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UNIT IV WASTE STABILIZATION STARILIZATION ‘abilization refers to processes that involve chemical renetions, which reduce the leachability of the product (stabilized waste). Stabilization immobilizes the hazardous materials or reduces their solubility through appropriate chemical reactions. The main objective of a stabilization/solidifieation (S/S) technology is to reduce the ti related to disposal and/or use of contaminated materials by minimizing the leaching of potential contaminants. SOLIDIFICATION OF WASTES Objectives The objectives of the study are + Understand the concept of Waste Management Techniques through Stabilisation or solidification, Fixation and encapsulation + Management of environmental hazards of improper hazardous waste management pollution due to its improper handing & disposal : * Adoption of scientific and effective waste management techniques and further improvement and improvising of the technology “Introduction to waste treatment ‘The processes such as Stabilisation/ solidification, Fixation and encapsulation are some of the remediation techniques used for the management and disposal of wide range of hazardous wastes, In these processes, the wastes are immobilised using different chemical or additives. The contaminants are also encapsulated in a medium to stabilize it. According to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, 1989), the process of solidification and stabilization makes the handling of waste friendly/ easy and improves the quality of wastes. The process helps in reducing the surface area and mass of the wastes and also restricts the solubility of hazardous substances in the waste. Stabilization is general Process through which the wastes are changed to less toxic and less mobile form. The process of Solidification on the other hand treats the waste materials while increases the solidity and structural integrity of waste. The process of solidification does not render degradation of the hazardous wastes but removes the transport of waste by restricting its mobility. The transforming of the hazardous waste operation is carried such that the treated hazardous waste ial. The leaching will have less effect to contaminate the environment by reducing the leaching poten potential can be defined as Natural process by which water soluble substances is washed out from soil or wastes. The process of leaching makes the waste less toxic. ‘The mechanisms involved in the treatment of hazardous waste are: fying, adsorption agents and other fication/Stabilisation ~ Solidifying waste using soli 1. So! additives. 2. Immobilisation or chemical fixation — Binding the contaminants chemically within the matrix to restrict the mobility of waste or its leachability. 4 i ial and overall vo) apsulation — Capturing the waste and reducing Its reactive potential and overall voi bilizing process i n situ process, the sta r the soil is excavated and subjected to the lcd, The process of stabilization or These processes are exceuted in sit as well as ex situ, In rectly injected into the natural soll In dhe ex stu prosess he 4 eatment process and finally after the remediation it is bac! aetnorgeale solidification generally appropriate for that kind of soll which is polluted with metals, this compounds, radfonusides et. volatile organi compounds (VOC) ar usually not preferred fF We Process beeause the VOCs have tendency to evaporate into the atmosphere during the Barts Tr mixing, The process of stabilization or solidification is further categorised into aqueous, POLyine 1 vitrification process. USEPA hnas recognised the process verification as Best Demonstrated Availabe Technology for $7 different types of hazardous wastes listed in The Resource Conservation an Recovery Act (RCRA). According to USEPA, 2001, around 25% of the superfund remediation locations have been treated using vitrification techniques. Application solidifieation proces The process of Stabilization or Solidification is utilized in broad range of medium such as, in the sediments, soil and sludge. The effectiveness of the Stabilization or Solidification process is according to Superfund policy is, determined by carrying a treatability study on similar kind of waste in order to guarantee the effectiveness of the process by 90-99% (EPA, 1993). The effectiveness of the process is selective for certain concentfations. For example, at lower to moderate concentration, the solidification of metals such as zine, lead and copper with the help of cementitious substance is effectual. At the higher concentration of these fetals, there is hindrance in the process of the immobilization; hence it proves to be unsuccessfull (EPA, 1993). Moreover, certain combinations and allocation of the pollutants through thé soil als6 prove to influence the success of the stabilization or solidification process. Description __ Stabilisation or the