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Review of literature is defined as comprehensive, in depth systematic and

critical review of scholarly publication, unpublished scholarly print materials,
audio visual material and personal communication.

According to pilot and Beck, review of literature is a written summary of the

existing knowledge on a research problem. And in depth study of any subject
involves a systematic review and appraisal of all the relevant scholarly
literature and specific topic.

Also the purpose of review of literature is to obtain comprehensive

Knowledge base and in depth of information from previous studies.

A preliminary review was made by a research scholar through the books,

journals, periodicals, reports and other printed materials within a context of
prevention of medication error to build the conceptual framework. After a
thorough review, the research scholar has classified the literature as under:

ournal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015- Prathipaty James

Sudhakar, P. B. Kameswararao,

Stem cell therapy is a part of regenerative medicine that involves the use of
undifferentiated cells in order to cure the disease. Stem cell-based therapies
are being investigated for the treatment of many conditions, including
neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson's disease, cardiovascular
disease, liver disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases and for nerve
regeneration. In facial region these therapies are being used for tooth and
periodontal regeneration, temporomandibular joint reconstruction, alveolar
bone regeneration. Craniofacial stem cells including dentalpulp derived
stemcells havethe potential to cure a number of diseases.

Present day treatment modalities for oral mucosal lesions like ulcerative
lesions. Pre malignancies and malignancies mainly consist of steroids and
antioxidants (which provide only a short term and symptomatic relief) and
surgery with or without chemo/radiotherapy (which leave the patient with
certain amount of morbidity). Advances in stem cell technology have opened
new vistas for treatment of these lesions. Various studies have shown the
successful role of stem cell therapies in the treatment of precancerous
conditions, oral ulcers, wounds and mucositis.
The recent concept of cancer stem cells (CSCs) has directed scientific
communities toward a new area of research and possible potential treatment
modalities for oral cancer. The present article will discuss the role of stem
cell applications in oral mucosal lesions.

Saini, Aryendu K (2020),

Stem cells are the undifferentiated cells in the body that possess the ability
to differentiate and give rise to any type of cells in the body. In recent years,
there has been a growing interest in therapies involvingstem cells as
different treatment methods got developed. Depending on the source, there
are two major kinds of stem cells, embryonic and adult stem cells. The
former type is found in the embryo at the different developmental stages
before the implantation and excels the latter owing to pluripotency. On the
premise of the attributes of stem cells, they are touted as the "panacea for
all ills" and are extensively sought for their potentialtherapeutic roles. There
are a lot of robust pieces of evidence that have proved to cure the different
ailments inthe body like Huntington disease, Parkinson's disease, and Spinal
cord injury with stem cell therapy but associated with adverse effects like
immune rejection and teratoma formation. In this regard, the pre-morula
(isolated at an early pre-morula stage) stem cells (PMSCs) are one of its kind
of embryonic stem cells that are devoid of the aforementioned adverse

Jaiswal AS (2002)]

It is suggested that the chemo preventive agents such as curcumin from

turmeric may function by modulating stem-cell self-renewal pathways (Wnt
and Notch). In addition, several dietary polyphenoids including applederived
quercetin, and epigallo ceteachingalleate have been shown to regulate
molecules in the Wnt-ẞ catenin and Notch pathways.

Song Shunli (2003)

It is invented the stimulatory effect of statin on bone formation and inhibitory

effect on adipocyte differentiation. The most commonly used statin is
simvastatin. When it is apply over the mouse bone marrow stromal cell
(BMSCs) that increase expression of mRNA for osteocalcin and protein for
osteocalcin as well osteopontin with increase in alkaline phosphatase activity.
So that simvastat in stimulate high expression of bone morphogenetic
protein 2 (BMP2) in bone marrow stromal cell but at the mean time
simvastatin decrease lipoprotein lipase mRNA expression follow inhibition of
adipocytic differentiation.

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, (2004)

This study describes different areas in which stem cell research can be
applied and developed in gynecology and obstetrics.

Hematopoietic stem cells have been used to set up therapeutic strategies for
the treatment of gynecological solid tumors such as ovarian cancer.

II) Umbilical cord blood, which was often considered a waste material of the
delivery, actually represents a precious source of stem cells that can be used
for cell-based treatments of malignancies and inherited diseases.

