— E8027 -
_pmas Obnicotad. slnustunss
Sas Ponk - A
Thongs ‘pone! _ryakam nator fo
Muttiatoly pbminwines toMponsed of tangs
= FAtotlite a ponsla_connackool
—_[temng soto
FO He Variticotl ond: inst Ao
Munk to Wot pools. ae Oppnopniaks.
oooteena een: ulti 0 hau Mi eins 1 ere
4) _pkondondli izo_(onnst Hon digas =
Ovoid nsiMonumsnt ond Yondwone
my ONbin -pans.tinnctisn yime (OrB joint, Fly nibilily can be,
Chonan nti oF @ jon}
BYbiopON tad: dugsuan 20 Wop
AON AWING. Nap, fy Ue OLLsn
| The mimben of PEM Connon de
ihe comatnunteds te. tu, mronesase unit in
Ore plows mer ee connie Ls
ie aaticirnamhia ah le ol Tinie d
aa a ton he Hondid hy cnands
POM uBie
T TE tongs, —panol. pyptarm- Nadsne
pte POaetOny. — ntenuatiens ys, corn po sad. ol longs
— + vail bck. Hoon conned ponsin _connarded
——__vonticol and Nonizentol dination ao Husk
Hes troll ponola_aocinmn bua oppnoppiod.
Apotop fon_ be nowy - wat building
+— (Dom oh pups feist
—Apnyidudi nal wo rurkam
"SFT winy —pynksin .. Thon -Mpeid ula, Wok DOAwk gQhavilr
Lond. toiksoo lend: On. 1h bbe plone di psttion
ee Vy
= {o. Mos soe, it
be sT. cunt nt -nanitiag neatly Perk
Jouds ono. plod In bos |ongilidunal,
dine sin? Hee tana a__oMly- eee
¥ Wood deanignon _ pee
————1).0__buildiing. _ceopkpawcad— neva.
—-pnscony_ mmpmann_besmer Ago cold
9 ning _pnoconk Aoon_vekma alo
— Lal oom ond columns 1a__nvidom
“po ntible_As —dckieve__nootnoint inthe join _
| tnointy tan} —AMOM__dicns onion
[A See ny elena OAnvsmnant and sae
——Shoia_ot_tobulotion Load ik alia
Odaiat_o nanamilod
Onda pvil_
—Ond_foundotimgZs v) loool dopiniplion 9 —
i) Te hee _praponoleny prop buon
wl ts Lieactionls “on niyass con begin ke ban
land — bnoring ayotam ——
ane =penuuanol mmodala rl He avoluelion
th _Abnyadinol. SHOAL On igi lity Was
an ee a
da ton bs Ggonily-
win) bhi pfu “mow, =
nto — “so atta oe -posel
LaAypkam.t | +2 pans _¢
Te jot Fisaibitity can bs
atin oe Wo cthonoubsni ake of 0 yoind
bok Mold bus pont begotten vv ack
— ONL 000 wing notative fo Wa OMA
)- COM wpduol Bonign ee os a
habe aye a Uosign —
fy sg ne jt nal - =
“Hyer, eae OL “tua Ba
a Totunan inna —to._DUmmptialin tuncio,
timoga,__hudgak ond oben toncim
-Suauundanl tutta Wo pms vonkony
= Thos Most eens oid he _pnoyaue_
= —t “comple sion van it Hs oni ginal intankunn _
ok Ure pmconr Corina}. — -
__|). “photiminony- _daniga A : a
sti 2 s) Tain “planning ALOO. gaina ae
——-pootoak on 1Ppuk 60 We tnansanol —\oysuk ovenall _
Simanaion..typial asteila ond oben
_ Aporilton _ =
| wy Was inpuk con ba Ne \etivaly
_oinnple pu On wal Us Loyout ot Hollowcons Mooning pen on
omen us tremens
/ Peon, Pages cn
So toninsts SSropsrs atin
YOO TOG dorian “ \
Th congas tous 0 bys
Cornesnsnt, puss, oe StAond pensar
StMbsOdsd hare Ont. otsn sisens
Int 44
1) dimen props
eae bon pmodas nh op
MonmMel _coMansts penn gy
A+ -
| ) Geteiled. ppsinctotion jeg te
MWenvinotun 5) We corapsrunts ang 4
/Paopmatony gotin tnt
+ : _
i vy _pupeont cod juinl
| ig Eoscticn pioudun - i
9. defOsed — toysuk diesing Ineting,
ou. comporint. on eynad un thy -
pSeitn meng danign. plore. ‘ “ -
i“) -conatsmtasanin O14 noo}, Alok
Tone ore War
{Aone OL meola:_COVoNLNg ae
: \ duApNiAiNg _Con»rdoning —_ p
[mon foun 0) PUNNAL Ong
Dvodo bins
| Anom.aiocr of Lou ny meg, iituteg
| noting atob ond pangs:
: = A noaty. DUpPOM ad brary : :
10 _tonditovy
Punta. olen
ORL _Unwouty
Sted on contiliveg_
long tonguol membsna
DOM AI I yolens
Nb, ~APINA. O4__ punting 0D He
Mooi ;
: ere
pti lanei
OPP nei Mo —D pana wih bem 408 punting
Omu_shoticated —fon_flo pooroY) TK di mana Dolo ty Aposly.
) ——_puppontool punting, puntina —peedion unite
oo OmotiOked —_ ppens
oe )
i : 4 A NonMol_ mam boo
= En toatedi ob mimbit-
2 — i) moembon
Ost ak ntuknol —comnoltion
= Tain heer ot — nom Aechon Puntina
Mur Lokien sing powmrad fe Lar bo
Odwales “pnofaciion—_consmeder
a facie Genel fun fOnk Maontisnad pmuithoad
5 ORE Moms __pantiaatony. Auto blo fun punting
= ot Nocbonguion vc hion—
| f. uy Thor One tur ponni biiss
: ashy dul gnd pisos pustina nod ined
pe We ph fe tonm a nik =
i = —
fet yy The diopkngam ~“tn ba Top tlengen
7 Sie es nok pam pre bora er 3
. ae
| : : =as -pubetaotiohynedhusd
5 —Ytwiedlsus bnoring pn_nost one —___
ped uid. oe tk ts nsadilyponnibte
mt Inks compart bp numba oO! __tonge-
{det __unita a oe
cm brio ot_ flop ates ———______—
TT nti to foods ona
Acowbine on Ienoomitisd te Bae vaniicol
_____aipbilizing toms _ptuen tole arnudunas—
Lonmes__pn__brecing, amated Of GNolynis Lett hy
14) Te pT tank. 7 connote eon al
Ondywd yy, CGhnidsning sts:
7 Homizomial —_brere
The Atobilizing tonen are suede
isemin on _oton hooting om opanss.
le Os puppont ion the onolynin biem _
: av RENAL ot _onizentol_tunas—
| eusntl 7
oo gy. Th Sev __pramisn— en claondd —
fa a eee —-Tambkod ta paniplsnot —
+B hy War _mainionumnd th te promakenAad. knonoien bl ae =
seal a jag vans ok
Pe ad oliliping—
“qonus.n Ob Wa
a Te rae vant
- I Wa joints “fl Waa 1 tou —
as gtutran 4d Unast— ts Absa
Lgnoitoum —
: TM ‘euanraciaksnapror— pa
4 “Junu tn —_Connisd ono — by— no insuneng—
ons Os _Acnonason ood.
: Ma “fois — pm _Ouils “low. _ono-only-
bo_Tnony — hom is _noguind _ provi bs ——