solidification treatment processes are used to alter chemical properties of wastes in order to facilitate or enable further treatment; to convert the waste to nontoxic/non-hazardous for disposal; or to solidify or stabilize the wastes for ease of handling or reduced leachability or to render them non-degradable. ‘The some of the common methods of chemical treatment include 1. solidification/stabilization, 2. fixation 3. Encapsulation ‘These and other treatment methods are continuously evolving are dévised by theory, stoichiometry, experimentation, accident, or combinations and identifying new waste-specifie chemical treatments is a lucrative and rapidly growing global enterprise. Effectiveness: Effectiveness of the stabilisation method is tested by its effectiveness to prevent the contamination to the environment. Some of the parameters to verify the effectiveness are performed by examining the physical and chemical factors. Physica ee tests are performed for the ch 108 OF solidification treatment process, The chemical ay cl evaluation of the performance ical tests are carried i a ried out chiefly for the evaluation of th mt particuta MICRO AND MACRO ENCAPSULATION ; Macroencapsulation aracterization of the waste materials before and after the heres teroeneapsulation refers to PCMs encapsulated in any type of container such as tubes, sPheres, or panels, which can be incorporated into building materials or serve as heat exchangers by themselves. Microencapsulation : Microcneapsulation is a process in which active substances are coated by extremely small capsules. It is a new technology that has been used in the cosmetics industry as well as in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical and food industries, being used! in flavors, acids, oils, vitamins, microorganisms, among others. Hazardous waste is a necessary by-product of many essential industrial processes, but it must be managed carefillly in order to protect ourselves, our workers, and our environment. During the course of proper management, there are a number of safe and responsible treatment, destruction, and disposal methods ayailable to hazardous waste generators. Micro-encapsulation and tacro-encapsulation are two distinct popular hazardous wastetreatment methods, primarily designated for contaminated debris (meaning debris that containsa listed hazardous waste or exhibits a characteristic of hazardous waste). Debris cannot be treated easily in normal waste treatment processes, which is why it needs to be encapsulated to effectively reduce leachability and resist degradation. An example would be lead pipe, or construction debris that has been contaminated in some fashion. However, the encapsulation process is incapable of processing any liquid waste because of its aqueous state. ‘Micro-encapsulation is the more common of the two methods, as hazardous debris smaller than 3°x 3’ 3” and 3,000 pounds, and is generally easier to manage. ‘Micro-encapsulation, along with macro-encapsulation, involves “sealing” the waste debris (customarily with polyethylene) so as to prevent any hazardous constituents from leaching into the surrounding environment. It is a fitting treatment method for any waste type that can be completely covered with a sealing agent, both externally and internally. Once the waste has been effectively coated, it would then be transported to a RCRA subtitle C landfill for permanent disposal. Most hazardous debris is eligible for this process. Predictably, the macro-encapsulation methodology is limited to larger waste debris, types. Hazardous waste debris is entrapped within a one-piece structural unit, typically a concrete shell. The shell is both filled and sealed with a solid material, such a cement kiln dustor fly ash. As with n willalso need to be transported and landfilled at a RCRA subtitle C hazardous waste disposal facility. pertains to ero-encapsulation, once this process is complete the entire structure sorbed, assimilation; Absorptton secs of bolnd 2 De Ol stances by a tissue, he act of absorbing, the state a bala race ki bigpone. uptal ere inconporattonthe absorption ofa fry DIB NE Tian by pe of natrienttiyaugh the wall of the ftestn. # t0kIME cchemfeat action, as of gases oF Hguldss Advorption The process of adsorptlon {nvolves separatl companied by its qecumuation oF concentration at the su Vireetpltatton i 1c phase lon of a substance from on phase B face of another yen the tiny cor uh st rrow too large, throug! Precipitation fs the result when the tiny eondensation particles hte collision and contescene, forthe rising alr o support, and thus fall tothe earth, Pree? Oe cean be inthe fori of rain hall, snow or sleet, Precipitation is the primary way Wwe ree T™ A water on earth, On average, the world receives about 384" (980 mm) cach’ “year over bot foveans and land masses, DETOXIFICATION . Detoxification means the removal of harmful or unwanted camponents