III) A feto-maternal cell traffic has recently been demonstrated through the
placental barrier during pregnancy. This cellular exchange also includes stem
cells from the fetus, which can generate microchimeric in the couple and
contribute to tissue repair mechanisms in different maternal organs.

IV) Stem cells can be used for prenatal transplantation to treat different
severe congenital diseases of the fetus. The study is concluding that several
diseases related to obstetrics and gynecology is solved by in utero stem cell

Ohazama A (2004)

demonstrated the whole tooth regeneration. Cultured stem cells when

transferred into renal capsules resulted in the development of tooth
structures and associated bone and reconstruct murine teeth.

Zheng et al.(2004)

It is conduct the study that compared gene expression patterns in thesus

monkey and mouse embryos found differences in the abundance of certain
transcripts betweenthe two species, in the oocyte, and at the cleavage,
morula and blastocyst stages of development Although there is little
information on gene expression in the immediate post implantation period in
human development, compared with mouse, some studies have found
differences in the timing and expression patterns of certain developmental
regulatory genes, such as SOX9 and SRY, between the two species, at later
stages of development.

Tsai et al. 2006.

It is performed minimal dilution experiments to a single cell level, without

prior marker selection. These obtained clonal human AFS cell lines expressed
the stem cell markers NANOG and Oct-4andcould efficiently be cultivated in
vitro. Most importantly these colleagues demonstrated that starting from one
single AFS cell adipogenic, osteogenic, and neurogenic differentiations could
be induced.


In studies conducted with especially mouse embryonic stem cells, it has

been scientifically proven that these cells can differentiate into different cell
types. Studies are still conducted to understand damage following
transplantation and structures formed after transplantation and
transformation mechanisms. Correspondingly, human embryonic stem cells
thanks to their continuous self-renewal and their potential to differentiate to
all cell types will offer treatments to such as Alzheimer's, diabetes,
Parkinson's, and infarction.

Mc Neish John D (2007)

It is suggested that the how stem cell works as source for predictive and cell
based assay in drug discovery. Now a day's stem cell technology shows a
global research interest with advances. Also suggest that the three major
advances in drug discovery with molecular screening opportunity viz. Target
discovery and validation, identification of efficacious chemical leads and drug
safety pharmacology. If using human stem cells as screening tool in drug
discovery that needs new cell line with genetic variation, capacity to be
modify as precursors and differentiated cell. So that stem cell exhibit
excellent quality cell for drug discovery follows better decision making in
target validation, lead discovery, safe and effective pharmacology leads to
improve drug discovery from idea to clinical trials.

O'Sulivan Susannah (2007)

It is suggested the role of imatinib (imatinib mesylate) în bone cell

function.Imatinib is a orally C-abl, C-kit and platelet derived growth factor
receptor (PDGFR) inhibitor. When imatinib therapy were started to patient
with chronic myloid leukemia as a adverse effect

bone formation increases. In-vitro study shows that the imatinib stimulate
osteoblast differentiation. Imatinib inhibit platelet derived growth factor
receptor signaling in osteoblast result increase bone formation by their anti
resorptive activity through direct action on osteoclast precursors.

Yong Zhao (2008)

It is suggested a stem cell educator therapy for type 1 diabetes (TID). Stem
cell educator therapy is safe and effective work over moderate or server TID
improvement in metabolic control achieved by a single treatment. Initial
result indicated stem cell educator therapy reverses autoimmunity and
promotes regeneration of islet b cells. Successful immune modulation by CB-
SCs and patient improvement in clinical status may have essential
implications for autoimmune and inflammation-related diseases without the
safety and ethical concerns, which were associated to conventional stem
cell-based therapy.

Cory Nichola (2008)-

It is demonstrated in vitro timeline of differentiation of definitive germ cell by

ESCs that at a starting parallels endogenous oocyte development in vivo
through single- cell expression profiling and analysis involve responsiveness
to defined maturation failed which derived by ESC. To hamper this problem,
also transplanted ESC-derived oocytes into an ovarian niche to lead their
functional maturation, which were proof oocyte physiologic relevance and
infertility potential therapeutic strategy.

Kakarala Madhuri (2008)

It is demonstrated that the vitamin D3 involved in stem cell differentiation,

and therefore have applications in cancer prevention strategies.


