 }
Range : { 2, 3, 5, 7} , since that the 2nd element of the ordered pair
It is a function, since no two ordered pairs have the same first element.
A unary operation is for a single number and assigns another number to it. Addition ( + ),
subtraction ( - ), multiplication ( ⋅ or x ), and division ( ÷ ) are examples of binary operations. The
word “ binary “ means composition of two pieces. A binary operation refers to joining two values
to create a new one.
Study the following properties of addition and multiplication, as binary operations, on the
set of real numbers:
Where x, y, and z are any real number.
I. Closure Property
Addition: the sum of two real numbers is also a real number.
Example. 12 + 34 = 46
Multiplication: the product of two real numbers is also a real number.
Example. 7 x 20 = 140
Multiplication: For any real number x, x ∙ = 1.
Example : 98 ∙ =1