from wastewater. It primarily entails the removal of specific inorganic waste materials from wastewater, using redox reactions. - - Detoxification is a get of interventions aimed at managing acute intoxication and withdrawal, It denotes a clearing of toxins from the body of the patient who is acutely intoxicated and/or dependent fon substances of abuse. Detoxification seeks to minimize the physical harm caused by the abuse of substances. The acute medical management of life-threatening intoxication and related medical problems generally is not included within the term detoxification and is not covered MECHANISM OF STABILIZATION An-Situ Stabilization: ‘The method involves on site soil improvement by applying stabilizing agent without removing the bulk soil, This technology offer benefit of impro for deep foundations, shallow foundations and contaminated sites. Planning of the design mix involves the selection and assessment of engineering properties of stabilized soil and improved ground, The purpose is to determine the dimensions of improved ground on the basis of appropriate stability and settlement analyses to satisfy the functional requirements of the supported structure (Keller Inc). The technology can be accomplished by injection into soils a cementitious material such cement and lime in dry or wet forms. ‘The choice to either use dry or wet deep mixing methods depend dmong other things; the in-situ soil conditions, in situ. moisture contents, effectiveness of binders to be used, and the nature of construction to be founded. Depending on the depth of treatment, the in situ stabilization may be regarded as either deep mixing method or mass stal stal, 2005; Produced sj 2002). No Soil and NOL, to produc carry out the design therefore, prevent an eff Natural soil (EuroSoil Partly by natural s 2. mixin, ir fot een thOd involves the stabili in which, A Wel oF de Ot OF sols at large dept, isan in situ ground ofpanie cae, viner is injected Into the ground and blended ‘ie Solls) by mechanical or rotary mixing tool (Porbaha ingle patterns, block patt Pending on appli fe that, the ain 5; Eurosoi Hass Which may interact with natura Mass like a rigid pile which may independently sth and stiffhess of stabilized soil should not, Action and load distribution between the stabilized soil and Thus the design load should be distributed and carried out stabilized soil mass (column), IStab, 2002). 1 ence ney a ros sac? mixing involve binder tured int slurry form, which s then injected ioeteeae igh the nozzles located at the end of the soil auger (Massarsch and With head, Th the mixing tool comprise of drilling rod, transverse beams and a drill end EL here are some modifications to Suit the need and applications. For instance, the Trench cutting Re-mixing deep method (TRD) developed by circa Japan, in 1993 provides an ‘effective tool for construction of continuous cutoff wall without the need for open trench. The method uses a crawler-mounted, chainsaw-like mixing tool to blend. insta cet wen cenauuitious binder to create the soil-cement wall It further consists ofa fixed post on which cutting, scratching teeth ride on aTotating chain and injection ports deliver grout into treatment Zone. Wall depths up to 45 m having width between 0.5 m and 0.9 m are achievable. The wall quality for groundwater barrier is high with permeability between | x 10-6 and 1 x 10-8 cm/s ( Similar to TRD, in 1994, Germany developed the FMI (Misch- Injektionsverfahren) machine. The FMI machine has a special cutting arm (trencher), along which cutting blades are rotated by two chain system. The cutting arm can be inclined up to 80 degrees and is dragged through the soil behind the Power unit (Stocker and Seidel, 2005). Like TRD, the soil is not excavated, but mixed with binder which is supplied in slurry form through injection pipes and outlets mounted along the cutting arm Dry Mixing Dry mixing (DM) method is clean, quiet with very low vibration and produces no spoil for disposal (Hayward Baker Inc). It fias for many years extensively used in Northern E rope and Japan. The method involves the use of dry binders injected into the soil and thoroughly mixed with moist soil.The soil is premixed using specialized tool during downward penetration, until it reaches the desired depth. During withdrawal of the mixing tool, dry binder are then injected and mixed with premixed soil leavini behind a moist soil mix column. In Scandinavians countries and Sweden in particular, this method is referred to as Lime Cement Column (LCC), whereas, in Italy, the method is termed as Trevimix and in Japan, the’ same technology is cal jet mixing (DIM) fed into compressed air through the hose into mixing shaft to the outlet of mixing shaft into the ground Powdery binders under compressed air are injected into soft ground without processing into slurry form. Blade rotates creating a cavity in the soil in which air and binders