This chapter deals with the description of research methodology adopted by

the investigator ring is a rystematic way to solve research problems. It helps
the researcher to project a blue print The research under taken, Research
methodology involves the systematic procedure by the researcher, cuts from
initial identification of the problem to its final conclusion.

The methodology of research indicates the general pattern of organizing the

procedure for ering valid and reliable data for the purpose of investigation.
The study conducted was to assess the eveness of planned teaching
programme on knowledge regarding stem cell among eligible couple

The steps undertaken for gathering and organizing the data collected were:
research mach, research design, setting, population, sample and sampling
techniques, criteria for selection of ampies, development and description of
tools, pilot study, data collection and plan for data analysis,


A quantitative approach was selected to assess the effectiveness of planned

teaching mgramme on knowledge regarding stem cell among eligible couple
urban area, Buldana.

A one group pre-test and post test design with randomized design shall be
used to anes the effectiveness of planned teaching program on knowledge
regarding stem cell among eligible couple in selected urban area of buldana

Research design incorporates the most important methodology decisions

that a researcher makes in conducting a research study. It depicts the overall
plan for organization of scientific Investigation. Pre-one group pre-test and
pre test and post test design was selected in order to assess the
effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding stem
cell among eligible couple in urban area of buldana city.

On-Pre-test: for assessing the knowledge, structured knowledge

questionnaire was used.

X. Assessment of planned teaching program

01-Post-test: for assessing knowledge structured knowledge questionnaire

was used.


Independent variable: Planned teaching programme on stem cell

Dependent variable knowledge regarding stem cell among the eligible couple

Demographic variable- Personal characteristics which include age, gravid,

religion, qualification, monthly family income, education.


The research scholar has proposed to conduct a study at urban area,

Buldana, Maharashtra. The criteria for selecting these setting were
geographical proximity, feasibility for conducting the study, availability of the
required sample and familiarity of the investigator with these settings.

Methods of selection of study subjects (eligibility criteria)


Target population: Entire eligible couple shall be target population among

urban area whom the study findings are generalized.

Accessible population: All eligible couple those who are available for
proposed studyshall bethe accessible population.
Criteria for selection of the Sample:

Eligible couple those who are drawn conveniently from selected urban area
shall be the samplesfor proposed research study.

1. Inclusion criteria

Eligible couple those who consented to participate in the study.

Eligible couple those who available at the time of data collection.

2. Exclusion criteria

Eligible couple those who are not consented to participate in the study.

Eligible couple those who are not available at the time ofdata collection.

Sample size:

The sample size for present studywas 30 eligible couples for pretest and post

A need Ansondege was elected for the state. It was considered be the pyrite
as to else the repose from subjects

kpact of the Towel

Ased koowksige questimate was to assess the effectiveness of phoused

teaching programme on koowksige regarding stem cell ansong eligible
usether in urban area. The steps dost in preparing the tools are

Rewwwe review

Prepwawion of blue print.

Fishment of validity and reliability.

Review of Literatere

Review of literature from books, journals, published and unpublished

research snadies were reviewed and used to develop the tool
Description of the Tool:

the present studythe following tools were used.


Consisted ofs Rems related to socio-demographie data of the subjects such

as Age, Gravida, Religion, qualification, monthly family income, education on
stem cell, how to recognize a stem cell, whom to inform in case of stem cell,
whether regular surveillance of stem cell is done in every PHC or hospital.


Structured knowledge questionnaire consisted of 30 items to assess the

effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding stem
cell among eligible couple Each tom of the questionnaire has one correct
answer, every correct answer would fetch

Selection And Development of Toolk

A structured knowledge questionnaire was selected for the study. It was

considered to be the most appropriate instrument to elicit the response from

Development of the Tool

A structured knowledge questionnaire was to assess the effectiveness of

planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding stem cell among
eligible couple in urban area. The steps carried out in preparing the tools are:

Literature review.

Preparation of blue print.

Establishment of validity and reliability.

Review of Literature:
Review of literature from books, journals, published and unpublished
research studies were reviewed and used to develop the tool.

Description of the Tool:

In the present studythe following tools were used.


Consisted of 6 items related to socio-demographic data of the subjects such

as Age, Gravida, Religion, qualification, monthly family income, education on
stem cell, how to recognize a stem cell, whom to inform in case of stem cell,
whether regular surveillance of stem cell is done in every PHC or hospital.


Structured knowledge questionnaire consisted of 30 items to assess the

effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding stem
cell among eligible couple Each item of the questionnaire has one correct
answer, every correct answer woul d fetch

The SAQ was in the form of multiple-choice questions (MCQ) with a total
score of 30. Each question/ item had three to five options. The score for each
right answer was 1 score and for wrong answer zero score. For the purpose
of analysis, however, the knowledge scores were divided in to grade.



Content validity of SAQ and eligible couple health education were

established in consultation with 10 experts from the field of child health
nursing (n=6), medicine (-3) statistician (r-1).

Validity of tool is determined as follows -

1) Prepared tools along with objectives, hypothesis, operational definitions,

blue print, criteria & checklist are given to the experts and requested to give
their valuable opinion/ suggestion regarding the relevance and
appropriateness of content to improve the qualityoftools.

2) The experts were asked to put tick mark (V) on corresponding item. The
remarks against each item were categorized as relevant, needs modification,
and not relevant.

3) The experts were requested to give briefdescription on anyspecific

content/subject; if necessary.

4) Initially, the eligible couple health education on importance of stem cell

was given more important on nutrition. after suggestion it gives aspects of
importance of stemcell.

5) According to the suggestion of community medicine, regarding addition of

bibliography in the eligible couple health education on importance of stem
cell and make necessary changes after consulting with your respected guide.
Suggestion taken in to consideration and add bibliography.

a) Options of SAQ on importance of stem cell was modified as suggested by

the subject expert from the child health nursing after consulting with guide.
On the same day of pre test and immediately after collecting the filled.

Post Test

The pre test and post testwas carried out after 7 days using same tool used
for pre-test. The tenatal couple were during a leisure period called to a
multipurpose hall batch wise and data collected using same technique that
was used for pre-test. Whole procedure of pre test and post testwas carried
out in the presence of an investigator.

Pretest and post testwas carried out as mentioned below –

There were no dropouts in the post test. After the data collection, the
investigator has thanked alleligible couples who participated in the study and
the concerned authorities for their kind cooperation.

Analysis and intervention

This chapter deals with analysis and interpretation of data collected from 60
eligible couples (residing in urban area. The SAQ was used before and after
intervention in both the groups to collect data from eligible couples for
analysis & interpretation.) Further, analyzed data were organized in
accordance with objectives and hypothesis of research question.

Objectives of research question-

Here are 30 potential questions for a research tool (e.g., survey,
questionnaire) to explore stem cell awareness and attitudes among eligible

*Section 1: Demographics*

1. What is your age?

2. What is your highest level of education?

3. What is your marital status?

4. Do you have children? (Yes/No)

5. What is your annual household income?

*Section 2: Fertility and Family Planning*

6. Are you planning to have children in the next 2 years? (Yes/No)

7. Have you experienced infertility or difficulty conceiving? (Yes/No)

8. How important is having biological children to you? (Scale: 1-5)

9. Have you considered alternative family-building options (e.g., adoption,


10. How many children do you plan to have?

*Section 3: Stem Cell Awareness*

11. Have you heard of stem cells before? (Yes/No)

12. What do you associate stem cells with? (Open-ended)

13. Do you know someone who has used stem cells for medical treatment?

14. How would you rate your understanding of stem cells? (Scale: 1-5)
*Section 4: Attitudes toward Stem Cell Therapy*

15. Would you consider using stem cells for fertility treatment? (Yes/No)

16. Do you think stem cells can improve fertility outcomes? (Scale: 1-5)

17. Are you concerned about the ethical implications of stem cell use?

18. Would you support stem cell research for reproductive purposes?

*Section 5: Information Sources and Influence*

19. Where do you get information about stem cells? (Select all: media,
healthcare provider, online, friends/family)

20. Who influences your decisions about fertility treatment? (Select all:
partner, healthcare provider, family, friends)

21. Have you discussed stem cells with your partner? (Yes/No)

*Section 6: Decision-Making Factors*

22. What factors would influence your decision to use stem cells? (Select all:
effectiveness, safety, cost, ethical concerns)

23. Would you prioritize stem cell treatment over other fertility options?

24. How important is the success rate of stem cell treatment to you? (Scale:

*Section 7: Additional Questions*

25. Have you experienced any medical conditions affecting fertility? (Yes/No)
26. Are you interested in learning more about stem cell therapy?