the most efficient sequence is to work the dius as much as nee ae Cn Ge column thoroughly mixed with this compressed binder resulting into ree a ground; the column size up to 1.5 meter diameter may be achieve eran ealltehanante to 40 m. In sensitive soils, penetration induced vibration may cause ra i § therefore, it may be required to inject sume of the binder into the ground iy ce eatin A wide range of strength can be obtained from low strength to high strength tl roug ee a of amount of binder. High improved ratio can be achieved by overlapping in A interlocking the column, This 17 method has wide application from embankment stabilization, slope protection to foundation improvement and liquefaction mitigation. It should be noted that, the effectiveness of the method depends on percentage moisture of the soil. Thus, the method is not effective in sandy layer with low water content of less than 30% AIL in during withdrawal. During constructi Stabilizing machine within its operational penetration. Applications a For geotechnical and environmentally purposes, the typical app! can be grouped into two main categories: + Non-structural purposes © Ground cutoff wall © Dewatering wall © Containment of contaminants © Secondary containment . + Structural purposes 7 © Deep and shallow foundation : 5 © Tunnel and Retaining wall (stabilization of cuts and open excavation) n of deep mixing methods deep mixing application into six main applications, namely; + Hydraulic barrier systems ‘ + Retaining wall systems + Foundation support systems + Excavation support systems + Liquefaction/Seismic mitigation systems + Environmental temediation systems S Ex-Situ Stabilization The technology involves dislodging of the soils and or sediments from the original position and moves to other place for the purpose of amendment. These can be encountered in dredging of river Channel and Ports. The main objectives of dredging can be either for amending the contaminated Sediments to reduce toxicity and mobility or to maintain or deepen navigation channels for the safe Passage of ships and boats .Ofisite treatment of the sediment can be done in confined disposal facilities (CDF) and then be used or disposed at designated site. Method of removal, means of transportation, availability of treatment location, disposal site or demand for reuse is key factors to consider when planning for ex-situ stabilization ). Treatment of sediments in CDF falls under ex-sit mass stabilization method, which can be accomplished in several ways depending on natural of sediments and water contents distinct approaches ibstances. Here's an Organic and inorganie stabilization. Organi used in waste management to reduce the environmental impact of hazardous, su explanation of eac! Organic Stabilization: Organic stabilization involves the use of natural or synthetic organic compounds to treat hazardous substances in waste. This approach is particularly effective for organic pollutants, such as hydrocarbons, pesticides, and solvents. Organic stabilization methods typically focus on promoting microbial degradation or enzymatic breakdown of organic contaminants. Common techniques used in organic stabilization include: 1. Bioremediation: This process utilizes microorganisms, such as bacteria or fungi, to metabolize organic pollutants and convert them into less harmful substances, such as earbon dioxide and water. Bioremediation can occur in situ (at the site of contamination) oF ex sitt (ina controlled environment). 2. Composting: Composting involves the aerobic decompo! s microorganisms under controlled conditions. This process converts organic pollutants into stable organic matter, reducing their toxicity and volume. Composting is commonly used to treat organic-rich waste, such as agricultural residues, food waste, and sewage sludge. Phytoremediation: Phytoremediation utilizes plants to remove, degrade, or immobilize organic contaminants from soil, water, or air. Certain plant species have the ability to absorb, metabolize, or sequester organic pollutants through processes such as phytoextraction, thizodegradation, and phytostabilization. sition of organic waste materials by Advantages of organic stabilization Organic stabilization methods offer several advantages, including low cost, natural remediation processes, and minimal environmental impact. However, the effectivencss of organic stabilization may vary depending on factors such as the type and concentration of contaminants, environmental conditions, and the presence of inhibitory substances. Inorganic Stabilization: Inorganic stabilization involves the use of chemical or physical methods to immobilize or transform hazardous inorganic substances in waste. This approach is commonly used for heavy metals, radioactive materials, and other inorganic pollutants that are not readily biodegradable Common techniques used in inorganic stabilization include: 1. Chemical Precipitation: Chemical precipitation involves adding chemicals, such as lime, sodium hydroxide, or iron salts, to the waste stream to precipitate out hazardous metals as insoluble compounds. ‘This process effectively immobilizes heavy metals and reduces their leachability, making the waste less hazardous. ation (S/S): S/S is a comprehensive treatment technique that combines physical encapsulation with chemical stabilization to immobilize hazardous constituents in waste, This process typically involves mixing the waste with binders, such as cement, fly ash, or clay, to form a solid matrix that encapsulates and stabilizes the hazardous substances. 