27. Would you participate in a stem cell clinical trial?

28. Do you think stem cells will become a common fertility treatment in the

29. How confident are you in your ability to make informed decisions about
stem cell use?

30. Any additional comments or concerns about stem cells?

This questionnaire aims to explore:

1. Demographics and fertility plans

2. Stem cell awareness and understanding

3. Attitudes toward stem cell therapy

4. Information sources and influence

5. Decision-making factors


Ho:- There will be no significant difference between pre-test and past-test

knowledge regarding stemcell among eligible couple in selected urban area
of buldana city.
HI: there will be significant difference between pre test and post test the
knowledge regarding stem cellamong eligible couple in selected urban area
of buldana city


Distribution of eligible couples according to their demographic variables

Percentage distribution of eligible couples according to their age.

1. Percentage distribution of eligible couples according to their age.

2. Percentage distribution of eligible couples according to their gravida.

3. Percentage distribution of eligible couples according to their religion.

4. Percentage distribution of eligible couples according to their qualification.

5. Percentage distribution of eligible couples according to monthly income.

6. Percentage distribution of eligible couples according to education.


Assessment of knowledge on importance of stem cell among eligible couples

before intervention.

1. Percentage distribution of knowledge scores on importance of stem cell

among eligible couples before intervention.
2. Mean &SD of knowledge scores on importance of stem cell among eligible
couples before intervention.

1. Area wise percentage distribution of knowledge scores on importance of

stem cell among eligible couples.

4. Area wise Mean & SD of knowledge scores on importance of stem cell

amongeligible couples before intervention.

SECTION-III: Comparison of knowledge scores on importance of stem cell

among eligible couples after intervention.


1. Comparison of knowledge scores on importance of stem cell among

eligible couples after intervention.

2. Comparison of Mean knowledge scores &SD on importance of stem cell

among eligible

Figure 4.1.2: Distribution of eligible couples according to gravida:

Gravida distribution of eligible couples depicts that the higher

percentage(61.6% & 55%) of them were females, respectively whereas
males were (45% & 38.3%). (figure-4.1.2). Hence, it was interpreted that the
gravida distribution of eligible couples was more or less similar in both the

Figure 4.1.5: Distribution of eligible couples according to monthly income:

Distribution of eligible couples according to monthly income shows that there

40% of eligible couples who is having income less than 6000per month
respectively, 50% of eligible couples who is having income less than 8000
per month respectively and 10% of eligible couples who is having income
more than 10000 per month respectively.

Most of the persons in the urban are belongs to the middle class income with
the average annual income of 1.5 lakhs.
Figure 4.1.2: Distribution of eligible couples according to gravida:

Gravida distribution of eligible couples depicts that the higher

percentage(61.6% & 55%) of them were females, respectively whereas
males were (45% & 38.3%). (figure-4.1.2). Hence, it was interpreted that the
gravida distribution of eligible couples was more or less similar in both the
Figure -4.1.2: Percentage distribution of eligible couples's according
to their gravida.

Figure 4.1.6: Distribution of eligible couples according to education:

Distribution of eligible couples according to education shows that the young

age group (60%) respectively of 18-22 years are educated, the age group of
25-30 years are seen less educated i.e.(35%) and the old age group of the
age i.e 35-40 years are less educated .i.e (5%).
The literacy level of the urban area is high and good particularly in the young


Figure 4.1.6: Percentage distribution of eligible couples according

to their Education.


ACTION-11: Assessment of knowledge on importance of stem cell among

eligible couples before tervention.
couples before intervention. of knowledge scores on importance of stem cell
among eligible

Distribution of knowledge scores before intervention reveals that around

eligible couples had good knowledge 58.3% in whereas none of them had
very good, excellent and poor knowledge.

However, 11 (41.7%) of eligible couples had average knowledge. Moreover,

the overall knowledge of eligible couples before intervention was 45% in
experimental group.

With regard to 17 (54.5%) adults had very good knowledge whereas none of
them had poor, average or excellent knowledge. However, the old age group
with good knowledge were 13 (45.5%) respectively. Altogether, the eligible
couples knowledge before intervention was 52.2% in (Table-4.2.1).
Hence, it was interpreted that the eligible couples in had good knowledge of
importance of stem cell when compared to before intervention. Overall, the
eligible couples had good knowledge on Importance of stem cell in the

SECTION-II: Assessment of knowledge on importance of stem cell among

eligible couplesbefore intervention.

Table-4.2.2: Mean knowledge scores on importance of stem cell among

eligible couples before intervention. N=120
Distribution of Mean & SD knowledge scores on importance of stem cell
before intervention shows the higher mean score (20.9±2.6) for when
compared in group with a Mean score(18.0+1.8) (table 4.2.1) However, the
mean score of eligible couples in the group were more or less similar.

ACTION-II: Assessment of knowledge on importance of stem cell among

eligible couples efore intervention.

Area wise percentage distribution of knowledge scores on importance of

stem cell eligible couples before intervention.

Area wise percentage distribution of knowledge scores on importance of

stem cell among eligible couples before intervention shows that higher
percentage (48.5%, 48.4% & 3.1%) were had knowledge on the area of
general information on depression and its influencing factor, adaptive
measures, measures on importance of stem cell among eligible couples in
however, knowledge of was evenly distributed in each urban area The
eligible couples overall percentage of knowledge in is 100%.

With regard to experimental group, the highest percentage (43.2% &

50.8%)of eligible couples had knowledge on the area of General information
on depression and its influencing factor and Adaptive measures was quite
similar, whereas lower percentages (6%) of them had knowledge on the
urban area measures on importance of stem cell among eligible couples.
Eligible couples

Overall percentage of knowledge in is 100% (table – 4.2.3).

However, the knowledge of eligible couples in both the group were more or
less similar.

SECTION-II: Assessment of knowledge on importance of stem cell among

eligible couples before intervention.

Table – 4.2.4: Area wise Mean knowledge scores on importance of stem cell
among eligible couples before intervention. N = 120
Areas wise Mean & SD knowledge scores on importance of stem cell before
intervention shows the higher mean score (9.2 plus/minus 1.6) was for the
area of general information on depression and its influencing factor in
whereas the area of preventive measure & based measures on importance of
stem cell among eligible couples had the lowest mean score of ( 5.9
plus/minus 1 & 5.7/1.5 ) . With regard to experimental group, the higher
mean score (8.2 plus/minus 1) was for the area of general information on
stem cell and its influencing factor whereas the urban area on importance of
stem cell among eligible couples had the lowest mean score (4.4 plus/minus
1.7) in (table-4.2.4).

SECTION-III: Comparison of knowledge scores on importance of stem cell

among eligible couples after intervention

With regard to in pre-test the eligible couples had good & average knowledge
in 19 (46.5%) & 11 C whereas in the pre test and post test it was almost
remain same to 17 (47%) & 13 (39.5%). On contr eligible couples none of
had poor, very good, excellent knowledge in pre-test whereas it was same

With regard to none of the eligible couples had poor, average or excellent
nowledge in pre-test, whereas in pre test and post test. It was significantly
increased to 17 (83.5%) in xcellent knowledge making difference in the
percentages of knowledge. In addition, the eligible couples in pre-test with
good and very good knowledge 13 (50.5%) &17 (64.5%) were increased from
3 (52.5%) 10 (75.5%) in post-test. However, after an intervention, no person
remained with poor or average nowledge.

Hence, it was interpreted that the difference in knowledge percentage was

due o an effect Whereas a slight knowledge variation in was negligible as
that might have occurred by chance.

SECTION-III: Comparison of knowledge scores on importance of stem cell

among eligible couples after intervention.

Able 4.3.2: Comparison of Mean knowledge scores on importance of stem

cell among eligible couples fter intervention.
intervention the percentage of knowledge on importance of stem cell was
increased to

He overall knowledge percentage in was 45.1% in pre-test whereas it was

remained unchanged (45.4%) in post-test. Similarly, in all areas the pre-test
and post-test knowledge percentage weremore or less similar in group.

Pertinent to, the overall knowledge percentage was 52.2% in pre-test,

whereas after an intervention the percentage of knowledge on importance of
stem cell was increased to 76.5%. Similarly, the posttest knowledge
percentages were increased irrespective of specific areas of important
However, the nowledge area of Adaptive measures had the highest increase
in percentage (79.6%) when compared to other knowledge areas of
importance of stem cell.

Hence, it was interpreted that the difference in knowledge percentage inwas

dueto an effect of based-health education on important. However, a slight
variation in was negligibleas that might mave occurred by chance.

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