3 ~ Ton Exchanges Jon exchange involves the removal of hazardous lons from solution by exchanging them with less harmtul ions on the surface of an fon exchange resin, This process effectively Immobilizes heavy metals and other toxic ions, reducing their mobility in the waste stream Advantages of organic stabilization Inorganic stabilization methods offer advantages such as high efficiency, predictable Performance, and versatility for treating a wide range of inorganic contaminants. However, these methods may require specialized equipment, chemicals, and expertise for implementation. In summary, organic and inorganic stabilization are two complementary approaches used in waste management to reduce the environmental impact of hazardous substances. While organic stabilization focuses on biodegradation and natural remediation Processes for organic pollutants, inorganic stabilization utilizes chemical and physical methods to immobilize or transform inorganic“contaminants in waste. The selection of the sppropriate stabilization method depends on factors such as the nature of the contaminants, site conditions, regulatory requirements, and cost considerations. UTILIZATION OF SOLID WASTE FOR SOIL IMPROVEMENT Utilization of solid waste for soil improvement, often referred to as waste valorization or Fesource recovery, involves repurposing various types of waste materials to enhance soil quality and fertility. This approach not only helps in managing waste but also provides economic and environmental benefits. Here are several ways solid waste can be utilized for provement: jie Waste Composting: Organic waste, such as food scraps, yard trimmings, and agricultural residues, can be composted to produce nutrient-rich organic matter. Compost improves soil structure, increases water retention, enhances nutrient availability, and promotes microbial activity. Application of compost also helps in reducing soil erosion and suppressing weed growth. Additionally, composting diverts organic waste from landfills, thereby reducing methane emissions and greenhouse gas production, Biochar Amendment: Biochar is a carbon-rich material produced through the pyrolysis of biomass waste, such as agricultural residues, wood chips, or municipal solid waste. When added to soil, biochar improves soil structure, increases water holding capacity, enhances nutrient retention, and promotes microbial activity. Biochar also acts as a long-term carbon sink, sequestering carbon in the soil and mitigating climate change. Anaerobic Digestate Application ‘Anaerobic digestion is a biological process that converts organic waste into biogas and digestate. ‘The digestate, which is rich in nutrients and organic matter, can be applied to soil as a fertilizer of soil amendment. Anaerobic digestate improves soil fertility, increases microbial activity, and enhances crop productivity. Moreover, anaerobic digestion helps in the management of organic waste and produces renewable energy in the form of biogas. Waste-derived Compost Te; Compost tea is a liquid fertilizer Produc Promote microbial prowih, i acrating it to ed by steeping compost in water anid acrating organic matter that can improve soil health ama Plant growth, Compost tea ean be Stand foliar spray or soil drench to enhane Nutrient uptake, suppress soilborne pathogens, stimulate plant growth, Waste-derived Amendments: Various types of solid. wa: ; ye, and construction Ste, such a3 sewage sludge, paper mill sludge, a waste, can be processed an \d converted into soil amendments. These fmendments may contain valuable nutrients, organic matter, or minerals thee improve soil opel coi Application of waste-derived amendments can enhance soil quality, aici ofisolid waste reduce the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, Siete wiles simultaneously for soil improvemént offes a sustainable solution for eae cee a aenmer gate enhancing soil health, fertility, and producti iby. eee impacts, and regulatory characteristics of the wastt ‘materials, potential Noa ashes eR requirements when utilizing solid waste for soil Feta ciara seeauement Practices should be followed to ensure the safe an derived products in agricultural and horticultural applications,

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